#ninth doctor imagines
lanawinterscigarettes · 4 months
Could you maybe write some hurt/comfort with the Ninth Doctor where he gives the reader a hug? Thank you very much
I absolutely can! sorry if this is pretty short, I decided to make what he's comforting the reader over pretty vague on purpose (and also apologies if he's ooc as I haven't really written for him before)
Comforting Touch (Ninth Doctor x reader)
Warnings: hurt/comfort, some angst (reader cries but it's not said over what), soft Ninth Doctor
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Barely heard sobs filled the otherwise quiet room as you cried. Today was just not your day, it would seem.
Usually when you were this upset you would go see the Doctor for help, but the reasons why you were crying seemed so juveline and absurd, and you didn't want to bother him over something that didn't really matter.
It was almost as if your thoughts of insecurity had summoned him, because a few moments later you heard the sound of footsteps approaching.
You had your hands covering your face in a poor attempt to muffle your sounds of distress, but you were certain it was him. After all, who else could it be?
"Are you alright?" He asked in a gentle and quiet voice reserved only for you.
Shaking your head no, you opened your mouth in an effort to speak, so you could explain the problem, but all that came out was another broken sob.
The Doctor's face fell at the sound, and he immediately opened up his arms to you, bringing you in for a comforting hug. "Shh, shh. There, there. It's alright," he muttered in the most soothing tone he could muster, not wanting to upset you any further.
You pressed your face into his chest as you cried, tears streaming freely down your cheeks. The Doctor moved his hands down to your back as he held you, moving them along the tense muscles in slow and careful motions.
He didn't dare let go the entire time you were there for, wanting to make you feel as safe and loved as he possibly could. "It's okay, love. You're alright now."
Nodding your head at his words, you pulled away just enough so that you could look into his eyes. "Thank you," you whispered with gratitude, your tears having finally dried.
He smiled softly in response, giving you a caring look. "You're welcome, sweetheart."
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Main masterlist | Doctor Who masterlist | wanna be added to my taglist?
🏷 taglist: @theonetruepotato87 @sessa23
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Imagine telling the Doctor why you’re hesitant to take another trip…
We should do it again. What do you say to another trip?
You gave your reply and the Doctor frowned, quite honestly very puzzled to have heard the word from your mouth. “Did you say no?”
You nod back unsure of why you felt so shameful about it. You had nothing to be ashamed about. Your reply was based on fact.
“Why?” The Doctor questioned. “We had fun didn’t we? Met new people, ate lots of food.”
Taking a long sigh, you walked around the console, fingers gently tracing the oddly shaped glowing buttons.
“I just - I can’t.” You said and paused to look up at the Doctors face. “It’s not that I don’t love our trips or your company because I do. But I…”
“You what?”
“I’m scared.” You confessed and before the Doctor could begin listing a hundred of the scariest foes you both faced, you continued. “I’m scared of what happens to the people you travel with.”
The Doctors expression dropped. It was unreadable and you hated that it was you who had been the cause of it. Unfortunately, it was the truth and you promised the Doctor early on to never lie unless it was critical.
But right now as you stood before the Time Lord - you wished you had lied.
“Listen, I know it’s not your fault. But I’ve seen the history and it doesn’t lie. To venture with you is like a-” you stopped yourself from saying ‘death sentence’ and started again. “I love our adventures. I enjoy a few risks. But even you can’t guarantee that I’ll return home.”
The Doctor simply stared at you. There was no movement, it honestly had you questioning if the two hearts were even beating. After what felt like ten supernovas, the Doctor moved to the console and flicked at a few buttons and knobs until the TARDIS began to stir.
“Where would you like to be dropped off?”
At the question, you felt a lump in your throat. Swallowing it down, you provided your destination and watched as the Doctor mapped a course before leaving console and disappeared behind a large door.
As you felt your heart break, the TARDIS whined mechanically. Gently rubbing the console, you sighed. “I don’t want to go either. But I’ve been marked with a bio-tracker. Wherever I go, enemies will find us. If I don’t leave now, the Doctors life will be in imminent danger and that’s one risk I’m not willing to take.”
~ More imagines here ~
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ghost-bison · 3 months
People saying Nine and Donna would hate each other, and honestly? Probably not. They'd team up against Ten and absolutely destroy him
He'd be bamboozled
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imajinxnation · 2 years
OKAY HOW ABOUT a reader who has to get used to Ten being so affectionate and loving whereas Nine was more reserved and withdrawn. Y/n isn't sure she/they can be with Ten after he regenerates because he's so different, but Ten proves to her that he still loves her the same as he did before and what not; then she gets to see how lovey dovey he has become!
I love Nine very much but I'm so starved for affection and what not. I think it could be so cute! You're the best!
Affection - 10th Doctor Headcanons
I think headcanons would work best for me with this request, so I hope that's fine!
God I hope this is at least decent, been so busy lately so this was a lil rushed lol
WARNING: fluff, angst
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(I was gonna say ignore the caption, but fuck that, the caption doesn't lie!😂)
Your relationship with 9 was a lot less touchy feely, sure he had his moments, but the majority of the time he only did small gestures that reminded you that he loved you a lot, even though he was a bit withdrawn from affection.
You knew that he loved you a lot, even though he wasn't exactly the most affectionate alien out there, there were small things he did that reassured you of his love.
Like how jealous he would get whenever someone like Jack was around.
Or him remembering the small details about you to remember in the future, like favourite food places and things like that!
That was before, though.
Now it's 10, and this one is a WHOLE LOT more affectionate than 9 was!
10 is the type of person who has to be constantly touching you just so he knows you're with him and you are safe.
I think 10 would be a lot more protective of you than 9 would be.
Like if something bad is happening and there are aliens that wanna kill you, HOO THAT BOI IS GONNA BEAT THEIR ASSES BEFORE THEY CAN TOUCH YOU!!
Especially touchy after a dangerous adventure.
After a dangerous adventure where you probably could have died, he always takes a travel break just to remind himself that you're here with him.
He absolutely loves cuddles too!
Whenever he gets a chance, he is on top of you, his face pressed against your chest with his arms secured tightly around you, he ain't gonna let go any time soon.
I think your doubts of the Doctors love would be eradicated when he gets protective or when he takes you to your favourite restaurant that you mentioned YEARS ago.
He's still the same Doctor who remembers the small details about you.
The same Doctor that would protect you from all the bad things.
The same Doctor that gets jealous every time Jack comes around and starts his flirting.
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pastanest · 1 year
A/N: unbelievably, this is the first actual piece of Doctor Who writing not counting the dogshit on my wattpad account we’ll all pretend that doesnt exist fr so please be nice x
Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve x gender neutral!reader
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The Doctor x Short!Reader
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- is cheeky about it but not outright mean, unless he’s in one of his God-humans-are-the-fucking-worst moods
“Honestly, it’s like you idiots are TRYING to wipe your own planet out of existence, and you, well, you can't even reach the top of your own cupboards! What use are any of you?!”
- you’re literally on his side and think the human race sucks but ok go off, way to throw us all under the bus lol
- he’ll apologize afterwards if you’re clearly upset or if he thinks he went too far
- most of the time it’s very lighthearted jabs at your height
- always waits a few seconds before helping you reach something because he thinks it’s funny and also very sweet but he won't dare admit that
- as much as he convinces himself and everyone he encounters that your height is solely something he finds hilarious on occasion, he can't help feeling a little more protective of you, like your smaller form makes you more likely to break
- very much still recovering from the Time War, he’s prone to overthinking disaster scenarios, especially when it comes to you
“Stay behind me. These creatures can't be trusted at the best of times.”
- but you always find a way to spin it into something more lighthearted, to ease his mind
“I’m a smaller target than you, so I like my chances! Perhaps it’s you that should stay behind me?”
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- won't make fun unless he knows for a fact you’re comfortable with it
- as soon as he finds out you are, he makes jokes only in a very lighthearted way
- also comes up with cute nicknames to use when you’ve done something that’s impressed him, like saved a civilization or two while he was busy being broody and hot or something
“Oh, you little star!”
- generally speaking, he doesnt really care about your height, but he does find it endearing
- he’ll never see it as a point of weakness
- if he ever finds you struggling to reach something or down in the dumps about clothes not fitting you right because of your smaller proportions, he’s always right there to lift your chin back up and remind you of the wonderful person you are, that your stature holds no sway over how brilliant you are, especially not to him
“Some of the most mighty species in all the galaxies are the smallest ones you’ll find, some don't even have physical bodies big enough to detect with the human eye! Each and every one is perfectly unique in their own way, and you are no different. The stars you’ve seen in the night skies all your life, are they any less magical for appearing so small?”
“Exactly! And, you know, the more humans I meet, the more I realize how similar you are to Time Lords.”
“In what way?”
- and then he’s grinning down at you, all giddy about getting to use the line he loves hearing more than any other
“You’re all so much bigger on the inside.”
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- will make a joke about your height to test the water
- if your reaction tells him you’re not okay with it, he’ll feel guilty for the rest of eternity and never do it again
- but if you laugh with him or roll your eyes with a smile, he’ll grin like he’s accomplished something great, cracked some impossible code, and he will wear that like a badge of honor
- regardless of the fact you’ve made it clear he is allowed to make fun of your height, if anyone else does it in front of him, he doesn't like it
“Well, surely the smallest one should be sent in first, their loss would be the least noticeable!”
- and the Doctor is straight up, clapping his hands together and pointing in all directions as he lays out the plan of action very clearly to all involved, ending it by pointing at the man who dared make fun of you
“Now, you. From what I gather, jokes are supposed to be funny- supposed to land laughs with the nearest crowd; clearly you missed that memo, but that’s fine. Depending on (Y/N)’s reaction to your poor excuse for a joke, I’ve got a snowglobe with a blackhole suspended within it that I think you’d fit just perfectly in. (Y/N)?”
- the man looks terrified, and you try your best to refrain from laughing at him as you raise an eyebrow in dramatic silence
“Jury’s still out, see if he survives this first.”
the Doctor claps his hands again. “Cool! I’m never saying that again, but it would be very uncool of me to have to trap you inside a snowglobe that would tear you atom from atom in a continuous, brutal cycle, so consider that a warning.”
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- takes the ABSOLUTE piss, don't ever think he won't
- will 110% pretend he can't see you and stare right over your head
- will 1000% make up short-based nicknames all the time
“Hello there, Short Round.”
“Really showing your age with that one.”
“Oh, what was that? A tiny and insignificant mouse, or perhaps it was the wind, arguing with me?”
- you’d think in all his whimsical, magical, time-travelling glory with his constant bustling about and his mind going a mile a minute in the most erratic fashion possible, he wouldn't notice your height, let alone find the time to make a joke in literally any setting, but oh boy, does he
“Is everyone clear on their roles in my carefully laid out plan, because I know that the accent can be difficult, but if I have to explain it again I think I’d rather do everything myself and you can all sit here with (Y/N) and applaud me when I get back.”
“Wait, sit here with me? Why aren't I coming with you?!”
“Because you’re-”
- he gestures to you with his hands, up and down, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, and you’re sighing because you already know what he’s referring to
“What does my height have to do with anything?!”
“You’re all compact, like a foldable deckchair or one of those raincoats that turns into a conveniently sized pouch. It’s frankly distracting and my pockets are full so you cant sit in any of them.”
- he never laughs at his own jokes but sometimes he makes you WHEEZE with the inventive short jokes he comes up with
- similarly to Nine, though, he also can't help viewing you as more breakable, not only because you’re a human, but a very short one, too
- despite him completely understanding the biology of humans, he is convinced that a papercut on you is the same as an average-sized person getting stabbed
- so yes, he takes the piss at absolutely every chance he gets, but if he sees someone else trip you up by accident or hand you a piece of paper and it cuts your finger in the most barely noticeable way, he will be a GRUMP
- consider the paper in your hands stolen, read very passive aggressively, then scrunched up into a ball, possibly chewed or ripped apart or even thrown on the floor and stamped on
- consider the person who accidentally hurt you the subject of his rage until they are out of his sight. every time they speak, they’re met with a “Shut it!”
- and you’re like “Doctor, there’s really no need-”
“That IMBECILE tripped you up approximately 3 AND A HALF HOURS AGO, and you think I’m overreacting? You could have DIED!”
- such a drama queen
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bloody-cupcakes · 3 months
Okay but imagine a yandere Master/Missy (or even a yandere Doctor). Imagine them defying all laws of time and space to be with their "one true love", someone who doesn't even know they exist
Imagine how terrifying it would be to find out that not only has this person been obsessed with you and has stalking you for months, but they're a literal Timelord. So that means no matter where you go, or what you do, or how far you try to run, they will always find you in the end. Even if you die or escape, they will without a doubt somehow manage to bring you back, just because they love you so much
Bonus points if this crosses over into regenerations, meaning even if you do manage to get away from them there really is nobody who you can trust, because you never know when they're going to come back with a new form
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specialagentlokitty · 3 months
9th doctor x reader - made for each other
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Hello! So, I saw that you wanted requests for the 9th doctor and thought I would jump in cause there are not enough fics for 9. I was thinking something where companion reader is injured and 9 nurses her back to health and during that time they admit their feelings for each other. If that's something you would be interested in. - @padawancat97 💜
You couldn’t really remember what had happened, or how you had ended up so badly injured, but you did remember the sounds of the doctor above you, saying you’ll be alright.
You were crying, hand clutching tightly at your side, breathing heavily as you rested your head on the wall behind you.
The doctor was knelt in front of you, one hand pressed over yours on your side, his other on the side of your face.
“I know… I know sweetheart.. I know…” he whispered.
The doctor took his screwdriver out, scanning your side, and he did something that made you scream in pure agony.
“I’m sorry! It’ll help!”
“Make it stop…” you begged weakly.
The doctor looked at you, and he wiped some of your tears away with his hand, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead.
“I will, I promise I’ll make it all go away…”
The doctor looked behind him, then he turned back to you, running his knuckles along the skin of your cheek, offering you a gentle smile.
“You’re going to be good as new, I promise…”
He looked behind him again, down the hallway to where his TARDIS was, and he looked back you.
“Are you ready for one last run?” He asked softly.
You nervously nodded your head, and he gave you a little grin.
“Of course you are… you always are…”
The doctor placed your arm over his shoulder, his hand pressing tightly on your side.
He gave a small countdown, and hauled you up which made you cry out in pain and he immediately began to apologise to you.
You both made your way to the TARDIS as fast as you possibly could, the doctor could feel your blood running through his fingers.
He threw the door open, helping you inside and slowly sat you down against the other door.
“I need you to stay awake, okay? Stay awake, keeping looking at me.”
You nodded your head a little bit.
“Good, okay, okay I’ll be right back okay?”
You nodded against.
The doctor ran to the console, his eyes flicking to you, making sure that you were still watching him like he told you to.
He saw your head falling just a little bit.
The doctor glanced over.
He slammed his hand into a button to send the TARDIS into flight and ran back over, taking your face between his hands.
“No, no, no, no, (Y/N)?! Hey! Hey look at me!”
He picked you up, running you through the hallways, finding any suitable room he could set you down in and he came across his room first.
He quickly and carefully laid you down on the bed, throwing things out of his wardrobe until he found whatever he could to help you.
Covering your chest with his quilt he tore you shirt, so he could get better access to your side.
The wound wasn’t deep, but it was big, and still bleeding.
The had the TARDIS scan your heartbeat and use the audio system to let him listen to it, making sure that it sounded normal.
Placing a bandage on your side, the doctor was carefully when it came to covering you back up, and he grabbed a bowl and a cloth, cleaning the blood he had gotten on your face and the blood on your hands.
He didn’t even notice the blood on his hands, or on the floor, he was so focused on you.
Making sure to get every speck of blood from your skin.
The he just laid in the bed next to you, head on his arm, gaze solely fixated on you, running his thumb along your cheek, listening to the sound of your heartbeat throughout the room.
After a few hours of laying there he finally got up to clear the blood from everywhere else, shower, and change his clothes.
He ket the TARDIS in flight, that way nothing was able to get to you, and wherever he went in the TARDIS your heartbeat followed him.
It was almost soothing, hearing your heartbeat wherever he went, but he spent most of his time just laid next to you, watching you.
He kept a close log of everything, the healing rate of your wound, your heart rate every few hours, your temperature, whatever he deemed as important.
He eventually brought the TARDIS to a land a few days later, a quiet planet, away from everything and everyone where he could focus on you.
Finally you woke up while he was at the console, the TARDIS let him know that you were awake and he ran straight to the room.
He came to a near crashing halt in front of the door, stumbling through it as he looked at you.
He rushed over, scanning you with his screwdriver, looking at the results, then back to you.
“Are you okay? Are you in any pain? Do you need anything?”
He kept rambling questions to you, and you reached up, placing your hand on his arm, getting his attention and he quickly stopped.
“I… water…”
“That I can do!” He grinned.
He ran out of the room again, coming back a few minutes later with a bottle of water.
The doctor set it on the floor, and he opened it, then placed his hand on the back of your head to lift it up, helping you take a drink.
He set your head back down, putting the lid back on the bottle before turning to you, kneeling next to the bed and resting his arms on it.
“How’re you feeling?” He asked gently.
“I’m okay…”
He nodded his head.
“I’m so sorry I.. I never thought… I didn’t…”
You smiled, reaching your hand out you placed it on his head, running your fingers down to the side of his face.
“It’s okay… it’s not your fault…”
“I should have never taken you there (Y/N), never. You got hurt because of me.”
You moved your hand, lightly flicking his forehead which made him frown, rubbing the sore spot.
“I got hurt because I touched something I shouldn’t have… that’s not your fault doctor…”
He sighed a little bit, resting his chin on his arms.
“I’ll take you back home when you’re better.”
“You better not or I’ll kick your ass.”
He laughed a little bit, smiling softly up at you, and you placed your hand on the side of his face, running your thumb along his cheek.
“Do you want anything to eat?”
You thought for a moment.
“Not yet, I’m kind of tired, but then can we have chips?”
“We can have whatever you want.”
The doctor would bring you food and drinks to your bed, he refused to let you get up for the first few days, he changed your bandage regularly and helped you up if you absolutely needed to get up.
After the first few days you could sit up, you couldn’t walk far on your own, and you couldn’t stretch because you’d pull at your wound.
You were sleeping with your head on his chest, he was running a hand up and down your arm.
“I’m hungry…”
“You’re always hungry. What do you want?”
You turned your head to look up at him.
“Can we get burgers?”
“We sure can.”
He kissed your forehead and gently moved you aside so he could head to the console, and you yawned.
Getting up you grabbed a discarded jumper of his, pulling it over your head, slowly walking over to console.
You took the steps one at a time, hand on your side as if that was going to help the pressure.
“Hey, hey you shouldn’t be walking when the TARDIS is moving.”
He walked over, holding his hands out to you, and you took them, letting him help you down the rest of the steps, and he sat you down.
“It’s dangerous and you could get hurt.”
“Everything is dangerous.”
“I know, but you’re already hurt, I don’t want to make it worse.”
The doctor waited until the TARDIS had fully stopped, then he walked over to you, holding out his hand with a bright smile.
You smiled back softly at him.
“Now, let’s go get you a burger.”
You placed your hand in his, letting him lace his fingers with yours as you guys left the TARDIS.
He gestured to the whole area around you both.
“Pick wherever you’d like.”
The doctor kept a watchful eye on you as you looked around, slowly wondering around, looking for somewhere to eat.
You finally found a McDonald’s and you decided to go there, so the doctor sat you down at a table, and he listened as you told him exactly what you wanted.
You were softly kicking your feet back and forth, head resting on your arms as you waited for him to come back.
You were watching him stand in line, and when he glanced over at you you smiled at him which resulted in him smiling back at you.
He brought the food over, you ate, and decided you wanted to go for a walk, which the doctor agreed to under the strict condition that you two didn’t go to far from the TARDIS.
You happily agreed to this, just content with your hand in his, slowly walking around just taking to him about everything.
Eventually the pain in your side came back, and you stopped walking, placing your hand on his chest to stop him.
“Hey, hey what’s wrong?” He whispered.
“It’s my side…”
He nodded his head, and crouched down in front of you, letting you climb onto his back and he stood up again.
“So what should we do? Carry on? Or go back?”
“We should go back, you can’t carry me all night. I’m sure you don’t want that.”
“Oi! Who says I can’t and don’t want to?” He huffed.
You laughed softly, resting your chin on his shoulder.
The doctor tilted his head to the side, resting it on yours.
“You can’t seriously carry me all night.”
“Is that a challenge? I’ll do it, I’ll never let your feet touch the ground again.”
You laughed, and he grinned a little bit.
“Come on, where do you want to go?”
“I don’t care, as long as you’re here it’s alright by me.” You said softly.
“Why’s that?” He asked.
You hummed a little and shrugged.
“Because I like you.”
“Course you do! What’s not to like?” He grinned.
You smiled at him, turning your head so you could kiss his cheek and you went back to whatever where ever he was going.
“Thanks for taking care of me…”
“I’ll always take care of you sweetheart, always, above all else you are my first priority.”
“Of course! I’d be pretty lost without you (Y/N).”
You laughed a little bit, wiggling slightly to let him know that you wanted to be put down, so he carefully set you down.
You walked around him, taking his hands in yours.
“My beautiful, amazing, (Y/N)…” he whispered.
He freed one of his hands, placing it on the side of your face, and you leant into his touch.
“I will always be there to save you… no matter where we are… I’ll always come and find you…”
You smiled.
“I know you will…”
The doctor studied you for a moment, the light in your eyes, the smile on your face, the way your hand fit in his so perfectly.
He remembered everything else as well, the fact you always hugged him, you always kissed his cheek if you were going away somewhere without him.
You looked at him and you just admired him, you looked at him for who he was, you knew him.
“I love you.” He whispered.
You stared at him in shock.
A grin slowly spread across his face.
“I love you. I love you!”
You laughed, throwing your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly and he held you gently.
“I love you too…”
The doctor twirled you both around, then he set you back on the ground, quickly leaning down so he could capture you in a kiss.
A kiss that neither of you would admit that you had both been thinking about for a long, long time
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manwholovescabins · 5 months
don’t get me wrong i love the tenth doctor but sometimes (often) i just wish i could see rose’s entire run with nine… i wish tentoo was ninetoo… i just love ninerose so much it just has a certain delicious flavour that no other fictional dynamic could ever come close to
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So, I'm gonna do what like fifth billion people have already done and describe each Doctor in my own shitty words:
Grandpa becomes a better person via kidnapping the right people
Funny little man fights monsters with his Jacobite boyfriend until he's executed for time crimes
Dandy makes the most of his prison time by being James Bond and annoying the military
Big man with big teeth big voice big scarf DO NOT FUCK WITH THIS MAN wants to know if you'd like a jelly baby while he saves your ass
Cricket nerd isn't sure whether these people are his friends or his kids but goddamn does he try
"No more Doctor Nice Guy", said the Doctor while actually being quite nice, all things considered.
Like if an evil mastermind was a good guy who adopted a badass child
Just a kicked puppy of a man, regularly gets amnesia and there's basically two of him
Sassy PTSD man
Alien man tries really hard to human, loses all his friends tragically, cries in the rain, and then develops a god complex, as one does
Just a little baby boy...Oh wait he's an angry god oh shit
Old professor who laments about kids these days, used to be in a band, and says "fuck capitalism"
Disaster woman just can't communicate with those undyingly loyal to her. Will primarily be remembered as for her lesbianism.
His episodes haven't aired yet how would I know?
His episodes also haven't aired yet am I supposed to just guess?
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doortotomorrow · 1 year
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NINE + ROSE - Rose, after all her dimension hopping, returns to her home universe, but soon realizes she didn't come here alone.
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lanawinterscigarettes · 6 months
Doctor Who masterlist
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Fluff: ♡ Angst: ♤ Smut: ♧ Headcanons: ◇ May contain triggering content: ☆
Ninth Doctor
Comforting Touch ♤♡
Thirteenth Doctor
Almost Siblings ♡
cleaning up bottles with you on new year's day ♡
What Dies Doesn't Always Stay Buried ♤♡
Gold Dust Woman ♤
Dhawan! Doctor
put on your records and regret me ♤♡
Rose Tyler
Overprotective Older Sister ♤♡
Martha Jones
Worried For You ♡
River Song
Bored In Captivity ♡
Clara Oswald
Hiding Away ♤♡
Lady Oswald ♧
Simm! Master
The Masters dating someone who's clumsy ◇
The Masters + finding rocks that match the color of each other's eyes ◇
you're a cowboy like me ♤♡
The Masters taking care of a sick reader ◇
The reader taking care of the Masters when they're sick ◇
Missy/Gomez! Master
The Masters dating someone who's clumsy ◇
Oral Exam ♧
Side Effects Include ♡
Kiss Of Doom ♡♤
The Masters + finding rocks that match the color of each other's eyes ◇
Pay Attention ♧
What Dies Doesn't Always Stay Buried ♤♡
The Masters taking care of a sick reader ◇
The reader taking care of the Masters when they're sick ◇
Dhawan! Master
The Masters dating someone who's clumsy ◇
The One Who Rocks My World ♡
The Masters + finding rocks that match the color of each other's eyes ◇
Change of Plans ♡
I feel a lavender haze creepin' up on me ♡
The Masters taking care of a sick reader ◇
The reader taking care of the Masters when they're sick ◇
Whittaker! Master
my house of stone, your ivy grows ♡
put on your records and regret me ♤
Burning Red ♡
The Toymaker
Wanna Hippopotamus for Christmas ♡
The Toymaker losing a game to a reader who wants to dance with him ◇
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Consanguinity tables get narrower year by year. I was born with four kids in my generation eligible to produce children with me. Palamedes had two.
- The Mysterious Study of Doctor Sex, Tamsyn Muir
I hope someone out there has written an arranged marriage AU that takes into consideration this and the appallingly small marriage options for Harrow and Gideon (and Ortus) on the Ninth.
Like I’m not gonna write it but someone should.
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Falling feels like flying (till the bone crush)
Pairing: Eleventh Doctor x Reader, Tenth Doctor x Reader, Ninth Doctor x Reader
Word Count: 2, 243
Warnings: All angst, no happy ending
Summary: Reader is faced with a gross realisation. What everyone has been saying about her is true, she's a flight risk. Now it's up to her to show the Doctor that.
A/N: This entire thing literally only exists because I read Flight Risk by @storytelling-timelord so from one Elle to another, thank you for giving me the jump start I need to get to writing again!! For everyone else, I super recommend reading her stuff!!
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On a day that wasn’t then, but long before today, you would wonder why Jack Harkness would call you this. Why, saddled up in the console room, giving the Doctor a private, sad smile, he would map the words onto your skin, a brand of hot iron at the base of your neck.
“She’s a flight risk,” he would say. He would warn.
And the Doctor would scoff, his Northern drawl spilling from him with ease, with the confidence of a man who was used to being right, of reading people right.
He would say that’s absurd, that you were human, too human. The kind of human who would look just as quickly at a lone daffodil in a field, or a new-born nebula, and see nothing but the beauty in the matter that formed it, of the star dust that danced around you in every bated breath.
No, he would say. You ran because you ran with the Doctor. You wouldn’t run without him.
And Jack would move to reply, his eyes far more honest that the rueful grin he forced his features into, but you would skip into the console room, curious, but unspoken. It had been some time since you established this little tradition with the Doctor, a dance just shy of moving in.
Every month – maybe, time was never accurate on the TARDIS – you would gather more of your belonging, tucking them into the space that made up your room.
And the Doctor would grin, look at you with an expression you wouldn’t be able to name, but would later learn, and ask if you were ready to go.
And Jack would grin, eyes dark though smile bright, pat the Doctor on the shoulder and ask for his own pit stop.
Today however, you roamed the TARDIS’ ever sprawling library, greeting each hard bound book, each fraying paperback, like an old friend.
And there, in golden letters, printed in the grain of an old bookshelf sagging under its own weight, was what you had never thought to be afraid of. Your name.
Your fingers ghosted over the imprint, trailing every stroke, every curve.
Your body went cold.
You knew these halls, floated through them like ink flows on paper, yet you had never seen this. Did you dare ask how long it had been there? Breathe your knowledge of this into the air? What would the Doctor say? Would he tell you he had been the one to do this? Would he see how terrified it made you feel?
Your free hand went to the back of your head, fingers trailing over the fine hair from where your skull met your neck. Your hand stopped as it met the base of your neck. In an instant you gripped tight.
Flight risk.
In the beginning, you found falling felt rather like flying. The Doctor didn’t steal your breath, he would snake into your lungs with an easy grin and bright laughter, and you found yourself giving it to him.
You hadn’t known yet, how easily Sarah-Jane Smith saw things. You didn’t yet know about the knowing. How important knowing was when it came to love.
But she knew, you think now she always had.
You only knew four things at that point, which you had thought was enough. First, you loved the Doctor. Second, he loved you. Third, loving one another was hard – harder than anything you had ever done.
Fourth, it was worth it.
But Sarah-Jane Smith had gripped onto the Doctor's arm, eyes wide and afraid as she spoke to him. She was speaking from experience, recognising him in you. Recognising why he loved you.
“She’s a flight risk,” she would say. She would implore.
And the Doctor would laugh, a full body movement that would sweep into his coat. He would say that you were fast, that lighting crackled beneath you, and he was the thunder – hand gripped tight in yours. That flight was fine because he was flying with you.
And you wouldn’t intrude on the way their conversation would unfold. You would turn off the monitor in the console room, toying with the idea of flight.
Because the Doctor was right, wasn’t he? You were already flying, where was the risk if the flying was for him?
Today however, you stumbled into the hallway, tripping over the slippers you had left at the foot of the library door. Your hand grazed the nearest wall, fingers mapping the grooves and nubs that you had tracked thousands of times.
Thousands? Had you really been here long enough for thousands?
You twisted down the hallway, finding your bedroom. You pawed for the light switch, a thin smear of dust pressing into your fingertips. Under the soft light, it barely looked familiar.
Trinkets you had long forgotten about sat on makeshift shelves, detailing adventures you would so often bring up in soft jokes and old laughter. An old journal sat on a desk, framed by photographs and pressings from flowers and leaves of various planets, untouched. Even your bed was locked in time, the sheets firmly tucked in all corners – unslept and well kept.
It had been so long since this had been your room, the room you spent your time in, the room you slept in. The evidence was clear as day. This room, which had once been yours, inviting and warm, was foreign. You were a stranger in your own space.
Had you lost yourself?
Flight risk.
Three faces you had known him. Three lifetimes of learning – of cataloguing and developing your very best knowing. Because it was the knowing that was key to any good relationship.
Like the knowing in how the Doctor took his tea, always with a dash of milk, always two sugars.
And in the knowing of how the Doctor looked at the stars, with the sort of wonder you had thought unparalleled, until he looked at you.
Or in the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled – always.
It never was a matter that the face had changed, that the eyes were new, and the slope of his jaw would bend into each new shape. The Doctor, you had come to find, was familiar, the extraordinary bottled into skin and bones with two hearts.
River Song was next, with a curious expression you have yet to unravel. She would take the Doctor’s hand, draw his eyes into her own, her voice low when she spoke. She would tell him how he was playing with fire, how – for once – he was the one who was about to get burned.
“She’s a flight risk,” she would say. She would mourn.
And the Doctor would shake his head, because River had seen, same as him, how cemented you were by his side. He would tell of her of the obstacles you had overcome, of the fears you had faced within each other, of the fate defying feats you had both pulled to keep one another in your orbit.
Then Amy – or maybe it was Rory, would call out to you, and their conversation would be lost behind you as you planned for the next adventure.
But the comment would linger, eat away through the goosebumps that would rise when Rivers gaze turned to you.
And it was then that you would wonder about Jack's first comment. It was arrogant, foolish. What did any of them know?
But the Doctors gaze would follow, it would wrap against your throat and claw into your skin.
But as always, you kept your thoughts onto the next adventure.
Today however, you gripped a photograph left on the desk. It was you, grinning into the camera, Martha Jones on one side, the Doctor on the other. You were young, your smile brighter, your eyes wider.
Your hand found itself on your cheek. Your fingers paved over your skin, over the new lines that had formed around your eyes, the creases in your cheeks, the weariness in their colour.
You were older now. So much older.
How many years had gone by? Would you ever be able to count them?
The photo fluttered out of your grasp. There was only one choice.
Flight Risk.
Permanency wasn’t a luxury you afforded yourself. Love was hard, and the knowing was harder. You loved knowing people, loved recognising the things that made them smile, made them laugh.
But the knowing in turn was ruthless.
The Doctor was changing, it was a knowledge that wrung itself in your chest, twisting into your veins and clotting itself into your arteries. If you had been self-aware, you would have seen the change you brought with it, how you drew yourself in, built around you more walls before the Doctor could find a jackhammer to carve them through.
You wondered if loving the Doctor truly was good – if the flying was true. How long until the flight was the Doctor leaving, once he saw too much of you?
Madame Kovarian would give you a lazy grin, the eye not hidden by the eye-patch toying with the way she looked at you and the Doctor. It was slow, languid, revelling in all the time she had to unravel you.
It only took her a moment, a cat like pause before her grin would stretch and twist into something wicked.
“She’s a flight risk,” she would say. She would applaud.
The Doctor would waver – he had never done that before. His voice would shake before falling firm. He wouldn’t mention you, he would talk of her, of the tricks she would pull, of the grip she held on to the universe.
And you would tell yourself that was enough, and you would forget it, hyperfocus on the need to fix this, on the need to win. This is what you did with the Doctor, fall into step, a routine so focused your body and his weren’t their own.
Today however, you fumbled for the vortex manipulator you knew was hidden here. You weren’t sure who the one who hid it was. Maybe it was Jack. Maybe it was River. In the end, it didn’t matter.
Your fingers curled around the worn strap, hidden deep in the console. For a moment you marvelled at the memory of the others, of the people who had left their own mark on the TARDIS.
The thought soon soured.
Because how could you think of a mark in the TARDIS, without thinking of yourself. You could see the evidence of you in this very console room. Your jumped hung over the railing. The book you were currently reading sat by the controls. An old mug, paired with the Doctors, sat by the staircase.
It sprawled out in front of you.
You. You.
You tried to place the change, the moment where the you in your bedroom had spilled into the TARDIS. The moment your space was the Doctors.
You were everywhere.
There you were, your sunscreen stuck by the TARDIS front door. You were in the kitchen, tins of your favourite teas lining the shelf by the kettle. Your footsteps marked the hallways, old shoes you had kicked off before reaching your next stop, the scuff from old boots.
Your breath came in shaky, knotting in your throat.
Flight Risk.
The Doctor would rip the last page out of every book, all to avoid the ending. It was a quirk of his you knew well – you knew all his quirks well.
And although you knew it, you didn’t understand it.
Leaving was an inevitability for you and him. An end for all endings, even this. There was no permanency here. No proof that things would last, that he would stay. That you would stay.
There couldn’t be. Time was fickle, time was fleeting, and it was flying. Just like you were flying – you were sure of it.
Falling rather felt like flying. Until the fall was less flying, and more bone crashing into cement.
You couldn’t see the Doctor before you left, you had half the heart that he did, and that wasn’t accounting for the physical accuracy of the statement.
It was a rash decision, the logical part of you, the part screaming for you to slow down, knew it was rash. But wasn’t rash what you were known for?
Rash was jumping into a time machine with a man you just met. Rash was dancing with the stars, chasing time figures in the night. Rash was the running, all the running.
So, this time it was you. It wasn’t River, Jack, it wasn’t even the Doctor. It was simply you.
You scrawled a note, leaving it against the final lever on the console, the one the Doctor would throw before his next adventure. Alone.
I’m a flight risk, you had said.
You were gone.
If you had stayed, you would have seen it. You would have seen the way the Doctor stood – silent, alone – the note gripped in the palm of his hand.
The Doctor shattered.
His body splayed the TARDIS floor like ceramic before the mosaic, hauntingly tragic, ripped into the seam of the canvas.
By his side lay the ring, the reason he had left the TARDIS at all. It clattered against the railing; louder than the question he could now never ask you.
And it was the Doctor who now knew, who had learned. That the flying, that the falling? Was bone crushingly broken.
A/N^2: I really loved playing with prose while writing this, seriously, it was so fun. Thank you so much for reading! For the regulars, I've got a lot of unfinished wips that should I get the motivation are almost done, so hopefully I'll get to posting again more regularly!
EDIT: I'm writing a happy ending sequel! Lemme know if you'd like to be tagged when it comes out!
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“Hey we’re almost there, you two better get ready.” The Doctor called to the both of you.
You and Rose were choosing what to wear and were sharing your opinion on the outfits while the doctor was at the console room.
“Alright just give us few minutes and we’ll be done.” Rose called back.
“THAT’S WHAT YOU ALWAYS SAY!” He yelled louder.
“YEAH WELL YOU HAVE TO WAIT” You yelled back.
“I think we’re becoming more like him each day.” Rose commented.
You and Rose looked at each other then started to laugh.
“Let’s hope it doesn’t get worst than this” You laughed.
As soon as you two walked into the console room, you saw the doctor standing near the doors of the TARDIS his face lit up when you two walked into the room.
“We’re ready.” You announced dramatically while smiling.
He smiled back and opened the doors for you two “Well about time.”
“Hey!” Rose sounded offended and slap his arm.
“Oi watch it!” He looked at her with wide eyes. You looked back at them smirking and saw Rose had the same expression on her face.
“Don’t be a smarty mouth.” She told him.
He looked leaned a little next to you and whispered “I didn’t know you had a bodyguard.”
She pointed at him “You watch it!”
You giggled at the both of them. Then you three walked out of the TARDIS with Rose’s arm around your shoulders.
A/N: This was requested so thank you for the request also you can imagine any doctor you want!
*Gif doesn’t belong to me*
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pastanest · 1 year
A/N: just some fun headcannons I thought of for different regenerations of the Doctor with each other’s companions :)
Doctors With Each Other’s Companions
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Ten x Clara Oswald 
there is only one reason that these two could not spend more than the 50th anniversary special together: the bisexuals would’ve spontaneously combusted
no but fr 
if they had one full conversation they’d flirt themselves into an outerspace hotel room in approximately 4 seconds 
the tension is palpable 
the HEIGHT DIFFERENCE? I have been found deceased in a sewer pipe
no but seriously a show with these two couldnt be PG 
Eleven was all flustered and bumbling when Clara flirted with him but Ten?? OH, he is SMOOTH AS BUTTER WITH IT once he’s gotten a bit more accustomed to it
The Oncoming Rizz, if you will
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Nine x Donna Noble 
these two would probably never get anything done bc they’d be arguing all the time in an epic war to out-sass each other
and Donna would win every time
and Nine would never admit it
if there is ANYONE that could put any Doctor in their place, it’s Donna Girlboss Noble
imagine Nine yelling for Donna like Ten did too, iconic
I’m not sure Nine could cope with Donna for a whole series just in terms of keeping up with her but I think for however long they were travelling together, it would be the funniest pairing in Doctor Who history
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Twelve x Martha Jones
first of all, the racism that Ten allowed Martha to experience when he made himself human and chose the time period they’d hide in?? Twelve would NEVER, we saw how he protected Bill!!
second, she would’ve been saved from heartache with this version of the Doctor
Twelve would actually appreciate Martha, in ways that the heartbroken Ten couldnt 
the fact Martha is so smart and has such a vast medical knowledge? Twelve is ALL about it
he’d meet Einstein just to say “Martha Jones is smartest person in this room, after me.”
he has no regard for whether that’s technically accurate or not
Twelve has every faith that no matter the scenario, Martha Jones is smart enough to figure out a solution 
very biased and does not care
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Nine x Amelia Pond
now hear me out, this is an odd combo, but ENVISION IT
Amelia Pond would soften Nine like sun on snow, especially if they had the canon meeting of her and Eleven 
he’s more inclined to be blunt, but I think Amy would become his exception in a similar way to Twelve x Clara
like Nine will go on a rant about how stupid the human race is, but then ends it with “-except for Amelia, obviously.”
he roasts Rory to no end, the two of them are the ears and the nose
River Song slaps Nine more than any other regeneration of the Doctor and that’s canon
and if it had been Nine in a Good Man Goes To War, let’s just say his name would no longer be…
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Eleven x Rose Tyler
listen listen listen, I KNOW Rose already got two regenerations of the Doctor but it will never be enough for me Im such a whore for Rose’s dynamic with the Doctor I wont take any criticism goodnight
if her relationship with Ten continued with Eleven?? UMM
Rose would be jealous of River to begin with but they’d become besties in no time bc River has obviously heard all about her and is like “You stared into the heart of the Tardis? Slay x”
Eleven and his boyish antics, his bubbling excitement and ridiculous dress sense would have had Rose Tyler GIGGLING
also Eleven could charm anyone, including Jackie Tyler, it’s canon she thinks he’s utterly adorable and actually keeps a supply of jammy dodgers in the cupboard just in case they pop round 
Twelve x Rose Tyler 
Rose and her daddy issues, fixed by the lovingly-grouchy grandad that is Twelve? HAND IT OVER RN
also the Scottish accent saying “Rose” would scratch the brain 
similar to Twelve x Clara, except with the canon additions of Captain Jack and Mickey Smith
obviously, Captain Jack still tries to flirt with the Doctor and calls him a “silver fox” and Twelve is like >:( but internally he’s twirling his hair and kicking his feet 
and he forgets Mickey’s name entirely
forgets he’s there, actually
“When was the last time he said something that showed a shred of intelligence? As far as I’m concerned, he’s a vaguely familiar pudding brain.”
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aralezinspace · 1 year
Requested by @internet-stranger-says-hi: Ninth Doctor/reader where Jack and rose get fed up by their obliviousness and play matchmaker
A/N: this TARDIS crew is one of my absolute FAVES xD Doesn't feel like some of my best writing, but I enjoyed writing these sassy space dumbasses xD Hope you like it!!
~~Requests are open!~~ ~~Current WIPs~~
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“Don’t think I haven’t seen you staring.” Jack’s words came from above you, disrupting the peace in one of the TARDIS’ many lounges.
You had carefully picked this particular spot to read your book, some peace and quiet had been needed after your latest adventure. Rose had joined you about fifteen minutes in, but she had a magazine of her own. The two of you had been sitting in companionable silence for not nearly long enough before Jack had barged in.
You looked up from your book, indignation rising slightly when you saw the smugly teasing smirk pulling up the corner of his mouth. He even had his hands on his hips, cockily resting his weight on one leg. The captain was positively itching for mischief. You rolled your eyes and gave him a look before looking back down at the page, trying to find your spot.
“Don’t flatter yourself, captain. I’m definitely not the first to notice you have a nice ass, and I won’t be the last.”
Jack shrugged in acquiescence; you certainly weren’t wrong in that regard. “Fair,” he conceded, “But that’s not what I’m talking about.” At this point, Rose peeked up from her magazine, curious to see just what kind of staring Jack was about to charge you with.
“Then what are you talking about?” you asked indulgently, turning a page to hide your exasperation. So much for peace and quiet.
“You’re gonna make me say it?” Jack sauntered over to the couch you were plopped into and draped himself over the remaining two cushions. His sock covered toes gently tapped your thigh.
“Spit it out Jack,” Rose urged with a big smile, never passing up an opportunity for teasing anyone. Jack sighed like he was under extreme duress and pinched the bridge of his nose. Oh this was just delicious.
“Alright then. Sixth moon of Caldorsia, not twelve hours ago. Your eyes barely left the backside of our mutual friend. You, my obvious little friend, were staring.”
You pretended to ignore him and turn another page, but Jack had found you out. You had admitted it to yourself, but that didn’t mean you were ready to admit to anyone else that you had a major crush on the Doctor. You bit your bottom lip, trying to suppress the burning flush that had risen to your cheeks.
“Not only that,” Jack continued, oblivious to your discomfort (or at least feigning it), “There was that time a few weeks ago when he helped you out of that sink hole, gathered you in his arms and you giggled and swooned like a Victorian lady.”
In… Out… In… Out… You forced yourself to breathe slowly, evenly. You couldn’t let Jack and Rose see how affected you were. Rose’s smile grew, the tip of her tongue between her teeth.
“Oh, and!” Jack held up a finger like he had a eureka moment. “There was that time in Spain when the two of you got caught-“
You threw your book at Jack before he could say any more, the paperback hitting him square in the chest.
“I KNEW IT!” Rose yelled, clapping her hands and laughing. “I knew you had a thing for him!”
You groaned and hid your face in your hands, trying to drown out Jack and Rose’s laughter. “Oh, don’t be embarrassed,” Jack goaded. He put your book on the floor and patted your back. “Not the first to have a crush on dear old Doctor and certainly won’t be the last.” Rose giggled again.
“Exceeept,” she cooed, fanning herself with her magazine. “I could swear I saw a certain Time Lord staring back…” You lifted your head up just an inch, a tiny spark of hope glimmering to life in your chest.
“Wait,” you asked in a small, barely audible whisper, “Really?”
Jack stifled a giggle against his fist. It really was just too cute, how much you and the Doctor clearly had feelings for each other and were just too silly to realize or act on it. “Oh yea,” he agreed, briefly biting into his knuckles. “I can confirm, those eyes rarely leave your-“
Rose threw her magazine at Jack, albeit with much less intent to kill. “So!” she sat back in her chair and crossed her arms. “Think you two lovebirds can sort this out on your own, or do the captain and I need to intervene?”
Over your next few adventures, Jack and Rose tried everything they could think of to get you and the Doctor alone and in a confessing spirit, and nothing had worked- tender moments, life-threatening incidents that overwhelmed one into getting all their secrets off their chest, even truth or dare. Nothing could get the two of you to just come clean with each other. As sweet as it was to watch you stare tenderly and wistfully when you thought the other wasn’t looking, the lack of results was getting frustrating.
A few (relative) weeks after Jack and Rose’s intervention, you went on another adventure that had not yielded any confessions of love, but for once, it was you saving him (with the help of Jack and Rose). That’s right, you had figured out how to save the Doctor, Jack, Rose, and an entire passenger shuttle. You were on top of the world, the whole universe! Your blood ran deliciously hot in your veins, you felt like you could run a marathon, fight anything and anyone bare-handed. You even felt like you had enough courage to finally fess up. You had just saved his life, there probably wouldn’t be a better time.
The Doctor nimbly piloted them back into the vortex, bracing himself on the console with his head hung once they were safe in the river of time. He had come so close to losing all three of you, close enough to feel the specter of death breathing down his neck. And then, like a shining angel in full glory, you had appeared with a solution, saving everyone on that shuttle, including him. He had never seen you like that, full of blazing fury and determination. Once he saw that look in your eyes, he knew they were all going to make it out alive.
He had never felt so much simultaneous love and terror in his life.
You were pacing laps around the console room, adrenaline still fueling your steps. Rose and Jack had discreetly sidled into a corner, watching the two of you and whispering, taking bets on whether one of you would finally break.
You got in two more laps before the impulse hit you. The Doctor was no longer hunched over the console as if it were the only thing that could keep him standing, rather he was standing straight and tall, hands behind his back, a soldier at rest. On your next lap, you broke your pattern and your brisk strides took you to the Doctor.
You purposefully grabbed the lapels of his leather jacket and pulled him into a searing kiss. The Doctor was only momentarily surprised, his hands flailing for a few seconds before resting on your shoulders.
You barely heard Jack and Rose’s cheers and high fives, all your senses were focused on the Doctor and the fact that he was returning your kiss. When the two of you finally separated so you could breathe (damn respiratory bypass), the adrenaline finally faded and a dopey smile spread across your face.
“Took you long enough!” Jack called with a laugh, only feeling safe to do so because there was nothing in your reach you could throw at him. Rose chimed in with “You’re welcome!” The Doctor glowered, but you just rolled your eyes with a laugh.
“Yea yea yea,” you ground out with a laugh. “You two are regular matchmakers.”  
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