#9th doctor angst
lanawinterscigarettes · 7 months
Could you maybe write some hurt/comfort with the Ninth Doctor where he gives the reader a hug? Thank you very much
I absolutely can! sorry if this is pretty short, I decided to make what he's comforting the reader over pretty vague on purpose (and also apologies if he's ooc as I haven't really written for him before)
Comforting Touch (Ninth Doctor x reader)
Warnings: hurt/comfort, some angst (reader cries but it's not said over what), soft Ninth Doctor
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Barely heard sobs filled the otherwise quiet room as you cried. Today was just not your day, it would seem.
Usually when you were this upset you would go see the Doctor for help, but the reasons why you were crying seemed so juveline and absurd, and you didn't want to bother him over something that didn't really matter.
It was almost as if your thoughts of insecurity had summoned him, because a few moments later you heard the sound of footsteps approaching.
You had your hands covering your face in a poor attempt to muffle your sounds of distress, but you were certain it was him. After all, who else could it be?
"Are you alright?" He asked in a gentle and quiet voice reserved only for you.
Shaking your head no, you opened your mouth in an effort to speak, so you could explain the problem, but all that came out was another broken sob.
The Doctor's face fell at the sound, and he immediately opened up his arms to you, bringing you in for a comforting hug. "Shh, shh. There, there. It's alright," he muttered in the most soothing tone he could muster, not wanting to upset you any further.
You pressed your face into his chest as you cried, tears streaming freely down your cheeks. The Doctor moved his hands down to your back as he held you, moving them along the tense muscles in slow and careful motions.
He didn't dare let go the entire time you were there for, wanting to make you feel as safe and loved as he possibly could. "It's okay, love. You're alright now."
Nodding your head at his words, you pulled away just enough so that you could look into his eyes. "Thank you," you whispered with gratitude, your tears having finally dried.
He smiled softly in response, giving you a caring look. "You're welcome, sweetheart."
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chaosandsuns · 11 months
The doctor doesnt mourn like normal people. They dont mourn in the long stretch of time and crying. They cant. They keep moving, they keep running because they have to save people, as many people as they can. They cant stop or slow down.
The doctor mourns in the little things.
Its in Donna showing him Rose's shirt, and his hearts skip two beats as he tries to breathe and dont show dont show.
Its in "Rose would know what to do" because really, rose wouldnt. But it would have been easier to know he isnt the only one whos experienced and still feels lost.
Its in seeing the daleks again and remembering them on that awful spaceship and jackjackjack and they know Jack is alive but they cant completely push it away, can they? The Daleks took away another person they cared for.
Its in walking past hospitals and thinking "maybe martha is working in that one", but she isnt, because we are on a different planet and time entirely. Still, its a nice thought that brings a smile to their face.
Its in walking past a DVD shop and turning to martha to laugh about it and forgetting she isnt there.
Its in seeing a funny hat and thinking how he should show Donna before remembering that she forgot.
Its in seeing a redhead walking down the street and feeling the relief-ache-dread that surges through them as they run the other way. Its silly, because it isnt donna, it cant be. but still.
Its in the little things. Fish fingers and custard even after the ponds are gone. Seeing a library and feeling a distinct pain, even if River is walking right next to him. Never looking at a raven the same.
So they mourn. All the time. And they run and they remember.
What more can they do?
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river13245 · 8 months
Doctor who Masterlist
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9th Doctor (none yet)
Rose Tyler (none yet)
10th doctor (none yet)
Jack Harkness (none yet)
Donna Noble (none yet)
11th Doctor
12 doctor (none yet)
River Song (none yet)
Rory Williams (none yet)
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bugsy-maria · 1 year
... Even at the start...
Pairing: Doctor x Reader
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 (this)
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This academy wasn’t like most, where many kids around the age of 9 are learning math's and reading, these children were staring right into all of space and time. A dark abyss where every outcome can be seen by these children. They know what happens next, what has happened well beyond their time, and what is happening on the other side of the universe.  
But this part of the story isn’t about time and space, it's about a little girl Time Lady who had comfort and traded it for a loss all because she wouldn’t be able to stand the guilt eating her up inside. Now this is not to say that this story won't ever be about time and space, trust me we will get there. Just know that even all of time and space has its time and place.  
Now just for future reference this girl is you, (y/n).  you have been a one for a good portion of your life, you never had a sustainable feeling of comfort, but the Acadamy was the opposite of the life you had lived for the first couple of years.  
Just about everyone at this school knew not to talk to you, not because you were closed off but rather because they thought that you were too weird to talk to. Even though you never gave off that energy or even did anything to cause that reaction. In fact, you were the most extroverted person in the whole school. Making it your mission to have at least one friend, at least one person to be there for you.   
You met one boy who was kind of closed off but well liked. He didn’t mind your company, so you got attached. You would drag him to look at the sky with you well passed your curfew, you had your own little spot at the top of one of the many buildings in the area. The bright stars were almost painful to look at, but their beauty enchanted you in a way that made it just about completely impossible to look away.  
He was quite a large portion of the time whenever you dragged him out and about but that didn’t stop you from having him around every time you wanted to look up at the sky. Over time he grew to like you a bit more and started to talk more. Still, he was more of a listener, but not so much in a way that made him seem disinterested in what you were saying, but rather scared of whatever might happen. You wouldn’t find this out till much later when you were both in your 6th year at the academy. You had met him a couple days after he looked into the time vortex, and much like you, it scared him so much he ran.  
He hadn’t been the same after he saw that, too scared to talk. You, on the other hand, had gotten scared of knowing exactly what would happen that you sought out to create your own worlds where those things that were said to happen simply didn’t. You created your own destiny in this world which made dealing with the fear easier to manage.  
He then started to tell you about all of the things he wished to do but they never passed the planet you both called home. He wanted a simple job and to have a wife and kids with a good childhood. He didn’t really want to explore, not the stars or the planet, he just wanted a simple life.  
You wanted to travel to the stars. You wanted to carry adventures on your shoulders while saving new worlds and making history. You wanted to put out any fire in your way but also wanted to watch stars spit flames out into the vast emptiness of space. You wanted the world, stars, galaxies, and the whole universe in your hands. It would be enough to have just that. All of the time and space at your convenience was all you needed to be happy.  
You knocked on this boy's door one night, just like every other night that you wanted to see the stars. This boy had learned to be prepared for any surprise visits by you because you were quite indecisive about whether you were in the mood to look up at those balls of fire. He opened the door and slid out already knowing why you were knocking on his door that late at night.  
The walk was always quieter than expected mostly because once you both made it to the roof, you were chatting like no tomorrow. But this moment of quiet was what you both needed. Also, you were both out of your rooms well passed curfew, so you really needed to be quiet. You would both be walking with slow quiet steps, doors were opened and closed with such precision making sure it didn’t make the slightest noise.  
Once you both had made it to the roof you started laughing amazed that you had got away with it yet again. The boy had never once laughed at this, instead he just stares at you with a small smile graced upon his face. A creak was heard from another building which caused him to smack his hand on your face so whoever had made such a noise would be none the wiser to two students out passed curfew.  
He removed his hand from your face and put a finger over his mouth to signal you to keep quiet. You both walked over to your little corner of the roof which had grown some decorations over the years. A thin blue blanket was sprawled on the ground, a small bowl filled with different candies from your universal cultures class you took last semester, and a travel sized telescope that the boy had managed to nick from his parents' drawer before he left for the academy all sat in the far corner behind the door of the roof.  
You laid out the blanket to cover a portion of the roof top that you then sat on. The boy followed suit already having the routine down like the back of his hand. You both leaned down onto your backs almost simultaneously, both taking in the sight of the stars before either one broke the silence.  
“Tell me why you don’t want to go out there again?” you ask the same question at least once a month just to verify that he doesn’t want to still. You want him to. Change his mind because as much as you say that you don’t care whether he stays here or goes out there with you- 
“It’s too risky, plus I have everything I would ever need here.” He says it so simply as though anyone would agree with him. But you don’t see it, you know that he has many comforts here and you don’t, maybe that’s why he finds it so easy to stay when all you want to do is leave. “You know this, so why do you keep asking?” 
He had the most wonderful eyes; they held the most amazing things. The eyes that stare at you is the newest of new and have not been tainted with the wisdom and sights that the elders held in their eyes. You knew that they would change one day, hell your will too but those eyes are worth looking at.  
Like the stars in the sky for instance, one day all those stars will die and then be replaced with new ones. At that point, it is entirely different sky, just like how this man will die then be replaced with a new set of peepers. But in this moment, they were beautiful, and this is what you want to remember when you die for good. This moment, and any other moment that follows with him in it.  
You bob your head to the side, so you lock your eyes with his. He always looked peaceful now, which was a complete 180 when compared to how he was when you first kidnapped him from the comfort of his room. The first time you both had done this he was sweating a storm and his breathing was labored and uneven, plus he would not stop listing out all the consequences you two would face together. You both only stayed out for about 20 minutes, and to this day you are surprised that you even lasted that long.  
“Just want to see if you changed your mind yet.” 
“Or you just want to see if I would ever go with you.” 
“Nope, never” 
“Yes, you do, you don’t want to leave me.” The smile on his face widened as he sang his sentence in a teasing voice. 
“Absolutely not! I can survive just fine without you!” You looked back at those stars with the very same expression of amazement. He sits up and tilts his head to look at your face 
“If you want me to go with you, all you have to do is ask nicely.”  
“Shut up.” you groan out, you playfully push him over.  
“You know I’m just playing right?” 
“Of course, I do.” 
“I mean even if you did ask, I would never want to travel with you.” the smile on his face radiates within his words.  
“Shut up! I am a delight!” It is now your time to smirk just like him. 
“The naming ceremony Is tomorrow; what name do you think you’ll get?” He always changed the subject, mainly because he never was good at remembering things in this regeneration, so he had adapted to just asking and talking about things as soon they came into his mind. 
“Something like traveler, or tourist, oh or dreamer! Dreamer has a nice tone to it do not you think?” 
“Absolutely, you would get something like that. I mean with your air headedness I would be surprised if you did not.” he said with a laugh. That is another thing you could not help but notice about him, his laugh was like a baby’s laugh to a mother. Or like the sound of your name getting first place in a competition you worked hard on. His laugh was one you would never forget, his was one that you will remember randomly thought your life whenever you perform a mundane task. His laugh was a symphony. “What name do you think they’ll give me?” 
“Probably something normal like Baker, or Farmer, or Uninteresting.”  
“I’m not that boring.” 
“You kind of are though.” 
That night ended like the ones before it, with you both laughing until your sides hurt. You both ended up having a hard time going down those stairs leading up to the roof and down to the dorms. You both went back to your own rooms, the stars still lingering in your eyes as you do.  
Your flame lights emit a soft glow onto the nearby objects within your room. You were fortunate enough to get your own room this year which meant that you were safer than the boy because he did have a roommate. This made sneaking out easier for you than it did him, however his roommate has done many things that could get him in trouble which means that the boy can sneak out in exchange for keeping the roommate's secret.  
The rest of the night was the same as any other, you where you left off in your work. You don’t completely remember what the assignment was about, but you worked on it absentmindedly already knowing what to write about. Kinda like the work was too easy for you, but really it was because you were too busy living a better life in your head.  
You were always like that, no one really took too much notice of it because you were like that all the time. Always thinking of what more life had in store for you, kind of like putting yourself into a story you create.  
The morning after was going to be an interesting one. Everyone in the academy was buzzing with uneasiness, barely listening to one another as the sound of the drums consumed their hearing. You on the other hand aren’t too worried about the outcome of today, for you it was just another day. You know what you want to do with your life and nothing that happens today with quench that thirst you have for traveling.  
So, for you it was just as normal of a day as others just by the end of it you will no longer be able to tell people your actual name, you would have to tell them your title instead. You quickly scan the large hall filed with other Time Lords and Ladys much like you, until your eyes land on a familiar mop of light brown. But what you noticed almost at once after is that he was walking out of the room and following one of the admins.  
You quickly dart to the boy not thinking clearly, but just knowing that it was going to be something wrong. But this boy never got in trouble which is what really made this experience have an uneasy feeling in your gut.  
“Stop!” You were closer now, still running a couple steps till you were right where they were. “What are you doing? He hasn’t done anything wrong!” The hall filled with students was now around the corner in the long hall you now stood in.  
“(y/n)” the boy tried to interject; he didn’t want you to get in trouble. This was the only boy that knew your fears and he didn’t want to lose you to them.  
“No! This boy is completely innocent! He didn’t do a thing, he’s the most well-behaved student there is here!” 
“He snuck out passed curfew.” 
“I made him! It’s my fault, punish me! Not him!”  
“(y/n) no.” you don’t think that you have ever heard that tome in his voice but there it was. Right there in the air just hanging there until you listened.  
“Fine,” the teacher let go of his arm and grabbed onto you, pulling you closer to their side than where you were previously standing. “Go back to the hall.”  
“But you sh-”  
“I said go.” 
The net couple of minutes there was a shared eerie silence between both you and the teacher as you made your way to the disciplinary actions you were now forced to face. Rumors were common amongst the students as in most schools, there were quite a few fan favorites. A popular one this particular week was the Zybroneez that passed by the field more than usual this week were actually dead timelords that died in the last time lord. This rumor may be more of an urban legend but there's more, apparently Catherine, a Time Lady a year above you, were walking past the giant, gentle creatures and she saw them pass. 
That’s how the ‘rumor’ started and then it got out of control and now she's part Zybroneez, but a much older rumor, but kind of urban legend, was a much darker one. No one was really able to tell the rumor because no one had experienced it, well not really. The rumor is that when you get in trouble for breaking an unbreakable rule or get three strikes then you get punished. But not detention, something much worse, some guy back in the early days of the school having been built a student had gotten in trouble and was seen getting thrown into the time vortex. According to another student this student's biggest fear was leaving their family behind, and so the admin made it happen.  
Your biggest fear was going to become more than a fear with this punishment. This was bad for you because you didn’t think that you would be able to bear your greatest fear. But by the looks of it that seems to be what you will end up facing.  
That agonizing fear is growing within you as you get closer and closer to said fear, all of those grand events shared with that boy, all of those classes filled with laughter as you tried another mysterious food that turned your skin purple, and the smell of poppy flowers enveloped your senses. The soft pitter patter that tapped your head as that cloud delicately dropped water onto the skin of your forehead. That sight above you as you looked up at the sky, that cloud and those stars that you once thought of traveling around with your best and only friend. No one else occupied your life so you just wanted to take him away with you and travel the universe.  
But with one word all of it was lost, the last you ever heard in this life solidified the significance of this life. This life was no longer of any importance to that boy, to Galifray, to the neighboring worlds, or to the universe for that matter. All because of one word, one name, one title.  
“Doctor.” was the last word you heard before this life was thrown out of your grasp and into the time vortex.  
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dilemmaontwolegs · 9 months
Not A Verstappen: Lights Out {4}
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!driver!reader x Lando Norris Summary: The triple header is turbulent with some serious bad luck hitting your Monégasque man. Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, fluff, angst, smut WC: 3k F1 Masterlist NAV: Sibling Rivalry One || Two || Three NAV: Gridlocked One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine NAV: A New World One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine || Ten NAV: Lights Out One || Two || Three || Four || Five
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The Triple Header - Austin
Between the distraction of Lando and Charles arriving together, and Daniel making his grand return for Alpha Tauri, you were able to sneak into the paddock through the secondary staff entrance. You were sweating beneath the hoodie that swamped you but as soon as you were in the McLaren garage you took it off.
“This feels weird,” you murmured as you watched Lando get into his racing gear.
“It will probably take a while to get used to,” he said, kissing you as he reached for his balaclava. “But you heard what the doctors said, it’s a miracle we didn’t lose her with what happened. You know how hard the races are on our bodies.”
“I understand that, but it still feels weird. I don’t like missing out on things.” You sighed and opened the door for Jon who was waiting for Lando to start his warm up. “I’m going to check in on Charles. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
Though you could hide in Charles’ garage for the race there was nowhere to hide when Lando pulled into the third place parking spot. There was nothing that was going to stop you from waiting with the rest of his team and between your mother and his father, they kept you safe from the jostling engineers eager to clap their driver on the back.
Everything seemed to be going great and you had avoided all the media crews wanting to get a statement. You had to admit it was satisfying to watch Aston Martin struggle to pull 9th place for Lance and a DNF for Fernando so it was a good thing a microphone didn’t come close to you.
Everything was going great as you and Charles watched Lando take the podium before they both went to shower and change. Unfortunately word came that there had been two disqualifications. Charles seemed to have a sixth sense when bad news was coming and his smile dimmed before his engineer even relayed the information. Charles and Lewis were both disqualified.
Sinking into the couch in Lando’s room, he hung his head in his hands and sighed. The sound made your heart ache and you could feel all the pressure he was under in that heavy exhale. He was already concerned about how his points compared to his teammates but this would make the gap even closer and add to that worry.
“I’m sorry, babe,” you said as you sat beside him, lacing your fingers with his while Lando took his other hand. 
“This sucks,” he groaned before looking at Lando. “At least you’re second place now.”
“Suppose,” he murmured. “Doesn’t feel like I earned it though.”
“You don’t know how much Lewis’ car could have been affected by the worn plank, it might have been a matter of tenths off the second without the proper weight,” you reminded him before biting your lip and looking at Charles. “No offence. It wasn’t your fault anyway, you’re the driver, it’s your mechanics who should be checking that the car meets the regs.”
“I know,” he murmured as rose to his feet. “I’m going to the pit then I’ll head back to the hotel.”
Lando had more media duties expected of him and he nodded his head towards Charles’s back. “Go with him, love, I’ll catch up after.”
You hung back in the shadows while Charles gave a statement in the media pit. You could feel the disappointment in his words but he tried to be positive for his fans and you knew he was a better person than you, because there was no way you could have praised your team in that moment like he did. 
Thinking about your team, you looked over to Fernando who was able to smile despite his DNF. He was just happy to be back in a race car after finding his brief retirement too boring for his liking. Unfortunately the two disqualifications had bumped Lance up higher in the points and he spotted you watching their interview, sending you a cocky smile that had your fist closing. 
“Ready to go?” Charles asked as he was finally free of his duty.
You tore your eyes away from the green uniform across the pit and nodded, grateful for the distraction. “Yeah, glad to go.”
Charles sighed and kissed your forehead as he draped an arm over your shoulder and led the way to the exit. “Me too, mon amour.”
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The Triple Header - Mexico
“You look like you could do with a drink,” Lewis said as he joined you on the balcony above the pitland and offered a glass of amber liquid. “Don’t worry, it’s non-alcoholic tequila. It’s the first batch, reserved for special occasions only.”
You took the glass with a small smile. “Thanks, Lewis.”
“Congrats, by the way,” he whispered. 
Your eyes widened in surprise and you almost choked on the smooth drink you had sipped. “For what?” you tried to play off the shock with coyness.
Lewis shrugged and looked down at Charles pacing in the pit lane. The two drivers had bonded over their DQ and it was Lewis who had been able to talk Charles into going out to celebrate Lando’s second place in Austin last week. 
“They aren’t exactly the best at keeping secrets,” he chuckled, turning around to rest his elbows against the rail. “Especially once they’ve had a few drinks.”
“Trust me, I know. It’s only a matter of time until everyone else does too.” You swirled the liquid around the glass, amazed at how much it tasted and looked like the real thing. “I just want to enjoy the little bit of privacy we get for as long as possible.” Lewis coughed a laugh and you rolled your eyes. “I know it’s impossible, but I’m still going to try. ”
“I wish you all the luck in the world, honestly,” he said with a sincere smile. “And if you want any more ‘tequila’ to keep up the ruse, let me know.”
“Thanks.” You smiled at the offer as he pushed off from the rail and made his way down to Mercedes for the race. You felt the cameras on you and couldn’t help raising the glass to them before swallowing the last mouthful. Rumours had been swirling around social media since Fernando replaced you, but that photograph should at least put the brakes on the pregnancy rumours - even if they were true.
“Aren’t you meant to be keeping a low profile?” Lando asked when you stepped into the garage. He nodded his head to the footage of the pit lane on F1 TV and cocked a brow at the shot you took.
“Relax, it’s Lewis’ Agave. It’s really nice too,” you said as you velcroed his collar into place. “It was a gift, along with his congratulations.”
Lando took your hands and held them against his chest. “I’m sorry, it just slipped out.”
“Mhmm, I’ve heard that a few times now,” you chuckled. “I’ll see you after the race, be safe.”
“Always,” he promised, letting you go so you could speak to Charles before he disappeared into the grid. 
Your throat was hoarse by the time the race finished and you hardly looked ladylike like the other WAGs when you celebrated Charles’ third place on the podium. It felt like it had been too long since he last stood up there with Max and you were ecstatic for him after the fight he put up. 
“I’m so proud of you,” you gushed as you sat on Charles’ lap in the bar. The atmosphere was charged with excitement and you could see Lando and Max were well on their way to being drunk but Charles was happier to take it slow with a few beers. “You do realise you have a permanent sober driver for the next six months, you can drink, babe.”
“I know,” Charles chuckled as he watched Lando dance wildly. “But I am happy like this, seeing you and Lando happy.”
“Of course I am happy, I have you and him, and little bean, and Fernando DNF’d…” 
You both watched Lando for a few minutes before Max clamped a hand over his mouth and started to drag him towards the booth you had taken. “Shhh, stop telling people. Ow, did you just bite me?” Max stared at his palm and saw the teeth marks in his skin.
“Mon cher, ça va?”
“I’m fine,” Lando grinned as he unbuttoned one of the few remaining ones on his shirt, baring even more skin that was flushed with colour. “I’m fucking amazing.”
“He was about to tell the whole club about your little surprise,” Max explained as he shook his sore hand out. 
“I hate keeping secrets,” he whined as he shuffled across the booth and under Charles’ arm. You combed your fingers through his damp hair and he pulled your legs over his lap as he snuggled closer. “I just want to scream it to the world.”
“I know you do, mon cher, but not yet. Just a few more weeks and the season is over,” Charles reassured him. “It’s safer this way, you know how crazy it can get with fans.”
He sighed and dropped his head into nook between your neck and Charles, mumbling his agreement but that it still sucked. His racing heart slowed with the hand running calmingly up and down his spine and he eventually looked up with sleepy eyes. “Can we go? My tummy hurts.”
Charles smiled softly and nodded. “I think your head is going to hurt more in the morning.”
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The Triple Header - Brazil
One week's good luck was all Charles was given. It was almost as if he was too happy and the universe needed to balance that happiness out. Starting from pole should have given him the best possible chance of holding the lead but then he disappeared from your view on the formation lap. One moment he was in the camera’s view as it panned around the corner and then he was gone, even the cameraman looked confused as he searched for the bright red Ferrari.
“Why the fuck am I so unlucky?!”
The voice in your headset was absolutely broken and the cameraman finally found Charles crashed out - yellow flags flying before the race even began. You only listened long enough to hear that Charles was uninjured before you left the Ferrari garage that you had been watching from.
The back paths were empty with the race gearing up to start without Charles so it was easy to break into a jog. You met him halfway around the track, his helmet still adorning his head that was bent down. He didn’t notice you at first, walking straight past you as he continued his walk of shame back to the pit lane. When you fell into step beside him he almost growled thinking you were a marshal trying to kick up a conversation to get an autograph.
He stumbled to a stop when he saw your face in the narrow slit of his visor. “Amour, what are you doing here?”
You reached for the buckle under the helmet and pulled it over his head, tucking it under your arm while he tugged the balaclava off his face. “I thought you might want some company.”
The whine of the engines spurring their cars off the starting line had Charles flinching and you cradled his face in your palms. “I’m sorry, baby.”
“Not your fault the car is a piece of shit,” he murmured as he closed his eyes and rested his forehead against yours until the cars had passed. “We should get back, the team will be wanting a debrief.”
“No, fuck the team. What do you want to do?”
“I don’t know, find a priest?”
You chuckled at the seriousness in his tone and shook your head. “I don’t think god has that power. He might have turned water into wine but turning your tractor into a race car might be beyond his capabilities.”
Charles snorted a laugh, taking his helmet back with one hand and holding your hand in the other. “Fine, let’s hope our man has better luck then.”
It was easier to dodge the few fans around the obscure ends of the track but Charles still chose to traipse through the trees instead of the footpath. He wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone and you respected that as you walked quietly beside him, catching glimpses of the red flags through the mesh fence until you got back to the garages and saw the carnage that had opened the race.
“Where did you want to watch from?”
He looked down the pit lane where Redbull separated McLaren and Ferrari. He was torn between loyalties and your heart ached for him before you made the choice that would hurt least.
“Come on, there’s spare clothes in Lando’s room.”
He kept his head down as you led him into the back of the McLaren motorhome, waving off anyone who attempted to approach him. “It will take a while for them to clean up the mess on the track. Why don’t you shower and change before we go back?”
Charles nodded sullenly while you locked the door to Lando’s driver room but he made no attempt to undress as he stood looking lost and broken. He barely breathed as you dragged the zip down his body, pushing the suit over his shoulders before pulling his fireproof shirt off.
“I wish I knew the magic words to make you feel better,” you murmured as you kissed his collarbone. He hadn’t even started the race but the suits were so hot that his skin tasted salty on your lips. “But, I do know one way to distract you…”
His chest finally moved as your hands dragged the rest of his suit down his muscular legs and you dropped to your knees in front of him. Green eyes darkened as he watched you lick your palm before wrapping your fingers around his cock and stroking him to life. His lips parted when you moistened yours and sealing them around his tip and a soft moan filled the room.
The sounds slowly grew louder as you took him deeper in your mouth and you revelled in the sweet praise he gave. His large hand gripped the back of your head as he surrendered himself to the escape from reality that you offered and you moaned when his cock pulsed with his release. The taste of his come coated your tongue and you swallowed it down before licking your lips clean of the saliva that had run down them.
“Shit,” Charles groaned as the door handle rattled, but it was Lando’s voice on the other side and he relaxed at the sound.
Charles reluctantly stepped into the shower cubicle as you opened the door and Lando stole a kiss as a greeting when he entered. He hadn’t seen Charles but his eyes darted around the room as he tasted the lingering musky residue on your lips, pouting at missing out. “You started without me.”
“You still have a race,” Charles pointed out as he turned on the shower.
Lando’s lips turned down and he took a seat on the couch, pulling you onto his lap so you could both watch Charles shower through the glass window.
“He was rather miserable,” you whispered. “He can’t wait for the season to end.”
Lando could understand why. It was an odd position he found himself in because the more points he scored then the more stress was placed on Charles’ shoulders. It was a double edged sword that he hadn’t quite thought about when he envisioned dating a driver.
“I can’t blame him,” Lando muttered. “Just two more races. Hopefully his team manages to fix the car for them. It sucked seeing him spin off like that. I knew he was fine, but it still freaked me out.”
You saw his worry in the form of a frown and forgot that he had been behind the crash. “We have been lucky there hasn’t been any serious crashes this season,” you mused as you rubbed his frown away. “It was bad enough before, but now…” You placed a hand on your stomach and shook your head. “I never want to know that kind of worry.”
There weren’t any words of solace he could find without lying so instead he distracted you from the thoughts with a searing kiss. Soon Charles stepped out of the shower with a towel slung low on his hips and Lando debated staying longer, but he reluctantly shifted you to his side so he could stand.
“You can watch from upstairs if you want,” Lando offered Charles as he watched the water droplets run down his chest. “Or hide in here.”
Charles chuckled knowing ‘hide’ was absolutely a euphemism for what you would actually do. “We will watch you, mon cher,” he assured him with a kiss. “Go and fight Max for first.”
Lando grinned at the thought, loving the challenge that was unlikely but still something to aim for. “Will do, but it should have been you, love.”
Charles shrugged, feeling a little lighter after blowing off some steam and the shower. “It is what it is.”
You heard the announcement over the PA system and checked your watch to see how long there was until the restart time. “Go, your team will be waiting. I’ll take care of Charles.”
“Again?” Lando laughed as he stepped back to the door. “Give the man time to rejuice, baby.”
“Focus on the race,” you reminded him as you opened the door. “I’ll still be here when you finish and then you can think about my mouth all you want.”
You enjoyed the soft groan that clawed up his throat at the thought but you closed the door with a laugh before he could step back in. “Go. We love you!”
“Love you too,” he replied before testing the door handle one last time and finding it locked. “Fine, I’m going.”
Click here for next part.
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strangesthirdeye · 10 months
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Adore ( 10th/14th Doctor x fem! Reader)
Summary: Sometimes old wounds can bleed again Warning: It's the Doctor who doesn't love him? light angst, slap, not a spoiler from The Star Beast special, heart breaking, broken, fluff, old face, forgiveness and horny cat. As usual, I'm sorry if there are any wrong sentences or typos or grammatical mistakes, please forgive me and again English is not my first language, so I try to improve my language and writing in this way.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A few years ago. ⏤͟͟͞͞☆
You have traveled with the Doctor since his 9th regeneration. You already know Rose, Jackie, Mickey and Jack. It can be said that you have made many friends plus enemies while traveling with the Doctor.
Although most of his travel can be dangerous but that is not an obstacle for you to continue traveling with him.
You have met Donna Noble. The kind and spitfire lady. Sometimes she can be a protective partner and sometimes she and her sarcasm can be quite dangerous for a certain period of time. But overall, you and Donna are best friends forever and always tease the Doctor with some kind of flirting and name calling such as Skinny Man or pretty boy, making him blush or whine with embarrassment. Sometimes he just brushed it off.
But then, Davros and the Daleks happen. And there goes Meta Crisis Doctor created by Donna accidentally and Rose coming back from the alternative universe. Everything seems to be planned for this thing to happen. Donna suddenly gets knowledge from the Time Lord causing her brain to burn if she 'uses' too much energy and she will die if it continues so the Doctor decides to wiped all the adventures she, you and the Doctor have been through.
Meanwhile you only looked at what the Doctor did to Donna from the Tardis door with eyes glossy with tears. You can't do anything, but you can only see the knotted situation in front of you. You're speechless and just accept fate with open arms.
Once the Doctor sent the unconscious Donna back to her house, the Doctor just kept quiet and didn't say anything. His shirt was soaked with rainwater, his face was broken and sad while his hands were fiddling with the Tardis control.
You don't know how to approach a situation like this so you just move closer to the Doctor and stand next to him and look at the control with a blank face.
A few seconds later you heard the Doctor sniffling trying to hold back his tears and you could feel the Doctor was about to say something.
"I will take you back home. So better prepared with whatever items you have here" Doctor said in his hoarse voice.
You looked at the Doctor skeptically. "what?"
"I'll take you home.. I can't let you travel with me anymore. It's gone too far and I can't let you in danger anymore" The Doctor exclaimed then pulled and pressed some controls there.
The sounds of wheezing and groaning are heard inside the Tardis indicating that the Tardis has started to move. You looked at the Doctor in disbelief.
"no.. Is this because of what happened earlier? hmm? Now you just want to say that it has crossed the line. But tell me, what we went through before didn't it cross the line too? Then why now do you want to take me back?" you argued
"I never asked for this to happen. Please just.. just don't fight and let me take you home. At least you will be safe" Doctor pleaded.
"But I'm already safe here! With you. Please don't take me back, Doctor..please" you begged with glassy eyes.
The doctor didn't say anything and just controlled the control. He didn't directly look at your broken face because he was afraid he would regret the choice he made. At least what he thought was the right choice. You will be safe. No more threats of aliens or disasters.
You scoffed bitterly. "You can't suddenly take me home, Doctor. I know you."
"actually I can. At least you don't have to go through all this if I'm not there" Doctor replied blankly while looking at you.
The Tardis stopped wheezing and groaned indicating that the destination had been reached. You looked at the Doctor with a betrayed face.
You let out a small whimper trying to hold back the tears. "Why are you doing this? We've been through a lot. Why now?"
"because I can't let the people I adore in danger anymore. All this happened because of me. I'm not a hero you can admire and flatter. I failed to protect the people I adore and now see what happens. I can't let the same thing happened to you too. I-" Doctor paused. "- you should go.."
You are stunned. Tears started to fall and fell down your cheeks, wetting your smooth cheeks. You sighed heavily and looked at the Doctor with betrayed eyes.
"if that's what you think is a good thing, Doctor.. Then once my feet step out of this Tardis that means I've lost faith in you, Doctor." you said with a sad tone of voice.
The Doctor just kept silent and turned his gaze to the control without glazing over you for the last time. You were dumbfounded and just nodded in resignation. Without words, you started walking out to the Tardis door with a sad expression on your face. "I just leave my stuffs here then..I don't need it anymore.."
And there you lost faith with the Doctor. You never see Doctor for several years until now.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Present day ⏤͟͟͞͞☆
"no, no! Pablo. You can't mess with the cat next door! I don't want grandchildren yet" you scolded your cat.
Pablo only meowed and he lazily walked under the table and landed there. You sighed. It's been 4 times Pablo tried to 'flirt' with the cat next to your house sneakily and fortunately your neighbor Dhani brought Pablo back to your house and stated.
"Pablo has started to mate with Munchkin this time. Fortunately, I was able to stop him from making me and you unpaid adoptive grandmothers" Dhani said blankly while handing Pablo into your hand.
You scoffed at Pablo and sat down on your sofa and started reading your book. It's been a long time since you stepped out of the Tardis and since then you haven't heard from the Doctor and you haven't talked about it anymore. You have moved on. You have the job you want, a sex-crazed cat and a new lifestyle that you feel quite comfortable with it.
But there are times when you might shed tears silently remembering the adventures you and the Doctor went through together. You feel a little regret but when you remember the thing that made you step out of the Tardis you immediately forget it.
' Forget about it, he might be happy traveling alone. He doesn't want you anymore' whispered the devil in your ear. You just shook your head and focused on reading again.
But your composure to read doesn't last long when you hear a familiar sound like wheezing and groaning in the back yard of your house. You were transfixed and the book in your hand fell onto your lap. Pablo suddenly woke up and hissed towards the door as if angry with the sound.
You then get up from the couch and go to the window facing the backyard. The curtains are pulled aside and there it stands majestically in the middle of your backyard. Blue Box that is bigger on the inside. Tardis. You exhaled heavily and closed your curtains again then walked towards your couch.
You are pensive. Why? why did he reappear today? why now? To apologize? To make up for all the wrongs he did to you? After all this time why did he suddenly appear in your backyard?
You bite your lip anxiously. This cannot be. What else does he want from you?
Not long after, a knock on the door began to be heard at your back door. You are silent. Breath caught in your mouth and your hands started to sweat. It's him.. That's really him. Why does he want to come back to you after he kicked you out of the Tardis years ago? You looked at Pablo who was still glaring at the back door.
You got up and slowly walked towards the back door. When you got there, your sweaty hands slowly reached for the doorknob. Anxiety and nervousness started to exist in your body while your mind screamed not to open the door and face him. But you don't know if he has regenerated or not. You worry about what you expect is him but it's not the same face. Can he be she? you don't know.
The sound of knocking is heard again this time accompanied by the hoarse voice of the same man who kicked you out a few years ago.
"Y/n, are you there?"
You turned the doorknob and faced his face with a nervous face. There he stood with his thin and tall body still the same as a few years ago only his attire was different and not his usual dark brown trench coat and striped suits in it. The shoes are still the same. Right now he has a dark blue trench coat, a white collar shirt along with a striped blazer matching his pants and complete with a gray tie. But what catches your attention is his slightly older face. His hair is still brown and spiky while his gorgeous brown eyes hold emotions that you can't identify whether it's sad or happy.
"Y/n" he whispered your name slowly as if an old memory struck his mind.
You just looked at his face and moved closer to him. Look upon his dark brown eyes with your uncontrollable emotions, you slap his face with all your heart. Angry tears running down your cheeks. He was stunned.
"What are you doing here, Doctor?" you hissed bitterly.
The Doctor was stunned and his face was upset. His cheeks were red with the imprint of your slap on his cheeks.
"I- I came to apologize" Doctor said slowly.
"why now? after you kicked me out of the Tardis.. why now?" you questioned with an angry tone.
"I think you deserve an apology from me after what I did to you.. I'm very, very sorry after breaking your heart and kicking you out of the Tardis a years ago.. I shouldn't have done that to you.. you deserve better than me" Doctor explained with a sad tone of voice.
"oh, you shouldn't have done that to me, Doctor. If you love your friends, you shouldn't do that suddenly and kick them out of the Tardis without any reasonable reason. Sure, you don't want the same thing happened to me. But don't you think that before this I have been through many dangerous things while traveling with you but you never stopped me from traveling with you. Why? why after Davros and the Daleks invasion, you suddenly change your mind and decide to kick me out? Not to mention what you did to Donna?" you exclaimed in your raspy voice. Your eyes were red with tears while your cheeks were wet with tear streaks.
The doctor was silent.
"i just want you to be safe" Doctor whispered but that was enough for you to hear.
"oh, sod off with me being safe, Doctor. I'm tired with your same excuse. I'm tired with this guilty feeling that I always have and think about what I did wrong to you until you kick me out of the Tardis ." you replied
"I don't want you to go through the same thing as our other friends... I-" Doctor paused and stared at your face with a pleading face.
"What is it, Doctor? After all this time without hearing from you and now you suddenly appear behind my house, why now? I'm already happy and moved on with all that then why did you decide to appear and disturb my peace? " tears fell down your cheeks again.
" because I care about you! i can't lose you. I adore you since the moment we traveled with Rose. I don't have enough courage to say this to you because I'm afraid I'll lose the person I love. Because i know.. I know that I will lose the people I love if I keep doing good things. That is my curse to be a Time Lord. I don't want you to go through the same thing as them so what I decided is the most sensible thing for me to keep you safe " Doctor looked at your face pleadingly.
You are speechless. The Doctor loves you. Now you understand. It's the feeling that you don't want to go through losing someone so dear to you so you push them away in the hope that they will be safe from you. In the hope that they can find a better love than you.
"you.. adore me?" you stammered. while holding out your hand towards the Doctor in disbelief.
"i adore you so much. No matter what my face looks like, I will always adore you and I will do anything to protect you. Half of my hearts is with you. I don't care if you lose faith in me but you still need to know that I really adore you" Doctor held your hand and stroked it gently.
You sighed heavily and brought your right hand to the Doctor's cheek and gently stroked his cheek with your finger. Doctor leaning against your palm while closing his eyes trying to feel the texture of your soft skin. It's been a while since he couldn't have physical contact with you and he doesn't know how much he misses the feeling of your skins.
"how many faces have you been through?" you questioned him with a softened voice.
"I've become an obsessed man with a bowtie and fez, I've become a Scottish man and I've become a woman. But then I got this face again out of nowhere. I don't know why" Doctor explained and placed his forehead on yours.
"why? to apologize?" you replied with a hushed.
"probably to admit my love for you" Doctor chuckled lightly.
You chuckled lightly for a moment then closed your eyes and parted away with him slightly. You stare at his face, his eyes and his lips. The Doctor did the same thing to you. And without wind or storm, you both lean and kiss each other's lips passionately and gently.
The doctor put his right hand on the back of your head and his left hand on your neck while you put both your hands on his chest. Both of your eyes are closed tightly to feel each other's presence. And after that, you both part away and stare at each other's eyes with love and fondness in both of your eyes.
"I adore you too, Doctor"
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minminyoonjii · 2 years
Ultimate Masterlist
💜Rules and Guidelines
💚Announcement and Clarification
💛Scenarios/Fic Requests [x]
Stray Love Haven Series Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: MLM/MLF Short Summary: A Stray Kids Kink Book with 31 Days' worth of plot
Time Out Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Bangchan/Fem! Reader Short Summary: Two idiots in love who couldn't tell the difference between platonic pet names and romantic pet names
Silent Cry Genre: Hurt/Comfort|Angst Pairing: Stray Kids Ot8/Gender Neutral! Reader Short Summary: You had a rough day, wanting nothing more than to sob your heart out alone but what if the eight men in your life felt it
Monster Under My Bed Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Tentacle Monster/Bang Chan/Lee Felix Short Summary: Stress was catching up to Chan and he wanted to relieve himself, somehow tentacles joined the mix and so did Felix
Phobia Genre: Angst|Psychopath AU|Flash Fic Pairing: Stray Kids Ot8/Fem! Reader Short Summary: You had a crush on Chan but your best friend Minho seems to disprove your liking. A night out of clubbing, swirled into weeks of terror.
My Love Genre: Fluff|Romance Pairing: Lee Minho/Han Jisung Short Summary: Minho saw a goddess rush past him, taking his breath away. Only to see the same goddess sit on the swing next to him
Sticky Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Tentacle Plant Monster! Park Jimin/Human! Jeon Jungkook Short Summary: Yoongi kept Jungkook in charge of his wild plant. He warned him about the consequences but Jungkook undermined the warning.
I'm A Charmer Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Stray Kids Song: Venom/Stray Kids Song: Charmer/Fem! Reader Short Summary: Have you ever wondered what it's like to fuck a humanoid version of your favourite song? This is that unhinged fic.
Mini Log Series Genre: Fluff|Ddlg/Mdlg Pairing: Bang Chan/Lee Felix/Fem! Reader Short Summary: Domestic scenes of Chanlix and their little. There will be praise, there will be punishments and most importantly, there will be tooth-rotting sweetness.
Check Up Season Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Doctor! Lee Minho/Fem! Reader Short Summary: Medical play with heavy tension. Lee Know wearing glasses and a doctor's coat is very attractive.
Limousine Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: 3Racha/Short Fem! Reader Short Summary: You pissed off Chan so they fucked you behind a moving vehicle and confessed their love.
Winter Flowers Genre: Hurt/Comfort|Fluff Pairing: Kim Seungmin/Lee Minho Short Summary: Getting stuck on a ski lift isn't ideal, especially if you have acrophobia. Enemies to friends to lovers, a 2Min classic.
Stray Kids Scenarios Series Genre: Undetermined Pairing: OT8/Reader Content: Tucking You In|First Time: Calling Them by Their Title|Pillow Fort|Nightmare|When They Notice You Crying During Sex|Lost My Way|Types Of Spankings|Sneak In|Types Of Aftercare|When You Start Being Bratty|9th Little Member|When You Feel Sick|When They Get A Nightmare|Fussy Diaper|Second Chance
Mirror Genre: Fix-it Fic|Hurt/Comfort|Angst Pairing: Father! Seo Changbin & Son! Bang Chan Short Summary: Coming out is never easy but imagine coming out to your adult son. Changbin just wants to explain to his child why he divorced his mother and left for ten years.
Monster On My Ceiling Genre: Fluff/Smut Pairing: Tentacle Monster/Lee Minho/Hwang Hyunjin Short Summary: Hyunjin wanted nothing more than to get railed silly by Minho but before anything could've happened. Our tentacle friend from Chanlix's endeavours joins in.
Adore You Genre: Fluff/Slight Angst/Smut Paring: Fem Dom! Reader/Bang Chan/Lee Minho/Hwang Hyunjin/Lee Felix Short Summary: Hyunjin had a rough day, so you decided to make love until his brain turns fuzzy.
Champagne and Cigarettes Genre: Fluff/Smut/Abo Pairing: Virgin! Reader/Bang Chan Short Summary: Jisung has been courting you for months, you already knew everyone in the pack and tonight's the night you become a pack member. The only problem is that you didn't know what you signed up for.
Sweet Little Unforgettable Thing Genre: Fluff|Smut|Age Regression Short Summary: It's the few days before your actual period where you just want to get railed. You got overwhelmed and ended up slipping into little space. What are your responsible CG's going to do?
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Nightfall Genre: Fluff|Hurt/Comfort|Slight Angst|Age Regression Short Summary: Snow covered the backyard, and you wanted to play in it. Nightfall came, and the members promised you could play more the next day but why wait until that morning when you could play while they were asleep?
Sanrio Carnival Sanrio Carnival Visualizer Genre: Fluff|Domestic|Age Regression Short Summary: You were a big fan of Sanrio characters. Varying from the mainstream to the niche. One day, your caregiver bought tickets for the Sanrio Carnival. Tons of prizes were won, and many characters were seen. What did you do? Who did you see? 
Monster In My Closet Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Tentacle Monster/Kim Seungmin/Yang Jeongin Short Summary: Seungmin wanted to tease Jeongin into a pile of mush when slick pooled up to his ankles, holding him down.
Threeway To Heaven Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Bang Chan/Lee Felix/Fem! Reader Short Summary: Raves were something your best friends go to frequently and this time they wanted you to join them. Things don't go as planned when you get served a free shot.
Topline Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin/Fem Dom Leaning! Reader Short Summary: You drove home thinking it was just another day. Hyunjin wanted to try something new to spice things up, who else to ask except his beloved members to help him out?
Teacher's Pet Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin/Fem! Reader/Lee Minho Short Summary: Mr. Hwang's course has always been a pain in the ass for your GPA so he decides to confront you on it, but you couldn't hold back from snapping at him. Mr. Lee heard the commotion and wanted to lay some advice.
Moral Of The Story Series Genre: Hurt/Comfort|Angst Pairing: OT8! Straykids/Fem! Reader Short Summary: When a poly relationship starts turning cold, with regret, fear, and betrayal tying the strings of fate.
I Need You Genre: Fluff|Smut Pairing: Fem! Reader/Lee Felix Short Summary: Dance practice ended early and Felix had pent up energy. Carving is a strong emotion to deny when it comes to handsome men who can't stop holding you against them.
Chasing That Feeling Genre: Fluff/Smut Pairing: Lee Minho/Bang Chan/Fem! Reader Short Summary: Movie night snacks are always essential. Who knew bumping into a wall would lead to this?
Guilty Genre: Fluff/Smut Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin/Lee Felix/Fem! Reader Short Summary: What's a little bit of teasing, when you're dating two most sexually driven men with the sheer need to ruin you.
9th Little Member Series Genre: Hurt/Comfort|Fluff|Age Regression Pairing: OT8/Reader Short Summary: You always felt that being a little was troublesome for the group. Hiding it was the only option you had. But you forgot one thing, your members can see through everything. Kidult|Tea Party|Otter Chaos
I'll Be Your Man Series Genre: Smut/Fluff Pairing: OT8/Fem! Reader Short Summary: A Stray Kids Smut Book with a crazy twist
Stray Heart Untold Series Genre: Fluff|Hurt/Comfort|Smut Main Pairing: Bang Chan/Fem! Reader Short Summary: Hero/Villain, betrayal enemies to lovers plot with world building and live writing ARG. Cause of writing: The 2023 5 Stars Trailer - Bang Chan.
Your Fault Genre: Fluff/Smut Pairing: Bang Chan/Fem! Reader Short Summary: All you wanted to do want watch a movie. You warned him, you told him it was slow. It's all his fault that his cock took over his brain.
Mommy's Home Genre: Fluff/Smut Pairing: Lee Felix/Fem! Reader Short Summary: There's nothing a good old-fashioned BJ can't fix, especially when you're stressed.
Double Trouble Genre: Fluff/Smut Pairing: Seo Changbin/Bang Chan/Fem! Reader Short Summary: Princesses always had the right to feel full. It's not wrong to beg your boyfriend for another set of dick.
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875 notes · View notes
unknownperson246 · 3 months
Why Didnt You Tell Me? Chapter 6: Shes Finally Here (last chapter)
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words: 637
warnings: *angst* *fluff* *mentions of drugs* *mentions of alcohol* *rehab* *pregnancy*
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It has been two months and you're now eight months pregnant. It's been 5 months since you have been in rehab. You are sitting in the doctor's office again. Dr.Kelly is explaining how you are being released today. Your and Nikki’s things are packed in the room you have been sleeping in for 5 months.  
“Okay, Y/N and Nikki you're all good to go,” Dr.Kelly says while handing you some papers.
“What are these papers?” You ask your doctor.
“These are the release papers just sign them and you and Nikki can leave” Dr.Kelly explains.
You and Nikki sign the papers that release you from rehab. 
You two are finally out and you decide to go home since you were hungry. 
“Nikki I feel funny,” You say to Nikki while panicking.
“Babe, what do you feel?” Nikki says as he holds onto your hand.
“I feel like I'm going to puke,” You say running to the toilet.
You go over to the toilet and start to puke your guts out. Nikki is behind you trying to comfort and take care of you. 
“It's okay baby,” Nikki says, rubbing your back softly.
“After you finish up I'm going to get you in a warm bath baby, that should help you feel better,” Nikki says in your ear.
“Nikki, can you please join me?” You ask after you finish puking.
“Yeah, I will,” He says before kissing you on your cheek.
Nikki grabs fresh comfortable clothes for you and him and two towels before he starts the warm bath. After the tub is filled with warm water you discard your clothes and get in. After you get in Nikki does the same. You two are now relaxing in the bathtub.
“Nikki, I feel like I'm aching again,” You say.
“Where does it hurt?.” Nikki asks gently 
You point to your ankles. 
“After the bath, I'll help you put bengay on them,” Nikki says.
You are craving your drugs and booze again and you try so hard to try to ignore the feeling.
“Nikki I’m craving wine,” You say.
“You just got out of rehab Y/N and you're pregnant,” Nikki says firmly,
“I know but I just wanted to tell you in case I start to use drugs and alcohol again,” You say quietly while trying to get your hair out of the way.
“Y/N you need self-control,” Nikki says kind of frustrated.
“I know,” You say.
After you guys finish taking your bath together he gets out first and dries himself off. He helps you out and makes sure you dry yourself down. You put on your silky light pink nightgown that was hanging on the hooks of the door. You get out of the bathroom with Nikki.
“Nikki, I'm sorry for whining to you about my problems,” You say to him. 
“Y/N whenever you get an urge to start using or drinking just try to use a coping mechanism. use something that takes your mind off of drugs and alcohol.” Nikki says firmly.
“Okay, Nikki,” You say quietly.
It's now March 18th. It’s the 9th month of your pregnancy and your due date is finally here. You just finished giving birth to your daughter. You and Nikki had decided on the name Natasha Raven Sixx. Nikki is holding her and looking at her in awe. 
“She’s finally here. Y/N you did it,” Nikki says with a couple of tears.
“You did amazing Y/N,” He says after he puts Natasha down. He starts to brush your hair out of your face.
After a couple of days you head home and you take care of Natasha. During the night whenever she would cry Nikki would wake up and take care of her. You were both amazing parents to your little daughter.
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noxi3xe · 2 months
Sepperate post for this
Dangerous Entanglement
Chapters & their synopsis
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I decided to lay out all of the chapters in this post to make it more.. clean? If that makes sense
Otherwise my other post’s gonna get too long. I’ll keep updating this one with each new chapter I release. Might do the same for any future works (:
Current chapters:
-Fateful revelations: Introduction and world development, we find out basic information.
-Secret and Allies: we make friends with Hu Tao, who holds our secret and helps us find out more about our soulmates.
-A Perilous Celebration: Our 22nd birthday! It’s all going well and smooth till we notice a little something in the distance.
-Hilltop Hazard: What’s a celebration without sneaking into a fatui camp and almost getting caught?
-Caught and Almost Cornered: But of course how can you end a birthday party without getting chased?
-A Fateful Encounter: The bank’s always busy, you never know who you’ll meet there. Could be one of your soulmates.
-Mountain Mysteries and New Friends: A little scare in the mail to start out your day strong, but new friends fix all worries.
-Heartfelt Goodbyes: saying goodbye to our new friends to head back to the city and continue our *boring* life (which is about to get interesting)
-Ball Gown Secrets: What’s better than waking up to your best friend arguing with your father, winning the argument then taking you shopping? Nothing!
-Voyage to Snezhnaya: The trip to Snezhnaya finally arrives! I wonder whatever we might talk about on the trip, hopefully not something that’ll change our entire life!
-City Sights and Palace Nights: We had arrived to Snezhnaya! Time to look around and get used to the place, the sights are lovely and the people even lovelier.
-Draped in Pearls: Finally the night we’ve been awaiting, and how else could it start off other than with a staring match?
-Snatched by the 9th: Perhaps coming to Snezhnaya wasn't such a good Idea after all. If only we could clear our mind witnout a certain somebody chasing us down..
-First Official Meeting: Face to face finally with those we're supposed to spend our life with, at least that's what the universe has planned for us. They don't seem that bad after all, perhaps we were over exaggerating
-Enforcing Rules: It's time to sit down for a talk and end the evening with what else than being forced into a bath, there's nothing better!
-Getting Comfortable: A chill day, nothing on our mind other than laying back a little.
-Office Works: Well running errands for Pantalone sure did not end as one would expect, thankfully nothing worse than a bit of bullying happened, right?
-Errand Runs: Gone Wrong: Yesterday was confusing and exhausting, but today was something different. Why was luck not on our side and why did it seem as if the whole region had something against us? TW: Minor Violence and Angst (A little bit of it, at least).
-Laboratory shenanigans: We've had enough of everybody, enough of getting pushed around and perhaps we took it out on the right person!
-Promotions and Experimentation: First official day at the lab, I wonder what The Doctor has planned as our first experiment! TW: NSFW
-Stormy nights: Passing out randomly lead to waking up hours later and that lead to bonding.. if you could call it bonding even, more like eventual bickering!
-'First' official day off: Looks like a certain somebody has fallen sick! And what's a better way to rest and take the day slow than to read a book and cuddle under the blankets? TW: Gore and horror aspects (We Read a book)
-Promises: It sure is sweet when a story ends happily, isn't it? That's what we had always thought but never really knew we would once experience our happy ending as well. TW: NSFW
+ bonus chapter [sheep] There's a lil secret I gotta tell you that I definitely haven't told anybody (Author's note and a thank you)
DottoreEnjoyer69 on AO3
Link to the fic here
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owen-writes · 9 months
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NSFW = 🚫 ANGST = 😭 FLUFF = ❤️
Dentist (Gender Neutral) ❤️
Flirting? (Male Reader) ❤️
Headcannons (Male Reader) ❤️
Tardis Library (Gender Neutral) ❤️
Behave (Male Reader) 🚫
A Noble Christmas (Male Reader) ❤️
Stupidity (Male Reader) ❤️
You let go... (Gender Neutral) ❤️
What Are We (Gender Neutral) ❤️
Adorable? (Gender Neutral) ❤️
Son Of The Doctor (Male Reader) ❤️
Goody-Two Shoes (Gender Neutral) ❤️
Rory's Brother (Male Reader) ❤️
First Kiss (Male Reader) ❤️
Name Change (FTM Reader) ❤️
Rory Williams
Nurse Williams (Male Reader) ❤️
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ka0ila · 11 months
| Late
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© Ka0ila 2023 — all rights reserved. i do not allow translations, or any kind of distribution on other platforms. this is my only account.
Pairing- Seungmin X Reader [9th member]
Argument, Problematic, Sensitive topic
Genre- Angst
Warnings- Angst, Smut, Degradation, Miscarriage, Sensitive topics [MDI!]
It had been going for days. Him coming back home late, for which i couldn’t care less because i had my own dead lines. I come back in the dorms usually expecting Seungmin to not be home. To my surprise i see him on the sofa on his phone,
“you’re back” he said without glancing at me. To which i simply nodded not caring whether he noticed or not. I was pissed at him, both of us are busy but i still atleast leave him one text a day to which he doesn’t bother to reply to. And him being in my dorm after weeks acting everything’s normal, pissed me off even more.
“you’re late?” Seungmin passed a snarky remark, “and you’re never?” i scoff. I wasn’t in the mood to argue or even talk but now if that’s what he wants, sure. “where were you?” Seungmin asked, “had work.” i simply replied while getting a glass of water for myself. “i searched the entire company, you weren’t there.”
Seungmin finally kept the book down, “what is this about seungmin, be fucking straight.” i look at him, placing the glass harshly on the counter top even before taking my first sip, “you know what i’m talking about” Seungmin said scoffing, “no seungmin, i fucking don’t. i dont know whatever you’re on, maybe i should be the one asking you, what the fuck do you want?” and i finally snapped. i was avoiding it, but it was about time.
nobody in the group ever tried to interfere in out arguments, ever. i looked at chan enter and leave, it was understandable, truly.
“seungmin you fucking don’t bother to even text me and now you’re mad at me? mad at me for what? because i didn’t bother to tell my whereabouts to my boyfriend who doesn’t even bother to see my text? or infact come home? or even tell me he’s gonna be late? sure.” i said chuckling.
“Oh don’t act like it’s my fault here, you would’ve done the same, if you were busy stop this whole blaming game” Seungmin said in his meanest tone.
“Yeah? maybe i should seungmin, fucking fine.” with that, i rush to the door and leave the dorms.
I needed time, it was too fucking much. We’re obviously not how we used to be.
“Stop leaving, (y/n), stop running away.” Seungmin said in a low voice. For some reason, it broke me. I stopped dead on my tracks, looking at the door with blank eyes, “i.. i leave seungmin? leave what? you? are you even there for me to leave you?”
“the world doesn’t revolve around you (y/n) i can’t always be here!”
“when are you? when are you here seungmin?” i said slowly looking back at him.
“i’ve been busy, why can’t you understand?” Seungmin said clenching his teeth.
“and i’m not? i understand you’re busy but the least you could do is atleast see my text? you know how shitty it makes me feel? you know i feel like im clingy and you’re tired of me.” i said,
“oh god, you know what, maybe i am.” with that, he turned away and made his way to his room.
that’s it. that’s fucking it. with that i open the door to leave but suddenly fall on the ground because of the striking pain in my stomach, blood..? why is there blood..? was i.. pregnant? “(y/n)? are you okay?!” i heard Minho and Hyunjin shout, “i.. i don’t..” and i passed out.
i got my consciousness back, but didn’t feel like opening my eyes, i was too tired. i could hear someone talking but wasn’t able to make out who it was. “she’s most likely to wake up soon, i’ll take my leave now, make sure she’s not stressed the moment she wakes up.” with that i heard the door open, where was i? “yes, doctor.” i hear a shaky voice, was it seungmin?
“im so sorry.. i.. it’s all my fucking fault.. i’m sorry (y/n)… we lost our baby, im so, so sorry.”
i was broken, i had killed our baby, it was all my fault.
all my fault.
i couldn’t forgive myself, ever, i had been so.. so ignorant towards her, fuck. what will i do when she wakes up? i’m too ashamed for her to even see me. i get up, i didn’t deserve to be here, “where are you going?” i heard her speak, for some reason, i felt paralysed, unable to speak, move, react.
“are you gonna leave now, too?” no, no, no, how could i.
my head hung low, “i’m so.. so sorry,” something fell down my face, tears? was i crying? i couldn’t bring myself to look at her, at all. “i didn’t know either seungmin, it’s not your fault, i know you would’ve not behaved the way you did if you knew” i heard her speak in a small voice.
how can she say that? it still doesn’t justify what i did, no, not at all.
“it doesn’t justify the fact i was a jerk to you all these weeks (y/n). i feel ashamed that i realised after this happened, i too ashamed to even ask for your forgiveness, i..”
“isn’t it a bit too late seungmin?”
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so, this had been in my drafts for quite a while now. personal opinion, i don’t like it. but i had to post something for yall, i have seriously no motivation these days, im so sorry :(
note: lmk if yall want a part 2 of this.
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madychi · 2 years
List of ROTTMNT headcanons/rando ideas!
Disaster Twins Edition pt 2!
When sleep deprived Leo and Donnie they crave the others calming presence. They shift around like zombies trying to find the other. When they do it’s cuddle time. If they can’t the curl up on themselves and cry.
Leo, as a red ear slider, is known to aggressively beg for food should he miss a meal or two. Because of this Donnie keeps “Emergency Leo Snacks” ™️ hidden everywhere.
In turn Leo keeps a shallow tray of sand and water in his room for Donnie to pancake and bury himself in when stressed. Leo will feed him while he’s distressing, if only to watch him stretch his head out of the muddy sand.
Both boys can stretch their necks out really long. As turtle tots they often stretched their necks to freak out Splinter.
When the other twin is in trouble the other can tell. Leo gets a tingle on his left arm and Donnie gets a tingle on his right. Donnie has hypothesized that it a result of they’re little adventure conjoined. (A little idea from pt 1 of this.)
They can do a flawless impression of the other. Its something they could do from a young age. This was most definitely used for mischief.
Donnie has Autism. Leo has ADHD. Actually isn’t that just canon..? Eh-
As tots Donnie had to explain to Leo what it was to have sensory overload after an… incident. Leo felt horrible for stressing Donnie out with what was supposed to be a harmless prank. Even if Donnie had to say he forgave him multiple times, Leo vowed to make it up to him.
Hence! Leo’s gift for Donnie’s 9th birthday. It took a lot of bribery and blackmailing to get Splinter to allow it, but it payed off. Leo brought Donnie to a previously unused room in the lair, where he surprised him with his gift. A sensory deprivation tank in a nice dark room that was padded to be sound proof. After Leo explained the gift Donnie couldn’t contain his tears. Donnie didn’t leave that room for a whole week, and would only let Leo in for small talk and food. While he’s too big for the tank now he still likes going there. Its his and Leo’s secret spot now.
While neither Leo nor Donnie would ever admit it aloud, and would have to kill anyone who finds out, their favorite non Lou Jitsu movie… is: Tinkerbell and the Secret of the Wings. They watched it in secret when they were seven and fell in love with it. Donnie dresses as Tinkerbell and Leo dresses as Periwinkle when they watch it. Everyone knows this secret, but don’t dare say anything. Why ruin their little secret?
Hmm… theres an alarming lack of angst. That won’t do!
When the tots first met April Donnie was fascinated with her and was constantly orbiting around her and taking notes. Leo, as most boys do, got jealous. They had their first and only major fight when Leo confronted Donnie. In the end Leo suggested that April was Donnie’s twin now since he wanted to hang out with her so much. While Raph talked to Leo, Mikey had to console Donnie with good ole Doctor Feelings. It didn’t work. Leo ignored Donnie for a whole month, and each time Don tried to talk to Leo only to be shut down it mad his mental state worse and worse. Finally Raph and Mikey had enough and decided to give his brothers a much needed push… their idea of a push was to kidnap them both while they slept and lock them in a metal box until they talked things out. Which wasn’t bad per say. They just forgot to drill breathing holes in it. The near suffocating experience worked though! So yay?
Okay back to fluff!
Sometimes Donnie and Leo like to dress up and pretend to be the other twin. Mikey is the only one who knows. Raph is convinced they’re who they say they are and Splinter has his suspicions but can’t be sure. Mikey only knows because he walked in on them changing once. They bribed him with secret pizza for a lifetime.
Donnie and Leo have and run a Lou Jitsu fan group Discord. They are known for writing the most god tier in character fanfics ever!
After the events of the movie, the Turtles are more widely known and have an online fan community. Donnie and Leo know and keep it hidden from the others. Especially when they see the horrors of… shipping. Despite this they join the fan community for the lolz and watch with popcorn as they each post that the other turtle is better and watch the war start as people debate which turtle is better, hotter, smarter, etc.
Leo and Donnie have a gaming youtube channel where they use vtuber models that are just human versions of themselves. Mikey made the models for them in exchange for favors. They brand themselves as “The Twin Tubers”.
Pt 1: Here Pt 3: Here
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missvelvetsstuff · 1 year
The Wrong One
Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Reader met Steve while he was on the run and stuck by him through everything. Until he saw Peggy Carter again.
6. Real Life
Warnings: swearing, angst
A few months after she left the compound Y/N was settled into her Queens brownstone that Pepper helped her buy. They had kept in touch but Y/N made Pepper promise not to tell Steve, Bucky or Sam because she knew that the first would find out if the latter two did. Pepper and Morgan were all that she had now, except for the life quickly growing inside her.
Helen Cho was her doctor since the baby was half super soldier and she had experience with the enhanced.
Y/N looked like she was near term even though she was only 5 months and they were expecting to have to perform a c-section well before her 9th month.
Y/N went to her favorite ice cream parlor in Brooklyn, annoyed that it was their only shop. Steve had taken her there many times when they lived in the compound and while the memories made her sad, she'd been craving their ice cream for weeks and couldn't stand it any more. She tried other brands but none of them lived up to this shop. Unfortunately she was too far away to have it delivered so  decided to take the train instead of dealing with traffic and parking. At least it was mid day so the subway wasn't too crowded and she was able to sit comfortably.
When the train made it to her stop she slowly climbed the stairs up to the sidewalk and stopped for a minute to catch her breath then went 2 blocks to her destination.
The owner welcomed her back, made a cone for her to sit and enjoy while they packed her half a gallon of their ultra chocolate decadence, into her insulated bag. They chatted for a bit about nothing important until some customers came in and they said goodbye.
When Y/N stood up to leave she grabbed her purse and her ice cream then turned around and bumped into something solid. She felt strong hands hold her upper arms to steady her. One of those hands was cooler than the other but it took her a minute to process that.
She shook her head "I'm so sorry, fuck." Mumbling "so damn clumsy anymore, I-"
She jumped hearing her name in a familiar voice, then cussed softly "fuck." and cleared her throat, forcing a strained smile before she looked at him
"Hi Bucky, how have you been?"
Bucky nodded "I've been good." He looked her obviously pregnant body over, then looked her in the eyes with his brow raised questioningly "So, uh, what's new?" He chuckled
She felt her face heat up "Oh, you know just had a craving so had to run to my favorite ice cream shop. He used to bring me here."
"Yeah, it's still owned by the same family we knew as kids." Bucky rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably
"You know, He still talks about you a lot. Keeps asking me to bring you to visit but yeah." He smiled sadly at her "You changed your number?"
"I'm sorry Bucky, I know he's your friend but I really don't want to talk to or about him." She sighed "I needed some space."
"I understand but is it his?"
She snapped at him "She is mine. He made his choice to desert me. To be nothing more than a sperm donor." She took a deep breath and fixed her smile "I need to get home before my ice cream melts."
She sighed "I'd rather you didn't mention that you saw me to Steve but I know that's unlikely. I know you guys can probably get my information with a couple of key strokes but before you do please consider that I left and changed my number so maybe some respect for what I want or need is called for. See you around Barnes."
Bucky felt awful for what she was going through, all alone. He just stood there watching her walk away, admiring her curves. He didn't understand how Steve could leave a woman like that, even without a kid, but Steve was never logical when it came to Peggy Carter.
Bucky knew he probably shouldn't but looked her up and checked out the neighborhood where she lived. He told himself that it was just because Steve asked him to keep an eye on her, that he just wanted her to be safe and happy but he knew better. He knew he should tell Steve, he knew his friend had a right to know Y/N was pregnant with his kid but was conflicted. She had been through enough thanks to Steve and Bucky didn't want to be one more person who betrayed or left her.
Bucky had been jealous of the woman Steve was always talking about on the phone, when Bucky was still in Wakanda.
He was a little in love with her based on Steve's descriptions alone. The stories of how she helped Steve after the Snap were heartwarming and Bucky wanted someone that made him feel that way.
Y/N had definitely made him feel some kind of way the day they met but with the fight that was barreling down at them he brushed it off so he could focus.
He was losing that focus.
A couple of weeks after Bucky saw Y/N he still hadn't figured it out and was aimlessly flipping channels when he came across the story about the new Captain America, holding the shield that Sam had 'retired' and thoughts of Y/N were pushed out by his anger.
While Bucky was arguing with Sam about the shield his phone rang, Steve. He sent it to voicemail and put the phone back in his pocket.
Sam looked at him "Steve?" Bucky nodded. Sam shook his head "Since when do you reject his calls?" Bucky shrugged.
Sam shook his head "Well, he's worried about you. Told me it's been more than 2 weeks since you spoke. So, what's going on?"
Bucky sighed "I saw Y/N. A couple of weeks ago."
Sam looked at him "And?"
Bucky huffed "And she asked me not to tell him. He asks about her every time I talk to him and I don't like lying to him." He paused, thinking.
"I get that you're trying to honor her wishes but just telling him you saw her and she's fine isn't a betrayal. She is fine, right?" Sam thought for a moment "Shit, she has a new boyfriend, doesn't she? Look man, it's great that you want to spare his feelings but he knew it would happen, he made his choice."
Bucky shook his head "No she doesn't have a boyfriend."
Sam raised his eyebrows and grinned "She got a girlfriend?"
Bucky scoffed "Jesus Sam are you 12? No she doesn't have a girlfriend. At least not that she told me about." He sighed "Look, just drop it."
Sam's smile fell "sorry man but you know you can talk to me if you need to. Anytime." He pushed a little "Like right now is good, I'm all ears because I-"
Bucky shook his head "She's pregnant ok! You just keep going until I want to hit you."
Sam's eyes grew wide and his jaw dropped "What do you mean she's pregnant? How-. Is it?"
"I'm pretty sure you know how and yes, she said it's Steve's. She is Steve's."
"Buck, you gotta tell him. He has the right to know about his kid."
"Yeah and then Steve will stick his dumb ass into things and put her through more drama which is bad for her and the baby. We should just leave her alone."
He declared confidently when he wasn't sure he could do that.
He wanted to take care of her and her baby. Then get married and make more.
That thought hit him upside the head.
That's when he realized he was in love with her.
Y/N on the other hand had been in a near constant state of anxiety after seeing Bucky. If Steve found out she was pregnant he would try to force his way back in her life and if he pushed the issue no judge would rule against Captain America. She'd be lucky if she ever saw her baby again.
She started looking into moving somewhere else, somewhere far. She thought about going back to Ireland but he would think about it too.
After scouring the web for ideas she realized she couldn't go very far. Her baby could show up anytime now and she was a higher risk for complications with a super soldier baby. She needed to stay close to Helen Cho and Starks state of the art med bay.
After all those years moving about the world she was stuck here. At least for now. Even if Steve found out, she wasn't going to give up her baby, not without a fight.
Sam was stressed. Besides all the bullshit with the Flag Smashers and faux Captain America, he still wasn't sure what to do about what Bucky had told him.
He had plans to have lunch with Steve but didn't know how to get through that without Steve realizing he's hiding something.
A few hours later and Sam was pissed. At himself, one damn beer and he's spilling secrets like a mean girl.
Steve was angry too "What the Hell do you mean she's pregnant?" He shook his head "Doesn't matter if she is, can't be mine."
He thought for a minute "When did Bucky tell you?"
Sam looked away from Steve's accusing eyes "last week."
Steve clenched his fists "And when did Bucky see her?"
Sam sighed "a couple of weeks before that."
Steve's face hardened and his voice, cold "I want her contact information yesterday!"
Chapter 7
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hippopotamusdreamer · 4 months
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[PS] - Plus Size [A] - Angst [F] - Fluff [M] - Mature [AU] - Alt Universe [C] - Crack
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9th Member
Behind The Scenes - [A] [F]
8 Times SKZ Cared/Protected You - [A] [F] [C]
This is Pure Betrayal - [A]
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Doctor, Doctor - [AU] [M] [PS]
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yesitsmaddy · 9 months
So I recently just started writing fanfic after YEARS of being an active reader. What kicked this sudden burst of inspiration off? The AMAZING movie Saltburn. So far I am loving the process of writing, and I have been able to come up with ideas on my own. However, I know a good way to get inspiration and ideas is to turn to my fellow netizens and see what you all are yearning too read. I have compiled a list of Fandoms I am very familiar with, as well as a few I have SOME experience with, but not a lot. Please comment even your deepest and darkest requests, I am willing to write pretty much anything.
List of Fandoms I am VERY Familiar with:
Saltburn (2023)
Good Omens
Harry Potter (all properties)
Big Bang Theory/Young Sheldon
Hunger Games (original and prequel)
Game of Thrones (original series NOT HoD)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (first series)
Rick and Morty
The Flash (up until like season 5)
Squid Game
Cyberpunk (both the game and the anime)
Tokyo Ghoul (the anime and a little bit of the manga)
Breaking Bad
The Walking Dead (VIDEO GAME series)
Stranger Things
What We do in the Shadows (TV show)
Our Flag Means Death
The Last of Us (the first game and the TV show)
Avatar (the movies)
List of Fandoms I am SOMEWHAT Familiar with:
The Walking Dead (TV Show)
Twilight (movies)
Doctor Who (VERY familiar with the 10th and 11th Doctors, slightly familiar with the 9th)
MCU (Mostly things before Phase 5)
Chainsaw Man (anime only)
Im sure there are ones I'm missing, but this should be a pretty good start. Please feel free to request any pairing, angst, fluff, smut, etc... Thanks in advance!
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hailucy · 1 year
REQUESTS for fanfics
Hi everyone! I’m Hai! i use she/her pronouns
I’ve always been using tumblr to read fanfics but never to write or post anything, however lately i’ve been having an urge to write fics. So here i am *jazz hands*
Disclaimer: I’m not the best at grammar specifically comma placements so if there’s a problem with any of that please ignore it or message me!! Also i’m probably a slow writer :) i’ll most likely start with drabbles and work my way up
(names written are the characters i would favour writing however you can suggest any)
Harry Potter (golden trio era):
Theodore Nott, Mattheo Riddle, Blaine Zabini, any of the other slytherins
Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez, Annabeth Chase,
Shameless USA:
Lip Gallagher, Carl Gallagher
(i’m only on season 3 but i know a lot of spoilers so that’s why i decided to write for shameless however if requesting please don’t center it around big plot points that occur after season 3, i’ll update after each season i’ve watched)
Azriel, Cassian, Nesta Archeron, Eris Vanserra, Lucien, Vanserra
Doctor Who:
9th Doctor, 10th Doctor, 11th Doctor, 12th Doctor, 13th Doctor, Rose Tyler, Donna Noble(platonic)
Across the Spiderverse:
Miles 42, Hobie Brown, Miguel O’Hara
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid, Elle Greenaway
Dean Winchester
(i’m only on season 5 so if requesting please don’t center it around big plot points that occur after/during season 5, i’ll update after each season i’ve watched)
Dominic Fike:
(hes the only [real] person i will write for as of now)
- GN reader and Fem Reader (only because i’m more comfortable and experienced)
- Fluff
-Angst (my favourite)
-Smut (i’m not comfortable with it… yet;)
-incest, pedophilia or anything that correlates with these things
-yandere (i’m simply not able to write it. no shaming over here i promise!)
-second chance but the reason they broke up was because one cheated or abused the other. (i’m sorry but i cant, they deserve better) however i am able to write cheating or abuse if asked but only if it ends with a happy ending and reader does not end up with abuser/cheater. Or if there was a mistake(miscommunication when it comes to the cheating)
-If a character is part of the Lgbtq+ community i will not pair them with a gender they don’t like romantically (like Ian Gallagher x fem reader but i can do GN reader). This doesn’t mean i won’t write sibling or platonic reader for that person
(because i’m a hater, i’m sorry. however they can be mentioned or be the ‘antagonist’ but they can’t be the main character )
Luke Castellan, Rhysand, Feyre Archeron, Elain Archeron, Debbie Gallagher(don’t hate her but i don’t really understand/like her character enough to write for her), Calypso(i’m an avid hater)
Reminder i will write for anyone not mentioned but i will prioritise the names listed above
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