#nnt scenario
sydns · 2 years
Monderi prompt
This image but it's a very drunk monderi moment
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instarsandcrime · 4 months
A Fresh Start
Obligatory "character neglects physical and emotional wellbeing so a loved one has to step in" fic! I hope you have your own Charlie somewhere to step in and stop you from overdoing things! Enjoy ❤️
Let it be said that Lucifer was nothing if not prepared for the worst case scenario. Met with an assassination attempt? He could handle an army with three wings tied behind his back. A sudden flood of requests from his citizens? Give him his favorite coffee mug and an all-nighter, and it'll all be sorted by tomorrow morning. Catch a glimpse of Alastor in the hallway? Remind himself why he’s here in the first place– to be there for Charlie.
Unfortunately, despite his better efforts, today his immune system said otherwise.
"Do it for Charlie. D-do it fohh...for...hit'schhh! ‘Tshh! Hit'tshhhiew! Het'CHIEW! HISHHH’HIEW! Ohhh..." Lucifer groaned, tossing another one of his many handkerchiefs into the laundry bin beside him. He massaged the bridge of his nose, glancing wearily at the clock. Three in the morning. He had to get up in four hours. Still in a drooping nightrobe, he stared back down at the snow white paper– save for a few scribbles of ink. 
“Hit'schh! 'Tshh! 'TCHH! Oh you've gotta be f-fucking kihhh-- k-kidding me– Hit'SHIEW! Just let me finish thihhhs and g-guhhh-go to behhh-heh-het’SCHHH'hiew!"
Sniffling back congestion, he suppressed another miserable noise as he collapsed back in his seat. Apparently the fit had spattered ink across the canvas like blood on a crime scene.
He reached for another handkerchief to force a gurgling blow, scarlet eyes trailing to the cellphone beside him. A ridiculous thought prodded at his foggy mind, and Lucifer shook his head to clear it. No. No, that's silly. He's been absent from the hotel for so long, he couldn't stop now! His little girl was counting on him! Maybe he'll just call to wish her luck. Ignoring the tight knot in his stomach, Lucifer snatched up the phone with shaky claws. It rang once. Twice. Then--
"Dad?" A sleepy voice yawned from the other end.
The sudden possibility painted his mind, and he scrambled to end the call. A silence fell over the room. Lucifer’s lungs burned from hyperventilating. His heart drummed in his ears. Why did he do that. Why did he do that? The knot tugged itself tighter. 
Okay. It's fine. This is fine. Maybe she’ll think that he pressed a button in his sleep–
"Hi Dad! It’s Charlie. Do you mind if I step in for a sec?"
--and a knock on the door interrupted his frantic thoughts, shattering any possible means of escape. 
"Ch-Charlie?” Lucifer’s panic fell to guilt, “Oh Sweetie, I didn’t mean to wake you up. Why don’t you go back to bed?" He hurriedly crossed the room with aching legs, finally braving the mirror to fix his awful appearance. 
"Oh! I-it’s fine, really! It's just-- you sounded like you were crying. So I wanted to come in and make sure everything was okay. …Is everything okay?" 
"Don’t you worry your pretty little head! Time ran away from me, that’s all." With the wave of his hand gold mist sputtered and spurted weakly until all his blemishes were gone. A bright flush faded from his nose and cheeks. A red and gold robe was no longer slumped and wrinkled. Blonde hair bounced back into place. Bruise-colored eyebags shrunk to small shadows. He cringed at the way his fingers tingled, but stuffed the feeling down with a stubborn, slowly swarming itch. 
Her father opened the door slowly, hinges squeaking softly along the way. His daughter stood there in her silky pajama set, rubbing at cherub cheeks to chase off the cobwebs of sleep. "I just need a few more minutes and then I’ll–" 
Lucifer paused as his uninvited guest strolled into the room still bleary-eyed, messy hair swaying behind her. A panic welling in his gut as a strong tickle followed suit. He quickly pressed the lower half of his face to the hem of his bathrobe, desperate to stifle as silently as possible.
"'Nnt! 'Nxt! 'Hnxt! 'Htch! 'Tchhht! 'Tchhh! H'NXT!"
“I know, I know! But it’s pretty late, and it sounds like you’re still chipping away at the first draft. Maybe there’s something I can do?"
The second she turned around Lucifer snapped ramrod straight, cheshire grin plastered to his face. "Really? You don't hahh-have to."
“Are you absolutely, one-hundred-and-ten percent sure you’re okay?” Charlie raised a curious brow.
"I-- yes! I’m fine! Actually, I called because I neehh- snff! needed your help writing it." He winced, mentally slapping himself. 
Suddenly, the world seemed to stop just for Charlie Morningstar. Her eyes sparkled, suspicious behavior completely forgotten. 
"Wh-what?" Lucifer stammered, rubbing a finger under his nose to keep it from twitching like a rabbit.
"Nothing! Nothing, I just– nevermind!" His daughter sat on the edge of his chair, already waiting with bated breath. "Why don't you read it out loud? I want the full presentation!"
Oh. Oh, no.
"Of course!" Lucifer took the two-sentence script in his hands. The same one that looked like a cheap Jackson Pollock painting. The same one that he couldn't even read a sentence through without spiraling into a fit. Don't freak out. Don't frehhh--
"Hhh..." He inhaled through his nose, trying to ignore the tickle that began to creep down its bridge. "Good morning, denizens of Hell. It's w-with…hih-hhhhit'schhhiew!" He quickly covered his mouth, "Goodness! Excuse me. Ahem!"
Charlie's excitement wavered into something unreadable, cocking her head. "Um. Are you–"
"Fine! I’m fihh– hhheh! Hep'SHHHIEW!" Oh, for fuck’s sake! "It's wihhh…with great pleasure thahhht…J-Jehhh-JesusMaryJoseph– HIT’SCHH! ’TSHH! T’CHHHIEW! HHHET’SHhhoo…"
Thin brows furrowed. "Dad."
"Dust!" Lucifer blurted, chuckling despite the hand he held to his pounding head. "Haven't dusted in a whi-while– ET'SHH! HET'SSHHH! Nnnhh…oh goodness– snff! I’m so sorry, Charlie. What was I saying…?"
Gentle hands took his shoulders, and through his hazy fog he found himself steadied, sitting on a plush mattress. "Easy. It’s okay. You’re okay."
Breathless and dizzy, he felt a soft tissue press into his palm. Quickly turning to blow his nose– cringing when it played like a mucky trumpet solo– and found himself looking back at the mirror.
"...Charlie?" Lucifer rasped, tossing his now-soaked wad in the wastebin. Eyes still glued to his reflection.
"How long were my illusions down for?"
"Oh! Ummm. I think halfway through the first sentence."
"Of course it was."
"Yyyep! ‘Cause you’re sick."
"...A little." Lucifer immediately perked up again, "B-but I can still give the speech!"
Charlie's expression dropped. "Listen. I know you mean well, really I do, but you can't even go two minutes without sneezing your poor head off."
"Oh, please." A growing dread bloomed inside him, patting his pockets for more handkerchiefs– paling when he came up empty.
The princess crossed her arms expectantly.
"No, no. I’m proving my point. I'm getting my point proven in three. Two."
"C-come on, I said I’m fi…hhhh…f-ffide…hit'schiew! 'Tshhhiew!"
"See? Not even a minute–"
"Het'CHIEW! ‘CHIEW! ESHH! ESHHH! ET'CHHH! HIT'SHH!" Charlie squeaked as she dodged her patient, pitching helplessly into his hands. Blushing madly, he slapped his palm against a dripping nose. "Ugh-- snff! Thadt was disgusti’g-- ET'CHH! Shit!"
The other winced, reaching for the a tissue. Then stopped to think better of it, setting the box on his lap. "I guess I just don’t understand." 
"It's, um. It's not that I don't want your help." Charlie moved to sit beside the sickly demon, patiently waiting while he cleaned himself up. "You're just a little more dedicated than I expected. It's nice that you offered to lead the opening ceremony, but. Why didn't you ask me to do it instead if you weren't feeling well?"
Lucifer stared blankly for a moment.
"...Did you...not know that was an option?"
"I-I don't know, Char. It’s been me and the ol’ workshop for quite a while! I've never really lived with anyone else since..." Lucifer’s raspy voice trailed off into silence, claws drumming nervously on his thighs.
Two pairs of scarlet eyes trailed to a small picture propped on the dresser. A baby Charlie laughing happily, lifted in the air by Lucifer, kissed on the forehead by...well. The fallen angel cleared his throat, clasping his the hem of his sleeves to keep them from shaking. Nerves calmed when a warmth suddenly embraced him.
"I miss her too." Charlie whispered in his ear, adding a doting squeeze for good measure.
"It’s okay, Char-Char. I’m okay."
"But you always say that! You always say you’re fine, but you’re not. It's– it’s not fair! It’s not fair that I had so many people behind me this entire time, and you were stuck in a room for years!"
Pulling back, her father squeezed her shoulders with a gentle smile. "But I'm here with you now. That's all that matters."
"Yeah." Charlie started to brighten, a realization lighting a new fire in her eyes. "Yeah, you are!"
"I…am." Lucifer repeated with an uncomfortable delicacy.
The Princess of Hell cleared her throat. She sat pencil straight, smoothing her pants and straightening the lapels on her nightshirt.
"Where-- snff! Wh-where is this going?"
"Lucifer Morningstar." Charlie began. She stood tall to grab the other’s hand, tugging him upwards with a startled yelp. "How would you like to join a very special hotel?"
"I already live here?" The demon king faltered, grabbing onto the headboard before he could fall.
"You are! But being a visitor and being a resident are two entirely different things! Everyone at my Hazbin Hotel has something they need to work on! Whether they want to cross those Pearly Gates or not, it's always a good idea to improve the soul!"
"No need to sell me the pihh-pitch." Lucifer retorted, weaving another handkerchief from thin air. Or at least tried to, blinking back shock when he tried a few more times to no avail.
"Oh, but I absolutely have to!" Charlie lifted a finger, grabbing a tissue from the bed. "You make a good dad, sure. But you'd also make a good resident! You just need a push in the right direction since you have a lot to work on!"
"Charlie!” Lucifer’s voice cracked, heavy with offense, “What're you tuhh-talking about? I don’t need...n-need to…work on anythih-hih-hitshhhew! Ishhh'hoo! Het'schiew! Hih'SCHHH! 'ISHHHIEW!"
Charlie hummed, waving the tissue in his face, "Exhibit A! Too prideful to ask for help."
"Hey!" Lucifer protested, still taking the fabric to blow his stopped-up sinuses for what seemed like the umpteenth time that night. Distracted, she poked his side, earning a squeak.
"Exhibit B! Because you’ve been working so hard, you haven't taken care of yourself! It’s so obvious that you haven’t slept or eaten in days A resident is required to fuel those bones and keep their mind sharp!"
"I’m just making sure everything’s still running before opening-- ack!" Lucifer stumbled backwards as his daughter loomed over him. His spine thumped against the wall, realizing he was literally and figuratively backed into a corner.
"I knew it!” Charlie cried, “Exhibit C! If you’re not asking to share responsibility and refuse to take care of yourself, you’ll overexert yourself. Not limited to your powers! You clearly need to learn how to set them."
"It was-- snff! it was just a gazebo!"
"That had a huge garden around it! You just finished building the hotel too." Charlie inhaled through her nose, frustration softening with a patient exhale. She took his hands in her own, tracing circles on their backs. "I know it’s hard. The hotel is so different from the life you used to live, and you want to make up for the lost time you have now. So everything has to be perfect. But it’s okay if you stumble a little. It’s okay if you relapse. When you can’t show it, let me take my turn. I’ll be the one this time to remind you that there's a family here. And that family loves you."
Lucifer paused. He let out a little huff of a laugh. Then a hiccup. His eyes grew misty, and he quickly moved to wipe them with his wrist. "Heheh! I s-suppose I can't blame this on dust again, huh?"
"Nahhh. I think Niffty would freak if she heard you slander her hard work, anyway." Charlie bent down to kiss a feverish forehead, "Now get your butt to bed, mister."
Ever grateful, Lucifer rested his head on her shoulder, leaning on the support as they walked. "Whatever you say, kiddo."
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pendragon-of-chaos · 1 year
If requests are open can i request NNT Arthur and a vigilante (I believe is the word not sure) s/o who helps protect the town people secretly and maybe one night they randomly bump into each other on the way home and Arthur’s starts getting suspicious on what’s going on thank you and have a nice day!
I started this as a small scenario but it ended up being a little longer than the usual ones. I also thought I wouldn't be able to write something that pleased me, but I think it ended being better than what I thought. Hope you like it!
Small scenario: Arthur Pendragon with a fem!secret vigilante S/O:
"Have you heard the rumours about that one vigilante??? Who do you think they are? I wish I could talk to them some day, they seem soooo cool! Maybe I should be a vigilante too... Well, I am already a knight, but having a secret identity sounds fun too! What do you think??"
It was a sunny morning. Arthur and Y/N were enjoying a break eating some sweets, sitting on a table while talking about the latest news.
"I've heard about it. Seems like they are already quite popular within Camelot, aren't they?"
"Indeed! Specially within the knights. I've heard they are placing bets on who is the one behind that mask"
"Really? And who do they think is the responsible of all this?"
"There are different opinions, no one seems to agree with just one, so I can't really speak for them." Arthur shrugged his shoulders while taking one of the freshly baked buns on the table in front of him. "As for me, I don't agree with them either. I don't know, but my instinct says that the responsible isn't one of the knights... It's just a feeling". He took a bite and smiled at (Y/N) "If you ever have any clue you must tell me, ok?"
"Of course, I'll do my best to help you discover the secret identity of that vigilante, don't worry"
"His instincts sure are good" - (Y/N) sighed deeply, looking at the dark streets from the top of a poorly illuminated roof, making sure no one could see her - "I'm careful enough to not leave behind any sort of information that could uncover me and he still reaches that conclusion; guess I'll need to be even more cautious just in case..."
She looked back to the streets for a couple minutes, until a suspicious acting shadow figure entered an alley in between some houses. It emerged from time to time, looking to both sides of the street, and hiding again; until a pair of drunk men made their way past the entrance
"What a good night huh?" - The shadow appeared behind them. It looked like a big strong man by his silhouette. Not that his strength mattered versus those two people which weren't even able to mantain their balance, even less when he pulled out of his coat a bright dagger - "Now, give me all you got in your pockets if you don't want to end up worse than you already are"
Overcome by panic, the two men leaned on each other trying to not fall down, clumsily looking for their pockets and throwing everything their hands touched in them
"Y-Yeah sir, just leave us alone damn it! We didn't do anything"
"Just make sure to shut your mouth about this. You went home with no money because you spent it all on drinking, right?" Laughing, the robber walked towards them in an intimidating way - "Get out of my sight, scumb-AGH"
He turned around quickly, hand in his nape, rubbing to ease the pain of the sudden hit which came out of nowhere. In front of him, another figure covered in black stood still
"Going for the easy targets I see. Such a shame that you wasted your time waiting for them to pass by, I've seen it all". A pair of hands appeared under the cloack, ready to take care of the criminal in front of them
He wasted no time and, knife in hand, lunged towards (Y/N), who didn't move an inch. She was ready to counter attack, until a few feet away from her he appeared, behind the criminal, in less than the blink of an eye.
"I got him!"
A familiar orange-haired boy stopped the attack by skillfully positioning his sword blade near the criminal's neck in one second, and then disarmed him in the next one, sheathing his sword and laying him on the ground
"Arthur! I can-!!!" (Y/N) shut her mouth while everything happened. If she talked more than neccesary Arthur would discover her. She was also impressed with his abilities. She had seen him training but never using his skills in a real situation. The king looked back at her, still restraining his hands behind his back
"We'll take him to the castle's dungeons for the night and tomorrow morning the knights will take care of him. I'll gladly accept yor help with this task"
(Y/N) nodded in afirmation, and with a simple hand movement a pair of handcuffs appeared on the criminal's wrists.
"Much better!" - Smiling, Arthur got up from him, helping him to stand up - "Now let's head to the castle"
He looked back to were (Y/N) was standing, inviting her to come with him, but there was nobody to be seen there.
It was morning once again. (Y/N) was sitting at the table as she always does, having breakfast, when she heard the doors opening
"Hey hey, I've got something to tell you!"
Arthur took a sit next to her quickly, smiling excited to talk with her.
"Hmm? What is it Arthur?"
"I crossed paths yesterday night with the vigilante!"
"Oh really?" - (Y/N) put on her best confused face to not arouse any more suspicions - "How did you even manage to find them? What did exactly happen?"
"I went outside the kingdom yesterday, searching for some materials that Merlin asked me to find. It was more difficult than what I thought so I returned to Camelot late at night. While I was walking down the street I saw how a man tried to rob other two, and then the vigilante appeared to help them. But as a King I can't stand idly by when something like this happens, that's why I went to help them too! It was pretty easy, and I hoped I could talk to them after having the situation controlled, but they disappeared when I wasn't looking"
"Wow... I'm happy for you, but it sounds like in the end you didn't get to know who was behind the mask"
"I guess so, but at least now I have new clues. Listen, I think that the secret vigilante must be near our age judging by its appearance and movements, and they also know how to use magic. That reduces the number of potential people by a lot... Oh! And by their voice I think it might be a woman? But everything happened so fast, I'm not even sure. If I had a few more minutes I'm sure I could have gotten more information"
"Just a few seconds and he got all of that from me" (Y/N) thought to herself - "That's a lot considering you said everything happened fast"
"Right..." - Arthur looked directly at (Y/N) for a few seconds - "one more thing, didn't Merlin show you some time ago those magical spheres that makes you disappear if you use them?"
"...Are you insinuating that I am the vigilante?"
"Just a possibility, my instinct tells me you might know more than you tell me"
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librathefangirl · 7 months
i need to know about all of these fics NOW (no pressure take your time ofc ofc)
Wrath of a Captain
Moment of Rest (a Decade Too Late)
Hitmen!Demon bros AU
Galand exposes Meliodas' demon secret
How to Demon (Yes, Captain, This is Really Necessary)
Meliodas and the Kids AU #1
also never realized how silly i name my documents till now 😭😭😭‼️‼️‼️
Ahh hearing you excited about all these is making me excited to write them again (hoping to get back to writing more soon - october was a mess and a half :( but I have 2 whumptober fics that I almost finished that should maybe might be posted soon?)
Okay so...
Wrath of a Captain
Fun fact about this one is that it was one of (possibly the) first nnt fic ideas I wrote down when I first got into the fandom. Tho in what - 1-1,5 years? - I've still barely started writing it (oops). But not for lack of interest! I'm still excited about this one, I just haven't been able to specify the scenario enough to start writing (I keep getting distracted by other fic ideas lol).
To summarize the idea in three words: Protective Captain Meliodas.
And here's a rough summary I wrote for myself:
The Seven Deadly sins were a well-known force only fools would take lightly. Though faced with a captain that was small and short, and seemed the complete opposite of wrath itself, it was easy to underestimate him. But just because the captain didn't get angry, didn't mean he never got close. Especially if one were foolish enough to dare attack his team.
A Moment of Rest (a Decade Too Late)
This is a fic I started this summer and then kinda forgot about (oh the art of finishing a fic before moving on to the next one). It takes place after the Capital of the Dead arc and deals with the aftermath of Sins being split-up for 10 years from King's perspective. Now, I can't remember, if it originally was supposed to be "Meliodas was alone for 10 years" angst or "Meliodas was alone for 10 years and demons don't do well in isolation" angst, but it's probably gonna end up being the second one now. Which means the rest of the Sins, while not knowing Meliodas' full story, knows he is a demon and how these past 10 years would have affected him because of it.
Here's a little sneak peek:
The princess had already retired into the Boar Hat, while Ban had simply settled for grabbing Meliodas and sprawling out on the ground. He wasn’t sleeping. His ease was a facade at best. King knew that he too was plagued by these past ten years, and the guilt they brought. It had never been supposed to go this far… Meliodas seemed dazed. A state hopefully only brought forth by the lull of sleep slowly claiming him. He wasn’t quite asleep yet though. To an outsider he might have seemed to be, but King knew him better. His guard was still firmly up, although slowly but surely being picked apart by Ban’s hand repeatedly running through his hair. Meliodas was curled up tighter than he normally would, yet at the same time more relaxed than King had seen him since before they were framed. His head was neatly tucked on top of Ban’s chest. Ear over his heart, no doubt. He’d always had a particular fondness of that, their captain. Easily soothed by the beat of a heart – by the beat of their hearts at least.
Hitmen!Demon bros AU
Oooh this one. thiiiis one! I'm still mostly in the planning stage for this one, but I can't wait until I get to share the full thing with you all. Like the name suggests, it's a modern (possibly slight futuristic) AU where the DK raised his sons as hitmen. It's gonna be a multichapter fic (probably my longest wip yet) and there will be lots of demon bros angst!
Fun fact, while the I had thought about this AU a bit, I wasn't necessarily planning on writing it at first. Then my mind provided me with this super angsty demon bros scene and an awful chapter cliffhanger, and well, now I'm invested. I need to know how this story ends. (If this sounds familiar, I did mention this once before).
Anyway, I have written the first 300-something words, setting up the angst before a jump back in time, so here's a sneak peek:
Perhaps one of the most defining moments in Meliodas’ life happened on January 29th the year he was turning 26. The day Meliodas found himself on a rooftop staring down his own little brother, a raised gun in both their hands aimed at each other. The only sound was the falling rain as the world itself seemed to hold its breath waiting for who would make the first move. At that moment, Meliodas had thought he had known exactly how the day would end. He had known it in the calculating part of his mind that he never could quite shut off, and had felt it in his heart that seemed to break every time he saw his little brother. He had thought he knew what would happen. He had been wrong. Everybody has a choice, but sometimes it doesn’t matter what you chose.
Galand exposes Meliodas' demon secret
Now this one I've shared a bit about before - partly to complain about my (still going strong) habit of stopping my writing in the middle of a sentence. Sadly, I haven't really made any progress since then. Mostly because I can't remember where tf the story was supposed to go (did I even have a plan?? I found the story aka the snippet of writing in a school notebook I hadn't used for months, so who knows).
Anyway! What I do know is that Galand fucks everything up on purpose, and is the one to reveal Meliodas' demon secret to the rest of the Sins. How the story continues from there, well, I'll figure that out eventually. For now, the last part of the fic looks like this:
It had all started with a confrontation with one of the Ten Commandments. Galand of Truth. He hadn’t even seemed to be looking for a fight – not in that moment anyway – King had noticed. He’d just been there to stir up trouble. Always playing games as usual¸ Meliodas had said. Well, games or not, Galand really had caused trouble. The demon had been quick to pick up on the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins’ surprise that Meliodas seemed to know him personally, and then deduced...DEDUCED WHAT??
How to Demon (Yes, Captain, This is Really Necessary)
This is actually a request/fic idea I got from a reader on ao3. It's also mostly still in the planning stage, having taken a backseat to my Febuwhump fic. But the idea is basically Melin giving a lesson on demons to the Sins with the (reluctant) aid of Meliodas. Or in other words, Merlin is sick of being (almost) the only one who knows how to keep Mel alive and will make it everybody's probably whether they want to or not. It'll also take place in the same AU as The Heat of the Storm (which means more of my demon thermoregulation, yay! - oh, actually, sidenote: I'm working on a post about that hc).
So, we'll have random demon lore/headcanons/stuff, some humor, and, of course, angst (probably more angst than should come from this otherwise humorous idea).
Meliodas and the Kids AU #1
The first of (at least) three fics taking place in the Meliodas and the Kids AU (aka Meliodas Adopts the Sins). In this AU, instead of the Sins becoming knights together way down the line, Meliodas ends up adopting/taking them in as kids* over the years.
Now, I use the term kids loosely here since neither King nor Gowther will actually be kids in the normal sense. But Gowther will be on his own for the first time and also still new to the world, and King, well, I still got some ideas for his relationship with Mel (and also, he is still significantly younger than Mel, so I say he still counts as his kid).
This first fic will consist of six chapters (one for each "kid"), exploring how Meliodas ended up taking them all in, and the dynamics of this mismatched little family (mostly the kids relationships' with Mel).
(Also Elizabeth is probably gonna be dead-dead in this AU).
Here's a sneak peek from the first (Merlin's) chapter:
When you find yourself stuck in time, it’s good to set up some rules for yourself, unless you want to lose yourself to madness. Meliodas didn’t have the luxury for madness. Madness was not going to solve anything. He would still be stuck here, unaging and undying, without an end in sight. Submitting to madness would also be admitting that the only purpose his life had left was suffering. An eternity alone in the human realm as a punishment for his crimes against the Demon King. His father was a huge asshole, okay? Meliodas was not about to give him the satisfaction of watching him break. So, he made some rules. The most important one was: do not get attached. [some other stuff not included in this sneak peek] Do not get attached. It was simple and important – and Meliodas had broken the rule before he had even made it.
(also I love your wip titles XD and will definitely send an ask for some ramblings of your own - but that will have to wait, I've got an 8am lecture in less than 7 hours and need to get some sleep, so Imma put a to be continued on the wip talk for now)
WIP Tag/Ask Game!
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spacehostilityy · 1 year
My NNT rewatch s1ep19-24
Ps these are backlogged lol I watched fast but then ran out of time for work. Posting this now bc I'm going to Appalachia to visit family and will have very little wifi lol
I know Elaine is pretty underdeveloped (nothing a little fanfic can't fix), but I do love how even in flashbacks, she's more serious and responsible than king
Why was Diane still like 6 after hundreds of years ?? Like why wouldn't they just show her aging?
ITS BEEN 500 YEARS? Meaning only a couple centuries before present?? WHY IS DIANE SO SMALL? HOW BAD WAS HER GROWTH SPURT???
Damn king rlly said mercy kill
The Druids having the technique Enslavement of the Dead is actually really cool because it shows us that the goddess race really was that fucked up from the very beginning. Like the characters realize that Ludociel and Nerobasta are not all there made out to be eventually, but we can see just from the types of abilities the druids (aka those closest to and led by the goddess race) possess
Hendrickson saying "bien, princesa" or EVEN BETTER "THAT'S A GOOD GIRL" LIKE ASDJSKFJSL hes evil and a little annoying but so fcking hot
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Ban telling Meliodas he loves him and then trying to kill him while meliodas is just like bitch I'm busy we can do this later is so funny
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this man gives zero fucks
Ban being the first to realize (after merlin obvi, but she always knew) that Meliodas is a demon and also being the first to accept him means so much to me. This is why I love their relationship. No matter how horrible the other seems to be (or is lol), they stand by each other. I mean not in this specific scenario, but Ban only cares bc the horn of cernunos told him to, so I don't think it really counts. (im delusional)
also I'm typing this on my laptop now and I forgot that I can type this fast ehehe AND i found a way to screenshot so no more taking pics of my laptop for meee
Something about characters begging for death (ban and meliodas) makes me become obsessed with them (i am mentally ill)
MELIODAS BEING WILLING TO LET BAN KILL HIM (if he can do so successfully lol)😭 I know he would just come back, but he would be stuck in Purgatory ASJDKFJSL I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCHHH
every day, i find out just how i much i am capable of shipping them and every day that limit is surpassed
straight besties that would literally die for each other is the ideal fictional relationship
esp bc melizabeth (my actual main ship) doesn't get rlly good until she regains her memories/is a flashback
bro i totally forgot dreyfus fucking dies how does he come back??
ok ban is having his MOMENT after finding out hendy has been using the corpse of the red demon HE killed 20 yrs ago
also I know ban is like 43 and the whole twilight argument is edward is basically just a 100 year old man so following that logic, Ban is middle aged BUT as someone who is close in age to Ban from before he became immortal, that man is the most 23 year old man to ever 23 year old man. He is chronically in his early 20s frfr
king realizing in that moment judt how wrong he was abt the destruction of the fairykings' forest is the biggest oh fuck moment lol
also i may have 🏴‍☠️ed the bandit ban ova to hurt my own feelings
hendy taunting ban by saying his demonic powers are all thanks to him and ban just saying he's "always happy to help" is such a mood honestly
hendy gets hotter with every demon transformation😔
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Meliodas and Ban mourning hawk actually makes me so sad wtf
elizabeth is such a bad bitch when she awakens her power i love her
also hendy being like wow such a powerful druid as if he himself is not a druid and should know this power (and her eyes) is goddess level 🤨
i bet meliodas was shitting himself trying to see whether or not re reawakened her memories tho like damn he was actually probably so scared he would lose her in 3 days without the chance to break their curses
Diane and Ban having the exact same expression is actually rlly funny to me
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wow i remember so little of season 1 lol
them all just beating the everloving shit out of meliodas is entirely too funny to me
HAHA i was RIGHT about revenge counter im literally a genius
😏 face down ass up babygorl
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this is one of the cutest frames in the whole show fr fr😌
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Diane: "Sorry we didnt come for you sooner!☺️" King: "Yeah we've never kidnapped a princess before haha :}"
so in the very last after credits scene, gil, howzer, and griamore are all standing around Dreyfus's work table staring at the drawing of meliodas's demon mark as. But as we know from other characrers later on, can have lots of different marks. Meliodas, Zeldris, and Estarossa all have the same one, but maybe this is a family thing? But if it is, why would demon!Hendy have it?? is the grey denon somehow a relatuve of the demon bros lol
ill do a mini ramble over the ovas that netflix likes to call season 2 then move on to the read deal
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pingpongb4ll · 1 year
Guide to fanfiction requests + general blog rules.
!This blog may occasionally post NSFW content!
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Please look in about section to see if requests are open :))
Resident evil (please specify version)
Linked universe (I won't write anything 18+ due to creators boundaries)
The legend of zelda (please specify version)
Devil may cry (please specify version)
Genshin impact
Chainsaw man
Demon slayer
Fullmetal alchemist
Stranger things
Stardew Valley
I will write anything within reason:
Character X reader (M/F/GN)
Character x character (I'm happy to write for niche ships :))
Headcannons (general or scenario based)
Platonic or romantic (please be specific in request, it helps a lot )
I will not write:
18+ content for minors (I will ask for proof if you request anything sexual or unusually gory, basically anything that could be considered NSFW)
Minor x adult - I don't feel comfortable writing it so please don't ask
R4P3 or Noncon- yet again I don't feel comfortable so please don't ask for it.
Incest- I don't really need to explain this one so please don't ask for it
Major sexual content- I'm not the most comfortable writing it, anything will either be minor or just implied.
If you want your request to be posted to AO3 let ne know
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bbyxbambi · 2 years
gloxinia headcanons (general)
gloxinia x gn!reader
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⭒ gloxinia definitely dotes on his significant other; always taking care of them and making sure all their wants and needs are taken care of.
⭒ constantly spoiling them. gloxinia loves giving his lover gifts, flowers, affection, ect. this would be a love language for him, especially the flowers. glox would give flowers to his beloved everyday, as soon as he sees one that he thinks his lover would like, he snatches it up to give to them.
⭒ speaking of affection, the fairy king adores affection, giving and receiving. mixed feelings about pda, definitely tones it down compared to in private but will still give a quick yet loving kiss on the cheek, a hug or put his arm around his partner’s waist.
⭒ lovessssss self-care, and absolutely loves doing self care with his significant other. bubble baths, face masks, hair treatments, you name it, he loves it.
⭒ big on keeping himself groomed, hair, wings, everything. it’s no wonder his hair and wings are perfect and this man has no problem making sure his lover is well groomed themselves, only if they’re okay with it of course. he will help keep their wings looking beautiful (if they are a fairy) as well as help wash and brush their hair whenever they want.
⭒ continuing on with the hair, one of the king’s favourite thing to do is do his significant others hair. he will always be doing new styles on his lover’s hair, as well as his personal favourite ones. he himself was kinda funny about having his haired touched at first since he needs it to be perfect at all times and cares for it so much, however, after that first time he felt his partner run their hands through his hair he became obsessed.
⭒ as fairy king, gloxinia has a lot of duties which can sometimes lead to him not seeing his beloved all day since he is so busy. of course, any chance he gets, he slips away to check up on them, give them a chaste kiss and remind them he loves them but unfortunately there’s occasions where he doesn’t get that chance. he definitely makes up for it though when he’s finished his duties for the day, giving his love whatever they desire.
⭒ glox would take his partner on cute but simple dates like berry picking, or having a relaxing stroll through the fairy king’s forest, or even just staying at home and cuddling all day.
⭒ I mentioned affection before but cuddling is definitely this mans favourite form. he could do it alllllll day. he would even skip one or two of his duties to cuddle with his beloved a little longer, this is what he lives for.
⭒ gloxinia would overall be the most amazing lover. he would be kind, caring and generous and he would love his partner until the end of time.
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luxscape · 3 years
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i am back after a 2+ (????) year hiatus lmao
to celebrate, i am accepting exceptionally kinky, exceptionally dark, and exceptionally seasonally-themed requests!!!!
headcanons are preferred but you can honestly send whatever!
no posting schedule set yet, will update if that changes!
my carrd has been updated, please read it before requesting
if you remember me from my old blog, i am a different man now. i still love to have fun though, so please stop by and interact :)
will run through the 31st, here's a prompt to help you get started!
will run through the 31st, here's a prompt to help get you started!
will run through december 21st, here's a prompt to help get you started!
so excited, i hope to receive some requests, and i hope you all enjoy the event! have a happy holiday season!
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oreosmama · 4 years
More Than a Name (Ban x Reader/Soulmate AU)
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*GIF not mine*
Summary: While escaping from the Holy Knights who are chasing after not her, but the name on her wrist, YN runs into the last person she expected to see so soon: Ban, her soulmate. 
Author’s Note: This is my first x reader/overall fanfiction that I have ever written, so please be nice:) (and I wrote it at 3:00 am using speech-to-text cuz I’m lazy so…) I do realize it is a little, you know, terrible, so I apologize, but I just wanted to finally write something for once in my life that wasn’t for a class. Anyways, onto the story!
Word count: 1884
        People were lined up and down the main street of the town like a bunch of impatient ants waiting for food. YN knew this was a waste of their time, and nervously scratched the skin just below the leather bracelet on her wrist. Ashamed, she watched as her neighbors were grabbed harshly by their right arms, inspected, then shoved away with unnecessary force as the Holy Knights reached for the townspeople next in line. YN knew what they were looking for too; it was people like her. Those with one of the names of the Seven Deadly Sins gracing their flesh.
       Months ago, Great Holy Knights Dreyfus and Hendrickson had asked that the soulmates of the Sins give themselves up for the greater good of Liones. The Knights wanted to use the Sins own perfect partners against them, use them as human bait. When no one had admitted their affiliations, the Knights decided to invade towns one by one, searching for leverage on the Sins in soulmate-form to goad them to surrender their lives up for capture.
       Now, as YN lay in wait inside her small home near the town square for a Holy Knight to knock down her door and kidnap her, she decided to return to packing and not give up hope. She had been distracted by the small glimpse of her fellow townspeople waiting in a line for nothing, and finally realized that if she had made eye contact with any one of them, she would be done for. Shoving the last of her shirts into her heavily-packed satchel, she laced up her brown boots and headed for the back door. Her pants sagged slightly, so the girl removed the decorative string from the V of her blouse and wrapped it tightly around her waist through the loops of her pants, constricting her airways slightly but ensuring her clothing security. YN knew that she would have to move swiftly, so there would be no time to fiddle with the loose riding pants she had stolen from her neighbor. Sure, thievery was bad, but YN’s survival depended on it, and her strict wardrobe of work skirts and flowy blouses would not make for quick travel.
       Just as she slinked out of her home's second exit, the young woman heard the last thing she wanted to hear shouted across the square. Over the top of her house and through the alleys of the buildings beside it, a Holy Knight declared, “We are looking for a YN YLN.” Like a deer in headlights she froze while observing her clean escape, the forest behind her home, with wide, fearful eyes. Deciding hastily, YN took a chance and made a run for it, loudly shouldering through branches and stomping on twigs as she rushed past the trees. She had no idea where the blurs of brown and green around her led, or even if they ended, but the girl decided she would rather be eaten by a rabid bear than be endlessly tortured and waiting for her outlaw of a soulmate to save her from the clutches of the dastardly Holy Knights. The racket she was making in the woods could have never been quieted by the mumbling lines of people in the town, and YN knew that, so she sprinted harder than her legs could take, muscles burning from the taxing movements. Just when the young woman could no longer hear the steps of her pursuers over her own heaving pants, she burst into a clearing and screamed at the sight of a giant and it’s ginormous, green pet pig, adorned with a building for a hat. YN screeches in fright once more when she tries to backtrack herself, only to notice the Holy Knights once again, directly on her tail. Suddenly, her feet are dangling in the air as YN is enclosed in the gentle, almost tender grasp of the female giant behind her.
       Giving YN a calming smile, the human colossus states, “Hi, there, I’m Diane.” She gestures to herself before pointing to YN’s followers and asking, “Why are you being chased?” YN’s eyes widen in recognition at the name before glancing to the side at Diane’s pet pig, only to see three more curious pairs of eyes blinking from atop the animal along with a second, smaller pink boar.
       However, YN is no idiot, so when she makes eye contact with her fated lover, the first words out of her mouth is “Shit,” muttered under her breath. Fighting her urge to struggle within the giant’s grasp, YN looks at Diane once more before stuttering out, “Please help me.”
       During all of this, Ban’s ruby eyes grow in offense at YN’s first word, asking, “Should I be insulted? ‘Cause I feel insulted.” YN cannot hold back an eye roll at his dramatic statement during her personal crisis. Shocked at her brazen action, Ban goes rigid and drops his jaw. Meliodas, YN assumes, smacks Ban on the arm to bring him back to the matter at hand, which is chasing off YN’s pursuers. Meanwhile, the young girl fights off her newfangled urge to throw up after discovering her fear of heights in Diane’s grip.
       After Ban and his blonde companion accomplish their job of beating Knights into submission and fear, the last soldier that had followed YN limps away while shouting, “We will kidnap every last one of you Sins’ soulmates, just you wait!” before rushing back into the forest faster than lightning. This act causes YN to ponder if that was some special ability of his, or if it was just his inner-wuss taking control in fear of retaliation on the Sins’ behalf. The gray-haired female, who YN has learned was named Elizabeth and was also a princess of Liones (all while boredly waiting for the Sins’ return), gasped in fear at the Knight’s bold declaration.
       Gowther, the last Sin to leave the Boar Hut at the sounds of the battle’s ruckus outside, gave a resounding “Hm” while inspecting YN after the statement. The remaining Sins all shared a conjoined moment of understanding, their mouths forming ‘oh’ shapes as they turned their gazes to the young girl, eyes tracking as they watched Diane finally, finally, return her to the forest floor.
       YN clenched her teeth as she awkwardly stood in the spotlight of the group’s scrutiny. Chuckling nervously, YN slowly backs away as she spouts, “I don’t want anything to do with you guys, I swear. I don’t even know why they were after me, they had the wrong girl.” Her eyes quickly moved from person to person, warily watching to see if she had convinced them. 
       Ban easily noticed that she was lying and joked, “Wow, if you really don’t like your Sin of a soulmate so much, you must be Gowther’s!” He laughs over dramatically at his wisecrack to ease the tension, but when YN swallows and laughs anxiously once more, Ban has another epiphany and declares, “Holy shit, I was right!” YN’s eyebrows raise at his obliviousness, but quickly lower when Ban approaches her. His plan soon becomes evident, as the albino wants the pair of lovebirds to meet via him dragging YN to her impassive “soulmate.” This idea, however, is quickly shut down when YN flinches away from Ban just as he is about to grasp her wrist. The Sin of Greed is surprised and worried by her actions, concerned he has hurt her in some way. Meliodas, ever the gentleman, hurriedly reduces the thick atmosphere by ordering the large, green pig to burrow into the ground. YN has no time to be startled, as she is quickly ushered inside the building on top of the hog. Diane remains outside, talking quickly and silently with the Sin of Sloth, occasionally glancing through a window at the gang inside. As YN steps through the doors of the cozy bar and gazes around in pleasant surprise, she gives her attention to the Sin next to her, Gowther, who opens his mouth to state something.
       Before the pink haired man can speak, however, Meliodas shouts, “Gowther, Elizabeth and I need to talk to you!” before dragging his soulmate and his fellow Sin out of the room, winking at YN and slamming the door. Flinching at the loud bang before rolling her eyes in exasperation, YN acknowledges what she must do. She takes a seat on a stool of the bar and gestures for Ban to do the same.
       While slowly lowering himself into his seat, Ban decides to exercise basic human decency by asking, “So, what’s your name?” YN shuts him down immediately, shaking her head.
       Pursing her lips, she vaguely proclaims, “I don’t want to say until I see.” She adds quietly, “Can you show me your wrist...please?” Her eyes are almost sad as she watches him confusedly flash his wrist to her, and YN presses her tongue to the roof of her mouth to prevent her gasp. There it is, her own scrappy handwriting gracing his pale skin in harsh, permanent ink. The young girl inhales slowly, but she knows it is not enough oxygen as her lungs burn and she begins to feel lightheaded. Still, she decides against the act of loudly inhaling for fear of drawing his eyes to her, unknown to YN, pleased-looking face.
       Slowly, the young woman gently hovers her fingertips over the marking of her name, just far enough away that neither of them could feel the promised “sparks” of first soulmate-contact. Almost unwillingly, YN pulls back and finally makes eye contact with Ban again. She wants to commit his beautiful, red orbs to memory, and attempts to do so as she slowly unlaces her leather bracelet, smiling faintly when the act draws his eyes. She wants to remember them, and she knows that for a fact.
        ‘At least if he doesn’t like me, I could still remember something beautiful from this moment,’ she tells herself, admiring his white lashes as well. Tearing away the bracelet like a Band-Aid, she uncovers his own name on her wrist, written softly in cursive. It’s perfectly imperfect, as it’s his complete opposite; while he’s often erratic and wild, YN finds his name on her wrist comforting.
        Ban becomes still the sight, but YN scrutinizes his reaction even more, preparing to book it out of there if need be. Slowly, Ban reaches out to touch his own name, almost in disbelief of the view before him. Sparks flow up YN’s arm and throughout her whole body after he makes contact, and a warm, tingling feeling follows. It’s like a combination of adrenaline and anticipation, she notes, and it finally settles in the pit of her stomach. This time around, YN cannot withhold her gasp, and Ban’s face slowly raises to reveal a smile. Not a cocky, irritating smirk like the ones she had seen printed on his wanted posters, an expression he normally wears, but a genuinely happy, almost teary-eyed grin. 
        With her eyes on him, he whispers softly, “I found you,” while tenderly rubbing his thumb back and forth across his own name. No longer fearing rejection, YN is ecstatic as she returns his smile full-force.
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nintendh0epart2 · 4 years
Boyfriend Headcanons for the fox's sin of greed, 🦊Ban🦊?
Ban Boyfriend Headcannons
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-You’re his weakness
-And his soft spot
-He just wants to hold you all day everyday
-And let me tell you he lives up to his sin
-Always has an arm/hand or something on you, wants people to know you’re taken
-Are those hickies? Maybe
-Has arguments with Meliodas over you versus Elizabeth on who’s the better waifu
-Trusts you with everything
-His insecurities, his story, doubts, worries, everything
-You’re his shoulder to lean on and he’s yours
-You’re also his motivation
-He would never let anything happen to you, and every time he fights you’re what he’s fighting for
-Cooks for you
-It would take a while for him to tell you about Elaine. He would eventually, but he’d be hesitant. Don’t get me wrongs he’s moved on thanks to you but it’s still a tough subject
-Doesn’t care who’s around you or where you are, he wants to kiss you he does it
-It can be a peck or it can be more depends on his mood
-But let me tell you his kisses are 👌👌👌
-Over all very caring supportive boyfriend
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moonstomars · 4 years
If Monspeet and Derieri had survived, I would have loved see them interacting with King and Diane. After all, due to their training in the past, in Droles and Gloxinias bodies, they have seen what happened to them and I remember that in canon, Derieri was surprised that King knows about that.
Hello Anon! Thank you for the ask! 
I would have liked to see this too! I loved the scene where King decides to trust Derieri, but he never got the chance to explain to her why. If she had survived, I think she could have asked him. The fact that King and Diane saw everything while training would probably feel weird for her, that’s not something she would have expected. I would have liked to see this scene though, King and Derieri didn’t have many chances to interact, but they would have a fun dynamic! 
And I also think that Diane would get along with Derieri! She would be so friendly and kind with her, I can see Derieri being a bit surprised about it and awkward at first (I doubt she had many friends) but eventually appreciate it. (Besides having Diane, Derieri and Elizabeth spending some girl time together would be awesome!)
I could also see Monspeet and King having a nice dynamic! Their personalities would work well together, and they are both hopelessly in love with a strong woman they would do anything for and would die to protect. They would understand each other pretty well I feel. 
And now I want to see them having a double date. Come on, it would have been so much fun! 
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sdsimagines · 5 years
heeeeey, I really like how you write for Ban (which is hard to come by lmaooo) so I have a question - how would Ban handle/treat a S/O with PTSD from childhood trauma (totally not self indulging here)
Thank you so much dear!! I really appreciate it angel!
It’s entirely plausible that Ban hasn’t have a clue about PTSD. He’s aware that the symptoms of it exist, he was just never educated that it existed as a diagnosis. He’d want to know what it is without sounding ignorant. He also doesn’t want you to have to explain it to him - but, if you don’t mind, that’s wonderful! If you’re hesitant and upset by the thought of doing so, he’d seek out books and the definitions from others to learn properly how to go about it.
Once Ban has everything figured out, he’d want to inquire about what was wrong exactly. He knows patience is key, it’s extremely difficult talking about traumatic experiences - he more than anyone is aware of that. Ban wants to know primarily to prevent any sort of triggers occurring or flashbacks popping up. That, and simply because he loves you.
If the conversation ever did come up - when you were ready to talk about your trauma - he’d discuss his as well. He means no harm - he doesn’t want to compare each others wounds - that doesn’t do anything. It’s more of a, “ we’ve all had troubles in the past and they still follow us to this day - you’re not along in your struggles “ sort of thing. He’s just trying to be comforting! It may not work but his heart is there.
 Of course, Ban would always try to be protective of you, though, under your circumstances he’d attempt to boost it. He wouldn’t want you to suffocate in a safety bubble, but, he also wouldn’t forgive himself if he could have prevented harm to you.
Ban would treat his s/o just as he would any other, really. He would like to prevent you from coming into contact with harm, and that’s the bottom line 💖
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elfie6405 · 5 years
Ask box is nearly empty - send requests plz.
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pendragon-of-chaos · 2 years
Hi everyone, it's been a while 🧡
Sorry for being this inactive, I still have 4 requests pending. It's just that some months ago I suddenly stopped getting inspiration to write. I've never considered myself a writer and it's kinda difficult for me coming up with well written scenarios/headcanons/one shots (also translating them since english isn't my first language)
However, y'all seem to like one shitpost I did a while ago, and I was wondering about changing a little the content of my account.
I'll still write for Arthur and focus on Arthur since there isn't many people doing it and he deserves it <3, but I will focus more on shitposting, memes, and similar about NNT and 4kota, which I also don't really see
This said, I want to finish those 4 requests since people have asked it and I would feel bad if I don't do it, but I can't say when will I finish them. I hope you understand it
See you soon 🧡
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librathefangirl · 6 months
HIIIIII for the 2023 year in review ask tag!!! 23 16 9 or 1 whichever ones you wanna answer ^^
OOOH HIII!! :D Thanks for the ask 💜
1. What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again?
Writing multiple endings to a fic, as I did with My Love, It Burns. Statistically it is among my least least popular fics but personally, I think it came out really well. I like how well-connected the different endings ended up being, it feels (to me at least) like they really could be two possible futures to the same timeline or something. So, yeah, I like it, and would definitely consider doing it again.
In fact, I have! Considered it, that is. I have two more fics on my ideas list that will have multiple endings. One with Meliodas and a reincarnation of Elizabeth that will actually have 3 different endings to the same scenario. And one with Meliodas and Tristan with a similar set-up of good and bad ending like My Love, It Burns.
9. What fic meant the most to you to write?
Meant the most to write... hmm, that is a big question, isn't it? Because there are definitely a lot of stories I enjoyed writing and am proud of, but the one that meant the most is probably Who'll Hug the Prince of Hell? - a fic that often seems to come up in these kind of asks (lol).
Who'll Hug the Prince of Hell? was the first fic I wrote this year and for this fandom. In 2022 I only posted 6 fics, all of them less than 1k long. For over a year before those fics, I'm not sure I even posted anything. I barely even wrote. And before even that, the stories were probably few and far in-between. My point with all this is, while it might not be the fic I like the most or am the most proud of, it is the fic that means the most to have written. It got me back into writing (which probably helped my mental health a lot), and also marks the start of one of my strongest hyperfixations, as well as me getting several awesome mutuals in the process (which is tbh another big win for the mental health because social anxiety and whatnot).
(My holiday fic is also one that means a lot to write because it's kinda personal to me, but that one isn't done yet so it doesn't count here)
16. What were your go-to writing songs?
Okay, short answer for this one because me listening to music while writing is the exception and not the norm. I don't remember listening to any song for my posted fics - but I did listen to Howling a lot to get in the mood to write nnt fics.
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spacehostilityy · 1 year
Hi Tess!! Nice to meet you!! I'm hoping to write lots and lots this summer for nnt, since I just started writing fanfiction for the first time and nnt's worldbuilding and community on here are just the best. These characters carried me through my first year of college lol... What themes/characters are your favorites? as the username implies I've been obsessed with romance for a long time. I love sappy and emotional storylines and character-driven plots. Meliodas and Elizabeth's potential Holy War shenanigans have given me months of complex daydreaming material...
Anyway, it was lovely reading your introduction. Talk to me anytime!
Asdhkfjd HII!!
Yeah NNT carried my finals hard this past semester and has carried over into this summer 😌. Proud to say I am also at the stage where I daydream gratuitous romantic scenarios of our favorite doomed soulmates to go to sleep almost every night🫡
My fave characters/trope why I like them bc that's DEF intertwined
Meliodas - I love corruption arcs SO MUCH and angry characters that try to be good but sometimes give into rage are just *chef's kiss* also just OP characters in general, esp those that seem like they're weak are my JAM
Ban - I love that he's kinda an ass, but also goes the hardest for the people he loves (connecting him to Rocket Raccoon in my head now which is a bit weird but also rlly accurate), also just masochistic guilt-ridden characters hit the SPOT
Derieri + Monspeet - lumping them together, but they're so similar to melizabeth in their doomed lovers caught up in the Holy War, plus any battle couple is SO GOOD
Howzer - he's just my silly little baby girl, I love his idiot himbo energy. Like what a girlfail, he's so silly
Diane - lowkey love her for the same reasons as Howzer 😳 she's just my silly goofy blorbo
My indecisive ass also loves: Hendrickson, Elizabeth, Merlin, Escanor, Guila and Jericho, Hawk, Gilthunder, Melascula (one of my all time fave character designs), Zeldris, Estarossa/Mael, etc. lol
ANyway might slide into ur DMs sometime to scream abt characters and fics👀
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