#no I’m not but i really want to it’s so BORINGGGGG
delicateimage · 2 years
I’m leaving the internet forever
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feet-achy · 1 year
do i have austism and adhd or are just my other mental illness causing very similar symptoms?? find out never!!!
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dansconcepts · 2 months
Diner AU - Sugary Jalapeno Pancakes
I'm glad people found the Diner AU interesting :>. As a token of my appreciation, have a drabble feat. Kokichi, Shuichi, and Kaede in the diner (that's admittedly unnamed for now lMAOAO). Also, I would've added more interactions with the other protagonists, but this became much longer than I thought... I'll be making separate posts for those instead (i.e. Komahina antics and some other shenanigans).
Kokichi taps against the table. Where’s Kaede? He wanted his soda already. She’s always super nice about his very particular tastes, even though she gets annoyed at him really easily (although that's really not surprising nor undesired). He even made the effort to visit today of all days, because today she’s usually here to get him it.
He hears a pen tapping. Ah, finally. 
He lifts his head up to come face to face with messy dark hair and deep eye bags, coupled with long lashes framing silvery verdant eyes. Pretty.
“Um, hi.” They smile, and wow, they’re timid. This might be fun. “What would you like?”
He grins, as charmingly innocent as possible. “Well, I come here, like, all the time and I just LOVE the jalapeno pancakes, extra sugar. Can I have that?”
They hum. Their pen (blue ink- so boringgggg) nearly touches paper, but their hands stop mid-air. They furrow their eyebrows, purse their lips. Oh, it’s always good when people make that face. It means they’re not idiots.
“Ah, I’m sorry,” They ask incredulously (appropriately, he’ll admit). "jalapeno pancakes? With sugar?”
His grin turns wolfish. “Yep!” He says, with a pop! on the p. “Jalapeno pancakes! They’re an absolute classic, I always get them here. Pairing it with sugar makes the combo so amazeballs.” Haha, he died a little inside saying that.
A flurry of emotions flip through their face, and he almost feels pity for just how easy they are to read. The waiter leans forward, grabbing- oh yeah, he forgot he had a menu with him. They thumb through the pages. Got 'em. Quickly, he replaces his devious smile with a frown. "What's the hold up? Is something wrong?"
He nearly laughs when they lower the menu, exposing their wide, oh-so worried eyes. “Sorry. Um. Where is that on the menu? It's not on here, and I would definitely remember something so… eccentric if it was one of our specials.” 
Aw, their rationalization is so cute. “Yeah, it wouldn’t be.” Kokichi easily waves off. “It’s a code phrase for my order. Me and the cook go way back, we’re the best of pals, you know! Has he really not mentioned me?" The answering shake of the head has him bawling. "WAHHH! I CAN'T BELIEVE MY B F F WOULD ACT LIKE I DON'T EXIST!" He expected them to immediately start panicking, but instead they just look a little concerned with their tilt of the head, a little overwhelmed but not overcome. They're not even looking around self-consciously! He's a menace and he knows it! But no, they're just staring intently at him. Huh. He blinks the tears away and says, just to really bring it home, “Rantaro will definitely know what I’m talking about.”
They clearly look conflicted, biting their lip, but nod anyway. So they are a pushover then? He figured that’d be the case.
They smile at him with a nod. “Sure. I’ll see what I can do.”
As quickly as they came, they speed walked away. Man, that worked absolutely perfectly. The poor server’s going to be so embarra-
“KOKICHI!” A voice booms from the back. Stomps echo against the tile of the diner, and yep, there she is. Kayayday. Didn’t expect that to happen.
She stands in front of him with a pout and crossed arms, directing a particularly scathing glare at him that he hasn’t seen in awhile. He sticks his tongue out at her with a grin. Serves her right for not getting his order. 
“Kokichi," She starts, and he knows he's in for something good, "please don’t harass the new server. It’s very lucky he’s smart enough to detect that you were lying- like seriously, a secret code for your order? Although I can see you doing that-, he’s just too polite to call you out on it.” 
He hums. That’s interesting. “It was meant to be an outlandish lie, easy for him to figure out!” Lie. He didn’t expect to be found out, not with being mostly sincere and actually trying to be normal- read: trying-, just for that flavour. “I was initiating him for the future!” He doesn’t even have to confirm that one.
She tilts her head. “Huh, really?” The blonde frowns. “I don��t know if I believe that…” 
“Pft, I can tell he was new! You know I’m a regular here, so I was actually surprised to see someone else on shift that isn’t Makotoes.” He shifts his gaze to his nails as nonchalantly as possible. “Sooooooooo… who’s the pretty boy?”
“Pretty boy?” She raises an eyebrow at him.  
Well. That was overly stupid. Don’t blush, don't blush, don't blush. He did NOT mean to say that. 
Her face doesn’t change. Good. The slip of the tongue went unnoticed. “He’s one of my best friends that started working here a few days ago. I won’t say much else though.” She explains.
He shrugs nonchalantly. “Okay.” 
Internally, he screams. 
Lilac eyes narrow at him. “For some reason, I feel like you would’ve questioned me about him just so you can tune me out and mock me for it, but the fact that you’re not makes me think you want to hear about him. Am I right?”
Damn. He forgot Kaede can be really perceptive when she wants to be. Kaede’s smirking though, so his expression clearly isn’t as neutral as he wanted it to be. 
She laughs lightly. “Well, I’ll have him bring your usual this time- you do still want that right?”
“Absolutely not! I don’t want anything after all this-!” 
“-wonderful, got it, one Panta coming up!” She interrupts, already walking away. Rude. 
As Kaede promised, the navy-haired server from before appears with his can of Panta. 
"Here you go." The waiter greets him, setting down the delicious grape-y goodness right in front of him.
He takes a glorious sip of bubbly blandness. "You're 'too polite' to call me out, huh?" Kokichi starts with a smirk.
"Ah, I'm not really that polite..." So humble. "I would've called you out then and there," Wha-? "but it was kind of funny to see Kaede go off on someone. I've never seen that before." Grayish green eyes meets his purple, and his lips quirk upward. "I've heard a lot about you, Kokichi, so it really was only fair."
"WAHHHH!" He cries again. He's gonna need to drink a lot more than usual after this... "You're so mean! What kind of server are you, bullying the customers?!"
"Ah! Sorry! Please keep it down." He frowns. "You really are so confusing..."
"Well, I'm sure you could figure it out, Detective." He purrs.
Saying that has every muscle of the other's tense, his ahoge on high alert (which he's going to gloss over right now, but he sees Kaede's do the exact same thing which is WEIRD, even for him). "Detective? How did you know?"
He was just referencing one of his favourite fantasies as a personal joke, but he can 100% work with this. "It's pretty obvious." in retrospect, anyway. Observant, logical, although he is really anxious. Like, really. Practically an open book. "Does said Detective have a name? I need to let my subordinates know who they need to watch out for."
"Shuichi. Shuichi Saihara."
"We're gonna have a LOT of fun Shumai~!" He grins.
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askaniritual · 4 months
i have 2 hours left of the axioms end audiobook and i know all that’s left is [MASSIVE SPOILER] and kaveh’s long and boring epistolary article (i will be so real i did not read the whole thing when i read the book) and i don’t really care for that so i will use this time to give some wrap up thoughts
my initial remembering of this being a lot of like trauma bonding age gap romance with not a lot of aliens was sooooooo spot on the aliens like vanish for the last third of the book
the “non human persons” argument that underpins the last half of this book is very. okay i know this is Somebody’s jam but i’m sorryyyy it’s just not mine i dont need to read pages and pages of ppl like fully working through the logical argument for nonhuman personhood. like. it’s giving video essay in the most annoying way. if i wanted to do this i’d watch a contrapoints video
i thought nick was a fun and criminally underused character. i guess it’s always possible that the addiction stuff is gonna come up later but the way it was set up and then not paid off at all kind of annoyed me. like everybody is like “ok nick stop doing drugs” and nick is like sure whatever. like. ok i guess. i understand the parallel being drawn between him and kaveh i just thought it ended up being shallow
i hate this romance so much and i also hate that it’s like. impossible to critique without sounding like somebody who has a real opinion on the term “proship” and slash or is critically lacking in reading comprehension. like i get you’re not Supposed to like it or think kaveh is handling it well. and i get that the trauma is supposed to have turned cora into a shell of herself but like. i still didn’t like it! sorry! and i really thought the way it was positioned against the alien romance was boringgggg
i will say cora’s voice actress for the audio book was really acting her heart out during cora’s panic attacks to a level where like honestly u think the audiobook deserves a sep content warning because it’s really visceral and hard to listen to at points
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abcdosaka · 1 year
Watched oshi no ko and hells paradise both mid. Kinda makes me mad bc hells paradise was giving soul eater a little bit plus the op is catchy as fuck but I’m a little annoyed like I just don’t think I have it in me to tolerate mid female characters anymore. I really wanted to like it too bc the first ep was really good but then the second was like umm ok this dude is a bit much but he’s cool still. Then the third ep I was like “so why tf is the girl even travelling with him if everyone knows he could easily overpower her at any time”. And the forth ep gabimaru had to save her and she collapsed bc she got overwhelmed ? Like it’s so embarrassing for her I can’t go on. I realize her arc is about facing her fears or something actually no I don’t really know what the author was going for but anyway my point is theres a way to do that without making her a cringe damsel in distress. Maybe I’m just jumping to conclusions bc it really does look good but like it’s not a great look so far
as for oshi no ko I was hoping it would be about like balancing motherhood and being a star or something obviously I expected too much. I actually kinda enjoyed the movie pilot but I dislike that:
1 it’s isekai
2 the mom fucking dies and the kid/guy is on some revenge fantasy bs. Like I said I thought this would be some cute show where a guy doctor falls in love with a pregnant woman who’s actually an idol hiding her identity and the issues that would arise from that. (Btw I did not know she was 16 going into this show. Another thing I dislike)
3 I feel like the isekai part is just accepted and will never come up again. Like idk bc I wouldn’t mind if it was actually incorporated into the story as like the main thing but it’s not really. like I want sarina/rubys backstory to be more important, the connnection between her wanting to be an idol and her not being able to move around in her previous life could be expanded on, idk anything abt the guys goals from before but I would like to see that instead
4 I hate the Mc he’s fucking BORINGGGGG and he’s obsessed w his sister and mom. (Side note When are we gonna get an anime where the Mc just despises his sister like there’s no other feeling other than hate.) What happened to the fun guy who used to be a doctor. Like trauma obvs but his whole personality became unbearable. you could say that he was obsessed with Ai even when he was alive but honestly, bro had a job and lived in the countryside, there is no way he didn’t have other things going on in his life
5 both these kids have no personality other than being obsessed with their mom like SHUT UP PLS
6 it’s literally just a girl in the mcs life suffers due to being an idol and he jumps in to save her by doing something maybe a little innovative and weird but ultimately good. Like I kept watching bc I wanted to see how him trying new things could expand his perspective or something like trying acting again or being on the dating show but no it’s just him saving chicks from other ppl
7 I feel like all of those points just show the plot is trying to be more than what it is. Like it’s just another isekai where an older guy takes care of underage women in return for their dedication. Ok to be fair it actually does have a lot of the inside life of idol culture which is interesting but also don’t advertise it like ai is a main character when she FUCKING DIES :(
I actually kinda dislike gabimaru too like both these mfs are gloomy, overly perfect, emo, and have saviour complexes and it’s rly not my vibe. Like idk they’re Gary stus. Ebony darkness dementia raven way but as a guy. Like please just suck at something you’re boring me
I think that’s what I get for trying to watch Shonen but ugh. I like action I like the power of friendship I even like a lil romance if it’s not like annoying and very specifically aimed toward the male gaze.
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survivor-north-sea · 2 years
Episode Seven: "I’m crying in my cake" - Brandi
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Tyler Frazier
Okay. So. I talked about how I built a relationship with Raffy and how I’d like to sort of use that going forward but I also did two other things in that conversation. I tried to cautiously defend my girl bethany bc they’re only sketched out by her bc they are misogynists and I also tried to set up AJ to be the merge boot with Raffy running the vote. I did this by talking about how scared AJ is of returning players and how she did research on them which scared Raffy bc he already thinks she’s obsessed with him. If it works it would further establish him as a threat so that way when we decide to stop picking off members of the Hidra 4 they’re not gonna be looking at me, bethany or Esteban but more so as Raffy as the biggest threat and Hairie as someone generally sketchy. This is all assuming we win the challenge (🤞) and I don’t have to throw Hairie under the bus to try and save Bethany btw but you’ll be getting confessionals from me then too so I’ll keep you all posted!
Theme: The Merge Is Uncharted Waters
We were so close to potentially winning this last challenge. I wish we did because we needed some sort of number for this next one. Zach is going today because he has not yet listened to Renaissance - thats legitimately why. JK.
Merge is going to be uncharted waters but lets try and win this next one first!
Signing off about to 'dive in'.
Tribal was expected, another OG Tromoya going hope but what’s interesting was it was Zach instead of Arvin. If Zach was the one that flipped 2 tribals before, then Zach’s been played. 🤣
Toni might have some agenda for wanting to target returning players so I’m hoping they spice up their next tribal before merge to take out Jinx since it’s all new players having the numbers over there. Yes I said that right, Tromoya is gonna win this last tribe challenge.
Honestly thinking of throwing this challenge so Arvin can be safe next tribal. He’s a number for me for sure and we can take out Tyler or Esteban (keeping Bethany) but it’s not about an individual (me) thing right now. In such a frazzle dazzle situation right now because I don’t want this to come back and bite me from my behind. It’s my asset we’re talking about here.
God has let me live another day and I'm going to make it everybody's problem.
In reality though I'm super thankful to still be around and now here's to hoping I can make merge and at least be eliminated onto the jury.
Tyler Frazier
This is so awk. I didn’t wanna do this at all I suggested it as a joke like “chapstick taser” really. That’s what y’all loved? Come on.
another day, another confessional about me hoping we win the challenge!!! if i do make the merge, im causing chaos 😇 these og tribal lines are boringgggg 🥱
Tyler Ftazier
Arvin Bentonon
I am happy to be here. Huhu
Not to be *that person* but I hate group projects actually!!! Toni and I are bonded together by how frustrating it is to try to get anything organized on this tribe. Too many different ideas floating around on this shark tank idea, not enough working on what actually needs to be done- the pitch video. Like, it doesn't matter how much supplemental shit we have if we don't have the one deliverable required for the challenge. I couldn't say this at tribal but I CANNOT WAIT for individual immunity challenges. Oof.
I think Toni's going to ace this video, but I honestly don't think we'll have enough footage of us to pull it together for a win. I really wanted to do an infomercial but nobody seems inclined to work on the script or film anything so!!! It's fine!!!
This challenge has been hard and lonely. I think everyone is exhausted though - the challenge to tribal pipeline has been difficult. Slightly glad group challenges are over? Hoping individual challenges are a little less work.
I think creative challenges could be my downfall because I don't think I'm that entirely creative. Doing the best and hope my contributions were enough for this Shark Tank. Enough not to be voted out that is.
So far, our tribe has come up with loads of stuff for the challenge - from graphs, reviews, posters, video and even a presentation. Collectively, I feel good that we might win this again and avoid the last tribal council as Tromoya just right before we shift into individual portion of the season.
Alright we’re like, almost done with this challenge I think, and so far I’d say I feel actually pretty confident in us right now. It’s really tricky because we don’t know what the other tribe is doing or has done or how much effort they’re putting into this, but I can only hope they haven’t gone as hard as we have.
I sat out because I didn't want to think about if I should throw or not. Honestly, I'm perfectly fine with losing or winning. There are pros to each. If we lose, I get to vote out Bethany and then I feel a little more comfortable going into merge. If we win, Arvin gets voted out which means I do not have to worry about Arvin being a traitor to Tromoya.
Why am I always so grumpy in these lol. I *think* we may be able to pull this challenge off? Maybe? I wish we had more clips from our tribe in our video but maybe that won't matter.
This challenge has really made me warm up to Arvin as well, so I do hope we win so that he won't have to go home.
Tyler Frazier
Oh my god. How did they mess up the challenge THIS BAD. Jesus Christ. It’s so frustrating and it’s not even that I’m worried I’m gonna be booted it’s more so the fact that saving Bethany is not gonna be easy and champ wants to offer minimal support so that if she has to flip she isn’t suspected. LIKE MAYBE IF WE HAD PEOPLE BACKING US IT WOULD BE EASIER TO TARGET HAIRIE? MAYBE TELLING YOUR TRIBE TO STAY STRONG WONT SAVE BETHANY? Idk though maybe I’m the one who’s wrong here.
im literally at a wedding rn I’m so sad we lost I’m crying in my cake
I am so sorry that we lose in the moment where merge is approaching. It will def either me, Tyler or bethany.
They might think of putting seed on bethany to vote me out and me to bethany. That will be the smart move for tomoya 2.0.
But hopefully these people will realize that Bethany has closer bind to the hindra OG girls in the other side.
If it will be me i feel bo worries. I played a different approach and i had fun! 😅
We actually pulled off a win!!! Amazing!!! I want to be happy but mostly I'm worried because Bethany is 99% likely to be going home. Tyler will flip, and he'd protect Esteban over her I think. Even with our extra vote, that puts us at a numbers disadvantage worst case, or a tie in the best case IF Esteban sticks with us.
Tyler Frazier
So I’ve started to do the work to save Bethany and right now it seems to be going well. Esteban is VERY anti Hairie thanks to work that I did (slayed) all we need to do is flip Brandi. We then would have a majority vote to save Bethany and I could not only go into the merge but also go with my two closest allies unified which is something I never thought would happen.
Soooo for the first time in herstory … Oh wait right we lost before *SCREAMS* It’s soo funny because as a tribe Tromoya lost the first and last challenge as a tribe 😂. We lost by a mere couple of points and I think I’m to partly be blamed as well for the disadvantage. WHY DID I GO TO LEVEL 8 *Facepalm* But silver lining, Arvin gets to merge and I cannot wait for all the tea, the full tea and nothing but the tea of what went into at Hidra after the swap. We’re shifting into individual games pretty soon and it’s all about threading carefully and knowing who to take out and when to take them out !!!
Lowkey can’t wait for tribal also because I haven’t gotten to answer a question in full and knowing Jay she’s gonna come up with questions that are bound to make everyone’s head spin and jaws dropping.
I don’t think it’s me tonight but I’m not suppose to feel that way because the minute you think you’re safe YOU’RE ACTUALLY NOT
Jay: you lost Tromoya
Everyone: Reacts
Raffy: Gets lit 🍻🥂🍷🍸🍹and slipped the fact that Bethany is the vote to Tyler
Tyler to Bethany: Sorry Bethany you’re being voted out
Bethany to me: I’m sad because I’m being voted out
Hairie to Bethany: Wait what?!? Who told you that?
Bethany to Hairie: Tyler but he won’t say who
Hairie: goes to OG Tromoya chat: Who told Tyler it was Bethany??
Raffy: It may have been me. Goodnight yall
Hairie: 🥹😂💀
And that’s how the first few minutes of post Shark Tank went down
Arvin Bentonon
I made it to the merge. I so happy we earned our spot to the merge!
Tyler Frazier
So this is a weird round gameplay wise because we have 5 people who want Hairie gone and it’s also in Raffys best interest even though he doesn’t know it. So you’d think “boo ya! Got this in the bag” but I still am unsure of how to pitch the plan in a way that is not super sketchy because if the round plays out naturally Bethany would leave despite majority wanting her to stay which is like bizarre but whatever
everyone is ignoring me, which ugh this sucks because i’m probably going home. but tbh like at least if im voted out premerge i can go back into the VL and talk (respectful) shit on everyone’s games (as people everyone is very wonderful but the gameplay is making me want to scream) i honestly have not committed the time i should have to this game and it’s my own fault but i still dont want to get voted out!!! trying my best here but :/
UGH OMG THIS IS BAD I CANT AFFORD BETHANY TO GO HOME :( I wanna stay loyal to Tromoya strong bc I really really like them but there has to be a miracle to save bethany
I spent all of last night pushing for Bethany because unsober me has no filter and did not give a fuck about laying low. So now I have to deal with the problem. In any case, I think it ended well. I told everyone on the tribe about my suspicions of Bethany potentially flipping back to Hidra. They all seemed to agree. It seemed like a done deal. But there have been a few hiccups along the way as with anything I do.
1. Tyler told Bethany her name is going around for whatever reason. Not like she'll be in jury, but nice to know that Tyler will always be watching out for himself and has no qualms with throwing me under the bus.
2. Bethany messaged me her pitch about being a double agent for OG Tromoya. However, that's just giving her power to play the middle at merge. It only benefits Bethany, not us.
3. Hairie, apparently, has decided to try to flip the vote on Tyler by getting Esteban, Brandi, and Bethany to vote him out. That makes no sense. I mean, I guess Hairie wanted to keep Bethany since he talks to Tyler less? Or maybe he's trying to split the vote to take me out. Fun stuff.
4. Also, I told Hairie about my idol which I really shouldn't have but someone needed to know why I thought Bethany didn't have anything to save herself. Now that could be the thing to get me out of this game. Yipee.
So I don't know if Bethany will get voted out. Hairie just might actively be trying to take me out the whole time in spite of the fact that I'm incredibly close to him and probably his #1 ally. If I do get voted out because of him, mark my words that it will shoot him in the foot. In any case, I'm going to keep trying to get Bethany out because it really is the smartest decision I can see at this time. Everyone else should get on the same page.
Newbies need to take a chill pill and actually think through the words they are saying. I am playing with people who are all overthinking every single detail, and I need them to slow down.
Tyler Frazier
I am BEYOND frustrated right now with pretty much everybody. Raffy's social gameplay is complete garbage right now like you’re gonna sweet talk me into working with you and then the second I have an opinion you completely ignore it and make it very clear you’d rather work with your original tribe. It’s not even like he’s just ignoring my opinion he’s choosing to not even care about what I could possibly think like he’s ready to vote. Brandi literally wants Haire gone but won’t bite the bullet and commit. Champ refuses to do any work to save us and you literally have more say than us. If we are such a priority for you then maybe stick your neck out a bit????? Esteban is actually being reasonable this round so thank god one person is. Well bethany is also being reasonable but she can’t do anything because people are acting like they’ll get the plague from talking to her. I just cannot stand these people. I hate this cast. Everyone sucks except Esteban and Bethany. Champ you’re fine too but I’m just really annoyed with you rn
now that i am a little sober here’s my thoughts.
1. I don’t want Bethany to go home anymore. Returnees were swept out on the other side of the tribe. And if bethany goes home where i am on this position come merge? It will only be raffy, jinx and I left.
2. Hairie is kinda making me awk as all our conversation is always about game plan and never had a deeper talk. He is giving me an AJ vibe tbh. And i have a speculations about Aj/Hairie deal when they became the captains of the ships.
3. I am convinced that Bethany wanted to work in merge with clean slate as they tild me all their truths. Aj/trinica controlling, jinx idol, then targetting clefford and I but they tried to convince then it shoukd be clefford. And that toni and I were just pulled out on the alliance that they have (seeee i am right!) and that she felt that she is at the bottom of that alliance as a returnee.!
So the update was… bethany tyler and I had group chat. (What took us so long? Lol) and trying to convince one person each to how they will benefit keeping us 3.
Champ is positive about it. Brandi would feel the vibe she said but might be positive. Jayjay last night she seem open about it Raffy was solid wanted Bethany out but might consider bethany’s new info to him
Hairie - should go home if this works.
I am happy yet scared that my name wasn’t out there. Am I hallucinating and will get caught off guard tonight? That IDK. I am giving info that i just know soooooo knock on the wood. It is not me! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
And yes i am proud to still be here after a rough sailing before swap and that i can write a detailed vl confessional too.
pre immunity results jinx cast https://voca.ro/18jW2pDmnQWy
I am so grateful I got to sit out this last challenge because so much happened to where I wasn’t gonna be able to be fully attentive in the challenge if I wasn’t! I got really sick unfortunately so it’s also been difficult for me to keep up with everything going on. However I’m glad that I have Hairie who’s been keeping me posted about everything going on. I’m sad we lost the last challenge we had to win right before merge but tbh I kind of see it as a good way to start the merge and see where everyone’s head is at and where alliances really lye.
So everyone is going BANANAS about this tribal council which kind of has me on edge a bit and a little worried. I thought that we would of had it be an easy vote and take out an ex Hidra but now it seems since we will no longer be separated into teams people are starting to really strategize for their own personal gam. Which makes sense. Our original vote was Bethany. Lol but little Raffy was frisky last night and told Tyler and Tyler told Bethany and she told Hairie. Which seemed to have complicated things a bit. I originally thought Bethany would be the smartest way to go, considering she’d probably have the strongest connections with Hidra come merge. However she has been really pleading her case to stay in the game and I feel bad :/ Now I’m just going to take the time and think that if we were already playing a solo game, who would be the person that I would vote out for my best interest in getting furthest in the game…. 👀
How am I supposed to vote AJ out now that I know she's a gay?????
Tyler Frazier
So! Going into tribal im not feeling great! My best bet to keep all my allies is via a rock draw and the hope that people aren’t willing to go that far to protect Hairie. Hopefully Esteban is with us because if he isn’t im gonna be very upset and cry. But that’s okay! (No it’s not)
Bethany is trying to flip on Hairie. Esteban is just as unreliable as I thought. Everyone should just listen to me.
Waking up to messages hearing my name was tossed around was not ideal at all like it made me go into a frenzy
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juhaksworld · 3 years
The Boyz reactions to dating someone outgoing/talkative
disclaimer lol: i’m really introverted so writing a character who is outgoing was a new experience haha. i hope this makes sense though <3
requested by: @jonghos-left-airpod <3
would be so invested in everything you said and did. like you’d be at a party and you’d be very emphatically talking with your friends, being the life of the party, and he’d just watch from a distance: in loveeee. you look so happy and everyone listening to you talking were smiling and happy because of you. you have a very kind and welcoming personality which just draws people towards you. sangyeon be standing beside you like “mhm, yup, this is my baby.” he would just love it when he overheard people talking about how fun you were.  occasionally some stuck up spoiled person who felt intimidated by you would start talking bad about you and sangyeon would just be like “????? excuse me??? what???? have you actually ever spent time with her??? she’s literally the kindest person there is!!!!”
opposites attract right?? well you and jacob certainly did! you met at a party and you noticed he was pretty quiet. you felt instantly attracted to him bc he was so sweet and cute! you really wanted to get to know him but you were afraid of intimidating him. but like girllllll he was so smitten with you!!!! you just filled the room with a pleasant and sweet aura like,, everyone was attracted to you bc you’re so talkative and nice! after you started dating he just like: heart eyes everytime you were with people, bc being with people brought out the best in you. he preferred staying home with just you, but he knew you like spending time with lots of people, so he respected that, and often tagged along with you bc, goodness when you were with people you were just so happy and cute and fun!!! 
he would be like “what to do with this girl??” he sometimes feels a little jealous of all the attention you get. you never try to get a lot of attention on purpose, it just comes naturally bc you’re so outgoing and fun to be around. sometimes he’ll be watching from afar and then he’ll see some guy eyeing you up and so hoonie rushes over and puts his arm around your shoulder. he really tries not to be too overprotective, but gosh you’re so cute when you’re talking excitedly-- he can’t help but be a little afraid someone’s gonna try and steal you away ;-; sometimes when you’re talking with ppl, specifically his mother you’ll tease him a little bit and he’ll get all shy and blush and be like “stopppp” but he secretly loves it when you talk about him to others. he loves it even more when you’re like in a group of friends and they’re like “ come spend time with us more!! you’re always the life of the party!” and you’re just like “nope! I gotta bf who needs me more than y’all” and hoonie just gets super embarrassed but super pleased that you chose him over others.
oh lordy. the craziness. the fun y’all would have. when you guys show up to a party, or literally anywhere at all, everyone KNOWS you’re gonna make it a good time. you’re both super friendly and funny and….loud hahaha. sometimes when you’re in public you’ll both be so friendly to everyone that ppl will be like “ are they dating or are they siblings cuz it looks like they’re flirting with everyone???” but you aren’t haha and you both know that so you never have misunderstandings and stuff (you do flirt with each other all the time though ;-; )  sometimes your personalities will clash and you’ll get in a heated argument, but it doesn’t last long. you’ll both sulk for a little while and then be like “ hey,, wanna go get some ice cream “ and ofc you will and then you’ll quietly hold hands and eat your ice cream and feel better and apologize and everything and then go back to being super talkative with each other <3
is. in. awe. of you. not bc he doesn’t know what it’s like to have lots of ppl like you, or bc he’s shy, but bc he just loooooves your vibes so much. like--- you’ll be talking and he’ll walk up and you’ll just throw him into the convo and make it seem like he was part of the conversation from the beginning and he loves that. you’re so outgoing and welcoming to ppl around you, he never feels left out. and he loves seeing you reach out to other ppl too. he’ll lowkey see some person like all alone and by themselves and he’ll be like “ heyyy! I wanna introduce you to someone really awesome!” and then he’ll walk up to you and like give you this look and you’ll be like “oh my goodness!!!! heyyyyy!!! hru?????” and the person will instantly feel special and juyeon will just stand back and be like “ wow. I have an awesome gf!” and then he’ll just listen while you talk and get the new person involved. juyeon’s pretty quiet, so he likes to stand around you when you’re at parties bc he can rely on you to talk with everyone haha 
the first time kev met you he’d be like “I love this person, they make me feel so comfortable talking with them!!!” and you’d be like “ I love this guy, he’s so interesting to talk to!!” and you’d start dating right away. kev is pretty talkative once he’s comfortable. y’all would have the best conversations. at parties or whenever you’re with large crowds of people he’ll stand beside you the ENTIRE time. not bc he feels he needs to claim you and keep other guys away, and not bc he’s scared to talk with people himself, but simply bc he loves listening to you talk. like you can turn the most boringgggg conversation into something interesting just bc you have so much experience with people and you love talking. one thing he absolutely loves about you so much is that even though he sometimes has a hard time staying involved in a conversation with strangers for very long, you don’t, and like--- you never let him feel left out when talking with ppl. you always remember who you love spending time with most and keep him involved.
he would lowkey be like “ what is wrong with her” the first time he met you hahahaha but then he’d grow used to your personality and be totally charmed by you. like i can totally imagine chanhee being with you one day and watch as you have the most random conversation with some stranger you just met and then he’ll be like “ shoot-- i have a crush on this girl” after you start dating he’d just be like “ i’m literally dating the coolest person, like she can talk with anyone and make them feel so special” and all of his friends are like “ yeah you tell us that everyday” and he’d love taking you everywhere with him bc you just make him feel so much more at ease wherever you go. when he’s having a bad day he looooves spending time with you the most bc he knows you’ll 100% make him feel better with your bright personality! and you guys are like so cute together bc he’s pretty tall so whenever he’s feeling pretty shy or whatever you like stand on your tiptoes to whisper in his ear that he looks so pretty that day and make him smile and feel a little more confident and then you’d like hold onto his arm the whole time you were talking to other ppl bc you didn’t want him to feel like you forgot about him at all.
he’d be like “ ok, this is her personality, cool” like he’d love that you were outgoing but it wouldn’t surprise him at all or anything. he knows you love being with ppl so he always takes you with him whenever he goes to parties or gatherings of any sort and then just smiles as you immediately blend in with everyone and make friends. some dude would come up to changmin who’s standing near you watching you with heart eyes and listening to you talk and the guy’d be like “ who’s that?? she’s cute!” and changmin would be like “ she’s my baby...I..I...meant gf. she’s my gf. “ and the guy’d be like “ok simp” and changmin would be like “me??? a simp???” and then he’d realize he was a simp for you, bc like, even though he’s outgoing too, no one does it like you and he’s just obsessed with the way you brighten any day and any place with your sunshiny personality and smile! and he’d be like “ gosh she really won me over” and then he’d go stand beside you and hold your waist and join in the conversation if he could and just be so happy to be spending time with you while you’re having so much fun!
this baby. he’d get pouty when he saw you spending more time with others than with him so he’d like some up to you and tug on your arm and be like “ hey remember me” and you’d be like “no??? who are you again? “ to tease him and then he’d laugh bc he knew ofc you remembered him,,, you just thought he’d be perfectly alright without you bc he likes being with people too! but then you kinda felt bad for leaving him alone so long so you’d stop conversing with everyone and turn your full attention on him--- which is just what he wanted haha. he loves knowing he gets all your attention to himself. you’d tease him a lot though-- like someone would ask you if they could ask you a question rq and you’d be like “ oh im sorry,, i gotta ask my bf if he can spare me for a moment” and hak would be like “ stopppppp” and you’d both laugh. he’s outgoing too, but not as talkative as you are, so he’d just bask in your bright aura constantly surrounding you and whenever you said something funny he’d laugh his iconic laugh and that’d make you laugh and then you’d both forget about everyone else and just laugh together. when you guys were together talking with ppl you were like the power couple. you’re funny and smart and super friendly so everyone just gravitates towards y’all
this boy would be SO whipped for you,, like he would just stand beside you and smile down on you the whole time you were talking with others. he just loves seeing you enjoy yourself so much! lowkey jealous anytime you start talking to some guy for too long tho, like you’ll will be walking hand in hand home from somewhere and you’ll see a guy walking his puppy and you’ll be like “ahhhhhhhhhhhhh oh my goodness so cute!!!!” and you’ll start talking to the guy about what breed, and how old, and where he adopted the puppy, and the guy will tell you several cute stories about the puppy and you will become like best friends (obv the guy isn’t hitting on you tho cuz sunwoo be standing there behind you like -_- ) but you get along so well with everyone and sometimes you just get so caught up in the conversation you’re having with whoever it happens to be and sunwoo never wants to just push his way into things, so he just stands there like “ what do I do?” and then as soon as you turn back to him with your eyes sparkling bc you love talking with ppl so much he’s like “ oh shoot, i love her.” and so he doesn’t mind so much anymore.
you guys would be sooooooo cute!!!! you would talk over each other sometimes when y’all were really excited, but you would somehow understand each other anyways hahaha. ppl sometimes joke about how talkative you both are and say things like “how are y’all even dating???” which you hate bc you love eric more than anything and eric feels the same way so y’all are just like “tsk,, you’re just jealous that i’m dating someone so awesome” and walk away. but seriously, somehow your relationship just works out! like when eric’s super excited about something but you’re already talking about something, he holds back until you’re done with your story and vice versa. when you guys are out in public together you just laugh and talk like normal bc you know others love hearing ppl be happy together and sometimes it leads to meeting new people and making new friends! like one time-- you and eric were on a picnic and were just laughing and laughing about something and a little old lady was just absolutely in love with you both and so you invited her to join you and she did and she told you stories about back when she was young and you all three just had the sweetest time together. things like that always happen for you and eric bc you have such friendly personalities ppl love being with you.
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shxtpxstlxvxngfxck · 3 years
Can I request a Sylvie who tutors the reader (gn) at the library because of their bad grades then reader gets bored and does some stuff instead?
- There's a test coming up and you're really stressed about it, so you tell the museum trio about your fear just to get it off your chest.  
       - fortunately, Sylvie insists on helping out. Little did you two know that you would get into some mischief instead of actually working 
 - He meets you at a library to study and ten minutes in you start playing on your phone.    
          - "Hey! Stop that. Do you want to fail?" "Uhhhh no? But Work is boringgggg!"              
- you two end up taking a break 
           - Eventually, he coaxes you into working for at least a few minutes 
                  - But then, the library closes the second you two start making progress           
 - he suggests the two of you go home, but you have separate plans 
 - You take him to a 24/7 gas station nearby and make him pay for your signature gas station order   
      -after that, you drag him to a park. By then it's getting dark          
             -by now he's genuinely concerned for your mental health 
 - You two just start chilling and eating on the swing set, staring up at the sunset    - you two talk about things like childhood, random things like your favorite food, and just life in general 
          - By the time you can see the constellations, you walk him to your car, and instead of taking him to his apartment, you drive around Sweet Jazz City and take a slight detour to redwood run   
            - he's begrudgingly enjoying hanging out with you, even though it's almost 10 pm - You two hike around the forest for a bit, using your phones as flashlights to keep yourselves from getting scared (although Sylvester wouldn't admit he's scared either way-) 
 - For quite a bit you two take random pictures in the forest, fuck around, try not to get murdered by a mysterious cowboy-themed bounty hunter/terrorist, ya know just bestie things
 - after both of your phones died, you guys decided to have a sleepover at your house
         - were your parents hesitant on having him over? Yes but after realizing he’s smart, they let him stay
- He ended up forcing you to study until 3 in the morning
Rose’s text post corner
(At the park)
 Sylvie: so, why exactly are we sitting on swings? I feel like we’re a bit old for this. 
Y/N: No we’re not, people our age sit on swings all the time. 
Sylvie: Really? 
Y/N: Well, I do and I think it’s not weird. Why, would you prefer the jungle gym? 
 Sylvie: OF COURSE NOT! I’m not a little kid anymore! 
 Y/N: Suuuuuure, yeah. Anyways, we can lie down on the grass if you want to. 
Sylvie: Well, it’s either that or public embarrassment. 
(They get off the swings and lay down on the grass. Sylvie lays down by a tree, and Y/N rests their head on his chest) 
Sylvie: I stand corrected. Both options are embarrassing. 
Y/N: Well… you didn’t say you’re against it. I can get up if you want me to. 
Sylvie: sigh you can stay for a couple minutes if you’re THAT comfortable right now.
(In the library)
Sylvie: Hey, stop that! Do you want to fail?
Y/N: Uhhhh no? But Work is boringgggg!
Sylvie: (Oh my god this is going nowhere) Here, how about you read a few words from the textbook and write a couple sentences from each section. You can make them into flash cards that you can use later on to study by yourself. Sound good?
Y/N: ugh, fine.
(10 minutes later)
Sylvie: Great, now we can take a short break befor—
Y/N flops onto Sylvie’s lap from exhaustion
Y/N: FINALLY!!! That felt like it took hours, can we do something else now?
Librarian idk: um, excuse me, the library closes in 10 minutes, so I suggest that you two start packing your things. 
Y/N: welp, that settles it!
Sylvie: (god, you’re immature)
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Mod Akane. Mob Psycho 100 and My Hero Academia Crossover. Fluff AU, Where Himiko Toga in her younger years had a childhood friend like Shigeo Kageyama that gave her comforting hope filled advice in her life by shielding bad thoughts by replacing them with positive thoughts liking her for who she is. Shigeo helps Himiko find delicious stimulating food sources that could help her appetite in order to suppress her quirk. This AU is where Shigeo helps Himiko Toga become a decent person.
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Hi, here is your request. I am sorry if there is too much dialogue or it is too short.
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It was a pretty normal day today; the sky was cloudy and Mob was heading home from the bakery, after buying some doughnuts for the class.
‘Huh, what was that noise?’ Scanning the area with a confused expression in his face Mob spots where he thinks the noise is coming from:
‘I think it is coming from that alleyway there’
‘Maybe I should check it out, this is something Izuku would do’
‘Since someone might be in trouble?’ Mob starts to take steady steps towards the alleyway and stops when he stumbles upon a dead end.
‘Huh, I guess no one is here?’ Suddenly Mob feels the cold blade of a knife touching his neck
“Hiya hero; your Izuku’s friend, right?
‘A villain, but she actually seems really nice’
‘Uh yeah, Izuku’s my friend’
“Aw, but your not as cute as him!”
“Maybe you’d look better with a bit of blood”
“I’m sorry, but I’d rather not”
“How cute, your apologising to a villain”
“You seem to nice to be a villain”
“Oh, and why do you think that, Mr Gloomy?
“Uh, Mr Gloomy?”
“Well, you’ve got that gloomy aura around you, the total opposite of what I’m into”
“Well, anyway it is slicing time!”
“Wait, why result to violence?”
“You seem really cool a-and you could put that to good use”
“Huh, in what way?”
“You could be a hero!”
“Your upbeat attitude could be used to cheer people up on the streets”
“Hahahaha, wow for a gloomy guy you sure have a sense of humour!”
“Society wouldn’t accept someone with a quirk like mine to be a hero”
“Why not? I-I am sure your quirk is awesome”
“May I ask what it is?”
“Well, if you must know the gist of it is I can turn into people as long as I drink their blood”
“That’s really cool. You could use it on missions to spy on villains for intel!”
“Only you seem to think that way, the rest of society treats my quirk like a disgrace”
“Well, they are wrong”
“Mhm, but I don’t think your opinion will make a difference.”
“Now anyway I should be off”
“I thought you were going to s-stab me with the knife!”
“You bored me to much, I am not in the mood now”
“Oh I’m sorry, uhm, here have a jam doughnut”
“Your lucky I like sweet things”
After taking a bite Toga’s face lights up at the taste of the jelly and dough mixing together
“This is yummy, hehe.”
“It’s like I am sucking blood, but I am not”
“I’m Toga Himiko”
“M-my names Shigeo Kageyama, but just call me Mob”
“That’s boringgggg, I’m still going to call you Mr Gloomy”
“Now I will be taking these”
“If blood wasn’t, so nice I might permanently eat these doughnuts”
“But they are mine”
“Well, you should do me this favour since I am not sucking your blood”
“Bye-bye, Mr Gloomy” Toga walks away waving at Mob before going out of sight leaving him standing alone in the alleyway
‘I guess I should get some more doughnuts, no big deal.’
Now back at the L.O.V. base Toga walks in finding only Dabi there….
“I saw you with a hero in an alley earlier”
“I am surprised your crazy ass didn’t stab him”
“I was going to, but I decided to leave it”
“But I did steal these amazing treats off him though”
“Want one?”
“Nah, I’m good”
“Eh, more for me, yummy”
‘Stupid hero, making me remember things.’
‘I would of stabbed him if he didn’t remind me, so much of him’
‘Oh well, at least I can eat these super yummy treats’
‘They might tide me over until the next time I go out’
‘Where I will have loads of new blood to drink….YAY!’
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guccifloralsuits · 3 years
God i cant read classics, i wish i was that intelectual bitch but in not
I have so many classics from my country i got from my grandpa but i cant read it it’s so boringgggg
And i read mrs dalloway last month and I swear I want to chew those pages
SO I was forced to read mrs dalloway for my modernism class & bc I had motive to finish it (getting a good grade) & heavily because we were looking at it in a academic analysis lens, I enjoyed it - but I would NOT read that book for simple leisure and if I tried to (without first reading it in a class setting) I would have put it down ten pages in ngl chhfgfgfhgjgjjg
I’m sorry to hear that about the classics from your grandpa RIP 😭😭😭
I really do think there’s classics out there for everyone, but it’s frustrating bc sometimes you’ll get #Lists of Classics You Should Read™️ but also like. Just bc it’s highly rated doesn’t mean it’s right for me, ya feel?
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tsushimanoonryo · 4 years
- Have you ever fallen asleep while replying to threads? - Have you ever cried because of a thread?
1. I have not ever fallen asleep while replying. Not even in my younger roleplaying days when I could stay up past 11 and not feel like shit the next morning, lol.
2. I can’t recall ever having cried because of a thread. In the past, I tended not to play super dramatic threads. Mostly because I was sad all the time irl and wanted some levity for my moods. Since I started RPing again, I haven’t really had much cause to cry. I like to hurt Jin, but it’s fun to do. So I don’t get sad.
I’m boringgggg.
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isabel-magn0lia · 5 years
whattt a fanfic from muah?
If you ask Levi what his biggest mistake was, it was agreeing to go to the bar with his coworkers. Out of his comfort zone, he begrudgingly agrees to be in environment that forces him to get to know his coworkers. Annoyingly, as he was only a janitor at the local high school, he didn’t feel it was necessary to get to know the teachers who are way above his pay way.
Though he tried to drown out the tedious small talks with his third mimosa. He was about to get a fourth helping when a man with glasses sat down next to him and said “another mimosa, really?” in a cocky grin.
“What about it?,” replied Levi. “Today is bottomless so I’m taking advantage.” He doesn’t want to encourage more small talk so he interrupts the stupid beard man by completing his order to the bartender. 
“I got better drinks at my place,” he says in an ignorant tone. I can get you some better drinks. Levi retaliate with “there’s nothing better than free drinks so nah I’m good.” He just wants to be left alone. Why did he come here. 
He blames the blondie with the eyebrows. Stupid eyebrows. he wants to pluck them down to the bare. He hates that he can’t say no to him.
The beardy replied “my drinks are free too!” “nah whatever you’re offering ain’t never free sooooo byeee” Levi said as he sips the good no commitment and safe drink. 
“I promise no funny business” he says again in his stupid voice. So dumb and boringgggg. Levi just wants to get drunk, why can’t life leave him alone. “Can I at least introduce myself?” he says. “My name is Zeke. Zeke Yeager.” 
“MY name is Levi and if you want me to go with you then you need to come up with a better offering.” he doesn’t believe that Zeke can come up with anything better.
“I got a roomba”
He was sold. He wonders how he knew he be interested in a cleaning product. “How did you know I’d be interested in a cleaning product” he asks curiously.
Zeke grins to himself and says, “you have a reputation around here” he says again in his stupid tone. “Also you broke into my little brother’s room and made him clean his room.”
Levi vaguely recalls. “I don’t recall honestly,” he says as he lying like a liar he is.
“K. We’re here.” Zeke says. As they enter Zeke’s apartment, Levi was shooked. This apartment if he can call it that is disgusting and filled with trash. The dishes looked like it wasn’t clean for weeks! How can anyone live like this. Levi can only do what he only knew how.
“Where's your cleaning supplies?”
Hours went by as Levi got to work. He scrub every surface of Zeke’s apartment. Down to the corners and vents. He never felt more excited and disgusted cleaning before. It was a rush and Levi couldn’t get enough.
“Okay. I think that’s everything,” Levi says in a prideful toned. He was proud of what he accomplish in just five hours. Shit. He can’t believe that he just wasted five hours of his life.
“oh? cool thanks. Let me walk you to the door.” Zeke replied as he puts his phone down. The beardy was useless. He had not lifted from his seat in the corner of the living room like a slob that he is. Wait..what?
“That’s it? you’re not even going to ask if I want to stay the night?” he says in confusion.
“no, I don’t think I will. You see I got exactly what I wanted; a clean apartment”Zeke is grinning as looks down at Levi. “I knew you have an addiction to cleaning so I couldn’t help myself.”
“You only invited me so I can clean your shitty apartment?” Levi is pissed but he would be lying if he didn’t enjoyed himself. But if he learned anything from his uncle, if ya good at something never do it for free.
“Fuck you and I’m taking your roomba!” Levi takes the only thing that helped him in his journey of cleaning this shitty place.
He rushes out but not without care for the machine. After five hours, his minimum pay is $14. That would’ve been $140 of his paycheck. What a stupid moron. Roombas are marketed to over $200 bucks! He got the better deal in the end.
Meanwhile, Zeke looks around his apartment. Man..I should’ve gotten his number he thinks begrudgingly. 
He knows one thing though, he misses his roomba. It had his iPOD attach to it.
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frappei-julie-blog · 6 years
1-24-19 🥀✨
hello :}
i guess if i'm to have a blog i should p r o b a b l y keep up to it eh?? anyways, hi, how are you? i hope you're well :D
so far, my weeks been pretty damn great if i do say so myself. monday i didnt have school, i chilled n just played on my playstation all day like the lazy bitch i am 😂 tuesday, it was a pretty boring day n all but after school my boo came over and we chilled n cuddled and uwu it was greAT
yesterday was pretty good too, it wasnt too boring (thankfully) i got some TEA i wanted to spill, played mInEcrAft all night, and got a good amount of rest. the only thing i'd say thats sorta been bothering me is my mom and the fact that i've had the same headache since tuesday :,)))) my moms a real bitch but, we dont talk about that 😤😤
anyWAYS today; WAS REALLY GREATTTT!! first and second hour was really boring, and i got a shitty sub in my math class (second hour) but after that, the rest of the day was great. after history class, the building i was supposed to go to got evacuated because of some chemical spill or somethin, but im not complaining!! i got to miss a whole hour of boringgggg. i got to chill with my cute friends, one including @kyracx98 😛❤️ it was great, i was inna good mood n just the rest of the days been great.
i just got back home from my sisters house n now i'm chillin about to play some blackops or minecraft 🤠 i hope you guys have been having a decent day, i love u :D 💖
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this-just-me · 3 years
This is so boringgggg everyone’s just getting up to talk about their hard core feelings and crying, ughhh so annoying. I’d rather jump off a cliff then hear this shit. The songs. Well I liked the conductor she sounds beautiful and her hand looked so hypnotising. Orlando is pretty good at giving out the bread and water that represents gods blood and flesh. In the bible it says he died for us on a cross. If I’m being honest, that’s stupid but I still believe in god. Sometimes I just think i was a mistake in living. Maybe the day will come where I go back above and just be happy again Truly happy !! I’m getting so tired. I didn’t really sleep last night. I couldn’t really sleep at all because I was to busy thinking about a fnaf song and my past. I also had a dream of cousins, that’s also what I’ve been thinking about this whole morning. My dream was so interesting I wish I could just go back to sleep and dream about it again. Currently I’m sitting next to my cousin. Not just any normal the one that’s so touchy and always wants to sleep next to me when there’s a sleepover at a cousins house. Yep you quest it, it’s fkn lee. Now let me tell you everything about the shit he did to me. Okay so he’d bullied me online and in-fronted family. Once when we were 5 and 6 he uhhh k-kissed me, yeah ik my first kiss was my fkn cousin. I need to cry but nothing comes out of my eyes. I always cry at the wrong times. Well our lunch was nice but Lee still makes me feel uncomfortable. And infront of family he makes feel bad about myself, like he did today, but I just spent most of my time at Orlando’s house outside enjoying the sun.
Omg I was stoned in church while writing this omfg I swear that’s all lies BAHAHAAH my cousin kissing me wtfffff is going through that brain of yours Marnii 😭😭😭
I’m sure everyone was looking at my stoned ass and red looking fkn eyes on my days brou.
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz 04.12.17 lb
helllllllllo babies. mama’s back. 
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random ephemera from speed-watching last week’s episodes can be found here. 
time for billu’s family meeting of the day. honestly, why can’t you ppl just get in a whatsapp group or email chain or whatever? how the f is this in any way efficient, in a family of socialite tycoons who have wives to cheat on and pravachans to get to????
lmao i legit cackled at “good morning, BADE PAPA!!!!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a flawless queen. svetlana has more stones than all the BS alpha males of this house put together. 
“chaachi saaaas” !!!!!!!!!!! 😂😂😂😂
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shakti is me. i am shakti. subaah subaah mental zen ka satyanaaaash. 😒😒😒
khud ke hi ghar mein yeh banda kitttttttttna dramatic entry maarta hai, by god. second only to gina linetti. 
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bee tee dubs, where’s svetlana’s chunnu-munnu hubs? 🤔🤔🤔
the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, shivaay. THE FUCK. give up your fucking shares. not omru’s!!!!! 
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rudra doesn’t seem shocked. hmmmm. possible he’s in on this? 
also, svetlana KAPOOR. hmmm. we’re going with that officially now? 
so does he know she’s tia’s sister or what???? 
man, i can’t help but think how svetlana and shivaay would make suchhhh a good couple??? like, both are suchhhhhhhh shaatir yet overdramatic bunnies who thriiiiiiive on EXTRA. snazzy dressing too. imagine what impeccably turned-out bachche they’d have. WITH AMAZING HAIR. #shivLana #couldBeAThing
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loooooooooooooooooool. i love her. i swear to god, i love her the most on this show. 😅😅😅
daaaaang svetlana, you wily minx. what twisted ways your mind works in. i love ittttttttttttt. 
how can svetlana have rights to the house? it wasn’t shivaay’s to sign away in the first place. anika is the legal owner of the house, remember??????? 
jhanvi, you’re so goddamn stoooopid. if it was his plan, why the f would he tell you IN FRONT OF HER????? god!!!!!!!!
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girl, why would you want their stupidass room? take shivika’s room - IT HAS A POOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anika so help me god, don’t you start. not here. not now. JUST SHUSH. PLEASE. 
great. the spanish inquisition has begun. 
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is rudra glaring at shivaay, or at tej for yelling at shivaay????
oh and the time you got his long-time gf to betray him by screwing shivaay outta his shares. yeahhhh, i haven’t forgotten bitch. so stfu and sit yo ass down and don’t you dare take tht tone with #BrotherIndia #SabKaBhaiShivaay
ok i don’t get why the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk shivaay just doesn’t TELL people shit. like..... WHAT DOES NOT TELLING PPL THE REASON EVEN ACCOMPLISH???????? JUST AT LEAST TELL THEM TO TRUST YOU AND YOU’LL TELL THEM IN TIME???? 
oh boyyyyyyyyyyy, pinky v/s tejvi on beta matter. it’s like.... 425 episodes haven’t passed at allllllllllllllll. 
yes, finally. rudy boy jaaaag utha. BOL MERE SHER, BOL!!!!!!! 
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oh my heart. i am legit tearing uppppppp. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 DAMN YOU AND YOUR PUPPY EYES, LEENESH!!!!!!!!!!!!
“karne ka waqt”???????? kya karne ka waqttttttttttt?!?!? ughhhhhh tejjjjjjjjjjj you the worsttttttttttttt.
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god anika, just fuckinggggg don’t. 
DON’T YELL AT HER, YOU ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
“accept it and respect it”?????? godddddd, fuckkkkkkkkk offffff! 
lol svetlanaaaaaaaa. girl, i wouldn’t be so cockyyyyyyyy. but it’s so fun watching you gloat, so go on and enjoy this momentary victory, i guess. 
physical form???? 🤔🤔🤔🤔 ok, i’m not a big finance person, so correct me if i’m wrong: if the shares have a physical form (in the way she’s implying), aren’t they just bearer shares? as in whoever holds the physical coupon is the owner. there’s no registration or record of who owns bearer shares. surely oberoi corp. wouldn’t just give omRu their 50% of the empire in purely BEARER SHARES. like.... that’s just fucking ridiculous??????????? 
ok why am i looking for financial logic in this show? like, when they defy the laws of physics and all of nature’s other laws, what are these manmade rules???  
great, ek toh itna raita phaila hua hai, yeh woh samete, ya biwi ke aansooon ponche? like, at this point, she knows him enough to know better than poking and prodding at him in public. but no. she’s on her ownnnnnnnnn fucking trip. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
great. getting handsy. fucking hellllllllllll. 😒😒😒
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*chanting and thumping table* ANGRY SEX! ANGRY SEX! ANGRY SEX! ANGRY SEX! 🙃🙃🙃🙃
ok don’t be calling him stone singh oberoi and lord knows what else WHEN YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON. 
god i hate the direction they’ve gone with anika’s character. what’s with her constant flipflopping of faith in him????? like, just in the last ep you were all MY SWEET SUNSHINE BABY SHIVAAY CAN’T EVER DO ANYTHING WRONG MWAHMWAH, and now today this. pick a lane my good bitch, and stick to it. 
the haaaaaand move. goddamnit i’m a sucker for itttttttt.
not in this angry way tho. ://///////
girl. he’s telling you directly about “aane waale din”. use your goddamn bheja and instead of just HEARING HIM, fucking
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no phone to break. so angry fist-making it is. 
my man, you should really look into kick boxing or some shiz as therapy. 
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womanaction · 7 years
fandom: ats?
The first character I first fell in love with: does it count to say Cordy when i was already in love with her? seems cheatish so Doyle i suppose!The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Angel himself! that love has even retroactively extended back to him on BtVS more, where i liked/tolerated him but certainly didn’t love.The character everyone else loves that I don’t: uhhhhh Wesley Wyndham-Pryce i’m guessing, who i love a little less every day.The character I love that everyone else hates: CONNOR! unpopular opinion but Connor was cool. i really enjoyed seeing that side of Angel as well.The character I used to love but don’t any longer: since i used Wesley up there i’ll say AtS!Spike who is a different enough character. i didn’t mind his weird characterization at first bc i was just glad to have more AtS/Spike and i enjoyed the Angel/Spike dynamic quite a bit but the rest was...meh.The character I would totally smooch: Charles Gunn ♥ (it’s always weird for me to write his whole name though bc my mom’s neighbor is also named Charles Gunn haha)The character I’d want to be like: Fred! The character I’d slap: honestly there’s no one involved in AtS i wanna slap as much as Joss himself for the travesty of s4/mistreatment of Charisma Carpenter/etc. A pairing that I love: Cordelia/Angel natch. also Fred/Gunn! and others but those are the big ones.A pairing that I despise: i don’t despise Wes/Fred but i could. also Angel/Nina isn’t hate-worthy but just boringgggg. 
thank you!!!
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