#no I'm not bullshitting you that really happened
gffa · 14 hours
Absolutely fascinated by what the coven's philosophy is in The Acolyte, where Aniseya talks about the Thread as a connection between all living things, that different people call it different things, and says, "Some call it a Force and claim to use it. But we know the Thread is not a power you wield. Pull the Thread. Change everything. It ties you to your destiny. It binds you to others." all while she's actively wielding the Force to demonstrate it. Are we meant to find echoes of the Path of the Open hand, who believed that using the Force in one place meant that you were causing an equal and opposite reaction in another? Where they said "the Force shall be free" as a way to stop anyone from using it in any way, saying that if you saved this life then the Force would take that life over there as "balance"? Is the Coven an evolution of their beliefs, where instead of saying that no one can use the Force, but instead that you should be allowed to use it despite that? Or are they an offshoot of the Nightsisters? Or are they simply saying that the Thread wields them, rather than them wielding the Thread? Or is it that they simply believe it's a large connective web, where when you pluck one string, it vibrates across the entire tapestry? The coven is such an interesting mix of things we know to be true about the Force, but also things that are suspicious as hell, like whatever they did to Torbin, whatever created Mae and Osha, why they felt they had to hide, when the Jedi have always existed beside other dark siders in the galaxy, the Brotherhood of the Ninth Door in the High Republic, the Nightsisters in the prequels, so why are they so afraid of the Jedi finding out their secrets? What is it that the coven believes in and acts on??? Because I love weird Force traditions and the different philosophies of them and I feel like The Acolyte is very much going for a story about unreliable narrators and differing desires conflicting against each other where you can at least understand where each group is coming from, like I don't think the coven is necessarily evil, but what they did to Torbin was certainly a red flag, on the other hand, Aniseya listened to what Osha had to say about leaving with the Jedi, but also we don't know what really happened that night, and I'm enjoying the weird Force bullshit because that's my jam in Star Wars.
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hey-august · 1 day
ANGRY BUGGY I’m screaming I’m giggling I’m kicking my feet.
Being a crew member never really made sense for you, I mean there’s no reason you can think of why he would want you to join his crew. You’re not very talented like the others and you really only ever clean, but you guess that’s reason enough if they just needed a maid, and you’re more than happy having somewhere to sleep at night.
You don’t notice the longing longs and stolen glances, too busy trying to earn your keep on a ship your thankful to have been given a home on. Paying no mind to “accidental” touches or brushing up against you, after all it can get pretty crowded and you’re all working in close quarters. Nothing seems off when you catch him watching you clean, he’s in charge and must be making sure you’re doing your job. You have no reason to think the Captain even knows your name, let alone thinks about you late at night.
Only that changes when he comes back to the ship, drunk and angry after a failed outing. He sees you dusting? He thinks? Not really sure he doesn’t pay much attention to the actual work your doing, but he does see /you/. You give him a half hearted smile to try and avoid confrontation with your clearly upset Captain. Only for him to knock whatever your doing out of your hands and pin your back to the wall. You look surprised and he’s not sure if your fucking with him or just oblivious, you /must/ have noticed how much better he treats you than the other crew, right? That you have to have seen the way he watches you work and how his eyes drift across your body? The only thing Captain Buggy is sure of is that he need to make sure you know, tonight.
Anooooonnnnnn, I'm SO SORRY I kept this for so long.
It's just so wonderful and I wanted to add to it. Time and motivation were working against me, but HERE WE ARE. Finally spending time with our angry clown. 🩷
This was unplanned and got out of hand, like usual.
WC: ~800 Warnings: NSFW, mdni, Buggy x GN!reader, mentions of drinking, insertion sex, angry sex, sorta dubcon (in my head, they both want this), profanity
Nothing - nothing - is going right and it's infuriating. Fucking frustrating. Yeah, he can be a piece of shit, a freak, a loser, but this is fucking ridiculous.
Months of planning and Buggy had nothing to show for it. Sleepless nights spent studying maps, gathering intel, spreading rumors - all for shit and empty hands.
And the moment he lays eyes on you, the anger surges through the liquor burning his insides. Months of planning on how to get closer to you, to get you under him, also resulted in fucking nothing.
You don't notice the way Buggy stares at you like a hungry wolf. You apologize for being in the way when he purposefully brushes his hand against your ass. You didn't question it when you were scheduled to clean his room. You didn't even bat a fucking eye when you walked in the first day and he was laying in bed. Sure he had underwear on, but seriously? You couldn't tell he was coming on to you?
And it's happening again. You're cleaning. Dusting the shit on his shelves. You manage to squeak out some bullshit apology when Buggy slams the door open. Just a little more and then you'd be out of his way.
But that's not where Buggy wants you.
Buggy keeps his eyes open when he kisses you. He wants to see you. The shocked expression on your face is both rewarding and aggravating.
"You have no fucking idea what you do to me, do you," Buggy spits out.
"I don't- what-"
Your words are cut off by an aggressive kiss. Rough and overwhelming. His tongue invading your mouth, his teeth nipping your lips, bruising you.
Breaking the kiss, Buggy presses his forehead against yours. Heavy breaths fill the room. He's finally touching you. He finally has you in his hands. Your taste in his mouth. He should be happy. But no, this success doesn't clear the irritation running through his veins.
"Pull down your pants and turn around."
Buggy waits, wanting to see if you'd listen. And if you didn't, if you left... well whatever. Fuck you, then. And fuck him, ending up with nothing again.
There's barely enough time for his deprecating thoughts to depart before you undress just enough for him to see how aroused you are.
You want this as badly as he does. So why did you make him wait this long?
Rough hands spin your around. "Keep still," Buggy demands while he works to free his aching cock with one hand.
He hisses when bobs and rests against your ass. Your perfect ass. Fuck, he ruts against you, rubbing his erection on you like he's dreamed so many times before.
"Please," you whimper, legs shaking with each tantalizing movement.
The audacity. The fucking audacity you have.
"Please? Please? You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this and you want me to hurry?"
You shake your head but any words that you might say are chased away by pleasure and pain. By Buggy shoving himself in your needy body and his teeth digging into your shoulder. He bites harder and groans as your body clenches and squeezes around him.
His hips are pressed tightly against you and he starts thrusting, hardly pulling out while continuing to bully his way deeper.
Your gasps and moans are a reward. Your white-knuckle grip on the shelves is encouragement. Your body accepting his brutal thrusts is heaven. But Buggy wants more. He deserves more.
A hand in your hair yanks your head back, turning you into a fountain spilling filthy sounds.
Not enough.
His fingers find their way in your mouth and down your throat. You choke and sputter around the intrusion but make no move to pull away. Each gag has your body clenching around him harder. 
A touch on Buggy’s wrist guides his other hand down between your legs. He’s sure you’d say “please” again in that adorably pitiful voice if you weren’t letting him fingerfuck your mouth.
“You fucking- fuck,” Buggy huffs, his hand moving frantically to bring you over the edge before he falls over himself. “You like this, don’t you?”
The high-pitched whine that you manage to push out around his fingers is Buggy’s undoing.
“You better fucking come on me now,” Buggy hisses while his thrusts become erratic and his hands start to shake.
Your legs shake when you catch up, your orgasm ripping through your body. His cock pulses and throbs as he fucks through your orgasms, drops of cum escaping every time he pulls back.
Eventually, heavy breaths fill the room again. The air is hot. It smells of sex, sweat, and alcohol.
“Do you feel better?” you ask, breaking the silence.
The soft tone in your voice is too much. The little flicker of anger in Buggy’s body is gone. He rests his head on your shoulder in defeat and nods. He does feel better. 
“Will you stay?” he asks quietly, lips pressed against your damp skin. He wraps his arms around your torso and holds you tightly, not ready to end this moment.
You nod and the next morning finds you both asleep in bed, utterly worn out and completely content.
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velvetvexations · 2 days
you know i said this about ace discourse when it was happening too but it's blatantly obvious how much of a lie it is that most of the nastiest people spreading bullshit around genuinely think transmasc people are an "oppressor class" because like. the way they state things in their posts makes it pretty clear they're clearly not making jokes at the expense of people who have hurt them, they're making jokes at the expense of people they think are annoying (which isn't the same thing but you wouldn't know it based on the way some people on this website act). like, if you're picking on people for the way they look or talk or the names they have and making stupid ass posts like "the pokemon sneasel looks like a theyfab" and directly harassing people out in the open you pretty clearly don't genuinely think these are people that can hurt you, because you feel pretty damn safe acting like a high school bully towards them
(I'm putting this in the tag because I feel like anon has really struck gold here)
It is, now that you mention it, very different from how cis men are discussed. Normally in a lot of feminist spaces, cis men are treated like The Enemy, but often in a sober way that treats living under the patriarchy in 21st century as though they were living through the London Blitz, and when they are made fun of it's like eighties stand-up comedian shit that men are half as likely to make about themselves.
Transmascs are like, treated with so much extra venomous malice in a way that goes for the throat like cis men never get. Because how, really, does a woman hurt a sexist and powerful cis man's feelings? It's pretty much pointless. It's like telling the emperor he has no clothes and he just goes "yeah and check out how huge my nuts are". The meanness with which transandrophobes try really hard to pick at transmasc insecurities, like regarding SRS anatomy and forced impregnation (which hello is literally just joking about rape?????), is sickening.
But they'd say it was bad to joke about a trans woman's vagina because that's transmisogyny. At best they'll say it's also wrong to say those things to transmascs, but is still somehow just redirected transmisogyny in spite of the fact that it's often transfems doing it and concerning things that are like...I don't want to say "exclusive to transmascs" because I'm still trying to get things straight in my head about how to word things in a way that's inclusive of intersex and non-binary people, but you get what I mean, right? It is extremely targeted and not at all redirected transmisogyny or "just transphobia" like transandrophobes would have you believe.
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drdemonprince · 15 hours
I deal with impermanence by practicing radical acceptance and other DBT skills. I do have a really hard time with change and with things changing unexpectedly and outside of my control. And I used to get really mad and upset about it and try to get control back by manipulating other people or just generally being a bitch about it.
But now, I use my really great DBT skills, mostly radical acceptance but a few other distress tolerance skills like TIPP. For me, radical acceptance let's me have my anger and other emotions without trying to control what I cannot. I'm still mad about it and I still get really dysregulated, but I just tell myself that it's happened, there's nothing I can do about it, and I need to figure out how I will react to it.
As an example, I was flying from Texas to Chicago in December to spend the holiday with my best friend and their family. I purposefully bought a ticket (it was United) so that I could have my personal item and my checked bag. I paid extra for that. But once they started boarding, the gate agent said they were overbooked and they needed some people to volunteer to check their bags otherwise at a certain point, it wouldn't be voluntary. I was pretty pissed about this and dysregulated anyway (traveling is so stressful for me) and I was just really hoping I could get through before they needed to start checking bags because I already had a hell of a time packing, I didn't have my hard shell suitcase, and none of my bags had locks on them. But literally the person in front of me in line was the last person to be able to take both their bags and the gate agent asked me if I could check a bag that didn't have anything important in it (like electronics or medical equipment). I barely fit my things into my bags as is and I did have important stuff in both bags, so I told her as much. And she basically told me that either I figure it out, or I'm not getting on the plane. I was pissed and about to cry. I was so full of rage. And I was embarrassed. But I took a breath, stepped to the side, and tried to figure it out. I knew arguing would not get me what I wanted and I needed to get on that plane. So I got everything sorted, had them check my bag, and got on the plane. The kicker was that once I did get on the plane and everyone was boarded, THERE WAS TONS OF ROOM LEFT IN THE OVERHEAD BINS SO I DIDNT NEED TO CHECK MY BAG ANYWAY. (Yes I'm still really mad about this). But I practiced my breathing, told myself I had no control over the situation, controlled what I could (my own behavior) and said to myself that I'll figure it out when I get to Chicago. It was fine. I didn't lose my bag or any of my stuff. I didn't have a meltdown but my rage lasted til about half way through the flight. And the next day I went to go get bag locks at target. So radical acceptance, TIPP, and controlling what I can control is usually how I deal with it.
Speaking of DBT! Thank you so much for sharing this story with us, Anon. Traveling is ROUGH and a huge part of that is because our disability is manufactured by shitty corporations like United -- the disruption would be bad enough on its own! but then they go and reduce seat sizes, cut storage bin access, overbook flights, and just straight up lie to customers, creating all kinds of stress for those of us who just want to know what to fucking expect. Glad you were able to find a way to cope with all that bullshit! Sometimes being pissed for an hour or two but doing what you needed to do is a huge W.
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alpydk · 2 days
Fire and Ice
My contribution to the art/fic trade with @orangekittyenergy - Tav's can be very personal, so I'm praying that this is okay. I really enjoyed this and let it all just go where it needed which probably explains the length written in the last few hours... I like writing, it's productive daydreaming.
Word Count - 3339 words - Angst/Comfort, happy ending
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Fawn cursed the depth of the wizard’s chest as they squeezed into the alleyway, her half-elf body forced so closed to him she could feel the tensed pectoral muscles against her own slight frame. He’d gone to talk only for her to place her palm against his mouth, her eyes a glaring signal that now was not the time for a lecture on the making of deals you did not plan to keep.
The Zhentarim mercenary ran past, his footsteps heavy on the sundried cobbles of the city streets. Baldur’s Gate was no longer their potential turf, all because of the involvement of a group of meddling adventurers. She’d known what was going to happen, her dealings with them all those years ago not allowing her the true freedom she desired, but after all this time, after Gale’s belief that she was a noble person, she couldn’t go back into negotiations with them. Her brother would be disappointed, but this was for the best and maybe, with luck, one day she could save him from them as well.
She felt the moistened heat of Gale’s breath upon her hand, his eyes growing impatient, his own hands fidgety around her waist. They crept around to the base of her back, pulling her in a little closer, and she felt the effects their perilous situation was having on her wanting companion. He’d once read a book, he’d explained, and she’d believed him wholeheartedly after that night, what the effects of danger had on desire. What had once been her quiet, well-spoken wizard had become as unrestrained as the magical energies at her own command.
Her hand lowered from his mouth as the danger passed, a hunger in her own eyes spurred by the closeness of his physique. The sweat from his brow brought strands of hair to stick, his sandalwood scent merged with her own, his lips would taste of the morning’s fresh bread.
“Fuckin’ magic users. They’ve probably gone and cast some invisibility or some other bullshit.” “Yeah, but they can’t have got too far. You check the sewers; I’ll try the park.” “Why do I get the sewers?” “Because you already smell like shit. Quite complaining.”
The elf listened as the two mercenaries parted ways, leaving her and Gale with the chance to escape. Her shoulders wanted to relax, but the playful smirk of the wizard, the hand that gripped her hip a little too tightly, would not allow her the possibility. “Gale… We both know this isn’t the right time.”
He brought his face to her neck; heated breaths merged with soft kisses. “Maybe, but how many more opportunities will we get like this?”
She sighed at his words. She knew he was right, as usual. The upcoming battles would grow more difficult: Orin, Gortash, The Netherbrain. There were so many that one or both of them might not come back from, so many moments where they could be torn apart from one another, where she could lose him, as she had so many others before. His fervent kisses became more eager the longer she took to resist. His tongue ran up the arch of her neck, her hips pushing instinctively into his within the confines of the shadowed alleyway, her hands beginning their own dance trapped between their compressed bodies.
“Oh shit, sorry.” A child stumbled upon them, trying to use the alleyway as a shortcut home.
Fawn tensed and used the momentary distraction to pull herself from Gale’s grasp, her heartbeat raised, her own sweat beading under her russet tones, joining the scarred line across her eye. She slid herself from his hands, out from under the shaded canopy of the buildings and into the stifling city sun. The child gave a small laugh and squeezed past Gale with ease, running down the alley to their unknown destination. 
He tensed up, running his hands down his robes, a combination of patting off the dust from the brick wall behind him and making himself look like the presentable magic user he was and not the desperate sack of physical urges she always turned him into. He patted his side once, twice, before looking down. “The child has pilfered my gold pouch…”
She chuckled at his misfortune. “Yeah, they’ll do that if you’re not paying attention. You need to keep your wits up about you. Try to focus on less pressing matters.”
Her playful smile did not go unnoticed as he emerged into the sunlight, his lips moistened from yearned kisses, cheeks blushed as Elverquisst. He didn’t know what it was about her that drove him to these uncharacteristic moments of insanity. He’d suspected it was the Weave coursing through her veins, binding the two of them together, trying to entwine as it naturally would, or maybe it was the way her glance always saw through him. Ever since the portal incident, it was as if she’d read him like he was one of the simplest tomes known to man, and he’d happily let her trace her fingers over every weathered page.  
He sighed, knowing there was little point in chasing the urchin. A few measly gold to him would mean a week’s worth of food for the child, most likely a refugee of the city, or one of the many orphans growing up into a world of thievery and the Guild’s politics. Taking Fawn’s delicate hand into his own, he stepped forward. He saw the gentle dusting of ash, the crackling of a lightning bolt leaving its reminder on her ivory skin, and he ran his thumb over it, revealing the beauty that lay beneath. He made a note to place a kiss there later in the evening, a starting point of the map he planned to use on an awaited exploration of mounds and crevices.
As they walked through the streets back to camp, their attentions split between each other and the potential lookouts trying to find them, Gale spoke. “A friend of the family… I always was curious why Roah said that to you.”
The half-elf lifted her hazel eyes to him, and he could see the calculations going on, the wall she kept up so readily now being further supported with a cold distance. “That’s just the phrase the Zhentarim use. She meant nothing by it.” Her voice wavered a little, an uncertainty in the strength of her lie, and he felt her pace quicken a little as if she were trying to escape the situation she found herself in.
“My love, I know there have been many a moment my propensity to read into behaviours has led to disorder, but I cannot help but notice your aversion to this line of questioning.”
“You wizards…” She sighed deeply, releasing his hand as she walked further ahead of him.
He stopped for a moment, trying to register her words. Again, this would be the argument of the evening, as it had been a few times before when things became uncomfortable for her. She would claim that all wizards were too curious for their own good, that their unnatural abilities with magic are what lead them to unbridled ambition. Once, she had stumbled over her words and inadvertently blamed him for his own folly, and only once had he blamed her reckless use of magic for the reason she had no loved ones to speak of. This was not the way he wanted things to continue going.
“Fawn, wait.” He took a few quick steps forward and kept pace with her, trying to quench the rising flames as quickly as he could. “You know I meant no harm with my line of reasoning. I simply wish to understand why the Zhentarim have turned on us as ardently as they appear to have.”
“And you expect me to know? As if I’m some omnipotent goddess watching over all?”
He shook his head at her words. Clearly, time would be the best solution to remedy the matter at hand. He considered his options: continue with her in stony silence, or take a different route, allowing them both the chance to clear their heads. There was little distance until the campsite and the risk of being captured was practically zero now that they were out of the busy city streets. “You make it very clear sometimes that you are not a goddess. I apologise for my blind devotion.” His words hurt as he spoke them, too final, too reminiscent of words he had wanted to utter during his year alone.
Fawn watched as he turned from her, his footsteps growing quieter as he took the eastern path from her. She wanted to run after him, to apologise and explain everything, but it had always been easier to push those around her away. To protect them and herself. She thought of her brother when she was a young girl, how he had left the first moment he could. She hadn’t understood fully at the time, but as she grew and trained under their father, it became clearer. Their mother was gone, leaving nothing but ex-military routine and training, her sorcerer blood a disappointment in her father’s cold eyes.
She walked the path to camp alone, knowing she had been wrong to speak as she had done. She longed to be back in that alleyway, lustfully bound to Gale, his body pressed against hers, and only the present moment existing between them. No tragic pasts, no doomed futures. The tents fell into view with the setting of the sun, shadows extending like creeping tendrils. She was thankful that they grew no further than permitted; the Shadowlands finally resolved of its dreadful curse that took so many lives.
Gale sat outside his tent, a book in hand, the pages turning with a little more agitation than either of them liked. Soon he would begin to cook, and with it, calm down enough for her to approach him, restarting the cycle of their relationship once again. She thought not of the future, instead finding comfort in the recent past, of Moonrise Towers, and royal blue sheets beneath her, of words of love and comfort.
He saw her come back to camp, her quick glance placed over him, but he refused to lift his head to her. He was angry, though he was unsure at which of them it was directed at. She had yet again pushed him away, but again he had questioned her motives rather than trusting her. Fawn had believed him from the start of his history with Mystra and the orb. She’d granted magic items without reservation, had held his hand softly as the pain had been too much for him, and then there had been Moonrise; a night that he believed would be his last. Long before that starlit evening he had realised his love for her, but it was only then that he had summoned the courage to admit it to her, and she had replied in kind. From that night he’d given her everything he could of himself, his honesty, love, body. If she requested it, he would happily give his life for her.
Now though she departed for her tent, an armour put up that he was unsure he could break through. He moved to the campfire, his hands mindlessly preparing the evening meal, his eyes watching the flickering flames that danced over the firewood. Gale sat alone for some time; his mind lost in thoughts of how he could remedy the situation. The pot boiled away, the savoury broth releasing the homely aroma into the air. His shoulders relaxed and his jaw unclenched from its involuntary position.
Quietly placing herself beside him, he noticed Fawn lift the wooden spoon and stir. “Smells nice,” she said softly, testing the waters of conversation.
“Well, I always strive for the best. In both magic and cooking.”
The silence hung heavily around them, neither knowing what to say nor how to apologise, if they should apologise.
Fawn brought the spoon to her lips, giving the broth a silenced blow before taking it into her reddened lips. “It tastes nice, too. Could use a little salt, though.”
“Always the food critic, never the cook.” He smirked at her, trying to ignore the pleasure he felt on seeing her tongue licking at the tip of the wooden spoon. Easily distracted by the movements, the cookery, and her presence, he found it difficult to focus on the matters he wanted to discuss with her. He coughed nervously, bringing himself back on track. “Are we going to discuss earlier or refrain from the topic altogether?”
She shuffled awkwardly, placing the utensil back in the pot sharply. “And say what, Gale? That again, you have sought answers for questions you yourself have made?”
“I seek answers to the secrets you hide from me.” His voice came out more exasperated than he wished, and he took the momentary silence to compose himself. “When I was a young wizard, and not the fallen Chosen you witness before you, I had a Drow elf as a… Well, a close friend. She would often chastise me similarly to how you do and always strived to do better than me, as if it was a competition.” He took a pinch of salt and added it to the cooking pot that lay between them both. “She often spoke of khaless, trust, but especially misplaced or foolish trust; something she saw in me so often as I worked to become the best I could be. And she was right in what she observed. I do trust too easily, and I certainly love far easier and with more of my heart than is wise.”
He hoped she understood his words, his long-winded explanation, an apology for who he was as a person, for the pressure he placed on her simply by being honest with her. He watched as she exhaled; her gaze focussing softly on him. He was unsure where this conversation would lead, but the balance needed to be disrupted. He had given all, and now it was her turn.
Fawn knew she had pushed and pushed, but it had now gone too far. Emotionally closed off was the term her brother had used in mockery so many years ago. She may have struggled to wield a sword as much as father had wished, but she had mastered the concept of psychological warfare. “Do not share yourself or else they see your weakness. Do not let your mental guard down or your heart be pierced.”
Gale spoke, and she listened. Together they had been as fire and ice and slowly her heart had begun to melt. “We have a similar word in Elvish, kessuk. It translates to stupid,” she said, trying to hold on to her walls so desperately.
Gale gave an awkward chuckle. “Maybe it is that which she was truly insinuating.” He lowered his head, the heart of the subject now approaching. “I suppose what I poorly attempt to articulate to you is that maybe I have been kessuk, as you so bluntly put it.”
Her mouth fell open at his words, the belief that he was in the wrong almost an insult which hurt her. “No. No. How can you even think that?”
“My dear, I love you and you know I would offer my love to you for a thousand more nights to come should the opportunity unveil itself, but, and I say this with nothing but the starlight of my heart that shines for you, I do not know how much more I can give. There are times I feel you may not be on the same proverbial page as me, and in some lonelier moments, even in the same book.”
Her heart broke at his words; that this was possibly the end for them, now nothing but starlit nights fading to dawn, of darkened alleys bathed in sunlight. “But…” The tears built up in her eyes and she looked away before Gale could see her weakness.
His voice was soft as he spoke, not demands but innocent questions that she couldn’t ignore. “This is what I speak of, Fawn. You shut me out, all of us. What will it take for me to see the heart that has beaten in tandem with mine? To feel the selfless love that I know is buried deep beneath the surface.”
Her hands sat in her lap, struggling to find a place of rest. The sorcerer rarely felt fear in the face of danger, had stood against the gods and their orders, but at this moment she felt vulnerable, as if Gale was seeing every crack in her armour as clearly as the scar on her face. “I left Baldur’s Gate before things got too bad, but until then, I was in a rough situation.”
She went on for some time telling him of her childhood, of the mother she never knew and the father who couldn’t accept what she was, of her brother who introduced her to the Zhentarim and the odd jobs she unknowingly did for them before understanding who they truly were. She spoke of Roah and their passing acquaintance, of how she had left the city and begun to build a life of her own, wielding her magic that flowed so naturally. As her tale continued, Gale grew closer to her, his hand resting on hers, a weight that brought her calm. The fire dimmed, and the food cooled, but every secret was told, every emotion bared for him to see and reject if he so wished.
He looked at her with sympathy, understanding all too well how a childhood under a soldier could be; training schedules and emotions hidden being the law of the home. Their lives had run similar paths at the beginning, but turned out differently. Both, though, had been ones of loneliness and finding their own way. Whilst hers had been one of potential crime, his had been of isolated study. He had grown to love too easily; she struggled to love. His magic had led him into the arms of a goddess; hers had driven her away from the arms of her father.
As she fell quiet, he knew there was little he could say. All questions had been answered, and the truth finally revealed to him. The woman who sat in front of him glowed brighter than she ever had. Under the mask had been revealed a strength and reliance that only made him love her more. He brought his arms around her and pulled her in close, no longer lustful hands of trailing desire yearning for her, but a desperate need to protect her and love her as she was in that moment. He felt her warm breath on his chest, smelt the floral aroma as he nestled his face in her hair.
A small part of her felt exhausted, as if she had endured a battle and emerged from the rubble battered and bruised. His arms around her felt like a home she had never had, a safety and connection with another person she had only ever dreamt of. He’d listened to her, accepted the past she had run from and now still embraced her as fondly, if not more so. She lifted her head to his, her soft lips brushing up against his, wanting in her eyes to give him everything, to no longer hold back from him in any aspect of their relationship. “I love you, Gale.”
His hands drifted up her back as their lips met, as the stars shone just for them, and time halted its ever-journeying march. For a thousand nights more, they would share in moments like this, some frantic and passionate in darkened alleyways, some in the desperate eagerness of sun-drenched fields, others more leisurely from the sanctuary of Gale’s tower as the rains fell from the heavens. A thousand more nights of a future together; Gale and Fawn burning with starlight as one.
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aidenlydia · 2 days
I have seen that you are very open about supporting trans people and that your pronouns are they/them. How were you able to understand that you were trans? (If you are.) I've honestly felt so confused lately and don't have anyone I can ask about this. I love your ftm ghost art. I think it is amazing. I just don't know what to do or how I'll ever be able to figure out myself. Totally not your job but was curious if you had advice.
Not sure how helpful this will be, because my trans experience is deeply interlinked with my Dissociative Identity Disorder and Autism, so I'm sorry if this is a bit confusing.
What is Dissociative Identity Disorder
Dissociative Identity Disorder - Terms and Definitions
Autism and Gender
The reason why I go by they/them is because we're literally multiple people. Our two Hosts Aiden and Lydia (aka the alters interacting most with the world outside of our own head) are a man and a woman. We spend all our time together, sharing a body and the control over it.
We used to go by he/she, but people would only view us as a girl because of our body, so we switched to they/them. It makes more sense and feels better to be acknowledged together instead of Aiden being left out all the damn time.
Now bear with me here.
Though Lydia is a cis women, she grew up never belonging anywhere because we're autistic, so she feels like an imposter and a fraud when trying to connect to her feminity. Most days we barely feel human at all because we've been othered all our life. But she still views herself as a woman - motherhood in particular is a big important part of her.
Aiden is a trans man, but he doesn't mind our feminine body and doesn't plan on getting surgery ever. Testosterone maybe, but even that isn't super important to him at the moment. To him knowing he's a man is enough, passing isn't a priority at all. And because all of our Littles are girls he's rather protective of their body - any kind of medical procedure would cause a lot of fear in them.
He realized he's trans because he preferred a male name for himself, short hair and male clothing. It happened very quickly because exploring gender has never been an issue for us, it's fun and simply felt comfortable.
We do have two Agender Alters, but they don't come out in our regular daily life. They don't feel like anything really, they're deeply connected to nature and just want to exist as genderless beings, so they prefer not taking control of our body. It feels peaceful not being put into a box or defined by gender expectations and whatever other bullshit the world comes up with.
In the past we used to have another trans male Host, but he was suffering deeply from gender dysphoria. He couldn't stand the sight of our body or existing in it and became very self destructive about it. Until one day he just stopped coming out and hasn't been back since.
Before I even realized I had DID, gender wasn't really a concept to me. Same with names, it just didn't make sense to me why someone couldn't just change their name if they didn't like the one their parents gave them for whatever reason. I think of people as people, not boys and girls. Sure there are physical differences, but the meanings/genderroles we attributed to them are completely made up.
Folks love nagging me about how I draw my Ghost, but the truth is he can walk around looking like a cis girl and still be a man, I truly dgaf. So what if he's smaller and more delicate looking next to that big bear of a captain, that doesn't make him any less of a man.
The best advice I can give is you don't need to label yourself if you don't want to. You can experiment and just see what feels good. Maybe you'll find a label or make a plan along the way, but don't feel pressured to.
Common things people do is try out a different name, change their pronouns, create and play as video game characters of the opposite gender/sex (or gender non-conforming in general), listen to trans playlists/musicians, shop clothes/stuff in the other section (including underwear or things like jewelry ect), read books or watch movies about different kinds of trans characters, watch video essays about trans topics, create OCs or sonas, look at trans art and watch/read about other people's trans journeys.
Of course there are "what's my gender identity" tests you can take too, idk how helpful those are but I guess they can give you a bit more insight and maybe make you ask questions that you haven't asked yourself before.
Lastly here's a list of gender identities and definitions that might be beneficial to have a look at, as well as my trans resource list I put together last month about what can be done to change your gender in various ways
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peachhcs · 12 hours
multi-million university of michigan soccer complex with samy hughes (speical guest star: will smith!)
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
samy shows mike around the umich women's soccer complex with will tagging along (i figured we needed some happy content between the breakup angst, so here’s some happy content before the breakup happened :))
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another little lost in the drafts blurb. this was entirely inspired from will's video where he showed the conte forum with mike. i think that's my favorite video, so i recreated it with samy showing off umich's. (i don't know actual numbers for the umich women's soccer team so i made some up oops) i've never really used gifs for the pictures, but wowow take a look at him HAHA
au masterlist
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"alright everyone, this week i'm in the heart of michigan, the university of michigan in ann arbor. i'm here with a hughes legacy and also the youngest sibling, samy hughes," the brunette quickly waved at the camera with a smile. "just in her rookie season she's led the women's soccer team to the ncaa finals this past season and now she's here to give me and will smith a tour of the athletic complex," mike rounded off the intro and the camera panned into samy and will's faces. the two smiled.
"so, it's the first time i've had a young couple on before. i just interviewed you a few months back and now we're in michigan with your girlfriend," mike said to will and motioned to samy.
"yeah, thanks for having me back again on the channel," will chuckled.
"yeah, of course. i mean i was so excited when samy said she had time to do this with us and when i leaned you were in umich too i just had to get in on it. you guys have been like the talk of the internet for the past few months, so i'm excited to get my take in," mike laughed and so did samy and will.
"we have a bet going on who's gonna get more views on their video," samy said.
"oh really? who do you think is gonna win?" mike wondered.
"i said her because everyone always wants to know what she's doing," will chuckled.
"are you two really competitive with one another?" mike pointed between will and samy. the two exchanged a glance, shrugging.
"i mean..yeah kind of. sometimes we can get really competitive over the summer when we're playing street hockey or something," samy explained briefly.
"makes sense. so we're standing in the locker room, can we see your stall?" mike asked and samy nodded. she led the boys to her stall where her name was up on the outside door.
"wow, i like these doors. that's kind of fancy," mike said quickly opening and closing the door.
"yeah it's nice so like our stuff isn't out everywhere and it makes the room look more clean and put together so our stuff isn't everywhere," the brunette explained.
"so you're next to some of the older girls. shannon and carrie," mike read off the names on either side of samy's stall.
"yeah, it's nice having them next to me. they definitely spread out the freshman so we're by an older player and like can talk to them when we want."
"do they offer good advice?" mike raised his eyebrow.
"yeah, i'd say so. they treat us good." samy chuckled. the girl led the boys through the kitchen area and into the lounge.
"here's where we hang out a lot before games and sometimes on the weekends. we can watch tv, talk, play games, whatever."
"what do you think will? are these more comfier than the ones at bc?" mike asked and sat down in one of the chairs. will sat down, relaxing back into the cushions.
"they feel like the same to me?" will laughed.
"okay, same is good," mike nodded and stood back up.
"what's your favorite activity to do in here before games or on the weekends?" mike asked samy.
"probably just talking and getting to know everyone more. we like playing cards a lot," the girl chuckled.
"what kind of cards? poker? uno?"
"a lot of uno, sometimes we play bs," samy grinned.
"like bullshit?"
"i don't know if i've played that before.." mike scratched his head while samy and will's mouths dropped open in disbelief.
"you've never played bullshit before? you've had to," will exasperated.
"wait, explain it to me."
"it's like you have a certain amount of cards and you have to convince people you have however many cards of 1, 2s , aces, spades, whatever and if someone doesn't believe you they call bullshit," samy explained the game.
"oh, wait. that does sound familiar. maybe we don't call it bullshit where i'm from," mike laughed.
samy continued leading the boys through the facility. she showed them their gear room and recovery room where girls went to get treatment for something that was hurting.
"wow, here's a sign for you. 15 final fours. 5 national championships," mike nodded in approval.
"yeah, we walk by this sign going out to the field. it's great motivation for every game and i probably stand in front of it before every game just...you know taking it all in," samy nodded.
"that's pretty incredible. now it will be 16 final fours after this past season," mike nudged her shoulder making the brunette chuckle.
"it's definitely a really good achievement and something i'm very proud of for just being a freshman."
"i mean you should be proud. you basically led your team to the finals. that doesn't happen a lot. when you guys argue do you ever like bring up how many national titles your schools have to one up each other?" mike teased samy and will.
"not that we argue, but sometimes i bring up the fact that our hockey team has 9 national titles," samy laughed and will rolled his eyes.
"does that make you wanna get a national title to get closer to michigan?" mike also laughed.
"yeah, sometimes," everyone grinned while samy led the boys to the mini shooting room where girls could practice their goals.
"damn, this is nice," mike nodded.
"it's open pretty much all day. i mean if i can't sleep sometimes i come here and shoot goals to get my energy out," samy chuckled.
"really? i mean i would do if i had open access to something like this. do you have any superstitions before games?"
"yeah, i have a few. i've had a lot of them since high school, but i have to always wear the same pair of socks before every game. i need to eat exactly 2 apples and i have to always wear a braid in my hair," the girl chuckled.
"wow, those sound intense. have you ever forgotten to do one and it messed up the game?"
"one time in high school i only ate one apple and we lost the game by a point. i believed then that i needed to do all those things to lead us to victory," the three of them laughed.
"alright, i wanna do a quick 1v1 or 2v1 situation. loser runs the entire football field. i made will do this when i was with him in boston," mike said, eyes sliding towards the blonde.
"yeah, alright. let's go to 2 goals then," samy immediately agreed and picked a soccer ball out.
"you getting in this smitty?" mike asked the blonde standing to the side.
"i mean..i don't know. she's a good shooter, so..i'm not sure if i wanna run the entire football field," will laughed.
"oh, he sounds scared," mike looked at samy. the girl only shrugged.
"come on, get in here. it's two of us and a pretty small area.," mike urged will to get in. the blonde gave in and got in next to the older man.
they got into position to block samy's shots, but the girl was good. they could hardly keep up with the ball as she passed it through her feet and dodged will's advances to make her first goal.
"damn," mike said.
"i told you she was good," will said and mike waved him off. they set up again and samy went in from a different side. she managed a small hat trick and kicked the ball over their heads.
"wow, you are good," mike nodded.
"i mean she goes to a d1 school," will pointed out and samy chuckled.
"is this what happens every time she makes you play with her back home?" mike looked at will.
"yeah, pretty much. i can't ever get past her if we're on different teams," will admitted almost shyly.
"i mean you have to at least be better on the ice then?" mike wondered. will grimaced, looking at samy and slowly shaking his head.
"not..not always. maybe now because she hasn't played in awhile, but before..she had me," will said with a small blush.
"oh right, i forgot you dominated on the ice for a good sixteen years. you're just better at everything then," mike said and samy nodded.
"yeah, pretty much. my brothers taught me everything i needed to know on the ice. soccer was all me," the girl smiled.
"so tell me, what was your decision and commitment process? i mean..did growing up in ann arbor play a big role in that?" miked asked as the three walked back out into the hallway.
"yeah, pretty much. quinn and luke both came here and i really loved the campus because i was at every home game. it's also super close to home and i love the idea of being close to home and my parents. plus, knowing i was continuing my brothers' michigan legacy was really special to me and i wanted to follow in their footsteps because i look up to them a lot," samy explained.
"that's really special that you and your brothers have such a close bond. were they excited when they found out you were going to umich?"
"yeah, they definitely were. they showed up to my high school signing day and i had no idea they were coming so they found out i chose michigan there and that was a really special moment," samy nodded.
"there wasn't any way smitty could convince you to go to bc with him?" mike teased a little.
"i toured the campus with him and i mean, it was absolutely beautiful and i actually was torn between bc and umich for the longest time, but ultimately, michigan is always where my heart will be in the end."
samy led the boys into the workout room where they had training and lifting every morning.
"your trainer here is insane, i heard," mike commented and the girl nodded.
"yeah, he's one of the best. he's been with women's soccer for years and he knows how to push us the right amount to get us to our full potentials."
"alright, i wanna see you two do a pull-up contest. smitty, if you get more than her, you redeem us and we don't have to run the football field," mike proposed with samy and will exchanged a laugh.
"okay, deal. we see how many we can do in like 30 seconds?" the hockey player looked over at his girlfriend.
"yeah, sure," she chuckled.
the two grabbed onto the pull-up bars side by side and started their pull-ups. they made it look easy with how smoothly they went through each pull-up. mike had the timer going, making impressive faces at the camera at how easily samy and will did their pull-ups.
"okay, that's 30," mike stopped them.
"i did like 43," samy breathed out, hands on her hips.
"i got 47.," will said and pumped his fist in the air. the girl rolled her eyes as mike and will high five.
"looks like you're doing a football length sprint," will taunted and samy just shook her head.
"so, as we walk out to the field, i wanna know what got you two together because i know you grew up together and are childhood best friends," mike redirected the conversation.
"basically we just got our shit together and finally realized we have feelings for one another. i think we realized it at the draft this past summer and then at my draft party we had a bit of a..a confession," will explained.
"that's very classy. that awkward like..i think i like you thing," mike nodded with a laugh.
"it's funny because so many people knew we had feelings for one another before we even did. like a bunch of our friends and family always looked at us like: you're for real not together?" samy added.
"that's really funny. you guys are a really great pair i think and you bounce off one another really well. do you guys find it hard sometimes to navigate this new relationship being in different states?"
"it's been a little hard at times because we're so busy and don't get a lot of time to see one another. like..this is the first time we've seen each other probably since new years, but we're definitely making it work. it's easy because we already know one another so well so we know how we work and we skip the awkward phase," samy said and will nodded in agreement.
"wow, first time since new years? i guess that makes sense though because will's pretty busy with hockey," mike said and the two nodded.
"we call and text everyday so we're still talking. we try to facetime every night too and just debrief on our days and try to make it as normal as possible," will added.
"well, i know boston's looking good for a possible national title and you're looking really good for a national titles as well next season, so i hope when i talk to you guys again that will be true," mike said and the two grinned.
"yeah, let's hope so," samy chuckled.
the three made it out to the football field where they graciously turned the lights on for them.
"how about i do it with you and we see who can make it back the fastest," will offered.
"oh, look who's being a good boyfriend and not making his girlfriend run the field alone," mike chuckled.
"you're making these bets like you're gonna win," samy laughed.
"what does that mean?" will looked shocked.
"uh oh. don't tell me she beats you in sprints too."
"she's..she's pretty fast on the field. on the ice sometimes i beat her," will defended himself.
"alright, if you beat him and get under..let's say a minute, i'll give you a prize," mike told samy.
"easy. deal," she said and threw her sweatshirt off. will threw his hat off and rolled his sleeves up.
"on three okay?"
when mike said go, the two were off. samy already had a significant lead, proving that she was faster than will on the field. she started racing back down towards mike who showed the camera that they were at exactly 30 seconds.
samy came in first, high fiving mike's hand and then doubling her to catch her breath. will came in a few seconds later, also panting from how fast he ran.
"damn, that was..that was fast," the blonde panted.
"she's definitely got some speed on you," mike nodded and samy laughed.
"i told you. she's..she's fast," will chuckled.
"well, as promised, here is your prize. custom nike sneakers in michigan colors with your name across the side," mike presented his prize for samy.
"oh my god, that's awesome. thank you so much," the girl beamed, showing off the shoes to the camera.
"alright, i'm hungry. how do you guys feel about jersey mikes?" mike asked and the two nodded.
view all comments
user2 jesus samy's so good at scoring no wonder why she led the team to the ncaa finals
user4 god they're so in love it's so cute i love them sm
user5 literally the best d1 couple
user6 i understand why will is dating her. i'd fold so fast for her
user8 god big10 schools are insane. i get the hype now
user9 this girl has a big future ahead of her for sure. i see an ncaa title in her near future
user11 will admitting how better she is at him in everything biggest green flag ever we love a man who gives his woman the credit she deserves
user12 god i just know if she stuck with hockey she'd be insane like her brothers but soccer's such a good fit for her too
user13 samy explains bs to mike is hilarious i can't
user14 they're so well spoken. i'm sure samy's learned from her brother's interviews
user15 golden retriever and golden retriever fr
user16 they KNEWW what they were doing putting will in this video too
user17 to be samy hughes ugh i can't anymore
user18 god they're both so lucky
user20 the fact that she's also a poli sci major and has a 4.0 is incredible to me like DAMN WILL he pulled a good one
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darkbluekies · 22 hours
advice for posting to tumblr? examples like best things to write/post for interactions, or tips for the stories themselves? I admire you 🤍please let me know… I’d love to post writing but I’m kind of nervous, especially for posting ocs
…. bcuz I feel like if I got 3 notes on it I might cry.
thank you 🐝
I was also nervous posting my first oneshot on this account — so nervous that I privated it for a few days before I decided that "What's the worst that could happen? If this doesn't work, then what have I actually lost?" I don't remember how much interaction my first oneshot got, but you shouldn't be too hard on yourself because it will take a little time to build up an audience that follow regularly.
But for advice themselves, I'd say, if you are unsure on what to write, take a look around some hastags in the genres that you are interested in writing for and see a bit what works well. If mafia works well in the hashtags, try to write your own mafia scenario and incorporate your style!
Also, what i didn't do but what i think i would do in case i could go back and change, is that post 3 or 4 fics relatively close after each other in the beginning, so that your readers can get a taste of what your style is and what you like to write. It's hard to decide that on only one piece of writing. And by posting regularly in the beginning shows that you are serious about your writing and that you will keep posting in the future, which also helps keeping readers because it reassures them that you won't just write once and disappear!
I hadn't really explored others yandere ocs before I started, I just wanted to write in a more fanfiction style but without the fanfiction part and it felt natural to make my own characters. I'd say go for it because you have much more freedom with scenarios and stories that way. My advice is to make the OCs quite different from each other so that "there's one for everyone" if that makes sense. Different characters brings different types of readers. Maybe make one police oc, one fisher, one teacher or such, give everyone different starters so that you can create different scenarios for them that only works for them.
Another advice that I think is important is the title, the blurb and the cover. "Never judge a book by its cover" is bullshit, you do judge the title, the blurb and the picture before you pick up a book. Play around with them!
My last advice would be to interact with the ones that come to your account. Be nice to anons and other creators that want to take part in your writing!
Good luck<33 i'm sure you'll do great<33
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kamenriderliveblog · 2 years
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Me whenever something cool happens in any tokusatsu series
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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hahaha wheee haha
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moongothic · 8 months
Many people have pointed out (in relation to Crocodad) how in Japanese the etymology of the word "wani" (crocodile) is a bit complicated to say the least and in mythology could mean a variety of things, including a shark, sea monster or a dragon
Which, of course, is quite an interesting coincidence. Crocodile does often get referred to as "wani" not just by Luffy but some other characters, and so it would be just a little funny if both of Luffy's dads were sorta kinda called dragons
There's also people pointing out how Zoro's mother was called "Tera", similar to terra (earth) and Sanji's mother was named Sora (sky). So if Luffy's birthing parent was named after a water-dwelling creature, well, it'd be cute and round out the monster trio's birthing parents in a funny way, since we'd have earth, sky and the sea
But what really is fucking me up about the whole wani-thing is the Myth of Toyotama-hime
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So the TL:DR; of the myth is
The pregnant princess Toyotama came from the Ryuuguu Castle deep in the oceans onto land to give birth to her child, telling her husband that when she would give birth, she would revert back into her true form, requesting him to not look at her while she gave birth. But her husband could not keep that promise, so he peeked in on his wife, only to witness a giant wani giving birth. The sight of this horrified the husband so much he fled, while Toyotama princess was so hurt by what had happened that she returned to the sea, abandoning her child.
Indeed, this myth bringing up wani pregnancy is just. An interesting coincidence for Crocodad speculation
Of course, we know Oda borrows from mythology (fucking, Fishman Island's castle is literally the Ryuuguu Castle), so if Crocodad Real, it's genuinely plausible Oda could('ve) take(n) inspiration from that very myth
Thing about it is that though...
Like, if we're assuming Crocodile never fully realized he was trans until he got pregnant, then him transitioning either immidiately or as soon as he could after giving birth would make sense. Dude seeks out Iva-chan and gets the t-juice*, so on and so forth, but my question is like, would that have been before or after delivering the baby to Dragon (so he could then pass it onto Garp)
*(Or hell, maybe Iva-chan was there helping deliver the baby, helping Crocodile crack his own egg etc, maybe the secret Iva-chan is holding over Crocoboy's head isn't that they knew Crocodile is trans and could out them, but knowing Crocodile gave birth to god know whose child)
Because like
How did Dragon find out about his partner transitioning?
Did pre-T Crocodile tell him he was transitioning while handing over the baby? Or did he just leave without an explanation and allowed Dragon to just Take In The Change after it had happened whenever they saw each other again (if they ever did, for all we know he could've just walked away without talking to Dragon again and Dragon just found out either from Iva-chan directly or from seeing him on the news)
Or did Crocodile transition first and then deliver the baby to Dragon without any warning, again, just giving Dragon one hell pf a surprise
In any scenario, how did that even go down?
And we have to ask the sad question of... is Dragon a Bisexual King or not? And would Crocodile have been... afraid of Dragon's reaction? (This would've been a younger Crocodile mind you, who would literally have been just coming out of his shell, and that shit's scary man)
Because if Toyotama Princess is any indicator, this wani's relationship did not end well after her truth was revealed
Like, let's say Crocodile transitioned first and then showed up without warning as a man to Dragon to hand over the baby. Thing is, while we know VERY LITTLE about Dragon still, I can't imagine him being like violently transphobic or even lashing out at his partner when he'd come out. But I could imagine him being so shocked he'd be left utterly speechless.
And I'm not entirely sure which would be worse; Dragon outright but "kindly" telling Crocodile he's not into men and breaking the poor bastard's heart, or Bi!Dragon being too shocked to say anything, letting Crocodile to just jump to conclusions based on his reaction (and maybe then causing Dragon to jump into further conclusions (that Crocodile must actually be into women)), unintentionally causing a divorce out of sheer misunderstanding and literal lack of communication
And the sad part is, considdering Dragon is a very secretive man, who according to the Crocodad Theory can't even have told his partner his full name mind you... The miscommunication seems very plausible to me?? Does it not?
Or, maybe Crocodile delivered the baby to Dragon pre-T and told him he's going to Iva-chan without further explanation, jumping into conclusions, afraid to hear what Dragon would say. So he just leaves without explaining before Dragon gets to say a word. And Dragon just accepts it. Assuming he's the one getting dumped.
Either way, whatever might've happened can't have been good, can it
Also, considdering Garp is a fucking idiot (affectionate), and Luffy clearly inherited The Stupid from his grandfather, I would not be surprised if Dragon was also actually a bit of a himbo underneath that serious face he puts on (either that or Crocodile kept on smoking while pregnant)
Which could also turn what would otherwise be a tragic miscommunication into an absolute comedy if Crocodile and Dragon ever met again and the two realized that they're both idiots who jumped into conclusions and ruined their marriage by refusing to talk about their fucking feelings to each other. This is an absolute trainwreck of a family
But considdering the things Crocodile has done by this point*, would it ever even be possible for the two to reconcile?? Because, althought Dragon is pro-overthrowing corrupt governments especially if they're affiliated with the World Government, from what I can tell, he's still against unnececary violence (Vegapunk even comments that Dragon "hates war" in a flashback) and needless loss of life. And Crocodile caused just that.
*And I don't even mean the failed attempt at taking over Alabasta, I mean the drought Crocodile caused that caused countless people to starve to death and then caused the civil war which had already taken lives and permanently disabled people BEFORE the Strawhats ever even get to Alabasta. Like Crocodile's bomb may have been a dud but he still caused people to die for no reason, and I can't imagine Dragon being fine with that. But then again, Robin and other Baroque Works members also contributed to the loss of life and their sins have been neatly swept under the rug so IDK
And like. We don't know if Crocodile moonlighted as a Revolutionary for like 10+ years after Luffy was born and slowly went out of contact or if he just left immidiately. But theoretically, the two might not have even seen each other in like almost 20 years
That'd be a long time to carry a broken heart
How the fuck would you even heal from that
Also like
Crocodile did seem a little suicidal at Impel Down if I'm being honest
He had a dream of becoming Pirate King. But he lost to Whitebeard, and his dreams were ruined.
Dude had a master plan to take over a country that took him almost a decade to pull off, only for it to get wrecked in the final hour by a literal child.
His useless underlings then come and try to break him out of prison
And he chooses to stay
When we finally see his face for the first time in Impel Down... His mouth might be forming a smile, but those eyes aren't
And he even says it himself
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"I didn't think there'd be anything for me to do if I were free"
Is it not like he has given up on life entirely..?
And sure, he does ask to be let out so he can get revenge on Whitebeard, but was it out of a genuine belief he could actually take down the old man or just a slightly more fun way to die than rotting away in prison for the next few decades?
You know the saying, "to be loved is to be changed"
Frankly, the same goes for the reverse. Being unloved, or believing yourself to be unloveable will change you. For the worse
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kaltacore · 11 months
one thing that especially irks me about cullen's so-called redemption is the attempts to redeem him through cole's words.
templars' abuses affected cole so badly it damaged his connection to the fade and his own nature. he was a spirit of compassion and witnessing what was happening in white spire turned him into a killer. he murdered lord seeker lambert in cold blood for what he did and most of the time he doesn't regret it — and then he just. drops the "he's not like the other girls" lines about cullen.
and this is such a lazy and annoying move. another thing that is established about cole is that you particularly can't lie to him — about your real feelings and intentions at least. whatever he states about other characters must be true and it is often used as a tool to deepen the characterizations of the main cast and in cullen's case it is just. blatant apologism. there's literally a banter where cole talks about atrocities commited by the templars and then he adds "oh no but cassandra and cullen aren't like that" and never elaborates. the game itself doesn't elaborate either.
like please don't tell me that the spirit who was shaken by knowledge that an innocent boy can die from starving because his jailors simply forgot about him would look in the eyes of a person who used to be meredith fucking stannard's right hand and still thinks that her methods were just a little too harsh but necessary and justified and say yeah. this guy is such a friend of mages. if only there were more templars like him
#this is such an overt bullshit like i don't even know where to start#and my main problem is that. i don't care about cullen. his redemption arc sucks because it's non-existent. but i do care about cole#and i love his cryptic comments so much because they really give you a look into character's head in a weird but interesting manner#and then. this happens. and you can say that “oh but it means that cullen's REAL attitude is compassionate towards mages!”#but the thing about cole's comments is. he does expose characters' thoughts#but you've already had an opportunity to catch whatever cole makes clear in these banters#like. vivienne is afraid and it is shown in the game. dorian struggles with attachment and it is shown in the game#cullen struggles with whatever he's done to mages and ?????? ah yes#and i'm just. so mad. because i love what cole adds to the storytelling. and there's so much potential but he's used for apologism#because whoever wrote cullen was too lazy and/or preoccupied with making a knight in shining armor out of him#you can also point out that cole is used for solas apologism as well. but in solas' case you can catch that he feels conflicted#about his actions and goals. so yeah. it works. at least partially. so my point stays.#cullen's case is like. by the book example of horrendous breaking of 'show don't tell' rule#practically cole breaks this rule constantly. but as i said it doesn't feel off with other characters because of what has been shown alread#cullen critical#dragon age
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forcebookish · 7 months
ok fr fr in what universe would top have to be the one to apologize to sand when boeing left him, sand shoved and punched top in the face, and then disseminated an illegally obtained sex tape of top after top had already tried to be friendly with him and sand decided to be an asshole because his ex was a dick and would have left him for literally anyone anyway
make it make sense!!!
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keymintt · 2 years
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fuck it, disco elysium (ish) style lio fotia
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moe-broey · 2 months
It's like.
Sharena is Alfonse and Lif's sister (complicated on Lif's end but roll w me here) but neither Alfonse/Lif would consider each other brothers because they're one and the same. I think something similar happened with Peony and Sharena, where they started out as two people but became so intertwined and entangled that they became each other. Alfonse is Sharena's brother, unshakable, by choice now. Nothing will change the fact that, at one point, Sharena stopped swapping with Peony. Nothing changes the fact that at one point, that's the Sharena he grew up with, that he knows as his sister now. And even before then, "What's mine is yours". Alfonse was Peony's brother, so Alfonse is Sharena's brother. Unbeknownst to him, he had two sisters. Up until A Point.
So, in a similar way that Sharena is a sister to both Alfonse and Lif but Alfonse and Lif aren't brothers, Peony is Alfonse's sister but not Sharena's sister. Fused (Sharena and Peony) or Died (Alfonse and Lif). What does this make Triandra to Sharena? Another estranged sibling essentially, just like Peony and Alfonse, especially by "What's mine is yours" rules. Triandra was Sharena's sister. So Triandra is Peony's sister. What does this make Alfonse and Triandra? Technically unrelated. If the divorce game is insane you can have Sibling A be halfsies with Sibling B (eg: shared dad different moms) and Sibling B can have a Sibling C (same mom different dads) and Siblings A and C are literally unrelated (no shared parents between them). To me I like to think of Alfonse and Triandra as distant cousins. That is not how that works in this example but this is my belief based on vibes alone.
And man don't even get me started on how Triandra and Peony feel like half-siblings despite being (presumably) full siblings but Freyja fucking took her sister in the divorce (sibling. Divorce. Well. At least they're not together.)
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akuma-tenshi · 19 days
"you don't owe anyone anything" and "you should still be kind because the world is dark and scary and giving a little bit of kindness can help a lot" are statements that can and should coexist and i'm tired of pretending they're not
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