#no but fr I was really thinking some not so fun things and then BAM elliot comes on here and makes me better
theauthor2103 · 8 months
Pssssttttt psssttttt hey hey hey
You're amazing and I'm proud of you (for being alive in this world)
Thank you Elliot mah boi I really really needed this right now 🥰💙💙💙
I can’t remember the last time I got an ask it was so long ago so thank you for this🥰
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jessisajackass · 2 years
Hc idea: crew member reader being recruited for jackass, and what made the boys decide you should join the show individually?
jackass hc's!
thank you for requesting! <3
this was kinda hard to write because i really had to sit down and think (i even used my friend for help, thank u ry lol <3), but it was fun to write too! i'm sorry if it's bad/not exactly what u hoped for but i hope u enjoy it anyways!
i also decided to do more members than last time, but it still might be a bit short. anyways, lets get into it!
johnny knoxville
your pain tolerance
like i’ve said before, i feel like knox is more of a “walk it off” type of guy, so when he sees how you can just deal with pain, i think he’d be impressed!
hes also like…the boss of everything tbh so even if he liked u a lot and everybody else was meh, you’d get the part LMAO
i could def. see some duo skits with absolutely crazy things since you both deal so well with pain LMFAOO
bam margera
he’s known you from the past
and hes all talking big game all like “oh yeah i know this one amazing chick”
and they’re (the boys) r all skeptical like “hmmm :|” but hes PERSISTENT.
“no no fr shes funny she can do anything shes good at skating” LMAOO CUTEEE
your willingness to do things
okay like imagine this
u walk into the audition or whatever and they make u do any stunt from previous jackass media, and ur like “cool great” AND THEN DO THE GOLDFISH STUNT?!?! (pls go see that if u havent)
he’d legit just be like “holy shit dude”
anyways…he’d just be so shocked and like would talk to the other guys “omg we gotta get this person on here”
would even try to get u on wildboyz maybe ;P
chris pontius
your looks
this is maybe my weakest point but let me explain
pontius see pretty person
pontius like pretty person
pontius want pretty person on show
(you are very good looking)
esp since u look so good u could do like party boy stuff AHAHAHAHAH
2 devils in california >:) OMFGGG
ryan dunn
your overall personality/friendliness/boldness
so basically i think like ryan is so super chill right and he just is always kinda being dragged around right
so i think he would like someone like bam! that is bold yet kinda friendly (of course ur friendler than bam LMAO) and would be a big help on the cast
i think ryan would just want someone that could entertain him tbh LMAOOO
i just think he’d be super chill with anybody, like a “if everybodys happy then im happy” situation LOL
dave england
your patience/responses
i feel like in some skits dave is always like “is that good? yeah?”
so like maybe at first hes a little iffy on if he wants u around
but then you’re always like “that was hilarious!” or “that was so awesome!” and he appreciates it!
i think it would make him like u more teehee
danger ehren
your knowledge of painful things/dangerous acts
okay since he is “danger ehren” of course
i think if you were always there being caring, he would love it and really want you on the cast
you’re always standing by with medical equipment IM SOOOOOO NFEJWQJK
i can even imagine at some points ur like “nuh uh ur not doing that” and hes panicking cuz he doesnt know if he should or not
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sparklingpax · 2 years
Curious question, what was your reaction to watching the Transformers Prime series for the first time? I'm especially curious about how your reaction was to seeing Optimus for the first time in that series. (Those 2 posts about your valentines day art and the TFP series being my favorite was the same person, aka me! I was thinking i could say a word that lets you know it's me and not some other anon. How about: 'TFP FAN'? I'm not allowed to have a tumbler account so that's why.)
HIIII ✨✨✨ Yes, I do believe "tfp fan" is a good name for you, if you like it!! ^w^
Sorry for typos, I'm typing this out on my phone & I'm usually terrible at that
Also omg!! Fellow lurker!!!!! 🥺✨💕 funny story, I actually was also banned from the internet (so of course, social media as well) for like....my whole life until literally only a little more than a year ago was I allowed to go ahead and...have social media accounts....💀💀💀 I mean didn't stop me from sneaking stuff but then there was that time I got caught in 7th grade but wooo that's another story 🥲
And so anyways, it was painful I could never like posts or interact with ppl who had takes I agreed with or ideas I thought were interesting, but it always made me happy when at least my anon asks would be answered by cool blogs I wished I could follow but settled to just watch from the sidelines until I myself was finally allowed to join Tumblr!!! So long story short, I totally feel ya!!! You can drop in any time you want, as can anyone else! Just be prepared for me and the infamous long amounts of time it takes for me to actually, finally respond to ppl 😳😅✨
ANYWAY ok, so to answer your question, the first time I saw TFP was when I was just barely 6 years old, and lemme tell you I loved that series deeply 😳💗💜💕✨ I watched "Deus ex Machina" and instantly felt excited and invested, especially because up until then, I'd never really watched or found anything that excited me fr. I'd seen MLP because my friends did, I played with toys and went to the park, but for the first time, I saw that show and genuinely felt like "woah. That was cool....I want to see more." And bam, from there I became a TFP fan who excitedly chattered about the episode I watched for a whole week to everyone I knew until Friday when the new ep would air and I'd rush my homework to get to it & then the cycle would repeat.....I remember feeling attached to the characters, and feeling as if this was a show with depth and action and it always excited me. I loved the visuals, the music, the atmosphere of it all. A couple things went over my head that I never got until I saw it again in its entirety in 5th grade (fourish years later, when I bought the DVDs) because I was, again, a tiny first grader...but I'll never forget how much I enjoyed that show, how excited I got when the theme played and I watched a new episode....OH and OPTIMUS. I wouldn't have called him Hot™️ when I first saw him because I wouldn't have known to call him that, but I do remember thinking he was cool, noble, powerful, and that I loved just looking at him--which to be fair, I still have that with characters today. There's a long list of faves I have, and I might call them 'cute' or 'hot' but more in the sense that they're just really fun to look at for me, and that matching with their personalities makes me really love them, but not in a romantic sense..... however I make an exception for Optimus because imo, he is and always will be, Hot™️ (y'all I see you with your baseball bats and your 'go to horny jail' but I'm not afraid of you--)
So anyway, concluding my rambling, basically, I loved it a lot and I love it more or less as much today! In spite of the problems it has like any series does, it's still a meaningful show with depth and super cool fight scenes I'll always love especially because of how I loved it when I was a Tiny Child, and for how much of a role it played in my life, getting me through really tough things and being a safe haven I can return to that never fails to make me smile in some way <3 💗💕💜💜💕💙
-Kuni :D
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selinakidreams · 3 years
Ship your moots!!!
👁y’all done it now, I was WAITING for this one OO I’m gonna spoil my moots SO bad ! I love you guys 👁
this is gonna be long I’m so sorry
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@keishinslove - carter,,,, I love you and I love you w me mister keishin ukai- NOT just because that’s your ✨mans✨ but because I fuckin see it with my eyes. mister man is out here smoking a cig while he waits for you to get off of work. everyone is out here looking at him like “who dat b he’s sexy” and then you walk out and he drops the smoke on the floor, steps on it, and smiles as you make eye contact. You smile too, finally allowing exhaustion take over as you slump in the welcoming hug he pulls you into. He’s like, “I know baby, let’s go home and I can make us some ramen and tea.” The rest of the night is full of terribly sung songs, heavy MAKEOUT sessions (maybe more) and feathered touches along your skin. He’ll take good care of you (in every means) and that’s all I want for you <3
@alto-march-of-death al I ship you with tsukki- now let me tell you why. I see you with someone who’s very reserved with who they show their emotions to,, now because you deal with youngsters,,,,,,,,, that’s a lot of energy put towards you all at once. Tall blond dino dude will be there for you but in ways that make you feel special and the lack of energy he shows is almost calming to you. like like I just see on a day where zoom has been a bit too much and parents were DUMb- you slink over to your couch- after class is over- to find tsukki there, watching animal planet, and bam you plop down and curl up in his side- no words needed. His eyes don’t leave the screen but a long fingered hand lands on your thigh, his thumb doing that thing that makes butterflies flutter in your rib cage. It’s peaceful. Nice.
@kmorgzz ENERGY. POSITIVITY. COMPASSION. All things you and hinata share <3 OOOOOO KAR YOURE ALWAYS THE SWEETEST AND LET ME TELL YOU !!!! YOU DESERVE THAT SAME SWEETNESS. sorry I’m yelling but hear me out !!! You guys are always doing SOMETHING. he’s restless and you take on the energy he gives off. You guys tend to do stuff that you wanna do because whatever you want, he wants !! Normally, it’s outside (cause he’s the sun and he makes you feel like you’re on cloud nine !!) ; could be walks that lead into picnics or something super sweet!! Always wants to make sure you’re smiling !!!!!! ALWAYS. oh also he’s such a big himbo that he just—— yk what I’m gonna shut my trap just,, oh MAN he just loves you SO much and will never run out of ways to show you
@introloves Jax... FR fr I ship you and bokuto SO hard. like this man is and deserves sunshine— that is exactly what you are. TWO SUNSHINE BEINGS. I just SEE it. wholly. he’s just so open to everything and anything !!! Sometimes a bit.. daft... but you definitely talk him through things and he heavily appreciates that & everything you do for him. you know what,, y’all would soak in lavender baths together. Your back against his front, your eyes closed and body relaxed in the warm water; the sent of lavender following the steam that rises from the bath. He likes to play with your soft hair and whisper about how much he loves you and how you are one of the best people in his life. How did he ever get so lucky?
@novvabeam jackieeee,,, miss ma’am.. I ship you with daichi. lemme explain. This man is like a horse- not many can ride him but for those who do, it’s a lifelong partnership. Dude is so !! Into you it’s CRAZY. He is obsessed with how soft and kind you are one minute, and the next his head is spinning by how powerful and strong you can be. Mad respect™️. First date (idea suggested by you) was at this really cute local ice cream shop where you two bonded over how absolutely different your flavors were. I see it.
@pinkoushi ellen + Suga; clear as day. soft cuddles and every day fikas. very chaotic neutral energy but constant attention and praise is given. (Me trying not to make something based off my memories in Sweden but is gonna do it anyways) like I could see him being so excited to move to Sweden for the education system lowkey- but before he started the school year, you just wanted to take him around the country and visit all the “popular places” before settling down. Lots and lots of train rides. you would be sitting across from each other- you’re semi asleep, head pressed against the window and he’s just watching as the fleeting golden light hits you, making you all glowy. he feels so warm, so content.
@chaotickatts katts ;) I hear sakusa is calling your name. loud and clear. man puts up with NO bullshit and neither do you. Your communication skills are off the charts; calm cool, collected- that’s you two. But I also think that you add a lot more fun in his life- like he loves every second with you- he shows that he appreciates it in your guys’ shared love language, more often than not. And he adds this grounding element to your relationship that makes you feel capable of anything- and you make sure to tell him every day. I hc that people call you the parents of the group. Your guys’ bathroom is very clean, well organized, and used quite often. he loves seeing you in his jersey when you’re brushing your teeth, on your way to heading to bed, makes him feel all fuzzy,, a feeling that was quite foreign to him until you came along.
@spikesbimbo valentine... is that even a question- Aran. duh. Pretty lady, both of you are CRAZY for each other except he shows you in little ways (in public) that make your heart spin. You know those pictures of Vanessa hudgens and Austin butler?? the one where she’s twirling around and he’s just smiling? that’s the vibe I get in the relationship; you’re fun, loud, and outwardly fun while he’s just happy to be in your presence!! you make him laugh... a lot. It’s really refreshing to most of his friends. You and you’re cute goofy ass are just so important to him. I see it now- you guys are shopping at an outdoor mall, drinks in your hand and he’s carrying most of your guys’ purchases in one hand while the other is being swung by you. You’ve got big doe eyes as you look at every store, until you turn around, and flash him the biggest smile. “Want some? I’m almost out!” You’d say as you thrust him the drink. He’ll smile, a flash of pearly whites greeted you as he nodded and said a small “yeah,” before wrapping his lips around the straw.
@hajimeshon-ee menace, baby. it’s obviously gonna be iwa for you. big beefy to help you fight people who are being assholes. those same beefy arms that pull you in from behind- your back against his front. LOTS OF FUCKING FOREHEAD KISSES. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOURE POUTING TO HIM. sorry I don’t make the rules. He honestly thinks you’re the cutest thing, your fire matches his and sometimes actually stumps him to where he has no retorts. He likes to help you with your work sometimes, like when he sees it’s a bit too overwhelming for you, he’ll wordlessly sit down and take some of the papers that have been scattered across the table. Later you take the time to show him how grateful you are, wether it’s through a night where he gets to choose what both of you will watch or.. other things... he’ll appreciate every single second.
@kuroosusagichan meeeellll <3 business man kuroo is summoning you on his lap, he can’t focus unless you’re with him!! Oh GOD the dynamic Between you two makes me lightheaded!! Okay so idk is this is obvious but like dude has a size kink- not just sexually though. It’s like a cute AND sexy thing for him. Dude just loves how tiny and soft you are. But don’t get it twisted, he’s not completely fooled by your innocent act- you’re a clever little minx sometimes, but most of the time youre just the sweetest person. You’re like the angel that holds him back from being an asshole. He likes himself better when you’re around. Oh but he’ll also call you chibi-chan. Period. OH YEA! loves it when you show up to his place of work- no matter how swamped he is, he’ll always make time for his little sweetheart. You like to visit when you saw he was visibly stressed in the mornings, you bring him little things taht make him smile like his favorite iced tea or your a sweet lil cookie. He’ll make you stay with him for the rest of the day, doing your own separate things but also being in each other’s company relaxes the both of you.
@scorpiomoonslutt hey bitch, you needy lil whore <3 it’s gotta be Ushijima for me. Your size kink is just.................... thrown in his face and my god he’s living. You make him realize things he didn’t even think were possible- but anything is possible with you, apparently. The way his eyes go WIDE when he hears you SNAP at people. He had no idea that someone so small.. could shut someone up that fast... especially when it’s someone almost twice her size. He actually doesn’t even know how to react when the other person leaves, there’s wayyyy too many things going on in his head. He’s proud, impressed, turned on, curious, but most of all- speechless. He kinda... wants to see you do that again.
@dymphnasprose dymphna !! kyoutani!!! It just makes sense!! big angri boy needs parts on the head from a saint, such as yourself. He knows you’re not looking to fix him- which is why he allowed himself to open up to you. You love him just the way he is and it almost drove him a lil nuts. I could see the breaking point now- just before you two would get together. He would be yelling at you, screaming things like “how could you possibly like me ?” At first he wouldn’t let you get close to him but after several steps that never budged when he neared you, he gradually let you touch his heated skin. He was breathing heavy, trying to put together how someone so wonderful could be interested in someone who was so angry. I just feel that you would cup his face and whisper, “I like you because you’re you- it doesn’t matter who I am in comparison to you. I like you, taro.” There would be no need for gushy details, that alone opened a small part of his heart to love- throughout the years, the opening continued to grow and grow. He would be someone who just!! Loves you!!! And hates the rest of the world <3 idk I just love it jdbsjnd
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Murphy’s best friend and dating Raven
Raven Reyes x reader
a/n: ah, yes, im in love with this woman but mostly bc i just relate her sm ahhhh, also FUCK canon i do what i want and this is only until like beginning of s5
prompt: anonymous: “Hiii i hope you havent closed the requests yet ! Could you write some headcanons for the 100 for being murphys best friend and dating raven ?”
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murphy was a bit of a dick in the beginning, but you tolerated him
you actually had the best luck getting through to him during your time on the ground
“y/n, can you get murphy to shut the hell up and do some work, for god’s sake?”
“on it”
and when you met raven, he could see right through you
nothing but endless teasing from him
“you like her” *poking your side*
“cut it out, murphy!”
she was stuck in two love triangles, you, her and finn, then clark, finn and her
and there were plenty of obstacles between you and her
especially when you were taken to mount weather and she was left alone with murphy, who she ended up hating
and he nearly ruined your chances with her bc she hated him so much
murphy had to calm her down and explain something to her
“hey, y/n would kill me if they knew i told you this, but listen. they like you a lot, im serious. y/n is so jealous of finn, they think you deserve so much more than that. i hope to god that they’re okay right now because i want to see them be happy. and you dont have to like me, alright? just...if you can, give y/n a chance”
raven was thinking about that all the way until you escaped mt weather
when she was captured there, you flipped out trying to get her away from the doctors trying to hurt her
the second you both were free, she ran up to you and kissed you
it was unreal to you
“murphy told me everything”
“that son of a bitch! but, sweet! it all worked out...let’s get out of here”
the relationship was a bit tense at first since there was a bit of resentment towards murphy, but you understood why
and she didn’t hold anything towards you
soon, murphy left with jaha and placed a goodbye note in your room
raven had to console you after he was gone, you were hurt that he decided to leave you behind, but he wanted you and raven to be happy
and you were, you really were
“babe, gimme a kiss” *kiss raven on the cheek* “one more?” *kiss* “another?”
she was upset she hadn’t been with you sooner
helping her while she worked around camp jaha
“can you hold that part while i fix this, please?”
“god, you’re so hot when you’re covered in grease”
*chuckling* “just get over here, babe”
everyone making fun of your “honeymoon phase”
staying up late together and being all sweet and cuddly and shit
crawling on top of her and holding her hands while the two of you talked, it was a bit of a normalcy for you two
she’d go on and on for hours over her work and ideas she had
you enjoy her passion for her work
she got very angry sometimes though, but you always calmed her down with a long, passionate kiss and some gentle words
she loves having her back rubbed!
raven is no doubt The Big Spoon no i will not be taking constructive criticism
going on drives with her (to keep her company on missions) (and protect her bc u worry)
raven lies about how her leg feels, so you have to be real with her and make sure she doesn’t push herself too much
she gets aggravated but she understands you’re just looking out for her
when ALIE took ahold of her you lost it, you were so worried and everyone could see it
they had to hold you back from her bc they were scared she’d hurt you
when she was strapped to the bed at niylah’s, they made you stay in the other room because she was saying some...hurtful things
“bring y/n in here, i’ve got something to tell them. Y/N! I’LL NEVER LOVE YOU AS MUCH AS I LOVED FINN”
crazy ass time trying to get her to snap out of it
but they did and she cried and apologized again and again
you obviously forgave her, you love her
yadda yadda ALIE got switched off and you found out that there was another apocalypse coming your way
murphy came back too!
“hey, hey, im so sorry i left you behind”
raven was mad at him for leaving (and shooting her)
“you really trust him again? just like that?”
“he’s my best friend, raven...”
her putting up w him for you
and having to brainstorm some contingencies
you and her worked best together
when you weren’t busy flirting
“raven, stop getting distracted, we gotta figure out how to survive!”
“sorry, i just cant concentrate when my significant other is right there and not kissing me”
u guys are so cute
blahhh blahhh blahhh while she was working in becca’s lab, you were setting the bunker up with murphy
“at least now you cant run away from me when this thing gets locked”
“oh, real funny”
*repaired friendship hug*
clarke pulling you aside and telling you raven hasn’t left the lab yet
the squad rushing there to save her, and ultimately deciding the only way you guys were surviving was if you went up
“think we can pull this off, babe?”
“are you kidding me? do you know who you’re talking to?”
that’s ur cocky gf u love so much
bam you did it and you had to start your new life on the ring
lots of relationship counseling with emori and murphy
she asked you about him a lot
“what was john like before he left skaikru?”
“the same as now, just a little meaner and less loyal”
raven and you had a pretty awesome time up there, you grew so much more closer and she even proposed!!!
“i dont have a ring but were living on one so does that count?”
murphy was gonna be your best man it was decided
and at least he was getting along with your girlfriend fiancée much better
fr tho you’d literally die for each other and thats the end of it mwah
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @cullens-stuff //
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kimnjss · 3 years
hellooooo, im back. i went to a wedding!!
ok two updates. first, tae and jk??? absolute goals! i love them so much, very unproblematic and seems like they as a couple know how to have fun, which not many couples can. good for them, good for them
miss y/n??? why does jimin need to know we're in the studio? youre being very sus ok? also jimin just completely ignoring her and acting nonchalant but also being giggly on live? 🤔🤔
kez, you have this beautiful talent, you made me fall for jin and everything kept going smoothly and then BAM you hit us with douchebag!jin for one chapter and then continue things with him being soft again, to smooth over the blow, but the damage has already been done, so cool.
thank you for taking the time to feed us everyday!
ps. do you have twt?
pps. whats the whole guy no. 3 thing? please explain
oooh that's soo excitingg! i lovee weddings <333
since they've been together for so long ., they have such a great understanding of one another that they're able to have fun when they're together without worrying abt wht they might say or do hurting the other person . nd now they're finally able to share their relationship w the people closet to them ., love thattt !
LOL ., even tho jimin is the way that he is - he's terrible when he's nervous or actually feeling smth . so him being dry asf through text ., but all giggly on live is so in line w him - he thinks he's flirting lmao nd he got such a giddy feeling from yn texting him first .
jin was soo perfect ! nd when you least expect it ., his true colors sneak up on you ! nd it sucks bc he's not entirely a bad guy... just out of touch? he still likes yn nd cares abt her ., which is why he switches to being sweet so quickly . he doesn't realize that the way that he acts doesn't really fit the real boyfriend look .
ps. yes i do have a twitter! but i hardly use it anymore :/
pps. guy #3... ugh. just some guy that i started talking to at the beginning of the summer . he was giving fr boyfriend vibes nd i cut all my hoes off . then he started being weird nd stressing me out - nd after way too long ., i stopped talking to him -
but fr he had me the way jimin has yn . so i feel for my girl .,
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riceccakes · 4 years
Earth, Wind, and Coffee: Chapter Two Analysis
chapter one analysis
welcome back to another installment !! idk if many people are reading this, but i enjoy analyzing my writing so i’m gonna keep doing it :) let’s get started, shall we?
some fun stuff before we start!
the first scene i wrote for this story was the dock scene
usually, when i write, i kind of just start with whatever is the first thing that comes to mind. i’d had the bulk of the story outline in my head, not written yet, but i knew i wanted this reveal about the red lotus attack. so i started with it and wrote as far as i could before deciding i should start the beginning of the fic. most of the original content is there, with some stuff added on, but i took a turn from my dialogue as it didn’t fit the narrative of the story anymore (well get to this point in a later chapter analysis, don’t worry)
not me being heavily inspired by LOVE WITCH by bisexualyoda
around the time that i started this fic and was really writing for it, i found this story on ao3 and literally read whatever chapters were out at that time in a day. it was a story that also influenced me to write in asami’s pov, as a majority of the story is from hers. (this isn’t the only reason tho, but bisexualyoda is a writing god and what else could i do but try to honor them?) it’s a stellar korrasami fic that you should read if you haven’t yet and if you haven’t yet, what are you doing, please go enjoy that masterpiece
and into the chapter we shall go:
i kinda thought it was cool to play off this idea of a barista who can’t sleep but it’s not because of the coffee like you’d expect. 
now, being a diehard korrasami fan, i knew i wanted to apply this to my girls. and, i knew from the get-go i wanted korrasami to meet as if it were more book four, where korra has gone through something really terrible and asami is a really good friend who’s there for her. so i thought it might be cool to put the two together and korra is a barista who can’t sleep. then it was getting to what exactly the trauma was that korra experienced. i didn’t want anything as severe as what korra went through in the series (our poor girl was wrongfully put through the wringer for four seasons) but i wanted something that would stick with her and still haunt her, even after a period of time. my favorite book is book three and i loved the red lotus antagonists, so i played around with their concept and turned it into what’s in the story. i was really pleased when i came up with this and only made some minor changes (i had originally explicitly given korra insomnia. i decided to change this and keep it more ambiguous because i didn’t want to inaccurately describe insomnia and somehow offend anyone who does experience it, i hate doing that) and then i was set to really start the fic.
more about povs:
so, when i first started writing this fic, the idea of multiple povs was an option. in the end, i chose only asami, for a number of reasons, but mostly for one in particular
just like asami, i wanted you guys to gradually learn about korra’s situation. sure, i could’ve went through korra’s pov and been all secret secret about it, but something about that idea doesn’t sit well with me. i liked the idea of gradual connection and in turn concern. i sprinkled some little stuff here and there, to hint that something’s up, but i feel like that’s the hook for you lil fishies to grasp onto. even in that very dock scene, i don’t give it to you right away; i dance around it, just like korra does by talking about tenzin and the temple and i mention the water and korra’s jacket and anything but the reason why korra’s called asami at 2 in the morning to come see her. this kind of tension, this kind of urgency to know what’s going on, i just don’t think would’ve been achieved had i had alternating povs.
something i really love about this chapter is how the first section and third section ends
Makeshift Boardrooms ends with korra being a complete angel and going above and beyond for asami and this presentation:
Asami is speechless. Inside, the tables and chairs have been set up as if it’s a long boardroom, fit with the donuts in the center of the table no one can ever reach. At the far end, a projector screen is set up and a loading screen is displayed on it. Asami stares at the girl, unsure of how to convey how appreciative she is for the gesture.
“I know,” she quickly speaks up, her fingers behind her back fidgeting even faster, “it’s a lot, but I thought you should get the best kind of practice! And, we hosted a movie night here a while back, I wasn’t sure if Tenzin left all the equipment here but I found it all in one of the cabinets in his office and I,” she’s looking at the ground now, “is it all right?”
“All right?” Asami questions, truly confused as to how Korra could say such a thing. She reaches out, slowly, gently, placing her hand on Korra. The girl’s hands fall to her sides, Asami’s fingertips slowly linger down from the bundled fabric of Korra’s rolled up sleeve to her forearm.
now, A Turn of Events ends like how we know:
Asami falls back onto the couch, ill prepared for the unexpected burst. Korra continues huffing, gasping for air, clutching at her chest and running a hand through her hair. Asami reaches out again and that’s when Korra flinches again. She starts to sob.
“Get out!”
Asami sits, staring. She isn’t sure if she heard right or not. Korra begins shaking, sobbing inconsolably. Asami just wants to reach out.
“Get. Out!”
Asami grabs her things and rushes towards the door, taking one final glance behind her shoulder. Korra’s hands cover her face, her body flinches and shakes, her sobs ring loudly in Asami’s ears. 
In between each desperate gasp for air, she can hear Korra whisper, “Please, please, stop, stop, please, stop, please.”
Asami feels her heart sink and she opens the door to leave.
i’ve bolded what i love most. it was actually unintentional, i’d only noticed after i finished the chapter and was reading through to edit, but it’s kind of beautiful, bittersweet even. there are parallels here, some less noticeable than others, but parallels nonetheless. the lingering of korra’s name is direct and the events after are strikingly different but in a way connected. in Makeshift Boardrooms, after the mention of her name, korra is sputtering word after word. in A Turn of Events, after the mention of her name, korra only says two words. it’s two sides of the same coin, showing how korra is unfortunately spiraling out and losing control of what’s going on with her. typing it out is kind of hurting me, seeing how korra’s in pain, but im the author and i know what happens later so i shouldn’t worry too much.
now getting onto asami in this section, still, the lingering of korra’s name is the most noticeable parallel. but, in Makeshift Boardroom, after korra responds, asami reassures the girl with physical touch, she’s able to reach out to her. in A Turn of Events, after korra responds, asami doesn’t react, she doesn’t know how to. korra’s in front of her, clearly in pain, and she just yelled at asami, and still asami just wants to reach out to her. once again, unintentional that this happened, but sometimes it’s the unexpected things that turn out for the best. the diction i have here, in repeating the word reach, i think it just further drives home how heartbreaking this chapter’s turned out to be. (shout out to the section title, cause things really did take a turn here) it had all seemed so good, korra was opening up to asami, they were getting closer, and then all of a sudden BAM korra has a panic attack and in a moment of utter fear, she pushes away asami. i know i put angst in the ao3 tags, but now going over it as the author, i see my angst has really gone above and beyond, but hey, i really liked how this chapter turned out
honorable mentions:
in LOVE WITCH, asami and kuvira are basically besties and i loved the idea of their friendship and i wanted to have a go at it myself! finding kuvira’s place in the story, however, was a lil tough to navigate, but when i came up with the bodyguard idea, i really liked it. i hope you guys do too :))
idk if you guys noticed but outside formal fic/writing settings, i pretty much only type in lowercase. however, i do type in complete sentences and the only abbreviation i really use is idk so don’t mind me lowkey projecting onto korra here. anyways, i know most phones have the default setting for texts to be first word already uppercase. i have mine turned off but figured korra would have hers on cause 1) she prefers it this way and 2) even if she wanted to turn it off, she doesn’t know how to. plus, i liked the idea of her enjoying emoticons better than emojis. i love emojis but i always do a lil sideways smiley ( :) ) and to me it’s super cute and i’m sure korra would see it the same way
the end of this chapter is not what i had first intended! truth be told, i didn’t know what exactly was going to happen at the end of the chapter, but i knew what would happen after it, i just needed a bridge. in my og timeline, i had a couple different options: the one i almost went through with was asami suggesting they move into together (which is admittedly super soon and super fast so like, it would scare off korra), another was something intimate that would still scare korra off (this one wasn’t too elaborated on, perhaps a forehead touch, or super close faces, idk. obviously this doesn’t happen, but it had been in consideration), i’d actually even considered something physical, but that was quickly cut off the list, as that is NOT how i wanted this story to go. anyways, because of how this chapter ended, the whole rest of the story changed and i couldn’t be happier.
anything i would’ve wanted to change?
im still super self conscious about the length but at the same time, also not, idk how to describe it. anyways, i think what i actually would’ve liked is keeping something from the Home Life section i took out. when i first wrote it, asami actually had a desk mate and he was flamboyant and sassy and i loved him. looking back now, i would’ve loved to have kept him and the scene with him, but i took it out cause i was scared the chapter was too long. after reading everyone’s comments though, about how they don’t care how long chapters are/longer chapters are better, i gave myself some more slack with the last chapters. his name was ryuichi, rip ryuichi
surprise epilogue is out now too, so enjoy the rest of the fic! if you have any questions, feel free to ask :)))
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saxgirl21 · 5 years
Nothing More
WC: 1,432
Ship: Harry Hook x reader
Warnings: A little against, mostly fluff
A/N: Hi!!!! So this is my first fanfic, so please show it some love!! Go a little easy on me!!
I first met Harry when he and the pirate crew came to Auradon and helped defeat Audrey in her evil state. I almost instantly got a crush. But when I went to ask him out, he was already with Audrey. I can’t blame him. She’s beautiful, she’s perfect.
After that, Harry and Audrey started dating and were completely inseparable. But Harry and I were still good friends. “Y/n I need help with something,” Harry said with a pleading look in his eyes. “I really care about Audrey and I wan’ to surprise her. But I have no idea what to do.”
I thought for a second. “Ok, what are her interests? What are some things she loves?”
“I know she likes spa days, quie’ walks on the beach, picnics, an’ jewelry. But she’s been so busy recently, we ‘aven’t gone on a real date in a while.”
“Well, what if you surprised her with a date? Get some picnic stuff ready, and have a moonlight walk on the beach, with a picnic under the stars? She’d love it!”
“That’s a grea’ idea poppe’!” He laughed and hugged me, lifting me in the air a little bit. It honestly hurts to help him plan a date with someone that wasn’t me, but he’s my best friend, and I want him to be happy. So I helped him get it all arranged.
“Ok, so the plan is you’ll wait inside her dorm room with the picnic basket, and when she sees you, you’ll give her fr flowers an go off on your date. Sounds like a plan?” Harry nodded energetically. “Sounds great!”
I looked him up and down again. “Ok, now go! I’ll be waiting here in my dorm for all the juicy details! Go have fun,” I said while shoving him out the door.
-Harry’s POV-
Racing away to Audrey’s dorm, with a key in hand, my heart was beating furiously. I’m so head over heels for her it’s ridiculous. Quickly getting inside and making sure everything was right in place, I sat down on her bed and waited. And waited. I thought her makeup exam would be over at 8:30? But I wouldn’t leave until I saw my girl. Around 10:00, I heard voices outside of the door. Quickly I got up and grabbed the roses. But when the door opened, Audrey was too preoccupied with making out with another man to notice me.
“Audrey...” I whispered painfully. It was almost silent but it was enough for her to notice my presence. “H-Harry, what are you doing here?” She looked guilty, but it was much too late for me. “I came ‘ere to surprise ya with a date. You’d been working so ‘ard... B-but it doesn’t matter anymore because you’re cheatin’...” I picked everything up in a flash, tears burning my eyes. “Harry wait!” Audrey yelled after me, but it was no use. I couldn’t stand looking at her anymore. I ran to the only place I could think of going.
-y/n’s pov-
What the?? I got out of bed groggily and made my way to the door. Opening it up a crack, I squinted into the hall. “Who’s there?”
“Y/nn... y/nn le’ me in,” he said in a strained voice.
Pulling the door open, my eyes were met with the sight of a tear stricken Harry. “Oh honey...” I wrapped my arm around him and gently pulled him inside, sitting him on the bed. Closing and locking the door, I turned to him and sat down beside him. “Sweetie, what happened?”
Looking at me with sad eyes, he murmured, “she’s been cheatin’ on me. I caught ‘em... I should ‘ave known better. No one can love a villain.” My heart broke.
“Harry Hook, you are the most lovable villain I know. And you’re honestly not a villain at all. You’re sweet, kind, and caring. Audrey is just stupid, and you are so much better off without her.” I hugged him tightly, and ran my fingers through his hair. I’m gonna stab her later.
We both fell asleep like that. His arms wrapped around my middle, and my hands cradling his head. I woke up first in the morning, gazing down at a peacefully sleeping Harry. “Oh you poor boy.” He stirred a little, eventually blinking his eyes open. “Good morning sleepy.”
“G’mornin Angel,” He said in a sleepy tone. “We need to get to class. I have some granola bars, so you can still get some breakfast.” Surprisingly, he didn’t put up too much of a fuss, and we both went out separate ways for the school day.
It was lunchtime when I saw her. Just sitting under a tree with the guy you assumed she cheated with. It made my blood boil to see her just not caring a bit about breaking Harry’s heart. It took less than a second for me to decide to march over to her and give her a piece of my mind. Angrily strutting over to her, I started to rip into her (verbally, of course, we’re still on school grounds.)
“What. Is. Wrong. With. You. You have the nicest guy in this whole school at your feet, practically worshipping that ground you walk in and you cheat on him?! What was going through your head? Why did you go and break my bed friend’s heart?! I can’t believe-“ suddenly a hand was around mu arm, pulling me back. “It’s not worth i’ poppe’. Please stop.” I let Harry pull me away, still fuming. “It’s a good thing you pulled be away because I was about to hex her.” He smiled a little bit, and said “while she probably deserves it, you and I both know that that’s very against the rules.”
“It’s a nice thought,” I shrugged.
“Gah, I just feel like I’m losing my mind. I’ve had a huge crush on his since he came to Auradon and I don’t even know what to do about it!” My shoulders sagged as a looked to Evie for advice. “What if you just tell him how you feel,” she suggested. “You aren’t getting anywhere as it is.”
I thought it over. “I think I’ll make a kind of romantic night, with like homemade food maybe picnic in a place he likes.” Evie gave me a look. “And I’ll tell him at the end,” I conceded. “Then it’s all set.” She smiled.
Everything was fine at first.
He agreed to come along to ‘hang out at the dock tonight,’ (the dock is is favorite place.) But then I burned the fish for the fish and french fries I was making, then I had a flat tire on my bike, and I ended up being late to the dock. By half an hour.
“Ohmygod Harry I’m so sorry! My stupid bike had a flat and I burned dinner I’m sorry-“ He cut me off by hugging me and laughed. “You are so adorable when ya worry poppe’. Don’t sweat it, I was just enjoying the view. I know you you wouldn’t abandon me,” he said with a smile. With that, I pulled out dinner and we both started eating. “By the way,” I took a bite of the fish. “I have something I need to tell you.”
He looked up at me while eating a fry. “Yes?”
I took another bite and steeled myself, and looked out to the ocean. “I like you, and I’ve liked you since you came to Auradon, all those months ago.” He didn’t say anything for a minute of two, so I nervously looked at him. He was holding a strand of pearls in his hands. And then it clicked. “Wait, why do you have your mother’s pearls on you? Those are the most precious thing you have.”
Then I looked into his ocean eyes. “The most precious thing I have is you. I liked you when I first came too, but I thought you liked someone else to I backed off and tried dating Audrey. And I did, and still do care about her. But we never truly loved each other. But I know now that I want you, and I want you to have these.” He gently took my hand, and placed the necklace in it. “Y/n, I really like you, and I want to see what we can do together. Would you do me the best honor of being my girlfriend?” He looked hopefully at me.
There was only one thing I could say. “I would love nothing more.”
Please show this some love!! I really want feedback
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tortoisesforhire · 4 years
The MCU Meta no one asked for
Part 1 (yes this is going to be a multi-part meta I am that petty) 
So I’m very salty about how the Marvel movies have gone, for a variety of reasons and as they continue to churn out hot shit that I have to see on my dash every fucking day I decided to write a thing on it. Because fuck Disney and fuck Marvel for ruining something that I have loved my whole life. Now I considered several methods of how to approach this, where to even start unsifting the mega ton crap pile that is the MCU (no I will not apologize it is CRAP and I absolutely WILL explain why.) And I’ve decided chronological order is the best way to go. And the most classic, so here we go. 
Everything Marvel Got Wrong In Order From The Beginning
So before I get those whiney crybabies who spit at me ‘Everything Exists in Its Own Universe it’s the Multiverse’ blah blah blah, I’m not gonna be talking about differences from the comics too much. Only in the sense of story structure and narrative. Because more than I am a Massive Marvel Comics Nerd I am also a writer and things like plot and story fucking matter okay. So don’t @ me with your bullshit ‘kay. 
Narratively Ironman, the first movie, is more or less perfect. There are a few elements that really matter in a superhero movie and Jon Favreau really hit the nail on the head with Tony Stark and this had a lot to do with RDJ’s performance and passion for the role. A Superhero Movie needs, essentially, three things; Theme, Character and Adversary. Pretty basic yeah? Kind of. Superheroes and Superhero comics are about hope and conquering the odds and success against insurmountable failure. Tony Stark’s story is a story of redemption, and the belief that you can change for the better. Favreau really made us feel Tony’s fury at what he and his company had been made into. His righteous desire to be better, to clean up the mess that Obie and his father and his own foolish negligence had created. The theme was righteous redemption and they sold it to us wholesale and it worked very well. 
The Character of Tony Stark, I don’t think would have worked as well as it did without the involvement of RDJ. He really knocked that one out of the park. He conveyed perfectly the juxtaposition of Tony’s arrogance and his self loathing. We as the audience understood his front of cocky genius was to cover his loneliness, his scars and his insecurities instilled by Howard. He was broken, yes, but redeemable and hopeful and essentially good which is really what mattered and we loved him for it. 
Obadiah Stane, Anton Vanko and Aldrich Killian are probably the weakest parts of the Ironman narrative. And this issue stems from the larger issue with the Ironman movies which is it’s very clear that they didn’t know what they were getting into with this superhero business. They had no idea it was going to blow up as big as it did and a lot of what happened later was improve. Shoddy improve, I might add. Widow’s entrance in the second movie is overhand and poorly executed, Scarlet’s performance leaves absolutely everything to be desired (shut up I’ll get there) but the real issue I find with these films and the Ironman arc is the incongruity in the second and third film with tying in Howard and SHIELD. In both Comic and MCU cannon Howard is a founding member of SHIELD. And in both Comic and MCU cannon Howard is unrepentantly, indisputably abusive towards Tony to an insane degree. So the weird video where we’re meant to believe that Howard was merely a distant but loving father is discordant with the rest of the narrative and doesn’t fit the Tony we know at all. It certainly doesn’t fit with a man who would choose Obadiah Stane as his business partner. There’s also the matter of Peggy and the fact that Tony doesn’t seem to know her which also...doesn’t make a lot of sense. From all we’ve seen Howard and Peggy were friends. She was also very close with Edwin Jarvis who essentially raised Tony. But we’re meant to believe that she never met or had a relationship with Howards son? Why? Did they have a falling out? These questions are never answered to a satisfying degree. But sure we can just sweep these under the rug of a good action storyline. 
Looking at the villains themselves, Ironmonger is a good first villain for Ironman to have. Lots of personal ties, good emotional beats, kind of reminds the viewer of a knock off Lex Luthor. It would have been a stronger choice to use Obie’s son Zeke, the actual Ironmonger and who has a sordid personal history with Tony as an abusive ex. But hey, this is Disney and God forbid we even suggest any of our superheroes could possibly be something other than straight. China might not like us then would they. (pretty sure they don’t like us now but it’s the dollars that count right). Whiplash is a fairly generic Ironman bad guy, Russian eccentric genius with a vendetta against the Starks? Yeah sure. They could have peppered in some more about Howard Stark the Abusive Dad just to avoid confusion but hey, whatever. The Mandarin however is a HUGE Ironman villain and I just...I could have done with some foreshadowing. Some tie ins in the earlier movies leading up to the big bad. It would have fit more. But like I said I understand they were making it up as they went along. 
Getting into SHIELD and the inclusion of Black Widow, I don’t have a lot of issue with her writing in the second movie. Like sure, her being assigned as Tony’s new PA, makes total sense. Very Natasha move. But Scarlet Johansson is a terrible choice for Natasha Romanoff. For a plethora of reasons. What reasons are those? Oh I’m so glad you asked. First off the introduction of Natasha Romanoff in the comics was fucking brilliant because the reader doesn’t know it’s her until she decides to reveal herself. Before that all we knew of the Black Widow was that she was russian and had red hair. She was very nondescript prior to that. So Tony’s new PA had red hair, so what, so did Pepper he has a type. She was bubbly and fun and used to be a model and her and Tony’s affair fit very well with his history at that point. And then BAM she’s actually a russian killer lady. It was so shocking. 
Now that is clearly what Jon Favreau is trying to do there. The way he writes her in, Tony’s interest, Pepper’s exasperation. It should have been perfect except for Scarlet’s performance being so fucking obvious you could see her from space. She’s a terrible spy. Her voice doesn’t change, her face doesn’t change. Her personality remains as blank as before. She’s not subtle. Because Scarlet is not subtle. She’s not a good actress. Just because you can convey emotion does not mean you can portray a character. In every movie she is in she’s just herself in a new outfit and it is very annoying. 
Natasha Romanoff is supposed to be a world class spy. Like raised from the womb spy. Given a modified super soldier serum to increase agility and severely slow the aging process (she’s like 80 something fr). She blends in, everywhere. You don’t notice her until her knife is in your back. She should 100% scare the pants off the viewer in every scene she is in because you never know if she’s being genuine or not. There’s a reason her friendship with Clint is so anomalous and it’s not because people know she used to kill people it’s because people functionally can’t trust her. Scarlet only manages to convey that she’s hot and can kick you in the face. Whoopdie do. Her performance in Ironman 2 annoys me so much because it makes Tony look stupid instead of her look scary. Because only an idiot wouldn’t peg her as the spy the moment she flipped Happy onto the mat. Like come on, you can’t introduce a character as a super genius and then allow him to miss something like that, and then act shocked later when she shows up in a leather catsuit, like obvs Tony gd. 
I won’t get into the inherit sexism displayed in the lack of effort given to Natasha’s character. Her writing was shallow, her casting was bad and her storyline so inconsistent and slap shod it actually hurts me. I won’t get into the in depth character study of Natasha and all the many ways Scarlet fails at being her here. Maybe one day, but not rn. Simply put her inclusion in the Ironman arc left a lot to be desired. 
In part 2 I’ll dive into Thor, Loki and the first avengers movie. I’ll have to leave Cap for part three cause that’s a lot to cut into and it deserves it’s own part. 
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
back at it again w/the hxh, heres my recap of the last few eps 
ok so i totally forgot to recap that one ep at the end of the hunter exam arc lets see what i remember from like 3 wks ago lollll
i thiiiiink i left off in the middle of ep 21 lol. i really dont remember much tbh so im gonna skim the ep to refresh
exposition time! its so wild that if you lose ur hunter card That It like u cant get another or retake the exam hgabjdfuhasjf Ls 
also the fact that you can sell it is rlly interesting 
leorio & kurapika backing up gon as he confronts illumi again :’) good lil family 
illumi u fool. gon is a shounen protag. he can do anything he sets his mind to
the fact that gon thanks illumi for telling him where killua is....hes literally THAT polite like...what a perfect boy 
hisoka just fuckgin stepping out of the shadows....ok bitch 
the fact that gon fucked up illumis arm that bad with one hand....boi is STRONK 
ok but like is illumi implying that hisoka is a fr p*do bc uhhhhh thats so nasty oh lord. pls stay away from gon, and killua, and like everyone as a matter of fact 
no but rlly what IS hisoka gonna do now. im assuming he’ll show up p soon (tho probs not in the zoldyc arc like i thought bc its shorter than i thought) 
ok the fact that they have the internet is hilariously wild to me for some reason....it just seems like this would be one of those fantasy shounen worlds with very little tech (a la one piece) but lol nope we can just google shit hvbhjdhjdfks
gon: it was fun when you beat me up for 3 hours and broke my arm! seeya dude!
i love gon he is so chill and doesnt seem to hold grudges except when it really matters (like hisoka and illumi) 
hanzo has.....ninja business cards....thats amazing hvbhsdjkujfnd
dont worry pokkle, leorio was basically carried thru the hunter exam by various people and also won by default. he still deserves his license tho
an exotic game hunter sounds pretty cool! i wonder if we’ll see pokkle again. kinda doubt it? that sounds pretty firmly non-combat based, and therefore probably pretty far from any plot lol
so gons dad is a bigshot huh.....whatever hed be a bigger deal if he didnt abandon his son tbh 
gon swinging his feet on the bench....sooo cute 
so ging could restore a bunch of ruins but he couldnt raise his son...ok
im just gonna be bitter at this guy for abandoning the most perfect boy vhbhjfbsjhdhbfsk sorry dude but being a good hunter doesnt make up for being a shit father 
gon is so precious ;_; 
why does it look like theyre googling things on MS paint 
ah yes, padokea, on the continent of Africa But Sideways 
idk if i talked abt it before but the world map is WILD lmao i love how its all the continents/landmasses scrambled around.....im super curious abt that weird island in the top center of the map, thats the only thing that immediately sticks out as not having a real life equivalent 
the music in this show is so charming :’) i love the main theme sm 
gon is sooo precious i literally cant get over it. and his hurry to rescue killua is so sweet....and i love how naturally charming/charismatic gon is....pretty much everyone he meets likes him, especially leorio and kurapika, who basically adopted him after knowing him for like a day, and continue to be completely taken by him
ok wtf is satotz & co talking abt......do they know something abt ging that they arent allowed to tell gon???? shouldnt gon have access to the same info now that hes a hunter? i need ANSWERS
i bet this whole thing abt the hunter exam not rlly being over is a metaphor abt the hunter exam NEVER truly ending bc youre always being tested, or st
ok the ED continues to be So Much like especially the last shot where the 4 main characters look like theyre posing for a JC Penny catalog while the singer goes FULL metal-screamo
ok ruth and i just rewatched the next two eps woohoo
i love that there are tourist busses that take people to the front gates so they can like pose for pics and stuff vhbhjafdsfkj and its like ‘ah yes here are where the local assassins live!’ thats so funny yet it makes so much sense
i love that leorio passed tf out during the bus ride. big big mood 
gon is so cute...hes like ok yes i understand that we’re not supposed to go in but i think they can make an exception for me bc im very polite. 
those 2 dudes r so ugly and so dead god bless
that bigass buster sword....sir please 
ruth and i rlly thot that the old guard guy was gonna turn out to be grandpa zoldyk or st lol
the fact that the dog managed to eat All their flesh but left some clothes....skill 
also the dog is named mike but it sounds like the guy is calling him miku hvbjdfssk
this cant be the first time some morons have been killed here likeeee 
i cant believe nobody has visited the zoldyk estate in 20 years damn they all rlly b havin no friends. depressing 
the whole gates thing is wild. also that part where gon gets the math wrong on the weight.....BIG mood kiddo 
ok the part where gons on the phone w/the butler is soooo good oh man. i love how gon just calmly dials the phone again after hes hung up on the first time and then YELLS....and leorio and kurapikas faces r so good 
also the butler guy unfortunately has a point, it isnt foolproof that gon is here Legit....but he IS let him see his tiny bf :( 
as ruth pointed out, the butler guy is reminiscent of kuro from one piece. same vibes 
maybe if leorio was jacked like he is in the manga/1999 anime he couldve opened the gate that first time around....Ls 
god i love this shows approach to Everything so far,....as ruth put it, half the time its like ‘oh wow they should do [x]/i wish theyd do [x] but ofc they wont cause its a shounen’ but then they DO do [x] and its like damn thats dope 
anyways i love how gon is increasingly approaching situations with his Plucky Shounen Protag Attitude in full swing, and he pretty much gets shot down every time. BUT his general determination to see killua bc killuas his FRIEND and hes gonna RESCUE HIM is still a good and pure motivating force 
like here, when hes climbing over the wall and hes like whatever i dont wanna have to deal w/being tested thats bullshit, i wanna see killua, my intentions are pure, im gonna try my luck with the dog....i was like ok yeah he’ll get over and like tame or defeat the dog and the guard will be suitably impressed bc nobodys ever done That before, and then gon will continue on to get killua 
but NOPE instead the guard calls him down and explains that gon Will Die if he tries that, and then the guard will die too for letting that happen. and gon is like oh shit my actions have consequences for people other than me, wow. 
and THEN the guard takes them in to meet the dog. and hot DAMN that is a scary creature. not even really a dog tbh. they did an excellent job making the dog Legit Scary and not just like, big and flashy looking....those eyes are so soulless, and the proportions are freaky 
and the guard says exactly what i was thinking - that gon would use his Country Boy Woodland Creature Skills to workaround the dog....but then the subversion - this creature is NOTHING like the woodland critters gon is probably used to dealing with. theres no way gon stood a chance here. the guard just saved him from a really unfortunate death 
i love all the Super Heavy Stuff in the servant house that seems so inconvenient vbhjdkfasjfld. also forgot to mention earlier but the guard guy being Absolutely Ripped was wild and kinda funny 
training montage! gon continues to be so cute. and i love so much how leorio and kurapika are like no, you rest, we’ll take care of this. good parents!!!!
and then!!!! they sync up and use the power of gay love to almost open the gate. but then gon uses the power of Improbable Shounen Protag Healing Speed to toss that arm sling off and help out
i feel like leorio was side-eyeing gon like w8 a sec u broke that arm like a few days ago that aint right.....
oh man i almost forgot abt that scene with the zoldyks torturing killua :( :( this poor kid he doesnt deserve that 
also mom zoldyck seems truly awful but i must say her aesthetic does fuck. the victorian-lookin outfit paired with the futuristic cyclops visor thing....excellent. also im betting this face bandages are from killua cutting her face 
this family is so fucked up hvbsjdhjfbakdfn
killua telling his mom that gon is definitely gonna make it there :’) hes got such unshakable faith in his bf thats so good.....
back w/the gang, and immediately they run into more trouble in the form of the young girl butler, whose name i dont know, but i love her....her design is SO good oh man. a non-caricature black person? who also isnt sexualized? in MY anime??????
 i love how gons approach to conflict is currently ‘let more powerful person beat me up for hours straight in hopes that they get tired or something idk bro’ like....i love him lol, is it in an effort to show how determined he is? he doesnt even try to dodge her blows or get around her....id be tryin to hop that fence lol 
oh shit the tiny zoldyk kid from earlier is spying on them....she was w/the mom so im sure thats not good
when he punches the rock part and it breaks....strong boiiii 
oh man that little flashback from when killua first came back and told her that he made a friend ;_; bruh 
i love butler girl :( she wants to let gon but knows it isnt allowed....and as soon as she starts to waver BAM here comes mom zoldyck JFC that was so sudden and jarring....im assuming butler girl isnt dead cause that would be lame and anticlimactic 
also IS THAT NEN??? NEN>>>??? NEN??? HM? NEN????????? 
im so annoying abt nen i need to make one of those ‘is this a pigeon?’ memes w/’is this nen?’ bc thats me anytime anything remotely weird happens lmao
i do think its rlly nen this time tho
anyways shit is wild, cant wait to meet the full zoldyck family 
as i said above i doubt hisoka will show up now bc this arc is a lot shorter than i anticipated. also im doubting that illumis even gonna show up honestly 
i think we’re gonna have this OP for a while, as the part just at the end shows gon and hisoka fighting in what looks to be an arena, and ik the next arc is the heavens arena arc, which im assuming is the tournament arc....
also i have no idea what that weird building in the OP is but my guess is that its the building w/the heavens arena in it bc its tall and,,,,heaven 
i predict there wont be much fighting in this little arc bc how tf else is it so short. at this point i rlly think gon is just gonna grab killua and go lmao. im super curious abt how thats gonna go down, considering that killua is currently strung up just bc he wont apologize...so i cant imagine his family would just let him leave w/gon. i wonder if killua will fight them, or if gons determination will impress them and then theyll let killua go (doubt it)
thats basically it....we’ll see abt the next few eps holla
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a heckin list of my thoughts from throughout that episode
i am thoroughly dead
the intro music has barely started and im already almost in tears
wait no no this isn’t Hera tHIS ISN’T HERA??? HECK
i am s c r e a m i n g i am S C R E A M I N G IT’S ALMOST T I M E
the last time i’m ever gonna hear that intro for a new episode AHH
wow eiffel, a man after my own speaking capabilities
“welll.... that seemed heealllthyyyyy” that’s a Mood
that sounds like me when i turn the garbage disposal on instead of the light
my boy Jacobi standing up for himself i’m SO PROUD
I love hearing Eiffel and Lovelace together SO MUCH
“do let it hit you on the way out” GOT ‘EM
“I’m starting to think that these guys are my kind of stupid” I’M IN LOVE WITH ALL OF THESE CHARACTERS
“Have fun storming the castle” asdhgfj
“You’re allowed to make mistakes, as long as, at some point, you admit that they’re mistakes” BAM THERE IT IS FOLKS
“we’re going to crush them” I HAVE BEEN WAITING SO LONG
t h e w h i s k e y s p e e c h
“No matter what happens, I’ve got your back” i m
“you could’ve given us a chance to say goodbye” STAB ME INSTEAD PLEASE??? THAT WOULD BE LESS PAINFUL ???
Alan Rodi has personally victimized me with this soundtrack i swear to GOSH
“Something about a harpoon” THE HARPOON REMAINS TIL THE VERY END
is he really gonna hE IS HE IS REALLY GONNA
“we are gonna partyyyy allll night l o n g” IM DECEASED
“I am never going to be rid of you, am I” look i LIVE FOR THESE SNIPPETS
“and that’s why you’re here” NO NO NO STOP MY HEART CAN’T TAKE THAT ATTITUDE
oh no
no stop this i’m crying again HOW DARE YOU PULL THIS ON ME
“right now the only person saying that is you” I’M NOT CRYING YOU’RE CRYING
the starboard engine has completely stopped HECK YES H E C K YES
oh holy heck HECK DANG
“Bob” dfbhkjnlm
o h h h h h?????
oh wait no. no no. but Eiffel is coming back EIFFEL OH NO STAY AWAY ASFGDVHFJG ARRRRRGHHHHHHH
this is a request for Gabriel Urbina to come all the way to my house and literally fight me please and thank you
I am ??¿¿¿??¿?? IN LOVE
Eiffel!!!! My son has hurt himself!!! someone help him
“With my life darlin” I’VE MISSED THEM S O MUCH
minkowski please you might save the world but you’ll break my heart
oh no Jacobi is not doing well
He’s gonna die isn’t he mY BOY IS GONNA DIE
HE KILLED B O B ????? HE KILLED B O B idc if he can come back that is VERY RUDE
he’s so happy with himself HE’S SO CONFIDENT AND H I M S E L F I’M SO AMAZINGLY PROUD
she’s going uhh... i n ?
“Do you really think we’re not going to shoot you?”
but what does she l o o k like? no wait not important
~not today, satan~~~
fhjgknhnb the star wars prequels im d y i n g
i just remembered this is Michaela Swee having a conversation with herself
“there he goes” n y o o o o o o o o m there he go
p r o b a b l y   n o t ? u m m m m m
he had the bottle on him
the whole time
what is happening. please explain to me what is happening. i cannot comprehend and i have never hated anything more than i hate cutter
sarcastic and bitter to the end and oH MY WORD I CAN’T. I CAN’T ACTUALLY. BELIEVE. I KNEW IT WAS GONNA HAPPEN BUT.
Cutter what the f r ic  k I hate you i hate you
"You’re crazy” NO D U H
T H E    H A R P O O N
T    H    E      H     A     R    P     O    O    N
“I’m just going to clip your wings a little” I HAVE NEVER BEEN MORE PROUD
i’m never leaving my room ever again
star wars
im sitting in bed sobbing and that’s okay!!!! that’s fine it’s fine!!!!! no it’s not fine!!!
oh my gosh hera and pryce
he did all that just to win a b e t of COURSE he did
she hasn’t glitched since she had the conversation
my kids. my space kids are going home. they’re done. the show is over.
the show is over
the show is over
i’m going to cry for a few days now. hope you’re all as emotionally traumatized as i was. it’s been a fun ride.
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dayoung-remade · 6 years
tea on all moon signs 👀 ,, and also i !! really !! love !! your !! blog !! my heart flips everytime u post ajhssjsjdj 😤💓💘💞💖❤
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shuakkinda-blog · 7 years
Jihoon crushing on you !! // scenario
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A bullet-point scenario featuring Jihoon/Woozi !!
Request for scenarios and reactions on my page if you want :)
- ok but have you seen the lyrics this boy writes for his songs???
- he’s got love sickness written all over svt’s name with his compositions
- and although some of the songs he has written depict active pursuits for a girl that the guy wants,
- Jihoon isn’t the type to go after someone like that
- you know why?
- ok that was bad I’m sorry
- what I mean is that Jihoon doesn’t want to go out looking for his soulmate in every corner and alley
- neither would he want to get a girl to like him by changing himself a whole lot
- he’s one to support the natural bloom of love
- simply put
- Jihoon just wants a girl who really understands him and can accept him for who he is <3  
- alrighty, scenario time !!
- as an intern at pledis, you’ve been given the opportunity to work with many of the company’s artists
- including seventeen ofc
- and you found getting to know the members pretty easy, as most of them are approachable
- when I say most, I mean everyone but Jihoon lol
- you’d see him around, but you guys would never engage in a conversation longer than an exchange of hellos
- some of the other svt members would tease Jihoon by telling you that he isn’t too good with people since he’s always locked away in his studio producing music
- but you’re not convinced
- well, you know he does spend most of his hours in the studio, but you don’t think he’s bad at socializing
- fr though, how else would he have tolerated living with 12 other boys for the past few years???
- this would make you curious about Jihoon
- “I’m sure you’re more than what people say about you...” you’d constantly think to yourself whenever he walks by
- little did you know that Jihoon is wondering about you too
- something about you was familiar to him
- he’s not sure if it’s your relatively calm nature or the way you look
- but he wants to figure what it is about you that’s so different yet so... natural???
- he’d often hear other members talking about you when you aren’t around
- they like to mention how amazing your taste in music is and how comforting/supportive you are when they feel down or stressed
- the beagle line, booseoksoon, would obviously be the biggest chatterboxes
- their conversations about you might as well be fights over you
- “hey guys, y/n likes this song I was practicing my vocals with today,” Soonyoung smiles widely and tries hard not to squeal
- “hmm, is that so,” Seokmin say, pretending to be unbothered
- “yeah, and she says she wants to hear me sing more often.”
- “I don’t know about you guys but I was dancing in the practice room the other day when y/n walked in and said I’m pretty good. She wants me to teach her a few dances sometime,” Seokmin grins in pride
- “WHAT THE HELL? THAT’S MY JOB,” Soonyoung would yell
- “oH weLL,” Seungkwan clears his throat. “yesterday I was cracking jokes all over the place for her and she was practically dying of laughter.”
- “I’m the jokester around here,” Seokmin points to himself. “What are you talking about?”
- “HEY MAN, do you remember who she laughed at the most when we showed her that clip of us on that variety show?” Soonyoung would ask
- “Me,” all three of them answer in unison
- “BACK OFF ALL OF YOU,” Seungkwan says in response. “We all know that comic relief in this group is my responsibility.” the three then engage in an argument
- “Oh my God, we get it. You all like her,” Jihoon says before retreating back to his studio. He’s had enough of this conversation
- before hearing all these “fights” over you
- he would’ve considered initiating dialogue between you and him
- but because Jihoon’s already pretty convinced the three of them are crushing on you already
- he decides to not get involved and leaves you to them
- besides, he doesn’t think a girl that those three would crush on would be his type
- W R O N G
- one day, you’d be hanging out with beagle line, who has been dying to hear more of your music playlists
- you’ve given them a few song recommendations before, but ofc they wanted moRE
- so your playlist session pretty much turns into a karaoke/dance party in the practice room with three of the loudest boys in pledis
- after all of the fun, the boys make a playlist on their laptop with all the songs you just played for them
- so when you can’t hang out with them, they could just play those songs and think of you awww
- however, the laptop they saved the playlist on just so happens to be one of the laptops the entire group shares
- one of these users is none other than the great Lee Jihoon
- he takes the laptop to his studio one day and magically finds the playlist left on pause from the last time booseoksoon listened to it altogether and cried over you lmao
- and recognizing a few songs on the list, he decides to give it a listen
- he has no idea whose playlist it is
- but he falls in love with it
- it just happens to be the perfect mix of old songs from his predebut days and more modern songs from today
- you defined his music taste perfectly with this very playlist
- so he begins to use it more frequently
- one day, he was blasting the playlist in the practice room when all of a sudden:
- “ah, I’m not surprised... booseoksoon is blasting my playlist once agai-”
- you stop your tracks upon spotting no one else but Jihoon with the laptop, playing your playlist
- Jihoon freezes and lets what you just said sink in
- “Oh, uh... this is your playlist?” he asks anxiously
- “Yeah, it- it is,” you stutter. “Seungkwan, Seokmin, and Soonyoung asked me for it, so they saved it onto that... laptop.”
- “well, it’s... pretty good,” Jihoon compliments awkwardly
- “oh really? I- um, thank you??” a nervous laughter comes out of you
- “yeah, uh, I’m sorry if I’m not supposed to be listening to it. I want to respect your priv-”
- “no no, please. If you like it, feel free to use it whenever,” you wave your hands in defense
- Jihoon stifles a tiny laugh. “okay thank you, y/n.”
- “anytime, Jihoon,” you smile kindly. “This is actually the playlist I use when I work on my assignments. Do you mind if I uh... work here while you play it?” You clarify your point by holding up the unfinished files you have to work on for your internship
- “yeah, of course,” Jihoon keeps his cool. “I was just gonna.. uh...”
- “If you’re working on something privately here, I can leave you alone. It’s no big deal,” you say. The last thing you want to do is bother him
- “Ah no, I was just gonna work on my dancing, that’s all,” he manages to answer without stuttering. Jihoon was honestly ready to break out in nervous laughter, but he held it back. “You can stay, don’t worry.”
- you thank Jihoon and settle into a chair and table to get started on work
- it takes you a little while to realize that Jihoon is actually dancing to songs on your playlist
- you decide to give him a compliment, because goddamn this boy is really good
- “I didn’t think that song was all that danceable, but you managed to make it work.”
- Jihoon smiles. “Oh thanks. A lot of the songs on your playlist are dance songs though. That’s what I like about it.”
- “to be honest, I expected you to be more of a composer than a dancer, but it looks like you can do both pretty well,” you smile
- “oh really,” he accepts the compliment shyly. “I spend more time composing, but dancing definitely relieves a lot of stress for me.”
- “... how about you? What do you like to do?” he asks
- he isn’t sure if he asked that out of a need to beat out the awkward aura or if he was genuinely curious about you
- but he’s glad he did because it definitely brought up a pretty interesting conversation between you and him
- and BAM you’re finally friends with Jihoon !!
- I’m not tryna to exaggerate buuuut
- becoming friends with this genius is absolutely life-changing
- your old, awkward hellos in the hallways turn into full-on conversations and it’s amazinG
- and he has so much knowledge about music and dancing and entertainment and he just loves sharing all of that with you
- hearing and seeing how passionate he is about what he does as an artist is the best part about being a good friend of his
- (he wouldn’t share any of this kind of stuff with people he isn’t close to)
- his hardworking nature is also super inspiring
- but oftentimes, you’ll find him stressing a little too much about his work
- although he does take breaks from time to time, there are days when all he wants to do is work nonstop
- and as a caring friend, you do your best to help Jihoon out in these stressful times
- “c’mon dude, just take a short break to have dinner with the members. You can always come back to composing a little later,” you’d nag him
- “no, I’m fine, really,” he replies, eyes still glued to his composition displayed on the computer screen. “I’m not feeling dinner right now.”
- “that’s what you said at lunchtime when I checked on you,” you complain. “I know you keep snacks in here, but the members probably haven’t seen you since this morning. And real meals will help you recharge better than any of these tiny snacks.”
- “y/n this is due in two days, I can’t just-”
- “Jihoon,” you get his full attention at the mention of his name. “I get it. Due dates are due dates. But you need to think: is working straight and only having half of your energy in writing this song really worth it? Or do you think it’s better to take breaks and make a with a song with all of your energy put into it?”
- you sigh. “It’s all up to you. I’m just giving you suggestions here.”
- although you’re still concerned about your friend, you decide it’s best to leave the composer alone for now. You head over to the practice room to join the other members eat dinner. The guys greet you with a warm welcome
- you also inform the boys that you invited Jihoon over for dinner with them if he wanted to come
- but a few moments after your arrival
- Jihoon steps into the practice room as well
- “HOLY SHIT, JIHOON’S ALIVE?” Soonyoung screams
- the rest of the members rush on over to Jihoon to engulf him in a gigantic group hug
- “was I really out for that long?” the composer laughs
- “UHHM YEAH, JIHOON,” Seungkwan exclaims. “I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen your face in two days.”
- “Seriously,” Seungcheol smiles and ruffles Jihoon’s hair. “It’s about time you took a legitimate break.”
- Seungcheol would then walk over to you. You were admiring the adorable group bonding from afar:
- “Damn, y/n, how did you do it?” he pats your shoulder
- you shrug your shoulder and laugh it off
- because you honestly don’t know how you got Jihoon to get out of his studio
- and now he’s eating a complete dinner???
- the members were very impressed by you
- what kind of potion or sorcery did you use to resurrect Jihoon??1?///?
- a potion for love if you know what I mean ;);)
- nah but really
- if Jihoon is able to do the unlikely because of you
- there must be something special about you that Jihoon likes
- when he gets back to his studio after a refreshing dinner time with you and his members
- Jihoon will just sit there and think
- and everything will lead back to you
- your convincing arguments
- your understanding
- your careful nature with him
- your kindness
- your awfully bright smile
- and all of your conversations that got him so excited
- aw shit don’t tell me I like y/n
- he liKES YOU OMF
- the mere thought of himself liking a girl after a long time just sahdlfjdgshskhagaAHHH
- he definitely wasn’t ready for this
- after he realizes he’s got a pretty huge crush on you, Jihoon will most likely change the way he acts around you in a few ways:
- 1. he’ll be 10x more nervous whenever you come over to hang out
- you’ll ask him a simple question like “hey, Jihoon, how are you today?”
- and he’ll have to stutter around when replying:
- “uhhh... go-good I guess?”
- 2. before his crush, he could easily slip you a little compliment here and there. But when he’s crushing, Jihoon would keep all these compliments to himself 
- this is because he’d constantly overthink his compliments
- he doesn’t wanna sound too desperate or flirty. He’ll do anything to make his crush on you not obvious
- so whenever Jihoon would want to compliment you, he’d probably just smile really cutely and say the compliment in his head
- 3. Jihoon would want to be the one to invite you over to hang out, because he needs time to think out your conversations
- the last thing he wants is an awkward time with you
- he’d like everything to flow perfectly so he can feel a little less tense around you
- and whenever you accidentally bump into Jihoon around the company building, oh boy
- he wouldn’t know what to say in these encounters, so you’d have to be the one to start off the conversation
- overall, this guy is just a nervous wreck around you
- and he can’t exactly tell people he’s feeling this attacked every time he sees you because
- Jihoon wouldn’t tell anyone about his crush
- okay maybe Seungcheol, but only if he asks Jihoon about you and doesn’t stop until his dongsaeng admits that he likes you:
- “Jihoon, come on. I know you. Just admit it already.”
- “For the last time, Seungcheol, I don’t like y/n like that,” Jihoon would huff. The two are prepping for bed in their shared dorm room
- “Mmm,” the leader thinks for a moment and then grins. “I’m not buying it.”
- Jihoon is irritated. “You’ve asked me so many times already and I’ve always said no. Why can’t you believe me?”
- Seungcheol inhales deeply before looking at Jihoon squarely in the face. “Look, she’s the only person who can successfully pull you out of the studio to rest or do anything other than work.”
- “Even I can’t do that, and I’ve known you for years now.”
- Jihoon stares at his hyung before covering his face with a hand
- “Jeez, is it that obvious?”
- At the sound of Jihoon’s response, Seungcheol grins, rises to his feet, and starts an awkward but cute happy dance
- “Okay okay, I get it, Cheol. You win,” Jihoon smiles in embarrassment
- with this new information, Seungcheol would be one to make fun of Jihoon a lot when you’re around
- like you could simply pass by and say hi to Jihoon, and Seungcheol would punch him on the shoulder cutely while squealing
- and it’ll become so frequent to the point that the other members would pick up on it too
- and when booseoksoon finds out, Jihoon is in for another headache
- “whOA, I didn’t know Jihoon likes y/n,” Soonyoung would tease
- “I don’t???” Jihoon lies
- “but every single time y/n comes by, Seungcheol automatically smiles and giggles at you specifically,” Seungkwan would justify
- “then maybe Seungcheol likes her,” Jihoon retaliates
- “naw dude, he isn’t like that,” Seokmin replies. “The leader is just making your crush too obvious.”
- Jihoon won’t know how to come back at that comment
- “... whatever,” he sighs in defeat
- “AEYYYYY-” the trio squeals but Jihoon cuts them:
- “I’m out. Go be loud and dumb somewhere else.”
- “WELCOME TO THE CLUB, JIHOON,” the trio shouts
- and since the three beagles hang out with you a lot too
- they’re bound to spill the beans within the first few days of knowing:
- you’d be hanging out with the three of them like usual when the boys suddenly decide to pull out your playlist for another mini practice room party
- the first song that Jihoon danced to on your playlist comes up and you can’t help but mention him out of nowhere
- “guys, did I ever tell you that Jihoon listens to my playlist?”
- “oOhHoH, Jihoon,” Soonyoung wiggles his eyebrows at the other boys
- “uh yeah?? He found it on the laptop we saved it on, and I caught him listening to it. Strange huh,” you smile off to the side at the thought of that day
- “mMhHm, very strange indeed,” Seokmin looks at Seungkwan and Soonyoung and gives them a suspicious look similar to Soonyoung’s
- “yo wtf? What’s going on with all of you?” you’d ask
- “OH NOTHING NOTHING,” Seungkwan would giggle
- you’re not convinced
- “you guys are hiding something. Spill it.”
- the boys would hold their breaths and keep quiet, until...
- “JIHOON LIKES YOU,” Seungkwan would burst and then immediately cover his mouth in regret
- “WhAaAaT??1? ‘JIHOON LIKES FOOD?’ PFF ISN’T THAT ALREADY OBVIOUS?? HAHAHAHHEHAHHA NiCe oNe, Bo0 ” seoksoon scream in an attempt to cover up the accident
- meanwhile, the fact sinks in and you break out into a huge smile. A pink blush spreads across your face, and the boys notice
- “WHOA WAIT,” Seungkwan finally breaks. “YOU LIKE HIM TOO?”
- “... maybe.”
- “are you gonna confess to him?” they all ask
- “hmmm... I don’t know, should I?” *GEULSE JAL MOLLA*
- m e a n w h i l e 
- the mere thought of confessing to you is terrifying to Jihoon
- it would take him a lot of line-rehearsing and sleepless nights before he could tell you how he feels
- but that would take a century
- a lot of times, he’ll come close to having enough guts for it
- but then he’d back out, thinking that the conversation could wait a little longer
- so if anything, you’d have to be the one to ask him if he likes you
- “hey Jihoon, can I ask you something?” you twiddle your fingers atop Jihoon’s desk. The two of you are hanging out in his studio like you usually do
- “yeah, what’s up?”
- he’s busy. Only half of his attention is on the conversation
- “do you... like me?”
- Jihoon freezes. Instead of looking directly at you, he stares at your fidgeting hands
- “who told you that?”
- “I can’t say because you’ll-”
- “who told you that?” he repeats himself
- “I can only tell you who if you promise not to kill that person.”
- Jihoon thinks for a moment. “Fine, just tell me who.”
- you can’t help but laugh as you respond
- “Seungkwan.”
- Jihoon immediately gets up from his seat and starts heading for the studio door
- “OH MY GOD WAIT, JIHOON,” you can’t stop laughing, but you follow him to the door and grab his wrist
- he stops again, and an electric feeling rushes through his body upon sensing your touch
- “Jihoon, you promised me you wouldn’t kill him. Now keep your promise.”
-  He puffs out a breath before turning to you. “I’m sorry y/n, but Seungkwan needs to learn his less-”
- “I like you too,” you interrupt his sentence
- his entire body stills, and it’s as if time decided to take a moment to pause at this very moment
- “if anything, we should be thanking Seungkwan for spitting it all out because, if it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have known we both like each other.”
- Jihoon thinks, and a smile slowly forms on his lips
- “can I punch him in the face at least?”
- “alright, but I’ll need something else in return then,” he takes a hold of you with one hand on your arm
- “like what?”
- he finally looks you in the eye 
- you notice his face blushing pink
- “nevermind, I really want to beat him up.”
- “JIHOO-”
- he quickly pecks you on the cheek before leaving the studio to start his manhunt for Seungkwan
- as he runs away from your chasing, he smiles to himself
- Jihoon, you got the girl of your dreams. And it was simple...
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punwolf · 7 years
I’m so tired of being tired.
I was doing pretty damn well for awhile. I had a regular schedule and pulled out of a pit of year long depression. I’m borderline because I’ve got some crap in my background growing up (who doesn’t?) with a perfectionist, abusive grandmother. Whose garbage flowed downhill to my mom but it was tempered by a stable and sane father. Yeah, it creates problems, but I’m not suicidal or living under a blanket of grey that never really allows a person to enjoy life. So I’m not clinically depressed but I can fall into a downward spiral easily.
Most of that comes from the perfectionist crap - and the constant nagging of “if it’s not perfect there’s no reason to even try.” And lets be real, what’s actually perfect? Not people, that’s for sure. Not art, not anything, but the brain doesn’t accept that.
I stagnated with my miniature painting and somewhere an entire year slipped by while I lived off my savings. It was always just a “few minutes” of escapism via a video game, art project, “it’s almost FR festival time, next week, next week,” or my other “drug of choice” to feel slightly better. I even thought about skipping Halloween last year because I didn’t feel much like doing it. I normally love Halloween.
I stumbled across a way to paint miniatures and get results that I really wanted. It was a huge breakthrough to realize that yeah, I CAN paint high grade figures in a time frame that’s suitable for selling to the public. I grew by leaps and bounds in a couple of weeks. The struggle of learning went from taking 3 weeks to paint one figure to 8-10 hours. Considering how complex and expensive these particular figures are, this is acceptable. In fact, they’ve intimidated me for close to a decade because of their levels of complexity and detail.
For a couple of months I finally felt better, I was doing stuff, I grew, my schedule was even, I slept 6-8 hours soundly, etc. Then out of nowhere I could only sleep 4 hours or less at a time. There was no reason for it. I hadn’t been napping (a culprit which will throw my schedule out the window) or doing ANYTHING. Just “bam” not able to sleep. No stress, either because it was going fine.
All I can think of is that it was the changing of the seasons that set it off, because this tends to happen every year.
I got some Melatonine to help make me sleepy when I woke up after a scant few hours feeling stupidly well rested (that never lasts long and I’m basically exhausted all my waking hours except 2 or 3. The rest of the time I’m struggling not to fall asleep.)
Just when I sort of had things working out, PMS hit me. Some months my bladder goes hyperactive. Fun, fun fun. Usually it’s just a couple of days but for 2-3 weeks I was waking up ever 2 hours to pee. Unfortunately this is an urgent, stupid feeling that won’t go away even if my bladder isn’t full. I only have this during PMS. Most of the time it’s not a big deal but once in awhile... this was one of those months. Whee. So much fun. No more sleep.
Now I’m on a sleepless schedule again where I’m permanently exhausted, getting nothing done, living off my savings, and trying to get my life back into some semblance of normal.
All while being stuck in a depressive hole because not being able to sleep leads to being tired all the freakin’ dang time. Being unable to focus and function keeps me from doing EVERYTHING. Not being able to do ANYTHING work OR fun makes me depressed. It’s a vicious circle.
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anachef · 5 years
First Look and Review! Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes in Disneyland’s Downtown Disney District!
We’re at Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes, the newest eatery in the Disneyland Resort!
Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes
Located in the Downtown Disney District (you’ll find it directly downstairs from the recently opened Ballast Point Brewery & Kitchen), the incredibly popular New York City-based restaurant has brought its signature burgers, CrazyShakes, and more to its first California location!
Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes
We are so excited to be here! And, in fact, so are lots of other people…
Line Forming at Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes
… and we’re happy to bring you right on in with us!
If you’re looking for a little taste of the Big Apple when you’re in Downtown Disney, look no further than Black Tap Craft Burgers and Shakes.
Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes
The use of black which sets the tone is not overwhelming with the balance of light woods and contrasts in the street art stylings on the walls.
Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes
Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes
And you’ll find pops of color in some of the art which brightens things up even more.
Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes
When reading the menu (we’ll look through it in the next section), we noticed a note where Black Tap describes itself as “upscale but not fussed up,” which is a good description of the hip vibe.
Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes
Now, we’re not digging in quite yet, but let’s talk CrazyShakes for just a minute. (Okay, we really can’t do that without at least giving a little sneak peek…)
Black Tap Craft owns the bragging rights as being the original home for over-the-top milkshakes. Those insane topped-with-everything shakes you’ll find at spots like Beaches & Cream and Planet Hollywood Observatory in Disney World?
Yeah, you’re looking at the inspiration for all of them right here at Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes! So before we start sipping our own, there are some features that are unique to the Downtown Disney Black Tap location, and two of them are in regards to CrazyShakes. First is the walk-up window outside entirely dedicated to to-go CrazyShakes!
Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes
And back inside, there is also a bar where guests can see CrazyShakes as they are made.
CrazyShakes Bar
CrazyShakes Bar
The Downtown Disney location also has its own service-style in comparison to Black Tap Craft’s other locations… and, in fact, in comparison to most restaurants around Disneyland Resort. Called “enhanced fast-casual,” guests place their order at the counter, and then seat themselves.
Orders are delivered to the table. Now here’s where the unique feature comes in… let’s say you’d like, say, another CrazyShake, or an order of Fried Mozz.
Fried Mozz
Well, then, you can stay in your seat from this point and a Black Tap team member can help you out while you remain seated.
Of course, you have to decide what you’d like to order first…
Black Tap is known for their burgers and shakes, but there’s much more to the menu. (Click the image below to enlarge.)
Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes Food Menu
Outside, we received a printed menu with item descriptions to help make some decisions while waiting in line. But if you walk right in, you’ll see the menu over the ordering counters as well.
Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes Menu
Taking a closer look, starter snacks include classics like Fried Mozz, but also Crispy Brussels Sprouts among the offerings. And the Wings flavors include Spicy Korean BBQ and Mexican Hot Sauce.
Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes Menu
And, of course, those Craft Burgers make up a big part of the menu, including a Vegan Burger and Turkey Burger along with The Greg Norman 1/2 pound Wagyu beef burger. Though the emphasis is, as expected, on the burgers you’ll find a couple of Chicken Sandwiches, too. You may also want to know that vegan and gluten-free buns are available as well, for an additional $2.00.
Fun add-ons for your burger include a fried egg, bacon, caramelized onions, and any house sauce (you’ll see those listed in the next pic), to name a few.
Next up are Craft Burger Salads! These include a Black Tap Burger Salad. Fries & Onion Rings add to the offerings.
Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes Menu
And check out The Diz Kid (mini prime burger meal) under the Kids’ Menu!
The drink menu is where you’ll see Black Tap’s famous CrazyShakes highlighted among the offerings! Other beverage options include Craft Beer on Tap with 21st Amendment Blood Orange and Golden Road Pineapple Cart among the selections. Housemade Iced Tea, Lemonade, and Cocktails are available, too.
Black Tap Craft Drink Menu
Let’s take a closer look at the CrazyShakes by way of the printed menu. You’ll notice that the top three — Cotton Candy, The Cake Shake, and Sweet ‘N Salty — are available only for guests dining in.
Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes Shake Menu
But no matter whether you dine in or pick up your shake outside, you’ll be able to order from the Classic Shakes (including Peanut Butter, Caramel, and Nutella among the choices) and five CrazyShakes including the Bam Bam (Fruity Pebbles) Shake, The Brooklyn Blackout, and the Downtown Disney-exclusive Strawberry Shortcake.
And if all that doesn’t make you ready to dig in…
… then I don’t know what will!
Starting with a couple from the Snacks list, we tried the Fried Pickles and the Fried Mozz. The Fried Pickles are served with the house buttermilk-dill sauce.
Fried Pickles
These are so fun for sharing. But even better, they’re seriously tasty! That thick golden batter ups the ante on these, and the buttermilk-dill is the perfect balance to the pucker from the pickle.
And, really, can you ever go wrong with Fried Mozz? While these are pretty much the regular awesome, crunchy, gooey things you’d expect when ordering some fried mozzarella, there are two interesting touches to point out.
Fried Mozz
First, that sauce is a smoky chipotle tomato sauce (as opposed to your regular marinara), adding some great, unique flavor. And second… you gotta love how they topped fried cheese sticks with EVEN MORE CHEESE. Nice!
But if you’re at Black Tap, you’ve clearly got to go for some burgers. And thanks to the vegan and turkey options (along with those gluten free and vegan bun options), there’s something to meet just about any burger craving.
The Texan Burger starts out like all the other beef burgers: with the “prime burger patty” of 7 ounces of 100% Black Angus USDA certified beef, and served with fries, lettuce, tomato, and a pickle on a potato roll. It’s topped with bacon, aged cheddar, and a huge onion ring, with BBQ sauce and mayo to finish.
The Texan Burger
All the beef burgers are cooked to medium (unless otherwise requested). Overall, regarding our four burgers, we thought a couple of them were a little overdone. But just by a touch and it didn’t take away too much from the flavor.
Plus the toppings are terrific, as is the case with The Pizza Burger, which is topped with marinara, fried mozzarella, and parmesan.
The Pizza Burger
We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again… don’t knock a fried mozzarella-topped burger ’til you try it, folks. It totally works!
The Mexico City is another burger topped with a huge onion ring. But heat seekers will definitely be interested in hearing about the other toppings on this one.
The Mexico City
You’re looking at pepper jack cheese and pickled jalapenos (look at the size of those slices!) with chipotle mayo for a finishing touch. This has a nice amount of kick to it for those who crave some spice!
There’s more to the Crispy Chicken Sandwich than the name implies.
Crispy Chicken Sandwich
The truly crispy chicken is topped with a tangy buttermilk coleslaw, cilantro, lime, and spicy mayo with Korean BBQ served on the side. Altogether, it’s a really flavorful sandwich that’s not just an afterthought in comparison to the burgers.
I’ve gotta say, though… we were all surprised by, of all things, The Turkey Burger! It’s topped with Swiss cheese, smashed avocado and truffle mayo.
Turkey Burger
Compared with the other burgers which lean towards over-the-top, you wouldn’t think this would be a standout. But it really was! This thing was packed with flavor thanks to some terrific seasoning, and the whole table was impressed.
We were less impressed, unfortunately, with the side of Teriyaki Broccoli. Seasoned with garlic, ginger, sesame, and scallion, it sounds pretty promising, right? I mean, it got ME to order broccoli, so that’s saying something.
Teriyaki Broccoli
But the broccoli itself was kind of limp and the teriyaki sauce was more sour than flavorful. I wouldn’t get it again.
Speaking of sauce, though, I’d highly recommend grabbing a couple of the house sauces to dip your fries or some huge, yummy onion rings. (Note that you do receive your choice of a sauce if you order a batch of onion rings or a batch of fries, but it’s fun to have a couple for the extra buck.)
Onion Ring Mickey… or is it just me seeing that?
Choices include Texas BBQ, Special Sauce, and Korean BBQ.
Housemade Sauces
Others include chipotle mayo, buttermilk-dill, and salsa verde.
Housemade Sauces
My favorite was the chipotle mayo, but my tablemates liked others the best, which is why it’s nice to have a few for the family or your friends to suit various tastes.
No matter what you order, you can’t leave without trying a CrazyShake!
Umm… or three
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Let’s start with The Cake Shake (which, you should know, is served at a limited quantity per day. It’s the only one noted as such on the menu.
The Cake Shake
A cake batter shake (seriously, yuuuuummmmm) has a vanilla frosted rim with oodles of rainbow sprinkles. It’s topped with an entire slice of funfetti cake, whipped cream, and MORE sprinkles. And a cherry on top, of course!
The Bam Bam Shake is a Fruity Pebbles Shake.
Bam Bam Shake
This time, the vanilla frosted rim is covered in fruity pebbles, which also top that GIGANTIC pile of whipped cream. So much whipped cream, in fact, that’s it’s hard to see that there’s also a rice krispy treat, a strawberry Pop-Tart, and some Laffy Taffy in there, too, for good measure! Oh, AND a cherry on top!
The Cookie Shake has a vanilla cookie base.
Cookie Shake
And it is NO JOKE. The vanilla frosted rim is coated in cookie crumbles, and it’s topped with a “cookiewich,” crumbled cookies, chocolate chip, whipped cream, and chocolate sauce.
And what I say for one of these, I say for all… the CrazyShakes are the real deal. Not only are they the original, but they’re simply better and higher quality than the other over-the-top shakes I’ve tried (and I’ve had a few!). The baked goods topping the shakes were all super fresh and tasty in their own right. Then the shakes themselves offered their own really interesting flavors. Plus they were super creamy, not too icy at all. It is nice to know that — as Instagram-worthy as they are — the CrazyShakes aren’t just for show. They’re legit. So, grab a straw — AND a fork
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— and drink up!
That said, if CrazyShakes strike you as a little much after a burger and everything else, since the actual shakes themselves are so good, you can just go with one of the Classic Shakes.
Peanut Butter Shake
May I recommend the Peanut Butter? Because, WOW!
Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes has truly delivered at the new Downtown Disney District location! To put it simply, it’s really good food making it a spot that’s well worth a visit. Plus, it’s fun! Though one of the first pictures in this post did have a line (and there was actually a longer one during my time there for the first day), it had definitely died down and was not crowded at all by the time we left. So don’t let fear of a line keep you from stopping by and enjoying some New York City eats at Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes on your next trip to Disneyland Resort!
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Are you hoping to visit Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes? Please let us know with a comment!
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from the disney food blog http://bit.ly/2UXocbA via http://bit.ly/LNvO3e
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cyjprojectarchive · 7 years
careless | yugyeom
prompt: inspired by their song don’t care from their album, flight log: arrival group: GOT7 pairing: kim yugyeom, you genre: angst, hurt words: 2070 note:  this is my fave song from the new album (like legit it’s on repeat for daysss now) holy crap moly gyeomie writes hella good songs no jam was MY JAM in the previous album okbye on to the imagine
Ijen eojjeol suga eopseo nan deo deo (I can’t help it anymore now, shall I go further?) Mam ganeun daero man ganeun daero deo gallae (with what my heart wants, what my heart wants.)
The resounding volume of a random K-pop song engulfs the whole room in figurative ecstasy. It creates a domino effect as each person present begins to dance to the same type of moves as the electronic beat vibrates continuously from the walls to their heart beats. You listen closely and realize it’s none other than Big Bang’s Bang Bang Bang booming out of the huge stereos stacked up on the platform. Knowing from the amount of shots you’ve taken in the past couple of hours, you would have stepped right into the center of the nonexistent dance floor and showed all these K-pop idols who really possesses the talent.
But you didn’t want to risk embarrassing your ass off in front of most well-known pop artists in the industry. Besides, you didn’t want the person who invited you here to be the topic of conversations a few days after this party; just because their plus one was a total wreck and didn’t know how to handle herself.
Yes, you are going to act civil and sober. Key word: act.
Even if you have finished the round of drinks the waiter is just about to serve to guests other than you. Even if you told yourself you’d behave this time and not let out your frustrations through the process of intoxication. Even if you despised the human who brought you here in the first place after what he’d done.
Accepting his invitation was supposed to be your way of confrontation. What happened is the complete opposite of the original plan; further distract yourself from the problem. From your problem.
“Hey, what’chu doin’ here all by yourself?” A sly, and slightly slurred voice, creeps up behind you. “I think Yugyeomie’s lookin’ for ya for, like, forever,” Bambam drawls, slinging a lazy arm around your bare shoulders. You cringe at the smell of his breath, but you can’t discriminate as you probably smell worse; so you just roll your eyes at his obviously drunken state and gingerly retract his grasp from you. 
“I think you’re done for tonight, Bam,” you reprimand him, loud enough for him to hear you over the music. “Don’t you guys have, what, a photo shoot or something tomorrow?”
The silver-haired boy shakes his head too eagerly, resulting a small hiccup escaping his throat in the process. He laughs to himself and waves your question. “Nah, we’re done with that shit for a good while. Didn’t Yugyeom tell you we’re on a slight break? Comeback’s over, management’s preparing all the tour stuff, and we’re just chillin’ like we’re villains,” he answers, ruffling his hair with one hand and resting the other against the table on your right which displayed any and all sorts of appetizers. He seems like he wanted to get one, but he quickly returns his stare at you and asks, “So, did you find Yugyeom yet?”
You seethe quietly. You are already trying your hardest to lose the man in question, and you have done well, so far, until his best friend found you all alone in a party, where only seven out of the fifty guests actually know you, so bite him for being concerned about your introverted attitude tonight. 
Sighing, you tell him that no, you lost Yugyeom in the crowd and you’ve been by yourself for some time now. No point in lying because this kid was going to find out, anyway. 
“Well, last time I saw him was outside by the pool, tryin’ to look around for ya, so you better go before he finds someone else!” Bam recites with a loud laugh at the end, attempting to slap you jokingly on your shoulder but hitting air instead.
You don’t know whether to be amused or concerned about him right now. You haven’t really seen him in this state before; it’s been a while since you’ve hung out with Bambam, or any of the other members at all. 
This is the first time you’ve actually seen him since he turned 20, so it feels a bit unnerving to witness the boy who defied puberty probably as drunk as you are right now. Unluckily for him, he doesn’t know how to hold his liquor down very well… yet. 
You think about it for a split second, realizing that you’ve already accumulated a strong tolerance to alcohol at your age- a young age at that. Huh. 
“Bambam, there you are!” You are waiting for your heart to drop to your feet by the sound of that voice, but thankfully, it was only Mark who came up towards you and the wobbling idol in front of you. The oldest hyung looks distinctly sober than the both of you, and you start to feel embarrassed by your appearance. 
“I’ll take him outta your hands,” Mark chuckles as he pushes Bambam away from you. The maknae only waves goodbye as Mark shoots you an apologetic look. You are about to smile in return until he adds, “Oh, by the way, have you seen Yugyeom yet?”
You, instead, fake the smile and mutter, “No, but I’m going to right now.  Thanks.” You make it your mission not to stumble across any more GOT7 members because you have a certain inkling that they’re going to ask the same damned question. 
I mean, they’re not wrong to ask you. Yugyeom is not the type of person to just abandon someone out of thin air like that. You, of all people, should know this.
Or don’t you? 
And besides, you were the one who left. 
The chlorinated pool water glistens with the illumination of the night sky. Not a lot of people were hanging around here because a) it’s cold and uncomfortable and b) it’s warm and fun inside clubhouse, anyway. Your eyes immediately focus on the figure standing at the corner, hands kept inside the pockets of his black jeans. Even if he was facing away, you’d recognize those long legs, strong back, hard shoulders and the thick black head full of hair anywhere.
And you hate yourself for it.
But you exhale a loud breathe, letting the effects of vodka and whiskey and whatever else you had your lips on a while ago take over you as you trudge your way towards him. 
He shifts his weight into one leg and you halt, following his eyes. His head is turned sideways, looking down on the water. The sharp curvature of his nose always makes you swoon inside, and you never once mentioned how attractive he looked like that. You never wanted to, and now you think you’re never going to anymore.
“Bam and Mark think we’re playing hide and seek with each other,” you mumble. He doesn’t seem to be startled by your presence, and that kind of got to your nerves. Was he expecting that you would come find him? 
Maybe this is a bad idea after all.
“I told them not to mind it, and that you were just not feeling well so you had to go somewhere and take a breather,” he informs you with a small voice, still not looking up. 
You raise an eyebrow. “You dare have the audacity to dictate my condition?” You exclaim, feeling the heat rise up to your cheeks. Your mind thought it is okay to let off the steam right now as everyone else is too busy inside partying. It’s going to take a huge toll on you if you keep bottled feelings in tonight. 
And you’re sick of keeping everything in. 
Yugyeom finally turns his head to face you and you immediately feel a pang in your chest. Lips sealed shut, he furrows his eyebrows and blinks hard. Remnants of tears are evident on his damp cheeks and you almost feel sorry; you almost regret ever being angry. 
“You’re the one who walked away.”
“You’re the one who walked away first,” you interject, spitting the last word with full emphasis. You try not to imitate his teary-eyed expressions because you want him to see you handling this maturely. You want to prove to him that you’re stronger now. 
“What- what do you mean by that?!” He is practically shouting, hands up in the air and down to his hair out of frustration. The tears begin to escape in short drops, but he sniffles them away. 
“I waited for you, Kim Yugyeom.” Here it is, the speech you’ve prepared in your mind for god knows how long now. You had doubts you’d ever be able to say it to his face, but this night turned out to be the night an ultimatum is needed. 
Regarding yours and Yugyeom’s “relationship.”
“I waited for you,” you repeat, not letting go of his stare, “there was no promise of us staying as best friends after your whole idol thing blew up, sure, but I thought our friendship was stronger than that so we didn’t need to say it out loud.” 
Memories of your prepubescent years flash through your mind in a whirlwind, all of them containing Yugyeom. The happiest years of your life was shared entirely with him. From childhood banters to high school drama, he was the one person who stood by you, and you to him. 
“Yes, we still talked, and yes some changes had to be done. I’m not dumb to not know how things won’t be exactly the same between us, but at least show some effort into trying to keep it alive,” you cry out, the constricting feeling in your chest never leaving. 
After their debut, things between you were still pretty okay. They weren’t as busy, and he still initiated late night phone calls and short but worthwhile meet ups with you. During those moment, you didn’t feel him disappearing because he always came back to you.
But once they got more famous, especially internationally, you rarely see him in person. Although his face is plastered on a screen almost every time you look, it’s someone else’s phone, or a TV. His connection to the world may have only been beginning, but your spark was already spiraling down to dust. 
“That’s not true and you know it,” he interrupts, staring at you with narrowed eyes and falling tears. “You didn’t give me a chance once you assumed all those lies about me. You were the one who didn’t want to deal with the complications.” 
“Oh, really? Was it you who asked me to be their at one of your concerts?” You question harshly. Suddenly, his tears come to a stop and his anger drops dead. 
Got him.
“Was it you who invited to me backstage after your fan meets? Was it you who offered me a ticket to travel to Japan and be with you for a few days on tour? Was it you, Yugyeom, who had the guts to ask me all those things? No! You had Bambam to do the heavy work for you of trying to keep our friendship intact.” You didn’t give him a chance to retaliate so you keep going. “I’m surprised you’re the one who asked me to be here tonight, too. After all those times you’ve been a coward -”
“I’m not a coward,” he protests under his breath before grabbing your waist and clashing his lips on yours- for the second time today. He didn’t flinch to the taste of alcohol in your tongue, rather, he pulls you closer, desperate for you to kiss him back. Tell him you’re not mad. Tell him you’re both okay.
You close your eyes to cage the salty tears from sliding down your cheeks. Your hands immediately find his chest and you push him forcefully. He quickly regains his balance, and you bury your face in your hands, not wanting to look at him. 
“You think you ignoring me all these years, being distant to me when we do have the chance to be together, and finally having the balls to show me what you’ve allegedly been hiding all this time would fix all the damage that has been done,” you choke, your voice muffled by the curves of your palms, “by kissing me, twice, tonight?” You inhale a breath before gazing at the pale skinned boy you once loved before you. You wipe your mouth harshly and gulp. 
Tear streaked face to tears streaming down his face, you shake your head.
“You’re wrong.” 
You walk away. Maybe for the last time.
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