#no but i could bc i also hated that part of little women. jo was right to be angry and i'm honestly let down by the fact that there was no
mishkakagehishka · 3 months
it's okay tho bc i know what i'm gonna write ab for my lit essay
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watchingspnagain · 2 years
Rewatching No Exit
Welcome to “He’s Just Not That into You, Jo: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
 Up today, s2,e6: No Exit
  Sam and Dean discover that Jo wants to hunt but Ellen is vehemently against it. They try to stay out of it, but when Jo gives them a case file on a building in Philly where young blond women keep disappearing in impossible ways, they take the case. When they get there, they find Jo already there, working the case herself. The three team up (against Dean’s better judgement), and while Jo makes a bit of a mess of it at first, she does successfully act as bait for the ghost of H.H. Holmes, American’s first serial killer and the monster of the episode. So it’s not a complete disaster, and when Ellen shows up spitting nails, Dean tries to defend Jo. But it turns out John was along on the hunt that got Ellen’s husband and Jo’s father killed. The episode ends with the Winchesters on the outs with the Harvelles—at least for the moment.
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
 oh goodie. the one where Jo tried to be a big girl hunter
 would Dean be afraid of your mother?
it would take a little bit to realize it, but yeah
 he wouldn't be afraid of mine - he'd LOVE her. she makes THE BEST pies
I think he'd like my mom, too. just, you know. also afraid
 Ha! My mom can make people cry, too, but she'd love Dean so there's be no reason for him to feel her wrath
 thanks, Dean, I thought it was the other Los Angeles
 "and for you so bitchy" HAHAHA
  OMG this family
 WHY would you think this pithole is a place to take your toddlers?!
 the look on Dean's face
 they probably have some dumb idea about seeing the local shit
 spoiler yes, yes she will lose her
well, not really. cause she dies at the same time =p
 hand freeeeeckles
 HAHAHA Ghostbusters reference
 dream on, Jo, he'll never be your boyfriend
 Dean-o? REALLY?!
 did she FLY?
to get there before them?
  "untwist your boxers" hahahahaha
 Dean only seems like the kind to speed - he'd never put Baby in danger so he generally drives the speed limit
so she beat them here easy
 hahahaha I love it
 THIS 100% sibling behavior Jo and Dean are doing
 YES, on his part
she's got the whole puppy love thing going
 Dean drives EXACTLY one mile under the speed limit
 she's trying to act like a badass and Dean's having none of it
 fuck off, Jo
 "women can do the job fine. amateurs can't"
 no, Jo, you are not twisted AT ALL
he's not interested in you and your tough girl act will not entice him GO HOME
 there was no garbage bag in that can
 kick it! kick it's fingers!
he is gonna need a massage
 isn't that the exact sleeping pose of Marty McFly?
 if not it is VERY CLOSE
 FUCK YOU JO if you weren't gonna sleep, let the poor guy have the bed
 "sorry. my mistake"
I love him
he knows when not to be that way
 (she still needs a better knife though)
 but she was flashing that knife around just waiting for him to say something so she could play the I-lost-my-daddy card
 is he talking? i can't hear him over the freckles
 can you tell that she annoys the piss out of me?
 how do you feel about Jo, Mace?
 we hates her, precious
 oh, I'll tell you what's wrong with that: it's selfish as hell
 John used to pick Dean up like too, but he stopped bc he got awful
 don't threaten Ash, lady
Ash is absolutely more afraid of Ellen than he is of Jo
  aw Sammy's freakish love of serial killers for the win
 aw, Sammy knowing the serial killer stuff
 omg Sammy, a little less joy over the facts of the dude's serial killing
 starting to freak out a little, JO?
 yeah, GO HOME, child
 she could have been SO COOL. it annoys me
 same with Ellen
 and Mary
 also, is Jo significantly narrower than Dean?
in that direction?
 i think turned sideways they are equally tiny
 congrats Jo, you just made more work for the boys
 like, imagine if Ellen and Jo were as good at hunting as SnD
like if they KNEW things
 "feminine business" and the way he knows that's not gonna work before he's even done saying it
 "this building doesn't have a basement" I love that he just knows. he doesn't have to check. pets his competent little head
 snork! well, they have been looking at the floor plans lately
but yes, yes, your Dean is a smarty
 yes, yes he is
 thanks for mentioning that Sammy figured out the sewer system thing, btw
you're not biased at all...
 I mean, i have to concentrate on something other than how annoyed I am that Jo could have been awesome and isn't'
 Sammy is also so very, very smart
 isn't she a little sort for a stormtrooper
 "just be quiet" oh don't act like you didn't scream like a putz when he caught you, Jo
 HOW do you look that hot carrying a shovel?
 "don't mind us, we're just using a metal detector and carrying a shovel. not up to anything at all. look, we're cute"
 gah creeepy
gives me the shivers
 grrr she didn't want to finish the job
 yup, amateur, just like Dean said
hehehehe traps
 Ha! yep
  not because of you, Jo, don't take any credit here, honey
 I'm gonna need the story of how Dean got a cement mixer
 um, he just told you
 shrug I'll give it back
 he borrowed it
 look. I don't think the mockery is called for. I'm just little
 Oh, Dean
 Dean, bud. Read the car
 I guess shotgun doesn't shut her cakehole when it's Ellen?
 ooooof, Ellen, Dean did not deserve that
it is not HIS fault John was awful
 no their other father, Jo
 JO. You ASS. He just saved your life. You owe him much more than your bitchiness
 such poor writing here
 female characters are so poorly written on this show
(well, at least at first)
  [after the episode ended]
 it's like they're trying to force something bt Jo and Dean that's not working and then trying to complicate it with something that doesn't feel authentic
(yep. the back half is full of female characters I LOVE)
 (I think part of the mistake early is making them all narratively tied to Sam and Dean. they are there to push the boys' story and... that's it. so if the actors don't have chemistry, it dies. the later female characters are all massively weaved into SnD's story (obviously, that's the show), but they are their own thing too/first)
also, I think they just get better at writing believable strong female characters. they learn somewhere along the way that a strong woman doesn't need to be a scary mother hen
or a size 2 girl trying to wear big boy hunter pants and failing
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surejo · 4 years
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( victoria pedretti, cis woman ) hey ! have you seen JOSEPHINE “JO” CORMAC around ? SHE works at the HOT COCOA STAND at big bear resort, but they must be off their shift by now. well, if you do see them can you let me know ? they’re 24 years old & they’ve been working here for TWO YEARS. they tend to be +OPTIMISTIC & +EMPATHETIC, but can also be -IMPRACTICAL & -PASSIVE. the other employees have labeled them THE IDEALIST. thanks a lot ! ( the few nights the stars can be seen, books worn down by dog-ears and marks left throughout the years, the first crisp breeze of autumn, the duality… of t.s. eliot ) 
OK. a few notes before i get started:
1) i hope everyone loves how i literally j copied my ivan stuff. url format? ‘sure jan’ lives on. theme? too lazy to find a different one that’s easy to work with. luv that for me. 2) speaking of this theme i forget if i addressed this on ivan’s blog but tabbed bullets don’t appear tabbed.... so if anything seems like it doesn’t make total sense.... it is supposed to be tabbed™. 3) get ready for drama!!!!! you may ask yourself “but the app looks so tame! there will be no drama!” but you are wrong........ because she loves cats. the t.s. eliot book......... the musical........ even the movie.
ok jo,, is also a resurrected character,,, hence how i already kno,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that she loves cats. anyway ! let’s begin ! (listen,,,, the intro format will at least be a little different from ivan’s ok im evolving)
full name: josephine “jo” rose cormac
date of birth: march 6, 1995
*does not perfectly reflect the below big three zodiac chart because that’s too much math
zodiac big three: pisces sun, gemini moon, cancer rising
gender & pronouns: cis woman & she/her
sexual orientation: bisexual ( preference for women bc we luv that for her but we also luv leaving things open to chemistry )
education: bachelor in english - literature that she is doing nothing with
enneagram: 2w1
mbti: infp
various inspirations: eleanor crain ( the haunting of hill house ), dolores price *as a child and towards the end of the book ( she’s come undone ), fox 8 ( fox 8: a story ), “why try to change me now?” - fiona apple (cover), “be still” - the killers
triggers: verbal/mental/emotional abuse/gaslighting, very slight implication of spousal abuse, brief mention of car accident/death & drowning
( ivan and jo’s breakout pop-punk single: “fuck happy backstories!” stream it on spotify ! )
jo......... was born into the wrong family, let’s get that out of the way.
it was pretty clear she was a ploy to save the marriage of her parents ( who have names: lucy and benjamin, luv that for them ). it didn’t seem like they’d ever picked up a parenting book, gone to a parenting class, rly prepped for being a parent at all...... in their entire lives.
that being said, her mom was actually decent at parenting. her major flaw, though? ok, so you know how kids usually have that one bedtime story that they love and want it to be read to them over and over? well lucy complied ! but y’all wanna know what that book was ?
t.s. eliot’s “old possum’s book of practical cats” whfeiuldjkn
anyway ! when jo was seven, after many failed attempts and simple threats, her mom was finally divorcing benjamin for realz. due to his volatile nature, it was becoming very clear that she was the more fit parent and she almost got sole custody ( the only reason benjamin was motivated for it in the first place was the power so?? )! how exciting!
but the keyword is ‘almost’!
alexa, play ‘my heart will go on’ but the off-tune flute version
just as the proceedings were going through, jo’s mother was hit by a drunk driver on new year’s eve. the car skidded onto some ice, minimal damage done... then the ice broke.
jo and benjamin both devolved after that. jo withdrew more into herself and pretty much coped by..... just reading old possum’s a LOT (hate that for her). all mopey, benjamin became much less outwardly violent. the keyword is ‘outwardly.’
ya, instead of j bein like “i will just chill” he was like “i will just make my rage more subtle because in this house, we love intimidation, manipulation, hostility, the blame game, and gaslighting! uwu” managed to convince jo that her mother’s death was somehow her fault, that he was the only person she could trust, that she will never be able to live without someone else, etc., etc.
a few years in and a cycle of many impromptu sleepovers began. luv that for her. hate that for her, but luv that for her. 
there is a lot i cld talk abt here, but it all seems like it cld j be tl;dr’d as: “basically became the surrogate daughter of a bunch of other people”
as for things that r not tragique™, jo was v much a drifter when it came to friends. managed to make a fair amount bc she does not seem like she will put a tadpole in ur hand like ivan. also j a people-pleaser but that’s starting to get into her personality which is another section.
did go to college. luv that for her. has NO CLUE what she’s going to do with her degree, but she can make some really sick niche william faulkner jokes. 
began seasonally working at big bear during the winter break of her last year in college because bitch needed some money!! wound up loving it and was like “i think,,,, i will continue to do this,,,, the people here,,,, r cul,,,,”
still visits benjamin every once in a while. not a way to say that uwu you should forgive ur abusive parent(s) uwu rather that jo.... still has slight belief in him. just to end on something emo.
started life out as a saddie, not a baddie. still not a baddie, but no longer as much of a saddie. loves “cats” and there is no irony to that statement. can make good niche literary jokes, but that’s about it.
a child. a literal child. a child to the point that she should have supervision when she goes on grocery trips because she falls for marketing ploys so easily. can’t believe she hasn’t fallen into a pyramid scheme yet.
an absolute dumbass. again, can make some great niche william faulkner jokes, but ask her the order of the planets? “...well mars is somewhere in there.”
unironically LOVES cats - both the musical and movie. thinks jennifer hudson’s grizabella is the best. will start sharing random facts about it or old possum’s book of practical cats if she runs out of things to talk about but feels pressured to keep talking. was broken when she first read a different t.s. eliot poem and realized he was actually super dark. the only thing that got her through it was a comparison to batman :\ bruce wayne is old possum’s, batman is everything else.
to take a brief break from fun personality facts, v down on herself bc benjamin’s words rly!! stuck with her!! convinced she is an absolute idiot and does not trust her own memory. v indecisive bc of this and always longs for someone to help her figure things out. tries to distance herself from memories of her mother because, again, benjamin got to her. her love of cats doesn’t help that, but... can you believe that’s her coping mechanism? makes up for it by giving all of her love 2 everyone else!! we love tragedy!! and needing to go to therapy!!
secretly knows her love of cats is weird and dumb. a part of her knows why it’s considered one of the worst musicals ever. but LISTEN. we luv rly weird coping mechanisms!
big dreamer. will develop the most impractical goals. she usually knows they are impractical, but still..... uwu
has decided everyone is good until proven bad! except for,,,, like,,, murderers and rapists,,,,
is #StraightEdge for the most part,,,, literally has a drink maybe three times per year
says “like” a whole lot for someone who majored in english with a concentration in literature and should therefore be more eloquent.
i am not great at these sections!! feel free 2 j refer to her zodiac, personality tests, and character influences!!
literally fox 8. i put the others there bc she’s similar but wow,,,, if u read fox 8 (it’s a short story i recommend it i luv george saunders u can find a pdf online),,,, she is fox 8. 
here u go here is a sample that doesnt need context: "Fox 4 woslike: No ofense, Fox 8? Your ideas are not super praktikal. Dreem, dreem, dreem, said Fox 11. Fox 41 woslike: Fox 8, does this honestly never get old for you?"
OH ALSO. she has a slet. a cat,,,,, named asparagus,,,, whom she calls “gus”,,,,, and y’all know WHY.
recent development: has downloaded tor so she can get on the dark web. why? because she thinks there will be more funny animal videos on there. is shockingly good at navigating it.
close friends bc we luv that –– roman (nuanced), aylie (nuanced), hazel (nuanced), cleo (nuanced), vic (nuanced), marco (nuanced)
childhood friends whom she possibly had impromptu sleepovers with bc that is v soft and,,,,, y’all i left the city blank for a reason. –– hazel, marco, 
on that note, the person who was like “wait,,,,,,, u know that book was turned into a musical right,,,,,, like,,,,, a musical literally everyone knows” and shook jo’s world
good influence / bad influence –– cleo, vic, 
exes –– ian,
reciprocated pining
unreciprocated pining
someone..... who has accepted..... that she likes cats.... in a way that is not ironic. will see the movie with her. –– aylie, 
an enemy,,,,,, aka this person was like “cats is literally the worst thing in the entire world” and now they r on jo’s very short hit list –– riley
idk!!! im also obvs up for brainstorming!!! luv that!!!
** descriptive connections page is here ( only people who i’m messaging are on it, but i ?? would love to plot w everyone ?? so don’t make the short list make u think i’m trying 2 limit it 2 these ppl auhfoeidla )
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ofgrveyards · 5 years
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Hey angels, I’m Faye, and I’m extremely excited to be apart of this group with you all! I’m 22, I use she/her pronouns, and I’m in the EST timezone. This intro is....a whole ass mess and it’s too long, but I’m throwing it @ you anyways! My discord’s fuck ya chicken strips !#2658 if anyone would prefer to plot there! 
─ *✧ [ DANIELLE CAMPBELL. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER. ] little hollow welcomes you, JOSEPHINE HAMILTON. an/a TWENTY-FOUR ( 500 ) year old known for being a PARAMEDIC, have you settled in yet ? i’m sure as a VAMPIRE you’ll have no problem fitting in but your COMPASSIONATE + RECKLESS personality might have something different to say. residents have described you as candles burning in the dark, daydreaming about a different life, & open windows at night, i wonder what that means ? [ faye. 22. est. she/her. ]
Born in 1519 to a seamstress and a blacksmith, Josephine Hamilton’s early life was spent indoors, shielded from the death and decay that played such a prominent role in London’s history.
Her mother, Agatha, was taken by the plague when she was just 10 years old, leaving her with just her father and younger brother.
The next fourteen years of her life were spent fighting tooth and nail to build a better life for herself and her aforementioned brother. Their father, Joseph, spent more time drinking than providing for his two children, and as a result, became quite belligerent and abusive. 
This was, in part, because of his children’s magical abilities passed down from their mother’s side, to which he refused to attempt to understand and instead forced them to suppress.
Just before Jo’s twenty-fourth birthday, the stress of containing her powers combined with her fear of her father becomes too much and she blows, quite literally. The windows in their flat explode and the entire block is lit aflame shortly thereafter, leaving nothing but ashes in her wake.
After deciding to leave their father to fend for himself in the burning building, she grabs her brother, any belongings they can easily carry, and sets off into the night.
With no surviving relatives in the immediate area and little to no money to their name, they begin their commute to France to visit their mother’s great aunt.
While waiting to catch a boat in Folkstone, Josephine has another episode, resulting in flooding in the town surrounding the docks. This is where she meets the vampire who turns her, who takes pity on the woman’s declining mental stability and lack of bodily control.
That very same vampire, who takes herself and her brother into their home, helps her acclimate to life as a vampire for a few years. This time is spent learning how to feed, control her urges, present as a human in public, and how to compel. 
The final of the four is not something she often used, as she found it to be manipulative to the point of losing what was left of her humanity. She also refused to force feed, and other than her first year, has only ever fed on consenting parties or through other means.
Her brother is turned by them a few years after her, as she refused to be the one to do it to her own flesh and blood. Once he was acclimated to life as a vampire, they set off on their own and travel around London aimlessly.
In her spare time, Jo studied everything she could get her hands on to become a doctor. But as it was a profession society deemed unfit for women at the time, she had to wait.
She went from hospital to hospital working as an aid to patients, biding her time. Eventually, in 1862, when learning about a school in Boston for Women to be professionally trained in the medical field as a physician, she drops everything to head to the states. 
The siblings live there from 1863-1874, during which she also attends a school for nursing. Not long after, they return to England, where she works as a nurse until 1892 when women are officially allowed to practice medicine. 
With the help of her brother and another doctor at the hospital she’d been living at, she opens up her own clinic in a more rural part of England. This is where she stays until the mid 1900′s, when she and her brother part ways. 
Josephine then moves to the states in attempt to continue her practice without raising any red flags. She starts out in Boston where she received her training, then moves on from there, going state to state every few years.
It was six years ago to date when Jo moved to Little Hollow, originally intending to open her own practice like she has in so many other cities, but she decides to postpone it when she realizes just how significant the supernatural population is in the town.
Due to the considerable fortune earned through the many facilities she’s built over the years that are still in her name, she buys herself a nice house in town with a white-picket fence and a dog. The life she lives behind closed doors may be unspeakable to most, but she does her best to be relatively normal in spite of it.
Continuing working even though she doesn’t need to is a decision that’s made due to her innate desire to continue helping people to the best of her ability. `
Becoming a Paramedic felt like the best option for her, considering she never spends very long with any of the patients, so not only are they unable to get fully acquainted with her, there’s always a change of pace.
Being so settled has become a foreign feeling, though she’s grown to thoroughly enjoy having a home, feeling like she belongs.
She’s fairly active in things around town, known to donate to charities and help the homeless. She also dips into the hospital blood supply on occasion for vampires looking to stray from feeding directly from the source.
When it comes to inter-species politics, she tries to stay out of trouble with the other supernatural people in Little Hallow, instead opting to attempt to keep the peace.
Of course, this doesn’t always go over well, considering she’s got such a big heart and wants to keep everyone happy.
Kind, gentle, soft, dedicated, passionate, thoughtful, stubborn. She’s also enthusiastic, eager to please, and wildly ambitious; both at school/work and in her personal life.
She’s a certified Mom Friend™ and proud of it.
Would literally go to any length necessary if it means keeping those she cares about safe.
Josephine’s got to be one of the most attentive people when it comes to her friendships and loved ones. She is always taking time to spend time with them no matter how busy she may be, will stop whatever she’s doing if they are in need, and gives the best gifts. Her philosophy is that if she’s got to spend her money somewhere, it may as well be on others.
She tends to see the best in people, even those who don’t deserve a moment of her time.
Honestly??? She’s the softest vampire ever, probably much too soft to have survived as long as she has.
Is very, very protective of the less fortunate, be that financially, physically, or in minorities. She doesn’t believe in violence as the answer, but hates any prejudices people may have even more. If she sees anyone being mistreated, she definitely steps in ready for a fight.
CHARACTER TROPES: The Idealist, Nice Girl, Running Gag, Workaholic, there are more but I’ll never get off the trope site if I keep going.
CHARACTER INFLUENCES: Leslie Knope, Kimmy Schmidt, Peggy Carter, April Kepner, Phoebe Buffay.
Friends, friends, all the friends.
Frienemies/ex-friends ( this is so hard for her bc she tries to see the best in people, but if they’re a hateful person, she’s not against writing them off ).
A best friend would be super cool, lord knows my girl needs someone to confide in and to turn to when things get rough.
The vampire who turns her and her brother is definitely a wc!
An old friend she’s known for centuries, someone who has seen her grow through the ages.
A neighbor, or maybe a roommate she’s asked to live with her, because the house she bought is so big and she gets lonely lmao
ex fwb maybe???
Enemy turned friend!
Yeah, idk, these are all super random and probably lowkey shitty, but I’m down for anything !!!
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bi-lullaby · 5 years
I loved your last rankings so much that I'm sending you another fun (?!) challenge! How would you rate all these male GA characters from your favorite to least favorite, no ties allowed? :) Alex, Derek, Richard, Mark, Owen, Jackson, Burke, George, Andrew, Linc and Ben? Good luck, and as always, feel free to include your reasons why because I love your answers!
Ohhh boy you give me life with those asks! Here we go:
1 - As no surprise to anyone: Alex. My baby had the best character development I’ve ever seen, really, brcaus ewhile it was huge, it was also paced and believable and stabilished and non-linear. He was a huge asshole with a concealed heart of gold in season one. In season 15, he’s a golden boy with a concealed asshole side, and the growth/diminishment of those sides weren’t always inversely proportionate, but adjusted to what each characteristic was brought out more by his surroundings/worked more on by himself. Also, he’s the person that has stuck with mer for the longest and through the most, which would put him in a high place in this list even if he wasn’t my favorite on his own. I also adore how, thematically, he’s so moved by the women in his life (bot just the romantic i terests while we are at it) for the betterment of himself and hsi ways. It’s not like Owen’s “I’ll need her to take care of me emptionally and shape herself to my desires so I can be in a good place, it’s recognizing those positive influences in his life and trying to emulate them/work with them/learn from them. Also about his theme, itms less the worn-out “guy is validated in being an asshole bc he had a tough life” and more “guy learns that his tough life doesn’t mean he gotta act like an asshole”. I love this character so much, ugh.
2 - Ben. A freaking Disney prince would be a sleeazy douche in comparison. I was so weirded out when Shobda decided to give so much focus to this random-ass character, then I was really turned off by his storyline with the cutting people open and all that (not necessarily because I thought he was wrong, I just felt the storyline was handled awkwardly and made him sound pelutant and irresponsible instead of a promissing, if stubborn, future surgeon. I’ve yet to watch Station 19, but this angel with a scalpel and a fire hose for wings deserves his own goddamn spin-off, for sure.
3 - My baby Andrew. Yeah, he is not that developed, has been inconsistent, his change from “freaking out over Maggie being his boss” to “marvellung at Meredith’s every movie even though she’s kinda even more his boss because she owns the hospital” was... A B R U P T. But I really enjoy this new Andrew - as a side note: I could not care less for him during the whole Sam storyline, he seemed like a toned down Jonhy Bravo - He’s smart and sweet and funny and worships Mer like the Wonder Woman she is. His relationships with Arizona, Amelia, Jo, Carina and now Alex need more screentime because they’re great (or have the potential to be so). He’s competent and brilliant and selfless (dropping the charges on Alex even if he was completely in the right, taking the blame for mer now) and so tender (his absolute gentleness in peds, taking care of Amy after the operation, being a moody, emotive boy because he lost his love instead of a macho men...). The future holds great things for him, and I’m excited to watch them unfold!
4 - Not on your list but I love: Tom. Boy is he nice. As I was figuring out this order, I realized he reminds me a lot of my favorite character (Dean Winchester) - or at least what I think Dean would be if he was older, richer and lived without the Supernatural World and so many traumas. His talk to April was so moving and I felt it really helped. He doesn’t stand on a moral high horse: He does what he thinks is right and damned be judgment. He’s empathetic, he’s romantic, he treats Teddy RIGHT. He deserves to have his own storyline and be more developed and show us kore of his awesomeness.
5 - Jackson. As I said in my ships rating answer, I’ve only started to care for him recently, but I really do care. He’s not a character I’d, like, write fic about, or long rants and meta, but I love his sibling-esque relationship with Mer and his relationship with Maggie and the way he connects with his mom and how this spoiled, immature transfer with something to prove became a respected, innovative surgeon and father who’s secure of himself and ready to explore different paths and ways and worldviews. I just wish him, and the Grey’s fandom, would be less defensive about the callout of his privileged life. Like. I’ve seen people write paragraphs upon paragraphs about how Maggie was a bitch for calling him privileged. And he is (for his hoards upon hoards of money growing up). That’s not too hard a concept to grasp. Plus, it’d be nice if he could treat Maggie as less of a consolation prize/second chance. Just because faith (or lack thereof) was a source of tension in his previous marriage, and he feels like changing that would have made everything better, doesn’t mean the same applies to his current relationship, or that Maggie is the one who should change -he learned, learned, and is back in square one seeing only his side of it - I really hope this season treats him more kindly and gives him happiness and peace!
6 - Richard. I love him for his parental-and-ish relationships, specially to Maggie, Mer and Jackson, but to Bailey and Callie too. That’s my favorite aspect of him, watching those gives me a nice, warm feeling in my tummy and puts a smile on my face. There’s some aspects of him I find either boring or unpleasant, and I think it’s kinda annoying how him retiring has been a theme/conflict since, like, season one, and fast-foward ten years and he’s basically an entity at the hospital. Like? What? Was the point? You’ve waisted my time? For nothing? But he’s a solid, reliable character you can’t really hate and who brings more good than bad to the show by far. As a side note: one day I will yell at him for his treatment of Maggie after she talked about HER OWN HISTORY and he basically called her a mistake (although he apologized pretty soon and she forgave him so so will I).
7 - Mark. He was great and all that, but never sparked that love some characters did. I was sad when he died, I loved his scenes and relationships, I just am not invested in him. Plus the immaturity in his relationship with Lexie pisses me off a bit, as does his “man whore” personality.
8 - Link. Genuinely love him, he’s been nothing but sweet and kind and fun and helpful this entire time! I cheered for Merlink sooooo much imat first, and I really wish their friendship will be developed! Him and Jo are everything I never knew I needed. He has no arguable flaws besides being so sculped it freaks me out a little bit, but he isn’t higher up in my rank because there isn’t much material for that yet, but expect a climb as he becomes more and more regular.
9 - Burke. He was kinda sweet and did a good thing for Cristina (the hospital). He was also manipulative and arrogant and voundary-crossing in their relationship. I might like him better if it was bot for Burktina, but we will never know.
10 - Owen. Toxic as fuck, annoying, controlling, disgusting. Those are all things that very much apply to Owen in a lot of situations. Screaming at Cristina for “murdering their baby”? YIKES. Big no no. He was not suited for romantic relationships at all and I wish the show would realize that and allow him that space and breathing time without being stuck in a complicated relationship with loads of baggage or a love triangle. Because that’s my whole thing about him: I believe he has room for growth. His relationship with April is pretty amazing, he was always so considerate and gentle with her, all the time, and I want to see more of that bond. He loves kids and can be really good with them, he has a lot of things to work out with the traumas of his father’s death + war + his sister’s story. Why not focus on that? Why not show him growing and processing and bettering himself and living up to the potential he has? I feel like they gave the all the wrong romantic storylines to the character who’s otherwise really good and that’s such a shame because I really enjoyed him at first. Lets see what happens from now on, and if he gets a dose of tv’s “heterosexual love and a nuclear biological family solve everything!” medicine or if this is a turning point for him.
11 - Derek. He never really had any appeal to me. Not his face, not his personality, not his storylines or plot points pr the actor. That’s reason enough for him to rank low, but I also think he had some really bad traits. He was arrogant and condescending and had a God complex and was sexist and pushy and just not great for the people around him. Exploiting Amy’s addiction being outed to steal surgeries? Refusing to give Mer credit on their clinic trial? Putting ultimatums on his girlfriend that she either has to be ready for a full, committed relationship or end things, then call her a slut when she sleeps with other guys after they broke up? Cheating on Addison after deciding to work things out? Stringing mer and addie along? Not saying he was married in the first place? Pushing Mer’s boundaries after she was clearly uncomfortable with having slept with her boss? Refusing to have an inch of empathy for Mer’s action regarding the trial despite her complicated history with the people she was trying to help (who were her friends, actually?)? Telling his depressed girlfriend that she should be concerned the happiest part of his day was flirting with another girl from the bar? Ratting out on Richard to the board because he wanted the spot? Not acknowledging Mer’s trauma after the shooting? Kissing nurse Rose while building the dream house? Kissing his student while being married in NY? Pushing his wife to move and saying his career was more important than his after he had compromised on letting her shine? All things that, isolated, can even be understood on context and “everyone makes mistakes”, but that when put together, make it pretty clear it’s a pattern of someone with very little regard to the people around him. Was he a good surgeon? Yeah. Great father as well. He also had some interesting relationships and iconic scenes, truly, I can recognize that. I hurt for the people he loved and left behind (and I genuinely think he loved them and meant well), but he himself I don’t miss at all.
12 - I think George is the clearest contrast between how old greys handled matters of sexism and gender and sexuality and how it does now. He was such a sleazy nice guy at times, it is unbearable to me. And he ranks lower than Derek because A) His relationships also bored me while Derek’s could pique my interest at times, B) There’s no talk about his mistakes. Remember when he (in his own words) took advantage of Meredith being on a terrible, delicate, vulnerable place (still hiding her mother’s Alzheimer’s and seeing a person be blown to pieces and being dumped by who she thought was the one and being rejected by her father for the second time after seeing him for the first time in tweenty years) and, knowing that she was not interested in him, pursued her, then after she started crying because of the literal pile of shit she was having to carry around (and still trying to preserve his feelings), got mad at her and everyone sided with him? It baffled younger me to bits that what Mer had “done” was so terrible, it has not stoped bafflinn me in the years that have passed since. Can you imagine any of the girls crying during sex because they’re so overwhelmed and feel like that’s a mistake, and the guy freaks out on them and they’re instantly ostracized by the narrative and characters? That’s essentially criticizing her for the right of saying no, of stopping when she doesn’t want to continue, of not giving away her time and feels just because a goofy guy who is her friend feels entitled to them. That’s the word: entitled. He literally says he “saw her first”. How’s that not Nice Guy 101? I would understand his ego being bruised, but the guilt tripping and the bitching and the fact none of that is treated as a fucking creepy thing? Yikes. Also how he treated Callie, who deserved so, so much better. And even Olivia who was perfectly lovely and did nothing wrong besides having sex with more than one guy without breaking either of their trusts because she wasn’t in a relationship with any of them. Did he do some good things? Sure did! Joey’s surgery costs being cut, helping Bailey give birth, some of his interactions with patients were really sweet, and he died giving his life for someone else. It’s just that consequence-less sexism and entitlement that never gets adressed and gets treated as not only valid, but right, that makes him go rom unappealing to downright hated for me. Better left in the past where people can misplacedly idolize him!
Thank you so much for asking, I love those thought-inspiring asks! <3
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francescajohnson · 6 years
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Hey everyone! I know I’ve been MIA for a while, purely because I’ve been so busy and I hate that (like I love it because I’m working a lot, and doing shows and not getting all in my head bc I don’t have enough to do, but I miss you all when I’m gone), so I thought I’d share some pictures of what I’ve been doing (some of you were asking anyway, and so many people have been so ridiculously supportive of me throughout this whole journey, so I just wanted to thank you so much for everything and say that you really helped me through everything, bc these were trying times, but I’d like to think that it was all worth it)! As you can gather from the photos, I recently was given the chance to play “alternate” Elphaba in Wicked! It was quite possibly the most rewarding thing I’ve done in my entire life, I had dreamed of this moment since I was about 14 years old (literally over 10 years ago), never thought it would actually happen, but it did and I’m beside myself. I’ve got a few stories, but this is going to get long, so under the cut!
Now I’ve actually done this show already this year, I tried out with a much bigger, well-funded society, was called back for Elphaba but didn’t make it, but I was dying to be in a production of Wicked so chose to do the ensemble. That production was literally the Broadway version, but with community theatre actors. Sets, lighting, everything was phenomenal, and I counted myself so blessed to be a part of it! I mean I was bummed I didn’t get to play my favourite lady, but was still stoked bc the production was so good! And the phenomenal human who did play Elphaba was literally a dream in every way, so I’m really glad I was there for it. That was in June. Then auditions for this production came around, people were like “you literally just did this show for 6 months” and some were like “you might actually get it this time so please try out”. Long story short, it’s a much smaller and less funded society, so I knew the scale and production would be very different, but how could I pass up the chance to maybe play Elphaba? Well, I tried out and was given alternate Elphaba, which meant I was given two shows to perform, and obviously was a stand-by if needed for the other shows. I was hesitant, because I selfishly wanted more at the time, but I could not be happier that I said yes and decided to do it. 
The girls who were “the” Elphaba and Glinda were so supportive and lovely the entire rehearsal period, it was a pleasure working with and learning from them, and I actually found my friend-soulmate in my Glinda, she is literally sunshine in human form and has the most stunning voice and acting ability, I could not have worked with a more perfect Glinda if I wanted to. 
So, we headed into the shows with our rehearsals done and very excited, my Glinda and I expecting to have our two shows and bonding in the audience for the others, but I didn’t really expect anything else to happen. Cut to the second show, and our Elphie had ridiculously terrible bronchitis, and after a lot of discussion and tears, she asked me to do two of her shows for her. Now I know it’s community theatre, and “not a big deal”, but literally those were two of the most stressful days of my life. It was weird being thrown on at the last second, it was weird having to do shows with another Glinda (though she was spectacular too and was so selfless and helpful on the stage, I love her a bunch for all that she did and how supportive she was), it was weird performing for people who weren’t there to see me and were disappointed when I walked out onto that stage, and worst of all, I felt absolutely guilty and rotten going on for someone who had worked so hard and been through so much, and was forced to go home and rest. Every other alternate I’ve known never had to actually go on, so there were a lot of new and uncharted emotions that I was working through (especially bc the first of these shows was my actual first time as Elphaba), but I wrangled a ticket for my beautiful brother, who raced over to be my one audience member that I knew. While I was feeling sick about everything, the cast was absolutely phenomenal, and so supportive, there were so many tears and hugs after that first time I went on (honestly, it was mostly me that was crying), and at the after party, the cast and crew voted me in for “the Diamond in the Rough award for the Most Valuable Person” as a cast award, at which point I cried again. 
So anyway, after those stressful days of stepping in, we finally arrived at my show where I actually had people there to see me, and my for Glinda to see her. That show was quite honestly the most special of my entire life. I’ve never had so many people from all parts of my life come together, and they all got along so well, and there was cheering and screaming and standing ovations and crying (and entrance applause - I’ve never been so close to crying uncontrollably than at that point, and it was at the very start of the show, so I had to quickly snap out of it, but I was so overwhelmed with emotion)! It was just such a special moment because everyone there knew how much the role meant to me, and how much I identify with Elphaba, it was just such a truly life-changing moment (ah I’m crying again now) and I couldn’t be more grateful. Our next show was much the same, and I’m so glad in the end that our Elphie had her rest bc she came back and smashed the rest of her shows, which made me so happy!!! 
So yes, I could write a tonne more, but I doubt anyone is still reading at this point. Pretty much the gist though is that I’ve found so much love for these people, and for performing again. It’s always been such a love of mine, but there’s always so much drama and unnecessary bitchiness that I don’t have time for it? When it’s supposed to be something I’m taking the time out to do that I love?! But this experience was the farthest thing from that, and I’m a better person for having taken chances and being more adventurous and learning from these amazing people around me, and I couldn’t be more humbled and awed by them and everything they do. There may be audio and more actual stage shots to come, I’m not sure, but my brother (my biggest fan) took some stuff and says it’s worth listening to, so I hope he’s right! We shall see.    
Oh an I also tried out for Little Women recently and was cast as Jo!! That’s not until April, but I’m very excited about it because it’s another “love of my life” role, that I’m blessed to be getting the chance to play (I hope it goes well)! 
So thanks for reading, if you got this far, I know it was rambly, I’m in my post show depression phase, so it’s probably not coherent at all and just a mess of thoughts, but it was a very special time for me, and I thought I’d share it with other people who mean a lot to me (and know just how much this was a dream of mine to do!!)! Much love, and I hope you all have a fantastic holiday break!!!
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ellanainthetardis · 7 years
Loved today's prompt! Just out of curiosity, what's your Effie/seneca headcanon?
Thanks! My Effie/Seneca hc mmmm... I put a read more bc it got long.
I’m not in the “they used to be a couple” bandwagon but I like to hc they knew each other very well because they’ve been in the same circles forever so they’ve known each other since childhood. I think they’re the kind of friends who make-out after a long night partying, when you’re drunk and a bit high on dancing and fun and you want somebody you love close, sometimes maybe it had gone further, but it always stays entaglement free, it’s easy, affectionate. I strongly hc that while Seneca is fluid, he’s more into men than women so whatever happens is mostly recreational and there’s never any ambiguity between the two of them, never any unrequited love.
I think they’re very good friends in a way that’s not always common in the Capitol because they recognzie themselves in each other: young, beautiful, deadly ambitious, probably with hard to please parents... I like to think there’s something pure to their friendship because Seneca genuinely loves Effie (in a friend/almost family way) and she loves him back the same way. I think he would risk a lot for her because he’s pure of heart when it comes to his friends (unlike Plutarch who I hc Slytherin, I think Seneca is more of the Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff variety) and she would go far for him but not as far as he would, not as far as she would go for Haymitch or the kids, she’s too pragmatic and has too much self-preservation. And I don’t think she realizes just how deep he feels for her.
While she might be amongst the people Seneca would do anything to protect, he’s not in hers because... I think at some point, probably 2 or 3 years after she starts being an escort, Effie stops trusting anyone Capitol and above all anyone who works for the Games. It might be unfair but that’s how it is.
I see them as fake-dating from time to time, because... Well it’s a wider hc but while I think sexuality in the Capitol is very free (like nobody cares about preferences) and it’s totally okay to be gay, it’s a little more proper to be married to the opposite gender in certain high circles and families. There’s a clear discrepency in the city about what you do behind closed doors and what you do in public, about being wild because that’s how they live, in total excess, and being proper because you’re the “civilized” part of the population in opposition to the savages Districts (which also paradoxically are more traditional)...
So, yeah, I think Seneca is totally at ease with who he is, who he prefers, but I also think he has an overbearing politician father who would prefer him to marry a woman instead of a man - and he doesn’t quite have the courage to tell him to fuck off, because there’s a lot of money, influence and pressure and he’s been groomed since he was a child to be the next Crane: head gamemaker is only a step on his way to goverment.
As for Effie, there are moments when she doesn’t want a boyfriend/girlfriend (because of Haymitch) and others when she doesn’t have a boyfriend/girlfriend for several months/years (still because of haymitch), and while she’s seen with men and women at red carpets and events, there are talks about how she hasn’t been in a steady relationship for a while.
So it works out. They pretend to be a couple for a while, they have fun because they’re good friends, gossip dies and moves on to something else. They have an amicable break-up in time for the new Games season.
While nothing is ever made public and they deny it at the top of their lungs, I do believe the affair between Haymitch and Effie is kind of an open secret in the somewhat small Games staff world. Even if they’re trying not to be, they’re a bit obvious at times but mostly, in there, nobody cares because it’s not that uncommon for escorts to hook up with a victor or a Gamemaker, it probably happens often. It’s like being trapped in a terrible situation with someone for a certain amount of time, at some point, that person no matter how much you dislike them becomes the only one you can rely on, as twisted as it might get.
I’m also pretty sure the penthouse is bugged so, truly, there’s not hiding that they’re sleeping together even if they’re adamant it’s just a casual sex-friends thing.
And Seneca being Head Gamemaker, he’s the first made aware probably.
I think it amuses him at first because Effie denies and denies even if she must know he knows - and isn’t that a little embarassing - and he teases her about fantasies and about how she probably has wanted to do that since she was a teenager... He does see the appeal but Haymitch is not his kind of men.
After a couple of years though he starts getting concerned and I think he would urge her to cut him loose. Seneca is good at seeing patterns, at anticipating what’s going to happen, and he sees the train wreck in the making. He’s never as adamant as Chaff is with Haymitch because he respects Effie’s judgment and trusts her to make the good decision but he’s not entirely happy with the affair and lets her know. It probably causes a much larger rift between them than her wavering trust in anything/anyone Capitol.
I think Seneca was very much her closest friend before Haymitch took that place. She trusts Haymitch like she never trusted anyone. She trusts him blindly and completely, he’s her ally, her partner... He’s never lied to her even if the truth hurts sometimes a lot...
For Seneca, it must feel like Haymitch replaces him even if they never had the same degree of a relationship. He was Effie’s go-to person and now he’s not and she is still his so it leaves them unbalanced.
More generally, I don’t think Seneca is a bad person. He’s not a rebel, he never was. I think he does believe in the necessity of keeping the Districts under the Capitol thumb and he doesn’t exactly love what he does with the Games but he sees it as a control tool, he rationalizes it, he makes his peace with it. He distances himself from the tributes in the arena, they aren’t real to him until they become victors. He doesn’t think he will be Head Gamemaker forever. He’s been a Gamemaker almost as long as Effie’s been an escort, he’s been Head Gamemaker since the 70th HG, he’s the youngest Head Gamemaker ever... It’s only a stepping stone. Head Gamemakers are usually promoted to a high ranking ministry in less than 10  years if they do a good job and show indefectible loyalty. That’s his end goal.
What he does try to do and that other Head Gamemakers haven’t always bothered with is try to make it safer for the victors (and the escorts) on the prostitution front. It’s not much but for instance he makes sure that if a “client” is too brutal or something to the point of the victor seriously being injured, the client will not only ever be allowed to buy again but that he will get a bit of a fear. That’s something Snow is willing to work along with because victors are investments and messed-up investments aren’t any good.
I think Snow likes Seneca well enough because Seneca is young, full of ideas and determination to get to the top. Snow likes him with some fondness and a spark of interest because he’s promising and if he can groom him into the kind of men he needs, he thinks Seneca could go far. Snow liking someone has never stopped him from having them killed if need be though. On his part, I think Seneca is naturally wary of the President - there are pesky rumors around Games staff about poison and murders - but he’s also been taught to worship him since infancy - don’t tell me Snow doesn’t have a personality cult impleted in schools, it’s tyranny 101 - and because of his own father’s disappointed attitude, he answers favorably to Snow’s gentle guiding and words of praise. He wants to please Snow, he wants to do well. Snow is not quite a mentor but close to that. He’s not blind but he tells himself the horrors he sees are necessary to keep peace and save Panem.
Victors make fun of Seneca (because of the beard and the attitude) and don’t really like him but he’s not the most hated Head Gamemaker there ever was either. He’s decent enough and if they’ve got a real big problem, they know they can go talk it out with him. It might not amount to anything but more often than not, if it’s really serious, he will try to do something. He also tries to temperate Snow’s wrath as much as possible when a victor does something idiotic that deserves punishment, trying to find alternative punishment that won’t be deadly. For instance, I think Jo caused a lot of trouble as soon as she won and he tried to get her to see the light, warning her at least once or twice and sending older victors her way before he’s forced to take much more drastic measures and having her family killed (on Snow’s orders but at that point, he doesn’t seen an alternative either).
The indiference he feels towards tributes morphes into a sort of odd protectiveness when victors are involved, maybe because of a twisted conscience. Maybe because despite his job, he is not a violent man himself. He never threw a punch in his life and he wouldn’t have the first clue how to defend himself if attacked. This being said he never really shows any of that concern. It wouldn’t do because he’s the boss. 
He’s a bit like Effie, I think - and most of the Capitols who are aware of the danger of having more personality than mindless drones - in the sense that he has a very imposing public persona. He laughs a lot, he likes being seen, admired, seduced... He’s always amiable, always apparently happy... He plays the role of the successful young man, of the most elligeable bachelor... He has a somber, more contemplative nature though but he keeps that hidden for nights where he stares at his ceiling.
Above all though... I think he has a sort of honesty toward himself that Plutarch lacks in the sense that he doesn’t try to pretend he’s a better man than he is. He knows exactly what kind of man he is, regardless of the face he presents the world. He kills kids for a living, for the greater good maybe, but that’s what his job is. He doesn’t let himself think about that too often, he usually drowns it in champagne, parties and sex, but it’s there, simmering under the surface. Maybe once Snow told him leaders have to make hard decisions, cut a few to save the lot, that what they’re doing in important in the sense that it’s keeping Panem united and safe and he clings to that with all he has.
It’s a lonely life.
Effie’s the one who gets Seneca for Haymitch during the 74th Hunger Games and, ultimately, she’s the one who convinces him to go along with their plan.
I know a lot of people hc that Haymitch did the whole thing by himself and Effie was clueless but, to me, they’re very much partners, Effie taking the place of the traditional second mentor, and everything they do they do together - of one mind - and so Effie is very aware of what she’s doing when she sells Haymitch’s star-crossed lovers idea, she knows it’s risky, but she wants to try and save the children.
I also think, just like Haymitch must have, she knows the rule will have to be changed last minute and that there won’t be two victors no matter what the kids think in the arena. Maybe she tries to get Seneca to stick to that rule but the order comes from above (Snow) and Seneca won’t risk more than he already did. Possibly, he’s a little angry with her by the time they reach the ending because he let himself convinced by Haymitch that it would be good TV but mostly, he did it because Effie pleaded and now he sees how it could so easily go south and Snow is furious and he hates the disappointment he saw in Snow - and he’s scared too.
What no one anticipated was Katniss and the berries.
Seneca cuts ties immediately after the victory. He won’t take her calls, he avoids her, maybe the only thing he consents to tell her when he is forced to offer his congratulations at the Crowning is: to stay away from him. She thinks it’s because Twelve is in deeeeep troubles and she understands that he doesn’t want to get mixed up in it so she respects his wishes. She doesn’t quite get it’s a little more complicated than that. Sure he’s trying to not get associated with her but he’s also trying not to get her associated with him.
Because at that point, Seneca knows he’s dead, it’s just a matter of time.
I kind of liked what they did in the movies with the bowl of berries because there’s such doomness in it, just like if he was forced into an arena too. It’s terrible. He has no choice but to kill himself. How terrible it must be??? Like, he actually has to stand there and do it with dignity or try to fight, know he will lose and be force-fed berries... Personally, I think he ate the berries by himself, that he would feel it more dignified.
But in the books, I don’t think it was that easy, I think he tried to put up a fight because it’s one thing to be locked in a room with poison berries, it’s another to be asked to hang himself. I think they hanged him and it’s a terrible way to die and he must have known it.
Effie is devastated after his death and it happens after Haymitch and the kids went back to 12 so she doesn’t really have anyone to turn to. Cinna and Portia are there of course but she’s been set into this “don’t trust anyone” path for so long it’s hard for her to let new people know her real thoughts and feelings, her friendship with her only becomes completely trusting later, I think, once Haymitch tells her it’s okay and she actually should go to them if she has a problem.
Mostly, like probably all of the escorts, Gamemaker and people in the known, she’s forced to show some sadness but not too much grief because if they’re seen desperate over his death, they might be associated with him and soon join him in the “suicided” wagon. It’s a tight rope to walk on, all the more so because she keeps getting interviewed and asked questions about him because of their close friendship. And she’s forced to lie about how he might have been depressed or sad or about having an inkling he would do something like this.
I think that time is really, really rough for her because she truly loved Seneca. In a lot of ways, he was a masculine mirror and now she grasps soooo very clearly how quickly and easily she could fall. But it’s too late becaue she’s already committed to the children - never mind Haymitch.
She’s not really allowed to grieve. She doesn’t let herself grieve, not even in the privacy of her own home because she knows it’s bugged, she knows she can’t be seen crying over a traitor, not when she’s on thin ice herself. I think she loses it at her parents one afternoon during tea and her mother and sister are horrified, but at least it’s within the family and it stays there. She feels better after she cried it out but it’s still a weight on her shoulders, it’s not a sorrow she can just shake off like that.
She feels very guilty about his death too, terribly so, because she’s the one who brought him to Haymitch, because she’s the one who begged him to go along with the star-crossed lovers thing... She feels it’s her fault if he’s death, she feels as if she killed him herself.
In my hc, that’s why she’s so upset when Katniss mentions hanging a dummy and painting Seneca’s name in CF - and also because she’s been in a lot of stress for months, she’s probably more aware than Katniss gives her credits for, and she knows there’s a sword dangling over their heads coming lower and lower with every minute.
I think Haymitch is aware of how hard it is for her regarding Seneca’s death but 1) he doesn’t really cared for Seneca 2) he doesn’t really get it because while he’s aware they were friends, when the Games were in sessions, they weren’t much in contact (because a Gamemaker/later Head Gamemaker can’t be seen favoring an escort) so I’m not sure he gets how close they really were. He sympathetic of her grief because he sees it affects her deeply but he’s not sorry Seneca’s dead because he was just another Capitol Head Gamemaker who didn’t care about dead kids to him and there are more urgent fish - Mockingjays - to fry.
The rebellion kind of sweep everything under the rug and be it movie canon or book canon, Effie doesn’t have the luxury of thinking about Seneca’s death any more.
I think she spares him a thought from time to time post MJ but it’s a distant one because, once she settles in 12 for good, it’s like... another life entirely. The Games, everything that came before the war... At some point, it’s something she and Haymitch leave in the past because if they don’t cut it off the past and its demons will swallow them whole. It takes a few years, but they get there.
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youngerdrgrey · 7 years
okay but shouldn’t we be the epicenter? // a Dear White People fic, part 1
full title: *lionel voice* okay but shouldn’t /we/ be the epicenter of black life on this campus?
chapter title: shouldn’t we be (idk) calling out our friends?
or, a further exploration into these black lives on Winchester’s campus, making my way through the season for further depth and hilarity
about: what happens when Defamation ends and Jo pauses in her screaming with her heart still racing to go and get her boy. Or, the time Jo calls out Reggie for letting his jealousy get the best of him on a sacred night.
references include Scandal, Orange is the New Black and the completely unnecessary fucked up death that I will never forgive them for, the 100 and the death that I don’t have an opinion on bc I never watched that show, and casual use of both dicktamized and heedlessly in the same sentence #codeswitching
+ this chapter takes place at the end of episode one; read on ao3?
Honestly, even the Defamation live tweets coming from AP got interrupted today so people could throw in their two cents about Sam, Reggie, and the white boy coming between them and the movement. And it’s not like Joelle would normally care that much about the gossip. Everyone on campus knows that race relations at Winchester are like the pre-teen child Sam and Reggie adopted just when a group home or juvie were closing in on ‘em. But there’s a difference between the normal talk about Jo’s friends and the talk tonight. Normally it’s just a few direct tweets, but tonight, half her timeline’s subtweets about just whip it out already #nottalkingDefamation or  #loveitwhen bae meets activist!bae for the first time or just a simple *Crazy Eyes voice* swiiirl swirl swiiiirl swirl. So fine, Jo can’t even scroll through her timeline without having to address this, so she needs to address it in person. Even if all she can do is snap at Reggie about growing the fuck up.
She gets out her chair to stalk over to him at his. “You couldn’t wait, could you?”
Reggie peers up at her, still too deep into his feigned nonchalance to lift his legs back off the arm rest. As if she doesn’t deserve the full extent of his energy, or a head to head showdown. Honestly, his mind’s probably still on whatever ‘girl you better watch’ text he just sent Sam about the end of the episode. He flips his phone onto his stomach without even killing the screen.
“Wait for what?”
To whip his fucking dick out and wave it in Gabe’s face. Seriously, what’s with that impulse in guys? Jo’s not out here in booty shorts and bandeaus to prove she’s got more going on than Sam does. (Not that she does. Not that it’s a competition. She’s not competing with her best friend; she’s merely pointing out that she doesn’t have the same need to constantly battle anyone that her crush is into.)
(( Not that it’s much of a competition anyway. Guys always go for girls like Sam, don’t they? Girls who don’t really have to try to summon all the light in the room and can go on without necessarily having to know what it’s like to be black in ‘post-racial’ America. ))
((( Sam knows what it’s like. She knows what her experience is like, anyway, and Jo’s really not trying to get too deep into the whole color-ism of it all. European beauty standards are bullshit and forced on everyone. Jo’s got a banging body that works for a lot of guys who might not want to fully claim her, but she’s not all too interested in guys who unironically use ‘females’ to describe women and call her Queen before they ever even think to ask her name. )))
(((( Wait, what was the point again? ))))
Reggie cocks his head to the side. Assured and righteous as he normally is. But he’s the one in the wrong right now. The one pouncing instead of giving Gabe two seconds to try being in their lives.
“Come on, Reg. He—“ and Reggie groans and rolls his eyes immediately, so Jo just talks louder “—he was here for all of two minutes before you jumped down his throat to make sure everyone in the room could see how down he was.”
Reggie nearly snorts, singing lightly, “‘He ain’t really down.” But it’s Reggie playing those games you do, not Gabe. Reggie throwing his name in the Goblet of Fire for no fucking purpose but to run into the maze and get spat back out for doing it. “Come on. Not even a chuckle? You love old house music.”
She also loves getting to enjoy her hate-watch without being constantly reminded of their stupid relationship drama. “Be serious. I’m not happy either, but you don’t see me picking fights during Defamation.”
He shrugs. “You would if you weren’t so busy snapping at everything Olive does."
“Not everything.” Olive could literally control the whole world if she wanted to, but she keeps on going back to that trash ass president she put in the oval. Plus, the shit they do in there? Five seasons in, there’s probably permanent grooves on the rug that her knees put there. Which, whatever, but it’s been years, and Olive won’t leave someone who’s no good for her. “She needs to wise up, and so do you. Jumping all around the point.”
Reggie sits up so straight his shoulders level out. The steel in his eyes snags the light from the TV while his jaw locks up for a beat. “What’s your point then, Jo?” He asks as if he doesn’t already know.
Everybody on this campus knows how Reggie feels about Sam. Including Sam, on some level; she’s just somehow deluded herself into thinking that Reggie only wants her mind, or her activism, or a partner in the movement. But Reggie’s been into every piece of Sam since she still had a relaxer and shared a room with Coco Conners. He’s been trailing after her since the first time she spoke up in class freshman year, and if Jo has to hear about how Sam was like a blacktivist Hermione Granger one more time, she will Obliviate herself, him, and anyone else who’s had to listen to it. But none of that knowledge changes anything. None of that brings what’s been subtext to the forefront quite like this does.
“Sam brought him here on Defamation night. She’s serious about this.” Serious enough that she didn’t tell either of them. And Jo’s not quite sure if Sam’s ashamed of his whiteness or their unapologetic blackness or maybe just that she got dicktamized into a relationship with the very sort of guy she normally mocks heedlessly, but here they all are. “I mean, we’ve supported her through worse.”
“Like what?”
Like the time she single-handedly tried responding to every single person who justified Poussey’s death in Orange is the New Black, dedicating a whole episode of DWP to debunking its use in the narrative. (It’s still a great episode, complete with gems like, “Dear white people, if you fix your mouth one more time to tell me why Poussey’s death was okay but you’re still crying over Lexa from The 100, I honestly don’t have the time to deal with you.” Top ratings, top notch, though it led to some serious rifts within the LGBTQ community on campus.)
Or the time she dated Troy. She planned yacht trips over rallies and acted like Jo and Reggie were both in the wrong for wondering if everything with them was just some dalliance in danger, like a pre-approved trek through the blackness of Sam’s identity before settling in to a non-confrontational future. But even then, Troy was the heir to respectability at Winchester, the crowned prince of how to be the right kind of negro who everyone can rally behind when something goes south and they wind up dead. He couldn’t so much as choose a cereal without his dad’s approval, so Sam and him were never gonna last. Not at this part of her life anyway.
“Just — Sam’s no Olive, Reg.” She won’t be with Picture Frame Gabe more than a few months, not when his true politics start coming out. He might be ready on paper to be part of this, but nobody understands the work until they’re in it. “She won’t choose some white boy over everything else she cares about.” Sam loves them.
Reggie leans up so his chest meets his knees at the armrest. It puts him at her level for the first time this conversation. He asks her, “You sure about that?"
Sam helped Jo take out her braids the night her Hulu trial ended and all they had were YouTube videos for filler. Sam missed her own midterm for psych last semester to help Reggie study for his midterm in poli sci. (Never mind the fact that Sam’s psych class dropped the lowest midterm score; the girl needed the points with the number of events that she kept scheduling during that class.) Sam’s their girl, for more than the movement and for nothing less than life. And if Jo has to fight against the need to widen her eyes and has to run these memories through her mind to convince herself that all of that still matters, then she’s not going to tell him.
“How can you not be?” she asks. Sam’s not going anywhere, even if Jo has to hold her down herself. Friends don’t let friends fuck the president. (And friends, real friends, tell you if they are, don’t they? Real friends let you in on the stuff they’re ashamed about, or wondering about, because if they don’t talk about it, then it’s not real, and if you’re not the one they go to, then maybe your whole friendship was just one of convenience. Maybe it’s high school all over again and the fact that your friends now are cool black kids instead of cool white ones doesn’t actually make a difference. Maybe you’re nothing more than the Coco of junior year.) “I’ll talk to her. Can you just hold off on vilifying her boy until then?”
Reggie plucks at a thread on the seam of his pants. “‘Her boy.’” He yanks the thread a little too hard, but it doesn’t go anywhere. Just leaves him with his fist clenched in the air over nothing. “He said, ‘it’s not worth it,’ then left.” Back in that fight? Seriously? Reggie glances up at Jo again. “He mean her when he say that?”
Because that’s what actually eats at Reggie, isn’t it? That someone on this planet could see his almighty love Samantha White and think she’s anything less than pure perfection.
“Of course not.” Everyone loves Sam; it’s them that everyone else seems unsure about. Because Reggie’s smart and brilliant, but he’s millitant in a way that can chafe at people who want to just enjoy themselves. And most people don’t know that he’ll talk shit for two seconds about the lives they’re ignoring by binge-watching The Get Down all day but that he’ll give himself over to it just a few minutes later. Or that he hasn’t missed a single night of Defamation since the first time Jo dragged him along after Open Mic let out two seasons ago. “Gabe just meant fighting you wasn’t worth sticking around tonight.” She swats a hand at his knee, batting at him as playfully as she can get. As casually as she can make this right now. “Good thing too. You too damn stubborn to ever stop.”
Reggie grins, but his eyes still have this shade over them. His brow crinkles while his nose scrunches up. He’s probably wondering, is it worth it to keep fighting? Think Sam will ever notice? Think Sam will ever fight for me too? At this point, it’d take an act of either God or the devil to get a reaction out of Sam, and after this blackface party, it sure seems like the devil’s more likely.
Jo swallows that comment down, scans the room to get away from soft eyes that never seem soft just for her. “Now get up. Walk me back to my room.”
He groans, but he pushes up off the chair. Throws his arm around her and tugs her into his side. Her eyes flutter closed, and she gets a whole three seconds of imagining that this could be about them. This could be them. Soft smiles and warm arms wrapped around each other. “You think she’ll ever leave him?” Then he opens his mouth and says that. His voice still comes out a little too heavy. He clears it while she blinks away the three second fantasy. “I mean, the oval’s got to have dents from her knees in the carpet at this point.”
“Oh!” She cackles — quick and bright and like the Defamation flashes are going off inside of her. Olive. Does she think Olive will ever leave the president? Not Sam. They’re finally done talking about Sam. And, okay, seriously, “That’s exactly what I said. Like power to her, get some, but does it have to be with Mr. President?”
“No eyebrows having,” Reggie starts.
“Disrespectful ass,” she continues.
“‘I know what you taste like’ Gerald Grant III.” They shudder together, and if she nestles in closer to his chest on the rest of the walk, they don’t talk about it. Maybe that’s how their little trio works — talk about everything but the big three: how Jo feels about Reggie, how Reggie feels about Sam, and how Sam might not be theirs forever.
Or maybe that’s just post-Defamation overdramatic thinking.
Yeah. (Maybe.) 
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misterbitches · 4 years
first thing fuck the anon who was rude to you 😤😤 but DON'T BE SORRY FOR YOUR ANSWER that kind of thing was exactly what i was expecting from you when i told you about this drama lmao i really like reading your thoughts about this kind of stuff , not to mention i also learn a lot \o/ could i ask you why you don't like lee min ho? i thought he was cool in the series but i'm not gonna lie : i was not here for the romance i could not care at all about them (1)
(pt 2!): JUNG EUN CHAE DESERVED BETTER ON THIS SERIES and oH OH I SEE YOU LIKE WOO DO HWAN SUPERIOR TASTE AS EXPECTED i heard he's gonna be in another drama soon! and hell yeah i watched my country and i'm still not over the ending my mans hwi and seon ho deserve a better ending not to mention that the good old homophobia had to give them female li ( and that's all those women were 🤢 how hard is it to write better stories for women?) 
i think the previous one may be from my (now defunct) film blog from grad school. it was about blackness in film so it literally says (this is a nicer way of me putting it: [get abused and die  n word] lmao which i wouldnt mention but im very not happy rn so i will complain
i honestly hate LMH’s acting. and als (and this is very very me) he was dating suji and their age gap just eternally pissed me off. i heard he was terrible with park min young and didn’t defend her at all when she was attacked (they dated after his drama city hunter) and idk. i’m tired of hearing about these actors with alal these young it girls. just a combo of things.
i haven’t gotten back to it and i dobt i would like it now but city hunter? idk if you have seen it. it is from 2012 but at the time it SLAPPPPPEEEDDDD. like i LOVED that show so i had to be able to put up with him somehow i watched it like 5 fucking times LMAO. i was also a big kim woo bin fan and i was probably rly snooty about him not being lead in heirs. it’s so silly, all my problems with these people seem so far away but yea.
what was the romance like? idk if you have seen goblin either but fuck. it’s not even kim go eun’s fault and tbh i feel kind of bad for her (also there was this like rumor she was going out with this actor and his text messages to her are SOOOOO WEIRD and i just felt really bad for her? and creeped out? lol) she’s a good actress too! then i saw lek 5 eps of govlni and swore ms eun sook was my MORTAL ENEMY. 
and 1000000% part of the issue is that seolhyun cannot act and she desperately needs voice training (her tone ....like bitch how do u cry with the SAME DAMN VOICE i was crying 10m ago and i cant even speak normal!) and then all the women. fuck i think the owner of the gisaeng palace (forgot what that’s called) was probably the best and that was like...towards the end. and that ugly jawn getting with one of the gisaengs? also her face was so distracting bc her jaw. omfg i just. :( 
i wish they could have like been together without that girl there (hwi and SH obvi!) 
and they had SH (right?) like the girl char too? also what the FUCKKKK WITH HIS LITTLE SISTER? SHE WAS LIT THE ONLY FEMME CHAR I LIKED. i remember being shocked and my friend was like “bitch it was a fuckin red-ass herring” and i kNOW i just lIKED HER???? SO I WAS LIKE??????? 
if you haven’t seen nokdu flower i super recommend. it has all the things you brought up of course but the peasant revolution is an enormous feat of class solidarity. and i am like almost positive the men back then were trash to women but there’s some things i have never seen done in a drama and am very happy about. the female characters are real cool. like even if one doesn’t know how to fight (which isnt the case) the mind is actually sharp. 
and because it’s hard to put characters or people that were so...hm...commonly exploited? the ex slave owner that raped his slave before she was freed (jo jeong suk’s character, half bro of the other MC) was seen as a fucking rapist. like actually. and i havent seen that happen really at all. dramas are so rare to have leading women be abused in any like..very sexual? way. i hate to say “penetrative” bc that is never close to the breadth of the pain that abuse brings but it’s like you’re only truly ruined if you are forced to have a penis inserted into you. and when male characters were disgusting, the audience knew how we were supposed to feel about them.
gisaengs are also “technically” slaves. at one point they were fucking owned and the hold barely stopped there. so i fucking hate speaking of these really prolific women as if there was a choice in the matter. does it even count if you literally cannot afford anything else? i cant remember, but i’m pretty sure NF was not too bad abt this.
it sucks cos like....automatically you want to like female characters but when they are flawed and just written so poorly it is so glaringly obvious. and i’m not a fan of being handed scraps and liking a woman just bc she’s there. in fact it’s even more insulting. how fucking hard is it to write people we can even extract a little bit of like...hm humanity from? it really isnt hard lmao. patriarchy :) 
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bi-lullaby · 5 years
No one asked
And I should be studying, but here are some thoughts for season 16 so far:
1 - Merluca and it’s parts: COUPLES FIGHT STOP PREDICTING THE WORST OK. They’ve been completely adorable so far, but this is what someone said in a interview: “This is the after in happy ever after” (or something to that effect). They’re gonna fight and them they’re gonna make up, I hope. As for their fight: They were both in the right imo. Yes, Meredith is being inconsequent and it must be so frustrating for Deluca to A)Have her continue risking her career and license and freedom when he went to such lengths to help that, B) Be crapped on constantly bc of something your girlfriend did. Yes, Meredith is completely right in fighting the system that is so throughtly broken, and yes, coming to apologize to her mentor and longtime friend was completely the right thing to do. I wanna see merluca wedding and marriage! Maybe (since there are two pregnant people in this season already?) next season will be Mer and Jo? One can dream! For them individually: Poor Mer, she has bitten more than she can chew but she is ready to take on this fight! Imma love to see her as auntie mer! I mis merjolex so much tho, I know she’s been busy and all but they seem to forget she is a important part in their support system. Andrew has been all over the place. I love his confidence, but in the ep where he literally screamed at Bailey over her trying to teach an intern? And called her out bc she was using a different material than Mer? I was a bit off-thrown. But he’s still a great character I enjoy watching. Hope they find the balance between confidence and arrogance for him, and develop him even more!
2 - Amelink: AAAAAA. They’re so amazing and perfect and sweet and I wanna hug them both. Link is everything you could wish for, Amy is adorable as ever. If they lay a finger on either them as a couple, them as individuals, or their baby, imma kick some asses. I don’t think they will tho, Amy is been through SO MUCH already and she deserves a breath.
3 - Bailey: OMG SHE IS PREGNANT AAAAAAAA. I’m so happy! Ben is already a great dad, this will be so fun to watch! Hope they don’t put her through the ringer with a difficult pregnancy or a sick child, she does not deserve this! She already nearly lost her first child while giving birth in a bomb-y hospital while her husband had brain surgery NEXT to the bomb. Enough pregnancy drama for a lifetime. As for her actions: I’ve said before: I’m pissed, yes. She’s acting way too harsh and taking it out on people and more importantly (as I’ve touched on in my female grey’s characters ranking post) she’s out of character. Where is the Bailey that went around the hospital runnning after the attendings and kicking their asses into signing her proposal for a free clinic? And gave them a speech on how they had failed her and she needed something to believe in in medicine? She was one of the first characters to point out how broken the system was, to take direct action to try and fix it. Sure, she likes to try and work within the rules as much as possible, much she is not adverse to breaking a few of them if she thinks it’s necessary (hello deactivated HIV inside a young boy’s body without parental consent! Hello changing the date on a surgery which is also insurance fraud!)! If she thinks it’ll save a life! But also, she’s not completely wrong: Meredith did commit a crime, as good as her intentions were; As her boss, firing her was the only logical decision. She thought her hospital (which she dedicated a good half of her life to) was being attacked by someone she trained into the surgeon she is, ofc she’d be mad as all hell. Quadri was disrespectful, not doing her job well, actively getting in the way of her superior doing her job, screaming at her boss in the middle of the hallway about how she didn’t want to work there - firing her was a tad extreme (specially for a charact who has never, herself, had any qualms ahout mouthing off to her own superiors when she didn’t think something was right) but not completely out of nowhere. I hate hate hate how they’ll probs throw a “oh she was being crazy bc pregnancy hormones!” line after seeing how her actions have been badly perceived by people (like there isn’t enough a stereotype that women can’t have positions of power because hormones make them crazy) instead of “hey this character was put in extremely uncomfortable and tough positiona after extremely uncomfortable and tough positions and came off as harsher than necessary while trying to balance a world-class hospital crisis”. Ugh.
4 - Jackson: Ok so the last few eps have rekindled my love for him and I’m relieved! There’s the good, kind, funny and smart guy I like! I was mad bc of the whole Jaggie drama, but hey, shit happens! If they will be better apart, then I’m happy! (Ok 50% of this is because of what he said to levi! Stanning Meredith Grey + dorky Harry Potter reference? Yes!!!!). I hope this season will be kind on him, that he and Vicky work out well (from what I gathered about it, she has also been through a lot) and that we see more Harriet!
5 - Maggie: Baby girl. I love that they’re consistent that she has a jealous streak but is also a very good person who is always trying her best. Plus, official womb secret bearer is the best title omg! Maybe she should change from cardio to obgyn, lol! Plus, the sisters are everything to me! She instantaneous knew Amy was mad! She stood up for Mer! Aaaaa I love them!!!! Hope this show ends with all three of them happy and loved and badass as always!
6 - Others: Tom has been an.... Interesting piece. I love him, but his antics are almost caricature-esque now and it’s getting on my nerves. He was detestable in exploitating that family’s pain but also, the hospital did need a pr boost or it’d be in even hotter waters! The restraining order on Owen was a tad much bc it got in the way of patient care, but also he did get electrocuted in a very sensitive area by someone who had just gotten together with his ex - I’d be a little suspicious that it was 100% unintentional tbh. He’s power drunk and needs to be turned down a notch. Schmit and Nico and adorkable as always and I loved Nico’s speech about demanding more of himself - That’s one of the biggest traps of low self-steem and Imm glad it’s mentioned. I’ll miss Quadri. Helm being a MeredithGrey stan first and person second is still me lol. I loved how this last ep showed how much of a family they are - all the connections and shared pasts and references to relationships and what not. The “bird” storyline was so cute! Pac North seems so promissing and I’ll cry ugly tears when my baby Alex turns that ish around and shows everyone who’s boss!!!! The whole “the world is broken” theme of the season is my jam! Sadly, irl that handful of people are not gonna turn it around, but I want to see it happen on my screen! The medical system being fixed! As a future doctor (I promissed myself I’d not be the person who brings it up in every opportunity but lol here I am) it’d make me so happy! Against my better judgment, I’m liking Towen! They are trying, they’re really trying! Owen has done nothing wrong so far (besides offering to milk teddy which was just dumb, not malicious) and has been great at stepping down from his job so she could work! And him at Pac North will be great tbh - as much as I didlike him, he is an excellent doctor and strategist and he was a great chief at GS (until the last bit which was just gross negligence). From the promo for next ep: I don’t think they’ll make Webber cheat again. It’d be predictable and cheap and I’d be so mad that we’d have another round of acting like he’s a saint with a tiny issue of being a cheater. What I theorize is: He’ll have lunch with his friend, and either A) She’ll be friendly at the wrong time and Catherine will walk in and then think he’s cheating and it’ll be a mess, or B) Gemma is gonna try to get him back to drinking (Or maybe C) She was telling him to stop being bullheaded and fighting with his wife when life is so short). Cristina reference in the text omg, my heart!
Sorry for the long rant!
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