#no hate to anyone who has lgbtq+ head cannons for him
luckytidbit · 7 months
Uh so bit of news, my IPad charger decided to give the fuck up, so I can’t really work on anything for the time being.
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Enjoy this fucking thing I was able to pull off my IPad in the meantime.
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mrabubu · 4 months
Heya! Ignore this if this is rude, sorry to just dump my opinions in your ask box like this!
About the Leosagi thing, it has a bit of a history in the tmnt fandom, that’s why it’s so popular now with the rise one. I’m not as knowledgeable as some older fans, but the Usagi comic book series and tmnt have been intertwined for a pretty long time. Crossovers and things have been happening almost every iteration, aside from rise. Each crossover tended to focus heavily on the friendship between Usagi and Leo, leading to a big chunk of the fandom shipping them in a bunch of the iterations.
The Usagi chronicles is widely regarded as a middle of the road show. It’s not amazing but it’s great to see the Usagi comic books get a show of their own! (in a, weird, several generations down the line way) The fact that it was released around the same time as rise, and that rise never got to have a Usagi crossover like most of the iterations before it, lead fans into taking the crossover into their own hands. It was tradition at that point, and those leading the charge happened to be the same ones who shipped Leosagi before rise, in 2003 and the like.
Leo being gay or trans has been a popular headcannon for a long time, probably because of the extremely queer fandom. Either way Leo in rise being more flamboyant than any Leo before him reinforced this I suppose. As someone who doesn’t mind the Leosagi ship (and is queer themself), I don’t think just because a guy is flamboyant or confident they’re gay. That’s a pretty small minded take and assuming that a guy can’t be flamboyant in any way without being “outside the norm” is a tale as old as time. But knowing this you can still have fun with flamboyant gay characters. I think some people can find comfort in head-cannoning a character as a confident, charismatic gay man!
But, aside from all of this, everyone should be allowed to do whatever they want with characters forever. People should not feel offended if anyone portrays a character as straight or gay, canon is fandoms personal playground and it doesn’t matter at the end of the day. I think your Y/N stuff is awesome and you should keep doing whatever you find joy in, because that’s what fandom is about. Try not to get too offended at the Leosagi shippers, tmnt has had this tradition long before rise, and it’s just the fandoms history moving forward with the newest iterations. Let the gay people go wild, doesn’t matter who they ship who with, if people are having fun and making art together.
I hope you don’t have to receive any kind of hate for the ship you prefer, you aren’t morally obligated to like anything, and this is your blog, you choose what happens here.
YOU are NOT being rude, anon, don't worry xd
Just in case, yeah, I know about history between TMNT and Usagi, and I know they had crossovers many times.
Again, I have no problems with people who enjoy their headcanons by themselves and don't touch anyone with it. You don't touch me, I don't touch you, simple as that. I'm not a fan of both these headcanons, so I just either keep scrolling or filter/hide them. I don't try to make people stop enjoying something they like because I have no right to do so.
About Leo, there was already a comment that I agree with, and I hope they don't mind if I quote them here:
"There's a difference between being flamboyant and being gay. Being flamboyant does not make you or someone gay. This is a common stereotype that can be harmful to the LGBTQ+ community. Being flamboyant is a way some people express themselves and their identity and trust me, it does not determine their sexual orientation or gender identity."
I have a little personal history with thing that is different, but has the same core, because I'm half-blood. One of my parents was from another country, and because of that some of my actions and personality have been judged based on my ethnicity.
Again, you headcanon Leo as gay? Okay, just please, don't try to make people believe it's canon. Because I've seen cases like this, and there's a whole video where a person basically says that Leo is gay and if you don't agree, "heck, you're wrong! And the fact that you don't agree only proves that it's canon" and a bunch of other "proves" that mostly made out of thin air. Like, wth...? Who gave you right to say something like that? You're not the creator of the show. And because of people like this there are a bunch of those who actually believe this headcanon to be canon.
For me it turns into a problem when people are crossing the line and start shoving their headcanons into your face, trying to prove/make you believe that it's canon, and simply being rude if you don't agree or just say that you don't like it. If a person didn't do anything to you personally, who said you have the right to being rude to them or even harass them?
If this behavior crosses the line of my interests, why do they have the right to be offended by my disagreement, but I have to ignore them if it hurts me?
Not to mention how bad I feel for RIse creators who are still being constantly pressured by people with all this which is NOT okay and shouldn't be okay.
Just in case, all this isn't directed personally to you, anon. I'm sorry for so much text again xd
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angeledeggs · 1 year
Main 6 + The Courtiers head cannons with a MC/Partner under the asexual spectrum
Honestly, he dosent quite mind.
Asra knows that there's more to a relationship than physical intimacy cause he fucking grown.
That being said, his love language is physical touch. But if you're uncomfortable with it or prefer other means of affection, of course Asra will show his love in other ways.
Of course he'll want to know where exactly under the spectrum you fall. Not, of course, to try and coax you into anything or deem you a lost cause, but just to better inform himself.
They love you very much and your sexuality won't change the fact that they love you from your personality, and not your body or sexuality or anything.
If anyone ever makes fun of you or tries to demean or "change" you for your sexuality, Asra will definitely yell at them. If he ever does see or hear someone do anything like that, he'll be absolutely fuming but take you both away from the situation and make sure you're okay.
Dosent know what it means, but kind of nods when you come out to him. Will probably ask Asra the very next day and hurriedly buy you a birthday card that he has scratched out and wrote Happy asexual! On it.
Dosent really know what to do. Should he get a cake? Is a cake too much? Should he talk to you? Should he not make it a big deal? In the end (after more advice from Asra) he just has a quiet little talk confirming that he supports and loves you the same.
Hates it when people are aphobic, and will most likely just take you two somewhere else for both of you to calm down. If you cry, though, he'll definitely get a bit teary himself.
Gets a little cup cozy or a rug or something in your flag colors just since Asra recommend to. If he sees it makes you happy, it turns into a regular thing.
Loves you no matter asexuality spectrum or not!
Understands completely when you come out to them and is pretty supportive about it. But then he gets all stuttery trying to explain he supports you and can barely speak.
Will probably get you your flag the next day just to make sure you know he's 100% supportive. If you already have a flag, he'll get extremely embarrassed of himself.
If anyone tries to say a single word about your sexuality in a negative or judge light, he definitely has a few choice words for them and will make sure you two get away from the person, even if it's friends or family.
Loves you the same amount if you'd not be on the asexual spectrum. Loves you if you're sex repulsed, sex positive, or anything in between.
Is pretty casual when you tell her.
Probably just goes "oh, okay" or something and the rest of the day stays the same.
But little did you know that during the night she immediately researched your label and the Asexual spectrum thoroughly to understand you. The next day she had gotten you a little pin for your bag or shirt or something and curtly hands it to you with a proud, satisfied smile.
Would definitely defend you from anyone who tried to judge you. If you get any looks at pride (or any other place, for that matter) for being 'confused' or 'not really lgbtq', she will very aggressively begin to scream out the definition of the asexual spectrum. It's... Surprisingly affective?
Will most likely get you a cute little thing in your colors every pride just to show you she cares, as gift giving is her love language.
So touched you trusted her enough to tell her, and probably starts to cry and hug you. She always wants you to feel comfortable with her, so you telling her means a lot to her.
Will probably ask you for your exact label so she can research it to know specifically what your label is. Not to pressure you of course, she's simply curious and wants to know.
Will most likely get a flag or something for her home just for you, even if you don't visit or live with her. If you ask her about it, she insists it was always there.
She'll probably make some poorly iced cookies or something a few days after you came out in celebration of your coming out, but besides that, she dosent make a big deal of it.
Will definitely lose it completely if someone says anything about your sexuality in a negative light. She might even get mad if someone mentions it without you mentioning it first.
Loves you the same no matter what, and will probably never stop being so affectionate and caring towards you.
Blank stare for a few seconds. He really doesn't know what it is. He's just like, "Okay" and doesn't bring it up the rest of the day. He researches it later and realizes, oh, that's what asexual meant!
Brings it up casually the next day and slips in that he supports you in his 'cool, chill' way. Nervous on the inside.
Probably just gets you a little something in your colors every once in awhile that's small and stuffs it into your pockets so that he doesn't need to express his affection through words.
Just has a deep talk with you one night from the heart telling you about how he dosent think less of you and will still always love you
Will most likely lose it on someone if they invalidate your sexuality or will ignore the person in favor of getting you out of there and comforting you, it just depends on how angry he gets.
Dosent really mention it, but is just silently supportive in his own way.
Plays it off like he doesn't care. Probably just gives you a bored look and keeps drinking his wine. Inside, he's a wreck.
He's worried, of course. Not worried for his 'bodily needs', no, he's worried he's been pressuring you without realizing it and has made you feel uncomfortable. He makes you breakfast the next day and stumbles through an apology about respecting your boundaries before he even realizes he hasn't done anything.
Probably reads an actual book or something about the asexual spectrum just to know about it. He don't mention it or nothing, of course. But if you ever find it, he'll be embarrassed.
Will just ignore anyone who shames you, but makes sure you're okay if anyone ever does and will probably get you two out of the vicinity.
Probably writes in his journal about it just talking it out to himself and in the end, he loves you just the same. Not like you being on the asexual spectrum would change his opinion on you, of course.
Pretends to understand, definitely doesn't. Much too old to understand all those 'new labels'. But he wants to understand. So he talks around with some friends until he does.
When he finally does understand, he tries to make an awkward conversation about how organisms reproduce asexually, but sort of just makes a fool of himself. Gets the point across, though, that he supports.
Will buy many books on asexuality and fills his shelves up, wanting to show that he's committed to understanding and supporting you.
Gets many old fashioned posters about asexuaity and cheerfully will hang them up.
If anyone invalidates your sexuality or if they try to guilt you about it, he'll definitely get you out of the room and threaten that person later.
Will definitely love you just the same either way. He's been around the block a few times before anyway, he's not going to disrespect or passive aggressively push boundaries.
All in all, it won't change or warp his view on you if you're under the asexual spectrum
Is under the aromantic and asexual spectrum themselves, and probably just gives a curt nod in response. A small smile probably would play on their lips when you told them, though. They'll never admit how good it feels to be trusted enough for you to tell them.
Already knows a lot about the asexual spectrum, so they don't need to research about it all, since they know all the microlabels and many of the meanings.
Will probably make a joke or two about it to you when nobody is listening, which is extremely out of character from them and surprises you. Pretends to not understand sex for comedic purposes and will make horrified faces when anyone mentions it
Notices anyone saying a negative thing about your sexuality before you do, and will lead you out of the room with the insistence of suddenly needing to buy hand sanitizer with you.
Will probably get a flag for you. They do expect a heartfelt response in thanks, though.
Bursts into sobs because she immediately is so happy that you told her. Very easy to be consoled, though, and hurriedly explains that she's happy.
Definitely will load you up with merch of your label just so you can have it in case you ever want it.
Probably looks at a few charts of the aspec just to make sure she can accurately understand you.
Will hurriedly rush you out of a room if someone else tries to say anything mean to you about falling under the asexual spectrum. She's probably going to cry angrily sometime later, too, with how upset it makes her.
Will make sure to assure you the day you come out that she'll never try to change you or even want to change you, because its who you are.
Nods a bit and is surprisingly calm. Doesn't want to stress you out, so they stay surprisingly chill about it.
Asks around the other courtiers so that they can understand a bit more.
Dosent really understand the 'whole flag shit', but will probably get or make you one, even, just to show that they support you and who you are.
Will most definitely go to pride with you if you'd like and insist upon 'that flag shit', even though they already have gotten you around three.
Is, once more, shockingly calm if someone should insult or say soemthing snarky about you being aspec. They'll just lead you away and make sure you're awake before you both continue their day. They're definitely angry, yeah. But they want to make sure you're okay more than they want to punch that asshole.
Will probably stitch you a few patches or other things with your fag colors too, just for fun
Thanks for reading my writing! Requests are open for anyone who wants to make them, just make sure to follow the rules stated in my first post :)
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thedancingclowns · 6 months
Yeah– that's a thing, right?
I go by Evan or Vinnie (Vinnie being a nickname FOR Evan), but I also use the name Alex or Lex.
he/they (well... he/him or they/them)
Stuff I do here:
head cannons, fanart, oc stuff, maybe polls, random stuff that I think is amusing or like "oh wait-- huhhh??"
Stuff about me:
I have AuDHD, I like to at least attempt to create stuff and have for pretty much my whole life, I am trying to be a functional grown being, my birthday is April 22. I am interested in film and writing, and plan on making a movie or series at some point in my life.
Human Synopsis:
my name is Evan (I also go by Vinnie for short), I am a (ftm) man, I am here to like fanart and writing and cool people (and also memes sometimes) while posting the most random shit known to humankind, I am legally an adult, a polyam quoi demi and nebula pan or omni dude (dunno man, romance is weird), I call people man/dude/bro gender neutrally (sorry bout that), I'm constantly worried about pissing people off, I have ADHD ASD, and GAD, and my birthday is April 22nd.
Do's and Don't's
please Do not
- ask NSFW stuff (I don't feel comfortable with it)
- ask for personal information (I won't give it to you, I don't want to)
- Continue to try to get me to do or say something if I turn you down. (If I turn anything down it's because I'm uncomfortable.)
- Send me "send this to _ more people!" things in asks, I understand they're popular but they make me freeze up because I don't want to make people angry with them, but I also REALLY want to participate. (I'm all for @ -ing stuff because that I can more easily point out that it's 'no pressure' and feel like I can answer whenever I want. With asks, I feel more limited in the amount of time I can wait before answering.)
- Tell me to "chill" on my vent posts. If I CHOOSE to post about things that piss me off, I am NOT asking you to tell me to chill. I fucking hate when people say that. It only makes me angrier.
- Tell me to "chill" or try to dictate how I should post (ESPECIALLY on my fixations) this is a dick move. And NOT okay.
- be respectful (most of my content will be opinions / up to interpretation stuff. my views might not be your own, but that doesn't mean you get to argue with me about them; respectful disagreements are chill though!)
- in general just try to understand that everyone has boundaries (meaning, follow my rules when interacting with me; and I'll do the same when interacting with you)
DNI stuff (will be worked on when I have energy/motivation):
*cw because I'm pissed as fuck right now, and tell some of y'all to fuck off. – 7/25/2024*
Racism, Homo/Trans/LGBTQ+phobia, MAP, TERF, like... super proship stuff, pure NSFT blogs, anti-kin/anti-therian, anti-agre, anti-petre, NSFW agre/petre, Zionists, anyone who is anti-palestine, anyone pro-KOSA, anyone who supports the shithole that Christian nationalists, religious extremists, political extremists, pro-life people etc plan to turn America into.
If you are, get the fuck off here, and if you interact you are INSTANTLY getting blocked. Go to hell you stupid cocks, I fucking hate you. (You are making things worse and the world needs to get its head out of its ass and deal with shitheads like you.)
^^ that last violent ramble is talking about racists, lgbtphobes, sexists, terfs, swerfs, maps, zionists, anti-palestine fuckers, pro-kosa fuckers, Christian nationalists *I don't give a shit if you're just religious but if your GOAL is to make AMERICA A FUCKING CHRISTIAN NATION FUCK OFF*, political extremists, pro-life people, and people who support the Amercian Idiocy that we've let fucking fester for some reason. *which will DESTROY ALL REMNANTS OF A FUCKING DEMOCRACY*
(will likely add more guidelines, but those are the ones I can think of for now)
Do not stop fighting, we have to make things right. Free Palestine, fuck KOSA, vote blue, etc, etc. Do NOT let this world continue its fall to shit.
I never hoped to be political but life is a fucking shitshow right now, so if I don't I'll feel like just another ignorant American ass. I don't want to be just another fucking coward blending in and hoping things will get better without trying.
PFP does not belong to me.
Using some of those: "this user ..." things.
(None of them belong to me and I continually forget where I get them from...)
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(Wait- fuck, that last bubble is a lie. I made the Sally Face one. That one actually is mine??? I only noticed that after someone used it like??? WOAHHH?? Someone used it???)
@theclowndoes-selfships (my selfshipping side)
@iamdevouring-god (my Endless One / Devourer of God Sally Face RP side blog)
@habitual-creatures (my HABIT / Evan Myers kin/SORTA rp ask blog *primarily based on kin as I am a fictkin. 👍 I feel okay admitting it here now. :']*)
@everymanvenom side blog for all of my EverymanVENOM AU dabblings and stuff!!! this is an EverymanHYBRID x Venom crossover AU sideblog!
(and see other blogs for more resources!
I do not compile them on this site!)
(Last updated September 14th, 2024)
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katsukiqx · 10 months
Hear me out.. little head cannon on McQueens childhood.
His parents are dead. He was 3.
He was suppose to be taken in by a relative, but they weren’t very good so he was put up for adoption. After getting adopted, a year later after being put into the system, he lived on a farm with them till he was about 8 with an adoptive older brother who was 4 years older. He basically copied him and learned everything from him. That’s how he got into Moto-Cross and learned to love it. At school, he hung with his older brother’s friends and the little shit never remembered any of their names and gave them nicknames like an idiot because none of his friends liked him very much because he was too hyper.
McQueen is an Aussie. He just lost the accent because his adoptive family moved to America because they sold drugs and was apart of this while crime thing and tried to get away so they wouldn’t get caught when he was 8 before he was permanently stuck in America since his adoptive Dad was American.
People found out about the illegal crap and he was taken from them and put into the system. He was put into foster home after foster home, moving every month or two because no one wanted to deal with him. He never listened, always got hurt, was way too hyper for them and never wanted to do anything that didn’t sound fun. He’d run off to who knows where and come back with a bloody knee and ten bruises and he’d forget how it even happened.
Hes clumsy. Hurts himself all the time at home. Always gets questioned if he was getting abused by some people at school or bullied and he’d just shrug and say he woke up with them. Like, he would wake up with a bruise the size of his fist and sit there rethinking what happened the day before and still find nothing on how he got it.
He did home schooling and finished early because I said so. When you’re moving around that much, you ain’t going to a new school all the time. He went into college at 14 and hated it because he wasn’t he was a lot younger than everyone and wasn’t the social type, then found a girlfriend that went to a school nearby and then she found out he went to college and thought he was an older guy and some perv so he lost her, ‘cause we already know his ego on the first movie was because some girl dumped him in college. He eventually dropped out.
He lied about his age to start racing. He was 15 and lied on everything just to start racing, to get away. He didn’t have friends and no family. Wasn’t till after the 2006 Piston Cup did anyone realise he wasn’t a 19 year old who just looked younger and was 15. Got suspended for a year, but continued to train at Radiator Springs.
When he was 18, he decided to move out of radiator into more of the bush side. He loved adventures as a kid and the wetlands and rain forests because it reminded him of home, so he got a home built just a bit out of town from Radiator Springs.
He was a total Marvel fan as a kid and had so many comics and was so happy when they finally started making actual movies. His favourite characters are Peter and Bucky, while his all time hero is forever gonna be Iron Man.
Totally has a shelf full of dinosaur LEGOs and will brag about them and talk nonstop about dinosaurs. His favourite franchise will forever be JP/JW even though he knows it isn’t accurate and even did a speech about dinosaurs when he was 7 at school. His friends think he’s autistic.
He’s bisexual, but not part of the lgbtq+ community because he just thinks there’s no need and just lives his life. It’s who he is and doesn’t think it’s needed. He doesn’t talk about it though and most people are quite shocked when he says he is when it’s brought up.
He sees Doc as the father he lost so many times bin life and was devastated when he lost him. He didn’t come out of his room for weeks.
He absolutely goes insane when things aren’t perfect and acts like he has OCD when keeping things clean and tidy, but the second it gets messed up by someone, he gives up and won’t clean up or fix it for a week because he’s too tired. He likes to organise things and schedule, but gets forgetful.
Totally bleached his hair blonde for a new identity when he started racing, until he used Docs colours in 2017, did he decide to take it out. He’s a natural brunette and people joke that he and Charles Leclerc are the same person.
Taught himself how to cook and is good at it, but messed up often because he’s forgetful and some times gets distracted. Always when hes alone that he nails it perfectly. It was the living by himself and having to eat take out all the time that he decided to learn to cook. He already knew how to make a few meals from his adopted family as a kid, but that was years ago and he couldn’t remember shit.
Listens to Lady Gaga, Lana Del Ray, Cold Play and Pitbull all the time, in the car, playing video games, training, ect. He’s memorised so many tracks he trains on that he won’t even pay attention while on them and just listen to music. He only wears headphones since he finds earbuds uncomfortable and annoying, refuses to get any.
He plays video games in his free time, specifically horror games, specifically phasmophobia. He’s that one friend in the duo who constantly play horror games who will say the demon is hot or try to kiss it because he’s a weirdo.
Once, McQueen got a cone stuck on his head and just walked around the stadium looking for Doc to help get it off. He gave up at one point and just sat around with it on his head till Doc found him.
Has such a random playlist on Spotify where he’ll be listening to Custer and suddenly the song changes to Bon Appetite.
He just has a random cardboard cut out of Sebastian Stan that he didn’t even realise was Sebastian Stan till after he stole as a joke from a random premier he accidentally snuck into and so now Sebastian Stan just lives in his room.
Got chased by a chicken once for waving around a chicken leg he had from a roast chicken and nearly lost an eye.
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It's straight up misandry is what it is. The RWBY FNDM has had a problem with it since the beginning. Right up there with their racism and various forms of queerphobia that isn't specifically lesbian (not hating on lesbians, just pointing out that the FNDM has a serious issue with people having headcanons where any of the main girls are any label other than lesbian).
Honestly RWBY is one of the only shows that I’ve seen that is openly and plainly both misandrist AND misogynist. It’s just insane. All the men are incompetent and evil and horrible for still somehow the girls cannot do anything without said evil and useless man. It’s insane really. One might argue that makes it equality because both are treated terribly but I would firmly disagree. The tropes used are extremely harmful and hurtful. Like the toxic masculinity within the show tells men that they are not allowed to feel or cry and can only be angry. That because James showed his emotions it somehow made him weak and lesser. It means other people can call you a terrified child because you where traumatized by a horrific event and no one care about that trauma or care you’re hurting and need help.
On the other end of the spectrum we have characters like Winter who actually never made a choice on their own ever and every decision was actually because of an evil horrible man who was also suddenly abusive. All of her agency is sucked away in order to try and make the men evil and more horrible.
Let’s not forget the ableism day of the whole mess though because disabled characters get treated especially poorly. But the whole LGBTQ head cannons thing is not just a RWBY thing unfortunately. I still remember getting angrily blocked by a long time friend in another fandom because I asked them why they insisted people where not allowed to head cannon this one character as straight instead of lesbian. It’s....sad so many fandoms are like this it really is. People can head cannon a character however they want, what is the point of trying to police how people view characters? It’s ridiculous honestly. Just let people be as long as they aren’t hurting anyone.
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So, as a Harry Potter fanfic writer, I've been getting a few reviews on my story about how I shouldn't make Harry gay. And, they make it very clear on just how against it they are.
I'm sure a lot of you reading this can relate
I know it shouldn't bother me all that much, because people are gonna hate, it's just a fact of life.
But at the same time, I think it's really unfair.
I, personally, am a firm believer that anyone should be able to love whoever they damn well please, and one of the best ways I know to show that is through my writing.
Which brings me to my two rants of the day.
Rant #1
Like I said, love whoever you want. Boys, girls, that bush in your garden. Hell, you can even marry your dog for all I care. Just don't let those assholes that tell you it's wrong get in your head. Because they don't matter as long as you're happy.
I don't know very much about the LGBTQ+ community, I learn more about it all the time, but I do know that I give full support to anyone apart of it. And anyone who gets in the way of that can fuck off.
Is that what being an ally entails? I honestly don't know and it was probably rude to ask.
Sorry about that. 😅
P.S. I promise that this isn't some kind of way to get attention or anything if you guys thought that, I honestly don't know if anyone is stopping to read this. I just need to get this off my chest and somehow Tumblr seemed like the best place to do it.
Rant #2
This is totally off topic from Rant #1 and I probably should have started with it.
Anyway, back to the whole "I'm a fanfic writer and I'm writing Harry as gay" thing, I have a few things to say about that.
Really, it has nothing to do with fanfiction, it's just something I need to rant about to people that understand this kind of stuff.
You'll see in a lot of places about how Harry being into guys is cannon. I know I have. And some people go completely nuts over it too. I know for a fact that I've done that too.
But here's how I see it:
Harry portrayed as gay (or bi, however you want to see it) in the cannon series for the sole reason that J.K. Rowling is a straight, female author writing in the perspective of a teenage boy.
Now, before some of you go crazy and get offended, hear me out. Because I'm really not trying to offend anyone here.
If you look closely at the description of different characters in the books, you'll see how different they are between male and female.
Because J.K. Rowling is female, and straight, we see that she goes into a lot more detail describing her male characters than with the girls.
For example, when she describes Cedric Diggory in Goblet of Fire, she goes into deep detail. Describing how handsome he is and the specific traits that make him so good looking.
But when she's describing characters like Ginny and Cho (the only two girls Harry's attracted to in the books), Rowling only glosses over what they look like and then says something like "Oh! And Harry thinks she's pretty." And that's it. It's almost like an after thought when it's mentioned that Harry is attracted to them.
Unfortunately for Rowling, she's writing in the perspective of a supposedly straight teenage boy.
I don't know how the male mind works, but I do know for a fact that no straight guy would go into deep detail about how handsome Cedric Diggory is or pay close attention to how the sun reflects off Draco Malfoy's hair, while only barely glossing over the looks of the girl he's attracted to.
Am I wrong? I might be wrong, but that's just how I see it.
I mean, look at the Percy Jackson books, Rick Riordan is a straight guy writing in the perspective of another straight guy.
In Percy's POV, we see that he goes into a lot more detail about the female characters, and not so much about the male ones.
But then again, Rick Riordan is a really good author so it probably wouldn't matter if he was straight or not.
Not that J.K. Rowling isn't a good author, I didn't say that...I don't think.
Anyway, I got off topic. Sorry.
In conclusion, when you see people pointing out all the places in the Harry Potter books trying to prove that Harry being gay is cannon, I want you to keep in mind that that is J.K. Rowling is a straight female writing from the perspective of a (supposedly) straight male.
Now, I see that some of what I said could be seen as contradictory to my earlier statement.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for Harry being gay, hell, I'm even writing a story about it. And the fanfiction I read about it is absolutely amazing.
Everything you just read in Rant #2 is just my view of the whole "Harry is gay in cannon" ordeal.
Thank you for reading my rant(s), since that's the only material I seem to post on my Tumblr, really.
And I'm truly sorry if I offended anyone, that wasn't my intention at all.
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queer-theatre-ace · 6 years
Daily Reminders of Love Pt. 2
Main Character(s)/Ship: Elmer/Relmer
Era: Cannon Era | Modern Era
Theme(s):Honestly? My literature teacher would be so mad cause I can’t think of even one theme. (love is NOT a theme!)
AUs: N/A
Word Count: 1446
Part one here
Elmer continued to ignore the texts that were flooding his phone. The time was 9:15 and he hadn’t been able to bring himself to send a reminder. He hadn’t left bed all day. There was a knock on his bedroom door. Elmer didn’t answer.
���Elm?” His older sister, Elista’s, voice called softly. She opened the door. “I brought you dinner.” She made her way over to Elmer’s bedside. Elmer heard her set a plate on his desk. “Did you not tell us about a girl or something.”
At that comment, Elmer finally rolled over to face her. “What?” His voice cracked.
Elista rolled her eyes at him. “You seem heartbroken. Literally everyone’s home for dinner and you wouldn’t even come greet Ellie or Eemett. And we all know they’re your favorite siblings.”
Elmer just felt his stomach sink more. What if he’d hurt Eleanor and Mett’s feelings. He just hadn’t had the energy to get up. “It’s not a girl, Lista.”
Elista scoffed. “It has to be, Elm.”
Elmer pulled his blanket tighter around him. “I meant it’s not heartbreak.”
“Keep telling us that, bud.” Elista commented. “At least eat, okay?”
Elmer just nodded and watched Elista leave the room. It couldn’t have been more than five minutes later that Emma came in.
Emma always walked with such a confident flair. Elista had said Ellie and Mett were his favorite siblings, but, that was a lie. Emma was his favorite. He just never knew how to show that to her.
“Lista said something, didn’t she?” Emma asked, pulling out his desk chair and collapsing into it. Elmer nodded. “She’s out there saying it must be a girl. It doesn’t have to be a girl to be heartbreak. Damn, sometimes I wonder how Mom raised all of us and only a few of us have common sense.” Emma grinned at Elmer.
Elmer sat up. “What do you mean, Em?”
Emma laughs, “I mean the fact that Lista, Ezra, and Elizabeth are so hateful, that Ellie, Mett, and Eadaline are at least supportive, and that Ezekiel and I are on the LGBTQ+ spectrum. Elmer, I bet it’s hard because you’ve only ever really got Elista around. Which sucks cause I live at home but I sleep all day and work all night so I couldn’t talk to you about any of this. But whether this is heartbreak, just not from a girl, or something else. I want you to know you’re not alone.”
The blanket dropped from Elmer’s shoulders. “Really,” He whispered. “Em? Really?”
Emma placed a hand on Elmer’s shoulder. “Really. I’m Aro-Ace, so I can’t exactly help with what you might be going through, because I don’t necessarily understand it. But I’m willing to listen and try to give advice.”
Elmer flung his arms around Emma’s neck. Emma hugged him back.
“I’d stay and talk, but I’ve got work tonight, Elm. I’m sorry.” Emma pulled away from the hug. She picked up Elmer’s phone, (That had continued to explode with notifications while the two were talking,) and handed it to him. “Maybe you should see who’s worried about you?”
“Y-yeah. Maybe I should.” Elmer glanced down at his phone, the screen lit up as another text came through. He looked back up at Emma. “I love you, Em.”
Emma gave him a lopsided grin. “I know you do. I’m obviously your best sibling. Now go- be gay, do crimes.” She saluted and walked out of his room, closing the door behind her.
Elmer looked back down at his phone. It lit up again and he scrolled through his notifications. Most of them were from Race. Surprisingly.
‘Hey,’ Elmer sends the text to Race before going back to read everything Race sent. Before he could even start, his phone started ringing. Race was calling him. Race never called people.
Elmer answered the phone, “Race-”
“Oh my god, Elmie, I was terrified! Don’t do that!” Race said in a rush, trying to sound angry but Elmer heard the sigh of relief.
“Do what?” Elmer asked, genuinely confused.
The thud was muted but Elmer assumed Race kicked his bedpost. The way he did when he was annoyed, hurt, or scared. “Scare me! I thought- I thought- Elmie you scared me okay!”
“But, I haven’t talked to you all day?” “Exactly! Damnit Elmie even when we don’t talk you always send a reminder before nine. You send it earlier in the day if you know you’ll be busy that night! And I didn’t get one! I didn’t. . .I didn’t get one. And I was worried something happened to you.” Race is silent for a moment and Elmer heard the muffled sound of Race collapsing onto his bed. “God, Elmie.”
Elmer felt the pit in his stomach sink again. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-”
“Wait, no- damnit. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad Elmie.” Race sighs again and Elmer can almost imagine him running a hand through his hair. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You’re okay right?”
Elmer heard a door slam closed over the phone. He sound of muffled traffic. “I mean, I guess?” Elmer paused. “No. No not really.”
“You need to talk about it?”
Elmer shook his head, an automatic reaction, “No. I mean. I don’t know.”
“Well then, I’m gonna distract you for now. M’kay?”
“So Tommy- shit I don’t know what today is for ‘em. We’ll go with Tommy then. So Tommy is hosting a table at pride this upcoming week. A bunch of us are planning on going. I don’t think anyone’s brought it up to you cause we don’t know where ya stand because you always get quiet when we talk about stuff like that. But you’re welcome to come. Even if you’re just an ally-”
“I’m Pan, Race.”
The other end of the phone is silent. Elmer worries he’s scared Race away.
“Really?” Race asks in a whisper.
“Yeah.” Elmer answers.
“Even with everything Elista says?”
“Just because she’s my sister, it doesn't mean I wouldn’t have common sense even if I was straight.” Elmer blurts, somewhat quoting Emma.
“Yeah, yeah, I mean- of course that makes sense.” Race stammers out. “Hey- Medda’s calling me. Can I put you on hold for a second.”
“Sure.” Elmer whispers. He sets his phone down, putting it on speaker. He grabs the plate of dinner Elista brought in and manages to eat some.
“Hey- I’m back.” Race says breathlessly,a few minutes later, almost a little like he’s holding back tears.
Elmer quickly put his phone back to his ear. “Hey.” He says.
“Are you busy?”
“Well- I’m supposed to be but I wanna get out.”
Elmer hears the doorbell ring.
“You want a milkshake or hot chocolate from the diner?”
“Milkshakes are nice.”
He hears Zek yell, “I’ve got it!”
“I’ll buy you one.”
“Really?” “Elmer! It’s for you!” Ezekiel calls back.
“Really.” Elmer hears race say through the phone and he almost believes from the front door.
Elmer rounds the corner and the phone beeps, signaling it was hung up. He can’t be made though- Race is standing in the doorway.
“Congrats. You made him get out of bed, AND smile.” Zek comments.
Race laughs. “I heard my friend wasn’t feeling great, we couldn’t have our resident sunshine boy feeling sad and not having anyone to help him.”
Elmer’s heart skips a beat. “Race-”
“Now, I owe Elmer a milkshake at the diner. So, he’s getting that milkshake to feel better.”
Elmer hadn’t even realized he was walking closer to the door until Race grabs his hand. “Sorry, I’m stealing him for this.”
“As long as he’s smiling,” Ezekiel laughs, “See you later, Elm.” His older brother practically pushes him out the door and closes it before Elmer can protest.
Then, they’re sitting in the diner. Race with his fries and Elmer with his favorite chocolate milkshake.
Race leans forward and dips a fry in Elmer’s shake. “I broke up with Albert.”
Elmer looks at him, wide-eyed.
“We both kinda jumped into it.” Race says, “We realized we just didn’t like one another that way. We’re best friends. Plus, I found out I might have a shot with the guy I’ve been crushing on for forever.” He’s looking right at Elmer as he says all this. Elmer thinks his heart has stopped.
“Really?” Elmer whispers.
“Really.” Race says reaching for Elmer’’s hand.
Elmer lets him take it. “Daily reminder I love you,” he whispers.
“Daily reminder I love you too, Elmie.”
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roslinfanatic · 6 years
Wow once again I see fans being ridiculous over nothing. Serious pull your heads out of your asses, take a deep breath, and think before you post. A small group is now pissed at Lana for posting about outlaw queen. Some say she is being homophobic and others say she is doing it to stir stuff up.
First of all Lana is not gunna be online looking to see who she upset.... I can guarantee she doesn't care of it hurts your feelings... because a post like that shouldn't cause anyone distress. If your upset about it then you need to reevaluate your life.
Second it's not homophobic at all. She has never said anything that's homophobic. She is a huge supporter of the lgbtq community. She does support swanqueen more than anyone else on the show. She also likes the other ships her character has and that's ok too.... guess what she doesn't have to just pick one.
Third, I'm sick of people attacking the actors. Just like you they are entitled to their opinion. Yes Lana posts more about outlaw queen than swanqueen.... maybe it's because that was cannon, maybe it's because she's friends with Sean and misses him, maybe it's because that was something she saw when she got online... who knows and who cares it's her account and her opinion... if you have a problem with it then don't follow her.
Lastly, if your going to bitch about her then stop following her, don't watch the shows she's in, and don't post on her tag. Your obviously not a fan if you get pissed off at her so much. Your the one looking to stir stuff up.
Lana is amazing and sweet and she doesn't deserve to be trashed. She didn't do anything wrong and if you think she did then like I said pull your head out of your entitled ass, take a big deep breath of fresh air, and realize that that world does not revolve around you and your beliefs and your opinions are not the only ones.
Btw I'm a swanqueen fan I hate robin and sean.... yet I'm not butt hurt about Lana posting.
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