#no i don't think those with power have to save everyone or purposefully seek out to save people
lemonduckisnowawake · 5 months
TMW a story you started to read for the screwball comedy of errors starts to become a thematic exposition on how, no matter how much you think you're a nobody, that if you have power, your actions will always have consequences. Yes, not all the things done are your responsibility - especially when other people commit them in your name - but if they were following the example you publicized (as opposed to your real self), then you for sure need to take responsibility. And perhaps that power you wield can become a fatal weapon or something you use to prove your superiority over those who don't. But maybe what power first and foremost of all is, is a gift given with a request that you be responsible for it, something that you need to own so you can either give back or simply understand how to manage it so you can live your life properly.
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
Shut Up!
Summary: request! Bucky and Y/N hate each other... or so they say.
Warnings: as Steve would say: Language!, but really it's just a bunch of fluff.
Word Count: 1798
a/n: Italics are thoughts in their heads!!
This request brought me so much joy to think about. Happy Birthday anon! Thank you so much for all the love!!! ❤️ 💕 💗 💖 💘
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"BARNES!" You screamed, giving him the customary warning before throwing your least favorite knife at him.
He flung himself backward, catching the knife in midair.
Damn, that's hot. You shook the thought away, glaring at Bucky as he turned to look at you.
"Did you just throw a knife at me?" He asked, incredulous.
You rolled your eyes. "You deserved it. Plus, I warned you." You bit back.
"Y/N, you can't just throw knives at people." Steve sighed, tired of the two of you arguing all the time.
"I don't throw knives at people. Just Bucky." You said his name with disgusted expression. "And he deserved it!"
"What the hell did he do to deserve being impaled by a knife?" Sam chuckled, but only to keep the mood light.
"He wasn't impaled. I knew he would dodge it." You defended yourself, sneering at Bucky's smug grin.
"Not the point. What did he do?" Steve asked again, trying to clear the air despite it never working before.
You pulled the beanie you were wearing off your head, showing off your freshly bleached hair. It was nearly white, a stark platinum blonde contrasting your typical dark style.
"You know what they say, 'blondes have more fun'. I was just looking out for your social life." Bucky smirked, enjoying the rage.
She's so cute when she's angry. He thought as he stared at you.
Sam snorted, trying to hold in the laugh under your glare.
"How thoughtful." You quipped sarcastically, leaning in to threaten him. "I'm going to get you back for this." Your words were laced with venom, the anger palpable even in the vast gym.
"Looking forward to it! Thanks for the knife!" Bucky called as you stormed away, ignoring the thoughts lingering in his head. Not cute. Hot. So very hot when she's angry.
The next few days, Bucky heard nothing from you. He didn't think much of it, considering you were likely plotting. It wasn't until you started being uncharacteristically sweet to him that he grew nervous.
"Hey, Buck, Steve." You smiled as you walked up to him and Steve.
"Hi, Y/N." Steve greeted you warmly, glad to see you at least acting cordial after the stunt Bucky pulled.
"Hi..." Bucky hesitated, unsure of what you were playing at.
He's so adorable when he's nervous. You shook your head, getting back on track.
"I brought you some drinks!" You excitedly exclaimed, handing the drink carrier to Steve since Bucky seemed frozen in place. "Protein smoothie for Steve, chocolate milkshake for Bucky."
You walked away without another word, throwing a thumbs up to accept Steve's thanks.
Steve happily drank his smoothie, enjoying the energy boost. Bucky just stared at the milkshake before throwing the entire thing away.
"Buck! Don't be a jerk. She bought that for you." Steve huffed, annoyed with his friend's childish behavior.
"I can't trust anything she gives me unless I saw it being made." He shrugged as if it was obvious.
"Jerk, she's not going to poison you." Steve rolled his eyes.
"You don't know that." Bucky shook his head, walking into the kitchen. The idea of a milkshake made him hungry.
The next day, you were back with more treats. This time a cinnamon roll for Steve, something he said was his guilty pleasure, and a chocolate eclair for Bucky. You were grinning ear to ear as Steve thanked you profusely.
She's so adorable when she's this happy.
Once again, Bucky threw it away, ignoring the glare Steve shot his way.
The next days followed the same pattern. You would seek out Bucky and Steve, giving each of them some snack, dessert, or drink. Bucky threw it away every single time, not trusting your motives.
You didn't break pattern for a solid week, watching as Steve grew increasingly annoyed with Bucky throwing away all of your treats.
"I made cookies!" You walked into the living room where everyone was enjoying movie night. You handed out cookies to every member of the team, saving Bucky for last.
As you walked back into the kitchen to return the platter, you heard Steve whisper yell at Bucky.
"Just eat the cookie." Steve glared, thinking you would be upset if you saw him through it away.
"I can't! What if she did something to it?" Bucky whispered right back.
"Buck! She gave one to everyone! You really think she would purposefully keep track of one specific cookie just to get you back?" Steve rolled his eyes, completely fed up with the situation.
"Yes! I really do!" Bucky defended.
"Eat the damn cookie." Steve spoke between his teeth, elbowing him in the side.
"Fine." Bucky hesitated in bringing the cookie up to his mouth, but ultimately gave in.
As soon as he swallowed the cookie, he knew something was off. His whole body felt tingly, but there was a pleasant warmth to it.
A sudden bright flash of light had you walking back into the room, watching as Bucky turned into a cat.
"What the hell..." Sam turned, glancing between the small white kitten and Steve's shocked expression.
He's cuter as a person. You couldn't stop the thought from popping into your head, causing you to chuckle.
Steve suddenly whipped his head to you.
"Y/N. What did you do?" He sighed, exasperated but a little impressed.
A small meow followed the question, earning various "awws" from the entire room.
"I turned him into a cat." You shrugged nonchalantly, pretending this was a normal occurrence.
"Did everything you brought him this week have the power to do... that?" He gestured to Bucky, who hissed at Steve as if to say I told you so.
"Nope." You shook your head, laughing as Bucky wobbled across the couch, not used to how it felt to move as a feline. "I knew he would think I did something to them, so I didn't. Just plain old snacks."
Damn, she is so fucking smart. Bucky's thoughts came out as a purr, startling the room.
"How long is tinman stuck as a cat?" Tony laughed, enjoying the sight.
"Just a few hours. Long enough to think about why he deserves this." You gestured to your hair.
"Can we take pictures of him in cute cat outfits?" Nat questioned, always up for blackmail material.
You pulled a shopping bag out from behind you, pulling a series of Avenger themes costumes.
"I'm one step ahead of you." You grinned devilishly, swiftly scooping Bucky up from off the couch.
"You're evil." Bucky glared at you as soon as he turned back into a human.
"You deserved it. Plus, you were so cute as a little kitten." You pouted.
That pout is doing things to me. Bucky shook his head, trying to maintain the angry facade. He ran his hands through his hair, causing your own thoughts to spiral.
What I would give to run my hands through his hair when he wasn't a cat.
"You turned me into a cat!" He yelled, chasing you down the hall back to the living room.
"You died my hair platinum fucking blonde!" You screamed right back, turning on him once you made it to the end of the hallway.
"I can't stand you." Bucky spat, while simultaneously thinking if only she wanted to touch me not as a cat.
"Yeah, well newsflash! I can't stand you either." You glared right back.
The team watched on with amused expressions.
"Who wants to see pictures of kitty Barnes in cat costumes?" You turned to the room, a wide grin adorning your lips. Without waiting for an answer, you displayed your phone on the TV screen.
He is so damn cute. Cat or no cat. You laughed as you swiped through the pictures.
Bucky tried to grab the phone from you, not wanting to give you the satisfaction of enjoying this too much.
Her laugh is like music.
"Oh my god! Shut up!" Wanda suddenly stood up, pointing at the both of you. "You two pretend to hate each other so much, but your thoughts tell different stories."
Your mouth dropped open, shocked at both Wanda's volume and words.
Bucky wore a similar expression, eyes wide and heart beating fast.
"Wanda, you read my mind?" You tried to deflect the attention.
"No. You were just thinking so damn loud it involuntarily popped into my head." She grinned, trying to impersonate your voice as she quoted your thoughts
"Damn, that's hot. He's so adorable when he's nervous. He's cuter as a person. What I wouldn't give to run my hands through his hair when he wasn't a cat. He is so damn cute. Cat or no cat."
"And those are just from the past week and a half!" She yelled at you.
Bucky grinned smugly, forgetting Wanda also heard his thoughts. "Oh, doll. Why didn't you just say you cared?" He asked in fake sympathy.
You glared at him, ready to fight again when Wanda switched focus.
"Don't start with me Barnes. You think just as loudly!" Her voice took on an exaggerated depth as she impersonated Bucky, sighing dramatically between sentences.
"She's so cute when she's angry. Not cute. Hot. So very hot when she's angry. She's so adorable when she's this happy. Damn, she is so fucking smart. That pout is doing things to me. If only she wanted to touch me not as a cat. Her laugh is like music."
"I can't take it anymore! The two of you are driving me insane." She huffed, barging out of the room in an effort to hear nothing but peace and quiet.
Everyone else quickly followed, figuring the two of you could use a minute to talk.
"You think I'm hot." Bucky stated the fact. "That's embarrassing." He grinned, slowly walking closer to you.
"Not as embarrassing you thinking I'm smart." You countered, a matching grin on your face.
"You want to run your hands through my hair." He smirked, placing his hands on your waist.
"My laugh is like music to your ears." You leaned closer.
"Just kiss already!" Sam shouted from the hallway, but the two of you were in your own world.
"Do you want to get dinner with me? Tomorrow?" Bucky asked, his forehead pressed to yours.
"I'd like that." You smiled back.
The two of you moved in tandem, pressing your lips together, fighting for dominance of the kiss.
You pulled back, breathless and needing air. "I hope you know I'm not deleting the pictures of you as a cat."
"I wouldn't think so." Bucky chuckled, pressing another quick kiss to your lips.
"You know what this means?" He asked, an eyebrow raised.
You grinned conspiratorially while nodding. "We can team up on Wilson!"
"My thoughts exactly." He smiled, pulling you into another breathtaking kiss.
Permanent taglist:
@averyhotchner @jesuswasnotawhiteman
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
So random question about your excellent fic Cicada 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Where did you get the idea for the kitsune dreams? That was my favorite little detail that added so much to the overall story.
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I'm so grateful that you like it. Cicada was one of my favorite stories to write. To give other people some idea what you're talking about, I'll reproduce the paragraphs to which you refer.
Dreams are different for a kitsune. While scientists and mystics could debate the true source of humanity’s dreams, they all agree that dreams are, at least in part, generated from the personality and experiences of the dreamer in the waking world. Human minds accumulate fragments of thought like a suit accumulates lint, and in the peaceful quiet of the night, they sort those bits out.
Kitsune dreams, on the other hand, come from another world. When a kitsune sleeps, they remember their lives before they came to earth. They remember the vibrant woods and the flowering fields of the spirit lands where their ancestors hold ancient courts. They remember games and romances and intrigues conducted among powers that have never been human.
I came up with the idea through contemplation of what Teen Wolf did with their reimagining of kitsune legend. Teen Wolf's version of kitsune serve to support one of the themes of the production: balance. Things go well when the human part and the fox part of them are equal. For example, modern Noshiko seems to be calm and confidant (if a little distant) while her 1943 version has more problems because she doesn't balance her necessary participation in human society with the mischievous free-wheeling fox part of her. Multiple characters point that out. Satomi (also a supernatural creature seeking to balance her sides, in her case with constant games of Go) lays out the danger: "You take too greedily and you take too much." Her behavior at Oak Creek doesn't cause the corruption there, but her emotional reactions to that corruption certainly don't help the situation.
Kira tends to be often frustrated and lost because she has barely begun to understand her two halves, let alone start to learn how to negotiate between them. This becomes dangerous when the Doctors purposefully empower the fox spirit because she has not yet started. While I feel the Skinwalker test was too murky for the audience, I think the point was to demonstrate that Kira would never establish that balance she needs if she embraces the fox only in crisis situations.
As a counterpoint, the nogitsune is evil and a disaster because it has no regard for its host. It uses, it manipulates, it consumes the people around it, playing games and terrorizing to get "More." That does bring a degree of power, which is why a desperate Noshiko calls upon it, but in the way that a forest fire is powerful. It doesn't care that nothing will be left in the path. From the hints we've gotten from the movie that it might be dealing with the consequences of Scott's choice to save everyone at the expense of his own needs and opportunities, then that makes it the best villain for that story. We'll have to wait and see.
I came up with the idea that kitsune dream of the spirit world because I was brainstorming about how kitsune develop a balance between the human side of them and the fox side of them. They live in the human world and that dominates their experiences. How does the fox not feel alienated? I came up with the idea that when they dream, they dream of their home and what they experienced, thus achieving balance.
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I'm so glad the ENTP personality type for Gojo was brought up. It's so misleading for people to say Gojo has a God complex/narcissism/high functioning antisocial personality disorder/psychopath/no feelings, etc.
People think just because Gojo has a few symptoms like being arrogant, talking excessively, impulsive, reckless, and lacking empathy, etc means he has some sort of complex/disorder.
HOWEVER, the reason 🤔 anon brought up ENTP is because some people are NATURALLY like that, and they don't necessarily have any of those issues! There's a reason ENTPs are so misunderstood!
It's like trying to pick a healthy herb from a poisonous one. There are herbs that look almost EXACTLY the same, but one of them will kill you and the other is safe to eat. You have to notice certain key differences between those herbs to make sure you don't die.
That's why 🤔 anon said Gojo is just an ENTP. Those "symptoms" from those disorders are common personality traits for ENTPs. It doesn't make them bad people. In fact, if you notice, even tho people assume Gojo is always messing around, he's always working in the background to make sure everyone is safe, especially Yuji (which has been discussed before so I won't repeat). Even Nanami knows that behind Gojo's act is someone who works tirelessly and is giving so much of himself to Society that he can't catch a break to even stroll through town without working. Notice how Gojo always boasts that he's the strongest (something OTHER PEOPLE have dubbed him. He personally always said "WE are the Strongest until... Ya know). Gojo never boasts or even tells anyone how he goes on business trips just to find someone to care for Yuji, or how he goes out of his way to fight the higher ups to save one life. Plus, if he was boasting to gain praise, why does he say that to Nanami and Utahime and his students? They always insult him. If he wanted praise, he'd go to strangers and make them tell him how handsome he is.
The truth is, he only brags to annoy people. Because why would he go to people who obviously dislike being with him to get self assurance? Because he doesn't need it. He just likes poking fun at his friends.
People want someone with a God Complex? Someone who thinks he's better than everyone else, and only cares for himself? Someone with a complex/disorder? A huge narcissist with an ego? Who only seeks power even if everyone around him gets hurt?
You got Naoya Zenin.
You got most Zenins.
Not Gojo Satoru.
And we all know how much people hate the Zenins.
You can't tell me Gojo and Naoya are the same 🙄
They may look the same on the SURFACE, but like with the poisonous herb and the healthy one, though they are similar, one of them will kill you and one of them is safe to eat.
I honestly have a hunch people are romanticizing people with disorders too much and willing to have a toxic relationship because they purposefully make Gojo pretty much OOC just so he can abuse them. I'm not kinkshaming or anything, but it's annoying when people try to make your kink canon and people actually believe Gojo would go out of his way to hurt someone by cheating on them and playing with their feelings. People who've been cheated on know how much effort and sneaking around cheating actually takes, and Gojo has better things to do 🙄
Also I love your blog, and I'm glad I can text all my feelings out here to share with everyone. Thank you 💘💖💗💕💝💓💞
Ohhh mann I really enjoyed reading your thoughts and I COULDN'T AGREE MORE! 🔥you explained really well that I don't need to add on anything else. Gojo is truly a misunderstood character and it's sad to see that some people actually believe hes just some egotistical dude. Theres so much behind his actions if only people took the time to look into him more. AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON NAOYA my gawd now that dude I swear 😤 hes good looking but look at his personality people look past that just because he looks hot smh
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts my blog is always welcome for discussions or thoughts 💖
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Hello! I absolutely loved the feelings for the young liaison team kids, may I request some more of those please? With Megs, Roddy and Drift? (Maybe Cyclonus, if you don't mind as well?) thank you very much!
I love how so many asks want the bots to more or less adopt children who adopt them in turn, because that kind of softness is what our bots DESERVE. Rodimus, Drift (and Rung!) have their post here, the original is here, and below I'll have dear Megs and Cyclonus getting their dad vibes.
·When the liaison program was decided upon, his presence on the ship had required some... additional precautions be taken, in order to convince the humans that any visitors to the Lost Light would be safe. Said measures had consisted mostly of him being warned repeatedly, both in and out of official correspondence, that he was to never be alone with the humans. Doing so or taking any other actions that made the humans feel even moderately unsafe would result in swift punishment. He'd understood every bit of the security measures, annoying as they were repetitive, and endeavored to follow them. Seeing young members of a species he'd attempted to exterminate wasn't something he wanted to seek out anyway. Thus, he'd been quite purposefully unavailable when the group came onboard.
·Massive as the ship is, however, he'd been unable to elude the liaisons forever. On one fateful day he'd encountered all of them by chance, and thankfully there had been other bots around to ensure Ultra Magnus wouldn't throw him in the brig for breaking any promises. The humans had looked just as surprised as he had to see the former Decepticon leader staring down at them. To their credit though, and his shock, they hadn't fled screaming in an instant. Rather, they'd cautiously approached him as a unit. The boldness had been so unexpected he'd actually felt quite like fleeing himself once they'd started asking questions. With the other Autobots around he'd been forced to stand his ground, and thankfully the humans hadn't been nearly as aggressive as he'd been expecting, keeping most of their questions in the realm of polite but naive curiosity. Perhaps the Fools Energon was simply getting in his head, but he'd walked away from the encounter believing it to have been... pleasant.
·At the next chance meeting, made possible by everyone on the ship relaxing his restrictions, he's admittedly a little happy to see the liaisons. It happens in Swerve's bar, and they're actually able to converse with minimal oversight. The opportunity to get to know humans in depth is one he explores with caution though. Despite his current goal of righting past wrongs, he can't simply undo what he attempted to carry out on this species, as friendly as the young humans are to him. Knowing that fact is what makes him ache despite the pleasant conversation. They talk of their dreams, and ask him about innocent things in return, with particular fascination for his size and strength. Such bright and vivid souls, that he was once utterly indifferent to... How many brilliant lives like them did he snuff out without a care?
·Yet he keeps talking to the little ones whenever the opportunity presents itself. They might be some of the first beings to speak so casually to him in eons, and once they start asking about politics... Well, he can't resist sharing the beliefs he'd once thought too optimistic. As always, each liaison proves a spirited debate expert, despite being small enough to fit comfortably in his palm. Ignoring the rules, they often end up doing just that, though it's more for convenience as he doesn't want them to strain themselves shouting to be heard. Inevitably the restrictions on him loosen to the point he actually begins sitting with them gathered across his massive frame like birds on an oversized but comfortable tree, and through them he gets little samples of earth life in the form of stories and videos on their communication devices.
·It's the happiest he's ever been, and that's probably why he inevitably caves to his self loathing, the joy these little ones bring him forcing back memories of his many crimes against their kind. Even seeing them is a right he shouldn't feel so entitled to. For their sake, he decides to avoid them going forward, to protect them from himself and his legacy in addition to the weight of his conscience. Of course, the liaisons very quickly notice that they aren't seeing him around and one day decide to seek out answers. To his surprise, he fails to simply explain himself through a gentle lie when they eventually find him, as if their faces compel him to speak truthfully. He breaks and reminds them of what he is and what he's done, and that staying away is for their own good, especially considering he can hardly be trusted. As always, they surprise him.
·In total agreement, they all reassure him of a few things. First is that they're all well aware of who he is and what he's done. Second is that they knew that when they decided to approach him, and that his efforts to redeem himself have not gone unnoticed, which is why they've bonded with him as they have. They made the choice to get to know him, and while they can't speak for the many factors of the Cybertronian conflict beyond their understanding, they are allowed to decide they like who he is here and now. Had he a less hardened spark, their words would have made him weep. Instead, he quietly thanks them and promises to think on what they've said. In the end, he honors their decision by returning to the locations they expect him, and they continue as they did before. This time, however, he's more than just gentle while they clamber over him. He's protective as only a bot of his size can be to beings he truly appreciates as his found family.
·The emotion he felt upon learning of the incoming liaisons was best summarized as "mild curiosity" at best. Not that he looked down upon the incoming crewmembers, but he just didn't think them worthy of much fuss, and only intended to learn enough to effectively avoid them going forward. A not so subtle warning not to intimidate them with his appearance cemented the emotion. On the day of their arrival, he met the whole group quite by chance during their introductory tour, and to his chagrin each one was fascinated by him in particular. Unable to even tell them apart at first, he'd been somewhat placated by their curiosity for things his own kind often overlooks. For the sake of cultural preservation, he decides that answering their questions won't be too much of a burden if done from time to time.
·Now reasonably well settled amongst the crew, he doesn't find it too hard to handle the socialization with multiple humans at once, though admittedly he's a little concerned when he learns of their age. Allowing what are essentially slow developing protoforms to explore on an alien vessel seems... irresponsible. Yet their youth does explain their energy, especially as they ask him many questions about topics he enjoys speaking of, starting with his accent leading to a grand recounting of Tetrahexian history. Unlike so many bots, they gladly listen to him go on about the glory days. Their little eyes go wide as he recounts technological wonders long gone. Had he less control it would have brought a smile to his face, especially when he lets slip his knowledge of the Old Cybertronian language and soon has a whole group begging to learn it.
·While he's hardly gone soft, he does allow the humans a touch more... freedom, in how they interact with him compared to others. They even enjoy the privilege of resting atop his shoulders or in his arms, though that's purely to save his back the strain of constantly bending down to their height. Any bot that says otherwise is swiftly reminded of his combat prowess. He begins to learn each human's unique personality and quirks in time, especially how some are better with history and others excelled at language. Learning bits about their own culture was surprisingly interesting as well, with pictures and videos of long gone human civilizations proving that some of Earth's occupants had decent aesthetic taste.
·Without knowing it, he more or less avoided discussing his own past with the little group, gently steering the conversation each time it ventured too close to the personal. The reason became blindly apparent when they learned of his former affiliation and the crimes he'd committed while sworn to it. Though not present for the revelation, he's certain of their reaction being one of fear and disgust, and immediately withdraws from the crew to hole himself up. Emotions too powerful to stifle force him to isolate for the sake of what remains of his pride. Not even knowing how exactly the humans found out, he's not particularly inclined to discover the manner, as the damage has been done. Admittedly, he was foolish to assume it wouldn't happen sooner.... Regardless, he knows he can never face them again.
·Unbeknownst to him, the revelation was a mistake, and one not met with any particular judgement. The liaisons were only concerned when he failed to appear at standard places of meeting, and as a unit agreed to check up on the bot they'd all come to admire. It had taken all of them knocking to get a coherent response through the door, and Cyclonus had cursed himself for being unable to simply tell them to leave, his spark indeed proving too soft at the sight of them all together. When he'd allowed the group inside, the last thing he'd been expecting was a coordinated embrace between the lot of them, but that had proven to be their tactic straight away. It had proven cunning and effective. A plurality of reasons for his shame had melted in the face of open hearted acceptance, with the entire group promising that who he had been mattered little compared to who he was now. To prevent a humiliating display of tears he'd accepted their assurance without fuss, but had indeed been convinced by the sheer strength of their conviction to continue meeting them for their little talks. Despite himself, he'd actually smiled the first time reuniting with them afterwards, his demeanor growing warmer in their presence from then on as he promised to himself no harm would ever befall them. They had accepted him, and he would do the same in return. Nothing in his past had ever compared to the treasure of simply knowing them.
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