#no its fine mihoyo
lupical-912 · 1 year
Genshin Map Hack:
Having trouble placing a map pin because it’s too close to a Waypoint or another pin?
Click the map button for “Domains Only”. Then go ahead and place your pin exactly where you wish!
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tea-cat-arts · 1 year
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Me: "ok, wait till it's in game and you have context to react. The storytelling may support the design"
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rayonago · 2 months
I can't fucking do this anymore
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drifloonz · 2 years
reader is in a otome game and it has like a gacha system in there and glitchy just pulls for reader every time their banner comes up IMAGINE THE ANGER THAT GLITCHY RED FELT WHEN HE DIDNT GET READER IN A LIMITED TIME EVENT IN THEIR GAME💀 (sorry my english is shit🙂)
no your english was actually perfectly fine thumbz up! also LMAO
i feel like glitchy would have the WORST luck at gachas ( opposite to me, whos sorta stupidly lucky in gacha games ) he'd like.. eventually hate gacha games bc he never gets what he wants. i also think he'd tryhard them a lot. he's the type of dude to make optimal / competitive heavy builds in games that have that sorta system to the point where it like lessens his enjoyment of the game bc hes so hyperfocused on being optimal or whatever.
alternatively, he's just playing like the rhythm gacha games. i dont know if he'd suck ass at rhythm games or be surprisingly good at them. not like it matters, his hands touching the phone prob make it lag or glitch tf out. im so sorry glitchy <3 one day they will make a phone that you do not fuck with simply by existing <3
i hope he gets a 5-star limited-time event reader one day... keep your chin up, king. you'll get that 5 star drop someday...
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gabriclreyes · 2 years
i wanna scream about the (supposedly confirmed) new ranking for the harbingers that leaked but also i’m like ????? i have so many questions?
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windcarvedlyre · 4 months
Okay so we all know Venti has the Queen gnosis, but you ever think about that in a Game Of Chess way. Like how once a queen dies then party that queen belongs to will Immediately try to get another Queen back. The queen is so valuable that a pawn Needs to ascend? Anyways *gestures to Wisp Venti and how Decarabian was going to be the anemo archon before he died* *points at Wispi as I say the word Pawn* send post
Oh, I do have thoughts on this that I haven't seen people talk about! I like chess a lot.
My thoughts aren't exactly those because it's totally fine to lose the queen if it's traded for something of equal or higher value, but Venti's backstory being the Teyvat equivalent of a pawn making it to the end of the board is so fitting.
Another thing that fits, though? How it's usually a bad idea to bring out the queen early. Its value becomes vulnerability, allowing weaker pieces to bully it because trading wouldn't be worth it. The dumbass who thought an early queen attack would be a good idea wastes several turns moving her to safety (or potentially gets her trapped if they double down) and their opponent gets a free head start in development.
That's exactly what happened in the prologue. Venti being the queen is Mihoyo screaming at us that he's very important but he'll be much more effective later.
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mentallyisekaid · 11 months
「 ✦ Fatui Harbingers x Signora's Sister! Reader, PART 1 ✦ 」
[Part 1] Part 2 Part 2.5. Part 3 Part 3.5
Pairings: only hinted/platonic (will change to something "more" later on if I decide to make more parts)
Warnings: spoilers regarding Signora's lore and a certain event in the Inazuma Archon quest, possibly some spoiler-ish stuff about other things too
Word count: 2.7k
This fanfic will include direct quotations from "Teyvat Chapter Interlude Teaser: A Winter Night's Lazzo" that belongs fully to miHoYo. I'll write these quotes in bold, so copyrights won't haunt me like Khaenri'ah lore :)
Even among the Harbingers, not much was known about the Fair Lady's (may she rest in peace) younger sister, except for the fact that you existed and had somehow managed to live for over 500 years, just like her. They were all aware of Signora's special circumstances that had made her essentially immortal, but Celestia knows how you had done it?
This is why you'd become something of a urban legend among the lower ranking members of the Fatui. Maybe La Signora had just been delusional, some of them thought - maybe there wasn't a sister, at least not anymore.
You were fine with that, though. You'd never wanted anything to do with your sister or her morally dubious organization anyway.
But she was still the only blood relative you'd had left, and now she was gone.
Attending her funeral was only appropriate.
You arrived at the grand doors of the cathedral, stopping for a moment to adjust the expensive-looking cloak that someone had sent you along with the invitation to the ceremony, requesting you to wear it. Much to your displeasure, it had the Fatui Insignia on it, though you were slightly more bothered by the fact that they'd somehow figured out where you live...
Or maybe they'd known all along.
But even if the invitation wasn't just out of courtesy, you had only showed up because Rosalyne was family, and only to pay your respects.
Their agendas meant nothing to you.
Pushing the doors open, you marched inside, the click-clack of your high heeled boots echoing in the eerie silence.
Curious gazes followed as this visitor, shrouded in mystery, made her way through the aisle - some of them curious, others a bit doubtful - but you ignored them.
Sitting down in the front row, you crossed your legs, leaning back with your eyes glued to the coffin highlighted by faint moonlight. A girl with child-like, seraphic features was leaning her head on its surface, singing a calming tune...
"Well, I never... this must be the Fair Lady's rumored sibling? And here I was starting to think you wouldn't make an appearance, dear."
You sighed, really having hoped that no one would bother talking to you; you had nothing to say to any of them. But for Celestia's sake, you still had some manners...
Glancing over your shoulder at the man who had just addressed you, you gave him a slight nod.
"It does seem my arrival was rather tardy. My apologies."
The man who you recognized as the Regrator, also known as Pantalone, chuckled a bit.
"No matter, it is rare a pleasure to finally meet you~"
For a moment, your eyes wandered over each of the present Harbingers, these... co-workers of your sister's, before returning to stare in front of you just as indifferently as before.
You spoke a few more words, though.
"Everyone else as well, I suppose. Oh, and please pay no attention to my discourtesy... A lovely night for a funeral, is it not?"
Your charade was poorly put together, and intentionally so; you didn't know these people anymore than they knew you, but it was already clear that no one was here to pay their heartfelt respects for Rosalyne's memory, much less to exchange pleasantries.
A funeral? No, this was nothing but theatre - and here comes the first actor...
"We have gathered here today to remember our dear comrade. In honor of her sacrifice, all work should halt for half a day as the nation mourns her passing."
Hearing these words come from Pulcinella, the Mayor of Snezhnaya himself, you mentally scoffed. So now these crazy diplomats justified mistakes as sacrifice?
Pantalone seemed amused by this declaration, though you noticed a shadow pass over his face.
"Hehe, merely half a day... People say that Northland Bank's true currencies are blood and tears... But Mayor, even speaking as a banker, that sounds a little unconscionable."
Well, it was as you'd expected? Even in this situation, the Harbingers only cared about their own agendas, and Rosalyne would've been the same way.
The next words belonged to someone you found a bit more familiar.
"You speak of her as if you knew what she had to go through," the silver-haired woman started, a derogatory look in her dark eyes.
You glanced curiously at her. This was surely Arlecchino? Out of the Harbingers, your sister had seemed to trust her the most, so you assumed they must've shared some sort of a closer relationship.
The Knave noticed you gaze, and gave you a small nod before continuing.
"Rosalyne died in a foreign land. But you heartless businessmen and dignitaries, always with a convenient excuse to remain in the comfort of your homeland... You couldn't hope to understand. So why don't you keep your mouths shut!"
"Ah, bravo...~" you commented with a small chuckle, your sudden boldness slightly surprising some of them.
It seemed that La Signora's hardly known sister was indeed an interesting individual?
The ginger sitting on the other side of the aisle apparently found your remark entertaining, since he gave you an amused smile. But he threw his comrade's a much sterner look.
"Hey, c'mon now, even I don't think this is the right time or place for a fight."
Tartaglia, the infamous maniac always looking for a fight? Present~
"Utterly risible," a blonde woman scoffed from her place, sitting on the arms of a weird looking robot. Sandrone, you presumed.
And naturally, the oh-so righteous Capitano also had his opinion to share.
"Though her methods tarnished her honor, Lohefalter's sacrifice is still a great pity."
You sighed, shaking your head. There they go again, degrading her death as a mere sacrifice.
"Her loss shall not hinder our progress," the Captain continued, disregarding the matter. "But Dottore, what of Scaramouche --,"
...to which the crazy Doctor answered something incomprehensible.
Right. They weren't even talking about Rosalyne anymore. By now, the whole ceremony had turned out as a complete farce, and you wished nothing more than for Celestia to nuke it with another one of their divine nails.
Someone else had had enough as well.
"It's time to end tonight's foolish theatrics. This time, you have no captive audience."
The Jester's voice echoed menacingly in the cathedral, silencing his fellow Harbingers.
You gazed at him from your seat, raising an eyebrow when he gave you a look as well. In that short moment, unspoken words were shared between the two of you - after all, he knew things about you that the others didn't.
In any case, the speech went on for a while after that. Pierro's exaggerated sympathies, the Damselette needling Dottore about his segments, and... well, you weren't really listening anymore?
Once they finished and scattered from around the coffin, you silently walked over, placing a few frostbitten Cecilias on top of it. They were flowers from your homeland, though to you, Mondstadt was a memory at least five centuries old.
"Pretty flowers," a soft voice came from beside you. Columbina was back to presumptuously leaning on the casket.
You gave her a sidelong glance.
"Well, they're frozen to death by now - but that somehow fits the moment, no?"
The ceremony was seemingly over, though you could still sense their presence. Your back was facing them, but it felt like they'd moved closer to the coffin again - or, perhaps, closer to you...
"I don't believe anyone has yet offered their condolences to this poor child," Capitano remarked solemnly, disregarding the fact you were chronologically speaking a living fossil.
Tartaglia sighed, "She doesn't want us to, I think."
You turned around to face them, crossing your arms.
"Well, firstly, you're calling me a child about 500 years too late. And no, I don't need your pity. It's hard to see your last family gone, but we weren't that close to begin with. Besides, Rosalyne knew full well what she was doing - when agreeing to a duel before the Shogun, and when joining the Fatui in the first place. You reap what you sow, and that's that."
The Doctor chuckled. "La Signora would surely turn over in her grave if she heard that."
"Let the dead rest, Zandik," Sandrone scoffed.
Columbina had scooted next to you.
"Poor thing~", she sang in that eerie voice, tilting her head. "How long have you been living by yourself? Maybe you could have Signora's former chambers in the headquarters."
Hmm? What a laughable suggestion, you thought. She was obviously toying with you.
Arlecchino gave the Damselette a warning look.
"Such a thing is something only the Director can decide. Though," she gave you an unreadable look. "I wouldn't be against it. In Rosalyne's honor, of course."
The usually ruthless Knave's comment was found somewhat unexpected among her comrades.
You gave her a weird look.
Something was clearly going on, the atmosphere was strangely expecting and you didn't like it in the slightest. It seems the theatrics weren't over after all?
Pantalone was gazing at you, an amused smile on his lips.
"You look a bit lost there, dear. Don't worry, Pierro will explain some things to you in a moment~"
You frowned. So, there was more in the game here - that letter wasn't just an invitation to the funeral of a sister you hardly even cared about, you'd doubted as much from the beginning.
Not that it really changed anything. As already mentioned, you'd only come for the ceremony...
And now that it was over, there was no reason for you to stay.
"That won't be necessary," you stated, nodding curtly. "I will be taking my leave now. Goodbye."
Your cloak shuffled as you walked past them, heading toward the exit. However, Childe, who had been standing the closest to the doors, now moved to block your way.
You looked up at him, raising an eyebrow.
"Tartaglia, right? If you could move aside, that would be much appreciated."
"Sorry, no can do, girlie," he laughed a bit, scratching his neck in an awkward manner. "Boss wants to have a chat with you, so I can't just have you leaving like that, now can I?"
"Right," you sighed. "Well, I don't really care..."
You rudely moved past him, reaching the doors and about to push them open, when you suddenly felt a hand on your wrist. And the grip they had wasn't exactly gentle.
Glancing over your shoulder, you saw Childe still wearing that stupid smile of his but there was now a shadow over his usually cheerful expression.
"Look, you seem like a smart girl." His voice was soft and menacing at the same time. "Things don't have to get ugly here, if you just cooperate a bit."
Ugly? Oh, you could make things turn ugly.
But this wasn't the right time for that - not with the majority of the Harbingers present. It's not like you had a death wish, for Celestia's sake... though, it did seem like Tartaglia was only half serious about what he had said?
You looked past him, seeing the other Fatui diplomats standing there, all with hardly readable expressions on their faces. Your gaze stopped when it reached the Jester. If this was about Pierro having something to discuss with you, you were fairly sure you knew what he wanted anyway...
So, no harm in amusing him a bit?
"Ha. Well, it seems like I have no choice, then."
Childe smiled. "That's more like it."
He started making his way toward the front of the cathedral, while still holding onto your wrist - basically, he walked you back there like a toddler. After all, you might've had a change of heart any at any given moment and sprinted out of there like a lunatic.
You awkwardly sat down on one of the seats, wrapping the cloak around you tigther. The Harbingers were now standing in a semicircle in front of you, gazing down at you like their you were property. Pierro took a step forward.
"Now then, Y/N Lohefalter..."
"You are going to ask about my Visions, right?" you asked rudely. "As in, plural. Both of them. Is my assumption wrong?"
Pantalone chuckled. "Well, aren't you clever, my dear~"
"No, I always knew Rosalyne had told you, which is precisely why I tend to keep a lower profile than this. There's no reason to be so melodramatic over a couple of Visions."
Dottore seemed amused by your remark.
"But most humans never receive one. Yet, here you are, blessed with two."
"That, or cursed" you pointed out.
The Jester had allowed this interruption, but all it took was one gaze of authority from him and even you realized it was better to watch your mouth around this man. You tilted your head slightly downward.
"This assumption you made isn't necessarily untrue," Pierro stated in a low voice. "But it's not the whole truth, either."
It wasn't?
You heard footsteps approaching and carefully glanced up at Pierro who was now standing mere inches away from you. Things were getting more interesting, that's for sure.
"I asked you to come here today out of respect for Rosalyne's memory, and of curiosity toward the fact that you indeed bear the power of both Cryo and Pyro, much like your sister, albeit without a Delusion. My intention, however, was also to make a request of you..."
The Jester suddenly kneeled before you, his gesture confusing you. The infamous Director of the Fatui, kneeling before you?
You gave him a doubtful look.
"And what might that request be?"
"To put it simply, I want you to take Rosalyne's place as one of the Fatui Harbingers."
"...come again?"
The other Harbingers didn't seem surprised in the slightest.
You shook your head.
"You want me to join the Fatui?"
"We've been keeping a close eye on you, Y/N Lohefalter, ever since the Cataclysm and Rosalyne joining our ranks. Back then, she herself made the request that should she ever perish, you'd be asked to take her place."
"Ha," you chuckled. "That does sound like one of her selfish whims... but still, why would you even consider such a thing?"
You looked at Pierro, tilting your head.
"Can you really trust that my agendas align with yours?"
"Every person in this room has their own ideals and it has not proved to be a problem." The Director nodded. "You need not but work in the name of the Fatui, and swear your loyalty to the Tsaritsa. Of course, the latter is expected of you as a citizen of Snezhnaya anyway."
You crossed you arms, contemplating this unexpected proposal.
"And if I refuse?"
This earned displeased looks from the other Harbingers. Pierro's solemn expression, however, never faltered.
"It's far beyond my dignity to be forceful here. That would be disrespecting Rosalyne's legacy, and risking to make you a powerful foe of the Fatui."
He paused for a while.
"But I should also clarify that with the kind of power you hold, you are facing but two choices - to be with us... or against us."
So that's how it was going to be?
You'd almost forgotten that Pierro was still half-kneeling in front of you; even though one of his eyes was covered by a mask, his gaze held such intensity that you were completely enchanted by it for a moment.
And to think you'd make this kind of a decision on a whim, just like she once had - you really were more similar to your sister than you'd care to admit...
You sighed, standing up and glancing at the other Harbingers.
"Is this how he recruited you as well?"
Sandrone made a 'hmph' sound, "hardly."
"Heh, to think the Jester would kneel in front of someone?~" Pantalone commented. "You're quite an impressive girl, my dear."
"Then again," Dottore chuckled, "she has yet to witness the crueler side of the Director, no?"
Are you sure about that?
Tartaglia sighed, "now, now, don't scare her away..."
Pulcinella and Capitano didn't seem too amused by their comrades' antics. You, on the other hand, had their undivided attention.
Columbina was sleepily humming along to some tune, giving you discreet glances.
Arlecchino shook her head.
"Pierro still awaits for an answer, Y/N. Despite of what he may seem like, the Jester is not a man of great patience. It's time for you to decide."
You furrowed your eyebrows.
"Then, I'm in?"
But for the love of the Tsaritsa, you had no idea what you'd just gotten yourself into.
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kurogane2512 · 1 year
HELLO IM BACK FROM MY BREAK ITS ONE OF ALICE’S ANONS (in all honesty i forgot which emoji i was) ANYWAYS
i would like to request
cocolia (hsr) x reader (obviously fem) <3 angst to smut :) i give u free reign <3
NO ONE WRITES FOR HER AND IT MAKES ME SAD i just finished the trailblazer mission, I MISS HER
Hello, welcome back anon! Good to see you again <3
You have no idea how much I relate with you; truth be told that her death and unplayability is one of the main reasons I'm not playing the game (others are I don't like turn based plus I have way too many gacha games in my mantel).
I had found out what happens in beta itself and decided to save myself the pain and suffering, it feels like they repeated Signora's case. Mihoyo has something against blonde ice mommies I'm sure. Your request came at a perfect time since I was really craving to write something on her!
Game: Honkai Star Rail
Characters: HSR Cocolia x fem! reader (trailblazer)
Type: Smut and Angst (comfort sex, fingering, oral, scissoring, kissing, Cocolia doesn't die because we protect fine women like her <3
W.C: Uh....very long. This is pretty much a rewrite of the mission, please bear with me :(
The moment you laid your eyes on her, you were mesmerised. She appeared like a goddess, a queen— so regal, commanding, beautiful yet harbouring something....cold deep within. The moment your eyes met her violet ones, you felt a connection, an unknown feeling awakened inside you.
"Welcome, visitors from beyond the Eternal Freeze, or perhaps I should say from beyond the sky. I'm Cocolia Rand, the Supreme Guardian of Belobog. I would be grateful if you could tell me why you have come."
The enchanting woman in front of you spoke, her eyes gazing at you and your allies. You felt her look at you particularly, the same violet eyes staring deeply into you and making you entranced.
"Ahem, Y/n— answer her." March whispered to you, making you come back to your senses and blink a few times.
"Apologies, thank you for accepting us. It's surprising that you don't seem to doubt our identity."
"Hehe~ Do you want me to doubt it? Or are you not confident in it yourself? Rest assured, I don't doubt it. I can see you are not from this world and....for 700 hundred years, the Architects received no communication from the stars but I knew of your existence. Tell me why you have come."
Dan Heng took over from here and began explaining to her about the Stellaron and the Fragmentum Corrosion that plagued the planet, Cocolia listened intently and seemed slightly surprised that he summed up the planet's situation down to the exact details.
"I see....You understand our situation well but, I fail to understand why you would want to help us. Even if this Stellaron you speak of did bring about disaster, I fail to see its connection to you. I don't believe that anyone would go to such lengths to help a world unrelated to them....unless they had something to gain."
You then further explained to her and she eventually agreed to take your help, the negotiation went quite smoothly unlike your expectations but you were glad to see she seemingly trusted you.
"Very well, I'm willing to assist you in any way possible to locate the Stellaron. You must be tired now, I'll have you escorted to our most comfortable hotel to rest. Get a good night's sleep and we can discuss this matter in more detail tomorrow."
"Thank you for believing us, ma'am. We'd be glad to help restore the planet and help you live in prosperity like old times."
You spoke determinedly while looking at Cocolia, making her slightly surprised at your conviction. She gave a small smile and nodded then you turned around to go out with March and Dan Heng but suddenly heard an eerie whisper in your mind, making you stop and look back at Cocolia who was now looking out of the window and pondering.
"What was that? Why does it feel like there's someone with her, speaking to her....?"
You squinted your eyes then shook off the thought and walked out to meet up with Dan Heng and March. You were shown around the city by Gepard before finally being dropped at Goethe Hotel, you bid farewell to March and Dan Heng as they went to their respective rooms to sleep while you went to yours and rested on the bed, pondering about the day's happenings.
"It's been a long day. The Supreme Guardian was really something....so strong, commanding and....beautiful. Her voice was....really attractive too."
Your face turned redder as Cocolia continuously appeared in your mind; there was something about her that had captured your attention— the way she spoke, acted, smiled— everything was captivating you. You shook your head and turned over in bed, trying to keep your thoughts aside and sleep. You had barely closed your eyes when suddenly the same strange whispers echoed in your mind followed by a faint dream.
"Cocolia...Cocolia..." the whisper spoke.
"Wh-Who are you? What are you....?" Cocolia replied back.
"We are allies....allies of the guardians through generations."
"....What do you want?
"To rebuild....this dying world...To help you....achieve your wish."
You struggled around in bed and held onto a pillow, the dream becoming unbearable but it didn't stop yet.
"They will suffer, sacrifice and die because of my order...." Cocolia spoke.
"It is not death which greets them....They will be swept into the infancy of a new world." the whisper replied.
"What about the Underworlders? They will lose the protection of the Architects. They will see me....as a tyrant."
"You have witnessed....the world we have promised. A temporary misunderstanding....for an eternity of prosperity. We will honor....your decision."
"....I understand."
You immediately opened your eyes and sat up on the bed, gasping for breath loudly. You held your head and looked around to see it was still the middle of the night then thought back to what just happened.
"Those voices....Cocolia? And who? Who was she speaking to....? And why can I hear this....? Don't tell me....it was the Stellaron? It can't be....she didn't know what the Stellaron was. Unless....she was lying. Could the whisper I heard there be the same thing....? I need more clues....It seemed like she started talking to it at a young age, or more like it manipulated her from a young age...."
You looked at the time again then firmed your decision and stood up to walk out of the room, discreetly, without waking up March and Dan Heng. You navigated through the city to escape the gaze of the Silvermane Guards and reached the place where the Astral Express was parked.
"Himeko, Welt. I want to talk to both of you."
The two of them came out into the lounge area at your announcement, surprised to see you here all alone.
"Y/n? What happened? Why are you here alone?" Himeko questioned.
"I....I think I figured out something about the Stellaron on this planet. And I need your help, I didn't tell March and Dan Heng yet...."
"Fine, go ahead." Welt replied.
"We met the Supreme Guardian some hours ago and got her approval to let us remove the Stellaron. When I was there, I heard some....eerie whispers for a short moment and it also felt like there was someone else in the room with Cocolia but we couldn't see anything. Then later, when I tried to sleep....I had dreams. I'm not sure but it sounded like the Supreme Guardian was talking to a Stellaron."
Both Welt and Himeko were caught by surprise then pondered for a while before Himeko spoke, "Are you sure, Y/n? Did you also see something?"
"Yes, not very clearly but....it looked like her younger self, she seemed to be in pain and agony, trying to resist the voice but it kept showing her something that she couldn't refuse. It said something like....fulfilling her wish to save the planet by giving her a new world...."
"....I see. It's manipulating her by showing the world it'll make by destroying this current one, and little does she know that the Stellaron won't do anything it showed her....It's simply going to destroy everything and take over the world...." Welt spoke.
You nodded along and looked down in distress, trying to think what to do.
"I....I don't want anything bad to happen to her....Of course, I don't want the planet to suffer either but Cocolia herself too, she just wants to protect everyone and be a good Supreme Guardian and a mother...."
Himeko looked at you sympathetically then smiled softly and patted your head, "It seems we underestimated our newest member, Welt. She exceeded both Dan Heng and March already and is even showing considerable conviction~"
You blushed slightly at her compliment then Welt spoke, "So, do you have any suggestion, Y/n?"
"Uh....maybe we can try talking to her and persuading her before anything else happens. I think she started believing in the Stellaron because their own God didn't do anything for so long, the planet is still facing the Eternal Freeze and the Fragmentum Corrosion has even reached the city."
"Mhm, seems reasonable. Then Y/n, I assign you this mission— meet with the Supreme Guardian and persuade her will, with as little struggle as possible."
"W-Wait, me?! Just me?!" you exclaimed in shock.
"Yes, you. You have to do this, Y/n. You are the only the one who has seen and heard the dreams, you know it clearly unlike any of us. Not to mention, if she is already so persuaded by it then she'll likely show an aggressive nature when you reveal everything to her. If there are too many people then she might see it as an ambush."
"....Alright, I'll do my best."
You exited the train and made your way over the residence of the Supreme Guardian; naturally expecting to meet guards outside, you told them you wished to see Cocolia and they took her permission then escorted you to her chambers. Yes, it was her personal chamber and not the office you had been in earlier. You gently knocked on the door and heard a stern 'come in' then opened to go in and found Cocolia standing near the edge of the bed, wearing a sleeping gown and robe.
"My apologies for disturbing you at this hour, ma'am. I...wished to talk to you about something."
"Was it so important that you couldn't wait until our meeting tomorrow? And I see that your companions aren't here either...."
"Y-Yes, they don't know I'm here. I wanted to talk to you personally."
"Hm, interesting. And here I thought you all were faithful to each other but I suppose everyone has their secrets...."
"....Even you?"
You questioned in between making her slightly surprised then sigh and sit on the edge of the bed.
"If you wish to know, then yes, I do. I do have secrets of my own, some that even my daughter doesn't know."
"I have been wondering for some time, is Bronya your real daughter?"
"No, I adopted her some years ago. But I treat her no less than my own, she will eventually follow in my steps and take up this mantel."
"I see, that's a really kind gesture. To give a home to an orphan and groom her into such a capable adult."
Cocolia looked at you in surprise then smiled and stood up, "Forgive my manners, have a seat if you'd like. Shall I serve you something?"
"No, I'm fine. Thank you."
"Hm. Well, was this what you wanted to talk about? My personal life?"
You struggled to answer her as you hadn't really thought out the conversation in advance, but you realized you had to be careful as you couldn't just spring up the question of her alliance with the Stellaron so casually.
"If you don't find it offensive then yes, I did wish to know more about you personally. I was just curious how your life has been, serving as the Supreme Guardian and before it."
"What an intriguing outlander. If I didn't treat you as the highest guest of honor then I would have thrown you into the prison by now."
"Ah....I understand that....I know it's late and we just met, I would offer to tell you about myself too but I unfortunately don't remember anything...."
"You don't remember anything? How very strange...."
You awkwardly looked away, finding it difficult to hold the conversation and move to the important topic.
"....You know, I did wonder about something when I saw you. Why are you with the Astral Express? Why become this....trailblazer?"
"Uh, well....for one, they were the ones who found me when I had just awoken with no memories. They took me in and I have been travelling with them since, Jarilo-VI is the first planet I have visited with them."
"Hm. So....they are like family to you."
"....In a way, I guess. At least they are willing to keep me and treat me well, doing these missions for them is a way of repayment. I somewhat relate with Bronya's situation here...."
"Ah, I suppose you could be seen as an orphan indeed, adopted by the crew."
"Yes and....I won't let any harm come to them, just like how Bronya would always protect you."
Cocolia's eyes widened at that and she looked away with a distressed expression, "I can't say for how long....If she disagrees with me some day then we'll be on opposite sides."
You sensed a weakness, an opening. You cautiously walked towards her and sat beside her on the bed, looking at her with sympathy.
"Is this part of your secret from her?"
Cocolia moved her gaze towards you to be met by a worried expression, catching her off guard. Suddenly, she turned away and you heard the same eerie whisper in your head. You looked at Cocolia and moved slightly closer and heard her mumble, "I know. Just....give me time."
She then turned towards you again and you quickly moved back, resuming your old posture.
"....It is part of it indeed, a secret so grave that she might not see me as her mother anymore."
"I see.....I hope that doesn't happen, the two of you are very affectionate with each other."
"Thank you for your kind words, I hope you can stay with the crew for as long as well."
You smiled then looked around the room slightly before continuing, "So, uhm, what did you do before becoming the Supreme Guardian? I feel like you took up the post at a young age."
"I did, I took up the post as soon as I graduated from my studies. I adopted Bronya just some time after it."
"Oh, so there is a school here."
"What? Did you expect we are so down in the drain that we can't even offer proper education to our citizens?"
"N-No! I'm sorry, I didn't mean that!"
"Hmph, we have all facilities any normal functioning city would. We just have too much ice all around."
"....And the Fragmentum Corrosion."
"Yes, looks like you saw that it has made its way into the city."
"I did, that's why we need to remove the Stellaron as quickly as possible...."
You again heard whisper and saw her turn away from you; this time, you tried to focus what it was saying to her.
"You are....wasting time....Put her....away...."
"I know....I'm just looking for the right moment...."
"She will....create problems...."
"Ma'am? Are you okay?" you called out to her in the middle of the conversation and she turned towards you with a distressed look on her face, almost as if she was in constant pain. 
"I'm fine. Is there more you want to talk about? Unlike you, I do need sleep to maintain my body."
"....What are these whispers that you hear?"
Cocolia was extremely shocked at your question and squinted her eyes into a glare, "What whispers are you talking about?"
"...The voice in your head, it's the Stellaron, isn't it?"
She glared even more and stood up, making you stand up as well and take a few steps away towards the door.
"Seems I underestimated you. You are much more perceptive than your companions."
"It has been talking to you since a young age, hasn't it?!"
"Silence! Do not question this further. Guards!"
She shouted and 2 Silvermane Guards immediately came inside the room with weapons.
"Put her in the prison, she is a traitor now!"
"Wait, listen to me! I know what it is and what you hear! It's controlling you! You are being brainwashed! Don't listen to it!"
You shouted as you fought with the guards, knocking them out one by one.
"The Stellaron won't save the planet! It only wants to destroy everything, it won't rebuild it the way it has shown you!"
"How dare you speak of the true God this way?! Our God has long abandoned us and this our only hope!"
"It isn't, it's going to destroy everything! Your home, your people, your daughter!"
Cocolia was suddenly taken aback and became silent before raising her arm and shouting, "I was going to wait until morning but....In the name of the Supreme Guardian, I hereby strip you of your freedom and beseech the highest degree of treason on you and your companions!"
You gritted your teeth and heard sound of fast approaching footsteps hence prepared to escape as quickly as possible.
"Please think about what I said. I promise to save you."
You ran out of the fort with hordes of guards behind you, you were soon surrounded by even more guards then heard Dan Heng and March coming towards you. They cleared a way for you and the three of you ran away together into the alley you had seen before.
"How did you both know where I was?!"
"We have been following you since you left the hotel." Dan Heng replied.
"That's right! Don't you dare abandon us and run away on your own like that ever again, Y/n!" March 7th followed in.
You eventually met up with Sampo again and followed him as he took you three away from the guards. Bronya had also caught up in the pursuit as you all reached the Underground and formed a temporary truce while looking for the Wildfire group. After you had left, Cocolia was in deep thought. The words you spoke resonated deeply with her and she pondered over her actions but the voice of the Stellaron soon plagued her again, sending her into the same torment she had been tolerating for years.
"Look what happened....she knew....It's your fault..."
"Shut up! She...she....she is right..."
"We showed you what we'll give you....you accepted it....You know the truth"
"When I finally had someone who understood me....you took them away...."
"Useless sentiments....it's your duty as the guardian to do this...."
Cocolia clenched her head then stood up, her resolution firm once again, "I know...it will all be over soon."
Upon making allies with the Wildfire group, you had been escorted to the Goethe Hotel in the Underground to rest. In the past few days, you had gathered a lot of information about the planet and Cocolia as a person. You talked to Bronya as she was the closest to her and found out more about her and how she had been ruling in recent times. All the things connected too well— she lost faith in the Preservation and started following the Stellaron as it promised a new world to her free from the disaster.
You were currently laying down on your bed at the hotel, thinking about your mission and about Cocolia. You did not want her to go down this path of ruin any longer, the times you heard her thoughts, you also sensed her pain and suffering. You could sense how much she had tried to resist it but she was only human, the continuous torment weighed on her too much. Just then, the whisper returned again and another dream flashed before you.
"I lost her....My wish, your so-called plan....What is the point of it all?" Cocolia barely spoke, her voice shaking from the constant despair she was facing.
"Your grief....sorrow....useless sentiments....abandon them all..."
"Silence! She is my daughter, my only....You soulless thing— how could you begin to fathom!? You will never understand....Never!"
"You did not lose her....She waits to be reunited with you on the other side."
"A new world...."
"Rise....guardian. Fulfill your destiny...Fulfill a mother's wish."
The voices finally stopped and you were on shaking by now, it felt too much to you. Her pain, sorrow, grief— everything was shared with you and made you scared, uncertain. How did she survive for so long with all that constant torment? How is she still carrying on her Guardian's Will? She was no frail woman but no ordinary human could tolerate such mental torture for so long.
"I need to do something quick. She's....dying, she's practically dying like this....Would she listen to Bronya? Maybe, I can try. They have ignored the Underworld for so long, now Bronya has seen it and she understands.....But, there needs to be something more concrete, she needs to be shown that the Amber Lord is still watching over them."
You had talked to Bronya soon after and explained her everything you had been experiencing, trying to make her understand how her mother had been suffering for such a long time all because she wanted to save the planet. Yet, your attempts had been in vain so far and here you were, at the battlefield of ice and snow, facing Cocolia in all her power.
You fought and struggled, trying to find a way to turn her over but her will was unshaken. The Stellaron gave her immense power, she awakened the Engine of Creation which created even more obstacles for you but you were determined. You were going to defeat the Stellaron and bring her back, there was no way you were going to leave her.
"If that thing is the Stellaron then....we need to weaken it to power her down." you thought while looking at the structure beside you that was radiating an eerie and powerful glow. You turned to face your comrades and called them near to explain your plan.
"Bronya, you said you heard the Stellaron there, right?" Bronya nodded. "Okay then, help me reach her up there and when I signal, all of you attack that structure with all your powers. You can't destroy it but we just need an opening for me."
Everyone was surprised at your proposition but agreed as they trusted your judgement, they readied themselves and assisted you as you navigated your way atop the Engine of Creation and be face to face with Cocolia again.
"You again....What a persistent little one you are."
"I promised to save you and make things right, I'm going to keep it!"
"Hmph, big words from a gullible Nameless! Only I understand that Stellaron is the true hope for this world, your name will be engraved on the foundation of the new world that the Stellaron has promised!"
She drew more of the Stellaron's power and transformed into a new form, complete with accessories made of ice and her body reflecting the galaxy. She summoned a lance and jumped at you, piercing you in the left side of your chest, very near to the heart. You gasped and were pushed back from the force but held yourself in place by holding onto the lance, she struggled and applied more force to thrust it deeper when you suddenly heard the whispers in your mind that were also in Cocolia's mind.
The whispers soon faded away and your mind went numb from the pain, you then found yourself in a place surrounded by nebulous stars, seemingly enveloped by an amber-colored destiny. A small child was in front of you who called itself the Guardian's Will, it spoke about the Supreme Guardian's duties and how it felt it had failed them since even the strongest minds could succumb to dark desires like this.
"We could not deny the will of the Stellaron after all...The Fragmentum had been expanding for the past 700 years. There is no faith nor wealth left for our successors...only despair. To see the home we vowed to preserved wither away....That in itself is torture. Not to mention the haunting whisper of temptation...." the child spoke.
"....Cocolia only did what she did to save the planet, your home. The Stellaron tormented her for awful long years, she has experienced so much pain and suffering all for the Will that she succeeded into. She felt she found a way, even if that way leads to destruction first but she saw paradise beyond it. That is why she succumbed, for her people, for humanity."
"....What are you implying, outsider? The day will come when even the strongest of wills cannot help but give in to such influence. It is only a matter of time before the Amber Lord forsakes us."
"I'm saying she needs to be guided again! She has a good heart and a strong will; she is a good mother and did her duties exceptionally all this time. You can't abandon her like this!"
"You wish to save her? You, a stranger, seek to bind your destiny to hers?"
"....I don't want to be a hero. I just want everyone to be well and happy, that includes her too."
"Hm, very well. Touch the light of the Amber, trailblazer. See if your will can attract their gaze."
You walked up to the shining fiery lance and proceeded to touch it, only to feel slightly burned by the intense heat. You remembered Cocolia's face and firmed yourself to be stronger, you were going to do this for her. You grasped the handle and pulled out the lance when you saw a faint imagery of a higher existence, the Amber Lord. At the same time, your consciousness was restored in your body and you found yourself at the same place like before.
You were tightly holding Cocolia's lance as it pierced you and she was unable to shake you off. You gasped and opened your eyes to look around then clenched her lance tighter, channeling fire through it which made Cocolia shocked and she tried to retract back but you reacted faster.
"Now! Everyone do it now!" you shouted as loudly as possible and at your command, everyone down below attacked the Stellaron with all their strength. Cocolia felt her power weaken for a few moments and held her head, that's when you established a connection with her and showed her what you had previously seen.
"Look, Cocolia! The Amber Lord! He's still there, the Will of the Preservation lives on! Don't listen to the Stellaron anymore!!"
Cocolia heard your words loud and clear, she found herself in the place you were at earlier and gazed at the Amber Lord for a brief moment. Her body trembled at its presence and she kneeled down in horror, trying to grasp the situation. However, this is as long as you had. The Stellaron repelled your allies and established its connection with Cocolia again, causing you to be pushed back with the lance still pierced in your body.
You both fell down to the platform below where everyone else was and pulled out the lance with all force you had and it soon turned into a weapon of fire; at the same time, Cocolia turned back to her normal form and was struggling very hard against the Stellaron's impending influence. Dan Heng and Bronya helped you stand up and watched as Cocolia struggled around, kneeling down and holding her head.
"Out of my way!" you shouted and ran up to Cocolia to hold her, the Stellaron was not letting her go and continued feeding its powers to her.
"The Fragmentum Corrosion will overwhelm her if this goes on!"
You thought hard and fast, time was running out. Cocolia now clenched her chest as a light started glowing around it and for the first time, she uttered her plea, her cry for help with a trembling and pained voice.
"H-H....Help....Please....I don't w-w....want to...."
You were caught by surprise then firmly held her shoulders and made your decision, this was the only way you could think of. You leaned forward and connected your lips to her, her body immediately stopping at the sudden contact. You heard gasps of surprise from behind you, not surprising but you had no time to care for them. You connected with the Stellaron that was powering her and channeled your own energy to overpower it.
"Get out! Leave her alone!"
The moment lasted for a short while, the Stellaron had left its control over her and you released the kiss. You opened your eyes and gazed into her teary yet gentle ones, clearly surprised by what you just did but she soon fainted in your arms before she could say anything. She clearly exhausted all her strength earlier but she was fine and breathing, that's all you cared about. 
Your companions walked around you as you picked up Cocolia in your arms bridal style and stood up. March was blushing and covering her face in excitement, she was ready to burst out any moment. Dan Heng had his usual stern expression; Seele was grinning in a weird way while Bronya seemed embarrassment but was the first to clear her throat and speak.
"Ahem, thank you for your help, all of you....especially you, Y/n."
"N-No, it's okay....Happy to help...."
Bronya smiled, "We can keep mother at the residence then discuss what to do from now on."
You nodded then looked at Dan Heng, "We have to inform Welt and Himeko to deal with the Stellaron now."
"I know, I already did that. They'll be here soon. Now that the Stellaron is sealed, the Eternal Freeze will slowly recede. The Fragmentum won't aggressively expand anymore, but nor will it disappear. Jarilo-VI has a chance to return to life, but it will take time..."
You smiled then looked at Bronya and Seele, "I'm sure they'll handle it."
Exchanging nods of agreement, you proceeded to go to Qlipoth Fort to place Cocolia in her room and let her rest. The guards were ready to attack you but seeing you carry Cocolia that way made them retract back and wait for further orders. An eventful day finally came to an end, you went to the Underworld and explained the situation to them as discussed with Bronya until Cocolia awakens so you can further decide what to do.
It seems your expedition had come to an end, now it was in the hands of the people of Belobog to take it from here. You spent the day bidding farewell to all your companions before you finally returned to the Astral Express to continue your journey. You had wished to meet Cocolia one last time before leaving but it seems that was not quite possible, nobody knew when she would wake up and you were to leave as soon as possible.
It was the morning of next day, you woke up to find messages from Bronya telling you that Cocolia had woken up and was asking to see you. Surprised yet relieved, you informed Himeko and excused yourself to go to Qlipoth Fort since you had time, the train was scheduled to depart in the afternoon. You were escorted to Cocolia's chamber, the same one from earlier. You saw her sitting on the edge of the bed and stand up as soon you entered, the two of you looking at each other shyly.
"Uh...do sit down, Y/n. Would you like something to eat and drink?"
"Um, just a coffee is fine...."
Cocolia nodded with a smile and ordered her butler who soon served 2 cups of coffee to both of you. You sat upon the bed beside each other, finding it difficult to speak. All of a sudden, you felt nervous around her, you couldn't look her in the eye. You would feel your face heat up at her gaze and you'd stutter your words, almost appearing like a fool.
"....I heard everything from Bronya. And I do remember many things myself now that I have recovered sufficiently."
"I-I see...."
"It was all my fault....my weakness made everyone suffer so much...The people of the Underworld I neglected, my guards that I sacrificed with no remorse, the friendships I broke and....threatened my own daughter's life. I don't think I can ever forgive myself...."
You looked at her wide eyed then gently held her hand, causing her to face you. "Don't blame yourself this way, you only did what you felt was right for the planet, to save it. The Stellaron manipulated you, it's not your fault."
"....I couldn't resist it's influence. If I was strong enough and held on to the Preservation then none of this would have happened."
"Yet you tolerated the Stellaron's torment for so long, that's no ordinary feat. That shows how strong you are, for not breaking for so long. You have what it takes to bear the Guardian's Will, don't think you are undeserving."
"You...." Cocolia fumbled on her words, tears filling her eyes as she gazed at you and recalled all that you did.
"You had no reason to do all this yet you....went so far for me...."
"I...I didn't do much...."
"You did...You saved me and all of us....How can I ever repay you....?"
She came closer and cupped your face, gazing at you with love and causing you to blush. 
"D-Don't worry about those things....I just wanted everyone to be well and happy, that's all. I don't want anything in return."
Tears rolled down her cheeks which she wiped away then moved her hands towards your chest, "I'm sorry for hurting you. Does it still pain? Did I leave a scar?"
You smiled then moved your shirt down slightly, exposing some of your chest to show her.
"See? Everything is fine. I don't know how but the lance didn't pierce my skin at all, or maybe it did but I healed and I didn't even realize it...."
You chuckled and she smiled in return looking at you, you had unintentionally come very close to her face. Your eyes trailed over her exquisite features, her captivating violet eyes, long lashes and rosy red lips. She too was gazing at you the same way, your lips enrapturing her as she remembered what you had done the day before.
"I-I'm sorry for....k-kissing you that way yesterday. I stepped into your personal space without permission, it's the only way I could think of to get the Stellaron away from you....."
You blurted out an apology as sincere as you could, you were still overwhelmed by her presence. She squinted her eyes then suddenly held your face firmly, looking at you with determination.
"Then, you have permission now. Do anything....even more than just a kiss."
Your words were blocked as she crashed her lips against yours, engaging in a gentle yet passionate kiss. A softness enveloped your lips instantly, her lips moving with yours in perfect harmony, as if they were made for each other. You felt blissful, a strange yet addicting feeling engulfed you. She was slow and gentle, savoring the feeling and taste of your lips and you of hers. 
Your hands settled on her waist and subconsciously pulled her closer, her body pressed against yours as she pushed you back by your shoulders, making you lean on your elbows. She was practically all over you, capturing you within herself in every way. She was already occupying your mind for days and at this moment, she had your body wrapped around herself as well.
"Aaah~ Mhmm....Y-Y/n~"
She muffled out moans of your name, her tongue swiped your lower lip and you naturally let her in, almost too eagerly in some way. The kiss became rougher as you continued, her tongue swirled with yours in exquisite rhythm. Your hands crawled around her back, sliding into the hip windows of her dress before she finally stopped and abruptly pulled away. Flushed, she straddled your waist and you quickly removed your hands from her body.
"I-I'm so-"
"Ssh~ Don't be, don't you dare be." she placed her finger on your lip, effectively stopping you from uttering the wrong phrase.
She took a moment to compose herself, breathing in and out a few times before shyly looking away.
"Are you sure you want to do this with someone like me....? Y-You know I'm not exactly considered young now, you might want someone your age. Not to mention, all the heinous things I did....I'm not really desirable."
"....I didn't think of those but....I could say the same things. You would be better with someone your age; I have no experience in this so I may not be able to satisfy you. I don't consider myself attractive either, nobody really compliments me for my looks—"
"That's not true! You are really adorable!"
Cocolia exclaimed and held your face, leaning down near you.
"I had found you cute the first time we met; I didn't express it but I really did think that."
Your eyes widened in surprise then you extended you hand towards her face, "What a coincidence. I had found you very beautiful at that time too, I didn't even think about your age. I was just...instantly captivated."
Her face flushed even more; you could look at this adorable expression all day.
"Does that mean you....liked me since then?"
"....I did. I didn't realize it back then but now I do. I really like you."
You spoke honestly, not wanting to hide your feelings any longer. You expected her to be surprised— which she was— but not for long. She instead smiled and gently pecked your lips, "....I like you too. And I want to show my gratitude for all that you did, will you let me?"
There was no need for that but you didn't deny her, you felt this was the only time you could be together like this. Nobody knew how long it would be when you'd return to this planet, and nobody knew how she would change in that time. You had yearned to hold her, feel her and if she was willing as well then there was no greater joy for you.
You both sat up and she proceeded to untie her hair, letting them freely flow before taking off your jacket and t-shirt. She caressed the same spot on your chest as before, possibly still feeling guilty about what she did. She then leaned in and placed soft kisses on the spot, feather like kisses that felt comforting and sent shivers in your body. She moved to your neck and planted more kisses, along with licking and biting at some spots.
"I'll give you a good time. Do tell me if there's something you don't like, I don't want to do something wrong that would....make you hate me." she whispered in your ear while kissing the lobe, her warm breath tickling you and making you squirm in place.
"D-Don't worry, I trust you....I won't hate you, ever."
She smiled in contentment then pushed you down before sliding off her down clothes, her ample breasts displayed in front of your eyes. She sensed your gaze was fixated on her chest, she then leaned down and laced your palms together, fingers interlocking while she initiated a passionate kiss. She seemed to be cautious, considerate that it was your first time. And possibly, she didn't want to hurt you in any form, you were the only one who still loved her this way.
Tears formed in her eyes as you kissed, she became uncontrollable now. She knew things would never be the same with her people, her daughter. She'd most likely be punished once she steps outside this room, and once everyone knew the truth then nobody would ever look up to her the same way again. She released your palms and instead held your face, her lips trembling but she didn't want to part from the kiss.
"I-I'm sorry....really sorry. And thank you....thank you very much...." she mumbled while ghosting over your lips, you felt disheartened and wrapped your arms around her to hold her close. She then started kissing you passionately again, roughly moving her lips with yours. The uncertainty and despair in her mind were reflected in her love, she was desperate and needy but also careful and gentle. 
Before long, her hand slid down to your pants and slipped underneath, making you groan in surprise. She released the kiss to let you breathe, both of you panting while gazing at each other. She crawled down unbuttoned your pants and removed them, leaving you in just your underwear. Your face flushed as she stared at your naked self, but she gave an assuring smile before planting kisses on your stomach.
"You are really cute, Y/n. Your reactions are adorable and I want to see them more~"
You blushed even more and averted your gaze, too embarrassed by her words. She chuckled then gently moved your face up front again and pecking your lips.
"Don't be shy, let me look at you. I want to engrave all your expressions in my mind~"
You slowly nodded then she slid her hand under your panties, gently caressing your folds. Her face buried in your shoulder, lips right near the ear as she whispered sweet praises and encouragement while rubbing your clit. You shuddered; her fingers were slightly cold yet felt so good. Her sweet voice didn't stop mumbling at all, at some point you couldn't make out anymore what she was saying because your mind was hazy from the way her fingers moved.
She gathered your juices and thrusted in, delicately at first to let you get used to and find your sensitive spots. She kept note of your reactions profoundly, she wanted this to be perfect. The jerk of your legs and moans spilling from your lips whenever she touched that one spot gave her all the assurance, your breathing became ragged as she fastened her pace now. She inserted another finger seeing how wet you were and it gave her confidence, confidence that she was doing good.
You bit your lip as you tried to stifle your moans but she instead held it in her teeth to make you release, an indication that she wanted you to let it out as much as you wanted. The action sent you over the edge and she didn't miss that, your walls contracted on her fingers and she started thrusting faster now. Incoherent moans and gasps left your mouth and she relished those.
Cocolia was also strangely quite....motherly during the whole act. She was continuously praising you, encouraging you, telling you how adorable you were. You felt like being pampered, not that you were against it. Perhaps it was in her nature, intentionally or not. She kissed your cheeks before burying herself in your shoulder again, you clenched the bedsheet as you felt your high approaching soon.
"Cumming? Let it out, sweetheart~"
Adding that nickname was the last thing you needed, you had no restraint now. You arched back and released all over her fingers, your eyes shut tight and a loud moan echoing in the room. She smiled and gazed at your panting self before taking out her fingers, coated with your juices. What followed was something even more arousing to you— she licked all your juices from her fingers, not missing a single drop and cleaning it completely. You swear you almost came again watching that sight.
"How sweet....just like you~"
She slurred on her words; oh, how irresistible the sight was.
"Was it good? Something you didn't like or would prefer?" she questioned with sincerity. Even though it was clear how much you liked it, she wanted to be sure.
You smiled and nodded then sat up, she smiled back and was about to lean closer but you suddenly turned over and placed her on the bed instead, straddling her now. She was extremely surprised yet aroused, your eyes glinted with an insatiable desire while gazing at her. She felt like burning at your intense gaze, rubbing her legs together and face turning redder. She was likely not expecting this from you but she couldn't be more ready.
"You said you wanted to show your gratitude through this. Then....I want to show my love, and the fact that I will always support you and be there for you. I know you are feeling very distressed over what happened, you are blaming yourself too much for it all. I-I know it may seem like empty words considering I won't be here but—"
Cocolia quickly pulled you down and crashed your lips onto hers, preventing you from speaking further.
"Don't say more, don't...." you smiled then she pulled you down and hugged you, your head enveloped between her boobs while she caressed your hair. 
You blushed and moved your hands to cup her breasts and knead them, soft gasps leaving her mouth. You attached your mouth to her nipple and flicked your tongue, her chest instantly heaving and back arching as she gasped out. You swirled your tongue around the hardened bud while pinching the other one, she was holding you close the whole time, almost hugging you like a baby.
You sucked on her nipple then released it with a pop, continuing to plant kisses down her stomach until you reached her core. You spread her legs making her shiver in anticipation, she was already so wet, clearly inviting you. Her scent engulfed your senses, you pecked her clit and she instantly cried out then attempted to close her legs but you held them open. You then smirked and wrapped your lips around the sensitive clit, licking long strips over it before sucking.
Her head flew back and fingers intertwined in your hair, her hips jerked up and she moaned out loudly. "Aaah~ Y-Y/n.....More....Hahn!~"
You complied and sucked on her clit harder before licking her walls and inserting your tongue inside, your thumb was playing with her bud while you scissored your tongue inside her spongy hot walls. Juices flowed down as her grip in your hair tightened, you could feel her move her hips on her own as your tongue thrusted in and out. 
Cocolia cried out and moaned feverishly, messy whines accompanied by incoherent words filled the room. Her thighs enclosed around your face giving you the chance to raise her body up and go deeper with your tongue, that had her undone soon enough. She pulled you closer in and you religiously ate her out, taking a moment to look at her face which was drowned in pleasure and laced with sweat.
"Y/n! Cumming!~ I'm cumming! Aaaaaahn!~"
She released her sweet and addicting juices over your tongue and you delightedly drank them, savoring the taste. You put her legs down and gazed at her panting self, she smiled and extended her arms for you to come in and hug her, wrapping her whole body around you and holding you contently.
"You said it's your first time but that was really good, didn't seem like you were inexperienced at all." she mused, kissing your forehead.
"Really? I'm glad then."
You raised yourself up and gently kissed her lips, gazing at each other for a while before you crawled back again and settled yourself between her legs. She was confused for a moment but soon understood what you were doing as you intertwined your legs with hers, making a scissor formatting. She flushed with excitement and embarrassment, she didn't expect this from you but she would be lying if she said she didn't want this.
You came closer and slowly rubbed your clits together, an electrical feeling going through both of you. She watched you from beneath as you groaned and whined, picking up the pace and finding the right rhythm. You too watched her from above, her boobs jiggling with your thrusts and her eyes glimmering dark with hunger. 
You planted your hands beside her and leaned down more before vigorously rubbing against her. You moaned in unison, your clits rolling with ease due to your juices coating one another. Her own hips began rolling upwards while her hands wrapped around your back and clenched your skin, nails digging in and leaving marks. 
"Mhmmm~ Faster Y/n! M-More!~"
She shamelessly whined, her clit is hard and throbbing, wet with arousal. You could see her body tremble and how she wriggled with the tension building in her stomach. She looked like an absolute goddess, a queen, so needy for you. Her head flew back and she wailed in pleasure before biting on your shoulder to stifle her moans, you hissed as you felt her teeth sink in and suck on your skin. You were sure a bright mark would be left, not that you minded it. If anything, you wanted her to leave more such marks.
You rutted your hips faster and so did she, your cunts were wet and messy with each other's juices, she squealed and jerked up as she came all over your cunt. You wanted to continue more and take in more of her heavenly expressions but you soon approached your own release as well and came over her. Both of you crying out in pleasure together then you fell atop her and she lovingly held you close, planting soft and sweet kisses on your shoulder and face.
Sometime later, you were lying down beside each other under the sheets. Your face was nestled comfortably on her chest while she ran her fingers through your hair and hummed softly. Both of you felt at peace and were comfortable, your arm wrapped over her waist and she occasionally planted kisses on your head.
"Y/n, I wanted to tell you something."
"I....I have decided to give up the position of Supreme Guardian."
You were taken by surprise and looked up at her, "Why? Are you still—"
"No, that's not it. I feel it's the right time. It's true what I did is also weighing on me and the judgement panel will likely strip it off me anyways but....I do feel I should give it now. Bronya is more than capable, she has even seen how the Underworld is and I trust in her to make Belobog prosperous again. I don't want to hide the truth of what happened, it's okay if the people end up hating me. It's their right and I deserve it. I will accept whatever punishment is bestowed upon me and wish Belobog a happy future with their new leader."
"Cocolia....are you sure?"
"I am, and you gave me the courage for it. I'm okay with this...."
You slowly nodded as you knew she has made this decision with all her heart and there likely is no other way. You thought for a moment then an idea came to you which you weren't sure of saying but firmed yourself.
"Then, I have a suggestion."
"Hm? What is it?"
"Come with me, aboard the Astral Express. Become one of us, we'll travel together and stay with each other. I'm sure the crew will listen if I insist and I know they don't hate you, they will accept you."
Her eyes widened in shock and she wasn't sure of what to say, "Y/n....I appreciate your offer but....I can't leave Bronya alone. I can't make her bear the responsibility and just leave without offering any aid...."
"You can. You just said she's more than capable. And she has many people by her side, there's Seele, Serval, Gepard, all the people of the Underworld— I know she will be able to handle."
Cocolia thought for some time then nodded, "Alright, I'll see what I can do after the judgement. Will you wait for me until then?"
You smiled, "Of course, I will. I have anyways delayed our time of departure so might as well stay a bit more~"
"Did you not inform them?"
"I did— but I didn't foresee doing this before coming here, you know?~"
You teased making her giggle and peck your lips before holding you closely again. Time came to pass and you were back at the Express and explained the situation to everyone. Welt scolded you for leaving like that without any information while Himeko calmed the situation and accepted your request. More time passed and you heard the door of the train open, a visitor coming in.
You went to check in the lobby and found none other than Cocolia standing there with a bag in her hand, she smiled looking at you then spoke. 
"May I come aboard the Astral Express and travel with everyone?"
She said intently and you smiled widely then lunged into her arms, tightly hugging her with happiness. 
"I wish to stay with you from now on, Y/n...." she whispered while hugging you and you happily nodded. No matter where the journey was going to go from here, you were glad to have the woman you love beside you during it.
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shuttershocky · 3 months
Have you looked into Wuther Waves at all? I’m considering giving it a shot and you’re the person I know with good gacha AND action game opinions
I've written a post before that Tumblr search now refuses to find, but in my opinion WuWa is making a grave mistake trying to be like Genshin where it wants to be a game on big, 'core gaming' platforms like PC while still being designed to be playable on phones.
Even if Kurogames are really good action game designers, ultimately mobile game design will hold it back (not commercially, I mean design-wise) as an action game in terms of its depth and complexity, which is fine when you're only on cellphones like Punishing Gray Raven, but WuWa wants to hit the big leagues, and I think that is a mistake.
Mihoyo can get away with releasing on consoles and such because their target audience doesn't care about that stuff. Genshin targets casual gamers for whom that big ghost wolf or Childe is already a challenge to farm weekly, they're not looking into making actually complex and difficult combat with stuff like parries and varied attack patterns and combos like how Kurogames does, and that means they're not gonna be competing with other titles.
However, if you're a fan of Kurogames, you're into PGR and WuWa for the action gameplay (because it's definitely not for the fucking writing or for the setting, that's for sure), and when you're on PC there are incredible, Non-gacha action games designed to be played with a controller that are sitting right there.
I said this before, but trying to tempt me with an ice girl that's yet another one of Vergil's numerous bastard children is ridiculous when you're asking me to play on PC (good luck playing WuWa on phones, I certainly couldn't). That's where the /actual/ Vergil is!
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ayoharuko · 1 year
''Just for you..I'll change.'' Wanderer x Reader
This oneshot is dedicated to Wanderer! my ex main This oneshot of him is my comeback~! I hope you guys enjoy this and I'm so happy to be backkk~
My posts aren't gonna be as consistent btw, so I apologize if I do slow posts :<
Thank you for waiting for me btw :) I hope you guys enjoy reading this! Reader here is Gender Neutral (They/Them) and its a little angsty but don't worry fluff is at the end :3 Also! Its a little long soo hope you don't mind ehehehe~
REMINDER: This character does not belong to me but belongs to Mihoyo/Hoyoverse, this oneshot is fictional so please try and take this too seriously :), and most importantly. Enjoy reading!
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"What is love...?'' A boy wearing a veil said while a younger boy sitting across from him looked at him with sparking eyes seemingly eager to answer the question.
"Love is something beautiful! At least thats what I see or heard from other people..'' He said with a giggle.
''I..wanna experience love too...'' The young boy said with a longing gaze, ''Can i..experience love too?'' The puppet asked, this time with curiosity radiating from him.
''Someday! When you find that special someone'' The younger one answered, and from that day onwards the puppet wondered for years and years....
To finally experience the love he was promised to have
Not until he met you of course, you thought him what love really was..it felt amazing to be loved..
Wanderer sighed at the memories flowing back to him, like falling deeper into the ocean of memories...
''Kuni? You alright?'' You asked worry flashing over your beautiful eyes, "I'm fine. Did you get what you needed?'' He said standing up from his seat.
"Uh..yea, seems like they had what I needed here ehe~'' You said with that cute giggle of yours. Fuck everything you do is cute!
"Kuni? Is there anywhere else you wanna go or should we head home?'' You asked adjusting the bag you held which was taken by your boyfriend to carry, "Lets head home, I'll cook lunch" He said walking ahead of you.
"Ehhh!? But I said I'll cook lunch for us!" You said cutely pouting while catching up to him, he sighed and looked at you with soft eyes.
"We've been out and about since early in the morning...its more better you rest your feet before they get sore'' He finished still looking at you with the same soft gaze.
He saw red hue splash on your face for a split second and then you looked away from him, "O-Okay...thanks'' You said holding his hand.
At this action. The puppet blushed and held your hand tighter as you both walked towards your home.
"Are you sure you don't need help?'' You asked done changing into your comfort clothes, "Yes. just go on and rest. I'll call you when its done'' He finished not gazing at you and just preparing the ingredients.
''Okay then! Thanks Kuni~'' You said hugging him from behind and kissing his cheek, then letting go and he heard your footsteps fade.
"I thought you loved me Scara!" You yelled eyes filled with tears, your face stained with them. ''I do love you!" He yelled back at you with frustration clouding his vision, why won't you just get it!?
''If you did love me you would listen to me and stop all...all of this!'' You yelled tears staining your face more.
''But why!? I'm finally going to become an actual God! I'll be able to prove to Beelzebub that I'm!'' He paused for a quick second and continued, ''That I'm...worth it'' He finishes, frustration fading away replacing it with sadness.
''K-Kuni...'' You bit your lip and wrapped your arms around him tightly, "I..I'm just worried...i..don't want to see you hurt'' You confessed and he fell his heart swell with love.
However, his revenge and anger was way stronger than the love you had for each other, and in the end. He continued his plan. Leaving you sobbing.
Fuck was he such an asshole.
He had everything already, you were his everything, yet he choose to throw you away...he was the same as Beelzebub.
Wanderer felt his hands quiver on top of the knife he was holding, he sighed and placed the object down and put the chicken inside the oven to cook.
He went over to your shared bedroom to see you and his anxiety instantly faded away as soon as he saw your smile, ''Mind if I join you?" He asked crossing his arms, looking at you with a soft gaze.
You smiled and patted the spot next to you, he smiled softly as he lay next to you, leaning his head against the headboard.
"Whats on the menu this lunch?'' You asked closing your book to pay attention to him, ''Roasted chicken and a salad'' He answered placing his arm against your hip and pulled you closer to him.
''Hm~" You hummed a unfamiliar tune and he felt you play with his hair, your book long forgotten on the bed, ''Having fun?'' The puppet asked, eyes closing in relaxation.
"Heh..your hairs gotten a little longer, should we cut it soon?" You asked playing with his hair more. Wanderer had to think for a moment and then responded with a simple ''Sure''
''Oh..by the way, how are you feeling these days? I mean..it hasn't been too long since all of that happened...'' You asked casting a worried gaze towards him.
''I've...been..thinking back on somethings'' He answered, thinking back to the memories that came back to him awhile ago.
''I..I have to say i..I'm sorry'' The puppet said tightening his grip on you, ''Sorry? Darling..you have nothing to be sorry for-" He cut you off with his gaze filled with remorse and regret.
"No..I....I...I pushed you away, I chose my selfish desires and revenge instead of choosing the most important thing that had ever happened in this mortal life...its you'' He said now gazing at you with eyes full of love.
''Kuni..i...you know...it broke me a lot when you left me. I was just worried about you thats all. I couldn't forgive what Dottore did to you. But...I didn't stop you after trying one time..because I knew how important this was to you, even if it hurt..even if you pushed me away i....all I wanted was...was to see you happy'' You finished, tears almost staining your eyes.
Wanderer gritted his teeth and grabbed your hand and put it on top of his chest where his heart should be, he then looked at you with a lovesick gaze.
''I was so wrong and too immature that time, too blinded by power and desire, but now that I've realized everything..now that I've thought things through i..I now know...'' He then started to tear up and with a shaky voice he continued.
''That I've found my purpose in life that I've found the heart I was looking for, you were my heart''
''Your my heart, beloved. The one who controls these human emotions that I once thought were so foolish. My life, my heart and my light...''
''I love you until this wrenched world fades away''
''I won't let anything break us apart again''
As he finished his confession he saw that tears had stained your beautiful face, ''I...darn it...your..you're too sweet kuni!'' You yelled and hugged him tightly while prepping him with kisses.
He giggled and you both enjoyed prepping each other with kisses...
This was the life he desired....
This was the life he wanted.....
He wanted to change....
He wanted to change just for you...
There was nothing he wouldn't do just for you
''Kuni...? Whats that smell....?'' You asked smelling something...burning...
''....Fuck'' He then got up and ran to the kitchen, almost using his Anemo powers to go faster.
You were dumbfounded for a second when it hit you...
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Ahhh its so nice to post something~, I hope you guys liked my comeback, now their are more coming don't worry~
More from Genshin, might bring back old series that I did and maybe other content too! I hope you guys liked this oneshot of Kuni btw!
I was SO tempted to go full angst buttt this is my comeback soo I'll..I'll spare you guys ehehehehe~
Thank you for reading again and I hope you guys loved it!~
Reblogs are appreciated and Feedback/Comments are always appreciated! :3
(Note: please don't copy and paste my works anywhere, and if you do see them on other platform please inform me.)
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milfbius · 5 months
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i hate it when people draw kalpas to look hot. i hate it when people even draw him to look normal. stop the ugly bitch erasure you may think "oh its just some eyebags he looks fine" NO because when you account for mihoyo looksflation where everyone looks completely flawless in comparison my man looks like complete shit to everyone he probably looks like the equivalent to a fallout ghoul and not even the yassified tv show versions of them like the normal kind. he crashlanded on planet earth unmasked and everyone found him sososo ugly and repulsive they started crying and hurling and throwing up and getting covid until he put that shit on.
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orchideae · 7 months
The attire dissection, folks. (Part 1)
A friend of mine (@spiderwarden) sent an ask a while back about how Yelan would go about putting herself together in terms of attire, and I remember going 'christ', because how do you begin dissecting most outfits that look almost too maddening to explain, in an anime-style game where outfits are often ridiculous and not meant to be explained 'realistically'. But then I realized that this is miHoYo, and this is their Genshin Impact, which means that the devil will always reside in the details. And personally, I like this little devil a lot. Now, I'd always noticed a few things, but they initially seem tied into a whole bunch of illogical 'outfitting', but her outfit is really actually not illogical at all. Let me see if I can explain this coherently.
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(Zoomed in version here) The subject in question: the beautiful Yelan— okay, okay, I'll stop fawning, fine. Any way, I always looked at her outfit as a two-piece, a full length bodysuit of some kind (what are those called again?), with an overcoat which holds all of those blue accents in her attire. And I was never sure whether her shoes were boots and if they were, where they ended because I saw no proper cuff/top. I was so torn, I even once thought they were somehow tied into the bodysuit, because I genuinely couldn't make out the top of them! Yes, welcome to the 'illogical anime outfit thinking', but let's be honest, it's done commonly enough in that area of media. But no, the basis of her outfit is actually not that complex at all, and is rather realistic. What is complex, is the intense amount of 'personalization' of each piece , the thought that went into them and what inspired them. But that will be for for part 2.
It is technically a three-piece, a bodysuit, an overcoat and thigh high boots. To elaborate: first up, at the very base of it is a halter bodysuit that has a very low-cut back and shorts, it looks very close to something like this in shape. On top of that, as you can see rather clearly in her outfit, it is entirely see-through/mesh and is customized with fish-netting, cut-outs and various other detailing on the front (some of which rather intricate I might add, as this bodysuit may have been chosen for practical reasons, but has in that light, been fully altered to her tastes). Yelan, as per a teapot voiceline ("I'm guessing you've fallen for the rumors about me being very wealthy and having high demands for my standards of living?"), isn't someone who spends mora on things easily, but when she does for practical purposes, it's when she may splurge a bit, but it's not without reason entirely. But I digress a bit, because that's a topic for another day. Secondly, is the overcoat, this is the piece that's most easily identified by all the blues and it covers a fair bit of the bodysuit, it is also secured around the neck in a halter-design, it covers the 'outline' of her upper-chest, leaving her back bare as well, and it hangs down towards the front, ending roughly where her bodysuit does as well. And then thirdly, there's the boots, which are thigh-high and end exactly where you see the diagonal lines towards the front of her upper legs (if you look at any of the sideviews, you'll note the difference in elevation between the shaft of her boot and her leg).
What draws me most though, is the bodysuit. It's incredibly aesthetically pleasing in terms of its design, with the decision of the mesh material, along with the very specific decisions on details (ie: the fishnetting on her right side, the cut-out on its left half, the straps across her hips hiding the more intimate item of dress underneath them, and especially the separate design on the front that you'd more so find on those high-waist old-school sailor shorts with the bigger buttons at the front). The fact that it's a halter design, truly offers a more secure hold than honestly anything else would, as shoulder straps tend to slip from your shoulders (and especially being slender as she is, it becomes increasingly impossible to find something that will never slip), and strapless is absolutely not doable with all of the movement that she does. In essence, a bodysuit of this sort of design would be skintight but stretchy enough to allow for proper movement as she's really rather agile, but considering how secure of a hold it offers, it also means that (apologies for the TMI), there may not be any need for a bra, as the bodysuit would offer it, in its stead. But this also plays into practicality: the less layers, the better. I also wonder about this latter detail, because there is no sign or trace of any bra straps anywhere at all, and a halter-design bra also would be apparent somewhere. Nope, I think that darker part that you see covering her breasts is actually part of the bodysuit, and very intricately designed. I think this damn piece of clothing might be one of the most intricate parts of her outfit. I actually did find a modder that removed the 'drape' part of the overcoat that covers her abdomen, but left the upper portion of it (but you can tell from the images at the top of the post that these two 'parts' are a one piece that overlaps, due to the difference in elevation)— any way, this mod actually shows half of the frontal design of the bodysuit. Again, be aware that the part covering her chest area (the blue on one side, white on the other) is not part of the bodysuit, and instead is part of her overcoat. If she took it off, those would be gone. Now imagine the boots to be gone (which again, go up to the diagonal stripe designs at the front), and you're left with the bodysuit!
Honestly, all of this draws a magnificent image for me in my head. The sight of when she retires either in her home outside of the city, in Yanshang, or the home I headcanon that she's properly bought in Qiaoying Village (properly purchased, mind you, to help the villagers) at some point, for the night. When she takes off her boots, it would be quite casual and relaxed to see her in the bodysuit and the overcoat that covers it. And if in privacy, or around those she's more at ease around (granted, there would be nothing 'sexual' about it, she's very practical and very realistic, and there's nothing intentionally 'sexy' about it unless she intends for it to be), she'd even forego the overcoat. Yelan, walking around preparing her tea, barefoot and with her legs almost entirely bare? The epiphany of peaceful, in my head.
And a little bit of an extraordinary and beautiful sight, but that's just me... sorry, I couldn't restrain myself any longer. Hi hello, my name is Sae, and thank you for having read part 1 of my lunacy in terms of her outfit. Part 2 will focus on the actual design of the overcoat and bodysuit, and what was likely used as inspiration for her. I'm unsure whether I'll add in her hair, and accessories into that post, it'll all depend on how long it gets. But there's the intention any way.
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wriothesleybear · 1 year
It seems like there's no one else in Wriothesley's story quest except for him. You better believe I will do it the minute it comes out 😏.
On another note, they KNEW what they were doing when designing Wrio. His eyes, his build, his clothes, the HANDCUFFS idle (it seems like he's looking at us), his scolding expression, the tie fixing, HIS ASS....THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING. They wanted us to mindlessly become insatiable barking dogs for him 😩💘💘.
Godamn it. Now I'm thinking about him fvcking us on all fours in a dog suit.
-girlie anon
wait really?? not even his daughter sigewinnie. i mean im totally fine its just him but i wanna at least see interactions between the two🥺 lol but same. we'll probably have to finish the main story first in order to unlock it but itll be worth it cuz he'll be in the main story also😩 he gonna make me go woof woof bork bork the whole time🐺
oh yeah, mihoyo really be feeding us horny people grr bork bork🤤i'll give him all my money for him to come home🙏🏻💳
(if that's what he's into, i'll do it for him🤭😈 idk why but i wanna wear a maid dress for him. he'd probably be into that)
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hanniejji · 2 years
Btw ik you said you will focus on writing other things but i need to write this BEFORE I FORGET THIS😓😒
It says that Kazuha's mother died, now i have 2 ideas. What if Kazuha's mother died while giving birth to Maple or what if their mother died of illness.
For now we will do the second one 🥳!
So yk when you did au where Kazuha left Maple with Kamisato siblings?
Let's say some months after Kazuha left, Maple started to feel weird. They would get more tired, even whitout doing physically hard job, they would get sick often,it's hard for them to fall asleep and they feel weak in general. Maple at first ignore it, thinking it was nothing, but after 4 weeks they told Kamisato siblings about how weird they feel lately. Ayato called a private doctor (i bet they have a private doctor) to check what is wrong with Maple.
Maple got the same illness that their mother had, doctor said that he will keep and eye on Maple and check them here and there to see if it is bad, and that Maple should rest for a while.
(ofc Ayato wrote a letter or smth for kazuha to inform him, but that everything seems fine for now and he shouldn't be too worried)
It was going well, everything seem normal, but one day....it just...went down, you know. Maple suddenly felt worse than before. Maple got a high fever, started to feel really weak and they barely got any sleep. Their condition got worse everyday.
At that time visions hunt decree ended and Kazuha was excited to see his beloved sibling after so long! After battle,first location he went was Kamisato estate. He was expecting to see Maple doing well and happy. But...he was wrong!😱 When he entered the estate he was meet with Ayaka's (we love her!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️) sad eyes and Ayato right beside her. He asked where is Maple.
"Kaedehara we- *sigh*about Maple, last 2 days they... their condition got worse and doctor said that,well..."
"They don't have much time left." Ayato finished Ayaka's sentence." Their room is at the end of hall on right."
(Let me tell you, kazuha was faster than Sonic at that moment)
When Kazuha opened the door he saw Maple laying on bed,sleeping. Their look so...weak. Kazuha kneeled beside them, holding their tiny hands in his. Their hands were so cold and their breathing was heavy, they were slightly shaking and they had sweat on their forehead.At that moment Kazuha literally felt like a damn sword went through his chest. He didn't know what to do, he just stared at them. He felt like his whole world was destroyed.He didn't want to believe it, Maple is so young and innocent, they didn't deserve that.
"Nii-san?" He was bring back when he heard his little sibling's voice. His little Maple, his everything. They sound so weak, he barely heard them.
"is this really you? Am I dreaming?"
He kissed their forehead and laid his bandaged hand on their warm cheek. "H-hey there...No, you're not dreaming, it's me...it's all alright now, its gonna be o-okay." He didn't notice tears running down his cheek, he was to focused on Maple.
"Rest for now,okay? I'll tell you everything about my travels once you get b-better, alright?"
"Okay... goodnight nii-san..."
"Goodnight little one, p-please get better soon."
My this is so long for what 😧 yeah there is probably so much grammar mistakes but eh. NO CUZ THIS IS LONG I DIDN'T MEAN IT TO BE THAT LONG. Have a good day/night!!! <3
fuck you
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cloud-ya · 2 years
Only loosely aware of Honkai Impact, but saw some posts that sounded interesting. Who is Elysia and why is she apparently bad?
oh boi, what have you just triggered
be wary of spoilers!
General Information: Elysia is a side character from Honkai's mode Elysian Realm, which presents a simulated environment with sims of 13 warriors called Flamechasers from the time 50000 years before the main story, known as the Previous Era. she's ranked the 2nd Flamechaser - she was meant to be the 1st, but she gave up that title to someone else. as story progresses she's revealed to be the Herrscher of Origin (or Humanity or Ego, I don't know which title is used the most), basically the first Herrscher to exist and who sacrificed herself to make sure other people who turn into Herrschers remain their free will and are able to fight for humanity instead of Honkai.
(if I got anything wrong or you don't understand something, please refer to @phoenix-is-the-hottest-thing - they're our Elysian Realm lore master)
now for reasons why people consider her bad:
Bad Writing: Elysia is a shallowly written Mary Sue. Honkai has had two if not more cases of releasing Mary Sue-ish characters and while the first one ended up fine enough with all her stuff explained and executed well, Elysia ended up being a victim of Mihoyo's degrading writing quality as she was getting more and more shallow. all the characters end up being written into loving and complimenting her unconditionally and for no reason, even those who were initially sceptical and/or openly unfriendly to her.
Behaviour: she's written as someone who doesn't understand the concept of personal space, or maybe rather as someone who thinks everyone is about as friendly as her and don't mind her getting as close as she wants. she's overly friendly, touchy and even egoistic, because usually when she happens to give some compliment back it's just "you're as pretty as me". Some of dialogues with her might trigger someone with unwanted touch or never-taken-seriously trauma, at least in my case.
Fanservice: female Flamechasers were unfortunately written and designed with mostly fanservice in mind, and Elysia is no different. the design itself isn't bad, it's about as much revealing as your average female gacha game character. her personality though is clearly created for people who just want touchy anime waifu or watch some yuri given how much she keeps touching Mei (even though Mei is really not pleased with it). devs don't even try to hide it.
Cash Cow: Mihoyo did notice Elysia sells well and they're not discreet about shoving her everywhere just to get that extra money. Honkai has a trio of protagonists who are often portrayed together, but few times they even replaced one with Elysia just so she gathers some more attention than Bronya would. the shoving gets as far as making Raiden Mei's new battlesuit based fully on Elysia, almost erasing everything that's unique about her.
Retconning: there are a lot of retcons happening in new chapters, and Elysia is a subject of one (if not more) of them. the retcon refers to her sacrifice for Herrschers' free will - you see, people are known for gaining an evil alter ego when becoming Herrschers and/or lose control of themselves succumbing to Honkai's control and desire for destruction. Elysia and information about her sacrifice popped out like some sort of Deux ex machina, and her sacrifice contradicts what is shown in earlier chapters because according to its description Current Era Herrschers shouldn't have alter egos or be controlled by Honkai after it.
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dont mind me just ranting a little. i really hate the fact that honkai players in youtube comments always acts like they know the lore when their statement and argument is baseless speculation with no source whatsoever "we dont have enough information" "i think" when said info is available and straight up told in main story available on global. not to mention how the community LOVES to exaggerate how "depressing" honkai is like they have never seen an actually tragic and depressing death. constantly going "oh noooo character A is going to die 😭😭😭" when it will literally ruin their whole character arc. no seriously honkai story is wholesome compared to many stories with heavy themes. all deaths have meaning or are painted in a thick rose colored glass, the theme of the story is heartwarming (fight for all that is beautiful in the world) and they arent even in a post apocalyptic world setting. the honkai community seriously lacks people who openly critique the story writting with most overglorifying its writting.
I think it’s because Honkai got dark and then got lighter, but people didn’t really update their mental image to fit the lighter part of the story?
and now people have said it’s dark so much but it outright REFUSES to be dark anymore.
Aponia was nothing but simpery and good intentions, Kevin refuses to even consider killing Hua, Theresa is safe and sound and asleep away from the plot, the sims died and left Mei “fulfilled” rather than sad, nobody is mad at her for colluding with the enemy either…
I’m not mad that good things happen, but I like it when I think things might turn bad, too. I loved the darkness of the deaths in EE— it’s just that the ending basically makes them pointless, erasing the darkness with the rose tinted glasses. Honestly if they’d been just a little less intense on the Mary Sue Elysia they would’ve had me with a favorite chapter. It was dark and then it had a lighter twist and a kinder ending— much like Shattered Samsara, but it just doesn’t work at all for me.
Weird isn’t it? Shattered Samsara’s my favorite animation, too. What did they get wrong?
I think, in great part, Shattered Samsara was great because we were used to horrible outcomes and we were surprised by a good one. There’s pleading and emotional tension and the kinder ending is earned by Kiana struggling through pain and acknowledging all of it, all the darkness, and she’ll help Hua carry that burden. It’s cathartic, it’s awesome, and heartwarming, and until she decides that NO she won’t accept the sacrifice you don’t quite know Hua will survive this. (midway through).
Everlasting Flames and Because of You both have a fakeout loss that don’t hold up two seconds— there’s no tension because we know they win. Narratively there’s no doubt that they’re gonna win. If they lost, it would’ve subverted our expectations, but Mihoyo refuses to let them lose anything, especially Everlasting Flames. For Kiana this still works because it’s her apogee, her triumphant moment; a surprise would have meant the story has another twist coming, so it’s… fine. Good, just not as emotionally intense due to predictability. It’s good.
For Elysia… the exact outcome was more uncertain, but the surprise would have been that someone survives. They announced the deaths and then they died. Either no tension or disappointment. It’s the third animation in a row I was getting bored by, and it’s a treat for the eyes but not narratively significant in any way.
Everlasting Flames is a triumph; its narrative consequence is showcasing Kiana’s final push of growth into a realized individual.
Thus Spoke Apocalypse is a bittersweet epitaph for a man who announced that he’d die to accomplish his goal, and did. It isn’t necessarily all that interesting (it wasn’t to me, I skipped through) but it’s got the narrative significance of giving him the ending he has strived for all this time. It’s a reward for Otto just as much as it’s his funeral.
Because of You…
You get exactly what you were told you would get and you can skip the animation entirely without missing anything. Elysia tells Mei she’s going to fight, take back the other sims, then destroy ER, and she does exactly that in that order. It has no narrative value beyond giving a band-aid of a conclusion to an arc that skidded and refused to acknowledge death is tragic in its last moment, too focused on trying to state over and over and over again what we already knew: that there’s beauty and goodness in the world. (Not despite the bad. The bad gets such little consequence that it might as well not exist. The Show not Tell rule is crying.)
People have called out Because of You claiming it copies Everlasting Flames but that’s not quite right; it’s that they share the same story beats (main character gets beaten by Herrscher then rises again in very shiny glory thanks to the power of friendship).
Except for Everlasting Flames, you could forgive that because it was a peak, a triumph— glory is predictable, but you can get fucked over in an infinite amount of ways.
There’s just no tension. Thus Spoke Apocalypse I got bored halfway but at least it had angsty flashbacks and a bittersweet end— if I’d actually cared for Otto’s fate I would’ve probably enjoyed it very much. I like nuance.
Everlasting Flames didn’t need nuance because it was about glory and growth and Kiana coming into her own.
Because of You needed nuance so bad, and it didn’t get it. Closest we get is HoC saying she did think Elysia is beautiful which is… honestly kind of laughable.
And ever since that part of the story, nothing really dark has been allowed to happen? Earth people are gone but literally not ONE person we know has been affected so far. Schicksal HQ and Salt Lake Base are fine. The robot guy is cool with his new body his bestie Jackal made for him. Stigma will end in dreams rather than blood even if the villains get their way. Bronya basically greets Mei with “hi”, feeling no negative emotion whatsoever despite being one of those to pick up the pieces after Mei left Kiana for World Serpent, we’re not even allowed to play their spar. I haven’t caught up with the update from yesterday but I don’t think there’s a lot of tragedy— couldn’t they have at least made a flame-chaser one of the living dead for some real pain? It’s just MEI being like whelp we’re gonna die anyway and Prometheus going :/ so far.
I don’t think spoiler culture makes any sense, and this isn’t that. It’s about tension. It’s about taking me along on the roller coaster ride and making me fear the speed and the height even when I know I’m safe. This is turning into a merry go round in a bad way. :T
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