#map pins
packedwithpackards · 9 months
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Cummington locations visited are mapped above. I visited these places in 2017. Originally shared on this blog in Nov. 2022.
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lupical-912 · 1 year
Genshin Map Hack:
Having trouble placing a map pin because it’s too close to a Waypoint or another pin?
Click the map button for “Domains Only”. Then go ahead and place your pin exactly where you wish!
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basslinegrave · 2 months
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b&w originals
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oocdc-tweets · 13 days
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laurapetrie · 9 months
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I believed in magic, fairies, and elves. I even talked to my dolls and stuffed animals. My mother had told me that at night after I went to sleep, the toys and dolls would come alive, and would dance and sing while we slept. This really fascinated me. I forced myself to stay awake. I lay in bed for hours, rubbing my eyes to keep them open. I didn’t even dare to breathe out loud because I didn’t want to scare the dolls away. At every noise I started, hoping to see them come alive. But of course, I was bitterly disappointed when they remained lifeless. Looking back at all this, I’m not certain that all that fantasy is good for a child. I wouldn't encourage that much make-believe in one of my children—it would just make reality that much harder to take. - NATALIE WOOD
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cordelia-herondale · 1 year
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Now, what were the complications?
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gothamghostwhispers · 4 months
Metaverse teleports into Artem’s house, obviously frazzled.
“You have no idea how much of a life saver you are.” They say, picking themself off the ground. “I did NOT want to talk to that guy.” With the way they say “that guys,” you would think they were talking about a rogue or the Joker himself, not Timothy Drake-Wayne.
He lands in the foyer of the Manson Manor. Startling Artem a bit.
“Oh! Hi Metaverse, of course. You’re welcome here anytime, let me take you to the kitchen it can be easy to get lost”
[ @beechaotic ]
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prongs-f-potter · 3 months
Prongs here. Known to most as James Potter (the most amazing marauder and prankster at Hogwarts)
OOC: This is an rp account with
Pronouns: He/Him
Best Friend: Sirius Black
Loml: @reg-a-black ❤️
Quidditch position: Seeker
I’m one of the four amazing founders of the marauders map. I’m also a Hogwarts legendary prankster!
I will protect my friends with my life. I’m amazing at Transfiguration. Love Quidditch.
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Introduction Post:
Hey hey people! This is my intro post!
I am both tired and a coward and have made a separate account to interact with the Marauders/Harry Potter fandom without having to deal with the TERFs every time I open tumblr. I must make it clear that I DO NOT support JKR in any way. I WILL NOT tolerate bigotry and WILL block you and tell others to block you too if I see any.
You can call me Spectr. My pronouns are she/her, and I'm aroace. I'm older than 18, but I'm sex repulsed so I basically won't ever reblog smut or NSFW. Minors are welcome, but I swear a lot, so maybe don't stick around if that makes you uncomfy.
This blog is for all my Harry Potter and Marauders headcanons, hot takes (and ice cold takes), art, fanfic if I ever get around to it, and general discussion. And yes, I consider the Harry Potter fandom and the Marauders fandom to be two wildly different beasts.
More about me under the cut:
I'm a LOUD AND PROUD HUFFLEPUFF! BADGERS UNITE! Seriously, literally every test I have ever taken, Pottermore or otherwise, good and bad, has put me in Hufflepuff. I am so agressively Puff it's not even funny. My secondary house is Ravenclaw, and my Ilvermorny house is (probably) Pukwudgie.
My favorite Marauder is Remus Lupin because I am basic and predictable. My favorite HP character in general is Ginny Weasley. Which leads into the next point:
I am very much a book fan, not a movie fan. I've read all the books at least 5 times, but have read the Sorceror's Stone and The Prisoner of Azkaban more times than I can count. I have watched the first 3 movies all the way through once and have only seen the later movies in bits and pieces. I don't hate them, but they're not my favorites.
In case you didn't catch it in that last paragraph, I'm American, and nothing I write will be Britpicked. Sorry.
While I loved Harry Potter as a kid and have a deep emotional attachment to it, it is a children's book with a LOT of worldbuilding and story issues. I like to use the world and magic as a sandbox to play in, less as a strict rule.
I don't really care too hard on ships. My aroace ass honestly says "the less you focus on it the better," but if you write it well, any dynamic can be good. That said, my usual likes are as follows:
Marauders: wolfstar (I'm basic trash), jily (again, basic trash), peter thinks everyone is hot but never gets to seriously date anyone r.i.p., marlene mckinnon/mary macdonald (although marlene has a fat crush on Dorcas Meadowes that never really goes away), Dorcas Meadowes/Pandora Lovegood, and optional Rosekiller but I get sad if we spend too much time with the Slytherins.
HP: Ron/Hermoine, Ginny/Harry if you like or Ginny/Luna if you don't, dislike Tonks/Lupin but I don't care that much, and I really really don't give a shit about anyone else.
I hate muggle AUs with a burning passion (no shame if you like them, just not my cup of tea), but I do like it when we get to let the wizards use muggle tech and in general be more integrated into the muggle world.
Peter Pettigrew is a marauder and I will DIE on this hill. I will defend this slimy turncoat disaster rat man to the end of my life. Please fight me, I'm excited.
I'm about to lose my goddamn mind scrolling through tags and looking for people to follow. Please reblog this or follow me first to make my life easier. Peace out!
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trans-cuchulainn · 3 months
i would like a word that conveys "if any attraction, then no distinction in type of attraction, but rarely attraction" but it feels like all the words for the if and but rarely parts of that sentence require me to buy into the distinction first before i can articulate them
perhaps this is not the case but i have not yet found this word
like there doesn't seem to be an umbrella demi- or whatever for attraction that isn't inherently reliant on classifying that attraction as either romantic or sexual (and thus implying/stating that it's one or both and nothing else) (the nothing else part is important too. what if it's "both, and". what if they're not different things. what if it's secret third thing. what then)
i want to articulate the rarity of my attraction without automatically/always buying into a model that doesn't particularly accurately describe my experiences. it might be useful sometimes, but i don't want it to be built-in from the beginning. but it seems that language doesn't quite exist
i'm struggling even to articulate what it is that i'm trying to describe that i don't have a word for. the thing is, the rarity is the important part. the rarity comes first, before other considerations like gender, because in the question of "who are you attracted to" the answer is "very few people" before it's anything else. so it is important to define that part somehow. (in fact, the rarity makes it pretty much impossible to pin down what the "typical" direction of that attraction might be, so that's the only bit i can answer honestly.) this is the part that puts me squarely in the a- or demi- prefix zone
but "what kind of attraction is it that you feel on the rare occasions that you feel it" is currently being presented as the immediate next question and that is not a question i can or particularly want to answer, or feel is usually all that useful to me personally! that's the issue i'm having
"what is your sexuality" "infrequent" like i'm sorry bro but that's all i've got
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packedwithpackards · 9 months
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Hingham Historical Society to Bridgewater's First Cemetery, 18.4 miles away from each other. I visited these places in 2017. Originally shared on this blog in Nov. 2022.
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just-bendy · 1 year
Hey bendy! where are you going next?
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BENDY: It says right here in my notes that the next place we're goin' ta check are the movies! It's just right around the c-
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BEAR: O-oh! I'm sorry! Are ya okay? Did ya hurt yer face when ya bumped into me?
PEANUT: *squeak squeak!*
BENDY: Nah, I'm alright. It didn't hurt.
BEAR: Oh.... that's a relief!
BENDY: It looks like I bumped into a couple of fellow clones! Let's get ta know them a little bit before sendin' 'em ta the park.
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toastedstims · 1 year
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A cartography stimboard with foxes for @aerkachr !!!
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philamotrising · 3 months
lore checkpoint
a series of loosely connected groups of dragons in and around dragonhome
tenebris grove - an unnatural grove of gloomy pine trees north of the border with the tangled wood. filled with crumbling ruins and overgrown underbrush, a new town has sprung up in response to greater trade throughout dragonhome (tag)
the hallowbluffs - at the top of a high pillar off the eastern coast of dragonhome sits refuge. not all clans reacted well to sornieth's recent elemental upheaval, and some drakes have needed a place to escape and rest (tag)
the faded canyon - a ravine at the eastern edge of dragonhome, where the elemental magics of the labyrinth clash with the earth. the result is the forgotten woods - a magically potent location that plays host to all manner of folk, both strange and mundane (tag)
wanderers - the rhythms of dragonhome lend themselves to meandering, and many find themselves drawn to a path, rather than a place. of course, not all are respectable travellers, and others still are outright criminals. nevertheless, they wander the cracks and crevices of the earthshaker’s realm, and as such are his children.
the cliffhang outpost - tucked in the walls of a crack in the shattered plain, the remnants of a mercenary company live amongst the ancient canyonhomes. their numbers aren’t great, so they’ve turned from more traditional mercenary practices to training other drakes instead. perhaps it doesn’t lend itself to the glory and tales of the old times, but the stories they tell now are less gory, and their coffers are fuller. (aka my lored fodder trainers)
this is a side blog - my main blog is @humofnight
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thetoweringneedle · 11 months
To those who have bloons td 6, i hope youve heard of the new map editor that just got added! yeah, i covered it just yesterday but ive got something to announce for those who want some g/t...
I made my own custom maps involving giant pin (because i can)! 🍎📌
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they might look pretty average but honestly, that's the best i could do hehe... i did use tricks such as formatting and sketching to assist myself into making them, but i still can't persist for longer despite that. looking very detailed anyway!
so HERES PIN HOLDING OUR PLANET AND LYING ON THE OCEAN... play them by copying their IDs above, and i hope u enjoy the small g/t dosage on your favorite strategy game!
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sillyabtmusic · 7 months
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Kingdom as Tarot (insp, psd)
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