#no matter how fucking absolutely 100% real they feel they aren't and they shouldn't be happening there's no reason for this shit
invisiblyvisiblejay · 11 months
what if i just went home lol like literally just fucking walked out and walked home like technically it's 8 and the meeting is over i could just not fucking go back
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Okay, no, y'know what? I've made a post about this before, but it's making me mad again and I think this bears repeating: the scene leading up to Stayed Gone is NOT proof that Vox is just as bad to Val as Val is to him, and claiming that it is plays into very real misconceptions about abuse. We don't know everything about their relationship, but THAT SCENE SPECIFICALLY features EXCLUSIVELY Val as the aggressor. Yes, Vox yells at Val, but he doesn't throw anything. Yes, he manipulates Val, but hE'S DOING IT TO STOP HIM FROM SHOOTING UP A GODDAMN BUILDING I THINK THAT'S A PRETTY GOOD FUCKIN REASON!!!!!!!! The only thing Vox does in that scene that I would consider a genuine red flag is grabbing and throwing Val after Val brings up Alastor. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING ELSE he does is in response to something Val did. In fact, how about I give a play by play of the scene???
Vox enters Val's room to get him to stop breaking Velvette's shit
Val starts yelling at Vox
Val throws a glass directly at Vox's head, which Vox casually dodges
Val continues yelling
Val breaks Vox's phone
Val starts threatening to shoot up the hotel
Vox tells him to stop, but Val doesn't listen
Vox yells in Val's face to get his attention and then manipulates him into not shooting up a building
Vox tells Val he can shoot the lowest earners
Val brings up Alastor to intentionally piss off Vox
Vox grabs Val and throws him because Val didn't tell him where Alastor is sooner
The two watch the hotel
Val gets mad at Vox for not paying attention to him
Val starts taunting Vox about Alastor
Vox gets mad at Val for taunting him
Valentino is ABSOLUTELY in the wrong here!!!! I'm sorry he just fuckin is!!!! This is not mutual abuse like so many people love to say, this is Vox reacting apropriately to some really fucking awful behavior from his partner. The one, singular instance of Vox being abusive is immediately followed up by Val CONTINUING TO MAKE HIM ANGRIER BECAUSE HE THINKS IT'S FUNNY. Just because Vox isn't taking the abuse lying down doesn't mean it isn't still abuse oh my GOD- yes, Vox grabbing Val because Val didn't tell him about Alastor is bad. No matter how angry you are, you shouldn't throw your partner. I am not trying to excuse that one singular thing. That was a shitty thing to do. But everything else Vox does in this scene is justifiable. Fighting back against someone who is endangering both you and themself isn't abuse, and people claiming that it is can be seriously damaging to victims. Using this scene as proof of StaticMoth being equally toxic is borderline victim blaming. I'm sorry it just is.
Aaaaaaand just to reiterate because I don't feel like arguing in the comments; I am talking EXCLUSIVELY about this one scene. I am not saying you can't ship StaticMoth, and I am not saying that Vox is 100% exclusively a victim in their relationship. We don't know enough about their dynamic to tell. What I AM saying is that this scene isn't the slam dunk for mutually toxic StaticMoth that everybody seems to think it is, and continuing to claim that perpetuates some legitimately harmful mindsets. I try not to get this serious with my Hazbin analysis, I really, truly do, because these characters aren't real people and getting upset over how they're being treated is pointless because they have no feelings. I'm only making this post because the mindset a lot of people seem to have regarding this scene is one that can ALSO lead to problems for real people. It's the mindset that leads to people not taking victims seriously if they fight back, the mindset that makes it harder for real people suffering real abuse to come forward. If you want a more in-depth look into why exactly this is harmful, I highly, HIGHLY recommend Princess Weekes' video on mutual abuse. It's very well researched and made by somebody with a lot more experience writing these types of breakdowns then I have.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
So do you ever think that the whole Cat God thing in the Amphibia felt kinda out of left field? Like aside from Anne rambling when high on painkillers (which is not good foreshadowing), the Cat God feels like it came out of nowhere with barely any build up and only really exists purely so they wouldn't have to end the show with Anne 100% dead.
So... I really like it. It's maybe one of the few really good fake out deaths out there because it would have genuinely sucked if Anne were dead at the end of the series but having her briefly die for once has an actual POINT to it in the story, as well as one other part I like about it that I'll get to. Most things that do this sort of death can't say they have a real point to it. For them, it's just a heroic sacrifice to show things are serious and then it's various levels of questionable of how they turn it around when they get back. *glares daggers at Kingdom Hearts 3*
Amphibia is all about change though. How change can be painful, how it can be great, the good, the bad, and what we must sacrifice for it. A story about change that never addresses death is arguably incomplete in its themes. Death is one of the most painful changes in our life after all and rarely do we get to have a choice in the matter. Rarely does it get to mean something. Anne at least got to have it be her choice and to have it be in order to save the world she loved and change it for the better, while the Core wanted to change it for the absolute worst.
So her dying makes sense. It's kind of just the natural final note for the theme to go out on. So how do I justify the god coming out of nowhere?
Well, a lot of it has to do with Amphibia's writing. For once, not just that it is a looser sort of show with a better comedy focus than something like TOH. No, this time it has to do with the writing around the stones and around the god. The stones are always portrayed to us as gifts. Even Aldrich says it is their greatest treasure and that no one knows where they came from. They have prophecies about it. It's very BIG fantasy. Not High Fantasy but BIG, the sort that includes gods and what not. Honestly, one could argue it's taking cues from Greek storytelling in that way with chosen heroes, divine gifts, etc. like that.
So when the god appears and says the stones were all a game/test... Yeah, I buy it. They are unfathomably powerful, they aren't fully known by anyone, no matter how much anyone claims to understand them and all you have to do for their full power is to ask. Send a prayer to the one who made them.
But it gets better. I LOVE that it was an offhand thing for the god that then got annoying. That they decided to change things for no reason by giving mortals unlimited power and had to scold itself for TEN THOUSAND YEARS for what a mistake that was. It treated life as a game, fucked around and found out.
Which actually brings us to the final thing: The fact that Anne's kindness is rewarded. While community and change are major themes of the show, the driving force behind pretty much the entirety of the show is compassion and understanding as what brings about positive community and change. In her sacrifice, she showed the ultimate compassion she could for her world, her friends showed understanding by knowing they shouldn't stop Anne if this was her choice and for that, she is given the chance for godhood.
But Anne doesn't back off from her choice. She accepted death and she doesn't see herself as a queen. She isn't about to become like Sasha or the Core and take power just because it's in front of her. Not when she's made plenty of mistakes during the show. In that humility, she is given a chance to finish growing but they don't take back the impact on the theme. She still accepted the ultimate change. She even accepted it over power over everyone because she didn't just assume it'd be a purely positive change for everyone.
And all of that is part of why to me, the catgod works. Admittedly, from a pacing standpoint, it's about the only way to pull Amphibia's tone back to where they can start cracking jokes and what not and have an ending that feels like Amphibia rather than some dower, bittersweet farewell which is in and of itself smart for the show.
There's a LOT in Amphibia like this. Where if not for smart, cohesive choices made on all levels, and a genuine understanding of what it is on all levels, the choices wouldn't work or they'd be stupid or rushed, etc. like that.
But Amphibia is smart enough to make it all work, almost like a capricious god playing with a world, though not without a couple cracks at the fault lines. But that's just texture since a perfect product is a boring product.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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aspd-culture · 1 year
I'm miserable. I've relapsed in my ED and the only person I can truly confide in is my exception. Except he's going through some very heavy shit right now and likely doesn't have the energy to check messages. Yet I can see when he's online and no matter how much I try to calm myself down it still feels like he's consciously ignoring me and it's making my spiral 100 times worse even though this isn't his goddamned fault. I have to use so much fucking energy right now to keep myself from lashing out and I want him to fucking BE HERE FOR ME WHEN I'M HAVING THE WORST RELAPSE OF MY LIFE and it fucking hurts but I know I need to give him space and its so fucking hard. I'm alone and there's no one to talk to and I can't shake the irrational fear that he fucking hates me and that my issues have finally scared him away. Why can't I stop being so selfish, he's going through an even worse crisis right now and I just want him to myself, what's wrong with me?? Why am I in so much pain and WHY am I so fucking entitled???? it hurts, everything hurts. Everything fucking hurts and I just want it to stop.
I feel this so much. For people who have as much trauma as pwASPD do, especially since it usually develops from not being taken care of/supported properly in your trauma, it can be very difficult for us to tolerate having to go through things by ourselves when the people around us are struggling themselves/don't have the bandwidth to help us. It's a painful reminder of the struggling we did as children when there was absolutely no reason we shouldn't have been taken care of.
There's no easy one-size-fits-all answer to how to make yourself feel okay with this. The answer may just be to try to do your best to accept and feel these feelings and just not take them out on that person. It's ok to privately feel like you're entitled to their help and feel that anger as long as you aren't externalizing that. At the end of the day, what you're feeling is real and valid even if it is not by prosocial standards a rational, typical, or "acceptable" reaction. If you're not dragging them into that feeling, you're doing a great job already.
But that doesn't make it easier for you, of course, and not taking it out on them is not an easy task. For me, I am basically constantly reminding myself during situations like this that I am not that helpless child anymore. There are things I can do for myself to make my situation easier to some degree. I am able to support myself a lot better than I used to be able to. This helps remind my brain that this is not the situation it was as a kid, where to survive and adapt properly, I needed that external assistance for almost everything. I am stronger and more capable now. I remind myself that I have gotten through things not many other people have, when I was much younger than I should have been to be dealing with it, and did it almost entirely alone. I remind myself constantly that I can do this. Usually, I don't believe myself, but I repeat these things anyway. The human brain is an easy thing to trick just by simple repetition. If you're able to without feeling worse/triggering yourself, you can also remind yourself in detail of the things you have made it through that were similar or worse than this, and to think you made it through that when you were even younger? This won't be easy, of course, but if you survived those things, this has to at least be *doable*, right?
Sometimes, with things like EDs (which I have sadly spent a lot of time dealing with myself and still struggle with sometimes), I work on distraction - easier said than done, and I do have an advantage from being autistic so I can engage with a special interest which will naturally pull my attention to it without much effort on my part - and the concept of one day (or hour or half hour or ten minutes or whatever amount of time you can say "I would be ok if I only had to struggle for the next X minutes") at a time, then repeat. For me, with my ED, it's usually 15 minutes. So I say, "ok, I can handle this for 15 minutes," and then when that runs out, I reset my internal timer. It's important *not* to use an external timer because that will drag your attention to it. Just keep reminding yourself if you notice the time has passed, "I can handle this for x minutes" and do it again. Sooner or later, the urge will (for the moment) ease up, and you won't notice you stopped counting the minutes, and then you do that again for the next urge. This technique usually gets easier the more times you do it, because as it builds a success rate, you become more confident in being able to handle it for that amount of time and become less stressed by the repetition. The first time you do this method is pretty much definitely the hardest.
As for the person being online, I would try to remember that the internet is often a distraction from the struggles someone is going through. They likely aren't casually online - they are probably using it to cope much like you are. And for the fear that he hates you or has been scared off by your issues, is it possible he might feel the same way right now? Is it possible that he wants to be there for you (if he knows about the problem) and feels guilty that he just can't right now? These things tend to make me feel better, which I don't feel great about but it's true so why not remind myself of it.
Sometimes, when the flare is at it's worst, I let my thoughts go to a very antisocial place. I let myself picture the hell I know my partner goes through at times he can't help me - picture seeing and hearing and thinking everything he does in those moments (he struggles with hallucinations hence the see and hear), and how upset and scared he must be. It makes me feel weird that it helps me, but I think it's something close to empathy? To remind myself how scary it is and feel comfort in realizing he is really, really struggling in his own way and that is why he can't help me? Idk. Maybe it's nothing like what prosocials feel but if it helps, it helps. I know I'm not a bad person for imagining my partner's struggle and feeling relieved because I'm not happy he's struggling - I am just happy that he is not ignoring me for no reason. It also usually makes it easier for me to help *him* when it gets like that, which in turns gives me some distraction from my stuff.
Also, try to keep in mind that you are not being entitled by being hurt that he can't help you. While he has a good reason to not be able to, that is still painful. Humans are meant to rely on each other, and this is just a bit of that instinct that you still have. That's ok, and it's such a good thing that you trust him enough to want his help. And he will probably be so proud of you for making it through this, and so glad that you made it, and he may be pretty guilty that he couldn't help you too.
Again, this might not all work for you, but it's worth a shot.
If nothing else, know that I am here for you, and I believe you can get through this. I am so proud of you for how far you have made it, and I know this relapse will not get the better of you. You are so strong, and I know that because I know the situations that cause ASPD. You have made it through before, and you can make it through again. It won't last forever, even though it feels like it will, trust me. You can do this.
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unlikely-bloom · 1 year
Honestly the constant discourse about Kyman, as someone who ships it, is kinda making me want to distance myself from what used to be my OTP. People speaking ill of Kyman shippers is working on me and starting to make me worry that I'm doing something wrong by shipping it. I shouldn't care about what ppl on the internet think and I usually don't but constantly being told that I'm "supporting" something thats "abusive" or problematic is getting to me. Like dammit, I didn't even know about the discourse when I got into Kyman; I got into it by watching the show itself and it was my first SP ship but honestly if I knew that people gave a shit about it in the SP fandom I probably wouldn't have bothered. It'll always have a place in my heart but I'm getting tired of this shit 😔 Im extra emotional rn so Im not being rational here and you dont have to publish this. I know fandom shouldn't have that affect on me I'll get over it after Style vs. Kyman fight 2192943290 blows over. Idk if you're comfortable with vents sorry if I crossed a boundary here.
Oh, anon. It never used to be like this.
Fandom discourse these days is insane. Unhinged, even. The idea that anyone is more morally correct than someone else for what they ship and enjoy in fiction is absolutely ludicrous. Especially within the context of shipping fucking South Park characters.
The hard truth is that every fandom is like this now. You don't have shipping wars just arguing over what makes more sense 'in canon', but moving on to an ever-changing line of what is and isn't 'morally acceptable.' As if that's ever something the majority of people would ever agree on. (Hint: it's not!)
But there is a certain irony to see people arguing this for South Park of all things, as if we aren't all equally degenerate for enjoying such a 'problematic' show in the first place. Like... seriously. Be so serious, people. It's South Park. Everything is exaggerated for comedic effect-- including character's personalities, their actions and their relationships to one another. It's never going to be a character driven show no matter how much this fandom sometimes wishes it was. We're going to have characters who don't give a fuck about each other, literally wishing death or plotting to kill each other in one episode and then they're just going to be chilling playing video games in the next episode like nothing happened. It's episodic. That's part of the appeal. It's why it's such a sandbox.
Even if you didn't ship Kyman, their dynamic is impossible to ignore, try as some might. They say they hate each other, yet they keep hanging out. Both parties are there of their own volition. They both enjoy each other's company, and no amount of write-up's anyone can post on tumblr dot com is going to change that canon fact. They're friends.
Also-- they are just plain fun to watch, fucking hilarious and a huge appeal of the show! If someone else who watches the show doesn't like them, that's their problem. Them not liking an aspect of the show isn't going to make that part of the show any less valid and/or canon. And guess what? You're supposed to like their dynamic. It's supposed to be entertaining and captivating. How you interpret it is up to you, but there is 100% nothing wrong with watching an episode of South Park and enjoying Eric and Kyle's dynamic-- that is what you're supposed to do. So don't feel bad about it. The show is made for people to enjoy, after all. Also, it's important to keep in mind that just because you can find a dynamic appealing doesn't mean you endorse everything about it. That's such a wild and new-age fandom take. Fiction is an escape-- a safe space to explore unrealistic relationships and unrealistic characters. You're allowed to like fucked up things in fiction. You're allowed to like stuff in fiction you'd find repulsive or abhorrent in real life.
I think I can speak for a good chunk of the fandom when I say, I'd fucking hate Eric Cartman in real life. Hell, I'd probably hate Kyle, too. I have a lot of favourite characters from different fandoms I'd probably hate in real life. They're fun because they're fictional and it's different from real life. If I wanted to read about stuff that happens in real life, I wouldn't be here.
In the end, anon, fandom is supposed to be fun. To me it's just fun to take these silly little egg construction paper kids, draw 'em as anime characters, and give 'em some angst. It's fun! There's so much to do with them! They're soooo dynamic!
But if you're not having fun-- if you're stressing-- there's nothing wrong with taking a step back for your own mental well-being. I'm not about to tell you your feelings are invalid, because I know how any internet discourse, no matter how trivial or silly it may seem, can still stress you out. If you're constantly being told you're morally corrupt or problematic, it can take a toll on you-- even if you know you're not. The truth is you're never going to agree with everyone on the internet, and people will weaponize something as trivial as a South Park ship to make them feel better about their ship while also making you feel worse about your ship.
Anyways, when it comes to stepping back, I think there's a few ways you could go about this;
You could disengage with the social part of the fandom-- focus on the show itself, maybe just hunker down with some fanfics.
If you'd like to remain active on social medias, I think it wouldn't hurt to start blocking liberally. Anyone who has anything along the lines of 'Kymans DNI' in their profile, just block right away. You don't want to see their opinion, anyways. You're never going to convince them otherwise.
If you have a few close friends, I recommend sticking close in a small private discord server where you can discuss your headcanons and gossip in private. It's much more liberating than trying to get involved in any of the insane discourse that plagues both here and Twitter.
Anyways, anon, do what's right for you. Kyman shippers will always be here to welcome you back! They can say what they want-- we have too much canon fodder for us to ever go away!!
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asterekmess · 2 years
Fuck the Writing Rules
The title is more aggressive than I feel at the moment, but I couldn't think of anything better.
I see so many posts/videos/articles about writing. About pacing and plotlines and character info and hooks and background information. Every single aspect of writing, there is advice about. And sometimes it contradicts, but there are certain things that Everyone seems to agree with.
Specifically when it comes to pacing and trimming and editing. Even if someone mentions that you should keep your 'trimmings' and see if you can use them for another piece, everyone seems to agree that you want to Trim Down your work. Write the first page, then remove the first paragraph. Write a draft, then cut out all the bits that don't Directly Further the story. Nip and Tuck and Trim and Cut until your story is Streamlined and everything relates to the main plotline and there's no extra bits hanging off the edges. Until everything Pushes the Plot.
And sure, this can be Incredibly helpful advice for people! I guess. Sometimes. Maybe. Once in a while.
But god damn it, I hate seeing it.
It always makes me angry and GUILTY because I do NOT do this. I almost NEVER cut things from my work. Not for the express purpose of streamlining or simplifiying or trying to fix Pacing. Never. I don't Immediately start on hooks or give out only the Important details or cut scenes that aren't directly relating to the main plot. I hoard Every Fucking Thing I write, and fics that could easily be trimmed down to 10-15k end up at 50k or 60k. So I feel guilty. I'm supposedly a Good Writer, but I don't do this basic thing. My works are FILLED with Random side bits and unimportant chit-chat and smalltalk and the tiniest details that Don't need to be there at all. I focus on days where nothing happens and I give scenes that have No real purpose for the story.
But you know what?
Do you have any idea how many comments I have gotten over the years from readers about how much they Absolutely Adore that I don't cut shit? In one of my most Popular fics, it takes me 13 Chapters to get to the main plot of the story. Out of 27.
Even if you consider how many people Didn't like it and thought that it was too drawn out, but just didn't bother telling me bc it would be rude to complain, that in NO WAY discounts the HUNDREDS of comments I received telling me how Delighted the reader was that I took my time, and how heartbroken they would have been if I cut even one scene.
And it just re-enforces this fury I have with the constant bombardment of Cut Trim Snip Delete Erase that writers get.
Yes, having a story that drags and drags isn't good. But you can have the most fast-paced streamlined story ever and it can STILL drag if it doesn't ever draw the reader in in the first place. If the reader doesn't care about what's happening, they are still going to skim or speedread to get to the end. And on the flip side, you can have the longest fucking stories, 100-200-500k stories, that NEVER drag. That the reader is GLUED to and Invested In despite every out of the blue convo or irrelevant character arc/scene.
And it's unfair to say "oh, well that's just in FIC. Real stories shouldn't be like that," because do you have ANY IDEA how massive fanfiction is as a written medium? It's JUST as prevalent as the fiction genre. No one ever fucking yelled at homer for the Odyssey being so goddamn boring and his rambling about the color of the sea and the shape of the island. It doesn't matter that it's a 'classic'; if you're following this rule, then the story is Still Bad.
But that's my point! You don't have to follow this rule! It isn't a RULE.
It's like artistic references that teach you how to draw the correct relative size of body parts for a character study. Sure, knowing how to do that helps, but if it doesn't match your preferred style, then DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT.
The best reason to know rules, is so that you know how to Break Them.
Now, one could argue (and it would honestly not be an unsafe assumption) that because I have spent so many years writing and studying writing, that the reason people are still able to enjoy my work despite the lack of reasonable pacing, is because I know HOW to do it well. How to make the pacing roll like a wave on a beach so that you have slow parts and fast parts but you don't get Dumped into it, you just drift through the motions. I struggle a lot with memory loss, but I've been studying and working in creative writing/language for SO LONG, that I manage to do the good stuff anyway. It's instinctive. I don't know HOW or WHY I do something, I just do it, and it works. It's not natural talent, it's ingrained, learned ability. So, maybe I literally just know enough to do the Advanced technique of having uneven pacing that Still Works. It's true that everything I write has A purpose, even if it's not THE purpose. Everything I put has something to do with a character's thoughts/need/feelings at the time. With their core traits and how those are shifting. With how the environment is moving and setting up other things. With how a relationship is developing or GOING to develop very far in the future. Everything has a reason to be there, they just aren't "Big" reasons.
And they don't need to be. Not everything has to be about the main plot! Sometimes you can give the reader background into your character that will have NO effect on the outcome of the story, and you can do it just so that the reader gets to Know the character better. Empathizes better. Cares More.
Slice of life fics are so precious and loved, because they let us see the character Outside of the stress of the main plotline. You can't have the Stress without the Relaxation, or it destroys the Weight that the stress carries. How are you supposed to know just how heartbroken someone is, just how PUshed to their Limits they are....if you've never EVER gotten to see them in their comfort zone? If you never see someone smile, there is no goddamn reason to care if they cry, because that's ALL THEY DO.
The inclusion of benign moments in the midst of your horror or action-packed story is so important, because it makes the moments when things ARE action-packed and fast-pace Feel that way when the reader realizes those benign moments are suddenly MISSING. If I write a character who is Always running from one spot to the next saving the day without a single break, it's going to dull out. It's exhausting for the reader just as much as it is for the character. But if I write a character who has normal days. Who goes to the nearest gas station in their downtime and grabs candy bars, or visits a park to go for a relaxed run. And then I Take Those Away and throw them into a panicked state? it'll hit more because the reader will SEE the absence of their normal routine. No more candy bars. No more running that isn't fueled by a desire not to be ripped apart. You Feel the absence, and it makes the panic that much more real.
How often do we get angry at show-runners for never letting their characters have down-time? For crushing so much plot into so little time and just Pushing toward the next one and the next one. Shoving subplots in until there's no room left for the characters to EXIST.
But it doesn't have to be like that.
Here's MY advice on pacing.
Be sure everything you write has a purpose. Period. It doesn't need to be big! It doesn't need to relate to the overarching plot or theme. Just having a Reason. ANY REASON. Is enough. Are you giving A a good day so that when everything goes wrong they're more upset? That's good! Send them for ice cream or something. Are you giving A and B a quiet moment together to bond, because they haven't gotten to be alone together for far too long? Perfect! Are you letting B share a tangential story in the middle of a serious moment that lowers the tension of the whole room and reveals something completely benign about their backstory that just makes them feel more real? That's ALL the reason you need!
Noting the color of the sky or the texture of a fabric under someone's fingers Does things. It reveals what the character considers important, or shows how their mindset is Different than usual. Are they avoiding their problems by focusing on how well someone's outfit matches their hair, or is this how they Normally see the world? Did they eat something for dinner and it was weird enough to mention? Or NORMAL enough to mention?
Establishing a baseline is important. Tell people what is normal. Casually mention that your character eats hot pockets for dinner or that their favorite show is This. or that they always park a little too far forward. Just let it trickle into the work and don't feel like you have to delete it all just because it doesn't Move The Plot Forward.
Fuck the plot. Live in your world. The readers WANT to be there with you, and they don't know all the fun shit you do! Share it with them!
You will get better as you go. Yeah, some of your stories will drag. And you'll learn from it. Don't feel bad for not following a "writing essential for making a Good Story." There is no one way to do it. You are not a failure or a cheater. You just have a different style, and if you learn to hone that ability, you can make incredible things.
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years
Yandere ocs
So I figured I should show them off..and make stories for them cause this idea won't escape my mind no matter what. Please be gentle on them
All artwork is made on picrew I don't own any of it
As far as they go I'm accepting request, questions for the characters to answer and just questions about them and if you just wanna talk to them you can via ask
Warning: contains both sfw and nsfw headcanons..also these boys are yanderes so they are kinda toxic
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Gentle giant
I'm not kidding he's 6'3"
Half japanese half american
Is a college student studying to be a doctor
Just the sweetest sweetheart
He comes across as ditzy though
He is the mom of any friend group
Will spoil his darling with affection and love
Best hubby vibes for sure
Works himself to death to provide for you both
Will give you all the headpats
"you're so sweet, a perfect angel"
Got his scar from his childhood
Loves sweets
Likes to make you lunch shaped as animals
Wholesome boy
Will never hurt you
Can be strict about self care
But completely forgets about his own self-care
Works so hard to please you
Makes sure you are never sad or anything
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As far as his yandere side
He isn't the type to get violent but is definitely the emotional manipulation type
Will make his darling seem absolutely insane
"sweetie, you shouldn't leave be logical here"
He will make his darling question their own decision making
In his eyes you are too fragile for the outside world
Listen to him, he is only trying to protect you
Doesn't like it when you fight him
Prefers a sweet darling but if you are a hothead he'll love you just as much...though your fighting and struggling will be a challenge
Will drug you if that's what it takes to keep you calm
"Just listen to me, okay? Why would you ever need to think or make your own choices when you have me?"
Definitely has a low sex drive more of a cuddler
But when he wants it he's such a gentleman about it
Will seduce you with a nice meal first before asking to make love
He will never force you to though cause he knows what that feels like
Can spend hours kissing you
Definitely has a kink for purity
If you act super innocent he just can't help but pull you into his lap and love up on you
Doesn't do any feral sex unless you've pushed him past his breaking point.
Is a switch so if you want to top him he'll allow it but he is far more comfortable being the dom
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Hikaru, 21
Young and famous model
Full japanese
Comes from a family full of actors
Flamboyant as hell will actually crossdress if he wants to cause fuck gender roles
Monster Dick energy
He comes across as loud and hyper
Seems super sweet and bubbly
Loves to dress up his darling in cute clothes and spoil them when they are well behaved
"look at my adorable baby! Oh you're such a cutie!"
Is a strawberry milk boba drinker(*cough* like me *cough*)
Will take you on shopping dates if you are good
Is the type to flaunt his credit cards
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Is actually a degrading king
He isn't the nicest yandere
Will kill an entire army if he has to
Will degrade the absolute hell out of his darling to break your self esteem and self worth
"baby, who else will want you? Honestly darling do you think anyone else actually cares about someone as worthless as you?"
Kinky as fuck
Has a bad temper
Don't piss him off or he will hurt you
"why would you ever need to leave! The only one who cares about you is me! Everyone else will just use you and throw you away!"
Is the type to try and make his darling as clingy as possible
Wants a housewife type darling no matter the gender
Wants to come home to an obedient lover ready to give him a kiss, dinner, and a BJ
Always wants to love up on you and have you in his arms
Will be grouchy if he sees you getting too confident in your looks
He fears that if you have too much self confidence you're going to leave him
"what are you wearing? It's absolutely hideous. Hmm? I bought that? Huh you must have looked cute in it then but right now you kinda look like a pig"
All in all he's a brat
If you try and dom him he will absolutely fight back and it will lead to some feral sex
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Axis, 18
100% blind
full japanese
Despite not being able to see he doesn't need a cane or anything
Though he likes it when you offer to hold his hand in public
Works at home as an artist
Is really good at it and had some of his work in museums
Like spicy foods
Like super dumb
"hey, babe is tomato sauce a smoothie? Or maybe it's like jelly..but made out of like tomatoes"
Is basically a puppy
Can't keep his hands off you
Is always kissing and loving you
Praise giving king
Has hightened senses so he definitely remembers your smell and how you walk
Always has to be with you
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Never leave
He can't handle it
Is the exact opposite of hikaru
Makes it seem like he will actually die without you
"don't leave! Please! I'm helpless without you! [Y/n]! Don't leave me by myself!"
Will make you quit your job
Will make you move in with him
Acts pathetic when you even mention leaving
Hugs your leg and sobs hard
Has fake fallen many times to get you to think he truly is helpless without you
Will have a screaming tantrum if you walk out the door
Just painful screams and sobs while he claws his own face and body out of absolute insanity
Will keep doing that until you come back to him
"s-see, I'm helpless without you. I'll die without you, I need you so please..stay with me forever"
As far as sex..
He is definitely cries during it
Loves you so much that he is just sobbing while fucking you cause you feel so good and he loves you and-
Is like a dog in heat
Loves just feeling all over your body
Sex with him usually lasts many rounds and involves him humping you to death while he sobs and drools all over you
Will sub for you if you want him to
Will honestly do anything you want as long as you are touching him
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Prince, 24
Horny 24/7
Full Korean but moved to Japan shortly after birth
Gained his name out of a magazine..thanks mom and dad
Works as a bartender
Usually a one night stand kind of guy but with you it's different
Loves sloppy kisses and cuddles
Bad boy
Aka he pretends to be a bad boy but is actually a softie who loves dogs and long walks on the beach
Goofy as hell
Loves to make you laugh
He isn't used to having a real relationship so be easy on him
Doesn't like restricting you and lets you do basically anything you want
Of course you belong to him though so no doing crazy things
Like to take you to work with him and gives you free drinks
Definitely has a fan girl club
The word sex escapes his mouth every three seconds
Sex with him is usually amazing
He's knows exactly what he's doing
As long as you love him it's all good
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The moment you try to break up with him or distance yourself he loses it
"huh? Huh huh huh huh?! You're kidding yeah?! Stop joking around"
Gets hella paranoid and locks you in his house while pacing around not sure what to do
Will kill for you like absolutely will slaughter someone if they get too close to you
He changes so dramatically it's hard to see him as the same laid back flirty guy
He gets tense and panicked
"you can't leave okay?! Don't even try to ask!"
Will start to calm down if he sees you are accepting your fate
Thinks sex will solve his problems
"you just need to see how much of a man I am yeah?! Then you'll stay right?! Of course you will!"
Spirals out of control
You belong to him in his eyes so you can't ever leave
Clearly has abandonment issues
Will try to do whatever he can to make you happy though
Want it and he will get it
just stay with him and he will be okay
Will try and do whatever he can to make you just as obsessed with him as he is for you
Clearly doesn't have experience in loving someone
He's not used to wanting someone to stay with him so he takes drastic measures to assure you never leave
Even tries getting you pregnant or making you disabled to make you make no choice but to stay
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Yuki, 21
Not picking favorites buuut-
Sleepy boy
Oddly enough is super athletic and strong..despite not working out
Half japanese half american
Responds with sounds or very few words
Forked tongue- not given to him by choice
Owns a tattoo and piercing shop
Despite this he doesn't own any tattoos
Loves to put his head on your lap or stomach
Prefers chubbier lovers but honestly will love you regardless
Will sleep the entire day without eating if you let him
Doesn't like speaking but if he has to he will
Hates any sort of loud noise, has sensitive senses
Is pretty lazy but if he has to do it he will.. though he will make random grunts and grumbles the entire time while pouting
More of a cat than a person
Quite moody
Only you're allowed to touch him
Anyone else who does he'll glare at and act cold towards
Likes to hug you from behind and lean against you no matter your height
If you're shorter than him expect him to put his chin on your head
If you are taller he's nuzzling his face in your back and taking in your smell
Can't cook to save his life
Almost burnt the house down cause he fell asleep while cooking
It's fine cause he eats microwave dinners and snacks from the convience store
Low sex drive
The king of sleepy sex
Usually all sex with him is slow,teasing and just filled with sleepy praise and compliments
Unless he's jealous or stressed then it's just rough fucking
Doesn't really act like a yandere at all.. buuut-
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Honestly thought you two were dating this whole time
What do you mean you two aren't a couple
No no sweetheart you two were dating the moment he laid eyes on you
If you try to break this fantasy he will shut it down
"we're dating."
Try and say no and he will not be able to handle it
All his delusions keep him from breaking down but if you absolutely say that you two aren't dating he will snap
"stop talking, we are dating. So stop lying"
Doesn't like the thought of kidnapping but he will do it if he must
Will even work from home if he has to
He isn't really a violent type so he won't kill for you but he will absolutely spread lies and use blackmail to get what he wants
All your friends and family think that you eloped with him and never want to see them again
It's better for you both if you just play along with his games
Will definitely tattoo his name on you
He won't ever gag you cause he likes to hear your voice but if you try to scream he honestly won't know what to do
The loudness makes him tear up and he just covers your mouth with your hands begging you to stop
"It hurt. Too Loud. Please."
He just wants to love you he doesn't see what he's doing wrong
He just wants to be with you forever so be good and don't fight him
Is definitely the stalker and stealing clothes type
Will make a nest of all your things that smell like you and he'll just lay in it being in absolute peace
Has scared any and all potential lovers away
Mostly through blackmail
He is easily jealous but pretends not to be
As soon as you walk into the house he is there to smell you to see if you smell different
If you do you are taking a shower with him immediately
If not then yay cool cuddles and kisses
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This needs to be addressed:
I'm on reddit regularly. Today I saw something as I was scrolling that deeply disturbed me & I feel needs to be addressed.
For those not familiar with reddit's format, let me explain. The website is basically a host to multiple forum style 'subreddits' that are based around various interests where you can post photos, videos, gifs, links to websites, links to articles, or just good old fashioned text.
Some subreddits are very broad (r/aww is pictures, videos, & gifs that are adorable & make you say "awww") & some are extremely niche (r/picturesofiansleeping was created by a dude where he just posted random pictures of his roommate, Ian, sleeping because the dude could fall asleep anywhere). Each subreddit is it's own community with its own culture & rules, while also being a part of the reddit community as a whole & abiding by its overall culture & rules.
Below is a screenshot (with the username redacted) from a post in the Ehlers-Danlos subreddit, which I scroll through from time to time just to see what's there, but not regularly because the overarching culture there is not one I want to be a part of (& what I'm about to show you here is a perfect example of why).
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So a photo of Joaquin Phoenix filming a scene for the movie Joker is making the rounds with the caption above it, stating that he dislocated his knee filming that scene (not written is that he continued to film after the dislocation) & demanding he be given the golden globe. Given the quality of that performance, even prior to knowing about his knee, I agree that he should have a golden globe for it.
What I take issue with is the fact that that was posted to r/ehlersdanlos with the title "My knee dislocates 5-20 times a day. Where's my reward?"
So let's chat about why this is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable, despite the fact that I see similar sentiments throughout the chronic illness communities.
First of all, this person is 100% exaggerating. I'm not one to doubt anyone's claims regarding their health but as someone who has had knee dislocations since I was quite small, it's not feasible. Subluxed knee 5-20 times a day? Eh, still not really believable. 5-10 subluxations? Sure, maybe. But no way is this person having 5-20 full knee dislocations in a 24 hr period.
Exaggerating like this actually really hurts credibility & not just for them as an individual. I'd be will to bet that if they are stretching the truth that casually in an inconsequential post online, that they do it in real life to medical staff as well. If the medical professionals that we all rely on for care hear enough exaggerations from specific demographic groups (say... women under 25 with an EDS diagnosis), then eventually when they see a patient that fits that criteria, there will be an unconscious bias & assumption of exaggeration. Then it hurts the chronically ill community as a whole.
Second, this person is minimizing & invalidating Mr. Phoenix's (i spelled his first name once & was quote proud, but it is not happening again) injury simply because... why? Because he is able bodied? Because the poster is chronically ill? Those things don't cancel each other out. This is the bit I see FAR too often.
There is this weird line of thinking that is prevalent in the chronic illness community where some chronically ill people think that because other people aren't chronically ill, any illness, pain, or injury they go through isn't as valid as their's is. Lemme just hop up on my soapbox here to say...
I've seen it first hand via my aunt. She is diagnosed with fibromyalgia. She has all the hallmarks of EDS, but despite me getting diagnosed & telling her she needs testing, she is weirdly attached to her current diagnosis. Any time my cousin (who is 3 yrs younger than me) is sick or hurting, my aunt says something about how much worse she feels. Cousin says she has a headache? Aunt: "Now you know what I deal with 24/7." Cousin has a stomach virus & can't stop puking? Aunt: "That's literally my life 4 out of 7 days of the week."
When The Spawn was in middle school, right after I had started to trend downward health wise, I noticed her wincing & holding her head a lot. I asked what was up & she said she had a headache & it had been hanging around for 3 days now. I asked why she didn't tell me sooner so I could help & she told me that she knew it was minor compared to what I deal with, so she didn't feel right bringing it up.
I immediately sat her down & had a long talk explaining that just because I am dealing with the dumpster fire I was given does not at any time mean that whatever she is going through isn't every bit as important, painful, or difficult for her & that at no time do i want her to have to handle it alone. I made sure she knew that no matter what was going on with me, I am here for her because what she is going through is important & valid. I've only had to have that talk 2 more times with her.
I've had to have a version of this talk with a few friends & my dad, as well. I'll see my dad wince or hear him do what I call "The Dad Huff" & I'll ask what's up. Dad: "I know I shouldn't complain to you because it's nothing compared to what you deal with but..." BRO i am EXACTLY who you should complain to. I know tricks that could help with a myriad of physical ailments PLUS i have a whole ass Walgreens in my bathroom.
My point is that as a whole, chronically ill people need to stop invalidating healthy, able bodied people's illnesses or injuries. PERIOD. It's not a fucking suffering competition. What? You think if you keep invalidating healthy people & boasting about how much more sick or more injured you are that at some point a guy is going to leap out of the bushes & hand you a gold medal & a giant check for suffering the most?
Also, you'd think if someone was suffering that much, in that much pain, was that ill, that they wouldn't want anyone else to feel even close to the way they do & would be happy to help or be genuinely distressed/concerned for the other person's wellbeing.
So fuck off because people who do this shit just sound like they lack empathy, compassion, and other generally human qualities which implies they have no fucking soul.
Just be supportive of one another, able bodied, disabled, chronically ill, chronically healthy, or whatever. Just be kind to people. Fuck.
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