#no one cares in a big course (15+ people)
tardis--dreams · 1 year
I hate small classes. I feel like i should let my lecturer know i won't come to class today just because we're already very few people
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alpaca-clouds · 11 months
Why the media CEOs will always learn the wrong lessons
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Yesterday a friend and I talked about how the entire (AAA) game industrie looked at BG3 being as popular as it is and going: "Oh, we need to produce 100+ hour games, I guess! Those sell!" Which... obviously is not why it is popular. The game is not popular because it has 100+ hours of gameplay, but because it has engaging characters, that are well-acted and that work as good hooks for the players. Like, let's face it: The reason why I so far have sunken 160 hours into this game is, because I wanna spend time with these characters - and because I wanna give them their happy endings.
But the same has happened too, just a bit earlier this year, right? When Barbie broke the 1 billion and every Hollywood CEO went: "Oh, so the people want movies based on toy franchises! Got it!" To which the internet at large replied: "... How is that the lesson you learned from this?"
Well, let me explain to you, why this is the lesson they learn: It is because the CEOs and the boards of directors at large are not artists or even engaged with the medium they produce. They mostly are economists. And their dry little hearts do not understand stuff more complex than numbers and spread sheets.
That sounds evil, I know, but... It is sadly the truth. When they look at a successful movie/series/game/book/comic, they look at it as a product, not a piece of art or narrative. It is just a product that has very clear metrics.
To them Barbie is not a movie with interesting stylistic choices that stand out from the majority of high budget action blockbusters. It is a toy movie with mildly feminist themes.
Or Oppenheimer is not a movie to them with a strong visual language and good acting direction. No, it is a historical blockbuster.
And this is true for basically every form of media. I mean, books are actually a fairly good example. In my life I do remember the big book fads that happened. When Harry Potter was a success, there was at least a dozen other "magical school" book series being released. When Twilight was a big success there was suddenly an endless number of "teen girl falls in love with bad boy, who is [magical creature]" YA. When the Hunger Games was a success, there were hundreds of "YA dystopia" books. Meanwhile in adult reading, we had the big "next Game of Throne" fad.
Of course, the irony is, that within each of those fads there might have been one or two somewhat successful series - but never even one that came even close to whatever started the fad.
Or with movies, we have seen it, too. When Avengers broke the 1 billion (which up to this point only few movies did) the studios went: "Ooooooh, so we need shared universe film series" - and then all went to try and fail to create their own cinematic universe.
Because the people, who call the shots, are just immensely desinterested in the thing they are selling. They do not really care about the content. All they care about is having a supposedly easy avenue of selling it. Just as they do not care about the consumer. All they care about is that the consumer buys it. Why he buys it... Well, they do not care. They could not care less, in fact.
So, yeah, get ready for a 20 overproduced games with a bloated 100+ hours of empty gameplay, but without the engaging characters. And for like at least 15 more moves based on some toy franchise, that nobody actually cares about.
And then get ready for all the CEOs to do the surprised Pikachu face, when all of that ends up not financially successful.
Really, I read some interviews yesterday from some AAA-studio CEOs and their blatant shock and missing understanding on why BG3 works for so many people.
Because, yeah... capitalism does not appreciate art. Capitalism does not understand art. It only understands spread sheets.
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planetxiao · 2 months
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𖤐 umemiya hajime ; suo hayato ; sakura haruka x reader
⟢ fluff, scenarios // when their friends realized you’re good for each other.
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Damn it all.
Hiragi wasn’t sure how, but he managed to make it home without realizing he didn’t have his antacid tablets on him. He checked – double checked – each of his pockets, but alas, they were gone. He sighed. There was only one place he thought it could be: back on the rooftop of Furin High.
He wasn’t usually forgetful, but it had been a long day, he supposed. That unnecessarily big fight took a lot out of him. 
It was like any other day, another leader of a gang demanding to fight Umemiya, except this guy was too persistent about it. In fact, all of his men seemed to have been of one mind. In the end, Umemiya gave him the fight he wanted. Of course, the white haired Bofurin leader reigned victorious, but he didn’t leave the fight unscathed. No one did. That being said, everyone was fine; they just left with minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises.
A meeting on the rooftop was held after the fight, each captain and vice captain giving their report before leaving for the day. That was when he must’ve set them down.
Hiragi trudged all the way back to Furin High, stomach turning at the possibility of getting roped into Umemiya’s antics again – if he was still there, anyway. The sun was about to set, and all of that day’s teams were on their last patrol shift. 
He had half a mind to kick down the door in irritation, but he resigned to pushing it open.  With his hands stuffed in his pockets, Hiragi’s eyes peeled this way and that to look for the very guy whose mere mention gave him indigestion in the first place.
Left, clear. Right, clear. A breath of relief… let out too soon.
Hiragi took one step before freezing. Sat at the picnic table about 15 feet away was Umemiya and someone he recognized to be his partner. 
Hiragi had seen you a couple times before. You would come to bring Umemiya lunch from time to time, and he would show you all of the plants he was growing in return. He really didn’t know anything about you but your name, nor did he ever feel the need to know more than that.
That was probably his fifth time seeing you. You both straddled the bench, facing each other, with your legs pulled over Umemiya’s. His hands rested on your hips as you gently wiped a cotton pad over the scratches on his face. Umemiya gazed at you with eyes that held nothing but love in them and a smile so easily made, like that of a dreamer stuck within his fantasies.
“Hajime, how many times have I asked you to be careful?” You sighed.
He laughed bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck, “Sorry, Sorry! I tried, I really did!”
You applied a large bandage to the cut on Umemiya’s cheek, shaking your head lightly.
“I know. I just worry about you.”
“I know, my love,” He cupped your face, “But, it’s okay. I’m okay! You don’t need to worry, I’ll always come back to you, okay?”
It was almost picturesque, the way you melted together like chocolate under the setting sun. Your forehead rested against his while he interlocked his fingers with yours. Hiragi felt bad watching the scene unfold in front of his eyes.
You giggled, “That was so cheesy, you dork.”
“What?! I thought it was romantic!”
He would rather eat his own shoe than admit this to anyone, but Hiragi smiled at the sight of Umemiya holding his world in the palm of his hands. He seemed to have found his true other half, someone that understood and cared for him in the way Umemiya deserved.
The creak of the rooftop door closing was heard by both you and Umemiya, the only sign that Hiragi was ever there. 
He’d come back for those tablets later.
Shouts bellowed down the street, drawing a crowd. It’s not unnecessarily unusual for a fight to break out there, but the people of the town watch as if it was the first time. Onlookers lined the walls of the narrow street close to the action.
Sakura and Nirei had been walking to meet up with Suo on their day off. They agreed to meet outside of Kotoha’s cafe at noon, but Sakura and Nirei were running late. As for why, well, Nirei had to take the time to go all the way to Sakura’s apartment and wake him up because he had overslept. Let’s just say Nirei had a rather stressful morning.
The fast shuffling of feet caught Sakura’s attention. He quirked a brow, looking up from his shoes to see a group of people in the distance. Some of them had been sent flying back in different directions, piquing Sakura’s curiosity.
What the hell? There’s a fight right now?
The itch of annoyance Sakura felt from that morning had him rearing to go. Nirei gulped. However, a comment from one of the onlookers was what sent them running towards the crowd.
“Hey, isn’t that eyepatch guy from Bofurin?”
Suo was in it?
They pushed through the crowd to see for themselves. Sure enough, they recognized the tassel earrings whipping in the air before they could even see their friend’s face. From the look of it, there weren’t that many foes left, and he had someone fighting alongside him.
You and Suo were back to back, taking one guy after another. Your movements mirrored each other as if watching a master and student. While your actions were more limited and practiced, Suo’s refined moves looked purely instinctual. He drew in his opponents with a mere look and had them on their backs within seconds. It was a violent dance that you both had invited your foes to.
Sakura and Nirei watched in shock, seeing these men drop like flies. It was ridiculous, this wasn’t a fight. There was no struggle from both sides, only one.
There were only two left, and Suo seemed to sense foul play heading in your direction. The sun gleamed off the metal bat that reeled back in front of you. You gasped. You weren’t used to fighting against weapons. Hell, you weren’t even that used to fighting in general. The guy smirked, swinging as hard as he could. But, the path of the bat was abruptly stopped as Suo flew through the air, swiftly kicking the guy in the face. The metal bat hit the ground with a clang, the owner flying back into a wall before crumbling onto the ground.
Suo’s venomous gaze lingered for a second on the man who sought to hurt you, though another one charged at him from behind. You called out his name – a warning hot on your lips. Suo took notice of the impending presence, but before he could turn and deal with the person, the crisp sound of a fist connecting with skin rang in his ears. Suo looked back, seeing the guy unconscious on the ground with most likely a broken nose.
Cheers erupted in the street, praising Suo and his partner in taking down the brutes. Sakura stuffed his hands in his pockets with a huff, while Nirei beamed at the two of you.
“Wow! I wonder who that person is. Do you know, Sakura?”
“No idea.”
As Nirei was about to approach them, he watched Suo take your hand in his and examine your bleeding knuckles.
You laughed bashfully and shrugged, “I improvised.”
Suo smiled softly, raising his other hand to caress your burning cheek.
“You did well, my dear.”
Oh! Oh.
Nirei whipped his head back to Sakura, about to shout about how Suo had a secret romantic partner, but stopped when he saw Sakura’s wide eyed blush. When Nirei turned back around, he saw Suo leading you into Kotoha’s cafe with a hand on the small of your back. Your head nestled in the crook of his neck.
The blond couldn’t help the way his lips curled. He ran after the two, pulling out his small notebook. That was the first time he had seen you, but he could tell you were special to Suo and he to you. You two made one hell of a good team. A scary one, but good nonetheless.
He just hoped he and Sakura would never do anything to piss you off.
Nirei was pacing.
“Where could he be? He’s never disappeared for this long before. One day, sure. But three? Something’s wrong. I just know it.”
Suo placed a hand on Nirei’s shoulder, a friendly smile remaining on his face. He understood that Nirei worried about Sakura as much if not more than anyone else at Furin High, but biting his nails over the issue wasn’t going to fix it. Ever the voice of reason, Suo spoke calmly to his friend.
“Relax, Nire-kun. The last time Sakura was gone, he was sick in his home, right?”
Nirei looked up at Suo, concern furrowing his brow.
“That’s the thing. I checked his apartment yesterday and he wasn’t there.”
Suo hummed. An interesting turn of events. He doubted that Sakura would just up and disappear – he could’ve just been out when Nirei came around. There’s an explanation for everything, after all. Sakura’s strong, it’s not likely he was kidnapped or anything of the sort. He was probably just sick again. Even so, it wouldn’t be good if Sakura was ill and wandering around…
“I see. Then why don’t we check one more time?”
Nirei nodded and turned on his heel, making a bee-line out of the classroom with Suo following behind.
Nirei kept a brisk pace. He was always at least three steps ahead of Suo, who kept his normal pace. It was Suo’s second time coming up on the desolate complex. The scenery was less surprising this time around, but the tattered place was eerie all the same.
They knocked once, twice, thrice, receiving no answer each time. Suo’s hand grasped the knob, remembering how it was unlocked last time they came to check on Sakura, and turned it. The door opened with a ghostly creak, no sign of life anywhere in the room. Suo called for Sakura. Still no answer.
“Sorry for the intrusion,” Suo murmured, deja vu creeping over him.
Nirei followed. Suo slid the door to the main room open and was greeted by nothing, Sakura’s futon rolled away haphazardly in the corner. Not even his uniform hung where it was last time. Nirei began to wring his hands. Where the hell could Sakura have gone?
“Huh, he’s still not here,” Suo wondered aloud before turning to his worried friend, “Have you tried asking his partner if they’ve seen him?”
“No, I don’t have any way to contact them.”
The brown haired boy had an inkling that he knew where Sakura might be.
That was how they wound up on your doorstep after the sun had set. They had seen you quite a few times, even coming with Sakura to see you once or twice. Sakura had told them each time not to come, but of course his friends were curious about his partner. Suo would insist, while Nirei would just follow.
Like earlier, they knocked on the door and awaited a response. If he wasn’t here, Nirei was going to lose his mind.
The knob turned. Nirei didn’t waste a second.
“Hello, sorry for the bother, but have you seen-”
A hand covered his mouth, surprising him. When he looked up at you with wide eyes, you simply held your finger over your mouth, signaling him to keep quiet. Suo peered through the door behind you and understood.
Surrounded by various medicine bottles and a tissue box laid Sakura, sound asleep. His monochromatic hair splayed in different directions, twirled together in some spots like yin and yang. Nirei and Suo could see his reddened nose and cheeks from where they stood at the door. All tell tale signs of Suo’s confirmed suspicion. Taking one last peek, Suo and Nirei chuckled at Sakura’s sleeping form, a trickle of drool peeking from the corner of his ajar mouth.
You stepped outside with the two boys, closing the door behind you.
“Sorry Nirei, I didn’t want him to wake up. What’s going on?”
“Has Sakura been here for the past three days?” Nirei asked.
You nodded.
“He started feeling sick while he was here a couple days ago, so I’ve been taking care of him. He’s doing better though, his fever finally broke just before you came actually. Should be up and moving by tomorrow.”
Nirei breathed a sigh of relief. Sakura was fine, he could finally relax his tense shoulders. Suo’s usual kind smile melted into something softer after hearing your explanation. An unspoken thought was shared between the two boys as they glanced at each other. The heavy feeling of deja vu had dissipated because something was different this time.
Thank god Sakura has you.
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note: i’m actually pretty happy with how these turned out :D also in suo’s, if not implied well, he taught you those moves :3 i hope their characterizations are all okay!!
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danadaria · 2 months
Steddie Olympic AU where Eddie gets on his first Olympics for BMX freestyle, and it's so weird because he has been in competitions for many years but nothing like this, something so big and with so many rules.
His background was being a hyperkinetic kid who didn't really care about his life, and somehow being fearless and doing acrobatics became his career. Still, even then it wasn't so serious.
His thing were the X-games and open exhibitions, with fire, hard rock & metal, tattoos, and having RedBull as a sponsor.
Behind the adrenaline he and his friends are a bunch of clowns who just wanted to fly and have the bones of a child forever.
But now he's here: in the middle of a giant line in an ocean of other athletes, wearing a fucking blazer from Ralph Lauren and with the lamest jeans he had to wear in his entire life.
And everything is kinda awful, because he lost sight of friends (Gareth and Max, both skaters, but they train in the same place), and he just heard there's no McDonald's at the Olympics this year.
He doesn't even like McDonald's so much, but god, he grow up hearing about athletes eating hundreds of burgers and mcnuggets for free, and sue him, but his inner child was super excited about it.
"Are you ok, man?"
Eddie opens his mouth to give a snarky remark when he sees the most beautiful man in existence – GORGEOUS v-shape, honey eyes, pink pouty lips, and kissable moles– looking at him with concern.
"Yeah, yeah. Everything is okey-dokey" He says lamely.
The most beautiful man in existence snorts at him.
"Okey-dokey? What are you? Five?"
"Probably. I was sad because I found out today there's no free McDonald's this year. Now that I know I'm not sure if it is worth being here"
Eddie's future husband looks surprised for a second and laughs at him.
"Are you serious?"
"Of course. I read some people ate so many nuggets they left the Olympics cackling like a chicken: I wanted to be one of them!"
"Oh, yeah. I ate lots of them post-competition"
"Ok, I give you that. But this year there's going to be international cuisine and all that jazz"
"Knowing me, I'm going to get too overwhelmed with the options and I'll end with the saddest oatmeal every day."
"You have lots of food opinions for someone that's on a sports event"
"Well, is either that or thinking that my biggest rivals are a bunch of 15-year-olds from Brazil and Japan."
"Oh? What's your sport?"
"BMX freestyle"
"That's the race in the mountains?"
"That's literally BMX racing."
"Right." He looked ashamed.
Eddie needed to fix that look, now.
"And you? What's your poison?"
"Poison? You mean my sport?" Eddie nods at him encouragingly. "Gymnastics."
"I can see it." Eddie looks at him approvingly, "You have the arms of a gymnast, big boy."
The face of Eddie's future husband turns a beautiful shade of red. And Eddie is just a second away to ask for his name, and his number to change the course of his life, when he feels a hand on the jacket's collar.
"Here you are, loser. We need to go this way!"
And before Eddie can say anything, Max Mayfield (his new arch-nemesis) takes him away from the love of his life.
He says bye with a hand before being cruelly separated, disappearing into a sea of people.
"Do you want to be murdered before or after the opening ceremony, Red?"
"Oh, shut up loser."
Steve is going back with his best friend to their apartment, feeling super frustrated. Somehow, 24 hours ago, he thought it would be a good idea to give his phone to his best friend for the inauguration night to avoid getting too excited and watching videos of the event until 4 am.
And now he was regretting ALL his life choices.
"You don't understand Robin, I met a super cute guy, but I couldn't get his name! I'm only going to search that and nothing else"
"Steve, you made me swear I wouldn't pass your phone on inauguration day, no matter the reason. You need to sleep"
"Easy for you to say. You didn't meet someone when you didn't have your phone!"
"I would understand better than anyone! I met the cutest girl competing at air riffle, aaaand I didn't have my phone either!"
"You gave her your presentation card, didn't you"
"Yes, sorry."
"See? Why didn't you make me buy some for me, too?"
They arrive at their floor. Steve knows they're a little obnoxious, but it was the first night and it's still early.
"Good night, neighbors! Isn't it too early in the event to be fighting?"
Steve looks up so fast, he probably hurt his neck a little bit. At the end of the hallway, sitting on the floor next to a very closed door, was Steve's meet-cute: All smiley, charming, and inviting.
"It's you!"
"Oh! Hi Mr. Gymnastics, and hi unknown lady."
"It's Robin Buckley," She says and goes straight to her apartment, "we probably going to see each other again, so good night".
And she closes the door firmly behind her.
"I didn't have. I mean. I don't have my phone to search for you."
The other boy looks at him, almost evaluating him, before giving Steve a big smile and offering his hand to stretch.
"Eddie Munson."
"Steve Harrington."
"So, would you-"
"There's a McDonald's near where I compete tomorrow. Would you like to go with me?"
Eddie stands up and walks until he's in front of Steve. He smiles.
"Would love it. After all, it was my childhood dream."
Steve smiles too.
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rie-092 · 7 months
⟡﹒yandere! older brother x fem! reader
summary : your older brother thinks that your boyfriend wasn't good enough for you.
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during his childhood, yohan davis really wanted a little sister. a sweet little sister that he can protect and adore forever. but, that dream was shattered when his dad died and he had already accepted the fact that no matter what happened, he won't be able to have a little sister. because he can't force his mom to remarry just because of his selfish desire after all.
and let's be honest here. with yohan's handsome face and those captivating (e/c) eyes of his. even when he was a child, everyone adored him. and maybe that was the main reason why he became like— this. uh, a spoiled son who was able to get whatever he wanted? aside from little sister, of course.
but then, when he reached the age of 15, his mom got remarried. he was excited, for his mom and for the chance that he can achieve his dream through his new dad. yep, he knew how obsessed he was with having a little sibling. everyone, except his mom (since she thinks that it was a cute thing but clearly it's not) has pointed it out to him. but he didn't care since in his eyes, it was unfair for him that his friends had little siblings that they could adore and spoil.
and yohan fucking celebrated when he got the news of his mom being pregnant a year later. he basically ran to his new dad and hugged him tightly and started to thank him and his ehem, let's forget about the last part. anyway, after that sudden revelation, yohan had started looking for good names that he could give to his younger sibling. he also looked for some cute toys and clothes but let's forget about it.
yohan, during his little sibling's birth stayed at the hospital. he didn't give a fuck about what other people were saying when he did all of his homework at the hospital while waiting for his parents and his new little sibling. and boy, oh, boy. yohan teared up when he saw you for the first time. you were so cute, so precious, so adorable and the most innocent thing on this planet.
“ so, how about you give her a name, son? ”
that was what he was waiting for. with a smile, he kissed your forehead as he told them the name that he had come up with after the 9 months that he spent thinking a name that suits you. (first name), his little sister. don't worry, your big brother will give you everything that you want and he will do everything for you.
expect that this guy will be quite overprotective when it comes to you. don't complain if you aren't able to play with your peers or if he doesn't let you go out and lock you at home. he was just worried! you're too innocent! what if you got kidnapped when he wasn't looking?! oh, and when he realized that you're allergic to (insert food here)? that day, you weren't able to see that thing inside your house again since yohan really threw a fit in front of your parents exclaiming that if they served you that kind of food again, he would run away and he will bring you with him.
but aside from his obsession, overprotectiveness and overbearing personality. yohan was a good older brother for you. he was much better than your classmates' older brothers. when the truth is he just engraved the 'he's the best older brother in the world' idea on your mind during your early childhood so that you will stay with him forever
anyways, much to his disappointment, when you became a teenager you found yourself a boyfriend. and that angers yohan. i mean, why do you think that boy deserves you? gosh, he was the one who raised you and he knew that boy wasn't deserving of you! he did his best to make you dependent on him. he cooked for you, washed your clothes and even made sure that you didn't know how to do housework! do you think that boy will do that for you? yeah, no.
expect that yohan will always roll his eyes when you mention your boyfriend whenever you are with him. this guy shamelessly stalks you when you are on a date, and when he sees that your boyfriend is about to kiss you? he will immediately call you to cut off that dirty romantic atmosphere that disgusting guy created. that guy bought you a gift? don't worry, your brother will give you a more extravagant the next day.
he will do anything to make you see that you made a wrong choice of getting into a relationship with someone. look, he knew that his obsession with his little sister was because his friends and bandmates always pointing out to him. there was some point when they asked him if he romantically saw you but that only disgusts him. the hell are they talking about? why would he romantically see his little sister? do they think that he's a sick freak? that's disgusting.
sure he stalks his little sister, sure he makes her dependent on him, sure he manipulates his younger sister that he's the kindest soul alive, sure there are some points that he commits crime for you. but anyways— he only did that because you were his little sister. his innocent and fragile little sister that he needs to protect!
and when the news about your boyfriend cheating on you reached his ears. he was fucking happy! see? he told you, that guy wasn't good enough for you! oh, his poor little sister. the only thing that he did when he saw you go home crying was to hug and comfort you but of course, while he manipulates you thinking that other guy aside from him and your dad was like that. a fucking freak that will only hurt your feelings.
ah, of course! do you think that he'll forget about that ex-boyfriend of yours? of course, he won't! because yohan, with a 'little talk' made sure that guy won't be able to approach you again. oh? you're worried when he came home bloodied and had a bruise on his cheek? this guy will tell you that your ex suddenly punched him out of nowhere when he talked to him when the truth is he beat that guy half to death. hehehe, and seeing you believed him made him smile widely. ah, it seems like you're really stuck with him from now on. and yohan was willing to sell his soul to a demon just to make sure this would last forever.
“ big brother's doing this for your sake so listen to me, okay? ”
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phoward89 · 4 months
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Based on this ask
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is a warning in and of itself. Coryo x Big Booty!Reader, Smut, p in v, creampie, cussing, breeding kink, Dom!Coriolanus
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Coriolanus Snow has classic tastes when it comes to his life. He has a sophisticated image, so of course he wears gold rings on his hands; never silver. Full Windsor knots in his satin ties, custom 3-piece suits made with only the finest material, and fine dress shirts that have to be starched. He wears cufflinks and all of his shoes are floor shines with 3 or 4 inch heels (because Coriolanus' 6ft frame needs to be even more intimidating so he can tower over everyone that's beneath him). His taste in food is classic, but upscale as well.
And when it comes to women, well, his taste is classic when it comes to that as well. T&A does it for him.
Coriolanus Snow’s a tits and ass man. The bigger the better too. And when he started dating you, well his classic tastes were definitely filled.
You're, in his opinion, the whole package. To Coriolanus, you're so beautiful both inside and out. You have a personality that just pulls him in. You keep him engaged and on his toes with conversations. But your physical appearance is what attracted him to you in the first place. Your curves make his mouth water. Nice tits and a nice big ass, just what he likes.
And your big booty is something that he loves. Seriously, Coriolanus can't get enough of it. And watching you sitting at your vanity in nothing but a white bra and panty set, hair up in rollers while doing your makeup for the dinner he's taking you tonight as his plus one makes him grin. Your white lace edged panties cling to your big booty just right and the way your plump ass sits on your vanity bench has Coriolanus mentally swearing to have you fuck him in his favorite position tonight when you get home from the dinner the University’s hosting for the Political Science majors of the Senior Class of 14 ADD (After Dark Days).
“Are you wearing the pearl jewelry set I got you for your birthday, Peaches?” Coriolanus asks you, buttoning up his crisp white dress shirt as he stands by his dresser- which has jewelry box open with his various cuff links (including pearl ones) and his chunky gold rings in it.
“Yes, Coryo.” You nod. Lightly dabbing your blending sponge on your face, you tell your boyfriend, “I’m wearing them; thought they'd look nice with my dress.”
Your dress is a strappy white gown that's form fitting. A dress that's hanging up on the door of your side of the walkin closet.
“I thought they'd pair nicely with your dress as well, my darling.” Coriolanus remarks while grabbing his pearl cuff links from his jewelry box and putting them on. “How much longer til you're ready, Y/N?” Your boyfriend asks, walking into thw walkin closet to grab and put on his dark maroon and white stripe vest and its matching dark maroon dinner jacket.
“Not long; maybe 15-20 minutes.” You assure him as he finishes getting dressed.
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Coriolanus loves how sweet your booty looks with your clothes hugging it just right. He's always smacking it or grabbing it- a result of loving that big booty of yours. Whether it's in the privacy of his penthouse, that he moved you into, or out in public. He doesn't care, he just wants to feel your perfectly peachy ass in his hands.
But when he grabs your ass in public it's sometimes embarrassing.
Like tonight, his large hand keeps sliding south off of the small of your back to rest right on your plump ass. An ass that he loves, that he thinks looks perfect in the white dress you're wearing tonight for the formal dinner he's attending with you as his plus one. But it's not appropriate in the pre-dinner party cocktail setting, so you have to keep dragging his hand up and off your ass.
Despite standing around and talking to various people (high ranking people might you add since everyone at this dinner whether they're a professor, student, or plus one is a somebody in Capitolite high society- your own boyfriend included) Coriolanus has no shame and keeps grabbing your ass. It's very annoying. You even give him a slight side-eyed look, silently telling him to stop it. But your boyfriend has not shame; Coriolanus just gives you a loving smirk only to slide his hand back down to grab your ass again.
“You're gonna be my good lil cowgirl tonight, Peaches.” Coriolanus whispers into your ear, his baritone dark and lustful, while giving your butt a light squeeze as his friend Festus Creed along with his longtime girlfriend Persephone Price head their way over to you and your future political star boyfriend.
And you knew what he meant by his remark. He wanted you to fuck him in reverse cowgirl tonight so he can oogle and smack your ass. Oh, how his whispered promise of the night’s future events had your panties dampening.
Damn him.
Now you're stuck with wet panties all throughout tonight's long drawn out dinner. That bastard. Coryo always knows how to get to you.
And he knows the longer you're stuck in wet panties for the more desperate you'll be to fuck yourself on his cock once you get out of those panties.
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What Coriolanus loves more then anything in the world is to stare at your plump, perfect ass while you ride him reverse cowgirl when you're fucking. Yep, he loves to watch your ass jiggle as you take him deep while bouncing quickly on his cock. It's one of his favorite positions for you to fuck in.
“Fuck. Your ass is so fine, Peaches.” Coryo groans as you quickly ride him, pushing your body quickly up and down while facing the foot of the bed. You're gripping his thighs in your hands, your nails digging into the skin of his sinewy muscles, as your knees frame his hip bones. “Yea, that's it baby girl, make that big ass jiggle for your man.” The platinum blonde orders, his deep baritone thick and husky, as his icy eyes are glued to your large, sweet ass cheeks as they bounce up and down as your tight cunt quickly takes his large cock in and out, in and out at a pleasurable pace.
Looking over your shoulder at your disheveled boyfriend, you give him a sultry smile. “You never get tired of watching my big booty as I ride you, huh?”
“Oh, Peaches, I told you when we first got together that I'm a tits and ass man; that the bigger the better.” Your boyfriend smirks. Reaching a hand forward, he grabs your ass and groans, “Your ass is perfect and it's all mine.” Giving your ass a hard smack, that echoed throughout the room and mingled with the led wet sound of your pussy fucking Coryo's cock, the platinum blonde orders, “Tell me your ass belongs to me, Y/N. Say it, Peaches, or you're not cumming tonight.”
And you know he means it. If you don't tell your possessive and obsessive boyfriend what he wants to hear that he'll take over, fuck you til he cums, and will leave you high and dry. He's done it before early on on your relationship when you played stubborn and didn't summit to him. But you learned your lesson; now you summit even if you don't want to.
It's all just dirty bedroom talk, right?
Coryo doesn't actually think that your ass belongs to him, does he?
No, he can't.
He can't be that possessive and obsessive towards you, can he?
No, it's just bedroom talk. Dirty talk that gets him off.
“My ass belongs to you and only you, Coryo.” You tell your boyfriend in a high pitch mewl as the tip of his cock bruises your cervix; sending shockwaves of pleasure up and down your spine.
“Goddamnit, I love your ass.” Coriolanus confesses, his tone tight and husky. Smacking your ass again, he orders, “Go on, fuck yourself fast and hard on my cock til we cum.”
Coryo didn't have to tell you twice.
You use the grip on his thighs as leverage, helping your upper body control your faster than lighting movements. Quickly, you impale yourself on your boyfriend's large cock- letting out whines and whimpers every time your special spongy spot deep inside of you gets hit just right by the large cock that's stretching your cunt open wide. Sweat rolls down your brow as mewls of pleasure escape your lips. With every move you make your pussy clenches; pushing you closer to your orgasm.
Coriolanus is loudly groaning out, “Fuck, baby.”, while watching your ass bounce up and down just right. His baby blues are blown black by lust and they're transfixed on your ass jiggling quickly. “Fuck, Peaches, I'm gonna cum soon.” Your boyfriend forewarns you of his upcoming orgasm. Grabbing your ass cheeks in each of his large hands, he uses his strength to slam you up and down his twitching cock at a punishing force.
“Coryo…I'm gonna cum.” You moan, nearly toppling over from the brute force of your boyfriend moving you to fuck his cock as if you're nothing more then his personal fuckdoll. The only reason you're not face first between your boyfriends spread eagle legs is because of the tight hold you have around his thighs- nails digging in so deeply that crimson’s trickling down the pale skin.
“Go on and cum, Peaches.” Coryo orders before groaning, “Cum so I can fill ya up with my seed; knock ya up.”
His husky words sends a jolt right to your aching cunt and suddenly you're cumming with a loud moan that's only one word: Coryo.
Coriolanus doesn't let you ride out your high gracefully. No. I stead, he slams you down even harder on his cock. His cum heavy balls begin to tighten up as he tells you, “You're gonna look so beautiful knocked up with my heir. Can't wait to see your tits and ass grow along with your belly swelling with our child.”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Your boyfriend curses before shooting a thick rope of his hot seed into your womb. Your name falls from his lips as he cums.
He pushes you forward, causes your butt to jiggle in his hands. Coryo smiles, his eyes shining with lazy lust, as he watches his cum slowly leak from your clenching, tight, abused hole like perfect pearls. Pulling you up to lay next to him, Coriolanus adjusts the two of you to cuddle so that his head rests on your tits while his hand holds your ass.
The two things on you that he absolutely loves; that attracted him to ask you out- causing him to fall obsessively, possessively, and madly in love with you.
Your tits and ass.
But if you ask him what he prefers on you, Coryo will honestly answer that he loves your large ass. Without a doubt, it's your big booty that really does it for him.
After all, he did give you the nickname Peaches because of his undying love for that big booty of yours. An ass that he thinks is the sweetest peach in all of Panem.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @lady-harvey @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress
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stinmybubs · 4 months
“Do It For Us.” Pt.1 1k likes special !
Summary: A simple girl, quirkless and will never amount to anything! Well that’s what’s she’s been told. Bullied along side Izuku Midorya, her best friend, and long term crush. Getting into UA and having a quirk? And she’s left behind…what’s left for her?
TRIGGER WARNINGS: bullying, domestic abuse, and violence!! NOT PROOFREAD !!
M. Izuku x AFAB! Reader! x B.Katsuki?
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Quirkless. A label that’s been slapped onto you for as long as you can remember, something you couldn’t control. But you still got punish all your life, you were bullied, scorned, and outcasted by others and your own family. But.
You had Izuku Midoriya, another quirkless person. You weren’t suffering alone!
That’s what you thought at least.
For the longest time you’ve stayed by Izuku’s side, defending him from bullies, taking the hit for him. But he always had this big ambition to be a hero, you of course encouraged him.
“One day! Even though I don’t have a quirk…I’ll be just like him. I’ll make people feel safe!” The small boy exclaimed, the biggest smile painted across his face, and you admired that. You admired every part of this boy.
“Yeah! You’ll be the greatest hero! Show them all Izu, show them we can help…do it for us!” You wanted to share this moment, you wanted to be happy with him about this dream. All you could do was hope, but deep down you felt dread, knowing his dream could never be fulfilled.
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“Y/n! Y/n l/n! Get your ass downstairs IMMEDIATELY.” Hearing the screams of your father, your heart dropping at the sudden call.
You heart raced with every step, trying your best to keep your composure before even reaching the bottom of the steps.
“Ye-“ before you could even utter a word you felt a sharp pain against your cheek. The hit was so strong you collapsed to the floor, the feeling of tears beginning to form in your eyes.
“What is this!?” Your father slammed a bunch of papers onto you. It was your test scores. C- and D+ written on all of them.
“I…I…I’m sorry father I-“ your words cut off with another slap to your face.
“First no quirk! Then you keep bringing these home? How useless are you? I expected you to at least to be smart since you’re quirkless.” Your father insulted you, and all you could do was sit there and stare at the floor trying to contain all your tears and rage.
It wasn’t your fault. You couldn’t control whether you had a quirk. It was your parents fault, something in their genetics made you this way! Is what you wanted to think.
“Go back to your room. Fucking shit…” your father turned to walk away, your mother making dinner in the kitchen not having a care in the world for your well being.
You frantically pick up the papers scattered on the floor, tears streaming down your face as you run back up the stairs to hide in your room.
All you could do was throw your papers on the floor and rush to your small closet. You’ve always hid in your closet, not even your bed or your room felt safe when things like this happened. The small cramped space made you feel safe.
Curling up in a ball, 15 year old you cried. Cried for hours until you fell asleep in that closet.
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The next morning you quickly got ready before anyone could wake. Sneaking yourself food for breakfast and lunch.
As you make your way down to you and Izuku’s meeting spot you couldn’t help but think. Of how your mother wasn’t always like this, she used to defend you, she used to help you.
She used to love you.
But after all the bearings, after all the insulting she finally stopped. So broken down to the point where she couldn’t even look at you anymore. You couldn’t help but hate her for it, you needed her.
“Hey! Oh…what happened…?” Izuku quickly ran up to you.
You didn’t even notice the boy until his hand placed itself upon your cheek to make you look at him, the sting of the bruise made you flinch.
“Oh…! Uh…bullies ahah..got me last night.” You lied. The last thing you wanted to do was worry Izuku about your home life, he never knew about your family. And he never will.
“Ah..I’m sorry y/n. I’m sorry I didn’t get to walk you home last night.” He pulled you into a tight hug, tears begging to run down the boys face. You hugged him back, finding comfort in his warmth. A perfect morning. You thought.
You two chat, wiping the tears from each others eyes and make your way to your middle school.
You loved every bit of Izuku’s company, it felt safe, it felt like home.
“Yeah! Then Mount lady came in and-“ Izuku rambled on and on about the fight that happened with an amateur villain this morning. “Woah! I love Mount lady! She’s so cool.” You state, imagining what Izuku was describing.
“You know it would be cool if Mount lady could control her size! Like what if she could…” Izuku began to mutter again. Oh how you found this habit so cute. When this happened you sat and listened until he realized what he’s doing and get flustered as always.
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The school day was hell, you and Izuku getting picked on by Bakugou Katsuki and his little gang all day.
“I would pass out career forms but we all know…-!” The teacher went on to talk about the hero tracks, with everyone celebrating.
“Oh yeah, Izuku Midorya didn’t you want to attend UA too?”
You quickly look over at your friend as soon as the class starts to burst into laughter. You didn’t know how to feel, you though he might’ve given up that dream already. But he hasn’t. Hah…I guess you never give up Izu.
After the commotion and class was over you padded over to Izuku hugging him from his shoulders behind him. “Gotcha Izu!” You giggle as the startled boy let out a yelp.
“You’re so cute when you’re scared!” You laugh looking over to see what he was writing. Cute! You thought seeing the notes on other heros quirks.
“How could a quirkless guy like you have a girlfriend?” Oh boy. One of Katsuki’s lackies stated, even though you weren’t his girlfriend you never will deny not being his.
“Don’t ya’ dare even try useless Deku! Once I am the only-“ you tune out Katsuki’s words, anger filling your body, your smiled immediately fading into a frown. Letting go of Izuku as the frightened boy jolted up out of his seat.
“What’s this!? He’s writing about being a hero!?”
Your heart dropped when Katsuki grabbed the notebook, your blood boiling at soon as he exploded the notebook your best friend work so hard on and throwing it out the window like it was trash.
You couldn’t control yourself, all you felt was pent up anger and you could help but run to Bakugou and.
SLAP. The noise echoed throughout the empty classroom. Adrenaline rushing through your body, realizing what you’ve done.
“You bully! You’re the pathetic one for bullying helpless people with your quirks! We never asked for this! We couldn’t control whether we are quirkless or not! Why should we be punished? It’s unfair and-“ you quickly shut your mouth. Realizing everything was pouring out in that moment, and realizing the anger in the the boys red eyes.
You had slapped Katsuki Bakugou. And now all you felt was fear, quickly trying to retreat before Bakugou grabbed your wrist tightly. “Ow-!” You wince in pin at the grip, it felt like he was going to snap your wrist.
“Kachann stop!” Izuku put himself between you and the blonde. “You can hurt me but you should never hurt a girl!” He states a angrily. Bakugou simply huffed, finally letting go of your wrist and stomping out the classroom.
You wince in pain, grabbing your own wrist taking a good look. “It’s already bruising…” you slump in one of the nearby chairs. You really wanted to cry, but you couldn’t. You’re were too tired.
“I’m sorry…” feeling the warmth of Izuku’s hug felt a bit better, but you were just so tired of feeling so helpless, useless, and weak.
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You try everything not to go home, sitting there on a park bench for what felt like ages. It’s not like you haven’t done this before, sleeping outside to avoid your parents.
“I’ll sleep in the park…I didn’t eat lunch so I have dinner..” you sigh, taking out the bag of food you packed, staring at the onigiri in your hand.
“Oi’ the hell you doin here.” Your heart sank, hearing the angry voice of Bakugou. “N-none of your business..” you don’t even look up at him. You just start opening up your onigiri.
“It’s gettin’ dark. A girl shoul-“ you cut him off. “What’s it to you huh!?” You yell, taking a bite out of your food just hoping he goes away. Praying he doesn’t keep talking to you.
A long pause of silence. Thinking he’s gone the tears roll down your face, falling onto your skirt as your hands begin to shake.
“Those bruises…aren’t from bullies aren’t they.”
He was still there. Your face flushed out of embarrassment. “What!? They..” you didn’t know why but…everything just flooded out.
“No…they’re from my dad…you’re not the only one who hates quirkless people.” You chuckle lightly, looking up at the blonde boy tears running down your face.
“Come.” He simply states, turning away from you, “What…?” You question, not knowing what he meant.
“You comin or nah?” He looks back at you, noticing the kind of rough state he’s in. Did he get in a fight? You thought, standing up to follow him.
You didn’t know why you were following him. You didn’t know why you didn’t feel so scared anymore.
Bakugou led you to his home, opening the door carefully and quietly. You guessed you didn’t want his parents to find out he was bringing home a girl.
Well Bakugou wasn’t sneaky enough.
“KATSUKI BAKUGOU!” The sound of his yelling mother made you flinch, subconsciously grabbing onto the back of his shirt. It’s smelt of smoke and grime.
“ugh…” you heard the boy groan he clearly wasn’t in the mood for his mom, when is he ever in the mood? You thought.
“YOU WENT AND GIT CAUGHT BY A VIL-“ Seeing the spikey-blonde hair women approach, she suddenly stopped in her tracks seeing you cowering behind her son. Woah…Bakugou looks exactly like her.
“Stop yellin’ yer scarin her.” Katsuki stated, looking back at your cowering figure. You jump, realizing that you were holding on to him and quickly stand beside him, a bit flustered.
“Oh! I’m sorry, what’s your name sweetheart!” She leans a bit forward trying to get a look at your face, noticing the bruise on your wrist.
“It’s…Y/n.” You meekly look up at her, terrified to meet someone else’s parent. Hell you barley even met Izuku’s mom!
“Oh my..what happened to…KATSUKI DID YOU DO THIS!?” The pointed to your face, noticing the bruises on both sides of your cheeks. Oh! You forgot you had those, ever since Izuku mentioned them at least.
“No you old hag! And stop yer yellin!” Natsuki hissed, defending himself. Well he did bruise your wrist but he never slapped you. “No! It’s wasn’t him…it was…” you trailed off, clearly the topic wasn’t something you wanted to talk about.
“Oh..! Well my name is Mitsuki Bakugou… you can stay here as long as you want. Come to me if you need anything sweetheart.” She placed a hand on your cheek, it was gentle and warm. It felt nice.
You couldn’t help but lean into her touch, feeling a mothers love is something you craved for the longest time. Tears began rolling down your cheeks, running to Katsuki’s mom hugging her.
Katsuki’s eyes widened at your sudden actions, surprised that you went to hug his mother. Is it that bad? He thought, a sense of guilt and sympathy washing over him, watching you cry in his mothers arms.
After a few tears, and hugs, Mitsuki sent you off to wash up. You were sleeping in Katsuki’s room! That is until they put a bed into their office room. You felt bad for Intruding in their home, sinking into the hot water.
This home was so loving regardless of the yelling, they felt so natural so different. You were jealous of their happy home.
Mitsuki had given you some spare clothes, of course you weren’t sure if you’d fit her underwear at all, she said that you two would go out and buy some together, this was all happening so fast. You felt so guilty.
Turns out a grown women’s shorts cannot fit onto your adolescence body! Her shirt was a little baggy too, your brah also was in the wash! So looks like you were only wearing panties and a shirt to bed. Which was embarrassing.
Katsuki was laying on a futon on the floor, he was kind enough to lend you his bed.
“H-hey…Bakugou…why..why are you doing this?” You question, turning yourself over to face him.
“Dunno…just cuz..” what a vague answer he gave you. You probably knew it was for pity, or maybe your outburst put a bit of sympathy in his heart.
“I’ll be gone by tomorrow…don’t worry you won’t have a quirkless loser in your home.” Katsuki flinched at your words, a sense of guilt still in him for saying those things to you and Izuku.
“Like my ma said. Stay as long as you need. Don go back to yer parents…or yknow.” He turned over to look at you, the both of you making eye contact for a minute.
“Thanks…thank you.” You smile softly at him, letting your eyes close to get a peaceful nights worth of sleep.
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AN: This will be a couple of parts! A short story :) I hope you all enjoy some soft Bakugou and Some Izuku! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE LOVE ON MY POSTS I LOVE ALL OF YOU MWAH here’s more XoXo Stinmybubs!!!
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jisungchan · 18 days
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:· die for me | j.wy ·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:·
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or, when you spot a new face at a party, and he just seems to have you in a trance.
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general content: strangers first meet + fuck whoospie,,, alternative college reader (not really a big part of the story), bff yuta, yuta’s parties=jackson wang’s parties, drug usage (molly, weed, alcohol, other misc. drugs mentioned but not taken or named), fucking on drugs (specifically weed, molly, and alc) (PLEASE do not do this), selective fuckboy wooyoung, NO race specific descriptors (skin colour, hair texture, etc.), NO body type specific descriptors (size of reader body parts, height, weight, etc.), once again pwop but shhh
⚔︎ sexual content warnings (explicit): a nasty ass spitting scene icl i am so (not) sorry, choking, bigdick!woo agenda (always and forever), stomach bulge, raw sex (do NAWT do this), he does pull out (but again pls practise safe sex), dom!woo, sub!reader, a singular punani slap, squirting, many pet names (angel, baby, good girl, etc), a cutie lil aftercare moment, lmk if i forgot anything :D 
~4.1k word count, 15 minutes
-----------------------ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ----------------------- die for me - chase atlantic
a/n: dropping this because i saw atz live and lord wooyoung the man you are OOOOWEEEEEE MAMAAAAA k bye enjoy
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eyes painted black by your smokey eyeshadow, lids low and heavy from both your lashes and the fog of smoke circulating around the stuffy room. there was nothing quite like yuta’s parties; these parties were always packed with people from any and everywhere. you were a regular, every party thrown you were there, usually sat on the couch or outside getting some fresh air from the scent of alcohol and sex lingering. you have seen faces of people come and go over time; some are too innocent to be at this type of function, others who blend right in. 
the table in front of you is lined with every substance known to mankind. knowing the types of people there, you never take the unknown powders or tablets. instead, you and yuta had your own personal secret stash hidden in a locked room. you had been puffing on a joint for a while, and were starting to get antsy for something more, something euphoric. 
getting up from your spot on the couch, you start to make your way to the stash room, desperate for a different feeling other than the boredom on your chest. manoeuvring your way through the crowded sea of sweaty bodies, a new face caught your attention.
long black hair messily pushed back, exposing his ear filled with black crosses, a few loose strands framing his olive tanned skin. his hand came up to rub his lip, and you noted both the plushness of his lips and the shape of his hands, covered with black and silvers rings. he tilted his head to the side, slowly dragging his finger down from his lip, he softly furrowed his brows with a light smirk, leaning down even more to talk to whoever had his attention. 
“y/n!” a smack on your shoulder shook you out of your stranger-infused haze. of course, it was no other than the notorious nakamota yuta, the man who is somehow the best friend you have ever had. 
“you look too sober, want one?” he fished in his pants pocket, pulling out a little baggie with a few pills. of course, your favourite was there.
“you know me all too well.” you said with a smirk as you picked the blue molly tabs out of the baggie. just as you were about to slip one into your mouth, yuta stops you. 
“well well, look who actually made it!” yuta says as he dabs up the unknown presence beside you. turning to look, you see the unfamiliar face which had you in a daze. 
“i told ya i’d come, maybe i’ll even become a new regular.” while he was talking to yuta, you noticed his eyes lingering on you, drinking you in.
“care to introduce me, yuta?” the stranger asks, turning his body to face you, looking down at you with that same expression from earlier. 
“this,” yuta says as he throws an arm around your shoulder, pulling you in tight, “is my bestest friend y/n, and no, we’re not fucking.” punctuating his sentence with a warm kiss on your cheek. 
“y/n, this is jung wooyoung, resident fuckboy who doesn’t fuck.” 
with a confused look, you turn to yuta for any sort of clarification on what he just said. just as you turn your head, a girl comes up to the stranger you now identify as jung wooyoung. 
“there you go, you left me all alone.” the woman says with desire in her eyes, though poorly masked with a faux innocence. 
“as i told you earlier, i’m not interested, sweetheart. now why don’t you go find someone else who’ll fuck you the way you want?” a playful smirk across his face, but his words were dripping in a sweet condescending venom. the girl scoffs and walks off, muttering how it’s “his loss.” 
“that, my dearest y/n, is what i mean. he could get so much pussy but he acts like he’s better than the rest of us.” 
“what can i say, my dick is too good to just stick in anyone.” he says, flying a sly wink in your direction. shrugging off the interaction, you continue to where you left off, plopping the blue tab onto your tongue. before swallowing, yuta grabs his phone, and you stick your tongue out, taking a photo to add to the dozens of others. 
“before you swallow that…” wooyoung says, and before you could even respond, he stretches his hand out, splaying it across your throat. you feel his long, slender fingers grip the sides of your neck. gentle enough so you can breathe comfortably, but tight enough to make its strength known. his warm breath covers the side of your face, then right by your ear as his presence fills your senses.
“come on, be a good girl and show the camera.” he whispers in your ear, giving it a small lick as he pulls away.
abiding, you stick your tongue back out, now the tab a bit messy with saliva. you look up at the camera, tongue out and wet with a stranger’s large hand around your throat. 
“wow wooyoung, you might as well spit in her mouth at this point.” yuta jokes, but you knew his meaning was anything but humorous. if it was one thing about yuta, he always tries to hook you up with someone, saying maybe you wouldn’t be so “stuck up” if you got dicked down. deciding to play around, you turn to look at wooyoung, looking up at him with a rebellious hint in your eye, and he obliges. 
you watch as he put his lips together before slightly opening them, you watch as his saliva drips, blurring his mole placed oh so perfectly on his lower lip. his eyes are half-lidded as he watches yours with careful eyes, trying to decipher what you’re displaying. you feel as his cold spit lands on your tongue, you close and swallow, smally sticking out your tongue again so he can see it clean of materialised blue euphoria. 
then, he reaches for the bag yuta still has out in his hand, and picks out the matching blue tablet of joy. he pops it into his mouth and swallows it down as you watch his adam’s apple bob from the gulp. 
“i’ll be up there with you soon now.” he grins, excited for the euphoric plans, which include you, racing in his head. 
in front of you yuta laughs, “ah, well i know where you two will be later.” and he walks off, getting pulled away by a group of his friends. 
“you just let any guy spit in your mouth?” wooyoung asks, you’re spiking his interest, and he’s not quite sure as to why.
“depends if they smoke me out or not.” you smile, motioning to the lump in his front pocket. 
following your gaze down to his jeans, he chuckled dryly “how do you know that’s weed? maybe it’s something else.” he says seductively, trying to get your gears turning. 
standing on your tiptoes, letting your warm breath spread over his ear, you whisper “i’d hope you’d be bigger than that.” you mimic his earlier antics and lightly lick the shell of his ear before standing flat and walking back towards the couch without giving him a second look.
you’re back sitting on the couch, the effects of the molly slowly starting to take over, everything seems more vibrant and you start to feel hot, even with the little amount of clothes you have on. you feel the couch dip next to you, and it’s none other than jung wooyoung. 
“still wanna smoke?”
taking him up on his offer, he follows you to your room. 
“i thought this was yuta’s place?” the room is obviously not just a spare guest room, it was personalised just to you. 
“this is my home away from home, i’m still in college, you know.” you say, sitting on the bed covered in a plush pink blanket. the room is a stark difference from your attire, and most people are shocked when they go to your personal space. walls painted a light sage green, cherry blossom vines hanging from the ceiling, cloud lamps on the walls, sanrio and tokidoki plushies and decor everywhere. there was a large bookshelf filled with your favourite novels, manga, and decorated with figurines and other miscellaneous decor. 
your outfit tonight consisted of a mini black leather double buckled skirt and essentially a matching black leather belt as a top. you opted for platform boots, not too tall but chunky enough for your liking. messy black smokey eye and spiky lashes, a plump black and red ombre glossy lips with greyish contour sculpting your face beautifully. your hair was messy, yet matches the vibe of your look perfectly. 
“hm, thought there would be more skulls," he picks up a tokidoki plush and gives it a squeeze before sitting next to you. he pulls out his stash, and you offer him a rolling tray filled with the essentials to get started on the session. 
you watch mindlessly as he effortlessly starts to grind the bud, you notice his long fingers grabbing the purple flower and gently pressing it into your metallic pink grinder. 
“so, ya just gonna drool over my hands, or actually talk to me?” he smirks, turning his head to face you as his hands continue the process without supervision. 
“talk about what? i told you: you spit in my mouth, you smoke me out.” you say matter of factly, reaching to grab a water bottle on your nightstand. 
“so, what if i want to do it again, does that mean i get to see you for another session?’ he questions, now moving on to packing the pink blazy susan preroll. 
“depends, we’ll have to see how the rest of the night goes.”
“i guess i’ll have to prove it to ya, huh?”
finally, he finishes packing a few, and holds the joint up to your lips. you part slightly, letting him place it in between your glass lips as he holds up the lighter to spark it up. you inhale the sweet bitterness of it, doing a trick just to be funny. he laughes as he grabs it from your lips and starts taking his own puffs. 
when you are down to the last bit of the joint, you pass it back to him, as you do still have proper smoking etiquette. he takes his same hand from earlier and grabs your throat again, you feel his cold rings pressing into your skin, yet his fingertips seem like they were burning. 
“be a good girl and open up for me, yeah?” 
obeying his command, you slightly part your lips, and he takes a big inhale, finishing the rest of the joint. then, he moves his face close to yours, looking in your eyes for confirmation. once he sees your small nod, he presses his lips to yours, and blows the smoke into your mouth. he keeps his forehead against yours as you blow the smoke out of your mouth, causing a fog to shield your face from his. you see his mole stretch out as he smiles, putting out the roach. he still has his hand on your neck, and takes the other to cradle your face, thumb swiping over your lips, smearing your perfect lip combo. 
“you know, i don’t let people smoke my weed,” he whispers.
“and i don’t let people come in my room, or spit in my mouth,” you whisper back. 
a smile splays across your face, matching his. the hand that was once on your lips is now at your waist, circling ever so slowly lower to your hip. he moves both hands to either side of your hips, and shifts you to straddle him.
“you look really fucking hot in this outfit, but i think it would look better on the floor.” he sighs, hot breath wandering on your chest as his eyes are glued on your body. 
your response is undoing the buckle on your top, letting the metal cling as it falls to the floor. your breasts bounce as it is released from the tight leather material and he drinks the sight in. 
he takes the first move and closes the gap to capture your lips in a frenzied kiss. he takes your bottom lip in between his teeth and lets it pop out when you gasp for air. going back in, he licks the inner rim before fully indulging in the taste of you. your tongue traces his lip in where you remember his mole tattooed, then pushing in past his lips to explore each others’ mouths. his tongue feels hot and heavy in your mouth, swiping over everywhere it can.
you take your acrylic tipped fingers and lightly scratch underneath his shirt, lifting it slightly to reveal his tanned abs, glistening from the heat of the moment. you watch as his stomach rises and falls rapidly, anticipating your next move. your hands go up to completely rid him of his shirt, relishing in his perfectly toned stomach. you push him back on the bed, his head landing softly on a pillow. he pushes you up so you’re fully seated on his throbbing hard on. your skirt is so short that it’s just your thinly covered core grinding on his denim jeans. you lean down to press wet kisses along his jaw, down his neck, and across his broad chest.
you wanted to take your time with him, get him a little antsy and worked up, but he has other plans.
getting impatient, he flips you over, so you’re now underneath him; his entire body blocks your view of anything but him. you feel as a hand ghosts down your torso, leaving goosebumps in its wake. you arch your back so he can unzip your skirt that’s now bunched up anyways. peeling it down and off your body, he notices the dark spot on the seat of your underwear and laughs. 
“i haven’t even touched you yet baby, what’s got you so worked up?” he presses 2 fingers at the spot, causing you to forcibly suppress a moan. he hooks a finger and yanks your panties off, leaving you completely naked under him. you pull him by the belt to bring him closer to you. by now, the molly is in its peak, all the weed you smoked and alcohol you drank is catching up to you, and you’re feeling needier than ever. 
“what is it, hmm? tell me what you want.” he smirks, condescendingly caressing your waist. 
what you haven’t realised yet, is that he is feeling just the same as you. all the desperation, neediness, and lust is clouding his mind, just not enough for him not to toy with you for a bit.
“need you to fuck me, now, please.” you whine, desperate for his touch.
“how do you want me?” he cocks his head to the side, slowly starting to undo his belt and unzip his jeans. your hands hurriedly go in attempt to help him undress quicker. 
“hard, messy, sloppy, i don’t care. just use me, please.” you beg. your pupils are completely dilated now, throwing away all sense of pride and ego you had left. 
he laughs in your face, “drugs got us both messed up, just look at us baby.” by now, his jeans are undone, and his hands are stopped before pulling them down. with a sense of urgency, you push them down his thighs. he kicks them off along with his boxers, leaving you both basking in each other’s bare skin. you take a moment to take in the man above you. from his strong arms holding himself up above you, veins protruding out. his skin with a glowy sheen and soft toned abs breathing hard. his collarbones poking out, and even more veins pulsating along his neck. his lips slightly swollen and glistening from the quick make out earlier. 
as you’re stuck on his face, you feel something big and hard tapping at your dripping sex. finally looking back down, you see him gliding his dick between your folds, collecting your arousal and lubricating himself with your body. you moan and whine at the sensation, especially upon realising just how big and girthy he is; you’re preparing yourself for a stretch. 
he leans back down above you for a kiss, a sweet gesture to help guide you through the brief pain upon him finally entering you. you feel the initial stretch and cry into the kiss, mindlessly clawing at his biceps in attempt to ease the pain. he keeps nipping at your skin, littering it with kisses and whispering sweet nothings as he ventures further and further inside.
“you’re doing so well angel, just a little more for me, okay?” you whimper and nod, mind already becoming even more empty the more he pushes into you. once he’s fully inside, he gives you a moment to adjust, lightly massaging your stomach to soothe you. in the midst of your mind floating away, you hear him chuckle, and you open your eyes to his glued on your stomach. 
“look pretty girl, you feel how deep i am in you?” he presses firmly and you can feel him in your guts. you follow his gaze down and see his hard imprint in your skin. you start moving your hips, needy for some movement and friction. 
“fuck baby, not yet.” he groans, feeling your movements. you feel heavenly wrapped around him, and he hasn’t even started moving yet. he was planning on taking his time with you, he wanted to savour this moment and leave with you both wanting more. he was hoping this wouldn’t be a one time thing, he wanted to fuck you with a bit more empathy than he did his other girls. he wasn’t sure why, but liked you, and he wanted to show you. 
but, some things just don’t go according to plan. 
he starts to hear your whines and pleads, “i can take it, don’t go easy, pleasepleaseplease.” 
at this point, you’re grabbing at his hips, trying to get him to initiate any type of movement. from the way your eyes are getting wet with tears, your begging words, and the way your body is antsy trying to get some friction, it doesn’t take much more for wooyoung to start viciously pounding into you. 
you feel the sudden movement in your stomach, and your eyes roll back from relief from finally getting some release. every time he draws back in you feel the shaft of his lengthy cock drag against your clit. you sit up slightly to watch as he spreads your lips open, exposing the nastily messy scene of his dick entering you over and over and over again. just as you’re in another daze of watching the obscene sight, your head is forced back down onto the bed. you look up to see wooyoung with his hand around your throat, for the third time tonight, and his face painted with a cocky grin. 
“i must not be fucking you good enough if you can still move,” was all he said before bringing both your legs up to dangle from his shoulders. your thighs are pressed firmly against your torso, pushing your breasts together and making them jiggle even more from the compression. your ankles lay on either side of his neck, your metal anklet clashing with his necklaces. in this new position, you feel him even deeper, and you let out a load, almost pornographic, moan at the new sensation. he starts thrusting even harder, deeper, and you wonder if you could ever get over it, over him. 
who was this mystery man? and why did you let him fuck you so easily? yeah, you could blame it on the alcohol, blame it on the weed, most likely blame it on the molly. but nevermind that, because right now, you’re thanking whatever god there is above for letting you cross paths with jung wooyoung tonight. 
but when you feel a harsh slap! on your clit, and your teary eyes become hypnotised by the swing of the silver cross dangling from his neck, you start to think that the god that is supposed to be way up above, is literally right above you. 
and you just might get down on your knees to start worshipping jung wooyoung every night. 
all you can feel is him, your senses are filled with his touch, his gaze, his warmth. he gets down on his elbows, closing the distance between you to initiate another kiss. you were so out of your mind at this point, lazily and messily kissing him back. you feel saliva drip down your chin, not sure if it’s from you or him, but you couldn’t care less.  
he pulls away from you, and starts sucking on your skin, sweet and salty from your sweat, leaving hickeys in its wake from your jaw to your neck to your chest. 
“look at you, taking me so fucking well.” he whines, punctuating each word with a hard thrust. 
all you can do is nod and moan out his name. the name of wooyoung is being burned in your throat from the chanting, all while the shape of his dick moulds your insides just for him.
you’re starting to feel the build up, feeling so, so close to finally feeling the sweet release you’ve been craving all this time. feeling you starting to clench repeatedly along his member, he goes impossibly quicker, chasing his release as well. he sits back up and reaches a hand down to rub firm figure eights on your throbbing bundle of nerves. 
taking one last look at him before completely losing your mind, he truly does look like a god. the warm cloud lights backlights him and makes him look larger than life. he has his other palm pressing into your stomach, and you feel something a bit different about this orgasm than your others. 
“f-fuck, wooyoung, gonna, ah!” you try to warn, but it only motivates him to keep up his antics. 
“gonna what? gonna cum all over my cock like a good girl?” he teases before starting to whine himself. you just keep squeezing him oh so right, and he needs you to come undone before he does. 
like your body was under his beck and call, which it basically was, you scream out his name, and feel your hips shake as you finally come undone. everything goes blank for a second, and you feel his hips stuttering as he finishes right behind you, releasing on your stomach and sputtering on your abused sex. 
“look at you glacéing me.” he says, looking down at your release coating his abs and cock all over.
you tilt your head, slowly coming back to reality, “glacé?” you ask in a confused daze. 
“a sugar coating, you taste so sweet.” he smiles, swiping a finger across his stomach and tasting you on his tongue. 
it was only now you realise... you just squirted all over him.
he just grins as he takes your face in his hands, and smothers you with kisses until finishing with a sweet, passionate kiss on your lips.
he grabs a tissue from your nightstand to gently dab you somewhat clean. 
“let me run you a bath, yea? let’s get you all nice and clean for bed.” he picks you up, and brings you to your attached bathroom. 
he runs hot water, and notices a bottle of rosewood vanilla soap. naturally, he pours a bit under the running spout, creating a pleasant faint aroma and bubbles. 
as he goes to help you in the tub, you grab his arm, “get in with me?’ 
and when you give him those eyes, the ones that have just a hint of longing and hope, he just can’t say no. 
he sits behind you in the tub, taking your washcloth and softly cleaning your body of the sweat from your escapades. he even reaches for your makeup remover wipes and gently wipes your face clean. the feeling is calming, him behind you, humming song after song in your ear as he cleans you off. 
out of the tub, he dries you off, and even makes sure to apply moisturiser to your face before placing you back on the bed. rummaging through your drawers, he finds one filled with soft little silk slip dresses. he picks out a black one with a simple red rose in the middle. he finds your underwear drawer as well, and picks out a pair of comfy cotton ones to go with it. he dresses you as you lie back on the bed, half asleep by the loving night routine he has provided you. he goes back to your drawers, and chuckles as he finds a pair of boxers, obviously yours, as they were tokidoki and a bit too girly. he slips them on and glides into bed next to you. your sleeping body immediately finds his, and you wrap yourself around him.
you two will talk about this in the morning, but for now, it was a different sense of euphoria as you drifted off in his arms.
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mysteria157 · 8 months
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Fic Masterlist
Pairing: Nanami Kento x Black Female Reader
Genre: Fluffy Smutty Romance, Unplanned Pregnancy/Sort of Enemies to Lovers AU
CW: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Baby Daddy Nanami Kento, Unplanned Pregnancy, Slow Burn, Minor Character Death, Angst/Hurt/Comfort, Smut, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex, MINORS DNI
©mysteria157, all rights reserved. DO NOT copy, plagiarize, reupload, modify, or translate (without permission) my work to other accounts and platforms.
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You probably shouldn’t have slapped him.
But you didn’t care. He deserved it after days of dismissive remarks and hard glares to everything you worked so hard for.
“I’m pregnant. I don’t want your help. I don’t need your help. The fact that you’re the father is more than enough to keep me away from you.”
or: Despite your differences and frustrations with one another, you share a drunk but passionate night tangled in the sheets. But now, five weeks later, you and Nanami Kento have no choice but to navigate a rocky relationship while also embracing the new responsibilities of parenthood that lay ahead.
Author’s Notes: This is my very first fic and a WIP. I have two more chapters left. This entire process has been a journey and there will always be things that I can improve on. But for now, please enjoy. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I love writing it! <3
~Those Moments In Between - moments that take place during and after It Had To Be You.~
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Chapter Summaries:
Thank you all for coming on this journey with me. Feel free to leave a comment to let me know your thoughts. Or send me a message if you want! Love you all <3
Chapter 1: Your life comes to a startling halt when you realize the abrasive and dismissive man you shared a passionate but drunken night with is now the father of your child.
Chapter 2: That first day when you meet him, you’re bright eyed and ready to work alongside him, filled with so many ideas that will benefit the company. Him, Nanami Kento, a highly esteemed director that always made your stomach flip in desire. But it turns out, he’s not what you thought. Flashback
Chapter 3: When it comes to work, Nanami likes to follow a specific code for people like you. And he would like to think it’s working so far. But one too many drinks and things change. Flashback
Chapter 4: When you think you’re a step ahead to keep Nanami out of your way, your world comes crashing down and makes it harder for you to decide to break the news.
Chapter 5: You want nothing to do with him. Nanami wants to make the right decision. 
Chapter 6: You catch subtle glimpses of another side of Nanami. You both come together to meet the life you have created together. A traumatic part of your life makes itself known. 
Chapter 7: Pregnancy hormones get the best of you. You are given a big opportunity in your company. But it’s not what it seems.
Chapter 8: You deal with the fallout. An unexpected visitor puts your life in jeopardy. Nanami tries to pick up the pieces. 
Chapter 9: You make a life change and show a side of yourself that you never wanted to entertain. Nanami asks you to dinner. 
Chapter 10: You catch a glimpse of the growing life within. A home cooked meal and a searing kiss.
Chapter 11: Nanami gifts you with something that sets a new course in your life. When confessions are finally laid on the table, you both give in.
Chapter 12: A vulnerable moment with each other. A baby shower. An accident that throws Nanami’s life in disarray.
Chapter 13: You and Nanami navigate through grief.
Chapter 14: A birthday, a confession, and a new addition.
Chapter 15: You and Nanami navigate through the first months of parenthood. Nanami gives you an amazing birthday gift. A surprising encounter with someone from Nanami’s past makes you unsure of yourself.
Chapter 16:  The last person you ever wanted to see pries into your life. Nanami makes a life changing decision. Your hard work finally pays off.
Chapter 17: You work hard to bring life to something dear to Nanami.
Chapter 18: You help Nanami on the anniversary of Yu's death. Nanami finally works up his courage during a warm day of Sakura season.
Chapter 19 (Epilogue): Things finally come together.
**Do not plagiarize any of my works or translate without my permission!**
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lustspren · 1 year
D.A | Silence Speaks ft Sullyoon & Isa.
length: 18.5k words (My god, I'm so sorry.) ✦
Sullyoon & Isa & Male Reader. 
Sequel to My Number One.
genres: subbest sub! sullyoon, sub! isa, threesome, double blowjob, fluffy, oral sex, lesbian, public sex, daddy kink, slight squirt, creampie, hard sex,  �� 
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Seeing her perform was always a delight for you.
That day was a musical show day, and as usual, you always accompanied Sullyoon to all of her activities almost without exception. Your numbers on the purple platform had grown quite a bit and were still growing exponentially, that made your working hours decrease, and your audience was more and more loyal to your content, so you could afford not to stream for a day or two and spend time with Sully.
Someone else might care about being a public figure and dating another public figure twice as famous as you, but your entire audience was English-speaking, you were sure that absolutely no one would ever recognize you in Korea, you were just another established foreigner, and that's it. Of course, it wasn't like you could afford to take her wherever you wanted, first because that meant big trouble with Haewon, and second because Sully could get into trouble, big trouble.
You already had a big scare a few weeks ago. You picked Sully up from one of her rehearsals that night, you arrived in your car at about 11 PM, and you called her on her phone to let her know you had arrived, but just when you knew she was going to leave the building, you saw some rather suspicious people move around in the rearview mirror, with what appeared to be cameras that went quite unnoticed. Dispatch? Probably. Quickly and in a fit of panic you called her back while you put on the hood of your hoodie and slumped into the seat so they wouldn't see you, telling her to stay inside for a while while they left, about half an hour passed, and seeing that they were not going to get anything, they left. Even so, still not feeling safe, you had to pick up Sully through a secondary exit, which was for staff only.
Despite all the difficulties, everything was going great and very few things could ruin your days, your relationship with Sully (you would count Jinni, but your relationship with her, if you could call it that, was something much more intermittent) was beautiful and peaceful, and you felt that absolutely nothing could improve it. Mistaken.
As usual, you had to wait in the dressing room with all the rest of the staff while they did their respective recordings for the show. This was a more spacious room than usual, but the distribution of furniture was practically the same: work tables with chairs and mirrors spread over the three walls, two medium-sized sofas, and a 32-inch television in one of the corners, where the images that were being shot were transmitted in real time.
Love Me Like This was without a doubt the best title track that JYP had given them so far, it was a perfect and round song, they all stood out equally, and the choreography was quite addictive to watch. You were sitting on one of the two sofas while you were talking with Sully's stylist, who today chose to put two braids on each side of her head and an outfit that, as always, highlighted her curvy figure and her greatest feature, that flat abdomen, creamy and pretty that drove you so crazy. Exceptional work on her part, it had to be said.
As the minutes passed, the recording finally came to an end, and the television went black with the SBS Inkigayo logo in the middle. You took out your phone, and dedicated yourself to waiting patiently while the girls returned to the dressing room. It took about 15 minutes until you finally saw Haewon peek out the door and walk in, followed by Lily, Bae, and your girlfriend.
"Oh, you're here, someone will be very happy to see you," Haewon said, going to sit in one of the chairs in front of the mirrors.
Sully didn't know you had arrived yet, and as soon as she saw you her two eyes lit up like two brilliant sea pearls. You stood up, and she ran towards you with a beaming smile from ear to ear to hug you.
"Hello honey," you murmured so only she could hear, "you were amazing today," you gave her a small kiss on the temple, after making sure no one was paying too much attention.
"Hi d..." she was about to call out to you like she always does, but just at that moment a hairstylist passed behind you, "You think so?" she took a little step back, and placed her hands on your chest, "The camera work was a little awkward this time, a lot of close-ups."
"Oh yeah, I noticed," you nodded, "but hey, that was really cool! Besides, you look gorgeous with those braids and that outfit," you said as you looked at her gray, red-striped sweater.
"Mmm, I prefer my hair down, but thanks...daddy," she murmured, already sure no one was near her, "Oh, I'm hungry, can we go get something to eat? Please?"
Lily had sat in the same space on the sofa where you were before, and as soon as she heard the word 'eat', she jumped up and stood next to you.
"Can I go with you guys?" she asked with a small smile on her face. Sully looked somewhat puzzled, but as usual, she left the last word up to you.
"Oh sure, come on," you nodded towards the exit.
The SBS facilities were somewhat confusing and intrinsic for you, it was the second time you went there, and the first time had been so long ago that you didn't even remember where things were, you had no choice but to let yourself be guided by Lily and Sully through the corridors, until you came to a common area where there were vending machines of all kinds. There were several idols from various groups that you instantly recognized there, Tsuki and Suhyeon from Billlie, Solar from Mamamoo, Serim from Cravity, and two girls from a group that you were a particular fan of, but had never met due to the different agendas between your girlfriend's group and theirs: Isa and Sumin from STAYC.
"Oh shit," Sully and Lily were ahead of you, you had to grab both of their forearms to get them to stop, "how many people in there do you know?"
"None," Sully admitted, realizing when you told her, and now even more nervous than you.
"Oh come on, you don't have to talk to anyone!" Lily exclaimed, clearly being the extrovert she was in front of two introverts like you two, "Just smile and say hi."
"Easy for you to say, you're Aussie," you said, glancing discreetly at Isa, who was walking with Sumin to one of the drink vending machines. The outfit she wore was simple, but it worked perfectly for the beautiful girl that she was; the red on her sweater highlighted her red hair in a rather cute way, and her jean skirt exposed her fleshy pale legs, an allure that held your attention for a moment.
"What does it have to do with me being Aussie?" Lily turned around confused, and you had to pretend you weren't staring at Isa.
"I don't know, I've never met a single Aussie who isn't a social butterfly," you shrugged, and then saw Sully, who seemed rather distracted looking in the same direction as you a moment ago, "honey? "
"Huh?" she turned a little confused, "Oh, sorry," she started to play with her hands, "Just go ahead of me, okay?"
"Yeah yeah, whatever, let's go."
Going between all those celebrities you didn't know personally was a bit easier than you thought, but you couldn't help but feel like a fish out of water. They were all quite nice and cordial when they greeted and smiled back, even Solar, who you thought would be a little tougher for having been in the industry for so many years, greeted Lily and Sully with kindness and letting them know that she was a big fan of their last comeback, the problem came when you got to one of the snack vending machines, right next to the one that Isa and Sumin used. You greeted them like everyone else, and then you let Sully and Lily do their work, staring down each row of the vending machine just to ask Sully for something in case there was something that caught your eye, until you noticed eyes on you, you turned your head and looked at the wall between vending machines to see out of the corner of your eye how the two STAYC girls looked at you while they talked about what to get.
"Ahhh! I don't know if I should get barley tea or purple corn tea," Isa said as she looked back at the cold drinks side of the vending machine.
"I think I'll just have strawberry milk," Sumin replied from beside her, "Oh, and Seeun wants a gatorade, for some reason."
You turned your head a few more centimeters, the exact moment when only Isa was looking at you, you exchanged glances with her, and three seconds passed in which she saw you with two pretty, shiny kitty eyes until you turned your eyes forward. The girls kept choosing snacks, but again you noticed Sully strangely distracted, as if something else had her attention completely taken away from what was happening, you followed her movements with your eyes, and you noticed that what had her so distracted was the same reason why you felt observed.
Sully couldn't stop staring at Isa, it wasn't like she had her gaze completely locked on her, but every few seconds she'd sneakily give her a shy look, you knew your girlfriend, and you knew those eyes were more than just a girl wanting to make a friend, a thought crossed your mind, but it was gone as fast as a shooting star, you were just daydreaming.
"Seol Yoonah!" Lily exclaimed, annoyed looking at Sully, noticing her obvious distraction, "do you want to get what you want or not?"
"Oh yeah yeah, sorry unnie," Sully apologized once more as she snapped out of her hypnosis.
When they finished taking their snacks, you, Sully and Lily were about to leave, you took a few steps with Lily ahead of you two, until you were stopped by a serene and sweet voice.
"Unnie!" you three turned around, finding yourself facing Isa, and a few steps behind, Sumin waiting for her, "Uh... I wanted to tell you that... well, I really love your song!" She said hesitantly, with the most adorable eye smile you've ever seen, "I always watch all your stages."
She was talking directly to Sully, you and Lily exchanged glances, and she just shrugged to make a 'just let her socialize' sign.
"Oh, aigooo…" Sully put her hand to her mouth and giggled nervously, then bowed to her, "Thank you so much! Uh… I love Teddy Bear too, and… you look very pretty with that hair color!"
"Ahhh! Thank you very much! You look very pretty too," Isa bowed back, still smiling, and you could swear her cheeks were a little red. You just stood there, watching how two tenderness and cuteness masses did nothing but compliment each other.
"Guys… hmm, I guess I'll go ahead," Lily said, but clearly only you were paying attention to her, you nodded, and she just turned and headed down the hall.
"And he… he's very handsome," Isa said to Sully, but looking at you with the same eyes she looked at you a minute ago, "Is he your… manager?"
"It's my d…" Sully was about to say the word, but you cleared your throat to get her attention, "It's… you know, I can't say it out loud," your girlfriend shook her head, a blush building on her cheeks, Isa just giggled.
"Okay, you don't have to say it, I get it," she nodded and then looked at you again, "Oppa, how about... I give you guys my number?
"Oh, I didn't bring my phone..." Sully wailed, patting the pockets of her pants, "daddy, do you?"
Sully was sometimes very silly, and this time she didn't realize that she had said the word in front of two other people besides you, but those two people and you did, it seemed quite natural to Isa, in fact, she didn't even flinch, in the other hand, Sumin raised both eyebrows somewhat surprised and nodded slowly, and you, well, you just wanted to die of embarrassment.
"Yeah... sure," you agreed after a sigh, pulling your phone out of your pocket. Isa dictated her number to you, you wrote it down, and immediately sent her a text for her to book you. Then you repeated the same process, but Sully was the one who dictated her number to Isa.
"Unnie, you thought he was really handsome too, don't you want his number?" Isa said to Sumin, turning to see her, but she immediately widened her eyes when she noticed your gaze. Her outfit was also very pretty, a striped sweater, short skirt with a belt, the same long converse boots as Isa, and circular glasses that made her look quite adorable. She turned around, completely ignoring the question that had just been asked, "Well, take that as a no, for now," Isa shrugged, looking back at you.
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"Tell her for me that she's really cute too, since she looks like she wants to run out of here," you laughed, pointing with your chin as Sumin fidgeted with her legs.
"With pleasure!" Isa smiled at you and nodded, then looked at Sully, "I'll text you when I get home, okay?" she asked her in a sweet and loving tone of voice, "it was nice meeting you, unnie," then turned to you, "and you too, oppa," she winked at you, to turn around and walk off with Sumin.
"Well, that was unexpected," you turned to look at Sully, and she turned to look at you, "you called me daddy in front of them, you know that right?"
"What? I really did that?!" Sully asked in alarm, then she put her hands to her mouth and made puppy eyes, "God, I'm so sorry daddy!" she started to wail, but you took both of her hands and squeezed them gently.
"Shhh," you subtly silenced her, "it's okay, they didn't seem alarmed about it, I don't think they'd say anything to anyone."
"Are you sure? Only you and I were supposed to know that... and Jinni, and Lily, and Haewonie..."
"Wait, Lily and Haewon know?" you frowned in confusion.
"I've inadvertently referred to you that way, I'm sorry..." she pouted like she was about to cry.
"No, it's fine, I just want to know in front of whom I should fake it and who I shouldn't."
"Well, Bae doesn't know yet… or maybe she does," she glanced to the side then scratched her temple thoughtfully. You let out a sigh.
"Let's just go honey, we shouldn't be talking about this here," you offered her your arm, and she grabbed it with both of her hands, then you started walking back to the dressing room.
Everything was calm while you waited in the dressing room, the girls were removing their makeup, talking to each other and eating snacks. Sully was a few feet away from you sitting in her chair, and you were sitting alone on the couch looking at your phone when you suddenly got a message. Reading it made your heart skip a beat for a second, you knew that this couldn't be about anything innocent, whether it was bad or good.
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You stood up and adjusted your sweater. You walked over to the seat where Sullyoon was sitting, and flexed your knees to get closer to her ear.
"Honey, I need to go to the bathroom, my stomach hurts, I'll be back in a bit, okay?" you said.
"Oh okay, let me know if you need anything, please," she replied, looking at you through the mirror with worried puppy dog eyes.
"Thanks darling, I'll be fine," you winked at her, and then turned to leave the dressing room.
The warnings were quite easy to follow, in fact, it would not have been a problem for you to get there due to the difference in the flow of people between areas, but it was still a worryingly hidden place. A turn to the right, another to the left, then a long corridor, and another turn to the right were enough to find the aforementioned service stairs. It was a well-lit area, with security lights on each wall. There was a staircase that went up, and another that went down, where there was a door that said: 'For maintenance personnel'. Isa was waiting for you on the second step of the stairs that led to that door. She was staring at her phone, leaning against the stair rail.
"Oh wow, long time no see," she joked as she noticed you approaching her.
"I know, right? It felt like forever," you joked back, leaning against the railing opposite her, "do you need anything?" you asked, getting straight to the point. Isa was thoughtful for a moment.
"Mmmm, not really," she shook her head doubtfully, "or maybe yes, I don't know, it all depends."
"Depends on what?"
"On how much you like me… or how much Sullyoonie likes you," she tucked her phone into her front pocket, laced her hands behind her back and cocked her head to give you a flirtatious look.
"That's pretty serious assumptions you're making, honey," you also cocked her head, looking into her eyes, "how are you so sure of what you're saying?"
"Eyes never lie," she softly denied, "and I'm an expert at reading people's eyes."
"Oh yeah?" You raised both eyebrows, "Well, it turns out that I am, too, and if your assumptions turn out to be true, I guess your position is not too different from mine."
"I'm not going to deny it," she shrugged, "I find you very handsome, and you're definitely my type… you and you… should I say girlfriend?" she gave a small giggle.
"Our relationship is kind of… special, but yeah, she's my girlfriend," you nodded, "you like her, huh?"
"Very much, she has a very fine and delicate face, and if I may say so, she has a very, very hot body," she looked away from you and looked at nothing, as if imagining her.
"Well, she quite likes you too," you crossed your arms, "my poor girl couldn't even focus with you next to her."
"And neither do you. You just proved me right," her eyes returned to yours. She got off the railing and took a few steps forward, until she was a little less than a meter away from you, "do you like me?"
"Do you really need me to answer you? I thought you were an expert at reading people's eyes," you teased, and brought your hand to a strand of her red hair, straightening it to the end. She saw your hand, and then she saw you.
"I'd just like to hear it… daaaaddy," she elongated the first syllable with a sweet, flirtatious tone. She took just a couple more steps, which was enough to be just inches from your body. Her hands rested on your chest, and the look on her face changed completely. When you first spoke to her she was a sweet kitten, now she was a feral cat begging for food.
All your senses were sharpened at that precise moment. Isa's voice was silky, sweet and charming, if she was trying to get you into her little ambush, she had undoubtedly succeeded. You were entranced by her beautiful eyes, and seeing her parted lips awakened in you the deepest of feral instincts.
"Do you want me to fuck you right here and now?" The question might have been somewhat unexpected, but after she called you the D-word, you didn't mind being direct. She didn't seem surprised at all, rather she seemed to expect you to say something like that.
"Answer my question first, da-ddy," she didn't take her gaze from hers as her hand trailed down to your sweatpants and gave your cock a gentle squeeze through the fabric. You had to take a breath.
"Yes, I like you a lot," you answered looking into her eyes, "actually, I don't like you, you fascinate me, your eyes are beautiful, your smile is beautiful, you have perfect thighs, and a fucking hot body," you blurted out all that in the most natural way, bringing your face a little closer to hers.
"Well... then yes, I want you to fuck me right here and now, daddy" she whispered, closing the distance between you two and merging your lips in an intense and passionate kiss.
You pulled her by her suspenders with your fingers closer to your body, so that her stomach was pressing against yours. Your hands went to her waist, you felt her soft flesh against your fingers for a moment, and then your hands came up to cup each side of her face as you went deeper into the kiss. You pressed a little more on her soft cheeks, and she responded by giving another squeeze to the growing bulge in your pants this time harder. Isa massaged your cock over your sweatpants throughout the entire kiss, and about a minute passed when she simply yanked them down to a few inches above your knee, with your boxers included and freeing your cock.
"I'd gladly suck your cock daddy," she whispered against your lips, "but we don't have that much time."
She brought a hand to her mouth, spit into it, and then brought it to your cock to begin stroking it slowly and gently. As the saliva lubricated your cock, it got harder and harder, to the point where Isa had to squeeze a little harder to continue moving her wrist at a steady pace. You gasped against hers and kissed her lips again. Isa moved her hand faster, making audible how slippery your cock was; You couldn't help but remove both hands from her face to now place one on her ass and the other on one of her breasts, your hands still hadn't experienced what it was like to touch the skin under her clothes, but those little touches were enough to drive you crazy for her body.
"Stop. I want to feel that pussy," you ordered, grabbing her wrist and making her release your cock.
"As you wish, daddy," Isa gave you a small smile, a peck on the jaw, and then turned around. She rested both her hands on the railing, stepped back so her ass was pressing against the back of your shaft, and leaned forward, making a lovely arch with her lower back, "Come on, maybe you'll be surprised"
You lifted her skirt up as soon as she told you that, and you were certainly surprised, she wasn't wearing any panties. Her round, meaty ass was completely on display for you, as was her pretty and visibly wet pussy. Your cock immediately throbbed, and you involuntarily bit your lip.
"Naughty girl… since when?" you asked, letting your cock rest between her buttocks and squeezing them with both of your hands.
"When I texted you I wasn't wearing them anymore," she looked over her shoulder at you with slightly narrowed eyes, a sultry, lust-filled look. She moved her ass slowly from side to side, moving your cock as well.
"So you already knew I was going to fall for your little game, right?" you brought two fingers to your mouth, salivated them and ran them over her pussy, moving up and down through her slit. She gasped.
"The eyes, daddy, the eyes..." she was about to smirk, but quickly her face distorted as you took your cock, lined it up with her pussy, and slowly pushed the first few inches of your shaft inside her, "Oh fuck," she moaned under her breath.
"Did my eyes tell you how hard I'm going to fuck you right now?" the constant thrust of your hips forward prevented her from saying a single word. The wetness of her pussy made it easy for you, your cock was engulfed by her silky folds slowly, and in a matter of seconds, it disappeared inside her.
"Yes daddy… fuck me hard please, I'm all yours," she replied looking over her shoulder into your eyes, then bit her lip and gripped the railing tighter as your shaft rested inside her hot, wet pussy.
"Yes you are," you said in a low, husky voice, squeezing one of her buttocks with your hand and then giving her a loud spank that echoed through the stairs, "from now on my cock will be the only one who can be inside this pretty pussy, got it?" before she could respond, you began to slowly move your hips back and forth while your hand remained on her buttock. It took a moment until she, between her cute moans, was able to respond.
"Understood daddy, my pussy is your property... no one else's," she gasped, closing her eyes with her mouth agape as she enjoyed the way your cock moved in and out of her pussy at a pace that was simply an appetizer.
You let her get used to your cock with slow movements that didn't even produce a crash between your bodies, it was with the passing of the seconds when your desire to pound her pussy made you start pumping faster and faster. Isa wanted to moan louder, but she knew that the echo in that place was so strong that if someone passed through the nearby corridors, they would be able to hear her very easily. Her first instinct was to bite her arm over her sweater, as she watched you with her eyes alight with lust and her brows furrowed with pleasure.
Your hands went to her waist, where you made sure to roll up her skirt so you could feel as much of her flesh as you could. Feeling her soft skin between your fingers was a delight, as well as making her ass begin to bounce and shake like jelly as your thrusts became more intense and aggressive.
"Yes daddy... yes, yes! Just like that!" Isa yelled as low as she could as her back straightened slightly. She tried to get her face to be level with yours, and she constantly looked at your lips, you understood the message, and you leaned forward to take her by the shoulders, stick her back to your chest and kiss her again.
Isa's moans were drowned out in the kiss. You attacked her mouth with your tongue, taking full control over her. Your arms wrapped around her body, and with that you could feel how fluffy it was. She didn't know where to hold on while you fucked her as hard as you could, she tried to reach for the railing again, but having it a bit far away she opted for the easy option, which was to take her hands back and cling to your neck.
There came a point where everything became so intense that you were forced to pull away from her kiss. Isa completely forgot where she was, and she was able to let out a loud moan before you shoved two fingers into her mouth for her to suck on. The moan echoed through the walls, and you prayed to whatever was up there that no one had heard it.
You couldn't afford to let Isa moan like crazy in that place, so you kept your two fingers stuck inside her mouth. She accepted them without even protesting, salivating them completely, and drowning all kinds of sounds emanating from her throat against them. Your cock kept going in and out of her pussy at full throttle, and it didn't take long for Isa to reach her peak of pleasure.
Her orgasm rocked her body as if she had received a sudden electric shock. Her muscles, especially her legs, completely betrayed her, had it not been for the force of your arms she would have collapsed to the ground in spasms, but instead she writhed in your arms as she grunted and muffled screams against your fingers. Her pussy walls clenched around your shaft, keeping it suffocated throughout her ecstasy. As her orgasm faded, you decided to give her a short break, where you just slowly moved your hips.
"Daddy hasn't cum yet, would you do the honors darling?" you murmured against her ear after taking your fingers out of her mouth and leaving your hands on her buttocks.
"Of… of course daddy, fuck… anything for you," she gasped, flopping forward to grab the railing again. You slowly pulled out of her pussy, seeing your cock now drenched in Isa's slippery fluids.
"Then on your knees, stroke that cock baby."
Isa immediately turned around and dropped to her knees in front of you, took your cock in one hand and began to jerk it as far as her wrist would give. Your gaze and hers locked, and as she watched you, she stuck her tongue out to press your tip against it as she rushed you to your orgasm. A few seconds passed when you felt a tingle travel to your crotch, and the next thing you saw was Isa's tongue and mouth being completely filled with thick strips of thick cum. Her wrist movements dwindled as you continued to shoot your load into her mouth, and when no more came out of it, she took your cock inside her mouth and began to suck every inch of it until it was sparkling clean. She pulled you out, opened her mouth again, and when she stuck out her tongue all traces of your load were gone. Between gasps and heavy breaths, you couldn't help but sketch a silly smile because of how beautiful that girl was.
"Huh? What happened daddy?" asked Isa tilting her head, seeing you smile like a fool, then she gave a few little kisses all over your cock, ending with one on the tip.
"Oh, nothing," you let out a nervous laugh, "it's just... you're so pretty," Isa didn't say anything, her cheeks turned a little red, and you saw yourself reflected in her by the way she smiled, "stand up, they must wonder where we are."
"Ah, I just told Sumin that I was going to meet you," she said as you pulled up your pants and boxers, and when she got to her feet, her legs wobbled a bit, she had to grab onto your arm to keep herself up, "Shit, my legs hurt, I'll have to say it's fatigue."
"Which isn't entirely a lie," you teased, glancing down the hall to your left to make sure no one was eavesdropping.
"Hey, I'll text you when I get home, okay? Both of you," she put her hands on your neck, and gave you a little peck on the lips, "you go first, if someone sees us leaving the same hall at the same time it will be a mess."
"Understood," you nodded, wrapping your arms around her waist once more, "will we see each other soon?"
"I don't know," she looked to the side of you, fooling around as she caressed the hair at the nape of your neck, "I have a day off tomorrow... if only someone would like to take me to his place..."
"Sullyoonie has the day off tomorrow too, and oh, what a coincidence, she'll be there too," she turned to meet your eyes, "we just have to pretend I invited you tonight."
"Okay, I can take care of that," she pulled you closer and gave you another kiss, "see you soon, daddy."
"See you soon, little kitty," you released her, winked at her and turned to head back into the hallways.
"Are you ok?" Sully asked with concern as soon as you entered the dressing room, apparently she was waiting for you near the entrance. You looked behind her, seeing that everyone was almost ready to go. They were all either collecting things or just waiting.
"I'm a little better honey, yes," you nodded, cupping the side of her face in your hand and rubbing your thumb over it for a second. Sullyoon let out a sigh of relief.
"I'll make you some honey ginger tea when we get home, okay?" As always, you couldn't say no to her with that sweet tone of voice and that angelic face.
"I'd appreciate it, darling," you smiled, "Ready to go?"
"Oh yeah, I just have to put on my coat and tell manager-nim," she turned around and went to the place where she had her things. A few minutes passed, and while you were waiting, standing by the door, the girls' manager approached you. He was a guy not much older than you, short black hair and baggy clothes.
"Hey, Yoonah will be with you until Monday, right?" asked the guy, a bit uneasy.
"Yeah, that's the plan at least, don't worry, I know the protocol."
"No going out to places with a lot of people, and if you're going to go out with her, for God's sake be discreet," he reminded you, as if you hadn't done the same thing multiple times. You didn't blame the poor man, he just wanted to do his job well. As he spoke, Sully stood next to you, in her long quilted parka coat, her beautiful brown hair loose and her hands full of things. She was also wearing a mask.
"Gunwook-ssi, I'm not an idiot. Can we go now?" you asked, raising both eyebrows.
"You're incredibly lucky that JYP has lifted the dating bans," he sighed, then opened a notebook in his hand and began to read what appeared to be a schedule, "Yeah yeah, get out, take good care of her , hyung."
"I always do," you turned to leave, and Sully followed.
"Bye unnies! See you soon!" Sully said goodbye, waving her hand towards the girls.
You and Sully had made it home safely, a smooth ride, and a quiet night. You were on the couch, your hair damp since you'd just gotten out of the shower, your favorite black sweater on, and short pajama shorts. You checked your phone while Sully was in the kitchen preparing the tea you had bought on the way. She was playing on the Switch a few minutes ago, so in front of you was the TV with the Animal Crossing pause screen.
"Daddy, do you want sugar in your tea?" she said from the kitchen, taking advantage of the fact that the apartment was completely silent.
"Yes honey! Please!" you answered back, your gaze still on the screen of your phone. Not a minute passed before Sully returned to the sofa with you, your Darth Vader helmet-shaped mug in hand. The sweet aroma of tea filled your nostrils, and even though your stomach problems were a lie, you couldn't help but give a warm kiss of thanks to the beautiful girl who had made it.
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"Taste it!" she demanded in a rather adorable way, you complied, and took the cup to take a small sip of the tea, it was still too hot to taste well, but your tongue immediately told you that it was delicious.
"Mmm, I love it baby, thank you very much," you put the cup on the small table in front of you, surrounded her body padded by her fluffy white jacket with your arms, and gave her many small kisses on the lips, "you can continue playing now dear."
"Yay!" she said excitedly, taking the joystick from the table again and resuming her work.
A few minutes passed in which you were just chatting with Sully about things in the game, when she received a message.
"Oh, Isa unnie texted me," Sully said after checking her phone seconds later. You quickly locked eyes with her as she answered.
"Oh yeah? That's great, darling," you tried to see what they were saying, but couldn't without looking like an idiot. Similarly, a notification on your phone brought you back to your site immediately. It was Isa, and you had to turn the phone over so Sully couldn't see the messages.
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Your heart skipped a beat reading that last message. You shifted nervously on the sofa, and looked at Sullyoon while she continued to look at her phone, more specifically at her chat with Isa, who was already replying to her. None of you said anything for the next 15 minutes, during which time you didn't reply to Isa again due to panic, and Sullyoon giggled and smiled from time to time as she texted back to Isa.
"Daddy! Chaeyoung-unnie has a day off tomorrow too!" Sully told you, with raised eyebrows and eyes like two streetlights. You could see the emotion in her eyes.
"Do you want to hang out with her?" you asked, then you took the Switch joystick from her lap and you started playing.
"Oh no no, I want her to come here with us!"
Hearing that from her gave your inner self a mixture of happiness, relief, and satisfaction. All the work was already done, and you hadn't even done anything, neither you nor Isa.
"But darling, don't you think it's a bit hasty? We hardly know her," even though you were completely on board with her idea, you had to feign some doubt so as not to arouse her suspicions.
"Would you rather get to know her better in a public place or here in our safe place?" she raised an eyebrow, knowing that she had won the argument.
"Well, yes, you're right," you shrugged, continuing to stare at the TV, "go ahead, tell her she can come over."
"Yaaaay!" she yelled, unable to contain her excitement, dropped her phone and rushed at you to hug you, so hard that she made you fall back against the sofa. You laughed, and wrapped your arms around her body as she lay on top of you.
"Yup, but hey, tell her to get her something to drink, you know," you said, brushing her hair out of your face and then giving her a peck on the lips.
"I don't know, do you want Soju?"
"I want Soju!" she exclaimed with a smirk as she nodded, then settled her body, pressing her thighs to either side of your hips.
"Alright then, we'll have to clean this place by tomorrow," you sighed, getting the idea that you would have to mop for the first time in a month.
"The whole apartment?"
"Well yeah, we'd kill two birds with one stone," Sully blew out the exact same sigh as you.
"How tiring."
"I know, but it will be worth it baby," you cupped her face with both hands and gave her another little kiss, "Go tell her, come on."
"Yes daddy!" she got up off of you and went back to her place on the couch, picked up her phone again and started to type.
You just lay where Sully had left you, grabbed your phone, and kept an eye on it. The notification didn't take long to arrive, but this time it wasn't a message, it was a photo, and once again you felt like your soul was going to detach from your body.
Isa had taken a photo of herself from her shoulder, pointing towards her naked body face down, she was only wearing high cut lilac panties, and medium-sized long stockings of the same color. She sent it with a text: 'Thanks for saying yes, daddy. See you tomorrow ;)'
In short, you never know how dirty your house is until you clean it. It was ridiculously tedious to clean the whole apartment, there was so much dust and messy things that you even felt a little embarrassed. But Sully never mentioned anything to you about it, she didn't even scold you, at all times she was silently helping you with things that you didn't know how to do correctly.
"Okay, I need to keep this place clean more often," you said, then sighed and plopped down on the couch with the mop stick still in hand. You closed your eyes, and rested your head on the back of the sofa.
"I'll remind you whenever I can daddy," Sully replied from behind you, she grabbed the sides of your face with each hand and lowered her head to give you a little kiss on the forehead.
"Yes, please, I'd appreciate it," you took a deep breath, "honey, did Chaeyoung tell you that she's coming over at what time?"
"Uh..." Sully pulled her phone out of her pocket, checked the chat and let out a little yelp, "7:30, and it's 6, I gotta get ready!"
"Please don't take too long bathing, darling, I need to bathe too."
"But daddy… we've had a bath together before," you immediately opened her eyes to see her looking at you with a small smile.
"Wait for me there, honey, I'll go put this in its place," you said, referring to the mop in your hand.
"Yes daddy!"
She went straight to the bathroom, and you got up to go straight to the kitchen to put away the mop, the bucket, and all the cleaning products you had used to clean the apartment. When you put everything in its place, you walked briskly towards the bathroom. You walked in, and the first thing you saw was Sullyoon's bare back, while she was pulling down her pajama pants with panties included, you couldn't help but take a look at her pretty pussy. She caught your eye, and looked over her shoulder at you with a shy little smile.
"Oh hi daddy, I didn't think you'd be so quick," she giggled, turning around so you could see her gorgeous body. And so you did, looking at her small tits, her smooth legs, and most of all, her flat, long and incredibly sexy abdomen.
"How could I not? The prospect of helping lather up that pretty body is always attractive," you walked slowly towards her, taking off your t-shirt, shorts and boxers, and when you stood in front of her you wrapped your arms around her hips. your arms, to give their buttocks a squeeze each. Sully slightly flinched, but she took a small step forward to press your cock against her abdomen.
"Daddy... we're running late, we're just going to bathe, right?" she cocked her head as she looked into her eyes, you looked back at her, and then looked at her hair up in an adorable high bun. She put her hands on your shoulders.
"I don't promise you anything," you approached her face, and gave her a short but sensual kiss, "let’s go."
You and Sully got out of the shower about half an hour after you got in. You couldn't convince her to do a quickie, her reason was that you were going to take too long, and as compensation she gave you a soapy handjob that left you more than satisfied. You had come in her midriff, so it took her a little extra time to wash the goo off her skin.
"Ahhh! I don't know what to wear!" Sully complained, hanging around your bedroom, the towel still wrapped around her body while you were already changing into your favorite black joggers.
"Honey, relax, Chaeyoung is a normal girl like you and me, she's not the Duchess of Edinburgh," you said, sitting up on the bed to put on your socks and then your crocs.
"But I want to be pretty! I can't look like a random girl in front of such a beautiful girl," she went to her bag once more, emptied it on your bed and started looking for clothes. You remained silent, and without her noticing, you raised your eyebrows noticing something more than simple attraction towards Isa.
"You're pretty without even trying, I don't think that's a problem," you stood up, and went looking for a hoodie in your closet. It took you a few seconds, but you finally chose an olive green Nike. In a few seconds you were ready, and Sully was barely pulling on her panties and bra.
"Go get everything ready daddy, I promise I won't take so long, okay?" she said, and then released her long, silky brown hair.
"I'll be waiting sweetie," you walked up to her, got behind her and placed a small kiss on her neck before walking out into the living room.
There really wasn't much to do out there, you had left the whole apartment spotless just before you went to bathe. All you had to do was arrange the cushions on the sofa, turn on the air conditioning, and play some music on a low volume. Your first choice was Lost, by Frank Ocean. The atmosphere in the living room was perfect, but you felt something was missing. You thought about it for a moment, standing on the side of the sofa, until the light bulb went on to put a 10-hour campfire YouTube video on the TV.
"All done," you muttered to yourself, and then sat down on the couch to wait for Sully.
That she was not going to take so long was a lie. 25 minutes passed, and it wasn't until then that you heard your bedroom door open, and seconds later, Sully stepped between you and the TV. You looked up, and you were met with a somewhat nervous and insecure look.
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"Well? How do I look daddy?" She raised both arms diagonally to her sides, and you took a moment to analyze her outfit. Black and white striped turtleneck crop top sweater; dark blue jeans, and converse sneakers. Her hair, all loose but clipped to the back of her head. Right and perfect choices.
"You hit the nail on the head with that sweater, honey, you look gorgeous!" Still sitting, you wrapped your arms around her waist and rested your chin on her stomach to look up. She breathed a sigh of relief.
"I'm glad you like it," she said, and then cupped her face gently, "Do you think she's going to like it?"
"If she has excellent taste like me, then yes," you smiled, and the smile spread to her
"Daddy, you know how much I love you, don't you?" she rubbed your cheeks with her thumbs.
"You tell me that all the time, darling, and believe me I love you a lot too," you pulled her towards you, leaned back and made her sit on your right thigh. She wrapped her arms around your neck, and began to play with your hair.
"Daddy... Can I ask you something?" she asked quietly, seeing the strands of your hair that her fingers played with.
"Sure honey, tell me."
"Chaeyoung-unnie… do you think she's pretty?" the question took you by surprise. You didn't know where she was trying to go with that.
"Uhm… well," you paused for a moment to choose your words, "it would be dumb not to consider her pretty, actually yes, she is beautiful," Sully was silent for a few seconds, in which she kept a neutral expression.
"It's just... I also consider her very beautiful, and well..."
"Honey, talk to me straight, please."
"Daddy, do you like her?"
"What? No, I only like you baby, what are you talking about?"
"You don't have to lie to me," she finally met your eyes, "I could see it in your eyes."
"I like her too, a lot."
There was a sudden silence between you and her. You had been frozen by how she had dismantled your facade in just a moment, and you were afraid in case she had also discovered what you and Isa did, but you knew that that was impossible. That didn't surprise you as much as the fact that she'd admitted that so lightly.
"Um... what?" she just nodded.
"She seems so pretty to me, and kind… and lovely, I really like her, daddy," she seemed very embarrassed that she was saying that to you, she lowered her gaze, and clasped her hands in her lap.
"Honey… this doesn't have to affect our relationship, you know?" you took her chin with your fingers and looked for her gaze.
"No?" she asked with some fear in her voice and her eyes beginning to glaze over.
"Of course not," you cupped the side of her face in your hand, "actually, if she wants, we can turn this into something nice and fun. Like with Jinni, remember?"
"But I don't like Jinni like she likes you..."
"Well, I don't like her the way you think I like her either, in fact, I only like her physically… her personality is kind of… crude, she's not my type," you shook your head, realizing that you were straying, "But that's not the issue."
"Are you telling me that we can start hanging out with Chaeyoung-unnie more often? Like... dating?"
"That will depend on many things, dear, for example, if she agrees, how she feels with us, how we feel with her, do you understand?" You gave her a peck on her cheek, trying to cheer her up, "you must understand that polyamorous relationships are not something... common, and they are not something openly accepted by everyone."
"I understand…" she nodded slowly, and then wiped the tears from her eyes that never made it down her cheeks, "Daddy, we should be on the lookout, she could be here at any moment."
"You're right," you gently squeezed her waist, "everything will be alright, okay? Let's just act natural, have fun with her and make her have a great time."
"Yeah!" she said excitedly, and then she slid off your thigh to sit to the side on the couch.
You certainly did not expect such punctuality. It was 7:32, you and Sully were waiting on the couch while she watched you play Genshin Impact on your phone. You had spoken with Chaeyoung during the day, you indicated to her the address of your residential building and the exact number of your apartment. You had also talked to the security guard at the gate to specifically let her through.
A few minutes passed, when the doorbell of your apartment rang.
"She's here," you exited the game, put your phone down on the couch, and headed to the door.
When you opened it, you found yourself face to face with a cute little stray kitten, who seemed lost and didn't know where she was, but as soon as she saw you, a huge smile spread from ear to ear. You smiled back at her, and you dared to grab her forearm, pull her towards you and give her a hug.
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"Hi cutie," you said in her ear, snuggling her into your arms.
"Hi handsome," she murmured back, snuggling into your chest, "sorry if I'm late, I had to buy things last minute."
"Not at all, you're right on time," you released her, and then looked at her outfit. A champagne knitted cardigan, black jeans and white sneakers, "You look beautiful! I love that cardigan."
"Oh, thank you," she naturally bowed to you in thanks, "It was a gift from Sieun-unnie."
"Come in, please," you stepped aside, and she walked past you. Then, you closed the door, "what do you have in the bag?" you asked, pointing to the black plastic bag she was carrying in her hand.
"Uhmm," as you slowly walked down the hallway that led to the living room, she opened the bag for you and her to see inside of it. There were two bottles of Soju, packets of ramyeon, and snacks.
"Two bottles, huh?" You laughed, "You want to go wild today," when you said that, she stopped you before leaving the hallway and leaned in close to your ear.
"Of course I do, daddy, my pussy is more than ready for you," she whispered, then walked out of the hallway, "Ahhhhh Yoonah-ssi!" Chaeyoung squealed, setting the bag down to go hug Sully. The contrast of attitudes stunned you.
"Unnie!" Hi!" Sully greeted back, letting herself be hugged by Chaeyoung as you picked up the bag and went to put it on the table.
"Mmm, you smell so good," when you turned around, you saw Chaeyoung sniffing Sully's shoulder near her neck, "and you look so pretty!"
"Thank you so much unnie… uhm, you look very pretty too," you stood there, as Sully's cheeks flushed red at Chaeyoung's compliment and her closeness, "have a seat please," she smiled sheepishly.
"Chaeyoungie, do you want something to drink? Maybe a Pepsi?" you asked, as she and Sully sat on the couch.
"Oh yes! Please," she nodded.
"I want water honey!" Sully came out too, when you were already walking towards the kitchen. Honey? It was the first time she had called you that in a long time. It didn't bother you, but you thought it was weird. Maybe it was just a name to call you that wouldn't be embarrassing for her in the first place.
"On my way," you walked to the kitchen with the two bottles of Soju in your hands, went to the fridge, took out the can of Pepsi from inside and put the bottles in their place. Then you took two glass cups from one of the cupboards, put ice in them from the freezer, and filled them with Pepsi and water respectively. When you came back, you found Sully and Chaeyoung sitting very close to each other, while Sully was looking for a game in the Switch menu.
"Honey, where do you keep the extra joycon? We want to play Mario Kart!" Sully asked, the blue controller in her hand. Chaeyoung had the red.
"Oh, over here," you put the crystal glasses on the table in front of them, and bent down to open one of the drawers on the table where the television was placed. There were two extra joycon, one purple and one orange. You chose purple, and went to sit next to Sully.
And so, the first activity of the night was completely innocent and harmless. You played the Shell Cup, you chose DK, Sully Toadette and Chaeyoung Rosetta. You were vastly better than the two of them in each of the circuits, you always went first unless someone hit you with a stupid blue shell, but the real competition was between the two of them. They were ahead of each other at all times, and usually any offensive items they got were saved to throw at each other. Normally this would have led to a real fight, but the living room was filled with their laughter, and when something went wrong, they just cheered each other up. A healthy competition that filled you with tenderness.
In the end, neither of them was left in the final podium, and you, as a mockery, made them watch the entire award ceremony cinematic just to remind them that they had lost.
"You should practice, you're still no match for me," you said, leaning back to rest your back on the couch so you could see the two of them.
"Oppa! Don't be arrogant," Chaeyoung complained, and nudged her shoulder, "We're really bad at gaming, and you're a streamer."
"Sully told you that?" You raised an eyebrow, and then you saw your girlfriend, who was making fool while she drank her water.
"And not only that," Chaeyoung chuckled. And you were immediately suspicious. Who knows what the hell Sully would have told her about you.
"I'm not even going to ask," you shook your head, then stood up, "You guys want Soju? You know, to warm up a little bit," you winked at Chaeyoung.
"And we could play something. With punishments," Chaeyoung winked back.
"Super Smash Bros!" Sully said, knowing it was the perfect game to play that way.
"Now we're talking," you smiled.
You went back to the kitchen and opened the fridge to take out one of the two already cold bottles of Soju. Then you opened a drawer to your left, and from it you took out three small crystal shot glasses. You went back to the living room, and Sully had already started the game. It was just the main screen, you figured it was because she didn't know how to get to the corresponding game mode.
"You're lucky I'm really bad at that," you put the bottle and three glasses on the coffee table, to sit down on the sofa again, this time next to Chaeyoung. You looked at Sully just to see if that bothered her, but she didn't seem to care. You looked back at the TV.
"Oh, I used to play this on the Wii, I never knew what I was doing," Chaeyoung admitted, "I just pushed all the buttons and did stuff."
"I never played these games, I always liked Pokemon more, and that was all I played," Sully always spoke at least two tones lower than the two of you, so you really had to pay attention to hear her.
"You just do what she does, push all the buttons and do stuff."
"Hey, whoever gets knocked out, one shot," Chaeyoung prompted before you started the match. You and Sully nodded.
The first game was in the Kongo Falls stage, you chose Sefirot, Sully Kirby and Chaeyoung Incineroar. As expected, it was all laughs from the start. Of the three of us, you were the one who seemed to know what she was doing the most, but you were still fucking bad. Anyway, you managed to save yourself for a moment by knocking Chaeyoung out.
"Ahhh! Fuck!" Chaeyoung whimpered, pouting slightly.
"Ha! There you go!" you scoffed, while you and Sully kept fighting. The fight would have been somewhat fairer, since Sully was giving you a good competition, but with you next to her, Chaeyoung took advantage of Sully's moment of absolute concentration on the television to discreetly move a hand  to your thigh, and she began to massage it until you naturally lost concentration and ended up being eliminated. Sully had been the winner of the first game.
"Yaaaaay! I beat you! I really beat you!" Sully squealed exuberantly, bouncing little hops on her seat. Automatically, Chaeyoung removed her hand from your thigh. You looked straight into her eyes, and she just looked back at you with an innocent 'I didn't do anything' look.
"I told you that pressing all the buttons was pretty effective," you sighed in denial, taking the bottle of Soju and opening it, "I don't mind losing every game as long as you lose too, you know?" you told Chaeyoung, while you poured the drink into the glass cups.
"Hey! Why are you taking this personally?" Chaeyoung teased, "My only crime is being pretty."
"Aha, whatever you say, drink up," you put the bottle back on the table, and handed one of the glasses to Chaeyoung, "Geonbae!" you toasted, as you both put the glasses together before drinking.
Second game, Lylat Cruise. Chaeyoung was eliminated first again, and before she could attempt anything, you eliminated Sully as soon as you could. Game won by you.
"Oops, sorry girls, the gamer prevails," you shrugged, with a fake arrogance meant to annoy them. You took the bottle of Soju, and served the shot to both of them.
"You shouldn't even be playing, it's unfair daddy!" Sully complained. Once again, she called you that name without meaning to, but you didn't say anything either.
"Yeah, she's right, you should let the pretty girls have fun while you relax," Chaeyoung said that line with an extra spice in her voice, and you weren't sure, but you thought it was loaded with an obvious double meaning.
"Oh please, you can beat me with a little bit of effort and luck, it's not that complicated," while saying that, Sully and Chaeyoung took their respective shots.
Third game, Prism Tower. Once again, Chaeyoung was eliminated first, but not by you, but by Sully. This time the reprisals were even bigger and more daring from the redhead next to you. Her hand no longer went to your thigh, but directly to your crotch to gently squeeze and massage your cock for a few, but long and tortuous seconds. You were about to lose again, but to your luck, Sully was quite clumsy, and she eliminated herself by making a bad jump.
"Nooooo!" Sully yelled softly, giving herself the cutest little pats in the world on her thigh.
"My God, thank goodness," you sighed in relief, letting yourself fall back. You saw Chaeyoung, but she didn't look back at you, she just straightened her back so that you, from behind, could see her ass better.
"Wow, you weren't lying about being bad, you're even on our level," she looked over her shoulder at you with a mischievous look.
"Shut up and drink," you pointed at the bottle with your chin.
Sully poured Chaeyoung's drink, and vice versa. They both took their drink, and at least Chaeyoung's cheeks already showed a little red from the alcohol.
You completely lost track of the time between matches, and didn't stop until the Soju bottle was empty. The account had been quite balanced between the three of you, but in the end, the ones who had drunk the most had been the two of them. Chaeyoung's face was already flushed almost all the time, just like Sully's, but neither of them was drunk, not even close, but just like you, they were already starting to feel some heat in their bodies.
"Aw, I would have liked to make you drink even one more time, oppa," Chaeyoung said, disappointed.
"I'm happy, I was able to beat daddy several times, that's never happened before," Sully said, her eyes shining. You wanted to kiss her at that moment, she was so clumsy that she kept saying the word without realizing that she said it.
"Are you hungry yet? Let's order pizza," you asked the girls, standing up, setting the joycon on the coffee table, and turning up the music a bit. Loyal by Chris Brown was playing at the time.
"Not right now... if I eat something heavy I'll throw up, but you can order it anyway, honey," Sully said, and then turned to Chaeyoung, "Unnie, are you hungry?"
"Oh well, actually yes," she looked at you as she replied to her, "so go ahead."
You nodded, and in a moment you took your phone to make the corresponding call to order a family pizza.
"What do we do while we wait?" you asked them, then you went to sit down again, but this time you made them open a space between the two of them, where you sat down.
"Hmm, truth or dare?" Sully proposed to your surprise, since she never used to take the lead on anything.
"That's an excellent idea, baby," Chaeyoung praised her, with a calm smile. Sully smiled too, and sheepishly looked away.
The confidence that Chaeyoung was taking increased like a snowball downhill. She had started with something as simple as smelling her scent near her neck, and now her audacity had reached the point of calling her 'baby'. It was hard to predict what was next. Chaeyoung wasn't exactly an outgoing and active girl, but she wasn't stupid, and she knew exactly what she was doing with every little movement.
"I'm in. But I think we should set the mood now," you got up from the couch and went to turn off the lights in the living room. The only lights now were the television and the one in the kitchen, "that's better," you said, and returned to sit between the two of them.
"How do we do this, then?" Chaeyoung asked.
"Let's use the bottle," Sully helped you push some things away from the table in front of you, so that only the bottle was left, you grabbed it, and spun it around. Seconds later, the bottle was pointing in your direction, "Well fuck."
"Truth or dare, daddy?" Sully asked from beside you, with an amused look.
"Dare, I guess," you shrugged.
"You want to make this exciting right away?" Chaeyoung asked Sully, to which Sully nodded.
"I dare you to stay topless until the end of the game," Sully said, and you cursed under your breath.
"The thing that hurts me the most about that is that it's fucking cold in here," you sighed, then pulled off your hoodie to toss it to Chaeyoung's side.
"Sure? I think it's a little warmer now," Chaeyoung said with a giggle.
"I don't know, you could imitate me and check it out, right?" You said when you turned to see her, and you looked at her from top to bottom.
"Let's get further in the game, and we'll see," she stared back at you, as she bit her lip.
"I'll spin the bottle, okay?" warned Sully, and so she did. This time, the bottle stopped looking at herself, "Oh come on..." you and Chaeyoung laughed.
"Truth or dare, honey?" you asked, still laughing.
"Dare. Be gentle with me, please," she gave you puppy dog eyes, and you actually considered it for a moment.
"Mmmm, I dare you to say which body part of Chaeyoungie you like the most and then touch it," you said, "if she wants to, of course," you turned to her, and she just nodded with a serene smile.
"I told you to be gentle!" Sully whimpered, putting her hands to her face for a moment in embarrassment.
"I can stand up to make it easier for you, cutie," Chaeyoung got up from her seat, standing right in front of you but facing Sully.
"T-thank you..." Sully removed her hands from her face, and then looked Chaeyoung up and down, "Can you... turn around?", the redhead nodded, and turned around. Sully took a few more seconds to look, and you already knew what he was going to say, "Alright… her ass."
"Oh wow," Chaeyoung giggled, "I knew my ass was cute, but not that cute," flashbacks of your little episode with her came to mind at that moment, and the truth was that her ass was more than cute, "Well, go ahead," she slightly leaned forward, and out of the corner of your eye, you saw how Sully discreetly bit her lower lip.
Your girlfriend slowly extended her arm, her hand now inches from Chaeyoung. She hesitated for a moment, but ended up planting her entire hand on Chaeyoung's left buttock. You pursed your lips, and then looked at Chaeyoung, who was looking over her shoulder at Sully with mutual desire. A few seconds passed, and then Sully added her free hand, to give each buttock a squeeze and then lower her hands back to her lap.
"God… done," Sully seemed to release the tension in her body with a long exhale, "Spin the bottle, honey."
"Are you ok?" You smiled in amusement, hand on the bottle as Chaeyoung sat back down.
"Just spin the bottle daddy please," she sighed, then began to chew on her nails.
So you did. You turned the bottle, and as if it were a hidden camera prank, it pointed back at you.
"Is the fucking bottle never going to point at you or what?" you complained, already annoyed by Chaeyoung's good luck.
"Don't be a crybaby," she pinched your cheek with both of her fingers, "truth or dare?"
"Okay..." she nodded slowly as she thought about it, "Have you ever been caught having sex?" she asked, in a mischievous tone.
You almost choked on your own saliva. That was a question thrown with all the mischief possible under the circumstances, she didn't want to get any secret out of you, she just wanted to bother you and continually remind you of what you had done.
"Nope. I've never been caught," you answered confidently, faking a smile, "now spin that shit," you pointed at the bottle.
"Wow, I don't know if you're very lucky or very discreet," she said, somewhat impressed, but you could feel a hint of sarcasm. She spin the bottle.
Your prayers to heaven were heard, because this time the bottle stopped looking at Chaeyoung. You and Sully raised their arms and let out a unison shout of celebration.
"I guess it must be karma," she sighed, resigned.
"Truth or dare, unnie?" Sully asked.
"Dare. I'm not afraid of you," Chaeyoung teased.
"I dare you to get completely undressed, you can only be in your underwear," Sully said with an added touch of nerves in her voice. You raised your eyebrows in surprise, seeing your girlfriend and not being able to believe that she had challenged her to something of that magnitude.
"Damn," you said.
"Oh baby, you don't know what you just did," Chaeyoung gave her a merciful look, then stood up.
"Oof..." you mumbled, leaning back and covering your mouth to look at the two of them.
Chaeyoung got out of the space between the sofa and the coffee table, and walked over to stand in front of the television. Her hands went to the buttons of her cardigan, and she began to slowly undo them one by one. When she got to the last one, she held the cardigan close to her for a moment just to tease, and then opened it wide for you and Sully to see the white Calvin Klein bra that covered both of her breasts. The cardigan went to the floor. Her hands now went to her pants, she unbuttoned them, and she slowly lowered the zipper until you had a peek of white cloth. Then, without taking her gaze from your girlfriend, she slowly lowered the jeans to her ankles. The pants were left on the floor, and Lee Chaeyoung's body, fleshy and creamy in every possible part, was exposed before you. Your eyes were fixed on her abdomen and her perfect thighs. Sully, next to you, didn't even know where to look, she was breathing hard, biting her lip as she alternated her gaze between Chaeyoung's eyes and her body.
"Well? Are you happy, sweetheart? Do you like what you see?" Chaeyoung turned around, showing off her beautiful ass adorned by her cheeky Calvin Klein panties. The question was not directed at you, but you were tempted to answer.
"Yeah, unnie… I love it," Sully nodded in a low voice.
"Good to know," she turned around again, blew her a little kiss and winked at you before returning to sit next to you.
Everything had happened so fast that you didn't know what the hell was happening anymore. The sexual tension in the environment was palpable, not just between the two of them, the arousement that was accumulating in your body was such that you couldn't even concentrate on continuing the game properly. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Chaeyoung's half-naked body just inches from you, she had one leg crossed over the other to make her thighs even more attractive, and as the icing on the cake, she put her hand on your knee.
"Uhm... who's next?" you asked even though you knew it was your turn.
"You, daddy," for a moment you thought it was Sully who had said that to you, but the word came from the girl to your left, the same one who had her hand on your knee. You turned to look at her for a moment, and then you saw your girlfriend, who didn't seem to care that she called you that.
"Right, sorry," you nodded, feeling the weight of the intense gaze of two horny girls on either side of you. You spined the bottle, and one more fucking time, it stopped looking at you, "You know what, I'm not even going to complain this time."
"That bottle really hates you," Chaeyoung giggled, "Truth or d.."
"Fine… I want you to know that if Sullyoonie hadn't made me undress, I wouldn't make you do what I'm going to make you do," she clarified, "I dare you to take off Sully's pants and kiss her abdomen for 5 minutes."
"You say that like it's something I haven't done a thousand times."
"But never in front of me," her hand moved a few inches up your thigh, then patted you, "go ahead, daddy."
You didn't even have to stand up, the sofa was big enough so that you just had to turn around, grab Sully by her waist and gently push her back, making her lean her head against the armband. She didn't say anything and she didn't put up any resistance either. Her two adorable glowing orbs were fixed on you as you settled between her legs. Her face was a whole poem, a face that was already more than familiar to you, Sully was turned on, so much so that you could feel her heat without even touching her. The first thing you did was take off her sneakers, you threw them behind the sofa, and then your hands went to her pants to unbutton them, lower the zipper and therefore begin to slowly lower them until they were completely removed from her legs.
You took a moment to look at your girlfriend's hot body, you had seen that perfect naked abdomen and those thick legs too many times, but you never got tired of praising them. Instinctively, she spread her legs wide, even though her left leg was obstructed by the back of the sofa, but that was enough for you, even in the dim light, to see the wet spot on her gray panties.
"Ohh… someone's horny," you softly said, then tried to back away, but bumped into Chaeyoung, "would you mind?"
"Sorry daddy," Chaeyoung slid to the other end of the couch, giving you enough space to lean forward and float your face just above your girlfriend's abdomen.
Sully left her hands still on either side of her body as you got your mouth ever lower. You breathed against her skin, building anticipation and desire in her before finally placing a small peck on the right side of her belly button. Sully moved her hips slightly, and you heard her let out a small sigh. Not wanting to make her wait any longer and in order not to waste time, you began to plant little kisses all over her belly. She placed a hand on your head and gently tangled her fingers in your hair, while you lowered your kisses a little more to her lower abdomen. You distributed kisses there, no longer small, but more intense and wet, and you returned all the way up with your tongue. Your girlfriend gasped, and you responded with more wet kisses around her belly button.
"Daddy... I want you, both..." Sully murmured. You weren't sure if Chaeyoung had heard it, but you barely could.
"Trust the process baby, patience..." you murmured back, also kissing her waist and near her ribs. You kept kissing your girlfriend's absolutely perfect smooth belly with determination, until you heard an alarm behind you.
"Time's up," Chaeyoung said playfully. You turned to see her, her phone in her hand showing you the screen with the timer at 00:00.
"This isn't funny anymore," you grumbled, and then returned to your spot on the couch. You took a deep breath, using your willpower not to make any anticipated moves.
"Then take care of making it fun again, daddy," Chaeyoung whispered in your ear, "Your girlfriend can't wait to share that cock with me."
Sully seemed petrified for a second, it took her a while to come back to the real world and sit next to you like she had been a moment ago, with the difference that now she was naked from the waist down, with nothing more than wet panties and long black socks.
"W-who's next," Sully asked with her hands on her thighs. She wasn't concentrating anymore, and you were sure she wasn't interested in the game either.
"You, honey," you replied, ignoring that Chaeyoung had put her hand on your leg again.
She didn't say anything, just spun the bottle, which stopped looking at Chaeyoung.
"Truth or dare, honey…" Sully said to Chaeyoung, but she quickly shook her head as she caught on to what she had said, "I mean, unnie."
"Dare, baby," said the redhead, "but it's not your turn to give me a dare, it's daddy's."
Now they both stared at you. You had two possible choices: keep playing and keep increasing the tension between the three of you, or release the tension once and for all with a little coup de grace. You couldn't hold it anymore, you had two girls who drove you crazy on each side of you, half-naked and at your disposal. There was no other possible choice.
"I dare you..." you made a short silence for dramatic purposes, "to kiss Sullyoonie, right in front of me."
There was no negative or surprised reaction from either of them, on the contrary, they seemed to have been waiting for that for a long time. You leaned back, resting against the back of the sofa to give free rein to the two girls; they stared at each other for a few long seconds in which you could cut the tension between their gazes with a knife. You didn't dare move or say anything, you just waited for who was going to make the first move.
Chaeyoung acted first, which didn't surprise you at all. She moved one of her thighs up over yours, so she could reach the neck of Sully's sweater with one of her hands. She slowly pulled her into the middle of the two of them, which was in front of you. Sully also had to get her thigh over your leg in order to get closer to Chaeyoung. The two of them continued without saying anything, they only exchanged deep glances while they were almost sitting on your legs. Chaeyoung released your girlfriend's sweater, and then put her hand on the back of her neck. They were closing the distance inch by inch, without the need to rush. When she got close enough to her, Chaeyoung cupped your girlfriend's face with her hands and made their lips brush against each other for a moment, and within seconds, her lips met.
The slow and passionate kiss that happened just inches in front of you woke up all the senses of your body. You saw yourself hypnotized by the sensual dance between her lips. It was a strange sensation to see how someone else kissed your girlfriend, but it wasn't necessarily negative, in fact, the one who enjoyed that sexy scene the most was your cock, which was already almost at its maximum hardness.
You had a prime view from back there, getting a glimpse of both Chaeyoung's and your girlfriend's ass. Chaeyoung made things a little more interesting, climbing all the way up your leg to sit on your thigh, Sully did the same, and now you had two wonderful asses at your disposal, one on either side of your lap.
"Fuck this game..." you muttered, bringing both hands to their waists. You caressed both skins gently, and then her lower back as well. They didn't notice your touch, and if they did, they didn't pay attention to it as they were immersed in a kiss that grew hotter with the passing of the seconds.
You reached under Sully's sweater, slowly climbed up her back, and reached for the clasp on her bra to undo it. Noticing this, Sully immediately brought her hands to the hem of her sweater and quickly lifted it up to remove it, she dropped it to the ground, and then also removed her bra. Chaeyoung wasn't far behind, she pulled away from the kiss for a second, and she also took off the sports bra she was wearing. Her lips met again, in a kiss already devoid of any delicacy. Chaeyoung moved her hands down Sully's body, from her shoulders, down her arms and then placed both of her hands on her tits to give each one a light squeeze and use her thumbs to play with her nipples. Sully moaned against Chaeyoung's lips, and you, for your part, brought your hands to her asses to squeeze and massage them however you wanted.
Sully had her hands still on either side of her body as Chaeyoung paid attention to her small tits and took control over the kiss. The redhead's tits looked delicious, slightly bigger than Sully's. You removed your hands from both asses and now reached around Chaeyoung's body to grab her tits, giving her the same treatment she was giving your girlfriend.
That made Chaeyoung remember that you existed too, and in response she removed one of her hands from Sully's boobs and reached down to grab your hard cock over your pants. With one hand she was able to undo them, and also to pull down your zipper to reach inside your boxers and wrap her fingers around your shaft.
"Hey baby, how about we give daddy the love he deserves?" Chaeyoung told Sully after breaking her kiss. Sully turned to look at you, her eyes full of lust and her face flushed. She looked down, finding Chaeyoung's hand buried inside your boxers as she massaged your cock.
"I want us to suck daddy's cock, unnie," Sully said, biting her lip and then looking at Chaeyoung.
"Then let's suck daddy's cock, princess," Chaeyoung gave Sully a peck, and they slipped off your thighs. You got ahead of them, and moved your hips up to lower your pants and take them off. You threw your pants next to Sully's sweater.
The girls laid their stomachs flat against the couch on either side of you, and now their faces were to the left and right of your cock. You felt their hot breaths against your skin, and the next thing was Chaeyoung's hand wrapping around your base to give your cock a long lick. Sully followed her steps, licking the other side of your shaft gently until they reached the tip.
Chaeyoung and Sully began to spread wet kisses on every possible corner of your shaft, occasionally going up to the tip to share a kiss with your cock in the middle. You let out a small moan, and reached out with both arms to grab the girls' asses as they used their tongues to swirl around your tip at the same time.
A few seconds passed and they distributed a few more kisses and licks, but the teasing didn't last long when Chaeyoung wrapped her lips around your tip, slowly sucking as Sully continued to kiss your shaft and then your balls. The redhead's mouth lowered a few more inches, to have half of your cock now inside her mouth. She pumped her head slowly, salivating your shaft as much as she could before giving Sully her turn. 
Sully already knew exactly what you liked having more experience giving you head than Chaeyoung, she took a few more inches than the redhead a few seconds ago, almost touching her fingers with her lips as she slurped all the way up and down on your cock. Chaeyoung put her hair all to one side, and she also did the same for your girlfriend so that you could have a perfect view of how they were sucking your cock.
Your girlfriend hogged your cock for a few more seconds until she pulled you out of her mouth with a cute moan. Chaeyoung took you again, and with your cock already drenched in their saliva, she continued to pump her head this time stronger and more consistent than before. Sully didn't want to stay still, so she took your balls carefully with her fingers and started sucking and filling them with saliva as well.
With a sudden downward movement Chaeyoung took you directly to her throat, you held your breath, feeling the tip of your cock brush against her inner wall. She kept you there for a few seconds in which you didn't hear a little gagging sound, but what you did notice was the saliva leaking between your cock and Chaeyoung's lips, saliva that Sully was picking up with her tongue and using it to keep sucking your balls.
Chaeyoung took you out of her mouth with a strong breath, and guided your cock back into Sully's mouth, who, not wanting to break the intensity of the moment, also started giving you a quick and sloppy blow job. As Sully pumped her head, Chaeyoung grabbed her hair and forced her to move deeper. The pleasure under which your body was subjected was such that you could not produce any sound from your mouth, which was half open and only let out your breath.
"S-stop..." you tried to say once without success, then closed your eyes, and gathered your strength to try again, "Stop!" you said louder this time, and the two girls stopped.
"Is something wrong daddy? Weren't we doing a good job?" Chaeyoung asked with her eyes on you, Sully also saw you worried.
"I'm saving my load for your pussies," you said, cupping both of their chins with your fingers. That seemed to light up their faces again, “Let's go to the bedroom, now.”
The three of you stood up and made your way to the bedroom. Sully took Chaeyoung's hand to guide her as you followed from behind, watching both of their wide hips sway from side to side with each step they took. You walked into your room, and the first thing both girls did was throw themselves onto the bed with a laugh, making their asses jiggle like jelly.
"I knew cleaning the bedroom was a good idea too," you said, closing the door behind you and going to join the girls.
They were both upside down, modeling their beautiful asses for you. You knelt in the middle of their legs, and gave both asses a little spank that made them moan under their breath. You leaned forward, and gently grabbed Sully by the neck so you could kiss her, repeating the same with Chaeyoung.
You separated from Chaeyoung's lips, and you got up on your knees again, this time to get down to business. You grabbed Chaeyoung's panties and quickly pulled them down her legs, the same with Sully, to leave them both completely naked except for their pairs of black and white stockings respectively.
Your eyes directly locked on their pretty pussies, both glistening with how wet they were. You didn't want to give any of her special attention, so you used both of your hands to run your fingers up and down her slits. They looked at you over their shoulders, their eyes weak with desire.
You inserted your thumbs first, earning a small moan from Chaeyoung and a gasp from Sully as they pushed through their pussy walls until only your knuckle was out. That was just a warm up. You took your thumbs out after moving them inside out for a few seconds, and replaced them with your index and middle fingers. This time Sully did moan along with Chaeyoung.
You started to move your wrists slowly at first, prioritizing that they get used to it and enjoy the sensation, but as the seconds passed, the pumping of your fingers became more aggressive, and both Chaeyoung and Sully began to moan more and more. They both held hands, and shared a steamy and sensual kiss while you fingered them fast enough to make their asses shake.
The moans they emanated were all muffled against each other's lips, and you kept fucking their pussies with your fingers until their bodies began to slightly squirm, but you didn't want to make them cum using only your fingers, they deserved much better.
"Who wants to get my cock inside first, girls?" you asked, moving your wrists now a little slower to let them answer. Sully was about to say something, but Chaeyoung got in the way.
"I want to see you fuck Sullyoonie, daddy," Chaeyoung implored as if she was totally in need of it, "and she wants you to pin her against the bed so bad, don't you honey?" she asked your girlfriend, and then bit her lower lip.
"Yes daddy…" Sullyoon moaned, looking at Chaeyoung's lips and then back at you, "fill my tight pussy with that thick cock, please."
You were surprised to hear Sully talk like that for the first time, so naturally and shamelessly, but you couldn't help but think that she looked and sounded so fucking hot.
"Then come here sweetheart," you settled on top of your girlfriend, both knees on either side of her hips. You leaned forward of her, your left hand to the side of her head. You kissed her again, and with your free hand, you took your cock and lined it up with Sully's pussy. You brushed the tip up and down a couple of times, then slowly started to push down.
She moaned against your lips, and she gripped your forearm tight as you filled her pussy with thick, throbbing meat. Your entire cock was inside her in a matter of seconds, and you gasped as you felt the soft, tight walls of her pussy embrace your shaft as if they didn't want to let it go.
"That's it honey... take daddy's cock," Chaeyoung said hoarsely, you stopped kissing Sully to kiss her, and as you did, you began to move your hips up and down slowly, but strong, your pelvis making her ass jiggle with each crash.
You kissed Chaeyoung in the most intense and fiery way you could, attacking her mouth with your tongue to show dominance over both at the same time. Sully let out squeals of pleasure, she never moaned loudly, instead she made cute little sounds that suited her personality.
You increased the pace of your pumps, this time faster and more aggressive than a few seconds ago. You were forced to stop kissing Chaeyoung so you could focus on your girlfriend. You rested your other hand on the other side of Sully's head, then dropped forward to put your face to the side of hers.
Sully turned her face, meeting yours only inches away. She cupped the side of your face in her hand, and she brushed her lips against your cheek amidst her whimpers of pleasure. You turned your face, and consequently your lips collided with each other again.
The thrusts were fast, strong and deep, but as always, treating her like a delicate rag doll. That was Sully's favorite type of sex, she loved her pussy being pounded by the entire length of your cock, but kissing, caressing and pampering could not be missing at any time. And so you did. 
You parted from her lips, and began to give her small kisses on the temple, on the cheek and on the neck. Her neck was caught in your arm, and you held her close to you as you delivered what were already aiming to be final thrusts. Sully had stopped moaning, her face petrified with pleasure as she clutched at your forearm with one hand and crumpled the sheets with the other. The seconds passed, the crashes of your pelvis against her ass continued, and from one moment to the other, your girlfriend exploded with a louder and longer moan that even scratched her throat.
Sully violently squirmed under you, lifting her ass and looking to fuck herself against you, while she went through an orgasm that came loaded with a lot of feelings accumulated throughout the day. The magnitude of it was such that you even felt how fluids were shooting out of her pussy that drenched your entire cock, your balls and the sheet under you. You stopped fucking her gradually, with soft movements until her orgasm finally passed. You made her throw her head back, gave her a little kiss on her forehead and then winked at her.
"I love you, darling," you gave her another little kiss, this time on the nose, "take a rest, I'm not done with you yet," she only nodded weakly, and gave you a sweet smile that you interpreted as a 'thank you'.
"Daddy, is it my turn yet?" Chaeyoung said from the side of you, her calves raised and her feet moving forward and backward separately.
"Are you so in need of my cock, little slut?" Chaeyoung wasn't Sullyoon, and she certainly shared very few aspects of her personality, so you weren't afraid to treat her dirtier.
"Yes daddy, please, I need it so much!" she begged, biting her lip and following you with her gaze as you now knelt over her.
"Be a good girl and clean daddy's cock first," you moved away from her so she could turn around, put her elbow on the mattress and move closer to your cock to immediately put it in her mouth. She sucked the entire length of it with delight, tasting and swallowing Sully's fluids and replacing them with her own saliva, "enough, roll over."
She pulled you out of her mouth, your cock now slippery and perfect for her. She turned on her back for you and spread her legs wide, the left one going over Sullyoon's lower back, who was lying on both of her hands as she watched you. You settled in front of her, and slapped your cock a few times against her wet pussy as you looked defiantly into her eyes. You rubbed the tip up and down, and in one concise, deep motion, you drove your cock deep inside her pussy without her full notice.
"Holy!-" Chaeyoung moaned out loud, not finishing what she was going to say due to the natural impulse that came with being filled with cock in a matter of seconds.
You brought your hands to the space between Chaeyoung's calves and thighs and pressed slightly back so you could fuck her at a better angle from the start. You weren't kind at all to her. You began to move your hips furiously right away, causing intense crashes of your pelvis against her crotch that reverberated throughout the bedroom.
Chaeyoung didn't have to hold back anymore like yesterday, there you were in a more than safe place for her to squeal and moan as much and as loud as she wanted. You rested your hands on the mattress on either side of her, and leaned forward to get your body between her legs as you revved up the engine on your thrusts.
The bed was shaking from side to side frantically, which made it difficult for Chaeyoung to find a place to hold on as you fucked her in a perfect balance of strength and speed, where with every thrust your cock was fully in and out of her pussy, which, apart from being very fucking soft, was very fucking wet. She ended up simply holding on to your neck with both hands, digging her nails into the nape of your neck and pulling at your hair. Her eyes were teary, and her face was twisted with pleasure.
"Fuck daddy! fuck FUCK FUCK!" she arched her back and tilted her head back. She let go of your neck, and went on to grab onto the sheets, pulling them off the edge of the mattress, "I'm gonna cum daddy! Don't fucking stop PLEASE!" implored the redhead between shrieks.
That served as coal for your machine. You began fucking her furiously, letting out a low feral growl from your throat. Chaeyoung arched her back, and threw her head back amid loud, intense squeals that contrasted with her calm and collected personality. You kept pounding her pussy as hard as you could, and in the midst of an impulse to want to make her cum soon, you now brought your hands to her neck. You pressed your fingers down hard, cutting off her breath as she could only keep her mouth open.
She looked into your eyes and grabbed onto your wrists, and with a few more thrusts, Chaeyoung exploded into moans and writhing, you had to stop moving in order to not cum yet, and you just let her pass her intense orgasm. You let go of her neck, and she finally let out a long moan of satisfaction. She let go of your wrists, and stretched her arms back to grab hold of the sheet and wrinkle it, still in slight spasms. You waited for her muscles to relax for you to to slowly pull your cock out of her.
You straightened your back, and knelt down to view the hot scene before you. Chaeyoung face up, with one leg across Sully's lower back and her pussy glistening from her own fluids, and Sully face down, lying on top of her own hands and totally delighted with what you just had done to Chaeyoung.
"I'm not finished with you either, don't relax too much honey," you slumped forward for a moment, cupping the side of Chaeyoung’s face with your left hand and placing a peck on her chin.
"Anything for you, daddy, I told you I'm all yours," she said almost in a whisper, sweet and obedient.
"Yes you are," looking into her eyes, you reached down and ran your two fingers over her still sensitive slit, scooping up some of her fluids with them and then bringing them to your mouth to suck them clean, "all mine."
She stared at you without saying a single word. The eyes never lied, and you knew you had that girl more than tied to you.
Now you went to your girlfriend again, you grabbed her by the waist, and you made her lie on her side to lie down next to her. Her face was in front of yours, only centimeters away. She looked into your eyes, and she leaned forward to give you a little kiss.
"Daddy, I want you to fill me up… I'm ready for you," she reached down between your bodies and cupped your cock gently, giving it slow, gentle strokes.
"First… tell me how much you love me, baby," you made her lift her neck and slip your left arm under her so that she lay on top of it, making the closeness more intimate.
"I love you daddy..." as she started to speak, you grabbed her by the waist, pressed her against your body and raised her leg towards you, "I love you so much, and you make me so happy..." you made her hold on her leg, so you could take your cock and rub it against her pussy, "That I want you with me for life."
That was the trigger for you to align your cock against her and re-enter her tight pussy. Her folds engulfed your cock smoothly, offering no resistance until your entire length was inside her. You saw her face distort with satisfaction in great detail right in front of you, you felt her breath against your mouth, and seeking to be even closer to you, she wrapped one of her arms around your neck to kiss you while you began to move your hips to an intermediate peace.
You shared a slow and loving passionate kiss despite the fact that you were fucking her faster and faster. She stopped holding onto her own leg, instead simply letting her thigh grip your torso. You hugged your girlfriend's neck with your forearm, while your other hand went straight to her ass as you rocked your hips back and forth. You loved fucking her in such an intimate and close way, and from that position, her pussy felt unbelievably amazing, so much that within seconds your abdomen started to tingle.
As the seconds passed, you felt Chaeyoung's chin rest on your shoulder, and also her entire body pressed against your back.
"Cum daddy, give that load to your pretty little princess," she whispered provocatively in your ear as you and Sully shared moans in the middle of the kiss.
You already had the desire accumulated since the two of them sucked your cock a few minutes ago, but that was just what you needed to suddenly explode when you least expected it. A few more thrusts were enough for you to reach your ecstasy. You thrust hard, and held your cock deep inside her pussy as you shot out spurts of thick, hot load.
You pulled away from her lips only to moan loudly, Sully gasped, and she let out little whimpers as you filled her walls with your seed. She gave you little kisses on the chin and on the neck, trying to make you feel as loved as possible. Chaeyoung did the same, but she was giving you kisses on the cheek, on the temple and on your shoulder.
After a few seconds of leaving Sully's pussy completely filled, you pulled your hips back to slowly pull out your cock, it came out with a slight 'pop' sound.
"Go clean it up, baby," you ordered Chaeyoung breathlessly and gave Sully a peck on the forehead.
"Yes daddy, of course," Chaeyoung gave you one last peck on your neck before pulling away from you.
"Chaeyoungie will take good care of you, I have work to do with her," you winked at your girlfriend and released her.
Sully rolled onto her back again, when she did, Chaeyoung was already waiting for her with her face right in front of her pussy while it was dripping with your load. She spread her legs wide, and Chaeyoung held her thighs up as she began to collect all the cum that ran through her slit, Sully leaned on her elbows to see what she was doing, slightly moaning at the feel of the redhead's tongue move up and down her pussy.
Chaeyoung's ass was raised inches from the edge of the bed, making a beautiful arch with her back that highlighted all the delicious flesh of her legs and her waist. She was moving it slowly from side to side, like some kind of animal in the middle of a mating dance wanting to get your attention, and she certainly did.
You got up from the bed, and went to the edge of it to stand right behind Chaeyoung. Her ass was at the perfect height and distance from you, and you were sure that she had put herself in that pose knowing from the beginning that you were going to want to fuck her like that. Meanwhile, she had turned cleaning Sully's pussy into eating it. Your girlfriend was caressing her hair, and moving it out of her face so she could work better.
As soon as Chaeyoung felt your presence behind her, she moved her ass back a little to make it rub against your cock, which was between her two soft buttocks. Your hands went to them, and after giving each one a strong squeeze, you raised your right hand to give one of them a strong spank that was marked in red. Chaeyoung moaned against your girlfriend's pussy, which caused a chain effect that also affected Sully and how Chaeyoung's mouth drove her crazy.
You spit on your cock, making sure it was well lubricated before you took it, rubbed it a few times against her pussy, and very slowly pushed it back inside her. Chaeyoung moaned once more, and consequently, Sully too. You rested with your cock buried deep inside her, placing a hand on the buttock you'd just spanked to begin slowly rocking your hips back and forth.
Your cock was still somewhat sensitive, so you had to keep pumping slowly and safely while you returned to regain all the hardness and normality of your erection. Apparently Chaeyoung had begun to eat your girlfriend's pussy with more desire and hunger, since she had dropped her back against the mattress with one hand on Chaeyoung's head and the other on one of her tits.
Already tired of being slow and delicate, you gripped the redhead's hips tighter and began to gradually pump faster and faster. Chaeyoung's body began to rock back and forth as your thrusts became more intense, and her ass began to jiggle with each crash of your pelvis against it.
You loved your girlfriend's features, but Chaeyoung's ass was just amazing, pale, meaty and round, perfect for getting riddled with bright red marks. You lifted your hand from her buttock and brought it down again with another spank, this time stronger and more spicy. Chaeyoung let out a squeal that was drowned against Sully's pussy, but that wouldn't be the last, because you raised your hand again and spanked her again on the other cheek, while her pussy was fucked harder and harder. You didn't stop for a moment until her ass was covered in red hand marks, which looked like red paint on white canvas.
Chaeyoung was infected by your intensity and passion when it came to filling Sully with pleasure, who had her back arched and was in the midst of beautiful squeals of pleasure. She had her arms stretched out to either side, her hands crumpling the white sheets. You hadn't noticed it right away, but as seconds passed you noticed that Chaeyoung had inserted two of her fingers into Sully's pussy, and she was pumping them quickly while she stimulated her clit with her tongue.
You, on the other hand, had gone from clinging to her hips to clinging directly to her buttocks, pressing hard into the flesh between your fingers and causing your pelvis to crash into her ass with such force that even Sully's body shook.
Sully pulled herself up once more to lean on her elbows, but this time it was just the warning that she was about to cum. She only lasted a few seconds in this position, and when she fell back onto her back, she let out a louder moan as her body began to writhe in spasms. Chaeyoung kept eating her pussy eagerly, and she kept pumping her fingers at all the speed that her brain, also busy with the pleasure she was receiving from you, left her.
Chaeyoung inadvertently brought your girlfriend to a second orgasm that came immediately after the first, causing Sully to wrap her legs around her neck and lock her face between her trembling thighs. You've never heard your girlfriend scream with pleasure, but for the first time, on a small scale, she did. She even grabbed one of her pillows to put on her face and hold onto it tightly. Chaeyoung stopped pumping with her fingers, and was finally able to take her mouth off Sully's pussy so she could moan to the rooftops.
That was the perfect moment for you to grab a handful of Chaeyoung's hair and yank it back, pounding her pussy with all your might as a reward for doing such an excellent job with your girlfriend. Quickly the bedroom was filled with sounds that resembled applause due to the impact of your pelvis against her ass, and above all, the screams and howls of pleasure that came from Chaeyoung's mouth.
You grabbed her hair tightly with one hand, and with the other you returned to spank one of her buttocks. Chaeyoung screamed, and dropping her head between her arms, she fisted the sheets and pressed back with her ass as the second orgasm of the night electrified her body. She still had your girlfriend's thighs close to her, so she chose to bite one of them to cope with the intense sensations that were flowing through her body. You had stopped moving, as Chaeyoung was doing your job, moving her ass back and forth to make it crash against your cock herself.
You let her do that as much as she wanted and her body allowed, but the strength she was using and the sensual way she moved her hips was more than enough for you to take you to your second point of ecstasy. The moan you let out was the loudest you'd let out so far, you shot a thick load again, but this time into Chaeyoung's silky pussy.
When she felt the first stream of your cum fill her walls, she began to make slower and deeper movements, seeking to get every last drop out of your balls. You let go of her hair, and she looked over her shoulder at you as you squeezed her buttocks hard.
"That's it daddy... give it all to me, fill my slutty pussy with that delicious cum," she moaned biting her lip, and you stopped her to drive your cock all the way down one more time, waited for it to stop throbbing and then you pulled it out slowly.
Before your cum began to drip onto the floor, Chaeyoung climbed over Sully's body like a cat and placed both thighs on either side of her head, leaving her pussy floating above her mouth. Your girlfriend stuck out her tongue, and gladly received the cum that spilled from inside Chaeyoung's pussy. Sully grabbed onto her thighs, and Chaeyoung sat on her face as she ate her pussy clean.
"What a good girl… eat that pussy, princess," Chaeyoung said in a husky, flirtatious voice, caressing your girlfriend's hair.
You could not be otherwise than speechless. It was the most lewd, sexy and attractive scene you'd ever seen, and it took you a moment to snap out of it. Without saying anything, you climbed back on the bed and sat between the pillows, waiting for the two of them to finish.
"Come here, babies," you sighed. Chaeyoung got off Sully's face, who wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. With the bed already free, you settle and lay down to support your head on the middle pillow. Your girlfriend lay down on one side of you, snuggling into your right pec, and Chaeyoung did the same but on the other side. Sully moved one of her feet up on top of yours, and Chaeyoung moved her leg up to your abdomen to leave her thigh there. You offered your arms to both of them to lie on top of, and they did. Sully hugged you to the height of your abdomen, and Chaeyoung to the height of your chest, and with that, they closed their eyes.
You stared at the ceiling for a few more minutes, thinking about everything that had gone through to get you to this point. It had certainly been a crazy and bumpy ride, and you were happy with the way your life was at the time. But you couldn't help but think that you forgot something very, very important.
"Oh fuck... The pizza."
Spren Notes:
Well once again I'm so sorry lmao. I think I overdid it.
As you can see, I put a lot of work and dedication into this piece, since it's something I've been wanting to write for a long time. And well, here it is! Officially it's the longest I've ever written, and it also has the longest fucking build up I've ever written, but I think it was worth it, it will become my favorite work so far. Without more to say, thank you very much for taking the time to read this fucking bible lol.
If you, dear reader, are interested in buying me a commission, do not hesitate to go through my inbox, I’ll be delighted!
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demonsword586 · 4 months
Tartaros pp headcanons! (Just the nobles)
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- I imagine he is one of the few normal sized pp owners amongst devils. (Still,they are naturally larger than humans,so normal for a devil is still pretty impressive for a human.)
-Anyway I belive he is around 15 cm in lenght .
-You see the charm about this man's shlong is not in size like most people think but in it's shape.
- You see his tip is sharp. This man is a whore. With enough money,you could probably buy a night with him. And as a proper gold digger....he needs a sharp tool for the job.
-You ever saw the part of a flute in which you blow? Yea that's his tip
-Not only is his tip pointy but somewhere in the middle of his shaft he has tiny bumps. They're small and there's not a lot of them...but just enough for you to feel it when he ravages your insides.
-He thought about dipping his pp in gold like he does to his feet but immediatelly stopped after the first try. Mostly because the gold was dropping down way too quickly because of the higher temperature.
-He settled on just wearing a few thin golden cock rings. Also has a simple prince albert piercing
-From all the gold in the air,I woudn't be suprised if he eats it too. After a few years of chewing on metal,his cum got a certain yellowish color to it.
-I do think he cums a lot tho and it's watery...very watery.
-He keeps himself groomed most of the time. If you're serving the richest man in hell as his right hand,you gotta keep a certain level of proper hygene and looks to match.
- Also yes his pp does smell like pennies.
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- I think he's pretty similar to Mammon. He already works hard to have a body like his. I woudn't be suprised if that applies to his dick as well.
-As you can imagine....big. Not as big as Mammon's meat srick but very similar. Thick,long and hard as a brick. He should register is as a lethal weapon. In and put of the bedroom.
-At least he is aware of his own size,comparred to some other careless nobles. He knows he could actually hurt you and does everything in his might to prevent that,even if it means sacrificing his own pleasure for yours.
-Speaking of pleasure and cumming,he's another one of those breeding bulls. His cum is a bit thick but actually tastes pretty good. The most similar thing to it is a lemon tart.
-Back to his cock. It's a bit more normal whrn it comes to the shape. It's the kind of a penis that is pretty to look at but also scares you with just how big it is. In other words,a teddy bear kind of pp.
-He keeps his pubic hair growing. Of course,he does shave it off every once in awhile. But only when it gets so unruly it iches. But every other time? He just let's it grow. He just doesn't pay too much attention to his hair when he has to put so much work into growing out his muscles.
-But somehow has one of the healthiest hygene routines? Has like 12 diffrent products,all for a specific thing on his body. He's a good boy who takes care of himself properly.
-He does work out a lot tho,so he can't always be smelling like sunshines and manly chemicals. Even after many showers,there is still a small sprinkle of the sweaty smell on him. He is trying to get rid of it since he knows humans are a bit more sensitive about bad smells compared to devils
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- Small...the smallest penis owner in Tartaros nobility and he is damn proud of it!!!
-He's actually really happy with his size since smaller pps are way cuter than those muscular-looking dicks. It gives him a very cute bulge too!
- It's size is 11 cm.
- Some of his coworkers suggested he starts wearing some more gold but he refuses. After all,ribbons are way cuter than gold and very flexible in their usage too! He can wrap them everywhere even on his dick.
-Has a collection of diffrent types of ribbon fabric,each for a specific part on his body. There is so many pretty fabrics after all but not every one fits more intimate areas. For down there he uses a very soft,silk ribbon.
- Has a very good hygene too. Probably owns a whole cabinet of showering items. My man knows his stuff. He follows Orias's social media and they even give each other beauty tips in DMs. Paimon joins in on some conversations as well.
- Anyway back to his pp! We already got out of the way that it's small. Well it's also really sensitive! Especially on the underside of his shaft and the point where his tip is the sharpest. If you rub or touch him there,he becomes quite vocal. I don't mean those little whimpers but full on moans. When Mammon first heard him,he had to ask later if he was okay and if he needed a headpat. Poor man probably thought Eligos hit his balls or something.
-Speaking of balls,his are pretty small and round. His ballsack is a bit tight which makes his balls appear very adorable,like little marbles. They fit perfectlly in your palm too! Ah,but don't squeeze them,he'll push you away and cover them for a few weeks if he sees you.
-Man waxes. You see those shiny thighs? Yea he wants all of his assets to be like that. Smooth like an infant. He actually does the whole process by himself. Unless there is a place he cannot reach *cough* his ass *cough*
-Overall,a very cute little thing and slightly squishy. The color of it is just as his skin with his tip being a paler pink.
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sunshine-theseus · 11 months
Pequeña | Kyra Cooney-Cross x Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Summary: you make stupid decisions but you got your girl in the end.
Warning: fluff, horrible self-care, fainting
My parents and I moved from Spain to England when I was 5.
I was a quiet kid with no friends, who spent most of her time reading or listening to music. At seven years old my parents decided to sign me up for my local football kids club to try and get me to ‘open my wings’, their code for ‘stop being a fucking loner we value popularity over smarts’. I haven’t seen them in 8 years.
Turns out I was fucking great at football and by 12 I was in the Arsenal Football Academy. At 15 I was playing for their Women’s team in the WSL and was debuting for England’s national team. I spent most of that time on the bench of course, but by 17 I had a large ‘1’ on my back and was starting 90% of games at Arsenal. I didn’t have many friends though, especially when I knew most would either leave to bigger leagues or transfer teams. I preferred it though because that meant I had plenty of time between training and games to study and read and play music.
Another 6 years later and I’m playing for England in the Semi-finals of the 2023 World Cup against Australia. I wasn’t our main goalie, but Mary had gotten a concussion so that left me and like hell I would let us lose this close to the finals. I’d nearly managed to keep a clean sheet until Sam Kerr came running up from halfway, past Millie and chipped it behind me into the goal. Despite the goal, we won.
As I’m walking toward the girls, I tripped over something, or someone, sitting on the sidelines near the tunnel. One of the Aussie girls, clearly tired and upset, curled up to their goalkeeper. If there was one thing I could do, it was recognise a phenomenal goalkeeper when I see one, and Mackenzie Arnold was just that.
“I’m sorry.” I whisper to her as I pat her shoulder and copy the gesture for the girl next to her.
I didn’t know much about her, but I’d seen her play. Her footwork was incredible, and she was clearly underrated and underestimated, something Arsenal could benefit from.
“Wanna swap jerseys?” it comes out soft, I almost miss it as I turn away. When I turn back around, I expect to see Mac offering her’s, but instead I see the younger girl looking up at me questioningly and I smile. I’d already swapped with Mac in a friendly earlier this year, and I love collecting jerseys from different players.
“Fuck yeah.” and within seconds she has my jersey pulled over her head, and it hangs loosely, clearly a few too many sizes too big for her.
I then pull on her’s, for a moment fearful it would be too small, but I’m thankful for her clear preference for baggy clothes as it slips over my torso. Mackenzie beckons over their photographer, and I pose with the still nameless girl. She’s small in comparison to my 5’11 stature and I giggle at the difference before offering her a piggyback for a silly photo.
As she jumps up, I notice shocked stares of my teammates from the corner of my eye but shake it off as she wraps her arm around my neck as if to choke me.
“Has anyone told you how small you are?” I ask her as I drop her back to the ground.
“They don’t shut up about it.”
“I think I’ll call you Pequeña.” I chuckle at her confused look.
“It means small in Spanish.”
“What the fuck!? Fine I’m calling you fucking Giant or something.”
I don’t get her actual name that night, but I look it up when I get back to my hotel room, Lotte missing from the space.
Kyra Cooney-Cross. An unexpected star.
I watch one of her games instead of doing my uni work and fall asleep to one her interviews playing.
I don’t expect to see Kyra until whatever friendly we have with Australia before the Olympics. In the time after the World Cup and before pre-season, I’ve hung her jersey in my hallway, along with all the others. I put her’s at the entrance with others like Mapi León and Christine Sinclair, people I consider special.
We also begin talking. A lot. I spend most of my spare time calling or texting her, but I don’t tell anyone.
The shock I get when the final minute of the pre-season transfer window approaches, and I get a notification from the Arsenal Women twitter account.
We’d been knocked out of the qualifiers for the Championship League and yet I walk into training on Monday with a slight spring in my step and excitement buzzing through me. I wave to all the staff and greet everyone, asking how the girls are when I walk into the locker room.
It’s Katie who asks.
“What the fuck is up with you Ms Dark and Broody?”
“Whatever do you mean?” I giggle.
She gives me and incredulous look before turning to the rest of the locker room who share similar expressions.
“W- wh- wh-” she continues to babble as Steph pulls her back to her cubby and pats her shoulder as a way of reassurance.
“You just… you’re never so smiley or talkative. At all. Like ever. Like in the past 8 years you’ve said maybe 100 words per season to me.” Lotte speaks up.
“Not true!”
“I’ve only seen you without a book off the pitch 13 times. I started counting after the 1st.” My jaw drops.
“She’s not wrong Y/n. You’re pretty reserved and stoic. Which there’s nothing wrong with! But it’s just odd to see you, well like this.” Manu points at me as if that’s explanation enough.
“Wow thanks gu-” I’m cut off by someone jumping on my back and screaming.
“BEANSTALK!” and I’m smiling all over again as I turn my head to see the young Australian I’ve been missing.
“I can’t believe I had to put up with your nerdy shit in person every day now.” She jumps off my back and moves to greet the other girls except for Steph and Caitlin who she obviously knows.
We don’t get much time to talk before Jonas calls us into the meeting room. He introduces all our new players like Kyra and Lessi and announces the return of Vivianne and Beth to our playing squad, before going over how we need to improve after our defeat in the Champions League.
“L/n, I know you just came 2nd in the World Cup but you cannot be slacking like you did in the game against Pairs. You’ve got to be doing more.” I don’t get to reply before he’s ushering us out onto the pitch.
I’m left in a sour mood the rest of training, once again avoiding everyone, including Kyra who seemingly found a close friend in Alessia. I had given my all in that game against Paris, but they were good, and I’d stayed up until 2am the night before completing one of my assignments for my uni degree, something Jonas had encouraged me to do.
I was more mad that he didn’t allow me to tell him why but either way, I’d decided I would be staying after training to practice until I couldn’t any longer. So I did. And I came in an hour early the next morning to get more training in. I continued to do this for a while, studying once I got home until I couldn’t keep my eyes open now that my usual study time was booked. Eventually the girls stopped inviting me for coffee or team bonding and Kyra stopped trying to talk.
We were playing against Man United when I began to sway side to side, and my eyes began to droop. I think Kyra noticed first while on the sideline, and whispered something to Katie as she passed by the bench, but nothing came of it until United got a corner. They didn’t even get to kick the ball before I crumpled to the ground beside a clueless Lotte and Katie Zelem.
I don’t feel myself get carried off the pitch or get transferred to an ambulance. I don’t think I recognise anything happening around me until hours later. The clock on the wall says 9:21 and I think I’ve only slept for a few hours, but then I notice the sun streaming through the curtains and realise the few might actually be a lot.
I then recognise the limp bodies spread across the room. The awfully sterile white room which is nothing like the warmth of my olive-green bedroom. I don’t think I’d been so slow to figure out what was going on in my life.
“Beanstalk! You’re awake!” I look to the small brunette who has been hunched over asleep next to me for god knows how long and smile.
“Hey pequeña.”
“You are so stupid!” Kyra slaps my arm and sends me a sharp glare.
“What the fuck is going on. You’ve been exhausted 24/7 and no one sees you outside of training.” I then decide to explain my rather stupid schedule and reasoning to her.
She stares blankly at me for a while.
“You are genuinely so fucking dumb. I was so worried about you.” She whispers.
“Because I love you.” Her eyes drop to her lap.
“Te amo.” I’m not sure she understands it but she smiles either way and leans in.
Just as our lips meet, Katie abruptly wakes up in her corner of the room and shrieks.
“What the fuck!” and we’re left to quickly pull away as she tries to wake everyone else up to tell them what she saw.
“Katie don’t be fucking ridiculous! They’re both sound asleep.” I hear Kim whisper shout, followed by more of Katie’s babbling about how we’re just pretending as they trail out of the room, assumedly getting coffee.
As the door clicks shut, I open one eye to glance around the now empty room. It seems everyone needed some coffee. Except a certain Australian, whose eyes also peak open.
“Kiss me.” And then her lips are on mine again.
I don’t play again until our game against Bristol for the Conti Cup. Jonas apologised for pushing me too hard but made it clear I was to properly rest before I get to do anything and makes Sarina Weigman promise not to play me during our international break.
Kyra also gets her first starting debut.
It’s a tough game, and in the 84th minute, Kyra drops to the ground. I nearly run to check on her, but she gets back up, and within another minute she gets subbed off for Vic.
The whistle blows, signalling the end of the game, we win 3-1.
I meet Kyra in the middle of the field, pick her up and swing her around. Our first proper game playing together seems like an obvious thing to celebrate. And before I can think, I’m leaning down and kissing her, something I’m not sure if I’ll regret later.
She smiles that smile, brighter than the sun, and I melt.
“Te amo pequeña.”
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lightnotyagami · 6 months
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"Do you think you'll kill for me one day?"
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"Yes, of course i will my dear."
Light x fem reader (soft) smut
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A/n:remeber when L put cameras into lights room? When i was like 14 or 15 i read a smut FF like this and OH MY GOD its still in my head. Coudnt find the ogs @ but if i ever do ilysm🙏 (it was on ao3 if anyone wants to help me find it😭)
Summary: L puts cameras into lights room.. great.. but what do normal people his age do? Hang out with friends, do homework.. and some other things.
Tw/cw: my horrible english, soft smut (duh) , being watched, tell me if i missed anything!!
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"Are we seriously going to do this?" You asked him still in a safe distance from his house. "Yeah, wanna back out?" He said as he looked at you like you were stupid. "No! I'm just saying, I don't know about the whole... thing." You voiced as he answered with a shrug like what you said wasn't a big deal to him. "Look," he said walking towards you with his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "I'll take care of it, okay? you just relax and lay down." Your mind went crazy thinking about all the things that could go wrong. "So, are you in yes or no?" He stopped right in front of you and looked directly into your eyes. His face was close enough for you to smell the mint from his breath. 'It felt different being so close to someone, I mean I didn't feel threatened by his appearance, just like when we were fighting but this time I could see how beautiful he really is...' you thought to yourself "fine." "Good girl."
*later in his room*
'64 cameras.' you thought to yourself as you sat yourself on the bed and light on his chair. "hey light!" the door was shot open revealing his little sister, sayu was her name? "mom asked if you want anything from the supermarkt, oh and does Y/n want something too?" she asked now looking at you "oh no dear its fine! you two make yourselves a great day" you answered. "Okay, dont be mad then if we dont bring extra snacks" she winked at making your laugh slightly. 'i wish i had a younger sister' you thought to yourself "okay mom says bye." Sayu said closing the door behind her, leaving only you and light. oh and the 64 cameras from every angle of course. The lights were dimmed making everything look more mysterious. "you want anything?" Light asked turning around to look at you. "no... thanks its okay." you answered looking at the ground embarassed as he sat besides you ."it's alright babe, come sit over here." he patted on his lap. You slowly moved your legs closer to him sitting on his lap. he pulled you closer so that your head was on his chest and his arms were wrapped around you. Everything was going after Plan but why did this still feel so..weird? you dont know if L is the only one watching this. you could only hope. you closed your eyes trying enjoying his touch and warmth as he kissed you softly. "let me show you something, babe." you hummed in response. His fingers which were playing with the ends of your hair slowly moved up to your body . "your heart is beating so fast" he whispered in your ear, causing you to shiver slightly. It sent an electrical jolt through your spine, it was almost painful but good. your heart started hammering in your chest as he pushed your t-shirt up exposing your bra and sofly pushing you down on the bed climbing on top of you. you moaned as he started kissing you softly on your neck, moving it from side to side, leaving small red marks "l-light~!" you whined not sure what to do as he started to unhook your bra , slowly peeling it off your body.
*at the headquarters*
"mister Soichiro Yagami, i belive you would like to leave the room?" L said as soichiro looked at the computers not sure if to ignore this ever happaned or to kill light when hes back home. "yes im sorry i just.." he said as he walked out of the room in complete shock that his son was capable of these things. "anyways. Im bluring the cameras now. Watari unblur them when this is done and a cheese cake would also be nice "
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misserabella · 2 years
what about reader and pedro have this close relationship but reader start distancing herself from pedro because he got date rumours with another actress who's older than the reader but pedro just wants to be in a relationship if it's with the reader (sorryyy english is not my first language
a/n; aw this is so cute :((( so angsty n fluffy <3
your phone rang once again as you were getting ready for the upcoming gala, your manager holding it for you and announcing the caller.
“it’s pedro pascal once again, what should i do?” she inquired you, and you shook your head. she instantly ignored the call, as she had done the last 15 times he had called that whole day. “you can’t keep doing this…, you two are great friends! did you have a discussion?”
you didn’t answer, opting for staying silent, because your heart was aching.
“how does that look? good enough?” your makeup artist smiled at you, and you took in your image on the mirror, bold red lips with dark eyeshadow and great fake eyelashes that made your eyes pop. the highlighter made your skin glow, and your perfectly applied base made it look flawless.
not good enough. it’s what you wanted to answer, ‘cause you weren’t as pretty as that woman in the news that pedro had been caught in a scandal with, you didn’t have her beautiful and perfect cheekbones, or amazing waist and hips.
but instead you smiled and nodded, winning a soft smile from your makeup artist. your hair was down and in beautiful waves that tickled the exposed skin of your back, your dress having an opening there that reached just above your lower back. your outfit for tonight’s gala was beautiful, a dior black and elegant dress that brought out all your most prominent curves and showed just the right amount of skin. you had paired it with lace long gloves and a pair of saint laurent heels that were really too painful to stand on for too long. but we all know what they said: beauty is pain.
“okay. let’s go.” your manager said, handing you your coat so the streets of new york wouldn’t freeze you to death at this hour.
“yeah.” you nodded, and tried to ignore the knot on your stomach, fully knowing you’d see pedro there. at the end, you two were the new starring stars on the most watched series of the season: last of us, along with bella ramsey of course. you knew a lot of people would come to the premiere, famous people, probably her as well.
your heels tickled on the floor as you made your way to your limousine, the leather underneath you warming you up. your phone buzzed. new message. pedro.
you sighed and put it aside, turning on do not disturb. twitter was going crazy, with this photos of this new woman under his arm making your stomach churn.
you shouldn’t feel like this. pedro was just a friend. you shouldn’t care about who he was dating, or if he even was dating at all. you should be happy for him. so why… why were you feeling like this? so bitter? so hurt?
the flashes hit your face and body, and as always, you smiled and waved once your manager had taken your jacket for you, even if the paparazzis were blinding you and making you go deaf with their screams. you didn’t want to smile, you didn’t want to pose, you didn’t want to be here. but you had to, so you’d decided that you’d do a quick greeting and chat for a little bit with other actors and stars and head back home early.
you just needed to try and not meet up with pedro for the next few hours. you could do that. there were so many people inside of there, posing in the red carpet, hugging each other and chatting up while drinking glasses of champagne that you thought it would be easy to hide from him.
you thought.
“there you are darling.” but as always you were wrong. “thought for a moment you were hiding for me there.” he smiled at the cameras, your skin growing on goosebumps when one of his warm and big hands found your exposed lower back, pulling you closer to his side. the paparazzi’s cameras were going crazy.
“pedro.” you sighed, trying really hard to not get lost in his touch, or in his eyes, or his cologne…
you were about to say something, probably come out with a lame excuse as why you had been ignoring him lately, but then you heard it.
“pedro! pedro! what can you tell us about that last scandal? are you perhaps now in a relationship?!”
your heart sank to your stomach, and your skin grew cold. you probably looked as white as a ghost.
“excuse me.” you smiled at him and the paparazzis, pulling away from his touch in need to run away from there. ‘cause you didn’t want to hear what he had to say.
your chest felt heavy, and your feet were fast.
would he smile and nod? say that he was now happily in love with somebody else?
you didn’t want to even imagine it.
“i need a fucking cigarette.” you muttered, taking from your purse your pack of cigarettes and heading to the bathrooms. you headed towards the most far away ones, those who were always free and silent.
the lighter flicked twice before the smoke was finally filling up your lungs. you let out a sigh. you knew it was shit. smoking. it was actually disgusting. but there was nothing that could help you more than another addiction to get over the one you already had: pedro pascal.
the cold of the bathroom tiles hit your back when you leaned against the wall, inhaling deeply, red smearing all over the bud of your cigarette.
you weren’t expecting company, but as always, you had to be surprised once again by him. only him.
the door opened with a creak, and your eyes shot open when they met his brown ones. fuck.
he looked at you, chest heaving harshly up and down as if he had been looking for you nonstop, running up and down every damn corridor just to find you.
“what have i done? what have i done to make you hate me this much?” he inquired, his voice just above a whisper. your heart broke. he looked broken too. you had done this?
“pedro…” you tried, but he was stepping inside the bathrooms and closing the door behind his back.
“no.” he shook his head. “tell me. tell me what have i done to make you not even be able to stand me being close to you.” his eyes fell as he saw your need to take a step back when he walked towards you. and maybe you would’ve, if you weren’t already cornered against the wall. “have i done anything to make you uncomfortable?” he inquired, and you felt your breath hitching, tears starting to sting your eyes. he thought it was his fault, that he was in the wrong. you were causing him pain just because your jealousy was too strong for you to handle.
“it’s nothing, pedro.” you tried and walk away, but his warm hands were once again on you, surrounding carefully your wrist to not let you go. you couldn’t help the way your heart jumped
“please sweetheart… talk to me…” he begged, and your tears shone under the lights when his other hand reached for your chin to make you look at him.
you took a deep breath in, trying your hardest to not give into his voice, nor touch… but it was too strong, your need for him, your love for him.
“do you love her?” you suddenly blurted out, and your stomach flipped. his eyes widened, his eyebrows furrowed. “that woman from the news… are you in love with her?” you muttered, your doe tearful eyes looking into his. your heart was screaming for him to not break him, your brain for him to confirm the rotten feeling that had been growing inside your chest. he cupped your face, about to talk but being cut off by your babbling once again. “she’s pretty. really pretty. and famous, and nice, and intelligent and has like a million of awards…” you smiled, even if your heart was falling apart and your eyes were about to spill tears.
“no baby, wait, you don’t understand…”
“i’m happy for you.” you muttered, taking his hands to pull them away from your face, even if the loss of his touch was making your soul break. lie and smile. “i’m sure you’ll be very happy, pedro.” you sighed, your heels clicking against the cold floor of that desolated bathroom as you headed towards the door, although his voice stopped you as you reached for the handle.
the door closed as you tried to open it, his palm firmly pressing against the door and the side of your head to keep it shut.
he inquired, and you bit down on your lip and tried to fight of your tears as he slowly turned you around to face him, caging you with his body against the wood of the door. he had never been this close. your chests were gracing, the mint of his breath hitting your face.
“is it really not obvious?” he inquired, and you frowned, your breath hitching when his free hand was back at softly holding your face. “it’s not her who i am in love with, i could never give my heart to another woman that doesn’t smile like you, or laugh as sweetly as you, or work as hard of you, or make my days seem as brighter as you do. i could never give my heart to another woman because i’ve already given it to you…” you eyes widened at his words, your chest heaving in deep breath.
he looked into your eyes, and then to your lips. he sighed. “am i reading this wrong, beautiful?” he inquired, scared, terrified of your shocked expression.
you quickly shook your head, your own hands cupping his face. “no pedro, not in the slightest.” you whispered against his lips before you pulled him against yours, butterflies filling your chest when you felt his left arm —the one that had stood keeping the door close— circled your waist and pulled you tighter against him.
the kiss was soft, slow, sweet… everything you’ve ever wanted. it was enough to make you melt.
but it was not enough, and you let him know with a whine when he pulled away.
“i know baby, i know.” he hushed you, leaving a soft peck on your now smudged lips. he had red lipstick all over his. “but there are a couple of paparazzis out there i have to clear up things with. perhaps the fact that it’s you who i’m in love with, in the first place.”
“maybe we could just show them.” you smiled, and he couldn’t help but smile as well, eyebrows raised.
“what’s going on inside that pretty head of yours, huh?” he pinched your waist and you laughed, making his heart jump.
you hummed. “i’ll have to kiss you a little bit more for you to get the idea.” you smiled, pressing a kiss to his neck, staining the perfect kiss mark.
he laughed, hiding the shiver that went up his spine.
“you’ll be the death of me.”
i imagine pedro coming back to the gala with his whole face decorated in kisses and being impossibly happy about it
a/n; i hope you liked it<3
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k-tarotz · 7 months
PAC - What your friends like about you
Just a little pick a card made with tarot and intuition! This is a general reading so only take what resonates and leave what doesn't ♡ pick one or multiple card(s) you feel drawn to!
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˖⃗ . ݁ ࣪ ، ₊ ˖ ་. ࣪ ، 🥢 ، ࣪ ⊹ ֶ Paid readings ˖. ݁ ࣪ ، ₊ ˖ ་. ࣪ ، 🥢 ، ࣪ ⊹ ֶ
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Pile 1
Cards: 3 of coins, 4 of wands, 2 of cups, knight of coins
You have a very innocent vibe to yourself and have a soft heart, you are a very supportive friend and often listen to your friends venting or just when they need someone to talk to. Your friends appreciate that you are there for them when they need you the most. You are also someone smart and often give good advice, your friends learn sometimes from you whether it's from your advice or you telling them some facts they didn't know before. Also whether your memory is good or not you try your best to remember things about your friends, that's also something they really like about you. You are naturally cute and actually some of your friends have a secret none serious crush on you. Your friends cherish you because you are such a nice person with warm words who has no bad intentions. You are loyal and most likely dislike the same people that your friends dislike as well. You also always think of your friends feelings, if something would hurt them you would either not tell them, for their own best, or you would think how to word it in a way it will definitely sound less harsh/hurtful - this is something your friends also really like about you! They know you wouldn't hurt them on purpose.
Things that could be related: nature, water, flowers, aquarius, air signs, 222, 777, plush, animal, A, S, Y, N
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Pile 2
Cards: 8 of coins, queen of wands, 6 of wands, the world
You are the kind of friend who puts others (your friends) before yourself [short reminder; please keep in mind how important you are, you should come first before anyone else. Your comfort is important too!] and therefore you are always there for your friends, whenever they need you, even in the middle of the night if you are up. You are a very honest person and immediately tell your friend if you know something that could be relevant for them. You are also overprotective of your friends and stand up for them if they are in an uncomfortable situation. You could possibly be the mom friend or the quite friend that is very caring and lovely, quite scary when mad but you rarely get mad. You like go take care of your friends whether you are older or younger than them doesn't matter. You are quite mature for your age, especially mentally and emotionally, that's one thing that makes your friends feel safe around you. In fact you might be the safe place of one of your friends. They value you and your kindness a lot. Not to be dramatic but you also give the vibe that you would catch a bullet for your favorite person, to protect them. Your friends also know if they tell you a secret you will keep it a secret, they love you for who you are.
Things that could be relevant: hair, virgo, earth sign, anxiety, black, night, 444, 15:15, dreams, spring, R, K, H, L
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Pile 3
Cards: 3 of wands, 4 of coins, ace of cups, the star
You are the type of friend that gives there all, no matter the situation. There is a lot of love and adoration in your heart, it’s like you can’t help it but show it no matter what or you might go insane. Not literally, of course, but you could get overwhelmed by how much you adore and love your friends. So you might like to spoil them and help them out in any kind of way possible. For many of you this is related to money (or could be a daydream of yours) but it can just be being there for your friend no matter what happens between you two. You are a very loyal person and even if your friendships were to break up (which they usually don’t, or at least it’s after years for you) you never share secrets and never cross boundaries that you know the other has simply out of love and care for them. You are a ride or die kind of friendship, respectful in your own right no matter what happens. You might also value vunerablity a lot, which is really a big bonus because it makes you understand and kind, none judgmental towards all. Tbh a lot of your friends can view you as a safe space, someone they can rely on at all times and know that they can always count on. You could also be a really fun friend to be with! Your love language must be quality time, or at least just one of it! You could be type of person to love braiding or styling your friends hair, putting make up on them or simply polishing them up and helping them through hard times and they don’t have the energy to do some things themselves.
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Things that could be relevant: lipstick/lipgloss, styling, water sign, pisces, summer, tulips, 333, 1212, M, J, D, C
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Thank you everyone for reading, liking and reblogging this! Thank you in case you tipped us, it means a lot to us! 🤗🩵
- Hun & Candy
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yourlocalcryptidbee · 6 months
⭐Lucifer Morningstar Headcanons
Headcannons about the lovely Lucifer Morningstar and the ways he acts with the even lovelier reader! Grab some snacks and a beverage, get comfy and enjoy <3
~1k words
GN-ish! Reader (mentions of hair long enough to braid that’s it) NOT proof read.
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Dude hates crowds, like has a burning(get it? hellfire? burning…never mind) hatred for them, most of them anyways. Crowds, people in general, can’t seem to think for themselves when around him. It’s always ‘whatever you want, your majesty,’ ‘don’t let us stop you, your majesty’ ‘we’ll do whatever you ask, your Majesty’ It reminds him of Heaven and the councils, and the masses, and the sermons….the list goes on. It’s Groupthink on steroids. A complete echo chamber that a young Lucifer tried to break. That version of Lucifer stood up to the majority and lost everything because of it. Of course that man still can’t stand it, especially now that he’s on the other end of it. He wishes that sinners could at least try to have a personality around him, not just a bunch of spineless pushovers, ready to wait hand on foot in fear of being smote.
He likes to watch you, not in a creepy way! At least he hopes that it isn’t creepy to you. Simply put, Lucifer likes to see you there, see you take up space in his home. Although he isn’t apposed to helping cook breakfast or clean, he’d much rather just watch you do it. It’s a comfort thing for him, watching you physically move around and disturb his space reminds him that you’re real and not something his mind made up as a last ditch effort to fix his depression. In the beginning when you would sleep over at his house, Lucifer wouldn’t make his bed after you left. He’d just leave all the bunched up blankets and sheets exactly how you left them. It made him feel less lonely when he had to sleep by himself the next night.
Frivolous. Like, truly does not care how much he spends on shit. Couldn’t even try to think about caring. It doesn’t matter to him. Partly due to his pride, he’s the big dick in charge of hell! of course he has the money for that 24k gold and diamond encrusted something or other. Especially if he’s buying something for you or Charlie. Your wish is his command after all.
His house is sssssoooo dusty. After his divorce he had quarantined himself to his bedroom, bathroom and office. He never went anywhere else in his house, he would portal himself between the rooms when necessary so he didn’t even use the hallways! Which one could imagine would leave a substantial amount of dust EVERYWHERE. He had invited you to his home for the first time on a whim, feeling proud of himself for finally asking and had coincidently walked through his front door, only to cough from inhaling so much dust. That pride turned to horror as he realized he only had an hour to clean his house before you showed up. That man had never moved faster in his life. He was so focused, unfortunately sometimes on the wrong things, I mean why was he cleaning the support beams that were 15 feet high and attached to the ceiling and not, I don’t know, the kitchen!? 
Lucifer cannot throw things away. Just look how long he wore his wedding band after he and Lilith split. In fact, he still has kept the ring after getting together with you, though he’s not wearing it, Lucifer just couldn’t bring himself to get rid of something like that. It still lives in a nice box in the very back of his nightstand. This is even worse when it comes to gifts from either you or Charlie. It could be the stupidest thing and he’ll cherish it and hold onto it for eternity. All those rocks, broken crayons, leaves, and bottle caps that baby Charlie gave to him? All tucked away safely to this day, hell, sometimes he’ll look through it all as a little pick me up. Maybe this has to do with being physically thrown out of his home in heaven or maybe he just is sentimental, even Lucifer doesn’t know.
Loves having his wings be taken care of. It was hard after he fell from heaven, those beautiful white wings now a blood red? Not something he liked to look at. It reminds of what he failed to do and of the pain he created for all of humanity. Having you take care of that is so special to him. You take the time to preen his wings and make sure they’re perfect. One of the things that are constantly reminding him of his failure as an angel is just so easily accepted and loved by you. Something so small to you, means the world to him. You can look at something that symbolizes failure and still love it unconditionally because it’s Lucifer’s? Yeah, he loves it that you take care of him.
Will 1000% make dad jokes when he doesnt know what to say. It’s honestly adorable. This happened on multiple occasions when your relationship was still new. A conversation would finish and there’d be a lull or a pregnant pause, and then he’d just “what-what do you call a can opener that’s broken?”
“a can’t opener. ” 
Cue his quiet, stifled yet awkward laughter at his own joke and the distant groan from Charlie who has probably heard that a million times already.
Has a gift for braiding hair. Honestly, he’s pretty good at styling hair in general but allow him to braid your hair and his talent just shines through. His own hair has some length to it so he has in fact braided his own hair but come on, his (ex)wife and baby girl have some of the longest blonde hair in the underworld, of course, he knows what he’s doing. Doesn’t matter what style or where the braid originated, he can do it. The cherry on top is that when he’s combing out your hair beforehand, there isn’t a single tug. Could this be magic? Yes. Could this also be a skill carefully cultivated over the literal millennia he’s been alive? Also yes.
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