#no one was sat in the row Infront so we had a really good view
yousaytomato · 1 year
Heathers: The Musical kind of ruled
0 notes
chappedandfadedvds · 4 years
Jan 16th, Saturday 15:16
Jens was actually laughing. 
Genuingly laughing, when Lotte told them some really bad joke she had heard in school. A dumb pun. But it had been the fourth in a row and they had finally reached the breaking point.
He sat at the table, an half emptied plate of apple slices between him and his little sister, while Lies roamed the kitchen to write down a list of groceries to buy on her way home. She planned to visit their mom and it had weighed heavy on her, when she had admitted this to Jens early that morning infront of the bathroom mirror.
Lies had told him, how much it hurt to live so far away and unable to travel and come home. She would have loved to help Jens over the past year, even if it would just have been for a week here and there. It was the reason why she had been so desperate to secure the position to be send to Brussels. 
Not that it been an actual problem, her wokrplace knew very well about her family situation. Still, Lies had said, that the moment she had recieved the plane tickets only a week ago, she had broken down in her boss’s office. 
Lies was here though now, thankful for the opportunity to bid farewell to their mother in person at last.
Jens understood the relief his older sister had explained to him. He couldn’t even entertain the thought of not being able to see his mom, while prohibited to visit inmidst the pandemic.
„Oh, I know! There is this one dish Theo and me always make as comfort food. Quite easy, but really nice in winter, with a good hearty broth. I’m going to do that.“ Lies declared vague from where she stood behind the opened door of the fridge. Mumbling something under her breath, while she noted things down on the piece of paper on the counter next to her.
„I don’t know if I should trust you to actually cook something delicious.“ Jens mocked, reminded of the many times that Lies had simply ordered take-out on every evening she was watching her siblings. Cooking was for loosers, she always had said, and simultaneously implied that she was at an absolute loss in the kitchen.
„Says the person who had managed to let noodles get burned to crisps while boiling them.“ 
„I was ten.“ He defended, cackling when Lies snorted and their gazes met. So much time had passed, but Jens was assured that the loving arguments between them would never cease to exist.
„But Jens is really good now. He makes like a super good riceotto“ Lotte chimed in, the wide smile on her face somewhere between amused and puzzled. She hadn’t much memories of Jens and Lies together, so it was reasonable for her to be unsure why it was funny. Their little sister had been only five when Lies had left. 
She had cried for a whole week, but with time passing, she had stopped even mentioning Lies alltogether. She knew her, yes, but she couldn’t tell what they had done or talked about together any longer. And maybe it was a little sad, Jens thought, but it also meant that Lotte wouldn’t miss Lies as much as Jens sometimes did.
„Risotto.“ Jens corrected, while he leaned a little over to ruffle through her hair. She slapped his hand away, stucking out her tounge at him in jest.
„Well, maybe Jens should cook then. I won’t complain.“
„No way, you are the oldest now, you cook.“ Jens quickly proclaimed his flawless reasoning against the mere suggestion Lies had voiced. His older sister barely contained herself from laughing again, instead nodded along, as she continued to write even more things down. 
Jens knew that she had come with a rented car from the airport, but the list just grew and he wasn’t sure, if he should tell her off. It looked like she wanted to stock the kitchen for an entire month.
The mood turned a little quieter, only Jens’s spotify playlist filled the house with some comfortable noise, while Lotte sketched some abstract scenes on paper. Jens’s eyes flicked over every once in a while, but it appeared like there wasn’t much reason behind it.
He yawned and stretched his arms, a loud cracking sound in his shoulder earned him a gleeful glance from Lies, who he flipped off. Despite it, he felt younger today. He felt lighter. His breathing wasn’t hurting as much, his thoughts came easier. 
Lies and him had talked for hours yesterday. He had forgotten how close they used to be. Which was wierd given their age difference and them not even being the same gender. But somehow they always stuck together. Jens wished she would stay.
The day they had bid goodbye at the airport had been locked somewhere into his head. Even after three years he didn’t dared to touch it.
This all would be easier if he had Lies to live with them. But it wasn’t reality and Lies had made him understand that it was okay to be scared. She had admitted at three in the morning, when they had headed to bed, that it had taken her month to figure out how to live on her own. Especially after she had moved to a different continent, while leaving her family behind. Jens could do this too.
He still had all of his friends around. He had this house. He had Lotte.
He just had to start somewhere.
„I think I’m going to call Lucas.“ Jens suddenly said. For a moment he had considered the possibility that he hadn’t spoken aloud at all. However, it became clear that he had, as both his sister’s heads spun towards him in an instant.
„Really? That came out of nowhere. But good for you. I think you should.“ Lies said, a little startled by his surprising change of demeanour. Only this morning he had still sat depressed and hunched over in pity in front of his breakfast. Jens wasn’t even sure himself where the urge to do it had popped up from.
„Yes!“ Lotte followed up quickly with bright wide eyes. Of course she would be excited.
„Okay. I’m going to do it.“ He declared, more to will his confidence in excistense than aynthing else.
He was nervous. Maybe Lucas wouldn’t even pick up? Jens wasn’t even sure, if Lucas’s mom was still around. This was a bad idea. 
The whole conversation from thursday sprung back into his mind. The hurt in Lucas’s eyes and the anger in his words. All caused by Jens. What if the other boy needed more time? What if he wouldn’t even pick up?
The fear must have shown on his face. Jens was sure, because Lies stood suddenly next to him, to push his phone into view. He had been starring at the surface of the table, unmoving, even when Lotte had come closer too, with a hand resting on his shoulder.
„Come on. Call.“ Lies demanded, despite the gentleness in her voice, it still made him take the phone into his hand.
„Do you want us to leave?“
Good question, Jens thought, unsure how to answer. But then, he wasn’t planning on having the needed conversation over phone anyway. He was scared that words would get twisted and intentions screwed by the missing connection one had face to face.
So he shook his head.
The phone rang four times. 
He tried again. Just this second time and then he would put it away again.
It merely managed to make a sound, before the call was answered.
He sat at the table, his breath on hold, as he listened to the boy on the other end. Jens wouldn’t cry from solely his name being spoken by the person he missed so much for only a couple of days now. He wouldn’t.
That was at least what he desperately told himself.
„Jens? Are you there?“
There was worry in the voice and Jens didn’t trust it. He didn’t deserved it. But he was on the phone, he remembered. He had been the one to iniiate the conversation. He should probably say something.
Jesus. His voice had certainly cracked, like some fifteen year old teenanger going through puperty. This was embarrassing. But it also helped. Lucas was definitely snorting on the other end of the call. And the three siblings all fell into laughter, with Lies wheezing at her brother’s pitiful attempt to make things right. His sister’s really tried to keep quiet, but it kind of was in vain. Lucas must have heard them.
It took Jens a solid minute to speak again. 
„Sorry, about that.“
„It’s alright.“ Lucas said as he took an audible deep breath to calm down to continue. The faintest amusement in his voice still there, even if the mood had turned serious again. „I am really glad that you called.“
It was the earnesty that struck Jens the most. It came unexpected. He had planned to force Lucas to hear him out if he had to. In the strong assumption that the younger boy didn’t wanted to talk to him in the first place. Apparently Jens had been wrong. Again. Like so often. It seemed to become a habit.
„I’m glad you picked up.“
„Of course.“ Lucas replied without any hesitation, it made Jens smile a little. It felt so good to hear him again. To hear him at ease. Jens pushed away the intruding thought in his head, that told him that it probably had to do with Jens’s absence. He hated that he somehow could belive it.
„I thought, maybe we can talk?“
There was a brief pause on the other end, as the call fell silent.
„I’d like that. When?“ Lucas asked and Jens noticed that he hadn’t thought that far ahead.
„Uhm, when?“
„Yes, when?“ 
The amusement in the younger boy was back. Jens could imagine Lucas shaking his head at the silly and ungraceful awkwardness Jens presented. There was a hand in his view, that lead him to look up at Lies, who tried to get his attention.
„Tomorrow.“ She whispered, nodding her head quickly, while she pointed a finger to herself. „I can watch Lotte.“
Jens loved Lies so much, it was ridiculous.
„How about tomorrow? I could come over to yours.“
„Okay. Be here at one maybe?“
„Yes, that works.“ He affirmed in a heartbeat. Jens would have agreed to any proposed time. It wouldn’t have mattered as long as he got the chance to talk to Lucas. He had an idea what he wanted to say after last night’s conversation with Lies. He knew that it wouldn’t be perfect or maybe even work in his favour, but it would be a start.
„I’ll see you tomorrow then.“ Lucas said.
They sat in silence for a moment. Usually Jens would have told him that he loved him. But it didn’t feel right, even when the feelings were clearly there. It felt too much to voice it. They hadn’t broken up yet, but it wasn’t as if they were in a relationship still either. So he simply waited. 
And then there was a clicking sound and the call was ended.
__ __ __ tagged: @odi-et-amo85, @tayspots
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
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Chapter poster by @/lovehyuck on Instagram
NCT One Shot Collection
Member: Johnny
Genre: Fluff, gets a tiny bit suggestive at the end
Word Count: 3.7k
A/N: this was such a fun one to write! i may or may not have busted a big, fat uwu writing this. 
Art school was not the least bit easy for you. Not with all the different events and projects your course forced you through in your freshman year. Your media and design course needed you to constantly pull on a smile and an excited tone whenever you did broadcasting exercises, then back at home when you were off screen and not interning at an external company, you needed to learn the aesthetics of setting up websites and online blog shops. Writing and photography were skills you also needed for your course. All of this was extremely hard to handle when you're a freshman and had trouble even memorizing your way around the huge university campus.
You were absolutely dreading the next project that was set to come your way, because you would be interning at an independent boutique chain to learn the ideas and ways of online advertising and sales, but what you didn't expect in the package was the gentle giant that you would meet during your time of intern at the boutique chain stores.
"y/n?" One of the boutique's managers called out. You looked up from your journal of scripts and half done speeches you had done and would be doing in the future for the advertising projects.
"I'm here," You hurriedly shoved the book into your bag and got to your feet.
"Please, come in. I'll introduce you to your partner you'll be working with for your internship," The lady had a blazer on with a maroon top underneath, paired with black pants and a blue lanyard with her pass in the cardholder. You made your way into the room behind her, and before her sat a cheerful young man who was a few years older than you. The moment he noticed you, he stood up and offered you a handshake.
"Hi! You must be y/n! I'm Johnny Seo, the boutique's newest fashion designer and accent advisor. 'Johnny' will do just fine," he smiled at you, his wide grin making you feel warm and welcomed, despite his large and seemingly intimidating frame.
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"Hi, nice to meet you," you took the handshake and bowed a little.
"Good to see that you two are starting off on the right foot. So, the both of you will be working closely for a project that the boutique is planning on launching in summer, preferably for a autumn collection. Johnny will brainstorm the styles and ideas, color palettes and all, and you will be handling the promotion and setting up of website for the project launch. How does that sound?" The lady leaned forward on the table, clasping her hands together and interlinking her fingers.
Johnny eagerly nodded, before turning to you, who obviously had some doubt in yourself.
"Relax, y/n, it's your first big project with a brand name. It's actually Johnny's first big launch too, but both of you have reputable portfolios. I don't expect the grandest, but I do expect your best efforts. If you perform well, we might consider you as permanent staff," The lady smiled at you. You processed her words, letting them sink in as you began to peel the small bits of skin round your fingertips and biting the ripped skin off your dry lips. Reputable profiles? Permanent staff? This is a huge brand name. Working for them would be like working for the Gods themselves. 
"y/n, really, don't feel pressured. We want our crew to be as relaxed and comfortable. We chose to accept your internship with us out of a few hundred because you have amazing presence and your work is unique. After the internship, if you'd like to work for another brand instead, it can remain in discussion. But for now, all I need you to do is to work with Johnny to produce the best project launch for this autumn, that's all. Can you do that?" The lady raised her brow, her voice softening as she tried her best to calm you down. 
You nodded. 
"Amazing. Johnny will show you to your temporary office and give you a small tour and orientation of the office building. From today onward, just report to this building for your internship and you can do everything you need to do in this building. Your school has already been notified of this information," The lady leaned back in her seat and pulled out a file from the cabinet behind her, opening it to an internship contract page and setting it down on the table in front of you.
Both you and Johnny signed your respective contracts, and off you went on your orientation with him. 
"Do you that when you're nervous or stressed?" Johnny spoke after a moment of silence. You were in the elevator with him on the way down to your office floor.
"Wha--? Oh," You looked down at your fingers and noticed the skin that had been peeled off had caused a tiny bit of bleeding. "Yeah, it's a habit. I'd like to get rid of it, but I've been doing it for years. Can't seem to stop it," You pulled your cardigan over your hands. Suddenly, you realised how under-dressed you were for the job. You were a broadcaster, a photographer and a writer, yet here you were, in a simple blue cardigan that covered your black top and some part of your denims. Even your ugly pair of strappy sandals were not up to your own standards.
Not when Johnny was there, fitted perfectly in his clothes.
Fashion designers.
"Fan of blue?" Johnny spoke again after the doors opened. 
"Yellow, actually. But my favourite yellow dress was in the washing machine this morning when I checked so..." You shrug and follow him out of the lift. He smiled as a gesture of courtesy, letting you know that he heard you. He tapped a card with his face printed on it on the door scanner, a soft beep turned one of the scanner's lights from red to green and he pushed the door open for you. 
"So, uhm, since you're working with this brand for the first time, I'll just let you know that their offices are on a rotational basis. So for example, you're working with me until autumn, right? Your office will be right next to mine until the season is over, and once you get a new partner, your office location will change, or maybe your new partner will come to you. Works both ways," Johnny walked and spoke at the same time, the office floor having a row of closed-door offices on both the left and right side of the floor, with office cubicles in the middle like a maze.
"The cubicles are for?" You looked at the employees sitting in cubicles, some talking on the phone and others looking intently at their computer screen.
"Oh, they basically handle the admin stuff. You know, employees, the money, event signing etcetera," He stopped right outside a closed office door. "I believe this office is yours," Johnny stretched out his right palm and gestured to the door. You glance at him and look at the door, the tab on the door where your name and position was supposed to be, still empty. 
The office was simple, but prettier than you expected it to be. After all, this was only supposedly an internship.
"Whoa," You breathed, stepping into the office and placing your bag on one of the guest chairs before heading for the window. You could see the city before you, with cars the size of fingernails and the glistening reflection off window panes from other office buildings. 
"I know right?" Johnny smiled. "Uh, you can get your access pass from the security point from tomorrow onwards. The admin counter on the first floor will give you your name and tab for your door when you clock in tomorrow," You hummed in response, still taken and completely obsessed with the view, so much that you didn't even notice Johnny had gone into his office right next to yours. 
After setting up your office, linking your devices to the office's network, putting in your name and tab on the door and shelving some of your files for research and information purposes, you were finally settled in. Of course, some of that settling needed an extra hand, and who else to help but your office neighbour and also your partner for the next 8 months?
The first teaser or promotional event for the launch was set to happen in about a month's time. That meant you needed to do filming, editorials, find some contract models and dress them in the clothes that Johnny was to design. Though you had a month, it felt like you had a week, and once you realised that, you began chewing on your lip like a dog chewing on its toy bone.
"No, I need a week to edit and fix up the promotional videos. I need the models in three weeks from now, not six," You spoke into your office phone. Your eyes were fixated on website designs and filming techniques you had learnt at school but was never able to apply them, but your ears were listening to the horrendous dealings of a model company who couldn't offer models when you needed them.
"Don't be ridiculous. Which part of 'three weeks' did you not unders-- look, if you can't give me my models - which the company I'm currently working for now would've already informed you so forth - in three weeks, then the company is done with you, got it?" You didn't wait for a response. Slamming the phone back into its phone set on the table, you were frustrated and stressed out. Not because you were now interning at a big brand name, but because you genuinely wanted to do well. Your website was barely put together with the absence of photos and information about the project launch. Only the color accents and layouts were fixed, but otherwise it was a barren land. 
Knock knock.
"Come in," You sighed and held up your fringe with your left hand, your right handling the mouse and moving the cursor around the website page, wondering what else you could do for it.
"Heard you yelling at the model contractor from next door," Johnny let himself in and shut the door behind him. 
"Please tell me you have some designs and you're ready to make them," Your eyes shifted to the man, your posture remaining slouched and stiff infront of the computer screen.
"Was just about to show you some of them. Thought they might help with the color accents for the website too," Johnny was holding a sketchbook and a file filled with sample materials and designs. He sat down on one of the guest chairs and pushed the file over to you on the table.
The sketches were amazing. Both the male and female designs were stunning, simple yet dramatic, and he did not stick to a single color accent. He used every single warm color available on the color wheel.
"These are amazing, Johnny," You took the sketchpad nearer to your computer and changed up the color accents on the site. "You should start materializing these. When the launch is done, the brand's definitely going to want you working for them," You clicked rapidly, fixing every crook and cranny of the site to fit the color accents of the designs in his sketchpad. 
"I actually wanted your input on the specific designs and materials. You do photography, so you should have an idea on what would look good in photographs," He looked you in the eye and had this adorable, sheepish, grin plastered on his face. It was almost like he was always happy and nothing could ever bring him down.  "Also because I need to ask you for a favour," His expression progressed from sheepish to embarrassed.
"What is it?" You chuckle, taking the materials file and flipping through them, reaching for a pen from your pen holder and writing down some of the material codes next to the respective designs you thought fit.
"I have a couple of friends from high school organising a social event, and everyone who's going is either attached or engaged and--"
"And you want me to go?" You raised an eyebrow, looking up through your lashes and at him. He scratched the back of his neck and tilted his head. 
"Ah, you know what? Forget it, it's horrible for me to ask you to act like someone you're not, so--"
"Nah, I'll go," You waved it off with your free hand without looking up. 
"What-- Really?" Johnny paused, watching you scribble all the material codes on the final few pieces of his designs.
"Yeah, sure. Why not?" You finished the last codes and handed the sketchpad back to him. "I've matched the designs to the materials I think would be suitable. So just check them for me and start getting them made. Photo shoot is in about three weeks." 
"No, wait, y/n, you're really okay with going to the event with me?" Johnny had a little frown on his face.
"Why not?" You leaned back in your chair. "Haven't been to one of those in awhile. Won't hurt to get one night off this stinking intern that's making me tear my hair out," 
He nodded and was obviously very happy.
"Okay. So I'll just text you the date, and you text me your address and I'll fetch you then, s'that alright with you?" Johnny squinted his eyes like he hoped you'd say yes.
"Cool," You smiled at him. There was an awkward pause as all he did was stare at you, when you weren't sure why he was still there. "Anything else, partner?" You furrowed your brows and pursed your lips. 
"Oh!" He exclaimed and whirled around in a circle, like a cat looking for its tail. "Nothing, I was just, zoning out," He frantically grabbed his sketchpad and material files from your table. "I'll see you tomorrow," He gave you one last nod before leaving your office. You waited until his shadow had disappeared from outside your door and into his, before sinking back into your chair and turning it around to see the glaring evening sun setting on the city. 
This internship was the hardest internship you had ever done. You were working for 9 hours straight a day, some days spent in the office doing research on materials and other days visiting material stores to gather information about the cloths and the small details like lace and buttons that Johnny needed to begin making his clothing line. But what you failed to notice was that every single time you were procrastinating on a meal, Johnny would never fail to appear at your door with some packed food, knowing that you hadn't had anything since the previous meal. After awhile, he noticed the trend in your tastes: nothing spicy, soup is a must, and you always had tea over coffee any day, and that was exactly how he would send lunch or dinner to your office despite it being way past the respective mealtimes. 
Before you knew it, the day of the social event was here. It was at a rather extravagant bungalow at a chalet right outside of town. All of Johnny's high school friends were going to be there, drinking booze or playing a game they weren't supposed to. Long story short, it was an event with all of Johnny's american friends.
"Hey Johnny, uhm, I was wondering..." You had the phone between your ear and your shoulder, all your party clothes laid out in front of you on the floor. "What are you wearing and what's the color code like?" 
"Oh, uhm, well, nothing sophisticated I guess? Denim jacket, T-shirt, pants and a pair of... Vans? I mean, it's a guy thing though. Girls usually wear prettier, slightly more... extravagant styles."
"Cool, so blue and black?" You eyed the black crossed-back singlet top with black leather pants. 
"Sounds fine to me."
"Also, Johnny," You were now holding the phone. "Who am I going as?" You smirked to yourself. You knew, but it would've been a lot nicer if he had just asked you to be his date directly.
"I... well, everybody's bringing someone you know, so... just for this once, pretend you're my girlfriend."
You smiled to yourself.
"Pleasure," You hung up. 
When you showed up at the party, you knew exactly why Johnny wanted you to go with him. This wasn’t just a social gathering, this was a white boy frat party. It wasn’t that bad, but everybody Johnny greeted looked like they used to play sports and had a girl attached to their arm. Johnny was popular with the people at the party. He was so sociable and such an amazing talker, you wondered why he hadn't gotten himself a real girlfriend when all he did the entire night was introduce you to his friends and by saying, "Hey, what's up? Dude, meet my girlfriend, y/n," Then he'd carry on and talk about how he met you at an internship and now you were both doing a clothing line project launch together. 
The night was getting late, and you definitely had more drinks than Johnny did. Your brain was like walking a tightrope and constantly on the edge of losing your composure altogether. Your date wanted to send you home when he noticed your face was rosier than usual and your eyes were no longer looking straight anymore, but you insisted and refused to leave. So when you found yourself in a circle next to Johnny, an empty bottle of beer in the middle and everybody else was screaming when two lucky people got chosen to make out with one another, that's when you decided to take another shot of vodka to completely immerse yourself in the party experience. 
"y/n," Johnny grabbed the shot glass, trying his best not to let you finish it. But the alcohol rushed down your throat so quickly, you belched, earning loud hoots from the rest of the circle.
"Next round!" The friend of Johnny's who was hosting the event yelled, grabbing the bottle and pinning it down in the middle of the circle.
"I think I'm going to send her home first, she's wasted," Johnny gently brushed the hair out of your face, your eyes barely open and your limbs functioning at the least. The bottle was spun and landed on Johnny.
"No! I'm staying, this is fun," You giggled, snuggling your head into his chest. 
"Oh, that's even better! Won't even know what's going to hit her!" His friend shouted, twirling the bottle again before Johnny could protest. The bottle landed on you. 
"Ooooooh, rules are rules, muchachos!" The host lifted his beer bottle. "If the player chosen is attached, then 7 minutes of heaven in the closet we go!" 
Johnny panicked. He watched as other girls from the circle got up to help carry you into the closet upstairs while the other guys hyped Johnny up to follow you upstairs. Before Johnny knew it, he was standing in front of you in someone's closet, the smell of cologne filling up both your noses and your eyes struggled to find a face to focus on. 
"Why is it so dark?" You groaned, rubbing your eyes and smacking your lips.
"Because you didn't want to leave the spin-the-bottle circle, you doofus," Johnny sighed and tucked your hair behind your ear.
"Care to explain why you don't have a girlfriend? Everybody else here has one besides you," You burped, the smell of sprite and vodka temporarily intoxicated the air between you and Johnny. He winced in disgust, before waving the air with his hand.
"My last dumped me. Said I was too focused on a career path that wasn't promising." 
Your muddleheaded skull processed this information, before it struck a chord in one of your nerves. 
"Jeez, I'm... sorry for that, I didn't mean to pry," You frowned and rubbed your face. 
"Nah, it's alright," Johnny shrugged, his eyes adjusting to the darkness and noticing your jacket falling to your elbows. He subtly pulled them up, covering your shoulders.
"What do people even do in 7 minutes in heaven anyway? Dumbass game," You shuffled your feet, failing to register that Johnny was kind of uncomfortable with how little space there was between the two of you. 
"Most people just... you know-- hook up," Johnny cleared his throat. You paused and looked up at the shape of his jaw under the horrible lighting, your fingers only able to graze the outline of his facial features since you couldn't see well. Your fingertips halted at his chin, then shifted up to feel his lips.
"Have you ever...?" You whispered. Johnny could only hear the sound of his own breathing, the feeling of someone else's fingers on his skin was so alien, yet familiar.
"No, only small kisses here and there, but never really a real..." His voice trailed off as he felt you tiptoeing to reach his height. "Kiss," He finished his sentence, and before he could register it, his arms were wrapped around your waist, and yours around his neck, trying to pull his head down to match your height. 
"Why are you so goddamn tall?" You huffed between kisses, the heat in your chest building up, and it wasn't only because of the alcohol. Johnny took the hint and shifted his hands to your thighs without violating your bottom, lifting you up and guiding your legs around his waist. It was almost as if every single word in the dictionary couldn't be processed in either of your heads. All he could taste was the lingering tinge of alcohol from your tongue, and all you could think of was how hot he was, being able to carry you and lifting you off the ground while still handling everything north.
"7 minutes is up-- whoa!" The host pulled open the door, only to see you hurriedly hop off Johnny's hips, your lipstick smudged and his hair in a mess. You coughed, surprisingly more sober than before. You began biting on your lip, noticing how everybody was shooting you smirks and teases. Johnny pulled up your jacket to your shoulder from behind, carefully patting down his hair and calmly wrapping his arm around your shoulder. 
"We have business to finish, so if you'll excuse us, I'll be sending her home."
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mobbinholland · 5 years
head home - tom holland
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request: Love your writing! You’re so talented! May I please request an nsfw blurb of mob!tom with stripper reader?? #167 Thanks love ya!🤩😍
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#167: “ Want to head back to my place and have a little fun? ”
pairing: mob!tom x stripper!reader
warnings: smut, praising, light bondage, daddy kinkish,
A/N: oh and not really a blurb because i actually wanted to write a mob!tom with a stripper reader :) also lmk if you guys would like a part two or even a series :)
Tom had a rough day and he went to either two places. the bar where he picked up girls or the strip club where he picked up girls. being the king of the mob wasn’t easy and most of the time i took a toll on him but he wouldn’t give it up. the thrill he gets when having to beat the shit out of a guy when he doesn’t pay up and when he finally pays up. it was , in his opinion , the best way he got rich - fast.
tom pushes through the double doors of the strip club. the best one there was. in his opinion. it was clean, the girls were good, and he owned it.
“hi tom.” one of the girl says brushing past him grabbing his arm. he headed towards the bar where the girl already knew what he liked. the got the drink fast and headed down the few stairs and sunk down onto the leather seat where he had a front row view.
you never expected to end up like this. no one really does but you just needed college paid for and it was the best way you thought because you were actually good at it if you got into tom holland’s strip club. it was the hardest to get hired but damn i guess you were that good.
it was two hours until you clocked out. so you decided to work your best. the announcer says “and we have one of our new babies , sweetheart.” the name was last minute because the job was kinda - last minute .
you walked onto the stage in a beautiful diamond necklace that shined well with the lights, a gold velvet two piece that made your breat look amazing and was g-string bottoms, and tall heels to match your necklace. you were very proud with that necklace because it was the first thing you bought for yourself after getting this job.
you scanned the room just to see what you were working with and the whole room stopped for you. so you decided to give a show. you did all the spins around the pole hitting every number until your eyes met with him. tom holland. owner and the biggest mob boss there was. his eyes never came off of you. he watched now your hips swayed.
that’s my girl he thought to himself. he adorned the way you moved. so freely, didn’t seem to be shy when you were onstage. he started to think of all the things he could do with you.
your five minutes was up and you picked up all the money everyone through. you felt a pair of hands place themselves on your hips. your turned around ready to call some guy off until you realized it was tom. you never got to meet him. because you only been there for a month. “h-hi” you said shyly. your faces only inches apart. “how about a private show for the boss?” he smirked as he scanned you. you nodded and finished picking up the rest.
angel, the first friend you made came up to you to hand you the rest that you had. she always helped you and you helped back. you thanked her. “go put it in the safe place. i’ll be in the first one darling.” tom tell you and you walk quickly to the locker room. putting all your money in your bag and quickly walking back.
you slid opened the curtains and once again, your eyes met toms. you stood infront of his. “come here.” he pats his lap and you stratle him. his hands found the bottom of your ass and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“so, anything you want from me boss?” you whispered in his ear, moving down to kiss his neck. he growled at the name you called him. you smirked “how did we get so lucky huh?” he asked inbetween your clevage you chuckled. “you want a show tom?” you asked running your fingers through his hair. “show me what you got sweetheart.” he lightly smacked your ass. you jump and your both smirked. you got up and did what you do best.
bad blood by nao played. it was perfect. you moved your hips to the beat and you felt toms hand move to there favorite spot. he felt his member grow in his pants and he just couldn’t take it anymore. he stood up and bent down to whisper “ Want to head back to my place and have a little fun? ” you smiled and said “i still have 30 minutes left of my shift.” you pushed your ass against his hard member and he groaned. “i think we can make it work.”
the car ride was eventful. he asked you how you ended up stripping and why your name was sweetheart. you asked how he ended up in the mob and why he opened a strip joint.
his hand on the inside of your thigh as he rubbed circles on your skin. “this is how it’s going to go baby, you listen to me alright ? i’m going to rip that pretty little pussy of yours apart and you’re going to love it right?” “yes tom.”
you pulled up the grand drive way. you couldn’t believe how big his house was. you expected it to be big considering how much the girls you worked with talked. he helped you out the car and guided you through the grand doors. “upstairs , the two doors at the end of the hall. undressed and waiting for me.” he gives you simple directions and you nod and go upstairs. you guided yourself and opened the two doors. holy shit.
the bed wasn’t even king sized maybe a bit bigger. a huge fur rug and the bathroom. jesus. you undressed yourself while exploring the grand room. you admired everything he had. as soon as your were done you sat on the edge of the bed. your legs dangling over and you lightly kicked him back and forth.
the doors swung open and tom stood there looking at you. you smiled at him and he did the same. he closed and locked the doors. he took off his silk red tie and laid it on the bed next to you. his hand reached your cheek and his thumb swiped between your lips. “beautiful.” tom said. he pushed his thumb into your mouth and your lips wrapped around. you lightly sucked. looking through your lashes and giving tom innocent eyes. his other hand wrapped around your neck and he choked you lightly as well.
he removed his thumb and choked you harder. you grinned and your hands went down to his belt. you looked at him asking for permission through only your eyes and he nodded. you undid the leather belt and button to his pants. his hand removes itself and he unbutton his shirt. you pull done the suit pants, along with his boxer to expose his thick cock. you gasp at big it is and you were excited to see how the night was gonna go. you slid off the bed onto your knees and pumped his cock into your hand. and then you wrapped your lips around his dick.
“fuck. go ahead sweetheart do your thing.” and you did exactly that. you bobbed your head and pumping the rest you couldn’t take. you swirled your tongue around his tip everytime you came up. tom moshed st your action. you took him all the way you could and you decided to fuck your throat but tom loved it so he helped out. he grabbed the side of your head and thrust his hips into your throat. you gagged multiple times. tom grabbed your hair and pulled you hair back losing contact. the strings of saliva soon fell to the floor.
“you usually this dirty?” he asked you “only for my first boss.” he picked you up off the floor and pushed you into the bed. you giggled and tom smack you ass with full force. you scream into the sheets and he pulls you up “you gonna he a good girl for daddy?” he ask as his rubs your soaking clit. you nod and he smacks your ass again. “speak. i don’t like repeating myself.” “yes daddy i’m gonna be good for you.” you spit you. tom forces your face into the bed and your ass in the air. he grabs your wrist, put them behind your back and you felt his silk tie wrap around your wrist.
he guided his tip along your folds. “you’re soaking baby. did i make you like this?” he ask as he continued his action. “yes daddy. please fuck me” you beg to him. “needy little slut are we?” he pushes his dick slow into you. you gasp at trying to take all of him. “fuuuckk” you moan out as he as himself all the way in you. you take a few seconds to adjust to him. toms strokes were deep, slow, and hard. each time he made sure he hit the back of your walls.
“please daddy, fuck me hard.” you beg. “baby you’re not going to be able to dance for a week.” and with that being said toms thrust were now rough, fast and hard. you were a moaning mess. saying daddy over and over.
tom smacked your ass and said “fuck baby you take me so fucking well.” you clench around his cock causing him to groan out “fuck love, do that again.” and you did it again. he bangs into you harder and now he rubs your clit. pushing you to the edge.
“please daddy, i-i’m going to cum.” you manage to spit out. “go ahead baby come all over daddy’s cock.” he makes sure he hit your sweet spot and you came. the wave that washes over you made you legs weak. tom pulled out , undid the tie, and laid down on the bed.
“ride me.” you nodded and got on top of tom. you sunk down on his cock making you both moan out.
you did what he asked for. you rode him so well and you were actually surprised on how well you did it. toms hand wrapped itself around your throat and he choked you roughly. while his other hand smacked your ass. “look at you. you look so beautiful on daddy’s cock.” you grind on him and he loved that. he grip lost contact with your neck and he laid his arms to his side and let you work on him.
“ you like that daddy? when i take control ?” you ask reaching down kissing his neck and jaw line. he looks at you “fuck baby yes but you know what i love better ? when i fuck this tight little pussy of yours and make you scream my name.” and with tom saying that he makes you out your legs up so your feet we’re on the bed. he brings your knees close and your faces even closer. and he pounds into your pussy. this sensation you’ve never felt before. you scream out , digging your nails into his shoulders “who makes you feel like this?” he ask looking so deep into your eyes “you do daddy.” you barley got to spit out as tom picks up his pace. “are you gonna come again?” he ask you and you nod over and over. you feel another orgasm come over you “hold it.” tom tell you but you honestly don’t know how you could but soon enough tom says “go ahead baby. together. right now.” and you finally release on to him. breathing out heavy while he fills you up. making sure he marked you. you call into his chest. and he wraps his arms around you.
you get off of him and lay down beside him. “i’ll get my stuff. thank you boss.” you tell him sliding to the edge of the bed but he grabs your wrist and tells you
“don’t go. stay here. please?”
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rachelblogsstuff · 6 years
Musical adventure to London
I’ve always loved London. Since I was younger, until now where that love grows each time I travel down. The first trip down to London was one of the best experiences along with the time I went down for a second time. Thinking back, it hasn’t been that long since I first went down. But then again, it will be 4 times I've been to london by the end of this year.
The first trip was with a friend to go and see Carrie Hope Fletcher’s first solo concert in Cadogan Hall. And the second was a trip to get a visa to work at an American summer camp over the summer. Both memorable trips. But my latest trip down to London has took the ball.
A few weeks ago I traveled down to London with my friend Amy. We planned on going down due to both our loves for musicals and London. We got our trains and hotel booked along with two musicals we were going to see. And the best thing that happened was when we got to London.
When we got into Euston station, we began another mini journey to get to Kingston. This is where our hotel for the few days was. It was beautifully sunny two of the days we were there but It did get cloudy when we went our wonder after dropping our stuff off at the hotel.
Kingston has recently been the go to place for me when I book hotels. And when I say that, it was only my second time staying in the area which both times included a Travelodge. Outside of the hotel there was this massive art piece that I thought was quite cool. A line of red phone boxes were tipped over like domino. And obviously I had to take a picture of it.
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From there we travelled back into London waterloo to go be tourists for a little bit. We spent the rest of that evening walking along the river where we seen the London bridge. We were even lucky to catch it opening up to let a boat through (Not exactly sure if that is a rare sight or not but it was still lovely to see it happen).  We stayed in that area until it got dark where we seen the bridge open up for the second time letting that exact same boat through again before we started our wonder back to the station to get back to Kingston for the night.
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The second day was where the excitement began. Both musicals that we booked were in this one day. Eugenius in the matinee show at the other palace. Then the Heathers evening show in the Haymarket Royal Theatre.
We got to the Other Palace in time to get drinks before the show began. They had... Slushies. Slushies? In a theatre? You can tell this was a new one to me considering I only expected normal drinks like the average soft drink or alcoholic drink. But as I could tell it was going to be an amazing day, I got a slushie and I loved it. Also, can I just mention how beautiful the building is?? Like its such a nice building (I loved the architect of the building. It was just so damn nice).
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The show itself was amazing! Our seats were a few rows from the stage, bang centre of the row which let us see the full show with no difficulties at all. As you can probably tell, this was the first time I had been to the other palace. And the theatre was beautiful, there was fairy lights hanging around the theatre and the stage was such a nice size. I hadn’t been to a theatre like this one before to be quite honest. And I’m so glad I got the chance to watch the show there. The cast were amazing! I had never had much expectations since I didn’t want to look into it so I could just be surprised by my own expectations. Which I was. I honestly loved every single moment in that theatre. The set, the music, the cast. So much talent and work went into this show and it’s payed off because at the end of the show everyone joins in with the wonderful fist pumping to Go Eugenius.
Fun fact: I seen a girl stand up to start dancing along at the end of the show and this lead me to standing up too. I looked around to see nobody else standing up so I very awkwardly slid back onto my still folded up seat only for everyone to then start standing up to dance along. This was probably one of the most awkward things in my life ahaha
But at the end of that show I came out so incredibly happy to have went to see it. The cast came out to go for they're lunch and Scott was nice enough to stop and have a chat with people so we went and said hi to him before he headed off. 
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We stayed in the other palace after the show so we could devour food since we hadn't ate that day. (Bad, yes but at least we managed to get food before show number 2). We got pizza, nachos and best of all... Eugenius themed cocktails! and I need to say thank you to the lovely bar staff for making these wonderful drinks. 
From the Other Palace, we went straight to the Royal Haymarket where we were to go see Heathers the musical. I had been waiting months for this day to come and honestly I was so excited for this show. Because I had went to work in America over the summer, I missed the chance to see heathers at the other palace during its run there. Nobody knew my happiness when I had seen heathers was due to come back for another more longer run in London so I said to Amy and we booked the tickets.
Another small thing that needed to be done at the theatre was a mini photoshoot outside before we went in. Yes it was a bit windy and I look a tad of a mess but looking back at this day makes me extremely happy so I'm going to share this picture...
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Now, I have been to my fair share of concerts, and musicals ect. But the seats we had for Eugenius and Heathers that day had taken the cake for best seats. We got into the theatre where I collected the tickets, got some merchandise then headed to our seats. We must have been about 4-5 rows from the stage and it was one of the best views in a theatre like that in London I have ever had. The lights all went down and the show began and it was Beautiful! Pun intended. The set was amazing, I never thought it would be as good a set as it was. The band were amazing, the cast were incredible! Ive seen quite a few shows carrie has been in and oh my god, her voice. The whole cast is so talented I was blown away with how good the show was.
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After the show we stood outside the front of the theatre as there was a line waiting for the cast to come out. I do enjoy stage door but at the same time I don't expect to meet any certain member of the cast as it is after all,  they're decision if they want to come out and spend time with a lot of the audience that came to see the show. If they want to go home and not meet anyone then I totally get that. They've done they're job and to be quite honest I would rather go home after work too (Even though my job at the moment is totally not relatable to theatre) Ive seen how other people can get quite annoyed but it is literally you're own fault for deciding to stand and waiting. But anyway, a few of the ensemble cast members came out which was amazing. They were so genuinely lovely and it was nice to have a little chat with them.
After we met the cast members that came out, we ended up wondering along to a bridge that gave us a really nice view of the London wheel. We had spent a few hours wondering around, grabbing some food before realising the underground did not intact run 24/7 which lead to us walking to waterloo station from Piccadilly. The time we got to the station we had indeed missed the last train... By half an hour, which left us stranded for just a little bit as we managed to get an uber back to the hotel. Thank the lord for uber, otherwise we would have been stuck in central London the whole night. We got back to the hotel room and basically crashed after such an amazing musical filled day.
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The next day was when we decided to go back to see Heathers for a second time. We booked tickets and went into Piccadilly for a bit. We went to the Theatre Cafe, Such a wonderful musical filled place that I do recommend. The hot chocolate is a personal favourite there due to my love for hot chocolate. I also enjoyed my trip to the bathroom there- If you like selfies and theatre then please do go into the bathroom.
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 Afterwards, we decided to go a stop to Leicester  Square for a little bit. We must have sat there for a good hour or so just watching the world pass by. Plus it was a nice way to just chill before round 2 of heathers! After almost getting hit by a ton of low flying birds, we left our view infront of the fountain and went back towards the Royal Haymarket theatre.
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When we got to the theatre, the oddest thing happened that was no expected... Carrie Hope Fletcher... walked past us. She walked past with Becky and I stood like a starstruck idiot. I think I was just a bit shocked at first to be honest since I did not expect that to happen. They walked past and I didn't want to interrupt them since they looked like they were in a big conversation so I never said anything. We ended up walking back towards a burger place we had passed earlier and went in for some pre theatre food but when we sat down Carrie, Becky and the Heathers director was there too and I must say, we freaked out slightly again but no worries, we stayed somewhat chill. They got takeaway so left but I need to say my food was good! Even though I only got sweet potato fries. I was deeply craving them after seeing them on the menu earlier that day.
After some food, we headed back to the theatre but we still had some time to kill so we went next door and I got a Heathers themed cocktail. It was honestly one of the best cocktails I have ever had. 
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Afterwards it was time to then head to the theatre for our seats. We got the tickets and went up a floor to see the show and we had an amazing view. We could see everything from our seats which was nice especially how we had booked tickets extremely last minute. Once again, the cast had outdone themselves. The show was brilliant! Only one thing went slightly wrong during the show but the cast made it work anyway like pro’s! Both trips to heathers, we made a few friends which was quite nice. I always enjoy talking to others at shows as everyones always so nice. After the show, we waited at the front of the theatre where some of the cast came out again then we decided to go back to the hotel to make sure a repeat of the previous night didn't happen again. Didn't really fancy getting stuck in central London for the night. But anyway we made it back and went for a lovely sleep.
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The last and final day. The only part of this day I didn’t like was that it meant I had to go back home.
I got up and packed then went into Piccadilly again to get some Polaroid’s of the theatre. I really love Polaroid’s as you can probably tell. They just look so nice plus I love how it just instantly prints your picture (Whole point of the polaroid yes, but still!). Heres a little picture of a few of them. I will soon be creating a polaroid wall in my room so these will make a nice addition since I love things that just take me back to a memory. Especially happy places and days.
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I took polaroids of the front of the theatre before I ended up talking to two girls who I joined in walking round to stage door. I just wanted to see what stage door was like at the theatre considering I hadn't been to the one at this theatre before I headed back to the hotel to collect my stuff for check out. But just before I left, Carrie turned up which completely made my day. I got to say hi and how I loved watching the shows the last two nights I had seen then she signed my ticket that I kept from the first night. I always get nervous or “starstruck” a bit when it comes to actors, musicians and youtubers ect, then again I am an awkward person. An introvert is probably along the right words. But anyway I asked If i could get a hug because she has genuinely inspired me for years.
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 So yeah, that kind of made my day. And to top it off, It made this whole trip one of the best memories. After we met her, we went back to  the hotel and got our stuff then back into piccadilly to have one last sit down in the Theatre Cafe. I must say, I don't think ill ever not enjoy the theatre cafe. Its just such a lovely musical place to go. The staff are really nice, the cafe itself is insanely cool- including the bathroom mirror they have- and its just a great environment to be in.
Last of all we travelled to Euston for our train back. Was quite a sad thing to be leaving but I know I will defiantly be coming back down soon enough.
And there you go. That was probably an extremely long first blog post of my trip to London. I really hope you enjoyed it and if you did please press that follow button to keep updated. If you like blog posts, musicals ect then please give this post a like so I can see who liked it!
Anyway, Thanks for reading!
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sweet--sensation · 7 years
stars (ft. park woojin)
requested park woojin scenario! highschool!au again noona - dongsaeng :-----) FLUFF. i hope-
today had been exceptionally wonderful
the school trip was not like any other trip you had during your highschool stay
although most seniors had been complaining about how the trip could have been exclusive for your batch
it didn’t matter to you because in all honesty, you barely knew everyone anyway so it didn’t really make a difference
you had a small clique within your senior batch and a few friends here and there around the campus
the planetarium was the absolute quacking bomb
you had enjoyed every bit of the night as it was the last stop and the school had also reserved the whole grounds for an overnight camp
it was heaven for you
and having two of your close friends as your tent-mates
polaroid photos slowly filling in your little album from most of today’s experiences
but that last thing to wrap up today’s itinerary was what you’d been looking forward to the most
was the show in the planetarium
seated between your two friends, Lee Suhyun and Kang Sira
Snapping another photo before the show starts
and enjoying every bit and every minute of how they laid out the universe
it was all beautiful
far more than you imagined it to be
the last time you had some planetarium visit was a small one in a mall that showed dinosaur life and same mall different theme for the second one
the universe tour for the planetariums were always sold out with older couples usually filling in the seats
and your parents ofcourse would disapprove of you coming home late at night
so anyway
here ya’ll are
being giddy over the show
the smile on your lips never leaving as your eyes barely blinking and your mouth never closing
the full 30 minutes had been what you considered the best and so far your favorite part in your life so far
yes you loved exploring the universe that much
that you lowkey believe in aliens
because they’re more possible than ghosts--
as you would often say
“the universe is huge. why would you think we’re the only living species?”
the show ends, and you tell yourself that you were definitely going again
maybe during college
but anyway
dinner comes, it was utter choas
good thing everything was by class and yes even the cooking
it was basically an MT than an educational fieldtrip
the teachers were around telling all students that they had 30 mins before going to bed
and you couldn’t find your polaroid camera even after dinner
you thought you had left it in the tent but it was nowhere to be found
until you remembered that you must have left it inside the planetarium showroom
30 mins was enough time to walk to the building, find your camera and walk back to the camping area
you didn’t want to bother your friends so you went alone with only your phone, jacket and the small blanket wrapped around you
dim lights as you entered the place
walking over to your previous seat from earlier, hand patting underneath your chair
you sigh in relief as you feel your camera still there
but almost let out a shriek when something close to you moved
realizing it was another student you let out another sigh of relief
because as much as you didn’t believe in ghosts, it’s still different thinking you’re alone and apparently have someone else
like what if it was a murder or something
judging from the red sweatpants, it was a freshman
yes ya’ll color coded by batch so you can imagine it like skittles walking around from birds eye view
he seemed to be asleep and it was fairly dark so you couldn’t really see his face
but you shook him gently till he was awake
he sat up so abruptly and the fact that he was near your seat from earlier made you think back
but you were pretty sure the row you sat on were all seniors
“did you fall asleep here during the show?”
he still seemed lost as he stared at you
you held back a laugh because he honestly looked cute
WHaiT a minUte--
he seemed so familiar
“Oh. Woojin-ssi” you breathed out
he was still half asleep as he muttered back his answer saying no and a small ‘yeah’?
but the only reason why you knew him is because despite being a first year, he was in nearly every special performance from the school’s hiphop dance club
and he kinda
chingaling-linged a little bit into your attention
but you never really had /that/ kind of crush on him
nearly everyone in the school knew him actually
but yeah, it was because of dance
because he literally grabbed all the attention during the last school fair performance and as much as the song was get ugly, every single student who performed were all gorgeous
it was unfair
“what time is it? is dinner over?” he asked in a completely groggy voice
and you were
Sh O oKe th
because wow
you didn’t expect that voice to come out of that face
but it suits him
“yeah. weren’t you able to eat and--” as you glanced down on your phone
your eyes widened
it was exactly 11pm
and as if on cue, the lights changed into dimmer ones
and the click on the huge ass doors could be heard
don’t they clean up and check before locking up???
but then you remembered they did right after the show was done
“shit--” you hear him curse under his breath
you were both locked in
and aha, how convenient that there was no phone reception inside
plus the fact that earlier they had reminded everyone that the tight security cameras were being replaced so even if you wanted to wave and dance around infront of one,
guards were manually roaming around every three hours
“guess we’ll be stuck here for a while” he groaned making his way back to the seat and comfortably lay there
both of you aren’t even panicking
nor trying too hard
is this normal?
ya both stuck but you both don’t seem to care that much
“did you eat dinner?” you had asked, concerned ofcourse
there was no food and no water and dinner had been long over
“I already did. What about you?” he asked back politely
you’re both going to be together for a bit so might as well make conversation
instead of being awkward
“I did... but  if you ate already... what were you doing here?” asking out of sheer curiosity
and he was sleeping too in there.....
“did you know this closes at 11?” you had added in, although you weren’t really scolding him
to you it felt like that abit
“yeah, I just wanted to be alone for a while but then I fell asleep” he answered non nonchalantly “what about you? why are you here?” he asked back looking at you
“I came to get this” you showed him the camera that was now slung around your neck
now the atmposhere turned kinda awkward as the conversation just seemed to have died down
you pursed your lips as you thought of something to say
or how to open up the conversation when he suddenly spoke
“aren’t you Sira noona’s friend?”
“uh.. yes... you know her?”
“oh well yeah we’re 2nd degree cousins”
and you were shOoktEth again for the 2nd time in less than two hours
“oh” was all you could say because you’ve known Sira since junior high and during the time as seniors, she never really mentioned knowing “the” park woojin
“she mentioned once you believe in aliens?” he didn’t sound as awkward as you did
infact, he sounded pretty chill
another surprise
except that he sometimes sounded like he was stuttering but
it sounded cute
you don’t normally just spurt out how you believe in the universe’s other life forms
because as much as you could basically sound very informative
and honestly convincing
majority of people would just look at you like you were a nut job
you didn’t really care but sometimes
it was tiring being made fun of things you believed in
“uh well.. yeah..  I do” you answered back quietly
and to your surprise
you could see in the corner of your eye his lips tugging up into a bigger smile
“I always wanted to find a friend whom I could talk to about it!”
you didn’t expect him to be a believer
but somehow
you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face
and lets just say
time felt like it moved so quickly that, there was a hint of disappointment in your voice when you checked your phone and it was almost 1am
the guards would probably be coming over to finally find you
you should be happy
you were getting out and about to get proper sleep
but you’ve never met someone who greatly liked the universe as much as you did
and woojin too, he enjoyed your exchange of stories
the sightings, theories, how they helped people in the past and possible proof
in a span of a little over two hours
you felt like you found a really genuine friend you could share things with
he had also been so sympathetic over your experiences about basically being bullied for believing in something
and within the almost three hours
you both basically had shared each of our life stories
and when did you start believing in such
1:14 am, the digital clock on your phone read
you could see woojin hugging himself as the air grow a tad bit chillier
there was still no one coming through the doors
he was yawning already, trying to cover up the tiredness he felt from all of today’s activities
you had both been seated by the wall next to the door, as you waited
just when you were about to speak up, he beat you to it
“you know it’s not always I get to meet someone like you. I mean” stuttering over his words again as you chuckled at how cute he kept on sounding
“we really are into the same thing and... the chances of being locked up here with you” letting out a small laugh of his own
you could feel your heart picking up pace over his words
it was probably nothing, but still, they sounded nice
alittle too nice that you were thankful for the dim lights
because you felt your face heating up
“Want to take photos? I have a few more films in the camera. Might as well make it like a memorabilia” you blurted out, wanting to eat back the words
but his reaction made you freeze a little bit
his smile had grown so wide you couldn’t help but smile back
“really noona? I mean... well. It’s just that I wanted something to remind me of today”
“do you want me to take a photo of you?”
“oh... no. well, I was thinking more of a photo of us”
you could see his features changing into a shy expression
“It doesn’t seem like it but I’m quite sentimental. I wanted to ask a photo together but my phone’s battery is still alive but barely breathing”
you were suddenly so unsure of what to say
you had grow incredibly shy over his words that words were completely failing you
“oh sure... here” was the only sentence you could force out as you gave him the polaroid cam. He had longer arms and would be able to take a photo of both of you better
you got conscious about how you looked all of a sudden
you had washed the make up off and you wanted to cover your face so badly
“one, two--”
then a sudden flash, you were just thankful that you were able to smile
the film slowly slipping out as woojin holds onto to it.
“should we take one more? a copy for me” you state, making him look at you like
???? !!!!!!
“I was going to ask you to send me a photo of this” he quietly said, although evident in his voice he would love having it to keep
“you can have it” you smiled, reaching out to pat his head
blushing again when you realize what you’ve done
drawing your hand back immediately but he didn’t seem to notice
“yeah lets take another one” the smile never leaving his lips as you both posed again for the camera
the second photo coming out nicer that the first, since you felt prettier and more ready in the second
you had been able to talk to woojin to trade
but also because you liked the first photo more since it had him infront
which showed more of his face
keeping it in his wallet, you couldn’t help but melt
you suddenly felt as if you’d been treasured
yeah sure close friends and family make you feel extremely loved but
ofcourse this felt a little more different
“Noona... I don’t want to sound demanding but... I was wondering if... I could snap a photo of you and keep it”
your heart just made a somersault 
and it felt like his face landed face first on the ground
how could someone affect you like this in a matter of minutes
and as he tried to click, apparently there was no more film
he felt disappointment and so did you
“I have a few solo photos of me in the tent... maybe I could give you one”
his smile made you feel like the whole dim room was lighting up and you just loved it
“promise?” he asks holding out his pinky
it was childish but
super cute
“promise” you answer back wrapping your pinky around his
but what you didn’t expect was
him leaning in to kiss your hands
to seal the deal
and you just went
“I don’t think we’d be able to wait till 2am for someone” he had stated, rubbing his eyes as sleep had came back to him
you were starting to feel your eyelids dropping too
“come on noona, we can just sleep on the chairs” he stated, getting up first to help you afterwards
you liked how his hand felt in yours
you’ve dated before sure
had a lot of crushes but
maybe the fact that you were both interested immensely in something similar pulled you towards him
“goodnight noona” he whispers, seated next to you with arms around himself again
pushing the arms rests up, its not like you wanted to snuggle closer but the blanket felt a little small
he moved in a bit towards you when he felt you wrap him up, to share the cloth together
you wanted to look at him like a little brother but
“you can rest your head on my shoulder noona, it’s more comfortable”
the words he keep spurting out just really made him look more like a man than the boy he was
silence for a few minutes
1:30 am
it was just breathing between the two of you
your head on his shoulder
and his cheek resting on top of your head
“can’t sleep?” he mumbles again
“me too. but I feel really tired”
“same actually”
“I was wondering”
“what is it?”
“would it be okay if I got your number?”
“w-what” pressing your lips toegther as you tried to keep your wits intact
“well it’s because... like I said, I don’t get to meet someone like you alot. I wanted to keep in touch and...” his tone drifting away softly
you cold hear his feet shifting and shuffling on the floor
“well I obviously want to keep intouch and maybe.... bring you to go stargazing”
that was surely an offer you couldn’t reject
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I was supposed to finish this daaays ago. but I got busy sorry :c and wow this sht got long omfg
really long.
you’re both awoken at 4am by one of the janitors
good thing because students were going to be woken up at 6am
and if your teachers don’t find you in your tents
you were in a whole lot of trouble
you woke up with woojin’s head still ontop of yours
and both of you sharing the same blanket
him smiling down at you as he greets you a good morning
sadly needing to part ways to go back to your respective tents
but as you lay down inbetween your sleeping friends
your phone vibrates
“park woojin” it says on the screen
“noona. it’s woojin, don’t forget the photo okay? I’ll be looking forward to it later. sleep tight : )”
- admin e
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wonderbaek04 · 7 years
EXO’rDIUM DOT experience!! Day 2 concert day, the final one.
As you guys can see from the title... I am starting to feel emotional T-T Yes, the very last concert of EXO’rDIUM in Seoul, it is pretty sad to watch it end, but I am thankful to have ended this concert with EXO personally! 
Day 2 started very early in the morning, we gather at 615am in the lobby and the staff brought us to COEX for EXO’rDIUM surround viewing concert! Basically it is a theater that has large screens which surrounds the front part of the sides as well! Explains why it is called surround viewing!! 
I sat relatively infront! I am guessing the row starts off with row A, I picked the ticket which settled me down at Row H and seat 22! Aisle seat again!! Basically it was a recorded version of EXO’rDIUM in Seoul start, they had Baekhyun stripping (OMG!), I was pretty tired as the screening started at 7amkst... Can you imagine me watching this with my eyes half opened?? HAHAHA, my eyes only light up when I saw Baekhyun’s ABS LOLOL. (I actually almost fell asleep while watching it... It wasn’t boring, I was just too tired from the previous day concert)
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The screening started at 7amkst and lasted for 1hr 20minutes, so the entire show ended at about 930amkst. We were let off from there to go tour around Artium ourselves and of course, SHOPPING! 
As we stepped out off the theater, we were instructed to drop our letter for exo in this big box. I was rather disappointed that we couldn’t leave it at backstage for them or something??? I heard from the previous time fans left it at backstage, but I am assuming because Jamsil stadium is a bit inconvenient so they told us to drop in a box instead. 
My letters to Baekhyun and Chanyeol!! Baekhyun’s letter was really long and sincere, something that was really close to my heart. I told him my life wish list! 
For Baekhyun to be healthy and happy. 
For Baekhyun’s love ones to be healthy and happy too! including Myeongrong-ie!
To go to Baekhyun Oppa fansign! (when is this ever going to happen lol)
To do well in University and meet exo proudly again (I think!!) 
I also told Baekhyun that I am thankful for him, and that he was the one who gave me lots of strength and motivation when bad things happen to me. I was able to pull through so many difficulties thanks to him, and of course quoted “Life is only a path full of efforts” and signed off with my name and where I was from!
As for Letter to Chanyeollie, I decided to be funny and wrote, 
“Chanyeol Oppa, Toben-ie is so cute!” and signed off with my name and where I was from as well too~ 
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After that, I headed off to Artium to do some shopping, as you know, Baekhyun stuff always get sold out (ugh this is annoying ya know sobs), so I decided to get a Lay keychain!!! I know it’s quite surprising, but I cannot help but appreciate Lay more these days. I really love the way he expresses himself, I was yearning for his appearance at EXO’rDIUM DOT even more... 
This Keychain is 23,000won, approx $28.50sgd (ignore the receipt behind lol, 22,000won is something else which I will mention in a while) It’s so pretty and its actually the same colour as Baekhyun’s keychain!! Sadly I couldn’t get Baek or Chan’s keychain... 
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After that, I headed off the SUM market to get some sweets! Well as mentioned, I am a chanbaek trash... so you can expect the photo below~
Each container of sweet costs 11,000won each (approx. $13.60sgd SO EX BUT I STILL GOT IT), so the picture above with the receipt 22,000won is actually for this HAHAHA!! 
And if anyone is curious about the price of the band, it is actually 13,000won each (approx. $16sgd) It fits perfectly for the bottle produced, but not any other bottles, so if you bought it like me without the bottle, you can just simply clip it onto your bag as display~~ or around your wrist like me during concert!! 
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After purchasing all the items, I mingled around and waited for time to pass. The staff instructed us to meet outside COEX ARTIUM to bring us for lunch event that was included in the package as well! 
We were served with Bibimbap!!! yum yum in the tum! There was even EXO Mat at the bottom! If you look closely, do you see the soup at the left? The soup was so hot it condensed at the bottom and on Chanyeol’s face OTL.. I was so sad, but I requested for a brand new mat before I left the restaurant so I could get to keep it. It was just normal paper quality~ 
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ahhhh~ our Hyunnie~~ *-*
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After lunch, I told our guide that we will leave on our own as we didn’t want to wait till 3pmkst to head to the concert venue. So I just left and took the train to Sports complex station where Jamsil stadium is located (FYI it is not located at Jamsil station guys) 
Upon reaching Jamsil stadium, I headed off to where Cookie-nim gave out her fansupport in hoping to receive it!!! Great news is! I got it!!! Super cute transparent fan by cookie-nim! I really love her fanart!! Super love! (if you know me well enough, you should know I really like her fanart that I even bought her photocards when she sold it)
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Ribbon Baek!!! One of my favourite style of B! I am so thankful that stylist-nim gave him this image! If you want Ribbon B photos, please check here!
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Chanbaek fan that I ran for from the other side of the Stadium just to get it... Thankfully I got it :’)!!
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My second favourtie fanartist!!! 5g__5g-nim! 
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So now lets talk about the postcard set that I got from the Merchandise booth!! Actually... just look at them, I don’t even need to say anything. It is just pure beauty!!! If you want scanned version please let me know, I can scan it~
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After collecting all the fansupport, I decided to enter the concert venue and get settled down! 
Day 2′s fansupport!! 
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Last recognition photo for EXO’rDIUM DOT T-T
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I was much closer to the stage!!! I was able to see all of them clearly!!!
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ah.. too bright whoops... I don’t have much photos tbh, please check out fansite HD photos instead of mine HAHAHA But can you see the hanged up posters shining? It was so beautiful~
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Day 2 concert started as usual with Monster! Fanchants for every song was so loud and clear, I am indeed honoured to be part of this! 
(I don’t have any photos of the performance so don’t expect more haha) 
The last concert went really well without any injuries, I sincerely watched every performance with care and make sure I remember them clearly. I had my reasons of not recording, although some might think that it is a pity that I did not record since I was already there. But, honestly, I wanted to watch their performance with my eyes, not watching them through my camera... It might be a pity I did not record to rewatch it again, but fully experiencing it with my own eyes it way better than staring at my phone throughout the entire concert right? 
Towards the end, EXO came out with surprise again, this time asking us for a date!
Let’s go on a summer date!
Sweetest angels that brought me to tears... 
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Through the last EXO’rDIUM concert, I experienced so much emotional breakdowns, I watch how Baekhyun stripped, become a hot guy, picking up bad boy concept and then suddenly turning into the sweetest angel that looks at fans sincerely~ 
The concert ended with the boys walking towards the backstage, I left Jamsil stadium with watery eyes and a heavy heart, not knowing when I will be able to see them again as I am an I-fan. But it came across my mind that I am actually very blessed to be able to even meet exo in real life, and that I will cherish this wonderful memory created with exo in Seoul. Experiencing EXO’rDIUM DOT concert in Seoul at Jamsil stadium is really one life goal that I was lucky enough to experience. It was definitely a once in a life time experience, I am thankful and thankful again, no matter what... I wouldn’t change my love for them, let’s run this journey together EXO... 
As EXO’rDIUM comes to an end, if you guys really want me to talk about how it felt. Honestly, there are no words to describe how I felt... It was a really breath-taking concert, seeing how exo members are able to play freely with fans as there was absolutely no language barrier and korean fans here really give their best to exo. Astonishing fanchants and cheers just for the one and only exo... No wonder the boys always enjoy Seoul concert so much! 
I watched the boys let loose of themselves and always thanking fans for giving them so much love and support, and that without fans, they won’t be able to hold a concert at Jamsil. 
Baekhyun mentioned: “EXO is like a book that Lee Soo Man created, EXO-L is the key pen that writes history with exo, without a pen, a book would never write it’s history, and because of EXO-L, EXO can proudly perform in Jamsil stadium” 
Baekhyun really brings out the best words for EXO-Ls, other members has also poured out their sincere thoughts for exo-Ls. When I saw Chanyeol from afar wiping his tears, I broke a little, to know how tiring it was for all of them, and that they have endured so much just to give us the best stage. What broke me further was when the screen filmed Baekhyun looking at fans sincerely through the confetti... I was quietly holding back my tears. I normally only look at previews and be like,”awww Baekhyun so sweet”, but when I personally experienced looking at him like that, it was really emotional, looking at him quietly looking at fans made me want to protect and hug him tightly. 
EXO really gave it their all for the last concert of EXO’rDIUM, longer chats, super power showcase with lightsticks, support cards for EXO-Ls, not forgetting how Suho conveyed to us that Yixing missed us a lot. 
I hope every I-fan actually experience an EXO concert in Seoul yourself, you will then fully understand how it truly feels and why Kfans are so so so so loyal and dedicated to EXO. I felt like I wasn’t a good enough fan, and that I didn’t love EXO enough with all my heart. After experiencing the concert, I finally knew why, it is an indescribable feeling. You just have to experience it yourself to understand.  
To every fan reading this, it is ok if EXO never really looked into your eyes and know your existence, they know we are there for them in their hearts. They have worked half of their youth to achieve their dreams, fulfill our desires and wishes, I believe they love every single one of us even though they cannot reach out to all of us. Please continue to support EXO in their future comebacks and schedules, let’s continue to love them even more! 
Thank you all for waiting for this patiently! Thank you for constantly cheering on me as well, I am happy to share this emotion and experience here. To end off, thank you again. 
exo planet 3
exordium dot . 
thank you exo
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bruhimaunicorn · 8 years
Ever since I saved you from that walker pt.2 : You're just like me aren't you?
A/N : This will start the night before s3:e1 and go through the entire episode. I changed some lines and scenes to fit the imagine. Also I'm going to make a pt.3 and possibly a mini-series. I just really like this story line so far. Warnings : Child abuse, Murder , Swearing, and of course walker killing. Imagine it's been weeks since that day at the farm . Every day is a challenge to find food and shelter . Especially with Lori's impending labor . You try to do everything you can to help out no matter how big the task and no one ever knows why you're so kind , but after a nightmare Daryl finds out why. You stared blankly out into the street before you as your eyes begged to be closed for longer than just a hour , which was your current record of sleep , but you fought off the urge as it was your job to watch tonight. Behind you sat all of the people who had quickly become family , all each in their own tents , and no matter how tired you were you weren't going to let anything happen to them. Especially one certain man who you thought was sleeping , but in reality was tossing and turning as he couldn't seem to do just that. He now groaned to himself as the once comfortable ground beneath him couldn't be further from it . Which was really strange to him considering he never needed a comfortable ground to sleep on or even anything remotely close to being comfortable with the way he was raised. Daryl stopped stirring and cursed to himself. He just wanted to sleep. He had been going none stop in the search of a place that would be safe for Loris baby to be born , or little Shane as he often remarked to the baby as , and as if that wasn't hard enough he also was hunting and doing run after run . He wasn't the one to complain though . If it meant keeping everyone from turning to skin and bones or worse walker chow he'd do it. And most importantly if it meant keeping you alive and at his side , he'd happily bust his ass every minute of the day. At the thought of you , he instantly smiled to himself . He couldn't help it. You did something to him that he couldn't control . His smile quickly fell though as he turned on his side , expecting you to be there, only to remember you had agreed to take watch for the third week in a row. Daryl let a string of curses fall from his lips as he had a rather large bone to pick with everyone here for depending on your kindness once again. At the thought , he got out of the tent and looked around for you. Since you all could never stay in the same place longer than a night he didn't know where you'd be , but once he heard your foot tapping , something you did to keep yourself awake , he knew just where you were . " Aye " He calls from behind you so he wouldn't startle you and you look over your shoulder with a tired smile . He takes a small moment to take his view in before walking over to sit beside you on the hood of one of the stray cars here. You two then sit in peace and quiet as you enjoyed the company of one another and as usual you could feel Daryl's gaze on you. You were never the one to ask why Daryl stared at you so you just let him be. You didn't want him to shy away even though he had made so much progress in that category. You soon yawn , breaking the silence , and Daryl sighs . He knew you needed sleep , but he knew you wouldn't listen to him if he told you to do so. You could be as stubborn as him if you wanted to be. " It's so quiet tonight " You tell to no one imparticular as you gaze up at the starless sky. Daryl follows your gaze and only stays quiet. " I feel uneasy when it's this quiet. It's like the calm before the storm you know ? ". He nods in agreement " I know ". Your face fills with worry as you thought of what storm could hit you all next . Daryl frowns at the sight and slowly reaches for your hand. He was awkward with going about affection , but you didn't ever seem to mind. When he finally engulfes his hand around yours, you look over at him with the same look of worry. " Whatever storm we face I'll still have your back " He promises , his eyes filled with determination to ensure you that . You smiled at him in return in thanks of his promise. He might not always have the courage to give you affection , but he seemed to always know what to say to you . " I'll always have your back too , Daryl " . He smally smiles at your reminder of the promise you made to him back at the CDC . Never had you once gone back on that promise and you had been one of the first to actually keep your word to him. Which was one of the things he admired most about you. You stuck by his side no matter what , even when you were pissed at him. And he'd find out over the years that you would always do so. ------ The next day was semi eventful. You all found a cabin that you thought could maybe last you all a day or two and Daryl even found an owl. And while it wasn't the most filling or most appealing thing to eat in the world , it would do the job for an hour or two. As you all then sat around in the living room of the small home , no one said a thing. Everyone was exhausted and malnutrited , especially Lori who you had been taking care of for the past couple of weeks. You made sure she had enough food and water , which probably wasn't enough but it had to do , and tried to keep her spirits up . You threw her a small smile and she returned one until the noise of Carl trying to open a can caught everyone's attention. You couldn't tell what it was , but you figured nothing good as Rick snatched it from him and threw it in the fireplace. Rick gave everyone a stern look , but didn't say anything as an awkward tension filled the air. It was short lived thankfully as T-dog signalled that there was walkers approaching the house. And like a flash , everyone was back on their feet and dashing out of the house. Daryl was on your heel as you ran towards his bike and only got infront of you to start up the engine whilst you made sure nothing got close to the two of y'all. And as soon as you heard the engine come to life you hoped on behind him . Once you were holding on to him , he drove off leading the group to hopefully somewhere safe. It was about a hour later when everyone stopped to regroup and decide where to go from there . All the able bodies formed a circle around Herschels car and Glenn placed a map on the hood. You felt slightly discouraged at all the red circles on the map that either meant there was herds there or just dead end houses. You didn't really pay any attention as everyone discussed where to go next as your eyes fell heavy and to prevent falling asleep right then and there , you walked over to where Beth was standing watch. She offered you a warm smile as you tried to give one in return . " Long night ? " She asks and you nod at her , palming your burning eyes. " Do you think we'll ever find a place for Lori to have the baby ? " She asks . You shrug " I honestly don't know Beth , but if it comes down to it I'll find somewhere and make it safe. Even if it's a shack I'll make sure she has somewhere to have that baby ". Beth looks you over in awe . She didn't know how you could get such little sleep and still manage to do such kind things , let alone be on your feet. " Why are you so kind ? " . Before she could get an answer to her wonders about you , Daryl waved you over as he was talking to Rick. You gave Beth a parting smile before walking over to the two men . " Me and Rick are gon' go huntin' . You comin'? " He asks you . You look around and see who would be left to defend the group if you left and deciding it wouldn't be best to leave , you shook your head no " You two go ahead. I'll stay here and keep watch ". Daryl gives you a disapproving look considering all you've been doing is keeping watch and he didn't know how long you'd be able to continue at the rate you were going , but you just gave a curt nod towards Lori and he gave you a small nod in understanding. Rick , watching the two of you , quickly noted your dedication in protecting his wife . He had no idea how to thank you and made a mental note to try to find a way one day. " Be careful ok ? " You tell Daryl , placing your hand lightly on his arm. You see him resisting the urge to flench and he nods at you " You yell for me if somethin' happens ". You nod in agreement before they left and you walk back over to the group .You find yourself sitting on the ground next to the car door where Lori sat inside and you let out a deep breath as you pushed your fatigue back. But you reminded yourself that her and her child needed protection. And you wouldn't let anything happen to her child. Your thoughts drifted back to when you were a child and for a moment you wished you had been protected like you would protect this child. How things would've been so different... ---- The news of a prison spread hope in everyone's hearts. Prisons were secure , had armories , food , and provided an abundance of beds. You couldn't be more thrilled as you all slid through the first fence of the prison , but you kept it to yourself as you had to focus on what you were doing now . Which was hurrying to the gate to one of the courtyards so you all could begin clearing the walkers out. Once there , Rick gave everyone orders on what to do . Carol was to go with Daryl into one tower , Carl and Herchel in another , Beth , Glenn, Lori , and Maggie on the fence , whilst Rick would run to close the open gate across the courtyard. Lori quickly gave her doubts on him doing it and to ease her mind you offered to go with him " I'll go with you , Rick. I'll keep them off of you ". Lori gave you an unsure look as she didn't want you in danger either , but didnt tell you no as it was the smarter option . You two could protect each other and if shit hit the fan you'd get him out of it quickly. You felt Daryl's gaze on you , but you just sent him a smile that told him you had this under control. " Lets do this " You then tell Rick and the two of you get close to the gate . " On three " Lori tells the two of you as she prepares to open the gate. You look over shoulder towards Daryl and share one last look before the number three was announced and you ran out into the courtyard with Rick. You both doged and weaved around walkers until one got too close to Rick and you shoved your knife into the back of its skull. When it dropped , Rick looked back at you as he clearly didn't even know it was that close to him and you quickly nodded at him before continuing towards the gate . You killed three more walkers on the way to it and once there you slammed the gate shut as Rick did his part in closing it . You jumped back slightly as a walker threw itself towards you on the other side of the gate . You then only smirked as an arrow went through its head , which you quickly retrieved. You then turned around and looked up to the guard tower Daryl was in and he innocently shrugged . Laughing to yourself , you look around to see all the walkers were dead . Well the ones in the courtyard that is. The ones on the other side of the gate would have to be dealt with another time.You turn to look at the very ones and mentally sigh as you notice something . You hadn't even made a dent yet . ------ Later that night as a small fire warmed those who sat around it , you found yourself rubbing your eyes once again. You were beyond tired. And you felt if you had to go one more day without more than an hour of sleep you'd go out of your mind and start hearing voices. " Y/N ? " Carol asks from across the fire. You jump slightly and look her way, your kind smile forcing it's way on your lips . " You ok ? ". Everyone was now looking your way and for the smallest moment you were seeing three of her. You shake your head to see straight and nod " Yeah yeah I'm good . Why do you need something ? ". She gives you a concerned look " No I'm fine .. You just don't look to good". " What these bags under my eyes aren't doing it for you anymore ? " You joke , trying to get her to stop worrying about you. She laughs smally as so do the others , but you could still see the concern in her eyes . So to avoid it , you grab some food for Daryl to make sure he ate and brought it over to where he was keeping watch . Which happened to be a flipped over bus. You sighed as you didn't feel like you had the energy to climb up, but you knew Daryl needed to eat and that was more important. So with basically all the energy you could muster , you climbed up the side . Daryl noticing it was you , pulled you up and to his side . You threw him a smile before handing him the plate " I figured if I didn't bring you anything it'd be gone before you got the chance " . He puts a piece of the meat in his mouth before looking at you " Yeah 'lil Shane over there's got quite the appetite " . You elbow his side with a smile " Don't say that ". He shrugs , a smile of his own on his face. " You wouldn't want someone talking about your kid like that " . He continues to eat , but once his mouth was free of food he looks out ahead of him " Beat there ass if they talked about our kid like tha' " . Your heart swelled as he didn't even realize he said ' our kid ' , but you didn't bother pushing it and just kept it to yourself. " Exactly " You tell him . You then rub at your arms as a chill runs up your spine and you wondered how Daryl could deal with the cold wind up here. " Ya' cold ? " He asks as he starts to suck on his fingers . " I'll be fine " . You hear him scoff at you and before you know it he's starting to take his jacket off. You quickly stop him before he could finish " Daryl no ". He stills at your words and narrows his eyes at you " And why tha' hell not " . " You need it more than I do that's why " . He gives you an expression that told you that you were wrong , but you only turned your attention towards the tree line. You could feel Daryl staring once again, but this time he slings his arm around your waist and pulls you to his side so he could warm you up himself. You smiled at his sweet action " You really are stubborn , Daryl ". You feel him shrug at your side " So are you ". You laugh at him and nod " You've got me there ". Daryl smiles down at you at the sound of your laugh and felt himself wanting to hear more of it . He only stopped smiling for a moment as you slowly wrapped one of your arms around his waist . You looked up at him to make sure he was ok with it and when you saw a pained expression on his face you retracted your arm " I'm sorry ". You never knew why Daryl didn't like to be touched , but you did have your suspicions and you knew it had been something bad so you always felt the need to apologize if you had taken your affection too far. " Don't be " He tells you, but you still saw the pained look on his face so you decided to leave on that note . " I'll go see if Rick needs my help " . Daryl sighs to himself as you start to climb back down the side of the bus " Y/N ". You stop and look up and he bends down so that he's closer to your face " Will you get some sleep instead ? ". " Rick might need - " You start , but Daryl quickly stops you " - He'll be fine " . You give him an unsure look , but he confirms it " Rick can handle watching the fences by himself ". " I'll try ok ? " You finally give . He nods " That's all I'm askin' ". You start to move down the bus again, but Daryl stops you one last time . " Don't think I don't want ya' to touch me ok ? " . You look up once again to see his head hung low as if he was embarrassed and you frown . " I don't think that , Daryl. I might not know why you have trouble with it , but I dont think that ". He keeps his head hung low , but you could see him nod . " I'm willing to wait on you , Daryl " You tell him before getting off the bus completely, leaving him to thoughts about you. And one that rang loud and clear was you deserved to have all of him . Even if it meant torment for him. ------ The next morning the mission was clear , kill the walkers behind the gate . Everyone was still exhausted from the previous weeks , but Rick pleaded with everyone to just push on. So here you all were , well everyone who was able to defend themselves well , readying yourselves before stepping inside a very large lions den. You were sharpening the blade of your knife as you knew that you all would have to go hand to hand considering how low you all were on bullets as you sat beside Maggie. She herself was doing the same , but to a machete . " We look like a couple of crazy housewives " She jokes , elbowing your side. You smirk at her as you continue to sharpen your blade " If this is still considered crazy I'm concerned " . She laughs at you and you do as well . You and Maggie had grown close over the time you knew her and you enjoyed these little moments with her as did she. You realized somewhere along the way that if you didn't enjoy small moments like these then you wouldnt be living , just surviving. " You think this place will work ? " She asks . You stopped for a moment and looked the place over " I'm pretty sure we can make anything work at this point ". She gives a small laugh " You're right ". You smiled at her before continuing to sharpen your knife . The conversation soon ended as Rick whistled for you all to huddle around him . " We stay close . No one runs off or does something stupid " He declared almost like a general leading an army. Everyone nodded in agreement and shared looks of determination. Rick then looked to everyone as if he was searching for any weak links and when he found none , he turned his back to you all and slung open the gate. You all stayed close to one another as the assault begun and you all formed a circle . You killed about five on your own as the circle pushed further into the outskirts of the prison and you only stopped when riot gear clad walkers walked towards you and Maggie. You looked to Glenn and T-dog as they tried to kill one in hopes they could keep it from you and Maggie, but nothing was working . " Y/N " Maggie said pointing to the bottom of one of the masks of the riot gear walkers. You narrowed your eyes and realised she found a point of weakness. " I'll get that one you get the other " You told her before walking up to one and kicking it in the chest , sending it to the ground. You then climbed over it and wripped off its mask , sending alot of its skin with it , before sending your knife into the bottom of its jaw. When it stilled you got back up and smiled towards Maggie as she proudly did at yourself and Glenn. " You see that ? " She grinned . Nodding , you then go after those that were left . After those that could be taken care of were dead , you all looked to Rick who had a pained look on his face. You had the feeling he was going to push you all to do more than this and once Glenn mentioned the fact that there could be a breech in the interior of the prison , your feeling was proved true. You all would have to push into the prison itself. Which wasn't the most comforting feeling considering you could be walking into a death trap. But as soon as you felt Daryl's hand on your back , all fear left you. He had your back and you didn't know if they're was a safer feeling . Daryl then got infront of you and you stayed behind him as he followed Rick. You then all stopped as you approached the door that lead into the prison and Daryl slowly opened it to reveal another one . Going through that one , you all descended into the seemingly empty place. But you all knew better to assume so , so everyone scattered around the small room and looked for any signs of life or other wise. When you found none , Rick showed the group he had found keys on a dead guard and then opened the next door to open the cell block. Once again everyone scattered to look for walkers . The bottom floor revealed nothing , but inmates that were killed in their cell. The top floor had a few walkers , but Rick and Daryl quickly took care of them clearing the cell block for use. You then took in the sights of the cell block and while it wasn't the most ideal place to call home , it was safe. You smiled at the word , it was so foreign and yet you felt it could actually be something everyone could be here . So if you had to scrub blood off of walls and toss a few dead bodies out so be it. You leaned over the railing with a smile as T-dog tossed a body of the railing , causing him to give you a look " Why is it no matter what you're always smiling ? " . You flipped him off without looking his way " I have the right to smile don't I? I mean this is kind of a big win for us " . He laughs at your ' kind gesture ' " Yeah I know , but you were smiling even on our shittiest of days ". You lowered your hand back to the railing " I learned it's better to smile then to dwell on shit". He nods to himself and you watch as everyone starts walking in. Lori looked astonished at the place as so did many of them, but you could tell some had their doubts. After said doubts were said aloud , Rick announced who had sets of keys . Which was himself and Daryl. " I ain't sleepin' in no cage. I'll take the perch " Daryl declared as he then walked over to it .As if that was the signal for everyone to find a cell for their liking , everyone went their own ways. Whilst you walked over to Daryl who was setting up his spot . " You're really gonna sleep out here ? " You asked . He stops what he's doing and turns to you " We and yes ". You smile as he corrects you , but you just shake your head " Their is finally a bed that I don't have to give up to anyone else . I'm not missing out on that ". He narrows his eyes at you " You sayin' you're gon' sleep without me ? ". " Id prefer you to sleep with me , but I understand the whole claustrophobia thing about cells " You explain . He gives you a stern look with knitted brows in confusion of how you would know before dragging his things to the nearest cell and setting them up beside the entrance . " If you ain't gonna sleep beside me then I'm still gonna make sure yer' safe ". Your heart warmed at his dedication to keep you safe , even though you were perfectly capable to take care of yourself but you wouldn't argue , and you walked towards him till you two were about a foot apart " You might not believe your more than an asshole , Daryl , but you should know little things like this prove your much more than that " . Daryl only stared as you saw something you couldn't quite understand swell in his eyes. In all the time you've know him he never looked at you the way he was looking at you now and you wished you knew what it was . But Daryl was quick to conceal it before you could figure it out " Ima' get your stuff ". You slowly nod at him as you still pondered and he went off to retrieve your bag . " You alright , Y/N ? " Carol asks as she now was walking up the stairs towards you. You shake your head as you now realised you had zoned out trying to figure it out " Yeah I'm fine Carol ". She nods and looks towards the door as you were staring towards them " Daryl ? ". You now look to her as she knew exactly what you were thinking about . You raise your eyebrow at her and she only laughs " Don't act so surprised . These walls aren't as thick as you think you know " . You smile almost shyly and she joins you at your side " You love him don't you ? ". You look to your hands now as if you had to think the question over , but before you could answer Carol continued " You don't have to answer that , but just so you know he loves you. Rather he wants to admit or not. I can just see it in his eyes . I mean ever since the farm he's looked at you like you keep the world spinning " , she stops as if she had to think of something and once she came to some realization she looked towards you , " Maybe it's because for him you keep his world spinning " . You blushed deeply at her words and wondered if they were true . You knew he cared for you , but did it run that deep ? You two hadn't even kissed yet it felt like love , but you didn't know. Daryl wasn't exactly the one to share his feelings besides his promises and you never pushed for more so it was hard to know exactly how he felt for you. " I don't know Carol " You admit , your arms folding over your chest. You could feel Carol giving you a look that suggested she did, but you couldn't look at her . " Listen you know Daryl and I are close. If anyone knows him as good as you do besides you , it's me. And maybe it's not my place to tell you , but he does love you Y/N . He just has a past that won't let him live in the present , but he's trying to . Because of you ". You sigh and rub your tired eyes " Why are you telling me this Carol ? ". Her mouth then curved into a smile as if she was proud to tell you why " Just thought someone should tell you ". She then rushes back down the stairs as Daryl now walked back in the cell block and you never felt more confused. But you just put it aside as Daryl made his way up to you . He sets the bag on the inside of the cell before stepping back out " You ok ? ". You gave a poker face like no other " Just tired is all ". He gives you a once over as if he thought different , but he didn't push it . " Get some sleep then. We got another long day tomorrow " . " Probably for the best " You agree and walk towards the entrance of your cell. Though before you walked in Daryl grabbed your wrist . He parted his lips as if he wanted to tell you something , but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. You gave him a moment to see if he could , but after seeing he just couldn't you just smile at him " Its ok Daryl. You can tell me when you're ready ". His eyes flickered with a glimpse of sadness as he wanted to tell you something so badly , but he just nodded back at you. " Good night, Daryl " You tell him then before disappearing into your cell . You laid on the bottom bunk after and let yourself fall asleep with a brain full of questions that may never get answered. ----- In the middle of the night you find yourself in a nightmare. Memories from the past filled your eyes and you re watched horrible things you had went through. You watched as your mother held a gun to your head as she was out of her mind , no doubt because of the various drugs in her system . You heard echoes of her screaming at you and you felt your heart race in your chest. The pistol in her hand was ready to fire and her hand was swaying back and forth , causing you to panic even more . It hadn't been the first time she threatened your life this way , infact this wasn't even the scariest thing she had done to you . And as the memory continued to play in your brain it got to the darkest part . She had actually shot you , but since she was so high and erratic she missed your head completely and shot you in thigh . You cried out in pain and she tried to take another shot at you , but failed miserably and fell on her ass. But that didn't stop her , it never did. She only stumbled back up and called you more terrible things before firing again , this time hitting you right above your ankle and you yelled out in pain. You had enough of her years of abuse at that point and even though you had two bullets in you and bruises scattered all over your body , you managed to stand and push her to the ground. You soon fell with her and she reached for the gun that had scattered across the floor , but you couldn't let her get to it . She would surely kill you if she got ahokd of it again. So you two struggled for it as she tried to continue to beat you , but you managed to grab the gun and you pointed it at her to get her to back away from you . " Get the fuck back ! " You screamed and she did as you said . But she then started to laugh as your hands shook . She begun telling you things that went on the lines of ' You won't pull the trigger , you don't have the guts ' and ' You're just the scared little shit your father was , that's why he ran ' . And she even dared to try and come for you again , but suddenly a shot rang out and you shut your eyes before a thud echoed off the floor . Your eyes suddenly snapped open , ending the dream and you shot up with a racing heart. " Fuck " You swore to yourself as you gripped your chest . " Y/N ? " Daryl called quietly from outside the cell. You sniffled slightly as tears started to burn your eyes and you roughly called out " I'm f-fine ". Clearly noticing you aren't by your voice , Daryl walks into your cell . You keep your head low as you tried to stop yourself from crying and Daryl furrowed his eyebrows at you. You skin was paled and you were in this shaking state where you didn't even look at him . He had never seen you this way and he didn't know what to do really . " Daryl I'm fine r-really " you tried to convince him , but failed . Not knowing what else to do , Daryl walks over and sits on the edge of the bed. " What's wrong ? " He rasps , his concern evident. You don't say anything as you don't want to relive it once again . " Y/N please talk to me " He pleads . You just shake your head and keep your head low . " Y/N " He says almost demandingly and you flinch slightly. His eyes swell with a deeper concern as you flinch and he then reaches out to touch your leg , which was closest to him . You flinch even harder this time and almost throw yourself away from his touch , causing his eyes to grow wide. You then hold your leg as he had touched your bullet scar and you bit your lip to stop yourself from sobbing. " Y/N what's wrong with your leg ? " He asks as he watches you craddle it in your grip . " N-nothing " . He scoffs and decides to see for himself and you go into a full on alert mode . You thrash away from him and try to keep your leg away from him , but him being much stronger than you gets you to stay still as he pulls up your pants leg. " No no no no - Don't! " You yell , but he only continues and once he finds your scar he stalls as if he just watched a car crash happen and you wrip yourself away from him . " Y/N ... what happened ? " He asks , but you just continue to shake . He reaches for you again , but this time you get away from him and run across the cell from him " I told you to stop ! I said no ! I don't push you at all! Not once ! " . By this time you have tears streaming down your face and Daryl's eyes grow ever wide . He watches your features and recognizes them as his own. You had been hurt just like him and he knew it now. He realised suddenly why you never pushed him because you didn't want to be pushed. He now knew why you were so kind to everyone and especially to him. You had known the pain in his eyes just like he now knew yours . " You're just like me aren't you ? " . To be continued...
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onesidedimpel · 7 years
chocolate hair chapter 2 shopping in korea
The next day i woke up with a light headache, Groaning lightly a i sat up on my bed. I rubbed my eyes and looked around, Ida was still asleep so i wuietly got up and got to the kitchen with with phone and headphones , listning to taeyang as i made some tea. my phone had a million notice on its screen but i was to tired to check it right away. I went out on the roof/balcony to check out the view, smiling at the soft breeze touching my cheek. the houses going up to the sky, people chattering down on the street, birds chirping and my head filled with wonderful music, i sat there with my blueberry tea and pajamas on. this was truley the best  just looking out over seoul, seeing the morning sky, pink and blue. The door soon opend and Ida walked out with her own cup with tea. she sat down next to me. her hair was fluffy and messy, but it still looked amazing. our classes wouldent start intill next week so we had4 days to get settled in. so today was to shop some clothes, get our uniforms and buy some food so we could eat. --- once we had gotten ready, we both wearing our favorite outfits, mine; highwaisted blue jeans, a black T-shirt, with a darkblue bomber jacket, and White converse. my hair in a messy bun on my head. and Ida wearing Black High waisted Jeans with holes in the knees, a striped White and black shirt, with a couple of black Vans. her hair straightend, laying flat but it still had volume in it, looking Amazing as usually. befor we left we toke a mirror selfie doing our aegyo. I toke my bag and  we where off into the city, we walked down our street to go to the bus stop, we waited for the bus for about 5 minutes, once we got on we paid for the ride and toke the seats futher down in the bus, we both where excited and couldent stop joking and laughing around, we soon where in the mall. As we walked through store through store , buying more and more clothes, we had worked for two years to affored this whole thing so of course we where gonna spend the Money abit, we stopped by a café  to take a break and  get something to eat. -''uaaagh my legs hurts'' I complained after i had orderd and was now sitting in one of the chairs with Ida across from me. I leaned my head back, all our shopping bags where on the side of the chairs. -'' I feel you'' Ida said and sighed lightly. I soon looked forward again after a minute of just complaining, our drinks where soon served, I had a Mango smoothie while Ida had a strawberry one. -''that Yellow hoodie really was cute, im glad i got u to buy it '' Ida said afer awhile as we looked through the clothes we bought and chatted about how happy we where with the uniforms. -''me to, it is sure as hell cute as fuck'' I said and smiled, taking a sip from the smoothie, smiling at the good flavour and the Little suger rush i got. -''I like the baby blue shirt you got with the Avocado you got ''  I said to Ida and she smiled. -''I wasent sure if it would fit my body you know so i was abit unconfident about it but it sure was looking good though'' Ida said drinking from her smoothie.   I dont know what it was but i had feelt Eyes on me ever since we got into the café but i couldent seem to locate who was looking at me.  Me and Ida had already been sitting there for a good 22 minutes, when 7 new costumers walked in, at first i didnt notice who it was  Intill ida looked and told me, we both feelt abit tense as we didnt wanna fangirl infront of them. The BTS members where fooling around as usual, being cute and all  and when my Eyes saw NamJoon, i feelt my heart stop and then started to Pound alot like it wanted to jump right out  and into NamJoon's Arms. once the members had orderd they toke a big table so all of them could sit but it still had one chair to Little so NamJoon walked over to our table. -''Can I take this chair?'' He asked in korean and me and Ida looked at eachother, i probably looked terrified. -''Ah yeah you can take it '' Ida answerd in English as we knew he would understand, he smiled politly -''Thank you , Ladie's '' He said in his dark voice, giving me abit of the chills down my spine. I smiled softly back  as he then toke the chair and carried it over to their table, he sat down, the rest of the members glanced over at us  and both me and Ida tried not show how badly we wanted to go and ask for a Picture with them. we sat their eventually with our phones, snapping eachother over snow  trying to discuss if we should ask for a Picture or not.  I toke Another big sip from my smoothie and glanced over at the BTS members and got Eye Contact with NamJoon, i had a hard time  hiding my blush or look away but when i got Another snap from Ida i tored my Eyes away from his. Eventually i convinced Ida that we should get a Picture and that this was once in a Life time chance. we both got up and gatherd our things , making sure that we didnt forget anything at our table. me and Ida held eachothers hands as we walked over to their table. -''Excuse me?  ehm, can we ask for a Picture or is it a bad time?'' Me and Ida  said , almost in a unison. in English of course The Members looked at us with big Eyes as they noticed and Heard we werent korean. with Ida's light blond hair and green eyes and my chocolate Brown hair and blue Eyes. -'' Ah yeah yeah sure we can'' Jungkook said with a thick accent, he stood up , for being the youngest he was very tall,, the others agreed, it was noticeble that he didnt speak English very much.  the other members stood up as well so we could take a photo together. I held up my phone trying to get everyone into the Picture but was to short, soon NamJoon toke the phone holding up more so everyone got to be in the Picture, me and ida next to eachother in the middle , and the rest around us, everyone doing ageyo faces. After the photo was taken NamJoon gave me the phone back, our hands lightly touched abit. giving me the chills again. -''Thank you so much, sorry to bother you'' I said. Namjoon looked at me and smiled. -'' your welcome , hey arent you that girl at the airport?'' NamJoon asked, looking at me. I blushed lightly. -'' ehm yeah its me, thanks again for the help at that time and thanks for the photo'' I said, bowing my head abit. -'' ah no no dont thank me, im glad to be of help, im sorry about you being pushed and all, i really hope you two come to the Concert this weekend''  NamJoon said with the biggest and brightest smile. -'' ah yeah, of course we would come!'' I said happily , the rest of members joined in the conversation, being happy to know we both would come, i feelt Ida's hand grab onto mine, she had been quiet the whole time, she was  very nervous and probably scared to faint. -'' we will do our best and also befor you go...'' NamJoon said and grabbed a tissue and a pen, Writing something down.                                                                                                                                                -''here..'' he said and gave the tissue to me, i grabbed it. -'' thanks , see you at the concert''  I said befor me and Ida left them so they could continue eating.  I didnt dare to look at the tissue just yet , both me and Ida needed air after this. We walked out of the mall to grab some air. this was abit to much, we had meet them two times now in a row  more then we ever thought we would ever be to see them. -''omg I can't belive this... its to much for me , my heart can't handle'' Ida said, holding a hand over her chest towards her heart. -'' I know right, we got to see them Close up again and talk to them aswell.... '' I said, we sat down on a bench.   -'' let me see that photo, i swear to god that one of them had their arm around me'' Ida said leaning on me as i toke up my phone to  check the photo. correct, Suga held his arm around Ida, suga was Ida's bias. she let out a silent scream as she fangirled over this.                                                 -''Let's look at the tissue NamJoon gave you, i wanna know what it says...'' She then said after calming down. -''ah yes , i almost forgot about it'' i toke the tissue up , slowly opening it, it revealed a number, was this NamJoon's Number, had he given me his number? -''omg!!!! you got his number!!!!'' Ida screamed, not so silent anymore. ---  
((hello hello, this is the second chapter of this story, what do you Think of it? ur welcome to like and comment, the story will also be posted on my tumblr oppaNamJoon, hope you will continue Reading this ♥  there will be a second part aswell)) 
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