#my grandma used to always say. good night. god bless.
yousaytomato · 1 year
Heathers: The Musical kind of ruled
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
Straight to the heart
Tommy Shelby x reader (Nurse)
After spending day and night for two weeks with nurses in the house while taking care of my grandma I couldn’t stop this idea running around my head.. this is set around S3E6… sending love and blessing to all the medical staff out there! Edit: Granny is doing so much better now, she can’t wait to go out already lol and now she says she misses us being with her all the time 🥺
Please note I’m not related to the health department, just what I read/watch.
Gif credit to @thesoldiersminute thank you for always keep up with my ideas!!! ☺️
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Walking into the intensive care unit, Y/N was asked to immediately attend a new patient who arrived recently, she would only cover the night shift. He had surgery a few days ago and the doctors didn’t know yet how his body would react.
Y/N felt bad for the poor man, he was severely beaten, the damage in his brain still unknown, he was under high doses of medication. Most of his levels were out of proportion.
Right there he looked so helpless, vulnerable even. And even though the bruises and lightly swollen skin, she could see he owned some kind of privileged looks; thick lashes fanning over his cheeks, sharp cheekbones made him look like he was sculpted by a generous Greek God. If it wasn’t for the metal helmet on his head, she would swear he was only sleeping.
Sighting, she wrote down his records, adjusted his medication and left to attend her next patient. For the rest of the day, Y/N repeated the same actions without anything extraordinary or out of normal happening.
“Good luck on the night shift, Y/N” Jackie wished as she picked up her belongings.
“Why would I need luck?”
“You don’t know about that man at the 32?” Jackie squinted her eyes at her colleague.
Y/N shook her head as she organized the paperwork of the day. How would she know? She barely knew this area of the hospital. She wanted to stay out of any gossip or saying that was going around, but Jackie still decided to share the piece of information she heard in the hall. Letting Y/N know he was the infamous gánster from Birmingham known for cutting people’s eyes.
“His sister said he’s a war hero, but I know he’s a criminal, he deserves it.” Shaking her head she added; “his family requested a private room.”
But to Y/N all patients deserved to be treated equally, not taking into consideration their past, mistakes or anything else.
“Have a safe walk back home.” Y/N wished Jackie, hoping the other nurse would leave soon so she could resume the night visits to every patient, she had a long night ahead, starting with a young boy who had an accident at one of the factories.
Walking into Mr. Shelby’s bed close to midnight, Y/N noticed him sweating, shaking a little. Touching his forehead, she realized that he had a high fever. Rushing back to her unit, she grabbed towels and a bowl that she then filled with water.
Checking on his temperature, the thermometer showed 40ºC, so without wasting any more time, Y/N proceeded to provide medication to bring down his temperature. With a damp cloth, she pressed his neck, chest and forehead.
He was mumbling something she couldn’t understand, it was probably something that didn’t make sense, or another language she didn’t know… but as she moved to wet the washcloth one more time, his words were clear;
“Don’t leave me.” His hands got tense. “I need you.”
His frown grew deeper and when he opened his eyes abruptly, one of his hands accidentally hit Y/N above her right eye.
Y/N removed the covers from his body, as well as the upper part of the hospital gown.
Pressing the wet cloth against his hot skin Y/N got lost in the freckles on his chest, it reminded her of the previous night full of shining stars.
“Mr. Shelby, you’re alright, take a deep breath for me.” His breathing was erratic, his gaze lost, nothing he was saying made sense, he was talking about saving his mother and a Prussian boy, he then mentioned the name Charlie. “You’re at the hospital Mr. Shelby, take it easy.”
As Tommy looked around, he took in his surroundings, the pale skin of the nurse attending him contrasted deeply with the small crimson river of blood coming out from her eyebrow.
“There you go, that’s it, deep breaths.” Y/N smiled relieved that the fever was going down. Checking his eyes, his reflections seemed to be perfect, as well as the rest of his vitals. He tried to touch the metal around his head, but Y/N moved gently his hand down.
She helped the man to sit up slowly in the bed and after adjusting the pillow in his back, she offered him some water, to help his system fight the temperature.
“Are you feeling better?” Y/N asked after a few more minutes.
Tommy nodded, still altered by the mixed nightmare he just saw, his mother asking for help, she was dangerously close to the river and when he tried to grab her arm to move her away, he saw Charlie drowning, as he was about to save his son, the Prussian boy appeared from nowhere and sent him to the ground.
“It’s late, you might want to have some rest.” Y/N announced gently changing the pillow since it was soaked.
“I can’t go back to sleep.” He murmured after a few seconds. “My head ‘s pounding.”
“I can give you something for the pain.” But his hand stopped Y/N’s intentions to walk away. Gently and in a caressing motion, she placed his hand between hers, one on top and one under. “Is going to be alright.”
“Can you stay here? With me?”
And with that Y/N was able to see the bluest eyes she had ever crossed paths with, so transparent, so full of fear, so vulnerable. He locked his eyes with her and she got lost in a deep ocean, soft waves crashing against her.
So broken.
Empty even.
In the war she had seen endless horrors, men without a leg or an arm, people who lost their eyes, but nothing compared to what Y/N saw in this man’s eyes.
“Right, just let me call the doctor and I’ll stay here for a little longer, all my other patients are sleeping.” Y/N took the empty chair resting close to the door and brought it closer to the bed.
“Lucky they can.”
Y/N chuckled and in the process, she found the ghost of a smirk in his lips.
“I could give you something to sleep.”
“Oh, so you don’t have to deal with me?”
Y/N looks at him scandalized. “No, I meant it so you can rest.”
“That’s for the weak.” Tommy stated taking a deep breath.
“Are you sure you don’t want something for the pain?” Y/N tried again suppressing a yawn.
“I’ve the heart of a horse.” Tommy winced as her cold hand came to circle his wrist, she looked at her watch and then wrote down something in a chart. She then checked again his temperature. “How long have you been a nurse?”
Her features turned into a bittersweet expression.
“I volunteered as a nurse during the war, to be close to my husband.”
Tommy fixed his gaze on her. “The Somme?”
Y/N nodded. “Blackwoods, but he never came back.”
“Sorry for your loss.” Tommy offered Y/N his handkerchief, which she found on top of the cabinet with the rest of his clothes.
“Thank you, I hear you’re a hero.”
Tommy chuckled tilting his head.
“That’s overrated, I saw more men dying than I saved. Now you, on the other hand are a real hero, Miss?”
“Y/N Y/LN.” She smiled gently.
“Pleased to meet you, Thomas Shelby.” He extended his hand with a groan.
“How did you end up here with an injury like that?”
“I stumbled.”
Y/N didn’t believe that for a second, but she was glad to see that even in a situation like that, he felt like joking, it was a good sign.
“The door must’ve been heavy.” She joked, immediately regretting her own words. ”Sorry.”
“Bad choices brought me here.” Tommy admitted, his hands instinctively looking for a cigarette. “Can I have a smoke?”
Y/N stood up to take a cigarette and light it for him. “Hopefully you won’t make those again, you were very lucky this time.”
“You’d be surprised, sometimes I think trouble simply enjoys following me around.”
“You’re like a magnet then.”
She then decided to stay silent as she saw him with his eyelids closed, maybe tiredness took him finally in, that would be good, because then she would be able to close her eyes momentarily and…
“Has anyone came…?”
His deep voice pulled her from snoozing. Y/N nodded and informed him that his sister visited the previous day. And his aunt the day he had the surgery.
“Do you want me to let someone know?”
Tommy shook his head at first, closing his eyes. Who would give a damn about him?
“Jeremiah, Jimmy he’s a preacher.” He whispered after a few minutes.
“I know him, we’ve worked together helping people in need.”
Why that didn’t surprise him?
“That tells me I’m in good hands.” He ran his cigarette over his lower lip, while a light shade of pink covered her cheeks and neck.
“Thank you for helping me keep my eyes open.”
Tommy then winked. “Anytime love, you know where to find me.”
Y/N told him she would get him a new gown and take a quick look at the other patients, but she would be back before he could realize she was gone. In her absence, a doctor entered and after evaluating the information in his chart, asked a few insignificant questions and left him alone. Tommy wondered if she would be back soon.
“How was your round?” Tommy asked eyeing her by the corner of his eye.
“Fine, most patients are fast asleep except for one.”
“Sorry to keep you up, it gets boring here.”
Y/N’s eyes sparkled. “What are you talking about? The fun has just begun, you need to stay for a few months.”
But Tommy being Tommy, he had another ideas.
“I’ll be out of here this week.” He stated firmly.
They stayed in a comfortable silence, until Tommy saw the nurse leaning forwards, at the end of his bed, close to his feet, within seconds, he realized her breathing changed and she was fast asleep, forehead resting on one arm, at some point, she turned her head to the side, so her features were facing him, and he finally noticed the mole close to her lips…
The following morning, Jeremiah entered the hospital room, a beaming smile on his face, Tommy motioned him to be quiet, pointing at the sleepy nurse.
The poor thing worked the previous night taking care of a patient at home, then her regular shift at ER and finally she was asked to cover the intensive care unit as well.
Looking at the feet of his bed, Y/N was peacefully sleeping in an uncomfortable position that would probably hurt her neck and back, she assured him over five times she wasn’t tired first, then that she didn’t need a pillow, she wasn’t going to fall asleep, but in the end, her body claimed some rest. Her lips were partially open, her features relaxed, she exuded calmness through every pore.
A peace he would kill for.
“Looking good Tom.” Jeremiah whispered, walking around the bed, to the opposite side were the nurse was sleeping.
“Now everyone will shave the side of their head too.” Tommy joked.
Before Y/N fell asleep, she got her pocket mirror, helping Tommy to take a look, it disgusted him to see the helmet, and the dark circles under his eyes, paler than he usually was, but Y/N assured him, nothing of that mattered, he was alive.
But Jeremiah couldn’t hold back the laugh at Tommy’s comment, and Y/N woke up.
“I’m so sorry I fell asleep!” Y/N quickly apologized and walked out from the room, returning a few minutes later after a quick trip to the bathroom to refresh herself and as she walked over to the bed to check one more time for Mr. Shelby’s vitals, she overheard a conversation that concerned her.
“Jimmy, I need you to bring me some papers, the keys to the first drawer are on-”
“Mr. Shelby you can’t work right now.” Y/N looked between her patient and his friend, her whole body protesting for sleeping in that position.“You need bed rest, physical therapy and nothing that stresses you.”
Tommy chuckled and his head hurt from the effort.
“I’m sure Polly can manage for a while, you need to follow her orders.” Jeremiah stated before touching Tommy in the arm, followed by a wink. “He’s a bit stubborn, just so you to know.”
He thanked then Y/N for taking care of his friend and left them after that.
“I didn’t mean to sound bossy, sorry Mr. Shelby.”
“Call me Tommy, please.” Making an effort to look at her, he found a deep frown. “What’s the matter?”
“The doctor prescribed Morphine to your own judgment?”
“It’s for the pain.”
She knew this kind of high dosis could represent a big threat for the patients, it should be administered by someone who knew what they were doing, but it wasn’t her place to discuss that, so she only shook her head.
“Thank you, for not letting my nightmares hunt me last night.” Tommy whispered. “And sorry for that.” He then pointed out to the now clear cut on her eyebrow.
Y/N smiled brushing it off and left to do a quick check on her patients. Later, when she returned, she found Tommy sleeping, and just like he did the previous night, she let him sleep, hoping the nightmares would leave him alone.
When Tommy woke up again, he didn’t found Y/N back, no, there was a rude and grumpy, old nun making noise, disturbing the small peace he was able to reach.
After a heated argument, Tommy didn’t hesitate to point the revolver at her, he just wanted to scare her though, in that condition he wouldn’t be able to shoot properly, but it worked, because she mumbled he would be burned in hell and left. A doctor came in shortly, sweating, worried he would kill him there.
“Where’s Y/N?” Tommy asked cleaning his weapon with the sheet covering his lap.
“She has the day off, until tonight, she covers the ER Night Shift.” His apple bobbed up and down. “I’ll ask the nurse to check on you.”
“I don’t want anyone but Y/N.” Tommy resisted the urgent feeling to press his forehead, the headache was unbearable.
“She attends the emergency un-”
“Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear, Doc… Y/N is from now on my personal nurse.” He removed the security button of his gun. Feeling dizzy, he could see the doctor moving towards the door.
The intensive care unit looked oddly quiet that night, she shouldn’t be here without permission but there was no one to ask around, so she’d only stay for a couple of minutes and go to work at the other side of the building.
“Ah, I see you’re awake now Mr. Shelby, I brought you some tea that will help you with the pain, is strong so I added some milk and sugar.” Y/N smiled.
But the smile soon was followed by a shock, when the Director informed her she would now work as private nurse for Mr. Shelby, but she didn’t even try to gainsay against the new instructions, she just asked a few minutes to move her belongings over the intensive care unit.
“I hope you understand, the other nurse didn’t think I was a nice patient.”
Y/N couldn’t help but roll her eyes at him. “You pointed a gun at her, Tommy.”
“Yeah, yeah, she mentioned I was going to hell.” He retrieved the cigarette case and match from under the blanket, motioning for her to light it for him.
“How are you feeling?” She noticed the helmet was gone, and he could move freely now, slow but better.
“Like shit.”
Y/N looked at the cigarette between her fingers, Tommy cleared her she could smoke in her shift now. “Last night, when you had that nightmare… you mentioned someone… Charlie.”
Tommy ran his tongue over his lips, blinking at the thought of his son.
“I was trying to save him, he’s my son, now it’s just the two of us… his mother passed away.”
The air abandoned her lungs, her heart sank down, the worst pain this man was going through wasn’t for the head injuries, the emotional felt deeper.
“Everything I do, is for him, ‘cause I don’t want him to suffer what I went through.” He admitted.
Tommy threw the covers to the side, determination in his eyes.
Scandalized, Y/N rushed to his side, “what are you doing?!”
“I can’t stay in bed, have things to do.”
But her hands on his chest, held him firmly.
“You need to take it easy, it takes time to heal and recover.” Shaking her head, Y/N covered him again. “You hired me to be your nurse, and as such you’ll have to follow my orders.”
With an evident groan, Tommy allowed her to adjust his pillow, taking the revolver in the process.
“And I’m keeping this somewhere safe.”
“Fucking hell.” He scoffed.
Of course, he wasn’t out in a week like he said, Tommy needed medical attention and professional equipment to monitor his progress, the doctors didn’t even care he was using his pipe when the pain was too much.
During the following days, Y/N stayed by Tommy’s hospital bed day and night, helping him to stand up once the doctor cleared him out to walk around, she read out loud endless books and news to him, somehow she was his eyes and ears.
She earned completely his trust, he talked to her about things he didn’t dare to say to anyone else. And never complained about how difficult and headache he was as her patient, he lost all his dignity when she had to clean him up in the beginning when he couldn’t move, and kept his nightmares at bay some nights.
Staring into the ceiling, he didn’t even remember what day it was, memories were a bit blurry, but he had enough time to plan, to think, to realize things.
In the loneliness of those cold walls, it was all silent. Just him and his thoughts.
Where was his family? He had gave them all; everything they needed, everything they wanted… money, stability, power, luxuries, properties.
And they had only be around a few times for short and sporadic visits.
No one offered to spend the night with him, just in case he needed something during the night. All he heard was excuses to leave as soon as possible. They had other things to do.
The obscene amount of money he spent with whores to warm his bed for a moment and for what? They wouldn’t even dare to look a man ill in a hospital bed. They were empty, it was nothing more than a chore for them.
Not a single whore was appealing enough the effort now.
Deep down, he felt disappointed.
And heartbroken. If he ever had a heart.
All of the people he helped down the road, weren’t able to pay him a ten fucking minutes visit.
A knock on the door pulled Tommy away from his thoughts.
Y/N entered brightening not only the room, but his life as well.
“Good morning sleepyhead.” She chirped.
“You kept snorting, I had to recover my sleep-hours.” He lied.
“I did not.” Her voice faked indignation towards his words, touching his arm playfully with the package of the gauze.
“Why do you keep sleeping in the chair, when I asked them to bring in a couch for you?” He smirked accepting the biscuits she made for him.
“Trust me, if I take the couch, you’ll never wake me up.”
As she leaned to clean the spot of his surgery, Tommy turned his head and stared into her beautiful eyes, straight to her heart and soul. Wondering if she would allow him to kiss her, almost asking for permission. His hand came to rest to the side of her head, fingers intertwining in her hair… closing his eyes, he let his lips fan over hers, barely touching, teasing, burning and waking up every nerve in her body.
And when their mouths finally collided, time stopped and the fucking world could’ve exploded and they wouldn’t have noticed.
“Just what the doctor ordered.” The corner of his lips turned upwards and small lines formed around his blue eyes as he pulled in his nurse for another kiss.
“Tommy…” she whispered trying to catch her breath, easier than trying to ask her heartbeat to normalize.
“Tell me this isn’t a one side feeling?”
The feeling of his hands cupping her face close to his, made ir harder to shook her head. “No, it’s not that… is just that this isn’t professional. I’m your nurse.”
“Perfect, you’re fired then.” He joked, pulling her down for another kiss.
He would be forever grateful with her for those days when she was all the company he got, for the long talks, and making his most miserable time feel lighter. For encouraging him to walk again and do his exercises.
For being there for him.
He never imagined tragedy would take him to the place where he would meet love and compassion in the same person. He would get his head smashed a hundred more times just to be with her.
After getting more kisses, because he swore the doctor prescribed them, Tommy gave her the envelope with her payment and she almost fainted she saw it. It was more money than she could expect to see in months of working non stop.
“This is too much, I can’t accept it.”
“Y/N you stayed with me when I needed it the most, didn’t ask questions… no amount of money could ever really pay what you gave me.”
He was determined to go back home, promised the doctors he would take it easy and after watching his health improvement, he was discharged earlier than expected. But of course he was planning to have someone taking care of him.
Y/N couldn’t believe this was the correct address she was given. Taking a double look at the mansion before her, she swallowed hard.
But the address written on the paper Tommy gave her, was correct. After finishing her shift at the Hospital that day, she would be joining him at home.
Knocking on the heavy door, Y/N waited smoothing her uniform a petite woman in a black and white uniform opened the door. The look the woman gave her up and down made Y/N feel uneasy, worried there was something wrong with her.
“Mr. Shelby hired me to.-”
“I know who he is, I don’t understand why they sent someone lik-” shaking her head, she moved to the side as Polly approached them.
“Thank you so much for showing up earlier, he has been asking for you, I’m Polly.” She gave the nurse a candid smile and looking then at the maid, she added; “Mary please prepare her something to eat.”
“That won’t be necessary Mrs. Gray, I had breakfast after finishing my shift, but thank you.”
Polly guided her around the house, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Thank you for taking care of our Tom all of this time…” Showing her where was the kitchen, the bathroom, everything she might need.
“Is alright, don’t worry about that.”
“I’ve work to do, but I’ll give you a phone number where you can find me if anything urgent comes up, there’s also a driver and a car outside in case you need to use it.” They both walked a long hall, the house was decorated immediately. “My nephew has been talking about you.” She gave the nurse a knowing look. “Something changed, but not something physical, something inside, you gave him his heart back.”
As Polly opened the door to Tommy’s bedroom, Y/N found him playing with his son in bed, bare chest moving the child up and down in the air, his small giggles echoed through the room.
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The image didn’t only made its way through her eyes, it went straight to the heart.
And sorry it got long! I couldn’t stop writing for these two… your feedback is always highly appreciated and treasured ♥️ it means the world to me! Thank you for reading.
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rookfeatherrambles · 8 months
I am feral about two things: Hunt!Jon/Land!Selkies and Vast!Jon/Winged!Jon and I wrote a thing about Jon with wings so here you go
Many lifetimes ago, the gods gave people wings, with the caveat that one day, they’d take them back. I have wings, and I don’t want them to disappear, even though everyone says they’re bad luck. My Grandmother says they’re a curse, not a blessing, and that my destiny is on the ground, like a normal person, but I hear the stars singing every night, and I have to know what they’re saying. If you’re reading this, Grandma, I’m not sorry. - Jon
The cliffs are quiet. They usually are, but Jon doesn’t find the silence creepy like nearly everyone else in Bournemouth. To him, they are a refuge from the whispers he has to hear when he goes farther than his gate, or the fascinated, horrified staring of the other children. People muttering prayers under their breath and turning away from him as he passes, or outright refusing to sell to him when his grandmother sends him on errands out into town. Even she, his guardian, looks at him with something approaching wariness and disgust. She doesn’t say anything when she finds the loose feathers scattering the house, but she tightens her lips disapprovingly every time as she sweeps them into the bin and then tells him to bind his wings tighter. Nobody likes the cliffs. They say they’re a haunted, cursed place, full of ill-omen and mischievous spirits. Perfect for a bad - luck child to spend his time in, then. Jon clambers up onto the temple ruins, hopping daringly from stone to stone. At the base of the rocky structure, he’s got a pack full of bread, some cheese and fish, and his favourite book. That should be enough to keep him going, wherever he’s going. The sun dips low on the horizon, and Jon stops his cavorting and turns to watch. Its orange eye casts his dark skin into light and shadow, reds and golds. His irises are a rich honey colour in the glow of the last day-light’s rays.  He sits and watches until the sky goes red, then mauve, and finally, a deep clear blue. A breeze comes from somewhere beyond the cliffs, and it smells like fresh rain and something spicy, like a cooking hearth on the wind. Jon pulls off his shirt, then, as the stars start to blink into existence one by one like distant, observing beings opening their eyes. He reaches over his shoulder to unbuckle the leather harnesses holding his wings closed, one after another. When the bands fall away, he groans, and bites his cheek as first one wing shudders and shakes open, and then the other follows, the tension barking deep into his back from muscles taut and muscles knotted. He almost wants to cry from the pain, but his grandmother always told him that if he was to be a boy, boys never cried. Jon thinks about that now, then gives in and sobs into his fists as his wings tremble, shake, and twitch involuntarily. The tears glitter in the last light as they fall to the stone at his feet, but don’t last long. Jon breathes a sigh of relief when the cramping feeling eases, when he can stretch and twist and flap without pain. His wings should be malformed, and patchy, and basically useless by now, and if his grandmother and the townsfolk had had their way, they would be. Bound and compressed until they grew in on themselves, became shapeless lumps of feather and flesh that could be hacked off when he was older. His bad luck over, his shame removed at last. But Jon loves his wings, always has and against his grandmother’s wishes, or even her knowledge, he’s been using them. He’s been practising. And today, he will fly, and he will leave Bournemouth and all the superstitious people he’s grown up with behind. He is eleven, for goodness-sake. And he’s made up his mind to run away. The cliffs are still quiet, when Jon decides it's time to go. He’s stood on the edge many, many times, and peered down to see if he can catch a glimpse of what’s down there, but there’s been a thick fog that covers everything since before he was born, and as he looks now, it's no different. Well, one thing is different. The stars are singing again. Jon tips his head up to catch the melody, but it's so faint as to be ethereal. Jon walks back over to where his pack is, tying it to his chest, securely. He tugs on the strap a few times, just to see if it’ll go anywhere. With that sorted, Jon looks back to the edge of his known world. He could go home, he could have his wings surgically removed when he’s older, and he could live a normal life. Normal’s never appealed much to him, though. With an air of a person who’s decidedly late for an appointment, he strides towards the cliff edge.
He pauses, just for a moment, to look up at the sky again, and then he spreads his wings and throws himself into the nothing. Jon falls without a sound, and the fog swallows him and leaves no trace. If anyone misses him in the coming days, they don’t say a thing. Even his grandmother doesn't go looking for him. She simply carries on as she always has. Just like that, Jonathan Sims, the tragic, unfortunate cursed child, is forgotten. And life goes on. 
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long-manic-nights · 9 months
@snorhora asked for this, thank god. kiyohana!
Assorted OTP Questions
What is each member’s love language?
Hanamiya: Quality time, but in almost absolute silence. He sits next to Teppei and reads with his legs on his lap.
Kiyoshi: Words of affirmation and physical touch. He just whispers sweet nothings into Makoto's ear while hugging him, or touches his arm while passing next to him and HE'S SO SWEET.
What would they describe as their perfect date?
Hanamiya: his idea of a date is literally have dinner at home and then read with his legs on Kiyoshi's lap. He simply hate being around people.
Kiyoshi: I imagine him like a romantic picnic kind of guy, with little flowers and a basket, and Hanamiya there with a 'why?' face.
Who made the first move?
Okay, look. Kiyoshi did, but in a very violent kinda way and I'm not proud about having a punch to the face right before a kiss as a headcanon.
Who is more sentimental?
Oh God, Kiyoshi.
Which member calls the other in to kill the spiders?
Hanamiya WOULD NEVER kill a spider, he picks them up and lets them go on the backyard.
Who falls asleep first?
They're both night owls. Kiyoshi because he used to do laundry and other chores late at night, and Hayamiya because he exists in the dark and silence.
Who wakes up first?
Kiyoshi, but he stays in bed as long as he can.
Who is more more relaxed/carefree?
Kiyoshi. Hanamiya is the opposite of carefree.
What’s one way their personalities compliment one another? (Is it opposites attract or are they pretty similar?)
In any case, Teppei brings peace and calmness in a way Makoto simply can't even process.
Who is always cold?
Hanamiya. God bless Kiyoshi's sweaters and jackets.
Which member is always trying to bring home stray animals and which member always has to say no?
Kiyoshi loves stray animals, including Hanamiya himself.
Hanamiya wants that horrible looking puppy out of his house.
Who worries more?
Surprinsingly, Hanamiya. He's always worried about something happening to Kiyoshi, especially about the knee. It's the guilt.
What are some non-sexual activities they do together?
Cooking. It's a war zone by the time they finish, but they love it.
Who would be able to talk their way out of a speeding ticket?
They are both more than capable of talking their way out of hell if needed.
Who is the better cook?
Kiyoshi, considering he cooked all the time when he was still living with his grandparents, but Hanamiya can cook just fine because he was on his own a lot during his childhood (mom works too much).
What are some things they don’t agree on?
They usually don't agree on anything, but they're very good at finding middle points.
Which member is more physically affectionate?
Kiyoshi is way too touchy feely.
Which member is more verbally affectionate?
Kiyoshi, again.
How does each member feel about PDA?
Kiyoshi: It's a natural thing for him. He's a 'holding hands while walking' and 'kiss on the cheek every now and then' kinda guy.
Hanamiya: He doesn't like it because he hates feeling people percieve him as something other than the devil.
Who’s the safer driver?
Hanamiya. Kiyoshi drives like a grandma and is a danger to us all.
What’s each member flirting style?
Hanamiya: being mean.
Kiyoshi: flowers and way too sweet texts.
(except when violence becomes a middle point)
Which member steals borrows the other ones clothing?
Who is the cuddle initiator?
Surprisingly, Hanamiya. If he wants cuddles, he will have cuddles.
Are they an introverted couple or an extroverted one—AKA would they prefer to go out to a party or event together or would they rather stay in?
Introverted couple, mostly because their friend groups are so different. I mean, you can put Kiyoshi with Hara and Seto, but you simply can't do the same with Hanamiya, Hyuuga and Izuki.
Who is the big/little spoon?
Hanamiya is the little spoon. He's not ashamed of it.
Who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason?
Hanamiya is the voice of reason at all times. Kiyoshi always wants to help everyone and pick up every random little cat he finds, and Makoto has to put a reasonable end to it.
Who’s more likely to laugh at their own jokes?
Who takes longer showers?
Hanamiya takes long baths, while smoking.
Who is “more loved” by the in-laws?
Oh, they are both adored by the in-laws. Kiyoshi's grandparents think Hanamiya is such a charming, inteligent young man. Makoto's mom thinks Teppei is just adorable.
Who is more likely to get jealous?
OH, HANAMIYA GETS JEALOUS SO FUCKING FAST. He's ready to kill the barista that flirted with Kiyoshi in a second.
What was the most surprising thing they learned about one another once they started dating?
Kiyoshi learned to stand up for himself more (surprisingly). his friends were very much against the relationship all together and it took a lot of fights for him to start putting his foot down.
Hanamiya learned he doesn't have to be on attack mode the entire time.
Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
Hanamiya reads for hours after dinner, sometimes well into the night and Kiyoshi has to beg him to at least do it on bed so he doesn't destroy his back.
Who’s messier?
None of them.
Which member is more likely to accidentally spend $300 at Target?
Hanamiya, because rich-kid mind never dies.
Who wanted/would want kids first?
Teppei suggested it first. It took years for Hanamiya to say yes.
Who gives piggy back rides to the other?
Kiyoshi is tall for a reason.
Who fell in love first?
Kiyoshi fell first. Hanamiya fell harder.
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taintedenigma · 8 months
Right now I’m sitting next to my grandmas in the hospital after buying her some bananas, mangoes and tropical juice. Life has been hard since I came from Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone had its high and lows as I was sad about my grandmas decline but was able to rest a lot, eat alot and party without weed lol. It was a good time and also go to the building site of my grandmas house which we are rebuilding. However as I have come back I’ve seen her struggle from her bed to the commode, to use a dimmer frame to the front door and not even able to stand up by herself. Her birthday was sad for me her 82nd just a week and a day ago where I saw her frailer then I have in a long time. She wasn’t able to do what she used to do we always go to a restaurant but she couldn’t this year. On Tuesday she bleed about 5 cups of blood with her stools. Lucky I was. Working from home when the carer called me and a&e came. I was strong until we got into the ambulance and small tears came down. When we got to the hospital it as heavy tears for me I was a mess. She kept saying the end has come and we have to part. She told me I’m very brave and strong. As well as she loves me very much. It was bittersweet as during our time in the emergency room I got a call from the scandalous bastard tenancy officer confirming they have updates the database and transferred the tenancy to my name. My grandma was pleased for me as she wanted me to have the house. My mum had work and I pled for her to finish as it was only to 2pm. It was sad seeing my grandma ask every doctor whether she was going to die that night. I believed she wouldnt but she was in strong doubt. But I knew the God i believed in have other plans because he is merciful loving and great. They did many tests and that night gave her 3 bags of blood sadly she bled again on Wednesday so the gave her another bag that evening. I had difficult conversations with the doctor regarding where she would want to die at home or in the hospital as well as if she can go to a nursing home temporary whilst they possibly set up stuff at home if she was able to go back there. The consultant doctor was lovely, honest and understanding reassuring me that we wouldn’t have to pay more than we already are as my grandma was already paying for extra care hours as well as the nasty adult health and social care team being reluctant to provide a new bed as she was now sleeping in the living from when returning from my mums house after Christmas. The bed was incredibly low even I would’ve strained. Being blessed she has become stable but of course extremely tired today as yesterday she was not able to eat for 24 hours due to not knowing if they needed to do further scans or surgery which really wasn’t an option to be done. I came in early this morning after returning my equipment to my job that I hated and hated more as the refused to put me in garden leave and only heave me the last two days of my notice of due to see how puffy my eyes were on Wednesday from Tuesday. On Wednesday I had to attend an eye test and do a zoom intro for my data analyst course and today I did my eyelashes due to not being able to visit till mid afternoon. My mum has been so strong and still putting the fun in dysfunctional saying jokes which no one laughs at but trying to lighten the mood. She was strong on Tuesday but cried heavy but for a short time on Wednesday when I told her the discussions with the doctor upon her arrival. She remembered first going to my grandmas house when I was a baby and when my grandma and great grandma arrived at the hospital. Then my grandma was recently released from mental hospital and my great grandma adamant my mum should t let my grandma hold me. But my grandma may have schizophrenia she’s never been senseless or careless with other and carried me carefully even with her shakes. My family is not perfect but they’re guilt of so much love, light and kindness that is never échange they have made me the gracious person I am today.
It’s been an emotional rollercoaster I cried endlessly on Tuesday a little on Wednesday and not at all yet on Thursday but it’s only 18:04 as I write this. I’m literally like superwoman sometimes I feel immortal because I keep going even when I fall down. Because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Period
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lindajenni · 1 year
oct 13
familiar friday - our crown of life (a repeat daily)
"be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life." rev 2:10
the cheerful little girl with bouncy golden curls was almost five. waiting with her mother at the checkout stand, she saw them, a circle of glistening white pearls in a pink foil box.
oh mommy, please, mommy, can i have them? please, mommy, please?" quickly the mother checked the back of the little foil box and then looked back into the pleading blue eyes of her little girl's upturned face.
“a dollar ninety-five. that's almost $2.00. if you really want them, i'll think of some extra chores for you and in no time you can save enough money to buy them for yourself. your birthday's only a week away and you might get another crisp dollar bill from grandma."
as soon as jenny got home, she emptied her penny bank and counted out 17 pennies. after dinner, she did more than her share of chores and she went to the neighbor and asked mrs. mcjames if she could pick dandelions for ten cents. on her birthday, grandma did give her another new dollar bill and, at last, she had enough money to buy the necklace.
jenny loved her pearls. they made her feel dressed up and grown up. she wore them everywhere; sunday school, kindergarten, even to bed. the only time she took them off was when she went swimming or had a bubble bath. mother said if they got wet, they might turn her neck green.
jenny had a very loving daddy and every night when she was ready for bed, he would stop whatever he was doing and come upstairs to read her a story. one night as he finished the story, he asked Jenny, “do you love me?" “oh yes, daddy. you know that i love you." “then give me your pearls." “oh, daddy, not my pearls. but you can have princess, the white horse from my collection, the one with the pink tail. remember, daddy? the one you gave me. she's my very favorite." “that's okay, honey, daddy loves you. good night." and he brushed her cheek with a kiss.
about a week later, after the story time, jenny's daddy asked again, "do you love me?" "daddy, you know i love you." "then give me your pearls." "oh daddy, not my pearls. but you can have my baby doll, the brand new one i got for my birthday. she is beautiful and you can have the yellow blanket that matches her sleeper." "that's okay. sleep well. God bless you, little one. daddy loves you." and as always, he brushed her cheek with a gentle kiss.
a few nights later when her daddy came in, jenny was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed indian style. as he came close, he noticed her chin was trembling and one silent tear rolled down her cheek. "what is it, jenny? what's the matter?" jenny didn't say anything but lifted her little hand up to her daddy. and when she opened it, there was her little pearl necklace. with a little quiver, she finally said, "here, daddy, this is for you."
with tears gathering in his own eyes, jenny's daddy reached out with one hand to take the dime store necklace, and with the other hand he reached into his pocket and pulled out a blue velvet case with a strand of genuine pearls and gave them to Jenny. he had them all the time. he was just waiting for her to give up the dime-store stuff so he could give her the genuine treasure.
so it is, with our heavenly Father. He is waiting for us to give up the cheap things in our lives so that He can give us beautiful treasures. isn't God good? are you holding on to things that God wants you to let go of? are you holding on to harmful or unnecessary partners, relationships, habits and activities that you have become so attached to that it seems impossible to let go? sometimes it is so hard to see what is in the other hand but do believe this one thing … God will never take away something without giving you something better in its place.
author unknown
i think of the things many are holding onto so tightly. things that are keeping us from getting something better from the Lord. it's time to let go. time to "LET GO AND LET GOD!" a dear friend requested i make her a framed message of that years ago. in the pursuing years i too have begin to understand the message of letting go. it is so true what our Lord said: "without Me you can do nothing." john 15:5
though my mouth does the speaking, my feet do the moving and my hands do the lifting, i know it is You alone that accomplishes anything of worth. "unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it." psa 127:1 Lord, i am merely an instrument for You to play. i pray You will pick me up and make beautiful things come forth. in the name of Jesus!
soon, and very soon, our Lord is going to load us with treasures beyond imagination. "do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom." luke 12:32
every time you chose the right way instead of the easy way; every time you trusted Him when there was no hope in sight; every time you defended His name and were laughed at and mocked; every time you tried to lighten another's load; every tear you shed and stand you took has not gone unnoticed by your Lord. these were not done for reward, but out of love, and for that reason alone the reward will be the greater.
Lord, strip me of anything but Your presence. as king david cried out so do we. "do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me." psa 51:11 in Your presence is fullness of joy and at Your right hand, pleasures forevermore. there is nothing on earth i desire more than You.
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motownfiction · 2 years
going over to family’s house for dinner
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Will has always liked having dinner with Lucy’s parents. When they were young – first married, first raising Elenore, finishing school – it started to feel a little rote, a little routine. Dinner with Mary and John was just what they did every night because that was where they lived. But now that things are different – now that dinner at Mary and John’s house only happens a few times a year – things feel special again. Things feel rewarding.
It’s not just John’s famous chicken, with the panko crumbs and parmesan cheese; it’s not just Mary’s buttery baked potatoes (though Will does miss those, sometimes, when they’re busy in New York). It’s not even the chocolate chess pie. No, it’s the way Mary and John treat Will like their intellectual equal – the way they treat him like he’s smart because they’re smart enough to know he is.
God bless his own parents (God love them, too), but they don’t know what being smart means quite like Lucy’s parents do. They think it stops at good grades and a college degree. But it’s more than that. It’s questioning and learning and knowing that even an expert is never done evolving. Pat and Colleen love to brag about their son, the lawyer (though it’s rare they admit their son is a family lawyer). But Mary and John look at him and see Will, a smart man who’s always up for more.
Tonight, Will, Lucy, and the girls are having dinner with the Drs. Callaghan on the Friday after Thanksgiving. They spent Thanksgiving Day with them, too, but they love to spoil the girls.
“Now that you live on your own, spoiling you is more fun,” John jokes.
“I don’t get it,” Emma says, and everyone laughs. She’s five and in kindergarten, and even though Will and Lucy have told her that they used to live with Grandma and Grandpa Callaghan because they were too young to live on their own, she doesn’t really know what it means. Will picks her up and kisses the top of her head.
“My girl,” he says. “Sweetly blunt.”
“Wonder where she gets that from,” Mary teases and twirls a strand of Lucy’s hair as she walks by in the kitchen.
Lucy rolls her eyes in good fun. That’s another thing Will loves about going over to the Callaghans’ house for dinner, especially now. He gets to see a whole side of Lucy that he’s too close to forgetting (that she’s too close to erasing). Lucy had to grow up so fast. Maybe it was the way she always was – too smart, too quick, too interested in things from generations before her. Maybe it was Will’s fault for getting her pregnant before they could even start eleventh grade. Will knows he’s a part of it. But when he gets to see her smile and laugh like she did when she was a kid – a kid before she had a kid – he remembers his friend Lucy Callaghan. His next-door neighbor. His long-time crush. When they have dinner at the Callaghans’, Will gets to see that version of Lucy again. He gets to see that memory. And he remembers how easy it always was to love her. Every part of her. Even the parts she thinks she’d rather forget.
Will turns around to find Elenore standing behind him, two tall glasses of ice water in her grip. She hands one to him and smiles.
“Oh,” Will says. “Hey, baby. What’s up?”
“Just handing out glasses,” Elenore says. “You’re staring at Mom.”
Will laughs and looks at Lucy a little while longer. She’s dancing a little to Louis Armstrong singing “Cool Yule” on the radio. Sillier than she’ll admit. Lovelier than she’ll ever really know. But damn, if Will doesn’t know. Damn, if he won’t always know.
“Yeah,” he says. “I guess I am.”
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god-whispers · 2 years
oct 2
our crown of life
the cheerful little girl with bouncy golden curls was almost five.  waiting with her mother at the checkout stand, she saw them, a circle of glistening white pearls in a pink foil box.
oh mommy, please, mommy, can i have them?  please, mommy, please?"  quickly the mother checked the back of the little foil box and then looked back into the pleading blue eyes of her little girl's upturned face.
“a dollar ninety-five.  that's almost $2.00.  if you really want them, i'll think of some extra chores for you and in no time you can save enough money to buy them for yourself.  your birthday's only a week away and you might get another crisp dollar bill from grandma."
as soon as jenny got home, she emptied her penny bank and counted out 17 pennies.  after dinner, she did more than her share of chores and she went to the neighbor and asked mrs. mcjames if she could pick dandelions for ten cents.  on her birthday, grandma did give her another new dollar bill and, at last, she had enough money to buy the necklace.
jenny loved her pearls.  they made her feel dressed up and grown up.  she wore them everywhere; sunday school, kindergarten, even to bed.  the only time she took them off was when she went swimming or had a bubble bath.  mother said if they got wet, they might turn her neck green.
jenny had a very loving daddy and every night when she was ready for bed, he would stop whatever he was doing and come upstairs to read her a story.  one night as he finished the story, he asked Jenny, “do you love me?"  “oh yes, daddy.  you know that i love you."  “then give me your pearls."  “oh, daddy, not my pearls.  but you can have princess, the white horse from my collection, the one with the pink tail.  remember, daddy?  the one you gave me.  she's my very favorite."  “that's okay, honey, daddy loves you.  good night."  and he brushed her cheek with a kiss.
about a week later, after the story time, jenny's daddy asked again, "do you love me?"  "daddy, you know i love you."  "then give me your pearls."  "oh daddy, not my pearls.  but you can have my baby doll, the brand new one i got for my birthday.  she is beautiful and you can have the yellow blanket that matches her sleeper."  "that's okay.  sleep well.  God bless you, little one.  daddy loves you."  and as always, he brushed her cheek with a gentle kiss.
a few nights later when her daddy came in, jenny was sitting on her bed with her legs crossed indian style.  as he came close, he noticed her chin was trembling and one silent tear rolled down her cheek.  "what is it, jenny?  what's the matter?"  jenny didn't say anything but lifted her little hand up to her daddy.  and when she opened it, there was her little pearl necklace.  with a little quiver, she finally said, "here, daddy, this is for you."
with tears gathering in his own eyes, jenny's daddy reached out with one hand to take the dime store necklace, and with the other hand he reached into his pocket and pulled out a blue velvet case with a strand of genuine pearls and gave them to Jenny.  he had them all the time.  he was just waiting for her to give up the dime-store stuff so he could give her the genuine treasure.
so it is, with our heavenly Father.  He is waiting for us to give up the cheap things in our lives so that He can give us beautiful treasures.  isn't God good?  are you holding on to things that God wants you to let go of?  are you holding on to harmful or unnecessary partners, relationships, habits and activities that you have become so attached to that it seems impossible to let go?  sometimes it is so hard to see what is in the other hand but do believe this one thing ... God will never take away something without giving you something better in its place.
- author unknown
i think of the things many are holding onto so tightly.  things that are keeping us from getting something better from the Lord.  it's time to let go.  time to "LET GO AND LET GOD!"  a dear friend requested i make her a framed message of that years ago.  in the pursuing years i too have begin to understand the message of letting go.  it is so true what our Lord said: "without Me you can do nothing." john 15:5
though my mouth does the speaking, my feet do the moving and my hands do the lifting, i know it is You alone that accomplishes anything of worth.  "unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it." psa 127:1  Lord, i am merely an instrument for You to play.  i pray You will pick me up and make beautiful things come forth.  in the name of Jesus!
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restwellsoon · 3 years
Unholy Confessions
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Pairing: Jason Todd x F!Reader
Summary: When you first heard his voice in the confessional booth, you should have walked out then and there. But no, you kept going, week after week, to tease the handsome new priest, Father Todd. That was your second mistake. Your third mistake was tempting his faith, only to discover that Father Todd wasn’t a man of God but a devil in disguise.
/ “Guess you really weren’t listening to my sermons, were you? It’s a shame because maybe then you wouldn’t be in this situation. Your penance reminds you that God comes first and you come last. So where does that leave devils like me? I fall somewhere in-between.”
CW: dubcon, anal, brat taming, masturbation, temp play, degradation, double penetration, smut, incubus!Jason Todd, scumbag!Jason Todd, Catholicism including improper confessional conduct and blasphemy, language
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You should have known better than to tempt a man of God, but it was only natural to realize your folly only when it was too late, hence the sweat that clung to your skin in this infernal wasteland and a different sort of wetness dripping between your thighs. When you said that you liked to play with fire, you didn’t mean like this. Looking at the man, -no, demon-, exhaustion was apparent on your face.
The creature only chuckled, letting out a plume of smoke from his mouth, his cigarette dangling between his fingers, “Tired already?” You didn’t have the energy to agree and he took note of that, a wry smile on his lips.
“Aw, that’s too bad.” The toe of his black Oxford nudged at you slightly, as if to make sure you weren’t dead. You followed the shoe up the leg of his fine suit, a stark contrast to your naked form. It looked immaculate despite everything the two of you had done. He looked down at you, his smile like the glimmer of the sun, making you wince. “We’re just getting started.”
He tossed aside the final end of his cigarette on the ground beside you. It was already littered with old butts and other filth. The room looked familiar with its cabinets and couch but you didn’t know why.
“Can’t tell if you’re fucked stupid or fucking stupid,” he crushed it with his heel. “Heh, well, whatever it is, works for me. I think I could use you for weeks, if you’re lucky.”
Church wasn’t on the mind of a city girl like you, the weekend being a succession of parties instead of prayer, the closest you ever got to it was when you were on your knees on the bathroom floor of some bar you forgot the name of.
Your grandmother -bless her heart- prayed for your salvation every night despite not knowing half of what you did, begging you to come to church every Sunday. The people were nice. The message was good. If anything, sweetie, you could always come for a plate of food.
You always refused, making up excuses ranging from work to living too far away to something stupid like the city marathon blocking off your whole neighborhood. But one morning your mother begged you to pick her up -“I thought I raised you better than that!” she responded when you tried to get out of it-, saying that you were the last person she could count on.
So you parked in front of the church doors and drummed idly on the wheel for a few minutes before checking the time, knowing damn well that you were running late and Grandma should have been out by now. You groaned when you called her, reaching her voicemail -which still wasn’t set up- instead. Killing the engine, you threw your keys in your pocket and set out to look for her. Something could have happened. You weren’t that heartless and self-serving.
Pushing through heavy wooden doors, you wandered into the building, stained glass leaving colored shadows on the floor and stone saints taking up residence in every corner. You followed the sound of murmuring deeper inside the building, uncertainty leading the way as you tried to recall where you were going. It’s been years since you’ve been here.
You couldn’t believe your eyes. “Grandma?” You called out hesitantly, watching both figures turn towards you slowly, their conversation at a sudden halt.
Your grandmother beamed, taking quick strides to meet you, and once there, her hands pulled you towards the stranger who stayed in place.
He was tall, handsome and in his late 20s, you guessed. He didn’t seem much older than you. His figure was dark, disappointingly dressed in black clergy garb. A leatherbound Bible hung in his hand.
Motioning towards him, she introduced you two. “This is Father Todd.”
“Jason,” he added, tucking the religious text in his arm so his hand was free to shake. It was large and warm, perfect for comforting any lost and weary soul. He gripped your hand with a firmness that asserted his confidence. A perverse part of you wondered what else those hands were capable of.
Giving him your name, he repeated it back to you with a charming smile, “Nice to meet you. Your grandmother talks of you often.”
At that, she laughed, heading towards the pews to get one last prayer in.
Now alone, you chuckled nervously, certain that if anything, she confided in Father Todd all of her worries about you and your lifestyle. You could hear it already: “Father Todd, I fear that my sweet grandchild cannot walk with God because she’s holding hands with Satan!”
“Your grandmother’s a very devout and God-fearing woman,” he said, “but she does mean well.”
You nodded, trying to get out of the awkward situation and heading towards the rows of benches in the main hall. The priest cut you off, the cross around his neck swinging with the movement.
“And I do agree with her. I think there’s no better way to spend your Sunday than on your knees.”
You looked at him dumbfounded as he gave you an innocent smile that told you he didn’t catch the phrasing of his offer.
“It would be really great if you could come.”
He truly and honestly wanted to save your soul. There was a sort of sweetness about him that you wanted to corrupt. You wouldn’t do anything too bad. You just wanted to have a little fun.
You gave him an honest answer so he wouldn’t get his hopes up. “I’ll think about it.”
It was early as shit and your head still pounded, no amount of medication able to get rid of your hangover. The only thing that kept you from falling asleep was your front row seat at church, your eyes hungrily following each movement of Father Todd’s muscles. The bass in his voice was like a lullaby, amplified by the microphone on the altar. You didn’t understand the random bits of Latin he spoke, but you knew it sounded sexy.
Internally sighing with relief, you queued in line behind your grandmother who was in a giddy mood now that her wicked grandchild had finally changed her ways. You tried to recall those long days after school where you headed to church after class so you could receive your First Communion. Was it the left hand over the right or the other way around?
You didn’t have time to figure it out, taking one step and realizing that you were standing in front of the priest. He smiled down at you, quietly saying, “I can see that you’re nervous. Fret not. We’ll do this in the manner of the traditional rite. Open your mouth and extend your tongue.”
Doing as you were told, he held the transformed wafer, proclaiming, “The Body of Christ,” then placed it on your tongue. You responded with an amen and a kneel, that cardboard taste melting on your tongue before you resumed your position next to your grandmother. It reminded you of itchy clothes and judgement.
“God, this is so fucked up,” you said out loud, continuing what you were doing despite that and blindly grabbing around your nightstand for your vibe.
Sure, you’ve done some questionably moral things but this had to take the cake. A priest? Seriously?
You couldn’t get the image out of your head though. Father Todd’s smooth voice giving you commands as he looked down at you, him giving you something on your waiting tongue. You pressed the button, mechanical humming filling your room as you thought of his dark lashes and large hands, his sweet blue eyes and those church boy vibes.
If you actually paid attention to the sermon or any of the lessons from Catholic school, you’d know that Father Todd was most likely a lesson in temptation. But just like then, you failed to take the doctrine to heart, stupidly believing that God wouldn’t damn one of his beloved children because of momentary pleasure.
“Confessional? What’s that?” You asked through a mouthful of food, your mother giving you a dirty look as the two of you sat around your grandmother’s kitchen table. The name sounded familiar.
“Manners, dear,” your grandmother reminded you before continuing. “It can be done any time, though it is scheduled on Tuesday and Thursday nights.”
You waved your fork around, elbows on the table, trying to decipher what that entailed from her vague answer. Your mom pulled your arm so your forearms rested on the edge.
“Will you stop that? I thought I raised you to be a proper girl. You confess your sins to a priest in private and they give you a penance to return to God’s grace. You should do it at least once a year if you commit serious sins,” she gave you a look at that part and a chill ran down your spine. Did she know what you’ve been up to since college? What you did last weekend?
Your grandmother took note of your suddenly solemn face. “Fear not, child. It’s not meant to be an act of punishment but rather a reconciliation with our Savior.”
She grabbed your hand, giving it a pat. “Besides, Father Todd’s a fair man.”
You took another bite of your food. “Huh.”
All you heard is that you could get private time with the priest and if you were lucky, he would punish you.
The first time you went, the nasally voice of some priest you didn’t recognize cut through the wooden privacy screen that divided you. Your plan failed. For the fake dispute between you and a co-worker, you were given two Hail Mary’s. The closest thing you knew to that was a Bloody Mary, and what you wouldn’t give for one of those…
Without shame, you nudged the older couple beside you. “I don’t know the Hail Mary, by heart” you whispered. “Where can I find it in this thing?”
Instead of annoyance, they kindly pointed you towards the correct page. You almost felt bad for disturbing them. Almost. Once you were on your knees, you went back to scheming.
After two more confessionals with priests that weren’t him, you couldn’t even hide the delight in your voice as you heard his smooth bass through the screen, the light too dim to make out his features, but knowing that it was him this time was enough for you.
“Forgive me Father, for I have sinned,” you paused to hold your tongue, knowing if you didn’t speak consciously, daddy might slip out instead.
Father Todd took your deliberation as nervousness. Maybe he thought it was your first time. Gently he said, “Place your trust in a merciful Father and be unafraid to confess to your wrongdoings.”
You swallowed hard. This might be the only chance you get it. And if it was so wrong, so fucking bad, you knew God could strike you down at any moment.
“Every Monday and Wednesday at work, I take my afternoon break outside. There’s a few benches outside next to the security office. My building’s in a nice part of town. It’s got trees and bushes and privacy, which is saying a lot for Gotham City.”
He hummed.
“So those two days when I go out there, I stay out for a lot longer than 15 minutes.”
“Idle hands are the devil’s tools,” he reminds you.
“And what do they say about idle mouths, Father?” His shadow stirred a little and you knew you were making him uncomfortable. You hoped that he was blushing. “Though I suppose it wasn’t necessarily idle. It was working a job.”
Admittedly you couldn’t tell if it was recalling the event that made you wet or the audible swallow when he realized what you were getting at. Maybe he was shifting so much to hide his hard on. You squeezed your thighs together at the thought.
He cleared his throat. “Hinting at things isn’t a full confession, you know. To be fully forgiven, you need to confess the full extent of your sins.”
After you told him exactly what you did, Father Todd asked, “Do you plan on marrying this man?”
You stifled your laughter. Jason saw your shadowed figure heave, a breathy ‘no’ coming out in between giggles.
“Fornication is a sin,” he chided. “Sex isn’t meant for pleasure. Its sole purpose is for procreation.”
Nodding your head, you gave him a disinterested ‘uh-huh.’ Premarital sex was one of the few lessons you remembered, constantly getting slutshamed by family members and teachers alike. That and the use of contraception was intrinsically evil. “Think of those unborn babies you’re killing with your selfishness,” you remembered one overzealous aunt exclaiming. You rolled your eyes.
“I swallowed.”
“All of it?”
You could have sworn there was a hint of curiosity and lust in his voice as you confirmed it. “Every last drop, Father.”
Cheekily, you added, “Isn’t it also sinful to waste?”
Jason smirked. Your confession was definitely one of the more interesting ones of the day.
“If it really was every last drop as you said,” he said your name seductively low, “I’d say you were a glutton.”
You scoffed. “Well, I am sorry, which is why I’m here.” A lie. You could confess that at the next session. “So what should I do?”
“This is worth more than six Hail Mary’s, I’d say,” he tapped on his chin in thought. “For the sake of your spiritual progress, you need something more than that. Because you committed a sin of the flesh, it’d only be appropriate to perform a corporal act of mercy.”
“To serve your penance, feed the hungry”
“How am I supposed to do that?” You asked, overwhelmed with your punishment. You didn’t have time for any of that. How would you even do any of that? You couldn’t cook to save your life.
“Luckily for you, the church offers dinner for those in need on Saturday nights.”
You bit your lip. There were better ways to spend your weekend than that. You wanted to make up a lie and say that you couldn’t, but a part of you wanted to be an adult and take responsibility for your actions. No, not because you felt any sort of remorse for your sexual encounter. You needed to be responsible and follow through with your desires to fluster the priest.
Reluctantly you agreed to meet him on Saturday.
“It’s not as bad as I thought it would be,” you told Father Todd, a small box in your arms and two heavy boxes in his.
You couldn’t help but watch him earlier as he lifted them into his arms, squatting low to save his back. You could tell through the khakis and checkered button-up -a typical dad outfit that you wouldn’t bat your eye at if any other man wore it- that he was ripped, thick muscles flexing and extending with his movement. You wondered if he had a six pack.
“You thought that helping people would be bad?” He asked, giving you a side eye and an amused smile. He had a way of trying to poke at your conscience. Too bad you didn’t really have one.
You didn’t even try to backpedal. It was as if Father Todd could see through you.
“Talking to them and hearing their stories really made me grateful for what I have. It’s so easy to lose it all and be left with nothing. It’s easy to judge and make assumptions but we really don’t know what someone else has been through.”
Tucking the box in one arm and twisting the knob to get into the storage room, you thanked him. “I wouldn’t have done this if you hadn’t forced me to,” Jason laughed at your choice in words, “so thank you for giving me this opportunity.”
The automatic lights switched on as you entered the room, Father Todd instructing you to put the boxes in the corner. Aside from the boxes you dropped off, the storage room was surprisingly neat. There was a worn leather couch in the middle -a donate, he told you- and an old lamp in the corner.
Taking a seat on the couch and stretching out, the priest patted the spot next to him invitingly. It would be tight but you could fit. Though this is exactly what you wanted, something primal in your gut told you not to move. It would be like walking into a lion’s den. You took four steps forward to reach your seat. You got off on danger.
He ran his hand through those dark locks, making you wish you could play with his curls and tickle your palm along the short sides. “You shouldn’t be thanking me yet. You still haven’t done your penance.”
Tilting your head at him, you saw that he was serious, confusion and anxiety sinking in your stomach. “What would you consider these last three hours then?” Your voice raised like a child being unfairly punished, “I fed the hungry like you asked!”
Jason clicked his tongue. “You need to show more contrition.”
You felt yourself grow hot with anger. “I didn’t have to come tonight. I didn’t have to confess my sins. But I did it anyway!”
“And for what?” He challenged, still remaining pleasantly cool despite your anger. “Surely it wasn’t to get closer to God.”
You felt something warm and heavy sit on your knee. You looked down to see his hand on it and nearly startled when you realized how close he was to you. You could see how clear his light blue eyes were, twinkling like glacial water under the sun. There was a darkness to them that you didn’t understand. Was it always there? You stared, realizing what it was. His pupils were wide with arousal.
His hand crept up your thigh, pushing the skirt of your dress along with him. You swallowed. His touch was no longer warm but impossibly hot, as if there was fire there instead. It lingered a finger-lengths away from your inner thigh. If he just reached a bit more…
“I think your plan was to get closer to me.”
“Says the priest who dares to lay his hand on a child of God.”
Father Todd laughed and a part of you feared that he might retract his hand. He kept it there and pressed, fingertips indenting into your skin.
“Please tell me where you see a child of God in this room. Perhaps it’s a ghost?” He leaned closer to you so that you could feel his breath upon your cheeks and he sneered, “Because all I see here is a fucking brat that likes to press her luck.”
Jason let out a low chuckle as he leaned back to get a better view of your shocked face, eyes wide and mouth frozen around words that were lost. His manner of speech was getting looser and looser, more casual and intimate from his guarded remarks and teasing. He didn’t sound like who you thought he was.
“What? Surprised that I knew what you were up to this whole time? It’s not like you tried to hide what you were doing.” Your face felt hot as he caught you.
“Like I said, you need to show some contrition or else you’re going to commit the same sins over and over.”
“Y-you don’t know that.” You twisted your body to avoid the way his body scooted closer to yours.
“Aw, what’s this? Tryna act all sweet and innocent or are you making up for past mistakes?”
His hand shot forward to press against your panties, the surprise of it all making you stiff. Father Todd only needed to press against your clothed slit twice to feel it, his fingers damp with your desire.
Pulling out, he pressed them together, watching as your slick webbed and disappeared with the movement. “Heh. Figured. I knew you were wet.”
Jason answered your quiet ‘how?’ with a smirk. “I could smell your cunt dripping the entire time we were walking here.”
You crossed your legs as if that would change anything.
“How could you even say that with a straight face? Some holy man you are! If I knew you were nothing more than a dirty pervert, I…”
“You what?” Jason taunted. “You wouldn’t have played your little games with me? You would have been more forward?”
He paused, a slow smile spreading on his face. “Or maybe, you wouldn’t have felt so bad each time you played with your pussy to the thought of me ravaging you?”
“What do they call it? Ah, yes. Catholic guilt. Though, from some of the things you’ve told me, it seems like you don’t have much of that.”
Your ears were hot and this time you pointedly tried to get away from the man, scooting until your back met the other end of the loveseat. You couldn’t get far. “So what?” You asked with fake courage. “How do you even know that? How can you even say that?”
At your question, Jason felt relief and snapped his fingers. He was tired of putting up this act. Your eyes shut at the sudden flash of light and smoke, taking seconds to adjust from its brightness and coughing a little. You waved off fumes from your face, noting that it smelled like something otherworldly yet earthy all the same.
“Glad you asked,” you heard through the fog as it finally revealed Father Todd again, but his new form made him look nothing like a priest. “I can do and say whatever the fuck I want because I’ve never been a man of God but a prince of hell.”
He was seated as he was prior, knees bumping into yours, but he looked strikingly different from the clean cut clergyman you thought you knew. His dark locks were slicked back -not in a manner to look neat but in a way that was sexy, as if he was tempting you to mess up his coif- and his skin was a deep red as if scorched by hell’s flames.
And his clothes! Though at first glance you would have thought he was wearing his usual Sunday best, finer details told you that his suit was expensive. The way it was cut to show off his wide shoulders and long legs made you guess that it was tailored, the black-on-black material that touched your skin felt soft and silken.
Ruby-colored eyes were entertained as you assessed him, checking him out from head to toe before locking with them. “I’d ask if you like what you see but that increasingly large wet spot on your panties is enough of an answer.”
“Am I?” Jason finished, rolling his shoulders and stretching his hands. You couldn’t see it because you were human but demonic power was surging through his veins. It felt good to have his true form back, the constraints of the human body were claustrophobic.
“An incubus.”
He reveled in the power he felt from feeding off your energy. Apparently being in the presence of a demon wasn’t enough to scare the horny out of you. That was fine. It worked in his favor. He licked his lips, his hunger getting to him.
His brothers told him that a church was no place to feed, that those muscles he was so proud of would atrophy in a place like that. It was best to go from house to house and dream to dream. But Jason was never one to listen to others. He didn’t care if it would take him months. Maybe there was something good in having patience. It led him to you.
Unlike his brothers, he considered himself a gourmet. He hated the sour pucker of spirits that Tim loved. And spice? Sure, he and Dick have shared more than a few hot meals together but the heat died down fast. He loved salt, and that could only be found in humans with bad attitudes. Salty meals were difficult to find though. It was easy for them to be overdone, making the meal inedible.
“Ar-are you gonna eat me?” You asked, fear finally settling in.
He frowned as his appetizer was cut short. You tasted so good. “Obviously.”
“B-but you can’t! I’m…” You trailed off, unsure if pleading for your life would do anything to make the incubus reconsider stealing your energy.
“A slut,” the demon finished for you. “And what happens to dirty sluts like you? They get punished the way God intended.”
With ease, he put you over his lap, the stroke of his finger igniting a flame that burnt your clothes. Your attempts at struggling were futile. Something hot bound your wrists. Was it magic? It didn’t matter. You were naked and vulnerable in the demon’s grasp. You didn’t know what he would do with you.
“Father Todd! Jason!” You whimpered across the expanse of his thighs. It was only human to fear punishment and the unknown.
He scoffed, already forgetting about those human names. “It’s J. One syllable. One letter. Though that won’t be the reason it’ll be easy to remember.”
His fingertips dragged across your ass, admiring the shiver that ran through your spine and the way it indented against his touch. “I’ll have you screaming my name for all eternity.”
He spanked you once, frowning as you yelped. He smacked your ass again, this time harder and with a bit of heat added to his palm to make it hurt. “Ah, there you go. Say my name one more time. Your voice is actually quite lovely.”
Something glinted under the light and J inspected it. “You’re soaked,” he noted, spreading your ass to take a better look at your pussy. Your thighs fought against his much stronger hand to squeeze them shut. You could feel his eyes leaving heated looks upon your flesh. Though many have seen you naked, this was the first time you felt embarrassment and shame.
“Is this why you wanna be bad all the time? Because you like the punishment?” He hummed as you nodded your head against your better judgement, mind clouded by that earthy smoke that suddenly filled your nose. “You’re gonna have fun in hell.”
You braced yourself for another impact but yelped with surprise as J dipped his fingers in you as he remained purposefully quiet, the lewd sounds of wetness and breathing in the air.
Feeling a knot in your stomach, you begged J for release only to have him laugh cruelly. With a come-hither movement to his fingers, he slathered your wetness onto your other hole.
“It’s not enough!” You cried.
J clicked his tongue, “Right. It’s never enough for whores like you.”
He spat on the hole, some of it dripping down onto your slit. “You’re lucky I’m an incubus. Our spit has similar properties to lube.” He let out a cruel laugh after, “Too bad I wasn’t something more venomous.”
His free hand pressed your back down as the other rubbed at the rim, teasing his index finger until he pushed forward. You gasped at the intrusion, uncomfortable for a moment until the movements were nothing more than a sad replacement for cock.
“God created man in his image,” Jason intoned, as if it was perfectly normal for a demon to give a sermon while fingering a sinner’s ass. “Therefore man must be as good as God. But God, that B… he’s more of a control freak with a sick sense of humor than a perfect creator.”
“How does it feel to be made in the image of someone as flawed as Him?”
At this point you were panting, your hips rocking with his movement as you tried to find release. You wouldn’t find any unless your clit was rubbed, tits annoyingly catching on the leather.
The demon slowed his movement, your whining earning two more spanks. “Of course you weren’t listening. Don’t worry, devils don’t mind broken things. We see beauty in the cracks and flaws of human nature.” Especially when it meant they could get their dicks wet.
“I’ll do you a favor, my sweet little sinner. For this first time, I’ll take you from a place where God doesn’t look. His blindspot.”
You paused for a moment, trying to figure out what the demon meant, then laughed upon realization. You hadn’t heard that term since you graduated from your all-girls high school. “Look at you- a demon trying to be sweet! Pretty sure it’s too late to pretend that I’m still a virgin.”
You gained courage with each word, J’s hypnotism broken from your position. The sedative effects of the frankincense and myrrh were also wearing down. You could think more clearly.
“So you’re gonna fuck my ass, demon? With what cock?” The creature had to have some interest in you -whether it was as prey or pussy- but you felt nothing as you laid naked across his lap, not even a soft bulge of disinterest. “I bet it isn’t even that big,” you jeered.
“Not that big?” He mused before pushing you down to ground with those magical restraints. He looked larger than you remembered in his human form, body seemingly taller with more muscle packed onto his figure.
He stood, confirming his height, casting a shadow over you as you bent your neck backwards to look at him. J liked the way your eyes followed his hands as they slowly undid his zipper, the subtle change in your expression begging him to remove it all. Unfortunately for you that wouldn’t happen. He believed in the power of a well-tailored suit. Sluts like you were weak against them.
J took his cock and balls out, the meaty flesh falling heavily against his pants. There was a look of lust in your eyes as you saw it, a surge of arrogant pride swelling through him with the slightest lick of your lips. He wasn’t even fully erect yet.
His hand stroked himself to fullness as you twisted against your restraints. Three in, it grew heavy with lust and was an angry red, sleek and shiny from the pre-cum he smeared along it. His length was ridged with bumps, a darker maroon, that ran lengthwise down his cock. Fully engorged, it was thicker, his fingers barely able to encircle it. You weren’t a size queen, but you might become one.
Something shiny caught your eye at his tip. Two golden balls peaked out of his slit- a Prince Albert piercing. Was it survival mode or that you were a slut that made you wonder what it would feel like pressed deep inside you?
“This is big enough.” His voice sounded like thunder from below. ”You might even say that it's too big.” He winked, those garnet eyes sparkling. “Don’t worry. I’ll make it fit.”
His balls swayed with the slightest movement, laden with virility. On your knees, you could worship him and sing prayers to his sex from deep down in your throat. You’d swallow his cum as if blowing him was the Eucharist. But J had no need for such piety. He bent you over the arm of the couch.
You felt his warm, thick spit on your ass before his fingers occupied that space once more. You groaned with pain at first then frustration. After seeing that cock, you were greedy.
Giving you no time to prepare, J pushed in, his head meeting resistance. “Breathe,” he commanded. He couldn’t have you passing out on him. The salt was what would make the meal.
Nodding, you tried to keep your breaths steady, fingers grabbing at the air to brace themselves with each inch he advanced. Your eyes nearly rolled to the back of your head as he bottomed out. It was as you expected. His piercing and ridges pressed against you nicely.
J closed his eyes for a moment, the image of your fragile human body beneath him trapped in his eyelids- the angle of your hips, your hair, your skin. They said it was best not to eat with your eyes. It was true. If Jason didn’t close them, he would devour you whole.
Pathetically, you tried to fuck yourself on his cock, ass hardly moving due to his size. It was cute watching you struggle. Spoiled little brats shouldn’t always get what they want.
With J inside, you found yourself gasping despite his stillness. He filled you and stretched you in ways you never felt before. You knew no other man could satisfy you after.
His hips rolled like the waves, each crash more powerful than the last, his pull outs feeling longer and longer until he teased you with just the tip. His hand had a rough grip on your side, only leaving it to spank you once or twice. Your cunt dripped in jealousy.
He gave in to its request, reaching around to dip two fingers between your folds as he fucked your ass, the meaty part of his palm dangerously rubbing against your sensitive bud. Tears formed and fell, following the curve of your face as your mouth hung open, wanton cries getting caught between the cushions. There was only the sound of that, J’s heavy breathing and occasional growl, and lewd slap of wetness, skin and leather.
“What’s this?” He asked, his body hovering over yours as his hand left your hip to clutch your throat, using it to tilt your body towards him. His touch was light enough so that you could still breathe but held enough pressure to make it difficult. Your eyes were red and glassy with drool at the side of your mouth. J had never seen anything more appetizing.
The demon’s lips hovered over your cheek, not to kiss but to taste. Like the rest of his body, his tongue was long, warm and thick as he moved from one side to the other to lap at your tears. They were salty yet sweet, the pleasure he was giving you balancing out your brattiness.
His cock nearly stilled inside of you, hips lazily grinding into your ass as his fingers retreated to rub your clit on occasion. He was trying to savor those delicious wet drops. He didn’t know when his next meal would be.
When they were gone, his voice rasped into your ear, obnoxiously drunk with seduction. “How did you know that I was thirsty?”
“From the way you were desperately humping me.” You jeered, voice tight and body tingling as your orgasm eluded you once more. You knew it was intentional.
He pulled back, wishing he could take back that delicate kiss he placed behind your ear for that comment, but that was also why he wanted you.
“You dare to compare a great demon of hell to a mutt? If that’s the case, guess I should treat you like the bitch that you are.”
Before you could reply, his hips canted into yours roughly, the hand on your throat barely holding you in place. Your vision blurred with tears from the squeeze, breathing ragged as the demon loosened it. You stood on your tippy toes, your balance at his mercy.
His piercing kept rubbing a certain spot that made you see stars or maybe it was lack of oxygen. When J briefly let go of your throat, you taunted, “Is that all you got, demon?”
“Guess you really weren’t listening to my sermons, were you? It’s a shame because maybe then you wouldn’t be in this situation. Your penance reminds you that God comes first and you come last. So where does that leave devils like me? I fall somewhere in-between.”
He only needed a minute more. He absorbed enough of your essence to give you the fucking that you begged for. The metal from his piercing rubbed at his slit, making him torn between wanting to pound into you or drag this out.
With that, each push into your hole felt more like a shove, as if the demon had more inches to give you. You felt his size with every thrust. His movements were rough, each stroke repeatedly nudging that spot that made your toes curl and the ridges made your body tingle as his other hand dripped with your wetness. Your sobbing was choked, your weeping and drool making a mess down his knuckles. It took self-restraint not to lick them.
They were garbled and broken but J still heard your words: “Oh God. Please. Please!”
He could feel that you were close, your pussy clamping around his fingers. “Is this all it takes for you to be a good girl? Manners and all?” He sneered. “It’s too late for prayer. Now call for me with reckless abandon. If you beg nicely, I might save you.”
You mouthed his name over and over as you felt his seed fill you, the heat of it warming your body. J muffled a growl into your shoulder as he came, his fingers working deftly on your clit to release you as well. Sweet deliverance.
The stimuli proved too much though as your vision faded to black, vaguely acknowledging an emptiness when the demon pulled out. You weren’t afraid. The darkness was pleasant.
J laid your used body on the ground, tucking himself back into his pants, inspecting them closely to make sure cum didn’t get on them. Stepping over you, he stretched himself across the couch, thinking he earned a nap for draining you of your energy.
“Very kind of you to feed the hungry, little sinner,” he said.
“But does getting fucked really count as penance?” It was stupid of him to wait for your answer. “Ah, what would you know? It’s not like I’m ordained either.”
He sunk into the cushions, closing his eyes.
Before he could fully rest, a thought forced him to sit up, glancing at you to make sure you were breathing. The rise and fall of your chest was subtle, but you were still alive.
“Well, shit, I’m glad I didn’t overdo it. Humans can be so delicate,” he spoke out loud, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and snapping his fingers to light one up. That little scare woke him up.
“Think I can get another meal outta ya though.” He took a lazy drag as your body stirred back to life, his cum dripping out of your hole. “Bon appetit to me.”
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Curated Masterlists
Jason Todd’s Masterlist
202 notes · View notes
"Persephone" - Matt Murdock x Reader (1/2)
WARNING: both parts are filled with religious imagery and some parts may, in fact, be considered blasphemy.
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(Part 2)
Summary: You weren't human. You simply couldn't be the same species as the rest of the world. The question he couldn't answer was whether it was a good or a bad thing. Yes, you were his Persephone: a goddess of spring and the queen of Underworld. Was God rewarding him or was it merely the Devil's temptation?
Word count: 625
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Matthew Murdock was saved.
He believed that the first time he heard your gentle words and became absolutely certain when you whispered his name one night. Despite all his sins and doubts, God remained merciful and in his endless love and kindness, he put you in Matt's life.
"We are undeserving of God's love," the father at church often said. Matt always took it for granted - it was a dogma of his religion, a truth he accepted without second-guessing it. Only after meeting you did he finally understand and embrace this truth with his heart. Yes, God was good. A malevolent entity would lack the sophistication with which you were created.
And how undeserving he was! Matthew's hands were scarred, washed with blood that he didn't own. Those same dirty fingers you tenderly kissed each time they caressed your face. His hands, sin-ridden and violent, have never been cleaner than when they touched your skin. Maybe that's how he will gain redemption? After all, one who touched Heaven's grace cannot remain impure.
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He felt your finger gently, nearly fearfully, brush against his top lip. Matt could feel your bare chest against him and for a moment he felt deeply flustered, ashamed even, realizing that those dirty hands of his dared to touch your unspeakable beauty. May God strike him down should he stain your grace.
"Do you know why it's called the cupid's bow?" you whispered. It was so unfair, the voice God gave you. The benevolent God gave humanity free will to choose good on their own but Matt's free will was gone the second he heard you speak. Whatever should you say, even the most blasphemous of words, he would accept as the new Gospel.
"Because it made you fall hopelessly in love with me?" he returned the question. That soft giggle of yours was as if mocking his dishonesty, knowing very well how backward that statement was. It was him who tripped and fell into an abyss of madness, a chamber in which echo repeated only your name. Was it as obsessed with you as he was? Now he only knew how to keep on falling further down the chasm of devotion to you.
"My grandma used to tell me that before descending to Earth, angels put their finger on our lips." You gently placed your index finger on his mouth. It fit perfectly in the slight dip of his skin. "So we don't tell other people what Heaven is like."
Wouldn't that be just vanity for you?
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Matthew Murdock was granted salvation.
Feeling your hand thread through his hair and your lips briefly touching his temple, he knew God blessed him and condoned all of his sins, those of the past as well as the future. He wasn't given much choice, really, considering he was only a man and you were the calling that brought cold criminals to seek redemption, the force that brought most prideful men to their knees before the Lord. That was why Matt couldn't understand why God didn't simply whisper your name to Lucifer before his fall, surely it would be enough to make the Devil repent.
How great God must be! To choose him, Matthew Murdock, out of Earth's sinners to touch Heaven's greatest secret. Ever since you allowed his lips to touch yours, Matt never skipped Sunday mass. Kneeling in those cold, hard pews he praised the Lord in such a passionate manner, he wasn't sure those words ever belonged to him. In his newly found devotion, the line between you and God often became blurry for him. Blasphemy! To break God's law in his own home! But Matt's misdeed will be quickly forgiven the moment you touch his face and proclaim your love to him.
Your veins were filled with holy water.
90 notes · View notes
honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Stuck with Heartslabyul
I also procrastinated on this for so frickin’ long. I made two other series of being home dorm quarantined with other TWST characters like Octavinelle and Savanaclaw which you can go read if you want! I hope you enjoy this one! ^^
Riddle Rosehearts
He still somehow carry out his dorm leader duties-
Let us shed a tear for this young boy-
also there is from head to toe neatly
V e r y  neatly 
placed in order
organized files, books, documents-
What tf is this an office or a dorm room?????
well whatever-
He thinks that this is the perfect opportunity to bake things.
With you!
Well, truthfully he can’t really bake as well as Trey but he tries,
and if you are by his side baking,
he feels a little bit more confident, and a lot more happier!
Unbirthday parties can’t be carried out since
ya know,
no social contact :’)))
so, he’ll just have daily unbirthday parties with you!
And lemme just tell you,
after so many hours of baking,
he’s getting the hang of it-
And you realized he’s actually really good in setting a tea party atmosphere.
Like he knows how to arrange the teacups,
he prepared frickin’ napkins my lord this Ciel Phantomhive kid is extra-
But not going to lie, 
It’s really pretty the set up.
Buuuut, his baking still needs some work going-
“Oh? R-really? Didn’t it say 5 tablespoons?”
“You poured 5 whole cups-”
Trey Clover
being stuck with Trey is the best option-
He bakes
And I’m not saying he baked a lot of pastries equivalent to how much he bakes for unbirthday parties-
Oh no non no-
It’s frickin’ thrice the amount-
He experimented a lot-
From baking macrons, chiffon cakes, frickin’ candy art-
You are blessed when you’re stuck with him, s/o-
“Holy shit Trey, what is that??”
“Oh, I’m just carving the chocolate.”
“Honey, that looks like you just created Van Gogh shit, that looks fancy and really hard to do-”
“Sugar, I’ll make your food look and taste like ‘Van Gogh shit’ for you anytime.”
Cough cheesy Trey cOuGH
And he’s like a housewife not gonna lie-
he wakes up earlier during quarantine surprisingly, 
maybe cuz he always finish schoolwork MUCH earlier now-
and he doesn’t have much to carry out as Vice dorm-
so he wakes up early,
and cooks frickin pancakes whatever delicious shit that comes to mind for you to eat for breakfast
cbdhidcchnff hnf
W H A T-
Also brush your teeth after you finish eating-
Cater Diamond
Cup noodle game is strong-
Unhealthy, yes-
but you do all sorts of things with it,
to which he’ll always post on Magicam.
Like you guys make curry instant noodles,
salad with the dry instant noodle bits for salad toppings--
list goes on my dude-
and not only that, 
he posts all those like daily life at home (or in this case his dorm room-)
and he’s gonna be posting about E V E R Y T H I N G
From what you both had for breakfast, what you guys did at 3 pm,
Every. Second. Of. Being. Stuck. With. You.
“I know, that’s why I’ll post it in my private account which is my diary btw~”
“First off, your private account has like at least 1000 people in it, secondly, buy yourself an actual book diary, and thirdly, I’m liTERALLY IN THE TOILET WITH UGLY ASS BAGGY PANTS TRYING TO FIX THE LIGHTS-”
Because of this incident, you bought him a plain writing book online.
You know he wouldn’t like writing with a lot of words,
Scrapbooking! *Cue the glitter filter*
he has so much fun!
Decorating, pasting all the photos he took with you and printed them out.
He loves it so much! Being stuck with Cater is productive and maybe a little tiring, but hey! Works for the both of you!
Deuce Spade
This boy-
Oh my god-
He’s absolutely so sweet and adorable-
I can’t-
He’s not the best, he knows,
sometimes he wonders why you would ever want to be stuck with him-
but this man puts in more effort than he can to make sure you are comfortable during the pandemic time-
like his cooking went from a C to S class dear-
Although they are egg based dishes, there is
A  w i d e variety in each dish-
And it really tastes good-
But you can tell he’s really tired trying to perfect his dish,
he wished he was Trey my lord-
Cuddle him please,
every day at every hour at every second just pleaseeeee
he needs it-
and he wants it-
but is just shy about it-
ahem sorry-
he surprisingly took up knitting and wanted you to join in after browsing online for more recipes to which randomly stumbled upon knitting basics videos
So arts and crafts time!!! ahh children-
He knits a very simple cloth at first-
which escalated to become scarves, blankets , mittens, sweaters like-
w o a h
Grandma Deuce-
and he also found these charity organizations who sold homemade products online to collect money to raise funds to give to people in need.
Let us put it as it’s not a scam website.
Soooo he published some of his hand made scarves, blankets and sweaters online-
And I swear this man is so sweet I can’t-
“Well, we have to do something to help these people! And they’re giving us a chance to give them our support!”
He also used the first handmade blanket he knitted with you as your official sleeping blanket.
With shit tons of cuddles.
Being stuck with Deuce is honestly just so sweet and wholesome.
Ace Trappola
This idiot-
This absolute h e a t h e n-
I just wish you good luck man-
He just absolutely LOVES to prank you.
“What the fck what?”
“Huh? What makes you think that?”
You just gotta survive by pranking him too.
Also this man-
And not just video games,
Oh non no no-
Hide and seek, chase-
ya name it.
At every hour-
You also play virtual UNO with the whole Heartslaybyul gang sometimes-
“Riddle, lower your microphone level-”
*Pulls a green card*
*You put in the green reverse card*
*Switch back to poor Riddle lmao*
every night-
moving on,
He’s also the type who will make memes of the two of you when being stuck together lmao-
As for food-
either take out or you cook-
He cannot be trusted with the kitchen-
he can’t take one step in it no joke-
All in all, being stuck with Ace is really just crack level head energy soraing through the sky with his love dovey antics.
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Best Parts Of Him
Sebastian Stan X Daughter!Reader
Summary: As time goes by he wants you to know that he'll be with you wherever you go, you'll always be his baby girl
Warnings: breakup, that's all I think.
Song: Best Parts of Me by Will Dempsey
A/n: The Romanian is from Google Translate it might not be right... If it isn't go ahead send me a message or an ask with the correct translation and I'll fix it thank you!
Princess is spelled prinţesă and dear/darling is dragă :)
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I can still remember the first time I saw
Those brown eyes staring into mine
It was in that moment I felt a love
I never knew I would find
It's like God took my heart right out of my chest
Sebastian smiled down staring at your big doe eyes that were filled with so much innocence. He couldn't believe it, he was a dad. Not only a dad, but a dad to the most precious little thing he had ever seen. Wrapped in a pink hospital blanket, a tiny tuft of hair on your head, and most beautiful eyes he's ever seen.
"Oh bless you." He cooed as you let out a tiny sneeze. He was in love, you owned his heart now he swears. He's never loved anyone or anything as much as the little baby in his arms. "Aren't you just the most precious thing. I love you." He placed his lips onto your forehead before looking back at your face.
"I'm gonna teach you everything I know. And your gonna know Romanian. Asta e corect prinţesă." He finished in his mother tongue. (That's right princess)
And wrapped it all up in a little pink dress
And painted the most beautiful smile in the world
And topped it all of it with brown hair and curls
The day he made my baby girl
Sebastian took a deep breath before knocking on the door holding the sunflowers in front of him. He could hear giggling from the other side of the door before it was opened.
You were in your room with your grandmother before you heard the doorbell. You looked up at your grandma smiling.
"Go on." She urged. You went running out of the room giggling once you made it to the living room. Opening the door you saw your dad holding a bouquet of sunflowers.
"Yes daddy!!" You jumped up and down smiling. He chuckled.
"Prinţesă, can I take you to the daddy daughter dance?" He asked kneeling to look 6 year old you in the eye. He couldn't help but hope you'd always be this tiny little girl. His little princess.
"These are for you dragă."
"Thank you."
'Cause the best parts of me were given to you
And I hope that all of your dreams come true
And as time goes by
I want you to know that I'll be with you wherever you go
You'll always be my baby girl
"And the winner is-" You crossed your fingers and looked down at your dad who was sat in the audience. "Y/n Stan, with her dance act!" The principal announced. You smiled stepping forward.
"Here's your prize." The drama teacher came onto the stage with the prize, it was a fifty dollar toys R us gift card.
You found your way in the lobby of your school looking for your dad. He was stood next to your grandparents, holding a bouquet of flowers. You smiled hugging him.
"I won." You said proudly.
"Good job dragă."
She's as sweet as the syrup
She dripped on her dress
Won't leave the house if her hair is a mess
"Daad! It looks terrible I can't go to school like this." You said motioning to the lopsided braids.
"Hey little missy I'm trying my best." He said. "It does look pretty bad though doesn't it?"
"Yeah it does. Just pull it back up in pony tail daddy." You grumbled crossing your arms.
"How about pig tails?"
"Fine just get them even." You sassed. He gasped.
"Hey sassy mcsass I'll leave your hair like this."
"Sorry dad." You leaned up placing a kiss on his cheek.
"That's what I thought."
You should see her dancing when she thinks she's alone
Or the snap she sends me from her mama's phone
And I've made so many mistakes in my life
At least I did one thing right, my baby girl
Sebastian did his best to hold in his laughter as he watched you belting out to music. Doing a funny dance, holding you hairbrush like a microphone. He pulled his phone out and began filming.
"You held me down, but I got up already brushing off the dust." You sang along. "You hear my voice, you hear that sound."
"Like thunder, gonna shake the ground." Sebastian joined. You screamed turning around dropping the hair brush. "You held me down, but I got up." He motioned for you to keep singing. You smiled joining in.
"Get ready 'cause I've had enough, I see it all, I see it now."
"I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire, 'cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar." You two sang together. "Louder, louder than a lion, 'cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar."
'Cause the best parts of me were given to you
And I hope that all your dreams come true
And as time goes by
I want you to know that I'll that I'll be with you wherever you go
You'll always be my baby girl
A scream was heard through the penthouse. Sebastian jumped to his feet running out of his office toward the sound. Almost falling a few times before he made it to the living room, more importantly by the door. He sees you a big smile on your face, hugging a piece of paper to your chest other mail scattered on the floor around your feet. He immediately felt relief seeing you okay.
"What happened?" He asked walking closer careful to not step on the other mail.
"I got in!" You said looking at him with such joy he has never seen before.
"In what?" He smiled.
I got in my dream school!!!" You exclaimed. He gasped hugging you.
"I'm so proud of you!" He said. His baby girl all grown up, leaving for college this summer.
There'll be some hard times you'll face in this life
Just say the word and I'm by your side
And all those bandaids and heartbreaks and days that go wrong
You'll never face them alone
Sebastian was confused, you had been away at college for about three months, it was November now. He wasn't expecting you to come home until Thanksgiving, but you called him told him you'd be home for the weekend and staying during Thanksgiving break. He didn't know why though. You told him you were having a Friendsgiving with your roommate and some other friends you made at college this weekend then you'd start heading down the next morning. Though you called him Friday and told him you were on your way. So Saturday morning he was up and watching for you to get there.
"Dad?" You hollered walking into the penthouse. He came around the corner frowning when he saw you. What looked like dried tears on your cheeks and his old college hoodie you stole from him when you were 7, a clear sign you were sad.
"Dragă? What happened?" He immediately brought you into a hug. You broke, you tried all night to stay strong but here you were. You never could stay strong around your dad.
"H-he broke up with me." You choked out. He knew who you were talking about, your boyfriend Kevin. You and Kevin had been dating during senior year of high school and decided to try to take a chance at long distance.
"Oh prinţesă." He mumbled.
"He met someone new!" You cried. "I wasn't good enough."
"Hey. No, you don't talk about yourself like that." He pulled away putting his hands on your shoulders. "Ești perfect, frumos, nu vorbești rău despre tine! A intelege?" You knew he was serious when he broke out the Romanian. It was rare for him to talk to you in Romanian, it was more common for you two to talk to your grandmother in Romanian but it was only pulled out for you when you were in trouble. (You are perfect, beautiful, you don't speak ill of yourself! Understand?)
"da tată." You responded hugging him again. Your dad always could make you feel better. (Yes dad)
'Cause those best parts of me
Will never leave you
Wherever you go
Whatever you do
And if there comes a time
When I'm not around
You know where I'll be found
My baby girl
My baby girl
My baby girl, oh
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A/n: I love this song, I found it on tiktok and think it's beautiful. Also, I think I perfected the songfic? With it in bold and italic while also indented. What do you think?
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rrazor · 3 years
what is your skincare routine 🥺 plus imagine doing face masks with ur hq boy 😩😩 pleeaaaaaaseeee manifest
my routine is just a bunch of serums + moisturizer topped off with an obsession with cosrx :^) 
here’s some of my personal h/c’s about their routine and how u fit in 💖
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kuroo overexfoliated when he was 16 and that’s when he decided to get into skincare 🤡 but you’re really the one who ties it all together and finishes it 😤 has a bunch of blackheads and is hesitant about using acids but trusts you when you rec a bha (salicylic) and to his surprise it works!! you teach other about ingredients and formulations (more teaching on your end since he’s such an overachiever and is in a million different things) but his skin really goes 🌺🌺 when he’s got a routine down.
another amazing boyfriend to do self-care days with because he needs them so much 😭💞 spends the whole day by your side at home doing whatever whenever and holding your hand the whole way through 💖 does the spoon in the fridge technique to depuff his eyes after a late night and always sends u morning selfies with them on his face all “Good morning my Fated One 🥄👄🥄” 💀💀💀
bokuto already has a skincare routine kudos of his sisters when you start dating and only gets back into doing it regularly when he learns you like doing it too 💕 he wants to spend more time with you as if he isn’t already glued to your hip 😭🤚💗💗
but he slaps his face really hard like really hard 😵 you have to teach him to gently dab and work the product into the skin but he sits like a good boy on the edge of the tub and closes his eyes for you 💛💛 keeps his hands on your hips too ☺️ gets acne here and there and sticks on the pimple patches you give him while telling you “y'know, babe, since you gave these to me, it’s like ur kissing me all night long!!! 🥺🥰😚💕” kiss him now pls
akaashi looks like he has his life together but his skincare routine is 😬 uses bar soap and the same anti-aging face lotion as his mom but his skin is 🌹🌸🌺✨he’s skeptical when he tries out new products but he comes around pretty quickly when he notices how less fatigued he looks 💀
he loves doing masks with you and likes to do one in the morning and one at night because you’ve got him hooked now 😤 he’s so dewy oh my god man is literally gleaming like a diamond 💎✨what have u done….. i bet he has a gua sha and rolls your face for you too 🥺 he’s so gentle omg stop…. looks at u with the softest look in his eyes when you giggle at how funny the sheet masks make the two of you look 💞❤️💕💓💝
oikawa while it’s universally thought in fanon that oikawa is a skincare junkie, i’d say that he’s more so really picky and meticulous. he has specific steps he follows to the t and knows how and when to bring in a new product for any seasonal weather and other changes in his skin. he’s not necessarily going to try your products unless he’s convinced they’ll work for him (everyone’s different after all), but he’s definitely open to you trying his and sharing what you both know 😤💗💗
easily one of the best boyfriends to have self care days with: nails, hair, face, online shopping, you name it, he’ll do it with you 🥰💄💅 i think he hates hyaluronic acid and avoids it like the plague lmfao one of his favourite ways to pass the evenings is the two of you together gossiping with your masks on and eating snacks 🌹🥰🥰🌹
iwaizumi lmfao this mf’er is sooo handsome 🥵 so i say oily skin that’s prone to breakouts 😇 yeah i think iwa struggles with acne and his scars, but he gets lucky that he grows out it by third/fourth year university 😘 uses a basic cleanser marketed towards acne 🤢🤢 and some moisturizer🧴he doesn’t trust oikawa with skincare recommendations because one of the product he gave him had glycolic acid in it and iwa’s skin said 👹
he’s reluctant but lets you help him with his skin and it makes a notable improvement throughout your relationship 👍✨gets heart palpitations when you grab his face and kiss him all over 💘💘 and genuinely thinks you’re one of the best thing to have happened to him when you coo “so handsome hajime 💕” yeah i just think he’s a sucker for you saying his first name lmao
matsukawa he has pretty decent skin, maybe a bit oily and will get spots here and there but overall puberty said nah this one’s cool 😎👍 so he comes in with very basic knowledge about skincare. though bless his heart, he tries out a bunch of stuff with you and is always open to doing masks and trying out new products with you 🥺💖
his skin is pretty resilient so watch him go 😨🤭 when you breakout and he doesn’t jgjebnfkwzl he kisses ur acne scars and spots tho so dw he madly in love ok? 😘🥰❤️ once he starts seeing the changes, he keeps up with the routine you made together for him but he likes to beg for you to do it for him “aw, c’mon babe don’t u want your hands all over this? 😩🤚💕💓💦” i hate him
hanamaki he has a mini routine and knows the general steps from his older sister and because i firmly believe he has dry, sensitive skin. he avoids fragrances, alcohols and all the sulphates and parabens but weirdly his skin is okay with silicones. anyways, he’s the one that introduces you to these amazing korean face masks and now you’re both hooked, spending weekends and days off at his house walking around with ur masks on all 💓👽👽💓
a little bit harder to work with in terms of exploration with your products but he finds his cheeks pinking 💖 and heart beating a little harder 🥰 when you go out of your way to find products that fit his criteria and gets rlly sappy when you start using them too 😭💓💕 he buys the bigger bottles for himself and small bottles for u because he’s whipped (and funny) that way 😐💖
kita looks like he and his grandma would some diy face masks together 🥰❤️ he’s got a basic cleanser and moisturizer but doesn’t do much else. spends a lot of time learning about the products and right steps so he can be a useful partner when you go shopping together 🥺💘💞
he comes to love oils, especially squalane and rosehip seed oil. also becomes a vitamin c junkie 😤 he’s a stickler for patch-testing and comes to really enjoy the whole skincare process in the morning and evenings as his own me time. really appreciates and thanks you for sharing this part of your daily life with him 🥺💘💞💞💖 invites you over to do masks with his grandma 😘
atsumu yeah he gets his beautiful skin from his mom and literally everything else because his mom is 🌸✨in both personality and looks. exfoliates three to four times a week and still looks amazing so you really have to wonder what his skin is doing and what yours isn’t 😔
when he finds the products that work™️ for him (kudos to you), he genuinely cannot stop admiring the shine of his skin after someone points it out he’s all 👁👃👁✨ and calls you up “babe ‘m beautiful did’ja know look at me look” 😐 likes to do skincare routines together but rushes through his so that he can do other stuff with you 😭💗💖💕 hates it when you push him away and don’t let him kiss you while your products are settling 🥺☹️💔
osamu my guy here is also blessed with naturally occurring bacteria that gives him beautiful skin like life rlly isn’t fair 😟😟 he doesn’t know much but lets you do whatever and loves loves loves it when you put all the products on him 🥺❤️ sits down between your legs all 💗🐶💗 prefers mud masks over sheet ones and likes to smear yours on for u 🥰
he comes to love skincare, not as much as you but enjoys how his face feels after he’s all moisturized and such. though he never remembers sunscreen so please carry some with you 😭 he buys you snacks and sneaks kisses while u wait for your products to settle on ur face 💖💖 uses a jade roller in the mornings as he checks his phone because it feels nice 👍✨✨
suna sensitive skin but relatively normal in terms of oiliness. ik he steals his younger sister’s products if they’re close in age 💀 he has very little idea how to get started so when he jumps in and tries one of yours he breaks out really bad and curses you lmfaoooo 👿👿👹🤡
ok but once he gets a decent routine in, he does his best to keep up with it and it helps!! his skin feels less tight and more supple so he might love you a little more for that 🙄🤚💖 he prefers sheet masks and lets you clip his curtain bangs to the side✨ also looks like the kinda guy who likes to sit on the balcony/patio with his mask on and soak up the sun in the mornings after you both have your sunscreen on 🌼🌼
ushijima his skin is dehydrated but he doesn’t know it, has accepted the oiliness of his skin as a symptom of his athletics 😔 he’s got a bunch of expensive luxury products given to him by his mom and she’s told him to use them but he doesn’t know what the right order is so he puts on an occlusive first before anything else 😭😭😭
genuinely appreciates you so much when you take the time to teach him about everything and even asks if you could give him some notes so that he can refer to them when you’re not by his side 🥺💗💕💖 joins you in your product endeavours and gives you succinct but helpful feedback on what he likes and doesn’t like 😤 likes to hold you while u do masks together 🌼 and rests his head on urs 😭🌸💕
tendou uses whatever he’s got at home and what his mom gets him 🤷‍♀️ spots here and there but otherwise pretty clear skin. he’s open to trying anything and everything with you because he’s just really happy to spend time with you 🥰💞💞
sits really close to you and let’s you have free reign of his face when you sleep over at his place!! he giggles a lot because it tickles but never asks you to stop 🥺💜 thanks you for helping him and making him look so pretty 🌷✨looks like he’d be allergic to propolis/honey-based ingredients...
semi handsome man…. another one that looks dehydrated to me but he’s trying just please help him 😭🤚 he’s too nervous to go skincare shopping on his own because of the sheer amount of selection available 😢 tags along with you like a little puppy when you go with him 🐶💘
i feel like he has closed comedones 🤔 he tries out your retinol and keeps up with it when you told him some people got rid of theirs using it and…… it worked 😳🌟✨ thinks you’re a skincare goddess now lmfao 😤👊 when girls in university ask him about his skin, he just calls you and puts you on speaker because “my baby worked rlly hard so she should get all the credit” 😭💖💖
sakusa i think rosacea but also wealthy parents who had access to numerous dermatologists who nipped it in the bud as soon as they saw it 🤑 anyways he’s got near perfect skin lol goes through periods of dryness and keeps a strict regimen of products 👌🌟 swears by aloe vera and keeps some with him at all times 💗
though i do think you gently push him to introduce serums and essences into his routine (which is basic, but covers all his bases). you let him experiment and he finds one from cosrx that he considers a holy grail 😳 he likes doing ur skincare routine for you and you sit on the toilet seat and grin up at him 🥰 he blushes but doesn’t look away and might or might not admit he loves to be in such close contact with you 💘💘
hoshiumi kinda brutal with the way he goes about it; it looks like he’s beating the product in 💀👊👊 uses bar soap on both his face and body and wonders why his skin is dry and tight after showers “what? doesn’t that mean you didn’t clean all the gross oil off?” 😶😐😑 u gotta start from scratch with this guy 🤐
he pays attention to you but also doesn’t and finds it a bit of a hassle to go through five different products so he settles for a really basic routine 🥱 has one really fancy bottle of serum he takes with him to games and such and goes “my girlfriend gave it to me what don’t you have something like this 🤔” before putting it on if anyone asks 💀🤚💗 a full on chad 💪
hirugami he definitely has a skincare routine…. handsome 🤤 though i think he dislikes the feeling of sheet masks on his face; they feel too goopy and he doesn’t like how slimey they are. he prefers just using a short list of serums to keep his skin healthy and plump 💖✨likes hypoallergenic and fragrance-free products 👌
had acne back in middle school and a bit in first year. feel like he goes through a flare up in third year 😇🙃 anyways he likes standing next to u in the washroom doing ur routines side by side 🥰 wears those fluffy animal ear headbands with you and puts on your lip balm for you 💓💓 his dog came up and licked u across the face one time 😭 he almost choked with how hard he was laughing at u 😔 but he helped u redo it 😭💝
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imaginationjunkie · 3 years
Dancing with our hands tied
Jason Todd x Reader
It’s kinda soft
Thought of these songs while writing, so give them a listen while reading!
Note: Jason’s 25 and the reader is 21
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I was always a fan of the over the top charity galas Bruce Wayne threw. The elitists in their flashy riches, extravagant decorations and endless varieties of food, and a certain Wayne brother in a suit. It was all very amusing to witness.
I felt like a princess walking down the stairs with Tim every time, who refused to ever get an actual date. So I’d been stuck being his unofficial date for the 5 years that I’d known him. Not that I minded much; he was my best friend after all.
I chose a simple flowy dress tonight, blood red in color, silky like water. The subtle eyes that followed me through the evening didn’t go unnoticed.
But my eyes followed just one sight. A sight that erupted the unwanted greenness of jealousy as I sulked in a corner, celebrating turning 21 recently with a champagne flute in hand.
I felt him before I saw him. Warmth soothed my skin at his presence, despite the fact that I was unfairly mad at him. It wasn’t like he was my boyfriend.
Easier to say than do, and thus all the salt in the world seemed to be in my tone as I spoke first.
“Where’s your date?”
Jason Todd’s eyes might’ve been cool blue, but the feel of them didn’t match the description. The side of my head felt like it would burst into golden flames under the intensity of his stare.
But they were the good kind of flames, the best kind of flames. It was almost miraculous, the way I managed to keep my calm.
“She bailed, something about her sick grandma,” was his soft response.
“What’s with the tone?” He leaned closer, hot breath teasing my cheek. Jason had gotten awfully bold since the first time we met, when he couldn’t even look into my eyes straight.
“Is it jealousy I sense?”
I tried to be subtle about my sharp inhale. Judging by the stutter of his lips as he suppressed a smirk, I failed.
But why hide anymore? I was never one to hold back anyway.                                                                                                                          “Yes, it is.”
It was my turn to take his breath away. I turned my head, challenging him with my stare. But I was too tangled in his game to play in charge. He had me, and he knew it. Right?
A smile filled with swirls of mischief and satisfaction designed his lips. Yes, he definitely knew it.
It caught me off guard, the unfiltered beauty of it. Of him. Watching Jason Todd smile, really smile, was not for the weak hearted.
“Then I think you’ll be happy to know that she wasn’t a date. Just a friend.”
Eyes the color of a swirling blue sea, a face handsome enough to cause heartache. Why’d it take me so long to realize that I could never resist him? Not even in a million years. Not even if Ryan Gosling came offering himself to me.
A little too far?
Maybe, but it’s true. What to do?
I was just about to walk away from him, refill the empty flute of champagne to bring back sparkle to my uneventful evening. A large hand wrapping around my wrist stopped me.
“Let’s dance,” he said with the softness of tulle, pulling my frame closer to his larger one. Close enough to smell his cologne. Like a creep in the street, I subtly took a slow sniff of it.
It’d never stop amusing me, how a man who seemed as rough and rugged around the edges as he did had so much softness in him.
And smelled so. damn. good.
“M’kay,” I agreed, following as he led the way to the ballroom. Or so I thought.
“I thought you wanted to dance?” I inquired, looking back at the flashing dance floor full of people we left behind.
“I do.” His eyes twinkled as he looked back at me, still walking to God knows where with my hand in his.
“We literally just crossed the dance floor, where else on earth do you plan on taking me dancing?”
“Who said anything about a dance floor?”  Jason smirked, coming to a stop in the garden behind the manor.
Even though it was off limits to Bruce’s guests tonight, the garden looked particularly beautiful. Strings of fairy lights decorated the flawlessly kept greens and flowers, courtesy of Alfred. The pool lights were on, and a surreal soft blue glow lit up the water.
It matched Jason’s eyes.
But that wasn’t all. Long fingers tilted my chin up, and a gasp reverberated the air as my eyes met the mystical view. Stars glittered the midnight canvas endlessly, and in the center of it all sat the full moon like a queen.
She was regal tonight.
My mouth was slightly open in awe, and Jason’s fingers on my chin softly closed it as he chuckled.
“I’m guessing you like the view?”
“Like it? I might as well marry it!” I exclaimed, eyes wide with glee as I gripped his shoulders.
“Dick used to bring his, ahem, lady companions to charm them back when I was Robin. I’d always barge in and interrupt to interrogate about the last woman I saw with him,” he laughed while recalling the memory.
“Did it work?” I smiled back and stood closer to him, the fronts of our bodies slightly touching. My hands had come down to rest on his chest now, and while my eyes were up roaming the sky, my soul’s attention was solely on him.
He shuffled with something in his suit pocket. “Did what work?”
“Dick’s method of charming the ladies?”
“Judging by the walks of shame Alfred and I had to witness every morning after each Wayne gala, yes. It very much did.”
I felt Jason put something in my ear, and finally looked down from the stars to his eyes in confusion. It was an airpod, and I watched silently as he put the other one in his ear.
“I promise I’m not a creep or anything, but I stalked your Spotify playlists and found one titled ‘dancing under the stars’.” He confessed. In a very un-Jason like manner, he looked almost sheepish.
He didn’t look at me as he pressed play and pocketed his phone. Almost immediately ‘Dancing with our hands tied’ by Taylor Swift came on, and he took my hand in his.
Tingles shot up the pit of my stomach as his free arm wrapped around my waist, fingers resting on my hip. We swayed in beat to the music in our ears, eyes on eyes.
I, I loved you in secret First sight, yeah, we love without reason Oh, twenty-five years old Oh, how were you to know,
The lords, and anyone who knew me actually, knew how big of a swiftie I was. The fact that he had put in the effort to pick the absolute perfect song to dance to had to be the most romantic thing that ever happened to me.
I was completely mesmerized. Guys like this only existed in the encasement of my stash of romance novels; but time and time Jason Todd had proved that idea wrong. Every one of his gestures, one after the other, seemed to catch me off guard more than the previous one.
“Wanted to do this since I was 17,” I breathed the fresh air in, craning my neck to rest my chin on his shoulder. This right here was all I needed to relax. This was my very own customized form of peace.
“Yeah, Tim let it slip when he got drunk on your birthday and started blabbing about how you’re growing up in front of his eyes,” he laughed and pulled back to twirl me.
I crashed back into his chest softly, grinning at his revelation.
“It’s so hard to believe you guys are best friends, that Timmy’s actually capable of having normal human conversations other than his usual nerdy blabber,” Jason continued, pulling me even closer to him while dancing.
No objections were made from my side as I obliged (obviously), staring up at his eyes.
They were like an oceanic maze, too easy to get lost in. Too dangerous to get lost in.
“He’s a good friend. Awfully robot-like at times though, and he always smells of coffee.” I breathed with a chuckle as the air around us got intense.
The gold of the fairy lights hit his eyes, making them shine brighter than the stars above I let my hands grip the hairs on his neck, watching carefully as he took a sharp breath in response.  
If there was something Jason and my relationship, whatever that it was, didn’t lack, it was moments like these. Moments where we had a conversation with our eyes, expressing how much we wanted to kiss each other, how much we wanted to stay frozen in the present and relish in the feel of our undeniable chemistry.
It had been going on for way too long, and even Tim was getting tired of us not taking the leap of faith.
Initially he was pretty against it, but when he saw exactly how much I felt for his brother, his blessings for us suddenly started pouring in.
“Uhuh,” Jason hummed. An electric sensation buzzed the air around us as the chorus hit, and all the space between our bodies vanished. Butterflies went haywire in the places of my body he touched. He was everywhere.
But we were dancing Dancing with our hands tied, hands tied Yeah, we were dancing Like it was the first time, first time
“Stop me if you don’t want it,” he harshly whispered, brows furrowed and eyes clouded with desire as he tucked a few loose strands of my hair behind my ear.
“I do,” I whispered in response, knowing exactly what he meant.
His breath hit my lips, forehead fell against mine in a moment of desire and the next thing I knew, he was kissing me.
It was needy and rushed and a thousand other adjectives, but it was my most perfect kiss. It would always be my most perfect kiss.
Jason’s muscular arms encircled my waist as he pressed me up against him, gripping my sides and lifting me to stand on his feet. My own arms wrapped around his neck, and a sneaky stutter of a moan escaped my lips, earning me a groan from him.
Passion burned us under the cool night air as we kissed and kissed and kissed, all thoughts of oxygen forgotten in our haze of need.
But even our passion couldn’t defy nature. We pulled back to breathe in as much air as we could, but instead of diving back in towards each other’s lips like I expected us to, Jason simply stared at me with eyes that now looked navy from being hooded.
It was a stare of a few seconds that seemed like hours as his thumbs brushed the side of my face. The fire of need from a while back was gone, but the desire wasn’t.
We both tried to calm ourselves, but an unstoppable part of me leaned up to press a kiss on his cheek. He blushed.
“Wanted to do that since you were 17,” he said cheekily, hands tracing my back as we now let ‘Wonderland’ by Taylor amuse our ears.
“Liar,” I grinned. “You couldn’t even look at me back then.”
“Yeah, because I’d do this if I looked at you for more than 5 seconds. I had no plans of going to jail for getting handsy with a minor,” he replied, leading us to the wooden benches Bruce had installed in the garden a few weeks earlier.
I lifted a teasing brow, masking my shock at the fact that he wanted to kiss me even back then.
“And how’re you so sure I would’ve let you get handsy with me? For all you know I could have kicked you in the balls myself.”
“Don’t act coy, you could never stop staring at me when you were over,” he smirked, sitting down on the bench and pulling me to his lap.
I hesitated for a second, my brain getting lost in the fact that after months of banters and unbelievable tension, interruptions and two sided pining, I was finally in this position. Where we were able to be open about our want for each other.
Sensing my hesitation, his smirk dropped. “This is okay right?”
I snapped back to reality, taking his nervous expression in. Yes, this was real. And I wouldn’t waste a second of the time God gave me with Jason. I smirked and ran my fingers through his dark locks, making him close his eyes.
“Of course it is, just thinking about how long it took for you to man up and kiss me,”
“Excuse me, you could’ve-”
I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. He responded almost immediately, putting his hand on my hip as I sat sideways on his lap. Unlike the first one, this kiss was sweet and slow. We were cherishing the night with it.
“About damn time, I thought all my teeth were gonna fall out due to old age before Todd here grew some balls,” the sudden voice of a certain sass filled Wayne interrupted us.
My magical night with Jason ended with him running after his kid brother Damian, teasing him about kicking his ass.
But that was okay, because I was happy. Jason was happy. The long wait for him, for us, was worth it.
Even though he gave off the impression that he couldn’t care less, I knew that the reason he hadn’t made a move was because he wanted Tim to be completely fine with us being a thing.
Alongside being friends with Tim, I became friends with his brothers and Alfred over the years. I knew of their nightlife, and everything that went on behind the polished doors of the Wayne Manor. I knew Jason well enough to know that his tough posterior and damn care attitude was just a facade.
Being with Jason wouldn’t be a walk in the park, and I knew that too. He was reckless and intense, impulsive and careless.
But he was also sweet and passionate, and his love would brand you like a tattoo with it’s depth. I was willing to give my 110% to make it work with him.
Because even fairy tales take sacrifice and effort to get a happy ending. And I’d do about anything to make sure I earned mine.
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Go Go Let's Go! Let's Go! Dateko! (Pt 2. Smut)
Warnings: swearing, gross amount of fluff, oral sex (female and male receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex, cum play, cum eating, implied shower sex
Word Count: 7,000 +
Kenji refused to tell you where the tournament was in hopes that you would just not show. But you knew better. Not only would you get to see your son play but lord that coach!
You wandered into the Date Tech section as you lean over the railings. The team is gathered around the bench ad the coach is giving them a pep talk before the game
"Futakuchi you're mom came" Obara laughs as he nudges Kenji.
"Please don't make eye contact with her it will only encourage her" he says as he places his hands on his face.
Coach Oiwake turns to see you beaming as you wave to the team. He gives you a small nod and a smile as you blush and take your seat.
"Miss Futakuchi?" A voice from besides you says.
"Oh Moniwa! It's so good to see you!" You smile as you wave to the other boys.
The boys look at you as Moniwa introduces you "this is Futakuchi's mom! Miss Futakuchi, this is Kamasaki and Sasaya both former third years on the team."
"It's so nice to meet you boys! I'd like to apologize for my idiot son's ignorance as an underclassmen. He deserves to feel the pain of being team captain" you say as you smile to the boys.
The game progresses quickly as you catch glimpse of the coach looking up at you when he is able to spare a second. You catch his eyes smiling at him.
Kamasaki whispers to Moniwa and Sasaya "damn coach has got it out for Futakuchi's mom. You see those looks." 
 Moniwa rolls his eyes "come on man knock it off"
He looks to you ad he sees his former coach staring right at you
"Ok you right" Moniwa says as Kamasaki crosses his arms laughing.
After the game you proceed the hallway to wait for the boys with the third years. Kenji and the team walk up to you as Kenji rolls his eyes and buries his face.
"Oh knock it off Kenji. You act like I'm the most embarrassing thing in your life" you say as the third years and the team laugh.
"Mom notice how no other parents are here? That's because they care about their kids reputations" he says as he glares at you.
"Awe baby I care. Just not enough" you say as you laugh walking past the boys.
"Good game guys" you say waving as you round the corner.
You walk straight into coach Oiwake as he's reviewing his notes.
"Oh Y/N. I'm so sorry I didn't see you there" he says flustered
"Oh gosh it was all me! I'm such a klutz" you says laughing awkwardly.
"Say thanks for coming out to support the team. I know the boys appreciated it" he smiles.
"Everyone but Kenji" you chuckle as he laughs.
"I'm sure Futakuchi enjoyed it too. He's just into his roll as captain" coach says as he looks down.
"Say Y/N I was wondering" he says as he scratches the back of his head "would you like to have coffee sometime?"
You smile softly "of course Takuro! Only if we don't tell Kenji."
"Deal" he says as he smiles at you.
You started seeing Takuro as often as you could. You could talk nightly on the phone and see each other when you could. It helped that Kenji was the team captain and had his own active social life. Still it was hard to sneak away without him noticing.
You had been secretly seeing Takuro for a few weeks. Things were getting pretty steamy between the two of you. You had several heated makeout sessions with Takuro but nothing even went further. You always had to leave because Kenji expected you home and you already hated lying to your son about your relationship with his coach.
Takuro had asked you to spend the night with him the week prior and you had agreed. All you needed was a plan to convince Kenji of your absence. You start pondering as you begin preparing lunch. You had to tell him something as go why you wouldn't be home. He knew you didn't work this weekend so that wasn't good enough.
"Hey mom I won't be home this weekend" Kenji said as he rushed into the kitchen
well shit that was easy
"Oh where are you going" you question.
"Obara invited me to a party tonight and them tomorrow we are having a game with the third years. Those losers keep hanging around so we might as well put them to use" Kenji says as he chuckles.
You laugh "ok well don't do anything I wouldn't do"
"Geez mom don't set the bar too high. You literally use to sneak out of grandma and grandpa's house all the time" he laughed
"Hey HEY" you say trying to stay serious "ok yeah I was an awful kid. Go be free my child". You wave Kenji off as he bids you goodbye.
You smile as you text Takuro that you will be over tonight. You tell him your going to run to the store to grab ingredients to prepare dinner for the two of you.
As the night approaches you leave for Takuro’s house. You arrive at the store as you begin to shop. Suddenly a hand snakes around your waist as a face presses to your neck.
"I SWEAR TO GOD I HAVE A TASER" you scream as the voice laughs.
"I can't ever be cute can I?" Takuro laughs as you calm down from your near heart attack.
"Well not if you're going to stalk me! Jesus Takuro" you huff.
"I couldn't wait to see you sweetheart" he says as he kisses your neck. You giggle as he focuses on your sweet spot. 
 Unbeknownst to you, 2 pairs of eyes watch from outside the store window.
"Futakuchi isn't that your mom?" Obara says as he stops walking outside the store.
Kenji looks up and sees you hugging Coach Oiwake as he kisses your neck.
"What the fuck?" Kenji says angerly.
"Dude let's go before they see us" Obara pushes Kenji past the store window as Kenji feels his face heat with anger.
How could you lie to him?
You grab your groceries as Takuro carries them to your car.
You arrive at Takuro's house as you prepare to exit your car. He runs up to your car door, swinging it open as he grabs you from the seat.
"JESUS CHRIST TAKURO YOUR'RE GOING TO GIVE ME WHIPLASH" you scream as he tosses you over his shoulder, spanking your ass as he carries you inside.
He sets you down as he starts to kiss you deeply, pulling his track jacket off as he pulls your cardigan from your shoulders.
You giggle as he releases you lips and travels to your neck "impatient much? I just got here what's the rush big shoots?"
"Can't wait any longer" he says as he pulls away from you looking at you "you just drive me nuts Y/N. I just need you so bad."
He kisses you neck violently as he grasps you ass pulling you up to him. He signals for you to jump as he carries you to his room.
"Wait the groceries" you say in-between his kisses as his hands start to travel up your tank top.
"It's fine baby" he says as he lightly tickles your skin as he kisses you. He licks your lower lip asking for access as you pull away. You get up on your knees and crawl away from him towards the top of the bed. You sit on your knees and you cross your arms over your chest.
The man is flustered. His head hangs low as his arms rest on the bed, his muscles stretching his white t-shirt.
"No more sir until you get my groceries in" you pout as you look away from him trying to keep a straight face.
"Fuck-ok" he says waving his hand as he walks to your car to retrieve the groceries. You take the opportunity to strip your clothes, revealing your matching lace bra and panties set.
You kneel at the edge I the bed, waiting for Takuro to come back. Your hands resting on your lush thighs.
"Ok baby no-" Takuro begins to say as he walks into his room.
He stops as his eyes literally bulge from his head.
"Fuck" he whispers as he falls falls to his knees at the sight of your gorgeous body clad only in a small amount of fabric.
"D-Do you like it?" You say shyly. It wasn't like you to be self conscious but then again you haven't had sex in years.
Takuro can't speak.
you literally broke the man Y/N. RIP Coach Oiwake Takuro 2021
He just stares as you start to feel self conscious.
He gets up and walks over to you as he leans in front of you face. He smiles at you as he grabs the back of your head pulling you into a heated kiss.
He guides you back on the bed as you toy with the hem of his shirt. He straddles you as he sits up removing his shirt.
Fuck the man is built. For being in his late 40s he's sculpted like a Greek statue. You feel up his chest as he kisses you deeply exploring your mouth with his tongue. He releases you from the kiss as he stares down at you.
"Y/N I'm going fucking worship you baby" he says as he kisses down your neck.
You feel your core heat up as your panties begin to get wetter and wetter with every kiss. You can't help but moan as he reaches your sensitive spots.
He works his way down your chest. He kisses your nipples over your lingerie as he moves the straps down to kiss your shoulders.
"We are going to leave this on because it's driving me insane" he says as he tugs at your bra. The straps down on your lower arms as the cups barely hold your full breasts.
He moves to your stomach as he kisses every square inch. The man is romantic as hell!
"You ready sweetheart" he says as he moves his fingers into your panties.
You nod as you pull your lip between your teeth. You can't believe how wet you are.
Takuro slowly pulls down your panties as a string of your essence glides with the panties.
"Fuck" he says as he rests his head in your thigh "whatever God decided to bless me fucking THANK YOU"
You giggle as he kisses your inner thighs. You moan at the feeling and growing sensation. He looks up at you as he spreads your pussy lips with his fingers and takes a long lick of your wet slit.
You shiver as your back arches. Takuro takes no time diving into his new home.
Fuck you were so wet and you tasted so good.
"Holy shit Takurō. Fuck right there" you screams as your back begins to arch high and higher. You've never had oral like this before.
"Fuck yes yes yes right there keep going. Omg fuck I'm going to cum" you say as you grab his head and push it further into your cunt. You rub your cunt on his face as the rope inside you snaps.
You screams as you cum hard on your lovers face.
Takuro backs up as he kisses your thighs. He slowly inserts two fingers into your already sensitive pussy as he begins to move them.
"Cum again sweetheart. I need more" he says as he pushes two fingers into your sopping wet cunt. You're still riding out the high from your previous orgasm as he leans over, pulling you up to meet him in a deep kiss.
He grabs your hair as he pulls it back exposing the column of your neck to his lips. He probes your cunt faster as you feel yourself building up.
"Ahhh ahh fuck Taku, ah" you cry as he kisses your neck quickening the speed of his fingers.
"Come on baby give me one more and then I'll fuck this tight little pussy. Please give me one more" he says as you feel your core snap as your cunt spasm around his fingers.
You fall back to the bed as he stands up removing his pants. You stare at his long cock with wide eyes.
"I'll be gentle angel" he says as he reaches for a condom.
You shake your head "I want you to cum in my mouth. Fuck me raw and cum in my mouth Takuro" you say seductively as you pull your lower lip into between your teeth.
"Baby you- you can't say shit like that. Fuck" he says as he flips you around to all fours as he lines up his cock.
"Let me suck you please" you say looking over your shoulder with doe eyes.
"Later baby later I-I'm not waiting any longer to fuck you" he says as he slowly starts to push is cock into your wet entrance.
"Holy- Y/N baby you need to relax" he says as he grabs your hips stopping himself from moving further.
"Relax? I haven't been fucked in years and you want me to relax?" You say as you trust yourself backwards impaling yourself on his hard cock.
"Fucking shit Y/N! God dammit I want to last longer than a minute" he shouts as he spanks your ass. You refuse to listen as you propel yourself back to his cock as he tries to hold you off.
"I swear to God if you don't fuck me-" you say as he flips you around standing up and yanking you down to the edge of the bed as you lay on your elbows.
"You'll do what Y/N?" He says in a sadistic voice as he pushes his cock all the way into your cunt in one swift movement.
"Shit" he chokes "God baby this is the tightest cunt" he says as he pulls back, setting a brutal pace as his balls slap your ass.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel every single centimeter of his cock on your inside walls.
"Fuck Y/N baby are you close" he says as he looks down to you.
You're gone. Where even are you Y/N? Come back to earth Y/N!
"Shit baby I'm going to cum soon you feel so fucking amazing. Fuck I'm going to worship this pussy everyday until I die" he chokes
"Oh Takuro, fuck-fuck I'm going to cum please keep going" you manage to say as he pushes forward trying to bring you to orgasm.
You feel your core snap again as the quick rise and fall of your orgasms over sweeps your body.
"Fuck baby are you ready" he says giving you a moment to recover.
He pulls out as you sink to the floor between his legs opening your mouth to receive his juices.
He jerks his cock as you sit with your mouth wide open "Oh fuck Y/N- baby UGH" he says as he shouts rope after rope of cum into your mouth.
You happily accept his gift as he groans and pants, his abs retracting from the intense orgasm. He throws his head back as he finishes and you wipe up the little cum that managed to fall to the side your lips.
He pulls back ad he sees his fluids in your mouth and on your tongue. You close your mouth, reopening to show him that you had swallowed what he had offered to you.
He kneels down to your face as he pulls you into a deep kiss.
"That was the best sex I've ever had" he chuckles as you smile.
"Yeah it was at least a solid 8" you tease as his eyes widen.
"An 8? Well we can't have that now can we. Date Tech strives to be the best so I only accept 10 and above" he says grabbing you as he carries you to the shower.
He fucks you in the shower until your brain is numb. He suck is cock as you make him finish for a second time during your hour long shower. You both emerge completely blissed out and exhausted.
"I’m hungry" you say as you cuddle into his stomach and he pulls up close.
"Well it's a good thing I brought it those groceries" he says.
"You mean the groceries I MADE you bring in" you say looking up at him.
"Well the trip was worth it because look what I came back too" he says as he hoisting you above him to straddle his waist.
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stormcrawler75 · 4 years
Bad Things Bingo request: Memory Loss with the Sides as a pantheon of gods.
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Warnings: Memory Lost, description of scars, Virgil not having a good view of how he looks.
Notes: Dude, guys, I accidentally deleted the last few paragraphs and had to rewrite them. I finished this tonight out of spite.
Virgil fucking hated snow.
There was no good thing about snow. Not one damn thing and Virgil was willing to stake his life on that claim. In fact, every good thing about Virgil’s life slowed to a stop when fall ended and the snow started to fall. Snow was cold, killed all of the crops that Virgil spent all year growing, and made travel into town a damn bitch. And, on top of everything else, it made the scars surrounding Virgil’s eyes and temples ache to no end. The only thing that helped with the aches and pains was the medicine that his friend Elliott sold. And where did Elliott sell the medicine?
All the way in town. So, yeah, Virgil hated snow.
He sighed as he climbed out of his bed, the cold from outside seeping into his bones. Virgil’s home was a small one-bedroom house with a small fireplace, a bed that he had pressed against two walls, small knickknacks and gifts placed on shelves that Virgil had built himself, and a small rug in front of the door to the outside. The fire that he had built the night before had gone out, with only glowing embers left in Virgil’s tiny fireplace now. The bowl with half of Virgil’s leftover dinner was left beside his bed, which Virgil immediately grab to slowly pick at.
Virgil glanced over at a small mirror on the wall that Elliott had given him, gently wiping at his eyes and trying his best to avoid his scars. There were deep and rough scars around Virgil’s eyes - as if someone had tried carving them out with a knife but never truly committed to the idea - and two identical thin, deep scars on each of his temples. Virgil’s nose was crooked like it had been broken many times before and one of his eyes didn’t open all the way. He wasn’t the prettiest man ever but, as Elliott had once said, he was just lucky to still be alive. Not that Virgil cared about the scars or how he looked. He honestly just wished that he remembered how he got the damn scars.
Or any part of his life before waking up in the town’s local Doctor’s office. He had woken up nearly five years ago with no memory. Elliott had found him on the outskirts of town, caught in a bright bronze net and left for dead, and had immediately brought him to the town’s Doctor. The town had been gracious enough to provide Virgil with a small house and some land to make a living off of. Virgil had been given far, far more than a poor, ugly man like him ever deserved and he had tried his best to pay the town back ever since. He gave deals to the town folks on his carrots and beets, he did odd jobs in the winter for half the price he charged for out of towners, and when the town announced that they would be making a temple for the God of Family and Safe Havens, Virgil went out and chopped down as many of his own trees that they would need.
Even if Virgil wasn’t sure what he thought about these Gods, he would give everything and anything to the people who had given him a home, their food, and the clothes off their back.
Though, it wasn’t like what he gave was anything special. Though the farmwork he did was hard and backbreaking, the corps flourished under Virgil’s hands. It wasn’t like he ever did anything special. He just did what every other farmer did. Maybe it was just that Virgil did what he loved. Waking up early and going out to work with his vegetables and his two little fruit trees were hard but Virgil loved it so much that anyone who happened to walk onto his land had a good chance of hearing him sing as he worked. As long as what he did made the town happy, Virgil was happy.
Virgil was startled from his thoughts from banging on his door, the excited voice of his best friend calling from outside, “Virgil! Virgil, wake up, wake up!” Virgil yawned shuffled over to the door, opening it with a tired smile. “Hey, Elli. What’s up?”
Elliott beamed at him and surged forward, grabbing Virgil’s arms and making him shiver from the snow and frost on their mittens. “It’s finished! The builders, you know the ones who said that they wouldn’t be able to finish until Spring? The mayor paid them double and they finished! The Temple is opening up tonight and they’re going to be putting out a feast!” They let go of Virgil, stumbling over to the spot on the floor where Virgil’s damp coat, mittens, and gloves had been dumped.
Virgil could only gawk at them, feeling like his brain was having trouble catching up to what Elliott was saying. “It’s finished?! How, when- I haven’t heard anything about the builders starting up again! When did this even happen?!”
“They worked through the night for the last month,” Elliott squealed, practically throwing Virgil’s winter wear at him. “And, dude, I can’t believe I’m even gonna be saying this,” Elliott took Virgil’s hands and said with forced calmness, “the God Patton himself might actually show up.”
Virgil swore that his heart stopped right then and there. Full on, dead stop. “A God?! What the hell are you talking about?! He’s coming here?!”
“It’s this new thing,” Elliott babbled, gesturing at the clothes in Virgil’s arms frantically until Virgil slowly started pulling them on. “It only started in the last few years and only in this country but, recently, whenever a Temple is built, whichever God the Temple is for shows up! They usually mingle for a bit and insist on looking around. I heard that even the God of Logic and all that other stuff showed up in a town a few days away about a month ago! He blessed the town’s teachers, looked around, and then left. People are thinking that the Gods are looking for something or something and that’s why they’re showing up everywhere!”
“Holy shit,” Virgil whispered, pulling his hat on hurriedly. “Holy shit, are you serious?! That’s fucking - we gotta check it out!” He grabbed his boots and practically jammed them on his feet. “We gotta get going now! If we head out now then we can make it to the town by lunchtime! Wait, no, we gotta get an offering! Do you have something to give him? I killed a deer yesterday and I still have its pelt so I’m covered but what about you!?”
Elliott grinned at him and flashed a bright pink ring on their left hand. “I’m good! My Grandma gave me this ring just in case something like this happened before she died years ago. Now come on! We can wait in my house until tonight but we gotta get going!”
Virgil laughed and grabbed Elliott’s hand, pulling them out of the small cabin. “You better have brought your horse and buggy because if I have to walk through all of this snow, I am going to lose it.”
“Of course I did,” Elliott laughed, climbing into the buggy. “And you know that that you could buy a horse of your own from old man Jerry. After you helped him and his wife with that problem they were having, they’d probably give you one for free!” They eyed Virgil’s rising blush with a grin. “And Miss Kitty would give you three buggies for how you helped her with her girlfriend. Heck, she’d give you a carriage!”
“It’s not my fault that I give good advice,” Virgil muttered, ducking his head and trying to get comfortable in his seat. “Besides, Miss Kitty and Jessica’s problem was easy. They just needed to talk, that’s all. I just pointed it out.” He batted Elliott’s arm when he saw them open their mouth to continue talking and - most definitely - continue talking about how Virgil kept getting when it came to giving advice about people’s love lives. “Shut up and get us to town, Elli!”
He ignored Elliott’s laugh and settled back as the horse started making its way back to town. Elliott was just overexaggerating. It wasn’t like Virgil went out looking for people who needed help with their love lives. Just... whenever Virgil was talking to people, the topic of love happened to come up a lot and people always seemed to ask for his advice. Virgil honestly had no idea if the advice he was giving was good, per se. It was just that Virgil seemed to know what he was talking about. People theorized that Virgil had been a Matchmaker before he had come to live here. Virgil wasn’t sure how he felt about that.
Besides, it wasn’t just romantic things that people came to Virgil to ask advice on. Virgil had helped with the two orphan boys that had come from the city, the year-long fight that two local sisters were having, and a fight between two best friends. It seemed that Virgil was just good with advice. It wasn’t like it was anything special.
“So, all of the Gods have been showing up lately,” Virgil asked Elliott as the buggy went down the dirt road.
Elliott nodded but then paused. “Well, almost all of them. One of them hasn’t shown up recently. The God of Love and Beauty hasn’t appeared in almost five years now.” They shrugged. “It’s no big deal. I mean, I heard that he was super active before so he’s probably just taking a break. I heard that time passes really quickly for the Gods. I’m sure that he’ll be back sometime soon.
“I mean, what’s the other option? I mean, what kind of bad things can happen to a God?”
The Temple was beautiful.
Virgil knew that it was nothing compared to the Temples in cities or the Capital. He had heard rumours of those Temples being made from solid gold, with sparkling rubies and sapphires embedded in its walls, and rich offerings given by Kings and Queens stacked through the halls. Compared to those Temples, this little one was nothing. It was barely as big as the local schoolhouse with one room. From looking through the front window, Virgil thought that it looked more like a very cozy and comfortable family room than anything. There was a beautiful fireplace roaring with fire, beds pushed up against the walls, and food stacked on the table. Virgil’s offering of a deer’s pelt was lying on a table along with several others.
“I can’t believe that this is the new Temple,” Virgil whispered to Elliott, both of their eyes wide with wonder. The two of them were at the front of a large crowd in front of the Temple, waiting for entrance. This whole thing was so exciting that Virgil was barely aware of the dull sting from the wind hitting his scars. “I mean, it’s great but it’s... not what I thought it’d look like.” While it might not be what they were expecting, it was still the most wonderful place that either of them had ever seen.
Elliott grinned at him, bouncing up and down in excitement. “Me neither but this is the God of Family and Safe Havens. I bet that this Temple would look a lot different if this was a Temple for the God of Beauty and Love or for the God of Self Preservation. I hear that the God Patton lets people use his Temples as Safe Havens, just like the God Janus.” They gasped when a soft, warm blue light glowed from the inside of the house, bathing everything inside with its light. “Oh my gosh,” they whispered, gripping Virgil’s arm tightly. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe this, I can’t believe this! He’s actually coming, he’s actually showing up!”
The crowd of people immediately quieted and no one made a single sound. Virgil could’ve dropped a pin and it would’ve been the loudest sound in the entire town. Slowly, the light coming from the Temple died down. Though, and maybe this was just Virgil seeing things, the inside of the Temple seemed warmer somehow. It seemed homier. And the large man standing in the, just minutes before empty, Temple seemed completely right there.
Virgil watched through the front window with wide eyes as the man slowly looked around. He was huge, almost six feet, with curly blond hair and big round glasses that were perched on top of a small bottom nose, covering big blue eyes. There were freckles on each and every inch of the man’s skin and there were laugh lines around his eyes. He was wearing comfortable clothes and had the air of a person that you could trust. The kind of person that you would run to if you had a problem or no one else you could turn to. He looked... like a Dad.
He looked familiar.
The God slowly walked through the Temple with a small smile, gently touching the walls and taking a minute to look at the food. Virgil watched him kneel by the fireplace and gently stroke it for a few seconds, glowing embers jumping from the fire and onto the God’s skin only for the God to brush them from his skin with no sign of injury. And Virgil watched as, slowly, the God stood and made his way to the door leading outside to the crowd waiting outside.
Virgil hurried to kneel with the rest of the town, breath catching at the God stepped outside. Most, including Elliott, had their heads bowed respectfully but Virgil could only gawk dumbly as the God looked out at them with a smile. For almost a second there, it looked like he was looking for something and he had to hold back his disappointment when he didn’t find it. But he kept a smile firmly on his face as he went back to looking through the crowd. He had just opened his mouth to say something when his gaze landed on Virgil’s ugly scarred face. Virgil felt a pit of terror settle into him as the God’s face went from gratitude and forced happiness to an expression that Virgil didn’t have the time to fully understand at before the God was almost running at him.
The crowd scrambled away from Virgil, Elliott being pulled from him from someone, and Virgil felt frozen as the God landed in front of him. Distantly, in the back of Virgil’s mind, he remembered a mean rumour that had circulated when Virgil had first been found. That Virgil had somehow offended a God and, in punishment, the Gods had scarred him and stolen his memory. Virgil had never believed these rumours but now, Virgil thought that it might be true. And if they had stolen Virgil’s memory the first time, Virgil found that he was utterly terrified to discover what they might take this time.
Virgil jumped as large, calloused but gentle hands cupped his cheeks, tilting his head up so he was staring right in the watery eyes of the God of Family and Safe Havens. The God’s glasses were slightly crooked and had slid down right down to the edge of his nose. Tears were making their way down his cheeks and the God’s lips were turned up in a bright, slight disbelieving but so relieved grin. The God was rubbing a thumb into Virgil’s cheek gently while the other was hovering frantically around Virgil like it didn’t know where exactly it should settle. “Oh, Vergilius,” the God whispered, voice cracking. “Oh, you’re here. You’re safe.”
“As in the God Vergilius?!”
“The God of Love and Beauty!?”
“Virgil, our Virgil?”
“What is a God doing living in a cabin on the edge of a poor little town?”
“I,” Virgil licked his suddenly dry lips, staring at the God in confusion and a bit of fear, “my name is Virgil. I’m sorry but, I think I you got the wrong person. I’m, I’m not,” his words trailed away from him, not sure what to say. He found himself leaning into the God’s hand and had to jerk away. Had to jerk away from the feeling of ‘finally-I’m-finally-home-I-was-so-scared-but-I’m-home-and-I-was-so-scared-but-I-knew-that-you’d-find-me’.
The God laughed, but it sounded more confused than anything. “Kiddo, Vergilius, what are you talking about? Oh, Sweetheart, what happened?” Virgil’s breath caught as one of the God’s huge fingers gently brushed against one of the scars surrounding his eyes. “Who did this to you,” the God asked, his voice darkening and full of power. He looked up and he seemed like a God for the first time since he had arrived as he demanded, “Did these Mortals do this to you?!”
Almost a full year ago, Elliott had told Virgil that there was a reason that Patton was the God of both Families and Safe Havens. Because no one would dare step into one of the God’s Safe Havens and try to hurt someone who had hidden there. Because those who stayed there were the God’s family and no one would risk Patton’s wrath. Virgil hadn’t been completely convinced if Elliott wasn’t exaggerating back then, of the God’s terrible wrath on those who had hurt those who he had deemed family.
But now, as the ground started to shake and the sun started to burn impossibly bright, Virgil knew that Elliott had been under-exaggerating.
“Wait,” Virgil cried, lurching forward and grabbing Patton’s arm desperately just as the God had started to rise. “Please, don’t hurt them! They saved me, they didn’t hurt me,” he pleaded. “Please, please don’t hurt them, please.”
The God stared down at Virgil, one hand still cupping his cheek. “You’re sure,” he asked softly, the shaking ground slowly calming and the sun’s harsh beams dimming slightly. “Are you sure, Sweetheart? They’ve helped you?”
“They found me in a bronze net,” Virgil babbled, keeping a tight grip on Patton’s arm like he could single-handedly stop the God if he tried anything. “Elliott did. They found me without my memories and brought me to a Doctor and healed me. They gave me a house and land and fruit trees and seeds and they never hurt me, I promise, I swear!” His chest was burning with the love he had for this small town and the people in it and he was honestly afraid that his chest would burst from just how much of it there was.
There was a long pause before the God slowly pulled Virgil up until he was standing, paying attention only to Virgil and giving none of it to the townfolks watching with bated breath. Both of Patton’s hands cupped Virgil’s cheeks and he asked softly, voice almost unhearable, “Do you know who I am, Kiddo? Do you remember me?”
Virgil blinked and the tears that had been building during his frantic plea starting slowly trickling down his face. “You’re Patton,” he whispered softly, “the God of Families and Safe Havens. The Creator of Janus, the God of Self Preservation and, and a lot of other things. The Father of the Council of Gods.” He let out a shaky breath as the God bowed his head, letting his forehead rest on Virgil’s. “Am... am I wrong?”
The God let out a shaky, pained laugh. “No, Kiddo. No, you’re not wrong.” He looked up at the pale, terrified Mayor and gave him a wobbly smile “Thank you for the Temple. It’s beautiful. I love it.” He turned back to Virgil and gently petted his hair. “I need you to come with me, okay Darling? I know this is all probably very scary and overwhelming for you but I need you to be brave, okay?”
“You... you won’t hurt them,” Virgil asked shakily, looking over his shoulder at the townsfolk. Even though they looked terrified, many of them managed to give Virgil weak and encouraging smiles. One of them, an older lady named Miss Julia, looked like the only reason she wasn’t beating Patton away with her cane was her partner, Hannah, gripping onto her arm tightly. “Right? They protected me. You promise you won’t hurt them?”
The God smiled at him gently, pressing a kiss onto his forehead. “I promise, Sweetheart.” And, with that, Virgil was pulled into a gentle hug and his face was gently pushed into the God’s shoulder so he couldn’t see what was happening. Virgil was about to pull away, terrified that he’d look back to see that his town had been wiped off the map, but he found himself falling limp into the God’s arm when a warm, safe feeling flooded into him and the ground was whisked out from under him. The harsh winter wind disappeared and, for one brief moment, there was only Virgil and the God.
And then, Virgil stumbled as a floor reappeared under his feet. Even without looking, Virgil knew that it was the most expensive floor that he could remember standing on. It was smooth and felt like it had been freshly waxed. He pulled back away from Patton and looked around, eyes widening. Now, this was a Temple.
They were in a large room that wouldn’t look out of place as a King’s throne room. Nine empty thrones were placed around the room, all of them looking completely different from each other. And, for some reason, Virgil felt drawn toward the smallest, almost dainty looking one on the far left side of the room. Like it was meant to be his.
“Does this room seem similar to you at all,” the God asked gently, keeping one hand on Virgil’s shoulder. He seemed to deflate a little when Virgil shook his head. “Okay, that's okay, Kiddo. Now, I want you to wait here, okay Hon? I’m going to get our friends and we can talk this whole thing out.” He leaned forward and gave Virgil a gentle kiss on his forehead before leaving the throne room and leaving Virgil alone.
Virgil swallowed and looked around slowly, trying his best to get his bearings. The room was gorgeous but his eyes kept getting drawn to the small, purple and black throne. It was deceptively dainty looking almost like the throne of a Queen that Virgil had seen once in a book Elliott had given him. But, even from halfway across the room, Virgil could see that the metal was sharp and there were two small, detachable knives on the arms of the throne that would’ve been perfect if the person sitting there suddenly needed something to throw. And there was a power simply radiating from the throne, like if the wrong person sat in it then they’d simply cease to exist.
It was beautiful.
There was a sudden flurry of noise and Virgil spun around, tensing up defensively. The noise was coming from a doorway and Virgil could hear one voice rising above all the others, “You can’t be serious, Patton! He’s been in a dirt poor farm town this entire time?!” There was the soft of Patton answering back, though Virgil couldn’t make out exactly what he said, and the same voice from before snapped back, “No way! Vergilius wouldn’t stay away from us, we’re his family! Whoever you brought back is an imposter, it has to be!”
Virgil stepped forward nervously, walking up to the doorway and standing right beside it but still not be seen. A new voice jumped in, low and suave. “We don’t know that, Roman. We should meet him, just in case it really is Vergilius!”
“But what if this is some evil monster who tries to put us under his spell?!”
“Roman - hes’s not a monster!”
Virgil jumped at a new voice snapped out, “Enough!” Roman, Remus, Emile, Remy, you four stay here. Myself, Patton, and Janus will meet with... whoever Patton has brought here.”
“It’s Vergilius,” Patton cried, sounding close to tears. “Logan, I promise-”
“I know, Patton, I know. We’re just going to check that this is Vergilius for certain, okay Sweetling? And if this truly is Vergilius, we’ll want to make sure that he’s okay first before bombarding him all at once. This is just to be safe.”
“And if this is an imposter, then me and Roman will stab him to death and push him into a vat of boiling poison!”
“For once, I agree with my brother.”
Virgil felt a cold stab of fear before it was overwhelmed with the feeling of hot, harsh anger. He was basically dragged here, taken from his home because apparently, some God thought that he was the God of Love and Beauty - fucking ridiculous - and now some other God decided that if he didn’t look enough like this missing God than they were going to be taking Virgil’s life as punishment. Who the fuck did this guy think he was? Before Virgil even knew what he was doing, he was already halfway through the door and spitting out, “Well I fucking don’t!”
The hallway was filled with eight people, all who turned at the sound of Virgil’s voice, but Virgil turned all of his attention to the one with a sword drawn and glaring daggers at Virgil. He didn’t half to be a genius to know that this was the guy who had called him an imposter and jumped right on board with the ‘Killing Virgil’ plan. Virgil decided that he didn’t like this guy.
The guy - he had to be God - puffed up and stalked up to Virgil, baring his teeth at him. “How dare you wear the face of my friend, you imposter!”
“I’m not a fucking imposter and I’m not your fucking friend,” Virgil snapped, planting his feet and glaring up at him. The God glared right back at him with bright red eyes, gripping his sword so tightly that his knuckles were turning bright white. “So don’t go yelling at me!” He pushed at the God’s sword arm so hard that the God nearly dropped his weapon.
There was a moment of tense silence before one of the others cleared their voice, stepped forward with a raised finger and said, “Just so you all know, I’m on Pattycake’s side. That is definitely Vergilius.” They stepped back with a smirk as the God with the sword turned his glare at him. “Hey, just saying, Roman.”
The God - Roman - huffed and turned his snarl back to Virgil. “I don’t care what you say, Remy. I know Verglius and he wouldn’t hide out in some random town while we’re all looking for him!”
“My name isn’t Vergilius,” Virgil snapped, feeling the urge to stop his foot. “It’s Virgil! I don’t know any of you guys and my name is Virgil!”
Roman spread his arm and nodded firmly. “See!? Even the Mortal agrees! This was just a mistake.” He sheathed his sword and offered Virgil his arm with a sharp smile. “If you’ll come with me, I’ll escort you back to your home and we can go back to looking for the real Vergilius.”
“Wait,” Patton cried, stepping forward and shoving himself between Virgil and Roman. “Roman, I know that this is Vergilius, I just know it! He told me that he had no memories, he told me this! Logan,” he turned to a short man who was staring at Virgil with dark narrowed eyes, “Logan, you believe me, don’t you?”
“...He does bear an uncanny resemblance to Vergilius,” Logan hummed, stroking his chin with thin, boney fingers. “And if he did indeed lose his memories than that would explain why Vergilius never sent word and how he gained those scars. Though, we have had many imposters in the last five years that you were also sure was Vergilius, Patton,” he continued gently.
“It’s Virgil,” Virgil said sharply, straightening up and glaring at the God.
Logan sighed in frustration and opened his mouth but was cut off by that same suave voice from before. “Well, then, there really is a simple way of solving this, isn’t there?” Virgil turned to look at who was talking and froze.
Staring back at him was a man with sharp golden eyes and bright green scales going down the left half of his face, staring down at Virgil with an unreadable expression. He tilted his head and said smoothly with a shrug, “Make him sit in Vergilius’ chair.”
One of the Gods who hadn’t spoken yet - a God who looked very similar to Patton but with bright pink and blue eyes, long brown hair instead of blond, and an outfit that wouldn’t look out of place on a scholar - stepped forward with a frown. “But, Janus, that’s not fair to the Mortal! Patton brought him here, he didn’t come here claiming to be Vergilius! If it turns out that he isn’t Vergilius then the power will overwhelm him and -”
“Wait,” Virgil cried, throwing his hands up in the air. He tilted his chin up and glared at the intimidating God, Janus. “Sitting in that chair will prove whether or not I’m this Vergilius?” Janus had barely nodded before Virgil was turning back to the throne room to sit in the stupid damn chair so he could go back to his farm and sleep until fucking spring.
But Janus’ hand snapped out and grabbed Virgil’s wrist, stopping him in his tracks. “As a favour to Emile here,” he said, nodding at the God with pink and blue eyes, “I will warn you to what the chair will do if you’re not Vergilius.” His lips quirked up. “Unless you’d like to just charge in and sit in it without knowing.”
Virgil wanted to scream, he really did. He could be told what would happen if he wasn’t Vergilius - which judging from what Emile had been saying was probably nothing good - and lose his nerve. Which might just prove to these Gods that he was an imposter and Virgil would be in for a world of pain. Or he would just go in to sit on the throne and damn the consequences.
Virgil blamed the decision he made next on how angry he currently was. There was no way for any anxiety or common sense to peek out and make Virgil nervous enough to take a second and really think about what he was about to do. Before he could fully think about what he was doing, Virgil ripped his wrist away from the smirking God and turned back to the Throne Room, stomping across the hall and ignoring the calls of Patton and Emile to wait and let them explain first before trying it.
Instead, he hoisted himself upon the Throne and sat back, closing his eyes.
It was the most comfortable chair ever. It was like someone had studied Virgil’s body and had shaped the Throne around him. The pillow on the throne felt like it was stuffed full of duck feathers and was made out of velvet. Velvet. Virgil had never even seen velvet before. It was the most comfortable Throne in the history of Thrones. Virgil didn’t know how he knew that and he wasn’t going to think on too closely.
“Okay, so, I sat in the stupid chair,” Virgil groaned as he leant forward. As sad as he was to get out of the Throne, he really wanted to go home and check-in with the rest of the townsfolk. “Can I go home now?” He froze though when he opened his eyes and saw all eight Gods standing around him and watching him with various expressions on their faces.
“I knew it,” Patton whispered a large grin on his face and tears gathering in his eyes. “I knew it.”
Roman was staring at Virgil in numb shock, tears running down his cheek. “Oh... you’re really him,” he whispered. His hand twitched like he wanted to pull Virgil into a hug but he couldn’t commit to the action. “Vergilius.”
Virgil twitched backward, leaning back into the throne. “No, I told you. My name’s Virgil. I’m not -”
“You are,” Janus said, stepping forward. He was smiling at Virgil with tears in his eyes, looking so happy and relieved. “That throne was made specifically for Vergilius and your atoms would’ve melted if you weren’t truly Vergilius. Even if you don’t remember your life as Vergilius or don’t remember us, you are our Vergilius.” His smile grew into a large grin. “Oh, Dear One, I’m so happy that you’re safe.”
Virgil blinked dumbly, feeling like everything he knew had just been turned upside down and nothing made sense anymore. He didn’t want to believe it. He just wanted to go back home, visit with Elliott, and then sleep in his own bed. He didn’t want to believe it.
But he did.
“I don’t understand,” he whispered, tears of confusion pricking at his eyes. “If I... if I really am Vergilius... then what happened? How did... where... What happened?”
Janus pulled Virgil into a tight hug, holding him so tightly like he was terrified that if he let go than Virgil would disappear. “I don’t know,” he whispered. “I don’t. But we’re going to find out. And until we do, we’re never going to let something like this happen again. I promise.”
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