#no ones making fun of me no ones saying anything but cr used to be an Event where i'd watch it live with my friends all in our living room
cadykeus-clay · 11 months
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charmedreincarnation · 5 months
Dream life before the EOTS challenge
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Hello beautiful people! I totally get it- as the end of the school year approaches, I understand there's this huge push to finally tap into our dream lives before the beginning of the next school year. But here’s the thing, I don’t want you all to get too caught up in the timing. Instead, I’m excited to share with you a mix of my favorite techniques that can truly help you tap into your dream life, as we should!
Consistency is going to be your best friend here, and naturally, feel free to adjust these to better suit your preferences. I’ve got this strong feeling that this challenge is going to be particularly impactful for those who thrive on methodical approaches and have been searching for their calling for some time now. the journey to your dream life isn’t about rushing or meeting arbitrary deadlines. It’s about finding what resonates with you, applying it with dedication, and allowing your things to unfold in its own way. Use this for anything… your dream life, shifting, the void state, it does not matter ! Just Remember, the journey to your dream life isn’t about rushing or meeting arbitrary deadlines, please be kind and patient with yourself !
What we will be using this challenge
1.I am 100% sure technique
2.living in the end
3.reverse psychology techniques
4.Questions technique x SATs
5.optional* lucid dreaming
1.This is inspired by @gorgeouslypink ‘s challenge but…
Every morning, as soon as you wake up, either say or write or think "I am sure that I will [insert desire]. Anytime you think of your desire, think or repeat that affirmation to yourself as a reminder. You don’t have to do it a billion times. Once is enough and move on with your life. Another tip is, one of my first shifts was by using the 5 sense method while listening to music. Affirming while listening to your favorite song or sound is basically a hack to get you into your desired state.The key is to do it while listening to a song that makes you feel euphoric and in the morning to revise your mind while it’s in theta state ! Just during those times !!! don’t parrot affirmations if it stresses you out
2. You should be "living in the end" in whatever way inspires you. I encourage you all to create your vision boards on Pinterest if you're a visual person, and really immerse yourself in the joy of knowing this is your life. Those are your pictures.
If you're more of a writer, script your success story that you'll send to me, or write a thank you note to your favorite blogger. In the draft, mention how you used this technique along with whatever else you're doing. Write with the conviction that it's real.
For those aspiring to be YouTubers, film a mock video. If you envision yourself becoming a TikToker, start drafting video ideas. And if your dream is to be an actor, do practice runs of your favorite script, if you’re going to be an entrepreneur, draft your business ideas and proposals and draw inspo from your favorite successful entrepreneurs!
Guys, fulfilling yourself and living in the end should be fun! Embrace your inner child, remember how easy it was to believe in Santa Claus even when you were with your mom buying gifts. To become famous like the kids on Disney, all you had to do was desire it and practice making the Disney sign with a wand. Let's bring that love back to manifesting.
3.If you're someone who likes vaunting or affirmations, instead of just parroting affirmations, use the reverse psychology method! Talk about how tired you are of succeeding, how you want to wake up in your CR not your DR, how you're tired of waking up in the void, how lucid dreaming every night by accident ruins your sleep schedule, etc. Do some of the vaunting in front of a mirror, I don’t know theosucholgy about it but vaunting with convections in front of mirror looking straight into my own eyes always brought me results in days.
4. Before bed, think about what you want, imagine being there, and start asking yourself creative questions. Really picture yourself in that situation and take part in it as you answer. One at a time, slowly, we'll get into each question by thinking up answers and feeling like we're really there.
The whole point is to immerse ourselves in the reality of this state as we paint the portrait. Ask yourself whatever questions, then imagine that scene. It doesn’t matter if you do 40 or just 1. Ask yourself what it’s like to enter the void state every night and have a scene of you living your dream life doing whatever you want. Ask yourself what it’s like to be a girl who shifts reality while people fight over resources in the 3D, and imagine yourself in your WR (Waiting ROOM) or DR (Desired Reality) living your dream life. Ask yourself what it’s like being someone who is wealthy in the top 0.001% and imagine a scene of buying expensive things, checking your bank account, and making lunch with finer ingredients. Again, it should be fun; it doesn’t matter how specific or vague the questions are, how long or short the scene is, whether it’s one scene or 100 scenes. Fulfill yourself in SATS (State Akin to Sleep). Whether we do this before a nap, after you wake up, or before you go to bed, it does not matter. Pair this with a nice Subliminal with good music if you desire
5.Combine this with anything from my lucid dreaming guide that resonates with you, or just assume you’ll have a lucid dream and read all the ways you can shift/manifest/or enter the void through in my LD guide!
I know how busy everyone is; this shouldn't take a lot of time, nor should it feel pressuring or like a task. We all deserve our dream life and, most importantly, we all deserve to feel fulfilled as we embody the people we truly are. During this challenge, be kind to yourself, remember why you’re doing this and who it’s for—it's for you. Be persistent and have patience, not just to be a good follower of the law but to be good to yourself! We all can do it; I know it.
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
The text updates I was sending a friend while at the protest in Paris yesterday are kind of tragically funny, it goes from "the cops are staying away and as a result everything's going well, they clearly received better orders today, I'm glad" to "wait, no, forget that"
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1. "Everything's going well, there are a couple of small fires but no one cares, the crowd calmly avoids them, some people stop to warm their hands over them, it's very civilised. I don't think the people who set stuff on fire are the problem, when the cops stay away everything goes smoothly"
2. "There are groups of CRS with batons and shields in the side streets but they stay very discreet compared with the other protests and weirdly enough this one is calmer!"
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3. My friend : "Maybe they received different orders today"
Me "Yeah it's a miracle, someone made a sensible decision"
4. "We just passed another side street full of cops and I heard someone said "last time they started charging us, we had no idea why" so yeah they clearly received different instructions today"
Less than 10min later: "never mind we're being tear gassed"
Then: "Never mind they just charged us several times we have no idea why"
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"I arrived at the end point of the march, looked back and there was a fresh new cloud of tear gas over the (very calm, many elderly people) groups in the middle of the march. More police cars + a water cannon are arriving"
Can't overstate how calm the protest was, just people (100K to 300K according to estimates) walking from point A to point B while holding signs. There were a few trash fires but if they'd sent firefighters to extinguish them people would have let them through... I had friends who walked in the middle of the march to avoid any trouble or gas and they still got tear gassed without knowing why. Even supposing there were people ahead of me I couldn't see who were being more antagonistic towards the CRS, surely the hundreds of cops present could have somehow dealt with that without charging and bludgeoning peaceful protesters and tear gassing thousands of people? Right now it's not possible for French citizens to peacefully assemble without getting systematically gassed by police.
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Here's a video of when they first charged the front of the march, the people they're hitting can't move back any faster (I was somewhere in the compact crowd behind wondering (cause I'm not tall I couldn't see anything 😭) why we were suddenly being pushed back when things had been calm and fun until then. People who had been there before were coaching others like 'don't try to run, you'll make the people behind panic, just walk fast'). I counted five or six tear gas grenades going off
From what I've heard from people who were at the protest, the ones who didn't get gassed are the ones who were at the back of the march and left early without completing the march (some left because they saw the cloud of gas ahead). I've also seen people at other protests in various cities yesterday describing a similar situation : peaceful crowd getting separated in two by a charge, gassed and soaked with water cannons, most people having no idea why. If I had to describe this in terms of police strategy it would be, gas as many people as possible to dissuade your average peaceful protester from completing the march and showing up next time, and be aggressive towards the front of the march to rile them up and get nice images of youth burning things or throwing stuff at cops to show on the evening news and turn public opinion against protesters.
(Note that the society of journalists working for France Télévision (public TV, like the French BBC) have published a statement decrying the poor framing of the protests on the national news, saying too much emphasis was placed on the small amount of people destroying stuff and almost nothing on police brutality and the record numbers of (peaceful) protesters in the streets.) (Read this if you're French and have been wondering why some people around you still don't think the situation is worrying...)
Anyway, I'm glad I went. It was good to see so many people just as angry as I am about what's happening to this country and guillotine-chan was in attendance, and many people had very fun signs and I liked this angry flag:
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Day 31 | Gangbang - Pantalone, Tartaglia, Pierro, Dottore, and Scaramouche
Kinktober Masterlist
AFAB Reader
Word count: 4,791
18+, dubcon/noncon, manipulation, lovebombing, blowjobs, vaginal sex, rough, spanking, gangbang, reader ends up spending a lot of time with Pantalone, not proofread
A/n: just a quick note, lovebombing and isolating (as well as guilt triping) are real tactics used by abusive people, remember that this is a dark fic and this is not sexy irl. Also, it's 4:41 am. This will be posted in about 3 hours. I rushed to get this done in time so the last third is rushed. I might go back and edit it.
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You walked in the streets of Monstadt. You swallowed and tried to keep down the building sobs. Blurred colors filled your eyes, but it was easy enough to tell where you were going.
You looked down and shook your head. You were okay. Everything was okay. Don't cr-
A sudden force slammed into you. Or probably the other way around. You stepped back and focused on the person you bumped into. You hadn’t realized you had started walking faster with each thought.
He had long black hair and glasses on a thoughtful face. The accessories he wore looked fairly expensive. Overall, his appearance was a unique blend of beautiful and handsome.
“Sorry. I guess I wasn’t looking.” You turned your face away. You didn’t want him to see the tears in your eyes.
His eyebrows raised. “Is something wrong?”
"It's nothing." You take a breath in, but it turns into a sniffle.
He hummed and watched you for a moment. He began to walk. “Follow me.”
“Huh?” You look at him.
He paused his walk to look back at you. “I’m going to treat you. Good Hunter’s?”
Your eyebrows scrunched together. “Why would you do that?”
He smiled. “Do I need a reason?" He sighed. "But, if you don't want to, I suppose I'll have to go alone."
You guessed it wouldn't hurt. "Okay."
You followed him and sat across from him. He inquired about what you wanted and bought it for you. You felt the stares of passers by, but you couldn’t be bothered to care. The delicious flavor of the food helped to calm you down. But now that you were calm, you were tired.
You were a little over half way done with your meal when he said something again.
"Is everything alright?"
You shrug. You just met him, but you really wanted to get it off your chest. It was killing you to have no one to vent to. To just listen and be there for you. It wouldn't be the end of the world if you told a stranger you'd probably never meet again.
You let out a heavy breath. "I… lost someone important to me."
It hurt to even think about, but it felt good to finally say it. Like a literal weight had been lifted.
He nodded with an apologetic smile. “I see. I’m sorry to hear that.”
You nodded and your eyes rested on the food that was growing cold. Your hands rested on either side of the plate. “It’s,” you swallow, “not nice.”
“As I would expect.” He sat back and glanced up at the sky. “If you could say anything to the gods right now, what would it be?”
You freeze at the sudden unrelated question. Confusion turned into contemplation as you genuinely considered the question. You turn it over in your mind until one phrase solidifies itself in your mind.
“It’s not fair.” You take another bite and chew.
“Unfortunately, life isn’t fair.”
“It shouldn’t have to be,” you mumble.
“You’re right.”
You look up at him. He wasn’t giving you a lecture. Or telling you that it was just the way things were. Like you were used to.
“It’s a terrible thing that shouldn’t have happened to you,” he added. There was a sadness in his eyes. “If you could have anything, materialistic at least, to make you feel better, what would it be?”
You thought for a moment. It would be something to distract you. Something you loved. You answered with something you wanted for your hobby. Slowly you elaborated. Why that item would distract you and be fun. Why this made you so happy and everything about it that you thought was cool. And he listened. For a little bit, you forgot your troubles. You felt better.
Eventually, you had to part ways
Later, you find a package at your door and open it up to find the thing you mentioned and a letter.
You opened the letter. It said, "I saw this on sale and thought of you. I hope it brings you joy and that you feel better soon." From there it asked a few questions about your hobby. It ended with the signature. "-Pantalone, Regrator" There was also a return address.
The Fatui Harbinger? Was that who you spent your afternoon with? It would explain the stares. Your temporary shock of fear was replaced with comfort. Despite the things you'd heard about the Fatui, he was so kind and truly seemed to understand you.
You hugged the letter as gently as you could. A huge grin appeared on your face when you looked back at your present. You scooped it up on your arms and walked inside.
Pantalone walked down the halls. Back in Sneznaya for instruction from the Tsarita. Your letter in his pocket. He'd write a reply that evening and send it off. It was quite a treat meeting you.
He couldn’t help but smile. Apparently it was noticed.
“What are you smiling about? Swindle someone out of their money?” Tartaglia, who had been walking in the opposite direction, said.
“No,” he said, smile ever present. “I simply found a cute, little person.”
“Yes. I’d like you to come with me back to Sneznaya.”
It’d been a few months since you started exchanging letters. Those letters and kind words and small gifts were the best things in your life. They filled you with so much joy each time you received them, even more so when you read that he was visiting again. You barely restrained yourself from hugging him. He put his hand on your shoulder and smiled at you. And during your conversation, he mentioned wanting you to come back with him.
“I think you’d like it, but you’d best bring your best coat.”
“Mmm.” You bit your lip. “I don’t know.”
“I’d like it if you would. It’ll only be for a little bit.” He watched you. “Is there anything you need to stay here for?”
You bit harder. Your eyes rested on the ground. You didn’t… have a reason not to go. And it would probably be fun, right?
And now you were there. In a world of stark, cold white. The only color was in the city you finally arrived in.
Sneznaya was about as cold as you expected. What you didn’t expect was exactly how hard it was to handle the cold. You shivered in your heaviest coat you owned. Thankfully, Pantalone noticed your state and draped his large coat over you.
He showed you the markets. Your eyes lit up at the sight. All of the different things for sale. He noticed whenever something caught your eye and bought It for you. You always told him that you didn’t need them, he insisted. He would have shown you more, but you were too cold for it. He offered to let you stay inside the rest of the day and you accepted.
You walked side by side to somewhere he promised would be warmer. On the way, a red haired man locked eyes with you. He looked between you and Pantalone and walked up. You shrank away, nearly tempted to step behind Pantalone.
“Hey,” he casually waved.
“Childe,” Pantalone stopped in his tracks.He stared at the intruder with his lips pressed into a thin line with a strained smile. This was the first time you’d ever seen him like that. “Hello. To what do we owe the honor?”
“I just wanted to welcome you back and welcome your friend here,” he turned his gaze to you. “Is this your 'cute, little person' you were talking about?”
Despite the cold, your face burned.
"I've heard many great things about you." He winks.
You shrank back in embarrassment with an awkward smile.
“Don't pay him any mind,” Pantalone said. "This is Childe, the eleventh Harbinger."
Your eyes widen and look him up and down.
"You look like you've never seen a Harbinger before," he teased.
"I just wasn't expecting it," you said.
"What? Do I not look like one-?"
"Childe, as much as I appreciate your friendly manner," Pantalone sharply inhaled, "we best get going."
"I'll join you," Childe said, walking beside you.
"Really? Don't you have things you need to get done?" You were fairly certain the life of a Harbinger was busy
"I got time."
"Joy," Pantalone said quietly.
"Glad you think so," Childe said.
You snorted. Childe's mischievous smile grew and he patted your shoulder. You turn your head to Pantalone. Every time you were happy he seemed to share in the joy. But his expression stayed the same. Almost looking at you with… disappointment. Or anger. He turned his gaze in front of him, leaving you to wonder if you had imagined it. Or maybe you misinterpreted it. Or maybe he was just mad at Childe. That was probably it.
Childe made some light conversation on the way there. Eventually you entered a fairly large building. Thank the the Archons it was warm inside, or at the very least warmer. Near the entrance was a room with a fireplace. You rush to it and stand by the fire. Rotating your hands. You backed your hands away and rubbed them when they felt like they were burning from the sudden temperature change.
You looked around the room. There was no one there. However, you heard, who you believed to be, Childe walking in the next room.
You sat on the couch closest to the fire while rubbing your arms. The furniture looked expensive. The couch's wood frame was smooth and reflected light like glass. The fabric was white and accented with images of flowers.
Childe came back with a cup that steamed. With a free hand he took a blanket from a stack. He walked up and handed them to you.
"Thank you, Childe" you said.
"No problem. You're one of the few guests here in a while. And call me Tartaglia." He sat down next to you.
You looked around the room again. "Where did Pantalone go?"
"Oh, probably went off to get some records, or maybe to count his stacks of money again," Childe said lightheartedly.
You nodded. You would have liked it if he told you before leaving. You shiver again as a cold settles in your bones.
You would have started a conversation, but you couldn’t think of much to say. You took a sip from the cup.
"So," Childe took the initiative, "how did you and the banker meet?"
"Oh, I was walking and happened to bump into him. In Monstadt," you added.
"That's all?"
"Well, I guess we talked a little bit, over some food, and we started sending letters."
"Really?" He raised an eyebrow. "He's never that friendly with anyone else. Then again, you are attractive." He smirked.
You shrank into yourself slightly and smiled. "Oh, we're just friends, but thank you for the compliment."
"I was just telling the truth." He leaned back and stretched his arms. He let them rest on the back frame of the couch. "But seriously, I'm surprised you were actually brave enough to come to Sneznaya. And that you would call a Harbinger a friend."
"Is there a reason why someone wouldn't?" You tilted your head.
Childe held back a laugh and covered his mouth before waving his hand. "You know what everyone thinks of us. Everyone always assumes the worst when it comes to the Fatui."
"Yeah. But I gave you the benefit of the doubt and took a chance and you and Pantalone turned out to be really nice." You smiled but it quickly faded. "If only my friends and co-workers could do the same."
"Hm?" He scooted in closer and looked genuinely interested.
You continued. "The second they found out, they never liked it. They keep telling me it's a bad idea and that I need to stay away, but those letters were the best thing that happened to me and they don't even want to think about the fact that they might be wrong. All they care about is that it's the Fatui and keep-" Tears welled up in your eyes.
"Hey, hey, hey." He put his hands on your shoulders.
He pulls you in for a hug, taking your drink and setting it down, and you accept. Holding him close. The arms around you felt like anchors and more comforting than the warmest blanket. You feel yourself melt.
"There, there." He patted your back.
"I haven't even talked to them in a while," you curl in closer. "Why can't they let me have this?"
"I don't know, but you did the right thing. A true friend would want you to be happy. If they tell you to stay away from something that makes you happy, they're bad friends."
The tears fall faster. Your body shakes in small tremors. The whole time, Tartaglia rubs your back and comforts you. It felt so nice. Like all of your problems had evaporated.
You didn't even notice when you fell asleep.
Someone nudged you awake. Your eyes drifted open. You heard footsteps then saw Pantalone. You immediately sit up.
"Have you warmed up yet?"
You barely even nodded when he started talking again.
"Good. Follow me. Unless you haven't rested enough."
Your face burns again and you nearly run to follow him. You quickly waved goodbye to Tartaglia.
"See you." He waved back.
Pantalone led you to an office. You sat while he organized and signed papers. He showed you the trinkets he collected. He then led you to a library. The bookshelves stretched to the height of the ceiling. You had once been in the library of the Knights of Favonius, but this library was so much bigger.
"I'm going to the Tsarita to receive instructions. Stay here until I get back."
"You're leaving again?" Your disappointment leaked into your voice.
He sighed. "As much as I'd like to spend all of my time with you, I still have responsibilities. I doubt the Tsarita would be pleased if I brought someone she did not permit. Afterwards, you can join me for any other task."
You sucked it up and nodded.
The Harbinger seemed content and left, leaving you with nothing better to do than read. You skimmed the titles. Picking up a few and reading a few lines.
In your search for something that peaked your interest, you looked up and saw someone watching you. A short boy in a funny hat. You wondered why he was staring at you, then you remembered Tartaglia mentioning something about not not a lot of guests.
You tried to ignore his gaze, but it was difficult.
He walked up to you. His sharp eyes judged you up and down. You shrank back in confusion.
"So it's you," he finally said.
"What about me?"
"You're the one Regrator's been wasting his time on."
You stood there awkwardly and hugged the book you'd been holding.
"I can't imagine why. Are you some toy of his? Something he finds interesting?"
"I'm not a toy, I'm his friend," you shot back, with some anger.
He looked at you with doubt. His eyebrows raised slightly and examining your expression.
You took a breath. "Did he talk to everyone about me?"
"No. Rumors and hearsay fly." He turned away. "And the fact that idiot Childe must have met you. For how much he talked my ear off about you, I was expecting more."
You shook your head and stared at the ground. "I honestly don't understand why they like me so much too."
He grins and snorts before walking away.
Shortly, Pantalone came back. You walked side by side with him down the hall.
"Someone I hired is securing a room for you to sleep in. They'll come to show you to your room by the end of the day," Pantalone said.
You nodded. "Thank you."
You glanced back in front of you and noticed someone walking the opposite direction in the hall. A large man with silvery white hair.
He noticed you as well. He stopped in front of the two of you and Pantalone stopped too.
"Hello, Pierro. Fancy running into you."
"Hello, Regrator. Who is this with you?" He turned his gaze to you and you suddenly felt very exposed.
“This is my guest. I met them in Monstadt.”
You introduced yourself.
“Pleasure to meet you,” Pierro said with a smile. “I assume this is your first time in Sneznaya. What do you think?”
“I think it’s very pretty,” you said. “And impressive, but it’s a little cold for me.”
He glanced down at your clothing. You remember you’re still wearing Pantalone’s coat. “You should get a heavier coat for yourself.”
“I was going to get them one tomorrow,” Pantalone interjected.
Pierro nodded. “I have to go now. Sneznaya welcomes you. You can stay for however long you want, and if you need anything, just come see me.”
You both said goodbye and continued on your way. You wore a bright smile. Everyone seemed to really like you.
It had been months since then. When you got home, the people in your life exploded at you for going to Sneznaya. Telling you how dangerous it was. How you could have been killed. Why would you go with a Harbinger? To never do that again. Were you insane? Did you have a death wish?
Your final cord of patience snapped. You flew into a rage. Every angry thought you ever had about them erupted out of you. Why were they so concerned about this? Why were they suddenly so concerned about you? Why did they suddenly have to poke their goddamn noses in your business? Why couldn’t you go where you wanted? Why couldn’t you be friends with who you wanted to? Since when did all of the people you talked to have to be approved by them? Why couldn’t you just be happy? Did they want you to be miserable? Why couldn’t they just see you were happy and leave you alone?
You completely cut them off after that. And they finally left you alone. It was great. Until there was no one around you. The loneliness ate at you like a disease. Everyday felt so bleak and gnawed into your chest. And you couldn’t tell why. All you knew was that you wanted someone. The only good things in your life were the letters. Childe and Pierro were sending some now, though Pierro’s came less often. They were your only joy and lit up your world, filled that hole in your chest, even if it was only temporary. You longed to see them again, to talk to them more.
Eventually, it was suggested that you move to Sneznaya. There was a job they could guarantee you would get too. You would have everything you wanted, you could actually see them every single day. You didn’t like the cold, but that was a small sacrifice to make in order to be closer to them.
You didn’t get to see each of them every day, as they sometimes left for missions the Tsarita gave them, but there would always be at least one. You later come to learn that the person you met in the library was Scaramouche, the sixth Harbinger. You also came to meet other Harbingers you’d never met before, such as the Doctor, who you occasionally interacted with.
It was Autumn now. Though, not that you could tell. In Sneznaya there were no trees that changed colors, or signs of the final harvest for the year. The only sign was that it became colder. And you told this to your new friends. About the things you missed. It hurt, but you were happier now.
You got to learn about Sneznayan traditions too, which were always interesting to learn. Apparently, during mid Autumn, instead of indulging in a harvest, the Sneznayans told ghost stories and terrifying tales. They also had activities that were a test of courage of sorts, where an individual or group would have to walk through an area where people would scare them. It sounded so much fun, but you were heartbroken to hear it was done outside and in the dark. It would be too cold for you to want to stay out for long.
On the night that was the height of storytelling and spooking others, the five Harbingers you were the closest to invited you to see a surprise. The entire room was decorated in a way that mixed tradition from where you were from with yours. Spooky decorations that featured a lot of orange. There were large plates of food for you to choose from, and there were games that were nearly identical to the ones you played at home. It was like a party, just for you and them.
The more reserved ones like Pierro and Pantalone didn’t play any of the games, instead would stand by the cider barrel and talk and tell you stories. Scaramouche and Dottore would play games if they got competitive about it.
It was so much fun, and you felt so happy. But, something about it didn’t feel right. There was something strange about there only being six people in a place that looked like it should have been open to more people. Like an actual party. They’d done a lot for you, but this too? There was a small discomfort in you knowing they imported all of this from Monstadt and attended just for you. Like you were in debt.
During the night, when the hour hand nearly pointed directly up, they had another surprise. They manage to get someone to move one of those test of courage things inside. Just for you.
There were several genuine scares. They made you jump into the closest person and cling onto them. The entire time they crowded around you, making you feel claustrophobic, like it was hard to breathe.
When it was over, you all piled into a lounge. Sitting on the couches and laughing with each other. Was it your imagination, or was everyone staring at you?
You sat next to Tartaglia. Having a conversation between him and someone else on the other couch. You freeze briefly when you notice his hand on your thigh. You brush it off. He was always a little touchy around you. Nothing strange about it. But he squeezes, and you try to swallow down a lump.
You heard your name being called and it pulled you out of your daze. From Pantalone’s tone, you guessed this wasn’t the first time he said your name.
“Come over here,” he said.
You excuse yourself to Tartaglia and walk over. You sit next to Pantalone. There’s a conversation, you were exchanging words, but it was hard to hear once he started rubbing your shoulder with his thumb. The blood rushed in your ears. Why was your body reacting like this? There was nothing weird about this.
He guides you onto his lap, and in your confusion you do it without thought. You sat there stiffly. His hands were all over you.
“Your mind seems to be elsewhere.” He pulled you closer in. There was something pressing into your butt. “Did you enjoy our surprise?”
“Yes,” you said. Much more quietly than usual.
“Did it make you tired?” He teased. His lips grazed against your neck
The other Harbingers seemed to move in closer. You suddenly felt so small.
“Yes,” you said.
“Poor thing,” Dottore said.
Pantalone’s hand wandered into the inside of your thigh. He messaged your leg. His other hand stroked every inch of you that wasn’t sitting on him. His lips were on your neck. Someone’s hand touched your hair. He whispered in your ear.
You shrank away from all contact, adjusted yourself, and closed your legs. Pantalone’s hand clenched.
“What’s wrong?” His other hand held your neck. “I thought we were friends.”
“We are,” you said. “But I don’t feel comfortable with this. I-” Tears start to well up. You look around the room for someone to back you up. They only stared back.
“Why so cold? And after everything we’ve done for you. Do you not care? Were you just going to take my money and run?” The hands grew slightly tighter.
“No. Of course not,” you plead.
“Then can’t you do one thing for us?”
You’re not sure why, but you find yourself nodding. He continues where he left off. His fingers pushed on and rubbed your pussy through your clothes. You shift uncomfortably.
Someone sits down beside you, making the cushions and you bounce. It was Tartaglia. He smiled at you. He takes your arm, his hands rub and squeeze as they go down. He holds your hand in his, close to his face as he leaned in closer. He kissed your knuckles. You stared into his eyes.
A gloved hand grabs your chin and turns your head. Pantalone pressed his lips onto yours in a stolen kiss. You froze. He pressed further, tightening his grip until it hurt. You kiss back. It was a soft, sensual kiss, at least you thought it was. It was also greedy. And it only made you feel cold.
He finally pulls away and you gasp for air and want to wash your mouth with soap.
Pantalone tugs on the clothes covering your chest.
“Take it off.”
You do what he says, pulling it over your head. Suppressing the urge to cover up. Trying to forget everyone watching you. That seemed to make him happy and he kissed your cheek.
Scaramouche stood up and walked to you. He grabbed you by the hair, forcing you to lean forward.
“Are you just going to hog them the whole time?” Scaramouche said.
“Fine.” Pantalone shrugged and let go of you.
Scaramouche pulled you off of his lap and on your knees on the floor. Before you could comprehend anything else, a dick was against your lips. You looked up at him. He glared down at you. You opened your mouth. The second you did, it was filled with cock. He used your hair to shove you down his cock, over and over again. Making a line of saliva at the base of it. Your throat already hurt and clenched around him.
Someone behind you takes off the bottom half of your clothes, leaving you exposed. The hard appendage pokes into your backside. It makes its way to your hole and thrusts in. The snap of skin reverberating in the air. You yelp, making Scaramouche shove you all the way down unexpectedly. You felt a hot substance pour down your throat. But he didn’t stop.
Dottore stands up and stops next to you. He grabs your hand and puts it around him. His hand squeezes yours and moves it the way he wants. You do your best to fulfill his needs while being stuffed at both ends. You thought you heard him praise you, but you couldn’t quite catch it.
Judging by the grunts behind you, you guessed it was Tartaglia plunging into your hole. His hands anchored on your hips.
Thoughts try to push themselves into your mind. To try to figure out what you even thought about this, but you push it away. Just keep going. Don’t think.
Tartaglia’s hips stutter and he moans loudly, filling you with his load. He pulls out of you with heavy breaths. Immediately, Dottore takes his place. He was much rougher. Abusing your hole. Each thrust shoves you forward. Hard smacks landed on your ass, making you cry out.
Scaramouche cums again and finally withdraws. A pink dusted his face and he walked back to the couch. Your arms nearly felt too weak to hold your top half up.
Heavy footsteps walk around you to your front. Pierro. He shoots a look to Dottore who calms down for just a moment, making you feel relieved. Pierro gently guides your mouth to take him. You suckle on him, doing your best to fit him in your mouth. Dottore returns to his rough pace from before. This time the first Harbinger doesn’t stop him. In fact, he seems to enjoy you jerking forward from Dottore’s handling.
When they both cum, you fall to the floor.
Yet, Pantalone waved you over. You weakly crawled over to him. He helped you up and back on his lap. He thrusted up into you. Pushing you into the air and pulling you back down over and over again. Tears leak from your eyes. Until finally he finishes too.
You lay on him. Exhausted. Warm tears still pour out of your eyes. Overwhelmed, but not knowing what to do. Things wouldn’t go back to normal again, would they?
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randommothxd · 2 months
Art commissions=open (NO R34 but I'm ok with anything else)
Name:maggot :D
Birthday: December 23 2010
I'm not human,please don't refer to me as one
If you must,I fully identity as a demon :3
Disorders:osdd 1b,adhd,ocd,anxiety,social anxiety,BPD,panic disorder,autism,ddd disorder,AVPD,narcissism,maladaptive daydreaming
My alters as of now: Ava (she/her 9 yr) David (he/him 40 yr) Ray (any but she/her 12 yr) Star (it/it's unknown age SpongeBob) Alana (she/her 7 yr) Xeno (any unknown age alien) Stacy (she/he/them 15 yr) Raven (she/her 22) Stone (star/starself minecraft endermen 403 yr)
Current hyperfixation(s):glitterforce
Pronouns:he/him/any gender natural ones/any xenogender
We age dream so we may act childish at times O.o
Age dreaming ages:2 months-9 years old
No dni because ■■■●●■■■ ■■■●● ■■■●●■■■ ■■■●● (XD XD)
🩷my F/os:partyhost and Nyan cat🩷
I also speak Spanish,it's my first language so my English may be bad.sorry in advance
We're very silly and love music.we also luv bugs
Fun facts:we own an ant farm,we love warriors cat,we also reality shift and belive in conspiracy theories (the moon landing is real and the earth is round.there are more conspiracy theories than just that/passive aggressive)
You can interact but please don't message me/try to talk to me directly if you: use "fatherless" as a insult,are an anti pro/self/com/dark/cr@ck shipper,are nsfw,are going to send hate,have me in your dni,want to try to discuss discourse
What I do is not up for discussion unless it's constructive criticism.any hate will get you exposed and blocked
I believe in: satanism,pro choice,LBGTQ,BLM,anti animal testing/ab0s3,fiction freedom,anti cringe culture,trans rights,recovery
I don't believe in but still interact freely:transid,radqueers,non-proshippers,mankind,Anarchy,anyone else as long as you're not rude
I block freely
Respect me and I respect you!
Please send asks (they make me happy)
What do I even do?: I shitpost alot but sometimes I make art.i post vents alot also because my mental health is -10/10!!! But I try not to over do it as I try to keep things bright and happy.i make flags sometimes.please request flag ideas.only if you want to but I really wish you did because they're really fun for me to make and it's free
Also,my book!!!!
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That's all I have to say,byeeeee
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ihavenothingtodo10220 · 9 months
Hwang Hyunjin ideal type & Relationships in general ꨄ
-Hyunjin's ideal type, relationship info, and anything else is based solely on his natal chart. His birth time is currently unknown, so I calculated this chart with that in mind. Some things may be slightly inaccurate based on that but I tried my best with what I have. Basically, I'm going to first do breakdowns of him in a relationship and his general type based on every aspect of his natal chart, then at the end an overview of all the things combined. The breakdowns will be more detailed, though, and contain more of my reasonings. The overview will combine everything together, and contain more info on his ideal type, as well as how he is in reationships. This is just for fun, please take this with a grain of salt! The breakdown of his side of things will be in normal text, while his type based on it will be in italics. I'm considering making an additional three posts: One more in-depth one going into Hyunjin's birth chart, another more in-depth one going into Hyunjin in a relationship, and the last more in-depth one going into Hyunjin's ideal type. Maybe even a more 18+ one we shall see. Let me know if you want that. This is definitely going to be more heavy on his Venus and Mars, as well as his Moon, Sun, and Rising signs. This will also begin with a few notes at the beginning, basically ratings based on the combination of all these traits.
F-Boy levels - 7.5/10 (I definitely think he would want a committed relationship, but it'd be hard for him to have one. It's a combination of so many things, with 1. Him being a star in his early twenties with millions of people thirsting after and worshipping him, 2. his placements implying HEAVY sexual desires, and just general high...Drive. 3. Some of his placements, when combined, point to him having a distinct inability to stick to one person, or commit to a relationship. Granted, when he does, he'd be the best boyfriend, but...Getting him to? One hell of a ride. Though this'll definitely be covered more in depth at the end.)
Boyfriend material - 7.5/10 (Honestly, if he wasn't so goddamn non-committal he'd be a 9. Hyunjin as a boyfriend would be amazing, all things considered, even if he can be a bit critical. Though, again, go into this in-depth at the end.)
Pisces Sun
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Trust Pisces tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves when it comes to love and romance, but it's still an earned privilege, as they don't generally open up to just anyone. They're extremely selective with their inner circle, and when it comes to first impressions and gut instincts they're unswayable. Either they trust you, or they don't. No in-betweens. As such, he'd naturally be attracted to extremely honest people, as well as attracted to trust in others, as well as people who are very upfront and open. Not the type who will tell their entire life story to him immediately, but the type who will be upfront with their feelings and desires, and will essentially let him know what exactly he's getting himself into. Essentially, he needs someone he knows for certain he can trust, and who trusts him in return.
Sensitivity Pisces are very very sensitive when it comes to both themselves and the world around them. They're extremely touched by suffering; at least in theory. They believe in people and have a hard time saying no. They are also deeply hurt by a lack of compassion. They avoid harsh realities by escapism or delusion, but every now and again when they are faced with the harshness of reality, they retreat into their own world. They're definitely self-pitying when they get like that and give themselves pep talks, though they're prone to very extreme solutions in their minds, such as thoughts like "I'll never trust again!" that's usually fleeting. Those periods are also useful because bouts of self-pity make Pisces come back with a pep in their step better than ever. They help Pisces grow. They also make them even more compassionate and trusting. Pisces is a creative with angst, although this is brought out more in Pisces moons. He can also be very self-destructive, and worry about betrayal, though those around him may find it more endearing than anything. He can also be very self-sacrificial at times, even if his Pisces Sun will make him yearn for kind of the white picket fence dream. Pisces look for people who can be there for them, and help care for them. Someone who is in-tuned with emotions, and can help ease them through these periods and listen to their troubles, as well as talk about the deeper things in life. They need someone who's warm and compassionate and caring, as well as ideally someone with a confidence and steadfastness that helps balance out their sensitivity and generally self-pitying nature. Pisces also love praise, albeit they're very perceptive, so they'll know if it's honest, real praise or not. They like honest praise that's not just surface-level like "I like your shirt!" but something deeper and genuinely from the heart. They also need someone with enough emotional maturity to help combat their general emotionalness.
Indecision With Hyunjin's particular Pisces positioning, albeit guesstimated, he has a lot of conflict with his wants and needs, often leading to indecision. He also has a tendency to stray in many aspects of life, definitely putting the 'stray' in 'Straykids'. His ability to be objective is both a strength and a weakness because when he decides on one thing he's pulled in another direction. Something will always make him question his stance, often forming "What if..."s. He's always aware of the opposing side of the coin. In addition to this, he's strong-willed and sensitive, which can most definitely create conflicts when all three things combine, though they'd subside with time. There's often conflict between his more internalized needs, and his goals and motivations. Because of this, his private and public personas are entirely different, mirroring his inner and outer goals being different. Hyunjin would probably find himself more drawn to someone decisive, know what they want, and voice those opinions. He'd also be drawn to someone who could help guide him, and offer advice and counsel when it comes to decision-making, without being entirely overbearing or controlling of his decisions. Someone who could help him out, and who he could talk to when trying to make important decisions he can't seem to decide on. He'd also need someone who wouldn't be distinctly bothered by the difference between his private and public personas and would know that he still loves them and he's always going to be Hyunjin.
Virgo Moon
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The Little Things Virgo moons find security in the little things. They feel content when all the little details are straightened out, and may even find genuine joy in running errands, balancing the books, and paying bills. Even if some won't let on, they still take care of those things happily. Though they can get very naggy. But as long as they're appreciated, they'll help take care of the lives of those they love as well. They're at their best when they feel useful and needed like they have a purpose and a role. If someone needs help they're usually the first to jump on the task. Many consider Virgo Moons to be underachievers, but in reality, most are simply content with living lives that are...Well, regular. They appreciate simplicity. Virgo moons definitely like to have someone they could care for, and look out for. They like being able to take care of their partners and feel needed by doing little things for them. Virgo moons are generally very domestic people, and they like taking care of chores and such. They definitely feel more in their element of caring for others and would prefer it to be that way. They're drawn to people who seem weak or even almost incapable, and who can't care for themselves on their own, so they can feel needed, and help out caring for that person.
Overwhelmed Virgo Moons are very easily overwhelmed by pressure and stress. They worry a lot, especially when there's so much to think about, and know their limits which is both a blessing and a curse. Virgos find solace in a steady routine, or a satisfying job. They need to feel useful. They need a place to call their own, and the space to do what they want to do. Virgos often gravitate more towards owning homes than renting because of it, as they want to be able to do their own thing in their own space without too many restrictions. He can sometimes even get fussy or complain-y if he's unhappy with something. They enjoy routine and freak out if the routine is not followed or deviated from. They are restless and nervous and fail to see the big picture in things sometimes. Often the best remedy for this is a job or hobby where they can express their deep need to analyze, micro-manage, and attend to details. Hyunjin would probably be drawn to someone with a calm, more laid-back, or relaxed demeanor to offset his being prone to getting very stressed and overwhelmed. He'd probably look for someone with a calm, balancing aura who can help calm him down when he freaks out about something. He'd look for someone who can help draw him out of his shell just enough, but still be able to follow a routine, and be a reliable constant. He'd want someone with whom he'd know what he's getting himself into and know he can rely on. He'd want someone reliable and would definitely find himself more drawn to the type who are also very routine people like himself.
Practicality Virgo moons show love in more non-showy and practical manners. When it comes to open, gushy displays of emotion they can be stiff or freeze up, or not even know what to do. Oftentimes they'd even be uncomfortable with it. Virgo moons are often shy with new people, though when they open up they're anything but. They're talkative, and interested, and even interesting themselves. Virgo moons are trustworthy and reliable and can be counted on. Others can go to them for help and advice. In relationships, they're self-effacing and kind. Some are shy and easily intimidated in love, and others aren't comfortable with their sexuality, but all are eager to please nonetheless. Virgos are very body-aware, and as such they can be very self-critical as they're too aware of the parts that make up their body as a whole. Once they learn to come out of their shells, they can be very earthy and have a lot to give. He's also very skeptical, and wouldn't respond well to the blind faith of others. He'd be very critical, to a maddening level, and insistent on seeing the practical and everything. It could be challenging, especially if you're on the dreamier side. Virgo moons can also come across as confusing. For example, they're very interested in the problems of others but can come across as cool and unsympathetic. Their advice can seem hard to more sensitive people, yet when faced with the criticism of others they're more delicate. Virgo moons are voices of reason. They're very busy, and happy when their lives are under control. Many are early risers who go about the day with enthusiasm. They keep busy and manage their lives quietly, and give good advice. Hyunjin would inherently be attracted to people who are definitely affectionate but can be more subdued in public settings. He'd be drawn to someone who could bring him out of his shell and someone who he could feel entirely comfortable with. He'd want someone who can talk, and who can listen, and just genuinely someone he can talk to and even have deeper conversations with. He's a very trustworthy and reliable person, and as such, he'd naturally expect his partner to be the same. He'd want someone who talks to him about their problems but can also listen to his own. He'd definitely want someone who can bring out the more hidden sides of him, whether it be his talkative nature or his sexuality. He'd also want someone who makes him feel good about himself and his appearance. Someone who makes him feel like he's actually worth something. He has a lot to give, and anyone he's with should have a lot to give as well. He'd need someone who's more thick-skinned, and could handle his criticism. He'd also need someone who trusts him, but doesn't trust him immediately or blindly. Ironically, an excess of trust would make him trust his partner less. He could do good with someone who's more whimsical or dreamy, as they'd broaden the horizons of his inherent practicality, but at the same time he'd be more drawn to like-mindedly practical people, and might even find someone too dreamy to be annoying.
Perceptive Again the rest of this is definitely delving more into exact positioning, granted very guesstimated. He's very perceptive and will tune into the emotions and feelings of others. Because of this, he'll often withdraw from others isolate himself, and get overwhelmed easily, because he's constantly drawing in the feelings, emotions, and energies of those around him. He may have strong and sudden feelings or hunches that can overcome him. Though, his intuition is almost always correct, though his imagination is strong and as such he can read too much into a situation. He also has a deep connection with music due to this placement, as it ties in with his understanding of compassion. Oftentimes music resonates with him, and can even hone into the more emotional sides of him. He can dissect music for its lyrics feelings meanings and emotions, and often does so. He uses music as an outlet for emotions, as well as to help relax and uplift him. Though he'd undoubtedly be quick to grow annoyed, even if he's generally calm, humble, gentle, and reserved. He also has a very good memory, especially when it comes to the little things about people. He's also very devoted by nature. Though he may be more passive, as he was probably branded as a "shy" child, and as such those around him jumped in to save him from more confrontational or aggressive situations, now he's much more passive and won't just go out and get what he wants. Hyunjin would definitely want someone who is emotionally intelligent and competent but isn't overly emotional, again circling back to his attraction to those on the calmer side. He would want someone who's very straightforward in all manners, including emotions, and who wouldn't overwhelm him and can genuinely relax around. But he'd also want someone who can give him space when he needs it and is fine with that. He'd want someone who's as into music as he is, and who he can talk about music with all the time, and can even sing songs with. They don't have to be good at singing, but they just have to be able to sing along with him and have fun and no judgment. He'd also want someone who understands emotions and music as much as he does, as that amount of perceptiveness is harder to come by. He'd definitely want someone who's more in-tuned with and in control of their emotions.
Pisces Mercury
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The 'Kid' in the Stray Kid. He sponges up the feelings and moods of those around him. He's moody, and sometimes he's withdrawn while other times he's quite the opposite. He's tactful and will go out of his way not to offend others, though that may cause him to let people walk all over him a little. He has a flexible mind, and mixed with his imagination it can make him very gullible, though he's open to possibilities. He's indirect, and it can be hard to pin down his beliefs and opinions. He looks on the bright side of life. He is happy, optimistic, agreeable, and sociable. He enjoys speaking and writing and is very charming and artistic. His intellectual pleasures are heavily influenced by feeling, like many other things in his life. Though don't get it twisted, he's definitely on the amorous and sensual side of things. He likes beauty, the arts, traveling, and a change in scenery. He also aims for diplomacy and is very charming. He is tolerant, intelligent, has big ideas, and has a strong sense of justice. His judgment and sense are good, and he generally has his feet on the ground. He fully enjoys literature and learning and will be very socially successful. He can also be quick to see the flaws in situations. He definitely would not be drawn to a more moody individual, instead being drawn to people who can be more objective when it comes down to it, and are more calm and stable. He would be drawn to someone who can put up with the changes from talkative to withdrawn and would be fine with them. He'd also be drawn more to someone he could be more open to, and someone who isn't overtly aggressive, as he'd desire more calm in a relationship and avoids arguing. He'd need someone who can definitely knock some sense into him and combat his overall gullibleness, and his desire to believe those around him. He'd also be drawn to someone who he could be comfortable enough with to be straightforward, and voice his thoughts, needs, and opinions. He'd want someone with similar interests, and who's a fellow intellectual who. he can speak to about deeper topics, or literature. He'd also be attracted more to people who are alluring and sensual, kind of like the seductive type. He'd be attracted to someone with innate charm and beauty, not necessarily someone who fits beauty standards, but who he finds to be drop-dead gorgeous.
Pisces Venus
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Love Pisces present themselves as very dreamy and soft-hearted partners. The way they flirt definitely promises a lovely time in more ways than one, and they can most definitely fulfill that promise. He has an elusive charm and is generally very playful, moody, and a tad irregular. He appreciates romance and poetry and prefers to feel out both his partner and the relationship, so there's not much planning ahead. (We'll conquer how that ties into his Virgo moon later.) His sensitivity can be a tad misleading. Yes, he's sensitive, but some lovers may find it maddening that his sensitivity isn't exclusive, but rather towards everyone. His love is unconditional, and he'll make it known. He's unimpressed by status and loves a person by who they are on the inside and that alone. He can be confusing and hard to pin down when it comes to his relationships. As much as he wants to, he'll find it hard to commit. Many do end up committing, though, at least on the surface. Pleasing Pisces Venus involves tender moments and romantic times. Do not expect honesty from them, if anything expect them to spin the truth a tad. But know they do it because they don't want to hurt you, and want to spare you any heartache. Try to know them, even if they don't often know themselves. Hell, most Pisces Venus have a love affair going with being misunderstood. Try to put up with their lack of direction in a relationship. Pisces Venus finds it hard to commit to any one thing, even people. You will be rewarded with accepting, unconditional love. He's attracted to an underdog or a wayward person in need of his help. He can easily get into saving someone or being saved, because he's attracted to martyrdom, or states of suffering. He is also attracted to being saved. He's actually into inequality, surprisingly. He'd definitely go better with someone who is entirely submissive, or entirely dominant, no in-betweens. Not only that, but he'd go better with someone who can go with the flow and feel the relationship out with him, instead of just planning everything out. He'd do best with someone who could put up with his occasional lies to spare their feelings. Someone who could bring the truth out of him, or someone who could read him well enough to figure out the truth on their own. He'd also do best with someone who can put up with his indecision, and even possibly help guide him in that aspect.
Generosity He is good-hearted and generous. He likes well-being, comfort, and a problem-free life of ease. He has good relations with those in his social circle, and is easy to approach. He also may fall in love easily. He has a successful partnership and professional life. People usually trust him. He definitely would want someone who's good-hearted like him, and definitely someone who's more calm and easygoing, and could fit into a life of ease and leisure. However, he could also go for someone who, for all their easygoing calmness, is a massive pessimist or realist, to balance him out and essentially take off his rose-tinted glasses. However, that may also create conflict. Definitely hit or miss. He'd do well with someone who's possibly an ambivert, someone who can be introverted or extroverted depending on the situation and give the best of both worlds. Someone who can keep up with him in social situations and also bring him out of his shell with new people.
Intensity In an attempt to control the outcome of a relationship or someone's feelings, he may resort to games or manipulation. Even if he succeeds at that, he never feels he loves someone for who he is, and this creates a cycle that should be avoided if and when possible. His feelings are intense, or even extreme. He might attract an intense love-hate relationship because of his intensity. He's passionate with love, but also with hate. He can easily put pressure on a partner with his expectations, namely expectations of absolute loyalty and honesty. Should avoid allowing relationships to get to a point where the partner is superfluous and he is working through his own inner demons through that person. He will learn about himself through relationships, and not always like what he sees. He meets himself (Most definitely a darker side, or "inner demons" but not in an emo way.) through his relationships, and it will be critical he will recognize it's himself and not project it onto his partner. Letting go of a relationship can be hard for him to do. Definitely "If I can't have you no one can." type of possessive...Definitely not a yandere but honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he has the potential. He'd undoubtedly need someone who can both give up control, but also put their foot down. Someone who can easily notice the beginnings of manipulation and snuff them out in a tactful way. Someone strong mentally, to not let them get to them. Essentially someone who can stop the cycle. He needs someone with strong feelings, but definitely not with the same intensity as his own, not in a way that they don't love as strongly, but rather that they're not intense and controlling and manipulating. He needs someone who can balance him out and is much more mellow in their love. Someone who can put up with possessiveness to an extent, but won't let it grow worse or become a habit, or even grow too extreme. Essentially he'd need someone who could put their foot down while still being mellow and being able to put up with it in small dosages and not often.
Aries Mars
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Impulsive This is an extremely impulsive placement. The first instinct of people with Aries Mars is to take action. Quick flare-ups are common, but they don't usually last long. In fact, these people don't live in the past and don't have lingering resentment or grudges. Generally, their anger comes quickly and they deal with it just as fast, so there's little room for festering. When Aries mars people listen to their instincts they get things done and make fast and usually decent decisions. They don't stop and smell the roses, or consider other's points of view when they are deliberating over what to do next. In fact, it can barely be called deliberation with Aries Mars because it's so quick. Spontaneity is one of their assets, along with simplicity, purity of action, and innovation. He'd definitely need someone with a temper not as quick as his. Someone who can put up with these flare-ups and think rationally, and help him cool down. But because he's prone to letting things go, he'd definitely end up finding himself with a partner who keeps his grudges FOR him. Kind of like that meme that's like "Okay, I hate him too now, because you're too nice and you don't know how to hate anyone right.". He'd also need someone who's more rational and takes time to think logically. Someone who can balance out his impulsiveness, and maybe even teach him to be more patient and to think things through more. Though additionally, he could also go well with someone who's just as impulsive, though I see that quickly spiraling out of control.
Thrill Aries Mars are often a step ahead. A life that grows predictable quickly makes them extremely antsy. Aries Mars people enjoy starting fresh. New ideas, pioneering action, and fresh projects make them happiest. They also enjoy challenges. Relationships with Mars Aries can be exciting, but difficult to keep up with. They aren't known to stick things through, and are generally given to impulsivity. Although their physical energy is great, they can lose their initial enthusiasm quickly. They're also irritated if others are indirect, they expect others to say things straight up without beating around the bush. They easily become impatient with convoluted plans, or with people they consider to be slow to action. Most people with this placement also happen to have a childlike quality to them. Sometimes they're downright rude and impatient, but you'll always know what they're after. Unless Mars is afflicted in the chart, you can also pretty much trust that they don't have hidden agendas. He'd need someone who's exciting, and can keep him interested. Someone who is straightforward and has many layers, so they're always bringing something new to the table. He'd also love a chase, so he'd want someone who plays hard to get, but not too hard to get to where he grows bored of them. He needs someone fun, who can always keep him interested in them.
Love Love affairs are passionate and intense, downright filthy even, and showcase the darker side of both his nature and passion. He has a good sense of organization and is frank and sincere. He is full of dynamism and energy, and he also loves life, so he takes all it has to offer. He's inclined towards sports and the outdoor life, and e is successful professionally and emotionally. He may have many children or projects and ventures. (If he can actually commit. My man was set up for failure by this birth chart oh me oh my...) He is honest and forthright in his relationships, however detached, whether they're romantic or platonic, and he tends to trust others readily. He can be a bit careless about spending money, however, and this is probably because he is so optimistic that there will always be plenty around. The possibility of failure does not enter his mind, although success itself is not as important to him as enjoyment and happiness are. He can be pleasantly competitive and good-humored. He'd need someone who can match his passion and intensity when it comes to love and can indulge his darker desires. He'd need someone who's not necessarily as sporty and outdoorsy as he is, but at least keep him company or try for the sake of him to indulge him sometimes. He'd definitely need someone who is as driven as he is and could help him with his success. He'd need someone as honest and trusting as he is and someone who can actually earn his honesty and trust even if he has a tendency to give it to the unworthy. He'd also need someone to help him with his money management, who's more frugal or at least conscious of their spending, and has a plan and nice savings for the both of them. Again, he needs a realist and/or pessimist by his side. He'd also need someone with humor as well, and I can see him with someone competitive in a more playful way, who wouldn't just let him win but would definitely not play as hard if he was having a bad day.
Taurus Jupiter
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Fortune He is patient, generous but discriminating, and charitable, so he receives good fortune from it. He should watch for over-indulgence, and he delights in sensual pleasures and wants the good life. He is serious, patient, honest, hard-working, and orderly. His judgment is good and he is inclined to think things over, and he also pursues his objectives to the bitter end, usually knowing when to choose the right moment. He is upright, usually law-abiding, and respects order. He is easily influenced, and he is a dreamer, perhaps allowing himself to be seduced by others' words which are not always sincere, or by a new imagined plan that may not happen. He does not see wickedness right away, preferring to give the benefit of the doubt, but can often be duped by others due to a philosophy that one should trust in people until they prove themselves untrustworthy. He could meet a partner much wealthier than himself. He also has good sexual understanding. Honestly, he'd need someone to keep him from over-indulging too much. He'd also need someone more pessimistic or realistic like I previously said, do balance out his over trusting and just generally way too optimistic nature. Someone who'd pull a "You're stupid, this is stupid, why are you being stupid." card, essentially.
Less relevant placements
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Aquarius Uranus & Neptune May get over-excited at the start of a task that interests him. At times, his debonair personality can give others a banal impression. Generous, especially enjoys resolving problems in order to satisfy everyone.
Sagittarius Pluto, Capricorn Black Moon Lilith, & Leo North Node Sexuality and love are idealized. He may have felt wrong for his desire to excel, succeed, or reach for worldly goals and ambitions, and he may feel uncomfortable around people who seem materialistic, status-conscious, or particularly business-minded and practical or ambitious. It can be hard to connect with his own ambitions and need for approval, but going there and allowing himself to feel these needs can be life-changing. He can be a friend to many but may stumble a little when things get too personal. His path is to embrace his individuality and to allow himself to be the center of attention or to strike out on a unique creative path. He is learning to be more personal and less intellectual when expressing his feelings. Qualities to develop: Intimacy, sharing, self-expression. He needs someone who can match or at least egg on his excitement and enthusiasm. He needs someone who isn't too materialistic, worried about their image, or business-minded. He also needs someone who can urge him on and support him to reach his goals and ambitions, and essentially assure him it's alright to be ambitious. He needs someone who can help him embrace his individuality and can help him prioritize himself and chase his dreams. He needs someone who can help him with his intimacy, sharing, and self-expression. He also needs a personal hypeman/hypewoman.
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Now, we've got the overview of how all these combine into one big thing. Hyunjin, with his Sun in Pisces, has a gentle and compassionate nature that is most definitely captivating. He is a dreamer, a romantic at heart, and finds solace in the depths of emotional connection. With his Moon in Virgo, he brings a sense of practicality and analytical thinking into his relationships, seeking stability and reliability in his chosen partner.
Mercury, also in Pisces, enhances his communication skills, imbuing his words with sensitivity and empathy. This allows him to effortlessly express his emotions and connect on a profound level. Venus, the planet of love, causes him to have a tender heart, overflowing with unconditional love and a deep desire to merge souls.
Mars in Aries infuses his relationships with passion and a fiery spirit. He approaches love with an enthusiastic and adventurous energy, always ready to take the lead and pursue his desires fearlessly. Jupiter in Taurus blesses him with a steadfast and loyal nature, fostering a deep sense of commitment and devotion in his romantic partnerships.
Saturn, also in Taurus, gives him a sense of responsibility and maturity when it comes to relationships. He values stability and long-term commitment and may take relationships seriously, sometimes even placing an emphasis on traditional values. Uranus in Aquarius adds an element of unpredictability and open-mindedness to his approach to love, encouraging him to embrace unconventional connections and explore new horizons.
Neptune, also in Aquarius, amplifies his intuitive and empathic abilities, allowing him to deeply understand the emotional needs of his partner. He possesses a unique ability to connect with the collective consciousness, bringing a sense of shared purpose and spiritual growth to his relationships. Pluto in Sagittarius (Retrograde) suggests that he may have experienced transformative lessons in previous relationships, leading to a profound evolution of his understanding of love and relationships.
Lilith in Capricorn reveals a strong sense of independence and a desire for success in his romantic endeavors. He may be drawn to ambitious partners, and he is not afraid to take charge and assert his needs and desires. The North Node in Leo guides him towards embracing his authentic self and expressing his creativity and passion within relationships.
However, with the Sun in Pisces, his dreamy and imaginative nature may sometimes lead him to be indecisive and hesitant when it comes to committing fully to a relationship. His idealistic nature can make it challenging for him to settle down, as he may have a tendency to seek the perfect partner or an idyllic romantic experience.
The influence of Virgo Moon brings forth his perfectionist traits, as he may have high standards and expectations for both himself and his partner. This meticulous nature can sometimes make it difficult for him to find satisfaction, as he may be overly critical or nitpicky. However, it also means that he appreciates attention to detail and values a partner who shares his desire for excellence.
Mercury and Venus in Pisces contribute to his sensitive and empathic nature, which can sometimes make him more susceptible to boredom. He craves deep emotional connections and may become disinterested if a relationship lacks depth or meaningful communication. However, his compassionate heart also makes him capable of understanding and adapting to the needs of his partner, bringing a sense of harmony and emotional connection.
Mars in Aries fuels his passionate and adventurous spirit, but it may also contribute to moments of restlessness and a desire for excitement. He may seek novelty and stimulation within relationships, which can sometimes manifest as a tendency to become easily bored. However, this energy also infuses his relationships with passion and a willingness to pursue his desires, adding a spark of adventure and intensity.
Pluto in Sagittarius (Retrograde) may bring forth occasional possessive or manipulative tendencies. He needs to recognize and transform these patterns, using the transformative energy of Pluto to evolve and grow in his relationships. Awareness and self-reflection can help him channel the energy of Pluto in a positive and empowering way.
Generally, Hyunjin's yearning for perfection, combined with him not even knowing what he finds to be perfect, his Aries Mars, and his tendency to come up with idealized versions of his partners in his head, plus all the non-committal energies of his placements, he may be prone to cheating. While he IS extremely loyal when he's genuinely committed, the opposite is true when he's not. And because he'll often lie to avoid heartbreak, he'd rather cheat than break the heart of the person he's with by dumping them.
Wwith his Sun in Pisces, he yearns for a partner who possesses a soul as deep and boundless as the ocean itself. His ideal type understands and appreciates the beauty of the unseen, the ethereal, and the mystical. A kindred spirit who has just as big of an imagination as him.
With his Moon in Virgo, he seeks a partner who embodies practicality and a grounded nature. Someone who can balance his dreamy tendencies with a touch of pragmatism, offering a stable and reliable presence in his life. An individual who can appreciate his attention to detail and share his quest for perfection, creating a sense of harmony in their shared endeavors.
Mercury and Venus in Pisces guide him towards a partner who possesses a gentle and compassionate heart, capable of understanding the depths of his emotions and communicating with empathy and sensitivity. He longs for someone who can engage in profound conversations, exchanging heartfelt thoughts and sharing in the wonders of the intangible.
Mars in Aries ignites his passion and adventurous spirit, leading him to seek a partner who can match his fiery energy. He desires someone who can stand by his side as an equal, inspiring him to pursue his dreams fearlessly. A partner who embraces spontaneity, encourages him to explore new horizons, and fuels the flames of his desires with their own zest for life.
Jupiter in Taurus blesses him with a longing for a partner who embodies stability and loyalty. He seeks someone who values commitment and is willing to build a solid foundation in their relationship. A partner who can appreciate the simple pleasures in life, enjoying shared moments of comfort, and relishing in the beauty of a love that grows stronger with time.
While his non-committal tendencies may surface at times, his ideal type can understand his need for freedom and independence. A partner who allows him the space to explore his individuality, while also being an unwavering presence of support and encouragement. His ideal partner would be one who can provide a safe and nurturing space for him to explore his depths, while also encouraging him to transform any possessive or manipulative patterns into healthier expressions of love and connection.
With his Sun in Pisces, craves a deep emotional connection that transcends the superficial aspects of life. He needs a partner who can understand and embrace the complexities of his sensitive and intuitive nature. A kindred spirit who can dive into the depths of his emotions with compassion and empathy, providing a safe haven for him to express his vulnerabilities without fear of judgment or rejection.
With his Moon in Virgo, he requires a partner who can offer stability and practicality in their relationship. Someone who can anchor him when his emotions become overwhelming, providing a grounded presence that helps him find balance. A partner who can support him in translating his dreams and aspirations into tangible realities, offering guidance and assistance in manifesting his visions into the material world.
Mercury and Venus in Pisces guide him towards a partner who can communicate with kindness and sensitivity. He needs someone who can listen attentively to his thoughts and feelings, offering a non-judgmental space where he can express himself freely. The ideal partner would possess the ability to intuitively understand his unspoken words, creating a deep sense of emotional connection through their shared understanding.
Mars in Aries fuels his desire for passion and adventure, and thus he needs a partner who can match his fiery spirit. He seeks someone who can join him on thrilling escapades and embrace the exhilaration of life's challenges. A partner who can encourage him to step out of his comfort zone and explore new horizons, igniting a spark of inspiration and keeping the flame of passion burning bright.
Jupiter in Taurus blesses him with a need for stability and loyalty in his relationships. He requires a partner who is committed and steadfast, someone he can rely on through thick and thin. A partner who can provide a sense of security and consistency, assuring him that they are in it for the long haul.
While his non-committal tendencies may arise from time to time, he needs a partner who can navigate the delicate balance between giving him the freedom he craves and providing a strong and unwavering presence. A partner who can understand his need for independence without feeling threatened, fostering an environment of trust and security.
As for the more intense aspects, it is essential to recognize that personal growth and self-awareness are pivotal in addressing any possessive or manipulative tendencies. He needs a partner who can support him on his journey of self-discovery, encouraging him to confront and transform these aspects of himself. A partner who can provide a safe space for open and honest communication, helping him navigate the depths of his own psyche with compassion and understanding.
With his Sun in Pisces, he seeks a partner who embodies a captivating beauty that transcends the boundaries of the tangible world. He is drawn to individuals with an ethereal allure, possessing a certain grace and enchantment that sets them apart from the ordinary. Their presence should evoke a sense of mystery and intrigue, leaving him captivated by their enigmatic charm.
His Moon in Virgo guides him towards a partner who exudes an understated elegance and natural beauty. He appreciates simplicity and prefers a partner who embraces a more modest and refined sense of style. Neatness and attention to personal grooming are qualities that catch his discerning eye, as he values a partner who takes pride in their appearance while maintaining a down-to-earth demeanor.
Mercury and Venus in Pisces fuel his attraction to partners who possess a delicate and dreamy aura. He is drawn to soft features, such as gentle eyes and a serene smile, which reflect their kind and compassionate nature. Their voice should carry a soothing cadence, like a melodic lullaby that resonates deep within his soul.
Mars in Aries ignites his passion and desire for partners who exude confidence and vitality. He is enchanted by individuals who possess a vibrant energy and a magnetic presence. Strength and athleticism may catch his attention, as he admires partners who are physically active and embrace a zest for life. Their physicality should complement his own, encouraging him to embark on thrilling adventures together.
Jupiter in Taurus blesses him with an appreciation for partners who radiate natural beauty and possess a touch of sensuality. He is drawn to individuals with earthy and harmonious features, like soft curves or strong, grounded physiques. Their touch should evoke a sense of comfort and pleasure, as he seeks a partner who can ignite his senses and create a deep physical connection.
While physical appearance may initially capture his attention, it is important to note that his desires extend beyond the surface. He values authenticity, kindness, and a genuine soul connection above all else. His ideal partner transcends physical aesthetics, as he seeks a deep emotional and spiritual bond that enriches their journey together.
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kyoshitargaryen · 1 month
until dawn, the butterfly effect, and infinite realities explained
for those who like to think about the science behind shifting and infinite realities, or need a little help understanding it
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note !! : this is just my personal way of understanding how infinite realities are possible, and it's the way shifting clicks for me. this does not mean that you have to agree with me, and it certainly does not mean that anything related to spirituality or shifting has to make logical sense -- some things just are what they are, and that's okay! this post is just for fun! it's difficult for the human brain to comprehend something like infinity -- so this is just my way of making infinite possibilities make sense.
this post also relies on believing in the multiverse and infinite realities as a whole, so please keep that in mind before proceeding. I am not an expert in astral projections, alternate dimensions, or vibrational work.
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there is a theory that the universe is made of math -- every bit, from you, to me, from the animate to the inanimate. this is called the mathematical universe hypothesis. it seems that human beings are constantly looking for ways to understand the environment around them, and more often than not we turn to math.
this will be no different. in truth, this is a concept I made as a way to explain reality shifting to my mother. she is very spiritual herself, but she struggled to understand the concept of infinite realities, and she struggled to differentiate shifting from astral projection.
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above is an example of a 3D graph. you may already be familiar with the y- and x- axes, but perhaps not the z-axis.
if you have been involved in the spiritual community for any amount of time, you've absolutely heard of higher and lower dimensions, as well as higher and lower vibrations. you may already know that the plane that we live on is the 3D. this is the physical reality you inhabit. let's say the 3D corresponds to the x-axis. the physical reality will be our baseline.
the y-axis corresponds to higher states of consciousness -- the 4D, the 5D, etc. I'm going to include altered states of consciousness in the y-axis as well, such as meditation, altered consciousness due to external factors such as substance use, dreaming, lucid dreaming, minishifts, general out of body experiences, and astral projection. just like there are infinite numbers between 0 and 1, there are infinite possibility points of altered or higher consciousness, so don't be discouraged if something you personally have experienced is not listed here by me.
the origin point (coordinate 0,0) of this graph represents your current / original reality -- your home base, essentially. Going straight up the y-axis represents the various levels of consciousness I mentioned before, all while remaining aware of this physical reality.
each point on the x-axis represents each of your DRs. for example, if (0,0) is my CR, then (1,0) would be my Hogwarts DR. the infinite points in between (0,0) and (1,0) would be realities where one or many things overlap between the realities, with few overlapping things being closer to (0,0) and many overlapping things being closer to (1,0).
alternate view : you can absolutely look at each point on the x-axis as being the canon of wherever you're shifting to, with the points in between determining how close that reality is to a CRDR versus pure canon
but what would the z-axis represent? they would be alternate realities of each x-reality. While those specifically on the (x,0) axis would be the realities you consciously live in, the realities on the z-axis would be realities where you made a different decision, a la the butterfly effect.
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even the smallest of actions can be the difference between the reality you consciously inhabit, and the realities where you did or said something differently. essentially; everything has a consequence, big or small. these are the realities you exist in, but are not consciously aware of.
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if you want an easy example, let's look at Hogwarts houses. Let's use the reason that (x,y,z) stands for the coordinates of the reality. Hogwarts would be my first DR and in it I am a Slytherin. That would mean that reality would be (1,0,0). Due to the laws of the infinite multiverse, there is also a reality like my DR where I am instead a Hufflepuff, even though I'm not choosing to shift there. That would be (1,0,1), and so on for the other houses.
If I were to do anything that would give an altered state of consciousness in that Hufflepuff reality, it would be (1,1,1) and so on, depending on my level of consciousness.
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you might be asking, what would the negative numbers be in this? remember, the points of the axes stretch on into infinity -- in both directions.
if you're into astral projection or manifestation, you've heard that your experience in the astral plane or in manifesting is dependent on your vibrations.
low vibrations : negative feelings; guilt, shame, fear, anxiety, etc
high vibrations : positive feelings; love, gratitude, genuine happiness, feeling protected
if you are aligning yourself with low vibrations, you will encounter low vibrational beings or experiences. this is the area of toxicity. negative entities thrive here on the astral realm.
the x-axis is not only the baseline for our physical realities, it is also a mirror for the positive and the negative. as above, so below. the negative y's would be functioning on a low-vibrational level on a conscious level (as in, not fulfilling your highest self, leaning into fear or shame, astral projecting in to a low-vibrational plane, having a nightmare), negative x's would be more toxic or negative realities -- these are the realities where the worst can and will happen. don't worry, you obviously won't be shifting there! negative z's would be realities where you choose the wrong path, the more toxic path, where you let yourself be petty and mean.
don't worry -- just because these negative realities exist does not mean you will experience them. you can ignore the negative planes entirely, and your journey and your drs will not be changed. remember, you will always be on the x-axis (x,0) when you are consciously inhabiting your body. the only time you will experience the y-axis (0,y) would be when you are dreaming, meditating, astral projecting, or in between realities like minishifting. and you won't encounter the z-axis at all, unless you choose to rescript your DRs, and even then that would become your new x-axis reality.
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in summary : the x-axis is where you are aware, the physical reality you experience. the y-axis is your level of consciousness and vibration. the z-axis is the butterfly effect in practice.
note : do not think that feeling guilt, shame, or fear means you will always be on the negative planes. you can absolutely shift positively even when you are depressed, or angry, or afraid. it's the difference between staying in wet clothes after the rain or changing into something warm and cozy. even if you get a cold from the rain, or your day was ruined by it, changing your clothes means you're taking care of yourself. as long as you're giving yourself grace, the help and self-care you need, it'll work out!
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that's all for now! I hope it makes sense! please let me know your thoughts, I'm very curious to see how you all react to this. please be kind, as this is my first post and my first time explaining this so publicly.
yoshi !!
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our-magical-world · 3 months
Questions for MHA shifters
My Hero Academia is one of my main DRs and I always enjoy reading / listening to MHA shifters talk about their experiences there, it gives me so much motivation and it's usually super interesting.
So I thought about some questions I'd like to ask experienced shifters about their MHA DRs. Just random things I'm curious about. If you've shifted there and would like to answer (just for fun, feel free to skip any questions you're not comfortable with!) please reblog with your answers, or make a new post and tag me so I can read it. (You can also answer if you haven't shifted, based on your script and ideas, just let us know at the beginning).
1- First, are you a student or a pro hero / teacher / adult?
2- Mandatory question: What's your quirk?? Do you have any special moves?
3- Are you related to any canon characters? (as family or previous relationships like childhood friends, rivals...)
4- Any non-canon characters we haven't seen in the series who are part of your life? (like siblings, scripting your CR friends in there, or having children in your DR)
5- Do you have a crush? Are you in a relationship? or even better, love triangles? relationship drama? I want the tea (only if you're comfortable with sharing, of course!)
6- Did you make any changes to canon? (if you changed too many things, you can just mention a few interesting ones that made your experience very different from canon)
7- Did you script anything or make any changes to canon that didn't turn out as you expected? (as in what seemed like a small change turned out to change the story drastically)
8- Did you meet (or fight) the villains? How was it?
9- Is All Might as impressive as they say in person? (if you met him in muscle form)
For students:
10- Who are your best friends?
11- Did you replace anyone in class 1-A? (or B?) I've seen many people do this so the number of students stays even. Who did you script out?
12- Did you script Mineta out? Or change his personality? If you didn't, did you have any problems with him (especially if you're a girl)? Anyone (else) you scripted out or changed drastically?
13- I've seen way too many shifters say that Momo tends to start drama for no reason in their DRs and I'm a little concerned... was she like that in your DR?
14- What's your daily schedule at UA? Did you script your own schedule/timetable? Any subjects you love or hate?
15- Has anyone seen Bakugo's room or Tsuyu's room? They're the only ones that weren't shown in the series (Mineta's was described in the light novel), I'm curious to know how they decorated them!
For shifters who aren't students anymore:
16- Are you a pro hero? A teacher? A civilian? A villain?
17- What's your daily life like?
18- Who do you work with? Do you have your own agency? Sidekicks?Any interesting team-ups with other heroes?
19- Anything we should know about hero work?
Bonus: 20- Any embarrassing moments to confess? (you can do it anonymously if you want!)
21- Free spot: That's all I can think of right now, but feel free to include anything you want to share! You can also submit your own questions for other shifters and I'll add them to the post or create a new one.
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Do you have anything to say about my baby, the Honda CR-Z?
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(Please excuse the low resolution, I wanted to introduce it with a pic from my collection and this was the only stock one I had)
Oh, the CR-Z... Pepperidge Farm here remembers obsessively following its debut on Top Gear Magazine! Pepperidge Farm and not many others, it seems, as in present day the CR-Z seems to be as relevant in today's car world as basket weaving. Wait, no, less.
In fact, coming up with an answer to this question was the most I thought about the CR-Z in almost a decade.
But thought I have, so here's your answer:
I don't get it.
I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like it! I am on record as a serial Honda liker -hell, to those who think it counts I own one- and I see no reason this one should buck the trend (although I've always felt it would look better with something between the headlights to stop it looking so big-snooty, as the bumper below does a good enough job of exemplifying that I won't bother rendering something better).
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It's just that... I don't know what the point of it was. And looking at its sales that seems to be the experience of most vertebrates.
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(To be fair, U.S. sales started in August 2010 and production ended in 2016 with the following years's sales just being stock clearing - but still, pretty bleak picture.)
It's not like we don't know what Honda were going for, they told us plainly: it's a sporty hybrid car, light on the wallet but heavy on the fun. And Honda would know of sporty compacts - what were they producing as the CR-Z rolled out?
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Oh. It's the most hated of all six Civic Type R generations. Hm.
It's a joke, "most hated Civic Type R generation" is a bit like saying "most normal Kia Soul commercial".
If that car looks unfamiliar to you yankees, however, that's because y'all got different looking Civics for a while, such that your sporty Civic was this, the Si - seen here in the bewinged Mugen trim.
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The Si is meant to sit below the Type R, but, since America wasn't getting the Type R, the yankee Si and non-yankee Type R were free to get the same 200hp from the same venerable engine (one day I'll go over all that makes the K20 so great) and the usual great handling, courtesy among plenty things of a limited slip differential. Wait, why is that not a link? Ah, right, I've never explained differentials... well, for now you can just trust that it's a cool type of differential that helps maintain grip when you're giving it the beans. Wait. Is it "giving it the beans" because you're stomping the gas pedal? Surely not. What is it from? Let me google this... Okay, sources seem scarce and shaky but apparently the idea was that if you fed horses beans they wou- wait this post is about the CR-Z. How did we get here? I swear this NEVER happens.
In short, Honda knew, and has always known, how to make proper sporty cars and give them great engines, whatever their size. So can it possibly have been a surprise when this thing came out and, forget motoring journalists, even the more talkative stray cats were meowing that the CR-Z did not have the engine grunt to back up its sporty pitch?
And look, if anyone here will say a car with as little as 120-130hp cannot be worth bothering with, it won't be a diehard of the Mazda Miata, which sold well over half a million units no more powerful than that. But that's a car that focused on open top enjoyment and getting a lot out of a little, just like the 60s European spiders it threw back to. What did the CR-Z throw back to?
Well that'll be the CR-X.
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Introduced in 1983, the CR-X was a coupe version of the Civic of the time (hence its 1987 update corresponding with the Civic's). And just like the Civic in question, it is most fondly remembered for its sporty, proper-fun Si guise (pronounced "ass eye", because eye me dat ass) and the even sportier SiR that yankees never got. Which makes perfect sense, considering its main appeal against the Civic was the sportier looks.
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Sure, since the CR-X left us North America got a Civic coupe in its stead, but am I going to pretend this thing looked half as good as the CR-Z that was about to join the lineup?
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Not for free I'm not.
So now, imagine the stellar engine and manual transmission from a Civic Si/Type R, but now with electric assistance for even more power AND fuel efficiency, all in a car hundreds of kilos lighter, significantly shorter -thus more agile- and with the sleek CR-Z looks.
Then keep imagining.
The CR-Z never got an Si or Type R version, it was just left to sit there with its 122hp (later begrudgingly upped to 130) that, forget the contemporary sporty Civics, compared unfavorably to its 30 year old predecessor.
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The CR-X was the sportier Civic. If its successor gets walked not just by the Civic but even by the CR-X itself, what's the point of the resurrection?
However, I concede there's an objection to this argument: this graph.
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These are the US sales figures for the second generation CRX (which I think dropped the dash?), and, if you were to be able to parse it, you'd notice that the sporty Si version made up about a third of the sales - meaning most buyers forewent the sportiness in favor of the lower cost of the standard DX model or the High F-iciency of the even slower HF model. So if those versions sold well, why shouldn't the CR-Z have?
Well, if you ask me: image is more than looks.
This blog -and other affiliated entities- touched on the concept of race wins on Sunday bringing sales on Monday, and the same phenomenon happens with cool sport versions. Today's Corolla is a much cooler car in the eyes of the people who see in it the underlying foundation of its extraordinary GR version, and this phenomenon is most amplified the smaller the gap -or perceived gap, at least- between the version you're admiring and the more modest version you could realistically be interested in. I strongly believe that many people bought the dog slow CRX HF because the CRX Si ingrained within them the idea that they were buying something cool.
And Honda, as we touched on, had the perfect engine to dump into the CR-Z to make a wicked sport version. Hell, they could even have just given its regular engine forced induction - and we know it because the CR-Z Mugen RZ did just that!
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Here at last was a perfectly respectable sport version that, while still underneath the Civic's best power-wise, was more than good enough to make car enthusiasts give a damn about the CR-Z. And what did Honda do with it? They limited the production to 300 units and only sold them in Japan. Take a fucking drink.
I cannot fathom why they would do that. It's not that they couldn't homologate the power additions or whatever, because a. that doesn't justify the limited production run and b. the supercharger (or at least a supercharger, not sure if it's the same) was made available in the US in the form of a dealer-fitted optional extra. Not by selling a supercharged special version altogether, no no, that may cause the public to -gasp- notice and care.
What was the point? Were they deliberately trying to keep the CR-Z's image one of an efficiency-focused... sleek hatch-coupe with minimal backseats?
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Wait what?
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Dear God, yankees, what have you done to Honda to get done so comically dirty?
Is it just that they thought y'all too big to fit back there?
That makes it even crazier!
Why in tarnation would they think people would care about a sleek, three-door, two seat, manual... efficiency-oriented hybrid?
Oh, right. Because they made the first generation Honda Insight. Which I myself love.
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This was even sleeker and more hardcore than the CR-X: it was as light as the lightest ones despite the electric powertrain, it did without backseats entirely, it was the most aerodynamic production car that had ever been built... but all this wasn't about performance at all. It was about milking every drop of your hard-earned fuel for every single fucking inch of forward movement it was worth.
And it sold very well! I mean, look at the yearly sales figures!
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Look how much America loved it! In a year of production that started from December it sold around a third the units the CRX sold in a full year!
So imagine what the production numbers were like for the year 2000!
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Oh you mean these are the total sales. Like, all the first generation Insights ever sold in its entire six years and change of production. Oh. And it totals to like 17.000. Which is around how many CRX Si they sold in a year in North America alone. Hm.
Yeah, it suddenly makes a lot more sense how the second generation Insight was a Prius wannabe.
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In fact, now that I look at it... that back looks familiar, doesn't it?
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Well, now suddenly the car makes a lot more sense. And actually, come think of it, let me check the sales figures for the Mk2 Insight...
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Considering, again, the CR-Z's US debut happened in August 2010, they match up pretty well, and it would be a pretty reasonable sales split if we were to consider them the 5 and 3 door versions of the same car.
Now, this may make it seem like it wasn't such a failure after all, and it did well in the segment it was actually intended to compete in. But let's give some context on how good those Insight sales figures are.
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Yeah. Yeah no. The second Insight just wasn't a hit either.
But at least, now I can say I get the car. The Insight was pretty big and... uncool, so the CR-Z was a good way to offer that same hybrid efficiency to people who wanted a more compact, sleeker package - though perhaps not as extreme as the first gen Insight. Unless you're a yankee, I assume.
The name still doesn't make sense.
I mean, it would if I could see Honda seeing CR-X as just... a body style, and its resurrection of it akin to resurrecting, say, the Civic Shuttle.
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(It was the only side picture I had saved.)
And Honda's press material made another point to this end, that I wasn't aware of.
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So sure. Point taken. The CR-X was shaped by the quest for efficiency, so it follows that its successor would be efficiency focused as well.
But that's not how the CR-X is remembered. In everyone's minds, the CR-X is cemented as the sporty version (that Honda sold, mind - this is not like with the Supra, whose reputation was defined by modders). And the weirdest thing is, they don't just know that, they bring it up.
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And indeed, they call the CR-Z's role "quite different from the original Insight coupe's" - they want this car to "change the current perception of hybrids" by blending hybrid efficiency and sportiness. They rightly sell its looks as sporty, take great pride in the manual transmission and explicitly state it's for driver engagement, over and over talk about 'enthusiastic' owners and 'enthusiastic' driving and 'enthusiastic' engine note etc etc. They brag about how much of a difference their Sport mode makes. They call attention to the valves per cylinder. They constantly remind of how (unlike the Insight) it has the legendary V-TEC. (If this is the first you hear of it, ask about it in the tags).
This is the press release for a sports hatch.
But when time came to give it a sports hatch's power? Japan got 300 units, North America got a dealer-fitted kit with a numbered plaque two years before the car's nixing, and we had to hope to never have a flat tire because Europe didn't get jack.
Was it to avoid stepping on the toes of the sporty Civics, because if the sporty CR-Z's potential buyers will otherwise just get a sporty Civic then why make two models to get the same amount of buyers? If so, I'll tell you why: because that was the only chance of moving regular CR-Zs, which surely must have been a worthwhile pursuit if you made the damn thing.
Was it the fear of a power-focused engine resulting in fuel economy so underwhelming it would undermine the model's eco premise? If so, heyo, you have electric assistance, which means you can either get more speed out of the same engine marking a win for the hotboys or get the same speed out of a more efficient package - and in both cases you're showing a hybrid powertrain bringing something to the table, which is how you actually "change the perception of hybrids" in the minds of people who consider them synonymous with boring.
I'm not saying my counters are bulletproof or that there is no argument against a hot CR-Z. I'm just saying that if there is, it's an argument against the regular CR-Z also. Because if the CR-Z was never to be something worth considering over anything that could be called sporty, then they should never have bothered to begin with - at least, if they were going to aim it so squarely at "the enthusiastic drivers".
In short,
Honda sought to make a sportscar - be it to sell the car itself or to sell a concept like "we're committed to preserving driving enjoyment even into electrification" or "hybrids are cool, so buy a hybrid, and please don't whine if we ever need to make a hybrid Type R or whatever thanks". And I'm always down for Honda building a sportscar. It was Honda that wasn't, for whatever reason. And so there the CR-Z stood, waiting until its passing for a sportier engine that would show the world how cool it was. But it never came. And it bugs me. Because I find it a shame. Because I remember reading of the Mugen prototype and waiting with bated breath for the production version that we ultimately never got. Because I still would love to see them about more than I do. Because I wish the second generation that apparently was in the works got to see the light of day.
Because, even after all these days of thinking about Honda's strategy and learning all we went over, and perhaps because of it,
I still don't get it.
Links in blue are posts of mine about the topic in question: if you liked this post, you might like those - or the blog’s Discord server, linked in the pinned post!
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utilitycaster · 11 months
Unpopular Opinion:
Given the sheer number of people who have learned to play D&D from Critical Role, I think that the cast has a responsibility to talk about the necessity of safety tools at the table more than they do. Most of what they say is some version of: “We’re such good friends who love each other so much and we trust Matt to tell a good story.” It’s frustrating to me as a DM because no matter how long I’ve been playing with my groups (10 years and 6 years respectively) I absolutely still need my players to explicitly tell me their boundaries so that I don’t accidentally plan a story that hurts my friends. Or after a particularly emotional session we all need to make sure that we’re taking care of any character bleed either as individuals or as a group - whatever is appropriate for the situation. (For example, in one game my friend and I played characters who actively disliked each other at the beginning of their acquaintance, and after every session we’d check in and assure each other we were both having fun and weren’t mad at each other in real life.) And there’s almost certainly other things my groups do for each other to ensure our games are safe for everything nat the table that I simply don’t recognize anymore because we’ve been playing together for so long!
To be clear, I’m not saying that the CR cast should be sharing their specific boundaries or anything like that, but I do think that if folks are going to be playing a CR-style story they should be made aware that they probably need to take more steps to make sure their game is safe than the group of trained actors who have been telling stories together for a decade. And I think the cast has a responsibility to make sure that their fans know that.
Strongly and vehemently disagree. I think people who have a platform have an obligation not to spread disinformation nor misinformation and that's fucking it. I do not think that creators are under any obligation to provide a safe space within their own work, let alone a safe space at other people's tables. At most, I think it's wise to include a mention that tools exist in their own published TTRPGs, which they already have for Candela.
I detest how much of the fandom/TTRPG space talks about safety tools because this is the thing: they are tools. They are a list of general guidelines that, frankly, I think are mostly common sense. I think it can be useful for some tables to have a formalized process rather than a casual conversation between friends, and so I am glad that safety tools are out there and exist, but it is the responsibility of the players at a table to find the tools that work for them and implement them and no one is obligated to do that work for them. Critical Role (and any actual play) has zero responsibility for anyone else's D&D table; they are here to put on their own show, and if people can't figure out that communication is important (and ultimately, all safety tools are a long and complicated way of saying 'communication is important') that's really not anyone else's problem.
NGL this legitimately sounds like how my friend's conservative parents wouldn't let them watch TV shows in which there were single parent households because they might get the "wrong" ideas about the sanctity of marriage.
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gordonzola-ramen · 8 months
My mutual @alectricblue tagged me in this game tag! I normally dont do these, but I thought it'd be nice to get to know me more (and also meet y'all if you wish to participate)!
It will be long though. Sorry
1. Were you named after anyone?
Was originally gonna be named Andrea after a ballerina my grandma liked! Sadly no one remembered her well, not even grandma, so I don't know much about her.
My deadname was simply just chosen bc it was easy to pronounce, as well as my chosen name Diego (it's what I would've been called had I been male), although when I chose it for myself I liked the JoJo character Diego Brando so there was some correlation there.
Funnily enough, people think I'm nicknamed Lio after the Promare character, but I hadn't met them yet.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday. At 11pm. Watching OR3O's One Piece song. It was nostalgic ok
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. There's an absurd amount of reasons I don't want them, although not a single one is because I dislike them. I've had to babysit many kids and they've all been very sweet.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Oof, my recent sports is taking my dog for a walk. But I used to like volleyball and kickball! And reluctantly played soccer and did swimming! Sports give me a lot of anxiety and i'm not sure why.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I do a lot of teasing and lighthearted banter that can sometimes be considered sarcasm?
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes! Or anything outstanding like cool hairstyles or visible tattoos.
With online people, I mostly recognize them by pfp or a vague mental pronunciation of their username.
7. What's your eye color?
Dark brown?? Or black??
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Honestly, whatever makes me think more. Unhappy endings tend to do that more though, so I guess scary movies! But of course it depends on the mood, sometimes I just want a nice story to cheer me up.
9. Any talents?
I've been told I am talented at the piano! And music in general, although most of my skills feel less like talent and more like just studying the thing.
10. Where were you born?
So I was born in the US, in Florida, but my entire family is from Costa Rica and I just happened to be born while my parents were studying abroad. I don't remember much from the US though, I came back to CR with my grandma in my first months because she was less busy than my parents, and then they came to live here again. So in my eyes I've been a true Costa Rican since always hehe
11. What are your hobbies?
Playing the piano! Also drawing sometimes (I like to color more than draw, but unless I get my hands on a coloring book I can't do that unless I draw), playing videogames (mostly RPGs and visual novels), and doomscrolling.
12. Do you have any pets?
YESSSS my beloved dog Mia!!!!!!!!!!! I love her so much, she escaped her abusive home and we found her while walking around a plaza, said hi, and she followed us home. She's been with us for 8 years now and I adore her. Reference below because how can I not show her off:
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13. How tall are you?
Excellent question. I forgot but I'm average if that helps!
14. Favorite subject in school?
It changed over the years, in senior year it was English because we had my favorite teacher! I knew him for years because he has a literature club I partook in, so I was very happy to have classes with him. Plus, we saw the Oresteia, which goes tremendously hard especially when your teacher geeks out about all the symbolisms.
Apart from that, computer class! We barely ever had it, and almost had it cut out entirely in senior year, but the few times we did I really enjoyed programming and practicing typing! And when we didn't do anything we could play so.
15. Dream job?
I want to make my own videogame! So I'd say a game developer, although being a part of any videogame, especially RPGs, would be a dream come true.
Well thank you for reading, I hope that was some insight, it was very fun to reply!
Tagging section (no pressure to do it at all, you can also do it if you're not tagged who cares)
@skyllion-uwu @thefrogswhospoke @gorgeousuare @chronologicalimplosion @fishy-lilic @smoothedsmoothie @mx-mind @montied @aspirationatwork @jhofoyitchg @derkhue @mellomaia @federalfazbear @mcfinnigan @mutantsgurls @foxounderscorecube @sweetnessfollowsmp3 @mildredtefoneck @oh-my-stars1969 @unfullbucket @fluffnfuzzxoxo @electriceel69 @scottigyn @stressedsilverware @sapphicrobotenjoer @antjellies @milk1non-tolarantes @ovalbrain @chocokhaos @markdiegamer @astralix13 @atheist-xmas @blktomekurata @monstar-dreams @glass-duke @c--eam @laooneart
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sohychocochips · 3 months
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favorite fan — a triple s sohyun fanfic
image cr: pinterest
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synopsis: you've always been a wav, since you can remeber and you've always had a huge crush on your bias, park sohyun, since you can remember
warning: im still a baby wav! so i don't know much about triple s and etc, still learning. but i saw there is only one fic abt sohyun here so i had to step up ♡♡ also, english is not my first language !!!! pls correct me if i type anything wrong !!!! thank youu ♡♡♡
dinamics: triple s idol sohyun x cute fan f!reader
info: so so much fluff and cute interactions + a little suggestive
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start reading here:
you think you've never been that cheerful in your life, you're a fan of triple s since their debut and now you're gonna watch their first ever tour! isn't that cool? you lost a bit of your enthusiasm while waiting on the line tho, but you were happy your favorite group had so many fans supporting them. the stadium is full of people and you make sure that you ran enough to get a place close enough to see sohyun live well. you don't say it out loud, you think people are gonna find weird, even your friends, but you are romanticaly obsessed with sohyun. c'mon, who isn't !? but you're not obsessed in a weird way, you just love her so much and wants her to be so happy even if it's not if you. cause she would never choose a silly 18 years old to date, right? you didn't even know if she likes girls and you don't like assuming people's sexualities. while you distract yourself thinking how gorgeous she will be live, the concert starts. the intro was awesome! all 24 girls sing incredibly well live, and dance and rap well and of course are sooooo pretty. you can't take your eyes of sohyun, as always, and you didn't notice, but she noticed you, the only fan that was not recording. you know you're gonna miss the videos later but you want to enjoy the view without caring about camera angles. as you scream for her, she thinks you're just so cute. she also thinks you have such a beautiful smile and pretty makeup with a lot of blush, that makes you even cuter. she loved to know that you exist. the entire concert was amazing, and of course you used all your family's money to go on every single one of the concerts that tour, you're not rich, but your grandparents are, and sometimes the right thing is just taking advantage of that! ypu had so much fun in each one of them, even if they all had the same tracklist. and, can't skip that little fact: in the middle of the tour sohyun started interacting with you, she was always near you and talking to you and even asked for your phone to record a little, you were just soooo happy, the happiest you ever been. months have gone by and you still re watch that video everyday, especially today! after many tries and albums you got it, you're going to a fansign of the queens. it's just so fun talking to them, you just finished your 2 minutes with kotone and xinyu, almost the last members, but the last one was actually sohyun, you move to her space very nervous, you gulp.
"hello" she says, not looking at you yet. "wait, it's you! what's your name, darling?"
"hm, hello. it's y-y/n"
"eyyy, you were not that nervous with other members" she jokes and smiles. oh, that smile, you were hypnotized by it.
she gets your album, signs and draws or writes something else, whathever, her looks and sweetness with you are more important now.
"so, y/n, tell me a lil more about you" she asks flirty while taking your hands and massaging them. you look at her hands in yours and think you need to be brave, you only have this chance to talk to her and cause a good impression
"im 18 years old, i like to dye my hair, also bows and bunnies and cute things in gerenal and of course i love triple s" you're a little awkward, but you hear her saying "cute" in a low volume and laughing.
"it'll be little bunny then" she smirks
"hm?" you're lost in confusion
"you're nickname! think of one for me too!" why is she so flirty with you? you try to forget that, you're probably being too delulu. she must be like that with everybody
"your time is over" the staff says, being a little too harsh with you for sohyun's taste
while leaving, you can hear her saying "don't talk like that to her, she's such a good girl" and that made you so happy you almost screamed, but had to hold it in.
when you got home you remembered the sign, you were there for it! when you open your album on sohyun's page you have a surprise, a little text and a phone number. it says "love, you really like me, right? please send me a text soon! i'll be waiting, i trust in you, i'm sure you'll never share my number with anyone xx xxxx-xxxx"
you won't lie, you cry a little, keep looking at the paper thinking "how the fuck is that real?" and suddently "what if it's not real!?" then you remembered, she was waiting for you. you pick your phone on the maximum speed you can and type sohyun's number. add to contacts, talk to.
"hello!" you say
"hi! who is it?" she says
"it's y/n 🥺🥺 is this the right number 🥺🥺" you felt a little awkward
"little bunnyy" ok, it must be her
"you though on a nickname for me?"
"i like to call you sohy unnie"
"cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
"as expected from my little bunny"
hers? hers little bunny? you've never been hapier, laying on your bed, kicking your feet, because THE PARK SOHYUN called you her little bunny. you want to be hers so bad.
"yah, don't stop talking to me" she's a little possessive too?? oh my god! when will you two marry?
"im here, don't worry" you never know what to say around her, you get your favorite juice to make everything the most confortable the possible
"i can't be mad at you! cutie!"
"do you happen to want to go on a date with me?" you spill your juice.
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theoryfan205 · 1 year
Hidden surprise in the caverns
About 724 words, my entry for dqb2ber! I was gonna draw something but the words came to me like magic, so you get a fic!
"can I open my eyes yet?"
Acorn asked curiously, quite eager to see where they were going, she and malroth had decided to visit khrumbul dun again to check up on all their friends, though suddenly malroth had covered her eyes and declared he was taking her somewhere and she wasn't allowed to peek.
"That's the tenth time you've asked that! No, we're not there yet, but we should be close, so get ready!"
Perhaps she was being a bit impatient, but can you blame her? They were walking around the mines of khrumbul dun for about 30 minutes now, and malroth seemed so excited to take her somewhere, she couldn't help but get her hopes up and imagine all the possibilities, did he find another temple full of puzzles and treasure? Or perhaps a hidden cave that revealed more old mineshafts? Oh! What if they found a hidden underground civilization, full of people who got lost down here and started a society?!
She was getting excited thinking at all the possibilities, what kind of builds would a cavern society have she wonders, perhaps buildings made inside of the walls? She tried that once, it didn't go as planned and malroth helped her take it down, that was a fun memory, maybe she could learn how to do it this time!
Her thoughts were interrupted as malroth stopped walking and pulled her to a stop, stopping her from going any further, curiously she tilted her head up towards where she presumed he was, even if she couldn't see she still tried to anyway without peeking, he let out a hearty laugh and patted at her back, she could hear the smile in his voice.
"Okay! We're finally here, so you can stop asking and take a look!"
Excitedly, she peeked out to see where he took them, and that's when she saw...
Crystals. it was a wide massive cavern, like a giant bubble, and there were crystals all over the walls, full of every shade she could imagine, red, blue, green, she could see yellows and oranges, pinks and purples, her mouth went agape as she saw it all, every crystal twinkling with beauty, it was... amazing!
"Malroth! Look at this! Look at all these gems! Imagine what I could build with this! Oh how'd you find this place? How'd you find the time?"
Malroth was interrupted from watching his builder's amazed expression while she gazed at the sights, his own expression breaking as she turned suddenly to ask him the question, that's his builder, always excited for new ways to build, he confidently crossed his arms and stood straight, puffing his chest out like a particularly happy bird as he answered.
"Well, I might have had a little help, Babs actually sent a letter a few weeks ago saying how digby discovered this place while looking for more ore veins, they didn't have much use for gems so... we figured you'd like it and use it more then they could, of course, I knew that you'd be able to make anything you wanted with this so obviously it was my idea"
She giggled at that, her face twisting into her trademark dopey smile, within a few seconds she had thrown herself at him, hugging him tightly and quietly murmuring "thank you" over and over again, he knows she's really excited, he knows his builders habits and quirks like the back of his hand.
It doesn't take long for acorn to quickly let go, he won't admit that he felt a bit disappointed at that, she quickly turns around and jumps down more into the cavern, hammer out at the ready with her dopey smile on her face.
"C'mon malroth! You gotta help me gather some of these up- is that a white one?!"
Even her shouts out to him sound a bit quiet, the echoey nature of the cavern helps the noise reach his ears, with a hefty chuckle he drops down two, quickly running up to catch up to his excited builder, who's already excitedly smashing a few chunks of crystal to gather it's ore, the way the light reflecting from the crystals gathers on her face as she smashes them... malroth can confidently tell Babs later that he's found a sight that's far prettier then a bunch of multicoloured rocks.
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ihearyou-jikook · 1 year
there's a scene in bon voyage s3 e6, when the members were eating and jhope mentioned that tae and jk were sleeping upside down and hugging each other's legs, i found jimin's reaction to the info kinda sus. the scene was overall weird, jimin was sitting down when hobi finished talking, with no apparent indication of standing up, and suddenly they show jimin's reaction and he's like "wae (what)!?!?" but he's standing up, and then another cut to hobi confirming the story, then the camera goes back to jimin who is seated again and says "that's weird". do you think they edited some of the conversation out?
Anon, this moment makes me 😆🤭
Sorry for making you wait. Let's go go go!
(Had too much fun with this one, it is quite long >.<)
Here is a clip of the moment
Cr. Full video here
Let's Quentin Tarantino this. Do I think this was a sus moment? Do I think some of the convo was edited out?
Yes, to both. 👀
JM going from sitting to standing up without us seeing it happen didn't stick out to me too much only because in content like this (Not just BTS content), editors tend to show multiple viewpoints of a moment and I'm guessing JM stood up when we saw the close up of Hobi explaining what he saw. You can also see Hobi's eyes are looking upwards as he's talking.
What gets me tho is JM's initial reaction to Hobi, going eh?! And then needing to clarify what he just heard lol.
Then we cut to JM saying "왜 그래" with that face and that tone.
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Side note: I'm not Korean and I'm not fluent in Korean. I have been learning for a while. I'm somewhere between beginner & intermediate and understand that context, tone, and the words used, explain so much when it comes to the Korean language. That's why I wanted to highlight this next part.
Let's talk about the sub-titles here for a moment.
The translator decided to go with "What's wrong?"
This is correct, but it's not the only meaning of those words. "왜 그래" can also mean the following depending on the tone, context, and intonation (rise & fall of voice): "Why is it like that?" "Why are you like that?" "Why are you acting like that?" "What's going on?"
This is a great post about how "왜 그래" can be used.
IMO, JM's tone sounded like it had a bit of a bite behind it. There was no rise in his voice at the end of the words to sound like a curious question. And his face was a little more on the serious side. Again IMO, something like "Why were you like that?" seems more accurate.
He gave off a WTF? vibe.
Back to the question about edited-out parts
I think it's hard to say if anything was edited out right before JM said 왜 그래 but I definitely think the reaction to what JM said was edited out.
There could have been more conversation, but I honestly think there was probably awkward silence after him saying that. 🤣
Because JK & V were both awfully quiet while Hobi was explaining, other than initially asking "Did we?" "Who did it?" There was no laughing, no smiling.
To me, it felt like JK & V were starting to sense JM's unrest with the whole thing and so they decided to stay quiet since an upset Mimi is not what you want to deal with. An upset Mimi is a feisty Mimi.
Look, we always talk about JK being the possessive one but I just think JK is louder about it than JM. There are 2 possessive men in the Jeon-Park Household.
While JK does do some type of skinship with all members, I do think JM enjoys his boyfie privileges. That there are just some things JK doesn't do often with others. And it was probably weird to hear that they were hugging each other's feet especially when JK is sensitive to smells 🤣
Before I go, I have to bring up our president Hobi.
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Like, Hobi.
Why do I feel like you're snitching on them to Mimi??
That's the funniest part about this moment to me. After bringing up the situation to JK & V, Hobi is literally telling this story to JM.
I love Hobi. I miss him!
Thank you for the ask Anon. 💜💛
For you, Happy Jikook inc...
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Cr. Daylight
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fruitzbat · 1 year
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There is this bizarre mischaracterization problem with Kingsley in the CR fandom that I think shows a certain level of contempt for the character himself — and honestly, I think it’s really revealing about a troubling hallmark of conditional support of nonbinary people in real life, which I find beyond hypocritical given…well, let’s get into it.
For starters, I'm not bothering with leaving a disclaimer about how not all fans do xyz or why I think that anyone should listen to me over anyone else. We’re adults here, we should know that things are nuanced by now. I also think talking about my own qualifications here is silly and masturbatory given that this is fandom and I'm very much doing it for free along with almost everyone else, so I'm not gonna waste the space.
Getting into the exceptions and such is well beyond the scope of this post, and I frankly don't think anything I say in this will convince anyone of anything — I just need to get it out there. If any of does change your mind, great! Icing on the cake.
*eyes glowing* anyway,
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Given the admittedly considerable amount of work I do relating to his character, I wade through Kingsley's character tag a lot, and in many different places. On here, on Twitter, on AO3, his tag is full to the gills of bits of people writing stories in which he steals up to a certain member of the Nein and showers them with gifts and forehead kisses and...for lack of a better term, 'Mollyisms', and lays there enraptured while they talk about their relationship with Molly — who, obviously, is him. He's called "circus man" and is unbothered by it; it's testimony to the fact that this person and Kingsley have a history that transcends silly things like death.
Thus, the general depiction of Kingsley within the fandom is one that is not unlike Molly's, if not a 1:1 replica: a fun-loving, carefree libertine whose sun often rises at a certain other member of the Nein's forehead and sets are their toenails. He's curious about his past lives, but sees minimal distinction between them and himself.
And that's utter motherfucking hogwash.
The thing is, Kingsley's not an act II of Molly. He’s arguably a very different person from Molly, and the drift in Molly’s canon and fanon depiction is an essay on its own (not to mention the shift in perception in-universe, also brilliant and fascinating in its own right).
And I sincerely want us to think about that oversight in the same vein as if there were a considerable amount of Critters making content about, say, Beauregard Lionett falling in love with a man when she's explicitly a lesbian. Like, to me, it is that dire. And I will explain why that is momentarily: once I finish talking about who he actually is, and one of the principal culprits that I blame for this schism.
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"But fruitzbat," some people might cry. "But fruitzbat, we have so little to go on. He's hardly shown himself on stream and he does, in the end, come from Molly!"
To that I would reply "skill issue," because Kingsley very much has distinguished himself from his siblings. Fandoms have extrapolated way more about a character with far less in the past. I didn't live through Superwholock on this website for anyone to tell me that they can't pull a fully-fledged character out of one episode of something. With all due respect, git gud.
Kingsley is a hustler and a cutthroat. He's driven, micro-managey — like, PAINFULLY Type-A, and interested in staying alive and making a name for himself; but in contradiction with this sense of self-preservation, he’s also ready to impulsively give himself up for a greater good and/or "make new mistakes", which can be read as altruistic at its best and unhealthy and self-deprecating at its worst (a trait which he definitely shares with Molly). In commenting on his new outfit, I’ve shitposted in the past that Kingsley is frum, but it's really not that far off. He doesn't like to leave things to chance, and also strongly believes in taking care of his own — he notably takes excellent care of the Nein Heroez’s crew. He doesn't suffer fools, he's snarky (too many examples to list them all, but have a few of my favorites), and also thoughtful and analytical and a skeptic. And most of all, he’s eager to learn and curious — not just about Molly and Lucien, but in general.
He jokes about being Lucien at one point, but makes it very clear that it's not him when people in his life make that slip-up. He's also been making the point that he’s not either of them as early as the campaign finale. And within the special, too, it’s pretty unambiguous. And then there’s Taliesin himself, also making it very clear that he’s a separate animal and on top of that, that he’s an absolute fucking badass.
And as mentioned, it's true that there's overlap with some of Molly's business — he's theatrical and loves fashion, for instance. But honestly, this character has far more in common with Lucien than he does with Molly. Lucien, who spoke multiple languages and lead a mercenary group into Aeor and back multiple times. Lucien, who even the mere prospect of him being resurrected was enough to reassemble the Tombtakers. If that’s not the makings of a Plank King, I’m not sure what would be.
And here's another thing: "Kingsley came from Molly" in and of itself is a misnomer. Based on both the stream and the addendum from the Lucien novel, Kingsley is mostly the reforged soul of Lucien — Molly's soul fragment was reintegrated into the rest of Lucien's. Kingsley is what was born from that fusion. When interceding on the failed Raise Dead spell, Caduceus said "put it back...whoever it was." There's just as much potential to say that it was Lucien's soul returned to that purple body by Melora as it was Molly's.
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In all candor, I think it has a good deal to do with how many vocal Molly fans wanted Widomauk to be canon or somehow endgame.
The inherent tragedy of the dynamic between Caleb and Molly is that there is a constant specter of what could have been. Neither encountered each other when they were at a point to pursue their attraction, and Molly was dead before anything could come to pass. As a passive observer, I think that this what could have been has bled into the fanon interpretation of all kinds of purple tiefling content, mostly because there's so little to analyze otherwise. One only has to glance at the tags for the Lucien novel or the Molly origin comic to see what I mean. And I think that this has also significantly impacted the fanon depiction of Kingsley.
I find that this fandom in particular has a huge problem with sacrificing characterization in the name of fanon archetypes and tropes, but due to the distinct nature of Kingsley’s character this can veer into…I mean, pretty ugly territory.
People love the reincarnated lovers trope, and I see that applied here the most, to which I always want to remind people that Kingsley is probably more like a joined Trill. He has these past lives and memories, but just like Ezri isn’t quite Jadzia isn’t quite Kurzon Dax, Kingsley isn’t Molly isn’t Lucien. Ezri didn’t hop up and get busy with Worf, even when Jadzia had been his wife. Far from it, actually. Similarly, Jadzia had an entire exploratory episode dedicated to encountering Kurzon’s spouse and deciding that she (regretfully for lesbians everywhere) felt differently.
It’s true that it’s not completely baseless; I’m genuinely not saying that. It’s true that one of the first things King did was flirt with Caleb when he woke up. And then when he’d come more into his own, there was all that wild talk they had during the…
Oh wait, that’s right. They didn’t speak one on one even once during the reunion. So the argument could easily be made that in the chunk of the stream that showed us the most about who King was as a person, he didn’t touch Caleb with a thirty-nine and a half foot pole. Meaning that at this point in time, the basis of the ship is predominately Caleb’s relationship to his elder siblings.
I don't have time and ultimately have no interest in unpacking that in terms of it being solid foundations for a romantic relationship — we all can read, baruch hashem — and will also assume that there’s content about that dynamic that explores that weirdness with all the complexity that it deserves. But my central point here is that I’m seeing vanishingly little of it, and far more of it being used in a way that denies Kingsley his own identity. The point isn't hating on a ship. Widoking in and of itself is fine, the point is that people aren't actually shipping Kingsley with Caleb. They're shipping him with someone wearing the skin of his dead older brother.
Which brings me to my next point...
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I find this aspect to be incredible given the extraordinary way that this campaign explores trans identity and narrative. Plenty of other folks have written about the extent that campaign 2’s focus on identity as a theme has resulted In one of the most comprehensive studies of several different types of trans stories. Like, VETH?!?
BEAU?!?! Not to mention FJORD’S UNRELENTING T-BOY SWAG?!?!?!
And yet.
And, yes, it is that deep. Let me explain.
Molly and Lucien are canonically genderfluid. Kingsley hasn't come out as anything yet, so the jury is still out... though many people, myself included, headcanon that he's some flavor of not cis.
For me, this is because Kingsley’s narrative is arguably more a traditional trans one than Lucien or Molly's: being born with the expectation that he would be one thing, then coming to his family — who hold that expectation quite dearly — and asserting that he is someone and something else completely different from that. Lucien and Molly are trans characters, no doubt, but their stories are not about being transgender. And there is an intrinsic quality to King's that definitely is.
The notion of "trans narrative" is also something applied to someone like Nott/Veth, even in a world where transness is not stigmatized. So while transphobia is not a thing as we understand it in Exandria, that doesn't change that Kingsley “came out” and transitioned in a more recognizable way to us than Lucien or Molly ever had to — in the same light as Veth arguably struggling with her self-image in a way that many trans viewers find exceedingly familiar.
If we can apply the queer critical lens and think of Fjord being a trans guy deconstructing toxic ideas of masculinity, or of Beau being a trans girl dealing with transphobic parents that wanted a son, got one, and cast her aside, we can also use that same level of discernment when it comes to Kingsley. There's precedent.
I don’t mean to get personal here, but the flat out dismissal of Kingsley's identity as an individual and not as the sum of other parts reminds me so much of my own experience of having come out as non-binary and then telling people that I was going to start HRT. The support dried up almost immediately the minute I made it clear I wanted to switch pronouns again and pursue medical transition, though I still conceived of myself as effectively genderless.
So long as you’re fun and funky and trans in a way that isn’t obtrusive, it’s fine. Well, “fine” isn’t the right word, but people are so fucking terrified of you becoming one of “those” trans people and taking the scary hormones and changing your body and getting the surgeries. It's the cousin of that perennial TERF talking point of "why can't you just be a tomboy/effeminate gay guy". As if being a tomboy/fem guy is somehow easier, too!! But I digress. To a lot of folks, Kingsley can be whatever he wants..........so long as he doesn't reject Molly as a foundational part of him, if not the, and heaven help him if he diverges from the mold Molly left for him.
For this reason (and for other transgender reasons that I don't want to get into), that has made engaging with a lot of this faux-Kingsley content difficult. Because Kingsley came out! Kingsley has told everyone who he is and what he's about, and folks are ignoring that in favor of an interpretation that centers a different person's existence entirely. And with this coming from a group of fans that tends to trend towards being trans, too, that's quite the bitter pill.
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Creatively, I firmly believe that people can do whatever they want forever. And everyone has the right to make content where their Barbies scissor. I, for one, also am 100% guilty of it in other contexts. That doesn't bother me.
What does bother me is a collective delusion where a significant chunk of the fandom, in missing their tragically dead non-binary character, effectively stuff a separate one that resembles him back into the closet without noticing the cruelty of doing so. In fact, relishing in it.
And while these people are fictional and aren't real and can't feel pain aside from what we inflict on them narratively, it gives me pause about the way this trend mirrors common transphobic behavior I have experienced as a non-binary person myself. Thus, I cannot possibly watch it happen and not feel compelled to say something about it.
In essence, Kingsley has told us time and time again who he is and what he's about. If we say as fans that we respect the narrative integrity of Campaign 2, I think it's important that we listen and honor that.
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dingochef · 1 year
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x You (OFC)
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (MDNI 18+ Only), Stalking, P in V, oral (female and male receiving), Semi-public sex, light spanking,
Word Count: 2.4
Summary: You go out of town and realize the obvious.
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Duh
Monday morning is a little chaotic as you try to find your laptop charger and a few other items. Jake and you end up leaving about the same time, you headed north in Lil Blue, the Honda CR-V and Jake headed to the base on his bike.
You arrive in Bakersfield on time and are immediately slammed into meetings, finally it's 5 pm and you are headed to the hotel to check in. You had stopped by a deli and grabbed a sandwich on yourway over, your desire to go anywhere at zero.
You eat your sandwich and then head to the gym. The workout is nice and works off all the pent up energy from the hours in the car and the meetings.
Just as you're heading up to your room you get a text from Jake.
Jake: I left you a little gift in the bottom of your bag. 😉
You: Should I be concerned?
Jake: Yes
Jake: In a good way.
You enter your room and your curiosity is killing you. You go directly to your bag and rifle through till you feel a boxy object in the bottom. Pulling it out you laugh in surprise, it's a Bluetooth/WiFi enabled vibrating egg, a sex toy and a bottle of lube. There's a sticky note attached to it.
Something to make our night more fun. I already downloaded the app and synced it to your phone. (Might want change your pin to something less obvious, aerospace nerd. 1969 the year of the moon landing.) Call me when you're ready.
You roll your eyes at his jab at your security code, smartly everything you use for work requires your fingerprint. After a quick shower you get comfortable on the bed. You hadn't bother getting dressed. The app, discreetly named Egg Timer, which makes you laugh a little, is discreetly tucked on the last page of your phone.
As you open the app up the egg vibrates in your hand. There's a simple remote with intensity and vibrating patterns on it. You test them out to get an idea of what it's capable of. There's a little box at the bottom that says, "Other Users: J". Your phone dings and there's a text from Jake.
It's a photo of Jake, looking down at his abs with one hand just under the waistband of his boxer briefs cupping his cock under the fabric. His golden treasure trail and thick veins of his arms are visible in the photo. Sexy but not pornographic. The picture makes you shift on the bed and rub your thighs together in anticipation. The slick starts to gather between your legs and you are definitely ready to call Jake.
He answers quickly.
"Hello, El," he purrs.
"This is quite the gift here, Jake" you reply.
He laughs,
"I thought you'd like it. Fun fact, I can control it from here."
It comes to life in your hand.
"Ooh, interesting."
"What are you wearing, El?"
"Nothing, just laying here naked, fresh out of the shower. You?"
Jake groans softly, no doubt imagining your slightly wet skin and hair laid out on the bed. Your dark hair a delicious contrast to the generic white hotel sheets.
"Just that featured pair of underwear," he finally answers.
"A nice choice," you reply, trying to sound sultry and tamper the neediness you feel rising you,
"I think you have a plan for tonight, am I right?"
There's a light chuckle at the other end of the phone,
"Yes, I do. You have the toy and the lube nearby?"
"Yes," you answer, getting a little more breathless as you rub your thighs together.
"We'll get there, you just wanted you to be ready for when we do. I miss you right now, El. I want to feel your lips on mine, kiss every inch of you, taste you, feel you around my cock, and watch you come. I want you to touch yourself and tell you what you're imagining. I want to know how you make yourself come."
"I start by running my hands over myself, play with my tits, pinch my nipples, anything but going straight to my pussy."
Jake moans lightly on the other end of the phone.
"Then I finally start touching my pussy, but still not touching my clit or using any fingers inside me, just teasing myself a little bit."
"Go on," Jake breathes out more than saying.
"Next I'll test how wet I am and if I need some lube."
You dip a finger inside your slit and find that you are wet, not as wet if Jake were here with you.
"Are you wet, El?"
You add another finger,
"Yes, Jake, I'm wet. Not like you make me but enough."
He groans at the praise,
"This is a good time for that lube and you to use that toy."
You open the bottle of lube and apply some to your hand that you sweep over your clit and the rest of your pussy. Next coat the toy and gently push it inside your pussy.
You let out a little sigh of relief,
"I just put the toy inside me, it feels good, but it just makes you want your cock more, this isn't big enough."
"You'll have to wait till you get home for the good stuff," Jake laughs.
"Now, I'm touching my clit."
"What are you thinking about, what's turning you on?"
"I'm thinking of the time we fucked against the wall after we teased each other the whole way back from the beach. I thought about you fucking you against a wall when you lifted me up at that game. It made me wet right then and there, I almost dropped the ball at the thought of it."
"You were already thinking about you fucking you on the first date, dirty girl."
The toy starts to vibrate at a gentle steady hum and you can't suppress the moan of surprise and pleasure.
"Oh, ohhhh," you pant.
"Feeling stimulated?" Jake asks, you can hear the cockiness in his smile even through the phone.
"Keep talking, El."
"I'm thinking of how much I want your tongue on you and the though of you between my legs eating me out."
There is a slight hitch in his breath and you know Jake is touching himself.
"I'm also thinking about things I want to do with you, like let you tie me up and do anything you want. Maybe add a blindfold and have you tease me till I'm frustrated with need and then you release all your pent up lust on me and make us both come at the same time."
The vibration from the toy gets more intense.
You let out a long moan,
"Jake, that feels so good."
The intensity notches up again and a pulsing pattern starts up. Your fingers are working harder at your clit and your brain is starting to short circuit and your thoughts are coming out of your mouth in a jumble.
"I love it when you fuck me from behind, slap my ass, so good," you stutter.
Jake's moans are coming louder and closer together.
"Ready, El, ready to come?"
"Please, please, let you come," you plead.
The toy changes patterns and yet another higher intensity. That combined with Jake's low command,
"Come, El, come for me,"
you break apart.
"Oh God, oh shit," you spit out before a long low moan comes from you as you spasm around the toy.
Jake makes the sound, a strangled moan, he usually makes when he comes on the other end of the phone.
You feel the toy slowing down inside you gently until it is off.
"I really liked this idea, as you can tell," you let Jake know.
"I figured it might work. The idea of being so far from you and still controlling your pleasure is a sexy one. Just about any thought you have about you is a sexy one," he says softly.
"Ditto, I'm going to let you go, sweet dreams, Jake. Love you."
"Love you,too, El."
You clean up and crawl back into bed falling asleep quickly.
Tuesday is a typical day with more meetings, some flight demonstrations, and some material demonstrations. The new heat shielding is showing promise for the next version of Darkstar.
You stay out a little later on Tuesday with your coworkers as you know Jake is out catching up with a few buddies who are in San Diego. Finally night comes and you fall asleep half in the book you're reading.
Wednesday morning luckily flies by and you're on the road at a decent time and headed home. You try not to break any land speed records and drive responsibly. Your house is a welcome sight when you pull up to the curb. Grabbing your bags you head into the house. The house is dark and quiet. You do a tour through the rooms to see if Jake is anywhere. When you don't find him, you feel let down. You grab a glass of water and sit down on the couch trying to relax. You're leaning back trying to get comfy and when the thought hits you and you spring forward.
You weren't racing to get back to your house, you were racing to get back to Jake. It's then you realize that you're ready to live together, not this almost thing you've been doing for months. You want this house to be your home with Jake. The idea of seeing Jake everyday when you get home and wake up to him every morning is making your heart full. You also realize that you've been a bit of an idiot to realize it now, when it's been here the whole time.
You call Jake, he answers on the first ring.
"Hello, El."
"Hello, Jake."
"Are you back in town? I missed you."
"I am and I missed you too. Do you mind coming over? I've got something important to talk to you about."
"Umm, you can do that babe. Is everything alright?" he asks, a slight hint of doubt in his voice.
"Oh yeah, that sounds ominous. It's a good thing, I promise."
While you wait for Jake to arrive, you change out of your work clothes and put a few things away from your overnight bag. The toy and lube go into a drawer in the night stand near the bed. Pretty soon, you hear Jake unlocking the front door and calling out,
"El, I'm here."
You walk out of your bedroom and greet him with a crushing hug and a kiss. He wraps his arms around you and he says,
"I missed you," into your hair.
"Me too," you answer back from where your head is tucked into his neck.
He pulls back and asks,
"What did you want to talk about?" His usually calm demeanor betraying a hint of nervousness.
You lead Jake over to the couch to sit down. Taking his hands in yours, you start talking,
"I drove as fast as I could today to get back here, because I thought I wanted to be home, but when I got here and you weren't around, this house just felt empty and lonely. I realized that I nearly got a speeding ticket so I could be back with you as soon as possible. I wanted to see your smiling face when I walked in the door. I want to come home to you everyday. Jake, I want us to live together, if you're ready for that."
The nervousness has dissolved from his face and is now replaced by a wide gorgeous smile. He picks up one of your hands and kisses it.
"I would love to live here with you and I'm definitely ready for that. I am over the moon that you asked, also relieved that this talk wasn't about something scary or unpleasant."
"Sorry to worry you, but it didn't seem like the thing to ask about over the phone."
He draws you for one of his all encompassing hugs and says,
"This is going to be our home," and squeezes you a little harder.
"What about rent, utilities, groceries, etc. I'll pay my share," he asks.
"So, there is no rent. I own the house outright."
"Really?" Jake's eyes wide with surprise,
"The government might want to reconsider what they're paying Lockheed Martin. I'm kidding, but wow that's an accomplishment."
You shrug,
"It was a convergence of extremely good circumstances, I had a large inheritance from my Mom's sister who passed and didn't have any kids or other nieces or nephews. I found this place as kind of a fixer upper and put a lot of sweat equity in, etc. So what we can split is the utilities, taxes, and groceries. We can work out a budget tomorrow. I'd give you a key as a symbolic gesture, but you already have one."
"That and you already have the key to your heart."
You give him a small laugh for the corny line,
"So, what do you need to do to get out of your quarters on base?" you ask.
"Not much, let the powers that be know I'll be out by the end of the month, pack up my stuff, which I think half of it is already here, so that won't take long."
"Awesome, let me know how I can help," you say as you move to straddle Jake's lap.
Taking his face into your hands you give Jake a deep kiss, and say.
"Jake, I'm so happy you said yes."
"El, I'm happy you asked."
Chapter 6
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