#no pressure to the ppl i tagged ofc! :)
hyunin · 1 year
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EVERY MONTH OF 2022 | tagged by @wonjinist 💓
link your favorite and/or most popular post(s) from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
note: i’ll do this counting all of my blogs, so expect lots of content from @yangjeongin since that’s where i make things the most these days!
most popular: hyunlix and their couple rings
favorite: favorite skz bsides gifs/gfx
bonus: euijin dance covers and snow prince hyunjin
most popular: oddinary trailer hyunjin
favorite: hyunjin’s red bday countdown set
bonus: jeongin’s rainbow birthday set (the best one of the birthday sets imo)
most popular: hyunjin’s bday set
favorite: hyunjin’s bday set!!! pog favorite thing i’ve Ever made maybe
bonus: introducing stray kids (maniac ver) and hyunjin grayscale
most popular: skz as tumblr text posts (understandable)
favorite: surprisingly? the skz for mahagrid edits
most popular: 200618 hyunjin for some reason
favorite: skz 1st look x clean which i completely forgot about, cool
bonus: this hyunjin fancam 😳
most popular: hyunlix tiktok live
favorite: i agree with the people on this one
bonus: hyunjin watching groupmates scream in tiny
most popular: kingdom hyunjin
favorite: chungha sparkling mv set!!
most popular: sleepy hyunjin
favorite: stay 4th birthday party hyunjin  i just think it’s pretty
most popular: the hyunlix maxident trailer set that took me five minutes to make. most popular post all time. of course it is
favorite: key gasoline mv set
bonus: chuseok hyunjin he’s just so cute
most popular: bang chan’s bday set
favorite: introducing skz case 143 ver
bonus: skz k-909 i just think it’s pretty (2) and jeongin superboard
most popular: mama hyunjin deserve that video looked like hot garbage
favorite: hyunjin maxident trailer bts i guess this was kinda a flop month
most popular: hyunjin doing That Part in back door compilation
favorite: yes i agree
thank u to anyone that read this far! i’ll tag anyone that wants to do this, as always feel free to pretend i tagged you and @ me in your post. otherwise i love seeing people’s favorite stuff they made so i’ll tag a ton of people: @miyawaki @minijeong @jinkyu @thirdgirl @seo-changbinnies @jizung @agibbangs @huiracha @bangchanz @avocadomin @seungknow @hyunebear @seulggi @ddonghyun @hanjisungz @hanjesungs @leenow @binsuns @hyunchanz @hyunsung @kimlipz @connecteds @jisungs
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babymadeofbones · 11 months
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tagged by @callixton to post some albums i love/albums that shaped me (thank u theo! :3)
i tried to put them in some semblance of chronological order but there was some overlap. some of them are more sentimental than others but i think they all defined pretty clear Eras in my life :) would have included either the company or taboo soundtrack but yall already know i love raúl + i'm still in that particular Era
tagging @rmnp-love @raulesparzascheerleader @nameless-and-joymaking @electric-lights @raskti
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curlycries · 1 year
i was tagged by @jenniferiawrence, thank u! 🫶🏽🌻
rules: post your lockscreen, last song you listened to, last photo you took and last image you saved
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i know that last one looks like a photo i took lmao but i promise it’s not- i don’t have any pet frogs (unfortunately 😔) except for this toad(?) and it’s babies that live near/under my house. they come out during rainy days, it’s actually quite a treat!
i tag: @brightplvces @victini @imsurroundedbyidiots553 @sailorminimoon @ellietheewriter @feral-gnome @pabloernesto @lovehatelemonslices @voidgremlinguege @fairykyu
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jounce · 1 year
igot tagged by @sanfielle :) to do this thang... lockscreen, last sc taken, and last song on a music app
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srry for the picrew I was trying to figure out what tht flag was (never did rip). LAYTON SWEEP BTW 😈 😈 😈
umm tagging @saturnsapphics , @wolftattoo , @ynore , @mftrout & any1 else if u wanna😁👉👈
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neige-leblanche · 2 years
thank you @i-declare-the-poland-rule !!!!!!! 💙💙💙💙💙
favourite colour: light periwinkle
favourite foods/comfort foods/drink: cream of mushroom soup, anything w/ spinach and cheese, licorice tea
favourite music artists: fall out boy, marina, the killers, tally hall
song stuck in head: tell that mick by fob 😔
relationship status: single
current time: 3:49 pm
dream trip: rlly want to see the classical gardens in suzhou 🥺
something i want: bubble tea............. ive been buying myself tons of junk food from the vending machine while ive been quarantining but im not quite bougie enough for snacks delivery to my remote ass college so im looking forward to getting bubble tea when im finally fully out of isolation...
favourite time of the year: springtime when the snow melts + flower buds come out!!
collect anything: blorbo keychains 😔
favourite fics: i dont read a lot of fanfic sorry!
uuuuuuu tagging @mercuriallily @elextric-sea @lunaruleseverything
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enden-k · 11 months
this bothered me for a few days now but i didnt want to comment on it but just now was the last straw (i blocked that person bc they rlly got onto my nerves there for this) but yea maybe i should say that
1) personally i find it incredibly rude and hurtful to comment on someones OCs how they look like whatever mf from some show u dont know about. like seriously, call me childish if you want but this makes me seriously angry and i know some other artists who also are no big fan of this
dont compare someones OCs to other characters. some artists rlly dont like that
2) maybe dont follow me when youre not interested in shippy stuff bc i very obviously draw character ships and i self ship so 90% of my blog is all about ships n boats. you can follow who you want ofc but if this makes you comment the dumbest mindless stuff then maybe stick to what you like or genuinely interests you
also its still confusing to me (bc they started their comment exactly like that) but if you start a sentence with "this is prob the worst thing to say-" on someones art, maybe consider keeping it to yourself. if you are aware its bad or rude or uncalled for to say then. keep it to yourself
oh and while im already ranting, this was someone else who did this and not this person but
3) DONT contact me in private chats to spam me w several message over time -to make sure i read the second message in case i didnt read the first ones- to PLS draw zhong///////chi again just bc YOU love this ship so. this is exactly the reason why i dont look at my dms on here anymore (sorry for ignoring some ppl who are not at fault, im just uncomfortable atp) and also why i lit am so damn tired of zc that i blocked the tag everywhere bc i just feel incredibly bothered and pressured
anyway sorry for ranting, i usually ignore this but all this bothered me sm it rlly gave me bad mood
just, please think before you speak or interact with strangers
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To all my fellow swifties and lyric lovers 🫶 I have something special planned for this december that I hope y'all enjoy! It's called the:
❄️ Back to December - Challenge ❄️
What's the idea?
This lil end of year challenge will include the tradtion of a good ol prompt list for each day of the month ! Every prompt is focused on a reoccuring word in Taylor's music and our fave lyrics including it!
Who can particpate?
Literally anyone who wants to create for this challenge or has in the past created smth that fits the prompt list!
I would of course love and be immensly honored, if any of you get inspired to create smth new for this! However! The whole idea behind this "back to december" challenge, is also that you get to revisit your past work that might not have gotten the recognition it deserved, or that you would simply love to show ppl again! ❄️
I'd love for anyone who likes this idea or is even considering joining the challenge, to rb this and spread the word! 🫶❣️
Promptlist and more details under the cut
❄️ Back to December - Challenge - Daily December Promptlist❄️
One/once ��
Two/twice 💛
Three 💜
Four ❤️
Five 💙
Six 🖤
Seven 💘
Eight 🤍
Nine 🧡
Ten/hundred/thousand/ 💯
Week 📅
Rose 🌹
Birthday/party 🥳
Drink/Alcohol 🥂
Light 🕯️
Fire 🔥
Water 🌊
Stone 🪨
Air 🌬️
Twenty 2️⃣0️⃣
Gold 🪙
Sun ☀️
Family 👩‍👧‍👦
Star 💫
Christmas 🎄
Moon 🌕
Animal 🕊️
Card ♠️♥️♦️♣️
Month 📆
Year 🗓️
Midnight 🕛
What are the rules?
So as I've mentioned you don't need to create new stuff for this challenge! If you've ever done smth featuring lyrics that involve a word on this list then you can join just as easily as someone who wants to create smth new!
What types of media are allowed?
Any you can think of! Whether you have drawn/painted smth, made a lyric edit, did an lyric analysis, wrote a piece of (fan)fiction, made a video or if you crafted anything irl (like embroidery or collages for example); anything is allowed as long as it fits a taylor lyric featuring a word on the list!
How do I participate?
Well there are multiple options that will all lead you to a similar result!
1. You want to create smth for this challenge or have simply never posted about the work you're considering for this? then you can either
a) You can make your own post, tag this blog in it and schedule it to post on the day of the prompt
b) You can submit it to this blog and I will post it on the corresponding day
2. You've already created and posted about smth that would fit within this challenge?
-> then you can just tag me in it anytime until the day of the prompt and I will schedule my reblog of it for that day!
-> work you did on other challenges like inktober etc is ofc welcome as well! (as long as it's alright with the og creators of the respective challenges)
No matter which way you choose to participate in this challenge, I will post/reblog your art to this blog and add commentary on everything I loved about it!
Everyone deserves to get recognition for their beautiful work and I'd love to be able to spread some joy to y'all during 'tis damn season!
I'd love to participate!, but I can't think/choose a lyric for a day I like...
No worries, I got you! If anyone wants some inspo, just dm me. I have a huge google doc with all the lyric examples for this challenge and I'd be happy to share it 🫶
Or if you don't feel comfortable dming, you can send an anon asking for about inspo for a specific day and I will post the lyric examples there ♥️
I might want to participate but I'm not sure (if I'll remember) yet...
First of all no worries or pressure with this lil challenge! If you're unsure about whether you'll have the time/want to participate, you can:
send me a dm asking me to remind you about this challenge again before november ends
ask me to tag you when I rb this post once a week etc
-> asking me to do this is in no way binding to you! I simply want to offer a little help to those who (like me 🙈) struggle with forgetfulness even with stuff they might like to do! ❣️
If anyone has additional questions about this challenge, feel free to comment or sent me an ask/dm I'll be happy to answer them!
Additional Q&A
What if my creation features lyrics that fit multiple days?
That's totally okay and you can submit one piece of work/art for multiple days at once! More info here
What happens to this blog during december?
Besides hopefully <;3 rbing and posting your wonderful submissions, I will be posting polls featuring the lyrics I found for these prompts as polls on each day!
Bonus (aka some explanations why I chose those specific prompts for that day):
12 = Roses bc I couldn't just leave them out, since they feature in btc and "a red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground"
13 = ofc the birthday of our lord and savior
15 = Lights bc it's the last day of Hannukah this year
22 = Sun bc of the winter solstice
26 = full moon that day!
27 = apparently it's national zoo day and I lowkey love that
28 = same as above but with card games lmao
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asahicore · 1 year
asahicore 1k follower celebration event !!
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closed! thank you for the requests <3
first of all thank you so so much to everyone who has followed me and who has read my stories and supported me, it really means a lot to me!! i really love writing and i'm super grateful that there's a place on the internet where i can share it, and that there are people out there that actually enjoy reading my silly little fanfiction. (technically right now i am close to 1.4k followers but i didn't want to wait until 2k and 1k sounds better than 1.4 hahaha)
i literally have 2 ongoing series and a thousand other wips i should probably be working on instead of doing an event like this but oh well <3 i thought this would be a fun idea! follower events are usually drabble events, but i think i'm better (or at least i enjoy it more) at writing long fics than short ones so i've come up with this instead -
if you click this link, you'll be sent to a fanfiction trope tier list maker. the concept is simple: put your favorite tropes in the top tier, send me your ranking, and i'll write a fic out of them! just a few notes (pls read if you are planning on participating):
pls don't put a thousand tropes there 😭 technically the top tier will be more of a request tier than a favorites tier if that makes sense, just make it so that the request is doable for me!
i created the tier list myself, so don't worry about me not liking one of the tropes cause i made sure not to put anything i wouldn't want to write there
some of the tropes are smut tropes (esp the ones in orange), so if you don't want smut in the fic then just leave those out of the ranking!
and just in general you don't have to do a full ranking. if you want to put just the tropes you like at the top then that's enough :)
i write for enhypen, treasure and the boyz (also gidle but idk if ppl are interested in gg longfics). these are the groups i know best but if there's someone else you'd reeeeeaaally like me to write then i can think about it! and don't forget to put in your ask who you're requesting for
if there's a trope missing that you'd really like to see, just include it in your ask and i'll lyk what i think of it :) just no mafia or abo or stuff like that pls..
you can ofc request anonymously, but if you request using ur url then i can dm you about the request to talk about it or tag you if i write it !
since these will be long fics and not drabbles, i won't be taking many requests, i think somewhere around five, or i'll take the ones i really like and just give myself an infinite amount of time to write them. so pls don't expect me to accept a request and post it within the week!
i think that's all! so thank you once again for helping me achieve this milestone and if you decide to participate then hope you have fun doing the ranking <3
tagging the taglist in case u guys would like to participate but no pressure ofc: @zreamy @sunghoonmybeloved @lalalalawon @sd211 @w3bqrl @raikea10 @wntrnghts @moonlighthoon @4imhry @rikisly @loves0ft @iamliacamila @theboingsuckerasseater9000 @mosviqu
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milflewis · 1 year
hey i was wondering if you could do a blog rec list maybe? no pressure though! you just have good taste in drivers and shows and stuff imo and seem to know a lot of cool people here!
ah ofc! not really sure how to do these tho so sorry if it’s shit lol or if i forget anyone!
writer blogs
@hungerpunch valewis. dantteri. valtteri blog. lo’s writing has literally made me sit and stare at a wall before. @husbono sewis. smick. posts seb, lewis, mick, alex etc. i live for whatever genius edit idea natasha will bless us with next. @vettelsbitch maxiel. sewis. seb blog. every other month c comes into the gc like. guys. i had this idea for a fic and now i’ve slipped and accidentally written 10k. pls help. and it’s always the best thing ever. @rosyjuly smick. sewis. posts seb, lewis and mick. whenever i see that rosy has answered some fic prompt or smth and there’s a little readmore under the cut! pure delight i’m telling you. @thelittlebirdthatkeptsomanywarm sewis and slagclaren (will forever be grateful to a for writing a fic based on one of The lewis/jenson commercials). @traincoded also has written a slagclaren fic that filled the void of Another batshit insane commercial. @lewishamil10n valewis and sewis writer. always has the Correct Takes. @effervescentdragon sewis. brocedes. sebchal. charlos. pretty much whatever is poking at akira’s brain at that moment is what she is writing. @azzy421 mainly sewis. the writer of the lucky thirteen au! @trailsofpaper also mainly sewis. the writer of The sewis Knight au. @tinytauris and @yukierres are both doing god’s work filling the yukierre ao3 tag. @collarboen sewis and is also a miles/lewis truther! every single one of these writers have knocked me the fuck out with their writing. just saying.
artist blogs
@andreagrimes writer. also a valtteri blog and v v funny. their style of drawing is one of my fav. @russilton writer. george/lewis blog. mark also bullies kyle on main so like. follow him even just for that lol. @ilikecarsandlike4people and @storm3326 they both do v different kinds of doodles and art styles and i love them both
@ferrawri this is fran. if i loved her less i could talk about it more. posts daniel, lewis and motogp. mostly fabio and marc. @userhamilton posts seb, lewis, mick and lance mainly. has only one wrong opinion but that’s about the sebstache and i’ve given up trying to get ppl to see that light on that. @mickschumachergf posts v cool gifs of lewis and seb and mick etc. and is into fe! (also v funny and sometimes does these cool gif sets with subtitles or smth different and funky with them and they’re fantastic everytime). @formulaonedirection posts mainly lewis and lando. (her tags? genius and comical). @eliotheeangelis posts old f1. a godsend truly
editors/graphic makers
@queerbenched the funkiest graphics. @brawn-gp v v cool edits. @ivettel the most insane gif-editor i know. like half the time i’m like literally HOW are you doing this. fairly sure pure magic (and sooo much skill) is the answer. and writer and seb main. @yukierree v cool and colourful graphics and edits.
lewis blogs
@teamroscoes and @l8tof1 are The lewis blogs. @localoptimist and @lewishcmilton are v funny and have the best takes on things. @4405x sewis main. @sweetaswithscottymac also into fe! @vvettell also posts about seb and alex and fe! (also v funny and nice and i love seeing her takes on stuff)
seb blogs
@wdcseb also a writer! of the sebchal agenda. @unhinged-vettel v funny and really cool edits. @seblicha also v funny and chill
mick blogs
@princemick if you follow me you should definitely follow kyle lmao. at least just for context. they also make cool gifs and graphics too ig. @acrosstobear The Mick Blog . @mickbetsch the coolest gif-edits fr.
yuki blogs
@tsuchansworld and @tsu22 are both yuki blogs and are always correct. @lewki The yuki and lewis blog.
valtteri blogs
@eleyhsa and @garnetaldebaran are The valtteri blogs.
alex blogs
@raceweek her text posts never fail to make me laugh. @alxalb the funniest tags.
fe blogs
@sweetaswithscottymac also posts about lewis and indycar. @mickstart also has the Best michael schumacher takes and just takes in general. @andrelottering also a writer and i think into indycar too? (pls i’m so sorry if i’m wrong)
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broodwolf221 · 4 months
got tagged by @lyriumlullaby-ao3 for an oc thing and i am exciteee. ofc i have so many ocs rn so choosing one was hard, but i want to yell about nessa again bc im love her sm ;u;
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NAME: Nessa Lavellan
NICKNAME: just nessa. some ppl might call her nes and she doesn't correct them, but she thinks it's a little weird
GENDER: cis female
TAROT/ZODIAC: unknown lmao
HEIGHT: ~5'5"
FAVORITE FRUIT: i could see her being very fond of strawberries
FAVORITE SEASON: summer! she gets cold very easily
FAVORITE FLOWER: she's actually not overly interested in nature, but bold flowers do catch her attention. she likes sunflowers.
FAVORITE SCENT: she likes the smell when it starts to rain
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: mostly tea, although after joining the inquisition she drinks coffee and hot chocolate too. frankly in skyhold she will take ANY warm drink
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: probably about 6-7
DOGS OR CATS: she likes both, but she's more of a dog person. she's fascinated by the idea of humans and their hunting dogs/mabari - as a hunter in her clan, she thinks it'd have been helpful to have a hound with her
DREAM TRIP: she's very fond of coastal stretches, so anything like that where she isn't being asked to fight (but she has to bundle up so much)
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: many. her bed in skyhold probably has 4, one of which is fur
RANDOM FACT: she has a strong preference for wool clothing
tagging hmmm @arlathvhenan @possessedopossum @tobythewise but no pressure uwu
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larz-barz · 19 days
just a reminder that it’s oki to analyze my art and tell me about it cause i love reading the way ppl interpret my drawings and the little details >:3 (mainly directed at @pulim-v cause i rlly wanna know what you notice about my art-) (no pressure ofc dw<3)
tagging: @bottlecapsandotherthings @nothingtoseehere1-2-3 @rosalinastan1 @ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @pinkwisteria @nimmie-nugget @night-mince0
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mouseoho · 6 months
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Link your favorite or most popular post from each month this year <3 (it’s totally fine to skip months!) and tag some CCs you love!
tagged by @ambivartence <3
January: airplane-era seoho February: reach for us leedo March: clownfish keonhee April: pink giuk May: unforgettable June: pygmalion seoho July: (gifset) seoho (rbwa summer fes) August: (gifset) dreaming concept film September: dolce vita seoho October: baila conmigo leedo November: dice onew December: (gifset) dresden concept film
tagging (no pressure ofc!): @kingleedo @224-12 @dejundary @rjsals and anyone whos interested !
ahh im so excited to do this :') i joined tumblr just over a year ago now (14/12/22) and ive had a lot of fun! i havent posted as much art as id like, but in fairness the new school year in september was a lot more intense than the year before + i got a new job in march, so im hoping ill do more next year when i get used to the swing of things!
im not the most social? chatty? even tho id like to be, so im grateful to the ppl ive met here, particularly on tomoonblr!!! youve all been lovely <33
i also only started giffing in july and its been a lot of fun!! tricky, but making a nice gifset is so satisfying, esp when its for a fandom that doesnt have much content (my h1keys <33) ! cant wait to do more+better gifs in the future :)
so... thanks for tagging me, and heres to next year <3
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pinayelf · 11 months
❤️ Self-Rec Tag Game ❤️
Rules: Share five of your own fanworks (fic, art, etc.). Then, tag five more people to share the things they've made.
I've finally gotten around to this! Thank you for the tag @shivunin, this is such a wonderful idea <3
Something you absolutely adore
Brown Eyes Looking Into Browner Eyes
Not to toot my own horn (lol I know that's the point of the tag game), but I consider this my magnum opus of 2022. It was the first time I fully incorporated lighting onto a full-piece and I was so proud of how it came out. Seeing all the wonderful comments of ppl loving it meant to much to me :') Also I continue to push my brown eyes supremacy propaganda lmao
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The rest under the cut!
Something that was challenging to create
Cullen and Immy's babies
Backgrounds are always a challenge for me, full illustrations are in general (sighs in wanting to be a portrait artist then changing my mind & deciding I wanna be an illustrator smh) especially when there's multiple characters in one and there's 5 in this. The whole process of thinking about every aspect - lighting, color palette, poses, dynamics, perspective jmfidi is SO MUCH. But I really wanted to do this because I wanted a full family illustration of Immy and Cullen w/ their bbs. I don't think it's perfect but me finishing it and actually DOING it helps in going forward.
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Something that makes you laugh (or smile, if that fits more comfortably) 
Baby Ilao
Uh-oh, more Cullen x Immy baby content lol. Cullen and Immy's post-Trespasser's life (my hc of it) is my comfort place. I've never cared about giving OCs babies until I romanced Cullen w Immy and now it's all I can think about ;-; The two of them as mamae and papae just make me jmfidijf and baby Ilao is my absolute beloved even tho she's a menace <3 (Papae Cullen does things to my heart ;-;)
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Something that surprised you (in how it turned out, how much other people liked it, etc.)
Sinag 2.0
I made Sinag when I was 22, and since I'm 28 now, I've changed quite a bit since then. I've revamped her recently because I've been feeling disconnected with her and I think this helped me find her voice again. So ofc, I had to draw a new proper art piece of her. I was so worried this was going to come out awful because Dragon Age armor in general IS A DOOZY to draw lmao. I'm pleasantly surprised this came out decently, Hawke's armor made me dizzy looking at it lol.
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Something you want other people to see
Cullen x Immy as Jane and Bingley
I did a screencap redraw of Lizzie and Darcy as Amihan and Nate, so I decided why not do it with Cullen and Immy - cause I've always seen them as Jane and Bingley. It turned into a full study that took me three weeks (cryin) but I was really happy with how the environments turned out. I really SHOULD DO one again. I put blood sweat and tears into it so I kindly ask to Please Look lol ;-; <3
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I've seen most ppl tagged so hopefully I don't double tag! Tagging: @feeshies @tatert07s @cairamelcoffee @sunflowerdales
No pressure ofc <3
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littlewinnow · 8 months
Getting to know you tag game!
Thank you for tagging me @basiatlu!! :=)
-Three Ships-: DRARRY ofc! Alongside wolfstar & Jegulus
-First Ship-: omg Narusasu...the og!!! (the start of my yaoi consumption)
-Last Song-: “Damage gets done" by Hozier!
-Last Movie-: In the middle of "What we do in the shadows!" Movie.
-Currently Reading-: More like I should start reading (I've been procrastinating) Everything the darkness eats by Eric LaRocca
-Last Thing I Wrote Drew-: Oop nsfw drarry yesterday.
-Currently Writing Drawing-: Too many things, but it's between drarry with pet cats and bunny boy! Draco/Cat boy!Harry atm
-Are you named after anyone?-: Yeah! I don't want to reveal my name but I was named after my parent's favourite character in a show they used to watch as a teen.
-Favorite Subject in School-: Media? Forgot what it was called, I learned photoshop/illustrator through that class which was helpful.
-Do you have kids?-: Nope! Just a dog who I spoil rotten.
-When was the last time you cried?-: err probs a long while ago?? Probs months tbh.
-Do you use sarcasm a lot?-: Not really! Only with close friends or my siblings, I tend to sound really dry and confuse ppl sometimes (they have told me this) 😭 (delivery is not my forte)
-What sports do you play/have played?-: I used to play soccer as a kid, but nothing club-like tho? Very casual, I have no stamina whatsoever. I'm more of a walk-on-a-nature path type of person.
-What’s the first thing you notice about people?-: I think hair and lower face? I tend to avoid eye contact (until I feel more comfortable??) and look around more the face.
-Any special talents?-: Other than doodling, I don't think I have any??? I'm not really sure LMAO 😭 maybe knowing when my dog is up to trouble...
-Where we’re you born?-: Canada!
-What are your hobbies?-: Drawing, Reading, Baking, and Video games!
-How tall are you?-: I am "5'3"! I'm short...
-Dream Job-: hmm, book illustrations? Tbh, I quite love my current job but I'd love to illustrate a book like The Skull by Jon Klassen.
Tagging! (no pressure) @thecouchsofa , @rockingrobin69 , @kyuini
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idkisaccmoon · 2 months
You guys, I’m starting a tumblr cult for Ruby sans,
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Pfp ^^ (optional but preferred)
Let’s see how many people we can get to join the Ruby cult!! (Reblog or comment if you wanna join!!)
No pressure tags! ( @thatonearoacefreak ) ( @imn0t-1n-dept ) @jasper00nb @capadoodle
(I added some ppl who are really cool, hope I don’t bother themXD)
{get your friends to join>:3 in ya want ofc}
Ruby sans belongs to: @thatonearoacefreak
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amadeusevenstar · 2 months
get to know you!
thanks for the tag @bubblegumflavor and @miyagi-hokarate !!
-> Last Song I Listened To: “Snow (Hey Oh)” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
-> Currently Reading: “Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes” (i tend to be a slow reader so it’s taking me a while lol)
-> Currently Watching: doing a re watch of Cobra Kai rn! I’ve also been trying to watch the new live action ATLA but it’s slow going 😅 also also i’ve been watching a lot of Seinfeld lately (kramer speaks to me on a spiritual level ok)
-> Currently Obsessed With: TKK/CK obviously, that’s been my main focus for a while now i’m actually surprised it’s lasted this long. Other than that i’ve been pretty into the Hunger Games, and i’m pretty much always at least a little bit obsessed with Lord of the Rings
tagging (no pressure ofc): @yallwildinrn @zannolin @zappedbyzabka @landslided @eightyfours @purty-pumpkin @soobiesworld @gondorsfinest @karatehusbandos @corroded-coffin @variousqueerthings (tried to think of ppl who i haven’t seen already been tagged, but i could be wrong abt some)
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