#no seriously i'm about to be so dramatic in the tags THESE ARE MY SHITTY BABIES AND I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH
whos-hotter-jjba · 5 months
Hottest JoJo Character Bracket - Match 3-4
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moonlightdancer26 · 11 months
(tw bullying) Sometimes I go to the anti-snape tag bc I want some variety in opinions, and I don't really have an issue with people disliking Snape...he's not a nice person.
But then I get a post that's like 'Snape deserved to be bullied' and all the variants and it's just...look, "Snape was and awful person" and "Snape didn't deserve to be bullied" are not mutually exclusive. And just bc Snape was a lousy nasty teacher as an adult doesn't mean he was that way as a kid.
I think it's just a specific minority that thinks this stuff*, and granted, there is a very strong slant in HP that leans towards the Marauders* but it just kills any desire I have to read further, even if I block whoever said it.
*(for the sake of the post and all new readers, I'll give the summarized version: Almost every time we hear about something the Marauders do to Snape, we quickly get the Marauder's 'Snape did something to deserve it' POV. Plus we're inclined to like the nicer Marauders vs the nasty teacher Snape).
*I'm trying not to generalize all marauders fans/anti snape people for a variety of reasons.
I completely agree. Despite how headstrong I seem to be about my opinions (which I am), I genuinely am so interested in hearing other people’s opinions and trying to look at the text from their perspectives and interpretations. 😭 I feel like my followers have no idea how balanced I can be during arguments bc y’all mostly just see me focusing on the negative aspects of the characters I hate (because to me, that overshadows the positive aspects of their character). For each character I hate, there’s almost always a long process of how I came to hate them, watching/reading the entirety of the show/movie(s)/book(s), forming an opinion about the character throughout the series, reading other people’s analyses of said character and how they interpreted certain things the character did, finally concluding whether I love/hate/dislike/get irritated by/etc this character, and then try to build a balanced take on them for later discussions.
Sorry that got long 😭 I just wanted to explain to y’all that I really love meeting people who have different/more neutral opinions than I do so I can learn about them 💀 anyway-
Like I said, I agree with you, I enjoy reading a variety of mixed opinions and seeing other people’s perceptions of a character I feel strongly about (be it positive or negative). But I seriously hate when Snaters always dramatise their hatred (emphasis on always, bc sure I can be dramatic too BUT AT LEAST I ACTUALLY ANALYSE SCENES AND EXPLAIN WHY SAID CHARACTER SUCKS) and over-exaggerate every single thing he does, they always make it hard to be civil and calm when reading their posts 😭 And when they call him Snivellus, make childish and hurtful jokes about his appearance, and try to actually JUSTIFY all the trauma he went through? That’s a no-no. I may hate a lot of characters, but I would never actively try to justify what they went through (throwback to that one Snape fan who tried to say Sirius wasn’t abused and was just mistreated 🤢 so gross and disrespectful) nor would I pretend that it doesn’t play a part in how the character turned out later on. Snaters fail to realise that “this character was abused” and “this character is a shitty person/a bully” can coexist, they hardly even register that his being abused at childhood was most definitely a contributing factor in how he turned out as an adult (which even the simplest of minds can realise).
*I'm trying not to generalize all marauders fans/anti snape people for a variety of reasons.
Lol it’s okay anon, your clarification isn’t necessary. I think we all know that not everyone from the Marauders fandom acts like that. Usually, if one were to look at your ask and think “ok but not all of us!! you’re generalising! *starts attacking us*”, then that would be a pretty tell-tale sign of low intelligence. 💀
Thanks for the ask, love! Have a great day.
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quillinhand · 1 year
🦋 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🦋
Hi! Thanks for the ask! Ok so,
my first time seriously drawing was in 2020; I was doing online classes and it was around 9: 30. It was a drawing of a realistic eye and it took me forty five minutes. my drawing has gotten better(and worse) in many ways since then, but it's still one of my favorite things I've ever drawn. mostly because 2020 was a shitty year and discovering drawing as an outlet was almost magical.
y'all remember harrypotterfanfiction? ok so when i was 12 I wrote the cringiest ff on there about this spy oc named cassandra who- you guessed it- was a teacher at hogwarts, had a mYsTeRiOuS pAsT and was besties with the malfoys and had weird tension shit going on with snape. I got as far as the scene where snape died, dramatically in casssandra's arms(he was supposed to come back to life two chapters later) but then I decided it was too boring and never came back to it. took it down because sanity returned to me.
i was born under the pleiades star. its called krithika nakshatram in tamil, and I'm tamil. idk why this was so important to 10 year old me, but I wrote it down in all of those bio things that came with notebooks/agendas/calendars. so i think it's worth mentioning.
So... yeah. I think you can't get more random than that, and though I think these are more anecdotes than everything, eh. Tagging the 7 blogs because leaving an ask is still very confusing.
@horror-lover17 , @v1cv1c , @angrynerdpartydonut , @trinikins , @inc0rrect , @nellietrelawney , @shortqueershakespeare
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endorstoiii · 1 year
My wright #3 - I'm back
I know I've been very far from tumblr for a long time, but I had no idea my last appearance here was on Feb 20th. Long four months that, honestly, felt like just a few weeks.
I don't remember the exact reason why I got offline, but I suppose it was a huge amount of tasks (home + course), and add it tons and tons of exhaustion (mental, emotional and physical).
It's no surprise that my life only gets worse, and I'm not exaggerating or being dramatic or playing the victim. I really mean it. Also, I'm not being negative and pessimist. Nothing works for me. I am unemployed and I'm looking for a job for three years. Ok, we had a fucking pandemic in the middle of the process, but things are back to normal already and everyone I know had success after all of that. Except for me. Do you know how fucked up is it to be unemployed? It more than sucks. I only get older (and more tired) and it hinders to find a job. Not only "I am too old" to get a beginners job, but also I feel so uncapable, psicologically I am destroyed because no matter how hard I try to get my shit together, nothing works. I even get some job interviews, but I never step forward. I can't get a job as a designer. I can't get a job as anything else — I tried to get a job on many different areas, except for seller cause the pressure is way too much for me to handle (I am way too bad already, I can't get any worse or God knows what may happen) — I can't get any little ray of success at anything at all. Why? Is it me?
Honestly, I don't think I am the problem. Not anymore. I used to think I was terrible as a student, as a designer and then I would be a terrible professional as well. Plus, I am too shy and dumb, I wouldn't know what to do in much pressure, and job recruiters know that and would never approve me. But no. I know I am good in what I do. Obviously I'm not the best (and I think I don't even want to be, so that's ok), but I'm good and I deserve more. I am so attentious, cautios and passionate (finally! this would be a good topic to write about: my passion for design). And being shy and dumb? Like... Everyone is hah I know people who are even shyer and dumber, and they have a job, they do a great work. So, no. I am not the problem. So, the only answer I can think of is: external influence. I am the least spiritual person I know (another good topic to write about), but oh man, it's the only thing that makes any sense to me. I believe the horrendous, deep and negative energy of the enviroment I live in, unfortunately influences my paths. And not only to get a job, but to anything to me. For example, I can't have a date. I can't. My life is too bad, my psychologic is too bad, my emotional too bad. This is all because of this fucking shitty energy of the enviroment I live in.
Well, no surprises here. But yeah my life was a mess and got even worse. It gets worse with time. And as if everything isn't all fucked up already, my grandma (who is kinda still recovering from her knee fracture) fell of the stairs and broke her two wrists. Now, again, me and my mom have to take care of her — but this time we must keep our eyes on her all. the. time. Do you know how exhausting and demanding taking care of an old person can be??? I had no clue until last year when she broke her knee, now it's her knee and two arms. My God.
Just when I thought I was getting a bit better, I got totally worse again. But now I feel like I'm a little bit less shitty than I was a couple of months ago. Seriously, about two months ago I was so bad as I've never been my whole life :( I tried looking for psychological help but, uh oh, how will I afford it if I'm unemployed? I can't get better psychologically, I can't get better emotionally, I can't get better financially, I can't get better in any layer of life... However, these past weeks I felt a little motivation to just keep on going one day at a time, I miss tumblr and I miss my friends & mutuals, I miss doing those tagging post stuff. These are some of the things that bring me some joy :) despite feeling the worst ever, I want to be here and I want to keep on doing, cause if I don't, I will probbaly disassociate for real and I don't even know what's next.
This is probably the longest text post I've written here, but well deserved cause four months away from my safe place... It's a lot. I don't know how long this motivation phase will take, I hope it's like before. But while I'm here, I want to be here.
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nochi-quinn · 2 years
legend of vox machina season 2 episode 11: Belly of the Beast OR I said what what
"you came up here to sleep with your daughter" "I feel like I wouldn't have let it get that far??" you didn't know shit, scanlan, you 100% would have
not the flogger having an actual emotional significance
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kaylie: >:|
you've heard of immovable rod get ready for immovable sword
of course scanlan knows how to slip ropes like that
leave him ALONE
"why does your keg say 'for animal consumption only'?" grog's drinking ivermectin
I do like the gold-amber-red gradient on the little fate thread
not the campaign 1 death roll
me @ the raven queen:
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scanlan looking all despondent :(
like it's an amazing pose/expression, just. :(
the fact that vax really does see scanlan as like a big brother advice-giving type (which is maybe a little bit of liam and sam bleeding through but hey)
flashback to mica talking about thordak as a shitty dad
so that's cabal's ruin she's wearing, right? or is she gonna pick that up between now and glintshore
background goliath: "this better be good or I'm killin' something" also me whenever I have to have a conversation first thing in the morning
"please god tell me this is a metaphor"
"we need a good plan" "so…do you have one?" "have one what"
big "it's time for plan b" "do we have a plan b?" "no but it's time for one" energy
keyleth failing six stealth checks in a row
"I put you in this place" technically that was percy
"do not go far from me" HEY. NO. SHUT UP.
this whole thing originally took place post-thordak, after the timeskip when percy had a temple to the raven queen built in whitestone
"this isn't something we have to talk about now. or ever, honestly." mood
"it always matters"
"don't let him get away" I regret to inform you that that is in fact the one thing he will actually do
roommate: is that blood? me: yyyyup roommate, with feeling: gross
"take the plunge" I feel like he maybe wasn't being quite this literal, vax
the coffin pose was not necessary, you dramatic ass
I had to look this up, this is Courtenay Taylor as the Raven Queen, which knocked me 100% for a loop
like. jack masseffect? female soul survivor? in my critical role??
there are six fate threads connected to vax, one for each of the other party members
lays in the floor about it
ngl I did have An Emotion about "all the living share one experience"
I also like the idea that RQ has been scouting vax this whole time, even before the temple
also one of those priestesses was liev'tel and I will not be convinced otherwise
"whose blood is that?!"
and now vax is a born-again
the little "dig" gesture
"he's not very smart, is he?"
interrogating the axe
scanlan really is tryingggggg
it's so hard watching this and knowing where scanlan's character arc ends up and just wanting him to be there Now
(someone on the tag made the point that stream!scanlan played everything as a joke until suddenly demanding to be taken seriously, which was a big cause of everyone's confusion and upset in ep. 85, because he really hadn't earned that kind of pathos. this arc is much more satisfying to watch bc we can see those pieces falling into place in real time, instead of having future events informing them in hindsight.)
they can feel the heat from that fire in the next city
petition for that specific pitch to be removed from everyone's sound libraries forever
passive perception too strong pls nerf
quick someone cast fairy fire
this is going to be an extremely weird sentence but I enjoy what they've done with environmental blood splatter this season
vorugal's ice blasts, umbrasyl's invisible stomps, they're just good
"I found out I'm the champion of the Matron of Ravens" "I found out I'm a father" "…you win"
the little look down at "the other way"
plus vax's face after
the pupil dilation
"I didn't actually think this would work!" "it really shouldn't have"
"you leave when Scanlan Shorthalt TELLS you to leave"
love that the broom drop fastball special is just their signiature move now
(are there people having the same reaction to finding out Grog and Vex are married that I did to finding out Roy Mustang and Lust are married)
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itsjamethyst · 3 years
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A Descent into Delicious Delirium by J_Amethyst for swisstae
Title: A Descent into Delicious Delirium
Rating: M
Wordcount: 27,273
Content Tags: Quidditch Player Harry Potter, Quidditch Player Draco Malfoy, Enemies to Lovers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Slow Burn, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension, Implied Sexual Content, Sexual Humor, Drinking, Clubbing, Drunk Harry Potter, Bets & Wagers, Pining Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter in Denial, Period-Typical Homophobia, Quidditch Seekers, The Daily Prophet.
Harry makes a few piss-poor decisions. Malfoy’s still a rich prick. The lesson to be learned here: Don’t engage in a disastrous game of chicken. Unless, of course, you enjoy the idea of a naked photoshoot, and the entire Wizarding World believing you get off on Malfoy. The following is a recount of the course of events that unfolded. *All named persons have consented to the retelling of this story with stipulations of authorial dramatic flair. The author does not condone the views expressed and reflected by Rita Skeeter, The Daily Prophet, and other associated entities.
Now to thank some truly wonderful people, and a customary over-the-top spiel about how sappy I am about this fic.
I am unbelievably over the moon to finally talk about and share this fic with everyone. Writing this was such an amazing experience, and is possibly one of my favourite fics I've written to date. I feel like I say this every time a new fic gets revealed, but honestly speaking, every time I think about this fic I feel all happy inside.
Now that this fic is revealed, I can finally share that this Several Sentence Sunday post that a lot of people seemed to like is actually the deleted scene from this fic.
I want to thank everyone who helped make this story possible, so without further ado, give it up to all these phenomenal people: My alphas, @manixzen and @fantalf, you are both wonderful and were absolutely integral to this fic. From helping me with the tone and the pacing, and perfecting the events of the story.
To my beta @cam-the-chameleon, I don't even know what to say, because no words seem enough. Without you I don't think this fic would have even be possible. You are so thorough and your suggestions are always genius, some of my all time favourite moments in this fic were from your brilliant mind (WAGGLY, Horny Porker, doesn’t seem so inclined to keep away from big pairs of balls!) -- just to name a few.
Seriously, I am so proud of this story and I hope that everyone who read it enjoyed it as much as I did writing.
To the @quidditchfest mods, thank you for creating such an amazing fest. This was the very first fest I ever signed up to, and all I can say is that I am so glad to have participated.
Finally, to @swisstae. Your comments on every chapter of this fic were amazing, I am truly astonished. Thank you so, so much for all your love on that fic, I can't stop myself from going back and reading your comments... And dying a bit inside.
This fic was a lot of firsts. For one, it went through many, many changes during its infant stage. The time skips and the Prophet Article titles actually came a lot later on in the writing process. I was about half way into the fic when I completely changed the whole timeline, shifted scenes around, and decided to try the time skip headings. It was all a bit experimental, I had no idea if I was going to keep it in the final cut, but at the end of the day I'm so glad I did, because the time skips make Delicious Delirium what it is.
For the first time, I tried my hand at a little more light-hearted humour. Most of the fic is just me trying to make myself giggle with my shitty twelve-year-old humour. I'm so glad that my beta Cam shares this same humour, because we really did bounce off each other perfectly. Re: Horny Porker, doesn’t seem so inclined to keep away from big pairs of balls!
The Prophet Articles were also really entertaining to write, my favourite one is the Lockhart article. If you've read the fic, you know the one. Am I allowed to give myself a pat in the back for coming up with that Lockhart joke? Because I love it, and I was absolutely grinning when a commenter pointed that one out.
Thank you to everyone who engaged with the fic, it means the world.
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