#no social media presence
beardedmrbean · 6 months
labama woman Carlee Russell will not face jail time after she pleaded guilty Thursday to falsely reporting her kidnapping last summer, multiple outlets reported.
Russell initially vanished on July 13 after calling police about a toddler on the side of the highway but returned home two days later. Later that month, she admitted through her attorney that she had fabricated the story.
Russell was charged with two misdemeanors: falsely reporting to law enforcement and falsely reporting an incident. She was trying to appeal a conviction in a state trial but instead headed to a plea trial Thursday.
Appearing before the judge Thursday, she blindly plead guilty with no deal in place, AL.com reported.
“I made a grave mistake while trying to fight through various emotional issues and stress,” Russell told the judge, as AL.com reported. "I absolutely regret my decision and in hindsight wish I had cried for help in a totally different manner. My prayer is that I will be extended grace and be given the opportunity to redeem who I truly am and restore the positively esteemed character that I have worked so hard to obtain for the 25 years of my life prior to this incident."
She must pay nearly $18,000 in restitution and receive mental health counseling, but her six-month jail time sentence was suspended, according to AL.com.
The judge presiding over the case or Russell's attorney Emory Anthony did not immediately respond to USA TODAY's request for information. 
Carlee Russell timeline: Everything that happened from her disappearance to admitting it was hoax
Carlee Russell kidnapping hoax
Russell initially went "missing" on July 13 after calling police from a Birmingham suburb to report “a male toddler in a diaper” on the side of Interstate 459 South, as previously reported by USA TODAY. She told the operator she was "stopping to check on him,” and then called a family friend to inform them of the situation.
The family friend heard her scream during the call and then lost contact with Russell. The Hoover Police Department arrived on the scene roughly five minutes later to find Russell's wig, cellphone and purse with an Apple Watch inside on the roadway near her empty vehicle. There was no sign of Russell or a child.
Police quickly launched a search for the woman, with local, state and federal authorities getting involved. The case drew national attention as people across the country kept up with news of the search.
Carlee Russell returns home, admits she wasn't kidnapped
Russell returned home on July 15 and allegedly "gave detectives her statement so that they can continue to pursue her abductor," Talitha Russell, Carlee's mother, told TODAY on July 18. Carlee's mother and father told reporters that their daughter had indeed been abducted and that the perpetrator was still at large.
Police continued to investigate until July 24, when police read a statement from Russell's lawyer at a news conference, confirming that Russell had never actually been missing. The statement said she acted alone in pulling off the deceit. She apologized to the community, searchers, police and her family for her "mistake."
"The sad thing is ... there were so many people that were involved ... took this thing very seriously," the statement read. "It is what it is."
Neither Russell nor her attorney have provided a public explanation for why she faked the abduction.
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nouearth · 7 months
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wake up, new logan lerman photos dropped!!!
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possumnest · 3 months
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cicada season in north america is coming to a close, so keep your passion for cicadas burning eternal with this Big Cool Sticker that i sell on my etsy.com :-) let it serve as a reminder to live the simple life the way cicadas do - growing, screaming, fucking, dying.
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stuckinapril · 4 months
how are you so in love with yourself...this is not me accusing you of narcissism or smth i genuinely am in awe of how much you seem to like yourself and be in love with yourself and I try so hard to be like you and do that too but i fail every single time...i really really want to know how I could be like this too because i know it is one of the biggest things stopping me from achieving happiness
Not sure if this is a ubiquitous experience, but for me personally affirmations can only go so far. There’s always been a direct correlation between me doing action-based things and my self-esteem increasing, so I try to keep my promises to myself (study at x time, work out at y time, just doing whatever I need to do even if I don’t have the motivation for it). Someone told me that self-esteem comes w doing esteemable things, and I’ve never forgotten that since. What someone thinks about me (including the gargoyle voice in my head lol) won’t faze me if I have tangible accomplishments under my belt I can refer back to on bad days
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bookrat · 1 year
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Thalassodromeus commission from over on Twitter
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sw4nfire · 4 months
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so I made the mistake of listening to the character songs sung by the voice actors and it sparked a buggy centric mad max style musician/music au and I cant get it out of my head here is a google doc with all the details and my reasonings
I tried not to change much about one piece's wacky world since I love it so much
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reduxskullduggerry · 1 year
watcher's social media on tumblr is really top notch bc sometimes when I'm not paying attention to avatars, I see a post that I several times over assume is from a fellow fan and then realize it's actual a post by watcher.
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lleclercism · 2 days
franco colapinto you have to stop. your drip too hard. your lhcult swag too diferrent. your lack of pr training too tough. they’ll kill you
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introspectres · 9 months
A strategy for creatives who share art online that has helped me tremendously:
step 1: finish art
step 2: share w/ small peer group for immediate "good job"s / positive feedback
step 3: wait a week or more then post it online. Ideally by scheduling it in advance.
After the week buffer, I'm usually already excited about my next project, so I tend to care a lot less about how the first is received on social media. No notes? No worries, we'll keep moving forward
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naggascradle · 1 day
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Covers for A Game of Thrones, I (Jon Snow) II (Daenerys Targaryen) III (Tyrion Lannister) IV (Catelyn Stark) V (Ned Stark) & A Clash of Kings, I (Arya Stark) II (Theon Greyjoy) III (Sansa Stark) IV (Davos Seaworth) V (Bran Stark), drawn by Ken Sugiwara for the Japanese paperback release of A Song of Ice and Fire.
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ribbittrobbit · 1 year
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a wizard and her paramour
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peoplesprincessgeorge · 2 months
Honestly it does surprise me how much of the grid are cringefail losers. With the exception of Lewis and maaaybe Yuki, they're all losers (affectionate)!
It's true, but it shouldn't surprise you. You have to remember these kids missed so much school to go karting with other weird kids, only to drop out around 13-15. No normal socialisation for any of them. Also with how much car knowledge are pressed into them other areas suffer (like taste and coolness). Additionally if you're not European you have to move there young.
Then when they finally make it they're suddenly famous and making way too much money at way too young, travelling all the time. Being famous is never good for you. Taylor Swift said that famous people are kinda frozen at the age they break through, which I can totally see. Suddenly you can't trust if those around you like you for you or your money/status. And then the only other people in you situation are just as stunted as you and also your rivals.
Not to mention that if you're not rich rich your whole families financial future rests on your shoulders, a fucked up situation for a teenager. And you kinda automatically turn into your families golden child with how much time and money they have to invest in you, so even your relation to your family turns weird.
They never stood a chance.
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
What advice would you give beginner artists?
it's fine to want to do more stylized art, but nothing will help you improve quickly like studying from life. even if you want to draw very stylized figures, life drawing is still going to help you understand how the human body works and then you can build your stylization off of that understanding. I also recommend studying specifically things you're looking to improve--if you feel like your poses aren't dynamic, ask your model to do some quick (1-2 min) dynamic poses and work on getting the gesture down. if you're looking for anatomy, ask for longer, more static poses and really study the contours of the body. this also applies for portraiture and character art--my expressions and facial structure improved like CRAZY when i started doing portrait studies from life! (note: i know live model sessions aren't accessible for everyone. i'm a huge advocate for nude models, if you can find a studio nearby that's affordable to you that offers sessions, that's the best you're gonna get. however, there are sites that will give you photos of nude models to draw from, too, or you can even just ask friends or family to pose for you when they aren't busy, that's what i did before i started getting model sessions from my school!)
materials are not everything but sometimes a good material can make a difference. it's important to know what's worth it and what isn't for your skill level. invest in some decent-quality supplies or a good art program, but understand that you're still going to need to work to understand your materials and use them to their fullest potential. (if you're a digital artist buy csp. trust me on this. get it on sale. it will change your life. also do not fucking use photoshop)
tracing is ok. listen to me. TRACING. IS. OK. tracing is how you learn. don't trace other people's art and pass it off as your own, obviously, but there is literally no problem with tracing real-life reference photos. I routinely trace references for backgrounds and the like. there is no reason for you to kill yourself trying to make complex perspective and shit up from your head when you can very easily just overlay a photo and get what you need.
in that same vein, USE REFERENCE PHOTOS. find pics online or take pics of yourself and USE THEM to see how your poses work. it makes it SO SO SO much easier. the understanding that you need to create a pose out of nowhere will come with time but you're not going to get that skill unless you have a foundation of understanding how the real human body works, and the easiest way to get that understanding is by copying photos of real people.
last but not least, there's generally a sort of 'rulebook' that new artists are expected to go by, especially online, when it comes to digital art. when i was first learning, it was all about lineart and cell shading, two things that I didn't really like. Nowadays it seems to be all about rendering. the single most important thing i can tell you is if it sucks you don't have to do it. if you hate lineart just color your sketches. if you hate shading don't shade, or find a different way to shade that you enjoy more. if rendering is annoying or difficult for you DON'T BOTHER!! art is supposed to be fun. if part of your process is annoying or upsetting to you, cut it the fuck out. don't torture yourself just to do art the "right" way. i guarantee your art will look better when you're having fun making it anyway!
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medvedevvs · 5 months
i just find it so funny that holger has taken it upon himself to explain how tennis ticket sessions work
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fritzes · 3 months
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do you see my vision
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lonniemachin · 5 months
I was asked to help share Rawan's fundraiser. Rawan is a young Palestinian mother and psychologist urgently raising money to evacuate she and her family from Gaza. Rawan has only raised €1,976 out of her €40,000 goal so far, and the IOF's planned invasion of Rafah is imminent. Please share and donate, and if you can't donate, please still share!
From Rawan's GFM:
My name is Rawan Nasser Ghayadah, and I am 29 years old. I am a divorced mother to the most beautiful child in my life, named Youssef. I work as a psychologist, helping adults and children overcome their psychological and behavioral issues. My life used to be filled with happiness, surrounded by my family. My sisters were attending universities every day, and my younger sister excelled in her studies. However, her dream of attending university was shattered. I used to see my son, Youssef, every week, and we would go out to the best places and restaurants in Gaza. I went to work every day, helping people with love. After finishing my work, I would attend my university classes, where I was at the top of my class. But unfortunately, everything changed dramatically on October 7th.
That day is unforgettable in our lives. We woke up and heard people shouting outside at 2 a.m., screaming that they want to bomb us. We woke up terrified, running inside the house while my siblings and my little sister were screaming and crying. The whole building shook, and people were running in the streets not knowing where to go. Suddenly, there was a loud bombing sound in the middle of the street, shaking everything, and people started screaming even louder.
The shrapnel scattered in the street, and people in their homes were burning, their screams still echoing in my head. I couldn't get over it until now. Our house was destroyed, and people burned in their homes. Three journalists were martyred in front of our eyes and the eyes of our children. We stayed awake until morning.
Then came the decision to evacuate us to the south. We had nowhere to go, and we spent a whole night with our children on the street. Then a friend of ours took us in and hosted us at his house.
After a few days passed, we went through some of the hardest nights. People started giving us mattresses, blankets, clothes for us and our children. We lived through very difficult days.
And then, just a few days later, I received the news of the martyrdom of my first friend. It was like a thunderbolt. My lifelong companion and work colleague had passed away.
And the first month passed since her martyrdom. I received the news of the martyrdom of my second friend and her son. Ninety people from her family perished.
I experienced a psychological shock and lived days without eating, just crying.
I tried to overcome the situation, but then I received the news of the martyrdom of my childhood friend, my companion, my soulmate. I felt like my soul had left and my back was broken with her death.
After that, I lost control of my life. I lost my home, my friends, I was displaced, and I was deprived of seeing my child because of the war.
Now, we are appealing for donations to save my family from the war and to leave Gaza as soon as possible. The situation here is dire, and we urgently need support to ensure the safety and well-being of my son and myself. Your contributions will help us find shelter, access basic necessities, and ultimately escape the ongoing violence that has shattered our lives. Please, donate generously to help us rebuild our lives and secure a brighter future away from the horrors of war.
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