#no sugar coated needed
milkbreadtoast · 25 days
havent posted abt cookie yuri instead of cookie yaoi for a while but ummm these 2 r making me go crazy😳🙉💓💓KYAA
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clownsuu · 1 year
YESS I love tau! Mad scientist are my fav I love myself a fucked up baby girl! Do those unethical experiments! Plus his design is top notch
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Certified babygirl smhh
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thescrumptiousstuffs · 7 months
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Only Friends Episode 8 Twitter Trend
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scorchieart · 11 months
I'm in the mood to theorize again 🔔
Unless I missed it explicitly stated in game, when did the Rhodolite princes divide into factions? I assume those factions existed before their time (probably headed by the previous king and princes or whoever) and our boys took over when the time was right, but when was it right? The threat of Obsidian when they were young may have prompted them to join politics and the military early. Were they sworn to a faction by the time Bloodstained Rose Day rolled around? They were all deployed that day, and the language used in the game makes it sound like they were high ranking on the field (commanding soldiers and such), but is this true for all of them? The younger ones sounded to be just following the older ones' commands.
And on that topic, had they all undergone their rose insignia ceremonies by then? I'm just trying to get a feel for the political climate and how much it affected the princes' childhoods, because it's the kind of worldbuilding I've been craving since the starter routes. Oh, and this doesn't include Luke, of course.
I have screenshots and stuff for evidence and analysis, but I want to keep this initial post spoiler-free in case anyone wants to hop on with their theories 😉
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toxiccaves · 6 months
we have people making posts that come off as anti-voting and then they go to say no thats not what we actually mean.
but then you have people on these posts saying theyre not going to vote or they dont care if t*ump can run again and wins and i just need to say. you fell for propaganda.
we still have a year and no idea where we will be at that time or who we're voting for, but we still need to come together and make a decision at that time because if you genuinly think we can stand another year of enabling bigots as loudly as they were, you are very wrong.
we get it, you mean to say we need to demand change from who we vote for, and that voting someone in does not guarantee change, and its evident not many people in govt represent the people. So say that instead!
you still need to go out and do it! voter supression is a thing for a reason! make this the bare minimum single thing you do, then continue doing every other radical revolutionary thing you suggest! the fact so many people are hopping on current events to start this anti-voting misinformation campaign is upsetting and questionable
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maybeamultiverse · 8 months
I started reading the Barbarian romance series (the smut books about the blue alien guys with the infamously bad Photoshop covers), and aside from some issues I have with the writing, the notably lackluster book featuring the only evidently POC character (and her being compared to food at least once), the use of the word 'barbarian' (it's originally a slur used against North African people, btw) I really must admit...
... the romance and smut stuff is fine, but like, the cultural commentary on civilization?!? The loss of it after a catastrophic crash? Generational trauma?!?
The framework for the lore and the backstory of the sa-khui species?!?
The eventual discovery in book seven (yes, I read that far lmao) where they find archaeological evidence of plumbing in an abandoned alien city?!? That's goooooood. I WANT MORE OF THAT.
Does anyone have any good book recs vaguely related? Don't care about smut being included (I like to think something like this could be a part of a series about the development of Mintaka III, which I do think was some kind of Romulan colony accident). Like, stuff about advanced civilizations reduced to their relative stone ages and contending with that shit.
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bobson-dugnut · 3 months
I’ve decided i am going to do as much as I can, as well as I can, for as long as I can
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orcelito · 11 months
I think I want to pull out my tarot deck
My old one. Not the new one I haven't opened yet. I need the comfort of an old friend.
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softly-n-sweetly · 5 months
desperately need a cute boy to put a pillow under my hips and eat my ass for at least an hour
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sleavesofgrass · 8 months
I made the mistake of basing my whole personality and identity on being a writer. And because it’s the most important thing to me, I have avoided sharing it with people because I don’t know how to stomach the criticism. And what if the feedback tells me that I’m not actually as good as I thought I was? It’s the only thing I’ve ever been good at, but what it I’m not actually good!? Idk what I’d do… I don’t know who I am if I’m not a writer
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hell yeah!!
so obviously i ship lawlight. i'm not 100% how i feel about lawmane and yagamane (i think they're interesting to explore even if they are awful to each-other) but i most definitely like lawlightmane
i don't think i've really seen them all together in fics but i like drawing them and seeing art of them! i think they're good as more of a fun ship rather than a serious ship. if you look at them seriously they'd be absolutely toxic and bad and awful but for the comedy of it i love them. the thought of three fucked up people being together is fun
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twilightlane-archived · 8 months
Big Five Personality Test
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I: Research has shown that extraversion is linked to a range of outcomes, including job performance, social support, and well-being. For example, individuals who score high on extraversion tend to be more successful in careers that involve social interaction and communication. They may also have more social support networks and experience higher levels of subjective well-being.
II: Individuals who score high on emotional stability are characterized as being emotionally resilient, calm, and even-tempered. They tend to experience fewer negative emotions and are better able to cope with stress and adversity. They are also more likely to exhibit positive emotions, such as happiness, contentment, and enthusiasm.
III: Individuals who score high on agreeableness are characterized as being warm, kind, and considerate. They tend to be cooperative and are motivated to maintain harmonious social relationships. They may also have a strong sense of empathy and concern for the welfare of others. In contrast, individuals who score low on agreeableness tend to be more competitive and skeptical. They may be less motivated to maintain social harmony and may be more likely to express their opinions forcefully, even if they may conflict with others.
IV: Individuals who score high on conscientiousness are characterized as being reliable, hardworking, and efficient. They tend to be well-organized and responsible, and are motivated to achieve their goals. They may also exhibit a strong sense of self-discipline and perseverance. However, it is important to note that excessively high levels of conscientiousness can also have negative consequences, such as being overly perfectionistic or rigid.
V: Individuals who score high on openness to experience are characterized as being imaginative, curious, and open to new ideas and experiences. They tend to be intellectually curious and enjoy exploring new concepts and ideas. They may also exhibit a preference for creativity and aesthetics.
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gamerwoo · 1 year
y’all yesterday sadie told me i could pull bang chan and that’s all i’ve been thinking about since. i’m walking around w the biggest god complex lmfao
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somedaytakethetime · 9 months
I'm procrastinating my life and I feel like mush so.. I'm back to my papyrus scrolls of text. Today? The Sewing Beast™
And that is to say: Inspiration Images - The Actual Sewing Time! Let's get cracking and break it down.
I was up until like 2am last night (I have horrible sleeping habits lately) and I came across a seamstress that has the perfect style for what I'm going for currently in my life. And I mean in terms of dresses that is. I've figured out that I no longer care so much if I think I look fat in clothes, because the thing is: I'm actually relatively skinny. I'm not supermodel levels of thin, my thighs definitely rub together and I'm meatier on my bottom half but I'm slender still. I have a perfectly healthy weight now, after a few years of... not so great "eating" habits and being not-so-healthy-weighted let's put it in that softer way. I just feel fat. Due to previously mentioned reasons. So, the way I look in my own head likely doesn't actually match the way I look externally. And that's hard to move past and let go of. I would like to look a certain way, but realistically I'll never manage to sustain that, I tried and it's just not possible for me. And with that that's all I'll touch on that subject, so refocusing on the problem at hand: I sort of strongly dislike the look of me in the mirror BUT you know what I dislike even more? BEING UNCOMFORTABLE! I can't stand feeling like I can't breathe when I'm wearing something, or feeling like I'm pinched and pulled tight everywhere. Which has led me to this current approach for more looser fitted clothing. My plan still includes some more "fitted" dresses but my definition of fitted has changed massively lately. Let's break that down.
I need some of this style of looser fitted smock/babydoll type of dress:
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I feel like this sort of style will be so comfortable in the clammy days of summer.
My new definition of tighter fit is this:
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I'm not a huge fan of the longer sleeves on the wrap dress and the buttoned dress, but I could easily change that. As for something that I like the look of but is a bit more whimsical (so it still fits my personality):
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Longer dresses (and skirts) that are flowy and have slits because I think that would balance out how short and stumpy I am. Rompers and dungarees because... girl.. I love a romper and a dungaree okay?? And granny prints. Still want to cosplay your nan's couch, yes I do. (all the photos above belong to Janelle at Rosery Apparel)
The overall look for daily wear dresses would be: comfortable, simple cuts and easy, quick makes (I'm making everything myself so.. need to take in consideration my own laziness). Smock dresses, wrap dresses, and sort of 90s flower child inspiration going into it.
Now let's get into skirts because those are super simple: mini pencil skirts and mini a-line skirts. That's it. That's my new aesthetic. For a woman that hasn't shown a knee to the general public in nearly 8 years? This is ground breaking. Let's look at images because I'm visual.
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(links: image 1 and 3 are ill gotten from Pinterest, image 2 belongs to Maja, image 4 belongs to Stephanie, image 6 ill gotten from Pinterest, and image 5 belongs to Stacie)
Easy peasy, super simple, quick to make. I own a million skirts that need re-fitting. Will have to get to that soon. Send help.
Also to add a touch of fancy, because this is my idea of holiday attire:
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(all pilfered from the internet, no sources for these)
Wide legged trousers, a-line flowy skirts, sparkly or silky, sweaters on top. That's the whole idea and the whole look.
As for trousers I'm going simple: high waisted, straight cut or wide legged. I feel better if I have breathing room in my clothes, I feel less like a sausage in a too tight casing. So think:
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Also letting the kids influence me and throwing it back to the 2000s when I used to wear:
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The Cargo Pant™
I like pockets as a style choice and not so much as a practicality choice, what can I say? yes, I know that cargo pants were "appropriated" from men's workwear, especially factory workers and mechanics that needed all those pockets
I think denim I need very little of. I don't like how denim feels, it always feels so uncomfortably stiff to me. But that could just be because I'm poor so the quality of the denim I've worn over the years might be lacking or something, I have no clue. Linen and cotton wrinkle like hell, oui, but they make such comfortable light clothes.. muy needed in my wardrobe. Other features that my trousers might need: elasticated waists. The front would look totally normally but if maybe I add elastic at the back portion then maybe when I eat they won't be too tight over my stomach. That's one of the bothers that I find with my clothes: I don't like being pinched over my stomach area (which fun fact sits essentially above the natural waist level, and on my body it always feels like it's sitting at actual waist level) when I'm eating or when I've just finished eating.
Looking at all of this that seems about it. I'd add a few fun elements with overalls and rompers because I like one full outfit of pants (a dress is a full outfit, but when it comes to pants you always need a layer on top or you're bazooms out in public.. the fix? Rompers. The downside? Bazooms out when you use the toilet..). I also love the idea of some skorts... now, I know I'm old, but there's nothing that delights my heart more than seeming to be wearing a skirt and BAM! they're secret shorts (or pants, depending on how long you make them) plus as someone that tends to sprawl out when she sits OR sit her ass down anywhere in public if I get too tired or bored (yes, I'm 5 years old why do you ask?) I think a secret short or pant is the perfect solution to not flash my Tweety Bird to the world.. 🥴🥴
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Can we talk about how heartstopper is like. Not good. Like pretty sure it's. Y'know. Kinda bad. Mediocre at best. To be clear I don't actually want to talk about it because i don't want all the gen z's to flay me alive for being a millennial who just doesn't get their cool gay stuff like idk I just don't like this it feels so sanitized and so bland and safe.
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esprei · 2 years
A concept: Ingo/Emmet probably both enjoy/encouraging/teaching children, but they're both very different about it. I like to think both twins are arguably terrible at this, even if they don't mean to be.
"I'll never get this strategy down-" "Of course not! Its a terrible strategy!"
YES emmet would be too harsh and blunt and make a lot of kids cry (and ingo would have to come in and try to comfort/reassure them aflkjsflkldj)
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