#no way nuh uh
banbrotsu · 8 days
sweaty jjk fans: going on about tengen's barrier and how it somehow sucks up all the evil shit on a global level
me, someone who got to the japan era of d. gray man: no 💖
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birchbierart · 1 year
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erismourn · 1 year
i have stuff i need to draw but picking up a tablet pen sounds too scary right now
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sambrin · 10 days
i appreciate that savage always protected maul without a word. always there to grab some throats for his brother
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alicornze7 · 2 months
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Can’t do lineart for anything today so have some doodles instead:>
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marquezian · 1 month
u guys dovis biography is just an ode to his friends and what it means to experience life together in a community 😔
"the joys of returning home again and again" "i would feel more comfortable wearing a suit if there was mud on the starched shirt" "i wish motogp was about connection" "my friends, partner and daughter are a triangle of serenity" "friends are the mirror i look into to feel normal again" "i find even my relationship with my mom is affected by my fame, which is embarrassing" "life is for the time we spend together and going grocery shopping for the meals we cook" (<- this one got me so bad bc ive noticed he Loves doing that but i thought i was reading into itttt) "what would I have become if I surrounded myself with a court of jesters who are always telling me how good and handsome i am". says that the social atmosphere of the paddock is a "mine field". "starting from universes apart, we found ourselves here [note: being motogp riders together], different but similar: shall we talk about it? listen to each other? exchange experiences?"
mentions he doesn't consider any of the other riders his friends (which he regrets! hed like that connection) but then specifically talks about marc and how what they have is also special (profound is the adjective he uses) because its a relationship you can only have with another athlete. even compares marc to his dad (huge compliment)
SAYS SOMETHING SOOOO INSANE ABOUT HIM HERE first of all this paragraph starts with "A me Marc piace. E i nostri famosi duelli del 2017 li ho interpretati anche come un modo per conoscerci meglio." ("I like Marc. And I interpreted our famous duels in 2017 as a way of getting to know each other better.") and then THIS:
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the following may contain inaccuracies: "Deep down, however, he isn't crazy either, although he tries two maneuvers [on their last lap battle in Austria 2017!] that are neither in heaven nor on earth. Theoretically, and even practically, they have no logic. Yet I don't get pissed off, [unsure what this says]. I'm rather surprised to see what he tried to do to win, a kind of "I don't believe it," an astonished curiosity at how he tried to go into unfamiliar terrain where, as a consequence, I followed. It's amazing. As if together we had dug the new seam of a mine: the gold we won't share, of course, because I will take it, however, we dig the earth together as if we were pioneers. And that can't help but create a bond, whatever it may be."
(source is his autobio "Asfalto" for all of this!)
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money-and-dandellions · 2 months
Apollo has seizures every time a prophecy is spoken so it is painful
and when the Oracles are established, they do not go away, just become less painful
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the-magnusinstitute · 1 month
i was given permission to access some stuff in the archives for a project but never got it. i emailed support and they told me "Mr Bouchard said nuh uh". fym nuh uh?????
I can check for you and see exactly what’s preventing you from clearing our background check, but it could just be that the materials you requested have been reclassified as C (for confidential). Really sorry anon, but if there’s anything else you need, contact support again and they’ll help you to the best of their ability.
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dizzybizz · 2 months
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coming out as an official aventurine enjoyer. how embarrassing and predictable for me wow.
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spacevixenmusic · 3 months
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Source: Ranma ½ [1991]
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shittywriterbrain · 6 months
thanks to rtd for including all of my current interests in one episode: bisexuality and body horror
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nemisisnemi · 2 months
Yaawnn... stupid herbivore, why'd you give me this plush?
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(click the drawing for higher quality & to zoom in on details)
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^^ Close ups of my favorite parts of the drawing <3
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alumirp · 7 months
The Good Citizen
An AU where Izuku is just an ordinary boy. He never meets All Might and has his application for Yuuei's entrance exam rejected because of his quirkless status. He still wants to be a hero, but then again, he's just a normal kid with a mom who works two jobs, and since he failed to get into his dream school, he still has to get into another one, he doesn't have time. to go to the gym or learn to fight, or whatever. And yet, he wants to be a hero, so he grabs a pair of old skates and a stick. And he sneaks out the window at night, intending to be a vigilante.
But like a normal boy, he's a bit of a coward, so when he encounters his first crime, instead of getting involved, he calls the police. He calls the police and hides and is delighted when a police car arrives a few minutes later and does its job. And then he repeats that, goes out, finds a crime and calls the police. And repeat. And the next time, he identifies himself as "Good Citizen" when the person on the line recognizes his voice. And the name sticks. And Izuku keeps it, thinking of it as a way to keep his identity safe. But one day, 'The Good Citizen' calls the police on a group of men beating up a guy. And next he stops a man from harassing a girl.
The mens who beat the guy are part of a powerfull gang and their high-rankers discovers that the person who reported them was the same person who has been making several reports. The old man who harassed the girl was an important member of the HPSC, whose arrest creates a huge scandal
With this he successfully angers the villains and the HPSC all at once. Next week there's a bounty on 'snitch's head. And an arrest warrant for the vigilante who is 'an enemy in the making for the society of heroes'.
Then a race begins, villains and heroes mobilizing to kill/arrest one (1) well-intentioned green bean.
And, out of nowhere, this all becomes Aizawa Fucking Shota's problem.
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krispytm · 11 months
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I finished coloring the comic based on my pinned post!!
I hope flat colors are okay since I'm not really up for shading every tiny detail on these detailed men.
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kreachvera · 1 year
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daz4i · 9 months
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