#nobody is ready on what the fuck is going on with his mother
hotpinkmoon · 1 year
How is nobody talking about monster max. Lol imagine trying to top him when he's that big
He's the least popular that's why...
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Good luck to anyone that tops him
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lucysarah-c · 3 months
Mother's smile
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Summary: Raging war, it turns boys into men. Author note: Since the Marley world seemed to be around the 30s-40s, I’ll set this idea in a world that looks like the mid-50s. This is POST WAR. I've no idea what is this... the idea just came into my mind. Warnings: None...Angst? Perhaps? Word count: 3.8k Pairing: Dad! Levi x Mom! Reader
The muscles of his body twitched as he ran up and down, changing the train’s platform to return home. His hair flowed in the air, almost freezing from the bitter cold. He could feel the icy air biting at his undercut and chilling everything in its path. Exhaustion escaped with every puff of his reddened lips, the air condensing in front of his face. Yet, he kept running, desperate to connect one train to another.
If he didn’t time it perfectly, his family might begin to suspect he wasn't going to practice. He had quickly changed back into his regular school uniform in one of the train station's public bathrooms.
From the corner of his eye, he noticed a couple of girls. They couldn't be older than him, mumbling and locking eyes. He had no time to dwell on it, but he couldn't ignore it either. It was becoming a regular occurrence. People were starting to recognize him in the crowded streets of the capital.
"Why?" he wondered, even though he knew the answer. But he reasoned, "There are TV stars and movie actresses who take the train… I'm nobody."
He knew. Ever since someone took unauthorized pictures of him during practice, fully suited up, and they were posted first in the Paradise newspaper and then spread worldwide.
"Oh my- Sorry!" He almost tripped over someone. He quickly dodged a mother carrying two kids. "I’m SO sorry," he insisted.
"Please, something for my kids," she pleaded.
Levi's intuition told him something had been off lately.
"I’m so sorry… I have nothing," he replied, feeling a deep pang in his heart. The hunger and misery on the streets had only worsened since the war restarted.
"Could you set the table, love? Dinner is almost ready," Y/N said, breaking his deep thoughts as she handed him a pile of dishes. "It's just that the pot is old, and if I stop stirring it-"
"Sure," Levi quickly replied, not needing any further explanation. He stood up, grabbed the dishes, and wobbled a bit on his way to the dining room. "Tch," he clicked his tongue as he checked the clock. This was usually his son's duty.
Speak of the devil, the front door swung open. "I’M HOME!" Adrien shouted as he entered. 'Finally,' Levi thought. It was winter, and it got dark outside rather quickly.
"Welcome home, dear," Y/N said, peeking over from the kitchen to see her son taking off his shoes and coat in the hall. He quickly moved to give her a kiss on the cheek. "I was starting to wonder."
"I'm fine, I'm fine, mom," Adrien said, hurriedly.
"Dinner is ready," Y/N announced.
Adrien rushed into the dining room and almost bumped into his father.
"Where the hell have you been?" Levi demanded, almost pushing the dishware into his son’s arms.
"Sorry, I'll do it-" Adrien began, but as soon as he got closer, Levi grimaced in disgust.
"Shower, now. You stink," Levi commanded, holding onto the dishes.
Adrien took a quick sniff and seemed puzzled by his father's reaction. Groaning, he quickly moved upstairs. Levi frowned and continued setting the table. "The hormones are certainly working," he muttered.
Adrien had been arriving slightly late recently, not enough to raise concern but enough to annoy Levi. "The train services are delayed by the power outages…" Y/N tried to explain. These issues had become common since the war resumed and was edging closer to home as Paradise's forces, led by a queen Levi once helped put on the throne, continued their campaign.
Unauthorized pictures of his son had made it to the front page. His baby boy, photographed by spies. 'They fucking did not.' HIS baby boy, mocked by Paradise's news.
Initially, Levi thought it was a fluke. He went to grab the morning's newspaper at the front door and noticed the front page was missing. 'Maybe the boy tore it without realizing,' he thought. The delivery was usually smooth, so he dismissed it. He figured he could grab another edition on his way to his meeting. But when he saw it, his blood boiled.
Levi was furious. He broke every personal vow he had made to himself, that whatever war Paradise and the Jaegerists wanted to get into after almost 15 years post-Rumbling was none of his business. But taking pictures of HIS son and making fun of him? He made calls to people he hadn’t spoken to in years and simply stated, "Keep my son’s name out of your fucking mouth."
Adrien had been offered personal 3DMG training by the government from a very young age. Levi and Y/N were not naive. They knew since Adrien was a little kid why the government wanted him. He was Levi’s only child. The only available Ackerman after Levi and Mikasa stopped the Rumbling.
Levi had decided to break ties with the Paradise government because they continued to support the Jaegerists. He moved to another country, seeking peace for his family. That country was one of the few places the Rumbling hadn't devastated. He, Onkopop, Falco, Gabi, his wife, and his kids lived a peaceful life for many years.
Falco and Gabi eventually moved out as they grew older, though they visited frequently. Levi wanted to give his kid the childhood he never had. But he couldn't protect him forever. Adrien had insisted on practicing with 3DMG after being offered the chance as a kid. Levi stood firm on his decision. No. It was a firm no for months. Adrien was going to have a normal childhood, playing sports with his classmates and eating lunches packed by his mother. Levi had moved across the globe for his family to live without war, his family by blood and the one he made along the way.
The door slammed, surprising him. The family dog rushed to bark at the sound.
"Addy? You okay, kiddo?" Gabi asked, as they were still living with them. Hearing his son's name, Levi got up and walked as fast as his injuries allowed. It was too early for Adrien to be back from school. Also, Levi was the one who usually picked him up.
Wobbling, he reached the bedroom door, which was unusually closed. Even before he reached it, his heart began to ache as he could hear his 7-year-old boy's muffled cries. Adrien's chubby legs dangled from the edge of his bed, his face buried in the pillow.
"Oi, oi, oi," Levi said softly as he reached the bed and tried to gently push Adrien’s shoulder to the side to see his face. Adrien resisted. "Kid, what happened? Why are you back from school?"
Levi's mind raced, searching for injuries, any sign of hurt. Trying to come up with reasons, his brain was haunted by his baby’s endless tears.
"They kicked me off the team," Adrien finally managed to say between sobs. "The mothers complained that it’s not fair that I play."
Levi's heart sank. It had been hard for Adrien to make friends as a kid from another country, and he was obsessed with baseball since being allowed to join the team. He loved having a group of friends.
"I hate it, I hate it!" Adrien's soul-breaking cries echoed as his young mind couldn't comprehend the reasons. "Why can't I be normal?"
Levi forced himself out of his shock, slightly shaking his head to clear his mind. "Don’t say that. You’re normal. I'll talk to your teachers-"
Talking had never been his strength. He wished his wife was home.
“No, I’m not! All my friends look at me weirdly! Nobody wants to play with me anymore!” Adrien screamed at the top of his lungs. The frustration of his father not understanding only added salt to the wound. “I hate it!”
“No, Adrien—I'll talk—”
“I hate being an Ackerman!”
Levi felt as if he had been stabbed in the heart. White noise filled his head, merging with the sound of his son’s cries. Levi argued with himself that it shouldn’t have hurt as deeply as it did. “He’s just a kid who wants to play with the others,” he thought, remembering all the arguments he’d had with sports teams.
“It’s just not fair to the other kids, Mr. Ackerman.”
‘Next time, just point to my head,’ he thought bitterly. Watching his son sit on the benches with doe-like red eyes, trying to hold back tears at school, haunted Levi. He had come to pick him up and was forced to stay behind while the rest of the team practiced.
Falco and Gabi tried to play with him when they had free time, but they had their own responsibilities. Levi himself tried to play with Adrien as much as his injured leg allowed, but how fun could a one-on-one game be?
For many months, Levi refused to let Adrien take special training offered by the government. He knew they only saw his son as a potential new weapon.
“Daddy, did you see me? Did you see me?” Adrien’s face lit up with a smile that seemed too big for it, brimming with excitement after mastering a new 3DMG trick.
“Mm-hmm,” Levi hummed in approval, watching his son with a mix of pride and concern.
“He’s a prodigy, sir,” the female soldier standing next to him remarked. “You must be such a proud father.”
Levi’s death stare could hardly be disguised as he clenched his teeth. ‘This is wrong,’ he thought, but his hand, missing two fingers, reached for the Polaroid camera and took a picture. ‘It can’t be that wrong… if he’s smiling like this.’
“And then I twist! And then I jump! And then I—” Adrien rambled on excitedly at the dinner table.
“Addy, don’t talk with your mouth full,” Y/N gently reprimanded him, but he continued to beam, bright and cheerful, happy.
If teaching his boy everything he knew about 3DMG made him smile again, then perhaps it was worth it. He did it for his baby, only for his baby.
Adrien had grown into a moody teenager who now stole his car and rarely talked to Levi without an attitude. Levi wasn’t usually the melancholic type, but he missed the days when he was greeted at home with tight hugs and dreamy eyes.
Now, the war was getting closer to home. Paradise, untouched during the Rumbling, was growing increasingly tense. The Jaegerists wanted to finish what Eren had started, and the new regime wasn’t open to negotiation. They demanded blood; they demanded fire.
Admiring his reflection in the mirror, Levi noted how tired he looked. Time was unforgiving. He spotted several grey hairs among what used to be pristine raven locks. History seemed to be repeating itself, and sometimes he felt like he had fought for nothing. Small towns that were slowly rebuilding after the Rumbling were falling under the power of an island he had once defended with his blood and sweat.
The tie felt tight around his neck as he adjusted the bow tie. He had been asked—almost forced—to attend a charity event to raise funds for displaced refugees and military forces. They had declared war only a few months ago, and he felt strangely hopeless. “I’m just old,” he whispered to himself.
Levi turned to his left to see his 16-year-old son leaning against the door frame with folded arms.
“Hey,” Levi greeted back cautiously. “I’ve no money,” he added quickly, the interaction feeling odd since Adrien rarely came into the couple’s bedroom, much less to talk to him.
Adrien rolled his eyes so dramatically Levi thought he might tear a muscle. “I wasn’t going to ask for anything!”
The teenager walked in and sat down on the bed, petting the cat. His long face and distant, translucent eyes were hard to ignore. Levi watched him for a while before turning back to the mirror to continue getting ready. The silence was so heavy it felt like breathing steam from the Colossal Titan.
After several minutes, Adrien's voice broke the silence, trembling with emotion. “You… you know I love you, Dad, right?”
Levi turned around, frowning deeply. “… What did you do?” he asked instinctively.
“Nothing!” Adrien's defensive tone only made him more suspicious.
“You got a chick knocked up?” Levi guessed quietly.
“W-what?!” Adrien’s face turned beet red with embarrassment. “NO!”
“NOTHING! I did nothing!” Adrien protested, jumping up from the bed and heading for the door. “I’m never saying it again, you old man!”
The door slammed, and Levi clenched his teeth. The mood swings were something he wasn’t used to, no matter how hard he tried. Levi clicked his tongue. ‘What’s gotten into him lately?’
That was the issue; everything had been slightly off. Not enough to raise serious concerns, but as Levi walked downstairs to leave for the event, his mind kept replaying the scene in their bedroom. ‘Something smells off.’
‘I may be getting fucking old, but I’m not crazy.’
“He’s trying to grow up. Let’s show him that we trust him. Let’s give him some freedom, as long as he respects the curfew,” Y/N had tried to explain that shutting their son off wasn’t going to help.
Adrien’s insistence on coming home on his own… Levi had always driven him to and from school, especially since the school was quite far away by public transport. After the photo incident, Levi didn’t feel it was safe for his kid to walk back alone.
The front page of the newspaper had been missing the day his boy’s picture and the Paradise headline appeared:
“The Ackerman’s Cub: As Harmless as a Pussycat.”
Levi cursed at the memory, yanking his coat from the hanger by the door. Arms in—
It was too big.
He looked down at the sleeves, which hung past his hands. A part of his ego cracked a little—it was his son’s coat. His baby boy was growing non-stop, now 193 cm tall.
“Soon, he won’t fit through the damn door,” Levi muttered, half offended, half endeared. He wondered if he would have grown that tall if he hadn’t suffered so much as a child. “He truly inherited Kenny’s height,” his wife would say as their kid grew taller and taller.
Putting on his own coat—it was freezing outside—Levi sat in his car, but his mind kept circling back to it.
Adrien arriving late by only 10-15 minutes. His recent attitude wasn’t just typical teenage sulkiness; it was different. Adrien was distant but not moody.
Already at the party, Onyankopon, Falco, Gabi, and Y/N were talking around him, but Levi wasn’t there, at least not mentally. Call it the universe, call it signs, call it his Ackerman instincts. Call it what you want. But Levi knew something wasn’t right.
Suddenly, fragments of memories from the past month flashed through his mind. They hadn’t seemed suspicious at the time, just slightly unusual. Like that moment when he picked up something from Y/N’s boudoir table and got pricked by a needle.
“Ow,” he muttered, though it didn’t really hurt.
“Oh, I left a needle out? I thought I put it away,” she said innocently, placing it back in the sewing box.
Or when he was walking down the upper floor’s hall and noticed the string hanging from the attic hatch swaying. “Y/N, did you go to the attic?”
“No, why?”
“Nothing…” He meant to ask Adrien about it but got distracted by the teen blasting his record player.
Levi opened the door without knocking. He had warned Adrien to keep the door open multiple times. The teenager quickly turned down the rock music. “Hey!” Adrien complained, but Levi didn’t care.
“How many times do I have to tell you to keep the volume down? I’m half-blind; don’t make me deaf too,” Levi ordered. Before leaving, he added, “And get your shoes off the bed.”
Levi’s leg tapped against the floor uneasily. Something was not right. The silence of his brain seeking a logical explanation was becoming deafening. His wife squeezed his arm, drawing his attention.
“Captain Ackerman,” a man approached them, bowing slightly out of respect. Levi’s days as a captain were long gone, but he never lost the title in the eyes of some. “It’s an honor…”
The man’s hands fidgeted nervously as a timid smile appeared on his face. He pressed his lips together, wet them, and then opened them as if trying to find the right words. “It must fill your heart with pride that you and your family stood up in such a difficult situation and did the right thing. As a representative of the Eldian community outside Paradise, we don’t stand with the Jaegerist decisions—”
Levi dismissed him quickly. “No need to praise me,” he cut in, anticipating the man’s gratitude for his role in the fight against Eren during the Rumbling. “I fought for what I believed was right.”
The man’s face twisted in confusion. “No—I…” he stammered, his previous uneasiness turning to confusion. “I wanted to thank you and acknowledge your family’s altruistic action.”
“No need—”
“I mean, it must be an honor but also extremely hard for you as a father to allow your son to volunteer for the front lines.”
It hit Levi like a thunder spear, just as the one he had once used against Zeke. As if the explosion had gone off right next to him, and he could only hear the ringing in his ears. Y/N’s grip on his arm loosened in shock before her nails dug in as the realization sank in.
Despite his Ackerman powers, Levi felt control over his body slip away as his legs shook. It felt impossible to breathe as he drove back home as fast as he could, but it surely felt as if his lungs caught no oxygen.
He slammed the door open, his injured leg giving way as he rushed upstairs to his son’s bedroom. Pain fading into nothing as it once did during the war. The white noise in his brain was shattered by Y/N’s piercing scream when they found the bedroom empty, except for a single paper note on the made bed. Falco held Y/N as she broke down in tears.
Levi’s face remained expressionless, but it felt as if his heart had been ripped from his chest. Holding the note in his hands, he sank onto the mattress. The bed where he had once read Mother Goose stories.
“I’m sorry… I just couldn’t sit back and do nothing.
P.S. Sorry for the coat.”
His baby, his baby boy. The mere thought of Adrien witnessing even half of what he had as a soldier brought tears to Levi’s eyes, a knot forming in his throat. His child, stolen from his arms, dragged into the chaos like pigs to a slaughterhouse. Everything Levi had fought for, everything he had done…
If only he hadn’t used that thunder spear, he would be as good as new. He would have fought a thousand wars and led a thousand more just to keep his baby safe at home. To wake up to Y/N making his favorite waffles on a lazy Sunday morning.
It should have been him. He should have been in better shape. If only—
After a few days, Levi understood what Adrien meant about the coat in the note. His lost eyes fixed on the piece of clothing that had been cut. His old scout’s jacket, stored in the attic, had been altered. Adrien must have cut and sewn the Wings of Freedom patch onto something else. The house had become a cemetery since the day Adrien left. Y/N hadn’t been able to sleep soundly as she usually did, waking at the slightest sound.
“I thought I heard the front door,” she said, as Levi tried to calm her down in the middle of the night.
Levi hated rock music; he found it too noisy. But one afternoon, he felt compelled to put on one of Adrien’s records. Each second felt like it was squeezing the life out of him.
As the days passed, the missing front page of the newspaper became a sign enough. The news arrived loudly at their home.
“Undaunted. As the higher-ranks abandoned the zone, giving up the strategic petrol supply, Adrien Ackerman held the front lines and won.
A kid worth an entire army, honoring his name.”
Levi’s eyes scanned the paragraphs without emotion. “While all wore the same uniform, Ackerman decided to stick a striking patch to his. ‘They called me powerless, so I made myself an easy target. If they want to come for me, let them come, and I’ll put up a fight,’” the article quoted Adrien.
A scoff escaped Levi’s lips; he had surely inherited his temper.
“I cut and stuck the article to my locker to remind myself who I have to show their place,” Adrien replied when asked about the Paradise press’s coverage.
“LEVI!” Y/N’s voice echoed through the house. He rushed to her side with worry, only to find her smiling softly and sobbing as she watched the black-and-white TV.
The screen showed his baby boy, his comrades ruffling his hair, beer bottles flying in celebration, and citizens offering him drinks. They hadn’t won the war, but it was clear this victory was much needed to lift their spirits. People looked at Adrien with starry eyes, much like they had looked at Levi after their first wins against the Titans.
Levi’s lips trembled as he bit the inside of his cheeks, trying to hold his composure.
“He’s alright,” Y/N whispered, slightly relieved. “God, he got your knack for giving me a heart attack.”
She tried to joke, but noticing her husband’s silence, she turned around. “Oh… Lev…” she sighed, quickly moving to hug him tightly.
Tears streamed down Levi’s cheeks as he watched his baby on the screen, basking in the attention and hope he gave to others. They hadn’t won the war, but for now, it was enough.
“We knew deep down we couldn’t shelter him forever,” Y/N said, caressing him. She understood the weight now on Adrien’s shoulders, responsibilities that had haunted Levi for many years. She sighed, making peace with herself. A part of her had known from the moment she gave birth to an Ackerman that this day would come.
However, through watery eyes, Levi saw something different. Watching the young man on the screen, Levi whispered with a broken voice the same words he had said when Adrien was born.
“He got your smile.”
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthor @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-angel @storiesofsung @galactict3a @lemonsupernova @r3becca_0 @heyitsd1yaa @sydneyyuu @hyuckwon-my-husbands @love-for-faeries-go-burrrr @mandaax Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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vivwritesfics · 6 months
Set The World On Fire
Chapter Nine
Lando Norris had been incredibly angry when they met. Incredibly angry, but sweet enough to help her. Turns out he just needed somebody to talk to, somebody to be there for him.
He was easy to fall for, and that put her in a world of danger
Warnings: smut! P in v! Oral, female receiving
Mafia AU
Series Masterlist
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His mums place wasn't what she was expecting. She didn't know what she expected from Lando, but it wasn't this. He parked outside of the little apartment block on the outskirts of town and opened the door for her.
"This is your moms place?" She asked as she took Lando's hand and climbed out of the car.
She kept a hold of his hand as he walked over to the apartment. "Nobody knows about this place," he said as he took her up the stairs. "I think my mom knew she was going to die when she did. She left the keys for me for my sixteenth birthday."
He came to the door, apartment 105 on the first floor, and pushed it open.
It was... gorgeous. The pictures on the wall were of baby Lando and a woman. There were no baby pictures of his sister, but that made sense. The living room was tiny, with a small, L-shaped sofa pushed up against the wall. On the floor in front of it was a cream, shaggy rug, with a circular coffee table on the top. Opposite was a television.
Everything was covered in dust.
"I don't get time to come here much, now," Lando answered as she took a moment to explore. "It's the only thing I have left of hers."
He walked over to the fridge and pulled out two cans of beer. Lando sat himself on the sofa and turned on the television. It was the newest thing in the apartment, something he had bought after the old one packed up.
At last, she came and sat beside him. She tucked herself against his side and took the beer he offered her. "How did she die?" She asked as she cracked open the can.
Lando sucked in a breath. "I don't remember much about her," he confessed. "And my dad doesn't much speak about her. The records I've looked through say nothing about her getting sick, but nobody will tell me what actually happened."
She cuddled into him and sipped her beer. "Tell me about your step mother," she muttered.
Before he answered her, Lando pulled her into his lap. She placed her beer down and wrapped her arms around his neck as his hands settled on her hips. "My step mother was a vicious bitch," he said with a laugh. "She was a great mum to me, but she was terrifying. Her main priority was taking care of my sister. Everything I know, she taught me." Guns, fighting, all of that. But Lando wasn't ready to tell her that. "Everyone that came in and out of our house was terrified of her."
"How did she die?" She asked, but Lando shook his head.
"That's a story for another day," he said and kissed her. "Should we order a pizza?"
They stayed on the sofa, eating pizza and drinking beer as they watched movie after movie.
Halfway through the third movie, she yawn and stretched her limbs up. "Are we sleeping here?" She asked sweetly, innocently, and Lando nodded his head. "Perfect," she whispered as she climbed off of his lap.
Lando watched her move across the apartment, his apartment. It wasn't owned by his father or the Norris family. It was his. And she was in it.
Her hips swayed as she moved. Before she could round the corner and disappear into his bedroom, she pulled her shirt over her head.
It landed in his lap.
Within a second he was jumping from the sofa and racing after her.
When he got there she was laying on his bed in nothing but her pyjama pants. Lando let out a low whistle as he looked at her. He'd been with plenty of women in his life, but none of them were her.
"Fuck," he hissed as she looked at her. "You really are something." He climbed onto the bed and crawled on top of her, kissing her slowly, completely ignoring her breasts.
She whined against his lips, threading her fingers through his hair. Lando rolled his hips against hers and she pulled her lips away from his to cry out.
She'd been wanting this, just as much as Lando had, since the wedding. "Please tell me you've got a condom," she whispered and Lando reached into the bedside drawers, pulling out a box of condoms.
She grabbed his face and pulled him down to kiss her.
He kissed her cheek and down her neck. Lando stopped to mark her up, to leave dark, purple bruises on her skin. She whined and moaned, tugging at his hair. He was loving every second of it.
Finally, he moved down to her breasts. She arched her back towards him as his thumb toyed with her right nipple, his lips wrapping around the left. "Fuck," she hissed, eyes squeezing shut as he played with her. "Lan."
He pulled away from her and reached up to quickly kiss her lips. When he pulled away, he grabbed hold of her pyjama pants and underwear and pulled them down her legs.
"Holy shit," he said as he dropped them to the floor. "You're fucking soaked."
"Jeez, I wonder why," she muttered with a grin as she parted her legs.
Lando touched her, gingerly parting her lips with his fingers. His breath hitched as he looked at her. He ran his fingers through her folds, gathering up her wetness and placing his finger in his mouth.
He released it with a pop and stroked over her hip. "I can't wait to get my mouth on you," he whispered, staring at her.
She looked down at him with adoration in his eyes. "Do it then."
Lando dove in. He pulled her towards him and pressed his face to her cunt. His lips sucked at her clit as he gripped her legs. Holding her open. The moan she let out echoed around the apartment. "Shit!" She cried, gripping the sheets. "Fuck, Lan." She bucked her hips against his face, but he held her still, used his tongue to bring her pleasure.
When he hummed against her, she grabbed his hair and bucked her hips towards his face.
Lando couldn't hold her for that one. He allowed her to move against him, his nose bumping her clit.
When her legs began shaking, Lando pulled away. "Pass me a condom," he said as he climbed back up her body and kissed her.
She could taste herself on him as his tongue danced into her mouth. Blindly she reached for the box of condoms and pulled out a square, blue wrapper.
He ripped it open and rolled it over his rock. "Next time, I want you to ride my face," he whispered as he lined himself up.
He kissed her as he slowly entered her. Inch by inch he pushed himself into her, his lips against her own. He didn't pull away until she did, throwing her head back as she moaned.
His movement were slow and gentle. If he wasn't kissing her, his forehead was against her own as he moved her hips. With how slow it was, Lando was determined to draw it out, to draw every little noise from her. It was music to his ears. If he could have, he would have listened to it on repeat for the rest of his life.
She locked her legs around him, her chest rapidly rising and falling as Lando brought her closer and closer to her orgasm. He buried his face in her neck, leaving a mirroring bruise on the side of her neck that had none.
She came, squeezing around him as a little cry left her lips. "That's it," Lando whispered against her neck. "That's it."
With just a few more thrusts he came inside of the condom. Immediately, Lando pulled out. He quickly pulled off the condom and dropped it in the bin, returning to the bed beside her.
Her breathing still heavy, she grabbed Lando's hand and brought it up to her lips. "That was," she began through heavy breaths. Lando grabbed her and pulled her close, wrapping his body around her. "Wow."
Lando squeezed her. "Something you'd wanna do again?"
Permanent taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @rewmuslupin @prettiest-at-the-party @hellowgoodbye @minseok-smaus @formulaal @darleneslane @hiireadstuff @urfavnoirette @goldenharrysworld @andydrysdalerogers @hrts4scarr @llando4norris @evlkking @lilymurphy03 @hollie911 @customsbyjcg-blog @honethatty12 @nikfigueiredo @not-nyasa
Series Taglist (CLOSED): @millinorrizz @cinnamongirlontv @sainzluvrr @aquangxl @drunkinthemiddleoftheday @queenofmanydreams @somepeoplemaybe @shobaes @thatsusbitch @ibanstro @barcelonaloverf1life @hotbuns13 @dinodumbass @bellezaycafe @maddie-naps @dontleaveitsmyfault3 @jule239 @noneofyourfbusinessworld @annispamz @thehufflepuffavenger1 @eviethetheatrefreak @lovejunz @nervous-bee @lifelessfan @phantomxoxo @ladymarvel27
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fictionismyreality3 · 6 months
Can we have a smut of stalker Jason with somnophilia and crazy to eat pussy? Plsss
I mean, Jason is a natural fucking pussy eater.
Can I be the 💦 anon? To u know that is me
Too Much to Take (18+)
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Jason Todd x Reader
Tags: Smut, stalker!jason todd, possessive!jason todd
Warnings: romance and everything that comes with it, somnophilia, stalking, dubcon, guns, drugs, little to no aftercare.
Notes: hi babes!! I’m so so sorry this took so long, a bear ate my phone. My beautiful 💦 your request is much appreciated. I know it’s unrealistic that the reader never wakes up but I have nevER EVER BEEN HAPPIER.
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The cool, night breeze of Bludhaven blew the white chiffon curtains your mother had gotten you in the wind. Across from your bed sat a gorgeous, kingly armchair where you loved to sit and read. Your apartment was carefully decorated by your artful hands, each piece put perfectly in its place. When you got home everyday, you knew you would be returning to a safe, cozy home full of memories and comfort items. Everything was just how it should be.
That’s why the man standing in your apartment was so out of place.
You were asleep, of course. Knocked out after a long day running errands. Your bed had welcomed you warmly, and you couldn’t resist cracking open your window just a little bit, wanting to savour the start of spring.
You knew the automatic danger that came with living in Bludhaven, but you’d saved up enough to move to a nicer area, and your apartment was on the 8th floor of your building. Surely, nobody would bother risking the fall.
It had been three days since Jason had first saw you. Three days too long since he’d seen you in person. He’d watched you nearly every minute of the last 72 hours, consuming every ounce of information he could find about you and your life.
His shift watching over Bludhaven ended tomorrow, when Dick would be returning from wherever he went. So, he only had around a day left of viable excuse to be near you. After that, finding a reason to be in Bludhaven even longer would be his main priority. It was clear that he’d already be wherever you were. The thought of not being able to reach you was enough to shatter what little was left of his soul.
No, no, there was no going back now.
And so, Jason found himself perched on the rooftop across from your building, the endless Bludhaven rain pelting across his broad shoulders.
He spent the first few moments watching you carry out your night routine. It was all things many people in Bludhaven overlooked, or dropped as soon as their lives were overtaken by the chaos in the city. Somehow, you’d managed to maintain a semblance of a normal life even while being surrounded by shootings and drug runs.
He stayed still, hovering over your apartment like a cloud of death, his gaze never breaking to stray to anything else but you. He watched you make dinner, he watched you tidy up, he watched you get ready for bed. All of it was as fascinating to him as everything he’d seen when he researched your background.
All the little habits you did. The way you fiddled with the timer on the stove while you waited for the food, the way you danced to your music while you did dishes, the way you preferred an endless heap of pillows on your bed. Every little quirk he watched served to drill your presence deeper into his being. You were exactly what he needed.
So pure.
Innocent enough to leave your bedroom window open in the middle of a crime surge in the only city worse than Gotham.
It gave Jason the perfect opportunity to watch you sleep, and the perfect opportunity to survey your apartment for places to set up cameras. He’d need to make sure that he had every inch of the place covered so he could watch you at all times. The last thing Jason wanted was for some criminal or other creep to breathe the same air as you.
Oh, how cute.
He looked on as you settled into bed, reaching over to your nightstand to pat the head of a tiny giraffe plushy, as if it would stand guard and protect you from all the dangers in the world. You didn’t need a stupid plushie. You had him now.
But what if you needed him and he wasn’t there? What if you left your window open every night and someone with worse intentions was there to take advantage of it? He needed to be there to protect you, to keep away all the dangers and make sure you lived like a princess. It could happen tonight if Jason wasn’t careful. He couldn’t have that.
Wind blew the curtains in your window aside, as if the world was parting the barriers that lay between you. He was just going to make sure that nobody who was less well meaning than him would take a chance to hurt you.
With the speed of years and years of training, Jason hopped from rooftop to rooftop, as quiet as a panther stalking its prey. But Jason wasn’t stalking you. No, he was helping you, making sure you were safe.
Landing on your fire escape balcony without a sound, Jason stood motionless as he peered into your bedroom, his eyes locked on your sleeping form.
You were like an angel in his eyes. Something clean and untouched. Something that he could have all to himself now that he’d found you. Jason wasn’t worried about tainting you with his red-stained hands, no, you were saving him. You had saved him.
He took the time to study your bedroom, burning each item of decor into his mind. There were so many perfect spots to put cameras, and of course, he’d brought some with him just in case. They were small, tech he had ‘borrowed’ from Bruce’s generous stockpile in the safe house he was staying at.
He could have them placed and synced back up with his computer in less than five minutes. It would be so easy he wouldn’t even wake you.
And Jason didn’t want to wake you. It wasn’t just the fact that he felt you looked so peaceful sleeping, something he would hate to disturb, it was that he wasn’t ready.
If you knew who he was, how could he guarantee your safety? Not to mention the fact that you might even try to run from him.
Like hell.
So, Jason found himself pushing the window you’d cracked open further, till he could just slip inside. Landing on the balls of his feet as he’d been trained to do a hundred times before, his presence was barely audible.
Just being in the same room as you felt like he was drunk and more alert than ever all at once. In the back of his mind, a sour voice told him to stop, to let this be the farthest he went and leave before things got out of hand. God forbid Bruce found out. But he pushed those thoughts away as quickly as they came.
Taking his time, he walked slowly around your bedroom, his eyes soaking in everything that was just you. It was impossible to resist purusing your things as he came to your dresser. Trailing his fingers across all the little decorations you had, he closed his eyes, imagining he was touching your skin instead.
He couldn’t resist opening the drawers, and nearly sank to his knees when he saw that the first one he opened was full of your panties and bras. His mask suddenly felt constricting, and he immediately noticed his breaths pick up.
“Jesus Christ.” He huffed out in a sharp breath, his heartbeat pounding in his ears.
Looking back over at you sleeping in the bed, it was like he had the devil on both shoulders. Without thinking long enough to regret it, he reached for the prettiest pair, pocketing it so quickly it may as well had never been there.
Jason let out a heavy sigh, but continued placing cameras in places nobody but him would think to check. He’d have to come back later to do the rest of the apartment.
After just watching you sleep for what felt like far too little time, Jason finally willed himself to turn and leave. Every fibre of his being was screaming in protest. The thought of getting to be this close to you, only to have it ripped away, was almost too much to bear. Still, he made his way back to your window. That’s when he heard it.
The sound of rustling sheets filled Jason’s expertly trained ears and his gaze snapped to the noise instantly as he froze in place, halfway out your window.
Dear god.
Where you had been snuggled cutely in your blankets, you had kicked them off to leave your lower half exposed.
Your gorgeous legs lay splayed across your bed, long and elegant. All of his senses were dialled in on the singular sight of you. His cock thrummed with heat almost instantly, his pants stretched out by his girth as his gazed strayed further.
You were wearing a pair of flimsy sleep shorts and a shirt that was far too big for you and he’d be damned if he said it wasn’t the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.
With an amount of restraint he didn’t think he possessed, Jason bit his tongue, practically salivating at the sight of you. He rested his head against the window frame, halfway out of your apartment, halfway towards making a very bad decision.
He should leave. He should leave and never come back and leave you alone and stop. But he couldn’t.
Fuck it.
Refusing to spend any more time not having you, Jason pulled himself back through your window, prowling towards your bed.
He just stood there for a while like he had already, staring at the delicious curve of your ass and feeling his cock harden in his pants. If he was already going to hell for this then he would take his time savouring his sins.
But he could only hold himself back for so long.
With a quiet groan, Jason crept nearer to your side, pulling away the rest of the blankets as carefully as he could. It wasn’t that important for him to see all of you just yet. Not only was his mind only focused on one thing, but he knew he had all the time in the world to study every part of you. You were his after all.
Now that your lower half was exposed to the cool spring air, there was only one barrier keeping Jason from taking what was holding his entire soul. He prayed you were a heavy sleeper, and lowered himself to his stomach on the bed. Propped up on his elbows, there were only a few inches separating him from the only thing he wanted.
Thank god for sleep shorts.
In the back of his mind, he was already adding buying you something less revealing to his list of things to do, not wanting anyone to see you but him. But that could wait.
Taking off his mask and placing it on the floor beside your bed, he bit his tongue and gently hooked his fingers underneath your sleep shorts, pulling them to the side. All at once the breath left his lungs and he felt like his world was being tipped upside down. You didn’t wear any panties to bed.
Jason had to close his eyes for a moment in order to control his urge to wake you up and ravish you. When he opened them again, they flickered green and he zeroed in on what was making his mouth water.
Your pretty little pussy.
It was a miracle he’d gotten this far to be honest, but you didn’t seem to stir for anything. Thanking whatever force was allowing him this one pleasure, he moved closer to you and began taking what he wanted so desperately.
The moment his mouth met your pussy he nearly came in his pants.
Stopping for a second, he waited for any sign you were awake, his heart pounding in his ears. But you were still silent. Jason took this as his go ahead, but he had no intentions of stopping anyway.
He peppered kisses along your pussy, drunk on the softness of your skin and the taste of you on his lips. Everything in him was bursting with thrill, and he could barely stop himself from rutting against your bed to get some much needed friction. He wasn’t in his mind anymore, the only thing keeping him tethered to the planet was your sweet little cunt.
You began to breathe a little heavier in your sleep, your soft breathing quickly getting deeper. But Jason didn’t stop.
He couldn’t.
Not when you tasted so divine, not when your skin felt like heaven on his tounge. He moved to your clit now, his whole face practically pressed into your pussy. If he was gonna go out between your legs, it was a death he would gladly take.
He sucked on your clit, alternating between swirling his tounge around it in tight little circles and sloppily eating you out. It was getting harder and harder for Jason to control the level of noise he was making. His groans and low, rumbling growls began to fill the room. It was just you. Only you in his mind, his heart, and his soul.
Oh, fuck.
You were making these cute little noises now. Little breathy whimpers and whines were leaving your lips. With each sound that reached his ears, he felt a bit more of his control slipping.
He hadn’t even noticed he was fucking you with two fingers until you began to squirm. All at once he halted all his movement, waiting for his fun to end, but your eyes never opened. This would all just be a really good dream for you. He almost chuckled at the idea.
Certain you’d stay asleep, he buried his face in your pussy, eating you like a man starved. His fingers pumped in and out of your now slick cunt, and his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he tasted your sweetness on his tongue.
But it wasn’t enough. He needed more.
He needed to make you cum. He needed to be the one, the only one, bringing you pleasure. He wanted to feel your cum running down his face. He wanted to taste you on his tongue three days from now.
There was no point trying to contain himself anymore. He’d already jumped off the edge a long time ago. Jason pumped a third finger into you, allowing himself to grind his raging cock against your bed. The noises you were making were getting louder, and you were beginning to writhe in your sheets every time he slammed his fingers into you. He knew he’d have to be quick, but honestly, he didn’t know how much more he could take.
Taking your clit in between his teeth, he grazed the sensitive skin just enough to have you even wetter for him. Jason was desperate. All his cares, all his worries had been replace by an unending, carnal urge for you.
Only you.
He pumped his fingers faster, driving them in and out while he ate you like a man possessed. Then, he got to experience what was easily the best thing that ever happened to him.
Without warning, your needy whimpers turned into one long, high pitched whine, and your sweetness burst into Jason’s mouth. He felt like he died all over again, cumming in his pants as he groaned into your pussy, shuddering. Never once did his fingers stop, only slowing to allow himself to lap up all of your juices.
The world was quiet for a moment as he stayed hooked on your cunt, his eyes closed in bliss.
But he couldn’t stay forever.
With an insane amount of difficulty, Jason placed one more kiss on your clit, and pulled your shorts back in place. His own underwear would be ruined, and he would definitely have to wash his pants, but he couldn't have given less of a shit.
Once he was sure you’d stay asleep, he moved off the bed, coming to stand beside your now flushed face. Jason didn’t know what was worse, having to leave after tasting the best thing ever, or the fact that you’d only remember this as a dream.
Not wanting to think about anything but how full his heart felt, he leaned down and pressed a feather light kiss to your cheek.
“Sweet dreams, baby. You’re mine.” He whispered softly, as if you could hear him, and brushed a lock of your hair behind your ear.
Taking one last glance at your pretty face, he turned and crept his way out of your apartment, leaving the way he came, through the window.
He made sure to close it.
It was clear to Jason that he should be feeling shame, remorse or disgust with himself for what he just did, but the only thing on his mind was how he wanted you awake for next time. And there would be a next time.
When you awoke that morning, and the haze of sleep cleared from your mind, your focus instantly went to the wetness between your thighs. You blushed as vague memories of a rather nice dream sprung to the forefront of your thoughts.
Shaking your head, you crawled out of bed, yawning, when your eyes caught on a slightly confusing sight.
“Didn’t I leave that open?”
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tboybuck · 1 year
got the idea in my head of the party clocking the steddie tension and bullying eddie about it so this happened | 1.7k | rating: g or t, depending on how you feel about swearing
“I’m gonna need you two to either quit that or get your shit together and make out already.”
Eddie drags his eyes away from the door at the top of the basement stairs that Steve’s just closed on his way out to pick up Max and El, back to the task at hand, the table in front of him, his lost little sheep taking their places around the table in the Wheelers’ basement. It's Erica that spoke up, her eyebrow raised in a condescending kind of way that Eddie’s not sure if she learned from her mother or from Steve.
“Hey, watch your fuckin’ mouth,” he chastises, a little belatedly, a lot unnecessarily, and very obviously a deflection from the meat and potatoes of what she said.
It’s not just little Sinclair watching Eddie anymore; they’re all peering expectantly at him like they’re waiting for an explanation. Well, they’re not gonna get it. This little dance that he and Steve are doing - if it’s even a dance at all - is nobody’s business but their own. 
It’s been months now and it’s driving Eddie out of his goddamned mind but it’s not like he’s going to talk to the fucking kids about it. Jeff and Grant have been pretty receptive about the whole thing and Eddie’s talked both their ears off to the point of annoyance. Gareth won’t even give him the time of day anymore when Eddie starts in on talking about Steve.
It’s just that he and Steve have had this little back and forth going for a few months now, where they’ll flirt and Eddie will just start to think that maybe’s he’s got a shot and then Steve will back away. And then they’ll go a few days without talking and they’ll be back at it with a vengeance, picking on each other and making suggestive comments and very intentionally checking one another out.
But then Eddie’ll see Steve laying that same charm onto every girl that walks into the video store and snap back to himself. The mixed signals make him want to scream a little bit. One minute he’s psyching himself up to ask Steve to come back to his after work, maybe watch a stupid movie and make out on the couch, but then he reminds himself that he’s fucking delusional and Steve is just like that. He’s a flirt, and the way he flirts with Eddie doesn’t mean anything.
But the kids are still watching him, still waiting for an explanation about the way he and Steve were just gazing at each other as Steve climbed the stairs to leave, and so Eddie sighs.
“It’s nothing, okay?”
“Right,” says Henderson with a roll of his eyes and a shrug of his shoulders. “Which is why you two can’t stop making those lovesick faces at each other and flirting with each other, and why neither of you can ever shut up about each other.”
“Steve talks about me?”
“Jesus Christ,” Mike mutters. He’s tipping his chair back, balancing it on two legs. It’d be so easy for Eddie to just… tap it with his foot, send little Wheeler to the floor.
“Anyway!” Eddie says again, clapping his hands together. “It doesn’t matter! It’s nothing! Stevie’s just… like that. Y’know? With everybody. Let’s get to work, we’ve got a campaign to get through, no reason for us to be wasting time talking about Steve Harrington. Right?”
“Wait,” Will cuts in. His smile is a little mischievous, a little mean, and suddenly Eddie doesn’t remember why he likes the littlest Byers as much as he does. “You think Steve acts the way he does with you, with everybody?”
“Yeah. We’re friends. He’s… flirtatious. It’s not a thing, y’know? It’s just. A thing.”
“So you really think he willingly stuffs four teenagers in his car every Friday night to drop us off here, and then goes back out to pick up two more teenagers to bring them out here because…? Friends?” Lucas is looking at Eddie like he thinks he might be ready to grow another head.
Okay. Fuck. So they’re actually talking about this. Eddie and a bunch of snotty little kids are about to talk about his fucking crush on their babysitter. Jesus Christ.
“Listen. We are not discussing this.”
Will ignores him. “If you like him, ask him out.”
“And ruin a perfectly good friendship, baby Byers? I think I’ll pass. Besides, him and Nance…”
“Are long over,” Will insists, leaning forward and putting his arms on the table. “She’s still going out with my brother.”
“Like I said,” Erica cuts in again, “I need you two to suck face already or cut it out. We might be kids but we aren’t blind.”
“Please, he doesn’t even like me like that.”
“Are you kidding?” Dustin again. It’s like a game of round robin, each kid around the table lobbing questions and insistences at him in turn. “How can you say that, Eddie? The way he looks at you, the way he talks to you. He spends his Fridays here, in his ex-girlfriend's basement, to spend time with you. Don’t you see the way he watches you?”
“He just… I tell a good story.”
Mike lets loose a scoff and a sigh that could very well shake the foundations of the house around them. “I don’t even like Steve, but yeah. He treats you different. Special.”
“I already told you - he flirts with everybody. He’s a flirt! That doesn’t mean that it means something.”
“Who else does he call baby?” Lucas asks him, deadpan.
“He has pet names for everybody.”
“No he doesn’t. Who else is he going around touching all the time?”
“Robin, who he does have a pet name for. He calls her Bird.”
“Because you started calling her Bird. He picked that up from you,” Dustin argues. “And yes, he talks about you. He asks about you when he hasn’t seen you in a few days. He mentions stuff you said. He had an Ozzy tape playing in his car today and when I asked about it, y’know what he said?”
“‘Eddie gave it to me,’” Will supplies with a smile. “And he was smiling when he said it. That weird smile he gets sometimes. You know the one.”
“The Eddie smile.”
Eddie’s mouth is dry. His head is swimming a little bit. His heart races. There’s blood pounding in his ears as he thinks about Steve listening to The Ultimate Sin in his car even when Eddie’s not around to tell him about the production of the album or explain the intricacies of the instrumentals. He listens to it because he enjoys the music Eddie’s shown him. He talks about Eddie to the kids, asks about him.
Eddie exists to Steve outside of the weekly campaigns at the Wheelers’.
Doesn’t mean Steve likes Eddie the way Eddie likes him, though. Eddie can’t let himself dwell too much on the possibilities of what that could mean. He’s been crushing for months now. It’s almost winter in Hawkins, and Steve’s started coming around to campaigns more and more often the closer to the holidays it gets; Eddie figured it’s because Nancy will be coming home for Christmas soon - she was just here for Thanksgiving and Steve spent most of that Friday upstairs with her instead of in the basement with Eddie and the kids. So Eddie just kind of figured they were reconciling… 
He’d moped about it after he went home, certain that he’d never have a chance with Steve in spite of his very big, very obvious crush on him.
The thing is, Eddie’s never been all that subtle in his affections. He’s a tactile guy as it is, but with Steve it’s like he can’t keep his hands to himself at all. He finds himself reaching out whenever they’re together, a moon orbiting a planet, and Steve is all too willing to be the gravitational pull that draws Eddie close.
But that doesn’t mean he likes Eddie.
Which is what he says to the kids. They’re still looking at him, waiting for his response.
“You are so blind, God,” Mike groans, covering his face. “We can all see the way he feels about you, and you’re so gaga for him it’s a fucking miracle he hasn’t asked you out himself. Jesus, we are all so sick of this shit.”
“Language, Wheeler.”
“Stop deflecting, Munson. If you don’t say something when he gets back here, I’m gonna tell him for you. We’re all fucking tired of this!”
“I don’t wanna hear it from you, of all people!”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“If you don’t know then I’m not gonna tell you. Dumbass teenagers.”
There’s a flurry of footfalls above them, and then the basement door opens to reveal El and Max coming slowly down the stairs with Steve following close behind.
“Tense down here,” Steve smiles. “What’d we just walk in on?”
Panic rises in Eddie as Mike pins him with an evil smile and starts to open his mouth to spill the beans.
“Good news first or bad news first?” Eddie blurts out, holding out a hand towards Mike to shut him up.
“Uh oh,” Steve says. He pauses on the bottom step as the girls hover near the table. Steve’s eyebrows draw together, a little confused and a little concerned, and Eddie’s overcome with the urge to reach out and touch him. “Bad news first, always.”
“We were arguing about you.”
“And the good news?”
“Good news for you, either way. You have the option to prove them all wrong or severely gross them out.”
That crease between Steve’s eyebrows deepens. “What are you talking about?”
Well. Here goes nothing.
“The kids are all convinced you’re into me the same way I’m into you but I told ‘em that’s ridiculous. So you can tell ‘em they’re all idiots or you can come over here and kiss me, make ‘em all wanna wash their eyes out with bleach.”
Steve’s smile is slow to spread, but spread it does. It starts as a twitch in the corner of his mouth and his face softens. That twitch goes a little lopsided, one side of his mouth tipping up into an uncertain smile before it bleeds over onto the rest of his mouth, and he’s grinning. 
The Eddie smile.
It takes him no time at all to cross from the stairs to where Eddie sits at the head of the table and he drags Eddie up out of his seat.
“Guess we better get some bleach ready, then, baby,” Steve says.
And then he kisses him.
because you both asked to be tagged literally anytime i write something: @steves-strapcollection and @patchworkgargoyle - here, i wrote something
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nyrasbloodyclover · 2 months
who else decodes you? (modern!aegon targaryen x reader)
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cw: alcoholism, eating disorder, reader wants to fix aegon, aegon is pathetic, but i love him
a/n: i am finally writing fics again! another malachy and another aegon fic coming up, but i think i'll continue writing for daemon bc i miss him.
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Targaryens were very strange. Well, I was only friends with Helaena, but being her friend also meant spending time with her family, as much as I didn't want to. She always invites me to their dinners and movie nights, so naturally, her brothers were also there. Their mother was always warm and welcoming, Alicent wasn't the issue, at least not to me. Nor was Aemond. He ignored me most of the time, which I had no problem with.
Whenever I stayed over, Aegon always found a way to bother me. When we watch a movie, he keeps tugging on my hair, or touching my neck in a very annoying way, I slapped his hand once and caused all of the attention to focus on us, which was so embarrassing  I immediately went home.
When I started dating my first and only boyfriend he somehow found out and mocked me until Helaena started yelling. She never does that.
Aegon was walking down the hallway when he saw me and Haelena sitting on her bed, with an open door, so he took that as his invite after hearing our conversation. He peeked from the door. "He's only waiting the right time. To fuck you, I mean."
My cheeks started burning. "Are you jealous?" I had no better answer to his remark.
"How could I be?" He grinned, ready for me to bite back, but when I didn't, he just giggled, "You'll just feel used after he's done with you."
Then Helaena snapped and kicked him out, cursing, which was the funniest thing, I couldn't even feel bad.
It turned out he was right, but not the way he thought. I couldn't stop thinking about his words, so I broke up with that guy. And then I found out he started dating someone, only to fuck her then leave her. Almost the whole school was talking about it, so he saved me from that humiliation. I was never going to admit it, though.
He was the strangest and most rebellious from the three of them. Aegon was drinking. Aegon was fucking. Aegon smoked and went to parties he was not supposed to. Actually, he was just harming himself, but nobody wanted to see that. It was like everybody turned their heads when it came to him, but it wasn't my place to comment on it.
He occupied my mind more than I'd like to admit. With all his unnecessary comments and devilish grins, Aegon got under my skin. 
Helaena once accidentally left her charger at my house and asked me to bring it to her. I had nothing to do, so I immediately went to her. What I didn't know was that nobody was home.
Well except for, obviously, Aegon.
I knocked once, then twice, but when no one opened I just entered. The house was empty. Or so I thought for the first few seconds. Until I heard muffled sobbing.
My whole body went rigid. I was invading someone's privacy at that very moment and I needed to go back home, but I couldn't. I knew the cries were coming from Aegon and it made everything worse. 
I went upstairs, dragging my feet towards his room. I didn't have to do anything. I could just go back and pretend I didn't hear anything. He was probably waiting to be alone, to have a moment to break down and I was ruining it.
"Aegon?" I thought he was going to be startled, yell at me to go away, but he didn't even acknowledge my presence. He was on the floor of his room, covered in vomit and spit, probably, with an empty bottle of god knows what. I wanted to cry.
His mouth was half opened, face relaxed for a second, then it became painful again, new set of tears coming through. I kneeled beside, holding his shoulders, "Aegon, can you hear me?" I wasn't panicking because it would do more harm than good. I gently pushed away his sweaty hair. 
I didn't know what was happening but I was going to help him before someone could see him like this. It was obvious that he did stuff like that when no one was near.
I ran to the bathroom first and took some towels, then to the kitchen for a glass of water. I somewhat had experience with things like this.
It was the middle of the day and he was wasted. 
I went to him and took his head into my lap while I cleaned away the vomit.
"I'm sorry." He turned his head away from me.
"It's okay," I whispered, "But please cooperate. You need to get into the shower." Aegon said nothing, but let me continue cleaning his face and neck.
"Come on, let me take off your shirt, Aegon please."
I somehow got him out of his shirt and pants, leaving him in his boxers. He was so beautiful, and it hurt me to watch him like that. What a pretty, broken creature. He had tattoos over his arms and ribs that were much more prominent than last summer. We went to the pool together with Helaena and Aemond and I couldn't help but notice that change.
We managed to get into the bathroom and I dragged him under the shower, letting cold water shock him. His hair was soaking wet, I took another towel and tried to dry him as much as I could.
My heart was racing, he was completely depending on me in that moment and I was so scared someone was going to see us. 
We were in his room once again, Aegon on his bed, under the covers. I quickly cleaned his room, got rid of the dirty clothes and towels I used and hid the bottle. I sat beside him.
"Aegon, you need to eat something." 
"I'm afraid you have no control over that now." 
"No...don't want to..." 
"I will feed you if you don't do it yourself and I'll tell Aemond." His eyes immediately opened. 
"You wouldn't dare," he mumbled.
"I would." 
I brought him some leftover pizza from the fridge and he ate it, barely moving his jaw, he was almost unconscious. He drank some more water and finally closed his eyes, drifting away. I stroked his hair once more and then left after Sunfyre came into his room.
When I got home, a text from Haelena appeared on my screen.
Sorry for leaving my stuff, won't happen again (I think) <3
I smiled and answered her, because I knew it was going to happen but then one more message came.
Aegon says thank you
Don't know what for though 
I was realived that she didn't know about my little moment with Aegon. I wanted to keep that between us. He wasn't going to remember any of it tomorrow and I couldn't say I was glad.
A month later, Aegon moved out. He still visited home and stayed some nights, mostly when he went out. It set an alarm in my head, now that he was completely alone, he could do what he wanted as much as he wanted. It scared me.
When I started going out I started seeing him more, which didn't help. I couldn't stop thinking about the day I saw him almost poisoned, he let me take care of him in that vulnerable state. It had to mean something, right? Or nothing. He was drugged, nothing more.
When I was with my friends, sipping on my wine, trying to stay as sober as I could, I saw Aegon at the table across from us with some of his stupid friends and a girl on his lap, eating his face. He was hard to miss, with his almost white hair and eyes so blue they were practically violet. I spilled some wine on my golden shirt, but didn't care at the moment.
He stopped for a second to take a shot and then continued kissing her. I didn't know how he could drink after being so sick from alcohol that day. 
I watched him—No— I stared and all of my friends noticed, but to make everything worse, Aegon opened his eyes mid make out session with that girl and locked his gaze with mine. My stomach made a turn. The girl he was kissing didn't notice that his attention was on me. His eyes were intense, but his intention unclear, at least to me. I felt bad for the girl immediately so I broke eye contact.
She wasn't there when he needed someone. I was. Poisonous words.
One of my friends gripped my forearm, "What was that ?" 
"What was what?" I asked, my vision becoming hazy. I took the wine glass and quite literally shoved the rest of alcohol down my throat. And almost threw up.
"You, eye-fucking Aegon Targaryen from across the room?"
"I wasn't." My face was hot. Red wine. From red wine, yes.
"Oh, really?" She pulled out her phone with a photo, of me staring at something, someone, you couldn't see clearly who on the picture, but she was right. "Oh, my god! Delete that. GET RID OF IT!" I was eye-fucking Aegon!
"Told you!" She shouted over the music. 
I laughed. Then giggled. I couldn't believe. Then ordered another drink, until I couldn't see Aegon anymore. I was convinced that my mind would think more clearly without alcohol clouding it. I never ever thought about him like that. 
It was red wine, I thought. 
It wasn't red wine. The next day I couldn't stop thinking about him. I kept replaying the moment he turned his gaze towards me. The goosebumps, the pressure in my stomach and heat I felt throughout my whole body. 
Helaena asked me to hang out later that day. I obviously said yes because I adore her, but an unsettling feeling came and I knew exactly why. Aegon was probably going to be there, even though he had his own place.
I entered their house and everything was silent. I went to Helaena's room that was plastered with posters of bugs and pretty stones and her crazy drawings. She was reading a book and smiled when I came in.
"Where is everyone?"
"Mother is at work, Aemond at the library and Aegon is sleeping. He drank too much last night. As usual." She said that like it's no big deal. It bothered me. It bothered me that I cared enough to ask her about it.
"And none of you have a problem with that? I mean if I drank as much as him, my mother would actually kill me." I laughed so it wouldn't sound suspicious.
 "Well...No, not really. At the end of the day, It's just Aegon." I nodded, like I was agreeing with her, but that was far from the truth. We changed the topic but my mind always kept coming back to him. I couldn't stop.
"I'm just going to the bathroom," I said and left her room, I needed a splash of cold water on my face.
But instead of going directly to the bathroom, my eyes turned towards Aegon's room. The door was open, so I could clearly see him really sleeping on his bed, wearing a green hoodie, looking almost angelic. His hair was all over his forehead, his lashes gently touching his cheeks and he was hugging one of his pillows, comfortably snuggled. I wanted to stare at him for the next five hours but that just was not possible. Sunfyre ran into his room and jumped beside him. 
Aegon's eyes fluttered and my heart stopped, I thought I was going to get caught, but I wasn't doing anything wrong. Not really. He frowned as he slowly opened his eyes and I couldn't move. His frown turned into self-satisfied smile but he just turned to the other side and continued sleeping. He didn't see me. 
Did he?
I quickly went back to Helaena's room, trying not to think about Aegon's perfect face, his soft hair and lips or the last night's encounter. Impossible.
She asked me to sleep over and I agreed after calling my mom. I wasn't too tired, since I slept good part of the day. We talked, ordered food, watched a rom-com. It was fun.
Haelena fell asleep and I went downstairs to clean the dishes, trying not to wake up anyone, it was almost three in the morning.
While I washed our cups I felt someone's presence behind me.
I turned my head. "Hello, Aegon. Why are you up so late?"
"I just woke up." His eyes were heavy, his words slow. Hungover, still in his green hoodie, hair messy.
"Well, are you hungry? There is some food left, Helaena and I-"
"Why do you act as if I'm a child?" He frowned. "I can eat if I'm hungry." He snapped suddenly at me.
I sighed, leaving rest of the dishes in the sink. I turned to face him.
"But you're not going to, am I right?" He said nothing.
"Aren't you hot in that?" I nodded towards his hoodie. I was in a top and low-rise shorts and I was still sweating like crazy.
"I can take it off if you want, mother." I couldn't breathe. I recognized mockery behind his words, it came to me like a slap. I knew that I was mothering him and he knew that too, which made everything even more embarrassing.
"No, thank you, I've already seen too much." I meant that as a lighthearted joke but his whole face darkened. Aegon's shoulders slouched and went stiff. He was silent.
"I didn't ask you to be there. I didn't ask for your help."
"Aegon, no, I didn't mean it like that. I could've walked out and then what?" I whispered at him, angry that he's not reading my emotions right. "Helaena calls me and tells me you're dead? That you choked on your own vomit?"
"Stop being dramatic, stop it. None of you understand, so quit trying to act as if you do. It's pathetic."
"Tell me one thing," I got closer, "When was the last time your own mother cared enough to even wonder what is happening with her son?" 
Aegon wasn't even offended by my statement. "Oh, okay, so you noticed. It was that obvious." He shook his head. I hated our conversation, but I also felt some kind of thrill when speaking to him like that. I wanted to know more.
"When did you start drinking? It seemed like you had a fair share of wine and...other things last night." He was changing the subject and I was glad.
"There are a lot of things you don't know about me, Aegon."
"Well, then, you should come to my place sometime. I have a wine collection we could try out." 
My face heated, but then I remembered that he obviously has a problem. And I can't use him like that, no matter how much I wanted to get wasted with him and see where would that take us.
"Thanks for the invite, but I'll pass." Before I walked out of the room, I turned to face him once again, "And try not to make a mess again." I wanted to beg him to stop hurting himself but I was nothing to him, not even a friend, so I had no right to tell him what to do to his body.
"Not promising anything."
I was getting ready to go out, putting on red lipstick, mascara, some glitter over my arms and chest. 
I wore leather mini skirt and a black top that matched perfectly. I wish I thought about anything other than the fact that Aegon's apartment was so close to the club we were going to. What if— No. 
I had to stop myself from finishing that thought but I suddenly wanted to be near him, as near as possible.
I had a few drinks. Maybe more than few. Because you should either go big or go home. And I always followed that rule. I wanted Aegon to be there, my eyes were searching for him everywhere, until my head started spinning, that good, freeing feeling kicking in. I was brave enough now. I could do whatever I wanted.
"Should I take away your phone?" One of my friends shouted over the music.
"I'll behave. Promise." I smiled to myself, an idea already forming in my head. "I'm going to the bathroom, It'll be quick." They just nodded and I went in, sharp white lights blinding me. Everything was too bright, too loud. It was funny. I smiled to myself.
Some girls were inside too, but I didn't bother looking at them. I took out my phone, grinning, and found Aegon's contact.
I didn't expect him to reply to me at all, but my heart did a jump when he replied. We never texted before.
My fingers were almost numb and I genuinely had no idea what I was sending him.
certainly not now. u drunk?
I called him and he immediately picked up.
"What the fuck..." I guess he was just surprised. I laughed at him and when I gathered myself, I wanted to hang up because I genuinely had nothing to say to him, at least nothing that made any sense. But the reckless part of my brain won.
"Can I come over?" I grinned, he could not see it tho.
He was silent for a while. "Alone?" 
The girls in the bathroom giggled. 
"Yes, alone, you whore."
"I do live close, but you, my girl, are hammered."
"Oh my god, you said 'my girl'."
"It was just an expression."
"No it was not. Come pick me up, please. I helped you once, you should help me too!"
"And what do you suppose we do at my place? You can barely speak properly."
Oh, I did not want to say it. But he knew, And I also knew. 
"Nevermind, I'll call a cab."
"You don't know the adress."
I laughed again and hung up. I knew the adress, Helaena told me.
One of the girls in the bathroom looked at me, smiling, "Was that your boyfriend?"
"Hell, no." 
"So you just plan on hooking up with him, drunk? Do you think he'll want that?"
"To take advantage of my fragile and vulnerable state when I'm clearly not thinking right? Yeah. He can't wait."
"Be careful, I heard it's painful when you're drunk."
That was SO funny. So I cracked up. "If you saw him, you wouldn't think that." I had to stop talking, half of them probably knew Aegon, or fucked Aegon! 
I ditched my friends, that was not the right move, but I texted them my location and that everything is fine.
My feet were hurting but I hardly felt it. Cold night air was a nice change, I thought I might suffocate from the cigarette smoke. 
I called the cab and in five minutes I was in front of Aegon's door. 
Thank god I had one more drink before heading out, I couldn't be sober now. I was much braver, and let's hope Aegon lacked morals like I thought.
I knocked and waited, I was completely sure I heard his footsteps and then door opened. It took everything in me not to jump on him in that moment because I never saw him look so... comfortable.
His hair was a bit shorter, disheveled and Aegon's face seemed so soft. "Hi." I smiled and reached for his face, but his hand stopped me. His hand...
Yeah, I was too drunk.
He let me in and I jumped on his couch. I had no capacity of looking around. Everything was spinning. I sat on it, staring at his ceiling.
He was standing over me and he looked pretty pissed off.
"Why are you here?"
"I missed you!"
"Stop with the nonsense or I'm kicking you out."
"It's not nonsense! How dare you?" I laughed, "Have I ever told you how pretty you are?"
He started mumbling to himself and walked away, only to be back with a huge glass of water.
"Nooooo! You're so boring! Aren't you the one who wants to fuck every living, breathing woman."
"Yes, I am. Now drink this."
"Oh, I know. You spiked it." I laughed again. Everything was really funny.
"What the fuck? No, actually, you're not right in the head now. It's fucking water. You need to sober up."
"Why? I though you'd fuck anyone."
"So that's why you're here...Yeah, no."
"What? Am I that despicable? You want anyone, just not me? Really nice."
"I want...I want you to fucking drink this. And start sobering up. Then tell me what you want."
"Oh, you'll see." I took the glass from his hand and gulped it down. He brought me some food and I started eating like a starved animal.
"Aren't you going to join me?"
"I actually never saw you eat in the last year and a half." It was an accusation.
"Why are you so obsessed with me and eating? You need to relax."
"Aegon." I glared at him. He said nothing.
"I know what's going on and you have to quit it. I've seen you shirtless. It's scary. Plus the drinking—"
"What do you want? To save me somehow? Fix me?"
"Yes. I helped myself, I'm going to help you."
"I don't want that."
"Bullshit. Aegon, you're ruining your life. You don't eat enough and drink more than I do. That's concerning."
"Are you sober yet?"
"Yes," I lied. I still felt dizzy and brave enough to continue fighting with him.
"What will Helaena think?"
"About what?"
"Me fucking you when you're obviously still drunk and lying to me. Also, you can try to fix me and don't get mad if you fail."
It was like a dream come true. He gave me a permission and that I've always secretly wanted.
"Which one first? Do we fuck or do I try to fix you, as you say?"
"Surprise me."
I congratulated myself for wearing an outfit that was so easy to take off. Now I was standing in front of him in my underwear and he was as serious as ever.
I took a handful of his t-shirt and tugged on it, trying to take it off. He finally let me do it and then I pushed him backwards on his couch. I sat on his lap, straddling him and for a moment I just stared with the biggest grin. "You have no idea for how long I wanted this."
"And you needed to get drunk to actually do it?"
"You're intimidating." I bowed down and kissed him on the cheek, then on the neck, throat and I did it slowly, it was torture for both of us.
I finally reached his lips and I let myself feel his breath for a moment, before pressing my mouth to his. We moved in sync with each other, but I was desperate for more of him. 
"You should've been the one to ruin me. I wouldn't have regretted it."
Aegon closed his eyes as my hand went down his sweatpants, feeling him grow harder and harder with each passing second. But then he turned his face away from me.
"Please get off." Okay, I can't say that it didn't hurt. Especially coming from him. I sat beside him, trying to recover myself from the sudden emotions.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine, I just can't do it with you. Not yet. Sorry."
"Is that improvement I hear? Not being with a wasted girl?" I joked and thankfully he smiled. I smiled back.
"Go shower, you drunk. You reek of alcohol."
"You sound just like my fatheeeer." He basically pulled me into the bathroom and got out so that I could clean up. Aegon even left me his green hoodie, that green hoodie, but I didn't want to wear it.
"Aegon!" I was really feeling better, I felt like I could finally think clearly.
"Yes?" I heard his voice behind the door.
"It's okay, you can come in." I had a towel around me and as soon as he stepped in, his eyes shamelessly went over me, I hid my smile.
Aegon cleared his throat, "What is it?"
"Can you get me another?" I picked up the green hoodie and gave it to him.
"What's wrong with this one?"
I crossed my hands nervously. Yes, I was totally sober. "I want you to wear it." He looked taken aback by my request. It was a strange one, indeed, but at least there was a chance he's going to fulfill my wishes.
"But...You know what? Nevermind. I'll wear it."
He was so beautiful and he actually looked rested. I was sure he had been drinking, but there was no alcohol in sight. His whole apartment was mostly empty, but clean. I didn't know this side of Aegon existed. Then, he lied about his wine collection.
I followed him into his bedroom and he turned on the lights. Again, empty, no pictures, no decorations, just plain white walls and king-size bed. He opened his closet and threw another hoodie at me, while I was still in a towel. I took my underwear, at least, I was decent like that.
He didn't bother asking me to let him change, he just took off his shirt, revealing his bare torso and the tattoos I loved so much, but had no idea what they meant. He was scarred from the inside and it was starting to show but I said I won't let that happen.
"You quit drinking?" My eyes were on his face now, he was completely dressed.
"I am trying," he was staring at the floor, "How'd you know?"
"I had a feeling." He was a lot calmer, he didn't look so tired and there were no bottles in sight. It seemed like moving out was his best decision yet. I didn't know what triggered his urges, but I was glad he was on his own now.
I put on the clothes he gave me and we went back into his living room. We sat beside each other.
"About earlier..." He started.
"I should apologize, I shouldn't have drank that much and you shouldn't have seen it."
"I am glad it was me and not someone else. But I'm sorry I disappointed you."
"What? How?" I frowned, genuenly confused if he was still talking about the same thing.
"I backed out in the last second. I'll make it up to you, I swear."
"Aegon. I was drunk and out of my mind. I wouldn't have regretted it, but...I want to do it again, when I can remember everything clearly. If you want it too, that is."
He looked at me like a lost puppy and it broke my heart, I didn't know the details about his habits, or his friends that were clearly effecting his life in all the worst ways. All of that made him think that everything is his fault and that he deserved no better.
"Are you nuts? Of course I want to. It's like my most bizarre dream, you, drunk throwing yourself at me—"
"Oh, I wasn't—" Yeah, I was.
"You were, darling, and I rejected you. What a dumb cunt."
I laughed and felt comfortable for the first time with him, because there was no one else who could judge and interrupt. 
It was almost 5AM and my eyes felt so heavy I couldn't keep them open anymore.
"You should take me on a proper date, Aegon." I unconsciously rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes finally. It was too good to be true.
"And ruin my reputation? Yes, I think I should."
Sleep came over me and I felt Aegon shift under my body, until I was laying on top of him, my head on his chest. He was stroking my hair.
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Can we get a tooth-rotting chris x reader, just them having a super cuddly morning, like them waking up cuddly and then going upstairs to make breakfast and still being all over eachother??? LOVE YOUUU
thank for the request cutie i love u too! i hope this is good enough chat bc i hate this😔
in which:
you and chris's love language is both physical touch, making your mornings a lot of nothing but cuddling and softness.
warnings: curly-headed!reader i guess but like that's it, insane fluff but a lot of plot, established relationship chris x reader
one thing about you and chris was that you both had a inordinate about of clinginess inside of you. not a moment went by where one of you wasn't touching the other in some way. you adored it, how you and chris shared the same love language. however many other's didn't; like nick.
seeing as nick was the mother of the group, if you will, he was often in charge of waking everybody up on trips. in doing this, he absolutely despised how difficult it was to get you and chris out of bed. someone was always on top of someone and nobody ever wanted to get up.
"y'know i really wish that the two of you weren't such a fucking pain in the ass to wake up!" nick shouted through the room, ripping the cover from on top of you and chris.
chris twisted atop of you, wrapping his arms tighter around your torso and snuggling his head into your stomach. "that sounds like a you problem, nick," he murmured, eliciting a tired giggle from you as your hand made it's way into the boy's hair.
nick groaned, "i hate you! both of you!"
"no you don't," you smiled.
nick only deadpanned, staring at you. "yes. i do."
you both rolled your eyes as nick walked away, making his way to the bathroom where matt was getting ready to also start getting ready.
you stretched out a little, ruffling chris's hair one last time. "baby, we should really start getting ready. we can sleep some more in the car if you want?"
the brunette shook his head. "no. wanna stay here with you," he muttered.
you only blinked. "chris we have to leave the room and get breakfast anyways, we might as well just speed things up. please, love, for me?"
at hearing the last bit, chris's eyes opened, looking up at you as he adjusted himself to look up at you. he sighed, "fine. but only because you look really pretty.
you stared at the boy, knowing that your curls were tucked into a bonnet and your lips were most definitely chapped. "sure, sweetheart. now c'mon lets go."
chris groans, a pout taking up his face as he rolls off the bed so you can get up.
after about an hour or so, you and all of the triplets are ready for the day. the four of you make your way downstairs to catch the hotel breakfast.
on the walk to the elevator, chris rushes to your side, grasping your hand in his. you smile, looking up at him. he only smiles back.
you hear a gagging sound behind you, catching your attention. you soon realize its only nick pretending to hate you and chris's relationship.
"you guys are so fucking gross i hate you both!" he whines.
chris rolls his eyes, "nick your just mad as fuck that every man you've ever been attracted to was fucking straight and you're single. so shut the fuck up.
your hand clasps your mouth as you glance at matt, making sure you both just heard the same thing. "oh shit," you whispered.
"y'know what chris-" nick shouts, preparing to go off on chris.
matt grabs his shoulder, "nick! shut your fucking mouth and keep walking. its like 9 am i don't think the whole floor wants to hear this."
"yeah you big fat beast! shut your damn mouth," chris taunts, a smirk on his face. your lips curl as you remove your hand from chris's, slapping his arm with it. "ow!' he shouts dramatically, clutching his arm.
"stop being mean to nick," you scold, walking side by side with him, your arms now crossed.
his arms flail, dropping on his thighs, "of course you're defending nick over me! me! your own boyfriend of over a year."
"and nick's my best friend of over 10 years, i think he takes the fucking cake," you giggle.
chris huffs, his arms now crossed as well. "this is racism," he murmurs to himself.
"what was that?!"
you and the triplets now sat on a few couches downstairs, enjoying your breakfast and talking amongst each other.
as you're talking to matt, you feel a head on your shoulder and a few curls tickling your face and mouth. you look down, seeing no other than chris.
"hey baby," you greet him, wrapping an arm around him and scratching his back as you continue talking to matt.
chris whispers in your ear, "are you still mad at me?"
you smile slightly, watching as matt's eyes roll at how many times your conversation has been interrupted by your boyfriend.
"love i was never mad at you, i just wish you'd drop the fucking attitude."
he frowns, "i was just hungry..." he excuses, looking at you with doe eyes and dilated pupils. he now smiles, "you're so pretty."
"you're pretty too, baby."
his smile grows. he continues to pick at his food, not lifting his head from your shoulder once. you could tell he was still a bit drowsy, so you weren't too hard on him about his attitude.
"have i ever told you how much i love you. its like you were literally made for me baby!"
you smile softly, "i know, i love you too."
"maybe try crying about it?" you retort jokingly, you and chris laughing uncontrollably as you watch nicks jaw drop to his feet.
"this is unbelievable."
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livesindelusionland · 9 months
omega Steve who knows that when he reaches 21 his parents are essentially going to send him off to whichever alpha they know who bids the highest because apparently that's the only use they have for an omega son and after everything he's been through Steve can't sit there and let it happen but if he actively does something before 21 Steve could be sued or something, he's not sure exactly but he knows he can't just walk up to an alpha and have them bite him so he can get out of this so he and Robin come up with a plan one day (Steve will admit that neither of them were thinking straight, it was that time of night where everything either seems incredibly funny or extremely smart and if Steve hadn't been so desperate then in the light of day he'd have probably laughed it off but he was ready to try anything at that point)
its a stupid, stupid plan but they're pretty sure its gonna work and Steve is fine with it because he wants a baby and yeah the plan is to get pregnant, nobody that his parents know will want to take on an omega that already has a kid or is pregnant outside of a mating and Steve will just have to hide it from his parents until he's 21 which shouldn't be hard because they're never around anyway
where he and Robin disagree is how he's gonna get pregnant because Steve is determined to ask Eddie to do it and Robin thinks he's insane because Steve is half in love with the alpha already and asking him to be the father of his child is probably a bad idea but Steve won't pick anybody else and when he explains it all to Eddie he tells him that if Steve can choose who the other half of his baby is gonna be he's gonna pick Eddie any day because Eddie is sweet and brave and he makes Steve laugh and to anybody else that would probably be a confession but Eddie is sure Steve can't mean it like that but he agrees anyway because he's also ass over tits for Steve and Eddie wants kids too but who's gonna love him now after the whole murder accusations and his bat scars (Steve doesn't care about any of that but they're both dumb) so after thinking about it Eddie agrees to help get Steve pregnant
they jump into fucking raw immediately, which is another big sign that they actually like each other as more than friends but they insist they're just two friends helping each other and Robin is somewhere in the back with her head in her hands but she's said her piece and Steve didn't listen so she's going to wait in the wings and pick up the pieces when he needs her, Steve panics when he doesn't get pregnant after that first heat they share but both Eddie and Robin reassure him that it can take time which is why he started so far ahead of his 21st and Steve and Eddie continue to hang out and have sex even after his second heat they share which they think did the job and then once Steve finds out he's pregnant they still keep having sex and hanging out and they're both dying inside but don't want to stop
Steve uses scent patches when his parents are around and effectively covers up the pregnancy smell and when he starts to show he wears loose clothing and his mother says he looks like a slob but neither of his parents pick up on anything amiss otherwise but on the day of his 21st birthday Steve comes down the stairs to voices in the living room and he knows there's a bunch of alpha's gathered in there under the pretence of a birthday party and he gets a thrill of triumph when he walks in in his tightest shirt and jeans with his 6 month bump proudly on display and he blinks innocently at them all like he doesn't know what he's just unleashed
his parents are fuming and yelling about lawyers and embarrassment, especially when Steve shows off the lack of bite on his neck despite his swollen stomach but Steve packed his bags last night and he walks out to Eddie leaning against his van, waiting for him and casually flicking through a baby book before he opens the door for Steve and they drive away from the cold Harrington house and back towards Eddie's new apartment, courtesy of the US government for Eddie's troubles, and Eddie can't hold it in anymore when he watches Steve march straight through the place to Eddie's bedroom where Steve had absentmindedly set up a nest months ago that Eddie never took down because Steve is around so often its constantly in use, Eddie follows him and kisses Steve gently and tells him he loves him, he's in love with him and Steve has never been happier
they exchange bites a couple of weeks later after they've talked everything through and Robin is amazed at how this has worked out, she knew they liked each other but she thought there would be much more of a disaster before they got to this point, the baby hasn't even been born yet, this is incredible work from them both
a few months later the Harringtons have realised that a pup could actually benefit them, they could use a grandkid to their advantage but they're stopped by Wayne outside Steve's hospital room and nobody knows what he said to them just that the Harringtons never bother the Munsons again, going as far as moving out of town completely and even when more grandkids come along they remain silent and Steve is eternally grateful that the completely stupid plan he and Robin cooked up actually worked out even if he has to endure a lifetime of piss taking from Dustin and Erica
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xoxotaylynn · 3 months
gangster kind of lover
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warnings: dom!chris, sub!reader, drugdealer!chris, druguser!reader, y/n, abusive!chris, oral sex, unprotected sex, let names
summary- a look into y/n's and Chris's relationship and how his actions affect her life and her drug addiction
i need a gansta to love me better
since i was a little girl i’ve always wanted a disney prince boy, as i got older i learned those boys will only fuck you over and gangsters will love you better.
to always forgive me
a gangster boyfriend will always forgive you with some sex.
ride or die with me
a gangster boyfriend would kill for you.
that’s just what gangsters do after all
i’m fucked up, i’m black and blue
i’m getting ready to go out clubbing with a few girlfriends i’m applying some make up on my bruises that my boyfriend? left i don’t know what we are. i want to be his girlfriend but he “doesn’t commit” little does he know i’m built for it, all the abuse
i’ve got secrets that nobody knows
“omg girl what’s on you’re leg that’s a nasty bruise!!” my friend halle says worried
“oh nothing i just ran into a table REALLY hard and hurt myself it’s fine tho!” i lie i tried to cover that up but my lower body ones are harder to cover.
i’m good on that pussy shit
“nah give me the hard stuff weed is for pussys bitch” i laugh as my hookup is making a line for me currently
i don’t want what i can get
“hey girl you look good tonight” this random dude flirts
“yea no thanks i’m alright” i laugh
“girl you need to get out there stop rejecting guys and live a little
“trust me girl i’m getting out there and living a lot!!” i laugh
“i’ll believe it when i see it!” she laughs
“okay girlll”
i want someone with secrets
“we gotta hurry up my friends don’t know we’re together” my hookup says while sucking in my neck
“do they also know that you sell drugs?” i breathe out
“someone’s got an attitude tonight but no they don’t and they won’t find out” he demands the last part
“are you tryna seduce me even more?” i laugh “next thing i know you’re gonna tell me to call you daddy” i’m PANTING at this point
my freakness is on the loose
we kissing as we walk into his bedroom and he shuts to door with his foot as he leads me to bed, he lays me on the bed and he doesn’t waste any time he strips me if my clothes
“hurry up and fuck me chris” i complain as i throw my head back
“be patient or you won’t cum” he taunts
“yes sir” i smirk
he grabs my jaw and makes me look at him “ill fuck this little attitude right out of you don’t even”
“fine next time i’ll call you daddy” i bite my lower lip and smile
“keep the fucking attitude up and we won’t fuck” he warns
“fine” i huff and he starts kissing down my stomach and to my uncovered pussy.
he starts to pepe’s kisses all over my sensitive cunt and i start to moan already “of fuck chris please give me more”
“patient sweetheart” he says sending vibrations up my pussy. he starts to eat me out and i’m a moaning mess the second he starts i know this is gonna go to his ego
“oh mother fucker don’t stop” i moan he adds three fingers no warning and i’m not going to last much longer now “please chris i’m gonna cum!!!” i whine
“whenever you’re ready baby” he says in my cunt but just like that i’m LEAKING with my juices all over his face “mmm taste so good for me” he says as he finishes swallowing
“just fuck me chris please” i beg
“well sense you said please” he teases and takes his pants off
“no condom i’m on the pill i just want you to cum inside of me” i ask
“just this once” he tells me as he grabs my hips, he then slides me over to him and he aligns his dick up to my wet sensitive cunt
he goes in and with no time to adjust he rams into me.
“OH FUCK!” i yell the second he starts fucking me
he’s ramming into me with no cares making me yell his name out, and i hear slight moans from him, i feel my pussy walls tighten around his dick and it’s twitches inside me
“oh fuck chris i’m so close” i moan
“me to baby cum with me” he basically moans
and then on cue we both cum together with our juices mixing inside me. he lets his cock sit inside me for a minute while we catch our breath.
“oh fuck you did so good today angel” he compliments laying beside me now
“thank you! you did good to i don’t think i can walk anymore” i laugh
“good you don’t need to be walking anyways who are you tryna go see with those legs anyways” he always does this
“no one just you but now i can’t get to you” i respond making him mad
“well you won’t be leaving then” he gets up
“wait what that’s not fair i have a life besides fucking you” i argue
“well to fucking bad” he yells
“no! you can’t keep me here” i yell back
“FUCKING WATCH ME” he screams and yanks me off the bed, he throws me onto the floor and then slaps my face leaving a bright red hand mark
“OW WHAT THE FUCK CHRIS” i yell still on the floor holding my cheek
“get the FUCK away from me” i grab my clothes hurriedly put them on and run out of his house “whatever we have is DONE” i yell outside
you got me hooked up on a feeling
“fuck i have NOTHING” i scold myself. i try to call my new dealer but he won’t answer “fuck it we’re calling chris
“chris can you get my my usual i’m out.” i say over the phone
“i was waiting for this call you know you love my cock to much” he laughs
“go to hell you know that’s not true you’re not even that big i’ve seen bigger and better dicks” i attack him
“ouch that’s not what you said in bed” he argues
“chris just get over here and get me my shit i’ll have money” he deamand
“if you wanna see me so bad just ask but sure i’ll be right over” he grunts
“great” i hang up
5 minutes later he’s knocking at my door
“hi chris come in” i say coldly
“hi ma” he flirts
“chris is told you i’m done with you” i tell him
“then why am i here” he asks
“for DRUGS” i empathize the last word
“you know we’re gonna end up fucking” he says factually
“whatever you have my shit” i ask
“right here” he pulls a baggy out of his jacket pocket
“here’s some money” i say grabbing it off my coffee table in the living room
“no thanks ill give this one to ya” he declines my money
“oh my fucking god just come here” i say annoyed cause he only does this when he wants to fuck and i’ve learned to just suck it up cause he won’t take the money
“that’s a good girl” he praises and i connect our lips and we start making out.
you got me hooked up from the ceiling
“chris come over i’m hornyyyy” i whine over the phone
“i’ll be right there” he groans and i can here him pick up his car keys this makes me smirk
“see you soon” i moan into the phone knowing that will make him hard
“goodbye ma” he hangs up the phone
got me so high, i’m barely breathing
“are you feeling it” chris asks
“hell yea i think i can hold my breath for ever i like don’t end have to breathe right now” i say laughing
“baby breathe please” he softens his tone
“yea okay i will” i say taking a deep breath
i need a gansta to love me better
chris will always love me better than little disney prince boy, my gangster boyfriend will do what we it takes to make sure i’m his no matter what.
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valaryswrites · 1 year
🪐 pov: you overheard your boyfriend remus and his friend sirius talking about you
warnings: english is not my first language & mentions of being hard. mostly fluff
Grimmauld Place was silent that night. You took a nap, and what a nap! You woke up feeling dizzy, you watched the sky trough the window; it was dark, and of course, raining.
There was a pair of glasses in the bed right next to you. But there were no books. Not a single one. So apparently, Remus spent the whole evening watching you sleep. He’s not a nap guy.
Walking down the stairs you smelled the sweet scent of an apple whisky; Sirius was probably drunk, it was his favorite drink, and it was friday. You heard Lupin’s voice.
In silence, you approached the nearest door; right next to the kitchen.
You were ready to join them, but you stopped the moment you heard something that caught your attention.
“I didn’t know she hated Snape.” said Sirius, and you knew he was taking about you. “Can’t blame her, that cheeky mother fucker will be the death of me.” Remus laughed.
“Yeah, she does.” the man said. “She was her student, and you know how much Severus loves his students.”
“I don’t know about Snape, but the one who really loves his students is actually you, mate.” Black laughed out loud. “Can’t believe you were fucking one of them! Thank god she’s old enough.”
“Ugh, don’t be a pain in my ass, Pads.” said Remus smiling. “She wasn’t my student back then.”
There was a silent. You thought about stop hearing that private conversation and make yourself visible. But Sirius started talking again, and you couldn’t help it; they were mentioning you.
“You really love her, huh?” Black asked after pronouncing your name in a whisper.
“I do, yes.” Lupin answered and of course, you smiled. It wasn’t new; both of you said those three words thousand of times to each other. But that tingle in your belly was always there.
“I’m glad you do, Moony.” Sirius said. “I want you to know that… I like her. It won’t be a problem for me if you want her to live here with us.” your heart stopped for a moment. “I would love that. I’ve been alone for so long... I like her company.”
“Yeah, I thought about that.” Remus whispered and took a deep breath. “But I don’t want her to think I’m going… too fast.” You insulted him inside your head. How silly! Of course you wanted to.
“Oh, come on, Remus!” Padfoot said. “You are adorable, but kind of stupid sometimes. Do you love her or not? Don’t doubt, for god’s sake! We could die any day!”
“I know!” Remus answered quickly. “She listened to me when nobody else did. You were away, and she was my only friend. I like having her around, she makes me happy... and hard.”
“But mostly hard.” You said, making your appearance at the kitchen. You walked towards Remus and kissed his cheek. He smiled, and Sirius laughed.
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spookykoolkat · 1 year
always mine, forever - e.m.
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pairing: eddie munson x plus size!reader
summary: hosting a movie night for you and all of your friends was the least stressful part of it all. the thing that worried you the most was how you were going to function with eddie the freak munson sleeping downstairs, the man you'd crushed on for the longest. what happens when eddie is the last one awake after everyone's gone to bed?
warnings: MDNI!!!!!! 18+ ONLY! minors r not welcome! (eddie is 20, reader is 19), mentions of mutual pining, harmless flirting, talks of body image, oral sex (f receiving), foreplay (fingering), p in v, unprotected sex, creampie/breeding, dirty talk, long buildup (lots of words.), virgin!reader, just filth and a bit of fluff? ENJOY!!!
You agreed to being the host for movie night slash sleepover, so as you got everything ready for the group of teenagers spending the night in your home, you managed to pull out sheets, blankets and pillows for everyone to choose from. it was just going to be the older teens, the kids were sleeping over at Max's house, and in the morning we all decided to meet there to go out on the town together.
It was nice, having a small family consisting of everyone who witnessed the monstrosities that happened over the last four years. It was going to be you, Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, Argyle, Robin, and Eddie, bunched up in a house that only held two long couches and a blow up bed. You warned everyone it might be tight but compared to everyone else's living spaces, it was the ideal sleepover spot.
You were honestly a little nervous having everyone here tonight, specifically Eddie. It wasn't like there was an obvious attraction between you two, hell you felt closer to everyone else but Eddie. He tried though, he did whatever it took to at least get a word out to you, or to acknowledge however he could. You knew who Eddie was, and frankly your aesthetic clashes hard with his.
Though you loved punk bands, you were more into the goth scene, but you listened to everything. You enjoyed creepy things, gorey movies, but you also had a bubbly side to you that usually overpowered everything else. While you drank and smoked, you didn't do it as much as everyone else and they never pressured you either. You or Robin would end up as the designated drivers, posing as the mothers of the group. You didn't like to not feel like yourself, so only on occasion did you smoke or drink.
Everyone respected it, including Eddie, which you enjoyed. he enjoyed the different aesthetics everyone had, but took a peculiar interest in yours. He kind of studied you, especially since you weren't someone who he would talk to under any other circumstance.
The beauty of the horrors that happened in Hawkins brought people together, even the oddest of combinations.
But Eddie. You knew how Eddie was even before you guys talked. He was one of the outcasts that truly didn't give a fuck that he was the outcast.
He took pride in that, and also didn't fight the generational cycle of being classified as a fuck up. He was a douchebag to everyone else, including your friends, except for you.
You heard the asshole comments that would come out of his mouth, his smart ass retorts, his sarcasm, but he never did that with you. You sort of started feeling something for him during the end of freshman year. You would secretly go to the area he and his friends would play, just to listen to the music. You were too nervous to be the girl that walks up to anyone first, let alone Eddie.
He intimidated you honestly, the rings and the metal music, his punk rock aesthetic. You had every reason to believe there was no way he'd even look your way, he didn't see like the type to love all types of women. You kept telling yourself that nobody truly liked fat girls, no one really finds us attractive. There's no way Eddie Munson would even look at you as anything more than a mere friend, or even friend of a friend.
But he did.
Eddie couldn't risk the truth when you first came into the group, he couldn't risk anyone knowing that he'd been crushing on you since freshman year. It was like clockwork, Eddie never failed to fall so hard for someone who didn't even look his way.
But he saw you, and the things that drew you to him was the fact that you dressed as you pleased, spoke how you wanted, and that it seemed to him you didn't know he existed. What was your issue? He would think to himself every time he thought maybe he'd catch you looking at him at least once.
Eddie felt he could not be a man without seeing your beauty. That any man who overlooked you was simply not a man, but a boy. The high school girls who made fun of your weight, the boys who snickered close enough for you to hear, just so you know that they think you look ridiculous, he saw everything, and he absolutely hated it.
He couldn't even fathom how anyone could take a look at you and decide you were ugly because of your weight. Or ugly in general. Eddie wanted to force them to see you, to see what everyone was missing out on, what he was missing out on.
"Maybe get some clothes that fit, fat ass." Basketball players, football players, the jocks, hell even the nerds.
"You're just mad cause you can't make it past the cheeks, asshole," you would retort. It didn't bother you the way it bothered Eddie.
It caused him to feel this certain rage, that someone could be so comfortable commenting on someone's body, but especially yours. He thought you were perfect. Eddie genuinely believed you could do no wrong, even if you hurt him a million times and more.
As you set up the DVDs on your TV mantle, you heard the doorbell ringing and it made you glance at the clock. 5:00PM. You walked over to the door, opening it to see Nancy and Robin, smiling widely with their overnight bags in hand and plastic bags, insinuating they brought snacks or goodies for their small get together.
You greeted them with tight hugs, complimenting their looks and inviting them inside.
"Are we the only ones here?" Nancy asked and you nodded with your lips pressed into a thin line and she shook her head.
"Of course we are Nance, they're boys. Always a littleeeee bit behind." Robin said as she set her bags down on the couch, keeping her plastic bag and going into the kitchen, you and Nance following her.
"What'd ya bring me?" You said smiling, as you sat on the barstool in front of your kitchen island, Nancy on your side and Robin across from you.
"Well, I figured Ed would bring the weed so I brought booze. And sprite because well, you're a little princess who shall not be tainted by us, the bad influences." Robin said sarcastically, giving a playful smile to let you know she's just joking.
"Shut up Robin, I can get crazy if I wanted to." You rolled your eyes, grabbing one of the large bottles to examine.
"You? Get crazy?" Nance raised her eyebrows at you with a small smile, as in 'oh please.' You just smacked your lips and rolled your eyes.
"Yes! I can, watch." You say, almost like a bet to the girls.
"You don't have to, we're just joking." Robin replied, taking the bottle from you again.
"Well, I want to. I'm not driving and it's a Friday night." You replied, deciding to let loose a little tonight.
Before you could continue the conversation, the doorbell rings again followed by consistent obnoxious knocking. It's definitely the guys, so you go to open up the door and is greeted by 4 men, all taller than you, with dumb boyish grins on their faces. Eddie, being one of them is the first one to speak.
"Girl's night!!"
All the guys pour in and go to greet Nancy and Robin after greeting you, Eddie only pulling you in by the waist and hugging you. Robin eyed you from across the room.
"So, what's on the agenda tonight?" Steve asked, holding onto Nancy's waist as every starts situating themselves in the kitchen.
You watch as Eddie sits at the kitchen island and pulls out a tin lunchbox, unhooking it and taking out the bud, rolling papers, gar wraps, and lighters.
"Look, the pothead came prepared!" Robin joked, Eddie rolling his eyes at her.
"You know, I prefer to be referred to as a business man. I prioritize my clients, but friends come first! Plus, if it wasn't for everybody would be smoking dog shit in a rolling paper." He said proudly, not even looking at his fingers grinding the weed apart.
"No grinder man?" Argyle asked, almost tsking at him.
"What the hell is a grinder?" Nancy asked and looked at you. You just shrugged your shoulders and shook your head. You had no idea, or any knowledge behind marijuana.
"Not when I was born and blessed with nature's grinder," Eddie remarked, shimmying his fingers at him and smiling behind them.
"Anyways," You said, looking towards everyone.
"I'm thinking we can just watch movies, drink, smoke, play games—honestly I don't care we can do whatever." You said and they all agreed, smiling.
The playful banter continued, and it sparked more conversation amongst the group but you really weren't paying attention. You look over to Eddie to see his focused and kind of hunched over his work. You decided to walk over to him and sit down next to him, giving him a smile as he glanced up at you quickly.
"Whatchya doin'?" You sang in a tune, nodding your head towards the materials he has.
"Creating art," he exasperated, starting to sprinkle the green herb into something that looks like a small brown rectangle.
"Can I watch?" You ask, resting your chin on your knuckles.
"Making me a little nervous sweetheart, think I got performance anxiety," He said after seemingly poking a hole through the cigar wrap he was using.
"You? Eddie Munson? Performance anxiety?" You asked, pausing with every question.
"I can be.....how I am, and still be a bit shy when a pretty girl watches me do something I've done for years. Can't help it," He said shrugging. He was hoping that maybe by dropping hints you'd start to notice him more. But you did notice him. Always.
He started to tear small pieces of another cigar wrap and patching the hole up, acting as a surgeon.
You acknowledged all of his little tid-bits, his quirks, how his eyebrow sometimes twitches when he's focused or how when he's a little zoned out, his mouth hangs open slightly. You adored everything about the man sitting next to you and still for some reason you could not admit it, not even to Nancy or Robin.
"Didn't you have a band? It was like," You furrowed your eyebrows, digging for the memory of his music he played in during freshman year.
You tried to use it as a point of him being ridiculous for insinuating you make him nervous. Eddie looked up to you curiously before licking the wrap to seal it, and he couldn't even believe you knew he played music. He swore you never acknowledged him, or saw him how he saw you. He would walk by you on purpose, cutting corners to see you come out of class so he'd be in the hall the same time as you, and nothing.
What he didn't know was you stole small glances of him enough to not get caught. It was like you knew exactly when he was going to snap his head around to see who's eyes he felt on him, and you just pretended to act as if you weren't looking in his direction.
You listened to his conversations occasionally when he was loud enough, and believe he was loud.
When you looked back at him to finally prove you remembered the name, your mind went blank seeing him looking at you licking the blunt to finally smoke. He was just so attractive, so sexy, everything about his hands to his tattoos to his face, he was everything to you and he didn't know. You have always wanted to tell him, you constantly told yourself that the worst he'd do is reject you.
"It was, uh, Corroded Coffin, no? " You said slowly, and he sat back up from his crouched position, setting the blunt on the table.
"Yes. Yes it was. And still is! We perform still, small gigs but it's more than enough for me right now." He said proudly, beginning to roll again but with a white paper.
"What's the difference between them? Why is that one like paper?" You asked, nodding towards his paraphernalia scattered on your counter.
"Well you see," He starts, leaning into you while picking both the paper and the pre-rolled blunt.
"This one, it's actually a cigar. But, when you split that cigar and remove the contents of said cigar, also called the 'guts' of the cigar, you have something like this," and removes the blunt from the spotlight, raising the paper to glorify its presence.
"But, this is just paper. Made for things like weed or tobacco, but you roll regular tobacco in this paper it's just a cigarette. Roll your weed in this paper, it's a joint." He teaches, and you actually listen.
You truly weren't the most amazing student, you're getting by in high school, a solid B/C student. But, listening to Eddie just now you learned the difference between two things pertaining to something you don't even really do. You just loved to listen to Eddie talk, especially about things he loves and is passionate about.
Every tangent he went on, every venting episode he's had, every weird conversation about things that could or could not exist—you listened. You were fascinated by his words, his way of speaking, it was possible you could listen to his voice for hours.
"I see, so is the one used with the cigar also tobacco?" You asked, picking it up yourself from his fingers and examining it.
"Mmm, yeah it's a tobacco leaf that is used to smoke tobacco. But someone got creative and freaky and decided to try something else. You know, I always wanted to try to smoke out of like a plant. That'd be cool." He said, and you smiled and laughed a little as he bumped you with his shoulder.
"Now give it back before you hurt yourself." He jokes, taking it from you and you roll your eyes.
"Whatever, I'm a big girl I can handle myself." You rolled your eyes and rested your forearms on the cold marble slab.
"I'm sure you can sweetheart."
You just smiled, and bumped him back decided to sit and watch him roll this next one. Everyone sort of made their way around the house, everyone doing their own thing or settling in before everyone starts to drink and relax.
"Hey, can we order pizza?"
-- ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ --
It was 8pm by the time everyone settled down into the couches, picking A Nightmare On Elm Street to watch, two blunts being passed around as well as red solo cups on each person. Everyone was chatting, laughing, and overall feeling really good being all together in each others presence. Nancy and Steve sat in a pair, as well as Jonathan and Argyle, leaving you, Eddie and Robin on the other couch.
You sat on the side of the couch where the armrest was, Eddie sitting next to you, and Robin decided to sit in front of the couch rather than on the couch after the first death in the movie. You smiled at her childlike position, almost sitting directly in front of the TV. You got passed the blunt from Argyle, him saying something about how tight this strain of weed was, not really registering gin your head because to you, weed was weed.
"Blue dream, never heard of it?" A voice came from next to you as you breathed in the smoke, the THC coating your lungs.
"I thought it was just weed," You choked out, finally exhaling and pulling another drag, respecting the rules of the rotation.
Eddie watched as you inhaled the second puff, passing it to him and he grabbed it from between your fingers, lingering a little to graze your skin. Everyone already got comfortable, everyone sitting in their respective PJs. You, sitting in a pair of fluffy shorts with a black tank top, still tight and still making your tits sit pretty without a bra.
Eddie didn't go without noticing, especially when the room is dark and the only light is emulating from the TV and small lights hanging above it.
Eddie hit the blunt twice, passing it to Robin who reaches back to grab it.
"Let Eddie do his marijuana 101 class, again," he said, scooting a little closer with his blanket.
Now you noticed him, his long hair and his wide brown eyes that still seemed wide even after being high. Your eyes on the otherhand feel lazy, low and dazed, still searching his face for new features you never noticed. Like his small moles peppered in weird places, a small light one placed right on the cupids bow of his lip.
"A weed strain is basically just a classification of the plant's makeup. So what makes weed, weed. It's like when animals breed, if an animal bred with another species. If that makes sense. Honestly, I'm kind of stoned out of my mind so. Just know every strain is different, and I talk a lotttt when I'm high, so." He summed up, feeling a little embarrassed about his whispered rambling. Everyone else was glued onto the TV screen, the score of the movie louder than the two of you.
"Mm, so you're a weed know -it-all?" You teased, your legs bent sideways to get more comfortable into the couch.
"Something like that." he said, his tone not really lighthearted anymore. He was too distracted watching you. Maybe it was the weed, but he truly couldn't focus on anything but you.
The conversation ends there, leaving you to focus back on the screen as Freddy attacks again. But as Eddie scopes out the room, the only people even awake at this moment was you, Eddie, Argyle and Nancy.
Robin ended up falling asleep on the floor after you all finished the first blunt, Steve is laid up on Nancy as she bats her eyes open, visibly fighting her sleep, and Argyle is still puffing clouds as the second blunt starts to get smaller and smaller.
The room is smokey, a little claustrophobic but not noticeable through your high, and Argyle passes it back to you so you can take another two hits from it. While you smoke, your mind starts to drift to think about the guy sitting next to you in his guitar printed pajama pants and black t-shirt, his usual silver chain sitting on his sternum.
You were able to see most of him through your peripheral vision, his hands resting on his own lap, his chest rising and falling, and the way his legs are spread while he's slumped against the cushion now.
You thought about you and him being the only people in the room, crawling on top of him and letting your ass press against him. You wanted him in the dirtiest ways right now and you felt the weed and little bit of alcohol you drank in your system. You felt incredibly needy for him, thinking of sinful thoughts while he's right next to you. You felt crazy, almost silly, you wanted to laugh at yourself.
"You okay, sweetheart?" He whispered lowly, weed and vodka on his breath, still not enough to make you repulsed. You didn't notice you were completely staring at his lips and jaw, not until you shook your head slightly and smiled.
"Yeah, m' sorry, got distracted.": You confessed, shifting your legs to lay across his lap. You needed some sort of contact, you didn't care what it was. You knew it would never go further than this, so you're allowed to dwell in it a little more.
"I need to stretch, you don't mind?" Like he'd say yes.
"Not at all, stretch as you please ma'am." He grinned, placing his arms to rest on your shins as he passed the blunt in Nancys direction, when she decided to tap out. Eddie reached and handed it to Argyle, letting him finish whatever was left.
"Yo dudes... I'm.. stonedddd." Argyle whispered and laughed, making you giggle at his tolerance as if him and Eddie didn't have the highest tolerance of the group.
"Me too," You agreed, looking at Eddie who smiled with squinted eyes, nodding in agreement.
"I need to take a wazz. Be right back," Argyle said, getting him from his sat position next to Jonathan's sleeping figure and goig to the restroom.
You glanced over at Nancy, and sure enough she's passed out, leaning against Steve under a blanket. It was just you and Eddie. but no words were said. Your body wasn't facing the TV anymore, instead your body faced Eddie since your legs laid on his.
"You feel okay?" He asked, his large, warm hand going to rub your leg, squeezing occasionally. You almost squirmed, his touch sent a sense of energy through you, straight to your core.
"Yeah, yeah, I am. What about you? My legs aren't too heavy for you?" You teased, resting your head against the couch cushion next to you.
"Mm, you could never be too heavy for me sweetheart. Bet I could lift you up and carry you where you needed to go." He said, squeezing your calf. Eddie tip toed around you, never exposing his truth to you or anyone, but everyone saw it. Nancy saw, Robin saw, hell even the guys saw how crazy Eddie was for you.
"I wouldn't be so confident about that. I weigh waaaay more than Chrissy Cunningham, sir. The girls you've been with were easy to pick up, I might be a bit of a challenge." You teased, and you felt his hand inch up towards the thickness of your bare thighs. You didn't know how to tell him to stop unless he wanted you on top of him.
"I"m Eddie Munson, sweet girl. I never shy away from a challenge, even though picking you up wouldn't be a challenge for me." The real challenge was picking you up and not holding you against a wall so he can slide in and out of you.
"How did you know I slept with Chrissy? That was like, sophomore year." He asked, genuinely curious.
Because of social statuses, Chrissy wanted to put it to the side, she said some things just weren't meant for other peoples eyes. But it didn't stop her from coming around Eddie in public, it just made Eddie more weary about sleeping with her. He felt better with her as his friend rather than fuck buddy simply because, Chrissy wasn't his type. Physically yes, but emotionally, no. He thought she was gorgeous, but he couldn't keep his attention her, or any other girl for that matter.
There was only you.
"I think I paid more attention to you than you did me. I know I was like, in the shadows and shit, so I don't blame you for like, not noticing me. But yeah, I saw her hanging around you a lot and then well, word gets around in the girls' bathroom." You confessed, your eyes still on his as his hand rested on your thigh, closer to your knee.
"And what was this word that was getting around, hm?" he asked, moving one hand to run through his hair.
"That you and Chrissy were like, a thing. Or that you guys hooked up a lot. Things of that nature." You admitted, looking down at your fingers then glancing back at him.
There was a pause of silence, and you started to feel like maybe you overstepped. Who are you to comment on his sex life? You're just friends!
"I did notice you." he said, moving his body to lean into you more, scooting closer to you on the couch with your legs still on top of his thighs.
"You don't have to lie Eddie, if it wasn't for Nancy I don't think we'd even be talking right now." You said, noticing his close proximity now.
Before he could reply, Argyle comes out of the restroom yawning, the room still completely dark so you couldn't see Eddie staring at you intently.
"I'm soo sleepy my dudes, I think I'm gonna hit the sack." He said and you move your legs from Eddie's lap and stand up so they can all start to rearrange themselves. Everyone slowly starts to wake up, still stoned, but now passing each other pillows and blankets. Eddie on the other hand, is stuck.
"I will see you guys in the morning, I'll be in my room if anyone needs me. Goodnight," you said and they all lazily murmured goodnight in unison.
You could just feel Eddie's eyes burning into your back, until you disappear upstairs and enter your room. You practically throw yourself against the bed, immediately shutting your eyes and squeezing your legs. You inhale and exhale, then remove your shorts to get comfortable and crawling inside your blankets.
Eddie, was forced to sleep on the floor with Jonathan and Argyle. Steve and Nancy took the couch with the ottoman so they could both fit, and Robin refused to sleep on the floor so she took the other couch. But as everyone around him fell back asleep, Eddie's eyes stayed open.
He couldn't stop thinking about you, he couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he wanted you more than anything, even just to be next to. He would never do anything to make you uncomfortable, he would never overstep, all he needed was to even be in your presence and he's completely satisfied.
But an hour went by. Then two hours, and then three. By the time Eddie started to feel his bladder fill up, it was one in the morning and still not a wink of sleep.
He knew that the only restroom there was is the one two doors from your room, upstairs. So he forced himself to get up, and trudge upstairs, past your room and into the restroom but the minute he walked in, the urge to pee was gone. He was too distracted, looking at himself in the mirror wondering if he should act on his impulses or not.
"It's not like you two never shared a bed before." He whispered to himself, looking back at the time you two had to bunk together at Will's house. But, at the time feelings and emotions weren't the focus.
He shook himself out of it, breathed in and out, and told himself it's just two friends sleeping in the same bed, if you even said yes.
A knock woke you out of your sleep, your eyes still squinted, the weed somehow hitting harder after a few hours of sleep.
"Mmm, who is it?" Your voice strained, sleep coating it making it hard for Eddie to hear.
"Uh, it's Eddie." He whispered yelled and you kind of got more alert, but didn't stop yourself from telling him to come in. The only light in the room after he shut the door behind him was the pink lava lamp on your bedside table. You saw him in pink through the blurriness of your vision, you sitting up on your elbow to see him.
"I, uh, couldn't sleep. Floor's uncomfortable. You think I can crash with you?" He asked, his hands behind his back. You didn't really think about it, you weren't uncomfortable or anything. You knew he was your friend and you thought you knew that there was no attraction on his end.
"Yeah, but um, I don't have shorts on so, just.. yeah." You were just too sleepy to explain yourself, hoping he'd get the hint that if he wasn't okay with it you weren't going to put them on, and he can leave.
"Don't mind me. Live your truth," He whispered, smiling and going to the other side of the bed to lift the sheets and crawl in with you. Your bed was pretty big, but you were a bigger girl so you could kinda feel the heat of his body against you.
Eddie faced your back, his head now against your pillows, in your bed, and he was in love with the smell. You smelled of coconuts and some kind of floral fragrance, and he basked in it the entire time he laid next to you.
"Are you awake?" He poked you and you sighed
"Yes Edward, I am awake." You moaned.
What could he possibly want right now? It's not that you were annoyed, you just wanted to go to sleep as fast as possible so you would forget you had Eddie fucking Munson in your bed.
"What's your favorite band?" he asked and you smiled to yourself, his randomness was also something that never failed to make you smile.
"Guess." You told him, knowing he probably wouldn't know, but it'd be worth a try.
But he knew, he knew exactly what your favorite band. He would listen to the songs that came out of your walk-man since you played it loud enough to hear.
"Sisters of Mercy." He said in a sure voice, and you were taken aback.
No one truly knew your music taste, you weren't one to play the music when you had guests over or friends to hang out with. He practically left you speechless, and you then thought about what else he knew about you that you don't remember mentioning to him. There was a small silence, something you took for granted as you tried to wonder how he knew. Almost like reading your mind and noticing your body shifting, he spoke.
"I noticed you." He said, moving his hands to rest under his cheek. He just kept his eyes on your back, taking advantage of the fact that your eyes weren't on him.
"What?" You said confused, more awake than ever now. Your eyes were almost popping out of your head the way you stared down the wall across from you.
"You said I didn't notice you and that I was lying. But I did notice you. I don't know how you never knew but I had the biggest fucking crush on you for like, ever. Maybe even since middle school. Which is kind of weird since we never talked? But, you were just like, woah," He said, his heart beating against the wall of his chest. It all spilled out like word vomit, he couldn't stop but also didn't want to stop.
"You're just so fucking pretty. Like do you understand how gorgeous you are? Not just to me but to everyone with a fucking brain?" This one was foreign to you, you were so frozen that Eddie was actually telling you that you were gorgeous. You kind of forgot how to breathe, especially with being able to just feel his presence next to you.
"Eds.. You don't actually like me do you? Like, I really didn't think that was ever even an option to consider." You insisted but he just kind of laughed it off behind you.
"I've liked you for a long time sweetheart, you're perfect to me. I really just want to shrink you so I can carry you in my pocket with me everywhere. I never not want to be around you. I only ever feel alive, or real when you look at me."
Eddie needed you to know now and spoke in a more serious manner, before he lives until he's 95 thinking about what could've been if he had went into your room to confess to you. He knew it was a big reach to assume you'd be receptive and feel the same way, but who was Eddie Munson without his lack of shame?
"Me too." You whispered, now Eddie was the frozen one.
"What was that?" He asked. He needed the clarification before he exploded, because if you meant what he thinks you meant, he didn't know what he'd do.
"I've liked you too. I think about you a lot honestly," You bit your lip and gripped your pillow, shifting your body. You could practically hear your heartbeat in the silence of the room.
"What?" He asked again, so you said it again.
"Eddie, I like you too. I want you too, and have for a while." Still facing the wall you just wait to hear his voice again.
"You, want me?" He whispered, lowly this time and you started to blush. Grateful he wasn't looking at you, you let yourself get a bit embarrassed. Confessing you've wanted him, thee Eddie Munson who could pretty much have whoever he wanted.
"I've wanted you forever. I was actually jealous of Chrissy. I kind of thought you'd never really go for someone who looked like me, so I kinda just kept my head down around you. It seemed like you always had someone to entertain yourself with and the someone in question were always like, skinny girls. Or fit girls. I didn't think, I don't know I feel like you saw me as more of one of the guys or something." You rambled and waited for his response. There was just silence, and you knew maybe he wasn't serious like you were. You had just confessed to wanting him and he wasn't saying anything.
Until you felt him scoot closer, and putting his hand at the curve of your waist. His hand caressed your side, feeling and almost massaging at your rolls and moving his hand to go towards your stomach.
"You don't have shit to be jealous about Chrissy. Size doesn't matter to me, I think you're fucking sexy. I'd rather see you dance around in that little cheer outfit, I'd rather see you in my bed," He said without a trace of goofiness.
He was serious, and he was starting to get hot and bothered by touching you. He gets closer and practically presses himself against you, his hands and fingers moving over your bare thighs to your side, to your stomach.
He was gripping and massaging and feeling all of you and you loved it. You even started to put your arm over his, letting it follow his as he feels your body under his touch. His hand covered a lot and he was able to grip almost all of you everywhere, and he was taking pleasure in having you this close to him, all to himself.
"I'd choose you a thousand times over. You don't know how bad I've fucking craved to see you, all of you. How I wished to be the asshole you were kissing in the hallways, how I've wanted to feel you like this for years." He kept going, tugging at your panties as you started to move your hips to grind into his hardening cock, and he groaned softly.
"Eddie, please. I, I need you. Want you inside, please," You whimpered and he moaned at the feeling of your ass rubbing into him, squeezing your side and putting his chin on your shoulder to see your tits from that angle. He wanted to see your face, to see your entire body, but for right now he can wait.
"You are so precious, baby. Look at you, grinding into me, who are you right now?" He breathed against your neck, his hand starting to move under your shirt and towards your panties.
"Do you want me like this, princess?" He asked you, tapping closer and closer to your mound.
"Yes, Eddie, I fucking want it please, please," You begged him, moving your legs and hips to try to get closer to his fingers.
"These panties are so cute baby, these polka dots?" He teased, moving your panties down enough with one hand to access your wet core.
You felt a little embarrassed at your granny panties but he loved them. Anything you were in, he loved. You could be wearing a prison jumpsuit and he'd think you were gorgeous, and innocent.
"Mmph, if I knew you were going to confess your love to me and start touching me, I would've wore different ones," You admitted, rushing to get your sentence out because before you know it his fingers were indulging in your wetness, feeling how warm you were and how fat your cunt was, coating his fingers before slowly rubbing your nub that he found easily. He loved every part of you, and feeling how you felt on his fingers, he knew he was going to be obsessed with you.
"Is that right? You have 'fuck me' panties hm?" He taunted and moved his fingers faster as you moved against his body and rubbed against his boner even more.
"Ed-Eddie, you, fuuck oh my god, how- fuck what the fuck," You moaned, trying to moan quietly so no one wakes up and remembers in the morning.
"I kind of like these though. Not kind of, I like them a lot." He confessed and watched you as you whined and squirmed against his body, against his fingers.
"Love the way your ass looks in these, just so fucking sexy,"
"You feel, s-so good. Don't stop, please," You said in a breathy moan, and honestly he almost painted his boxers with his cum.
"You are going to drive me fucking crazy like this, baby," He groaned against your neck and you started to feel your orgasm creep up on you the minute he pushes two of his thick, tattooed fingers inside of your dripping hole.
"Oh fuck, look at you, you're doing so good for me taking my fingers like that. You are so fucking intoxicating, princess." He groaned as you felt him push his pelvis into the cheek of your ass.
"You see what you do to me? You make me go feral," He said and you decided to take the hand that was gripping Eddie's wrist, and reach behind you to find your way into his pants, grabbing his hard on and gently stroking, making him start to blank out.
Eddie actually seems to forget everything around him but you, and loses every thought he ever hand as he feels your wrap try to grip him firmly so your hand could be fully grasping it. But without ever seeing Eddie's cock, you can just feel how big it was. He wasn't just big, he was thick and you were admittedly scared.
"Wait, Eds, I-" The minute you said wait his hand stopped, leaving your core and instead going to your side as he lifted himself up to see you fully. You rolled onto your back after taking your hand away from him and he searched your face worriedly.
"Are you okay? Did I do too much? I'm sorry I-" He started to apologize and you just wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down, meeting your lips with his.
The minute your lips touch you know in your gut you'd never be able to kiss anyone else and have it feel the same as it does right now. Maybe you really were in love with him because you'd never felt like this before.
"No, you didn't do anything wrong. I want more, and i want you, it's just," You hesitated, wondering if the words that were going to come out of your mouth were going to scare him into not going further.
"You can talk to me, baby. I just told you how much I've always thought about you and looked at you which is borderline stalking. I'll listen." He pokes fun, his hand resting on top of your stomach.
The blankets were practically thrown off when Eddie decided to take your panties to your mid thigh, so now you lie there with your panties pulled back up and your tank top now showing your midriff.
"I'm, technically I'm like, a virgin." You confessed and his eyes went wide involuntarily, which made you cringe. You knew it'd be weird. Almost 19, graduating high school very soon, and not as much as a single guy fingering you ever.
"Like, fully? You've never done anything?" He asked, not a lick of judgement on his tongue.
"No, just, I mean I've obviously touched myself before," You begin and he opens his mouth.
"Obviously," He teased, like he was able to tell. You slapped his chest and laughed, shaking your head.
"Shut up," You said and continued, "I've just never let anyone go that far with me, and trust me there was never much of a line of guys to choose from either." You said and his hand went up to your face, touching your cheek and moving your frizzy hair from your face.
"We don't have to do anything you don't want to do." He reassured and you rested your hand against his, looking into his eyes.
"It's not that. I really want to. Like really, especially with you. Only if you're okay with being my first." You said and he almost looked shocked.
You were really asking him if he'd be okay taking your virginity, as if he'd ever say no. Anyone else, he'd say no. Too much emotional baggage for both parties honestly, he felt. But you, here you were just after riding his fingers, in a pair of panties and a thin measly tank top, saying you want him to be your first.
"If I'm okay with it? Only if you're okay with it, and only if this isn't a one time thing. Because I think I'm already obsessed with you and actually seeing you with someone else after this is going to send me to the psych ward." He said seriously, tapping your cheek with his pointer finger.
You loved it. You love the fact that there was this mutual attraction and mutual pining, but it made your core throb knowing he really only wanted you. That he'd lose his mind seeing you with someone else.
You don't answer him, instead you take his fingers from your cheek with your hand, grabbing the same two that were inside of you and teased them around your lips, your tongue poking out to act as if your lips were around his cock.
He couldn't believe what he was watching, how you swirled your tongue around his finger tips and ended up coating them with your spit, sucking on them and licking.
"You, you're-" He tried to spit out but nothing. His head was fucking empty except for this image burned into his mind, and he felt your teeth graze his knuckles as you took them from your mouth.
"I don't know how else to say it, Eddie. I need you." He wasted absolutely no time, diving down to your chest to kiss over your neck and collarbones. He ends up crawling on top of you and spreading your legs open with his knees so he can get between your legs.
"So that means no one's ever eaten this pretty pussy out before?" He asked against your chest, moving his hands up your shirt to your breasts that look absolutely mouth watering when you're on your back. And in general. Eddie just really loved boobs.
"No, I've never let anyone." You responded as he lifted your shirt up releasing your boobs from their confinement and enjoying the way they looked under this pink glow in the room.
"You want me to baby? Cus I reaaaally want to. Like reaaaally, reaaaaaally want to," He said as he brought his face closer to yours.
"I want you to eat me out, please Eddie." You begged in a whisper against his lips. You felt yourself clenching on nothing, still wet from having his fingers inside of you.
"Thank God," He breathed and started to kiss down your boobs, pushing them together with his hands and sucking gently on the skin around your nipples.
"You are so fucking sexy. I'm, fuck you are just, mmpfh," He grunted as he smothered his face in your chest, motor-boating you as you ran your fingers through you hair.
He plays with your tits for a bit, pinching and flicking and sucking your nipple until he makes his way down your stomach. He leaves kisses down every inch of you, gripping you and your stomach as he made his way down between your legs.
"I thought about you, um, like that a lot. I wanted to know how your lips felt on me." You confessed as you stuffed pillows behind your back so you're sitting up a little to see him. He almost felt his cock grow harder after you said that, making him rub gently against the bed.
"Yeah? My sweet girl thinkin' of me eating this pretty ass pussy, thinkin' of my tongue all over you? Is that right?" He asked as he rubbed his pointer finger over the wet spot on your panties, caressing your mound and the outline of your lips.
"I, yes fuck, yes I was. I always thought of, of how you'd feel inside me. I would-" You stopped yourself from saying too much as he continued to rub against your clothed pussy.
"Would what, baby?" He asked, moving his finger to the edge of your panties and running over the fat of your thigh.
"I, I would touch myself. To you." You confessed and Eddie almost fainted. He genuinely felt light headed as he started to picture you in this bed, your hand between those pretty pussy lips and dipping inside your heat.
"In this bed?" He asked, moving his head to kiss and nibble on your inner thigh.
"Yes, here, right here."
"Let me take these off for you baby," he said grabbing the hem of your panties and dragging them down. You lift your hips up and let him slide them off, opening your legs again do his face is right in front of your pussy. He honestly loved the hair you had, his hands going to tug in it.
"M' sorry, I haven't shaved in a bit," You confessed, looking down at him between your legs as his eyes looked up.
"You think I care baby? Love this shit, you're so fucking perfect. I bet you taste better than you look," He groaned as immediately moved his hand to take two fingers and spread your heat to expose your clit and hole.
"Look at this, fuck I'm trying not to bust right now, you are soaked. It's all for me angel?" He asked, rubbing his fingers along your slit and you're almost sat up with your knees bent, so your tits are pushed together and kind of in your face as you squirm and moan
"All for you Eddie, please. You make me so fucking wet," You confessed and threw your head back when his tongue laid flat on your clit.
"Fuck, Eddie oh my god," you moaned, leaning back more to push your mound into his face and he noticed. He let you push up to suffocate him with your pussy. He pulled away with a large breath.
"Don't be shy, baby. You want me to eat you out? Make me do it, ride my face if you want to, push my head into this pretty pussy. I will die by this fucking pussy, princess." He growled, looking into your eyes as you whimpered and nodded.
He smiled, kissing your inner thigh before going back to licking and suck at your clit before entering his two fingers.
You don't hold back with your moans, or the force your putting into grinding your cunt into his face.
"Baby, please please don't stop, fu-fuck it feels so good please," You cried, his eyes never leaving yours as he slurps and licks all your juices.
He was in heaven, there was nothing that could compare to watching you losing your mind over his tongue. He wanted you to feel good, to feel sexy, to feel loved. He needed you to know there was no one he'd rather do this with.
He just kept going, pumping his fingers in and out slowly, kissing over your pussy lips just to go back to licking you from your clit to your hole. Eddie kept lapping at your hole as he finger fucked you, then went up to your clit with his tongue and used his other hand to rub your clit and lick at the same time.
"Eddie, baby, I think you're gon-gonna make me cum," you said, placing your hands on either side of his head as he watched your eyebrows furrow and eyes fight to stay open so you could watch him as you cum.
You were a mess at this point, your pussy was glistening under the pink glow, your juices were all over his lips and chin, leaking down your ass.
"Give it to me baby, let me watch you cum on my fingers," he said after he pulled away, moving to rub your clit and finger you at the same time.
"I'm cumming, fuck fuck fuck, Eddieee," You cried out as you dragged his name. The pressure in your lower stomach reached its hilt, making you clench and arch your body as you came undone. You tried to close your legs to press your thighs together except Eddie held them open as he watched you tremble and your legs shake.
"Oh baby, I could watch you all fucking day, every day. My pretty girl, all fucking mine," he said, licking up your cum as you flinch from the sensitivity.
"All yours?" You asked in a breath, and he removed himself from between your legs to stand up.
He stands on your side of the bed and undresses himself, removing his shirt to show his inked skin and your eyes followed his tattooed fingers to his pajama pants, pulling both his pants and boxers down.
Your eyes were glued on his cock, at a loss for words seeing it bob up and down being freed from his clothes. The tip even looked red in this lighting, and you could see a bit of precum coat it. You admired the veins and the length, the way it jerked and how thick he was. You didn't know if you'd be able to take all of him for your first time, but seeing him stand there naked made you even more wet, feeling that same horniness all over again.
You sat up and reached towards him after getting on your knees, and you pull him down on the bed, making your way to straddle his hips with your bare cunt against his shaft.
"Fuck, princess what are you doing?" He asked, grabbing a pillow to put behind his head so he could see you straddling him and slowly moving your hips against him to coat his cock in your wetness.
"I want it like this, wanna take my time," You moaned, kind of nervous to put your hands on his chest to hold up your weight, so you just took your shirt off and kind of rested your hands on your thighs as you grined into him a bit. He just watched as you basically took control.
"Get comfortable baby, put your hands on my chest," He said, almost reading your mind.
"I'm too heavy Eds, I'll literally break your sternum." You joked and he squeezed your bare hips harshly.
"I wasn't asking, pretty girl. Now let me see how you want me, show me," He encouraged, softly smacking your ass as you reluctantly placed your hands on his chest, but not before running over all of his tattoos and his abdomen.
"You're so pretty, Eds. I love looking at you." You murmured, kind of sitting on his cock now. You traced the lines of the different tattoos, then leaned down and started kissing them one by one.
"Fuck, you're gonna kill me, sweetheart," He said as he gripped your bare ass tighter, trying to contain himself as he feels your wetness against him. He couldn't accept the fact that you were naked on top of him, that he was able to move and grope your tits as they rested at their natural position, that he could see all of you.
"Can I put it inside?" You asked, moving your hands to his chest and situating your body further up so you can maneuver and slide him inside of you.
You noticed how your stomach kind of touch his even though you were far from leaning against him, realizing now you're bare naked on top of him, as he is bare naked below you. You weren't self conscious, just very aware of everything but didn't let it stop you. You wanted him and you were going to have him.
"You can do whatever you want with me baby, I'd do anything you tell me to do." He said, watching as you lifted yourself up and grabbed his cock, stifling a groan, and pressing your tip against your hole.
"Will it hurt?" You asked, feeling the pressure and tightness as his tip teased you.
"We don't have to do it like this baby, you can be my pillow princess and I'll do all the work," He said. He wanted you to relax and have nothing to worry about, not wanting to overwork yourself when he can make you feel equally as good without you making yourself uncomfortable.
"No. This is how I want it. Wanna feel you fill me up like this." You said and leaned on your hands that were on his chest, and slowly started to sink onto him. He was going in and out of consciousness practically, hearing you talk like this was so foreign to him but he wanted more of it.
He felt like he was disassociating, you were so enchanting on top of him, so attention grabbing—he was having a hard time trying to focus on your moans when he's watching the way all of you in your glory.
Inch after inch you felt that fullness you craved, making your eyes shut and your mouth hang open as Eddie takes it in. The confidence you had with being on top made him wonder what else you liked, what else you've always wanted to try, anything you've thought about. He wanted to know it all.
He can't even form a single word. Never in his life had he felt someone so wet, so tight, and all for him. He was going to ruin you and you fucking knew it, he wanted to live in this moment forever with you. He wanted to rewatch you sink onto him for the very first time ever. Eddie forced himself to stay still as you took your time adjusting to his length and girth, heavy breathing and panting as you stopped half way.
He let you do what you needed to do, and enjoyed the scene as you rested your hands against his chest and took in a deep, shaky breath.
"I, I just need a minute," You said with your voice wavering, holding yourself still for a few seconds then starting to move your hips up and down slowly on his shaft.
"Fuck, fuuuuck, are you kidding me," Eddie breathed as he watched you slowly ride him, his eyes focused on the way your tits hung in his face and how your pussy was engulfing his cock like a vacuum sealer. His hands went to grope your tits, playing with your nipples as you bounced on him. He just knew your body almost immediately, and you didn't even know it was possible to want him even more.
He loved the way your tummy looked, how your hips looked in this position, the way your thighs tensed under his touch as you rode. Every curve, every roll, every stretch mark he drank it in. You were so plush, so full, and he was in love.
"I, oh my god," You moaned, getting used to the size and the twinge of pain as you tried to speedup the movement, only stopping half way. You knew it'd be too much to try right now, you wanted to feel him stretch you out without too much pain.
"Wait, fuck, wait," He hissed and squeezed your hips, throwing his head back as you wait.
"Are you okay?" You asked and he looked at you with an almost angry look.
"I, I was gonna cum. You're just, fuck, you could tell me you think I'm sexy and I'd cum." He said and smiled. You waited and he finally gave you the greenlight, and this time you decide to sink onto him completely. You needed to feel all of him, to feel him reach your cervix, to feel what it's like to not be a virgin anymore. And you needed Eddie to be the one to experience all of it with you.
"I think you're so sexy, Eddie," you teased as you sunk down on him again, watching him grab your body and tits.
"Oh fuck, Eddie, fuck you're so big," You moaned, sitting completely on him as he hissed and watched as his cock disappeared inside of you.
Another thing he loved was your mouth, and the dirty things you'd tell him while he was inside of you. Eddie was so surprised you wanted him bare, raw, he didn't even know if you were on birth control or had any condoms. But he didn't care.
He felt all of you, he felt you clench and squeeze your walls as you softly bounced on his cock, and he felt himself getting near his release for the second time. But he could only watch you bounce on him for so long before he bends his knees and pushes you to his chest so that your bare chest is against his, and wraps his arms around your waist.
"Let me make you feel good, baby. Let me take what's mine. You're all fucking mine." He repeated in your ear as he began to thrust inside you repeatedly at a steady pace, rough but careful, something that makes you start to feel your build up again. He wanted to remind you that you were his and he was yours, and will always be that way.
"M' yours Eddie, please, I'm yours," you sobbed into his shoulder, feeling him stretch you out and reach inside your guts. It was almost a little painful as he fucked into you from the bottom, but you soon began to love it because it was Eddie.
Eddie was making you feel this way, you made Eddie feel that way, everything about this made you want to keep it for yourself forever. You loved how he held you right now, you loved the way he fit inside you and how he made you feel so sexy being filled up by him. You were unable to even acknowledge your reality, it was just you and him in this moment and that's all that mattered for you.
Eddie wasn't holding back anymore like he did. He simply couldn't, not with feeling how tight and how needy you were for him, how your cries sounded in the silence of your room. He wanted to ruin you but wanted to love you. He felt he could do both, so he did.
"Eddie, Eddie fuck oh my god you feel so fucking good," You cried out and he spanked you.
"Yeah? Fuck baby, this pussy was made just for me. Been my missing piece," He said as the sweat built up on his forehead.
His moans were loud and deep, he groaned every time you clenched your walls as he fucked into you. You couldn't describe the sounds the two of you made together, it was pure pornography. You loved the way Eddie was so vocal with you, you could cum to his voice if you wanted to, and before you'd never even imagine him talking dirty with you.
"You're gonna make me fucking cum, sweetheart." He admitted, hooking his arms under your thighs and lifting his hips up, fucking into you like that so you're limp and fulling depending on him to hold you up.
"Mm, fuck, fuck fuck Eddie, I'm cumming for you, I'm gonna cum," You pleaded, your vision blurring as you felt that rubber band snap inside of you, forcing you to release and cum all over his cock as he kept thrusting inside of you chasing his high.
"Where do you want me to cum, sweet girl?" He asked as he felt your cunt squeeze him, refusing to let him go.
"In me, inside, fill me please, pretty fucking please," You cried as you rode out your high, but the way he kept fucking you even after you cried had you whining and moaning louder than you wanted to be, so you moved your head and bit down on Eddie's shoulder.
"Oh fuck," He groaned, the feeling of your teeth sunken into his skin as he was about to cum made him have an out of body experience, him thrusting a few more times as he painted your walls white while your hips stuttered against his.
Your teeth stay clamped onto his shoulder, his arms resting you back to your original position, his cock still buried inside you and your tits pressed into his chest. Eddie had his head thrown back as he tried to catch his breath, and he was undoubtedly aware that he was still resting inside you as you finally decided to release your bite and press your cheek against his shoulder.
"You bit me?" He asked, his hands resting on your back as he moved them to caress your skin. He rubbed over your back, your rolls, and the top of your ass as his chest hummed against your body.
"Sorry," You said shyly.
"I felt it was better than waking the whole house up," You finished and he chuckled, your body moving with his.
"Don't apologize. Apparently it's a very big turn on from me now, but I think only when you do it. Makes me feel like I did a good job, like I said I get performance anxiety with you," He joked and you smiled against his chest.
"Thank you. I don't think my first time could've been any better," You murmured. You felt your sleepiness creep up on you again and felt almost defeated by it because you didn't even bother to move after laying on top of him.
"Next time, I'm on top." He said and you moved to lift your head so you could look at his pretty face. It was a bit sweaty, but still in a daze of sex and pleasure.
"Whatever you want, I just want to be the only one you're on top of." You said and he stretched his neck to see your face.
"Always, baby. You're mine now, I'm literally never letting you go." He said and kissed the top of your head as you moved your head back to lay on his chest and listen to his heartbeat.
That's how the two of you fell asleep—naked, you laying on top of him, and in your bed, hoping that this turns into more than you say it is.
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wreckedandpolemic · 5 months
screwed up and brilliant - matty healy
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(mdni) in which your whirlwind summer takes a turn you never could have predicted. part two of white and gold. 16185 words.
warnings (here we go): daddy kink (obvs), phone sex, authority kink, roleplay, dom/sub dynamics, mean dom!matty, spanking, semi-public sex, gagging, oral (f receiving), mentions of anal, vague allusions to parental fuckery
The singular thought circling through your head the entire way home is what the fuck. If it weren’t for the soreness in your muscles, the bruises on your thighs and your embarrassing lack of underwear, you’d believe you dreamt the whole thing. You stop the taxi a little ways down your street, trying not to draw attention to yourself returning from your unbelievable night. It’s not like your parents would know exactly where you’ve been, but you’d rather save yourself the embarrassment of getting caught coming home from a hookup.
It turns out you didn’t need to worry, though, your footsteps echoing through an empty house as you let yourself in the back. Checking your phone for the first time since you left the dinner with Matty, critically low battery and a text from your mother flash up at you. We’ve gone out for lunch at the Dove. Love you x, the text informs you, a sense of guilty relief washing over you. There’s few things you love more than your house being empty; your shoulders loose without your mother’s nervous, slightly oppressive energy and your father’s meaningful and disappointed glances. Your steps are light as you waltz up the stairs to your room, flinging open your wardrobe to start getting ready before you realise you don’t know what you should be dressing for.
You tip out your clutch onto the bed, business cards, lipgloss and a forgotten pair of earrings spilling on your sheets as you dig for Matty’s number. Tapping the keyboard idly, you try to think of a good opening message, inspiration striking as you catch sight of a discarded bra on your bedroom floor. You slip into a favourite set, black with gold detailing and leaving very little to the imagination, and pose in your bedroom mirror, texting the photo to Matty.
hi x
trying to get ready but i don’t know what to wear :( where are we going?
Fucking hell
Hi, pretty girl
You could wear that and I’d be a very happy man
yeah i bet you would
answer the question perv
I don’t want to spoil the surprise
if you don’t tell me im changing
It’s nice but relaxed
Youre not dressing for dinner its not that hard
pick me up in an hour ;)
You turn back to your wardrobe with a groan — what the fuck does he mean by nice but relaxed? A skirt and a nice top? Heels or no heels? What are you supposed to do with your hair? Leafing through your clothes, you find a green sundress tucked away near the back, a vintage treasure you’d picked up at a market a few years ago and promptly forgotten about. By some stroke of luck, it fits perfectly, the skirt swirling gorgeously around your calves. Your reflection grins back at you as you dust on some makeup, finding a dangling pair of jade earrings to match.
Exactly on cue, your phone rings, flashing up Matty’s contact. “Hi, love. I’m outside — well, as close as I dare, anyway. I’m on a double yellow, actually. Risking my spotless driving record for you.”
You snort. “They’ve gone out, park in the drive. I’ll come to the door.” You pad down the stairs as Matty’s tyres crunch on the gravel outside. Smoothing down your hair nervously, you take a deep breath, the blurry outline of him visible through the stained glass of your front door. You swing the door open as Matty raises his fist to knock, giggling slightly at the way he stands, his hand hovering meaninglessly in midair.
His eyes blow wide as he takes you in, crowding you close in a split-second. “Hi, princess,” he grins, electricity tingling under your skin where he holds you by the waist, his body pressed against yours. “If nobody’s home, I can do this,” he breathes, catching your lips and kissing you deeply, licking into your mouth like a starving man.
After a long moment, you find the strength to push him away. “Matty, the neighbours!” you protest.
“Fine,” Matty says, walking you inside and kicking the door shut behind him. He pulls you back to him, catching your lips in a filthy kiss, a slide of lips and tongue, sticky with desire. Groaning into your mouth, his lips fall to your neck, pressing kisses over the concealed bruises on your neck. You can tell he wants to cover them, mark you up as his own, and you giggle as you push his head back.
“Do we have to go to lunch?” you tease. “They’re not gonna be back for hours.”
Matty pinches your ass through your skirt. “Needy girl. You’ll love the place, I promise.” Slowly, like it pains him, he lets go of you and steps back, eyes widening as he properly takes in the sight of you for the first time. “God, you look gorgeous, princess. You look like summer.” You flush, shifting on your feet and glancing at the floor. “Can’t believe I get to have you. You know everyone who sees you is gonna be fuckin’ jealous of me, gonna want my pretty girl for themselves?” He looks livid at the mere prospect, a muscle jumping in his jaw.
You giggle. “But I’ll be there with you. Why would I want anyone else?” you assure him, stretching up to kiss at the corners of his mouth until he cracks a smile. Your chest aches a little at the sight, a private moment of happiness stretching between you. You can almost see the path along with it, a brief flicker of a life with him dancing in your imagination before you swat it away.
Fuck, you’re in too deep. You’re hurtling towards a vast expanse of something, and you don’t even have the strength to look away. You can only hope the breakneck pace isn’t going to break your heart, too.
“That’s right,” Matty says, after what feels like an eternity. “All mine, yeah? Shall we?”
You nod, not yet trusting yourself to speak, and take his hand, sliding into the passenger seat of his car. The smell of clean leather envelops you, mixed with Matty’s now-familiar cigarettes and cologne smell. Matty’s hand lands on your thigh and traces absent circles as he reverses out of the drive. The streets roll by, rows of houses all merging together, your eyes glazing over while you avoid Matty’s gaze. “So pretty, baby,” he murmurs. “My pretty little passenger princess.”
“Does that mean you’ll drive me anywhere I want?” you tease, finally bringing your gaze back to Matty. The afternoon light casts him in a soft glow, his curls ruffling in the gentle breeze. He taps his fingers absently on the wheel, a sick thrill running through you as you remember feeling them on your skin, thighs clenching needily under his touch. You slide a hand between his legs, smirking at the hiss he lets out when you palm gently over his cock. “Promise I’ll make it worth your while,” you add teasingly, plying him with wide, innocent eyes.
Matty chuckles darkly and returns his other hand to the wheel, your skin impossibly cold in the absence his touch leaves behind. “You gonna get me off right here? In the car with the windows down? Such a naughty girl.” He inclines his head as if to say go on, calling your bluff, and you lower your gaze and return your hand to your lap, subdued. “That’s what I thought. Don’t make promises you can’t keep, princess.”
You shrug. “Wouldn’t want to taint your spotless driving record,” you tease, and he tips back his head and laughs, the sound filling the car and wrapping around you, your head going fuzzy with affection. A few minutes later, Matty puts the car in park, leaning over the centre console to kiss you. His hand comes up to cup your jaw, thumbing lightly over your cheek and smiling against your lips. Ever the gentleman, he comes to the passenger side to let you out, and you take his arm and let him lead you inside. 
“Afternoon,” Matty greets the maître d’ with a polite smile. “Healy for two, one thirty?”
“Ah, yes, right this way, sir,” he says, his eyes flickering curiously over you as he leads you through the restaurant.
His gaze lands judgmentally on Matty when he tugs you into him by the waist, and you bristle, deliberately planting a kiss on his cheek as you walk. “Would you like to sit inside or outside?” the maître d’ asks in a tone that suggests he’d rather be anywhere else.
“Can we sit outside, please? It’s such a nice day,” you say, and Matty grins indulgently down at you. He inclines his head at the maître d’, who leads you into the restaurant’s courtyard. Your jaw drops at the oasis you’ve suddenly found yourself in, lush green dotted through with glass tables, quiet chatter undercut with the splash of a dancing water fountain.
“This place is gorgeous,” you say as Matty pulls out your chair for you. “Do you come here a lot?”
He sees right through you, smirking over his menu. “I’ve never brought a girl here,” he tells you, answering the question you’re really asking.
“You keep saying that,” you say thoughtfully. “No bullshitting this time, what makes me so special?”
Matty meets your eyes, holding your gaze deadly serious. “I don’t date a lot, princess,” he tells you. “The girls that I… spend time with…” Your jaw clenches. “They’re not… Well, I need to feel a connection, you know? And I hadn’t felt it in a long time. I was kind of starting to give up hope,” he huffs a quiet laugh, a soft smile crossing his face when he speaks. “And then I met you, and I could just feel it.” He’s gazing adoringly at you, and you suddenly wonder if maybe it’s okay that you’re in too deep, because maybe, just maybe, he’s right there with you.
“Matty, I—”
“Good afternoon!” a bright, falsely cheery voice cuts in. “Are you both ready for drinks?”
Annoyed at the interruption, you purse your lips and address Matty. “I don’t know… What do you think I should get?” you grin, deliberately playing up the affection, leaning towards him and batting your lashes.
“I don’t know, darling. Are you feeling like wine?”
“I can come back,” the waitress says, all pretence at cheer abandoned as she taps her pencil against her notepad impatiently.
Rolling your eyes, you wave a hand at her. “No, stay. Just give me a minute to decide, ‘kay?” You scan the menu and deliberately order the most expensive rosé with a smirk in Matty’s direction. He shrugs, ordering himself a Malbec, and the waitress finally buzzes off.
It feels inappropriate to return to your conversation after the interruption, and you chuckle awkwardly. The breeze ripples in the silence between you, pulling clouds away from the sun so it shines directly into your eyes. Wincing, you shield your face, squinting in a way you’re sure is horrendously unattractive. Matty laughs softly. “Here you go, darling,” he says, pulling his sunglasses off his head and gently resting them on your face. “God, and here I thought you couldn’t get any prettier,” he adds, and you flush, picking at imaginary lint on your dress to avoid his gaze. 
“Flatterer,” you scoff, kicking softly at his shin. “Thank you,” you add, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“S’nothing, princess. Keep ‘em, if you want.” Matty shrugs as if they’re inconsequential, and not a two hundred pound accessory. “Smoke?” he offers as you’re still reeling.
You nod, tilting your head quizzically. “Thought you didn’t want me ruining my lungs?” you tease, slipping the cigarette between your lips.
Matty chuckles. “It’s a beautiful day, you’re getting fresh air, your pretty lungs will survive one,” he teases, flicking his lighter under your cigarette as you take a deep drag.
His gaze lingers meaningfully on you as the smoke curls from your mouth and you squirm. “What?” you ask, desire evident in his eyes; he just keeps fucking staring.
He blinks, shaking his head as if to clear it. “Sorry,” he murmurs. “God, you look fucking hot,” he adds with a chuckle. Just as you go to reply, the waitress returns with your drinks. You give a cursory thanks and take a long sip, full flavour swirling in your mouth. “You know, I wouldn’t have put you down as a dry wine kind of girl,” Matty remarks. “Sweet little thing like you.”
You flush the colour of your wine, but meet his gaze in challenge. “You don’t know everything about me.”
“I’d like to,” he says immediately, and you swallow thickly, his ability to disarm you frustratingly constant. He’s so fucking perfect, it’s actually disgusting. As you’re searching for a response, he perks up, tilting his head to tune into the song playing quietly over some unseen speaker. “Oh, man, I haven’t heard this song in forever,” he gasps, a boyish grin spreading across his face. “I was obsessed with this one when I was younger. Used to be on my band’s setlist and everything.”
Your jaw drops. “You were in a band?” you demand. “Were you any good?”
Matty chuckles. “I’d like to think so. S’a shame it didn’t pan out, really. I would’ve made a great rockstar, don’t you think?” he smirks, visions of Matty clad in a leather jacket, sweaty and gorgeous, crooning into a microphone swimming across your vision.
“Fuck, yeah. I’d have hated fighting your hordes of fangirls for your attention, though,” you sigh, and his grin widens as you stroke his ego. “Were you the guitarist?” you ask, memories of his calloused hands ghosting over your skin.
He scoffs, insulted. “I was the frontman, obviously.”
“Obviously,” you repeat, teasingly blowing smoke in his face as you stub out your cigarette. “But you still play?”
“Yeah,” Matty says, smiling wistfully, the expression taking years off him so clearly that you can almost see the ambitious, idealistic boy he must have been. You hope there’s a world where the band worked out for him, even if it means you’d never have met. “S’just a hobby, though,” he shrugs, interrupting your reverie. “You should hear my mate Hann, he’s fucking wicked.”
Taking a sip of your wine, you sigh meaningfully. “I’ve always wanted to learn how to play the guitar.” You lean purposefully on the words, and Matty grins.
“You want me to teach you?”
You smile blithely. “Oh, please. I can sight read sheet music and everything, I’d be such a good student, Professor,” you add, smirking as he stiffens slightly.
“Oh, behave,” he scolds lightly, tugging at his
collar as if he’s sweating at your words. 
“Make me,” you giggle, meeting his eyes in challenge.
“You know I will, princess,” he says seriously, your skin prickling hot as he watches you, daring you to break first. You’re saved from having to, though, by the same waitress coming to take your order. Not even having picked up the food menu, you let Matty order for you, trusting his taste. 
As it turns out, his taste is impeccable, down to the steak being cooked exactly the way you like. “God, this is fucking delicious,” you exclaim, digging in eagerly. “This place is amazing,” you add, unable to keep the beaming smile off your face. You chat back and forth for a couple of hours, asking about his family and his childhood, cooing at the stories he tells. If anyone were listening, they’d probably be nauseated by your obscene flirting, getting bolder as Matty continues plying you with wine even as he switches to water.
The same waitress returns, the false cheer bright in her tone as she offers you dessert menus. “No, thanks,” you say without taking your eyes off Matty. “We have dessert at home.” You flash your teeth in a grin so there can be no mistaking your meaning.
Matty picks up the bill, and you don’t even pretend to protest. It’s been years since you’ve been on a date you didn’t have to pay for, guys your age from your circles unusually stingy, and you feel guilty expecting broke college boys to pay for you. And it’s only feminist to split the bill with another girl, anyway. “Dessert, yeah?” he smirks as you slide into the passenger seat, and you squirm.
“I promise I’m just as sweet,” you tease. “Take me to yours and I’ll show you exactly how sweet I can be.”
Matty clicks his tongue. “I don’t think so,” he says, and your stomach sinks. “Good girl like you shouldn’t put out on the first date, or didn’t your daddy teach you any better?” he says, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face.
God, he’s a fucking tease. “You didn’t teach me anything like that, Daddy,” you pout. “You can’t get me all needy looking this hot and not let me have you. S’not fair.” You fold your arms, sulking.
“Oh, angel,” he tuts. “Not figured it out, yet? I don’t have to be fair.” And with that, your fate is sealed, Matty dropping you home and leaning over for a chaste kiss that he resists your attempts to deepen. “I’ll see you soon, princess. You know where to find me,” he promises, your eyes not leaving him until his car turns the corner and disappears from view.
You slope inside, disappointed and unsatisfied, plagued with the thought of where you could be right now if Matty had taken you home with him. Your father’s car is in the drive, and you groan to yourself, utterly uninterested in explaining yourself. Of course, you’re expected to anyways. “Where have you been?” your mother demands, and you fold your arms. If she’d asked out of curiosity, genuine interest, it would be different, but she only wants to know so she can approve or disapprove, sneering consternation written across her face.
“Out,” you say shortly, thick tension pulling taut between you.
“With who?” she asks, lips pursed.
“A friend,” you snap. “God, Mum, I went out for lunch, what’s it to you? I’m a grown-ass woman, I shouldn’t have to ask my mummy for permission to leave the house!”
“Language!” she exclaims, and you roll your eyes and push past her, storming up the stairs and slamming the door, finally breathing easy when the lock on your door forms a decisive barrier between you and your parents. Left alone, it doesn’t take long for your thoughts to drift back to Matty and the ache he left between your thighs. You wonder if he’s home yet, if he’ll want to hear your voice, or if it’s too soon.
You war with yourself for a few minutes, but your desire wins out, calling Matty up and laying back against your pillows. “Hello, darling.” He picks up on the second ring. “Missing me already?”
“Mhm,” you murmur, the mere sound of his voice sending a pulse of desire thrumming through you. “Thinkin’ about you. About how you got me all needy.”
He laughs darkly. “God, what am I going to do with you? Naughty girl can’t even keep her hands to herself for an hour. Are you getting wet for me, angel?”
“Yes,” you moan happily, thrilled to get what you want. “I need you.”
“You beg so pretty, baby,” he coos, grunting softly, and you can just picture him, cock half-hard in his palm as you hear the rustle of clothes dropping to the floor. “C’mon, tell Daddy what you want.”
You whimper, dipping your hand under your waistband, slick pooling against your fingertips. “Wish you were touching me,” you moan. “Could’ve brought me home with you. Could’ve bent me over anywhere you wanted, stuffed me full and fucking used me.”
“Such a slut,” Matty murmurs, faint, slick sounds echoing from the other end of the call as he grunts rhythmically. The image of him makes you dizzy, fisting his cock messily, hips thrusting into his hand. You moan quietly, rubbing slow, tight circles into your clit. “Are you touching yourself?” You murmur an affirmative. “Stop.” Your blood runs cold, like you’ve been doused in ice water.
“Wh- What?” you hiss, disbelieving.
“You heard me, darling. I told you, good girls don’t put out on the first date. Daddy’s teachin’ you manners, yeah?”
“That’s not fair, Daddy,” you whine again. “Don’t need you to tell me when I can get off. Managed just fine before you came along,” you add petulantly.
Matty just laughs. “Okay, baby. I’m sure you did. You could hang up this call right now, get yourself off all on your own. But you won’t,” he says, smugly confident. “You know why? Because Daddy knows what’s best for brats like you. And, really, you just wanna be my good, sweet, dumb little girl, don’t you, angel?”
Thick, choking lust envelops you, crushing the air from your lungs as you find yourself whimpering, “Yes, Daddy. Won’t touch anymore,” you say, your mouth moving without your brain’s say-so.
Your body hums with energy, tense with the knowledge you won’t be allowed to release it. “Good girl,” Matty croons, your chest warming at the praise. “Still gotta punish you for bein’ a brat, though,” he adds, through a soft moan. “Don’t want you touchin’ that pretty cunt without my permission, ‘kay?” Your stomach sinks, arousal flaring impossibly in your gut.
“Okay, Daddy. I’ll be good,” you promise, his appreciative moan sending heat spiralling between your legs. You stay on the call until the sound of Matty spilling into his fist fills your ears, leaving you sticky and fucking throbbing with need. It takes you what feels like forever to get your breathing under control enough that your legs will stop shaking to carry you to the shower. You gasp as you plunge into the freezing cold spray, barely enough to quench the fire rolling through your veins. Unable to resist, you text Matty a picture of yourself when you step out, the steam on the mirror teasingly blurring your wet, naked body.
And that is the last time you hear Matty’s voice for an entire fucking week. There always seems to be some obstacle, a friend’s birthday, or a dinner you’re not invited to, or both of you are up to your eyeballs in pointless, mind-numbing work. You’d almost think he was avoiding you, if not for your constant back-and-forth over text and Matty’s incessant pleas for you to visit him at the office. You resist for a while, terrified of being caught and what that would mean for this… thing… that’s blooming between you, still fragile and new.
But it’s driving you fucking crazy, and you miss him, so after a week, you find an excuse; because you’re a good, dutiful daughter, you’re bringing your father lunch to share after he cancelled your meal out yesterday. You zone out after the same five minutes of talking in circles, giving automatic, robotic responses you know he wants to hear. It would be a lie to say you didn’t breathe a sigh of relief when the lift doors ding shut, carrying you up to Matty’s office. You haven’t told him you’re coming, hoping your presence will be a welcome surprise. What you hadn’t counted on, though, was his bleach-blonde secretary, idly tapping on her keyboard and actively standing in your way.
Your heart sinks. She’s pretty, unbelievably so, and barely older than you. If Matty hasn’t already had her, which you doubt, it’s crossed his mind. What if that’s what he’s been doing, all those times he’s complained about leaving the office late? A vision of her spread out on his desk fills your mind, Matty crooning his sweet, filthy words into her ear as her chest heaves. Her boobs are fake, you decide, your gaze flickering to them. It’s not humanly possible for a pair of tits to be that big and perky at the same time. Pushing down the jealousy roiling in your gut, you step up to her desk. Her eyes sweep over you, unimpressed, and she purses her lips.
You push your shoulders back, letting the snotty, spoiled brat who’s never been told no free, a snide grin spreading across your features. It feels fucking good to exercise that facet of your personality again, having tamped down on it since you went to uni — makes it easier to play well with others. Impatiently, you click your fingers in front of the woman’s face. “I’m here to see Mr. Healy,” you say with a saccharine smile. Sure, you could just call him and tell him you’re outside, but this is so much more fun. Especially now that you get to mess with her head, too. Matty’s never fucked her, but she wants him to, you can tell by the way her face falls when she sees you. Good, you think vindictively. Maybe blondes don’t have more fun. Not with him, at least.
“Do you have an appointment?” she asks, voice nasally and grating.
You sigh, like she’s asking you a ridiculous question. “No, but he’ll want to see me, trust me. Tell him… Tell him Angel is here, yeah?” She looks at you, sceptical and detached. “My parents were hippies, what can you do?” you shrug, raising your eyebrows and flicking your fingers patronisingly at her, as if to say go on. Your gazes lock in a battle of wills for a brief moment, but you grin victoriously when she picks up her phone.
“Hello, sir. There’s a girl out here asking to see you.” The way she says girl feels like a slur dripping from her overglossed lips. “Says her name’s Angel? She doesn’t have an appointment, I can send her away, if you like. Won’t be a problem.”
“No, no, send her in. And, for future reference, she’s welcome anytime, okay? No appointment necessary. Actually, I’ll come get her.” Matty’s voice is faint from the other end of the phone, but distinct enough that you can hear his words and the click as he sets the phone down. Seconds later, he emerges from his office, breaking into a wide grin at the sight of you. “Hello, angel,” he grins, kissing your cheek politely but lingering a little longer than appropriate. “Feels like it’s been forever. Come on in, yeah?” He takes you by the waist and leads you to his office, and you throw a smirk over your shoulder at the secretary as you go, a clear message: I win, you lose. “Oh, and Ruby? Nobody in my office for the next hour, alright?” She flushes as red as her name suggests, glaring at you furiously, trying to tell you this isn’t over. You ignore her, though, because you and Matty are finally alone.
“Only an hour?” you giggle. “You’re losing your touch, sir.”
“Oh, sir, hm? That’s new,” he teases as you perch on his desk, drinking in the sight of him with something dangerously close to relief.
You lean forward. “She wants you. So fucking badly,” you remark.
“I know,” he shrugs, loosening his tie with one hand and stroking your bare thigh with the other.
This time, you let the jealousy bubble up to the surface. “Have you ever fucked her?” You know the answer, but you want to hear him say it.
Matty laughs. “Have you ever heard the expression, don’t shit where you eat?” he asks, and you wrinkle your nose and nod. “Well, that goes double for the young, hot blonde the company dangles in front of you like fucking bait, just waiting for you to cross a line.”
You’re starting to see red, his words nothing close to what you wanted to hear. “But you would. If she didn’t work for you.”
He shrugs. “Maybe.” He grips your hips, sliding you closer to him, dislodging stacks of paper and pens from his desk. “If I didn’t have you.” Then, his fingers creep higher, tantalisingly close to where you want them, and you push down the argument you were about to start. Giving up the best sex you’ve ever had isn’t worth it just because you got a little too possessive over someone who isn’t actually yours.
“She’d never be as good as me,” you say bitterly. “I don’t think a man like you would let a little red tape stop you if you actually wanted her. What’s wrong with her, really?”
Matty smirks. “Jealous girl,” he says smugly. “Don’t wanna talk about her when I could have this,” he adds, rubbing slow, teasing circles into your thigh. You whine softly, arching forward into his touch. “You’d be better than her, yeah? You wanna prove it?” You tilt your head quizzically. “Let’s say you’re my secretary, yeah, baby?”
A thrill runs up your spine. “Yes, sir,” you breathe. You slide off the desk to prop yourself in the chair opposite his, unbuttoning your blouse a little and leaning back with a smirk. “You wanted to see me, sir?” you say, playing up your wide, innocent eyes.
“Yes,” Matty says thoughtfully. “I think we need to discuss your behaviour in my office.” You bite your lip to clamp down on your grin, nodding seriously. “Always in those short little skirts, bendin’ over so you can show off those pretty, lace panties. You wear those for me, don’t you, baby?”
You smirk, popping the buttons of your blouse past decency. “You’re wrong, sir.” You spread your legs wide, and he chokes on his inhale. “I’m not wearing any panties.”
Matty groans, sweeping his desk clear, pens and paper scattering across the floor. “Bend over,” he orders sharply. “Now.”
You stand to obey, then pause. “Wait one second,” you say, darting around the desk so you’re face-to-face. “Just realised I haven’t done this yet.” You sling your arms around his neck and press your lips against his, kissing him hungrily and melting at his touch. Desperately, you try not to dissect the relief flooding your body from the point where his hands meet your skin. “Okay,” you say as you pull back, breathless. “M’ready now.”
Bracing your elbows on the desk, you bend over, baring your dripping cunt as Matty shoves your skirt up your thighs. “Spread your legs for me.” You obey, but he just growls and kicks them further apart, a shocked sound pulling free from your throat. “Wider,” he orders. “Not doin’ such a good job of convincing me you’d be so much better than her, you know,” he says, tone almost conversational if his nails weren’t digging into your hips so hard they’ll bruise. 
Angry, red-hot jealousy floods your veins, tangling cruelly with the ball of anticipation winding tight in your core. You can’t decide whether to go lax, let Matty have his good girl, or to fight against him for comparing you to her. It doesn’t take long for the brat to win out. “You want her so bad? Call her in, then,” 
You can practically hear Matty’s eyebrows raise, the realisation you won’t let him have this so easily setting in. “You want me to, baby?” He clicks his tongue. “I don’t think so. I think you’re jealous of the pretty girl who sits outside my office all day.” He reaches around to pop another button of your blouse. “And you’re scared of what I might be doing with her when you can’t see.” He pulls your shirt out of the waistband of your skirt and tugs it off your shoulders. “So you want her to know exactly what we’re doing in here, so you can lay some kind of claim on me. Am I right?” Your mind spins as you try to think of a smartass response, thoughts jolted free from your head when Matty spanks you harshly. The crack of skin on skin might have been loud enough to be heard from outside, you think with a pulse of satisfaction. “Unless the next words out of your mouth are yes, sir or yes, Daddy, I don’t want to hear it.”
“Yes, Daddy,” you moan out, your cunt throbbing needily. “You’re right. Want her to see how good you fuck me, want her to know she could never make you feel as good as I do,” you say, the admissions stumbling one after another from your lips, unbidden.
“There’s my good girl,” he coos, your stomach clenching at the sound of his belt unbuckling, his zipper falling. “Such a little brat when you’re gagging for my cock, aren’t you, princess?” You nod furiously, whining as he teases your hole with the tips of his fingers. Desperate for friction, you grind back against them, weak, helpless moans tumbling from your lips. “Beg for it.” You choke on a gasp. “Go on, angel. You want my cock so bad? Beg for it.”
You don’t even have time to pretend to have dignity before wanton pleas spill free. “Fuck, Daddy, please! Want your cock so fucking bad, always make me feel so good, s’not the same when I do it myself,” you whine, giving a shuddering gasp when he teases your clit with the tip of his cock. “Please! I’m beggin’ you, Daddy, I’ll be good, I promise.”
Matty chuckles. “Alright, baby, alright,” he murmurs soothingly, lining himself up with your soaked entrance and sliding home so fast you’re gasping. Your knees buckle as you scramble for purchase on the desk, nails scraping against the varnished wood. “Oh, princess, it’s okay, Daddy’s here now,” he soothes, your cunt pulsing desperately around him. “Look at you, bein’ all sweet for me now you’re stuffed full. Such a dumb little slut, aren’t you, baby? Bet you wish you didn’t have to think about anythin’ except my cock.”
“Mhm,” you whine, arching your back as much as you can, your tits pressing against the cool wood of the desk. “M’just your stupid little slut, Daddy, please fuck me,” you beg, grinding back against him.
Matty’s hips slam suddenly against yours, a whining scream tearing from your throat as pleasure spills over in your veins. His hand comes down to cover your mouth, your body going limp against his. “Shh, princess. I’m at work, remember?” The reminder that fucking anyone could come to his door, know exactly what he’s doing to you, sends a thrill up your spine. “Can you be quiet, hm? Or do I need to make you quiet?” Another deep thrust draws a long, low moan from your throat, and he seems to have answered his own question. The fabric of his tie covers your mouth, spit leaking out around it. “There you go, angel. Nice and quiet for me. Bang on the desk if you need me to stop, okay?”
You nod, something that might be yes, Daddy coming out garbled around the gag. Matty fucks into you brutally, your chest heaving as ecstasy burns under your skin. “Good girl,” he coos. “Good, sweet girl. Takin’ my cock so well, princess. Such a pretty toy for your Daddy.”
Matty sets a bruising pace, your tongue pushing against his tie as it holds back your pathetic little noises. Your tits press against the desk, the sharp tip of a pencil digging into your bare stomach. You barely feel it, unconscious of anything but Matty’s skin against yours. “God, you feel so fucking good, princess. Daddy’s girl, aren’t you? Why would I ever want another girl when I’ve ruined you so perfect for me? Look at you, good little girl gagged and bent over my desk like a whore.” You moan, filthy words washing over you, sliding down your throat, sticky, wet pleasure dripping out of you.
You’re dizzy with lust, dazed and drooling, ecstasy spiralling through your bones. You can’t even think, Matty fucking all coherence out of you, every thrust clouding your mind more and more. Garbled moans fall from your lips in a filthy, spit-slick string, Matty’s rhythmic grunts swirling deliciously around your head. The calloused pads of his fingers find your clit, euphoria scorching in your bloodstream at the scrape over your swollen nerves. Your legs feel like jelly, melting hot and sweet under Matty’s touch. “You’re close, aren’t you, baby? Can feel your pretty cunt squeezin’ me so tight, princess. You wanna cum for Daddy?”
A few more rough circles over your clit, one more deep, spearing thrust and you break, wailing around the gag. “Good girl,” Matty croons, fucking you through as stars shatter behind your closed lids. Liquid ecstasy melts your bones, glueing you to the desk. Matty groans your name, cock pulsing as he spills inside you, a sound that’s pure desire falling from his lips. Still inside you, he unties the gag, letting it fall onto the desk as you draw a deep breath. “How are you feeling, angel?”
“So good,” you murmur, voice scratchy from disuse, whining as he pulls out of you. “Always make me feel so good, Daddy,” you add, letting Matty flip you around and set you on the desk, his eyes falling to your glistening core. Cum drips obscenely from you, puddling sticky and wet on his desk, a filthy smirk crossing his face.
“Good girl. So pretty for me, darling.” He tucks himself away, and once his belt is buckled he’s the picture of professionalism while you sit in front of him, sex-rumpled and half-naked and panting. “First girl I’ve ever fucked in here, you know,” he adds, so offhand you’d almost miss it if it it hadn’t made your heart jump into your throat. You can’t make head or fucking tail of him, one minute taunting you with his pretty secretary, the next swearing that you’re special. “M’sorry, darling, I don’t have much in here to clean you up with,” he says with a soft laugh, wiping a tissue through your folds and crooning soothingly when you whimper.
“S’okay. Was worth it,” you say. Your limbs feel tired and heavy, your eyelids drooping as you glance at the time and realise half your allotted hour is gone.
“You tired, sweet girl?” he asks with a soft, fond chuckle.
“Yeah,” you yawn. “You wore me out. Wish we were in bed. That was the best sleep of my life,” you confess, huffing a soft laugh.
You shudder as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, his touch careful and tender. “Soon, princess, I promise. I’m sorry we haven’t seen each other. Missed you,” he says, and the admission melts in your chest, glueing your organs together and squeezing tightly. You sigh, the question on the tip of your tongue dissolving like a sugar pill as your resolve shatters. “How’s your week been, angel? Your friend’s birthday, right?”
You swallow a grimace. Isobel is hardly your friend, in the same way your parents aren’t friends, but you run in the same circles so proximity forced you into something resembling friendship. “Oh, the usual,” you say idly, twirling a curl that’s sprung loose from the gel in his hair around your finger. “Drinks, drugs, boys,” you tease, grinning when his jaw clenches. So he can dish it out but not take it? Interesting. 
“Did you talk to any boys, princess?” he asks, eyes glittering dangerously.
Shrugging airily, you kick your legs where they dangle off the desk. “So what if I did?” you challenge. The next words wrench themselves free of your mouth, tasting bitter as they fall. “We’re only fucking, it’s not like you actually own me. If I want to fuck someone else, are you gonna stop me?”
The question hangs thick and acerbic in the air between you and Matty swallows visibly. “No,” he says after a pause. “You can fuck whoever you want, princess. Won’t be as good as me, though, and you know it,” he says, smug and acrid.
The air between you is tense, horribly charged and all wrong, and you can feel tears prickling at the back of your throat. “I should get going,” you say abruptly, getting to your feet. “I’ll see you soon,” you add, not looking back at him as you cross the room.
“Say hi to Ruby on your way out, yeah?” Matty says, something close to a sneer in his voice. As you open the door, though, you paste on a blithe smile and relax your shoulders for Ruby’s benefit. 
“Hope it’s not you who has to clean up in there,” you smirk as you pass. “Made a bit of a mess,” you giggle, savouring the way Ruby’s face shifts in colour as she swallows her grimace.
And so you leave Matty’s office more confused about what he wants than when you fucking came in. Something shifts between you after that. Your words don’t change, Matty just as syrupy-sweet as ever, but the difference is palpable, sugared words souring as you digest them. He gets even more possessive while you fuck, more degrading, insisting you’re such a little slut, baby. Whoring yourself out to every fucking boy who looks at you, but you always come runnin’ back to your Daddy, yeah?
But it’s not always angry and mean. Sometimes, it’s slow and so sweet you could swear it’s loving, Matty lavishing you with praise, murmurs of that’s right, such a good girl and Daddy’s girl, so pretty for me soaking into your skin and tying themselves in knots around your brain. Some nights, especially recently, you don’t even fuck when you go to his place. Being there is a comfort, away from catty friends and overbearing parents, somewhere you can just be. Last night, you’d suddenly realised you kind of just weren’t in the mood, apologising and making to leave, and he’d just kissed your temple, pulled you in close and asked what your favourite movie was. And you started to believe. And then you’ll go out for drinks, so much as mention a boy’s name; he’ll toss a jab about some pretty young girl he works with, and you’re right back where you started, tearing each other apart at the seams. 
You’re this close to ripping your fucking hair out, sick to death of bottling it all up when you finally decide you need to unload on someone. “I just don’t get him,” you complain, your best friend Thea making sympathetic noises at all the right moments. “One minute it’s all you’re my girl and my pretty baby, the next it’s such a whore, bet you’d let anyone fuck you.”
“But you’re still sleeping at his place?” Thea asks, judgement obvious in her tone.
You groan. “Yes, leave me alone! If you saw the state I’m in after, you’d understand.”
Thea clicks her tongue. “And you haven’t actually fucked anyone else?”
“No,” you admit, defeated. “Don’t know if I could, to be honest.”
“Does he know that? Has he?”
“No and I don’t know. I just don’t know where I fucking stand, and I can’t ask. He’ll think I’m some pathetic little girl who can’t handle it, I know it.”
“You know what you need? You, me, a pair of slutty little dresses, and those fancy cocktails with about twelve kinds of alcohol in them from 102. I’m not taking no for an answer, I’ll see you at ten.”
And, true enough, at eleven you’re clutching a gin bowl for dear life and screeching along to the song thumping through the club’s speakers. “I need a refill, c’mon!” you shout in Thea’s ear, dragging her off to the bar where you can hear slightly better.
Despite the queue, the bartender stops in front of you with a smile. “Love that dress. What can I get for you?” You scan the menu, brow scrunching in a frown, but your words die in your throat as the bartender steps into slightly better light and you take her in properly. She’s a fucking goddess, model-pretty with thick, dark hair and long-lashed brown eyes. 
Thea swats your arm and you realise your gaze has drifted down, and you pull it back up to where she’s waiting with a smirk. “You’ve— The menu’s changed. I used to get a Sucker,” you manage to get out around the lump in your throat.
“Alright,” she says cryptically. “And you?”
Thea shrugs. “I’ll have what she’s having, I’m not picky.”
She laughs. “Oh, no. You two do not pick the same poisons. I’ve got this, okay?” Slightly entranced, you watch her work, setting something golden and glittering in front of you. “Sunshine Baby,” she says with a wink. “And for you… Antichrist.”
Thea takes her swirling, dark drink with a delighted grin. “She was into you,” she teases, nudging you with her hip.
“Oh, please, she wanted a tip.” The pair of you find a table, one with a prime view of the DJ booth so you can ogle the hot, blond DJ as he whips the crowd into a frenzied mass of sweating bodies. You keep returning to the same bartender, whose name you learn is Charli, and she keeps plying you with free shots for hot girls and increasingly strong drinks, until you find yourself stumbling onto the dancefloor and losing track of Thea.
Your head feels light, your body loose in a way it hasn’t been in weeks, the alcohol dampening your coherent thoughts. A pair of hands find your waist, and you twist your head back to meet the eyes of their owner. He couldn’t be further from Matty if he tried; your age, for one, tall, willowy and blond. The kind of man you’d usually never have looked twice at. But maybe that’s exactly what you need right now, you think, grinding your hips back against his with a grin. “Can I get your number?” he asks, pulling you free of the dancefloor, sweaty and flushed and smiling freely. After a long moment of consideration, Matty’s warning gaze flashing in your mind, you smirk and give it to him. “Let me take you out. You free Thursday?”
His overconfidence is jarring, and you swallow a frown. “I don’t know,” you tease. “Maybe. Why don’t we get back out there and you can convince me?” You obviously aren’t going to fucking go. Even as drunk as you are, you know that. Whatever this thing with Matty is, it’s serious to you, and you know the pair of you need to untangle it. But, for now, you shove it to the back of your mind, distracting yourself with free shots from a pretty boy, your head spinning wildly by the time you find Thea.
She might even be drunker than you are, stumbling and slurring as you bundle her into a taxi; she lives on the other side of town to you, so it doesn’t make sense to share. “Go, I’ll be fine,” you insist. “There’ll be another one in a minute, okay? Bye! Love you!” you shout as the car pulls away, Thea’s slightly green-tinged face hanging out of the open window. Left alone, you suddenly realise just how drunk you are, your vision blurred as you slump to the curb. When ten minutes pass without a taxi appearing, panic starts to set in; it’s too close to closing time and you’re too drunk, 102 won’t let you back in, and it’ll be the same story anywhere up and down the street. You’re alone in the dark, bile rising in your throat as you do the only thing you can think of and dial Matty.
“Hello?” he says, voice gruff with sleep. “Bit late to be calling, darling. Can’t sleep? Need some help to relax?” he adds, his smirk audible.
Your voice wavers as you speak. “M’sorry, I didn’t know who else to call,” you say, choked with the effort of holding back tears. “I can’t call my parents, I don’t have any fucking friends who’d care, there’s no taxis, I—” you cut yourself off with a hysterical gasp.
Matty shushes you soothingly. “Baby. Baby, breathe. Breathe for me, okay?” You try your best to obey, drawing deep, hiccuping breaths, shuddering harshly on the exhale. “What’s wrong, love?” You stumble your way through an explanation, babbling profuse apologies, mortification creeping up your spine. “Darling, it’s okay. Don’t be sorry. Where are you?”
“102,” you sniffle. “It’s—”
“I know the place. Sit tight, okay? I’m getting in the car now, I’ll be there soon. I’ve got you, promise.” The wave of relief that floods your body when you finally spot Matty’s car pulling to a stop in front of you is near-crippling, and you’d have collapsed when he wraps his arms around you if he wasn’t supporting your weight. “Oh, baby. Sweet girl, it’s okay. I’m here now. I’ve got you,” he repeats soothingly, only pulling away when you stop swaying on your feet. “God, you smell like the floor of a dive bar,” he teases, and you chuckle weakly. “C’mon, angel. Let’s get you in bed, yeah?”
You murmur another apology as you slide into the passenger seat, and he waves it away with a smile. “Hey, my house is the left back there,” you say, the cool night air having snapped you back to yourself a little.
“I know,” Matty says quietly. “I’m not sending you back there alone, darling. Promised I’d take care of you, didn’t I?” he says, his hand on your thigh gently calming instead of teasing.
“Thank you,” you mumble, looking down at your lap as Matty parks the car in his drive.
“Any time, angel. I’m serious. I’m glad you called. Don’t ever want you to think I won’t be here if you’re not okay.” And fuck if that sickening, chaotic mess of feelings doesn’t just bubble right back up to the surface. He leads you into the kitchen, your body curled into his to steady yourself. “I’ll get you something to eat, okay?”
You shake your head. “Mm-mm. You’re already doing too much. And I won’t keep it down, anyway,” you say, pressing a hand to your roiling stomach. “I just need to lie down.” You start to wander into the living room, and Matty grabs your wrist gently. 
“You need to eat something, darling. Drink some water, sleep in a bed,” he adds insistently. You let him fuss over you, plying you with a slice of toast and a glass of water, and you tuck yourself into his chest as he carries you up to bed. Dressed in one of his well-worn shirts, his familiar scent fills your lungs, comforting as he tucks himself into bed next to you.
“Thank you,” you repeat. “Can’t say it enough. Didn’t have to do all this, Matty. I would’ve been okay.”
“Don’t want you just okay,” he answers. “Want you feeling good, and safe, and happy. Get some sleep, love, m’here.” You close your eyes obligingly, but your drunken haze lifting has set your thoughts free, spinning like a coin set on its edge that just won’t fall. Your night plays back in sickening detail behind your lids, the memory of the boy’s hands on you bringing bile up your throat. Laying in Matty’s bed without having been thoroughly exhausted first always plays with your sanity, your brain wandering to places you know it shouldn’t go as he sleeps peacefully next to you.
The sun is coming up by the time you give up on sleep, hoping Matty’s rhythmic breathing means he won’t hear you trying to sneak away. No such luck, though. “Where you goin’, sweetheart?” he asks, and you feel a stab of guilt at interrupting his sleep yet again.
“Home. I’ll get out of your hair, now. Thank you again,” you say quietly.
“Baby. Princess. Come here, come back here,” Matty says, and he looks so sweet and earnest, sleep-soft and smiling, that you obey, and you can’t help the happy little sigh that escapes you as he pulls you close.
Shame burns hot through you as you remember the previous night all over again, and you can’t stop yourself from blurting out, “A boy asked me on a date last night.”
Matty’s hand tightens on your hip. “What did you say?” he asks, voice low with warning.
You sigh, steeling yourself to look into his eyes. “What do you want me to have said? you answer, and he blinks, confusion written across his features. “What is this, Matty? Because if this is casual, if you just want a shiny young girl on your arm for a few months, it’s fine by me,” you lie, pushing down the nausea that pools at your words. “But if this is just fun, we should be allowed to see other people — are you seeing other people?” you ask, tension winding between your shoulder blades as you prepare for the answer. 
“No,” Matty practically growls. “And I’m not fucking anyone else, either, before you ask. I haven’t in weeks.” He huffs a laugh. “I tried, the day I met you, tried to get you out of my head ‘cause I didn’t think I’d get to have you.” His thumb rubs gentle circles into your hip, his touch comforting as his words soak in, a soothing balm to your nerves. “Didn’t fucking work. Couldn’t stop picturing you instead,” he confesses. “You’re in my head, princess. M’sorry I let my little strop go on so long. Thinkin’ about some other man touching you was driving me crazy. I was bein’ selfish. If you want to see other people, I—”
“I don’t,” you interrupt. “Only want you.”
He breaks out in a wide grin. “Pictured this being a bit more romantic, but,” Matty pinches your hip gently, and you giggle, pressing a soft kiss against his lips. “You’re my girl, yeah? Properly mine.”
“Yeah,” you say, practically glowing as you smile back at him. “As long as you’re mine.”
He threads a hand into your hair, kisses you like breathing is a choice, licking eagerly into your mouth as you melt against him. “What are you gonna say if another boy asks you on a date, princess?”
“I have a boyfriend,” you beam, just using the word making your heart warm. The tangled knot that’s sat in your belly for weeks now blissfully untied, your body feels loose and happy and willing. “I’m gonna have a shower, okay, then I’ve gotta thank you properly, yeah?”
A filthy smirk pulls at Matty’s lips. “I like the sound of that.” You giggle, pressing a kiss to his nose before climbing off him.
“You would,” you tease, padding into the bathroom and running the shower. You luxuriate under the water for several long, glorious minutes, the water pressure melting the last lingering tension between your shoulders. The smell of the club lingers in your hair until you scrub it with Matty’s expensive shampoo, the smell familiar as you work your fingers over your scalp, lingering like you’ll be able to absorb him through your skin. You towel your hair mostly dry, despite your insistence that Matty was committing a cardinal sin by doing the same, and wander back into the bedroom still naked and dripping wet.
Matty chokes on a gasp. “Fuck. Hi, gorgeous.” The praise heats your cheeks and you kneel at the foot of his bed, clasping your hands behind your back.
“Hi, Daddy,” you say sweetly. “I said I’d thank you properly. Gonna show you what a good girl I can be. Best girl you’ll ever have.” Matty smirks, sitting up to give himself a better view. “Can do whatever you want with me. All day long.” He smirks, dirty and sleazy and delicious, and pats the sheets next to him.
“C’mere, princess. Up you get.” You scramble to obey, sighing happily when he tangles his legs with yours and kisses you slow and deep. His hardness presses against your thigh as you make out, his hands wandering to your ass and squeezing. “God, so perfect, darling,” he praises. “Can’t believe you’re all mine.”
“Yours,” you whimper into his mouth, almost deliriously happy. His kiss is almost ferocious, hungry and devouring, desire coiling under your skin. “Daddy, please. Want you so bad,” you murmur.
Matty laughs. “Patience, angel. Thought you were gonna be good?” he says, but it’s light and teasing, without any of the underlying meanness that might have laced his tone a week ago. You relax, tension unspooling in your belly as you put your trust in him. His hands skim over your body, somehow both gentle and working you into a frenzy. A litany of pathetic little whimpers fall from your lips as you squirm under his hands, Matty smirking into the kiss. “Sweet, needy baby,” he croons. “Missed havin’ you all sweet for me. M’sorry I was so mean, princess. Gonna make it up to you, I swear.” His fingers finally find your clit, heat welling between your thighs. It takes a Herculean effort to stay still, not react beyond your involuntary gasp, but the proud little smile on Matty’s face is worth it. “Good girl. Tell Daddy what you want, angel.”
You nod, swallowed in hazy pleasure as he rubs slow circles over your clit. “Want you to fuck me,” you choke out, your throat closing in overwhelming arousal.
Matty rolls on top of you, connecting your lips in a messy kiss. “Of course, baby. You okay like this? Wanna watch your pretty face while I fuck you.”
“Please,” you breathe. Matty doesn’t tease, just rubs gentle circles over your clit as he enters you, moaning softly into your mouth. Your hips roll, desire pooling under your skin as he fucks you slow and deep.
“God, missed havin’ you like this,” he breathes, his head falling into your shoulder. “Oh, darling, I know, I know. Daddy’s here, I’ve got you, okay?” he murmurs as you whimper softly, languid, bone-deep pleasure rolling over you. Matty’s eyes are liquid with affection, his lips curving into an unconscious smile.
His lips find yours again, your tongues sliding together as punched-out gasps fall from your lips in time with his smooth, measured thrusts. It’s immeasurably intense, Matty playing your body like a symphony, and you’re powerless to do anything but whine and writhe. “Thank you s’much, Daddy. Feels so fucking good,” you whimper, locking your legs around his waist. The change in angle is glorious, ecstasy winding through your bloodstream as Matty rubs circles into your clit.
“Good girl,” Matty murmurs, “Such a good girl for Daddy. My girl, my fucking girl. Wish I could keep you all sweet and cockdrunk for me all the fuckin’ time. Fuckin’ wish I could have you as my little kept girl, have this pussy at home waitin’ for me every fuckin’ night,” he groans, the familiar fantasy spiralling through your mind. He murmurs soft, sugary words into your ear, liquid desire melting your brain until you’re sure it must be dripping from your ears, soaking the sheets under your hair. “So, so pretty, darling. Look so gorgeous while I’m fucking you, god.”
You glow at the praise, heat thrumming under your skin as his hips meet yours over and over. You’re practically delirious, lost in thick, syrupy pleasure, the lewd sound of skin meeting filling the room. “Mmh, oh, my God, fuck—” you gasp, pleasure coiling tight in your belly as you dig your nails into his back. “M’gonna cum, Daddy, oh, my God, need it s’bad. Wanna cum, wanna make you cum, shit. Need to feel it, need you to fill me up, make me yours, God, please!”
“Fuck, such a good girl,” Matty gasps, his rhythm faltering as he gets closer. “Can hold on for me, just for a second, yeah? Wanna cum together,” he adds, and you whine, rolling your hips up against him and trembling with the effort of holding your orgasm at bay. He fucks into you with deep, sloppy thrusts, moaning into your mouth and pinching your clit. Garbled moans of fuck and yes and Daddy stumble from your lips, sticky, hot desire dripping from your cunt as you writhe under him. “Fuck, princess, you ready?” Matty gasps against your lips.
“Yeah, m’ready, Daddy, c’mon. Cum in me, fill up this slutty little pussy. M’yours, your good girl, your little cumdump. God, need it s’bad,” you moan, breaking into a whine as Matty spills inside you with a groan. Your orgasm follows a split-second later, moaning against Matty’s mouth with stardust glittering in your veins. Euphoria scorches under your skin, your head floating clear of your body as pleasure floods you, gasping and moaning. “Thank you,” you say dopily, smiling up at him as he pulls out. You widen your legs to watch his cum dripping out of you, pooling obscene and sticky on the mattress.
Matty watches you with a laugh. “Little cumslut,” he says fondly.
“Your little cumslut,” you smirk, stretching out your sore muscles. “When I said anything you want, I meant anything,” you grin. “Want me to be your little kept girl? Cook and clean for you while you look all pretty and important?”
He chuckles. “First of all, I’ve seen what you think passes for a meal, princess. Don’t know how you haven’t poisoned yourself.” You swat his shoulder, laughing. “Second of all, if you can stand right now, I haven’t worked hard enough,” he says, a smirk pulling at his lips. 
“You’re lucky I like you cocky,” you tease, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth and testing your weight on your feet as you stand. Matty catches you as you stumble slightly, I told you so written plainly on his face. “Don’t,” you warn, before it can leave his mouth.
“Y’know, I think I like the sound of having a little housewife for the day,” he grins, your stomach tying itself in a knot at the word wife from his lips. “C’mon, sweet girl, I’m sure we can find something for you to occupy yourself with while you’re waitin’ for me to fuck you dumb again, huh?” he teases, your thighs clenching at the words. You bend to reach for your clothes, and he tsks softly. “Didn’t say you could get dressed, did I, angel?”
“No, Daddy. I won’t.” You swallow thickly, following him downstairs, feeling shockingly exposed in the glare of the sunlight pooling from the floor-to-ceiling glass windows. Matty’s cum trickles down your thighs as you hover beside him.
“Make us some tea, would you, darling?” he says, casual like you’re not naked and dripping cum on his pristine kitchen floor. “Shame you haven’t got a little apron, or something. Think I’d go a bit crazy, seein’ you in my kitchen dripping wet in nothing but an apron and a smile. Gotta teach you how to cook someday, if you wanna be my kept girl,” he continues, still maddeningly conversational as your cunt pulses wantonly at his words. “Tea, darling? Or have I got you too dumb for that without even touching you?” he teases.
Almost mechanically, you fill the kettle and flick it on, dropping a teabag into a mug for him and wrinkling your nose unsubtly. “Can I have a coffee? I don’t do tea.”
Matty laughs. “Course, princess. Want you to make yourself at home. Coffee’s just down there.” He points to a cupboard near your feet, stroking over the curve of your ass as you bend over. You don’t realise his game until you scan the contents of the cupboard and find nothing but pots and pans, and his fingers are tracing your messy, sensitive cunt. “Oops, did I say down?” he deadpans, reaching above your head to open another cupboard. “I meant up.”
“Perv,” you tease, retrieving the tin of coffee as the kettle whistles.
“Can’t help it,” he murmurs, dipping his head to kiss softly at your neck and jaw. “Too fucking gorgeous. Can’t believe you’re all mine.”
You giggle, breaking his hold to pour your drinks. “Can’t believe it took us this long. We’re idiots, kind of.”
“A bit,” he chuckles, accepting his tea and taking a sip. “So, what did you say? To that boy?” he asks, and you roll your eyes.
“No, obviously. Felt so guilty taking his number. Deleted it in the car,” you admit, staring into your coffee to avoid his gaze.
“Good girl,” he praises. “Knew nobody could fuck you like me, right? Nobody could treat you as good?”
You flush, setting your drink down and hopping up onto the counter, crossing your legs behind his back as he crowds into your space. “No, Daddy. Only you, I promise.”
Matty cups your jaw. “That’s right, princess. All mine. And I’m yours,” he says, cupping your jaw and connecting your lips in a searing kiss, drinking in the taste of you as you pour your emotions into his mouth. “So perfect, such a perfect girl for me,” he says, sucking a bruise into your skin and working his way down. He presses kisses over your tits, one hand coming up to play with a peaked bud as he wraps his lips around the other. You whine, arching your back and pushing against his attentions, a low buzz of pleasure growing in the back of your skull. “Love these tits so much, baby. So fucking perfect,” he murmurs against your skin, pressing a kiss in the valley of your breasts and tracing his fingers down, your muscles tensing at his touch. Desire whirls in your stomach, your head light and skin loose on your bones. He drops to his knees on the cool tile floor, kissing your knees as he spreads your legs wider, eyes blowing impossibly wider at the sight of your dripping cunt. “God, made such a mess of you, huh, princess? Want Daddy to get you cleaned up?”
“Please,” you gasp, threading a hand in his curls as he kisses the tender skin of your inner thigh. “Daddy, please. Want your mouth,” you whimper, moaning when his lips meet your slick skin. The pressure between your thighs is instant and familiar, mounting as Matty laps at your folds. He pulls off to bite at your thighs, scraping over his own fading bruises, faint pain tangling with pleasure under your overheated skin. His tongue is hungry as it fucks into you, his moans vibrating gloriously through you as you cling to the counter for dear life.
Your hips grind against his face, euphoria spiralling through you, stoking the fire low in your belly. “That’s it, princess. Gonna help Daddy get you off? My pretty little cockdrunk slut, need it all the time, right?” he murmurs, rubbing circles into your clit as he buries his tongue back into you. You can’t fucking think, everything in your brain drowned out by lips, tongue, teeth, Matty.
“Fuck, yes, Daddy, feels s’fucking good,” you whine, burying your hand in his curls and dragging him even closer, his tongue impossibly deep inside you as you clench around the muscle. Heat unspools in your belly, licking under your skin and setting your blood on fire, your hips rocking unbidden against his mouth. You cry out as Matty wraps his lips around your clit, pleasure-pain screaming from your still-sensitive nerves, all his attention focused on your swollen bud. “Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God,” you gasp, pulse jackhammering between your thighs, so fast you’re scared it’ll set off dynamite in your chest.
“Yeah?” Matty smirks up at you, his lips and chin soaked in your arousal. You’re close, embarrassingly so, his tongue sloppy and greedy as he devours your cunt. His quiet moans into your cunt are intensely gratifying, amplifying the ecstasy kicking wildly under your skin. “God, you’re so pretty fallin’ apart like this. Could live between these pretty thighs, princess.” In response, you tighten them around his head, savouring his little gasp as his tongue returns to your cunt, licking over your hole with fervour. Your eyes roll back in your head, swimming dizzily in ecstasy, your cunt throbbing with need.
Your entire body is tense, muscles clenched and expectant as Matty tongue-fucks you within an inch of your life. “M’so close, Daddy, wanna cum,” you whimper, chasing the pleasure that coils tight around your veins, your vision blurring as euphoria chokes you.
Matty circles his fingers over your clit, his callouses scraping deliciously over your tender skin. “Cum for me whenever you’re ready, princess. Wanna feel you fallin’ apart on my tongue. Sweetest fuckin’ girl in the world,” he murmurs, pulling your clit into his mouth and sucking hard, a scream tearing free from your throat. Molten desire pools in your belly, your body humming with energy begging to be released. “Come on, darling, let me hear you. Give me everything you’ve got,” he moans, your cunt dripping on his tongue.
“Oh, fuck, m’cumming, Daddy, fuck! Oh, God, feels s’good, fuck, fuck, fuck,” you whimper, pure pleasure breaking you wide open, your vision whiting out as Matty’s tongue curls deep inside of you. You throb around him, every muscle in your body suddenly jelly, his hands on your thighs the only thing anchoring you to reality. Matty gets to his feet with a smirk, wordlessly prising your jaw open and sliding his wet fingers into your mouth.
You wrap your fingers around his tongue, sucking and licking the taste of you off his skin and moaning softly. “Good girl. You look so fucking gorgeous when you cum, princess.” He catches your lips in a messy kiss, your slick on his tongue as it sweeps your mouth, his hands finding your hips and pulling you close. “You up for a little day out, angel? Wanna show off my pretty girl, make everyone jealous of me.”
You giggle. “I told you. Anything you want. If you want to bend me over and show the entire fucking world who I belong to, I’ll drop my panties right then and there, promise.”
Matty’s jaw clenches, nails digging into your hips. “Don’t want anyone else seeing you like that, ever,” he growls. “C’mon, princess, go and get dressed. Got a busy day planned,” he grins.
“When did you have time to plan a day out?” you scoff, hopping to your feet and heading back up the stairs.
“Wanted to take you out and ask you to be my girlfriend, but that part got wrecked. I still wanna spoil you, baby.” He wraps an arm around your waist and presses a kiss into your hair.
You melt into his touch, leaning into him with a soft, private smile. “You’re too sweet,” you say, pulling away from him to step into your discarded underwear and jeans, turning to rifle through his drawers. After a few moments, you find what you were looking for, a shirt that must be a remnant of some distant, misspent youth; so small it’s almost your size, and it must have been cropped short on him because it barely brushes the hem of your jeans. “Did you actually wear this?” you laugh, turning this way and that as you admire how surprisingly well the shirt flatters you.
Matty laughs. “Told you, I was in a band in my twenties. Made some questionable fashion choices, but I made it work.”
Your eyes light up. “You have to show me. Please, I have got to see what you looked like when you fit into this,” you plead, and he scoffs.
“Nah. Looks better on you, anyway,” he says, sliding a pair of sunglasses over your eyes and kissing your cheek, brushing a stray piece of hair behind your ear. “Have you got a jacket? It’s fucking cold, for June,” he comments, a poor attempt at sounding casual.
It’s not that cold, and he knows damn well you don’t have a jacket. “Hmm, nope.” You pop the ‘p’ obnoxiously. “Guess I’ll have to borrow one of yours,” you say airily, as if that wasn’t his obvious fucking game all along. He slides a leather jacket over your shoulders, well-worn and smelling like him, and your reflection stops you dead. You look fucking hot. You look like a rich man’s scandalously young girlfriend, the graceful lines of him slotting perfectly into the picture. You snap a sweet photo of the two of you as he kisses your temple, and you giggle up at him.
“God, never gonna get over how gorgeous you look wearin’ my clothes, darling,” he murmurs, giving your ass a little smack and hurrying you into the car. His hand is familiar on your thigh as he drives, the warmth of his touch soaking into your skin and fizzing up in your chest. He presses kisses to your cheek at every red light, his gaze adoring every time it lands on you.
You share a lazy, light breakfast, trading kisses over pastries and coffee; yours heaped with cream and sugar and his bitter and black. Matty listens as you explain your friends’ petty little dramas, nodding or frowning at all the right moments but wise enough not to weigh in. He presses you against the car when you leave, digging one hand into your hair and the other into your waist and kissing the sugary-almond taste out of your mouth. “Pretty girl,” he praises, smiling as you flush. 
“Sweet boy,” you murmur, kissing his nose as he pulls back and opens the passenger-side door for you. “Such a gentleman,” you giggle, sliding into your seat. You fiddle with the radio, turning to him expectantly when the car stays in park. “Thought you had the whole day planned out?”
“I do,” he grins. “Just waitin’ for you to tell me where you like to shop, angel.” 
You smile, rattling off a list that comes as easily as breathing. “Are you gonna take me shopping?” you giggle as the engine purrs to life. “Won’t you get bored?”
“Nah,” he shrugs, reversing out of the car park. “I’ll be like the male lead in a romcom, carrying all your bags and following you like a lost puppy. It’ll be well funny,” he chuckles, and you can’t help but laugh, the image of him laden with shopping he’s paying for and wandering around a boutique looking slightly mystified frankly adorable.
“You’d make a good movie star. Just about pretty enough.” Matty gives an offended scoff and lights a cigarette, sulkily facing away from you as he takes a drag. An old favourite song crackles through the radio and you sing along, uninhibited and happy and maybe even a little in love.
Matty smiles at you indulgently as you start flipping through clothing racks, running your fingers through the fabric and musing which pieces already in your closet they’d pair well with. You pull out a pretty little summer dress, white and lacy with pink florals, and hold it up without looking at the price tag. “What do you think?” you grin, watching him picture you wearing it with a sleazy smile.
“If you want it, it’s yours,” he shrugs. “Go wild, princess.” Not one to look a gift horse, you take him at his word, draping the dress over your arm and fluttering off to flip through the skirts. A scandalously short leather mini catches your eye, and you hold it against your hips thoughtfully.
Matty’s jaw tightens unsubtly. “Oh, don’t be such a boy,” you tease. “I’ll model it for you later,” you add with a grin, and his hands fly to your waist and pull you in.
“Please don’t get me all worked up, sweetheart,” he pleads against your lips. “Don’t wanna have to cut this short because I had to bring you home and take what I need from you, do you?”
Your insides melt into liquid and you flush, heat slick under your skin. “Tempting,” you smirk. “Later tonight?”
His eyes darken, sparkling with allure. “I’m counting the minutes,” he murmurs against your lips, taking an inappropriately greedy handful of your ass and pressing his lips against yours.
Your knees go weak when Matty licks into your mouth, his tongue hedonistic and clever and sure. You indulge yourself in his kiss for a few moments, his body pressing against yours as he threads a hand into your hair. “Mmh, stop trying to distract me,” you say, voice slightly rough with desire. “I’m gonna bleed you dry, darling.”
Matty grins. “Do your worst, angel.”
And you certainly try your fucking hardest, piling his arms high with blouses and dresses and skirts; lipsticks and powders and creams; pumps and heels and sandals. When Matty starts dragging his feet, you take pity on him and pull him into the lingerie section, his jaw going slightly slack as he stares around; he looks vaguely guilty, like he’s been caught somewhere he shouldn’t.
You pluck a delicate, white corset off the rack, holding it up musingly. “How about this? Might be cute with one of those skirts?” Matty swallows thickly, clearly stuck for words that won’t get the pair of you banned from the store and maybe arrested for lewd behaviour.
“I like it.” He clears his throat. “A lot.”
You grin mischievously. “I have an idea, Daddy,” you murmur, the word a delicious taboo as it slips from your lips, scandalously inappropriate on the wide-open shop floor. “Should get yourself some presents, too. Pick some stuff out for me?”
A filthy smirk splits his face, and you shiver, a thrill running up your spine. Matty, it turns out, has extremely discerning tastes, at least when it comes to lingerie. Everything he chooses is carefully considered, holding the lace against your skin to consider the colour, the shape, the cut of the piece and how it’ll sit on your body. You end up heaped with a pile of bras and panties, corsets and teddies, babydoll dresses and chemises, slightly dizzy at the thought of dressing up in them for him.
“Think that’s more than enough to keep us both happy, don’t you, princess?” he grins, leading you to the counter. It takes aeons to get you rung up, and you feel a little faint at the sight of the total; it’s more than five thousand pounds. Matty doesn’t even look fazed, though, kissing you softly and swiping his card like it’s nothing. It’s maybe a little embarrassing, but you feel a faint tingle of arousal at him taking such a massive sum in stride.
You drape yourself across him as he loads your bags into the car, pressing grateful kisses anywhere you can reach. “Thank you, Daddy. Too good to me. Tell me how I can make it up to you.”
Matty smiles, wide and warm and so fucking sweet you can taste the honey dripping from his mouth. “Don’t need to, angel. Just let me spoil you. Like seein’ you happy after I was such a little bitch before. M’sorry, sweet girl.”
You laugh as you slide into the car beside him. “I’ve accepted worse apologies for worse things from far worse men. I think we’re more than even now.” You run your hand over his thigh, cupping his cock with a smirk. “How about I put on a little fashion show for you when we get back? Call it even when I can’t even remember my own name?”
He grins. “You are filthy,” he says delightedly, throwing on a burst of speed that pins you against the seat, suddenly desperate to get the pair of you into a bedroom. 
Matty’s mouth is ravenous on yours as soon as you’re alone, dropping the bags to grip your waist hungrily and pull you flush against him. “Mmh, hold on,” you say, breaking away regretfully. “Don’t you wanna see me all dolled up for you, Daddy?”
Groaning, Matty slides his hands down to your waist, spanking you when you bend over to retrieve your bags. A pulse of wanton arousal throbs stickily between your legs, an involuntary moan rumbling from your lips. “Pretty little slut,” he mumbles approvingly. “Wanna get that pretty ass all red for me, god.”
“Yes, Daddy,” you murmur, straightening up and leaning back against him. “Anything you want.” He follows you up the stairs, making himself comfortable on the bed as you slip into the bathroom and change. You primp and preen, experimenting with lip swatches and sparkling eyeshadow, switching out your outfit until you’re satisfied. 
Matty is waiting on the bed when you slip back into the room. The sight of him, his legs spread wide and clad only in boxers with one hand lazily palming his cock through the fabric, is almost enough to make you abandon your plans. “D’you like the skirt now, Daddy?” you ask, pulling the waistband down to reveal the scrap of deep-red satin clinging to your waist.
“Mmm, I don’t know if I’m quite convinced yet, princess,” he teases. “Think you should show me what it looks like off.”
A heavy pulse of want wells between your thighs, and you grin. “Let me put on a little show for you, first.” You cue up a carefully-curated playlist, swaying your hips in time with the beat and slowly peeling off your shirt. Matty’s breath catches at the sight of you, groaning low in his throat, the sound going straight to your cunt.
Turning and bending over right on cue, you shake your ass, flashing your panties under the skirt; Matty moans outright. “So gorgeous, princess. Gettin’ me so fucking hard, god,” he groans, and as you turn to face him, you’re treated to the sight of him freeing his cock, slowly pumping it and watching you intently. Your skirt slides to the floor as Matty fucks into his fist, delicious, gasping little moans tumbling from his lips. “Fuck, c’mere, please,” he pleads, gaze fixed on you as you stalk to the edge of the bed.
“Wanna sample the merchandise, huh?” you tease, straddling his lap and grinding down on his cock. Matty’s hands come up to your tits, palming and squeezing greedily as your head falls forward to meet his lips. You let him grope you for a few long, delicious minutes, his hands finding your hips, your waist, your ass and digging in. Then, you hop off his lap, and Matty whines. “I’ve still got more stuff to try on,” you grin, slipping away and changing into a sheer-white babydoll with a matching thong.
Matty chokes on air at the sight of you, and you smile angelically, kneeling at the foot of the bed. “God, gonna drive me crazy, darling. Need to fuck you so bad,” he groans, his cock flushed red and dripping as it disappears into his fist.
You giggle. “M’glad you picked this one, Daddy. D’you wanna know what I thought when I saw it?” He nods, dazed and practically drooling. “I thought, ‘That’s what I wanna wear around the house when I’m bein’ a good little housewife for my Daddy,’” you murmur, and Matty has a physical reaction, shuddering as his eyes go wide, the fantasy playing clear as day on his face.
“Fuck, princess,” he groans. “Angel. Darling. Sweet girl. Come here. Let me fuck you, please,” he begs, hips shifting needily as he pumps his cock.
Draping yourself over his lap, you smile blithely up at him. “You promised to spank me, Daddy,” you pout, and Matty gives a filthy smirk, tracing his fingers over your panties as you shudder and squirm.
“Such a filthy little slut, god,” he murmurs. “This sweet little ass is gonna look so pretty covered in my handprints, baby. Gonna remind you who you belong to every time you sit down, yeah?”
Arousal swirls through your body, wanton need dripping from your neglected cunt. “Belong to you, Daddy. Your girl— ah!” you gasp as Matty’s hand comes down, meeting your ass harshly. A long, low moan pulls from your throat, sweet pain tangling with the burning need under your skin. “Yes, Daddy, fuck. Please, more,” you whimper, face pressed against the sheets as you sink deeper into glorious submission. Three more smacks come in quick succession, the flesh of your ass flaming under his touch.
Matty kneads your tender skin gently, soothing before he delivers another hit, the pain washing over you and coiling into thick, palpable pleasure under your skin. “Love this pretty ass so much, princess,” he praises.
“Want you to fuck me there, one day,” you say dreamily, so lost in desire-slick fantasies that you don’t even process the admission as it falls from your lips. “Wanna be yours. Every single hole,” you murmur, eyes lidded and voice rough with lust. Matty freezes, and you tense. God, was that a weird thing to say? Too early to admit it? Is he gonna think you’re actually a slut now?
A moan of pure, unfiltered lust falls from his mouth and your thighs clench, the fabric of your panties soaked and sticky between your thighs. “Fuck, you can’t say things like that, princess. Gonna make me fuckin’ cum before I’ve even fucked you,” he murmurs, voice low and raked over gravel, thick with lust. His fingers tease over your clit through your panties, and you arch up into his touch, whimpering.
“Then fuck me,” you plead. “Please, Daddy. Want you.” Matty grins, manhandling you until you’re laying on your front, pleasure tense in your belly as he slides your panties to the side. 
Your cunt clenches around nothing, gasping and pleading softly as the sheets dig into your cheek. “This okay, angel? Wanna watch the bruises come up on your pretty little ass.”
Lifting your hips, you shake your ass at him, a smirk pulling at your lips. “Gonna think about fucking it, Daddy?” He groans, the sound going straight to your core, slick cunt dripping as you press against him. “S’okay if you do. I have been. When I’m alone, when I want you, fucking myself on my fingers and thinkin’ about you stretching me out there. Would feel so fucking— Ohh,” you break into a moan as Matty enters you with no warning, meeting no resistance from your soaked cunt.
“So fucking wet for me, princess. So fucking filthy, playing with that needy cunt and thinkin’ about me fucking your ass, god,” he groans, dipping his head to kiss between your shoulder blades. A shudder runs through you, the stretch and burn between your thighs familiar, the ache soothing.
Your cunt throbs, thick pulses of arousal hammering in time with your racing heart. “Harder, Daddy, please,” you whine, arching your back. Dizzying lust envelops you, your head hazy and light, practically floating clear of your body. A shocked moan escapes you as Matty spanks you again, pain sinking into pleasure that coils tightly through your insides. 
“Don’t be greedy, darling,” he chides. “C’mon, lift your hips a little for Daddy, okay?” Unthinkingly, you obey, letting him puppeteer you, mould you into whatever shape he likes. “Good girl,” he murmurs, sliding a pillow under your hips. You glow at the praise, nails scraping the sheets when he fucks deep into you, the change in angle sending waves of pleasure spilling over you.
“Ngh, Daddy, fuck,” you whimper, your words coming out garbled where your face presses into the sheets. Incoherent moans of please and fuck and I need and Daddy stumble from your lips, your body melting into a pleasure-soaked haze as Matty fucks deep into you.
Your hips meet obscenely, lewd sounds filling the room as your world narrows down to the four walls, aware of nothing but him. “That’s it, princess. Let it all out, let Daddy hear those pretty noises, yeah? Nobody else gets to hear you like this, right?” he coos, pinching your clit and moaning softly as your cunt clenches around him reflexively.
“N-no,” you promise shakily, struggling to pull the words to the forefront of your mind, delirious with pleasure. “Only you, Daddy. Only one who can fuck me like this. So fucking good.” You choke on a gasp, Matty’s hips meeting yours over and over, your vision swimming, your body set adrift in an ocean of sheer ecstasy. 
“Such a sweet girl,” Matty murmurs, teasing your clit as you whine powerlessly. Seemingly just for the fun of it, he slaps your ass again, the sweet sting tearing you open. Pleasure rushes through you, cradling your very organs, stoking a fire that chars your bones. “God, I love your pretty ass, darling. Can’t wait to fuck this tight little hole.” His words sink into your skin, wrapping tight around your sore muscles, ecstasy coiling in your veins. With what feels like a monumental effort, you rock your hips up towards him, Matty impossibly deep inside you.
The tip of his cock brushes that perfect spot inside you, sending a bright jolt of pure euphoria fizzing up your spine. A keening wail falls from your lips, a loud, uninhibited sound of undiluted pleasure. “Gettin’ close, angel? Wanna cum for your Daddy?” You nod wildly, indistinct, stifled pleas tumbling from your lips like prayers. “Go on, princess, cum for me. Cum all over my fuckin’ cock, make me cum.” In that same obedient, thoughtless way, you do. You choke and whimper and whine, drool pooling in your mouth and dripping out against the sheets as you moan the only word you know: Daddy. Euphoria burns white-hot under your skin, melting your organs until your body is made of liquid desire, messily strung together by flimsy ligaments. Matty’s touch is the only thing anchoring you to reality, your head still hazy as you drift back to Earth.
Matty’s pace is erratic, frenzied and wild and hot as your cunt pulses with aftershocks. “Cum on me,” you beg. “On my cunt, on my tits, on my face, I don't care. Just wanna see it, wanna feel it, want you to mark me, make me yours,” you plead, and Matty groans. He gives your ass one more swift smack for good measure and flips you over, your bruised skin screaming in protest as it presses into the sheets. Three quick passes of his fist over his cock and he’s cumming, white ropes splashing across your belly and up to your tits, painting your skin in a filthy, lurid display. “Thank you, Daddy,” you murmur as he breathes heavily above you. “Love bein’ your little cumdump.”
His head tips back, a disbelieving laugh bubbling free. “Such a good, sweet, pretty girl with such a filthy mouth, princess. So fuckin’ hot.” You smile proudly, dragging your fingers through his mess and sucking the taste of him off them. Matty’s eyes go wide, his head falling to lap at the skin between your tits, kissing and sucking ravenously at them. He makes his way up and presses his lips to yours, the taste of him smearing between your mouths, the kiss a filthy thing, alive with desire. “You’re beautiful,” he mumbles, hushed like he isn’t even aware of the words, and you flush.
“So are you,” you smile as he falls next to you, gazing adoringly into your eyes as your chests heave.
“We should get cleaned up,” he says with a weak chuckle, and you mumble an affirmative without even pretending to move. “Just a minute, princess, then I’ll get you cleaned up, cook us some dinner, yeah?” he promises, kissing you gently as your eyes flutter closed. Of course, the pair of you wake an hour or so later, dried cum on your belly and crusting into your brand-new lingerie, your thighs uncomfortably wet and sticking. Matty carries you into the bath, takes gentle care of you, the promised meal waiting when you pull yourself out of the now-lukewarm water. Pillar candles glow atop the dining table, the light sparkling off your wine glasses, and your heart melts.
It doesn’t take long for you to fall deeply, irrevocably in love with him; every passing day reveals something new to adore. The words spring to your lips at any and all moments, both opportune and not, and it starts to become a real struggle to swallow them back down. You don’t want to be too much, too soon, and truthfully you’re scared of what his answer will be, and even more so of how you’ll react.
Your private-not-secret relationship is your so-called friends’ favourite topic of discussion, so much so that you’re afraid it’ll get back to your parents before you’re ready for them to know. You try to keep them happy with minor tidbits, throw them off with misdirections (yes, he’s older; no, I won’t tell you by how much; no, my parents don’t know him), but their endless reserves of intrusion are starting to wear you down. Thea is your only confidante, the only one besides Matty himself who knows the ins and outs, and you’re fucking dying for someone new to brag and gush to. So when Matty texts you one day in mid-August, asking if you want to meet his friends, you jump at the chance.
My friends are absolutely desperate to meet you, by the way
Insist they have to meet this girl I won’t shut up about
I’ve been told to tell you Emerald Hill at 10pm on Saturday, and not to take no for an answer
If that tells you what kind of a bunch they are, fair warning
i’d love to :)
come pick me up at 8? then we’ll have time to get presentable before we have to go ;)
By the time Saturday rolls around, you’re practically fizzing with excitement, much to your parents’ suspicion — they’ve been sceptical all summer of how happy you’ve been, curious glances and pursed lips every time you so much as smile at your phone. The excitement has turned to nerves as you’re leaving Matty’s, though, roiling in your gut as you obsess over every detail that could go wrong. Matty wraps comforting arms around your waist from behind, kissing the top of your head and holding you close, the thump of his heartbeat at your back soothing. “Stop worryin’ so much, love. S’gonna be fine, okay?” He gives a boyish little grin as he opens the car for you. “Can’t wait for you to meet my boys. All my favourite people in one place,” he says, and you smile softly, that warm, fizzing affection you don’t want to give a name to creeping up your chest.
Matty lets you choose the music as you drive, shaking his head every time you queue up another glitter-gel-pen pop song. He takes your hand and leads you into the bar, a classy little place tucked into a street corner, his eyes lighting up as he catches sight of whoever you’re here to meet, swallowed into a bear hug by a tall blond when he reaches the table.
“Ah, mate, it’s been too long,” the other man says, pulling back and offering you a hand. “George.”
You look up into his face and your jaw drops. The hot DJ from that fateful night at 102 grins down at you, and your eyes widen as you try to take back your composure. Swallowing your tongue, you smile and give your name, taking a seat as Matty pulls a chair out for you. Just as you’re getting over that shock, you lock eyes with Charli and she smirks back at you.
“Sunshine Baby!” she exclaims. “Fancy seeing you here.”
You laugh, the tension in your shoulders loosening at the merest semblance of familiarity. “How do you remember that?” you laugh disbelievingly.
“Wait, you two know each other?” Matty interrupts.
Charli shrugs. “Sort of. Sunshine over here racked up a three hundred quid tab and tipped me a hundred on top. Don’t forget that in a hurry.”
You cover your face in embarrassment. “That makes me sound like an alcoholic,” you groan. “Your fault, by the way.” You poke Matty’s shoulder affectionately. “I was mad at you, practically fucking bought out the bar about it. Entire place got a free drink off me.”
“I like her,” another member of the group chimes in with a laugh. You look up to meet the eyes of the speaker, and– Jesus. One group of friends shouldn’t be allowed to have this many hot people in it. “Ross,” he says, and you smile politely. The last member of the party introduces himself as Adam, and you greet him with a smile, letting yourself get absorbed into rapid conversation and raucous laughter. “Right,” Ross interrupts. “Matty — you’re picking up the tab,” he declares. “Oh, don’t make that face,” he says as Matty scoffs. “Amount you drink, I’m not paying it on a teacher’s salary.”
You giggle. “Aw, give him a break. These days, I’m spending his money faster than he can make it,” you joke, and Charli cackles. You’re pleasantly tipsy, the alcohol loosening your lips and lifting the weight of anxiety in your chest, conversation flowing between you as easily as the wine in your glass. You cling to Matty as you leave, waving cheerful goodbyes and promising to text Charli to arrange a girls’ night.
“I’m gonna regret introducing you two, aren’t I?” Matty sighs, pulling you in close against the unseasonably cold wind, the warmth of his body soothing.
“No,” you giggle. “I love her. Wish I had friends like yours,” you say, wistful and slightly self-pitying as you slide into the car.
Matty cups your cheek, leaning in across the console to press a tender, loving kiss against your lips. “I’m sorry, baby. But you have me. Always gonna have me, yeah?”
Your heart flutters, those three little words rising in your throat once again. “I guess you’re a pretty good consolation prize,” you tease, pushing down the frightening intimacy of the moment with levity.
“Alright, alright,” he chuckles. “Wanna come back with me? Or do you want me to drop you home?”
You scoff. “Is that even a question?”
The rest of your summer passes quickly, too quickly. You spend more time at Matty’s house than home, more and more of your things finding their place there as time passes. You start going to visit him at work without any other justification, every step nerve-wracking as your father’s presence looms. You have one unbelievably close call when he’s in the lobby as you’re leaving, frantically slamming the door close button in the lift before he can turn and spot you. Ruby stays just as hostile, seething at you and muttering warnings that Matty’ll be bored soon every time you pass her by. You take a petty, savage pleasure in tormenting her, just a little, deliberately pulling Matty in for long, filthy kisses as you open his office door.
By the time you can’t put off going back to uni any longer, there’s barely any point in you being home at all. Naturally, Matty offers to be the one to drive you up, and you seize the opportunity to be alone with him for the last time in however fucking long. Your father is privately relieved not to be the one to have to, you can tell, accepting your explanation that Thea’s just passed her test and she’s offered to drive me. You don’t mind, do you? without question. Shows how much he knows; Thea’s failed her practical six times and counting.
When you arrive, Matty insists that you don’t lift a finger, carrying all of your boxes upstairs and giving you something to ogle in the process. You’re the last one back, your housemates smirking at you and nudging each other at the sight of him, fourteen years your senior with grey in his hair, kissing you filthy and unashamed in plain view. Later, you mouth behind his back, their answering giggles reminding you that you do have good friends, after all.
Matty looks devastatingly gorgeous in the late-autumn sunset, leaning against his car with a cigarette dangling from his lips. You snatch it with a smirk, stretching up to peck his lips and taking a deep drag. His smile melts you into goo, your heart hammering so fast it might smash free of your ribcage. If you don’t say it now, you’ll lose your nerve.
“I love you,” you rush out, muffled against his chest as he holds you, arms cradling your body tight and warm and safe. “You don’t have to say it back, I just… I do, and I want you to know.” 
Matty pulls back to look at you, eyes soft with affection and adoration and maybe even something deeper. “Do you know how long I’ve been waitin’ to hear you say that, princess? God, I love you. I love you so fuckin’ much,” he groans, his hands at your waist the only thing keeping you upright as your knees go weak. “Think I might die, havin’ to be without you these next few weeks.” You giggle, giddy with infatuation and devotion and… God, you can just say love, now. “I’ll be back soon, don’t worry. Could never stay away from you.”
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
What I’m thinkin’ about today: Mitsuki being wayyyyy too involved in y’all’s sex life (or trying to be, anyway). She’s waited a long ass time for Katsuki to find you, and she wants grandkids like nobody’s business!
I’m thinking like, getting you gift cards to Victoria’s Secret so you can get lingerie, suggesting different positions (that supposedly increase the chances of conception…). Suggesting foods to eat (that supposedly make you more fertile, but she’ll talk up their other nutritional points of course). Heaven forbid you act even a little sick/off around her, you can see that glint in her eye. Sure, she’ll go get you some medicine from the store! Along with several pregnancy tests. Get well soon!
She doesn’t mean any of this maliciously by any means…she’s just…Mitsuki. And she’s overexcited. Drives Katsuki up the fucking wall
Warnings: 18+, lingerie and Mitsuki way too interested in your sex life.
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You should’ve known the first time that you met Mitsuki that this would happen, bringing you into a warm hug as she welcomed you into the family. Immediately breaking off into a speech about how excited she was to have grandchildren and that Bakugou was lucky to have you, that she thought he’d never settle down and find someone to put up with him. Slapping his chest and telling him not to fuck it up as he grumbled about having absolutely no intention on doing so. This was six months into your relationship.
Because of that, Bakugou tried his best to keep you apart as much as possible. Although neither of you were immune to the texts and calls bluntly asking whether you’d fornicated today, her eyes lighting up with glee whenever Bakugou would tell her that you’re not feeling well. Disappointed to find out that it was just the common cold and not morning sickness making her dreams come true.
You’d admit the designs she’d created with Masaru for children’s clothes were adorable, and once you and Bakugou were ready to conceive you’d have a wardrobe stocked full of gorgeous clothes for your newborn. But until then, the conversations were becoming a little indecent.
Christmas Day this year was no different, luring you into a false sense of security with only one question about pregnancy the entire festive day. Sitting down in the living room to exchange presents after Christmas dinner you gave Mitsuki a warm smile as she handed you her gift.
It was definitely not what you’d been expecting, lifting up the lacy forest green lingerie out of the black tissue paper that it was hiding in. Noticing the tag from a high end lingerie brand, wondering whether it was the bottom or the top you were holding between your fingers as you felt Bakugou stiffen beside you too.
“That’s Katsuki’s favourite colour.”
You’d think most daughter-in-laws would be mortified to be gifted something like this from their mother-in-law, especially with your boyfriend and father-in-law in the same room. But you almost shook your head at the hilarity of it, wondering how she’d managed to order your exact size too. Poor Masaru looked apologetic as he gave you a nervous smile from his position beside his wife, obviously wading in the calm before the storm.
“Why the fuck would you get that for her, woman?” Bakugou growls, snatching the lace that would probably be considered string out of your hands to shove it back into the box with pink cheeks. How was that even supposed to fit your—
“You’ll like it, you ungrateful brat. I’m doing this for you—” She sneered back, already feeling the tension in the room rising as Masaru tried to invite you for some warm eggnog.
Your mother-in-law had been ecstatic the moment that Bakugou had brought you home for the first time, with her son reaching his thirties she’d seemingly begun to give up hope that he’d bring home anyone.
“I’m surprised he could find anyone to put up with him, especially someone as pretty as you!” Mitsuki would repeat constantly, Bakugou grunting in the background as she looked at you with pure fondness, “I always wanted a daughter.”
But it wasn’t long before the true motives were revealed, the years of arduous waiting for Mitsuki. Telling you that she wanted to be a young Grandmother, a cool Grandma (something that would make Bakugou scoff as she hit him upside the head like clockwork), and she didn’t even mind how many.
And you’d admit it was a little peculiar, receiving links to Cosmopolitan talking about the best sex positions for successfully getting pregnant, or articles about food to eat to help with fertility. The first time you showed Bakugou it had resulted in a thirty minute screaming match on the phone with his mother where he threatened to have Grandkids just so he could make sure she’d never see them, but you knew that was a bluff.
“I fuckin’ knew there was a reason you were plying her with pomegranate juice like some creep, you old hag.”
It’s not that you didn’t want to have kids with Bakugou, you’d both discussed it a lot. And the allusion to him filling you up to make you round and plump carrying his child was included with some of the filth that would spew from his mouth whenever he’d press your legs up to your chest as he plowed into you at night. But you were both just waiting for the right time.
But unfortunately for you, Mitsuki thought that time was now.
“Midoriya’s son is almost two,” She lamented, “Inko just sent me pictures of his first swimming lesson.”
But the final straw was when Bakugou found the ovulation app on his mothers phone, finally explaining the weeks of phone calls asking about whether you’d had some alone time together yet. All the dots slowly adding together—
It felt a shame to waste the pretty lingerie though, the intrigue of how the straps would fit against your curves had you pondering as you got home that evening with your boyfriend. Slipping away into the bathroom to try it on as the silk hugged your curves, wide eyes looking at your reflection in the mirror as the thin piece of string that was supposedly the crotch dug into your mound, sitting between your labia as it involuntarily spread you apart. How would anyone find this comfortable?
“Are you comin’ to bed?” Bakugou stepped into the en suite without knocking, his tired eyes immediately widening at the sight of you, “Dad just text to apologise for— Shit.”
“It’s a bit much, isn’t it?” You turned to face him, your hands squeezing your tits as you tried to get the sheer lace to sit right, “You can see my nipples through it-”
You didn’t get a second to finish as Bakugou had your ass pressed against the bathroom counter, warm palms curving beneath your thighs to sit you on top of it as he bullied his way between your legs. Wrestling with his belt as he tugged his pants down just enough to free his aching cock, the rage inside him for his mother buying you such a lewd present all but forgotten the moment he witnessed the soft fabric against your skin.
“Katsuki, fuck—“ You gasped, feeling him tug the string to the side just enough for him to sink inside your warm, wet cunt.
If you both hadn’t been so distracted you would’ve noticed the two pregnancy tests sitting at the bottom of the lingerie box, everything about your gift planned to the t.
And for Mitsuki’s luck, Christmas Day fell on your ovulation schedule perfectly.
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allkordelia · 3 months
Keep Me Near Your Heart XXI
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"This all such a mess...a big mess...Why...What were you hoping to accomplish when you brought that woman here, Alicent?"
Alicent stare ahead at the flames in the fireplace despair and bitter, ignoring the woman she considered to be her second mother, she and the rest of the family were in the great chambers, Jaenara and Aemond have been gone for five days and the due date was coming up close. And no one know where they are. Their dragon are gone, of course, and nobody from Mageonste or Dragonstone seen them. It's as if they disappeared off the face of the earth, and it's all her fault.
"I can tell you that, mother. She was trying to get rid of Jaenara, so the bastard can give her a real grandchild." Aeron accused glaring at his half-sister as she sat sulking in the armchair close to the fireplace.
"You don't know if thats true, Aeron." Valaena spoke up quickly to defend her sister, she walks up  behind her husband to stand next to him.
"No, it's true." Aegon announce, getting everyone attention expect for his mother as he tilt his goblet back, "What? We all know it is." He says when he notice everyone looking at him.
Rhaelle looks away from her cousin with distress look, she was so worried about Jaenara and the babe, when she went to her chambers that night in hopes to comfort her. The young girl and her prince were no where to be find, at first Rhaelle didn't think much about it, she knew how the young girl felt and she understood that she needed time away. But, that's didn't mean she had to like the fact that her neice was in the wind. 
"I still do not see why we can't go looking from them." Alys says looking over at her mother with her arms cross.
"They need to come home on their own, we can not just drag them back if they are not ready to come home and...and for all we know, maybe they don't even want to come back."
Alys frowns at her mother, before she look over at Alyssa to see her with a small frown too.
It was true. Everyone knew it. What happened at the dinner was despicable and cruel, it was obvious that Alicent wanted to get under Jaenara's skin. And they all knew why, after the private dinner that caused tension between not only Rhaenyra and her father but the king and his queen.
"Maybe, that's a good thing." Rhaenyra said.
Multiple pair of eyes glare over at her as she sat on the couch between her older and younger son, Luke look over at his mother with a deep frown.
"In why in the fuck would that be a 'good thing'" Alys hiss, rhaenyra looks over at her cousin with a placid look.
"I'm just saying, if she doesn't want to come back maybe there's more than one reason than what happened at dinner."
"Yeah, and we're looking at her right now." Baelon snips.
Rhaenyra ignore her cousin before looking at her lady wife and lord husband as daemon just walked in putting his hand on his wife back.
"You know I'm right." Rhaenyra says.
Rhaelle frown at her princess-wife before turning her attention to the queen, Jaenara didn't really talk much about the first couple of months of her marriage to Aemond. All she told us was she miscarried before this one and that's it, we probably wouldn't have known about the miscarriage if it wasn't for Alicent bringing it to light one night at dinner.
"Hard for me to say, but maybe she's right."
Rhaelle along with her kin look at Maekar with a mixture of expressions.
"Are you serious?" Baelon says in dismay, not believing what he was hearing, Maekar gives his mother a look.
"Sadly." Rhaenyra roll her eyes looking away, "But, I wouldn't put it pass Aemond to punish Jaenara for her brother's actions." Maekar looks over at Lucerys, who frown at his cousin making Jacerys glare at Maekar.
"This isn't Luke's fault."
"I didn't say it was, did i?" Maekar snip.
"Then, what are you trying to say, because last time I check. Aemond ran off with Jaenara and they seem to be  happy with one another."
"Well, if your self-righteousness wasn't blinding you, you would have notice how much your sister has change. How she doesn't smile as much as she use to or how she rather spend most of her time outside in the garden than inside the castle--" Romarn chuckles making Maekar stop to look at him.
"It sounds like you fancy her, cousin."
Maekar roll his eyes at Romarn.
"No, unlike you have a very keen sense of detail that helps me understand what's going on around me." Maekar snide, making Ronas snort.
"Sure you do, did your 'keen sense of detail' tell you anything when you were watching her and aemond cooing another that night." Ronas smirk.
Maekar swallow as he stare at his cousin, the look he was giving them was emotionless and some of the others in the room stood awkwardly silent at the tension that appear in the room.
"No." He finally answered, making Ronas raise a brow while his brother grin, "But, if you have any keen sense of a brain, I advise you to keep your asinine, which means foolish by the way, remarks to yourself unless you want to swallow all of your teeth." He threatened.
Ronas roll his eyes with a peeve look, unlike his younger brother, Romarn sneer at the older boy.
"No need to be so testy, Mae." Romarn ribbed, making Maekar flick his eyes to him,"You should learn how to take a jest, maybe then jaenara would find your company a little less intimidating." He chuckle.
Maekar narrow his eyes at his young cousin before he close his eyes and took in a deep breathe before reopening his eyes as he exhale, the rest of the clan watch holding their breath as Maekar turn his attention back to Romarn.
"Yes...Maybe your right, cousin." Romarn smirk as he raise his brow with a look, "Maybe that's why it was easy for you to get Alyaena into bed--"
"Maekar! You bastard." Alyaena cries out with a look of horror and embarrassment.
"I guess humor can be consider an aphrodisiac." He shrugs nonchalant before looking away from Romarn's shock expression, while Alyaena glare at her brother.
"Fucking pig." She mumbled making her brother look at her.
"Stop fussing. If you want to blame someone blame that idiot you let dump his seed into you--"
Alyaena growled balling her fists, she turns to Romarn who looks back at her with a fear in his eyes.
"I'm going to kill you--"
"No." Daemon was quick to around his wife and grab Alyeana's elbow before she could charge at her moronic cousin, her father pulled her back to stand between him and his wife.
"It slipped out." He said low with a sheepish look.
Alyaena roll her eyes angrily looking away from him and crossing her arms, Daemon kept a close eye on his daughter as another argument ensures. 
"Slip out? More like he projectile vomited it out, he wouldn't stop talking until he finally passed out." Aegon chortles from his seat besides Adrielle and Helaena, romarn glared at aegon.
"Shut up." He snapped, "Atleast I wasn't making a fool of myself. Oh where's my belove? Where Adrielle? Where is my beautiful wife, Adrielle? Adrielle, Adrielle, Adrielle." Romarn mocks with a annoyed look, aegon scowled him before he could say anything Adrielle spoke up.
"Don't even justify that with an response, Aegon." Adrielle said leaning against Aegon, "He is just mad that he doesn't have the type of relationship you and I have." Adrielle looks at her lover who gaze at her with a lovesick smile, Aegor stood behind his adopted sister with a shake of a head.
"A relationship build on empty promises and lies, why would anyone want such a union."
Adrielle snap her head around to glare at Aegor, he looks back at her with a raise brow with a look that made her look away with a bitter mood.
"Well, not all of us are bless to be born a boy, little brother. Not all of us have a say in what we can do in our life--"
"Stop it." Aeron interrupted.
"Don't you dare blame my gender for your shortcomings, big sister." He sneer, "It is not my fault that you can't learn to keep your legs close, or mouth for that matter."
"Aegor, that's enough! Apologize to your sister." Valaena chided with a displease look, Aegor look over at his mother before looking back at his sister.
He look at her for a minute, she had a brow raise high with a smug look, she mouth taunts at him as aegon looks at him with a sneer.
"I'll apologize when she pray to the gods for forgiveness."
"For what?" Adrielle gives him a offended look, Aegor tilt his head to the side.
"For killing your baby."
Adrielle's face drop along with Aegon, the room went quiet, so quiet that rhaelle could hear the rats in the walls.
"What is he talking about, Adrielle." The young princess drop her gaze to the floor, "...Aegor." Aeron turn his accusing eyes to his eldest son, who averted his own to anywhere that wasn't his family.
"Maybe, this should be discuss in a more private setting–" Rhaelle started.
"No! There's no need for that...I already got my answer."
Aegor and Adrielle look towards each other before looking at their father, Aeron stare at them with a coldness that they never been on the receiving end of before.
"Papa--" Adrielle start with tears in her eyes but Aeron raise up a hand stopping her.
"Don't." He drop his hand with an exhale, "I have allow you to do..whatever you want for the pass seventeen years, mainly because of your mother, but now I see I should have done more." He nodded to himself before he looks up at his daughter, he glance at aegon before looking at adrielle, "This decision hurts me more than you can ever imagine." Adrielle frown at her father's words before staring in confound as he turn on his heels walking away.
"What does that mean?" She asked once he left out the door, Adrielle look at her mother and grandmother, "M-Mama, what does father speak of?" She asked desperately, Valaena snap out of her thoughts before she looks at her daughter.
Valaena didn't say a word as she turns making Adrielle stand up from the couch, she called for her mother again only for it to fall on deaf ears as Valaena left quickly. Adrielle stood in the middle of the room feeling as if her world just came crumbling around her, Aegon glance at Helaena who stare at Adrielle with worry.
Alyssa was the first to move as she stood and walk over to her cousin, she touch Adrielle's shoulder gently as the other girl stare blankly at the door.
"Adrielle...Are you alright?" Alyssa whispered moving to stand beside her.
Adrielle didn't respond instead she starts crying, she covered her mouth before she stumble forward towards the door.
"Adrielle!" Aegon called after concerned before getting off the couch with Helaena in toe.
They left the great chambers to follow after Adrielle, the rest of the family stood still watching in utter shock. Again, Alyssa was the first to move and she turn to Aegor with a look, making the other boy sense his belove heated gaze.
"Don't look at me like that, she started--"
"Your an ass, Aegor." Alyssa snapped making Aegor roll his eyes.
"Spare me, please." He started, "She did it to herself, if she stop pushing me--"
"You could have walked away." Baelon said, Aegor look at him.
"Would you and Alys."
Baelon glance at Alys before shrugging his shoulders.
"Fair point."
Alyssa rolled her eyes at him putting her attention back on her nephew.
"You had no right--" She pointed at him.
"Gods! Why is it every time something happens between me and adrielle, im the one at fault and not her."
"That's not true, darling." Rhaelle said.
"But, it is, my mother has always taken adrielle's side and father only does what mother tells him to do." He says, "It's not fair she never gets in trouble...never." he looks at Alyssa before shaking his head and stalk towards the door.
Rhaelle touch his arm but he only kept walking, Alyssa goes after him not before giving her mother a look that she take care of him before leaving out the door.
"Can this day get any worse." Alyaena utter under her breathe before flopping down on the couch that was inhabited by Adrielle, Aegon, and Helaena.
Just as she said that Alicent gets up from her chair catching everybody's else attention, the queen turns slowly looking over towards rhaelle with red eyes and dried tears covered her flush cheeks.
"Do you really wish to know why I brought Alys River here?" Alicent said in a low and empty voice, rhaelle swallow eyeing Alicent, "I brought her here because I knew if jaenara saw her...she fall back into desolation, she would have shut herself out, stop eating, and slowly fade away in her room like before. She would have loss the baby but...atleast Aemond would have had Rivers and their child in the end." Alicent finish, she glance around the room fo Daemon along with his children glare at her with hate, while Rhaenyra and her son were unbothered by her words.
Alicent snap her eyes to rhaelle when the old queen took a step forward before walking up to her, Alicent straighten her back and she close her eyes, hoping the slap would be painful. She waited for a moment, but nothing came, she opened her eyes and she felt her heart crack in her ribcage as she stare back at the disappointed and unforgiving eyes of her step-mother.
Rhaelle gaze over Alicent's features trying to figure out what she did to make Alicent like this, all she ever done was be a good mother to her and love her like she birth her. But, love from rhaelle wasn't enough for the queen, or maybe there wasn't love in her at all, maybe Otto made sure of that.
Alicent held her breathe when rhaelle opened her mouth, but rhaelle stop herself and purse her mouth shut. She looks at Alicent with a tired a look before she turn away from her, Alicent watch with furrow brows as the rest of the family follow after the former queen.
Rhaenyra was the last to leave, she held onto the handle of the door before looking at Alicent. The queen stood there hollow as tears gathered in her eyes again, Alicent look at Rhaenyra finally, they stare at each other for a moment before Alicent was the first to look away and turn back to the fure. Rhaenyra watch as she sat back down again and went back to staring emotionless like statue at the fireplace, the older princess slowly closing the door behind her as a feeling she never thought she feel for Alicent again appeared.
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sa10mb0n3z · 2 months
Hello!! This is my first time submitting an ask/request so I hope I'm doing this right :']
May I request smut Vampire!Sebastian x Trans!Reader? Like- Just needy vampire Sebastian with his beloved transmale reader ajnsiajaialspkcjdiaislnc
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Hell Knows No Heaven, Because They Do
Not Have You.
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Summary: Poor farmer has been in a rut lately. His spouse has been going out at night more than usual. He doesn’t come home until the break of dawn and then subsequently sleeps all day. Worried that he’s cheating, farmer goes out at night and follows his lover into the mines. Things don’t go as planned.
Contains: mentions of blood, sharp objects and of course smut. Transmasc farmer has afab anatomy but has top and bottom surgery. Body worship, some references to heaven and religious worship. Super gay. Vampire Seb is incredibly needy.
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You and Sebastian have been dating for a while now. Nothing too crazy has happened yet, besides some adorable little dates like the one time he drove you across the valley at night and to the docks where Sam and Abigail had set up a romantic, gothic style picnic for you both to enjoy. You could tell that Elliott helped with the candles and black rose petals, but you still enjoyed it. One thing you didn’t enjoy, however, was his tendency to go out at night and sleep all day.
At first you thought it was a common sign of depression and even tried to talk to him about his unhealthy lifestyle, but once the talk was over all you got was a ‘I’ll try to keep that in mind.’ Which, for his credit, did keep him up for a good while. You did notice however, he seemed a lot more tired than usual when he was up in the day, but you chalked it up to his body not being used to a normal schedule.
But lately in the past week or so he’s been distant. He hasn’t been at his house, you have Maru to thank for telling you that, and he certainly wasn’t at the farm house. So where was he? You missed your partner. Missed his pretty black hair and pale skin. You wanted him over more, especially when the days work got to be too much and you needed a quick release.
But tonight was different, you were walking through the mines, desperately trying to get some amethyst for Clint and his piss poor attempts to snag Emily when you heard a low rumbling sound for a cavern you had yet to explore. Grabbing your sword you ready for attack, and venture inside.
A large black mass hovers on a ledge, its body upside down and groveling with a thick, deep growl that hung in the air like black paint. It hisses and you realize it’s a incredibly large bat, figure larger than anything you’ve ever seen before, and when it opened its eyes they looked to vaguely familiar that you couldn’t help but lower your guard. Which was your biggest mistake.
Within an instant you were on your back, legs in the air and all the air in your lungs was gone. You groaned and realized that your sword was gone and you couldn’t get the creature off of you. You expected a slow and painful death, to have your ravaged body or whatever was left of it found by Marlon or Linus, but instead a whimpering sound filled your ears and the creature was shapeshifting into…Sebastian? You gasped as he licked your neck and you immediately pull back.
“Seb, what the hell, Is this where you’ve been all this time?”
He whimpers and you finally notice the hard-on in his skinny jeans. You prop yourself up on your elbows and immediately hold your head, trying to process what the fuck is happening.
“My darling,” Be begins, voice somehow much lower but high with need at the same time. He begins to explain why he’s been down here, that he was a vampire and nobody besides his mother and Mary knew. He would never tell Demetrius. You nod in understanding at that part. What gets you, however is when he explains that his mating cycle had started and how he didn’t want to hurt you on accident. You smile and shake your head, holding your lovers face. ‘You could never hurt me” You state, smiling. Sebastian smiled and kissed your lips.
“I’m sorry I scared you so much, baby.” He states running hot kisses down your neck. You smirk and slowly start to spread your legs a little more. “In the mines?” He gasps and you think for a moment. Better now, you’re lucky a skeleton or slime hadn’t gotten to you yet and should take the luck you’ve got know and leave.
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Thats how you got here, on the bed of your farm house with Sebastian between your legs. He smirking at your blushing face as he gently pulls off your shirt, revealing your top surgery scars. He traces a long claw across your scar and slowly leans down to kiss your nipple. He slowly traces the beautiful nub and pinches the other as you whimper and sigh and beneath him. You squirm and as as pulls back to remove your jeans you feel a dripping at your core. Sebastian goes impatient and rips through both your jeans and boxers, and with no hesitation shoves his tongue inside you.
You whine and gasps, feeling him hit your clit with a forked tongue. He licks between the folds and keeps you pinned down with his strength. Teasing your cunt, he slowly presses a finger inside as he eats you out. Sebastian looks up at your blushing face as you groans above him, and despite his damned ways as a creature of the night; he feels his tethered soul rise as the holy feeling of you around him makes him believe that the same god who damned him, blessed the world with your holy figure.
Your scars were like two perfect symbols that any man would praise if given the chance. Perfect. You were perfect and as he added a second figure and watched your body shake with desire, he knew that he had a found a heaven worth prasing. He grabs your thighs and immediately put them on his shoulder as he went deeper inside, tongue so deep you could see a bulge within your stomach.
And as soon as it starts he’s out, licking his dripping fingers as he as he looms over your twitching form. An evil look in his eyes as he strip’s himself and pounces on you. You immediately feel his grip on your thighs once more as he positions himself with your cunt. Shoving inside you, he immediately starts to move back and forth while watching you become jello. You scream and moans scratch as his back as he destroys you. He sits you up so that you’re sitting on his lap and pummels deep inside you. You whine and gasp, screaming his name as you feel him twitch inside and soon enough you’re coming on his cock and he continues to destroy you. After three more hard thrusts he comes inside as you twitch from overstimulation.
“Hah…I hope you’re satisfied baby…” You states a blushing, fucked out mess.
‘We’re not finished…” He states, a dark tone in his voice. You’re in for a long night.
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Fanfic and title belong to Mosquake.
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fallstaticexit · 1 month
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After the inevitable conflict between Lyric and Myrah mom ends their family dinner, Mel visits his old stomping grounds. The only good thing to come out of his parent's divorce as a child was moving to San Sequoia and meeting his friends and future wife. He really can't imagine his life without his tribe.
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Bonus: NOOOOO absolutely not
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Loren: Hello?
Mel: Hey, Loren.
Loren: Hey.
Mel: Guess where I am.
Loren: Beats me. Where are you?
Mel: We used to loiter at the old pier when we were kids—me, you, and Aiden. Our rounds of tic-tac-toe and hangman are still etched into the old, rotten wood. Aiden didn’t know how to spell Mila Kunis and spelled it Mila Kunes, so we were playing for like an hour trying to figure out what the hell the word was. [chuckles] Remember?
Loren: Yeah. I remember, Mel.
Mel: Yeah...
Mel: Listen... I wanted to call because we haven’t talked about what happened.
Loren: I really don’t know what to say.
Mel: No, I know. I just- I wanted you and Maeve to know how sorry we are about all of this. You know we raised Selene better than that, and it really surprised and disappointed us.
Loren: We were disappointed too.
Loren: As a parent, you prepare for the big heartbreak, but I never imagined it would hurt like this. We’re having to rebuild our daughter from the ground up. It’s devastating. She didn’t deserve that.
Mel: I know. I feel so awful...
Loren: [sighs] You didn’t do anything, Mel. Selene is an adult, and she made a choice. A fucked-up one, but a choice nonetheless, and now we process and we move on.
Mel: Selene’s dropping from the tour.
Loren: Zoey would hate that. Despite everything, she would still want Selene to compete. At least to kick her ass, anyway.
Mel: Zoey’s an amazing young woman. You and Maeve did a great job.
Loren: Selene’s a good kid, too. A dumbass, but good. I don’t hate her. I love her like she’s my own. I just need her to work through her shit.
Mel: And are we still cool?
Loren: Yesss, Starboy. We’re cool. But if your daughter comes within 10 feet of mine, I’m going to kick her and your ass—at least for now.
Mel: Understood.
Loren: I love you, Mel. You and Nina are our family, always, ok? Anyway, I’m going to turn in for the night. Talk to you later-
Mel: Wait, there’s one more thing! My mom married a man half her age and didn’t tell anyone.
Loren: Fucking Myrah! [laughs]
Mel: Ok, there’s another. Olive is doing the same thing, except it’s a rich milf or something?
Loren: How many times do I have to tell you and Aiden, they’re not Milfs when they’re our age.
Mel: [chuckles] Night Loren.
Nina: Hey, you. Ready to head back to the hotel?
Mel: Yeah, but sit with me first. I just got off the phone with Loren. We were talking about Selene.
Nina: How’d that go?
Mel: We’re good. Just wish our kids were. I feel like the twins don’t think they can come and talk to us anymore.
Nina: Or maybe they’re in their 20s and they think they have it all figured out. Sounds familiar?
Mel: Is it really the same thing over and over?
Nina: But this time, we’re going to make sure we’re listening. If there’s anything I learned about your mother and Lyric, it’s that our children will always want to be heard. We should give them that when they’re ready to speak.
Mel: You always know what to say.
Nina: I learned by loving you.
Mel: Off subject but...remember that thing I said I always wanted to do?
Nina: Mel. It’s like...11pm at night.
Mel: Come onnn, nobody’s around. It’ll be quick.
Nina: Once you get started, you never want to stop.
Mel: We’ll use a safe word. The moment you want to stop, we’ll stop.
Nina: Just be gentle. We’re not in our 20s anymore.
Mel: We’ll go nice and slow.
Mel: [panting] See? That wasn’t so bad.
Nina: [breathlessly] Easy... for you to say...what happened to nice and slow?
Mel: Want to go again?
Nina: ...yeah, but hurry before someone calls the police. [laughs]
Mel: Hold on tight.
Nina: [squeals] Wait! I’m slipping!!
Mel: I said hold on! I’m gonna do a big spin.
Nina: OK! OK! Go!
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