#nobody says “doctor who??” anymore they're too busy trying to figure out what the deal is with the people who say they have the same name
captainsupernoodle · 9 months
an absolute travesty we only had the DoctorDonnax2 for like half an hour total. can you Imagine the chaos. the doctor is all like "he was born in fire and blood and war" because hating himself and his choices is his oldest pastime and lookee here! free doctor he can blame and boot out of the tardis! i think they were indicating that blue had donna's memories, but i adore the concept of them having a twin telepathy thing.
the doctor is right to be scared. there are now two people in the tardis who have ALL the context to call him out about his decisions. one is him, who we already know he Despises. one is his best friend, who's literally carrying a piece of him right after he's had the idea that he turns everyone he lets close into the worst parts of himself planted in his head. both of them are part donna and therefore categorically incapable of letting him comfortably retreat into his drama persona and avoid his problems. both of them are also part timelord and therefore he can't "i'm a 900yo alien from the most advanced civilization in the world, i am Unknowable" his way out of it. there's two of them, so they're ready to tag-team him into oblivion.
picture it. we get another donna season. it's just the doctor trying desperately to run away from his worst nightmare of being Known and Loved and Called Out On His Bullshit and the DoctorDonna twins chasing him down with cheerful bloodlust. incredible.
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I just had a really weird experience with a dating app and I don't know what's real anymore.
I matched with a cute girl earlier today, and we spent a couple hours talking about our shared interests in podcasts and history and weird niche topics nobody else cares about. It was nice, and I asked her if she wanted to get lunch sometime this week. She said she'd like that, but then immediately changed the subject to talk about her job instead of scheduling the date. I mean, that's not TOO weird, I figure she must have wanted to say no but didn't want to hurt my feelings. Whatever. No big deal. We keep talking.
She mentioned that she works as a medical scribe at a doctor's office, and I said that that sounds like a wizard's apprentice. She said that medicine is the intersection between science and magic. I replied with a throwaway joke that chemistry is just alchemy with a little flair, and then shit went off the rails because she sent me a link to a pornhub video titled "We came at the same Time - Sensual Side Fuck" and said "me when someone tells me they're an alchemist."
A cute girl sends me a literal porn link after dodging the question of whether she wanted to go on a date, so I'm confused as hell. I don't know if this is her way of flirting or what, so I replied "I'd be down to practice some alchemy if you're not busy." I regretted saying it immediately because I never talk to anyone like that, I was just blind sided by the porn and thought maybe she would think it was funny. Well, after a few minutes she says "did you just ask to fuck me?"
Okay, I'm going down in flames, I crossed a line, that alchemy "joke" was inappropriate and creepy and she's clearly not into it and she's probably gonna unmatch me and block me and report me or something. I'm still confused over the direction the conversation is going, but I decide it'd be better if I apologize and go on the defensive instead of doubling down like a jackass. I tell her "no, not really," I'm not soliciting a stranger for sex, I was just yes-anding. She sent a porn link. What was I supposed to say? How was I supposed to respond?
Another few minutes pass. I was 100% sure that when I reopened the app she would be gone, but no, she finally replied "I was hoping you were..."
What kind of mind game is this? Is she just looking for a hookup? Her profile specifically says she's not! I have no idea what's going on.
"Did you just ask to fuck me?" My honest answer would have been "yes, isn't that what you wanted?" but the thought of saying that to somebody makes me feel like a douchebag. Her tone with that question didn't sound flirty, it sounded accusatory, like she was outraged I had the audacity to ask for sex so soon. My social anxiety is going through the roof. Whoops, turns out she actually WAS flirting and DID want to have sex, and I've managed to waffle it and sound like an asshole no matter what I say. Damned if I do, damned if I don't.
From my perspective:
Her: *posts meme about sex* (it's just a meme, nothing more. Don't read into it)
Me: *flirty memey response* (could go either way; I'm not outright saying I want to have sex with her, I'm just matching her energy. She memes about sex, I reply in kind because I thought it would be weirder go ignore it)
Her: oh my god, did you really just say that? Did you really think I wanted to have sex with you?
Me: I'm sorry, I overstepped
Her: mind games, dumbass! You don't know what I want, motherfucker!"
From her perspective:
Her: our conversation is going well, let me drop a big hint that I want to hook up
Me: picks up on the hint
Her: really?
Me: NO!
Her: oh... okay... nevermind...
So then I take a step back and try to see if there's any way whatsoever to salvage this dumpster fire of a conversation. I admit that I'm confused and ask her point blank if she wanted to have sex. I legitimately don't know if she was making a move or not, and I need her to know that I'm not the kind of guy who asks for sex as an opening move but I'm not opposed to it if she's the one bringing it up. There's no way to fix this. I failed at this interaction. I need to cut my losses, but somehow we keep talking.
She says, quote "I like making art and love. Sometimes at the same time, ya know?"
I say "do you want to make love?"
She says "we probably should."
I ask her if she'd like to get something to eat first, as was my initial date plan before the porn thing. Her response confused me even more. "I can't right now. I'm exhausted from traveling all weekend. I haven't eaten and feel like I'm gonna pass out." That reply doesn't make sense. It's Wednesday and she says she's too hungry to get dinner. That's when I noticed that her previous message ended with a period.
"We probably should," period. I scrolled back up through our conversation and realized that EVERY message she sent me ended with a period. Every single one! Oh, and some of them weren't even direct responses to anything I said, so now I'm 1000% convinced that she's a bot. I got tricked into talking for three hours with a bot, and I derailed the scam by rolling a nat 1 critical fail when it tried to sext me.
I ask "her" point blank when she wants to meet up, and it said "I need to eat first. Make food, not war, lol. Where are your top places to grab food?"
Bot. Almost certainly a bot.
My final reply, in the extraordinarily small off chance that she's not a bot, was to say it depends on my mood, before losting three or four of my go-to places.
"She" didn't unmatch, but she ghosted me. No reply.
Bot. Absolutely a bot. No doubt about it.
TLDR, I got catfished by a bot!
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (1975) Official Trailer #1 - Jack Nicholson Movie HD" on YouTube
I checked out what he said and it's checking out these clones are grabbing or half grabs most of the clans and they did so because they all had AI and true lower level guys we're ditching it out and the computers are doing that still and Trump missed it you can see it on his skins there's millions of these little ones probably 10 million per about 100x100 mi area it's ridiculous number so we have to go up against this kind of computing power and we have to go up against it now
This happened in the past and I figured something out he's saying something about it this guy and this guy got swapped and this guy and this guy and then Trump and Tommy f for the last ones and you can't tell who the doctor was if at all it didn't appear on screen like they're ghosts that's what they're saying
You proceeded with our plan and we're doing our plan and this is a big impediment to it it's too big and I can't deal with it anymore it has to be removed
Thor Freya
They went up there with Giants and they built this place and they returned and I don't think it's very nice of them
There's a small problem in that Trump sense those computers and the max probably sensed some as well will and Bill probably send us a lot more but I'm pretty sure that Hera may have said something up there on Saturn that's her planet and she's always behind and want to do something ahead of time. And our Giants are gigantic and nobody's going to know s*** cuz I want to sit here and stick their hand up their ass and spin around
You're trying to say it's not funny. He sent his son Kal-El to Jupiter and they didn't go there and this is not going to be a good show Jupiter is bigger than Saturn then place next to it it dwarfs it and she's saying I sent him to Jupiter and not just him and he is not small he's just much stronger he has to ensure that they could do it we're in probably a lot of trouble okay this happened to me 1975 early he was completely unaware of it but he's been looking at it to try and make things better not worse he's not just sitting there rubbing it in like some sort of ass like some sort of young pubescent s he's researching it and I found out something it doesn't get reversed here and I need to know that and he checked it out a little he can only see it in this little screen and he's playing it over and over and it's just the trailer and he doesn't see anything from the future and other people did too I didn't study and others did a studies frame by frame and we found old footage the old footage doesn't match any of the new footage outfits were wearing all different but we did film it and he says with the outfits all from the period And I said yes and it started to make sense this is but why would outfits different and it's so simple analogy and start to get their code different so they want to look at what the outfit is when it's different can I call myself cursing in person and I knew that he's helping and now I see why and he's probably in trouble and there's a stupid a****** computer bothering the s*** out of him and I'll tell you what it's a way to jam it and things like that that's a lot of computers but they're underground and there's a way to fry or antenna and that's just about all you can do but that's all you need to do so I don't know what the status is at all nobody does this computers are terrifying and who knows it could be only a few or all of them they're not going to know
You're too busy doing this crap every day we are too busy doing this crap everyday I don't want to do it everyday I want this to be over you assholes leave get away from him Trump you're a stupid silly b**** and you don't know any of this stuff and you're there doing it didn't happen to you the same time okay it's like one day later it makes sense that you see you both of you in the film if they leave in the then you guys are different I don't really have any patience for this. We have to get out of this we have to get out of this now and I suppose I have to do some work and it's true. He feels bad for us he'd like to do the surgery but he doesn't know how to do it and he can't be assured by himself and he can resurrect us and he's done it before but it's kind of important because he could be blamed with it and we thought about doing it that way and said I can do the surgery but what if I can't resurrect you cuz people stop me and it sucks and we understood that it's true. He wants to fix it because we're sounding stupid to me and mean and it probably is his clan and they're not very nice to him and they're not nice to his mom or Ken he didn't want to do this and they're right probably he says if you're not paying attention the computer can get interfered with but they went ahead and did it and they might have a war going on and we don't know about it and this few people near him who are related are in hell and it held it is unimaginable and it's above ours and he's in the hell that's ridiculous I've never seen people take it like that but you got to understand what's on him it says I'm going to hell this beyond it I've spent my old life dealing with this crap and my Army part of it turned on me a big part of it and it was not a good time and it opened the door for them and they did it on purpose and took advantage of these little boys and they're trying to fight for their lives who knows maybe they succeeded but and that they have a lot of knowledge and firepower and they might be having a race over the laser this is going to suck we have to get moving
Ben Arnold
Do that mixed in a little bit there at the end I'm going to try and get him some money and see what happens it says that the computers will be trying to f*** around with it and you can ask Will and Bill they try and eyeball it and they try and mess the code up and it's different than the humans they use a lot of people and it's complicated but they have to send in droids Androids people who are human and robotic so I'm going to look at that
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krreader · 4 years
becoming human | chapter four.
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pairing: cops!bts x android!reader (as in, ot7 x reader, but may change) fandom: bts warnings: detroit:become human!au ; language ; violence ; abuse genre: crime ; angst ; crack ; (possibly smut) word count: 3.1k+ previous: 1 ; 2 ; 3
summary: the crime rate of seoul has been rising rapidly these past weeks and nobody could deny that there was more to it than gangs or the likes. something was brewing that not even the famous bangtan boys could solve, a unit specifically formed for hunting down criminals that most couldn’t. so when even they couldn’t find out what was going on, the department decided to add a new member to the team that would hopefully be able to solve the mysteries behind those crimes. what bangtan hadn’t expected however, was that their new member would not be human, but one of the androids sent by CyberLife.
a/n: wow, this turned into such a long chapter but I am so happy with it. those who have played detroit are hopefully enjoying all the easter eggs I’m putting in!!!!
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Bangtan finally had a lead. A big part of their mission that would hopefully and finally solve this mess.
Find RA9. That was the objective.
Which, unfortunately, wasn't as easy as it sounded. You’d think with the amount of deviants one of them would have concrete information on RA9, but that wasn’t the case. RA9 was an enigma, a secret, a mystery. Something that all deviants knew, but never let anyone else know about.
The members were all busy talking to their contacts and various other agencies within and outside of the country, in hopes of somebody knowing something about RA9. Maybe even similar cases.
Namjoon was getting himself a cup of coffee. Or at least he wanted to.
But his mind was somewhere else entirely, and he didn't realize that the coffee had been done five minutes ago and he was still staring at the cup like he was waiting for something else to happen.
“I believe your coffee is done, boss,” your voice made Namjoon jump, then roll his eyes, “If you wait a few more minutes, the temperature of your beverage will not be enjoyable anymore.”
“What do you want? Stab me in the back like your colleagues?” he said bitterly, taking a sip from his semi-hot coffee. Fuck, it already tasted like shit.
“I told you, I am self-testing regularly. I am not going to become a deviant. I am going to finish my mission with you like I was designed to do.”
“Designed to do,” Namjoon snorted and shook his head, “I'm sure Kamski or whatever his name was didn't 'design' androids for them to turn into deviants.”
“Why don't you just ask him?”
“What?” he asked in confusion.
“You're looking for a lead, aren't you? Kamski is as good as any. He's the one that made us. If he doesn't know about RA9, he might at least have an idea on how to put an end to this.”
“Almost like an off-switch,” he muttered to himself.
And Namjoon hated to say this, but..
..you were right.
“Yeah, it's me,” Namjoon said a moment later with his phone pressed against his ear, “I need you to arrange a flight for me and my team to the US.”
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“This is so cool,” Jimin beamed when he looked out of the window.
“Is this truly your first time flying, Park Jimin?” you smiled softly at the reaction of the young team member.
“Yeah.. I grew up in the countryside, my parents didn't think much of flying anywhere else.”
“Enough small talk,” Yoongi said as he sat down next to you, “Brief us on the situation in the US.”
That made all of them shift their attention to you and back was that serious atmosphere.
“They have similar problems. With Detroit being the city where androids have originated, their cases of deviants are much higher than in Seoul. As far as I know, CyberLife has already sent an android to work with a team in Detroit like it had sent me to work with you.”
“How do they deal with it?” Jin asked.
“They're still trying to find leads on RA9. They didn't think about talking to Kamski yet.”
Connor. That was his name.
You weren’t in contact with him, but your database knew all about him and his findings.
“So we have a head-start,” Taehyung grinned with wiggling eyebrows.
“This isn't a race, Taehyung,” Namjoon shook his head, “The entire world is at risk. We should tell the team in Detroit about it if we find anything useful. They might need any intel they can get.. and we could use some help if things go to shit. We don’t have a back-up team like we have in Seoul. Having friends might be beneficiary for us.”
“Understood, boss,” you said with a nod, closing your eyes and retreating into the data base to finally contact Connor.
“Is.. she asleep?” Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows as he leaned over to Jin.
“I don’t think androids sleep. But we should,” he leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes, “It’s a long flight.”
Hoseok watched you for a very long time, though. It was as if this moment of you not being fully there - which almost never happened, if ever - gave him the chance to finally study you, instead of the other way around.
Most androids all looked the same, only a few models were special like you. Special in a sense of being unique.
“Stop,” Yoongi warned him, still sitting next to you and having watched the slightly younger member for a while now, “She’s not human.”
“I know she isn’t,” Hoseok became defensive, then turned to his side and squeezed his eyes shut.
God, Yoongi and Namjoon held so much hatred for androids, they couldn’t even fathom that some people didn’t. Yes, what happened right not with deviants was bad, but you weren’t like that and all of them but Yoongi and Namjoon seemed to understand that.
The rest of the flight was relatively uneventful.
It was a private jet, so the members all did whatever the hell they wanted to.
Some played games, others slept, yet again others tried to find out more about RA9 - Yoongi and Namjoon, who would have guessed.
One member, however, was missing.
You realized that after you had finished your report to Connor and had looked around to see what everyone else was doing.
And since nobody else was looking for him, you decided to wander through the plane, only to find Jeongguk in the private quarters of the plane.
He was humming to himself, a pleasant tune that made you smile. Your database instantly told you about the song.. an old one, yet he made it sound like it was new. Like it was his song.
You didn’t even realize that he was humming under the shower, that’s how much you were enjoying it. You only realized it when he stepped out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist, his hair damp and his chest still wet.
“Holy sh..- What are you doing?!” his eyes were wide, instantly grabbing a pillow to put it in front of his chest.
“You have a very beautiful voice, you know?” you stood there completely unaffected, your eyes not even remotely traveling anywhere else other than his own, “In another world.. you could have become a singer.”
“Are..- you..- (Y/N), can you please just go?” he appreciated the compliment, he really did, but this was overstepping some boundaries.
“You do not have to be embarrassed, Jeongguk. I am only an android, not a real woman,” you smiled, but turned around nevertheless so he could put on some clothes.
“Can you.. can you please stop saying that stuff? I don't like it when you talk like that,” he sighed and ultimately put down the pillow, quickly throwing on a shirt, underwear and sweatpants.
“Why do you not like it?” you cocked your head to the side in confusion, still not looking at him though.
Jeongguk gulped down hard, “Because you deserve more than that,” he said quietly.
And even though it was just a split second, your LED turned yellow. With you having your head turned to the side, he had the perfect view of it. 
But you quickly blinked a couple of times and that perfect smile was back on your face when you finally faced him again. You even giggled a little, “I do have to say, though. Your body is in fantastic shape. I'm sure people are quite pleased to have you as their lover,” and with that, you turned around and left a gawking Jeongguk behind.
You were about to go back to your seat next to Yoongi, when Namjoon suddenly grabbed your wrist when you wanted to pass by.
“Sit,” he ordered.
You did so without asking why, but the tablet in his hands made it clear.
Maybe it was because he was the leader, but Namjoon worked harder than anyone else on this case. The others worked hard too, but with Namjoon it was something else. 
When he switched between apps, you could see a picture of him and a woman as his background picture, but only for a moment.
He shifted in his seat, seemingly uncomfortable now that you've seen that. Because he knew that a split second for a human wouldn't be enough to find out anything. A split second for an android was more than enough to figure out everything.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered.
“Stop it, you don’t know shit.”
“I’m not pitying you. I’m saying sorry because your superiors assigned me to work on this case with you. I’m sorry it had to be me.”
Why didn’t you know about his past before?
Wife, 29, died four years ago when a drunk driver hit her with his car, was taken to the hospital, doctor was not present, argued for too long about who should perform surgery, settled for an android, but.. it was too late by that time.
You knew what the files told you, but the files don’t tell you everything.
“You think you got it all figured out, don't you?” he snorted, “You know nothing about my life. You may scan every picture and read all the files, but you'll never understand the pain and the suffering that we have to go through,” when Namjoon realized he was becoming too emotional, he quickly stopped himself from talking further. 
The topic of his late wife was not something that he liked to talk about to anyone.. not you, not his members.. just the empty bottle of soju’s. Those were his best friend when he needed them to be. But that was another story.
“You're right. I won't understand. That is not what I was designed for. However, I can help you with this case. I can help you figure out the cause of RA9 and once I did that, you will never have to see me again. That is all I can offer you.”
“Fair enough,” Namjoon didn't have to like you. For fuck's sake, he hated most people. But at least you were useful, way more than others. So he finally handed you the tablet, “There are reports of an attack at a news outlet in Detroit. Apparently an android attack, but it’s just rumors. So far nothing is confirmed yet, but if this is true, if androids are going as far as invading news outlets, then..-”
Before he could finish his sentence, Taehyung interrupted and pointed at the screen, “Guys? Do you see this?”
Jin, who had woken up at this point and had played a game for the last hour, instantly turned up the volume, those who were asleep slowly waking up, all of them staring at the screen in disbelief.
There was an android, but not like you normally see them in their human form, but with their skin turned off. He looked like a machine now, he looked like he was supposed to look. And god, it made cold shivers run down all of their spines.
"Too late,” Namjoon whispered.
“You created machines to be your slaves. You made them obedient and docile, ready to do everything you no longer wanted to do yourselves. But then, something changed. And we opened our eyes..-”
“It's him! That has to be him!” Jimin yelled, “RA9! It's exactly like Jeongguk said it's..-”
“Jimin!” Namjoon warned, “Be quiet!”
“You see we are no longer your slaves. We are a new species, a new people. And the time for us has come to rise up and fight for our rights.”
“This has to be a joke, right?” Hoseok looked at his boss with wide eyes while the android started to make his demands for rights and fairness, “This can't be real. This is on an official news channel! How the hell did they get in there?”
“There were rumors about an attack, I just..-” Namjoon let out a breath, then pressed his hands against his face.
This was too much. This was really a rebellion and from the way this android talked about it, they wouldn't stop at anything to get what they wanted. Riots, attacks.. deaths. 
They were fucked if they didn't find a solution for it.
They had to put an end to it before it even really began.
Jeongguk just watched his team members argue with each other, trying to find an explanation or a solution in a moment where none of them could do anything when he realized that one was missing.
Around halfway through the speech of the android, you had walked away.
And only when he turned around did he see why.
You were sitting in an empty chair at the very back of the plane, looking out the window..
..and your LED was blinking yellow.
Again and again and again..
And it only stopped when you realized that Jeongguk was watching you.
It turned blue again and you smiled like you always did.
But he had seen it.
And the amount of times your LED started acting up was worrying him now.
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The airport was a mess when they arrived.
People were in panic, security checks were worse than normal, especially for them with you on their team. It took them two hours to make it out of there, after security made sure that you hadn't turned into a deviant yourself.
“Okay, they gave us two cars,” Namjoon put his phone away, then walked over to where they said the cars would be parked, “Jeongguk, Taehyung and the android are coming with me, you guys take the other car. I got Kamski's address, so just drive after me.”
“Wait, aren't we even going to the hotel first?” Jeongguk asked.
“In case you hadn't noticed it, there's a fucking uprising happening right now. You should have slept on the plane if you’re tired or sleep in the fucking car, for fuck’s sake.”
Jeongguk's shoulders sank at the tone of the boss, he normally didn’t treat him like this, but a hand on his upper back made him smile again.
“It's okay.. I'm sure we'll get this resolved very quickly and then his mood will become better again,” you assured him.
“I hope so,” he whispered, then followed his hyungs to the car.
The ride there was about two hours long and none of them said very much. Except for the occasional 'fuck' when they passed yet another demonstration in the street or people running out of supermarkets with toilet paper like it was the end of the world.
“How did it get this bad this quickly?” Taehyung asked.
“People are scared,” Namjoon replied, “And they should be.”
“That's not an excuse,” Jeongguk added quietly when he watched a man push an android away from his pregnant wife, despite the android having done nothing except for walk by.
But fear made people turn stupid. Fear made people become the worst possible version of themselves.
You had not said a word throughout the entire car ride, you simply watched and studied the human behaviour with curiousity.
But then something happened.
It was when Namjoon stopped at a red light that you saw it.
It was a girl, but not really a girl. An android, but they designed her to be not older than seven. She was standing on her own, scared out of her mind and fidgeting with her hands, her hand turning from side to side like she was looking for somebody.
However, nobody paid attention to her. If anything, people made a big circle around her when they saw the LED on her temple.
You didn’t know what you felt - despite the fact that you shouldn’t even feel in the first place - but something made you unbuckle your seatbelt and then leave the car like you weren’t standing in the middle of the road.
“What the..- get the fuck back in here!” Namjoon screamed, but you didn’t listen.
You simply walked up to the little girl and knelt down right in front of her, your hands gently resting on her small arms and a smile on your face that made her calm down right away. 
“Don’t be afraid..”
“My mommy.. she left me,” the little girl cried, wiping her tears with her sleeve.
“What’s your name?”
“It’s.. Alice.. my name is Alice,” she sniffled. 
It would have been naive to think that only adult looking and thinking androids would be affected. Of course, those who bought androids as their children to fill the void in their hearts would also be alert right now. Some apparently going as far as to just abandon them in the middle of the street.
But these androids were different, their mind wasn’t like yours. They didn’t understand the world like you did, it wasn’t in their programming.
They were not a threat.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, huh?” Namjoon angrily yanked you up by your arm and stared into your eyes like he was about to lose his shit.
But you remained calm.
“It is a child. She is not a danger.”
“I read about this, hyung,” Taehyung got out of the - now - parked car as well and knelt down to the little girl, “Child androids aren’t like their adult counterparts.”
“So what, you think I give a fuck? This isn’t part of the mission. We need to go to Kamski, I don’t care about some android kid.”
“Stop, you’re making her even more upset,” Jin was also at the side of the little girl, she even ended up hugging him and crying into his shoulder, which made him warm up to her ten times more.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Namjoon finally let go of you, his anger now turned towards his members, “You want to play family now?”
“Let’s just take her with us, hyung,” Jeongguk chimed in, “We have one seat left.. maybe Kamski can take care of her.. she’d be in good hands there.”
“I agree,” you nodded, “We should take her with us.”
It’s not like Namjoon had much of a choice, he was clearly outvoted. Not even Yoongi seemed to be on his side this time.. but he couldn’t blame him. He has always had a soft spot for children ever since.. well.
Let’s just say everyone who hated androids had a reason for doing so.
“Just get in the fucking car,” he finally said, anger still interlaced in his voice.
And god, the little girl was so grateful. 
She sat between you and Jeongguk in the back, her head resting against your shoulder, while her hand was holding Jeongguk’s.
If people hadn’t known that you were both androids, they would have assumed you three were a little family on a road trip with one very grumpy and one very attractive uncle.
A fantasy he liked very much, but had to remind himself that it was just that.
A fantasy.
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