#nobody to infodump to these days
batfossil-fr · 2 years
I am taking The Step and being a very brave boy and I am going to start setting up my non fr art account. for REAL this time. no “I say I will do this and oops I don’t” it’s For Real and if it’s not up soon you have permission to kick me. I wrote some introduction post the other day that turned into a million page long essay so i’ve gotta like... actually draw shit, instead of just wall of text worldbuilding infodump lmao. I thought, hey let’s give a little primer into my world. and then I immediately went into a rant about geological history i didn’t even GET to the main species until like 2/3 of the way down lmfao
but I have spent too long letting that account haunt the back of my brain. its posting time!!! (I am utterly terrified to post things you have no idea.) but that’s how it goes. soon. maybe this week once i get some exams out of the way. it WILL happen
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parasprite · 1 year
ik she'd never play favourites and stuff but god its like. depressingly clear how much my mum prefers hanging out with my cousin over me. they have outings and regular movie nights and go on walks together and run errands and do chores they do literally everything together. and honestly its not just that like... even when im hanging out with the two of them i know she's more focused on my cousin. like she takes an interest in his interests. she asks him about spanish all the time but doesn't give a shit that i'm learning portuguese. i feel like i bore her whenever i try to speak. i always wanna let him ride shotgun the rare times im out with them because she can hold a conversation with him but not me. and whenever i'm alone with her she just treats me like a receptacle for her dumb fucking rants about facebook drama and then she seems so surprised when i have good advice for her even though i Always have good advice. she treats me like her talk therapist. she never thinks about my needs or my life or my interests. not that i even wanna tell her about it.
and like. for my cousin's birthday she got him a paranormal activity 6-movie blu ray box set because it's their favourite film series to marathon together. like they've rewatched it a bunch of times. they discuss their fan theories and everything. yknow what she got me for my birthday this year? nada. which is PORTUGUESE for nothing. god and they had that spontaneous weekend partying in london together and then a few months later she fucking planned a trip and went to sussex alone even though she knew id been wanting to go to sussex with her for literal years. she kept saying she'd take me then she didn't. what the fuck.
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swingstep · 2 years
Please drop mrd theatre au lore????
OH HOO BOY so. genuinely did not remember i never explained that au huh ksjdngd its been a hot minute since ive messed with that one, but lets see what i can dig up for it. as a disclaimer, its kind of an... abstract au, very rough around the edges as well. dont expect it to be anything too concrete WAHAHA
anyhow. tldr:   the mrd theatre au is exactly what it sounds like: the plot of the game described entirely through the lens of a theater production! alternately referred to as the dance au, because... its a musical! major events are described through dance, each piece pushing the story forward with the power of music and expression. literally-- the story won’t move on without it. starring mad rat as the lead role, rat god as the director, and heart as... That One Guy, Sure!
    the abstraction kicks in in its presentation though-- it's told through the framing of a stage-- however, the story itself is Real to the characters. their world is real, and as characters, they see it as such. to everyone else, it's exactly as its namesake: a play. the term "actor" and "character" go hand in hand, practically synonyms. actors are the characters. the narrative is their world. all in all: the theatre au is an inspection of the meaning of Reality and Perception, the meaning of what it is to be a Character or a Person, and a play on Stories and Roles. more under the cut.
  As it does in canon, the narrative starts with Mad Rat waking up, and Rat God telling him his situation. Y'know, he died, she's giving him a second chance, etc etc. However, she Specifically tells him that he is, in fact, a character in a play and, as someone outside of the narrative, she knows what to do and what paths to follow. As long as he followed her, he'd be able to make it to the end of his story a-ok, and finally get the ending he deserved!
  In the beginning, Rat God starts out with a whole musical number as she narrates the scene (to both the audience and Mad Rat) to catch him up to speed on where he is, who she is, and why he died. As she finishes, hands off the (metaphorical) mic to Mad Rat to get a word in for his debut scene. Unfortunately, Mad Rat, having just recovered from a terminal case of Being Dead, Does Not In Fact Have The Nicest Voice. Seeing this, Rat God quickly interrupts and redirects to another option: Dance. Which is where a major quirk comes in: every character has a specialized dance style!
  Rat gods style is tap/swing, which is what the intro scene Truly is! It's Rat God introducing Mad Rat to the concept of The Show in a duet swing performance. Specifically, in this performance, Rat God takes the lead role in this one for several reasons: 1) She's Extra and Likes Showmanship. 2) She's ensuring Mad Rat goes in the direction he's supposed to-- making sure he's following along. And 3) She's effectively re-teaching Mad Rat how to move after. Y'know. Being Dead. Swing is a heavily motion-focused and improvisational dance: Mad Rat Does Not Know How To Dance. However, Rat God is good enough at it that she can take the lead and turn his stumbles and missteps into motion and flair. It's essentially the tutorial stage!
  The narrative is pretty much the same through the first third of the game, more or less. Mad Rat meets Heart, who doesn't really Dance but rather just cheers him on, and they begin "travelling" together, with periodical "intermissions" where Rat God, off to the side of the stage presents recaps, narration, and questions-- but it's never clear if it's to the audience or Mad Rat. Maybe both. What's really important is the Framing, though. Mad Rat (kind of) acknowledges he is just a Character, but doesn't really Understand it. 
  Despite the knowledge, he still functions through the frame of a Character. He perceives the stage as The World Around Him rather than A Stage, while Rat God is the opposite. This leads to Mad Rat essentially just Following Her Lead. Which ends up just seeming... brazenly reckless and incredibly dangerous-- because Mad Rat doesn't think it will lead to anything. Obviously he's the main character, so he's probably going to just... get to his goal and whatever happens happens, right? Rat God said which way the story goes so... whatever, right?
  Which all culminates at Heart's intervention: Heart notices all of this and gets worried. Whatever this Mess about "shows" and "story" and "directors" is, Mad Rat is still being really really flippant about how many Near Death Experiences he's had (not to mention the whole "Seeing Things That Heart Doesn't" thing.) So he decides to step in.
  This is the first time we ever see Heart dance! He'd always insisted on being moral support/backup for Mad Rat, not really stepping in in any major way. Turns out, he's really good at a lot of dance styles. It's the first time we have a music genre outside of showtunes and the adjacent. It's heart basically trying to tell him that, whatever bullshit about "Narratives" he's following, Mad Rat is still Here. He's still a contributor to the world around him-- he can affect It, and it can affect him. It doesn't matter what he knows about Whatever This Is because it all wont matter if he gets himself into Real Trouble. Which is a convenient segue to the next arc-- they go off-script.
  The following arcs are pretty much just those two figuring out what to do and where they’re going. Mad Rat, up to this point, was just (kind of badly) trying to imitate the swing style from the beginning, but slowly starts figuring out his own specialty on his own. Mad Rat kind of dabbles through a lot, but is Particularly good at breakdance/krump. It’s a bit of a slow process, but he slowly forges his own place in a world he technically does not belong in. 
  All the while, Rat God is suspiciously quiet. They weren’t supposed to go that way, or do any of that, But she could improvise. She passively tried to mess with them from offstage-- changing the background scenery, tossing obstacles after them-- but they just. Kept going. Mad Rat even began Understanding the nature of The Stage and learning how to use that to his advantage, predicting the way things would move or shift, and using that knowledge to move even faster. It was only after Mimolette’s scene (which was Not supposed to be this early in the script, to Rat God’s chagrin,) that she Really started to get particularly miffed. They’d completely gone off-script, avoided Everything she sent after them-- but there was still an ending that needed to be told, and she was going to tell it no matter how messy it was to get there. Which leads to an intervention of her own.
  As the director, she had direct control over a lot of things-- but she herself could never interact with the Narrative. She had no real Hold, as it were. She was barely a concept to the characters in the narrative-- they could not really perceive her. So, she decided to break that rule-- and interact with them directly. Rat God’s scene is incredibly similar to that in canon: Incredibly Chaotic and Hard To Track. She mostly keeps to swing, as that’s her specialty, but regularly switches it up to try and throw Mad Rat off. But things are different than their first dance.
  Mad Rat has a grasp on himself and his goals. Rat God’s plan is already off its rhythm-- it was clear from the start that this was a last-ditch effort on her part to kill him. Despite her still trying to take control, Mad Rat was nothing if not stubborn. He was just as good at deflecting and navigating the scene as she was. But it’s hard to truly get rid of something like Rat God. She isn’t done until the Story was done. There was still a story to be told, so here she stayed. She could keep going as long as he could, and longer. So knowing what he did now, and understanding the circumstance, he did the only think of. The two had, to some extent, switched places: Rat God taking the stance of a Character/Participant in the scene, and Mad Rat seeing the full scope of The Stage and how it worked. The show was still going, so all he had to do was end it. 
  Tricking her into a monologue, he truly exits the frame of the narrative for the first time, grabbing one of the curtain ropes and letting it free, closing the curtains on the stage-- with Rat God behind them. And... silence. In the end, it was just the closed curtains, the audience, and Mad Rat and Heart in front of them. They saw the audience, truly, for the first time-- that larger force constantly watching over him from beyond his view, pushing the show forward not of their own actions, but of their presence alone. This is who it was all for. And seeing this, Mad Rat makes the decision... to ignore them. 
  They weren’t important anymore. The show was over-- the audience had no more use here. No more power here. They meant nothing to him. Nothing to them. He has one last talk with Heart-- they knew they weren’t alone, not truly-- but all that mattered right then was just the two of them. What they’d seen, what they’d been through-- it all had to come to an end eventually. But not by the hand of someone who had no stake in their story-- in their lives. Mad Rat gets to make his own choice about his future: And with no story left to tell... he gets up, and walks off the stage. 
   The Story Is Over.
#pikasks#mrd theatreAU#long post#no fandomtags we die like men#anyhow. thanks for enabling another essay of an infodump ur a real one <333 kdjgnkdjf#this au means The World to me but because its so... [waves arms around.] its very hard to explain in a way that feels Correct.#a lot of it is Vibes alone. feelings and concepts and notions of motion and song. as it is in canon too i think.#as with canon; its a play on tiers of personhood and control-- of who truly gets to choose fate; or if it really exists at all.#its about grabbing on with such fervor that the fabric of the world around you bends to your will.#about the inescapability of Role and Expectation; of Progress and Actions. how nobody in this story; truly; could choose how it ended.#not alone; at least.#rat god is equally bound to her role as director. she has no sway in this world. no matter how deeply she may want it.#the difference between her and mad rat is something tragic; to me.#two people in such similar roles reacting so differently they mirror each other perfectly.#surrender to a role you have no control of and hope it eventually benefits you-- or fight tooth and nail against forces stronger than you.#but these are the tags. im just waxing poetic at this point.#if you want a more clear read of the vibes this was inspired and started entirely by the mrd piano medley by tmsy.#please go check it out it slaughters me. id point out a specific part but its kind of all of them.#anyhow. thanks for reading and also enabling me. have a lovely day !! <33
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sinestrosmind · 5 months
I like how I forgot how my queue ran and my last sketch post says "the other day"
those sketches were from today lmao
my queue's been dead for too long I forgor it ran twice a day
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bowsnbots · 8 months
@thetravelershub sent:
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Hey, Blathers, have you considered that maybe bugs have feelings, too? Look at this face. This Caterpie was having a nice little stroll through the museum, just trying to get some shelter from the cold — and maybe even learn a thing or two about fossils — and this is the reception it’s met with. Unbelievable. You can stop squawking in terror, now. The Caterpie will just silently crawl away, and —
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Oh. Caterpie isn’t moving towards the exit, it’s dejectedly heading towards the art exhibit. (Randomly generated nature/characteristic- quiet, likes to run! I’m not sure how it runs, exactly—)
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—Oh good heavens, why did it have to be him.
It's already a lot when he's donated a bug in a little container. At least in those little plastic walls, it can't touch him, but watching the wretched thing writhe in its home is enough to make his feathers stand on end. It should come as no surprise that he avoids the bug wing as much as owl-ly possible, given that they're just OUT AND ABOUT—
...Needless to say, this thing wandering around a non-bug portion of his museum? Well, um. Sorry you had to see a grown owl dance around like he's standing on hot coals like that, Caterpie. And hoot. A lot.
What even is it? It almost resembles a spicebrush swallowtail... or maybe an Asian swallowtail? Honestly, the fact he can't tell for sure only freaks him out even more. The possibilities are endless. What if it's poisonous? Venomous? What if it has even more legs than he can see!?
"Ough..." He groans, mostly to himself. The poor man's gonna need a nap after this. Especially as he watches it more closely... this larger than average bug really is scaring the socks off of him. But still... though bugs are the bane of his existence...
...even this wretched thing deserves the best of care here.
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"E-Excuse me!!" Blathers suddenly blurts out, likely loud enough for others outside to hear. "You would much prefer the bug wing, I believe!"
Talking to a bug. Maybe he's finally going crazy.
"Unless you... eat paint, perhaps. Or stone." Imagining that thing with teeth is gonna scare him some more. "Oh, heavens, I'll gladly provide either if you'd remain in the bug wing, please!"
Blink. Blink. It stopped going towards the art wing, at least?
...This bug is his problem now, isn't it.
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Somebody told Vox about Shark Week and he immediately decided to recreate it in Hell because it meant he could just take over everyone's TV's and infodump abt sharks for a week straight and nobody could stop him. The other Vees have tried but eventually gave up. Alastor hops on the radio every year and just talks about how dolphins are cooler then sharks for an entire day just to piss off Vox. He doesn't actually care about dolphins he just wants to rile Vox up. Vox retaliates with a segment called "Why sharks are cooler then dolphins(fuck you Alastor)". Shark Week is an annual event and everybody just kinda has to sit through it.
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narenohate · 3 months
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the reckless, the wild youth (WIP)
(since eda and raine's backstory is so different in this AU, i'm pondering a comic about the two of them and just how and why it went so wrong) (infodump.... ramble?? ig down there + design notes on how my progress is going with this project)
Seb's design notes: anyways i've been dancing with the idea of making canis caninam's witches more animalistic. because yeah im just having fun at this point. bonus, sphynx / owl beast design. i'm not a big fan of her canon design, and it's not because i think she's scary.
my current inspo for the witch faces is a mix of good ol' na'vi 3d models, deerchip's s work (they're on twitter!!) and olya bossak's anthropomorphic portraits!! i didn't just want them to be elves who purr, tbh... though more and more as i post this i'm kind of hoping to get harrassed off the fandom for my weird ideas and "forced" to make this into an original story.
ramble on story derived from conversation with Bow (idea beta tester, victim of the circumstances of my hyperfixation, beautiful white hetero man who got here by accident). IT'S A ROUGH, UNEDITED DRAFT. PARTS OF IT ARE DIRECTLY FROM A CONVERSATION. IT'S ROUGH. Eda is born to the Clawthorne family - daughter of Gwendolyn, a healer, and Dell, a toy maker who married into her clan as to escape the hardships of living outside the barrier, amidst bestial demons... and probably something else, smart enough to scare him into hiding, though that usually goes unsaid. She is one of a pair of twins, and, for the first fourteen suns, eleven moons and twenty-nine sundowns of their lives they are inseparable.
It's their fifteenth birthday when Dell gives them an old grimmoire that has been in his family for centuries. Some of its words have been altered with the years, rewritten and repaired by generations, their meaning lost - symbols re-drawn from memory with each unfortunate accident.
Lilith partakes in that tradition - having to repair a page of a long-winded wild-spell meant to be cast by a powerful warlock, after she spills some tea on it.
that night, the two set out to camp with a group of their friends -hyacinth, a selk nobleman who, despite his young age, served under belos as his huntsmaid and personal cook, and his apprentice, darius, a prodigy who'd already been branded for a coven, and who'd been personally selected by belos to be a companion for the golden-haired boy who'd earned his favor.
and, of course, trailing slightly behind, raine whispers. their glasses are foggy and they already smell like the alcohol they brought to the party.
nobody leaves the outermost wall to camp these days, of course, so the bunch of them settle in an abandoned park, before doing as teenagers do when provided alcohol, and getting plastered.
at some point, eda, raine and hyacinth get into an argument of some kind - one that results in eda opening the grimmoire she brought along, and going along with the plan she'd nearly abandoned: using her rudimentary knowledge of the old tongue the tome was written in, she makes a circle out of salt around herself, and reads the spell.
its words are all wrong. whatever she summons she angers, and, at first, nothing happens.
then, as she and raine lay together on her hammock the afternoon after the party and the tiny backyard camping "trip", eda falls ill.
it was fever and it was vomiting. then the lining of her stomach, then her gums and her teeth and her tongue. her skin sagged and it was like she was all liquid inside it.
raine slept by her bedside, singing to calm her down whenever she awoke. lilith laid in the old manor's basement, endlessly brewing potion after potion to try and quell the pain that refused to ebb away.
darius and hyacinth did not go to belos - instead they were stopped at the door by the clawthorne patriarch, and with his help, took a griffin out of the city, found an old thing. it called itself queen of bats, and it was made of wood, and it knew dell very well.
the three give her the griffin, and spend four sunsets and three sunrises walking back with their prize - it's a living tether, a wooden owl dell had made as a toy for his daughter when she was very young. filled with the griffin's soul, it was given by its enchantress the mission of tethering its holder.
they arrive to a burning house. darius and dell don't speak of it, but the only time they both see the emperor is when they deliver his selk concubine's mutilated carcass at the throne room, laid at his feet like an offering.
dell lost one eye to his daughter, the other eye and both hands to the emperor.
raine was gone to everyone except the thing that eda had become, a sphynx that spared their life for the price of their song. they land atop a rocky cliffface, a few miles away from the outer border of the bonesborough wall - soon, something finds them.
the owl her father had carved for her followed eda, and raine became sure, at that moment, that she wasn't lost.
lilith and darius compensated for hyacinth's loss, sitting for years at the foot of the throne as the emperor's guards, until belos found it fit to entrust them both to make for him a new selkie servant - they took hyacinth's old heart, a blue stone that ebbed and flowed, and they took the lungs of a dragon, the innards of a maiden, and all the blood they could get from a seal-devil, along with a tiny fragment of bone that had been strapped to hyacinth's old heart.
they spend day and night putting him together - the rough face of clay mixed with blood, the organs gracefully gifted, the bone.
they bury the sculpture. a boy digs himself out of the dirt while they sleep in the temple, curled up together in a mess of ratty old sheets they'd found.
they name him hunter because he was more demon than boy, but had hyacinth's face, and, though something seemed very wrong, he had somehow killed and dragged in a rat to eat by their side during the time they'd spent asleep.
belos allows the name to stay, and grants them both titles and robes of white, and allows them to mary whomever they wish.
lilith secludes herself to a temple and studies every grimmoire she can, and darius takes on apprentice after apprentice, teaching them how to pull the throat strings of a bard out, and how to best slay a sphynx.
hunter looks just like hyacinth, and, despite how strongly he'd imprinted on his makers, they both hate him from just the look in his eyes.
lilith finds the portraits of every other selk concubine, every other golden guard.
it's always hyacinth's face. meanwhile, raine managed to unearth eda - partially.
they bind her to them, and she remembers very little, but she is undeniably herself, and despite the tragedy of her body, or maybe because of it, she seeks to cause chaos. she embraces the life of a wildling, and raine follows in her stead.
a year passes. then two. three, maybe. probably more, considering everything that comes after. what really matters is that, as raine grows more frantic in their search for something that can help her, occasionally coming in contact with the fragmented clawthorne family's matriarch (before finding her treatments too harsh), all in search for a way to stabilize eda's mind and body...
she accepts that fate she was given.
the system of castes and castings and divisions becomes pointless to her, and she eagerly, easily pushes raine to rebellion by her side. the wards around the walls have nothing against her - usually, griffins and dragons don't fly that high.
raine found gwen's attempts to heal her daughter too much - but at some point, more than a decade after the two set out together, a night after raine settles a chain with a golden ring around her massive paw's wrist, they catch wind, through that shared palisman of theirs, that raine's mother has passed.
they leave eda to sleep atop the church, tail around its tower, and enter it to pray.
they meet someone - a who who dances on the edge of being a what - and, in their grief, bear to her their heart, and are offered a deal in return.
all they want in life, for a price, their mind.
eda wakes up, a moon later, transformed, and with every memory made vague, erased except for vague outlines.
naked but for a wedding ring around her neck, in a dark, low chunk of the city, with the body of a beast, she's seen as exotic enough to work the night for a couple years, as she catches up on a life she lost, and takes the name of a harpy, not knowing she's a clawthorne.
… clawthorne health clinic seems so familiar of a name, though. she jots down their contacts. attends every speech given by darius deammonne, head of the carnomantis force, and often borrows from the library books on forbidden magic written or translated by one lilith clawthorne.
it's not familiar.
she feels like it should be, though. so she digs into it all - never takes the name of clawthorne, but as her social standing falls and she teeters ever closer to living outside the walls, the people around her take to calling her the owl-lady.
she eventually takes to stealing from old homes - the abandoned sort, full of hobs and rats and hexes she can easily bypass, with magic as strong (as well-trained, despite the lack of any memory of schooling) as hers.
there's a farm-house, though, mostly burnt, long ago vacated, that feels very familiar when she enters. she tears up despite not remembering her, when she recognizes her twin's face beside her own in a portrait. in the rubble of a bedroom, a large woven hammock still has an old violin sitting broken on top of its torn fabric.
inside its case, the thing she knows she gave up her memories - or maybe something more - for, sits waiting and patient.
... a key to the human realm. she knows a lot about it, and remembers an unbound fascination.
(her one visit goes very wrong, of course - but she can spy through her palisman's little eye, so it's worth it. it's all worth it.)
meanwhile, raine wakes up, married to a woman whose face is foggy to them, with three apprentices who don't know their name but promise they've been there under them for weeks.
whomever wiped their mind didn't bother to take the human-styled wedding ring off their finger.
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kings-highway · 3 months
ushijima getting really into north american/english popculture via his father and sort of offhandedly mentioning he's become very interested in 'some english books' and nobody pays him much mind because its probably just some mainstream lit his father had sent over and nobody cares but he clearly really wants to talk about it so one day somebody (probably goshiki) cracks and its like "alright fine you can infodump about this goddamn book" and it turns out his new special interest was h.p lovecraft and he really really really wants everyone to know about his new favourite character cthulhu. he talks about this horror with the innocent excitement of a child describing a puppy.
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salty-croissants · 10 months
this is extremely unnecessarily long, but if it's okay, can I request separate hcs for Bullfrog and Rayman (+ Ramon if it's cool) with a touch-starved, easily flustered and insecure yet passionate fem!reader (who can also REALLY kick ass or speak up when others have messed with the ones she loves) as their friend / s/o (who might or might not be on the spectrum, likes to rant or infodump a LOT about medias that she likes such as games, shows or horror media, who also loves drawing herself with the ones she loves and giving them small things randomly in a way to make them feel better, like snacks, drawings of them, or even something they thought of getting beforehand) ?
Thank you for the request ! 
Don’t worry , the length was okay ! Since it was very detailed it was fun to work with it :D 
Hope it turned out okay !
Details : use of female reader ;
established relationships ; 
no warnings needed , other than a bit of a suggestive line in Ramon’s part
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Bullfrog 💚
Bullfrog is a very loving boyfriend , so when you tell him you’re touch-starved he is going to make it his mission to shower you with affection all the time … 
And when I mean all the time , I’m being very serious :
as soon as you wake up , he’s going to cuddle you as long as he can ;
you’re both going somewhere , either a mission or just doing something outside ? He will be holding your hand the whole time ; 
you had a bad day or are feeling tired ? You better believe Bullfrog is going to be holding you in his arms the whole time to help you feel better …
Yeah , no force of nature is going to stop him from displaying his love for you , so … yep , better be ready ! 
If you ever feel insecure about yourself or your relationship , Bullfrog is quick to solve any of your doubts …
< I don’t know … what if you really would be better off with somebody else instead of - > 
< y/n , chérie , you’re the only one for me . 
Nobody else will ever able to make me feel this way , how could I possibly want to leave someone who is beautiful in every way ? > 
He is in love with all the drawings you make featuring the two of you together , and he holds onto each one of them very dearly … 
They have been made by his beloved just for him after all , so Bullfrog is going to cherish them forever .
He also carries some of them with him when he goes on very dangerous missions , keeping them carefully folded in his pocket : he really does think that having a symbol of your love for him by his side will bring him good luck .
As always , Bullfrog is always so happy to listen to you talking about all of your various interests , and it’s not rare for him to start getting into them thanks to you .
< Would it be okay to watch that series finale tonight ? It’s completely fine if you’re busy - > 
< Non , that would be wonderful mon amour ! We don’t have any more missions left , and besides I’m really curious to see what will happen after that cliffhanger ! > 
The way he supports your passion always brings a smile on your face … which is what Bullfrog strives for every day : to see you as happy as you can be ://) 
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Rayman 🧡
Since he is often very busy with his shows , Rayman can’t always be around to give you affection … but you can be sure that as soon as he comes home to you he will not be letting you go for hours .
< Oh y/n … I missed you so much , I’ve been looking forward to this all day … >
Those sweet little moments he gets to spend with you are more valuable to him than anything else , and Rayman loves to demonstrate it by showering you with kisses , enjoying your adorable reactions to them .
< Aw , you look so cute when you’re blushing honey ~ > 
< Pfft - stooop ~ > 
Indeed … if you’re someone that gets flustered easily you better prepare yourself , because this man will be complimenting you and every little thing you do at all times .
Rayman really just wants you to know that you’re the most important person in his life , the one who saved him from a life of loneliness … he really wouldn’t know what to do with himself if you were gone .
However , there are also ways to fluster him instead : 
for example if you ever were to stand up for him when somebody is being a douchebag about his species , Rayman will be completely head over heels for you …
< y/n , thank you for what you said back there …
It really meant a lot . > 
< No need to thank me , Ray ! I couldn’t just stand there and let that random guy say all that stuff about you … what kind of girlfriend would let that slide ? >
< Heh … you’re amazing sweetie .
 I love you so much ~ > 
Similarly to Bullfrog , Rayman definitely keeps all the drawings you make for him , hanging them in his office : no matter what anyone’s opinion is , the art made by his sweetheart will all stay right there on the walls , and that’s final . 
He will also be gushing about it to anyone who asks …
< Oh , that ? My beautiful y/n made it for me … isn’t she just so talented ? > 
Rayman remembers all of your interests in full detail , and sometimes he likes to surprise you by buying you gifts related to them , or even more …
< *gasp* oh my god - is that a ticket for that movie I really wanted to watch ? >
< It sure is ! Looks like the Directors haven’t scheduled anything for tomorrow , so I was thinking we could go watch it today … does that sound good ? > 
< It sounds perfect ! Thank you my love , thank you so much ! ~ > 
< It’s the least I could do for you , darling … I just want to see you smile , that’s all that matters to me . >
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Ramon 🖤
After everything that’s happened , Ramon has definitely become a lot more protective of you , which means he will be by your side pretty much all the time : 
holding you close to him and feeling your warmth calms him down , so if you’re touch starved it’s an absolute win .
… tough sometimes he might get a bit too attached .
< Ram , honey , I have to go to the bathroom … could you , you know … let me get up for a second ? > 
< Hmmpf … > 
< Pretty please ? ~ > 
< Okay okay … just … come back soon . > 
< I will , don’t worry . > 
Knowing how easy it is to make you flustered , Ramon is definitely going to have a fun time just sneaking behind you and start whispering sweet nothings in your ear , using that deep , raspy voice that he knows will make your whole face turn red …
< You look so pretty , y/n … sometimes I could just eat you up …
I might do just that , actually ~ >
The way you blush is just so cute … Ramon can’t help but want to see that lovely face of yours  every day .
Ramon likes to sit next to you while you draw , silently watching you and all the little expressions you make when you’re focused …
Every piece you make that features him will be kept somewhere safe , maybe something close to an album , so that he’ll be able to look at it whenever you’re away or if he’s not having the best day : seeing such a sincere display of your love for him never fails to bring him joy , and it makes him even more determined to keep you safe no matter what . 
While he likes to stay quiet when you discuss about your interest , Ramon is going to remember every little thing you tell him , and this gets demonstrated when the two of you are watching either a series or a movie you like .
< Hm , that’s the character we saw at the beginning , right ? The one that you mentioned we’d see yesterday ? > 
< Oh - you remember I told you that ? > 
< Mhm , I always remember everything say to me … I love listening to you . > 
< Hehe … thank you , Ramon … 
I love you ~ > 
< Love you too , y/n … and I’ll love you always ~ > 
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redstonedust · 1 year
wait im confused what is this kerilson lore you mentioned im apprently missing out on? Who/what is kerilson??
ok i'm gonna recap literally everything i can remember about kerilson because i'm not sure how much context you have. SO. INCOMING INFODUMP:
if you've been following the rest of hermitcraft season 9 you'd know that the majority of the active hermits went through the rift and got trapped on empires smp for a month. one of the only hermits left behind was xb, and he handled this... interestingly (badly)
so after showing footage of the hermits going through the rift via a security camera he apparently has set up in grians base, and then trying to claim the entire shopping district as his property (off to a good start) he opens his next episode proudly declaring that he's actually NOT alone, he has a friend, and that friend knows how to open the rift again!
enter kerilson:
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i should clarify that kerilson is, first and foremost, a reference to the movie castaway. like. in that movie the protagonist is stuck on an island with nobody to talk to but a volleyball he's named wilson. so theres already precedent for kerilson being just xb going kind of stir crazy without his friends (especially keralis).
so according to xb, kerilson demands a diamond throne (which also includes concrete slabs, the first sign that something weird is going on) and then they reopen the rift. except the rift sends xb to previous hermitcraft seasons instead of empires, where kerilson is distracted by wanting to look at past keralis builds instead of helping xb find his friends. eventually xb DOES end up on empires, but its season 1, and he's completely alone.
he wanders through the server, finds the ocean, spends several days at sea, gets picked up by a flying kerilson themed boat, the scenery warps back into his base, he gets back into bed, and then is woken up by beef, who seems disturbed by the fact xb is even IN bed. bc, y'know, hermitcraft, sleep should be instant.
he concludes the whole thing was a dream, tho that doesnt explain how he's able to accurately dream of empires s1, but gem's empires lore establishes sleep based world hopping so...... put a pin in that.
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anyways two episodes later kerilson can be spotted watching xb in the background of his base, but isnt acknoweldged. xb continues to be Totally Normal about his missing friends by building a giant keralis statue, except every time he looks back at it its head is replaced with kerilsons head. so he blows it up.
several months pass with v few kerilson hints, until xb starts teasing a makeship plushie of him and kerilson. in this weirdest way possible. ie. while building his base he mentions he's started hearing noises, and a low joepacity kerilson flashes on screen with scrambled keralis dialog in the background. (side note: xb heard similarly scrambled keralis dialog when keralis was coming back through the rift. unclear if this is related.)
aaand bringing it to now, xb gets a book inviting him to a TCG match, which turns out to be against kerilson. who is apparently real and able to hold TCG matches. except during the animation of the match kerilson never moves and keralis is shown to be helping him behind the scenes, implying kerilson was just an armor stand all along-- except for, you know, the whole established dream demon aspect.
and now he's a marketable plushie! :D
so yeah TLDR: he's an armor stand who has been simultaniously implied to be a figment of xb's imagination, a regular armor stand xb thinks is alive, a regular armor stand controlled by keralis, some kind of fragment of keralis, and an independent, dream controlling being. and also keralis has little to no involvement in any of these episodes.
and as a fun side note, this isnt the first time we've seen some kind of logic defying facsimile of keralis appear in somebody elses episode. when tango went to space to try and stop the moon crashing in season 8, he ran into keralis, who stated he'd been there for months, even tho this is not true in keralis' episodes.
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both of these are also scenarios where the enviroment is implied to not be real (a dream / a simulation) and the keralis-a-like appears to help them as they try to leave the server. coincidence? absolutely. but i love to make lore out of nothing!
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idontknowanametouse · 23 days
Straw hat men headcanons (yeah, Yamato is here, don't ask shit)
Tw to abuse
Autistic and semi-verbal. Only communicates through echolalia of his crew's words. Has absolutely no social abilities. Stares at people VERY intensely. Has a hard time telling lies apart from the truth, because of that, developed the habit to be always aware about others. Suffers from understimulation and often has shutdowns, the only person able to help him in those situations is Luffy.
Is visually impaired due to an accident on the Kuraigana Island. Has a hard time with profundity and adapting to new environments, specially big ones. Sometimes uses his swords to tap around and know if there is an object he hasn't noticed yet.
Colorblind and dyslexic. Avoids reading because he feels embarassed due to internalized ableism. Has a hard time telling apart blue, green, yellow, purple and red. Nobody knew that until Chopper made an eyesight analysis on him, so now the crew helps him with some stuff.
Has tan skin and, for literally everybody's surprise, actually dyes his hair (even though he doesn't bath), as it's original color is black. Very tall, large on the bust and muscular. Has various scars through all of his body.
Very gay and also trans. Transitioned shortly before he met Kuina, never came out. Didn't have surgery cuz he thought it could disturb his sword abilities, so he just worked out his chest so much that it would look like that (he had small breasts, so it helped a lot). Still struggles with internalized transphobia, but is working on it, specially after Sanji came out. They dated a little before timeskip and after it went full on a relationship. It's weird, but it works for them (basically, they show off like they hate each other, but on backstage it's just love).
Basically only eats onigiri due to taste hypersensitivity, nobody other than Chopper knows how he manages to be so muscular eating only that (Chopper knows about his nutrient reposition).
Likes green and green only. Everything he has must have at least one shade of green on it.
Half of his echolalia is swearing. Likes to do it specially when fighting.
His promise is so that Kuina will be the only one ever above him, the only one able to absolutely defeat him. Sometimes, he feels like Kuina is there. His heart aches.
After timeskip, calls Kuraigana Island frequently, as he got very used to Mihawk and Perona's company (will never admit that he now got a dad and a sister).
Besties with Nami, very protective towards Usopp although he doesn't seem like. Likes sparing with Yamato and hanging around with Jinbei, as he usually leaves him alone. Hates Robin's teasing and Law's resting bitch face, although he also has one. Carries Bonney and Chopper around the ship anytime he can, Luffy's best bro ever (if Luffy ever could choose a best friend, it would probably be Zoro) as they went through a lot of shit together.
Has absolutely no music taste, will listen to anything even if it's not good. Everyone is fucking horrified.
Before Law joined, he would spend an entire fucking week on the same clothing. Now, Law will spank him if he does so. Zoro changes exactly ONCE a day, and they all look the same.
Scared of choking or asfixiating, will keep plastic (?) bags away from the ship at all costs.
Learned to play some shamisen as a kid, but very little. Due to time, is kind of bad on doing it, but he tried nonetheless in Wano.
After he got lost so many times, Usopp had an idea: to keep a balloon tied to his wrist so they could locate him from far away. Zoro does not like this at all (he still uses the balloon though).
Talks to his swords. He doesn't care if people stare, he needs to get to know their opinion. Cherishes them like nakama.
Even though he is not the most expressive guy, especially when it comes to expressions of love, he still will protect them when in danger no matter the cost.
Autistic, loves infodumping, special interest is obviously ships, no social cues so he just says whatever comes to his mind, super is a vocal stim, will often get emotionally overloaded and cry a lot.
Has PTSD due to the abandonment of his bio parents, panicks a lot when it comes to falling on the sea. Needs to stay around the crew when it happens.
Left leg amputee ever since his childhood, after he became a cyborg his special focus of the upgrades go to the left leg as he has a special love for this specific prostetic.
Very tall, large and muscular, thanks to hormonal blockers and testo. Hair was originally blonde and he used to dye it blue, but, after timeskip, it's natural. Has many scars through his torso.
Trans king, found out after he was taken in by Tom and started on hormones. Had a crush on Robin ever since he met het, but was kind of embarassed to say it until the end of Thriller Bark. Mom and dad of the crew (and Sunny's).
Likes working in the night more due to it being calmer, so his sleep schedule is a mess. He doesn't care, that way he can talk to Sunny without being interrupted.
Loves blue, yellow and red, includes those in everything he creates.
Never swears, just says weird words instead of it. Everyone other than the straw hats does not get it. He just says, idk, "bazooka" and the straw hats are like "GAAASP NOT IN FRONT OF BONNEY AND CHOPPER" meanwhile outsiders are like "???????"
Very clingy towards Robin, keeps hugging her at every opportunity and telling her he loves her, specially after timeskip as they made alliance rings for their relationship.
Regularly calls Iceburg and speaks for two hours about how Sunny is doing. It's common, whenever Luffy adopts a new nakama he makes a tour with them telling every single detail about the ship.
Hangs around a lot with Brook and Jinbei cuz they are really cool. Carries Luffy, Nami, Usopp, Vivi, Chopper and Bonney around the ship because they are all smaller than him (and won't kill him). Bros with Yamato, they like sparing (Yamato likes sparing with everybody, but that's not the point).
Loves Taylor Swift and eletronic songs, sometimes improvise some rap. It's horrible, but he tries.
Walks around the ship basically only in swimming trunks. Nami always yells at him for that, but everybody knows he'll never stop.
Is as scared of bugs as Sanji and Nami. Sprays insect repellent everywhere possible.
Surprisingly good at breakdancing. He really rocks at it.
Has a Den Den Mushi for each nakama. He just likes to verify them at most times. It's kind of tied to anxiety, but it helps him.
Stims in every way possible: visual, vocal, auditory, fidgeting, motor, biting. He just really needs stimming. Like, at all times. It's stronger than him.
Always working really hard to adapt to danger and keep Sunny and the crew safe. He does his best.
Autistic, but masked most of his life due to ableism (is learning to undo it now). Temperature hypersensibility, way too formal social script, loves fluffy and squishy stuff, fidgets a lot, rocks back and forth on his feet, has much flappy hands, has shutdowns that include self-harm.
Much taller than the rest of the crew, has a lot of scars, long beard and hair, fat and kind of muscular (he very strong).
Aroace dad, is very embarassed towards romantic and sexual relationships, but tries to be supportive. Just found out aroace existed and was mindblown. He kinda confused but he got the spirit. Robin's favorite victim of playfully flirting (he gets so embarassed it's funny).
After he entered the crew, he had a hard time being around Nami due to the guilt he felt, but they had a really long talk and now it got better. She is now his second kid (first is Koala) and likes hanging around a lot with him, very clingy towards him at the first sign of danger.
Never swears and scolds the rest of the crew when they do, specially when it's the younger ones. Very dad energy.
The most huggable person of the crew. Has received at least 2 hugs from everyone, which is a miracle considering Zoro and Law.
No favorite colour. Everyone calls him lame for that and he goes :(
Calls Koala daily as she is always with Sabo. Sabo is scared of Koala's dad, even though he is very chill with them dating.
Takes care of the younger nakama. Usually the one to pull akuma no mi users out of water. One of those to put the leash on Luffy to stop him from doing shit. Zoro keeps wanting a sparing match, but he refuses.
Likes traditional music, but does not deny any other style, as long as the song is good.
Usually wears traditional clothing cause he got so used to it he'd feel weird in any other clothes.
Scared of Robin. He likes her, it's just that she sometimes is so creepy he thinks she is going to kill him. Robin can never know this, of course.
Likes writing fanfic about other people. This comes from the time when he was a shichibukai and he wrote about his colleagues. It's a secret, of course, nobody can know.
Reads journal regularly and is the one in the most touch with the rest of the world's news when they are on the sea.
Likes touching his beard. It's fluffy. Because of it, they bought a plushie for him to sleep with. He cried because of his happiness.
Due to being big, strong and an ex-shichibukai, his very presence can make most malicious people go away. The crew grabs him along most times they get to an island.
Autistic, special interest is Oden and sake. No social cues reading, speaks very loudly, doesn't know how to match face, tone and emotion, hyposensitive to sound, sake is comfort food (drink?), variates from meltdown to shutdowns in the lack of constant stim.
Has PTSD due to being imprisoned and spanked by Kaidou. Hates confined places and anything that might restrain him. People bigger than him usually make him very uncomfortable. Just as he entered the crew, Chopper started marking his appointments.
VERY tall and also muscular, with many scars through his body. Has some oni characteristics, like the horns and pointy teeth. Hasn't changed his appearance since he came out as he is actually very comfortable with it, so he sometimes just walks around the ship with his boobs showing.
The Trans Idol Ever (like Hatsune Miku). Even though he appreciates Ivankov a lot, he also really likes his body, so he doesn't feel the need to transition with hormones or surgery. Very gay too, dating Ace on distance (shut the fuck up Akainu) and they get really clingy every time they get to find each other.
One of the physically strongest nakama, nobody wins him in arm wrestling (at least, not before an hour). Likes sparing with everyone, specially Law. There's just something about him that gets to his nerves.
Loves orange and light green. It fits him.
Is learning how to swear after leaving Wano and Kaidou's influence. Almost always screams.
Third one to eat the most, right before Bonney and Luffy. They sometimes become truly Sanji's terror.
Loves sparing with everyone, but specially Zoro. Carries Luffy, Chopper and Bonney around cause they are much smaller. Listens to Franky's infodumping for many hours without blinking an eye. Is creeped out by Robin cause she keeps appearing behind him without making a single noise.
Has been exploring his musical side, and specially likes punk rock. It's wild. He likes it.
Doesn't change clothes from Wano just because of practical reasons. Just like Zoro, almost never showers, just with the bros (Law is scandalized with the lack of hygiene of these people).
Fears cats cause they are too unpredictable. They look like they wanna murder him.
Likes painting, specially on walls. It's actually very pretty, both Franky and Sunny approve.
Loves hearing the crew's stories. It's beautiful.
Stims from hitting/punching stuff. It varies from small objects to people. It's kind of wild.
Will rip your throat with his own teeth if you say anything about his crew.
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smallestapplin · 4 months
So I found out Arlecchino and Lynette aren't the biggest fans of heavy seasonings. Maybe the house's new "Mother" practices making less-seasoned portions in secret and does some snooping to figure out where their limits are by trying recipes and restaurants they like. Naturally, Arlecchino finds out eventually, but how would she respond?
Elder Emo
I cannot express the infodumping I want to do about the whole seasoning things and why is so common, but I will do so in fic form for you :3
Being hired as the hearths 'Mother' was terrifying for the first year, everyone testing you seeing how far they could push you, or how lenient you are when 'Father' isnt around.
It's learned quickly that while you are more emotionally available than Arlecchino, and offer more paternal affections and help, you won't drop a single rule while 'Father' is away.
For the most part things have been fine, even growing closer to the family and feeling truly apart of it, there is always just one issue.
Of course with so many kids and adults, dinner will be choas, and with so many different texture issues, likes and dislikes, it's nearly impossible to make one main dish, but you refuse to let anyone go hungry!
There is just a secondary issue with that.
Arlecchino and Lynette.
Both of them openly hating heavily seasoned food.
Lynette claims the seasonings are too strong or that something is too spicy.
Then Arlecchino repeats a myth over and over again "If it's high quailty food then it doesnt need seasoning."
If she wasn't your boss (or lover) you would've whacked her for such sensless blabbering! You want to tell her that is just a dumb myth made for the wealthy so they couldn't be eating like the poor.
But you sigh, needing to think of something.
Freminet and Lyney are easy to feed, both accepting nearly anything you set in front of them, the rest are picky, with Lynette and Arlecchino even pickier, so you had to work slowy.
You made at least a dozen meals a day, but each time you had one goal in mind.
Getting this house use to flavor. It's not anyone's fault Arlecchino can't cook, she refuses to get out of what she's use to, so it's up to you. Each night you add just a dash more seasoning to your meals.
Maybe a pinch more garlic salt, maybe a dash more paprika, maybe a hint of lemon and pepper seasoning, never adding too much, just adding little by little each time you make dinner to get them use to it.
And every day you hear Lynette purring about how good your food his, everyday you hear the kids asking for seconds, even in private Arlecchino tells you that you are doing a wonderful job, and she might have to make your 'Mother' status permanent.
You do this for months, nearly a year of you adding more and more flavor to the dishes you make, and never hearing a single complaint or not even getting the slightest feeling that something was wrong.
You were wrong to think she didn't know, how could you have ever thought you could sneak anything passed her? She knows everything that happens in the house, nothing ever escapes her.
The house is quiet, all the kids having left for a mission of some kind, leaving just you and Arlecchino. You wouldve thought your evening would be different, usually it's rare you two get alone time so it's used wisely.
You didn't imagine you'd be in her office, sitting on the other side of it as she stares at you from across it.
"I'm impressed, even though you were hiding it you hid it so well. Perhaps I should send you on missions too."
"Arlecchino, please, I wasn't poisoning anyone, and I made so nobody would be allergic to anything I was making or adding."
Her pointed look makes you snap your mouth shut.
"You hide the seasoning so well, I actually had quite a time trying to find everything you were using. How did you manage to keep it under wraps?"
"I wasn't hurting anyone, I just wanted everyone to actually enjoy their food. Bland food with just salt and pepper is so....depressing, there is no joy, no love, so fulfillment with such things."
She hums, taking a moment to think about what you've said. Leaning back in her chair, she takes a slow breath before seemingly coming to a choice.
"Consider this your first warning. You have been doing well, and since this isn't something major I will look passed it. But, it is a warning as you still lied and hid things from me, which is strictly prohibited."
"Sooo you don't want my 'marry me' chicken anymore?"
"....I never said that. Anyway, come now, the children will be home shortly and you still haven't prepared anything."
She stands up, walking with you to the kitchen, easily helping you gather the ingredients you ask for. She's not at all a good cook,, but she is one of your best kitchen aids when she has time.
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keikakudom · 6 months
(Not a lore post) RR!AU Lucifer and Vox
Nobody asked, but it's been marinating in my thoughts for awhile.
In the context of my RR!AU, I think there's a lot of potential for AppleTV/StaticApple/whatever the relationship name for Lucifer/Vox is.
This can be taken platonically or romantically, but here are a few reasons why I think their AU relationship in general is pretty neat.
For one-- It's not reliant on Alastor. Alastor is not the "glue" that connects or introduces them! It's just so fascinating to explore how they'd meet naturally by those circumstances alone.
The next reasons get more intense.
CW: depression
The two dominant traits I've characterized for RR!Vox is that a.) he's super FAKE and b.) he's has existential depression(one day I will find a way to articulate how I feel about post-Hell, I know-- ironic, nihilist Vox).
Lucifer sees a sliver of himself in that aspect of Vox. The landscape of Hell? It's just so...eugh. Really easy to lose hope in Sinners because of that. The difference is that Vox sought out to "help" Charlie, and is actively trying to create a challenge for himself. On paper, this seems like a really good idea - but Lucifer still can't trust sinners, so he's like. I want to make my daughter happy AND I need insurance, so soul pact it is!
From my "Contract" comic: Lucifer was able to see instantly through Vox's façade. He lets Vox do it anyway though, because it's entertaining, in a nice way. It might be fake, but I feel Lucifer acknowledges and respects the effort it takes to be cordial and please people(at least to the wide extent that Vox can).
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This screenshot is from a infodump convo with my bestie, edited because I first wrote it as "redemption" when I really just mean to 'better himself'.
That said, none of them needed to accept the soul deal from eachother...so it's very much a mutual balancing act.
Anyway, my AU is /gen but hey, I'll indulge in anything that seems interesting ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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still on your Birds of Prey thing i have two(ish) things this time around, though feel free to ramble on other details too even if it wasn't specifically asked or mentioned first off, full permission to do an entire infodump on the ocs you have for this so far, i am very curious about all the details you got collected be it details you've mentioned before, changed, or new ones in general, again full permission for you to go nuts secondly, maybe it could be where only certain weapons allow the potential for breaking when used at advantage in the weapon triangle? like you'd have to buy a more expensive and more bulky weapon that has the benefit of being able to break weapons but again is more expensive and probably harder to wield(either just high in weapon rank or just like absurdly heavy to make it hard for the user to double) idk how well it would work, i'm not exactly known for my "making good Fire Emblem gameplay" expertise so take it with a grain of salt (if i ever dabble in fangames maybe i'll get some experience but today is not that day) (also yeah it be me again, i am also realizing i might have a double standard of wanting to hear about people's ocs in this fandom but then worrying that nobody wants to hear about my own, so i might blab on the ocs i have thus far for my au i'm working on sometime (hopefully) soon, heck i could even include some of the unnamed ones since you've even mentioned some unnamed ones yourself and i still think its cool to hear about!)
Read as much or as little as you'd like! There is a LOT so dont feel like you need to read all of it
Gameplay Character
The Main Character of the game. Only has Swords at first but also gains access to staves alongside either light or anima when promoting. Her bases are similar to that of a myrmidon but growths are very balanced. Idk abt the personal skill.
At the start of the game shes pretty normal and well adjusted. A little spoiled and naive but thats how most princesses are in media. Anyway, after her dad and brother die in front of her she starts having a bad time and swears revenge on their assassins, The Flock - a group that claims to be bringing power to the people by enacting a revolution against the Hendeyrn Nobility.
After a while, Aelix's need for revenge dwindles and she begins to notice that the commoners are kinda struggling in Hendeyrn, and in a few other supports, learns that Royumec Commoners are also struggling. Also, The Flock is soon revealed to be a ploy for the Royumec Military to invade Hendeyrn to gain more land and resources without suffering proper retaliation.
Route split occurs and Aelix can choose to 1) defend Hendeyrn and carry on her fathers legacy, 2) Switch over to Royumec out of either naivety or apathy, or 3) Go against both kingdoms and create a people focused movement to improve both kingdoms. 3 leads to the most playable characters leaving/being unrecruited and having to be killed in combat while also having the most maps and being noticably harder.
She should be at the club but now shes gotta avenge her father's death an navigate a whole ass war. RIP girl. Also Very Bi with Mary.
Reinhold ???
Your typical Early Game Crutch. A great knight with high HP and Skill, B in Axes and everything else is bad. Hes only good bc he joins in the prologue. Probably benched by chapter 12. Idk about personal skill. Stays on only Defend route. You fight and kill him on the other 2.
Extremely serious and very intent on preserving the King's Legacy, rather than improving the kingdom or supporting Aelix and Lucille through what is quite literally the worst time of their life. Like yeah hes also not coping well but omg hes actively making it worse for the girls. His perception of the King is also so very incomplete as seen in a certain lategame Rev map. Also directly states in several supports that every knight is conditioned to be a disposable tool for the royal family to use :(
Lenore D'Swigen
Early game flier. Highest res in the game, good speed and decent enough magic to use a levin sword later. Low skill but thats partially offset by the accuracy of swords. Kinda low strength tho. Physical bulk is low enough to take large amounts of damage from archers. Safe from shining bows tho. Can also reclass into anima mage and isnt terrible there. No clue about personal skill. Stays on Defend Route, leaves but comes back on Revolution Route, and becomes an Optional Miniboss on Reinhold's Chapter in Betray Route (You only get a Levin Sword for killing your best friend btw)
Childhood friend of Aelix and heiress to a prominent house of Hendeyrn. Energetic but really clumsy. Also is very intelligent. Plays cards with mary in their support while they gossip.
Kester ???
Really solid Lance fighter. High strength, Def, Skl and Hp. Everything else is low. Can promote into spellspear but only has a 5% Magic growth. Go Halberdier instead. Can also reclass into cav. No clue about personal skill. Stays on all 3 routes. Yay!
Extremely formal at all times, only loosens up with Gareth (Drunk), Kaen (Gets bullied by a teenage girl lmao), Henryk (3h style support chain where they state their issues in case you can't figure out the very obvious subtext) and the Revolution Route A support with Aelix (You're fired btw. wanna be friends now?)
Hal ???
Axe Fighter from Chapter 1. Highest Hp in the game, good Strength, Decent Defence and Luck, Okay Spd and Res, Bad Skl and only 5% Magic. No clue about personal Skill or Reclass options. Stays on All 3 routes! :D
Himbo Malewife who's straight up not having a good time knowing he has killed people. Loves cooking and cleaning and all that.
Niall ???
Most Thief Thief to ever Thief. Highest speed in the game, and also good skill. Okay Luck and Res and everything else sucks. Will chip enemies, steal items and be very evasive late game. Stays on Defend and Revolution Routes. Dissappears entirely on Betray Route.
Very Mischievous and loves pranks. Not much to say tbh. Also has a kill quote where he says hes gonna rob the enemy's corpse ig.
Mary Malheur
The early game healer. Joins Chapter 1 and is always available. C Staves and D Brawling. Has very solid mixed bulk that will only continue to get better, Good Strength and decent Luck. Middling Speed and Skill don't really matter when using an accurate and brave weapon type. Her base magic is enough for early game and you won't start feeling her low growth until midgame.
On top of all that, because she is technically a brawler, meaning she has access to Combat Arts. At Lvl10 unpromoted, she gains access to Defiant Dragon Art, which boosts her Def/Res/Luck by a decent amount until the beginning of next turn (and has a cool interaction with one of her promoted abilities). Upon promotion to War Monk, she gains the Solar Strike art, which restores health. At Max Level, she gains Phoenix Flight art. This is unlimited galeforce for just 12 hp. Like yeah she only gets 1 punch in and will probably be taking additional damage from counterattacks, but even then this is really amazing bc she can use her full 6 movement multiple times a turn.
But if you don't care about all that you can just reclass to wyvern instead.
Indecisive. Sleepy. Likes games. Has several supports that explore the pressure of the expectations placed on her because of her intelligence and potential. Also mentions that healing staves will just prolong and make the death much more excruciating when used on a nearly dead person without explaining where she got that knowledge from in her support with Harsent.
Thank you Mary for keeping the army together throughout the early game Aelix couldn't have done it without u. the midgame probably also. I wish you 2 the best on your wedding <33333333333333
Jaspar ???
The most armoured armour to ever armour. Highest Def in the game, high HP and Strength, Solid Skill and Luck, Terrible Speed and Res. Can also reclass into Archer for some reason. Recruited Chapter 2, Stays on Defend Route, but is an optional miniboss on both Revolution and Betray route. Technically can be rerecruited on rev route but its really hard.
Training obsessed bisexual weirdo(affectionate). Wants to be a really good Knight and be as helpful as possible. Really bad at dealing with the fact that everything will change and nothing is permanent.
Harsent ???
Cavalier. Very balanced stats. So balanced that her growths are somehow within 5% of the average for everything except magic. I didn't even plan this im just as surprised as you are lmao. Can also reclass into Sword Fighter. Stays on Defend Route, can be easily rerecruited on Rev and is an optional miniboss on Betray Route.
Very dedicated to being a knight. Several of her voice lines would imply that she would simply sacrifice herself if Aelix asked. which is. concerning.... Like 70% of the cast needs therapy tbh :(
Ricon ???
Early Mage. Amazing Magic and Res, Good skill, Decent Hp and speed, high base strength but hes a mage and has a low strength growth, also terrible defence and luck. Can reclass into archer (Shining Bow Niche 👀👀👀). Available throughout all 3 routes.
Loves Researching magic and teaching stuff to others. Very intelligent. Overuses magic for mundane things. Sir, a wind spell is gonna blow the clothes away before they dry. Likes sweets and is just a lovable dork who happens to look really intimidating.
Fletcher Holz
Early archer. High strength, speed and skill, low res and everything else is mid. Can reclass into Axe Fighter. Available throughout all 3 routes.
Just some guy tbh. Likes meat. Decent Chef. also hes transmasc.
Gareth ???
Brawler. High health, Decent Defence and everything else is mid. Combat arts include Beastslaying Art (effective against monsters) and Full Force Art (Extremely high might). Also gains Five Star Strike (Astra for 12 HP) at max level. Can reclass into Cavalier. Available for all 3 routes.
Massive Flirt. Takes very little seriously. Accidentally ends up acting like a father to Kaen and Niall.
Alastor von Belleau
This bitch. This asshole. Joins in chapter 4 as a Lvl 5 Troubadour. C Staves and E Rank Anima. Much faster than Ricon but also has lower magic and Anima rank so typically you'll only be seeing 5×2 in combat forecast and cant use any funky spells for a while. Substantially squisher than Mary but has a horse. Personal skill gives 20% extra exp gain to adjacent allies. Suspiciously dissappears a few chapters before route split.
This Royumec Noble enjoys baking and having tea and reading and going on walks and taking care of his horse and is great at taking care of others.
"Oh he sounds nice and helpful" Oh you fool. Thats what he wants you to think. The Royumec Nobility has created The Flock and assassinated Thades and The King. And this bitch is one of them. On the route split, it is straight up revealed that he was a part of the plan and acted as a spy. This asshole then tries to manipulate Aelix into betraying her kingdom.
"We were trying to improve the live of your citizens" (Lie, you were fighting for land and resources), "We actively chose to spare you"(Lie, why were your soldiers attacking Aelix and Co during Chapters 2, 3 and 4), "and your sister" (Ommission of information, you thought that the 16 year old would be easy to manipulate or intimidate into doing what you want), "You trust me, right? We're friends" (Half Lie, Aelix may have seen you as a friend but you certainly didn't see her as one), etc.
Kaen Karamela
Obviously, on Betray Route, he is with you for the rest of the game; However, he actually joins you later on in the other 2 routes because he doesn't want to die (okay thats fair). Joins as a Strategist and can reclass into Trickster or Assassin. Has Great Magic, Res and Speed alongside decent Skill and Luck but terrible HP and Def. 7 personal strength is less terrible than you'd expect but you'll still usually see single digit damage when reclassing him to Assassin or Trickster.
Your second axe fighter. Joins in chapter 5 and is available in all 3 routes. Highest Strength in the game, Good HP, Spd, Skill and Luck, Low Def and Res. Personal skill grants +1 Crit per HP below max. Can also reclass into Lance fighter to grab Vantage.
Kaen is the obligatory minor who really should not be fighting. Girl loves partying and also bullying grown ass men. Her 18th birthday will be a few days after one of the final chapters to specifically have her joke that she has fought in and ended a war before being able to drink alcohol. Canonically Lesbian.
Sarre ???
Early Sword Fighter. Joins Chapter 6 and stays on all 3 routes. Amazing Speed and Great Skill but Underwhelming strength and terrible luck. Can reclass into Axe Fighter.
Not having a great time after her husband left her. Is now in debt bc of his gambling and is trying to pay it off with mercenary work. Left her son at his grandparents so they can raise him while she works. has an arc that changes her for the better. idk how to explain it tho.
Isake ???
Early Light mage. Joins chapter 6 and stays on all routes. Great Defence and magic, Good Hp, Res and Luck, but low speed. Being a Light Mage, Isake gains access to various defensive spells such as Def/Res improving spells, Critical prevention, Draining magic and follow-up prevention. Can reclass into Anima Mage.
Very wise, Kind to all, Patient, Loves giving gifts, very perceptive, etc. Enjoys reading and bird watching.
Klara Varela
A midgame Dark Knight. Only available on Rev route. Only 5% strength and Magic growths but has great bases in those. Best Skl in the game, High speed, everything else is decent. Personal skill grants 1 stack of advantage to Klara if enemy can't counter. This also applies to Dark Magic summons and synergises well with seige tomes. Can reclass into Sorcerer, Halberdier and Spellspear.
Probably has the stongest endgame build (Chaos Style+Vantage+Luna+Ignis+Quixotic as a Spellspear) Ignis and Luna can activate on the same atk btw. High Skill + Personal + Chaos Style + Quixotic leads to her having activation rates in the 70-90% range. Vantage singlehandedly enables this build to work on enemy phase too. Enjoy seeing 50s most hits :). I think plus sized women should be allowed to be op.
(Community mage almost has this build but cant pull it off very well bc no Vantage, lower skill, probably no helpful personal skill for this build, much lower strength and Bulk too low to reliably take multiple hits in case of failure. Sorry!)
Everyone else is in a generally serious war game with political intrigue. Klara is in a comedy. She is a trickster who is constantly playing pranks on people and annoying most by being so deeply unserious. Extremely confident and knows her worth. Has exactly one serious conversation.
Runs the secret shop in all 3 routes but it doesn't have energy drops or spirit dusts because she eated them all. Also straight up drags a guy from the enemy army to fight for you against his will and treats him like her new bestie and drags him everywhere. He hates it. Queen. Love her. Hope she never stops. Tranfem, Aro and Ace.
Mid game Def and Rev route Wyvern Lord. High Strength, Hp and Def, Decent Skl, Low Res and Luck. Personal skill is a 20% heal after defeating an enemy.
A mercenary hired by Rosahel to help in the war effort. Loves murder a not normal amount. Also the guy that Klara forces into joining your side. That's about it.
Anna von Ernest
Only available in Betray Route. Still has Make a Killing. idk anything else.
You know her.
Henryk ???
This guy is so crazy. Joins in a late paralogue as a Trickster. Extremely Underwhelming stats for a late game unit: Lower strength and magic compared to other units, Middling mixed bulk, Skill and Luck. Only has good speed and Great weapon ranks (A staves, A Daggers). Like a thief but less extreme. Can also reclass into Assassin, Sorcerer and Dark Knight
"So the crazy thing about him is that hes a bad endgame unit who has warp and rescue access" Wrong! His personal skill, Unmask, is the crazy thing about him. He gains 2 stacks of advantage (+15 hit, 10% skill activation, 5 crit and 2 damage dealt per stack) while inflicting enemies with 2 stacks of disadvantage (advantage but reversed) if there are no b support or below allies within 3 spaces. King hides 4 Str/Mag/Def/Res and 10 Spd/Skl/Luck from everyone lmao. Already has an a rank with Thades :)
As i said in the last long FE:BoP post, Henryk managed to raise Thades from the dead somehow. The process was expensive and time intensive as it used dark magic, healing staves, advanced Royumec technology and surgical precision. At first, the dark magic was thought to have taken away some of Thades' agency and given Henryk a substantial amount of control over him and altered his memories, but that was soon discovered to be false.
Henryk likes to appear as unhelpful and incapable as possible to get out of doing work, but is completely fine with putting in effort for those close to him. He enjoys architecture and gardening and in all of his endings, he ends up being a famous architect.
Joins in a late game Rev route paralogue alongside Henryk. Same Class as Aelix and Lucille. Compared to Aelix, he has much higher Def and Skl and slightly more strength at the cost of much lower Res and Luck and Slightly less speed. Similar Magic and HP. No clue about personal skill. Can reclass into Falcon Knight.
So Unbelievably gay with Henryk. Very emotionally closed off. Hilarious how technically having their father die made him and Aelix get their partners. Anyway, his support with Aelix reveals that they never felt that close to each other bc he was always busy learning how to run things as crown prince while Aelix and Lucille were doted upon and constantly praised by their father.
In the final(?) Rev Route map, Thades has boss dialogue with The King (he came back) where he asks The King if he remembers a simple memory from when Thades was a child. The King says yes, but Thades reveals that the event went completely differently and figures out that The King hasn't been revived like him but instead is The S Rank Dark Magic being used to create a copy of one of noble's perception of him.
In both his Endings, he helps out with managing the restructured nations.
Ill talk about everyone else in later i had to rush this out for today lmao
also feel free to ask more questions, tell me your overall thoughts or even talk about your headcanons for the characters or how you imagine they look
Anyway time for question 2's answer: I figured that break maybe should only be for units with breaker skills (Halberdiers w/ Swordbreaker, Lightbearers w/ Shadowbreaker, etc)
To Do: Summer, Silvester, Yvette, Manon, Jed, Lex, Rosahel, Valstyr, Lucille, The King, Nikita, Siobhan, more characters when i think of them
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switchypanic · 7 months
Non-Tickly 'Hazbin Hotel' Headcanons
Just thought I would share a collection of my non-tickle related headcanons for the Hazbin crew! I hope you enjoy them! There will be some spoilers for the first season below, so read with caution!
→ Charlie is a vegetarian. The thought of harming an innocent creature for food makes her feel bad, but if the others want to eat a hamburger, she isn't going to throw a fit over it. → Since the death of Dazzle, Razzle has turned up in the hotel patrons' beds on more than one occasion, unable to sleep without someone to cuddle up next to (Charlie and Angel Dust are his most popular pick). → Vaggie has to relearn how to walk with her wings after they grow back because they throw off her balance; Lucifer offers to give her lessons, secretly hoping to bond with his future daughter-in-law (he's convinced Charlie is going to propose any day now). → Husk has excellent night vision because of his cat-like features, which proves to be quite a handy tool when Angel insists upon playing "Hide And Seek In The Dark" as a bonding exercise. → Both Lucifer and Sir Pentious are autistic. During their brief interactions with each other, they ended up infodumping about their respective special interests (ducks for Lucifer, weapons manufacturing for Pentious). → Sinners are sterile, unable to reproduce with each other OR hellborns. The only exception is when they mate with a succubus or incubus, in which case there is a VERY SMALL chance of a child being born. → Alastor is able to outdrink Husk and holds his alcohol fairly well, but if you try to give him something overly fruit or sweet, he can't keep it down. → Nifty made friendship bracelets for every member of the hotel crew from some of the roaches she has killed; Charlie and Alastor are the only ones who can get over the disgust enough to wear their. → Charlie put on a karaoke night once in hopes of drawing more patrons in. While nobody showed up, the gang just ended up getting plastered and singing their hearts out anyways, so it's safe to say the night wasn't a complete loss (there's a video of Husk singing Frank Sinatra saved to Angel's phone now). → Adam, Lilith and Eve don't have belly buttons because they were created from scratch, not born by normal means.
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linaxisk · 6 hours
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In progress of... something
I'm so mad about this man, I could talk about him for hours (unfortunately for my friends)
I made so many hc for him I can'ttt😩
You can point out anything that looks wrong if you'll find anything off until I'll finish, I'd be only happy to fix it 🤗
TW:cult themes
One of the hc a adore is that phone person made him join the cult, it just feels so right to me.
And you know about this one thing cults make you do? They don't let you sleep and eat well so you would lose your critical thinking, and won't question other bad things they do to you.
I think this is what Spam gone through. That was possibly something like a very busy schedule of filming ads and phone calls that can last for days. This is what I was trying to show at this pic for context 💥
Also, I do not support cults, and if you feel that your close friend, family member or a person you know might be dragged into it, you need to get help for them. Something like this might destroy a person's life and you could be the one who prevents it from happening, but I hope nobody will be in a situation like this🙏
OK, I actually infodumped more than I thought I will, but who cares anyway
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