sissi-art · 2 years
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more refs made for artfight
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realbaustin · 7 months
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chrometyranno · 1 year
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"Transformers Kingdom: Die-nobots and Die-nobot combiner Grimstone"
Made these little abominations purely because of the wordplay with the name and the fact there were molds to make it work. I really want to do more Halloween themed spooky customs, they're fun to do and are restricted by any set way they need to look.
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number1investigator · 6 months
WB18 is NOT scared of its boss. That would be silly and my programming doesn't allow for fear.
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jedi-valjean · 1 year
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call-me-schmidt · 1 year
I just found out about Nobot and on the basis of only that I'm forming the headcanon that - you know how people talk about the woods in Appalachia at 3 am? That's the kind of niche Tatooine fills in the Star Wars universe.
The dead of night is something different on every plant but these motherfuckers are never late hop on WookieTok; to tell insomniacs all over the galaxy about the haunted protocol droid wandering the streets, replaying the audio of a murder; and how you never look out into the desert when the second sun is going down and if you saw something on the horizon? No, you didn't. Keep walking.
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sw5w · 9 months
Mos Espa Way Continued
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:31:27
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jazzy-man13 · 8 months
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IDIOTS <3333 ^^
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That moment when your platonic wife gets snatched ^^
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Me and who 💕🙏^^
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bonus: MediaBot has pics of them together in his ship 🥺😭😭❤���
They are amica endura and nobot can tell me otherwise
I need to be in a poly platonic relationship with them NOW
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mychlapci · 5 months
Single mommy Sentinel Prime would end up spending most of his days in an increasing daze as his charge mounted. Everything just gets him so WET these days, to the point where he ends up shoving a towel or pad behind his panel to keep from leaking lubricant down his legs. But he’s constantly cleaning up after his bitlet, scrubbing on his hands and knees to keep things clean and safe for baby like a good mommy should. Constantly rocking and soothing and nursing his sweet little bitlet, belly just barely swelling with their little sibling already. The strings of his apron tickle his aft if he doesn’t tie them up properly, and sue him—maybe he likes the tease. It’d never be appropriate to overload around his bitlet, so he’d hold off until baby is put down for a nap or for recharge at night, simmering with helpless charge from the kink he accidentally gave himself. Essentially teasing himself all day, if not outright edging. Mommy Sentinel wouldn’t know it, but trying to keep it together as being the perfect, sweet, pretty mommy ramps up his charge actually improves his general demeanor. Makes him more docile as he fights to keep people from figuring out how needy his empty valve feels. Being a parent is good for Sentinel, the bots around the office have been saying, it really calmed him down.
But at the end of the day he’d be rabid for it, valve soaked with lubricant and ready for the applicator to administer his supplements. By the time he’s pregnant with the second bitlet he’s probably given up the pretense: his limp spike stays untouched as he stuffs his valve and feverishly strokes his node. He gets off on the idea of what a wonderful job he’s doing, furiously imagining ways to be even better, be the best, prove how amazing he is at parenting just like everything else. They thought he couldn’t do it; worse, that he’d be BAD at it. Well look at him now! Muffling his cry of overload with fingers slick with his own juices, tasting himself with an embarrassed moan. His most recent fantasy would have humiliated him a few months ago, but as a new mommy Sentinel can’t wait to start watching cooking tutorials and practicing in the kitchen the way that he watched his parenting classes with his first pregnancy. Bitlet won’t be nursing on his heavy, milky titties forever after all. Maybe he can even incorporate his own energon into the recipes. There are health benefits to that, you know, and the bots at the office would certainly love some goodies now and then. He wouldn’t need to say anything of the additional nutrients. Nobody needs to know how hot it makes him to be so soft and sweet, to be such a good carrier. It’s none of their damn business if a mech as skilled and multitalented as Sentinel Prime felt more than the usual pride over it.
And of course with bitlet number two on the way, field work is right out. There’s no way he’d be deployed with a baby and another on the way. But Sentinel genuinely would not be a Prime without at least some valuable skills, arrogant or not, so perhaps the Elite Guard wouldn’t quite be willing to let him go or outright discharge him. He could still support the Autobot cause from a desk after all, and his paperwork skills would take some of the burden off of the Primes more active in the field. If seeing a calm, happy, pretty, /pregnant/ mech at the desk lifts morale then that’s just a bonus. Sentinel tells himself it’s a vantage point—nobody comes or goes without him knowing, no gear or missions are assigned without them passing his desk, no events that he doesn’t put on the schedule himself. It’s the perfect spot to boss people around as his belly swells enough to make walking more uncomfortable. And the gossip is probably insane between him and the likes of Cliffjumper as time goes on.
The jury’s out on if he’d ever figure out that he’s essentially become a very well-paid secretary, but denial is probably keeping the peace in that office and so nobot’s telling him. And to be fair, he IS very efficient.
Ooooh, that’s what I wanna hear, Sentinel calming down a little bit after having his first sparkling, becoming a little more bearable to be around because instead of gloating and being a grade A shithead for no reason like he normally would have, he’s now mostly talking about the sparkling, still gloating, fair, but as long as no one else has a sparkling for him to compare his to, he doesn’t get to be as much of an asshole anymore… Though once he gets knocked up again and is out of the office, everyone is still pretty happy. 
now i wanna think about Sentinel taking his transfluid supplements behind his desk as he fills out forms and organizes missions, rocking against the applicator feverishly while still forcing himself to read every little word, desperate valve clenching tightly as he overloads just at the end of the document, rubbing his swollen baby-bump <33
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cross-d-a · 1 month
Fandom: Star Wars, Episode 1: the Phantom Menace Anniversary Special Comic, The Wrath of Darth Maul (Ryder Windham)
Chapter: 1/?
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Relationships: Shmi Skywalker & Tusken Raiders, C-3PO & Shmi Skywalker, Darth Maul & Shmi Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker & Shmi Skywalker
Characters: Shmi Skywalker, Tusken Raider Characters, C-3PO, Darth Maul, Kilindi Matako, Nobot the Protocol Droid, Beru Whitesun
Additional Tags:  Tatooine Slave Culture & Customs, Tusken Culture & Customs, Tatooine Mythology, Tusken Mythology, BAMF Shmi Skywalker, Force-Sensitive Shmi Skywalker, Force Sensitive Tuskens, Found Family, Fantasy Racism, Slavery, PTSD, Angst, Sluff, Darth Maul Redemption,
A Tusken Raider finds mercy in the eyes of a little slave boy. And then he finds salvation in the boy’s mother. - Or, after Anakin saves a Tusken Raider, Shmi Skywalker ends up finding family in a handful of Tusken Raider outcasts. Then they incite a slave rebellion. Oh, and Maul shows up. Threepio might just have a conniption trying to keep Anakin's mother alive.
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sissi-art · 2 years
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thebetterbureau · 6 months
The New Bureau gives a side glance at the mild annoyance tapping a beak against hard metal beneath soft fur. The metallic hand raises. A plate in the paw shifts, the paw-pad hinging open.
From a distance, a metal peice launches from the inside and jams into the bird. Bureau administers a harsh electric pulse; a controlled shock, really.
The expression never changes as it hands off the unconscious body to another bot- a guard, who's body language betrayals their alarm and upset at the action.
"Bird proof this building." Comes an order. "From now on, I will be in my office. I'm not going to allow little nuisances to distract me. Ensure nobot else gets distracted as well."
The guard, tenderly holding the bird, shifts it's glance to the superior. It seemed lost, so Bureau clarifies. "Finish patching the hole. Get WA02 on that. It's their job."
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best-for-last · 1 month
" Is someone bothering you? Is someone upsetting my good boy?" Fingers brush his servo, the little Magnus smiling gently. Oh he hasn't forgotten their little conversation. Of needy hopeful puppies...
" You can always hold me in your denta. I don't mind. I'd enjoy it even. "
How good can he really be, if a few prying comments make him turn tail and shut himself away in his room? Convoy shrugs, not particularly able to place his words at the moment, but still leans down to nudge his face mask against Magnus’ cheek.
“…Din’wanna hurt nobot,” he manages, finials pinning back. “I… I don’t want to.”
It was all so forward and sudden and not knowing who it was coming from made him all the more unsettled by it. Optimus nearly felt like he was going to slip into an anxiety response before he’d locked himself in his room and shuttered the window.
Even peeking out at Magnus, the guilt eats at his spark and field. He shouldn’t want those things and, frankly, doesn’t want some of it at all.
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Ambrosia and reunions; a short story snippet
“Need some help with that?” The yellow and black mech questioned as he approached a pair of quarreling bots seated on a park bench.
“Not currently my good lad. But thank you very kindly for offering.” The old hooded mech answered as he looked over the dented wrists of a rather tired looking gold and red fembot.
“Uncle- I’m fine. It was just a week in the hospital.” The femme sighed in irration at the mech whos visage was obscured by his cloak.
“You bruise from a iv treatments so easily. Hm. I have just the home remedy for such an occasion…” The elder said with a small chuckle.
“Uncle, I’m fine.” The gold and red bot groaned. “I don’t wanna deal with your smelly homemade ointment.”
Bumblebee tilted his head curiously with a concerned look. “…who is this?"
“You do not recognize me lad?” The elder replied with a grin as he removed his hood. “Perhaps you should visit my archives more often.”
Alpha Trion??
The old hack actually survived the war?!
"...Alpha Trion?!” Bumblebee’s jaw dropped to the ground as he saw that he was actually looking at the old Autobot archivist in person. “But-...how?!”
“Shockwave fell for the oldest trick in the book. I idled my engines to feign being terminated. The fool tossed my ‘body’ out a waste shoot!” Alpha Trion cackled. “It wasn’t long before I made my way out of Iacon and hunkered down in a Kaonite library!”
“As one does, apparently.” Trion’s gold and red niece said sarcastically.
“I’m an archivist my dear. Where else would I reasonably go other than an archive?” The elder replied with a shrug and a playful wink.
“But what’s with the cloak?” Bumblebee wondered aloud.
“My lad, when one gets to my age one tends to get cold rather easily. The cloak holds back the chill. And I suppose that the air of mystery it provides is an added benefit.” Alpha Trion answered.
“He mostly has it for the dramatic flare.” Holos said. “His internal heatin’ systems work perfectly fine.”
“Hush you~!” Trion faux scolded her good-naturedly.
“Holos, why’d you call him uncle?” Bumblebee wondered aloud, his curiousity getting the better of him.
“… because he’s a member of the original thirteen? Which both my parents were members of? He’s literally my uncle.” Holos explained with an exasperated look on her face. “Did you honestly think that I had be jokin’ about that and the fact Optimus is also my uncle back when we were both on team prime?!”
“Holos-“ Bumblebee rolled his eye as he looked at the girl with a small smirk. “No. I didn't. I just figured it was some sort of endearing nickname for someone as old as...him.”
“I don’t joke about-…” The gold and red knight started to argue before before thinking better of it. “Maybe I’m just really tired and sore right now. Sorry about the grumpiness.”
“I have this lovely home remedy that could help alleviate-“ Alpha Trion smirked as he began to repeat his earlier sentence before Holos cut him off.
“No. Nobot wants to hear about the ointment.” She insisted. “It’s really greasy and smelly.”
“I-uh… what is it made of?” Bumblebee asked a bit too inquisitively as he saw the look of disgust on Holos’s face.
“Ambrosia!” Trion said cheerfully.
Holos facepalmed despite her dented palm and wrists. “Good Lord you’re absolutely ridiculous. It’s made from the Cybertronian equivalent to vaseline and shae butter. Not ambrosia!”
“That ‘tis what you think. You have never seen me make the ointment, therefore you cannot for certain claim to know the contents of it.” Alpha Trion pouted as he crossed his arms.
“Uncle Alchemist and uncle Onyx has seen you make it.” Holos deadpanned.
“They relaid that info to me. Also yours smells like rotten fish and stale energon.”
Trion grumbled something about her not having any whimsy under his breath in response.
Bumblebee couldn’t help himself from chuckling as he watched the two bots interact with each other, his curiosity not fully being sated quite yet.
“Wait what’s it really supposed to be for?”
“Bruised and or dented platin’. It also can soothe chapped and dry protoform n’ mesh.” The Knight explained before adding;
“Modern products actually smell nice and aren’t that greasy and gross feelin’.”
“My dear niece, oh you wound me so!” Alpha Trion said dramatically. “My home remedies are so much better than those candy scented follies!”
Holos simply rolled her optics at her uncle. “It does the same stuff but better. Get over it.”
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jedi-valjean · 1 year
Wrote a new fic while procrastinating on SITM. Part II coming soon
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limnsaber · 8 months
If you like my BuzzFeed Unsolved HoloNet mock-up you might like the fic that goes with it
There’s a fic?!?
‘Nobot’ isn’t that the guy from Lego SW the Skywalker Saga? The tutorial droid? Hold on let me read this brb
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