#nocturnal technoblade
soulsbleedink · 3 months
Prompt: OC leaves home, and with it; her duties behind for the night. In the depths of a forest, she meets a new individual, one who drags her back to their meadow, every night, until everything spills.
Warning[s]: None, quite fluffy :)
Pairing: Technoblade x OC [My OC!]
Word count: 3k
i purely wrote this because i needed comfort, and i was kinda grieving, and i also kinda like royalty too. and i kinda miss a lot of things. i just needed fluff not going to lie, anyways. i hope you have fun reading <3 i was rambling mindlessly, your honour.
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The stars collided the night she departed the walls that had trapped her for so long. And she knew not whether her absence would be permanent within the castle, but she needed respite. Urgently. As she sped across the quiet gardens, the wind howled in her ears, despite the clear skies; it seemed as though nature was reprimanding her. Her nightgown fluttered around her feet as she felt the gentle crunch of slightly overgrown grass under her feet. A council member’s courtesy. But that didn’t matter then, because the gates that led out into the forest were right there—Just out of grasp, and she picked up her pace, sprinting as the wind slapped her face like a cooling reminder that if she chose to step foot out there; what awaited her may have not been what she hoped for. Though, what did she hope for, anymore?
In one hopeful sprint—which truth be told was more a leap—she had reached the gates. Her hands worked quickly around the safeguards, around the systems, and finally, with a push, one of them slid open a few inches. Just perfect for her to slip right through. But when she stepped through, the whispers of the wind grew louder. Her eyes met what she considered pure beauty. The words melded together in her throat, and she considered that she didn’t quite care for words as she watched a small animal leap into a bush nearby. Perhaps she ought to take detours out of the back gates that led out here more often. Into nature, into what was strictly restricted for her. Her fear had long dissipated, and she turned back, gently pulled the gates shut—And she was out. Even if for a moment, she knew freedom, not truly, perhaps. But, it would suffice. 
Her feet carried her further between the forest, when she looked up, she noticed the everlooming canopies, the greens of the leaves reaching far into the navy blanket of the sky. In spots that the leaves couldn’t hide, stars twinkled, and rather childishly; she wished to reach for them. Many a twig cracked under the weight of her feet, but with each one, she’d grown less worried. It was silent around her, only the wind and the night accompanied her here. She strayed further but paid no mind to where she may be heading. With gentle hands, she traced the patterns on tree trunks, pushed away branches when they grew too low, and felt the Earth below her. 
Small specks of dirt had situated themselves in the lines on her hand, and she let out a light chuckle at that, the sound being swept away in the wind as she trudged further, the breeze her companion on this temporary journey to freedom. She felt as though the wind was carrying her, nudging her forward, between trees, through an endless forest. But she minded it not one bit. She was content, to breathe in air that didn’t remind her of duties she had yet to tend to, the list of which seemed never ending. 
A soft melody worked itself up her throat, past her lips; out to the world. She faintly recognised nocturnal creatures as they scurried past her, little squeaks and purrs occasionally puncturing the silence that she had built with herself in the past few minutes that ticked. Her feet dragged her through the land, until she had halted, two trees sheltering her from both sides. She leant forward, and her breath caught in her throat; a meadow, with flowers that bloomed during the night. 
Slowly, she stepped forward, out between the flowers, the petals tickling her ankles and a bit further up. She allowed herself the simple joy of existing with beauty as such. She gently weaved her way through, letting her fingers feel the petals as she leant down. But when she looked up, she stopped her in tracks. The moon glittered in its full beauty, in her fullest form, and her heart swelled with joy. Beside her were the stars, glistening like diamonds woven specifically for the navy velvet that was the night sky. She had already lost all semblance of meddling any further. She was rooted to her spot, between the flowers and the night sky. Between the trees, and the wind that had grown much gentler as she ventured further into the grasps of nature. 
Her eyes scanned the horizon, and all she could see was the beautiful stitch of the night sky, navy, glistening, and ever so beautiful. Settling between the flowers, she brought her knees up to her chest, her breaths of contentment heard only by her and perhaps the wind that carried it away. She tilted her head back, the canopies of the trees that she had left behind swaying with the breeze as it passed them and reached her back, somehow getting under the thin fabric of her nightgown. The fabric itself grew taut in places as she sat on it, but she paid no heed to that. Her senses were all enamoured by the grace that surrounded her. 
Although it hadn’t been long since she found herself amidst the petals, and the wind, and the trees—She heard rustling, or was it shuffling? Instinctively, her body stilled, as if the threat would go away. She hoped that it wasn’t someone from the castle. She didn’t want to return any time soon. Foolishly, she wished for this freedom to last for even a few moments longer. Her eyes fluttered close and her heartbeat picked up, hammering in her ears instead of her chest. 
Then, cold metal was pressed against her neck, and she couldn’t help the shiver that crawled up her spine. Still, she didn’t move, didn’t react. Move. She wanted to say, don’t hurt me. Oddly enough, she could tell that it was a blade, but it didn’t feel like any of the ones she had grown accustomed to, at the castle. It felt much lighter, almost like a feather. Like if she was slain with it; she would die thinking it was a soft breeze carrying her soul away. But the pressure left, and she dared open her eyes. And from her peripheral, she could feel the curious gaze on her, and… pink hair. Slowly, she turned her head towards the person who had almost attacked her. And her breath hitched in her throat, out of surprise. 
She had never seen anyone like him before. His eyes glowed like rubies, like actual gemstones, and the colour of them would remind her of blood, but it also reminded her of the flush that creeped up her best friend’s face when she saw the royal gardener. His hair was an exquisite shade of pink, and it seemed to be braided into a loose braid that fell over his shoulder when he leant down to look at her. She almost thought she was hallucinating because it looked as though two small tusks were poking out from below his lips, but she didn’t look much further, she realised how impolite she probably seemed then. Although, she couldn’t deny that he was, or at least looked unique. There was something about him, perhaps his aura? Or his stance? She couldn’t quite place it, but it felt as though he was as free as a poet and yet at the same time bound by duties that weighed him down every step—Towards his own freedom, too. 
“You aren’t from anywhere nearby,” He declared, uttering as he sheathed his sword, seemingly hesitating and awkwardly standing there, facing her side. 
She didn’t quite mind, patting the grass beside her; she shook her head no. She never got out there, in the forest. She barely went out, at all. He raised an inquisitive eyebrow at her as he gently sat next to her, cross-legged. 
“No, I’m not from anywhere nearby,” She echoed his words, smiling at him. She didn’t know him, maybe, but a little bit of kindness could make the biggest difference.
“Your nightgown definitely says so, too.” He huffed, a small smile tugging at his lips as he looked away, gazing into the sky. But she had had enough ambiguity from him, so still, as her head rested on her knees, she looked at him. She noticed a few strands of his hair had gone astray, fluttering in the wind beside his face. 
“Sure, of course,” She started, voice tinted with light amusement, “but who are you?”
He turned back to her, smiling openly. “Just someone passin’ through, but I’m usually referred to as ‘The Blade’.” He sounded almost proud, and she barely fought back her own sound of amusement, not so surprised, but rather amused.
“What are you, some sort of cryptic messenger? Causer of manslaughter?” Her voice was overflowing with the simple sound of joy, of amusement that lingered in the air even after her words echoed past. 
“You could call me that,” He said, chuckling. And she would be lying if she said it wasn’t weird that he had opened up to her so quickly, but then again; things could be much different out here than they were back within those sickening walls. “Well, what should I call you, Your highness?”
“Woah, there’s no need for that.” She laughed awkwardly, wanting to be free of her royal duties, of being a monarch some day. “Just call me… Hesperia.”
“You’ve got a beautiful namesake there,” He whispered, his tone softening into interest that was almost childish. And his words felt tender and genuine, unlike everything she had grown accustomed to over all the years. She watched him test her name on his tongue as it rolled off softly, a smile playing on his lips. Only then did she notice that he was now mimicking her position. His knees were brought up to his chest, and he had his arms wrapped around them, head resting and meeting her gaze. 
She chuckled. “Thanks.” Her eyes scanned over his face once before turning back to the sky, the moon had sunken a bit lower, but that was nothing. Surely, there were many more hours to the night. More time for her to just let go, let the words seep out of her, and let her body rest. 
She didn’t mind that he appeared, she didn’t mind his presence at all; if anything, she appreciated it. The casualty of it all was refreshing, and she loved that he didn’t treat her like she was some great person beyond what she actually was, because truth be told? She really was that simple. Or at least wanted to be. 
“Hey Hesperia?” He called out, and she looked back at him, urging to speak on. “Why are you out here at night? I’m just wondering, it is unsafe, and you look like you ran away or something.”
She chuckled. “I don’t care for the safety, and yes, I kind of did. But, I will be returning.” She smiled at him. “I have duties to tend to, but they can wait until the morning. I like the night, it’s peaceful. I feel like sometimes I am much lighter during the hours of moonlight in comparison to the day.”
“Royalty is that stressful?” He asked, but she knew that deep within, he had the answer too. He knew too. Still, she answered him.
“I’m afraid, so, yes.” She laughed, head turned down towards her own knees.
He didn’t really speak much further. They just existed, together; in the night. And many nights followed where they did quite the same, but it never got boring. It never got tiring. She left the castle more often, and he ventured down to their little meadow, because he’d finally met someone who wasn’t afraid of him. They spent many hours under the moonlight, some of them tangled in each other’s arms. Others they spent weaving flowers together, as little presents, as habits. 
One such night, she was braiding his hair, weaving asters into the pink mane that was his, he smelt like the forest, but it comforted her. He was sitting between her legs, and she worked carefully, making a loose braid, admiring her work. He pulled his braid over his shoulder, feeling the curves and the dips where the petals were entwined. A smile tugged on his lips, and she caught it in the moon’s gleam that they basked under. 
“This is beautiful, thank you.” He leant further back, resting his head on her shoulder as he looked up at her. She smiled down at him, playing with the ends of her sleeves. 
“It’s nothing.”
“Call me Aeron, by the way,” His voice was quiet, despite the proximity, despite the silence that surrounded them. Still, she almost questioned whether she heard him.
“Aeron?” She tested the name on her tongue, and she smiled at him.
He raised his head from her shoulder, and his face was turned away. 
But from what she could see, a light scarlet tinted his cheeks, and she smiled, chuckling. Gently, she cupped his face, turning it around, so they were eye-to-eye. “I love your name.”
He looked up at her, and warmth swelled in his gut. Under her palms, his face grew warmer. 
He huffed, hooking his arms around her waist and tugging her into his arms, her head in the crook of his neck, laughter resonating against him. “You’ve got a beautiful mind and all, but when you tease me like that. I don’t like it at all.”
“I’m afraid you’re lying.” She grinned at him, leaning up and kissing the bridge of his nose. He blushed a deeper red, and gosh, he almost looked like his hair. She couldn’t stifle her laughter anymore. She burst into chuckles, hands placed on his shoulders to stabilise herself. His hands rested on her lower back, holding her. 
His gaze was fixated on her, ruby red eyes saved for only her, and whatever brewed beneath them a beautiful sea of emotions only to her. For her, perhaps. She didn’t notice this time, but it was okay, because she always did anyway. 
“Beautiful,” His words caught both of them as a bit of a surprise. She looked down, and now it was her turn to turn scarlet. His eyes widened when he realised what he said, and he stilled, but she looked at him for a moment and smiled. And that somehow had all the power in the world to melt away at his heart. Like it was nothing. He brought his hands to her neck, up her chin, and he cupped her face, like she was precious. Her fingers wrapped around his wrists, like she was wondering what he was about to do. 
Ever gently, he leant up, brushing away a stray strand of her hair. “Can I?” His voice came out a quiet whisper, but he knew she heard him. Her heartbeat picked up, and he could feel the rattle of her bones, all of it within his arms. And he never knew that someone could be like that for him, but instead of fear, it was this love that shook her bones. And he was scared of what love did to someone, but he loved her.
He felt his bones rattle with the same emotions that he knew she was feeling too. So when she nodded lightly, not a breath was wasted before his lips were on hers. And her arms found their way around his neck, fingertips grazing his hair lightly. He held her close, he held her together, because he was scared she might turn into putty in his hands. And the warmth was radiating off her in waves when his hands sunk back down to rest on her lower back. 
When she pulled away, she was breathing heavily, but somehow her hands found their way onto his chest, and he would be ashamed of the way his heart was hammering rapidly in his chest, but he knew that she did not care for it.
“I didn’t know I did that to you,” She whispered, voice shaking slightly. But only his heart beat faster. He cupped one side of her face, she leant into his hand.
“You do a lot of things to me, and you don’t even realise.” He leant forward, pressing a soft kiss onto her forehead. “You’re so immersed in everything around you, and you see the beauty in everything, how could I not get lost in the joy of knowing you?”
“You need to stop thinking I’m so great.” She hid her face in the crook of his neck.
He held her close, his nose buried in her hair. “I can’t. You know the word eunoia?”
“I’ve heard of it, I think.”
He chuckled, weaving one hand through her hair, brushing out the tangles with his fingers. His other hand lay around her waist, keeping her safe, and in his arms. “It reminds me of you.”
She blushed, and she looked up. He smiled down at her. “Shush.”
“I mean it, you’re beautiful like that. And I wished people would see that.” His fingers gently carded themselves through her hair again, and she leaned into him as much as she could, feeling his warmth as much as she could. 
“Don’t speak to me like I’m poetry.”
“You are poetry, and I’ll be your poet.” His lips found the bridge of her nose, like hers had found his, earlier that night. That felt a few nights ago. 
To him, at least. To have finally let go of whatever had been brewing within him, and to let it all pass, with her, it felt like being loved. He felt loved. She brushed her hands over his shoulder, and his hands memorised the curves and dips of her fingers. 
She loved him like breathing, and he loved her like poets loved poetry, and nature, and life. Maybe she was his life. And he didn’t quite know when she had become so, but he found that he didn’t mind at all. He loved her too, and wasn’t that the most beautiful thing? To bare your heart to someone, and not feel fear for doing that? 
She was beautiful, and she was his. And he was hers.
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nocturnal-slut · 3 years
C! Phil finds out you’ve been fucking techno while he was away on missions. -Quinn
Techno felt so nice inside of you, his rough hand fitting around your throat perfectly, his teeth biting down on your shoulder, telling you how good you felt as he slide in and out of your entrance. Your back was pressed against Techno's chest as he continued to ruin you until he was satisfied with his time with you. Than suddenly he stopped inside of you.
You looked to your side seeing Phil standing there by the door, his hand already dipped down under his pants. You felt Techno chuckle against your skin, "wanna turn, old friend?"
There was a moment of silence before Techno spun you around and pushed you down onto the table. Techno started once more at his pace, his hands digging into your sides as he sped up to a bruising pace. You were than face to face with Phil's erection, your mouth salivating at the thought of how well it'd feel in your mouth. A squeak left your throat as Phil forced his length inside your mouth. He gripped your hair, using it to move your head up and down while Techno's grip began rougher on your hips while his thrusts sped up showing he was becoming close.
"Do you like this? My cock down your throat while Techno ruins that pretty little entrance of yours?" Phil pulled your hair rougher, his cock hitting the back of your throat, "wish you told me about you and Techno earlier, would have saved me a lot of imagining."
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metrixnos · 2 years
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i'll render this one day, maybe, for now have a doodle i did while taking a break from my essay
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pan-ick · 4 years
Ello! Do you take requests? If yes, can I ask for a Technoblade with an S/O that is a red panda hybrid? It's ok if not! Thank you and have a wonderful day ,,^^,,!
  Don’t be afraid to send in requests my dear anons (and non-anons) I love having prompts to write for! I love red pandas so much, they’re so adorable,,,,, I don’t know how accurate this is because while I do in fact do research on stuff like this I read a whole Wikipedia article on red pandas and I don’t like reading stuff that isn’t fanfics. Anyways, hope you enjoy it!
    Technoblade With A Red Panda Hybrid S/O
  I’m gonna be completely honest
  His eyes are instantly attracted to your hybrid features.
  When he first sees you the best he’ll do is spare you a glance, so if he sees your tail he thinks you’re some kind of raccoon. If he sees your ears, he thinks you're a fox, like Fundy.
  He’s very confused when he sees both of them though
  Red pandas don’t exactly live in cold climates and aren’t creatures that steal food so he hasn’t really seen one before.
  He doesn’t like saying it to your face, but he loves how bushy your tail is. He loves touching it or even just having it graze against his skin. He also enjoys your ears but they aren’t as big and cuddlable as your tail so he has his favorite part of you being a hybrid.
  You have the sleeping patterns of a red panda (aka being nocturnal)? As long as you don’t go out and try to fight random things while he’s asleep and unable to fight you, he’s pretty okay with it. He’ll try to change your sleeping schedule so you can hang out more but if that doesn’t work he become nocturnal with you.
  He’s fine with you possibly being territorial, he’s insanely protective over Phil and Ranboo so he understands wanting to protect something really bad. But if he’s the thing you get territorial over? Oh, he will swoon without even realizing it. He’s okay with it but does make sure you don’t get agro at Phil and Ranboo.
  If you use the same defense mechanisms as Red Pandas he will find it absolutely adorable. Sometimes he forgets that you hide in trees while hunting if you get scared and he, in turn, gets scared and has to look for you.
  The first time he sees you try to make yourself look larger to intimidate Dream someone he deadass laughs. He does eventually grab you and drag you away from him before you get yourself killed, but he still makes fun of you for it whenever you get too cocky.
  If you inherited the quietness and communication of red pandas he’s a bit confused but won’t judge you for how you’re used to communicating.
  My mans has ADHD, you'll distract him at LEAST once a day.
  But as long as you aren’t doing it on purpose he’s okay with you triggering his ADHD sometimes.
  Poor Dadza was very confused when he came home to find you two whistling and making other communication noises at each other ;-;  
  He’s aware that Red Pandas are endangered animals so he uses that as his excuse as to why he tries so hard to protect you. It’s half true, he does care about animals, but he also doesn’t want to admit that he’s scared of losing you and anything that could bring him happy memories of you.
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batwritings · 3 years
hiii good morning, could i request some early-morning techno cuddling/being clingy with a fem reader?
Nobody can tell me that early mornings aren't when Techno is the absolute biggest cuddlebug. Nobody. Enjoy~!
The light was barely starting to filter in through the blinds when you woke. It was a rare occurrence that you got up before Techno, but the rumbled snores followed by huffs that helped muss your hair gave proof that he was indeed still locked away in dreams. Despite it being early, your tired mind remembers the trek to the Nether he had planned with Phil today.
"Tech," you called, trying to be heard between his nocturnal emissions. "Time to get up mister." You rolled as best you could onto your side to face him. Your arms locked around his neck, as he stirred offering a muffled questioning hum.
"You gotta get up big guy," you rasped, voice still thick with sleep. You kissed each tusk before kissing his snout as he pulled you closer to his chest. "You got that trip planned with Phil today."
You could practically hear the gears turning in his sleepy pig brain, trying to make sense of what you were saying. His eyes hadn't even opened yet, and you were worried he'd nodded back off Finally it clicked, but he still pulled you closer to bury his face in the crook of your neck.
"Too early," he grumbled. It was a pretty rare instance, Techno not wanting to get out of bed right away. But every once and again he had a moment like this; less of a big scary "blood god" and far more "clingy god". You chuckled softly, hands sliding up his back and shoulders so you could rub his ears between your fingers.
"So you want me to message Phil and tell him to call of the expedition?" you chuffed, massaging the soft skin beneath pink fur. "I don't think he'd be too upset if he knew you were just being clingy."
Technoblade groaned at this, knowing full well of your unintentional guilt trip. He did want to go with Phil...but you were so warm and you were right here in his arms, with no sign of his best friend showing up yet! This was far preferrable to the dangerous wasteland of the Nether.
"Five more minutes," he ground out, strengthening his grip on you for a moment before going lax again. You playfully rolled your eyes, offering a kiss to his forehead.
"Five more minutes then."
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battery-forgot · 3 years
Now, I come mid-week to give you all of my DSMP/MCYT headcanons because I have many
Don’t mind if these are repeated, misspelt, or has no logic, it is block game things and I am not checking over them-- and some will be organized, and some will be random, some might not have a Enter space because these are all ctrl c + ctrl v’ed from a Discord server I am in :]
Skeppy headcanons: Skeppy is 4 billion years old as scientists have thought that is how long ores and diamonds existed for
Skeppy's species is pretty rare
Every diamond that is broken or damaged causes Skeppy to feel a physical pain in his body
His species has lamp tail as they don't have night vision, some of them also have tiny wings that aren't usable, though they can kinda glide short distances with them
Because of his small height, he has taught himself magic to be able to change size, it can hurt him if he goes taller than 5'3, but he is able to get to Foolish's height if he tried
Sometimes random crystals grow on Skeppy's face, though they look different from normal crystals and can be used for things like explosives, though he doesn't know about it
Techno has seen Kristen but doesn't remember it well, though Kristen gave him his crown as a gift
Techno has a collection of skull masks that he has worn, he wears the skulls because of nostalgia now but he used to wear them because he thought they were cool and made him look threatening
Technoblade, Skeppy, Sam, Ranboo, Michael(the son- not Michaelmcchill), Phil, Bad, and some others really like shiny and golden objects
DreamSMP theme/"timeline" is kind of like a steampunk like thing
Drista is DreamXD's sister and DristaXD is Dream's "sister", though they aren't really siblings as they are robots
Drista and DreamXD are clones of DristaXD and Dream, though they actually look nothing alike
Callahan is a mute mini-god that everyone knows exists but doesn't really understand they are a mini-god. They kind of just chill and do what people ask them to do
Phil: Phil is more into traveling than anything else
Though he doesn't mind being a father figure, he doesn't think he is a good one especially after he killed Wilbur
He is able to turn into the size of a crow, though since his wings are now unusable, he doesn't do it as often as it is basically useless
Phil sometimes takes bird baths, though I guess they are always called that-
He has bird legs/talons,but they aren’t fully noticeable
joke headcanon I thought of is that Phil's handwriting is chicken-scratch because he is half-crow
Phil has really good memory, as a crow would
-DreamXD is actually pretty weak in powers, but he acts like he is the strongest person in the server
-Tommy's eye is just completely gone from when Dream killed him, but he covers it with an eyepatch
-Tubbo talks about things to Ranboo thinking he'll forget them, but some stories Ranboo remembers but doesn't speak about it because he doesn't want to make Tubbo worry too much
-Philza wasn't willing to kill Wilbur so Wilbur forced Phil by grabbing his arm and impaling himself
-Dream and Techno sometimes share stories about having ADHD
-Phil didn't really know about Fundy, he knew he existed but had no idea to how he acted, looked, or his actual name
-Wilbur had a letter written to Fundy about how he was sorry for what he was gonna do during November 16th, but the withers blew it up before Fundy knew about it
-Fundy doesn't let anyone hold his hand because it makes him remember the past where he would hold Wilbur's hand a lot
-Change of headcanons: Schlatt and Puffy are cousins, Tubbo was just a random kid that would follow Schlatt for hours a day, waiting for him to acknowledge him
-Dream jumps into the lava in the prison as it reminds him of Sapnap
-Bad was uncomfortable when Sapnap married Big Q and Karl because he went on a date with Quackity before but he still supported them (Yes I know Big Q basically had a divorce with Sap and Karl--)
-Skeppy knows a lot about other's pasts because of how old he is, even traumatizing facts
-Skeppy has a fear of fire (Pyrophobia) and he is kind of scared of Sapnap
-Dream used the revivebook on the cat Tommy killed, but Sam killed it thinking Dream would use the cat against Sam to escape quicker in the future
-Dream doesn't *fully* know why he is in prison, ever since Tommy and Tubbo killed him, a wire/chip broke in his body which made him forget a lot of things. Dream does get told what he had done a lot, but it makes him almost have a panic attack because he thought he was a pretty good person
-Ghostbur is Callahan, they were commanded by DreamXD to become Ghostbur so that everyone could feel like he was still there (Callahan can change who they are completely, but they don't actually know how they acted when as Ghostbur, though that doesn't mean he didn't know what happened, when Dream killed/revived Ghostbur, Callahan got to see what it felt like to die for the first time)
-Fundy has the habit of picking up things and using them at some sort of fidget (examples: knives, leaves, grass, wood, pencils, berry stems, etc.
-Ranboo will be writing/saying something about someone and use pronouns instead of their name or just with the person's name (example: "Puffy she/her was--" or "he/him writing down things") [Basically canon-]
-Tubbo used to headbutt people but stopped after around 2 years because he kept hurting people
-Phil used to squawk randomly when he was a kid, but he mainly just squawks when hiccuping now
-Even though Bad used to get really nervous picking people up because he was afraid he was gonna drop and kill them, he now just picks up everyone randomly... except Foolish and Ranboo
-Foolish is able to shrink to around 7ft, and unless he is building a big build, he will shrink so he can get around easier
-Because Ranboo is only half enderman, he isn't the full height of an enderman (He is only 8'5)
-If someone asks Charlie about his pronouns, out of confusion, he just responds with "Bones!" which sometimes leads Las Nevadas members (or just anyone really) calling him by He/it/Bones
-When Bad was being controlled by the egg, it made him get even more flashbacks about how his species was supposed to act which would end up with him panicking because that isn't who he wants to be (bonus: The more a member infected by the egg would panic, the more the egg would be able to take over the person because they can't focus)
-Kristin has taught Phil how to do makeup in their free-time of hanging out
-Kristin is insanely tall, if she shrinks then she turns more transparent, so she ends up looking more like a ghost when at average height
-Skeppy can't cry, though he still can feel sad
-Bad and Eret talk to eachother quite a lot
-When Tubbo was around 11-14, he would make redstone contraptions, though he doesn't remember how to make most of them now
Ranboo doesn't like photoshoots because he feels like everyone is staring at him, though this does mean he just doesn't have a passport photo, his alternative was to draw what he looked like on the passport but they didn't allow it, as well as Ranboo doesn't really remember what he looks like anyway because they don't like looking in mirrors--
I think this is half-canon but another headcanon is where every SMP is just an island far away from others. In this case, Hermitcraft, 30 day SMP, and other SMPs are all linked up, as for people who are in multiple SMPs, they travel around by boat for awhile, now, the thing I've just not figured out is how tf their look magically changes-like- outfit is decently obvious-- but do they magically transform like an anime girl? Idk- 
Skeppy's voice randomly glitches out, is there an actual reason for this? No.
Quackity’s outfit is similar to Sub Urban’s (In Freak)
Skeppy acts as if he is royalty, he doesn't act rude or demanding unless joking- but he does act as if he is the superior person-
-Skeppy and Slime are the only "people" that don't have steampunk styled clothing because of how old they are
-Skeppy's hair grows insanely quickly and no one knows why, he honestly hates it
-Most of Skeppy's outfits have been made by Bad or Puffy
-Skeppy knows DreamXD as if he is a brother, but he despises him because of something that has happened around 3,000 years ago
-Skeppy has a lot of different shades in their hair on the "inside"(like- the side where his neck is is what I mean, I don't remember if it has a name or not-)
-Like I've said before, Skeppy's eyes are crystallized, but they are somewhat transparent, not enough to where you'd be able to see the inside of his head, but they are still transparent
-In the past, Skeppy didn't like their name which is why they called himself "Skeppy"
-He has an attachment to caves
-When Skeppy was a kid, they had the dream of him filling cave walls with houses of their own
-Skeppy goes by it/they/he
-Skeppy joke flirts with Bad all the time to confuse everyone, Bad doesn't like it because then everyone thinks they are dating which makes him feel a little uncomfortable
-Out of boredom, in the past, Skeppy would climb on the roofs of caves, hang upside down, and try and sleep like a bat
-They have no blood in his body, it is literally just a diamond covered with a thin layer of skin and hair
-Skeppy gets stressed out easily when it comes to learning because it just reminds him of everything he had to get used to as the billion of years he lived went by
-Skeppy used to not be allowed out into the open world, the first time it experienced going outside was when it was 2 billion years old
-Skeppy has accidentally caught things on fire during the day because of the reflecting of the sun, but even then, they are nocturnal so they don't really have to worry about it
-Wilbur adapted to hanging out with Sally in the water, he has some gills, but he can only breathe underwater for a bit longer with them
-Skeppy always has the equivalent of Diamond (armor) except when he was infected by the egg, he was equivalent to the strength of a Ruby
-Infected Skeppy has a redstone glow when touched, so when hugged(or hive fived- or- yeah you get the point), he would give a subtle glow around him until let go
-The Eggpire still can be controlled, but they are able to control it unless angered/upset
-Skeppy was 6ft when infected, now he is 3′9 un-infected
-At this point, Dream likes the prison because he sometimes feels safe there, like no one can hurt him
-DristaXD is more of a ghost robot than an actual robot
-DristaXD's hobby is murdering people and has basically been in some sort of jail before, she has broken chains around their ankles and hands, it seems to have been made of a really strong material as wel
-Sapnap used to have fire wings, but when he had to get extinguished, they disappeared, they are still there, they just aren't visible until dunked in lava and Sapnap can't use them anymore
-Infected Bad still took care of Sapnap, but Sapnap never cared
-Sapnap takes the name "lava cake" too seriously... though he thinks the literal lava cakes he makes taste good
-Puffy's hair has been dyed blue by Ghostbur before because he wanted people to remember Friend if they ever disappeared
-Going with my Ghostbur as Callahan hc, when Ghostbur was killed, Callahan kind of glitched between realities and so Ghostburs body glitched from Callahan's body and Ghostbur's then just disappeared. Callahan is still alive but they randomly glitch into different realities, he has glitched into places Karl has gone, including The Inbetween.
-When Ghostbur was glitching back into Callahan after killed, it shocked and concerned Dream
There you go :]
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cmyknoise · 3 years
assigning classical music to characters:
wilbur: chopin - nocturnes, op. 9: no. 2 in e-flat major
ghostbur: debussy - claire de lune
tommy: tchaikovsky - the nutcracker: march of the toy soldiers
tubbo: nikolai rimsky-korsakov -flight of the bumblebee
ranboo: beethoven - moonlight sonata
quackity: rachmaninoff - vocalise
phil: schubert-mahler - death and the maiden
technoblade: tchaikovsky - swan Lake: scene by a lake
(feel free to discuss or add on)
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corysmiles · 3 years
Giant house AU submission!! :D
Cw for language. Techno doesn't swear but the giants does. (It's only like, 2 words if I remember correctly)
Now that it had finally sunk in Techno's head that it's winter, he's starting to feel how cold it is. He thought that it was cold before, but noooo it's colder now. Seriously, why's it so much colder in the Giants' land?
Techno huffed. He supposes there's nothing he can do about the climate. If it's cold, it's cold.
But, there is something he can do about his body temperature. He can make thicker clothes.
With the plan to take more fabric from the giants in his mind, Techno began his plan.
Day(night) two of taking fabric for his winter clothes. He thinks he should stop.
The first night was fine. Aside from the usual "avoiding the nocturnal giant", He manages to take some fabric from the Bird Giant's room. Side note, the Bird giant's crow's feathers are a good material for extra thickness. He managed to make an inner lining for his current cloak with it, maybe he should consider using it for bed material.
But today, a harsh, cold night for Techno, The phantom giant— Wilbur, was it?— left out an oddly-placed lantern. It was placed dangerously near the place he dropped a can a few nights ago, and Techno is fairly sure it's a trap. He shouldn't do his plan today, it's dangerous. Plus, Chat is screaming at him to retreat, overly wary about the usually-wandering Phantom giant.
Night three, the blizzard has not died down. In fact, it became stronger. Techno's current cloak is not built for winter. Even with the extra giant crow feathers' lining, and the extra addition of his usually-warm body, it doesn't matter, he's freezing cold.
Techno gave a quick glance to the lantern that the Wilbur giant left out. He instinctively gulped. Lantern has fire inside of it, that means warmth. Besides, the phantom giant didn't come around this area to check last night, it- it might not be a trap, right?
Slowly, Techno approaches the lantern, ignoring Chat that is screaming "NO" and "HE'S THERE" with each step closer he checks his surroundings for any giants, and with each step he doesn't see any signs of giant, he gets closer and warmer to the lantern.
Last step, he checks around, and he practically melts to the warmness of the lantern. It's bliss.
So obviously, Techno doesn't realize about the phantom giant who caught a glimpse of his shadow relaxing againts the lantern he left. And of course, Techno doesn't see the warm smile that was plastered on the giant's face as he left the scene. Chat does, though, but Techno was too sleepy(he slept) to notice.
Night four, and he didn't take enough fabric again. He contemplated not taking it today, though, since this morning he had been caught by the Bird Giant's crows, and he really don't want to go to the Moth Giant's—Tommy, he remembered,— room (It was practically a maze—and a dangerous one at that— with the occasional toys and maybe spiders(normal sized, not the one that's double the size of him) in the corner) Or the Phantom Giant's room. But he's so close to finishing the winter clothes, and he has to finish the thing as soon as possible.
So, after a bit of thought, he decided to take fabric scraps from the Phantom Giant's room. He heard the Moth Giant got scolded this morning due to his messy room, and from the looks of it, the Moth Giant has no intention to clean his room. So Techno decided it'll be easier to take from the Wilbur giant room. It's messy and tidy enough to have places to hide and find stray fabric scraps. He can do this.
As soon as he goes out, though, a strum of melody plays. The vibration shook his whole body, and he tensed up. From his hiding spot, he saw the giant is tuning his guitar.
It was loud. Both his head and the sound. Techno almost retreated right there. Almost. Until the Wilbur giant started playing his guitar.
It was a sad tune, slow and heavy. But it's nice to hear. Wilbur is a good musician. Chat is split between wanting him to lean in closer to the music and to "Watch out!" but almost none of them wanted him to retreat. It's nice, having this kind of slow moment after a while of him and Chat being anxious about being found out. For a moment, Techno contemplated to sit down and just.. sing.
But he didn't, it's too risky, he's come this far, he shouldn't be found out. So he takes the fabric scraps he needed, and left.
This time, it's day. And he's currently in a undesirable situation.
He had hoped to take some more shedded feathers. He needed to make that makeshift mattress. So he went into the Bird Giant's (Phil, wasn't it? Or was it Philza? Maybe both) room, and prepared to take more shedded crow feather. And he's in luck! There was a pile of shedded feather— maybe two or three giant-sized feathers— and that instantly became his target.
And he honestly doesn't know the reason he thought that taking the Giant's stuffs in the day was a good idea. Because he's currently waiting motionless in the pile of feathers. Bird giant currently discussing something with the Moth giant, and one of the Bird Giant's crows are looking at the pile he's sitting on with an intent look. He shouldn't move. If he moves, there's another chance he'll get carried by the crows again, and he may not be unfound like last time, since this time there's another giant.
So there he was, currently in the 5th minute, as he stood still while waiting for the giants to stop talking. He doesn't remember if conversations usually lasts this long, or maybe it's because the Moth giant is just so good (and loud) at talking. Either way, this is not good.
It's currently the 7th minute, and the Phantom giant has joined in, Techno contemplated to just run, but he's so sure that more crows are looking at him, so he stopped.
12th minute, and he's playing word games in silent with Chat. It's an unusual situation.
14th minute, He's sleepy. He hasn't slept well, and oh dang this feather pile is so soft
16th minute, Technoblade is asleep. Not even Chat can wake him up. The "stream" is off
That was a long conversation.
Tommy started by whining about how he wanted an apple tree in the background because it'll be "Poggers". Of course, Phil declined. But then Wilbur fucking joined in and tries to convince him to plant an apple tree. Sometimes, Phil hates Wilbur's ability to give solid argument however bizzare is the subject is. Phil decides to buy an apple tree sprout, afterall.
With a sigh, he looked around his room, shit, since when it's became so cluttered? There's even a pile of feathers in the ground! When the fuck did his crows do that? He gave a small glare towards his crows, who wasn't even fazed. Who's he kidding, they're crows. Phil gave himself a light laugh at the thought.
He should sweep the floor first, then he'll go to the market to buy the apple sprout.
But, upon starting to sweep the floor, he notices a dim red figure in it. Curious, Phil sat down and continued to stare at the figure. Two seconds and he realized that the figure is a human. They're real, the small creatures that supposedly live in a distant/imagination place, they're actually real.
Another two second passed before Phil caught himself reaching out to the tiny creature sleeping in front of him. He snapped out of his instinct to just, hold the tiny and protect him from the big world around them. But he stopped, realizing the thought of waking up on top of the hand of a being that could seriously hurt you is a terrifying experience.
So he waited. With a bit of distance between him and the human, he waited intently for the human to wake up, shushing his crows when he saw one of them wanting to take the human.
It didn't take long before the human woke up. After lottle wake-up routine like stretching, he looked around, and noticing Phil's figure looking at him with anticipation oozing from his heart. The human froze.
"Hello." Phil started.
The human ran. Not looking back as they disappeared into the wall.
Phil sighed at the sight. It's honestly should be an expected reaction.
"I hope I don't scare you too much. I'm Phil" Phil introduced himself to the surroundings, hoping the human would hear him "I have no intention to hurt you, and if there's something you need, feel free to talk to us. We're not evil" He finishes, tone light in hope for the human to not be scared.
Well. Time for that apple sprout, huh?
Edit: OH MY GODHXJWNZN, I love this so much thank you :”] I really love Phil just waiting for him to wake up it’s so sweet
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deepcoraldragon · 3 years
Under a Crow's Wing (OSMP fic)
Summary: Technoblade has always been an outcast amongst his own. But that's about to change: if he manages to kill one of the Monsters attacking his village, no one will be able to doubt his value or loyalty any longer. Only, he didn't expect it to look so... Human.
Meanwhile, Philza wonders if all Humans treat their chicks so poorly, or if this one is an exception. (And also what he can do about it.)
Read on AO3
Chapter one: Nocturnal Symphony
They say that there’s an island, far off the coast.
Large enough to house several lakes, nestled between rushing rivers and deep forests. It is said to be shrouded in fog and strewn with reefs so dangerous that even the most skillful sailor could never hope to touch shore. They say that the island is perched on a plateau so high it gets lost in the clouds.
And that it would take wings to get up there.
This place was much akin to a legend. Only glimpsed at, never more than guessed in the distance, by people who died a long time ago.
But the Monsters are very real. And, well, they have to come from somewhere, haven’t they?
This island is called The Origins, and Techno never thought he’d get to see it someday. After all, he is Human.
Here’s how it happened…
Midnight was approaching, and the village was the stage of two battles.
The first was impossible to miss. Shouts, explosions and the beat and humming of heavy wings all blended into a widespread chaos that was all too familiar to Manberg, small cliffside town.
And to Techno. More specifically, the sound of this kind of battle.
From the other side of a locked door.
One last time, he threw himself against the thick wood, but in vain. They had strengthened it since his most recent ‘breakout.’
Forehead leaning against the door and with a groan of frustration, he once more considered the injustice of life. The neighbors inevitably had to practically drag their son, George, two years his senior, out to help them in the fights. And here he was, asking for nothing more, locked up once again.
They trust George.
Not you.
Never you.
Gritting his teeth, Techno took a few steps back. They never let him take any tools into the large room that made his “house,” but he had a spearhead hidden under his bed, maybe he would manage to-
Spinning around (and hoping his cry of surprise was lost in the general chaos of the battle) he gazed for a second at the smoking hole in the wall of the house.
Before setting off.
Sliding down the hill to the armory, with the spring ice hardening the grass, was never easy. A collection of monsters, busy ransacking the village, made things much more interesting.
(And more dangerous, but oh well, you can’t have it all.)
Techno dodged a fireball launched by one of the gigantic bees whose deep humming he could feel even in his teeth (if he ever got the chance to argue with the person who had decided to give explosives to huge bees, he would have some complaints to make). The crows were of normal size, which was only a small consolation as this ‘normal size’ could still stretch a wingspan of one and a half meters, and because the night sky concealed their ebony plumage as surely as an invisibility potion.
(Continue reading on AO3 !)
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nocturnal-dreams · 3 years
┍—————- /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ —————┑ Masterlist + Introduction ┕————(..)(..) ∫∫————-┙
Hello and welcome to the dream space, my name is Charlie and I go by all pronouns, I've been writing since I was in middle school and now I'm just doing this for fun This post will be updated frequently so don’t forget to check it out for new content that Tumblr wants to be a jerk about and not show you :) My nsfw account, minors dni
───── ❝ important links ❞ ─────
♔My Boundaries♔ ♔My Rules For Fics♔
───── ❝ Tags ❞ ─────
These are tags that will be commonly used on this account, feel free to block any of these tags if you wish
♚Nocturnal Writes: my writing tag
♚Fakegingers: none writing posts
♚Cioally: Like Karlnapity but hotter
♚Nocturnal Simping: just simping
♚Nocturnal _____: the blank is just a name for whoever I'm talking with like "Nocturnal Apple anon"
───── ❝ who I write for ❞ ─────
-People I Write For Romantically- -DreamWasTaken -GeorgeNotFound -Sapnap -BadBoyHalo
-Jack Manifold -Punz  -Fundy -WilburSoot -TheEret -Nihachu -Quackity -KarlJacobs -JustAMinx -Captain Puffy
-BoomerNA -Technoblade (only his character, not his irl self) -Schlatt (only his character, not irl self) -Ph1lza (I will only write nsfw of his character) -TedNivision -Slimecicle -SwaggerSouls -Corpse Husband (please be over 18+ for romantic fics or you will be blocked)
-People I Write For Platonically- -AntFrost -Skeppy -Everyone mentioned in romantic
───── ❝ Masterlist ❞ ─���───
Feral Boys Sleepy Bois Inc Chuckle Sandwich Streamers DrunkCast Imagines
───── ❝ Anons ❞ ─────
My beautiful anons :)
🍎 , Bunny, 🐀, 📌, ♊, 👑, 🌹, Angy, Blood, Ares, Voyeur, Sugarcane
───── ❝ Goodbye ❞ ─────
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calamitydarcy · 3 years
happy face (ch. 1)
read on ao3
next (ch. 2)
It's been over a year since Dream broke out of prison, and everything has gone to shit. Everyone Tubbo knew and cared about is either dead or missing. Dream has taken over as king of the SMP. Anyone left lives their life quietly and in fear. It seems like the end, like Dream has won, and there's nothing Tubbo can do about it... ...right? or, Dream gets his wish and everybody else gets copious amounts of trauma.
TW: suicidal thoughts, referenced death & kidnapping
The sun set over the Greater Dream SMP, casting an orange glow over the kingdom. Tubbo watched the light fade from his perch atop the obsidian grid hovering ominously over the ruins of what was once L’manberg, the place he used to call home. The outlines of surrounding structures darkened, fading into black silhouettes that would soon be indistinguishable from the dark night sky. The crater below had already transformed into a pit of darkness, a yawning mouth waiting for a victim to fall in and be swallowed whole. The grid was hard to see as well, the black obsidian cloaked by the growing shadows. The brightest stars began to appear in the sky, twinkling softly. As the world grew darker, nocturnal creatures began emerging from their hiding places. Tubbo watched as a large spider crawled out of a hole in the ground below, beginning its nightly hunt. An owl hooted somewhere in the distance.
Tubbo had been coming here a lot lately, ever since Tommy had disappeared. Wilbur and Sam had gone missing as well, and night after night Tubbo found himself sitting on this grid, staring down at the crater below, wondering how it all went wrong. Just a few years ago, he had stood on top of the van that had once been below him with Wilbur, Tommy, and Fundy, declaring independence, surrounded by blackstone and concrete walls. Those had been simpler times. Happier times, too, for the most part. But, of course, things had to change, because good things never seem to last for long.
Wilbur had held an election, and everything went downhill from there. Schlatt came to power, exiled Tommy and Wilbur, held a festival, Technoblade executed Tubbo, Wilbur blew up the country and died… and that was just the start. Forced into a position he never wanted, that he couldn’t handle, Tubbo became the president and was promptly forced to send his best friend into exile where Prime knows what happened to him. After that, Tubbo thought Tommy killed himself, only to discover he was alive and then have the whole country blown to bedrock.
Tubbo wondered if L’manberg was just cursed or something, a place that never should have existed, continuing to bring pain to its citizens long after its demise. He knew it was silly, but it almost sounded possible. Almost.
By now the sun had set completely, cloaking the sky and the world below it in shadow. Stars shone in the sky above, some forming constellations and patterns that decorated the night sky. He could hear the groans and hisses of the nighttime monsters below, and every now and then he caught sight of glowing eyes as the creatures shuffled about, searching for a meal. The darkness consuming the crater had risen to the surface, stretching out to Tubbo, a shadowy void of nothingness, calling him to jump into its depths. He leaned over the edge slightly. This wasn’t the first time he had considered jumping. Almost every night when he sat on this grid he stared down into the deep pit below, contemplating jumping and just ending it all. It’s not like he had anything left to lose.
The darkness seemed inviting, offering an end to this nightmare, an escape to a place where maybe he could see his friends again. He had heard a little about Limbo from Wilbur and Tommy. He was sure they were waiting for him there. Tubbo leaned a little further.
An enderman sound snapped him out of his thoughts, and he looked to his left to see an enderman standing on the grid a few blocks away. Just a regular enderman. He hated how his heart had jumped, the faintest spark of hope enough to drive away his dark thoughts for a moment. Of course it wasn’t Ranboo. Ranboo was dead, and his ghost had disappeared long ago. Neither of them were here, and they were never coming back. He sighed, turning his gaze back to the crater, then to the Prime Path at its edge.
That’s when he noticed it- or, well, him. Tubbo thought he was imagining things at first, but the figure didn’t disappear no matter how much he blinked or rubbed his eyes or looked away. Then he wasn’t sure if he was really seeing what he thought he was seeing. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but what other enderman wore a suit? What other enderman was half black and half white, split right down the middle? What other enderman had one green eye and- one purple one? That wasn’t right. He carefully tossed an ender pearl down to the ground, a good distance away from not-quite-Ranboo, far enough to not be noticed but close enough to be able to see.
He sure looked like Ranboo, although his hair was messier and had more white in it than when Tubbo had last seen him. One of his horns was broken, the ring he usually wore on it absent. There were several other differences that Tubbo couldn’t quite place, but something was definitely not right about this situation, and it wasn’t just the fact that his dead husband was walking right in front of him.
Ranboo was gripping an axe, and he seemed to be searching for something, or maybe he was searching for someone. Tubbo crept closer, trying to get to his other side to see what was going on with his eyes, but he wasn’t quiet enough. A rock stuck out from the ground, hidden by the grass. Tubbo stumbled, silently cursing under his breath. He had barely made any noise, but it was enough for Ranboo to whip his head around, staring directly at Tubbo with narrowed eyes, gripping his axe tighter and lashing his tail.
Okay, something was definitely wrong here.
The wrong eye was green, for starters. Tubbo could’ve sworn that Ranboo’s right eye was always the green one, but now it was his left one, glowing and a much brighter green than Tubbo remembered. In addition, the pupil was replaced with a painted dark green smile. Small scars slashed across the edges of his eyelid.
Oh. So that’s what was wrong.
The green eye was fake, then. Something had happened, and now Ranboo had one real eye, which was a shimmery purple instead of its usual green. The purple tint was strange, but Tubbo had seen flickers of it before; Ranboo’s eyes would sometimes flash faint purple for a second when he got scared. He’d never seen him with a fully purple eye before, though.
There was no time to think about it, however, as Ranboo snarled, lunging for Tubbo and swinging his axe. Tubbo barely stepped out of the way in time, eyes wide as he stared in shock at Ranboo. The enderman swung again, wasting no time, and Tubbo leapt out of the way, jumping onto the Prime Path. He wanted to ask Ranboo what was going on, if he was okay, why he was doing this, but there was no time. He had to run.
Tubbo took off down the Prime Path, not thinking about where he was going, letting his feet and fear carry him. His footsteps pounded in rhythm with his racing heart, echoed by Ranboo right on his tail. He ignored the groans and hisses of zombies and spiders around him, the surroundings melting into a blur of green, brown, and blue as he raced by. There was an angry roar right behind him. Ranboo was way too close for comfort. Tubbo never thought he’d be this scared of him, but here he was, running for his life from his husband who, last he checked, was dead.
He raced up the steps, stumbling over the uneven planks. Twice this happened, and on the second time, Tubbo fell, scrambling to his feet in a panic.
He wasn’t able to get to his feet, however, before an axe bit into his shoulder. Tubbo screamed, struggling to pull free. His efforts were futile, only causing more pain to shoot through his shoulder and streams of blood to run down his back.
His attacker snarled above him, and Tubbo managed to turn his head to look up at the glowing eyes glaring down at him. “H-hey, Ranboo, let’s talk about this-”
He was cut short by the axe lifting and swinging back down, causing him to let out another scream of pain. It seemed like talking wasn’t an option, and he wasn’t in the best position to fight back, either; besides, he didn’t want to hurt Ranboo, no matter how strangely violent he was being. It didn’t matter what had happened to him, he was still Ranboo, his husband.
Tubbo quickly searched through his inventory for something that could help, relieved when he saw he still had a few ender pearls left. As Ranboo lifted his axe again, Tubbo grabbed one and threw it as hard as he could, landing a few steps above Ranboo, who let out a surprised vwoop and searched around for Tubbo, eyes locking on his target with a snarl as the chase resumed.
Ignoring the searing pain in his shoulder, Tubbo ran forward as fast as he could, doing his best not to stumble again. Once more, he was painfully aware of Ranboo a few steps behind him, the enderman’s footsteps like an echoing clock, ticking down to Tubbo’s capture and likely death.
He reached the top of the steps, racing through the small dirt tunnel, eyes set on the bench in front of him. Tubbo tripped over his feet at one point, barely catching himself in time, the deadly axe swinging a little too close to his head with a woosh.
Tubbo sprinted, putting every last bit of energy he had into going just a little faster, nearly crashing into a tree as he jumped into the waterfall flowing off the cliff. There was a splash and a hissing sound just behind him, but he didn’t dare to glance back, focusing on making his way down the cliff.
He jumped out of the waterfall a bit before the bottom, continuing his run despite the burning in his lungs. The adrenaline and fear kept him going; he knew that once it faded, he was going to be sore as hell. His goal was in sight, the hollowed-out yellow duck statue floating like a heavenly golden sanctuary in the middle of a pond.
He heard the characteristic sound of an enderman teleporting, and shot a glance over his shoulder to see Ranboo once more right behind him. Tubbo had to hurry. He reached the shore of the pond, diving under the water without a moment’s hesitation. He swam as close to the bottom as possible, not daring to slow down for a moment. Tubbo was pretty sure that even in… whatever state Ranboo was in, he wouldn’t dive in after him out of fear of severe injury or death, but he couldn’t be sure. Nothing about this situation was normal or unsurprising.
Finally, he reached the bottom of the statue, springing up through a hole in the floor and collapsing on the yellow concrete, exhausted. As he lay there catching his breath, he tried to process what the hell just happened. He wasn’t sure where to start.
Ok, first of all, Ranboo wasn’t dead- not anymore, at least. As far as Tubbo knew, Dream was the only one who could revive people, so for some reason, he had brought Ranboo back, and clearly he had been keeping him somewhere; the scars on his face didn’t seem that old.
Which brought him to the next bit of news of the night: something was wrong with Ranboo. Something had happened to him; he had new scars, he was missing an eye- and he was pissed at Tubbo for some reason. The first thing Ranboo had done upon seeing Tubbo was try to murder him, for Prime’s sake; he didn’t know what he had done to provoke Ranboo’s fury, but he must’ve done something, right? Tubbo couldn’t think of another reason for Ranboo to be acting this way. A thought rose to his head, of something far more sinister and twisted happening. He pushed it down, not wanting to think about it. This was all too much, too confusing, and Tubbo only knew one thing for certain.
He had to help Ranboo.
He was going to figure out what was going on, help him, and possibly get revenge against a certain green bitch.
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nocturnal-slut · 3 years
Nsfw alphabet of c!Techno?
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
After a scene, Techno is a complete different person. During a scene Techno is completely rough (most of the time) but after the scene, Techno is making sure 100% that everything you need is met. This man will run you the perfect bath or if you're too tired for that, know that he is cleaning you up and then holding you while he tells you the story of Thesus for the 100th time. He will get anything for you after a scene, name it and he'll be right there with it
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favourite body part of his are his hands, he just loves how nice they look around your throat, especially when they're covered in blood after a fight. Just seeing how his bloody hands are so mesmerizing around your throat
It's hard for Techno to pick a favourite body part of yours, its a tie between your shoulders and your hair. He likes your shoulders since he's able to bite down enough to draw enough blood that there isn't too much of an injury to you. He also likes your hair since its easy to pull when you're being a brat
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Being a pig hybrid and all, Techno has a huge breeding kink on certain days. Most of the time he prefers to see you swallow his cum but on other days, he goes for multiple rounds until his cum is dripping out of you
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He's addicted to smelling you, knowing every little detail even. How you taste, how you smell, what makes you tic, he wants to know you better than you know yourself
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He's kind of sex repulsed, however he does have a lot of knowledge under his belt. You're lucky to see how rabid Techno can become in the moment
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Techno likes to see your face while he's destroying you, doesn't mean doggy isn't out of the question however, easier to spank your ass when you do something without his permission
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Techno is always pretty serious. During aftercare he can become pretty goofy but during the actual scene, he's completely serious in the act. Degrading, praising, worshiping, everything he does is with complete seriousness. Sex is often very serious for him. It takes a lot of planning and conversation to do quite a bit of the stuff he likes to do. He wants to know everything you want; how you’re feeling at that moment; if anything has changed; if you’re in the correct emotional state. He has to make sure you enjoy yourself as much as he does.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Its a reasonable amount, just a couple pink curls
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Techno likes to be intimate with those he cares about and trusts, he is definitely very loving during the moment. Whether its a slow loving scene or a rougher scene, he will always have a hand on your waist, his lips on your neck marking every part of your skin showing his affection
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
When he's off on missions with Phil and you can't come, Techno will definitely jerk off to the thought of you or if you just aren't in the mood, he'll happily just jerk off
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Such a massive blood kink, this man craves the taste and smell of your blood. (And if you're afab, know very well that he will not hesitate to fuck you when you're on your period).
He also has a huge breeding kink although he refuses to admit it, he blames it on his piglin side, making him want to fill you up and watch you swell with his children although the idea of being a father actually scares him
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He prefers to do it somewhere in private, most of the time your shared bedroom (altho the training room isn't out of the question). Techno likes bending you over objects, usually a counter or desk and having his way with you. Though having you tied up is also great. He wants you at his mercy, completely dependant on him.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
When you get cocky he won't hesitate to just flip you over and completely ruin you until you're begging for him to stop because its you're so overstimulated and overwhelmed
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He is completely turned off at the thought of hurting you, cutting you for blood or hair pulling he can handle but anything harsher than that he doesn't trust himself with. As much as he'd wish to, he is terrified about what the voices would try to tell him if he went too far
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He much prefers giving you oral, he won't say no to a blowjob but he's much more into watching you squirm and squeeze your legs around him in pleasure
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Its a mix of the two depending on his mood. He loves to have his slow, romantic, sensual scenes especially before he goes on a mission or a war, makes him motivated to do well and come home. But for the most part, he prefers fast and rough scenes. Depending on the type of sex you’re having, he’ll grab/touch different parts of your body (more so than everything else, at least). When it’s slow sex, he’ll grab your hands, intertwining them with his own, kissing them, just being very soft. However, during rougher sex, he likes your shoulders and butt. Biting, kissing, licking, grabbing, kneading.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
If you are a mission with him, a quickie is a good way for you two to just get off but for the most part, Techno doesn't like them, he likes taking his time with you and he can't have that with quickies
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Techno is down to trying anything at least once, mention to him and he's down to try
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Techno will make sure you come a few times before he even thinks about coming himself. His minimum amount of rounds is 4 but he could definitely go for more if you're up for it
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He's not a fan of toys, he finds no point in them. He will use rope to tie you up or blindefolds but that's pretty much it. He sees it as if he can do it, there's no point for a toy
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He is a complete tease, he likes restraining you so he can have his own way with you, gives him such an ego boost
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's not very loud, maybe a grunt or two, he prefers to use his words. Praising and worshiping how well you look under him, degrading if you're not obeying him
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He is embarrassed about a fantasy of his. Techno wears a crown, and as a kid he used to be referred to as a prince. Well now he likes to imagine he has a throne. He’s thought about you worshipping his cock with your mouth while he sits on his throne. He probably would never bring up this fantasy with you but if you ever mention something like that, he will be quick to agree.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s more average in length down there but thick as all hell. There will be a burn as he stretches you but trust me, it will feel good~
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive pretty much matches your own, if you're horny just ask him and he will be on you. He has made his match yours so he'll always be ready when you are
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Techno already doesn't sleep a lot, when he does, he makes sure you're asleep way long before him, just wants to make sure you know you're safe and loved
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pythoneon · 4 years
MCYT AU- Cryptid Edition
this is kinda long so buckle up.
Dream: nature guardian. He kills anyone who attempts to hurt the forest, mostly campers who set fires or jerky teens who litter. Featureless white creature as tall as the trees that turns invisible is not looking at him directly. Jaw unhinges and opens wide like pac-man, except with way more sharp teeth inside. Arms reach the floor. He turns human when he leaves the forest. 
Sapnap: extroverted fire spirit. He sets fire to anything he touches unless he’s sleeping, Lava Girl style. High body temp, his veins glow from under his skin like magma veins. Needs to ear flammable things to survive. Found around geysers and dormant volcanoes. Catches fire when excited, turns cold and dark like coal when sad. 
Badboyhalo: manifested nightmare. Roams the streets at night, giving bad dreams to anyone who sees him. Black, smoky creature with white eyes and small horns. He glows, making him look more like a shadow. Puts people to sleep by touching them. He’s caring, but can’t get too close to people as he might give them nightmares. 
Georgenotfound: reluctant cryptid hunter. Skeptic, doesn’t believe in anything he can’t see himself. Has heterochromia (because why not). Acts as their cameraman and common sense. He’s part of a paranormal hunting group called Crypto Crew trying to get evidence of cryptids, but ends up with more than he bargained for.
Antfrost: shy therianthrope. Takes the form of a Balinese cat, changes into a human at random times. Nocturnal. He hangs out with Bad because he’s the only other cryptid he knows and is unaffected by his nightmare powers. Loves sleeping in the sun. Has no obvious powers other than turning into a cat, which he has no control over.  
Skeppy: Leader and founder of the Crypto Crew. He really wants to believe in cryptids, but has never gotten close to finding any evidence. Has suspicions about Tubbo. Persistent, borderline obsessed, and cruel at times, but just wants to prove to the world that he’s not crazy. 
Wilbur Soot: immortal archivist trying to protect the anonymity of cryptids. Born in 300 BC, originally an alchemist who found the secret to eternal life. Works under Skeppy as their researcher, intentionally alerts local cryptids to avoid them when they go hunting. He also protects his son, Fundy, from discovery. Is a little insane from centuries of isolation. 
Tommyinnit: youngest member of the Crypto Crew. Neighbors and best friends with Tubbo, he has no idea he’s a cryptid. Ran away from home at 15 to live with Wilbur. Very loud, tends to scare off any creatures around, and is clueless to everything not in front of his face. 
Tubbo: lake monster. Has nearly invisible gills on his neck, scaled skin. Yellow eyes hidden by contacts and webbed fingers and toes. He’s bad at covering his tracks, but Tommy is too oblivious to notice signs. Homeschooled. Is stronger than he knows. Mouth full of shark-like teeth. Carnivore. Hates killing, so he gets Wilbur to get him freshly killed fish. 
Technoblade: homicidal Pigman. Self explanatory. 7 feet tall, pink skin covered in battle scars, large tusks and floppy ears adorned with gold jewelry. Has hooves and human hands with long claws. Anarchist trying to band cryptids together to destroy the government. Can summon weapons from nothing. Fireproof. Has a sibling rivalry with Wilbur, which started in the 1800′s. 
Fundy: kitsune. Thrives in cold climates. Wilbur’s son whose mother was a Kitsune as well. He has a hate-love relationship with Wilbur, who tried to be there for him but always fell short of being a good father. Trans. Can teleport. using a stone Wilbur has as a beacon home. Is incredibly smart but has a crude tongue and loves to play pranks on humans who wander too close to his home. 
Quackity: harpy. Looks mostly human, except his eyes are eagle eyes and he has small black wings on his arms, barely big enough to lift him off the ground. Spine juts out like spikes from his back. Birdlike feet, clawed hands, and feathered crown around his neck. Lives in Dream’s forest. Only able to speak in fragments, unless singing. He loves riddles. 
Philza: thunderbird. human with large raven wings. He’s incredibly power, but also extremely weak. Adopts lonely cryptids he finds into his home. Found Wilbur trapped in the Paris catacombs, found Techno in the Sahara abandoned by his family, found Tubbo stranded in the bottom of the ocean. Helped guide Tommy to Wilbur. Only steps in when his kids are in danger. 
Jschlatt: goatman. Large, curved horns, floppy ears and hooved legs. Likes to think of himself as the ruler of all cryptids. Owns a cryptic themed bar but never shows his face. Has a heart condition. Drinks heavily. Herbivore, but will fuck you up if you look at him wrong. He hates Wilbur, and constantly tries to expose his immortality without also exposing himself.
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ranboo5 · 3 years
4 and 5 :D (is Graphite canon besties with my self insert is what I'm asking. Pwease?) -yellow
4. friends with any canon characters? Not really bc it's set in the far future
However it is /parasocial with the same characters I am and ig it did know Technoblade specifically as its vassal as a chat member so!!
5. friends with any non-canon characters? Not yet confirmed/dependent on timeline because originally it was made to be a Zablr Syndicate sona so it would be with the rest of Zablr gang but idk what's going on with the Syndicate RP it kinda ran away with everyone and I think is called Inferna now? Most confirmed relationship is that it is intended to be canon friends with Nocturne ifakier's guys if and when I figure out how to work fabric and finally hop on Inferna so Nocturne can summon it
Unfortunately bc of the far future thing it cannot be canon besties unless ur self insert is epic immortal momence :< what existed to later become Graphite was not yet it when your guy was around otherwise
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rosesootgold · 3 years
Do you have any about dream and techno? Whichever is fine. If you have time of course! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Here is what i found!
A really cute discord relationship hcs with Dream by @sleepysoupi
An awesome fic with Technoblade by @nocturnal-dreams
Cute just fic with Technoblade by @punzxox
And..gasp a Soulmate AU? With Technoblade by @berry-writes-stuff
And lastly, taken care by Dream..at a house party? By @creepling
Hope you like it! <3
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the-peachpit · 3 years
Protected By The Blade
Fandom: DSMP
Warnings: Derealization, Blood
Summary: Techno Takes Ranboo To The Nether, It's Been A Long Time For The Enderman Hybrid. It Should Have Been A Simple Errand. Until Ranboo Meet's Other Enderman For The First Time Close Up. Techno Feels A Fear He Hasn't In A Long Time. The Fear Of Loss.
The sunshine glinted off the snow, making the terrain treacherous to untrained eyes, or the sensitive eyes of an enderman hybrid. Typically, a nocturnal creature mixed with- well Technoblade was sure the kid didn’t even know what he was mixed with himself. It wasn’t human that was for sure, but out of everyone he’d met in his years of travel, Ranboo had the most human heart he’d ever met. Next to Philza of course, but did immortal champions chosen by death herself count anymore? He was beyond what he once was- had been for a while. Philza had changed over his many years of transcending death by the skin of his teeth, where Technoblade still felt the same. A piglin hybrid still trying to figure out if he were more beast or man with varying answers by himself and others on varying days. Watching Ranboo plod along towards the cabin squinting while he swished his multicolored tail Techno couldn’t help but laugh. Ranboo wasn’t an anarchist he wasn’t committed to the syndicate, but Techno couldn’t bring himself to turn the strange boy away. Not when he saw so much of himself in those green and red eyes, a hybrid but one who knew where they stood in the overworld. Techno wondered if the lanky man had ever even stepped foot in the neither.
Going to greet him Tecno opened the large glass door he had been peeking through to stand on the front porch.
“Little early to be coming over, isn’t it?” Techno rose a brow.
Ranboo stood only a few inches shorter than Techno the only man to be able to almost look him eye to eye and the enderman refused.
“Is it?” Ranboo wrung his clawed hands together.
Techo smiled to himself shaking his head slightly, “I’m kidding Ranboo.”
“Right,” Ranboo’s long fluffy ears perked up.
Holding the sliding door open Techno gestured his hand forward allowing Rnaboo to enter first escaping from the cold. The temperature was hard for Techno to adjust to when he first left the nether especially the cold. The first time it had snowed he felt like all his strength had been sapped from his bones. Getting defensive at every movement he had attacked Philza twice not trusting his father figure to not kick him while he was down. Resulting in a smalls car under Philza’s eye that Techno looked at constantly. It haunted him but every time Techno starred too long Philza would ask him to do something. Just a small chore, like collecting the dishes after dinner or sweeping the front entry. Techno did every task without question, it was an apology he knew Philza didn’t need or want, but Techno felt he had to give.
Ranboo didn’t talk a lot about his experiences before he came to the overworld. He kept it quiet enough that even when Techno talked about his short time traversing old lava tubes Ranboo looked uncomfortable with nothing to add, and he had to wonder if the enderman had experienced the nether.
“You need to make some potions? Is Tubbo doing okay?” techno asked closing the door trapping the heat from the fire back in the wooden house.
“Funny you mention that,” Ranboo looked at the ground, “Um,” He hesitated, “It’s actually Michael.”
Tehno rose an eyebrow at the sound of the young piglins name.
“His zombification coming back?”
Ranboo shook his head, “No, but somethings wrong. He’s been extra irritable lately rarely letting Tubbo or I touch him without a fight. He’s curled in on himself on his bed twenty-four seven.”
Techno nodded speaking of cold piglins, “You brought him to the overworld in the summer, right?”
Ranboo nodded his fuzzy ears flopping with the movement.
Only being half piglin Techno couldn’t imagine what it felt like for Michael being in the tundra of Snowchester, “Ranboo this is his first snowfall and a rough one at that. He’s cold, I remember my first winter. Being surrounded by lava and warmth all our lives snow is a shock to the system the first time. It draws the piglin to the surface, your first winter must have been tough being part enderman.”
Ranboo’s green and red eyes searched the ground as he shrugged, “I don’t remember ever being uncomfortable up here. No more than Tubbo and needing a jacket.”
Techno crossed his arms, “Have you ever had an extended stay in the nether?”
“No longer than the time we brought Michael home, it’s uncomfortable.” Ranboo fidgeted.
The response tickled the back of Technoblades skull. He scratched it away.
“It’s an easy fix for you and Michael, magma will be easier to find in the nether than around here this time of year. I have the gear you can use and-“
“I don’t know Techno,” Ranboo’s tail flicked, “Can’t I lookout up here? House sit?”
“Where’s your sense of adventure?” Techno slung his arm around the enderman hybrid squeezing his slender shoulders, “It’s for your boy!”
Techno understood the importance of doing something for the ones you care about to help them.
Ranboo gulped nodded, “You’re right, a quick trip.”
Techno laughed smacking the young man’s back, “There we go!”
Outfitting Ranboo in the basement with the armor he had spent days crafting the forge, he handed him a pickaxe, weapons, and a bucket made to carry lava. Déjà vu crept up Techno’s spine stepping back to look at the tall thin man looking bogged down by the equipment. It was the first time he noticed Ranboo’s hair was getting long covering his expressive eyebrows. Alongside an impressive scar on his temple, he’d gotten from a tussle with Sam. Something, not a lot of people around there would do. Ranboo had a strong heart and brash personality when he worked himself up about something. It didn’t happen often, but the kid had strong opinions.
Leading the way through the gentle snowdrift Techno’s boots sank with a crunch into the soft powder. It had snowed more than he thought Michael must have been miserable and Techno wished he could have predicted it. It was an early snowfall that caught him by surprise. Catching the delicate scent that morning he pulled on his thickest robes and started the fire. Before he caught a whiff of Ranboo- blueberries, and metal-approaching he was curled up with a good book in his quiet home. It felt selfish not even thinking about the young pigling with inexperienced parents. Assuming Tubbo would know something about piglins, not sure why he thought that the last piglin hybrid he spoke with tried to kill him.
Looming over the snowy tundra set in the sheer face of a mountain a black stone arch soaked in the rays of the sun holding them hostage. Obsidian gates to another world paralleled to their own. Techno rummaged through his pockets pulling out a small match.
“Have you ever lit a nether portal Ranboo?”
Ranboo shook his head flopping his ears around, “Usually Tubbo lights them.”
“Do you care to learn?” Techno offered.
Ranboo shuffled on his feet but nodded.
Techno whispered an incantation he would need to teach Ranboo later- before the kid got cold feet- his lips an inch from the match. With a warm stream of air, the match burst into a purple flame. Flicking the match to the Nether portal the purple flames threatened to slide up the mountainside only contained by the obsidian blocks bent to their will. Evening the flames became a mist releasing a muggy heat into the crisp air. Casting a glance at the enderman hybrid Techno saw his wide pupils reflecting the purple mist. He knew it must have been calling to the boy, Techno could hear it too, the whisper to quiet all the voices. The Nether always called her creations home. He’d have to keep a close eye on the boy.
“Feel ready?” Techno watched the fog in the boys’ eyes break.
“As long as you go first,” Ranboo clutched his sword tighter.
Techno nodded retying his short ponytail, “I can do that.”
Stepping into a nether portal always made Techno’s skin feel too tight against his bones, like if he flexed it would rip to ribbons exposing the muscle underneath. Before it became unbearable to walk, he felt like his core was ablaze causing him to expand rapidly as he emerged out the other side. Heat rippled through him welcoming him to his old home beckoning him to lose the human façade. Shaking his head lightly he held onto his composure knowing to return to full piglin in the nether would mean Ranboo dragging him home-and he doubted he could.
Ranboo had stepped past Techno his dual-colored tail swinging back and forth gently scuffing lines into the red dirt. His shoulders drooped posture the most relaxed Techno had seen. Mesmerized by the cliffs of red earth that dwarfed them and rivers of lava below. To the right, a forest Techno had been watching over on the side. Lush plants that glowed with bioluminescence a gentle green. Ranboo’s ears perked one way towards the sound of ghast than the other at a skeleton. His whole body jumped a foot in the air when an explosion ruptured in the distance. Techno tried, but he couldn’t hold back the laugh as Ranboo attempted to slow his heart rate.
“Come on,” Techno started towards the forest, “We can get down safely this way.”
Obediently Ranboo fell in step behind Technoblade as he entered the forest.
It had been a few days since he’d been in to water it, but he wasn’t the only one looking after it. Not after he got the first few trees to sprout. The lush light green canopy blocked out the smell of Sulphur and dimmed the harsh lava light. Only the leaves gentle glow cast a calming aura. Techno had been working with the fast-growing foliage for months eager to get one of the trees to grow in the overworld. He could picture it now with sprawling branches lighting up in the dead of night. He could picture himself falling asleep under the artificial stars, maybe it would call Philza back like a beacon. It had been a month. A rustling tore Techno from his thoughts. Eyes focused on the treetops he spotted an agile black and white figure jump from branch to branch. Techno smiled watching the boy climb through the branches.
“I didn’t know you could climb trees,” Techno shouted.
“Are you kidding,” Ranboo’s face lit up with a smile as he maneuvered, “Before Tubbo and I moved we lived in a jungle biome, my days were spent in trees. I love snowchester, but it’s flat. I miss being up here!” He called down.
“That’s fine,” Techno called back, “Just keep up, there’s a lava river at the end of this land stretch, “He pointed forward, “We’ll have magma in no time.”
Walking through the forest with Ranboo in the trees rustling as he went brought the familiar feeling back to his gut. It danced on the tip of his tongue as Ranboo laughed above him. Techno smiled to himself looking up again.
“Careful Ranboo,” Techno warned, “You should really put your armor on.”
The boy had shed his iron exoskeleton somewhere along his personal adventure.
“I’ll be fine, I’m with the Blade,” He beamed.
Techno had never seen him smile, especially that wide. He couldn’t bring himself to lecture him not when his confidence was peaking. Techno brought him here to see the gentle enderman hybrid embrace his existence. He would protect him just so he could be himself.
Entering the clearing Techno watched Ranboo return to the ground with leaves caught in his black and white hair. His tail wagging behind him as he panted from physical activity. Holding out a bucket Techno gestured towards the small river of lava he used to keep the rest of the Nether out of his tiny slice of wonder. Taking the bucket in long clawed fingers Ranboo moved at a molasses paced compared to the way he moved along the treetops. His steps were shaky and unsure delicate as he padded across the grass. He looked as if the lava would jump at him swallowing him whole. Sitting back with his arms crossed Techno steadied his patience Ranboo would have to learn to do this himself. Not that Techno minded collecting lava for Michael, he needed it for himself anyway. He knew though, Ranboo would feel more pride knowing he could provide for his own child-for his small family.
Dipping his bucket carefully into the molten lake Techno watched him lift the metal triumphantly his arms only a little noticeably shaky from a distance. He held back the urge to clap instead of moving towards the man to congratulate his job well done. The wide smile on Ranboo’s face morphing as Techno approached. A grin from a past life missing a bottom tooth with one dulled canine. A grin that came to him in hazy dreams where he reached out towards a ghost with trembling fingers.
A deep gurgle breaks Technoblade from the fog as Ranboo stares past the piglin.
“Is that a-“ Ranboo stutters.
Turning Techno stood chin high to an enderman its obsidian skin glistening unnaturally for something made of shadows themselves. A small group of enderman trailed behind carrying various blocks around the man-made biome. They were Techno’s helpful gardeners who for some unknown reason to him watched the trees and flowers of the area grow. They brought new foliage to add to the greenhouse collection. Techno could watch them for hours on end toiling around- if he didn’t make eye contact. They also seemed to act as a secondary defense against the monsters that could make it past the lava. Swiftly destroying intruders. Techno wondered what kind of home security they could provide. Intently watching Ranboo stare the enderman in the eye Techno knew his experiment was coming to light.
Ranboo never shared eye contact for more than a fraction of a second with anyone without shying away. Enderman usually attack on sight when their purple eyes meet any others. Ranboo was the exception, his enderman genes playing a role, he was sure. Techno moved himself to the side watching the scene unfold.
“Why can I,” Ranboo tiled his head eyes glued to the opposing enderman, “It’s on the tip of my tongue I can understand you. I know I can. Say something else.”
The enderman spoke in clicks and hisses gibberish to Techno’s bilingual ears.
Ranboo’s eyebrows scrunched together, “I can, I can’t.” He shook his head, “I hear it like a code in my head.”
Ranboo’s large green and red eyes flickered to Techno squinted and anxious. Techno considered shooing away the enderman at the pained look. He was pushing too hard; in truth, he had forgotten about the enderman for a minute. It was no longer fascination with Ranboo but helping his sick child with whom he could relate to. Hand on the hilt of his sword Techno watched Ranboo’s damp confused expression become soulless. His eyes glowed a shimmering purple the insides swirling like nether portal mist.
“Ranboo,” Technoblade’s voice was even and calm.
Ranboo’s head snapped to the side all coherent thought pushed from his mind as his eyes locked coldly onto the piglin.
Moving his hands from his weapon out in front of him showing no threats Techno stepped toward the hybrid hearing clicks that could have been warnings.
“Ranboo we have to go,” Techno urged.
With a low moan and a blink, Ranboo teleported away from a few paces deeper into the trees with the group of enderman.
Techno’s shoulders sagged as he picked up the lava bucket watching the enderman hybrid blink around the forest with blocks in his hands. He was so screwed if he went back without the scrawny hybrid, Tubbo would let him have it for weeks if he found out. Half jogging Techno never let his red eyes leave Ranboo as the boy moved through space and time instead of the treetops. He would not lose him here.
As quickly as they came the enderman pack had started to disperse blinking out of existence not returning to any nearby spot Techno could see. Fuck fuck fuck. Ranboo was glancing around. Please don’t move -Techno silently pleaded his feet carrying him faster across the soft terrain.
Turning his head back and forth as if he was also looking for his pack and hadn’t gotten the memo. He called out in deep grunts and clicks spinning on his heels blinking away.
Technoblade felt his heart leap into his throat, he was too late. He stopped running standing in a glowing forest of the Nether alone. He panted. He was rusty from being so cozy he should have been able to catch him. He let Ranboo down. The bucket of lava weighed heavily in his inventory he wasn’t going back empty-handed. Maybe it could keep Tubbo at bay while he figured out where to even start looking.
A scream sent Techno into a dead sprint his heart hammering against his ribs with every step. He ran faster than his human form could handle slowly losing his natural concentration on the form his body shifting. Pink fur ripped through his clothes as his physic morphed as his feet pounded against the grass exposing the red dirt beneath. Techno snarled his snout and tusks emerging from his skull. It felt like eons ago since Techno had donned his full piglin form, a form that fought wars and was feared as a god – immortal to men who gazed upon him covered in blood. Answering the call of the Nethers' thick heat Techno growled his blood boiling.
Lying on the ground gripping his lower abdomen a black and white boy laid blood seeping through his tightly clasped fingers. He was backing up pathetically from three skeleton archers' bows drawn. Techno slid his body in between the small pack of archers and Ranboo feeling the first arrow pierce his back making him arch and groan.
“Techno!” Ranboo yelled trying to stand.
Techno shook his head, “It’s fine, you’re with the blade.” And suddenly the boy laying before him with blood on his hands had wheat-colored hair and soft blue eyes and tear stains, “You’re safe,” He grunted as another arrow penetrated his skin, “No one will hurt you again Tommy. I promise.”
The boy before him sobbed unsure what to do, but Techno didn’t want him to do a thing, he’d seen so much hardship. He was tortured and abused for months coming to Techno clinging to life and Techno’s cape in the middle of the woods. He was so cold and fragile a far cry from the boy Techno helped raise strong and brave. The day Tommy came to Techno after escaping exile Techno knew the boy cowering in his sleep had been broken. He’d spent countless nights watching the boy flail in his sleep waking up screaming the name of his attacker begging for forgiveness. Techno witnessed Tommy flinching when he moved too fast, or he raised his voice. He never raised it at Tommy. He was gentle with his brother- his brother. Who he towered over and swore to protect only to fail.
He wouldn’t fail again feeling the arrows stop. Through the fog of pain, Techno gripped his ax handle swinging with all his might to the right. Spinning catching the ribcage of every skeleton as he cut through the air. Heavy breaths left Tehcnoblades snout red eyes scanning over every bone crunch a few under his hoof to be sure none would return to his small paradise.
“Techno your back,” Ranboo sniffled.
Spinning back around Techno scooped Ranboo into his arms carrying the injured hybrid back to the nether portal ignoring the warm buzz in his brain asking him to stay.
“Ah,” Ranboo gasped.
“Almost done,” Techno wrapped the long bandage around Ranboo’s torso once more before taping it down.
Techno opened the medicine cabinet returning the bandage and antiseptic.
“Thanks for helping me out,” Ranboo’s voice was quiet.
“It was no trouble,” Techno walked over to the sink checking on the hard magma cube forming.
Silence stretched across the room. Techno had thought Ranboo had slunk away.
“Did you,” Ranboo stumbled over his words, “Did you call me Tommy?”
Techno flinched, so he had said it out loud.
“Do I, remind you of him?”
Techno sighed leaning against the counter looking at Ranboo, “You’re just, both people I didn’t want to fail.” He spoke through gritted teeth. Why was it so hard to say he cared? “I failed Tommy after so many others. He came to me when I was alone myself. With Wilbur dead, and Philza Prime knows where. I had peace knowing someone I,” he stuttered, “He was safe with me. Then he wasn’t, then he died.”
“Techno, you know Tommy came back,” Ranboo bit his lip, “He seems happy.”
“He shouldn’t have died,” Techno clenched his fist.
“There was nothing you could do, none of us knew what was going on,” Ranboo hopped off the table flinching, “Let me help you with your back, come on. Who else is gonna help?”
Sitting with a huff on the table Techno grumbled knowing Rnaboow was right. Back injuries were the hardest to bandage alone. He’d spent nights letting open wounds heal on their own in his piglin form before. While Philza was away.
Ranboo’s technique was gentle his fingers nimble as he laid down thick gauze.
“You done this before?” Techno joked.
“To Tubbo,” He answered softly, “I’m the one who treated his burn wounds.”
That shut Techno right up.
“Tommy talks about you fondly,” Ranboo’s voice was hushed, “The blade is still his protector, he’s talked about visiting you. He wants to go out on an adventure he’s sick of the domestic life. I told him I wasn’t sure if you would agree but it was worth a try. He’s been thinking of the right way to ask you. He’s not as jumpy as when I first met him. He’s loud and obnoxious though.”
Techno smiled the water that fell onto his lap caused him to look up towards the ceiling- was it leaking? Gently swiping a calloused finger pad across his cheek, he was surprised to see the water coming from him. From his eyes-the blood good. Tommy was returning to his old self, he was healing, and Techno knew in his bones he wanted to be there for that.
“Ranboo,” Techno whispered.
“Bring him with you next time, yea?”
Techno closed his eyes letting the tears silently slide down his cheeks. He could see a kid with bruises under his eyes and bandages on his cheek. A smile a mile wide with crooked teeth missing a bottom one and little fangs that Techno had a scar from. Blonde hair with a braid that blew in the wind even under the crooked turtle shell helmet.
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