#nodding along politely like i see the argument youre making
periodically watching video essays about doctor who to remind myself of how skewed my perspective is
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reiding-writing · 4 months
hi author your writing is great btw i just wanted to see when you would post part 2 of copycat??
copycat [ s.r ] | 2 |
The replication of a disturbing 2004 serial murder case calls for the BAU to get involved with the assistance of none other than the original killer themself. And whilst Spencer didn't work the original case, he was eager to learn every detail about it, including its offender.
WARNINGS: relationship between spencer and reader is not inherently romantic, sociopathic reader, graphic details of murder, graphic eye descriptions, mentions of spencer’s addiction and overdose, morgan and reader really don’t like each other, child abuse, childhood addiction, death by overdose, suicide
s3!spencer/gn!unsub!reader || mystery || 14.3k || masterlist!!
part one !! , part two !!
unsub!reader masterlist!!
a/n: after a whole 22 days of writing this, it’s finally finished 😭 sorry for making you all wait for so long this one was a nightmare to finish-
taglist (slashed blogs couldn’t be tagged): @devilsadvcte @marvellover98 @evvy96 @arlovesper @h3rt8k @pathologicalreid @sideshow-b0b @sunflowersndpeaches @mera3luna @madameparkerreid @fandom-mania @melaninsugababy @meyaareads
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“Let’s go Doctor. I’m ready to get out of this beige abomination.”
You push yourself off the table and leave out of the same door that Morgan had, Spencer following closely behind you.
He was oddly grateful about your decency to respect his title, and it only made him want to read you like a book even more.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The coroner's office, whilst not as bland and beige as the police station was still extremely muted, with light grey walls and a smooth tiled floor that was so shiny you're sure you could see your face in it if you focused enough.
“The second I see a change in your features I am booting you out of the mortuary understood?” Morgan’s tone held nothing but contempt for you as he walked step in step with you like you’d disappear if he looked away for more than a second.
“You keep speaking to me like that and I’ll shove the next rose I get down your throat.”
“Did you just threaten me?” Morgan’s contempt fizzled into a rising frustration, his eyebrows knitted into a tight line and his arms crossed tightly over his chest as if trying to puff himself out like a peacock to look more intimidating.
“Threats hold no value,”
“We should go inside now,” Spencer’s voice was much less confident than either yours or Morgan’s, but it held enough volume to be heard over your argument.
He was seriously beginning to question whether inviting you to come along was a good idea. He knew Morgan despised you, and yet he’d asked you to come along anyway out of his own selfish want to crack open your brain like a book and read your neuron pathways like pages.
He just hoped you’d actually find something valuable in the victim’s autopsy so that all of your arguing with Morgan wasn’t in vain.
“Ah, you must be the agents working on the case, I’m Dr. Toth,” The doctor introduced herself politely as Spencer opened the mortuary door, and Spencer gave her a small nod of recognition as the three of you entered.
“That’s right, thank you for allowing us here,”
“Of course,” The doctor walked her way around the autopsy table, where you assumed the body of the most recent victim was lying, covered by a blue sheet from head to toe and leaving only the silhouette in its place. “I should warn you in advance, due to the damage caused to the eyes whilst removing the rose stems, we had to excise them from the body during the autopsy,”
“Do you still have them?” Your question seems to strike a nerve with Morgan, probably thinking that you want to see the victim’s eyes as a part of a sick fantasy running through your mind, but he bites his tongue to keep his mouth shut so that he doesn’t accidentally air the fact that they’d brought a serial killer into a coroner’s office and freak out the pathologist they’re talking to.
“We do yes, they were professionally removed and placed in hypothermic storage, I can retrieve them for you if you’d like,”
“That won’t be necessary for now,” Morgan’s interjection elicits a roll of your eyes. You weren’t interested in seeing them because it would get you off or whatever, you wanted to see what kind of damage they went through to the point where they had to be fully removed from the victim’s body.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it, but if you need my assistance please don’t hesitate to ask,”
“Thank you,” Spencer, the peacekeeper that he is, gives the doctor a polite smile as he picks up a pair of latex gloves and pulls them over his hands, and you and Morgan follow suit after him as he takes place at the end of the autopsy table.
“You’re looking for differences, not entertainment.”
“Yes yes, I get it, Jesus Christ.” You scoff at Morgan’s tone, tugging the sheet down from the victim’s head until it was halfway down his torso.
“His name was Alexander Youlier, age 22, died of blood loss with the roses believed to be inserted post-mortem,” Spencer read through the autopsy file as you examined the boy’s face.
He was pale, much too pale for a normal person, but you suppose that’s what happens when you barely have any blood in your body, and the blood that he did have completely lacked oxygen. His cheeks were sunken, his lips almost blue from the lack of oxygen, and of course, in place of where his eyes would be, there were instead two holes lined with a dark reddish pink muscle that made it look like the cavity was much deeper than physically possible.
The minute you looked at his face you felt like you were going to throw up. So much for being ‘entertained’.
“Oi.” Morgan’s voice ripped you from your state of disassociation. “What did I just say, you’re here to identify the differences not get off to the victim’s body in your head.” He turned his attention towards Spencer with a disapproving look. “I told you we shouldn’t’ve brought them here,”
You didn’t respond to Morgan’s chastising with anything more than a tiny twitch of your eyebrows as you tore your eyes away from Youlier’s face.
“Are you okay?” Spencer’s voice was considerably softer than Morgan's, his eyes big and round, glistening with worry underneath the overhead light in the room, and his eyebrows furrowed in concern at the way you’d suddenly shut down.
“I don’t want to be here anymore.” The end of your sentence is marked by you tearing the gloves from your hands and leaving them in balls on the floor as you retreat to the door of the room.
“What do you think you’re doing? You’re not allowed to just leave. You wanted to be here. You chose to be here. So you’ll do your goddamn job.” Morgan’s anger falls unrecognised as you open the door and slam it behind you after you leave, and he begins to follow after you only to be stopped by Spencer at the door.
“I’ve got it,”
Morgan’s glance is unconvinced, and Spencer reiterates himself once more. “I’ve got it, I promise, they’re less likely to get angry if it’s me and not you,”
Morgan doesn’t get the chance to argue before Spencer runs off down the hallway to catch up to you, leaving him alone in the mortuary to continue his analysis of the autopsy by himself.
“Hey!” Spencer calls out to you as he jogs in your direction, catching you right as you open the door to leave the coroner’s office. “Wait up a second-” You don’t stop at his callings, but he can tell that you’re also not trying to deliberately get away from him, your pace slow and even as you leave the coroner’s office with him hot on your tail.
He’s very clearly out of breath by the time he reaches your side, but he pays no attention to his lungs’ cry for him to take a second to breathe and supply them with more oxygen as he begins questioning you. “Are you okay?”
“I‘m fine,”
He’s not at all convinced by your statement despite your tone conveying genuity. You looked paler than usual, any natural flush was gone from your cheeks and your lips, and you were absentmindedly picking at the nail bed of your thumb with your middle finger, something he assumes is a self-soothing act for you.
People getting disturbed at the sight of a freshly dead body wasn’t exactly something for Spencer to be astounded at. It was a natural human reaction to the incomprehensible knowledge of death that your brain desperately tried to work out with no results.
But you didn’t exactly fit the definition of ‘normal’. You were a sociopath. So for you to be put off by the sight of a dead body was something for Spencer to be astounded at.
Sure he was aware that sociopaths could still feel things like dread and fear of the unknown, but you weren’t just a sociopath. You were a sociopath who killed eighteen people.
You’d seen your fair share of dead people, manic episode or not. So why was this body making you react like you were?
He supposes it’s just another layer he’ll have to peel from your mind like the skin of an onion.
“Did you know that sociopaths have heightened emotional pathways? Every emotion sociopaths experience is allegedly 3 times stronger in intensity than that of someone without it,” He didn’t exactly know what to say to you considering you’d shut down any attempt to talk about how you were doing emotionally, and so he fell back on what he always did, niche facts and statistics.
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” Your hardened expression didn’t falter, nor did the underlying monotony in your tone, but you did finally look him in the eye.
“I always feel more at ease when I fully understand whatever I’m dealing with,” Spencer smiles at you softly with a shrug of his shoulders, attempting to empathise with you the best he could.
“I already knew that fact,” You take a seat on the small half-wall lining the outside of the coroner’s office, gripping the edge of the brick with your hands. “And it doesn’t make me feel any different,”
“Well…” Spencer purses his lips slightly as he takes a seat next to you, running through things in his head that might hold some sort of value to you. “Did you know that roses symbolise different things based off of their colour?”
He was definitely grasping at straws now, but he didn’t want to end your conversation yet. He wanted to know what had you so perturbed that you felt the need to leave the minute you got a close look at the victim’s body.
If anything he’d expected you to follow Morgan’s accusation about getting some sick gratification from the body, not actually feeling sick because of it.
“Why do you think I used white roses? I’m not stupid you know,”
He’d never thought of that. “You used white roses for a specific reason?”
You shrug, swinging your legs back and forth over the edge of the wall. “When I was younger we had a dog, and when it died my parents planted a white rose bush over where they buried it,”
Your tone is rather emotionally removed as you divulge this little snippet of your past to him, like you were recounting something you’d read from a fictional story rather than an event that most children would find extremely distressing. “Mom said that the roses were white because they symbolised mourning and new beginnings, something about how it would help him pass over into heaven or whatever, and I guess even in my episode I held that knowledge subconsciously,”
“You don’t believe in heaven?” Spencer’s eyes scanned your face as he tried to decipher your micro-expressions, noting the small softening of your eyes once you brought up your parents. Looks like you did indeed still have some humanity.
“Do you believe in heaven Dr. Reid?”
No. Maybe? He knew that once your brain functions stopped working your consciousness was permanently ended and that was it. “I thought I saw the other side once,” His admission shocked himself more than it shocked you. Great, he was spilling his traumas to a sociopath he’d known for less than a week. What a riveting social life he had.
He could see the flicker of intrigue in your eyes at his sentence, and he pursed his lips into a line before deciding to continue. “I uh- 11 months ago I was kidnapped and forcefully injected with Dilaudid, and I- was overdosed…”
He could see the cogs turning in your head as you connected the fragments of earlier conversations with him in your mind to form a cohesive story, and you nodded at him as if encouraging him to continue with his story.
“I blacked out first, but it felt… warm? and I could see the beginnings of a light and I honestly still don’t know what to think of it,” He could feel himself squirming from the recollection. He was a man of science. Someone who only believed in what he could physically see and test. But that brief moment where he was sure that he’d died and was experiencing an afterlife that he didn’t think existed had carved a hole into his brain and settled itself into the back of his mind.
“I hope there’s an afterlife,” Your tone continues to carry that same monotonous drawl, but he can see the genuity in your eyes and the way your hands clench around the edge of the brick wall.
“Me too…”
It’d be easy for Spencer to forget you were a serial killer in moments like this. Sure you were still extremely emotionally stunted, but you felt human. And he’s sure that that’s the real difference between a sociopath and a psychopath.
Psychopaths were born without human ‘defects’. Sociopaths were made.
“Were your parents good to you?” Spencer’s question was full of hesitation. He didn’t want to assume anything, after all, your parents were the one topic you seemed to treat with genuine care in your words, but he knew something had to have happened. Something had to have made you the way that you are.
“My parents were perfect.” Your eyebrows knit into a small line, as if defensive at the fact that Spencer would suggest your parents were anything other than the perfect model of what two caregivers should be.
“What about your biological parents?” He could feel himself retreating back into his own mind the further he pressed for answers out of you, his conscience begging him to just stop talking before he accidentally crossed a line and ruined any branch of communication he’d formed.
“I don’t remember them,” You shrug lightly and your expression cements your nonchalance.
“You’ve never wanted to… seek them out?” It wasn’t entirely surprising that you don’t remember your biological parents. Most children who get adopted really young don’t.
“They’re dead.”
Spencer’s eyes widen slightly at the revelation.
By this point, he’s completely forgotten about the fact that he’s supposed to be convincing you to go back into the mortuary to continue looking at the victim.
You had a great adoptive family and a pair of dead biological parents. Was that what broke you? Was them dying what caused your mental state to shatter and rebuild itself as a fragmented version of its previous state?
Maybe that’s why you didn’t remember them. Maybe your brain had built a wall in your memories to protect you from your own trauma of losing your parents. But he wasn’t sure it was enough for you to have a mental break like you did. There had to be something more.
“I can do some digging on them if you want,” He airs the suggestion like he’s not going to do it even if you say no.
“I have no interest in learning about them,”
Oh well. He’d get Garcia to do it anyway. Maybe you’d find more interest in the topic once there was actually something for you to learn.
“Are you- feeling alright now?” Spencer knew he was going to have to bring up the topic eventually. They couldn’t stay out here for too long both for the sake of the investigation and because if they did Morgan would probably jump to the conclusion that you’d killed Spencer and run off somewhere.
“I told you I was fine,”
“I don’t think I believe you,” Spencer could see the small shift in your expression at his hesitant accusation. But it wasn’t anger this time, it was something else. Something he couldn’t quite put his finger on. “Something caused you discomfort, and in order for you to be able to help us we need you to be relaxed,”
You turned your face away from Spencer as he spoke, eyes fixed on a bird flying overhead and then on the cloud that was behind it.
“What was it that caused you to feel like you didn’t want to be there anymore?” There was clear caution in Spencer’s tone as he questioned you, although that had essentially become a staple of every conversation you had with him by this point. “We can fix it,”
Spencer’s compassion for you left you feeling a little confused. You were a spree murderer. He was supposed to dislike you for that. That’s how the human mind works is it not? People are supposed to have a distaste for those who break the moral codes of society, and you did it 18 times over.
“I… don’t know,” It felt like every second you allowed yourself to be confused the feeling multiplied tenfold until you weren’t even sure that you could remember your own name if somebody asked you for it.
Your emotions were written all over your face, not like you really had the capacity to hide them even if you wanted to, but it was clear as day just how internally confused you were with your own feelings about the situation at hand.
“Let me help you figure it out then,” Spencer’s tone continued to carry that gentle compassion in it and it wasn’t helping you sort out your thoughts.
“I don’t need your help, I can figure it out on my own,” You knew enough about Psychology to be able to figure out your own thinking processes. At least you thought so. You didn’t go through three laborious years at university wishing during every hour of it to be doing something else to not even get anything useful out of it at the end.
Spencer took that as a direct invitation to shut his mouth and just let you think to yourself, although his eyes continued to scan your expression and your body language as he waited for you to come to your own conclusion on how you were currently feeling and what exactly made you feel that way.
“Will you stop staring at me?” Despite your gaze focused downwards towards the pavement your frustration at his lingering gaze made it sound like he was making direct eye contact with you.
“Sorry,” Spencer averted his eyes from you immediately after your order, flickering them around the parking lot of the coroner’s office and absentmindedly reading all of the number plates he could see from a distance so that he didn’t frustrate you anymore than he already had.
You gave up psychoanalysing your own mind after a few minutes, partly because it was an effort you didn’t want to expend and partly because it felt safer for you to just lock your emotions behind a wall of glass and leave them for another day.
Instead, you turned your gaze back to the doctor sitting next to you and watched him as he watched his surroundings.
“Your eyes are very alive,”
It’s an odd thing to say Spencer thinks. The concept of his eyes being ‘alive’. Of course, he’d heard the term ‘dead eyes’ before in reference to the lack of emotion shown on someone's face. He’d consider you to have rather dead eyes if he was thinking about it. Although he’s not sure if you’re referring to his eyes in terms of expressiveness or genuinely being ‘alive’ in a physical sense.
You give him a short nod. “They have a lot of life in them,”
“Thank you?” He chooses to take your odd statement as a sort of compliment. Surely having ‘alive eyes’ couldn’t be a negative thing, right?
Now that he’s thinking about it you really did seem to have some sort of fixation on people's eyes. You constantly chased eye contact with the people you spoke to. You apparently had a habit of studying people’s eyes and how ‘alive’ they were. You pierced roses into the eyes of your victims.
Spencer’s gaze focused on you as he came to the conclusion in his head. You’d become uncomfortable in the mortuary because you couldn’t see the victim’s eyes. Because instead of being able to judge him based off of the look in his eyes you were instead greeted with a blank slate where they were supposed to be.
But why? Why was your judgement of somebody based off of what you could see in their eyes? Something had to have caused it.
“Why did you put roses in your victims’ eyes?” He could see the flicker of intrigue in your expression at his question, although he was unsure whether it was conscious or not.
From the way you’d spoken earlier about your discomfort, it seemed that your apparent fixation was unknown to even you, a subconscious thought process that even you were unaware of for whatever reason.
“I told you this already, I held subconscious knowledge about what they represented.” You furrow your eyebrows at his question, one that you’d answered a little over five minutes ago. Why was he asking you again? “I thought you had an eidetic memory.”
“I do-” Spencer’s not sure whether to be surprised that you remembered that small snippet of information or not. “I mean, why did you put them… you know, in their eyes specifically?”
A small amount of discomfort seeped into Spencer’s tone as he asked the question. As much as he’d become desensitised to the gruesomeness of what his job held, actively thinking about having somebody’s eyes being physically pierced with a blunt object was something that anyone with two functioning eyeballs would feel uncomfortable about.
“I don’t know, I just did,”
So it was subconscious. Something that the dark void in the back of your mind was aware of but wouldn’t let your conscious self have any knowledge of.
“Would you like to help me analyse the victim’s eyes? The pathologist said they were still being stored,” Your eyebrows turn from furrowed to raised, clearly confused by Spencer’s sudden fixation on eye-related things.
“They could be a useful asset to the investigation,” Spencer shrugged softly, lips pressed into a line, an awkward smile present on his face as if his suggestion was completely unrelated to the conversation.
You found yourself agreeing to Spencer’s suggestion despite that lingering discomfort in the back of your mind, and as the two of you stood up to re-enter the coroner’s office, Spencer pulled out his phone to send an email to Morgan.
‘Cover the victim’s face.’
Morgan had clearly read the message before the two of you arrived back at the mortuary, shooting Spencer a glance of confusion as you entered the room ahead of him, eyes already locked on Youlier’s body as if you were drawn to it by some unexplainable force.
Of course, with the blue sheet now placed back over the victim’s head, you couldn’t actually see anything, but you still had the image of his face in your head, causing a sense of unease to remain in your stomach, although not as bad as when you were originally presented with it.
Spencer gave Morgan a small shake of his head as if to shut down this conversation for later, leaving your side to seek out the pathologist so she could retrieve Youlier’s eyes from storage.
He returned not two minutes later, freshly gloved with a glass jar in hand, two vaguely spherical shaped objects floating inside it.
Morgan saw them before you did, his expression widening and then furrowing at the sight of just how ripped up these eyes seemed to be. “How on earth did they end up like that?”
Morgan’s question is enough to pique your curiosity and rip your gaze away from the victim's covered-up face, walking up behind Spencer to look at the jar over his shoulder.
“Dr Toth said the damage was from the thorns on the roses,”
You examine the jar as Spencer explains how they ended up in the state they were in, and you had to agree that Morgan’s bewilderment was right.
They barely even looked like a pair of eyes anymore. They were more ovular than spherical, with two gaping holes where the pupil and iris should be, and countless tear lines all over the scleras, presumably where the killer had struggled to push the stems through the eyes from the resistance of the thorns. Although, you couldn’t deny that seeing them somehow ailed any lingering discomfort in your stomach.
“Well that’s just stupid,”
Spencer jumped from your statement like he hadn’t even realised you were standing behind him, almost fumbling the jar out of his hands in the process.
“…maybe you’re just stupid…” Morgan’s muttering doesn’t go unnoticed, and you shoot a glare in his direction that he mirrors right back at you with just as much venom.
“What’s stupid?” It takes Spencer a second to regain his bearings, but once he does he turns his attention to you with round eyes and a slightly tilted head, eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly.
He watches as your focus shifts back and forth between the eyes in the jar and his own as if you were trying to visualise what he’d look like with the ripped-up excuse for a pair of eyes instead of the ones he currently had.
“Obviously you should de-thorn the roses first,” Your tone carried your phrase like you were telling him that you shouldn’t put metal in a microwave rather than de-thorning a rose before piercing someone’s eye with it. “This guy’s on what, their fifth victim? You would’ve thought they’d figured that out by now,”
You take the jar from Spencer’s hand to get a closer look at the remnants of the victim’s eyes from a better vantage point.
“I mean come on, I figured it out after my first try,” You’re edging into a rant about the intricacies of how to most productively pierce somebodies eyes with rose stems now, and it was beginning to remind Spencer that you had in fact actually done all of these things and it wasn’t just hypothetical. “It literally takes like ten seconds per rose if you know what you’re doing and then saves you five minutes of effort,”
Morgan takes the jar from you like you’re a child with a bottle of bleach, a scowl still etched on his face as you give him an incredulous look.
“I’m not going to like eat them or whatever, god-”
“Knowing your track record I wouldn’t be surprised if you did,” Morgan places the jar down on the small table by where the victim is lying.
“One, that’s disgusting, two, what the fuck?” Spencer finds your bewilderment at Morgan’s suggestion that you might eat the victim’s eyes quite amusing on a surface level, your response sounding like something a high schooler would say rather than a prolific serial killer.
“What? You’re the type of sick bastard that would probably get off on that sort of thing,” Morgan shrugs his shoulders as he turns back around to face you once more.
“I was experiencing a manic episode, I’m not some weird sadist who has a fetish for eyeballs,”
‘Not a fetish, but something,’ Spencer chooses to keep to himself during your squabble this time, walking over to the autopsy table to hike up the blue cover sheet and check for other injuries lower down on the body.
There’s nothing truly substantial, with no defence wounds courtesy of the blow to the back of his head before the attack, another staple of your spree to keep your victims complacent. The only thing of note was the two gashes across each wrist, severing both radial arteries, the source of the bleeding-out portion of his death.
He had to give you props on that part. The average time it took somebody to bleed out was only 3 and a half minutes, meaning it was a pretty effective way to kill somebody with minimal effort and ensure they were completely dead before any first responders might have time to arrive even if they were called immediately after the gashes were made.
It was very controlled, much more of an execution than a murder if he was to really think about it, especially considering all of your victims were unconscious when it happened and therefore probably didn’t even feel anything aside from the original blow to the head.
For a serial killer, it was actually very humane. Even if you did go out of your way to desecrate their eyes afterwards. But was the real harm in that, they were already dead anyway, it’s not like they felt it.
It ruled out any sort of sadism from your spree, one of the reasons he thinks your story of a manic episode was so easily accepted in court. You weren’t killing people for the fun of it. You didn’t drag it out or make it unnecessarily painful. It was like you were just following the steps of how to kill somebody with as minimal effort as possible to satisfy whatever violent urges you had in your head at the time and then fulfilling the apparent subconscious fixation you had with eyes by covering them with roses.
“Wow, this guy really has no idea what he’s doing-” You again cause Spencer to almost jump out of his skin as you appear behind him once more, looking at the gashes over his shoulder.
You reach out to touch one of them, stopped by a harsh hand on your wrist from Morgan, who continues to glare at you like you’d set his house on fire. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Checking out the shitty incision work from this stupid ass copycat?”
“Put some gloves on you idiot,” Morgan drops your wrist with a scoff, walking across the room to pull out a pair of latex gloves from one of the boxes and shoving them into your palms.
You roll your eyes at his attitude but tug on the gloves anyway, making a show of raising your hands up in his face once you had them on. “Happy now?”
With a swat of your wrist away from his face Morgan concedes to stop antagonising you for now and let you focus on whatever you were originally doing, which you turn to do immediately like you’d completely forgotten about Morgan’s existence as soon as he exited your peripheral vision.
“What is it?” Spencer’s eyes follow yours down to the victim’s left wrist, and he watches as you prod at the gash with your gloved fingers as if trying to pry it back open.
“This is probably the shittiest attempt at bleeding someone out I’ve ever seen,” You bend down with narrowed eyes as you examine the wound. “It’d probably take like 20 minutes from a cut this shallow,”
Spencer can’t help but agree with your assessment. The cut was extremely shallow, so much so he’s sure that this victim probably could’ve survived it if he’d gotten immediate medical attention. He checks the other wrist just to be sure, and he’s granted with the same sight, an extremely shallow cut for somebody actively trying to kill people.
“So, what? He just sat around for twenty minutes whilst Youlier bled out so he could put the roses in his eyes?” Morgan furrowed his eyebrows at the revelation. “What sense does that make?”
Can they be sure that they were inserted post-mortem?
Spencer walked around the table towards the autopsy report to re-read the file in case he’d somehow missed that detail whilst reading it the first time.
Alexander Youlier. Age 22. Died of blood loss with the roses believed to be inserted post-mortem.
He hadn’t missed anything. But then that didn’t make sense. There was no way that the killer would just wait around for almost half an hour for somebody to bleed themselves dry, especially considering that Youlier was found under an open gazebo in a dog park. That would just be reckless. For it to work the roses would have had to be inserted whilst he was still alive.
“Having an epiphany over there or something?” Spencer turns his eyes upwards at your comment, leaving the report on the side table as he walks into Dr Toth’s side office without giving you an answer.
You and Morgan share a glance at his sudden departure, probably the most civil interaction the two of you had ever had, fuelled by the joined want to know what was running through Spencer’s mind.
The door of the office opened less than a minute later, Dr. Toth leaving her office with Spencer hot on her trail. “-reports from the main office so that you can cross-reference them all,”
You only catch the end of their conversation as they enter back into the mortuary, and Dr Toth leaves the room to assumedly go and gather whatever ‘reports’ she was on about from the main office, leaving you and Morgan blankly staring in Spencer’s direction with confused expressions.
“I think that our unsub might be inserting the roses into the victim’s eyes whilst they’re still alive,”
The revelation that the unsub was purposefully dragging out the death of their victims made the team have to rebuild the profile from the bottom up.
Spencer took the opportunity to do some digging. Or more accurately have Garcia do some digging.
He had her pull everything humanly possible regarding your biological parents, their life, their death, and most importantly, how they treated you.
They were 29 and 32 when they died, you having been born when your mother was only 23. They both had a history of substance abuse, and according to their autopsies, both of them had lethal levels of diazepam in their bloodstreams at their time of death.
What was interesting about their deaths though was that they were dead for three days before they were found, rotting in their own house with a six-year-old left living with them. Now that was something that could cause a mental break. A six-year-old, left for three days with the corpses of their dead parents and only found when the neighbours complained about the smell.
The file Garcia had faxed over also happened to have images from the scene when the bodies were recovered, and they were just as disgusting as he’d imagined they’d be. The two were sat paired on a couch, skin pale and turning slightly grey with the beginning signs of decay, small insects roaming on their skin, and the clothes they were wearing.
But the selling point for Spencer was their eyes. Wide open and staring blankly into open space with clouded pupils and ruptured irises. It freaked him out and he was looking at it through a piece of paper. He couldn’t imagine how it made a six-year-old child who lived with them like that for three days feel.
There was the origin of your eye fixation, and he honestly couldn’t blame you for covering the dead stare of your victims so you wouldn’t have to relive that.
The more he read the more devastating the report seemed to be. When asked why you didn’t call for any help from neighbours or the police you stated that you “just wanted them to sleep for a while,” and that your mother would “give me the sleepy pills when she wanted me to go to sleep, so I did the same for her and daddy,”
In an effort to get your parents to go to sleep so they would stop presumably treating you horribly, you’d unintentionally overdosed them both.
You were in a paediatric rehabilitation centre for almost four months after you were recovered from the house. A six-year-old. Being rehabilitated for an addiction to diazepam because your parents would solve any blip in your behaviour by feeding you sleeping pills instead of treating you like the child you were.
All of a sudden forming an addiction at 25 didn’t seem all that detrimental anymore.
He supposes that’s how you knew right off the bat. Addiction recognises addiction and all that. Although by the look of it, you’d made a full healthy recovery by the time you were adopted into your new family.
You’d been diagnosed with ASD after you were removed from the house, and Spencer is surprised by the fact that the mental impact it had on you only seemed to be acute, although, he’s sure that in hindsight the psychiatrist that diagnosed you would’ve made sure to be more thorough in their examination of your mental state.
Still, what happened had happened, and although Spencer nor anyone else could do anything to change that, he could form a greater understanding of who you were and why you did what you did.
Except he still didn’t really know why, he knew the origins, but what was the trigger that caused you to deteriorate mentally until you were back at your lowest possible point?
That wasn’t important right now.
He needed to focus on the actual case at hand and not the closed case of a serial killer from four years ago. It didn’t matter how much of a fascination he’d formed with your psychology, he needed to focus so that no one else had to die.
It was insane to think about, just how distracted he’d get with uncovering your past like it was a mystery novel that required the reader’s involvement to solve.
But now he really needed to knuckle down and actually put his intelligence forward to help the team find the unsub they were looking for or else earn a chastising from Hotch and up to 13 more victims if they followed your pattern to a T.
Why you though? Why was this unsub following your crimes specifically? Sure some people were mentally deranged enough to want to gain the same notoriety as the killers they replicated, but your case was in a small city and didn’t even make national news. Not only that, it was new. Really new.
Most copycat killers replicated national or even international-level crimes that had decades to form a legacy and settle into the back of people's minds. Your case wasn’t like that. Not to the full extent anyway. The state of California had recognised you as a prolific killer but in any other state your name was unknown.
So why you?
Spencer watched intently as the team scribbled down notes and ideas on the whiteboards taking up most of the room, leaving him sitting at the head of the conference table with his files on your background and you engaging yourself in the pass-time of making origami cranes out of discarded bits of paper to stop yourself from getting bored.
A serial killer replicating your crimes almost step by step. Bleed out the victims, put roses in their eyes, move on. Same victim pattern. Same time frame. But still with distinct differences.
This unsub bled their victims out considerably slower than you did. They used red roses instead of white roses like you did. They left the thorns on the rose stems when you pruned them beforehand.
Why did this unsub not de-thorn the roses first? After five separate murders, why would they not make their process easier by discarding the thorns to stop them from tearing up the victim’s eyes?
‘I figured it out after my first try.’
“Hey uh-” Spencer turns his head up towards you, tapping his pen absentmindedly against the table. “Do you remember what happened to your first victim? After your parents?”
“What?” You furrow and then raise one of your eyebrows at his sudden question, especially because he’d been sitting in his own little cocoon for the last thirty minutes.
It was quite a long shot of a question if you had been experiencing mania at the time, but you seemed to be remembering select details about your spree, so your first victim surely should be present in your mind at least somewhat.
“How did you… You know-” Spencer’s roundabout question was half amusing and half frustrating from your viewpoint, and you take a break from your paper crafts to indulge in it.
“Well…” You drag out the word and you divert your eyes from him to stare upwards towards the ceiling like it’ll aid your memory. “I incapacitated her first, with a… brick I think? It might’ve been a regular rock I’m not sure-”
“Him.” Morgan’s venom seeps into his correction of your account. “You killed eighteen people and you don’t even have the decency to remember the gender of your first victim? Seriously?”
“I do know my own victim pattern thank you very much,” You override Morgan’s correction with just as much ferocity. “ And it was definitely a woman. I chose her specifically because she’d be easy.”
“That’s not what our files say.”
“Then your files are wrong? What do you want me to do about it?”
Spencer runs over your victims in his head. Your first filed victim’s name was John Brandy, found lifeless on a park bench after a woman walking her dog called it in to the police.
He tried to remember any other things he’d read about your case that might indicate that Brandy wasn’t your first victim. Nothing. John Brandy was the only thing he could affiliate with the identity of the first victim from your spree. And most notably, Brandy was very male.
“…What did you do after you incapacitated her?” Spencer slowly edges his way back into a conversation between you and Morgan, mind on full alert as it continues to run through all of the details he knows about you and your case.
“I moved her against the like wall of the street we were down and then did the rest of it,” You shrug your shoulders in mild scepticism of Spencer’s sudden interest in this specific kill of yours. “You know, cut the wrists, wait a few minutes, then stick in the roses. Although I’m pretty sure I got one rose like half in because the thorns were being difficult and I gave up when she started twitching,”
You exhale exasperatedly. ”That’s probably why she’s not ‘in your files’, because the rose I did try and do wasn’t even fully inserted and probably just fell out or something,” You glare pointedly at Morgan, tilting your head back and forth in condescension. “It was my first time alright? Everyone’s gotta start somewhere.”
Sure everyone’s gotta start somewhere. When it comes to working a job or starting a hobby. You don’t usually ‘start somewhere’ when it comes to murdering people.
It’s the fact that you say it so nonchalantly that gets to him, talking about your murder spree of eighteen people like it was you learning how to bake a cake. Nineteen people. You’d actually killed nineteen people in your spree, and your poor first victim probably didn’t even get given the light of day that the rest of your victims did when it came to justice.
“Morgan,” Hotch’s voice proved to pull Spencer out of yet another spiral consisting of endless questions surrounding your psychology, even if not directed at him. “Call Garcia and have her pull up any unsolved murder cases that involved two slit wrists and trauma to the eyes in Malibu during the time they were active as a killer,”
“On it,” Honestly, Morgan would’ve taken any excuse to get out of your presence for a few minutes, feeling the overwhelming urge to punch you square in your face grow stronger with every snippet of information about yourself that you shared out loud without a single care in the world.
Did it have anything significant to catching this copycat? No. But that victim deserved just as much justice as any of your others.
One profiler down, the rest of the team turned back to fleshing out the profile, and you turned back to your half-finished paper crane, muttering to yourself under your breath about something that Spencer couldn’t quite hear.
“Okay, so we’ve ruled out mania as a possible cause of the kills because of how long it took for them to bleed out, we’ve ruled out paranoia because of the victim pattern following the original to a T instead of being random, it could be some form of ASD but that doesn’t really make sense with the rest of the profile-” Emily scans over the notes of the whiteboard as she speaks, picking absentmindedly on the red polish covering her nails and leaving small flakes of it all over the table by where you’re sitting.
“Would you stop doing that?” You make a show of wiping the table with your hand, and Emily doesn’t respond to you with more than a glance as she stuffs her hands in her pockets.
“Alright babygirl thank you,” Morgan sends a kiss through the phone before hanging it up and putting it away in his pocket and you swear you almost gag at the sight of it.
“Nothing,” Morgan shrugs his shoulders half out of resignation and half out of frustration as he takes a seat opposite you on the table. “There are no unsolved murders matching the description you gave us,”
He glares into your eyes like he’s trying to burn them right out of your eye sockets. “So? What is it? You get a kick out of lying or what?”
“Do I look like the type of person who makes the effort to lie? Because news flash, I don’t, it’s not like saying I killed one more person than I actually did benefits me in any way,” You furrow your expression with a scoff, leaning back in your chair to rest your ankles on the table.
“Right, sure, because someone like you totally doesn’t care about how they’re perceived by other people,”
“Why would I want to say I’ve killed more people than I actually have, it just makes me look more crazy than you already think I am-” You weren’t backing down on this. You were adamant that this person was your first victim and that you weren’t lying to him.
“Then why isn’t there any file of her whatsoever?”
“What if she’s still alive?” It’s like all of the puzzle pieces fall into Spencer’s mind at once, and he interrupts your arguing with Morgan yet again, except this time it’s not about keeping the peace.
“You said you gave up because ‘the thorns were being difficult and she started twitching’, was she alive when you tried to put the rose in her eye?” Spencer turns his gaze towards you, a completely different air surrounding his expression than the mildly awkward and apprehensive one you’d gotten used to.
“I don’t know, maybe?” You shrug like his question was absurd, watching as he stands from his seat to look over the whiteboard detailing the autopsies of each of the victims.
“Reid?” Hotch’s raised eyebrow asked a hundred different questions, and Spencer answered every single one of them with a single phrase muttered under his breath.
“…PTSD by proxy-”
He takes a second to study the photos on the board before continuing. “It’s a psychological disorder where victims of PTSD will project their trauma onto others,”
He pulls a few of the images from the board to lay them out on the conference table. “Of those who develop PTSD from traumatic incidents, roughly 2% then go on to try and satiate their trauma by projecting it onto other people,”
“If what you remember about your first victim was true and she survived, then there’s a high chance that the new killer we’re looking for is that first victim,” He arranges the autopsy photos in two groups, with one of the wrist gashes and the other of the eye damage.
“The victims bled out slowly, which in a lot of cases with first-time murder or murder attempts happens unintentionally because the killer doesn’t know how deep a cut like that has to be for it to be fatal,” He points towards the photos on the left first.
“And then the eyes would be pretty self-explanatory,” He turns one of the photos towards where you and Hotch are sitting. “If your first victim was in fact alive when you tried to pierce her eyes then that could explain why these victims were also still alive when the roses were inserted,”
“But that doesn’t make sense,” Emily chimes in with her two cents as Spencer gives his explanation. “We’re in a completely different city,”
“And it’s been three years since the original spree,” Rossi swirls the coffee in his mug with a furrowed expression.
“Well Las Flores is only an hour's drive from Malibu,” Spencer moves from the table to go back over to the annotated map on one of the boards, marking an invisible line with his fingers. “Maybe she decided she needed to get away from her trauma, 46% of individuals who experience life-changing trauma do,”
“But why now?”
Spencer’s eyes turn back towards you at Rossi’s question, as if you held all the answers to what the stressor was for this sudden murder spree. Your answer of course was nothing more than a shrug and an expression that asked ‘How am I supposed to know?’, which put a halt to Spencer’s theory.
That, and the fact that they hadn’t even confirmed if this woman was still alive let alone living in Las Flores.
“Alright,” Hotch cut through the team’s conversation with a wave of his hand. “Morgan, ask Garcia to track down women who went into the hospital for ocular injuries three years ago and have moved to Las Flores since then,”
Morgan gives him a determined nod as he leaves the room once more, Hotch then turning his attention towards you.
“What have you done in the last few months that would’ve been told to the public?”
“I don’t know?” You give him an exasperated expression and raise your hands in a defensive manner. “Why would I know that? It’s not like I have someone telling me when I’m on the news,”
Hotch furrowed his eyebrow at your immediate defensiveness, reminding himself to be patient and bear with your short fuse because it technically wasn’t your fault.
Although it didn’t make it any less frustrating either way.
He turned his eyes towards Spencer, gesturing towards the door and then towards you as a silent order for him to speak to you privately outside.
If anyone was going to be able to get a piece of information out of you, consciously or subconsciously, it would be Spencer.
It took him a few seconds to compute Hotch’s message, but as soon as he did he stood from his seat, mug in hand.
“I’m going to make some more coffee, do you want some?” Spencer gives you a small and slightly awkward smile as he looks at you, and you raise an eyebrow in his direction.
“You don’t know how to make my coffee,”
“You can show me,” Spencer raises his eyebrows enthusiastically, lips pressed taut into a line as he silently prays for you to take the bait. And you do.
You don’t respond with more than pushing your chair away from the table to stand, but Spencer follows after you as you leave the meeting room nonetheless, gaining a small nod from Hotch that he returns with one of his own.
In the break room, Spencer watches you prepare your coffee, taking mental notes of the precise amount of creamer and sugar you add. He's careful to keep the conversation casual, asking about your preferences and subtly steering you towards the topic of recent events.
"I got a new therapist a few months ago," you admit, stirring your coffee. "She recommended having me moved into psychiatric care." The implication hangs clearly in the air.
"Psychiatric care?" Spencer echoes, his mind eagerly piecing together the information.
“Mhm,” You give him a small nod and you leave the teaspoon on the counter, taking a sip of your coffee.
Now that was something that might’ve been made public. If you had been recommended by a specialist to be moved out of a high-security prison and into a psychiatric institute the local news was bound to know about it.
"You being moved to a psychiatric facility would definitely make the news," Spencer mutters, drawing your attention back to him. "That could be the trigger point for our unsub,"
“Me going to a hospital? Seriously?” You scoff like that being a motive is pathetic.
“Yes, seriously,” Spencer replies, his expression serious. “It could signify a turning point, a change in your situation that the unsub might interpret as you escaping justice. It could be the catalyst that pushed them into action.”
He abandons his coffee mug on the counter as he ushers you back into the meeting room with the rest of the team, and all it takes is Hotch getting a single glance at Spencer’s expression to know that there was indeed a trigger for this murder spree.
“A few months ago, their therapist recommended moving them to a psychiatric facility," Spencer shares the information as soon as you both re-enter the room, "That could have been publicised, potentially triggering our unsub-”
“We found her,” Morgan interrupts Spencer’s explanation as he hurries into the room, phone still pressed against his ear as he reaches over to scribble down the name and address Garcia had recovered.
Louise Nueves, aged 29 was born and raised in Malibu, never having left the city for more than a week her entire life. That was, until she was hospitalised for three days for a severe ocular injury to her left eye.
She left the city less than a week after she was discharged, and supposedly never returned as she settled down in Las Flores instead.
She settled down, got married, started working in a small bakery, and overall just seemed to have a well-rounded and stable life after the trauma that she had endured back in her home town.
Morgan knocked harshly on the front door of her house, gun held firmly in his hand just in case Nueves deemed the threat of their presence as an incentive to act violently. “Louise Nueves, this is the FBI,”
The silence from the other side of the door seemed only to heighten the adrenaline running through the veins of the team.
It didn’t take long before Morgan was looking for permission to force the door open, and once he gained a nod from Hotch that’s exactly what he did, kicking the door handle loose and forcing the door open as the team filtered into the house to search for their suspect.
You were an exception of course, being confined to the entranceway with Spencer as your personal babysitter in case you managed to get yourself into any trouble or think about running off.
You hear an echo of ‘clear’s from the group as they sweep the house, seemingly completely devoid of any human presence outside of the FBI team. Until…
“You guys might wanna come see this,”
Emily’s voice sounded from upstairs, and she backed out into the stairway as she gestured for the team to join her up the stairs.
You give Spencer a look before walking over to the stairs, and his curiosity overrides his need to try and keep you in the entrance as he follows after you with the rest of the team following closely behind.
“This little bitch-“ The sight you were greeted with would’ve been extremely disturbing under normal circumstances, a corpse of a man - presumably Nueves’ husband - lying in its first stage of decay on the bed of the house’s master bedroom, a red rose resting on his chest.
Instead, your response was more angry at the blatant lack of originality in the way he was killed.
"Copying my kills is one thing," you spat out, your eyes burning with rage. "But having no innovation or creativity of their own? That's just pathetic." You crossed your arms over your chest, your gaze fixed on the lifeless body in front of you.
"Unique or not, it proves our hypothesis of who the copycat is," Morgan retorted, his gaze hardening at your callous words.
You rolled your eyes, huffing in annoyance. "Great."
Ignoring your sarcasm, Hotch spoke up, "We need to find Nueves before she kills again. Morgan, Reid, you're with me. We'll check her workplace. Rossi and JJ I want you to track down some of her friends, maybe they've noticed something off."
As they left, Emily turned to you, her eyes scrutinising. "What about them, Hotch? Do we just leave them at the station?"
"No," Hotch replied without missing a beat. "They’ll stay with you as you monitor the area. Keep an eye on them. We don't know how they might react now that their 'legacy' is being threatened."
With that, they left you in the company of Emily, the silence in the room amplifying the eerie sight of the corpse on the bed.
The tension was still very apparent despite you and Emily having no previous background, and you could tell that she wasn’t exactly thrilled with your company as the two of you left the house just as the authorities arrived, presumably called by Hotch as they left the scene.
“How does it feel to babysit a grown adult instead of doing something important?”
Emily shot you a sideways glance, her lips forming a thin line. "I'd like to think that keeping an eye on a serial killer counts as important, don't you?" she retorted, her voice icy.
“You’re supposed to be finding a serial killer, I haven’t done anything in years, what makes you think that I’m the threat?” You can’t help but scoff at her intonation as she speaks to you, it feeling oddly derogatory considering that you couldn’t even remember what her name was. “That’s some audacity alright,”
Emily narrowed her eyes at you, a flicker of annoyance crossing her features. "You may not think so, but your presence here is still a potential risk," she said, her tone sharp. "And until we know more, I'm not taking any chances."
She quickened her pace, leaving you to catch up as you followed her out of the residential area and into a nearby public park. Emily’s eyes scanned the area like a hawk as she walked, making you roll your eyes. “You really think she’s just going to be hanging around right next to her own house?”
Emily's gaze flickered toward you, her expression unyielding. "We're not looking for Nueves herself. We're looking for any clues, any signs of her recent activity or whereabouts," she explained tersely. "Every detail matters in a case like this."
She continued to lead the way through the park, her pace steady and purposeful. Despite your scepticism, you couldn't deny the intensity in her demeanour, the determination to solve the case weighing heavily in the air between you as you reluctantly tailed her like a toddler on a leash.
As you walked, Emily suddenly halted, her eyes narrowing as she caught sight of a lone figure sat on one of the park benches with their back to the two of you.
“Oh come on, it’s the middle of the day, of course there are people in the park.”
“Be quiet.” Emily approached the individual with her words barked out between her teeth. As you drew closer, you could see the figure was a woman, her head bowed and shoulders slumped. Emily called out to her, her voice firm yet cautious. "Excuse me, ma'am. Are you alright?"
The woman looked up, her eyes red-rimmed and filled with tears. "I-I'm fine," she stammered, quickly wiping at her cheeks. "Just... just having a moment." Her eyes seemed to flicker downwards towards Emily’s vest in confusion but she didn’t make any move to mention it.
Emily studied her for a moment longer before nodding, her hand slowly retracting from her weapon. “Alright. Just be careful out here, okay?” she advised before motioning for you to follow as she continued on the path.
You glanced back at the woman, her eyes following you in a mix of her previous sadness and confusion, seemingly unsure of how she should feel at an apparent FBI agent approaching her out of nowhere and then advising her to ‘be careful’.
“It’s you.” The new voice turns both of your heads in its direction.
Standing a few feet away was a woman and her dog, her demeanour tense yet strangely familiar. She looked at you with a mixture of surprise and recognition, her eyes lingering on Emily’s vest for a moment before returning to you.
“Excuse me?” You raise an eyebrow at the bluntness of her recognition of who you were, furrowing your eyebrows dismissively like she didn’t have the right to have recognised you in whatever way she had.
“You don’t know me?” Her tone carried a clear betrayal, as did the furrow in her eyebrows as she took a step towards you, one which Emily retaliated to by forcing you behind her with a heavy grip on your arm, one which you did not appreciate whatsoever as you pulled yourself from her grasp.
“Mrs Nueves?” Emily’s voice held a mix of apprehension and concern as she spoke, and she reached into her back pocket to thrust her phone into your hand before holding her fingers ready over her gun holster.
“You don’t remember me, do you? The woman ignored Emily completely, her voice tinged with bitterness as she stared at you, her features filled with betrayal as she realised you weren’t even looking at her, too preoccupied with trying to figure out why Emily had given you her phone.
“Mrs Nueves, my name’s Emily, I’m with the FBI, I understand that what you’re going through right now is extremely difficult but-”
“Shut up!” Nueves’ voice was harsh and drenched in ice as she spoke, holding her hand up dismissively. “I don’t care about you or your FBI friends-”
You had your back to the two by this point, and after a message had come through from Spencer about Nueves not being at her workplace you figured that the reason Emily as given you the phone was to get backup from the team.
oh. Right.
‘shes in the park by her house’
Of course she was. Because she was continually proving to be one of the stupidest people you’d ever encountered. Who decides to take their dog for a walk in the park two minutes from their house whilst being actively pursued by the police? Stupid people, that’s who. God, couldn’t the person copying your crimes at least be a competent one?
‘We’ll be there in ten minutes. Hold tight.’
“Look at me!” Nueves’ raised voice caused multiple heads to turn from the people wandering the park, including your own, and you turn your eyes away from the phone screen with a furrowed expression of annoyance.
“Do you have any idea what you did to me? How much I suffered because of what you did?” Nueves’ outbreak was very quickly garnering an audience from passersby, and could could practically feel the tension rolling off of Emily in waves as she tried to figure out what to do.
“You lived, get over it,” You were not helping.
The look on Nueves’ face at your words was almost incomprehensible, like she didn’t know what emotion she was supposed to be feeling at your nonchalance about what happened. Like you hadn’t ruined her entire life and caused her eternal suffering.
“Get over it? Look what you did to me!” Nueves barked out her words as she brought her left hand up to her eye, pulling at it until the sclera fell into the palm of her hand, leaving a dark pink void in its wake.
Your eyes immediately widened at the action, eyebrows furrowed in clear distaste for what you’d witnessed and that uncomfortable feeling that you’d experienced in the coroner’s office rising in your stomach the longer you looked at her.
“This is my life now.” She held up the piece of glass in her hand. “This is what I have to live with because of you.”
“Mrs Nueves-” Emily took a small step forward in her direction with both hands raised to appear as not threatening as possible.
“Don’t move-” Nueves dropped her dog’s leash at Emily’s advance to pull a small kitchen knife from her pocket, similar to one that would be used to cut vegetables or peel a potato.
Emily’s shoulders tense at the emergence of the weapon lips pursed into a tight line, and you’re sure that you might’ve been mildly concerned yourself if the knife blade wasn’t smaller than its handle. It didn’t make her look as intimidating as you assume she thinks she is, more like a teenager who carries around a switchblade in an attempt to make themself look tougher than they actually are.
Then again, this woman had actually killed people. Just not very well.
Still, if she thought that was a ‘big’ knife then her husband must’ve not been very satisfactory when it came to the bedroom.
"Put the knife down, Louise," Emily's voice was stern yet calm, her gaze unwavering. "We can talk about this, help you get the help you need. But first, you need to put the knife down."
Nueves seemed to consider this for a moment, her grip on the knife wavering. But then, her expression hardened, her eyes filled with a cold determination. "No," she stated firmly, "I won't."
“Mrs. Nueves,” Emily tried again, her voice laced with a calm authority, “you're not a killer. You're a victim, and we want to help you.”
Nueves let out a bitter laugh at this, her gaze never leaving Emily's. “A victim?” she echoed, her voice filled with scorn. “I stopped being a victim the moment I stopped letting them control my life.” She thrusts her arm forward with the knife in hand to point it in your direction, thankfully too far away for it to actually be anywhere near harming you. “You left me alive and it ruined everything.”
“I had to live with the pain, the nightmares, the constant fear. I had to watch my life fall apart while you just moved on to your next victim and left me without so much as a footnote in your confession." Nueves continued, her voice shaking with barely suppressed rage. "You think I'm the one who needs help? You're the monster, not me!”
“You had a hard time. Boo-hoo. But guess what? You're not the only one who's had to deal with shit. You're not special, Nueves.” You replied, your voice dripping with sarcasm.
Nueves' eyes flashed with anger at your dismissive words. "You don't get to talk to me like that. You don't get to belittle my pain. You don't get to decide how I should react to what you did to me."
"Actually, I do," you retorted, crossing your arms over your chest. "I'm the one who put you in this position. I'm the one who made you who you are today. And you know what? I'm not sorry. Because without me your life would’ve been completely insignificant.”
“Maybe I am a monster. But you, Nueves, are just a sad, pathetic little girl pretending to be a serial killer.” Nueves' face twisted with rage at your words, her grip on the knife tightening. But before she could react, Emily stepped in, her voice calm and authoritative.
“Enough,” she commanded, her gaze fixed on Nueves. “This isn't helping anyone. We're here to bring you in, Louise. To make sure you get the help you need.”
“I don't want your help,” Nueves spat back, her eyes still fixed on you with burning hatred. “I just want them to pay for what they did.”
“They are Louise, they’re paying for their actions every single day in a high-security prison,” Emily stated, her gaze unwavering as she shook her head gently. “They’re getting their punishment, you don’t have to do this, please, just put down the knife…” Emily’s eyes caught the SUV that parked on the side of the road as she talked. Looks like she’d managed to buy enough time for backup to arrive.
For a moment, it looked like Nueves might actually consider following Emily’s suggestion. But then she glanced back at you, her gaze hardening at your stare of indifference. “No,” she said, her voice filled with determination. “I won't let them get away with this. I won’t let them have control of how I live my life anymore.”
Nueves’ ramble deemed her oblivious to the agents approaching her from behind, ushering the few lingering witnesses to a safe distance away so that they could contain the area, and your eyes caught Dr Reid carefully scooping up the leashed dachshund into his arms after it’d scampered away from Nueves in her fit of rage.
“You don’t remember me?” Her eyes turned from seething to desperate in the split second she looked at you, voice raised as she tried to force your attention back onto her from your seeming uninterest in the confrontation. “You will.”
Morgan didn’t even have time to un-holster his gun before Nueves utilised the knife in her hand. Not on Emily, nor on you, but on herself, impaling the blade of the knife directly into her operational eye and forcing it deeper by slamming the palm of her hand into the wooden handle until it was almost completely encapsulated into her eye socket.
The sight was ghastly, blood spurting out of her eye as she fell onto the ground, convulsing from the pain and shock. You watched, a morbid fascination in your eyes as Emily quickly called for medical attention, her gaze flitting between you and the dying woman on the ground.
As the medics rushed to stabilise Nueves, Emily looked at you, her face pale. “You-” She said, her voice barely a whisper, “stay here.” She then hurriedly joined the medics, leaving you behind. You watched as the medics tried to recover her, but it was clear that her chances were slim. The sight of her writhing in pain, the blood pooling around her, was oddly satisfying to watch. A small, twisted part of you felt a sense of triumph at the confrontation's results, if not a little discontented with just how dramatic this woman proved to be.
The rest of the team moved to properly secure the area now that it was officially a crime scene as Emily, still with the medics, was applying pressure to Nueves' wound, her hands smeared with blood.
As you watched the scene unfold, a bizarre sense of calm washed over you. This chaos, this pain, was a result of your actions, your legacy, and despite the horrific circumstances, you couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of satisfaction.
From a distance, you could see Hotch talking to Emily, his expression unreadable. Emily nodded, her eyes briefly meeting yours before diverting away. She looked shaken, the dark red of Nueves’ quickly oxidising blood on her hands a stark contrast against her pale skin.
You tried to imagine the emotions she was grappling with. After all, she was a part of a team that had sworn to protect innocents from people like you. And now, because of you, she had blood on her hands.
The medics finally lifted Nueves onto a stretcher, rushing her towards the waiting ambulance. Emily stood there for a moment longer, watching as the ambulance sped away, before finally turning her eyes towards you, unfocused on how Morgan was gently trying to usher her towards another pair of EMTs so that she could be checked over.
There was zero chance Nueves was going to make it to the hospital in time.
Emily’s gaze was hard, filled with a mixture of anger, confusion, and something you couldn't quite place. Fear, perhaps? Or maybe disappointment? Regardless, it was clear that the events of the day had left a deep impact on her.
As you watched them walk away, the satisfaction from earlier began to fade, replaced by a strange emptiness. You were alone again, left with nothing but the aftermath of your actions. And as you stared at the spot where Nueves had fallen, the blood still fresh on the grass, you couldn't help but wonder if this was all worth it.
But then, you remembered the look on Nueves’ face, the horror in her expression at her own pain. And you knew, without a doubt, that it was. Maybe she was right, you just might remember her for that stunt she pulled, although most definitely not in a positive light.
“Are you alright?” The ever-calm voice of Spencer Reid pulled you away from mulling over your own feelings, and you give him an animated sway of your head back and forth as a silent communication of you not falling in either emotional direction.
It truly was fascinating how removed you were from everything, and as twisted and convoluted as it might sound, Spencer wasn’t looking forward to your departure from accompanying the team. It meant that he didn’t get to speak to you anymore. Didn’t get to slowly peel away the layers of protection you’d built over your psyche so that he could pry at your inner workings.
And he didn’t exactly mind having you around. But that was something he was going to keep to himself for a multitude of reasons.
“It’s all too over the top for my taste,” You shrug your shoulders nonchalantly, stretching your arms above your head. “Here, it’s the one with the ponytail’s,” You hold the cell phone out between your thumb and index finger like it might give you a disease if you hold it properly.
“Why-” Spencer starts his question and is immediately interrupted by your answer. “She gave it to me to message one of you where we were,”
So it was you who’d messaged him then. He thought the punctuation was different.
“Right, that makes sense,” He takes the phone from you with an awkward smile as he puts it away in his back pocket. “Thank you,”
You give him a short hum in reply, crossing your arms over your torso and leaning back and forth on the balls of your feet like you were becoming bored with just standing around. You’d just been a potential hostage at knife point and then watched someone graphically commit suicide specifically to gain your attention and less than five minutes after it was over you were looking for something new to capture your attention.
It utterly fascinated him. You were fascinating.
And you were leaving.
You were walking away, obviously having had enough of Spencer’s silence and wandering off to find Hotch and maybe experience something more enticing.
“Hey-” Spencer called out to you as you began to walk away, and you stopped with a glance over your shoulder and a raised eyebrow. “What are you feeling right now?”
You stuff your hands in your pockets at his question, turning 180 degrees to face him once more with a slightly furrowed expression as you tried to figure out the motive behind his question.
“I wonder if she saw the afterlife.”
Spencer’s shoulders drop at your admission, his expression morphing into a mix of understanding and confusion, contradiction written all over his features.
You seemed more objectively curious than humanly concerned, but you still were curious nonetheless.
That was another fascinating part about you, or just about sociopaths in general, he supposes. But he wasn’t speaking to every sociopath in existence, he was speaking to you. So it was less about sociopathy and more about you specifically.
“Do you think she saw the afterlife?”
“Logically, she didn’t have any eyes so she wasn’t ‘seeing’ anything, but metaphorically I’d like to believe so,”
Spencer has to stifle a surprised laugh at your morbid joke about Nueves’ condition, pressing his lips into a tight line with a small nod as he tried to focus on the second part of your statement. “Me too,”
There was a small sense of deja vu surrounding your conversation as the two of you fell into a mutual silence, hastily interrupted by Hotch calling the two of you to gather with the rest of the team now that the case was officially over.
You noticed the distaste in Emily’s gaze immediately, looks like you’ve gained yourself another detractor. She and Morgan stood side by side with matching expressions as the two of you joined them, although neither had time to make any comments as the team loaded up in the SUVs to head back to the station.
It was rather hard to believe it’d only been six days in Las Flores, but dates don’t lie, and by the time you stepped back onto the BAU’s private jet, it felt like you’d only left it for a matter of hours.
Nueves’ face was fading from your mind by now, as was her name, and as you plopped yourself down on the same seat you’d occupied on your flight from Quantico, you’d almost forgotten that she even existed.
Your mind was more preoccupied with what was going to happen next. You were going to fly back to Quantico, be recovered by California state officials, and taken back to the concrete hell of the California Correctional Institution until your appeal to be moved to an inpatient psychiatric care facility was considered and ultimately rejected because they still deemed you ‘too dangerous’ to be around vulnerable individuals despite sharing mental issues with a lot of them.
Spencer gave you an awkward wave as he walked down the aisle of the cabin and stopped at the seat opposite you, hoping the movement would grab your attention.
“Do you-” He half gestures to the seat facing you with his hand, and you dismissively wave him into it as you return your attention to the window. “Thanks…”
You give him a hum at his politeness but otherwise remain uninterested in his presence, fastening the seat belt over your lap as the jet pilots prepare for the five-hour flight back to Quantico.
“What’re you thinking about?” Spencer abandons his original plan to sleep through the entire flight the second he sees the pondering in your expression.
You glanced at Spencer, contemplating whether to confide in him about your concerns. Out of everyone, he was probably the one person you’d met on the team who seemed genuinely interested in your experiences. He was one of the few who could understand the complexities of your situation. With a sigh, you decided to open up a little, "Just thinking about what happens now. Back to the concrete hell of my enclosure I guess.”
“I thought you were appealing the decision? That’s why you agreed to help, isn’t it? So the officials are more likely to accept your appeal?” Spencer tilts his head slightly in your direction, raising an eyebrow in your direction as he curled his legs under him in his chair.
“You really think that it’s actually going to do anything?” Your voice is dripping in sarcasm as you let your head fall back against the seat. “They’re seething enough that I didn’t get the death penalty, there’s no way they’re going to cut my sentence,”
“I don’t see why they shouldn’t,” Spencer blinks at you with a mildly furrowed expression. “You’re not an active threat to anybody, and having the help that you need could greatly improve your quality of life,”
“Yeah well you’re not the person who’s going to be analysing my case, so your opinion doesn’t really matter in the greater span of things does it, Dr. Reid?” Your tone carries no malice in your statement, although it comes off much more rude than he’s sure you mean it to be.
His opinion could matter. He knows that as a part of the evaluation you’ll have to go through Hotch will have to write a report on how you acted during the case. Maybe he could put in a few extra things he’d experienced with you. He’s sure that the psychiatrist assessing whether you were actively violent would benefit from knowing how much you adored your parents, how you wondered if your childhood pet was in the afterlife and how you engaged in a genuine emotional conversation with him despite all of your social stunts from your disorder.
You obviously still had your humanity, so he didn’t see why they wouldn’t allow you to have the facilities to improve your mental state to a point where one day you could possibly be a functioning member of society, or at least be in a position to help researchers understand more about your condition.
“Having optimism about an upcoming situation has proved to actually affect the outcome of said situation, with 36% of people who had been optimistic about negative situations physically affecting the outcome of those situations based on their outlook alone,” Spencer presses his lips into a line, another one of those awkward smiles that you’d become used to over your time with him.
“I prefer realism, but I suppose I’ll take that into account,”
“That’s all I can ask,” Spencer gives a soft exhale at your inadvertent agreement to take his advice, brushing a strand of hair behind his ear. “I’ll visit you once your appeal has gone through,” The statement fell out of his mouth without any real thought behind it, simply a reflection of his brain deciding he wasn’t quite done with your company yet despite the case officially being over.
“Of course you will,”
Spencer gives a short laugh of mild embarrassment. “Of course I will.”
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millerscoffee · 10 months
reader lives in jackson and is friends with tommy, so she sees joel relatively frequently, and they just DONT get along. the reader is young and she’s got a sharp tongue and cheek that irritates the shit out of joel, who shoots back just as much condescending insults. they literally can’t be in a room without getting into it. however, the reader does it for his attention (she’s got daddy issues), and joel doesn’t catch onto this until she’s knocking on his door at midnight because she can’t sleep and she needs him and she doesn’t know how to admit it. he pulls her in the house and absolute filth ensues. he makes her blow him and then they fuck. joel is smug and condescending the whole time, and reader just becomes a ragdoll. Size kink, dirty talk, daddy kink, creampie/breeding, the works PLEASE
you got it, anon! ✨ this was requested on @atticrissfinch's page too, go check it out! i love how the same request can elicit two different stories. i did my best not to read it before i finished this (it was as difficult as it sounds cos HOO BOI 😅🥵♡)
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only daddy that'll walk the line
6.2k | joel miller x f!reader
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rating: 18+ MDNI
warning: big mean dom!joel™️ lmao, alcoholism (reader's dad, but also drunk!joel for a second - **this is not in the smutty scenes**), parental abuse (verbal, it is brief), smut, age difference (joel is 56, reader is 18-early 20s - your choice), size kink, dirty talk (joel's a talker more than his usual grunty self), name calling (bitch, brat, slut, etc.), light praise kink & like- two pet names, ✨ degrading language and acts ✨, edging, choking/gagging, hair pulling, creampie, breeding kink, daddy kink, spitting kink!!!, spanking, oral (m receiving), no prepping the reader, brat tamer!joel, bratty reader, if i missed anything lmk
summary: based in jackson, you have the unfortunate predicament of being friends with tommy miller and hating his brother, joel – and you have no problem in letting either of them know that! until one night you are brought to joel's doorstep.
A/N: this is my first request! thank you! huzzah!! hopefully it's to your liking, nonnie. he's big mean dom!joel™️ but with a conscience yknow?? enjoy ♡ i did proofread this, but i wrote it over the course of a couple weeks. i did my best! lol
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"Dude, what's his fucking problem!?"  You roll into the dining hall in a huff.  Shuffling to your seat for dinner, you slam your tray down and Maria gives you a combined look of worry and irritation at peace being compromised.
"Who, honey?"  Tommy asks, handing you a glass of water with an entertained grin because he's positive he knows just who you're talking about.
He'd seen the two of you go at each other's throats earlier in the day when you were trying to get by him on your way out the door.  His back was to you, and he all but ignored your request to get out of the way.  Causing you to shove past him, which ensued an argument between the two of you.  Which led you to both of you gunning each other with your words until you both left in a bad mood.
Joel had his back to you, his frame fully in the doorway as he spoke with a woman in town.  It started off slow: a few clearings of your throat, a slight nudge of his back.  No avail.
"Excuse me," you shouted, pushing at him again before he finally turned around quickly with his jaw ticked.
"Do you have any manners, Christ."  He said dry and muttered under his breath, but the lady made room for you and you nodded politely in her direction.
"Maybe if you weren't so fucking old, you could've heard me!"
"And watch your fuckin' mouth."
Joel turned his back to you, not giving you a moment to retort.  Conversation over. 
"This fucker," when you look up, you see Joel coming towards the table.  The sight of him gives you a set of shivers you can't explain.  Not complete disgust, but certainly not excitement.
"You really oughta keep better company," Joel tells his brother, sitting down beside him, he frames his entire body towards Tommy so he's sitting in a way to make you feel ignored.
"I'm right here, you know."  Your head is moving so you're in the line of his vision.
"Don't remind me.  Listen, this is a family dinner.  Go find your own."
A slap in the face would've hurt less.  Before Tommy or Maria had the chance to come to your defences – both of their mouths open ready to take up for you – you stood up, shoving your tray over to Joel.  So loud, other people turn their gaze to the four of you.
"Fuckin– eat up, then."
As you storm off to your house, you hear Tommy scold his older brother but you don't look back.
The next morning, your father wakes you up to the sound of his own yelling for you to come downstairs.  You'd been helping out Maria and Tommy to get your own place, or at least a shared one with people your age and to hear your dad's voice; whiskey-soaked and cruel, makes your stomach churn.
After slipping on your clothes for the day, you make it to the kitchen where he's sitting at the table and reeking from alcohol even from where you're standing.
"Didn't you hear me call you?"  His words were slurred and angry.
"Yes, I'm sorry."  It's such a difference from how you talk to other people, talk to Joel, for example.  Maybe because he's the last person you spoke to, but he's the first one who pops into your head during this interaction.  You sound meek, scared to say something wrong.  A stark difference from how you speak to Joel – abandoning all worries of punishment.  Almost like you wanted that from him.
"Fuckinbetterbe – hiccup – breakfast.  Now."  Your dad all but snaps his fingers and rage creeps up the back of your throat, biting your tongue so hard you break the surface layer.  A slight streak of blood coats your mouth, but you do as you're told.
This morning is kinder than others.  Your dad did not say thank you for the pancakes, you didn't get hit or debased too much.  You consider it a win.  Once you leave your house as soon as you can, Joel's chest hits your face as soon as you turn the corner.  The milliseconds seem long when you're met with the warmth and solidity of his chest, the scent of cedar and... whiskey?  It seemed too early, even for him, to be drinking and you shake off the unreasonable rationale that he should be treated differently than your father for the same behaviour.
You ignore the similarities of him and your father all together, actually.
"Watch where you're goin'," Joel's brows are knit together, which is normal for him, but you've never been this close to see his lips from this angle above you.  You almost say something out of the ordinary for the two of you, but you reel it in quickly.
"You're one to fuckin' talk.  Morning coffee smells a lot like alcohol.  Maybe I should tell Tommy about your habits."
"Does it ever hurt your head bein' a bitch all the time?"
"Not as bad as that hangover will be around noon.  Move."
You push past the large build in front of you with a clenched jaw, unable to be around him a second longer.  "Fuck you, Joel," you mutter for good measure on your way to Tommy and Maria's.
They'd given you safety on days when it seemed scarce, and showing up felt appropriate.  You were a little closer with Tommy than Maria.  He was able to listen to you without being too judgy, and you needed that.  The lack of safety piece was a lot like how your day started off.  You walk around to the back where Tommy's working on a new hobby and you sit in front of him, letting out a big sigh.
"Y'daddy givin' you trouble again?"
Typically when Tommy asks about your father he says it like this, but today it catches you off guard.  Confusion twists your mind, but you nod distractedly.  "Yea, he was drunk this morning.  Your brother, too."
You slide that one in fast.
Tommy fists through his hair, letting out a heavy exhale.  "Shit.  We both got trouble this mornin', I guess."
"Seems like it."
You're unusually quiet, looking at the ground more than anything.  It bugs you that Joel and your father have a similar quality to them.  That they both are up reaching for the bottle, but for Joel it's not a common occurrence and that makes you worried – an emotion you don't have for him that often, if you're being honest.  You don't think about his experiences that often.  But this is the first time, really, you've even seen Joel drunk like that.  You remember Tommy mentioning that he'd given up the stuff since Sarah's passing when everyone was around a fire one night sharing stories.
As if the dots connect in real time, you look over to Tommy who looks worried sick.
"He'll figure it out,"  you reassure, chewing the inside of your cheek before heading out.  You call behind you, "I'll be around."
You've never really been good at the whole 'being there for someone' thing.
Later on, you find yourself in the mess hall again for the night's dinner and you catch Maria, Tommy, Joel, and Ellie all together and it feels weird to sit with them.  They're all laughing, Joel looks sobered up.  And it seems that Tommy didn't bring up the conversation the two of you shared.  They look like a happy family and twists a knot in your throat and the proverbial knife at your side.
"Can I please spend the night at Tommy and Maria's?  Please?"  Ellie is looking over at Joel with the sweetest expression, you snicker to yourself at how menacing she actually was.  It seemed to do the trick, though.  Joel's eyes flicker over to you, and it feels like you're being caught for something.  The look is inculpatory without you doing anything.  As if to say you are witnessing something too personal, a side of him not meant for you.  "Yeah, sure," his response to Ellie sounds distant.
This gives you no choice but to walk up to the scene, to sit down beside Maria.  She gives you a welcoming grin and makes space for you.  "What'd I miss?"  You look over to Ellie who's excited to see you, but Joel?  Not so much.  His eyebrows narrow down his face, suddenly more quiet than usual, even for him.  You set your sights back on Ellie who's telling you all of the cool things she's gonna do at her Uncle Tommy's and you flash a smile that lets her know you're listening.  Or at least trying.  It's hard when Joel isn't even initiating the usual conflict with each other.  More arguing than speaking.  And the fact it wasn't happening was off.
"That sounds like a blast...," you trail off, your chin in your hands.
"If you're not gonna listen to her, don't ask her questions."  Joel barks, eyes now solemnly black in your direction.  It makes you scared and delighted at once.  Like he was back to normal.  Your normal.
"I was listening to her?"  You retort, and everyone's quiet now.  Awkwardness filling the air as the two of you battle it out.  "Maybe if you weren't so drunk all the time you'd know the differen–"  "Hey, now."  Tommy chimes in, giving you a stern look of disapproval and you feel bad.  Reflective.  Joel wasn't drunk all the time, and you knew exactly why he was this morning.
You exhale, "I'm sorry," you nod in the direction of everyone but Joel and stand up from your seat, "enjoy your family time."
On your way back to your house, you catch a glimpse of a group of people your age.  People you'd grown up with, but they didn't acknowledge you and it digs the wound closer in.  You truly felt alone.  Like nothing fit, and maybe you didn't belong in Jackson but it wasn't like there were many choices to go to.
More times than not you sneak into your room.  Not because you are past a type of curfew, you were an adult.  It was more, you didn't want your dad to know you were around.  Your door was locked when you climbed in through the window.
You got comfortable, spilling out of your clothes for the day and into your pajamas.  Cotton shorts and a loose tee.  Your breasts perky and nipples taut from the worn fabric.  A lot of the day was spent dealing with heavy subjects that you just wanted to let your mind escape.
Staring at the ceiling in your bed, your eyes become blurry in need of sleep.  Needing release.  Anything.
Your mind wanders to why Joel was so quiet with you when you sat down.  It wasn't like that was the first time the two of you had a shouting match in front of everyone, but this felt different.  You deduce it to Joel having an off day and let your mind wander somewhere else.
Or, at least you try.
Because when your hands explore your body under the blankets, Joel comes back to life in your thoughts.  You come back to the warmth of his chest when you ran into him this morning, the grunt that left him from impact.  What that would sound like against your ear.  Before you know it, you're shifting your thighs together, spreading the mess of your cunt.  A craving ignites your bloodstream.
It's slick between your legs when you sit up, and you're full of determination unbeknownst of where it's coming from.  The act itself is a little heady, but you have nothing to lose so why not?
Slipping on a pair of shoes and a jacket that covers your clothes, you turn your back to the window and scurry down until you're able to jump off onto the grass.  One step close to where you want to be.
Joel's house is across the street which makes it easy to get to, but aggravating when you want a sense of peace.  He's always around, shooting you a menacing stare when you're not down each other's throats but there's an ache you can't deny.  A compulsion.
You knock on his door twice before he swings it open almost like he saw you approach, but he doesn't tug you inside like you thought he was.  Doesn't make you get on your knees or fulfill any fantasy of being used.  Of... making him proud.
"What?"  His question is dry and a part of you is crushed. He isn't taking advantage of the way your legs look in your shorts right away.
"You're not the only one who had a bad fucking day," you start, but he doesn't give you a moment to push through the door because before you know it you're being pulled inside.  The sound of a slamming door somewhere behind you.  You're forced to look at him with his paw wrapped around your jaw, thumb tilting your chin up effortlessly.  It locks you in place.
"You came here.  Why?  Y'want me to fuck your bad day away?"
You gape is panicked, eyes wide now in this compromising position.  You can't think, you can't nod or say words.  You just stare.
"She's real fuckin' quiet now," Joel shoves you against the closed door, not letting an inch of space be wasted and he takes your wrist with his free hand, palming you over his hardening cock in his jeans.  "How about now.  You payin' close attention?"
You whimper, nodding softly as your fingers massage and rub, tug at anything you can through the fabric.
"Did I tell you y'could do that?"  His words make you pause, shivering at how truly empty your mind is in the moment.  Even in your inexperience you don't know you've ever felt so instantly timid.  Joel makes you fold at the first hint of misbehaviour.  You can't think of a thing to say.  Halfway don't know why you're here in the first place, and he's got you so wet from this it almost hurts.  Stickiness coats your thighs as you squeeze your legs together and you're sure it will be obvious even through your cotton shorts.
You shake your head, and he's sick of you not speaking to him.  Squeezes your face tighter, "Use your fucking words."
"No... no you didn't," you manage and you've never heard yourself sound so pathetic.
"I didn't, that's right.  You answer to me."  The snapping sound of his words causes your eyes to roll in annoyance.  He doesn't own you, he never fucking could.  The action makes his jaw tighten, his hand from your jaw in a grip that didn't hurt now is wrapped around your throat and although it's not tight, it certainly isn't loose.  "What the fuck was that?"
You're back to being silent, unable to do anything but take.
"Not asking again."
"I rolled my ey–"
"You rolled your eyes.  Roll your fuckin' eyes at me again, little girl.  You'll regret it."
A cool threat, you think.  Meaningless, even.  What possible reproach would he have anyway?
It's then you take in the house.  You'd been here once before to stay with Ellie.  It's dark, a single lamp upstairs.  All of this is background noise to the drone of your need prickling your youthful skin.  It's apparent, your age difference, when you're this close.  His rough fingers, wrinkles catching the moonlight peeking in through the windows.
"I–I'm sorry," you've been saying that a lot lately.
"Don't apologise to me.  Don't say sorry when I know you're not."  His thumb moves from your chin to your lips, thumbing over just how pliable and soft they are and it sends your nerves to the surface.  Prying your lips apart, he presses inside and you willingly wrap your lips around it to lap the pad of his digit.  "Look at that sweet thing," he says, more at you than to you, and your neck flushes being this willing to suck for him, "so easy for me to use.  I put my thumb to y'er lips and you just took it right in, didn't ya?"  The taste of his skin robs you of any other sense, his tone making you all but fold.
"Show me what this mouth is good for, 'cuz it sure ain't good at a sincere apology."
Before you know it, you're on your knees.  Joel is kind enough that he ushers you down onto the hardwood floor and you can't believe you're face to face with his crotch in front of his door, no less.
"You couldn't wait to take me to your bedroom?"
Joel doesn't reply straight away.  Instead you hear the clanking of metal, a zipper coming undone, and the slap of his cock hitting his abdomen on the way out of his pants.  You take mental note that he hasn't been asleep by his attire, but it's all for nothing when your eyes make out the shapes in the dim light.  You choke when you see just how big he is.
He tuts, leaning his head condescendingly as he takes a chunk of your hair in his palm to tilt your chin up to greet his cock.  "Aw, you think you're goin' t'my room?"  The words make you feel naïve, the one or two times you've done something like this didn't have nearly as much... compromise.  And you certainly didn't hook up with someone twice your age.  You don't have time to be self-conscious because the head of him, the leaky head of him, is tapping against your lips and your eyes roll back as you open your mouth for him.  After jumping slightly in surprise, of course.
He sighs in relief with a deigned smile, pushing his hips further.  "Fuck.  You hear that?  Nothing!  Sounds so fuckin' good, shuttin' you up."
But it's not entirely nothing, is it?  Not with your gagging, slurping up what you can but you don't know what you're doing all the way and fumbling through half of it.  Doesn't seem to faze him much.
It's obscene as it feels, him using you like this – and you don't feel an ounce of guilt when it's exactly what you want.  The switch flips on why you came to his door in the first place.  His big thumb swipes over the corner of your full mouth, "You like that, dontcha, filthy thing?"
And you hated how right he was.  You wanted to scream, kick him.  Retaliate in a way so you could still be in this submission at the same time.
Your mouth was full by the earthy taste of him, obliterating whatever feelings you had about the day.  A bad mood that he had contributions in, but it's melting from the constant thrust of his hips.  And he's keeping your head locked in place, hand gripped in the strands so you can feel your spit mingling with the underside of his cock.  Honestly, every part of his dick is covered in your spit.  It spills down your chin, threatens up your nose when you gag, leaves your eyes to water when you look up at him in a dire need to breathe fully, but he's not done with you.
Not until the loudest, lewdest pop from your mouth you've ever heard does Joel break contact completely.  Steps back until you're being observed in a patronising way.  Your gone expression.  All saliva and tears and his precum smeared over your mouth.  You can barely bring yourself to look up, but his demands seem to do the trick.
Snapping his fingers at you to get your attention, you swallow hard.  "Nuh uh.  You're not gonna get all soft on me, girl.  Wake the fuck up."
Which would be simple if he wasn't practically dragging you by your hair, making you crawl on your hands and knees until you're on your feet and you're shoved onto his couch.
All that and you're still dressed.
"Off," he's barking commands like you're a trainable being and if you were in any other state, you may reconsider this whole ordeal, but when he pushed you onto the couch your legs spread just enough for him to see the wetness smearing the cotton at the apex of your thighs and that amuses him. "not good at hidin' how much of a slut y'are."
"You think it's just you that does this to me?" You find your voice again, hoisting yourself up to sit on his couch as his cock – thick and proud – sways against the fabric caught between it.  Your tongue presses to your cheek when you make eye contact, "You're kidding yourself."
The venom drips so fluidly from your tongue, Joel doesn't make a sound.  Just peels off his clothes until he's standing there naked in his house, giving you living proof that you are kidding yourself.
The silence speaks for itself.  He is pure smug under the sight of your drooling gaze.
"It's real cute that you think y'got control over the situation n'all," the weight shifting on this couch from the cushion shaping around his knee.  Joel sits down, taking you by the scalp again to cloak you over his lap stomach-first, and you yelp in surprise when he does all of this and tugs your shorts down in one fell swoop.
With your hair in his fist, his other hand ghosts over your ass in effort to make sure you squirm for him before administering a devilishly loud spank to your ass.  "But somebody better teach you better manners.  Sure as shit itn’t your father."
You crack out a sob at that– from the contact and the truth.  You couldn't retort, you were too busy getting slap after slap against your increasingly worn ass to think about anything else.  "Lucky I ain't making y'count.  You'd have this for eternity now."
Not that it mattered anyway.  He's leaving mark after mark of his large handprint across your cheeks, probably ten more if you could even focus on anything else but finding the words to stop him.
"Please– y-you're right," tears stain your face as you bury your face in your arms.  Flinching when Joel moves, you expect another searing punishment, but instead he pulls your ass apart and you gasp at the cool air striking your cunt that's hot and wet for him.  "Joel!"
“Dirty fuckin’ girl, wet from gettin’ punished.  I talked so bad about you, and you liked it?  You’re as desperate as I thought.  Only good for gettin’ my cock wet.”  And it’s like a lever is pulled when your slutty little smile plasters over your face with him out of view.  Not that you had much time to gloat, or to experience the pleasure of living in your own fantasy because Joel’s got you pulled again.  His thick thighs spread apart when he maneuvers you so willingly to sit between his legs.  Right where he wants you.  Right where you can feel the throbbing pulse at your folds.  He tells you to take off the rest of your clothes and you would be a fool to do otherwise.
“Bad girls don’t get the luxury of bein’ opened,” that Texan drawl slips over your ear when he holds the base of his cock, slicking himself through your folds, you gasp and wriggle against him – his grip tightening harder.  Silently warning you if you make another move it’s over, you’re done.  It’s over.  All the while the searing stretch of him causes your cunt to flutter and clench around him.  It’s too much, too overwhelming, and he won’t let you adjust long enough.  “You’ll get over it,” but it’s not reassuring.  He still sounds in control despite his laboured breathing and when he can, he moves his hands to grip your hips and guide you down on him.  You scream, a knee jerk response wriggle away from him, but this position doesn’t quite allow for that.
“Be a good girl.”
That folds you, quite literally, as he moves his hips down to pound up into yours, using you like his own toy to get himself off with.  And it’s just the incredible sounds of your squelching cunt and his balls tapping against your folds.  The fucking isn’t frantic, but it certainly isn’t soft.  He’s rough with you, a hand traveling up your back to grip your hair so your neck is back in place and he lifts you upright so your back is curved, neck craned so if you tried, you could make him out – upside down.  “Poor thing couldn’t help it, had to get a daddy to take care of her.  You want that, kitten?  Wanna be used and as daddy’s little fucktoy – only good for makin’ me cum?”  his hand sneaks around to the front of you with his free hand, he presses and digs into your pubic bone to make you feel exactly where he is.  “Put a baby right here.  Make everyone know what you fuckin’ did.”
You whine, eyes rolling back at the thought.  It was so obscene, nothing like you’d ever even heard of before.  Where did he fucking learn how to talk like this?  Your brain is swimming while your sticky sweetness coats his lap, clawing at his thighs for any sort of stability, but it was dizzying how he had you.  How his grunts filled the air in between slaps like he had your hips placed at the perfect angle for him to work you.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?”  His gritting teeth by the shell of your ear, he keeps you secure within your hair to snake his arm around the front of you tugging and rolling at the sensitive nubs of your nipples.  When he feels you appear to drift off, those rough hands supply another smack, but to your tits this time, your fingernails clawing into his thighs involuntarily as you squeal in surprise.  You tighten at that, fluttering around his cock and you feel it at the edge.  So close you can almost taste it.
But he knows you’re close, too, and there’s no way in hell he’s giving that to you.  Not when you’ve barged into his house like this, not when you’ve done nothing but be an insufferable brat to him since the moment he came to Jackson.
Joel hovers you over his lap, and your heels dig into the floorboard.  His hips still, keeping the very tip of his cock inside of you – you feel panic flash over your body.  “No,” it’s the first word you’ve uttered in god knows how long and it sounds desperate.  Any hope of getting an orgasm swirls down the drain, and it’s set in stone when he pushes you on your back – the lumpy couch digging into your skin.  “No, no, please.  Why!”
His eyes could burn a hole through you.  Like a hungry dog, his body hovers – shoulders stooped, head down when he pours his gaze into you.  And he likes what he sees.  Legs open and begging, willing to do anything to get him back into you.  Your cunt glistening, even in the dull light and he can tell it’s pulsing.  “Poor thing’s clampin’ around nothin’,” he teases, grunting when his knees meet the couch cushions – another tell of his age.  But you, you’re too preoccupied in taming the ache between your legs to comment.  It burns, coming back to a fixed state you realise how stretched out you were and it’s more than overwhelming.  To know you haven’t been used to completion, all hope draining from your face.
“Joel,” your breath is shaky underneath him, pupils blown and wet when you make out his features, “Joel, please.  Please, I want this.”
“Darlin’, I know you want it.  Everybody in town knows you want it,” his words make you sob a whine as they approach closer to your neck, the delicate graze of his beard dances at your pulsepoint and you shudder.  Hips raise and he’s quick to slam them back down into place.  “If you want me, ‘Joel’ ain’t whatchu say to get me.”
And if you felt hopeless before, you really do now.  Unable to do anything but debase yourself for your own pleasure.  You’d heard it earlier, the way he referred to himself with a name that brought up mixed feelings at Tommy’s.  You swallow down embarrassment, looking him in the eyes – which were faded obsidian, your fingernails dig into your own thighs as if to brace for what’s tempting to slip out of your throat.
You hated that he made you nervous.
And you hated the hold he had over you.
But he had it, there was no doubt about it.  He had it.  He had you.
Your jaw ticks forward, fully aware of your clit screaming for attention and exhale shakily.  “Please, daddy.  Please, I want this.”
“Eh,” Joel muses, shaking his head, “I don’t believe ya.  Really gotta hear the desperation in your voice.  Maybe if I,” his hand reaches for his cock, slapping the sloppy head of it against your folds and that– that sends you.  Takes you to a different destination entirely because for the first time all night there’s attention to that bundle of nerves, and he knows it.  He knows you need this in order to give everything over to him in full.  “Daddy!” you screech, pelvis jutting up in full inclination and without a single word, Joel’s cock spears into you all the way to the hilt.  All the way to your cervix.
His hands, emitting heat and wrapped largely around your hips, locks you where he wants you like some animal in heat.  It forces you to bring your legs up into a position you aren’t sure you’ve ever been in – thighs against your stomach, by your sides.  It’s so, “deep,” you whimper, head rocking as your mouth flies open and he’s delivering you thrust after thrust of pleasure so wrecking no noise comes from you.
“Is that what you needed? Fuckin' brat,”  Joel is still able to tease, but even he isn’t immune to how tight you are around him.  Your fluttering core begging for release as it moves in and out around him – as if it’s doing its own begging.  “You wanna be filled up to the brim with my cum, babygirl?  Needy fucking cunt like you only good for matin’ like this.”  Your skin burns at his words, your body convulsing as you do your best to keep it together.
That’s when Joel’s hand wraps around your throat, a line of spit falling into your mouth and you willingly drink from him.  “You hold off, you ain’t gettin’ it tonight,” you pout for a moment, not fully understanding what he means by that, but he clarifies when his hips get sharper, more precise.  As if his cock is hooked inside of you, not letting a drip of precum spill out of you against your cervix.  “Y’ain’t cummin’, but I am.”
His grip around your throat gets harder, and you swear you can see every vein in his face rise to the surface when he uses you.  You’re limp, all thoughts washed away – his cock thick and long, you aren’t even sure how he fits it all inside of you but he does.  The edge of your stomach bulges as he works you, his neck cranes back to expose his neck and it’s too much to take. For both of you.  His hot cum ropes cords inside of you, sticking to your walls.  Filling you up is an understatement with how much he has to give you.  It’s as if you can discern the moment his seed grazes your cervix in its sticky texture.  Your head is swimming at the sound of your animalistic grunts, he looks so… fucking hot like this.  His name is replaced with ‘daddy’ more easily than you care to admit.  You do try not to chase your orgasm… a part of you does, anyway.
But you’re defiant.
You can take yourself there without him telling you to, and in fact the opportunity to disobey him is just what you need to send yourself creaming all over his cock.  You gasp, eyes wide before they roll back and you’re fucking yourself on his spent cock that somehow still has life to it.  Even for his age, he can still keep it hard for you after his seed coats your insides.  “Daddy, daddy, daddy,” becomes part of your breath, and you’re shocked he doesn’t pull out of you even though his hips are still.  You don’t notice it until you come down considering you’re using him.  Did he say you could do that?  As if you’re woken up by an alarm, you jerk at the sensation of the orgasm you snuck.  Without his permission.  You look up, and his knuckles are bleached around your hips.  He looks so menacing like this, scary.  You shake your head, swallowing hard in your attempt to fix things.
But it’s too late for you.  You’re a brat at the end of the day, and he has to train you.  Make you realise the error of your ways.
His cock is still buried deep when his middle finger plays where the two of you connect.  A whine escapes you, shivering now, not quite sure what he’s going to do.  He’s lethally quiet, you aren’t sure how to react.  He’s contemplating what to do to you, he’s not met someone who’s as menacing as he is.  As unwilling to give away freedom.  Not since… his nostrils flare as he inhales.
“I told you not to do that,” Joel stating the obvious makes you clear your throat, his cock twitching inside you in the aftershocks sends your teeth to bite down on your lip and you shake your head, “I c- I couldn’t help it!” You lie, and he knows it.  Compels him to prod that middle finger just above his cock inside you and the stretch is too much.  When you reach out for his forearm, his other hand darkens over your wrist, pinning it back in a way that hurts.  You wince in tandem with it and his monstrous hook of the digit inside you.  You’re so full, “It’s too-it’s too much!” you tap at anything you can, but he’s not listening.
Instead, the pad of his finger has no problem in touching that spongy bit inside of you – especially since your cunt is stretched from his cock and he can see it.  His cum tempts to pool out of you, but he shoves it back in, working his finger inside you repeatedly but he’s just rubbing.  He’s just rolling his finger against your g-spot until you feel so overstimulated it brings more pain than pleasure.  “Came like you knew what you were doin’,” he finally remarks, thumb rolling over your clit and you can’t take it.  “Please, pl– it’s too much!  Daddy!”  That rhythm is sly, though, in making you come undone.  Again and again.  As you’re on the peak of what would be an explosive orgasm, Joel pulls out of you entirely.  His cock, his finger.  His warmth is a distant memory when he stands up, palming over his cock.  How did he get hard again?!  He would deal with that on his own time.
Your moan is choked out, thighs pressing together for any sort of… something.  A release, a grind.  You’re left panting and begging, your tits perky and heaving for him.
“What did I say, little girl?”  He climbs into his clothes, one button up at a time with his flannel.  “You won’t be cumming for a week with that fuckin’ attitude.”
You’re so lost in chasing a feeling, soon to disappear as it could arrive that all you can do is whimper and nod.  “I’m so–” his hand grips your jaw, forcing you to look up at him.  Spit covers your face, and you hum like a kitten at the feeling of his hot saliva down your cheek, “What did I fucking say about apologisin’ when you’re not sorry?”
You wipe your face, sucking the spit off your thumb with a satisfied smirk.  “Fuckin’ loved it, daddy.”
He swallows then, his head shaking in disbelief over how much of a filthy bitch you are.  “Yeah, yeah you fuckin’ did.  Belong to me now, you understand?  Gonna let everybody know what a slut you are for this cock.”
And you would be lying if you didn’t experience a swell of pride in those words.  You’d be down each other’s throats again in no time, but the look of ownership that adorns his face over you is too much not to bask in.
“A week?”  You study him, eyes wet and round, look up at him and you see his cheek twitch in response.
“Gonna be two if you keep it up.”
You let out a faint sigh, resting your head back on the armrest.  “Yes, daddy.”
“Good girl,” he coos, leaning down to press his lips at the shell of your ear.  Fingers tucking his cum back in your hole.  He relishes in how hot you feel under his fingers.
“Now get the fuck out of my house.”
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taglist: @cool-iguana - dm to be added!
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Maroon (part five)
modern!Aemond Targaryen x f!reader
When the silence came, we were shaking blind and hazy How the hell did we lose sight of us again?
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A series loosely based on the song Maroon of off Midnights by Taylor Swift ▪︎ read more Daemon & Aemond midnights imagines here: masterlist
story synopsis : a modern au where we first meet the reader as Helaena's best friend and the object of Aemond's affections. Will a tragic accident cause these lovers to crash and burn? Or will it be the catalyst for something greater?
in this chapter : the Dragonstone ball continues to unfold... Will Aemond ever be able to redeem himself after tonight? Will the reader let him back in?
series list : part one - part two - part three - part four - part five -
themes/warnings : angst, Aemond is a bit of an ass who needs therapy, jealousy, miscommunication
word count : 4k
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“... to these three, Strong boys.”
Aemond’s declaration brings the room into a state of silence, everyone in collective surprise. 
It is a known truth. One shared among people in hushed tones and averted eyes. But not like this. Never openly, in this way.
Aemond lingers on you, before something - or someone - cuts through in the corner of his vision. Gasps erupt across the hall. 
It’s Luke, who reaches Aemond in a flash and disarms him with a rough shove. Aemond barely budges, but is forced to take a step back, his chair skidding loudly across the floor. He laughs menacingly, and simply watches as his nephew makes another move. It doesn’t take long before the security team springs into action. Mr. Westerling puts a hand to Luke’s chest, halting his determined motion. 
“Not here, son.” His voice is gruff and commanding. The members of the high table look on, aghast. But Aemond stands still with a smirk on his lips. He raises his glass and takes a confident sip, all whilst staring Luke in the eye.
“You’ve crossed the fucking line,” Luke seethes.
“Have I?” Aemond croons. “I only speak the truth. I was merely expressing how proud I am of my nephews.”
“Aemond, that is enough,” Alicent pleads, wary of the prying attention from the onlookers. 
“It’s the truth, isn’t it, mother?”
“Not in front of all of these people.” Alicent doesn’t confirm her son’s statement, but she doesn’t deny it either, and Rhaenyra is quick to note this.
“Enough!” Viserys bellows, and all heads turn to the sound. “The feast… shall commence. Everyone, we apologise for this commotion. You see, this is why family reunions are not to be taken lightly.”
A nervous bout of shared laughter echoes. A line of servers rush out of the corner of the hall, platters of all sorts in their arms. Aemond’s outburst will be ignored. For now. 
His jaw is taut, arms tense on his sides like a viper still preparing to strike. You look down and notice that you’ve latched on to Jace’s arm in a death grip, your nerves getting the best of you. 
It doesn’t help that it’s the first thing Aemond sees when he turns his attention back to you. It’s enough to divert his thoughts from Luke’s provocation. As you move to sit back down along with the rest of the table, he swiftly strides over to you determinedly, weaving his way past the servers. 
“May I speak with you for a moment?” Aemond leans down, whispering. You hear a sense of urgency in his tone, or perhaps his mood is still heightened, his composure strained from the previous argument. 
Jace turns his head, and addresses Aemond with a passing glare, but doesn’t say anything. He leaves the choice up to you.
“Can’t this wait?” You whisper back, pausing to smile in thanks at the server who sets down a dish in front of you. “I don’t think I have anything to say to you right now, Aemond.”
“Please, darling,” he implores, still polite. But he knows that one way or another, he's going to have his moment with you.
You take a deep breath, sharing a look with Jace, and he merely nods in acknowledgment. To hell with it. 
“I’ll be back in 5 minutes,” you tell Jace. The entire hall is occupied with the feast, and they barely notice when Aemond leads you down an adjacent hallway, then through the side doors. You wonder what his date thinks of this, or if she has even noticed that he left. By the determined way he moves, you doubt whether he even cares.
His hand is at the small of your back, guiding you. Electricity shoots up your spine. Briefly, you consider if you should go back to the hall where it's safe, and it causes your steps to falter.
He appraises you for a moment, waiting.
“Where are we going, Aemond?” you finally ask.
“There’s a balcony just round there - ”
“This is far enough,” you gesture at the empty hallway. “I said I would only take 5 minutes.”
“That’s not long enough,” he protests right away, oddly sounding like a petulant little boy.
“Well, tough.”
He inhales sharply, biting his tongue as he wants to placate you. He wants to make you understand. 
He starts to speak, but you cut him off at the same time.
"Darling, I - "
“I don’t know why,” you shake your head at him, at the whole situation, “you do this. Maybe it is because of the accident, sure. I get that. It’s fucked up, what happened. But you shouldn’t have shut me off. I waited for you.” You step forward, and press your hand to his chest. You feel his faint heartbeat resounding beneath. “I didn’t even know what I was waiting for, or for what. But I did.”
He places his hand atop yours, holding it to himself. He did not anticipate that you would be so forward, and it catches him off guard. Whatever ill-prepared speech he had gets caught in his throat. “I didn’t know what to do,” he musters. “I didn’t think you would… still want me.”
Ridiculous. How could I not? “That’s just… an excuse.” Your thought makes itself known. The corner of his mouth lifts in amusement, briefly, before his brows furrow as if something in his line of thinking cast a shadow over what should be a nice sentiment. 
“Is it?” he queries, almost mocking. “Look at me. Look at what I almost did back there. You’ve known me for a while, darling, but perhaps you’ve not known me long enough to know how rotten I truly am.”
There’s a menacing glint in his eye, one you’re sure you haven’t truly seen before. Not until tonight’s incident at the hall, and now that it’s being directed at you, you struggle to come to terms with how it makes you feel. 
Is this who he really is? Was the Aemond you’ve known a persona he so conveniently wore in the time he met you?
But you cannot ignore that part of you, maybe even greater and strong enough to trump your worries, which knows that you have seen who he is. You’ve always known. Through hints and whispers. And you wanted him anyway.
Aemond’s only ever this gentle around you, everyone said. 
Why would he be? What could he ever have gotten out of it? What else, but you?
You say nothing, merely watching the storm in his blazing blue eye. His sneering expression softens, suddenly conscious at how you seem to study him. At how your eyes greedily rake over his face, taking him in like you haven’t been able to in a long while. 
After those long and tortuous weeks apart, this is the first time you get to look at him without any distractions. Without the commotion of the ball. Without him trying to hide. 
“Then show me,” you finally say.
He makes a surprised noise. His usual hum, but lilting. 
Maybe you can blame it on that damned firewine, or you’ve gone insane, because you didn’t expect you would be so gutsy at this moment. But before you can question where your newfound bravery came from, and before your nerves from earlier can resurface, you raise your hand and let it hover over his leather eyepatch. 
He hums again, this time low in his throat. A warning. 
Your fingers make contact, ghosting over the smooth surface. You wince internally as you also touch a patch of his scar right under. You don’t even want to imagine how much pain he was in. You can’t, or you’ll lose all your nerve, and likely start crying. 
Keep it together, now.
Aemond remains unmoving, a feat considering his pounding heartbeat. He lets you continue, and ignores the instinctive twitch in his palms that compel him to push your hand away. 
When your thumb runs over the bottom ridge of his eyepatch, you catch his eye. “Aemond,” you whisper, asking for permission.
You barely lift his eyepatch when his hand wraps around your wrist in a vice grip, halting any movement. You look at him questioningly, searching, but his expression stays the same. Lips pursed in a tight line, jawline taut. His gaze holding you in place. 
You don’t say anything for a moment, but neither of you show any desire to move away.
You watch as he finally lowers his head, the hand around your wrist gently drifting to cradle your palm against his ruined cheek. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, all false bravado gone. 
“It’s okay,” you say, letting your thumb run gently over his scar. “You don’t have to show me.”
“I want to, I just - ” He looks at you, words left unsaid, but you understand all the same.
“I know,” you smile sadly. “I can wait.”
It’s not long before his arm abruptly drops to his side, causing your hand to fall from his face. 
“You shouldn't have to,” he looks away then, his distant expression returning. “It’s not fair to you. All this waiting.”
You shake your head at the change in his approach. The Aemond you think you know has always been a steady presence, observant and committed to the task at hand. Has he always been this mercurial? 
“Don’t you want me to?” you remark, disbelief lacing your voice. You step even closer, glaring up at him. “Is this why you brought me here? To finally put an end to all of this?”
He doesn’t respond right away, and the bastard just stares at you. His good eye rakes across the planes of your face, falling to your exposed shoulders and the outline of your dress, then back again. If you didn’t know any better, it almost looks like longing, like he actually wants you. 
And it infuriates you even more. 
You decide that - no - he doesn’t get to look at you like that and yet act in the way he does. “Our 5 minutes are up.”
You turn around, your skirts swivelling with the movement. Each step feels decisive, like you’re walking away from something - someone - important. But you do anyway. 
“Wait,” you hear him murmur under his breath, but you don’t let it sway you.
Then you hear his footsteps, heavy and sure. 
“I said wait,” Aemond repeats, commanding. You startle when he gets a hold of your arm, squeezing by the crook of your elbow, bringing you to a stop.
“For wh - ”
The words are stolen from your mouth in a rushed breath, when his lips claim yours. This is not the gentle Aemond you might have known, as he kisses you with an intensity that is bruising and relentless. 
You’re quite sure you had something witty retort prepared, something to put him in his place. Whatever that was, it’s all forgotten as his tongue glides along your bottom lip. As the kiss deepens and you feel the sharpness of teeth. 
“Hmm,” he purrs when he pulls away, and you feel it reverberate low in his chest where your palms are pressed. He connects his forehead to yours, and you’re grateful for it. The feeling of something solid calms the dizzying sensation in your head. 
You barely register the silence that filled the room, as your ears are ringing with the sound of your racing heartbeat and the small breaths that escape his lips. You think to say something and almost do, but then he crashes his lips against yours again. 
Demanding more. 
You feel yourself moving, Aemond guiding your movement, akin to the dance you shared in the great hall. Instinctively, you flinch when your shoulder blades collide with a marble pillar, causing you to bite down on his lip. 
A surprised hiss escapes his lips, followed by a low growl. 
Then, almost predictably, he dons his signature shit-eating smirk. He liked it. 
He hums as he lowers and plants a kiss on your neck, sucking a spot tender. "I think you missed me too, darling." Aemond has become a concoction of smugness and self-loathing, which makes for volatile tendencies as you witnessed in the Great Hall.
This won't make for a steady, healthy, calm affair. You just know it won't. But as he leaves a sure mark on your neck that causes the heat to pool down in your core, none of it matters.
You accept that Aemond is the poison you chose.
Gods, I'm starting to become melodramatic.
"Hmm?" he queries, and you realise that some of your private thoughts might have escaped the confines of your mind.
He smirks, mostly to himself, gaze levelling with yours. He brings you closer, both hands gripping your waist, until your bodiced chest is pressed to the smooth leather of his tunic. From his height, he can't help but look down and enjoy the view.
A confession springs from his lips, without any hint of shame. "As much as you look good in that dress, darling," his gaze openly rakes over you, like a predator sizing up his prey, "it would look much more suited on the fucking floor."
Oh, damn him to the seven hells.
You’re so caught up in a haze, legs instinctively pressing together as a result of his lustful advances, that the oncoming clatter of heels against porcelain tile is almost imperceptible, but it snaps you out of it anyway.
“Aemond,” you grip his forearms and pry them away from you, having to use a bit more force now.
“Aemond!” Someone’s else voice echoes, closing in. It’s Alys, striding down the hall with sheer confidence. No doubt on her way to reclaim her date.
Her date. Not mine. What the hell am I doing?
You give him a withering look, and he straightens, folding his arms behind him.
“Alys,” he greets her coolly when she reaches the two of you.
“You can’t just run off like that,” she scolds, glancing at you just once before seemingly deciding you’re not worth the time. “They’re taking photos of everyone. You’re my partner. You need to present yourself with me.”
“There’s no rush,” Aemond says. And there truly isn’t. He knows that those bloody photographers would wait endlessly for him, of all people. No matter how long, just so they can get exclusive snaps of what people are deeming the return of the Prince of the City. “Give us a few minutes.”
"You've had more than a few minutes," Alys counters, unrelenting. Anyone else would've spun on their heel already, shirking under Aemond's pointed gaze. But not her. She's learned from having to deal with his moods.
And besides, he took her as his date. He owes her the satisfaction of having this as a part of her image. The city's most wanted bachelor with no one but her on his arm. Call her opportunistic, Alys doesn't care. This is the game, and she will play.
"Sweetheart," she says to you, the name not matching the condescension in her tone, "I believe Jace is looking for you too."
"Right, of course." You take a deep breath before finally walking away, hoping that the flush that's likely on your face doesn't give anything away.
Just before you pass by Alys, she says your name. Bringing a perfectly manicured finger to the corner of her lips, she dabs at it in some sort of gesture. "You've got a bit of lipstick there, sweetheart. Might want to tidy that up."
"Alys," Aemond warns, unamused by how Alys is sizing you up, like you're beneath her.
She knows. Of course she does.
Alys has a sneer that can make anyone feel like nothing but dirt on the sole of her high heels, but you stand your ground, despite the chill running up your spine. Her approach to you now is a drastic change from the friendly and poised confidence she sported when you first met her at the Targaryen penthouse.
Sparing Aemond a cursory glance, you address her with a self-assured smile of your own. "He's all yours. I'll leave you to it."
You feel both of them watch as you walk away. It might be all the glam and the buzz of the ball which leads to your next thought. Vain, but you let yourself have it anyway. Feeling like a runaway princess as your gown billows around your legs.
Aemond isn't yours. It was my mouth against his just a minute ago, his tongue dancing with mine.
When you return to the table, Jace immediately asks how it went, to which you just tiredly shrugged and said, "Uneventful."
He narrows his eyes at you. "You'll tell me later."
In the middle of your meal, Aegon approaches, clearly more sloshed drunk than he was before. Jace just watches him, with the calm recognition that this is not the uncle to watch out for.
"Hello, kids," Aegon leans against the table. He angles his head close to you, like he is about to divulge some secret. "Not that I was checking you out or anything, just saw it from where I was sitting over there and - "
"What do you want, Aegon?" Jace shakes his head, bored with his uncle's antics.
"Alright, alright!" Aegon playfully holds his hands up, wine glass and all. "No hostility from me, nephew. Just letting her know that maybe she should cover up my brother's work."
"What are you on about? Maybe drink some bloody water instead, mmm?" Jace counters.
His brother's work? Oh gods.
Your hand shoots up to your exposed neck, and the tender spot makes itself known as soon your fingers drift above it.
Jace's confused expression disappears when he realizes where your hand immediately went to. "Oh, really?"
You sigh guiltily. Scanning the table quickly, you don't find Aemond there to glare at. He must be posing for the cameras somewhere with his date. You find a friendlier face in Helaena, who catches on to your nervous expression.
She floats over to the small commotion of your little group, practically having to shove Aegon out of the way.
"You alright?" she asks sincerely, and you can't bring yourself to say, everything's fine, but I was wondering if you could lend me some concealer because your dear brother left something on my neck.
Thankfully, you don't have to. Or not thankfully, because Aegon does it for you in a way only he can.
Tapping on his own neck and gesturing to you, he explains, "Aemond's a monster, sis," through a graceless swig of firewine and then, "horny jail for him."
"Actually," he raises his arms like he's making some proclamation, "horny jail for both of you kids. Where is he anyway?"
"Leave it, Aegon." Helaena rolls her eyes, then offers her hand to you. "How about we run to the ladies room and take care of that?"
Thank the gods for Helaena.
"You owe me," she says, as the two of you head to the side of the hall, "and Aegon might be right."
"About what?"
She slaps your arm playfully, and you feign shock but a giggle slips out due to her expression.
"You and Aemond, I swear," she laughs dryly. "He's been even more sullen and emo since the accident - actually, the both of you have been - and now you're back to making out right in the middle of the ball!"
"We weren't - " you start to say, but you're met with Helaena's don't-you-dare kind of glare.
"It's your brother's fault, you know," you shrug as you enter the ladies room.
"Oh, I know," Helaena nods, pulling what she needs out of her purse. Right before she dabs concealer to the purplish spot on your neck, she can't help but smirk and add, "but still... horny jail for you."
- - - - - - - - - - 
Aemond doesn't know how much more of this he can take.
The cameraman clicks again, the damned flash is enough to blind his remaining eye.
Alys, being Alys, brought her own personal photographer to the ball. Which is fine, all things considered. She does this for every ball, every year. Aemond's well versed in her ways.
But for some reason, now it's driving him to be more irate.
She positioned them in a partially hidden alcove at the back of the hall. Something to do with a painting she wants to get captured as the background. But it's taking too long, and Aemond can sense the attention of some guests being piqued.
If they ask to take photos with him, too, Aemond just might pull off a runner and abandon the bloody ball.
But not without you.
Where were you anyway? One second you were at the table, then the next you were trailing after Helaena back out of the hall.
At least it was his sister you are with, and not Jacaerys. Or gods forbid, that degenerate Stark boy.
It wouldn't matter to Aemond that he's not his father's top boy, his most precious heir. Whatever pull he has with the Dragonstone empire, he will use against Winterfell Limited, if Cregan Stark ever thinks he can have his way with you.
He catches himself, mid-thought.
And she still thinks I'm not rotten.
"Aemond," Alys lightly digs her nails in his arm, smiling through gritted perfect teeth. "Smile, why don't you?"
"I am."
"Just one more."
So he does. Barely. But it's enough to placate her, and she quickly sifts through the photos.
Almost on instinct, like he's a moth drawn to your flame, he spies you and Helaena making your way back in the hall. Arm in arm, laughing to each other. You bite your lip as you lean in and whisper something in her ear, which makes her shake her head and laugh even harder.
Several heads turn as you pass by, and Aemond can't really blame them.
"Just like that," Alys says out the blue.
"What?" Aemond turns to her, unaware that she stands beside him once more, her photographer already dismissed.
"If only you smiled like that for our photos," she says. "It looks good on you."
Was he smiling? He didn't even notice.
You turn your head just before sitting back down at the table, and catch his eye even as he stands near the end of the hall.
You always will.
Aemond smiles.
- - - - - - - - - - 
preview: part six
You hear it. There's someone at your front door. Living alone has never given you much anxiety before, and you didn't think it would start tonight. But who could be knocking at your door past midnight, when you didn't buzz anyone in? You were never on close terms with your neighbours, either. 
You sit on your couch looking like a deer in headlights, staring at the door like it's supposed to silence the knocking. 
When did you get so wary? It could be Jace. It could be Helaena. But then again, they're not the type to show up unannounced. And also, you would have buzzed them -
Aemond's voice calls out your name, quieting your worries. 
You can sense hesitance in his tone. Almost embarrassed. Like he knows he shouldn't be here. 
"Aemond?" you find your voice, and go to open the door. You start to ask him just what the hell he's doing here, but the words get caught in your throat. 
"Hi, darling," he says weakly, obviously tired. "I didn't know where else to go." 
Something resembling a gasp escapes your lips when you fully take in the fresh bruise blooming under his right eye, in angry shades of maroon and violet. The skin split slightly, but thankfully his eye is untouched.
"Aemond, what - "
"Can I come in?"
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Series taglist (closed!): @caught-in-the-afterglow @aemondtargaryensrider @punggo66 @dollfaceyourfear @candypurplebutterfly @moonmaiden1996 @mxrgodsstuff @lolitaisreal @blue-serendipity @melsunshine @thejanecampaign @fxngsfxgxrty @padfooteyes @msmarvel-19 @tempo-rary-fix @lauraneedstochill @julczimozart @sarcasticfangirl @witchyv @pyjama-shorts @bellaisasleep @zillahvathek @thincrusttheworks @krispold @yougotthatlove @raging-panda @fleetingly-artistic @throughgoeshamilton @polireader @katsav17 @minttea07 @kravitzwhore @meggiemay82 @hedonefox @daenysx @schniiipsel @namoreno @afro-hispwriter @aemondswifeisme @emcharra @malfoytargaryen @iiamthehybrid @fullmetalriotts @kellzlib @justsumtuffstuff @daydreamy-me @yentroucnagol @kezibear @queenofshinigamis @paprikaquinn
oh, Maroon...
I know I said there'd be smut, but it just didn't feel right (yet) - it WAS written for this chapter, but I'm saving it for part six. Just you wait, folks, not long now!
My Aemondfire is decisively back <3 expect more of our favourite boy
Also - I will take requests for short Aemond oneshots! 💙
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spidcrhunni · 1 year
day out
hobie brown/reader
summary: you go somewhere with hobie.
tags: can be read as romantic or platonic it’s up to you!!!, sweet! hobie, nicknames, skipping school, mild arguments/harassment (it’s very small)
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. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [spidcrhunni!!] ࿐ྂ
your laughter bounces down the alleyway as hobie pulls you along by your hand. skipping school was always exhilarating as you didn’t do it very often, not wanting to be scolded by your parents. the two of you slow to a jog, and eventually into a walk as you both continue laughing softly. “c’mon, i need some food.” hobie pulls his hand from yours, stretching his arms overhead. “fine, fine. as long as you promise we won’t get caught.” you reply, following your best friend down to a nearby old-fashioned looking diner that had set up a week prior. “i thought you were gonna ask me to pay.” he jokes, grinning at you. “that too.” you wink playfully, listening as he laughs. “fine, fine. i’ll pay.”
hobie opens the door for you, letting you enter first. scoping the diner, you don’t recognise anyone immediately, so you nod to hobie who enters as well. a waitress smiles, walking over. “hi there! go sit down and i’ll be with you in a moment.” she greets. she’s older than you and hobie, eyes warm and kind; almost motherly. her southern accent is sweet against your ears. “thanks.” you reply, leading hobie to a far booth, assuming that the further away from the door, the less likely someone would recognise the two of you. hobie sits down, looking around. “not bad here.” he comments, you hum. “i just hope the food’s good.” your words make hobie nod. “yeah, me too. i’ve got a good vibe from this place though.”
the waitress, who’s name tag read ‘jessie’, from before walks over, setting down two menus. “can i get you two anything to drink?” she asks, smiling politely. “i’ll take a coffee, black with two sugars.” hobie responds, adding on a quick ‘please’ as you nudge him under the table. she seems rather caught off guard by the strong request, yet nods, writing it down. “anything for you, darling?” she turns to you, pen ready. “i’ll have a vanilla milkshake, please.” you smile, watching her nod. “of course. i’ll be right back.” jessie turns, walking back to the counter. “she’s nice.” you quip, smiling at hobie. “mhm. almost creepy though. no one should be that happy.” he jokes, you snort softly. “c’mon, there’s nothing wrong with being that happy. it’s nice to see.”
the waitress soon comes back, accidentally interrupting your conversation about the english teacher both you and hobie shared. “thank you..!” you chirp as hobie nods. “no problem. decided on anything to eat?” she asks, glancing between you both. “i’ll have the waffles, please.” you smile, looking at hobie. “i’ll have to ask for the same- please.” he replies, sharing a small smile with you. “of course. i’ll be back in a jiff!” she leaves once more, you nudge hobie’s boot with your sneaker. “see, you can be nice.” you tease. “i am nice! to you anyway…” he responds, a joking frown on his face. you roll your eyes, sipping your milkshake. “you gonna share?” he jokes, drinking some of his coffee. “if i had two straws, yeah. besides, you have your coffee!” you laugh.
the door opening makes you both glance over. “oh fuck..!” hobie hides his face, turning to look out the window. you hide your own face behind a menu, hoping that the person wouldn’t recognise the two of you. that person being someone that also shared most of the classes that you two shared, benny. “fuck- fuck. what is he doing here?!” hobie whisper yells. “i don’t know..!” you respond, voice harsh yet low. footsteps trail over, you take a deep breath. “hobie- y/n, is that you?” he asks, voice snarky. the two of you stay silent, hoping he’d go away. “it is- i’d recognise that shitty jacket anywhere.” he quips towards your best friend, who turns, scowling. “what do you want, benny?” he asks, leaning back against the booth. you put the menu down after having your cover blown.
“nothing from you two. do you even have the money to pay for the stuff here?” he quips. hobie furrows his brows. “yes. unlike you, i work for my money, i don’t get dirty money from my daddy’s trust fund.” he sneers. “bart…” you sigh, pressing your foot against his ankle under the table to try and soothe him. “whatever, at least i don’t dress like a tramp-“ the harsh clacking of heels against the floor makes you all stop. jessie comes over. “is this guy bothering you honey?” she asks, mainly to you. “yeah, a little. it’s okay though-“ you try to console her, yet she turns to benny. “i won’t take any hassling of my patrons, thank you very much. i’ll have to ask you to leave.” she crosses her arms, clearly not intimidated by him. “what?” benny scoffs.
“you heard me, go one- get! consider yourself banned from maude’s diner!” she shoos benny out, who utters something about his father ‘doing something’ about the situation. hobie let’s out a laugh. “damn. seems like this will be our go to spot now.” he jokes, grinning at you. “seems like it.” you smile. jessie comes back a soft smile on her lips. “everything okay, sugar?” she asks, hands clasped together politely. “yes, thank you jessie.” you reply. “i’m glad. to make up for the altercation, your food’s on the house- courtesy of my wife, maude.” she smiles, hand pressing to her chest honestly. “oh- you don’t have to! we’re happy to pay.”
hobie pipes up. “y’mean i will be happy to pay.” he corrects, a teasing smile on his lips. you roll your eyes. jessie laughs softly at his words. “we insist, you two have been a delight. it’s been nice to hear laughter in our diner. gives the place some liveliness that we can’t recreate from our last diner in maude’s hometown- kansas was such a beautiful place.” she halts her chatter. “sorry about that- i’ll be right back with your food.” jessie smiles, turning around and leaving you two be. “she’s so sweet.” you beam, hobie nods. “yeah, like a nice aunt at a family gathering.” he agrees, yet less enthusiastically. you continue sipping your milkshake, happily talking to hobie.
jessie comes back, two plates of steaming waffles in her hands. “here you go. enjoy..! i’ll be over there if you need anything.” she coos, leaving you both be. “these look good.” hobie smiles, stomach audibly rumbling. you chuckle. “don’t start drooling.” you tease, kicking his foot. hobie kicks back, yet more gently to avoid hurting you as his boots had steel-toe caps. the two of you dig in, making conversation over your breakfast. you felt great; as always when you spent time with hobie. you wouldn’t have him any other way.
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songmingisthighs · 4 months
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
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ch. xlv - pb&j
neurosurgeon!hongjoong × reader
buy me coffee ?
where love and peace is held, i never expected for this to happen. i planned and i planned, i expected, and i hoped, but it was never you. you held what i wanted hostage to make room for you, the thing that i needed but has no means of acceptance. deny me, live your best life.
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Hongjoong is not one to be surprised easily. Well, by events or situations. He's a scaredy cat who had fallen victim to his son's pranks at least 20 times. In the past month.
But the sight of Kijoong's teacher, Mr Kang, lighting up as you produced a bag of sandwiches from your bag and handed it over to him almost made him choke on his own spit. Honestly, he didn't know why he was so surprised as he had seen (peeked) into your (private) conversation with Mr Kang the other day. Maybe he had been in denial (for some darn reason) about the exact identity of the Yeosang you talked with, thinking that it could be someone else with a similar name. That's possible, right? But seeing the way you adjusted the sleeve of his rolled-up shirt, Hongjoong was hesitant.
When you took Kijoong inside to settle in his cubby and spend some time before the classes started, Hongjoong found himself walking towards the guy he was eyeing.
"Ah, good morning! Mr Kim, right? Kim Kijoong's dad?" Yeosang asked politely with a warm smile. Even Hongjoong had to admit that his heart fluttered slightly so his "baseless" annoyance curiosity has decreased slightly. "Y-yes," clearing his throat, Hongjoong slipped his hands into his pants pockets, "How are you? How's your dad? I heard he was at the hospital?" "Yeah, yeah, he's fine! We went to the other KQ branch hospital so he was taken care of well. His recovery was even better when (y/n) sent him soup," he chuckled.
At the mention of the teacher's dad knowing you, Hongjoong couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at that. "Oh, I didn't realize that you two were so close," he nodded casually. Yeosang shrugged, "I guess in a sense we are, but (y/n) just cares about people and she takes it upon herself to take care of those who know her from her roots. Another hint, you two had known each other for a long while. "(y/n) didn't mention that she knew you to me and she often tells me about the people she knows from her youth." Hongjoong cringed slightly, realizing how easy it could be for Yeosang to twist his words and make it seem like he was jealous. Which he kinda was but it's not like it's obvious. Thankfully, if he did realize, Yeosang didn't let it show. "That could be because I haven't seen her in a long while and it didn't even occurred to us that we knew each other until the second day I came back," well that made Hongjoong more curious and Yeosang could sense it based on the way Hongjoong nodded along and putting all of his focus on him which made him rather nervous. So this time, it was Yeosang who cleared his throat and mended his posture, "S-see, (y/n) and I knew each other from way back in high school. We met because we had entered the same debate competition and we were in opposition. She was formidable with her arguments and it actually made me fear her in a major way. I didn't even think I'd get to talk to her but as you can guess, I did," "How so?" Hongjoong asked, engaged in the story, "Well, she made my teammate cry and she just wanted to make sure that the know-it-all 12th grader had his mommy to wipe his snot. We were in 10th grade at the time." The revelation made Hongjoong let out a snort which caused some parents and their children nearby to jump in surprise, looking at him who had to turn around in shame.
"So, is that how you and (y/n) started dating?" Hongjoong asked after calming down, not really realizing the words that he used. Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows momentarily before chuckling, "Oh, no. We are not dating! We became close again after the realization of our connection and became even closer because I found out that my spotter at the gym is actually Kijoong's instructor so we just shared and bonded and got even closer because of that!" he explained.
Though he was not even supposed to feel that way, Hongjoong felt a sense of relief and his posture even relaxed considerably. Though, he tensed up again when Yeosang continued, "Although, between you and me, (y/n) seems to be interested in this other guy." "What other guy? Is it someone she's close with? How'd you know?" At that point, Hongjoong didn't even care that he was acting rather ridiculously, asking random, personal stuff to his son's homeroom teacher. How professional. "I think you'd know him too," Yeosang stated and for one moment, Mingi came to mind but considering how you still deny him ice cubes, that seemed irrational, impossible, and positively stupid. Yeosang turned around slightly and pointed to where you were inside. "There."
Slowly, almost dramatically, Hongjoong turned his head, following Yeosang's finger to see you talking to the guy he recognized as the other homeroom teacher in Kijoong's class, Choi Soobin. While you were kind and affectionate towards Yeosang, you were more... Flirty with Soobin. That was the only word that seemed suitable because your stance was more passive yet open while still maintaining some boundaries with Soobin. Very different from the way you were with Yeosang whom you treated in a more motherly manner, like how you would Kijoong. With Yeosang, it was tidying him and giving him what he needed but with Soobin, it was more playful what with the gentle pushes and allowing him to guide you so your head won't hit the shelve nearby. You both looked very comfortable with each other, being as close as you both could and remaining respectful at a kindergarten while Kijoong tried to climb up Soobin's legs. His eyes glazed over the way you gently chastised the boy and tried to pry him off but Soobin grabbed your hands away from Kijoong and made gestures that suggested he was telling you to just let Kijoong be.
It was then that Hongjoong realized that his gut feeling was correct but he had jumped to a conclusion.
A lot of thoughts ran through Hongjoong's head, trying to make sense of things as if correcting an assignment, marking parts that were wrong and putting notes on certain parts as if pointing out which information needed elaboration. Above all, one thought seemed more prominent compared to the other. The thought that questioned whether or not he was supposed to feel bitter, jealous, and, well, hurt. Knowing that he was questioning his action did nothing, however. He just kept staring at the two of you in the corner while he was there, at a distance. Because that's what he had made his persona towards you to be since the beginning, right?
Distant, unapproachable.
Like he always was.
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@cultofdionysusnet @sandsofire @kflixnet
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cowgurrrl · 4 months
Tall Boy
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Author's note: I didn't go into writing this thinking I would write a little bit of spice so please be nice (poetry fr)
Summary: Fireworks, Uber Calls, Confessions, Oh My! [3.6k]
Warnings: consumption of alcohol, drunken shenanigans, Joel and Tommy being the only Texan men I would trust with my drinks, so much goddamn yearning, oh what's happening with Andie and Tommy??, Joel the Menace makes his return, smutty thoughts and actions (I've made them wait nine chapters they deserve to be a little horny. as a Treat.), getting caught, preparing you for Sleeping on the Blacktop
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You don't get to cut loose very often as a teacher. You're almost always worried about lesson plans, grading, assignments, supplies, money (or lack thereof), politics, student's mental health, and a million other things that plague your mind when you try to sleep. Sure, you have a drink or two sometimes, but never anything close to like when you were in college and would end up back at your apartment at four in the morning just to get up three hours later for a lecture at eight. You weren't always going to be a high school teacher, and your past reflects that. And Andie has waited a long time to get a little bit of that spirit out of you again.
New Year's Eve starts easy enough with a nice dinner in downtown Austin with a glass of wine or two with the food. You and Andie got all dolled up in short, curve-hugging dresses and makeup and decided you would take yourselves out if nobody else was going to. "But we're not gonna get arrested like we did in high school, right?" You asked over dinner, but she just shrugged with a mischievous look in her eyes.
"We'll see where the night takes us." 
You bounced from bar to bar, sipping drinks and half-flirting with whoever approached, hoping for a free drink. Lucky for you, nobody is immune to Andie's charm. You lose track of how much you've had to drink once the room starts spinning pleasantly, and you can barely hear yourself over the loud music. You dance with beautiful strangers, sing along to the music, and even steal a cigarette from a willing accomplice outside. It feels good to act like your own age and not everybody's mom. 
By the time midnight rolls around for the Central Time Zone, you and Andie are drunk, leaning on each other and butchering the lyrics to Aud Lang Syne. "We should call an Uber!" Andie yells in your ear, and you nod. You stumble outside and squint at your phone, giggling at your fleeting thought.
"I've got a better idea than Uber."
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You and Andie are sitting on the curb outside a gas station right off of Sixth Street, sharing a tall boy and following instructions to "stay put," when his truck pulls up next to you. Joel looks sleepy but not mad, while Tommy looks like he just walked up on a small miracle.
"I thought teachers weren't supposed to be fun!" He laughs as you hand Andie the beer and somehow get yourself to your feet.
"You, obviously, didn't have the right teachers." 
"I reckon so." He says as you dig your keys out of your purse to hand to Joel. He nods gratefully as Tommy helps Andie off the curb. They start talking about something, but you can't hear them over the way Joel's looking at you. Like he did at the gallery, his eyes linger on every piece of exposed skin he hadn't seen before. Something akin to worry clouds his vision, but you catch him looking at your legs and smack his chest. 
"Eyes up here, Mr. Miller," you call him out. "See somethin' you like?" You ask, and he chuckles at how southern you sound when you drink.
"You look very nice." He says, and you smile. For some reason, you step into him and rest your head on his shoulder. He's so warm, and you're tired and just drunk enough not to care about the rules. You feel him freeze for a moment before his hand comes up to your waist to help keep you upright. "Let's get you home, hm?" 
Andie refuses to leave Tommy's side now that they've gotten into an argument about the best musician of all time, and she decides to ride in your car with him while you climb into the truck with Joel. The second you're alone in the car with him, you just start laughing to yourself. Joel laughs a little, too, as he turns the ignition over. 
"What's so funny?" He asks, and you shake your head.
"Just you." You say, giggling a little more. 
"Yeah, you."
"What about me?" 
"A few weeks ago, I thought I'd fucked you over, and now you're picking me up 'cause I got too drunk on New Year's Eve," it's not funny, but you laugh anyway. "You're a much better person than I am." You say. It's quiet in the truck as your words settle like dust on the dashboard. The only sound is the engine running and the distant sounds of fireworks popping in nearby neighborhoods. He takes a deep breath and rests a hand on your headrest to reach around in the backseat, producing his large jacket and pulling it over your body to protect you from the cold.
"I think you're a good person. Definitely a world better than me," he says as he puts the car in drive. "And, for what it's worth, you didn't fuck me over."
"No?" You ask, and he shakes his head, glancing at you as he pulls onto the road. 
"No." He says, and you hum. You pull his jacket closer to you and cling to the smell of pinewood, leather, and hints of his cologne. If they sold this smell in a candle, you would go into debt just to have it linger in every room. The thought presses on a bruise you forgot was there, and in your inebriated, vulnerable state, you can't stop yourself from staring at his profile as yellow streetlights and bursts of fireworks reflect across his face. 
You study him the way you've been dying to for months. Your eyes study how his eyebrows move with minute emotions and muscles. The way his big nose curves perfectly. The way his jaw clenches and unclenches when he's nervous or unsure what to say. You wish you had a piece of paper and a pencil to sketch his side profile as it comes into view between headlights. You don't believe in muses, but you believe in inspiration. Especially when you look at him.
"Thank you for comin' to get us. I know you'd rather be sleeping." You break the silence, and he nods. 
"I'd rather know you're safe than anythin' else," he says. "How much did you have to drink?"
"I don't know," you groan, absentmindedly rubbing at your face and no doubt smearing makeup. "People kept buying us drinks, and I'm so fucking broke, I'm not gonna say no to a free drink."
"People? What people?" He asks, his interest suddenly piqued. You shrug and put your feet up on the dash. He glances at them but doesn't shove them off. 
"I don't know. People. Men people." You say.
"Different men or the same guy?"
"Does it matter?"
"No," he says a little too quickly. "No, it doesn't matter. As long as you had fun." There's something off about his tone, but you can't place it. At least, not until he puts the final nail in his own coffin. "D'any of 'em try to get your number?" 
"Oh, my God!" You squeal excitedly as you sit up and put your feet back down. "Are you jealous?"
"No! Why would I be jealous? We're friends." 
"Yeah," you scoff. "'Friends.'" You say with intense finger quotes, and he furrows his brows as he looks at you. 
"Are we not friends?" 
"Joel, c'mon. I liked you from the second you walked into my classroom. We were never gonna be just friends." The confession comes loose before you can swallow it back down. It wiggles between you like a fish out of water, and you want to take it back. Not because it's not true but because you weren't ready to tell him. Things just got back to normal after the winter showcase. You're not ready to lose him again. 
"You're drunk," he says softly as if he's reminding himself more than anything. Maybe he thinks because you've been drinking, you don't mean it, but you do. You really, really do. It's too late to take it back, but you can try to bring levity back. You can try to backpedal a little. 
"You're drunk." You counter. He drives in silence for a few more miles, and the rumble of the car and the tequila weighing your mind down lull you to sleep— narrowly avoiding another hard conversation and worst-case scenarios.
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You wake up on the first day of the new year hungover, sore, and in a bedroom you don't recognize. Bright sunshine bursts into the room and forces your eyes open in a squint. You almost jump up when you're greeted with a bottle of water and Tylenol on a nightstand that's not the white one on the right side of your bed. You sit up a little and look around at the cozy, if not a little cluttered, room.
The walls and the soft sheets are a nice, comforting blue. A few posters and pictures hang on the walls, and even a landscape painting hangs above the bed. Still, there's a little laundry strewn on the floor, and you recognize the closet full of flannel and button-up shirts next to you. You guess that's where your oversized, burnt orange Texas Longhorns shirt and black sweatpants came from. Snippets from the car ride and stumbling into the house fill your mind, and you groan in embarrassment. 
You remember Tommy calling Joel and telling him Andie got sick on the way to your apartment, and he didn't want to drop you off alone where something could go wrong. They offered to take you to their house, and in your drunk and stupid state, you said yes. You remember gentle hands holding your face as a cold, wet makeup wipe swiped across your skin, and thank God for that. Otherwise, you would feel worse than you already do. You remember hearing Andie and Tommy's voices outside the bedroom door, but you don't remember how you got into the room or the shirt. A light knock on the door pulls you out of your memories, and Joel walks in with a cup of coffee and a sympathetic smile.
"Good mornin', sunshine," he says, the right amount of mocking. "How're you feelin'?"
"Like I got hit by a truck." You say, and he laughs as he hands you the mug and sits on the bed. 
"I figured. I've got breakfast goin' downstairs. You need all the food you can get to soak up the alcohol." He says as you take a sip of the bitter coffee. You sigh into the cup at the (somehow) magical effects it has on your body, and he smiles. "That good, huh?"
"Yes, thank you," you say. "Thanks for everything. I know it probably wasn't fun trying to wrangle us last night."
"You weren't lyin' when you said how much trouble you and Andie got into together." He says. You think you could crawl into a hole and die at the embarrassing gaps in your memory.
"Oh, God. What happened?"
"Well, first of all, she wouldn't stop talkin' to you bout Tommy even though he was right there, but it was all good things. Then, you almost fell asleep on the couch after demanding’ Whataburger, and I had to carry you up the stairs. And then, Andie locked us in here and told us to figure our shit out."
"I'm gonna fucking kill her." 
"I'm pretty sure she almost fell asleep in the hallway waitin' us out. Tommy parked her in Sarah's room and slept on the floor in case she needed somethin'." He says. You knew the Miller men were kind and selfless, but this is a whole new level. You owe them a fruit basket or your kidney or something. You rub your temples and take another sip of coffee before taking two Tylenol. 
"And where did you sleep?" 
"You don't remember?" He asks, chuckling. At least he's not mad. If he was, you think you'd climb out the window and walk all the way home. "I tried to sleep on the floor, but every time I tried to lay down, you laid down next to me. You wouldn't even close your eyes unless I was next to you, so I built a little pillow wall and slept in bed." 
"Are you serious?" You ask, and he nods. You can vaguely recall getting into a hushed argument with him about kicking him out of his own bed and falling asleep against his chest, vindicated and content. You groan and bury your head in your hands. "Please tell me Ellie isn't here."
"She spent the night at Dina's house, none the wiser." He says. You almost say something about Ellie spending a lot of time with Dina recently, but keep your mouth shut. If something's going on, you doubt she wants her teacher to snitch on her to her dad.
"I'm so, so, so sorry, Joel."
"Don't be sorry. It was funny. I didn't know teachers partied so hard," he says, and you laugh a little. "Besides, it made me feel better knowin' you two were safe." You look up as he speaks and take a deep breath at how sweet he is. He smiles, and you scoot close enough to him to cuddle into his side. He welcomes you by tucking you under his arm and resting his head on yours. 
Your head is pounding, and your stomach is in knots, but the coffee and his presence help ground you. His hair is a little damp and smells like Ellie's shampoo. The thought of them sharing products makes you smile, and you rest a hand on his chest. Worn in, soft fabric cushioning your fingers as they rest over his heart. 
"Can we add this to our list of inappropriate secrets?" You ask quietly, and a puff of air leaves his nose in a laugh. He lifts his head from yours and looks down at you fondly. He doesn't look particularly well-rested, and you're sure that's your fault, but you also can't get over how beautiful he looks in the morning. His eyes are still heavy with sleep, his beard is a little unruly, and his shirt is crumpled, but the light streaming in makes his brown irises look amber and the grey in his hair silver. He's beautiful like this. He's beautiful all the time. 
"Course," he mumbles as he tucks a piece of hair behind your ear. His hand lingers on your jaw, fingers caressing your cheek, and your hand slides from his chest to his shoulder to keep him close. "D'you get a New Year's kiss, at least?" He asks. You purse your lips as you stretch your memory back.
"'M pretty sure I kissed Andie." 
"Nice." He says, too impressed, and you push at his shoulder. 
"What about you? You get a New Year's kiss?" You're walking the wrong side of the line, and you both know it. He smirks anyway.
"I was a little busy takin' care of these two drunks." 
"One time," you say. "I go out one time, and suddenly I'm a drunk." 
"That's all it takes." He shrugs, and you laugh.
"Apparently," you say. "Well, I'm sorry again. Didn't mean to ruin your chances of getting kissed." 
"Nah, you didn't."
"No," he shakes his head as he leans in and kisses you, tilting your face up to him so he can control the angle. Two months. It's been two months since you last kissed Joel, and you can feel all sixty days of want in the searing kiss. He's not shy like he might've been in the past— waiting for you to make this first move— he's commanding and steals your breath out of your lungs when his tongue slides against yours. It's different, and so, so good. You wind your hand into his hair and lightly tug when his hands roam down your body and grab at your hips. You take the signal and throw a leg over his hips to straddle him, gasping when he presses into the small of your back and pushes you against him. 
Now, you're awake. Fuck the coffee.
You're dizzy when his mouth dips from your lips to your jaw, biting the sensitive skin there, and his hands wander below the fabric of your (his) shirt. His fingers are soft when they graze against your sides, skimming up your body until he squeezes your breasts. Both of you groan as you arch into his touch. He's barely touched you, and you're already soaked.
"Missed you." He whispers as his lips blaze a trail down your neck while his fingers lightly pinch your nipples. You grind your hips into his, desperately searching for friction, and he hisses like you hurt him. His hips canting up reassures you you didn't. "You gonna disappear on me again, sweetheart?" It doesn't come across as mean, but there's a new authority in his voice that you're not used to hearing. The dam isn't just broken. It's in fucking shambles at the bottom of the river. 
"'M not going anywhere." You breathe. "I promise." You think you mean it. You think you want to mean it. You think you're done caring about optics and what's "right." You want him, and based on the way the bulge in his sweatpants prods under you, he wants you too. He pulls away from your neck to kiss your lips again, wraps an arm around your back, and lays you on your back on the mattress. 
You tug at the back of his shirt and greedily let your hands roam over his chest and back when he throws it across the room. He's all broad shoulders and strong arms, and you can finally feel the muscles and warm skin you've thought about since way before that night in the bar. When his fingers trace patterns into your inner thighs, you moan into him and grip his forearm hard. "Joel, I need-"
"What? What d'you need, baby? Tell me." He asks, his fingers dancing closer and closer to where you want him. It'd be so easy for him to slip his hand under the waistband of your sweatpants and feel how desperate you are, but he hesitates. "C'mon, use your words."
"Fuck, I-" You start to say when the door creaks open.
"Joel, do you want— woah!" Tommy yells before you hear the door slam shut again and his feet rushing down the hallway, no doubt to tell Andie about what he just saw. Joel groans and buries his face in your neck, and it takes everything in you not to laugh. 
"I'm gonna fuckin' kill him." 
"I'll help you hide the body." 
"Finally!" Andie yells from downstairs, and this time, you do laugh. 
"They're never gonna let us hear the end of this, are they?" You ask. 
"Probably not," he says. He's unmoving over you, and you sigh as you kiss his cheek. He lets his body weight drop into you, and you play with his hair while he rests his head on your chest. His hands rest under your body and press you closer to him, smothering you together. His broad shoulders expand and contract with every breath, and you count them as you scratch his scalp. "I have to go get Ellie soon." He mumbles into your chest. 
"Then, we should probably go." You say. He groans and kisses your sternum before pushing onto his forearms. He kisses up your chest to your neck, forcing a shaky breath from you when he nibbles at your earlobe. 
"I want you in my bed all the time," he whispers in your ear, making you shiver. "Wearin' my clothes, makin' all those pretty sounds, not havin' to worry bout Tommy or anybody." His chest rumbles against yours as he speaks; all you can do is squirm under him. His fingers picking up their previous patterns don't help either. "Wanna feel you come over and over again. On my fingers. On my tongue. On my cock. Wanna make you feel so good." His middle finger rubs against your clothed pussy, and your nails dig into his shoulder as you try to suppress a surprised sound. You're so wet, you'd be surprised if he couldn't feel the damp spot on your underwear. "You gonna let me make you feel good, baby? Huh?" He bumps your nose with his, subtly asking for attention when all you can focus on are the lazy circles he's drawing over you. 
"Please." You whimper, but you're not sure what you're begging for.
"I know, I know," he murmurs. You know you can't get away with anything with Tommy and Andie waiting for you downstairs but you want him to make good on his promise. You want him. You have for so long it's burning you from the inside out. And yet, he pulls away from you with a smirk. "I'm gonna take all the time in the world with you next time." He says as he rolls off of you, and you're left lying there, shocked and flushed.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" You ask, sitting up, and he just shrugs as he pulls his shirt over his head. 
"I've gotta go get Ellie."
"Don't pull the Dad Card right now." You sound a little petulant, but honestly, you don't care. He worked you up to just walk away? This is cruel and unusual punishment. He presses his knee into the mattress and leans over you again, kissing you chastely.
"You'll have to get me back later." He says, and you sigh, shaking your head at the amused look in his eyes.
"I'm gonna make you wish you were dead."
"I'll believe it when I see it."
TAGLIST: @abbyhaslongshorts @kiwiharrykiwi @sumsworldz @myloveistoolittle @anavatazes @marantha @cosmoscoffeee @shyminnie07 @beezusvreeland @eddiemunsonsbedroom @harriedandharassed @doodlebob-mp3 @ignorethisplz2004 @buckyispunk @d1lf-loverrr @vee-bees-blog @moel-jiller @anoverwhelmingdin @casssiopeia
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sorchathered · 4 months
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Lose Control
Pairing- Rhett Abbott x reader
Warnings- angst, smut, little pinch of bdsm
Summary- this is just angst and filth, been working on this for @attapullman for a few weeks and I think it’s finally ready :)
The two of you had been snappy at each other all day, normally rodeo weekends were a fun getaway for you both; but when a certain ex girlfriend decided to show up and rush to Rhett in the crowd after his winning ride, wrapping her arms around his neck while cameras flashed it took every ounce of decorum you had to to make it down the bleachers and keep yourself from snatching the hair right out of Maria Olivares’ head.
You had a feeling she would do something like this the second you saw her in the hotel lobby Saturday morning, she all but jumped into his lap during breakfast when she walked past the two of you. Never once acknowledging your presence she gushed about how she’d heard about how well he’d been doing on the circuit and just *had* to come see Wabang’s favorite son ride in his biggest tournament yet.
You’d been in a piss poor mood ever since, Rhett had been polite; peeling her off of him and letting her run her mouth but excusing the two of you as quickly as possible. Her disappointed pout when he pulled back your chair nearly had you lunging across the table at her (at least in your head), but you just clenched your jaw and let him lead you to the elevator. He tried several times to assure you he didn’t know she’d be here, attempting to go down on you in the shower to bring up your mood but you wouldn’t let him. If you had known it would get him pissy as well you probably wouldn’t have done it (yes you would) but you couldn’t be bothered.
She knew full well the two of you were engaged, Wabang was a small town full of gossips and it took less than 10 hours for the whole town to be aware that “playboy” Rhett Abbott was locked down. It’d been nearly 3 months since then, and as you looked down at your ring warmth spread over you, memories of that night almost making you forget what you had been so upset over. Almost.
Truly you knew it wasn’t something he could control, and you weren’t mad at him at all but it just seemed like everywhere you looked lately there were traces of that failed relationship. Cece had loved Maria, and after everything that had gone down with Perry and Royal due to Trevor’s murder she truly struggled with any more change coming her way. So when they split up and less than 6 months later you come along, she wasn’t the warm mother in law figure Rhett had made her seem to be. She was cordial sure, but she only had Rhett left and her need for something to stay normal overruled her willingness to understand her son’s desperation to start a new life and family somewhere else. She’d given her blessing for him to have his grandma’s ring, begrudgingly; letting him know to get it back if things went south which caused a whole new argument between the two of them and resulting in them going no contact for a while.
You felt responsible all the time, like him loving you was a burden but he assured you that in reality you’d saved him. His life had been hell, verbally and sometimes physically taking the brunt of Royal’s unresolved anger and he was finally free to make his own choices, first of all marrying you.
Looking up at him now as he worked to button his shirt up, less than an hour before his first event, you softened considerably. Cautiously you walked over and smoothed your hands over his chest, leaning into him to press kisses to his cheeks and nose and then finally to his lips.
“I’m sorry baby, I know you can’t control what happened today and I’m not really mad at you, you know that right?”
He nods and runs his nose along your jaw, taking you in and allowing you both to relax into each others touch.
“I know sugar, and I know she gets under your skin but you don’t have a damn thing to worry about. I got no interest in rehashing the past with her, she just likes the attention; it really ain’t even about me. I’m yours baby, not going anywhere.”
You melt into him now, and the room seems to get 10 degrees hotter from the look he’s giving you. You know he’s always antsy before a ride, and he needs the release to get him through. You let your hands wander down to his belt buckle, popping the gaudy monstrosity open and unzipping his jeans.
You can already see the tension leave his shoulders as you sink to your knees, mouthing at the front of his boxers as he threads his fingers through your hair.
“My sweet girl, so good for me…look so pretty on your knees like that, don’t ever want anyone like this but you ya hear me bubs? No one could ever take care of me like you do.”
You preen under his praise, he knows all too well what it does to you when he talks like that. You pull him out and begin to swirl your tongue around the tip of him, hand gliding over the rest of his length as you suck at him like he’s the best lollipop you’ve ever tasted.
You can tell he’s getting impatient now, hand flexing in your hair and breath hitching in his throat.
“Fuck, please baby don’t tease me, I can’t take it I need ya”
Who are you to say no when he asks so sweetly? You pull off of him completely and he lets out the prettiest whine, you chuckle and look up at him with the most innocent doe eyed look you can conjure.
“Use me Rhett, fuck my mouth and then go win this tournament, you’re so perfect baby let me make you feel good”
He lets out a groan as you take him back into your mouth now, watching as he wraps your hair around his hand and begins to shallowly thrust into you. You stay like that and allow him to use you, listening to his broken moans and curses pour from his lips as he works to get himself off.
You moaned around him as he found his rhythm, snapping his hips forward to chase his release hitting the back of your throat causing you to gag on him. Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes and you knew you were drooling but God he looked so damn pretty like this. Sweaty forehead, forearm flexing from pulling your hair, mouth open and eyes squeezed shut while he focused on getting himself off. You swallowed around him and felt him falter a little, knowing he was getting close.
“Shit shit shit fuck baby I’m close ya ready for me to cum down that pretty throat?”
You nod as he thrusts one-two more times and then he’s cumming hot and heavy in your mouth, you swallow as much of him down as you can but it begins to leak out of the sides of your lips and he thinks he could get hard all over again from how debauched you look.
You make quick work of getting cleaned up and both of you put back together, previous argument completely forgotten as you make your way hand in hand out of the hotel to drive to the arena.
He’s crushed every record tonight, maintained his spot at the top of the leaderboard with only one more ride to go. You watch him by the chutes as he talks to Archie, looks up to find you in the stands to wink at you with his gorgeous blue eyes. His smile is electric, you can’t help but let out a laugh out that bubbled up from your chest, heart swelling with happiness to see how in his element he is. You blow him a handful of kisses as he heads back toward the gate, and you know with complete confidence this is it; he’s going to win.
The win is secured by another perfect ride, and he jumps off scurrying to his feet, pumping his fist in the air as the announcer calls out his name and score. You are quick to jump from your spot to head to him, as you make your descent you glance at the Jumbotron wanting to see his face, only to be met with someone launching themselves into his arms…someone who is definitely not you. You screech to a halt, feeling like your knees might buckle as Maria is pulled back by Archie to disentangle herself from him, but it’s too late. She’s smacked a big red lip print on his cheek and the cameras have clearly caught all the angles, no doubt it will be in the papers tomorrow; Rhett and his old flame wrapped up in each other celebrating his win, no sign of his fiancée at all.
You can tell he’s looking for you, scanning the crowd with a panic in those cerulean eyes but you can’t bring yourself to make your way over to him. Hot tears pour down your cheeks as you make your way through the back of the arena, phone buzzing in your pocket and you pull the device out to shut it off entirely.
You somehow make it back to the hotel, there was a few taxis in the lot so you numbly told the driver the address and climbed into bed fully dressed when you finally reached your room. It’s almost an hour before you hear the hotel key unlocking the door, sees his shadow slipping into the dark room searching for any sign of you.
“Y/n? Sweetheart talk to me, I’ve been worried fucking sick, couldn’t get you on the phone and no one knew where you’d gone.”
You sit upright to face him, eyes swollen and face damp, unsure if you can even respond to him at this point.
“I-I- d-didn’t think my presence was needed at this point, you’d gotten plenty of fanfare and I didn’t want to take away from your win with my sour attitude. It’s just better if I let it be, you know it just as well as I do.”
He shakes his head furiously, tossing his hat onto the desk across from him
“That’s fucking bullshit, you know how much I needed you with me tonight, you were just pissed about Maria. I get it baby I do, but what you would have seen if you’d stuck around was that we had security escort her out and she got kicked out of our hotel as well. Apparently she tried to tell security at the gate that she was my girlfriend so they’d let her on the floor, so that caused a shitstorm. Archie’s pissed as hell, all of us were worried sick when we couldn’t find you.”
You sniffle as you look around the room, trying to find something to look at other than him but he won’t let you. Takes two large strides toward you and pulls your face towards his, staring you down until you finally break.
“What do you want me to say Rhett? That I was humiliated once again by your piece of shit ex? Well I was! She knows exactly what to do to get under my skin, always has. She’s never gonna let us be is she? Let’s be honest, it would be so much easier for you if you just let me go and picked back up with her, your mother hates me and Maria very clearly wants you back so maybe the only thing holding you back here is me.” Your chest is heaving from the explosion, Rhett stumbles backwards with a jolt, almost as though you’d slapped him with your words.
It’s tense, the words you said hanging heavy in the air as you fidget on the bed; too afraid to look him in the eye.
“Look at me” he grounds out at you, and you snap your head up at the venom in his tone, eyes more black than blue, irises nearly non existent.
He doesn’t give you a chance to say anything else, hauls you up by your elbow and grips your chin.
“If I EVER hear you spew that shit at me again you won’t be able to sit for a goddamn week you hear me? You want to be a brat about this? Fine, but don’t you dare suggest that we should end this. You’re everything, *everything* to me.”
He forces you down onto the bed now, clawing at your clothes to rid you of them, kisses all teeth and tongue as you paw at him trying to rid him of his shirt. He catches both your hands up now, pushes them down above your head as he grinds into you, he’s stripped you down to nothing and he’s still fully clothed you whine high in your throat and he laughs darkly at you.
“Aht Aht, hands to yourself sweetness, you hurt me tonight; acted like a petulant child when you know good and damn well you’ve got me wrapped around your pretty little finger. I’m taking what I want from you tonight and you’re gonna take it, and maybe just maybe you’ll learn your lesson. Brats don’t get a say ‘round here and you know it. So do what you’re fucking told and put your hands on the headboard.”
You knew you’d fucked up when you said how you felt, knew it would hurt him but did it anyway, you and Rhett had been rough with each other in the past so it wasn’t a shock to see this play out and you felt a shiver go down your spine at the thought of what he had planned for you.
He pushes off of the bed now, heads over to your luggage and pulls a small bundle of rope from it. You’ve seen it many times before at home, but didn’t expect him to have packed it for this weekend. You begin to scoot back toward the headboard, wrists held out for him, better to try and get on his good side and maybe keep the neighbors from calling the front desk.
“Atta girl, you know the drill, unfortunately for you it’s not gonna be that easy.” He says as you blink up at him, and he snatches your wrists, begins winding the rope to bind them together, once he’s done that he taps your thighs, and oh you didn’t know what was coming but you definitely do now. Takes the rest of the rope and knots one ankle, then the other, linking them all before tying an intricate knot into the headboard. Ankles around your ears, hands above your head and for the first time tonight you have the good sense to be nervous.
“Not gonna hurt you baby, know you can take it but it gets to be too much you say the word and we’re done for the night ok?” He leans in to peck kisses to your lips and nose and you nod at him furiously, squirming awkwardly and grasping at the rope, desperately wishing you could touch him.
He’s situating himself between your open legs, and you hear the clinking of his belt below you. Thinking for a second that he’s going to give you his cock you’re suddenly aware of a sharp smack to your pussy, letting out a yelp. Belt buckle dangling from his wrist, he looks up at you with a quirked eyebrow and you know you need to keep quiet or it’ll only get worse. He swats at you again, then once more before sliding three fingers into your heat. You try to arch your back but you can’t from this position, bite down hard on your lip to keep from making any noise and you could swear you’ve drawn blood. He continues this little game, winding you up until you are right at the edge and then ripping the pleasure away from you. Tears pool at the corner of your eyes, and you blink furiously trying to make sure you can still look at him. You want to beg him, apologize over and over until he cuts you loose and fucks you properly.
Just as you reach your high for who knows how many times he takes it from you again and you let out a loud wail, sobbing out his name.
“You think you’ve had enough baby girl? Ready to tell me how sorry you are?”
“Yes, yes God yes Rhett I’m sorry please baby I’ll never say it again just want you only you please baby fuck me I need it” you’re babbling now, cheeks tear stained and chest heaving.
He hovers over you, wiping your tears , hands untying the restraints.
“I’m not even close to done with you baby girl, turn around and get on your hands and knees. What’s your color?”
“Green” you breathed out, you knew he’d stop if you asked but there was a part of you that wanted every bit of your punishment, it was a rare occasion for him to lose himself like this and you knew he needed it.
You heard the clink of his belt once again and you shivered at the anticipation of what was to come as he smoothed a calloused hand over your ass.
“What do you think sugar? 5 each? 10? How much do you think you can take?”
“I-I d-deserve whatever you give me sir, I deserve it I’ll do whatever you want I trust you.”
He ran his knuckles down your spine a few times, taking in your form as he looped the belt around and grasped it tightly in his right hand. He would never hurt you if you asked him to stop, but looking at you propped up on all fours, pussy glistening as you whimpered for him, he knew you could take it and he’d be damned if it didn’t turn him on beyond belief.
“Ok sugar, 5 each because you were so sweet; but I better not hear a peep out of you or you’ll get 10.”
“Y-yes sir, thank you sir.” You nodded your head and braced yourself, you knew he was losing his resolve but you’d be damned if you opened your mouth now, if you were just patient he’d fuck you soon enough and the thought made you dizzy.
He smoothed his hand over one cheek and then a resounding crack bounced off the walls of the hotel room, he made you count each one and by the time he’d gotten to 6 on the other cheek he was so painfully hard the thought he might pass out from the high. You sobbed out on the ninth hit and he couldn’t take it anymore, tossing the belt aside and pulling himself free of his jeans and briefs, yanking you towards him and slamming into you without warning. He didn’t let up, he wasn’t fucking with you earlier when he said only good girls got to cum; this was going to be hard and fast and you’d take what you were given.
Tears were pouring down your cheeks now, it felt so good and he had you teetering on the edge this whole time, you knew better than to hope he’d let you cum, you focused on your breathing trying to get ahold of yourself but he was brushing against that spot only he could reach and you could feel the build up coming, crying out on a hard thrust.
“P-p-lease…please Rhett can I cum? I’m so sorry baby please I’ll be good please please please” you sobbed and writhed beneath him, clenching down on him so hard his hips stuttered.
“Ok, ok baby you did so good f’ me…God..Fuck I love you cum for me sweet girl”
You let out a high pitched wail that was sure to get you both a noise complaint and gushed your release, shaking and nearly losing your balance as Rhett wrapped an arm around your torso and pulled you close, releasing into your tight pussy as he bit down on your shoulder.
You both collapse onto the mattress, a pile of worn out limbs and heaving chests and you felt a panic stir up in you again, you were so embarrassed with yourself for the way you’d handled things. He could tell you had gotten back in your head, rolling you onto your side to kiss your cheeks and nose, trying to reassure you everything was forgiven.
“I’m so sorry Rhett, baby forgive me. I love you so much, can’t bear the thought of you with someone else. I don’t know what got into me, I just couldn’t stand the thought of her touching you and I ran. I know it was wrong” you sobbed out, and he closed the distance slotting your lips together tongues dancing against each other as he pulls you close.
“Baby I better not ever hear you talk at me like that again goddamnit, ‘m not going anywhere. I chose you and you’re just gonna have to accept that I don’t give a shit what anyone else thinks ya hear? You’re it for me.” He meant every word, he couldn’t imagine life without you in it and the thought of you giving up nearly destroyed him. He’d do anything to make sure you never felt that way again, didn’t care if it took a lifetime to prove it he’d make sure you always knew you came first.
Later after a long shower where he took you apart until you were on wobbly legs the two of you cuddled up into your bed, surrounded by a ridiculous amount of room service while you watched a movie. No thoughts of Maria entered your mind for the rest of the weekend, Rhett was yours and he’d never let you second guess it again.
Tagging- @attapullman
If anyone wants to be added to the tag list for Rhett let me know!!
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wol-fica · 1 year
-𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔸𝕟𝕕 𝕀-
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parings - jennaortega x singer!fem!reader
summary - you realize your relationship with jenna seems to be crumbling, so you do something about it
warnings - weird therapist, some percy diss, but that’s it :)
an - :) ————————————
“Relationships can be hard, and arguments are a normal thing all people go through.” 
You sighed, fidgeting with your fingers while searching for anything to look at besides your therapist. 
The reason for today's sudden visit was because you felt like your relationship with your girlfriend was going downhill. You understood that life can be tough sometimes, but this was much too stressful for you to keep bottled up.
“Can you tell me some specific reasons why you believe your dating life is struggling?” Your therapist asked, giving you an encouraging smile.
“Well,” You readjusted on the couch, “It just feels like I’m trying way too hard to keep us together, when I shouldn’t be.”
“I understand.”
“Having a girlfriend shouldn’t induce stress or anxiety, it should be fun and enjoyable.” You went on, now feeling like letting all your worries out, “I get that she has a job; I do too! But that isn’t an excuse to treat me terribly….”
“Yes, I agree.” Your therapist said as she jotted down some notes in her book, “You are still pursuing singing right?” 
You nodded, smiling at the thought of your recently ended tour. Traveling the world was very exciting, and you loved experiencing different cultures along the way. The only wish you had was that Jenna would have been beside you; But like always, she put work first.
“So think about this. You have a job that takes you around the world, causes you to miss out on certain things but be included in newer things like events and shows?” 
You nodded again, confirming the description of your work.
“And Jenna’s job consists of…exactly the same thing.” 
You let out a shaky breath, turning to look at the ground sadly. It was true, you both had time consuming jobs that dragged you about the globe and took your time away from family and friends.
Yet somehow, you always made sure to have time. You would always tell your manager that family was first, and no matter what you would squeeze them into your schedule just so you could see them and feel at home while traveling or working. 
Jenna’s job was similar in the aspect of yours, minus the singing and dancing, but she never seemed to be able to make any time for you. You would always plan your off days to be on her off days from filming so you could maybe go get lunch or just enjoy each other's presence, but Jenna would always have the excuse of “I’m to tired” or “I already have plans with Percy.” 
Percy. The name was distasteful to you. As much as you appreciated his skill of acting and his wonderful personality, you still didn’t like him. He would always weasel himself in between you and Jenna, whether it be during her relaxing days or at award shows, he always pushed you out and brought her in. 
“I have an idea; you may or may not like it.” Your therapist stated, setting her notebook down, “You need to pull her aside, no matter what plans she has, and talk to her.”
Your eyes widened and your nerves proceeded to spike. Pull her aside? You were not a confrontational person, and you were most likely to avoid conflicts if you were given the chance; hence why your relationship is crumbling.
“What do I say to her?” You fought back, taking a sip of water, “I have no idea how to confront her. ‘Hey Jenna! I feel forgotten and like you don’t care anymore!’” 
A small sob escaped your mouth, your head falling into your hands. God, you missed her. You missed being able to hold her, to laugh about stupid soccer plays, to enjoy sunsets together on her balcony. You never knew how much of an impact she had on you until you started going to therapy.
“Don’t get emotional about it, just politely but firmly ask.”
You sniffled, raising a hand as an acknowledgment before getting up to leave the room. As much as you wanted to stay, you knew that if you were going to confront her you would need to do it now.
Pulling out your phone, you opened your text message app and clicked on Jenna’s contact.
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A chuckle involuntary left your mouth, your lip slipping in between your teeth afterwards.
Jenna always knew how to make you laugh, no matter how you were feeling. Diffusing a situation is one of her many skill sets; but you were not letting her get away this time.
“I’ll be home in 5.” You texted before shoving your phone into your pocket and heading outside to your driver.
The ride seemed long, and even though it was a 15 minute drive to your place, you still felt the small confident monster roaring inside of you. All its pleas and cries were telling you to be bigger and let your emotions out onto Jenna; but you knew you couldn’t. You would scare her, anger her, or even just annoy her that she could possibly leave you on the spot; you couldn’t let that happen.
“Miss? We are here.” Your driver said, looking at you in the rearview mirror.
“Oh, thank you.” You replied before hurrying out of the car.
As you walked to the front door, passing Jenna’s black Audi along the way, your anxiety started to overtake you and your thoughts.
What if you say something wrong and she leaves? What if you are just overreacting and this is all some stupid act you’re pulling? What if she decides that you aren’t enough for her and she confesses about Percy?
A wooden blockade hit you in the face and you realized that you walked full force into the front door.
“Ow.” You mumbled before pushing your key into the slot and walking into your luxurious living room.
A mansion was one of the very gracious things you received from being such a popular face in the music industry. Money was an easy-coming item, and spending it was just the same, so why hold it all in your bank account when you could just show up and show out with your 102,000 square foot palace.
“Y/N?” Your name was called out softly, startling you from your place by the shoe nook.
You turned your head to the left to see her, in her ever standing glory. She looked slightly confused but all together relaxed, and was clearly dressed to be heading out for a fun night.
”Hi…” You said, completely unmoving as you stared at her.
“Hi…you wanted to talk?” Jenna asked, fidgeting with her phone.
“Oh, yeah. Here.” You gestured to the kitchen island, leading to sit on a stool.
She sat opposite from you, leaned against the cool countertop as she seemed to study your body language.
“So…” You trailed off, your confidence from before completely burned out.
Jenna raised an eyebrow at you, but turned to her phone when a notification went off. She clicked it, smiled, and started giggling as she replied to whoever messaged her.
That whole interaction set you off, especially since you saw who the person was; Percy.
“Jenna put your phone down, please.” You said sternly, staring at your hands.
She looked at you with a confused expression but slowly put her phone down, retracting her hand so it sat in her lap.
“We…are not okay.” You started, playing with a ring on your finger.
Jenna watched you patiently, listening intently to your words.
“I don’t know if it’s just me, but I feel like we aren’t what we used to be.”
Silence from her end.
“Many times I feel like you don’t seem to care about me.” You said, the ring on your finger was now very interesting, “I go out of my way to reschedule so my off days line up with yours, but we don’t even spend any of that time together.”
More silence.
“I feel under appreciated and alone. Anytime we have free days together, you either say you are too tired to do anything or you already have plans with your friends.”
You inhale, breathing shakily and meekly.
“Am I not enough for you?” You asked, your tear clouded eyes finally looking up at Jenna.
She looked, shocked. Her mouth was hanging open while her eyebrows furrowed in confused and disbelief. She stared at you, her eyes glossing over with her own tears and her shoulders slumping sadly.
“Y/N…what?” Jenna mumbled, clearly lost for words.
You searched her face for any sign of anger or annoyance; there was none. Surprisingly, she seemed to be softening and relaxing.
“You, are more than enough for me.” She said, reaching for your hand, “Hell I don’t even deserve you.”
The weight of all your worries instantly lifted when she spoke those words, which caused an avalanche of emotions to hit you.
“Aw honey.” Jenna cooed, pulling you into her chest when you started crying profusely.
She stroked your hair, pressing a loving kiss to your forehead. Her fingers began to scratch your scalp as she coaxed you to relax.
“I love you, god I really do.” She held you close, rubbing your shoulders, “I’ll never take you for granted.”
You sniffled, leaning yourself into her as she fed you comforting words. Your stress and anxiety seemed to melt away as she held you.
“I’m sorry if I pushed you away, I didn’t mean to do it on purpose.”
You pulled back slightly, looking up at her.
“Then why did you?” You asked softly.
Jenna smiled sadly, brushing a strand of hair out of your face.
“Filming has been…stressful. Tim and the rest of the crew has been antsy, and my cast mates have been no help in being calm and collected.” She said, caressing your face with the pad of her thumb, “I’ll be honest, Percy and the gang have been partying to much, and HE is quite the touchy type.”
You frowned, jealousy building up in the bottom of your stomach at the thought of Percy getting to close with your girlfriend. Jenna chuckled at you, pressing a quick kiss to your lips to diminish the pout that formed on your face.
“Don’t do that, a frown doesn’t look good on you.” She said, rubbing her nose against yours as you laughed.
“Mmm, I love you.” Jenna murmured as she gazed into your eyes.
“And I love you.”
tag list: @i984 @fall-08 @tundra1029 @simp4thena @king-scarlet @dreifhraniquo29 @efectoangel @annalestern @alexkolax @k1mba @i-love-u15 (comment below to join the tag list!)
i do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work onto any platform
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gottawritesomething · 4 months
Treat the bite
Small scene I wish was in the game while romancing Gale. Treating an owlbear nip to Tav's hand.
Gale had tried to warn Tav of the dangers of picking up stray furry menaces, especially ones that grew to be great, terrible beasts. But she'd smiled her biggest cheekiest smile and he'd been unable to continue the argument. In fairness, they got along famously; it followed her around camp, cooing like a baby bird. He could hear her chatting away with both the cub and Scratch from his position by the tents. When last he’d seen, she was feeding them both scraps from dinner.
"Please be polite... see how polite Scratch is when he takes a treat? Yes, exactly, he's letting me keep all my fingers... just..." He heard a small yelp and low hiss of pain. He shook his head; he’d tried to warn her...but Shadowheart had turned in for the night, and it was hardly gentlemanly to leave a lady in pain. He carefully closed his book and strolled over to where he knew she'd be. She was looking with great interest at the tree above her, with her hands clasped behind her back.
"Evening..." He attempted nonchalance.
She pursed her lips. "Oh, hello, excellent night for a walk." a fine attempt at subtlety. He smiled, hoping to come across as charmingly chastizing rather than patronizing. 
"If perhaps, someone had been injured in a manner I had suggested was a potential danger... Would someone like assistance with that hypothetical injury?"
She smiled and then winced.
"Hypothetically, that'd be appreciated."
He reached out his hand. "May I?"
She carefully revealed her hand; a nasty gash ran across her palm. The cub seemed to have nipped her near the thumb. She gently placed her hand in his. He brought it up to his face to examine it closely, conveniently blocking his own rapidly heating face from view. Still, he caught her eyes as she watched him with interest; they gleamed.
“So what's the prognosis? Will I live?” With the slightest smile dancing across her mouth.
“I'm aghast you think I'd let any lasting harm befall you. You'll live, at least while in my company.”
“I'll have to keep your company then.”
He cleared his throat, ignoring the rumbling in his chest. He mumbled a healing spell, watching the skin knit itself back together. He absentmindedly ran a thumb down the site where the cut had been, Feeling for any disturbances in her skin the spell might have missed. His thumb slid over old scars, products of misaimed spells or an errant magic surge, so many hidden stories. He wished they had time for her to tell him each of them.
He released her hand, taking a moment to collect himself before meeting her eyes again. 
“There, barring any unexpected run-ins with whatever mysterious culprit was the source of this bite, you should be good as new.” He makes a sweeping bow, “Now, if there are any other services a wizard such as myself could provide for a lady such as yourself, don’t hesitate to ask.”
She softly chuckled. 
“For your sake, you may want to be mindful of your phrasing. It is why our companions have taken to calling you ‘My wizard’.”
“There are worse fates…” 
Gale suddenly felt he’d very much overstepped as Tav’s eyebrows shot up. He was considering his best option of escape when she smiled at him.
“I’d hope so.” She said softly. Gale’s heart leaped in his chest. He instinctively covered the orb with his hand. Quickly, he nodded and bid her goodnight as he retired to his tent, attempting to soothe the growing light from his chest.
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miryum · 1 year
Foundling Villa- Chapter 9
Royal!Charles Leclerc x Reader. Princess Y/n is arranged to marry Prince Charles. There will be many ups and downs that the author hasn’t planned out yet, but read along to find out more! (Yes, I know that sounds super cheesy) Warnings per chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!
Tag list: @notleclerc @sunsumonner
Warnings: critiquing (and rude) parents, arguments, mention of death, allusion of sex
ao3 link  next chapter>>
“Prince Charles, what are you doing?” You tried to keep your voice low, pulling him into the foyer. You craned your neck into the dining room, making sure your family was still preoccupied. Ralph shot you a look and you shook your head wildly. Ralph gave you a short nod. He had your back.
“What? Is it a crime to visit my wife?” Charles attempted to smile, but he had a feeling you could see the melancholy seeping through. He hadn’t seen you since you left the palace in a rush. Things had seemed so out of place. Instead of his honeymoon, he was pushed back into meetings where advisors would congratulate him. It felt dishonest to accept praise about a wife who wanted nothing to do with him.
“No,” you said. “But it’s inconvenient when you don’t tell your wife you’re visiting.” Charles noticed your eyes flickering from him, to the dining room entrance, to the clock, and back. He raised a brow. He had never seen you this agitated. You had remained in a cold, constant demeanour throughout your time at Enza’s palace, only showing hints of laughter when your siblings came, and shadows of fear on your wedding day. But this outright anxiety, this was new. He had yet to know how to calm you down.
“What’s wrong?” Charles asked. He realised you were still clutching his arm. “I didn’t mean to intrude, but I thought it customary for newlyweds to spend time together. I wanted to see this Villa you’re so passionate about.”
“And that’s awfully kind of you,” you admitted. “But my parents are here to visit.”
“Oh.” A look of understanding dawned on his face. It made sense why you were so frantic. 
“Could you do me a favour?” you asked. 
“Anything,” Prince Charles replied. 
“Can we seem like a happy, normal couple?” You hated what you were asking him to do, but you couldn’t let your parents see how uncomfortable you were in your new life. “Can we pretend to enjoy each other’s company? To love each other?”
He nodded in agreement and you breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Y/n, who’s at the door?” Your mother called out. Your grip on him got tighter and Prince Charles placed a soothing hand on your shoulder. You tensed, waiting for the emotion of foreboding panic that had the potential of bringing back old scars. But you felt nothing other than a warm, comforting hand. You didn’t shrug him off. 
“It’ll be alright,” Charles gave you, what he hoped was, a reassuring half-smile. In truth, he was pondering why he was standing up for you, someone who had made it clear that they hated him. The last interaction he had with you ended on terrible terms, yet here he was, at the first sign of your apprehension and consternation, standing guard over you. Why had he always felt the need to protect you? From the moment you stepped out of the carriage, Charles had promised himself to be as hostile and distant as possible so his parents would see how against the marriage he was. Yet, he had always been civil to you, even when you weren’t to him. Why?
“Thank you,” you breathed out. Maybe it was to see the look of relief on your face. Maybe it was so he had the opportunity to offer you his arm and feel you accept it. Maybe it was because he was falling for you. 
“King and Queen L/n of Williams,” Charles stepped out from the foyer and into the dining room. “Pardon me for intruding, but I wanted to visit my wife. I was unaware that she was already hosting guests.” He bowed to them politely. 
“Prince Charles!” Your mother clapped her hands. “It’s a pleasure to see you. You’re not at all intruding. I hope my daughter wasn’t about to turn you away?” Her words were filled with warning as her eyes bored into you. You shuffled back to your seat, not before instructing a maid to fix another place setting for Prince Charles.
All three of your siblings stared at you with different degrees of questioning. Robert tried to remain as neutral as possible, but still quirked a brow towards you. Brenda didn’t even attempt to hide a grin. She was clearly pleased to see Prince Charles again. Ralph continued eating, his smirk prominent. You could almost hear him saying, I thought you hated each other. I’ll make sure to take the room farthest away from yours. I don’t want to hear tonight’s activities. 
Prince Charles smiled thankfully at the maid who brought a chair and utensils for him and he sat, eagerly filling his plate. 
“Prince Charles,” your father grinned at the new arrival. “What prompted you to join us?” 
Prince Charles gave a nod. “Truth be told, my mother. She urged me to seek out my wife.” You clenched your jaw. Of course. The only reason why Prince Charles would visit is because someone else was hounding him too. “She missed Princess Y/n around the palace, and if I’m being honest, as did I.” He reached over and gave your hand a little squeeze. 
Your heart seemed to somersault and you shot him a look. Who knew he was so good at acting? 
“I hope everything is well in Enza?” Your father continued the conversation, giving you and your siblings a welcome reprieve. 
“Well, I wouldn’t want to give away any secrets,” Prince Charles joked. 
Your father laughed along, yet you could see a hint of wariness and mistrust in his eyes. “Of course, of course.”
“Y/n, darling.” The moment your mother’s voice broke the air, you winced. “Tell us about this house.” 
You cleared your throat and started talking. “It’s been going well. We just repainted a bedroom and I hired a gardener. The stable master, Lando, recently bought two horses, and-”
“Stable master?” Your mother cut in and she set down her knife and fork. Brenda let her mouth fall open, but she quickly closed it. She shook her head subtly at you. “Are you riding? Y/n, you know that’s very unladylike.” 
“I never said I was riding,” you corrected her. “I only mentioned that I bought horses, mother.” 
“If you buy horses, what else are you going to do other than ride them?” Your mother pursed her lips. 
“Mother, even if I was riding them, which I’m not,” the lie slipped by easily. “I’m not in Williams anymore. I don’t need you to look after me.” You tried to phrase it in a way that wouldn’t put her at fault. “I’m not a child anymore. You can let me go.” 
“Y/n L/n, it is not a matter of me coddling you.” Your mother pulled out your full name. She raised her head high and shifted back in her seat, a power move you had seen many times before. “It is a matter of being a proper lady. Your entire life you have been hellbent on disregarding the rules, and look where it’s gotten you! I barely managed to marry you off. You should be grateful I am here to control whatever shenanigans you come up with.” Prince Charles took in a deep breath before letting it out slowly.
You fisted the elegant tablecloth. It wrinkled underneath your fingers. “Please, give me one example of when I have defied you. In all of my years, I have configured to your will. I cannot think of a time when you trusted me.” 
“Y/n, it is not your defiance, but rather your mannerism.” Your mother explained as she obviously belittled you in front of your family and husband. He had yet to be named part of your family. “You’ve always been rude to members of the court and you brushed off whatever advances came your way.” Prince Charles set down his silverware and folded his hands in his lap. Robert took notice and nudged Ralph under the table.
“Mother, in case you forgot,” you said. “I am now wed. If these arguments could stay in the past, it would be greatly appreciated.” 
“You and your sister,” your mother wagged a finger at Brenda who shrunk in her chair. “Have always been known as the troublemakers of our family.” A muscle in Prince Charles’ jaw flexed and Robert could see any diplomacy drain out of his eyes. “You two always ran about and it was a disaster for me to clean up! Do you know how many times I had to apologise on behalf of your antics? I did not become Queen of Williams to grovel on my knees on behalf of my insolent daughters! Honestly, it’s a wonder that you’re not caged up somewhere. If you were, don’t expect me to bail you out-”
“Enough!” Charles was seeing red. He slammed his fist on the table. “You do not get to disrespect Princess Y/n in that way! It is unacceptable and she is now under mine and Enza’s protection. If you threaten her, you threaten my kingdom, and I guarantee you that you do not want to do that.” 
“How dare you speak to my wife with this lunacity!” King L/n rose from his chair and glared threateningly at Charles. Charles met his stare and stood as well. Two kingdoms locked in an unsteady impasse. “I am your superior and I’ll be damned if a measly prince speaks ill will of my kingdom or my family!”
“Even if it’s your family that is the one speaking ill will of your family?” Charles demanded. “And lest you forget, Williams is reaping off of Enza. While you may have gold, iron, and mining resources, we have the military prowess to cut ties, stay financially stable, and wage war on any kingdom we want without batting an eye. If you cross one of our own, which now includes Princess Y/n, you cross the entirety of Enza. I warn you, be careful what your next words are.” His chest rose and fell with this newfound rage.
The table fell silent. 
“Charles, why don’t you sit down?” You placed a hand on his forearm. His head whipped towards you. “What?” you questioned him, furrowing your brow.
Charles slowly sat down, maintaining striking eye contact with you. “You called me Charles. Not by my royal title.” 
“Oh. I guess I did.” You broke his gaze. 
Charles addressed your parents, still not looking away from you. A quiet smile graced his face. “I wonder if your Majesties shouldn’t be headed back to Williams. I hear it’s a long trip.” 
Your mother huffed and your father fumed, but thankfully, they took Charles’ thinly veiled threat and left the Villa in a barrage of angry mutterings. Your siblings slipped away upstairs, mumbling excuses about needing sleep. 
“Y/n,” Charles whispered. “I want you to know, I love it when you call me by my name.” 
“Thank you, Charles.” A barrier had clearly been broken tonight, and you wondered what other walls would break as your relationship continued. 
A sudden scream was heard from outside and you jumped up. Charles quickly followed you, catching your hand to pull you behind him. “What’s the matter?” he yelled as he ran through the door. 
“H- he almost ran me over!” Your mother cried, pointing to a messenger sitting on top of a distraught, rearing horse. 
“Your Highness!” The messenger called to Charles, hopping down. “I come with urgent news! I need to speak with you in private.” 
Charles glared, pulling you closer to him. “Whatever you need to say, you can say in front of me and my wife. No Enzan secrets should be kept from her from now on.” Out of the corner of your eye, you saw your parents shuffle into their carriage. You let out a breath, thankful that they were gone. 
“Your Highness,” the messenger dropped to a knee in a solemn bow. He outstretched a scroll to Charles who paled at the sight of it. It had a black ribbon tied neatly around it, and you weren’t naive enough to not know that it could only bring one message: death.
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thethreeeyed-raven · 7 months
Dinner gone wrong
make me feel masterlist
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navigation | a/n : this took a long time to post lmao, enjoy! | warnings : intense arguments? | dream of the endless playlist | tags : @fangsp1der-2099 , @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom , @knight-of-flowerss , @tiana76 , @navs-bhat , @starkleila
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Morpheus and Death approached the footman that stood guard in front of the doorway to the Bridgerton’s manor.
“My Lord, my Lady.” The footman extended a hand into the wide hall, motioning for them to enter. “Enjoy your night.”
Lady Death nodded her head with a polite smile whilst Morpheus nodded once.
“You ought to get some manners.” Death whispered harshly under her breath, the annoyance of their discussion a few days before still plaguing her with annoyance.
Morpheus resisted rolling his eyes at his sister. “You ought to get over yourself.”
“Lord Morpheus! Lady Death! I’m so glad you could make it!” Daphne approached them gleefully, reaching out to embrace the woman before her. Morpheus stepped back a little, hoping she wouldn’t want to embrace him too.
“It is lovely to see you, Lady Daphne. I hope we aren’t late.” Death greeted her with a question.
“Oh, of course not! You’re both just on time!”
Daphne led them to the dining room, motioning to the two vacant seats across from one another.
Death quickly took the seat next to Kate, leaving Morpheus with the empty seat next to you.
Morpheus gave his sister a subtle glare as he sat down.
“Hello.” He heard a small voice next to him. He turned to see you sat looking at him, your face flushed.
“Hello,” Morpheus returned the greeting equally as silent.
You turned your gaze back to your empty plate.
Anthony raised his glass, tapping it to get everyone’s attention. “I’m thankful to all of you for accepting this invitation to dine with us tonight. Now that everyone is here, shall we tuck in?”
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The night was filled with laughter and jokes, everyone told stories of their childhood and other parts of their past, or how they had met their now lovers.
“I remember when Benedict was a child, he never had any friends because he was too immersed in his art.” Violet laughed delightedly at the memory as Benedict covered his face in embarrassment, laughing along with her.
Death perked up at this, recalling a memory of hers that was similar. “Hmm, that reminds me a lot of Morpheus.”
The Lord looked up at the mention of his name.
“He never had any friends either, he always had his nose stuck in a romance novel.” Death laughed at this, but Morpheus didn’t find her very funny.
Simon’s brow raised in surprise, which Death took notice of.
“A stark contrast to now, isn’t it? He’s always going on about how he doesn’t want to find love and other nonsense.”
“Death,” Morpheus warned her. “You’re drunk.”
Death shook her head. “Maybe I am brother, but that doesn’t mean I’m not telling the truth!”
“Sister, that is enough.”
“You can’t be alone forever, Morpheus. I’ve tried to get you out of your bubble, but you’re not willing to accept help.”
Morpheus looked at her through narrowed eyes. Everyone looked between the two anxiously.
“Dream,” She pleaded. “Not everyone is like mother and father.”
“I know that.” His voice cracked as he spoke, his eyes turned glassy.
“But do you truly?”
Dreams' gaze turned almost hateful. “Yes, I do.”
He slammed his hands on the table and left the dining room, stepping out onto the large land the Bridgerton’s owned.
You looked after him worriedly as everyone recollected themselves. “Excuse me.” You said, following after Morpheus.
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iboatedhere · 8 months
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Thank you @cha-melodius and @orchidscript for the tag!
“We’re stopping for the night.”
“I can drive.”
“It’s been a long day, Alex.”
“I said I’m good.”
“We’re stopping,” Henry tells him, ending any argument. “We need a good night’s rest. I’m getting us a room. You can either wait here or go get us some food. That is up to you.”
Alex grits his teeth so hard Henry can hear his jaw click but he nods.
“I’ll get us something to eat,” he says quietly and Henry nods, leaning across his lap to pop open the glove compartment. “We can save the money.”
“We have more than enough,” Henry tells him. Pez gave them five grand in cash along with several watches and pieces of jewelry to pawn if things get tough. Nothing ostentatious. Nothing that would raise a red flag. “We’ve barely made a dent plus I can’t imagine you running up too big of a bill in a….” He looks over his shoulder and squints at the sign, making sure he’s seeing it correctly. “Kum & Go. Bloody hell.”
“Where the fuck are we?” Alex asks and Henry shakes his head. 
“I never veered off route eighty. I wasn’t paying attention to the signs. I saw quite a few cornfields, though.”
“The fucking midwest,” Alex mumbles as he grabs a twenty from the stash and unbuckles his seatbelt. “America the beautiful.”
Henry hums, watching Alex move in the low light. 
“Put a hat on,” Alex tells him. “And watch your accent.”
“What accent, bro?” Henry with a stereotypical, American-Fratboy slant to his words.
“All right,” Alex says as he pops the door open. It’s obvious he’s trying not to smile and Henry wants to push him over the edge.
“I’m gonna go find us a totally-fucking-awesome hotel room, man.”
“Okay, seriously, relax,” Alex says but his smile is bright and warm. “I’m gonna get you the gross flavored Gatorade if you keep that up.”
“Oh, dude, you would never.”
“That’s enough,” Alex says with a laugh as he climbs out of the car. “I like it better when you’re calling me love.”
Henry blushes and reaches back for the nondescript ball cap they picked up before they left the city.  
Nothing with logos. Nothing with brand names. Be polite but not too polite. Be aloof but not like you’re hiding something. Pay in cash. Only give away information that people need to know and even then, stick to the script. And above all else—.
“Be careful, okay?” Alex says and Henry nods. 
“Of course.”
Alex nods back and starts across the lot. Henry watches him go, like the second he takes his eyes off of him Alex will disappear.  
Halfway, Alex turns and looks back at him and Henry waves. They’re both still here. 
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drivinmeinsane · 6 months
Alone ※ 12 Days of Goosemas
Day Seven※ Driver / Reader
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{12 Days of Goosemas Masterlist} ※ {Regular Masterlist} ※ {ao3}
※ Summary: Your chronically alone neighbor happens to pass by at just the right moment. To your surprise, he accepts your offer to come over for dinner.
※ Rating: No mature content.
※ Content/Tags: Budding Relationship, Reader is a parent, Fluff, Soft!Driver
※ Word count: 1372
※ Status: Oneshot/Complete
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Smiling politely and nodding with increased desperation, you’re wading through the lengthy goodbye to your last of your Christmas Eve visitors. They’re your family, an aunt and uncle who just cannot take the hint that you’re done with them. You have been standing in the doorway of your apartment unit’s entryway for what feels like a lifetime mmhmm’ing and oh no’ing at just the right moments when you catch sight of your favorite neighbor inching by in the hallway.
Driver is almost scraping against the wall in his efforts to maintain distance, curled away and decidedly not looking. He’s doing his best to mind his business and go unnoticed. If he could get away with army crawling along the floor, you think he would be.The man picks up speed once he’s past your visitors, walking as briskly as he can without jogging. He has no idea that he is your savior in this moment. 
“Your uncle and I were really thinking that you should maybe reconsider not talking to your ex,” your aunt says, beginning to start on one of her lectures again. Her husband nods along.
“Excuse me. I really need to go catch my neighbor. Have a good night,” you say, tone not allowing for any argument as you close the front door behind you and push past your aghast relatives. You have had more than enough and you will take the excuse you’ve been offered. 
Once you’re clear of them, you bolt down the hall and take the flights of stairs as quickly as you can manage. You burst through the door to the outside and into the parking lot. Driver is nearly to his car when you catch up to him, barefoot and chest heaving. The concrete is cold against the bottom of your feet, and you have to fight to keep from hopping from foot to foot. 
“Hey, neighbor,” you call, hoping you’re not startling him. He turns to look at you, mild worry written on his face. 
“You okay?” He asks in that soft voice of his. 
“Yes! Yes, I’m fine. I just wanted to know if you wanted to have dinner at my place. If you haven’t eaten yet. I have so many leftovers I don't know what to do with them and my fridge is already ready to burst, so I could really use your help and…” you trail off, he’s just staring at you.
“Really?” You ask, surprised that it was this easy. He just nods. 
Following in your wake, Driver trails after you to the stairs. Your aunt and uncle pass by on your way back to the building, unkindly eyeballing the two of you. You do your best to ignore them. They had just come to tut at your living situation and judge you for being a single parent under the guise of bringing an armful of pies. 
You open your front door and are relieved to see that your daughter is still busy playing with her dinosaur figurines. She is happily lost in her own world for the time being. You beckon Driver to the kitchen after you and hand him a plate and a fork. 
“Help yourself, it’s all free game,” you say with a gesture at the rickety kitchen table. 
Your neighbor nods and mumbles a quiet thank you. He starts to peruse the array of tupperware containers. Your daughter, realizing that her favorite neighbor is in the apartment, immediately locks on. She’s almost vibrating with the effort to not ask him questions and engage him in conversation. She hovers close by, ready to spring into action.
“Do you want anything to drink?” 
“Water, please.”
Right away, your daughter is at your side, hands at the ready. Driver makes eye contact with you over her head and you both smile. You fill a glass at the sink and hand it to her. She carefully makes the short journey to bring it to him. He takes it with a soft “Thank you.” She beams, gap-toothed. 
She manages to contain herself until he’s seated on the couch before she launches into explaining all her dinosaur toys to him. From your viewing angle as you tidy up the kitchen, you can see your neighbor nodding and attentively mumbling responses between the forkfuls of mashed potatoes he is shoving into his mouth. He barely finishes mopping up the last of the runaway gravy on his plate with a roll before your daughter is whisking his dish out of his hands and into the kitchen. He brushes off your embarrassed apology with a good-natured shrug and the confirmation that yes, he has gotten his fill of food. 
Undeterred, your child immediately resumes her explanation of the lore surrounding the plot of this evening’s play session. Driver provides her with his undiluted attention. You just shake your head fondly and try to hurriedly wrap things up in the kitchen so that he doesn’t have to be the one-man audience. 
Once everything is cleaned up and put away, you walk into the living room to find that both your neighbor and your daughter are on the floor. She has clearly roped him into being an active participant in her pretending. The adult is in the middle of acting as though he is mortally wounded while she play chomps him with a t-rex stuffed animal. 
You stifle a laugh behind your hand as he rolls onto his side with a pitiful groan, clutching at his leg like it’s geysering blood. “Sweetheart, I think you got him.”
“He needs to go to the dinosaur hospital now,” she agrees with a sage nod. That remark doesn’t stop her from proceeding to maul him further with the t-rex. 
You offer him your hands and he clings to them like they’re a lifeline. There’s an amused look in his eyes, and his lips are quirked up in a smile. You manage to get him to the dinosaur hospital on hospital island, also known as the couch. While your daughter busies herself by slipping into the role of a doctor, you take a seat beside him. 
“Yes, yes yes… Hmmm,” she says, poking at his calf. 
“Will I live, doc?”
“No.” It’s so blunt that you have to disguise your laugh as a sob at Driver’s plight. 
After delivering that devastating news, your daughter crawls up between you and sprawls out over the both of you, clearly exhausted from a long day of playing. Her head is on your lap and her feet are on Driver’s  thigh. You turn the TV on and you and your neighbor settle on a holiday special of an old sitcom. Relaxing for the evening, you stroke your daughter’s hair and before long, she’s dead asleep.
After a while, during a commercial break, Driver helps you put her to bed. He’s holding her in his arms while you pull back the blankets so he can carefully lower her to the mattress. He retreats to the doorway to give you the space to tuck her in. You join him once you’re content that she’s settled for the night.
“You’re good with kids. Do you have any siblings?” You ask, your voice hushed as you close the door until there is only a few inches of space between it and the frame.
“No, I watch my coworkers’ kids at the garage sometimes. Ended up being the babysitter,” he says with a slightly embarrassed duck of his head. 
“That’s sweet of you,” you say with a light touch to his arm. “Thank you for coming over and for everything really. You kind of saved my ass tonight.”
“I had a good time.” He sounds sincere. 
The both of you stand by the front door, neither of you saying goodbye for the longest time. The commercials are coming to a close on the television and the show is about to resume. You feel unexpectedly nervous and Driver looks a little rattled himself.
“Do you-”
He gestures for you to go first, so you take a deep breath and put yourself out there. “Do you want to stay for a while? Maybe finish whatever show was playing on the TV?”
A smile slowly spreads across his face. “Sure.”
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fluentmoviequoter · 17 days
If You Want to Leave
Requested Here!
Pairing: John Casey x fem!wife!reader
Summary: Casey tries to leave without telling you, but you walk in before he can. An argument ensues, and you invite him to leave, if that's what he really wants.
Warnings: angst, argument, accusations of lying and not loving one another, brief fluff at the end bc Casey needs love
Word Count: 1.4k+ words
A/N: I envisioned this taking place before Chuck s1 and the Intersect project, but that's up for your interpretation! I would also like to politely ask you to ignore the fact that this gif is Jayne Cobb; there aren't enough of Casey and I couldn't find one that fit the story.
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“Major Casey, you need to get out of the country,” his superior says.
“You want me to run from a fight?” Casey replies. “That’s not-“
“It is not running from a fight, Major. It is preserving your life and keeping others out of danger. I’m no longer in a position to do more than recommend you get out while you still can, but if you stay, you’re endangering far more people than just yourself.”
Casey nods once before he leaves the office. He messed up; one tiny mistake by taking out the wrong enemy agent has ruined everything. As Casey drives to his small cottage miles away, where he thought everything would be safe and separated, he knows what he has to do. If he doesn’t leave now, he’ll lose everything. Again.
Casey leaves the truck running as he enters what used to be his home. This stationing was supposed to be permanent, allowing him to settle just enough as he worked through the ranks and continued fieldwork when and how he pleased. Yet, here he is, packing the last decade of his life into a duffel bag. He ignores the pictures on the mantle and the made bed that he will never sleep in again and focuses only on taking what he needs. No reminders, no evidence, and nothing that will make this situation worse than it already is. With his clothes, gun, and every piece of identification stowed in the large duffel bag, he zips it and prepares to say a goodbye that won’t be heard but will be felt.
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You return home early and see Casey’s work truck in the driveway. It’s still running, so you assume he forgot something and is heading back out. The idea of Casey, a highly trained government agent, forgetting something makes you smile. On the bright side, you can see him briefly before he returns to work.
As you enter the open front door, you’re startled to see pictures and books haphazardly strewn throughout the living room. Whatever Casey forgot must have been easily misplaced you think as you walk through the hallway. Casey’s back is to you as he zips a duffel bag. The box that usually sits under his side of the bed is no longer in its place, and you have no trouble deducing what is happening. Casey didn’t forget anything except you.
“You’re leaving?” you ask.
Casey turns quickly, and his nostrils flare when he sees you. Clearly, this wasn’t part of his escape plan. 
“Were you going to tell me?”
Casey shakes his head and turns to the bag on your previously shared bed. He flips through a faded copy of Moby Dick until he finds his United States-issued passport. You walk to his side and lay your hand over his.
“How long are you leaving?”
“Forever,” Casey grunts as he pulls his hand away.
“What?” you question incredulously. “John, that’s-“
“I know.”
“You don’t know,” you argue. “You were going to leave without telling me anything! I know that you have a duty, a job that you care about more than anything, but I- this- us! We have to mean something to you, too.”
“Why do you think I’m leaving?” he snaps.
You step back and cross your arms. The wedding picture on your nightstand taunts you, and you lay it face down before you take a deep breath.
“Was this the plan all along? To marry me, have me around, lie to me, until it was time to move on?” you ask with your back to Casey.
“Of course not,” he answers roughly.
“Really? Because packing a duffel bag to leave me while I’m not here doesn’t align with the whole ‘til death do us part thing, does it, John?”
“You don’t understand.”
“You’re right. And I never will, because whether you want to admit or not, you always knew I was a temporary fixture.”
Casey huffs as he pulls the duffel bag over his shoulder. You follow him to the door but nearly run into his back when he stops.
“There is nothing worth waiting for,” you remind him. “You made sure of that.”
He turns perpendicular to you and looks at the home and the life he is abandoning. 
“Why are you leaving, Casey?” you ask softly, letting your guard down in the final moment with him. “I think I deserve the truth about that at least.”
The accusation that he has lied about anything within your relationship multiplies the emotions Casey is feeling and hiding. He’s become an expert in lying and manipulating the truth to fit what he needs it to be, but that’s work. You and your marriage were separate, the only real thing Casey had.
“You want to know why I’m leaving?” Casey asks. “Because I’m not good for you! There is a target on your back because of me!” he explains, not caring that his voice rises.
“Casey,” you begin.
“No,” he interrupts, shaking his head as he turns to face you. “I will not lose you. I can leave all of this, the house, the pictures, the perfect little life, but I will not put you in a position to be taken away from me forever.”
“That’s exactly what you’re doing, Casey,” you argue gently. “If you leave, there is nothing between me and the people aiming at that target. You told me from the beginning that this could happen. But if you leave me now, you and I both know, you’re leaving me just like you’re leaving the house.”
Casey shakes his head and grunts as he drops the duffel bag beside his feet. “No,” he insists. “This is the best option.”
You rub your forehead and say, “If you want to leave, just go. I love you, Casey, but I can’t live like this. I can’t spend the rest of my life wondering when this will happen; when you will just leave me without a word and never come back. I’ve been by your side for years, supporting you and your job and everything that comes with it, but I can’t do this. The constant fear of not knowing is worse than any target someone could put on me.”
Casey’s chest rises and falls as he breathes deeply. He watches your eyes as you talk and hates that he created the fear and insecurity in them. Even if he does leave when this is over, he can’t let you think that his leaving has anything to do with how he feels for you, loves you, or the idea he doesn’t want to be with you.
“So, Casey,” you begin.
Your voice breaks as you fight to hold your tears in, and Casey closes the distance between you. He places his hands on either side of your face, his palms resting against your cheeks as his fingers slide behind your ears. As you look up at him and move forward, Casey dips his chin and kisses you. It’s not like the other kisses you’ve shared; it’s passionate, desperate, loving, and devastating at the same time. You grasp Casey’s wrists before you move your hands to his shirt and push yourself against his chest. Watching Casey leave will break you and destroy everything you’ve learned to love about yourself, him, and life. And, despite how good this kiss is and everything Casey says without speaking, it will not get you through this. Not if it’s the last one you ever get.
Casey pulls away slowly, but his hands remain on your face as he looks into your eyes. You’re breathless, pliant in his hold. He doesn’t move, but if he’s still going to leave, you can’t handle a withdrawn goodbye any better than coming home to an empty house.
“Casey?” you whisper.
“What do I do?” he asks quietly. “I messed up, and now you’re in danger no matter where I am.”
“As much as I want to, I can’t tell you what to do.”
“They’ll give me a new assignment when I get stateside.” Casey pauses and looks at the ring on your left hand. “Get in the truck.”
He pulls you into another kiss before you can ask him any questions. You understand what it’s like to be part of Casey’s world, never knowing what he’s doing or if he’ll be home. But you need to stay with Casey because you love him, and even if he did leave without a word, it wouldn’t change that.
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anything-4-r-moony · 10 months
"Don't Make A Sound" (Theo Nott x Reader)
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Content warning: Smut, infidelity, sister's fiancé, public sex, undefined age gap, brief mention of anxiety/ anxious feelings
Rating: NSFW
*No use of Y/N*
You’d been dreading this dinner. You were home from Hogwarts for the weekend, to celebrate your dear sister’s birthday. You and your sister had never been particularly close. She tended to side with your parents in arguments, and subscribed to their ridiculous ideas about blood purity. You had always been the odd one out, so alone in your own family. 
You’d heard your sister had recently been engaged to a pureblood boy several years older than you, named Theodore Nott. He was exactly the kind of guy you’d always expected your sister to end up with. Impossibly tall- brooding, wealthy, pureblood, Slytherin. You didn’t remember much about him from school, just that he’d been quiet. Nott didn’t say much. 
You descended the spiral staircase, and found most everyone already seated at the dinner table. Just one seat was left open, next to your sister’s fiancé. 
“So good of you to finally join us,” your sister quipped. She looked as chic and cold as ever, in a little silver dress. 
“I’m here, aren’t I?” You replied, and heard a low chuckle next to you. The sound sent a warmth down your spine, and you turned to look at its source. 
Theodore Nott sat next to you, casually positioned, with a glass of firewhiskey in one hand. You looked him over, secretly admiring the way his designer suit clung to his thighs. You fought back a shiver, looking away. 
“See something you like, yeah?” You heard Theo quietly ask you, a smirk spread across his beautiful mouth. 
He wasn’t wrong… but…
You ignored his retort, and attempted to make casual conversation with those around you. Your sister began on a tangent about pureblood children having to share a school with children from muggle families. This was what brought you so much anxiety about being home, the cruelty your family displayed when discussing pureblood politics. 
Your body tensed up, heart pounding in your chest. Just make it through tonight, just survive this one dinner, and then-
You felt a large hand settle on your knee. The warmth of it calms you instantly, but also sends a wave of heat over you. You swallowed a gasp. Theo continued to sip his drink- staring straight ahead, his hand unwavering, and politely nodding along to your sister’s tangent. 
As the night went along, Theo slowly inched his hand higher, eventually brushing up against the hem of your favorite pink skirt. The shiver you’d been fighting back all evening finally went through you, and your response to Theo’s touch made him tighten his grip. 
This is crazy, you thought. What is he fucking doing? 
But you knew good and well you didn’t want him to stop. Theo’s presence, strong and warm and steady, grounded you during this bloody dinner. And he seemed to know that. 
You felt Theo’s breath against your cheek as he whispered, “You alright, angel? You seem a bit… distracted.”
Theo shifts his hand higher, now fully under your skirt, so painfully close to the place you need him to touch you most.
Breathlessly you whisper, "What- what are you doing, Theo? My sister is right there and-"
His hand ghosts over your damp panties, stopping you mid sentence. A low groan rumbles in Theo's chest.
"Be quiet for me, baby. Let me give you what you need. We might just get away with it. Don't make a sound. Everyone is distracted." His tone leaves little room for argument.
Theo cleverly casts a wandless disillusionment charm, making the two of you much less noticeable to the rest of the dinner party.
His fingers slip beneath your panties, eliciting a soft gasp from you both. "So wet for me, love." Theo looks almost pained by how turned on he is, and your gaze lands on his lap, his hard length visible through his pants. You go to reach for it, but Theo stops you.
"Behave, baby. This isn't about me, not tonight."
Theo's fingers relentlessly work you over, and a tight heat begins to build in your belly. You have to fight to keep from moaning, using all of your will power just to keep quiet.
"Theo- please, just- I need-" You mumble out, barely understandable.
Theo sinks two fingers into you, knowing exactly what you need. He pumps in and out of you, bringing you to the brink. You didn't know it could feel like this, be this good-
"Give it to me, love. That's it-" Theo whispers. His words have you unraveling, finishing hard.
You barely have time to collect yourselves. Theo fixes your panties, and puts your skirt back in place, smoothing it back over your thighs.
The disillusionment charm must shatter, because your sister finally seems to remember her fiancé is present at the table. "Tell me, Theodore darling, how would you feel about a honeymoon in Paris?"
Theo sighs, "Sure, of course. Whatever you want."
You stifle a laugh.
This wedding isn't happening. You'll make sure of that.
Theo glances over at you, his stare heated and meaningful. He seems to know exactly what you're thinking.
And for the first time that evening, Theo smiles.
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