#nom « syndrome
crowslunasidhe · 1 month
Anybody else LOVE sour candy but can't eat it very often cause it just tears your mouth up?
Is this an eds thing? Every time I eat sour patch kids, which is my favorite sour candy, nowadays I end up with blistering sores in my mouth if I eat more than like 4 pieces of it. It doesn't take a lot to end up with damage to my mouth.
I am deeply saddened by this.
Anybody else have this problem?
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jade-curtiss · 1 year
I really love universities, I really do. It was very fun during covid when I had to wake up in the morning to see this show: my ex taking an analyst class in python thinking it will be a coding class. Well, yes, technically it is. In application it feels like watching a charade show but no one knew about that part before they signed up to that class it seems because people were dropping that one by the dozen vfdfkdxfdfndfn
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jules-and-company · 2 years
inapte socialement mais bien intentionné
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tokkias · 1 year
okay so fic request bc you’re my role model and i love the way you portray natsu and lucy together: hurt/comfort where lucy suffers from unrequited love syndrome and natsu suffers from missing-all-obvious-signs-that-lucy-is-confessing syndrome
puts you in my mouth. eats you. om nom nom. i agonized over this for like uh. 2 months? and then i started over and managed to bang it out in like two days. i like it and i hope you will too. ao3
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Lucy didn’t know where the sudden surge of bravery that had gotten her into this situation had come from. She’d gone weeks—months even—of carrying her secret close to her chest, so there really was no rhyme or reason for why she’d chosen today to confess her feelings. It was a sudden moment of courage that left her feeling emboldened enough to tell Natsu to meet her at her apartment at 7:30 p.m. sharp because she had something very, very important to tell him.
Now if only that courage had lasted with her through the day.
In fairness, it technically had. She held her head high when she heard him knock on her door—something he never did, instead preferring to barge in with no thought to what state Lucy might be in upon his entrance—but the serious tone in her voice when she asked to meet him must have struck enough fear in him to use his manners for once. However, from the moment she opened the door and her eyes met his, it was like every last drop of confidence was drained away.
He looked so nervous, like he had been worrying about it all day. If anything, it should have been her who had been worrying. She was about to tell her best friend that she maybe, sort of, had a small, silly, little, teensy, tiny, baby crush on him that was slowly growing on her heart like a tumour that would inevitably cause it to stop beating altogether.
Her mind had already begun to wander into places she knew it shouldn’t. No longer could she look at his hands and not think about how perfectly her fingers would fit with his, or catch a glance at his lips and then be able to tear her mind away from the thought of how they would feel against her own.
She didn’t need to hear him say anything back. It didn’t matter if he didn’t see her that way.
Well. Maybe it mattered a little bit.
She just needed to get it off her chest, and then maybe she could finally move on and things could go back to the way things used to be—the way they should be.
She had been so confident that it would be easy, that she didn’t care how he reacted, until he stepped through that doorway, and suddenly Lucy was quivering in her shoes. Based on the way Natsu was looking at her expectantly, waiting for some sort of... anything, really, she was beginning to rue her prior boldness, instead wishing she could crawl away into some hole and never have to face the light of day again.
Hearing his voice was just enough to snap her out of the Natsu-induced trance Lucy had found herself in, and suddenly she realised just how awkward she must have looked, standing there gaping at him like an idiot, as if she hadn’t been the one who invited him in the first place.
"Hi!" She squeaked out, trying not to sound caught off guard by what was otherwise a completely normal thing for him to say.
"Everything okay?" Natsu asked, the look of concern on his face growing at her unusual reaction.
"Yeah! Never better!" She tried to reassure him, despite being able to name about a million instances where she had, in fact, been better.
Her words did little to convince him; a look of scepticism was still evident on his face, but he did nothing to press any further.
Quietly sucking in a breath, Lucy closed the door behind him, holding her hand on the knob for just a few moments longer than necessary as she tried to collect her thoughts.
"You wanted to talk to me about something?" Natsu prompted, clearly not wanting to prolong the awkward air that was lingering between them.
"Yeah," she breathed. "I did."
Did, past tense.
Right now, she wasn’t as sure about it.
But he was already here, and she was backed into a corner. She couldn’t just tell him everything was fine and he could go on his merry way. Natsu knew her better than that; he would see right through her.
Why did this have to be so difficult?
They’d taken down dark guilds, an entire empire together, and somehow telling him that she was in love with him was where she drew the line?
Oh god, no. She couldn’t tell him she loved him; it would destroy their friendship beyond repair.
She’d already tried so hard to push the l-word out of her head, always tried to replace it with like. She liked Natsu, that was all. There was so much of him to like, it was really no big deal. It was just an infatuation that would go away with time, but he was her best friend, and he deserved to know how she felt, right?
"Soooo… What did you want to talk to me about?"
At this point, she was certain he could hear the way her heart was racing in her chest. Even the deep breaths that she sucked in to calm her shaking nerves did little to calm her erratic heart, so instead of waiting for it to calm down, she simply made her way over to her bed and sat down, making herself comfortable as she sat cross-legged on the mattress in a bid to try and sooth herself.
"Come sit with me," she offered, patting the space next to her as she tried to
Natsu obliged her request, but his shoulders remained tense as he sat on the edge of her bed, unsure of what to make of his partner’s sudden odd behaviour.
"You’re not dying, are you?" He asked, reluctance in his voice, as if he wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer.
"What? No! I’m not dying. That’s not what this is about," Lucy assured, suddenly realising why he looked so nervous walking through her front door.
Natsu seemed to relax a little at her words, as though a massive weight had been lifted off of his chest, but the nerves didn’t seem to go away entirely. The nervous energy emitting from him did little to calm her own nerves. If anything, it only made her mind race with all of the reasons that he could be nervous right now.
Did he have a list of things in his head that this confrontation could be about? What on earth could Natsu, of all people, be this nervous about? Had he already anticipated what she wanted to talk to him about and was simply on edge about having to let her down gently?
The thought of that made her heart ache in her chest, though she supposed knowing that that ranked lower on his list than her potentially dying made her feel a little better.
"Well if you’re not dying, do you wanna tell me what you wanted to talk to me about?"
Before she could finally bring herself to speak, Lucy let in one last deep breath. In through her nose, expanding her lungs, and out past her lips. It helped a little. Not a lot, but at least a little, and right now, she needed all the help she could get.
There was no more avoiding the topic. Natsu was sitting right in front of her, waiting patiently for her to finally speak.
"Well, you know it’s just..." She began before pausing for a moment, already unsure of how to approach it and suddenly wishing she had written herself some notes beforehand. "I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately, about you, and me, and us."
That wasn’t technically a lie. She’d been thinking about him and them a lot. More than would be normal, even for a best friend. She just happened to be leaving out the details of what exactly she had been thinking about.
"Do you remember the day we first met?" She asked, diverting the conversation slightly.
Natsu nodded his head slightly but didn’t speak, instead waiting for Lucy to continue her train of thought.
"That day really changed my life," she breathed. "I don’t even really remember the person I was before I met you, but I do know that the person I am now is better, and stronger, and happier."
The more she spoke, the more terrified he looked. He must have known where this was going, and his expression only made it hurt all the more, but she was already too far gone. She had prepared herself for his rejection, but that didn’t make it hurt any less seeing the way his face contorted as she expressed her feelings. She could feel the tears beginning to well in her eyes, but she couldn’t stop now.
There was no running away. She would be brave and strong, because that’s the kind of person that Natsu had made her.
"You—and the guild—are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I don’t want to lose that," she continued, her voice cracking slightly at the end. "You’re my best friend; I can’t imagine having to live a life without you in it."
She could feel a tear roll down her cheek but made no move to stop it in fear that pausing to wipe her tears would only cause her to break down even more.
"You’re really the most incredible, caring, strong, passionate person I have ever met, and I like you a lot," she managed to get out through misty eyes. "As more than just a friend."
Any fears that she might have had about Natsu having anticipated this were dashed by the sheer look of confusion on his face as she finally confessed how she felt to him.
"Lucy, I don’t think I get what you’re trying to say," he replied, his hand coming up to rest on her arm to try and sooth her tears while trying to coax an answer out of her.
She knew people liked to think of Natsu as dense, but surely he wasn’t that dense.
"What I’m trying to say is that... I’d like it if we... you know..."
He looked at her with a vacant stare as if to say, no, I don’t know.
Was he playing dumb with her on purpose? Was he trying to make a fool of her?
She knew he loved to embarrass her, but this was a new low.
Her lower lip trembled, and her heart began to thud hard and loud once more, though this time not from nerves. She was frustrated, angry even. Here she was being brave and trying to confess her feelings for someone she had thought cared enough about her not to make her feel like an idiot, but apparently that assumption was wrong.
"What I’m trying to say is, I want you to be my boyfriend!" She cried out, done with beating around the bush.
She had already embarrassed herself tonight; what more harm could a stupid outburst like that do?
Natsu’s eyes widened for a moment in realisation before he finally managed to process what she was saying, and suddenly he burst into laughter. Any other time, Lucy would be happy to hear that cute, melodious laugh of his, but right now, all she could feel was her heart sink to the bottom of her stomach.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Lucy yelled, smacking him in the arm, doing nothing to hide the genuine hurt in her voice. "I build up the courage to tell you how I feel, and you laugh at me? You’re such an asshole!"
Realising that perhaps his reaction was not appropriate, Natsu managed to catch his breath before he began to clarify.
"No, I’m not laughing at you; it’s just..."
"Just what?" She huffed, arms crossed over her chest, to try and hide the hurt that she was feeling.
"I kind of already thought I was your boyfriend," he murmured, averting his gaze from her, suddenly looking meek and, based on the dusting of pink on his cheeks, maybe a little embarrassed.
Now it was her turn to be confused. She stared at him with a blank gaze as her brain tried to process this new information and figure out what the hell he was talking about, but she came up short.
"I thought I already was your boyfriend," he repeated, doing little to clarify how he managed to come to that conclusion.
"Why would you think that?"
"Well, ‘cause I already do all that boyfriend stuff like taking you on dates, holding your hand, protecting you from pervy lookin’ guys," Natsu explained, seemingly not realising how absurd he sounded to her.
That would explain why Natsu had gotten so affectionate with her lately. She just thought he was like that; never in a million years would Lucy have suspected that he actually thought they had been dating for all this time.
"Why didn’t you tell me?" She asked, confused as to how this whole misunderstanding could occur.
"I thought you knew," he bluntly replied. "Everyone always mistook us for a couple, and you’d always correct ‘em until one day you didn’t."
Her mind was too busy processing his strange Natsu-logic that she barely managed to register that Natsu thought he was her boyfriend. All this time she had been fearing his rejection, thinking he could never see her in that light, when here he was, thinking that she already knew he saw her like that.
"If you thought we were already dating, why were you so nervous when you got here?"
"I thought you were gonna tell me you were dying," he told her. "Or that you were gonna break up with me."
In a weird way, that sort of made sense. Thinking back, she hadn’t exactly made herself clear. She had just told him she needed to talk about something important before nervously rambling on about… something for a few minutes.
"So... you do want to be my boyfriend?" Lucy clarified, wanting to hear the words from Natsu himself.
"Are you kiddin’? Of course I wanna be your boyfriend," he assured. "I love being your boyfriend and doin’ dumb boyfriend and girlfriend things with you."
His trademark Natsu-grin was plastered across his face as he spoke about his adoration for playing the boyfriend role, and the sight of it almost made Lucy cry again, for happier reasons this time. He looked so happy and content as he told her how much he loved being her boyfriend, when she didn’t even know he was her boyfriend to begin with.
She didn’t even have the mental capacity to jump through whatever hoops Natsu had to come to that conclusion. All she could think about was that Natsu was her boyfriend, which in turn made her his girlfriend. It made her so giddy that she couldn’t contain the smile on her face, and she barely held back the excited squee that threatened to escape her.
"And you know... I was thinking one day we’d maybe get to kiss or something," Natsu shyly added, pulling her back to the reality of the situation.
Hearing his words, Lucy’s breath got caught in her throat. She couldn’t even begin to express how much she wanted to kiss him. She’d fantasised about it happening in so many different ways and in so many different scenarios; she had just never imagined it would come true.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked, his eyes locked on her lips, doing little to hide just how much he needed to feel them against his own.
"Yes," she breathed. "Please."
With her permission, his hand came up to cup her face, and he leaned forward, his lips barely an inch from hers, before he paused for a moment.
"I’ve never done this before," he murmured. "So ya gotta tell me if I’m doin’ this right."
He didn’t give her time to explain that she definitely didn’t know what she was doing either before his lips were against hers and her hands were around his neck. They both fell backwards onto the bed, their lips locked in desire as months and years of yearning finally came to fruition.
They were both a little clumsy, but Lucy didn’t mind one bit. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t the romantic first kiss she had always imagined; it only mattered that it was Natsu. He had wanted to kiss her, and now he was, and Lucy’s heart couldn’t have been any more full. She didn’t even have it in her to be grossed out by the string of saliva that connected their lips when he finally pulled away.
"You’re telling me that we could have been doing this the whole time?" Natsu panted, his lips kiss-swollen and red, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath.
Lucy breathlessly nodded, trying her best to scramble for her own breath as she mentally chastised herself for not telling him sooner.
She didn’t have time to let those thoughts linger; instead, her hands tangled in his hair and pulled him back down to her. After all, they had plenty of lost time to make up for.
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everythingseasoning · 5 months
TW: loss of pet.
My baby black kitten died of fading kitten syndrome. She had congenital abnormalities (defects she was born with) like an enlarged kidney (which was very concerning), and extreme anemia aka low red blood cell count (her gums were all white), probably due to the Feline Leukemia she had tested positive for. She was the runt.
She was eating and licking small chunks of wet food off of her lips just the other day. She was play fighting with her siblings just the other day (granted she always was the least active because of the doomed cards she’d been dealt). But despite all her efforts to try and become healthy, in the last 24 hours, she faded.
I gave her the best possible life. Her attempted treatment lasted 12 hours before we made the decision to euthanize her, as she wasn’t responding to treatment and the leukemia was fatal. It consisted of an oxygen chamber, dextrose (sugar for her anemia), tube feedings, bloodwork, X-rays, disease tests. Those 12 hours costed me $2,500 USD. I used my life savings. I wanted her to live so badly. I wanted her to be a grown, healthy and recovered black cat who sat by the window and soaked in the gentle sunlight. I wanted to hold her and have more moments of her falling asleep in my arms— the night before her decline she was fine and had been laying on my arm, swaddled by my hoodie, her tiny 0.87 ibs / ~370 gram body cozy and warm, and she fell asleep before I started watching Survivor. I remember soaking that moment in, the yellow light of the living room. The quiet of the navy night beyond the curtains. A moment of pure coziness and sleepiness. A moment made only by two.
She was always sick and tired but didn’t show her pain. I blamed myself for her rapid decline, but the doctors all said she stayed alive as long as she could because of me (we took in a litter of kittens from outdoors last week, and it’s been so rainy, the wooden blanks under which they rested were all soaked through).
I’m grateful for every moment, my baby. Every nom of food. The way you walked up to me and meowed for food after just one day knowing me. You were starving and trusted me. The way you stared at me and jumped up, put your paws up on the oxygen chamber’s clear walls as they took you away to do treatment— you tried to go to me. I loved you and I love you forever. It was so unfair. It is so unfair. You should be alive now. I know how hard you fought to survive, to grow big and healthy. Your siblings were always so much heavier than you, alive and playing around with each other right now, though you are dead and cold and limp and decaying.
But you’re no longer in pain. You’re not going to suffocate to death. I found you in time and put you through treatment so that you could be warm and fed and given the oxygen you needed to fill your failing body— I found you in time to give you a comfortable death. You should be alive right now, you should’ve been born healthy. But you aren’t alive. But you also aren’t in pain. I did everything I could do and I am so sorry. I will take care of your siblings for you. Through the intense grief. Through it all. I love you forever, my blessing. My little kitten. 🖤
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havaforever · 11 months
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L'ENLEVEMENT - Le film Rapito du réalisateur italien Marco Bellocchio a été projeté à la 76ème édition du Festival de Cannes, plongeant le public au cœur de l'affaire Mortara. Il offre une immersion captivante dans l'Italie du XIXe siècle et soulève des questionnements profonds sur la liberté religieuse, l'identité et la tolérance.
Le film retrace le destin extraordinaire d'Edgardo Mortara qui a suscité une vive émotion dans toute l'Italie du XIXe siècle. Les autorités sont venues chez ses parents un soir de juin 1858 et leur ont donné vingt-quatre heures pour leur remettre leur enfant. Cette intervention a été réalisée sur ordre du pape, après la révélation du baptême secret de l'enfant.
Face à cette décision implacable, les parents d'Edgardo ont tenté de comprendre et de faire valoir leurs arguments. Ils ont rapidement découvert qu’une ancienne servante catholique était à l'origine de cette trahison. Malheureusement, dans l'État pontifical de Bologne, toute discussion était vaine et les autorités ne laissaient place à aucun compromis.
En raison de son baptême, Edgardo est considéré comme un apostat et il lui est donc impossible de vivre au sein d'une famille juive. Selon les croyances de l'époque, seule l'Église peut le sauver et le protéger spirituellement. L'inquisiteur de Bologne organise donc son placement dans une maison des catéchumènes, un institut fermé destiné à la conversion au catholicisme des jeunes juifs, musulmans et chrétiens non catholiques.
L'affaire Mortara, bien qu'exceptionnelle, n'est pas un cas isolé. Lors de la conférence de presse qui a suivi la première du film, le réalisateur a révélé que de nombreux autres enlèvements et conversions forcées ont eu lieu depuis le XVIe siècle. En effet, les familles juives étaient contraintes d'employer des servantes catholiques pendant le shabbat et celles-ci se chargeaient secrètement de baptiser les petits enfants juifs dans le but de les "sauver". Cette pratique était soutenue par les autorités religieuses catholiques au nom de Dieu. Au cours du procès, la servante a d’ailleurs affirmé avoir baptisé le petit Edgardo alors qu'il était malade et qu'elle le croyait mourant, dans l'espoir de le sauver des limbes, conformément à la croyance répandue à l'époque.
Ces conversions secrètes étaient utilisées comme moyen de pression par les autorités pour inciter les familles juives à se convertir au catholicisme afin de récupérer leurs enfants. Une alternative farouchement rejetée par la famille Mortara, qui refusait de choisir entre leur enfant et leur religion.
Rapito va bien au-delà d'un simple drame historique, il rappelle l'importance de la liberté religieuse et soulève des questions profondes sur l'identité, la foi et la tolérance.
Rapito explore avec minutie le thème de l'emprise à travers l'histoire bouleversante de ce jeune enfant soudain plongé dans les préceptes de la religion catholique. Dès son arrivée dans sa nouvelle demeure, Edgardo reçoit un conseil d'un autre garçon, lui indiquant qu'il doit se comporter de manière exemplaire s'il souhaite rapidement retrouver sa famille. Cependant, ce conseil se révèle être un piège, donnant l'illusion d'une conversion heureuse, alors qu'en réalité, il renforce la décision des autorités papales de le tenir éloigné de sa famille. Parallèlement, un processus d'endoctrinement se met en place, basé sur l'enfermement et la culpabilisation.
Un autre élément remarquable de cette histoire est la trajectoire d'Edgardo Mortara lui-même. Malgré l'épreuve incommensurable qu'il a vécue, il deviendra prêtre et restera un fervent catholique jusqu'à sa mort, restant à distance de sa famille, essayant même de la convertir au catholicisme. Marco Bellocchio a mis en évidence les contradictions d'Edgardo Mortara et la souffrance qui en découle. Il utilise habilement le mystère qui entoure la psychologie du personnage tout au long du film.
Est-ce qu'il fait semblant ? Est-ce qu'il agit par réflexe de protection ou est-il victime du syndrome de Stockholm ? Tout au long du récit, le personnage fascine et suscite des questionnements.
L'histoire d'Edgardo Mortara est exceptionnelle à bien des égards, notamment par sa médiatisation. Ses parents ont lutté sans relâche contre les autorités pontificales pour récupérer leur enfant, mobilisant la presse libérale qui en a fait un scandale national. Elle est devenue un symbole de résistance face à l'inquisition, renforçant ainsi la position inflexible du pape Pie IX, déterminé à appliquer strictement les dogmes religieux et à préserver son pouvoir. Marco Bellocchio souligne que cette affaire a pris une dimension "politique", en soulignant son lien avec la "dislocation de l'État pontifical" à l'époque.
Ce contexte historique, étroitement lié à l'affaire Mortara, se reflète dans la structure du film, qui s'appuie sur trois moments clés : l'enlèvement en 1858, le procès en 1860 rendu possible par l'arrivée des nationalistes au pouvoir à Bologne, et enfin, la conquête de Rome en 1870.
L'affaire Mortara est devenue célèbre et a posé un casse-tête pour le pape Pie IX et son principal conseiller, le cardinal Antonelli. Face à la pression publique et aux pétitions incessantes de la communauté juive réclamant le retour d'Edgardo, le pape, a simplement publié son édit : "Non possumus" (Nous ne pouvons pas).
Ce n'est qu'en 1859, lorsque l'armée italienne renverse la domination papale à Bologne, qu'un nouvel espoir surgit avec un procès contre Felletti, l’inquisiteur. Malheureusement, il est disculpé et l'avocat répond sèchement à Momolo, désespéré de ramener Edgardo à la maison, que cela ne sera possible que lorsque Rome sera prise.
Marco Bellocchio a découvert le destin d'Edgardo Mortara dans un livre de Vittorio Messori, un auteur catholique et conservateur qui défendait les raisons justifiant la séparation de l'enfant de sa famille par le pape. Cette affaire hautement médiatisée a suscité des passions déchaînées et a donné lieu à de nombreux récits, parfois contradictoires, parmi lesquels il a fallu faire le tri. Lors de la conférence de presse, Marco Bellocchio, le réalisateur, et Susanna Nicchiarelli, la coscénariste ont déclaré avoir eu la chance de travailler sur les sources directes de l'affaire Mortara, notamment les dépositions du procès, dont celle de Mariana Mortara, la mère, qui a décrit en détail les événements relatés dans la première partie du film, tels que l'arrivée des policiers et leur demande du nom des enfants. Cette richesse d'informations a permis de sélectionner parmi de nombreux éléments réels. Cependant, il restait à imaginer l'intimité des personnages, un aspect pour lequel très peu d'informations étaient disponibles.
Le film documente de près les circonstances de l'enlèvement d'Edgardo et les premiers efforts pour le ramener. Malgré son jeune âge, Sala a brillamment incarné le personnage, même s'il n'a probablement pas pleinement saisi l'importance du film en raison de sa jeune expérience de vie. Le réalisateur estime avoir fait un choix judicieux en sélectionnant cet acteur très jeune, qui a su apporter une profondeur émotionnelle remarquable à son interprétation. Il souligne également que Sala, n'ayant jamais mis les pieds dans une église et étant dépourvu des contraintes d’une éducation catholique, sans être non plus juif, et a pu puiser dans une profondeur intérieure pour incarner le personnage.
Marco Bellocchio a révélé que Steven Spielberg avait également prévu de réaliser un film sur l'affaire Mortara et avait même commencé à repérer des lieux en Italie. Cependant, il a finalement abandonné le projet, ouvrant ainsi la voie à Bellocchio et son équipe, ce qui est préférable, le film devant être tourné par des italiens et en langue italienne.
NOTE 17/20 - En plus de susciter une réflexion intense et captivante sur l'univers des religieux, la croyance et ses modalités d'adhésion, Rapito plonge le public au cœur d'un épisode bouleversant de l'histoire italienne.
Les performances exceptionnelles des acteurs donnent vie aux personnages avec une intensité émotionnelle palpable. L'esthétique soignée du film s'inspire des grands maîtres de la peinture pré-impressionniste italienne et française, tel Eugène Delacroix.
Les décors minutieusement reconstitués, les costumes somptueux et les couleurs vives et contrastées créent une atmosphère visuelle captivante, transportant le spectateur dans un univers saisissant de réalité.
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blackberry-bloody · 1 year
This is a masterlist for my written content!
And if you like any of these, I have a Discord server that I'm working on putting content in! It's pretty chaotic, but it's fun!
While there is some overlap between series, since they all take place within the same universe, they can be read independently of each other.
Also, Stay down, doesn't really have an order to be read in, It's very up in the air and a bit jumbled. So while some context may be lost, it can essentially be read in any order (as it stands right now. This may change later.)
Meet my ocs-
Meet Mibium
Meet Berkley
Pick Your Poison:
A Choose your own adventure whump story where the player/reader is the whumpee to a mad scientist.
Contains: Lab whump, creepy whumper, paranoia and gaslighting, horror elements.
Characters: Berkley, Mx. Doe, Rain, Marley
Stay Down:
Dayzel's half- A somewhat jumbled story of Dayzel, a demon, and the multiple bouts of whumping he has endured throughout his life.
Contains: Living weapon whump, villain whumpee/outcast whumpee, whumper x whumpee, spousal abuse, manipulation/gaslighting, defiant whumpee, self-loathing whumpee
Characters: Dayzel, Mibium, Rupert, Nox, various background characters from flashbacks.
Nox Marking him
BTHB Pleading
"Have You come to Laugh at me in my miserable state?"
Sensory Deprivation
Dayzel's rescue pt.1
Dayzel's rescue pt.2
Mibium's half- A "spinoff" in flashbacks about Mibium's time as a whumpee in Hell as an angel.
Contains: Creepy/intimate whumper, pet whump, objectification/dehumanization
Characters: Mibium and Octavian
BTHB Chained to a bed
BTHB Blindfolded
BTHB Non-con Touching
Overstimulated and Carewhumper
Half Lies and Hidden Truths:
Three connected stories, told separately through The Heart, The Mind, and The soul.
(Content and characters in masterlist)
Snake Bite:
Whumper Berkley- A story detailing his experiments on his two main whumpees, with some flashbacks to a previous whumpee.
Contains: Lab whump, horror tropes, multiple whumpees, lots of character death (non of the major characters, and offscreen/implied)
Characters: Berkley, Rain, Marley, Mindy (mentioned but not present)
Quiet and Lament Prompts
Whumpee Berkley- An "epilogue"/"spinoff" where he is captured by a demon when he's forced to visit Hell.
Contains: Creepy/Intimate whumper, whumper x whumpee, Stockholm syndrome, whumper turned whumpee, nsfwhump (any chapter involving this will be posted to @blackberry-sour-and-sweet)
Characters: Berkley, Octavian
(NSFWHUMP) Octavian being Bored
Failed escape
(Untitled) Demon Mishap:
A story idea about a demon having been "accidentally" kidnapped and sold to a high ranking demon who's eager to break him in.
Conatains: Creepy/Intimate whumper, pet whump, institutionalized slavery, defiant whumpee, nsfwhump (any chapters containing this will be posted to @blackberry-sour-and-sweet)
Characters: to be announced later :)
(Untitled) Space demons:
A story about two bounty hunters in the far, far future when humans/angel/demons have begun exploring the stars.
Contains: Scif-fi whump, enemies to lovers, "enemy of my enemy is my friend" trope, morally bankrupt/ villain whumpees
Characters: Zeke, Omen, (others tbd later)
Claim Marks/Magic brands
One offs, RP, extras, and non-canon-
Random Mindy fact
Nox, Rupert, Berkley whumper answer
Berkley whumper answer
Character questions (cheese, flexible, and pets)
Character questions (touch starved, sleep, breaks, and strength)
Character questions (smooth talker, graceful/clumsy, instruments, self-sacrifice)
Magic "anon"- Human Fates
Octavian, Rupert, Nox whumper answers
Berkley Whumper answers (with Mindy)
Nox, Nom, Octavian character questions
Whumpee Nox 1/2
Whumpee Rupert
Dayzel "red flags"
Dayzel tattoos
Rupert= Malewife potential?
Character questions (mibium)
DnD content-
Forgotten Familiarites- A DnD campaign run by @obsessedwithegos for myself and @emmettnet
Contains: Self sacrifice, religious trauma(?), abysmally low self esteem, whumpee being reckless/lacking self-preservation, character death (mentioned)
Characters: Nom and Alithea (both belong to me), Dirk, Teddy, Dirce (belong to @/emmettnet), Nilam, Selin, Aevid, Kavius, Mantra, various other NPCS, etc. (all belong to @/obsessedwithegos)
BTHB "I just want to have friends"
Help prompt
Falling Feathers- A homebrew campaign I'm running for @/emmettnet and @/obessedwithegos.
Contains: Lab whump, non-con body modifications, major character death (temporary), reluctant whumpers, carewhumper, living weapon whump, multiple whumpees, whumper viewing/treating whumpee as "family", whumpee turned whumper, horror tropes
Characters: Denice (belongs to @/emmettnet), Eliza/Esheh (belongs to @/obsessedwithegos), Berkley, Marley, Rain, Dren, Mindy, The Fates, various NPCs, etc. (all belong to me)
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artbykays · 2 years
While I’m on my art break, here’s some HCs about my lil listeners.
- youngest sibling. But isn’t the “baby”. Has the youngest sibling syndrome of having to be the best like the oldest sibling
- was not a fan of cats until she met Aggro
- loves the chocolate cosmos flowers
Lovely (Yue)
- Speaks Mandarin
- Book smart and a smart ass
- likes to roast Sam verbally. They see him as a big brother and treats him like one.
FUN FACT! I based her off my lil sister personality wise :)
Angel (Evangeline)
- misses her cat sm, and has asked David if they can adopt a cat. More like the adopts the senior cats person (“they just need a comfy home davey 🥺”)
- could say the alphabet backwards/knows random useless knowledge.
- died her hair in high school and has stuck with that color ever since
- obsessed with “Song of Achilles” and they got Lasko to read it. They both cried.
- hates sand. (Cue the whole Anakin Skywalker memes)
- can quote the whole Cars movie
Darlin (Ina)
- the scar on their nose is from trying to befriend a stray cat. They told everyone it was they got into a fight.
- likes socks. Specifically the fuzzy socks, but no one needs to know…
- a big closet Harry Potter fan and definitely tried to use a spell with their magic (Heh closet joke)
Honey (Amber)
- has an OF, BUT it’s all click bait. Sexy honey pics?? Oh no that’s just them with the cat meme with a knife face. Fans eat that shit up
- has bit Guy when he tickles them or gets too affectionate. Nom nom bitch
- allergic to mangoes
Babe (Cass)
- loves bugs. Like…obsessed. They were that kid that ran around the backyard barefoot to catch beetles
- likes longs skirts cause of the flowy look, and always wears a sweater.
- the sole reason there is a “no snacks at midnight” rule when it is pack hang outs. This gremlin will fight David for the last snack at 3 am
Sunshine (Solidad)
- has that thick curly hair that breaks 2 brushes a month
- played volleyball in high school. Kicks ass when Elliot and her friends play beach volleyball
- likes to hug Elliot from behind and hide her face in between his shoulder blades
Warden (Selene)
- Kept her given name when she’s on Elegy, but since I noticed the boys are named after constellations, she’s named after the Greek moon goddess
- definitely had that “is that not what you humans do?” like Starfire phase when she first came to Elegy
- loves the smell of Mint or Lavender
Petra (oc?)
- definitely had body confidence issues until her later years of D.A.M.N.
- hated Lasko at first, they just didn’t get along at first. Now she won’t shut up about how cute he is when he rambles
- does more plant work than anything with her earth powers. Into medicinal herb studies shit
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We have a few cast members dealing with culture shock but there's a lesser known syndrome known as 'reverse culture shock'. What if Mar had been a diplomat's daughter who spent a lot of her formative years there before returning to Avalon for family reasons? She left a lot of dear friends behind, gets a little frustrated with some Avalon norms and gets a lot of queries about why she 'acts like a foreigner when she's Avalon'?
Oh man, if Marion had grown up in Nibiru or Sunjata, she'd be extra, super annoyed by Avalon gender norms. If she'd been in Nibiru she might be a bit like Meissa was when they first arrived in Avalon and have trouble with gender pronouns. That was considered an amusement when Meissa did it, but for an Avalon to accidentally mis-gender people would be a serious social offense. She'd also have trouble adjusting to the day-centric life of Avalon after living from dusk to dawn throughout her childhood. She'd also feel a bit directionless without the guidance of fortune tellers and sages. This Marion would fit in very well with Meissa (obviously), John, Geoffrey, and Gui.
If she'd been in Sunjata, she'd be particularly annoyed at Avalon's class system as well as its gender roles. Sunjata is very much an ability-based society, and since its leaders have divinely granted super-abilities, she'd find Avalon's hereditary leaders quite incompetent. She'd also find Avalon lifestyles to be rather primitive in comparison to Sunjati ones, as Sunjata is more technologically advanced.
This Marion would fit in very well with Robin, Will, and Alanna.
(Why would a Nibirian-raised Marion get along better with John than a Sunjati-raised one? John was raised outside of Sunjata's great city-states, so while he adores many things about how he was raised, he has an outsider's view of Sunjata's dominant culture. He questions many things about it that Marion wouldn't think to question as a diplomat's daughter raised in a city-state. I don't know how much of this will come up in Made Marion, but it's a big topic in my next game, set in Sunjata itself.)
Tumblr media
On the plus side, Avalon doesn't have to deal with the reason why Nibirians are nocturnal - extremely dangerous diurnal megafauna. Imagine this kitty is a daystalker, like twice its Earth size, and has no compunctions about nomming down on humans.
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dietlemonadee · 1 year
i am gonna gatekeep you too until the time is right, and then i will nom nom you<3
ma'am that's not gatekeeping it's called keeping hostage
I've got Stockholm syndrome
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shortansweet · 8 months
How many of you know Celine dion has stiff person syndrome and it's worsening and how many of you know the Grammy's specifically asked aoty noms not to touch her bc hugging her could've worsened it and now how many of you have made it a point to hate on taylor without even knowing the reason behind it.
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claudehenrion · 1 year
Vieillir jeune (suite inattendue et non-programmée...)
  Le 12 avril dernier, nous avions passé un moment à disserter sur un gros rapport statistique de l'Insee sur les centenaires. C'était net, clair, factuel, précis, , sobre, arithmétique... et donc rigoureusement extérieur à tout ce que tous les gens qui sont entrés dans le processus du vieillissement pensent, ressentent, vivent, éprouvent. Plusieurs gentils lecteurs me l'ont fait remarquer très vite : en prenant de l'âge, deviendrais-je un technocrate désincarné ?. Que la réponse soit oui, oui-oui, ou oui-oui-oui, je dois me faire pardonner : ''un vieux'', c'est tout, excepté des statistiques et des chiffres, alignés dans un rapport INSEE, comme à la parade.
La seule question qui soit intéressante, c'est, en dernier ''ressort'' (ce ressort qui est une des choses qui disparaissent avec l'âge, et il en arrive un, un jour, qui est ''le dernier'' !) c'est : ''qu'est-ce que vieillir, et comment sait-on ou sent-on qu'on est entré dans ce cycle de la vie qui ne fait pas l'unanimité et n'a pas toujours très bonne réputation ?''. Car enfin, ne trouvez-vous pas paradoxal  que alors que vieillir n'a rien de sexy, l'idée de vivre encore longtemps fait, en gros, l'unanimité... ? En réfléchissant à ce lourd dilemme, je me suis souvenu d'une boutade de Golda Meir : ''Le grand-âge, c'est comme un avion dans une tempête : une fois que vous y êtes, il n'y a pas grand chose que l'on puisse faire, à part attendre et prier...''. Et puis il y a cette phrase terrible de De Gaulle, lancinante, définitive pour une chose qui, justement, ne l'est pas : 'La vieillesse est un naufrage''...  Ces deux grands ouvreurs des portes ont... grand ouvert celles autour desquelles je slalome !
Partons de Picasso –qui, bien que mouginois d'adoption, n'est pas vraiment un de mes maîtres à penser, mais pour une fois...-- qui disait ''on ne vieillit pas, on mûrit'', citation qui m'a remis en mémoire que, il y a quelques années, je répétais et me répétais : ''je deviens adulte'', ce qui était un peu vrai (''Encore cinq minutes, Monsieur le Bourreau !'')... J'ai longtemps cru que devenir grand-père me ficherait un bon coup de vieux, mais pas du tout, c'est passé comme un lettre à la poste (NB : c'est le fait d'être marié à une grand mère qui m'a fait prendre des années !). Depuis, promu ''Arrière-grand père'', je n'ai plus ce genre de soucis ! Tout au contraire, une petite voix me susurre de plus en plus souvent que plus je vieillis, plus je m'améliore dans pas mal de domaines (même si je serais bien incapable de vous dire lesquels !) : mes souvenirs me parlent d'un type qui a été nettement meilleur en tout que je ne l'ai été : je me souviens fort bien (ou plutôt... ''il surgit en ma mémoire'') de performances qui auraient fait de moi un champion olympique dans pas mal de sports : ''plus le temps passe, et plus je me souviens avec précision de choses qui n'ont jamais eu lieu... '', disait Mark Twain sur le tard.
Je pense, en écrivant cela, à l'ancien Président des Etats-Unis Ronald Reagan qui, frappé des syndromes d'Alzheimer, se réjouissait de ne jamais avoir une seconde à lui : ''Je rencontre sans cesse des inconnus qui ont, de moi, des souvenirs que je recherche. Je n'arrête pas !'', la limite extrême de cette évolution un peu crue, qui fait le bonheur de certains humoristes (jeunes, eux !) étant : ''au début, on oublie les noms... puis on oublie les visages... ensuite on oublie de remonter sa braguette... et puis... on oublie de la baisser...''. Ce n'est pas très distingué... mais cette constatation, heureusement, est plus souvent anecdotique que revendiquée...
Dans un domaine moins cru (et moins cruel), ce qui me frappe, c'est que jamais on ne m'a autant dit que je ne fais pas mon âge que depuis que celui-ci s'est envolé vers des sommets dignes d'un respect que le modernisme a oublié. Plus je me sens me décatir, plus des gens qui croient me faire plaisir me racontent qu'ils me trouvent jeune (sic !), la phrase ''standard'' étant le terrible (car si mensonger) ''Tu n'as pas changé''... qui sous entend que vers 30,  45 ou 60 ans, je ressemblais au vieillard que je suis... Les gens sont drôles, à force d'être tristes. Et vice-versa. 
Il me semble que plus je vieillis, plus je passe de temps à expliquer que jamais je ne me suis senti aussi jeune... alors que l'âge que j'ai atteint n'est, au fond, que la punition ou la conséquence d'avoir vécu si longtemps ! Mais pouvoir constater qu'on est vivant doit être malgré tout plus agréable que de dire qu'on est mort ! Hélas, on ne peut raconter qu'une seule de ces expériences, et c'est dommage.
Avez-vous remarqué que, chez ceux de vos amis qui flirtent avec le chiffre ''100'', on sent moins de pression sociale ? Ma mère, vers 103 ans, se plaignait souvent que les visites de ses amies de classe se faissent plus rares, et s'en étonnait parfois : ''Tu sais, me disait-elle, Une Telle me déçoit. Elle ne vient plus me voir, comme avant''.... et je lui proposais  de l'accompagner au cimetière de Cannes, où elle en ''reverrait'' plein, d'un coup... La vieillesse, au fond, c'est le temps de la vie où les gens vous abandonnent et où les anniversaires ne sont plus des fêtes : un gâteau d'anniversaire de mon père, portant presque cent bougies, avait failli mettre le feu, ratant de peu ''l'incendie du siècle'', ou plutôt... celui du centenaire !
Une brève incise dont je certifie l'exactitude : ce cimetière de Cannes est un magnifique jardin, à pic sur ''la Grande Bleue''. A la porte, un écriteau : ''Cimetière du Grand Jas'' (NB : la grande bergerie, en provençal). En dessous, les horaires d'ouverture été-hiver, puis cette notule qui m'enchante ''Défibrilateur à l'intérieur'', dont Pagnol aurait tiré un enchantement. Pour moi, seule la joie de vivre de notre midi peut fabriquer un tel optimisme : ''il était mort, le Pépé, mais au moment de descendre dans le trou, il a préféré un pastaga à 360 joules pour profiter encore un peu de ce coquin de soleil et battre encore Titin à la pétanque...''. La vérité, té... c'est que la vieillesse, c’est rien que une certaine idée que les autres se font de vous. La mort, c'est pareil... Et dit ''avé l'accin'', c'est encore bien ''plusse'' beau !
Je vais arrêter ces lieux communs sur le grand âge et cet enfonçage de portes ouvertes vers un milieu puis vers un lieu réputés pour leur fermeture... sauf pour regretter le ''bon vieux temps'' où vieillir apportait, dit-on, une garantie d'être écouté et respecté –au moins en apparences : aujourd'hui, la société trouve que, ne produisant plus rien, vous êtes inutile... alors que vous vous donnez du mal  pour faire croire que vous ''vieillissez jeune''. En prenant de l'âge (déjà... quelle drôle d'expression ! On ne prend rien du tout, on en prend, et plein la gueule !), on réalise que être vieux, c'est dire : ''Jamais je ne me suis senti aussi jeune'', au mépris de l’évidence. Vieillir, ce n'est pas tant ''se faire vieux'', que vouloir rester jeune !
Le monde est mal fait : les jeunes rêvent d'avoir l’air plus vieux et les vieux d'avoir l’air plus jeunes ! Je pense souvent à cette histoire pour chansonnier du ''vieux monsieur qui vient de renouveler son abonnement à Play Boy... mais n'arrive pas à se souvenir pourquoi'' … Pour me faire pardonner ma sécheresse apparente ''post-INSEE'', je cherchais une ''sortie'' souriante... Celle-là me convient. Bonne semaine.
H – Cl.
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kuwdora · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Hello, I have managed to wrangle a few brain cells together for a meme! Tagged by @andordean
Three ships: I still live and breathe everything about The Witcher. So every combination of Geralt/Yen/Jaskier is my jam. I’ve also adored rare pairs going all the way back to Stargate Atlantis, so rare pairs are definitely my cuppa. And Witcher fandom has so many!! I mean definitely glom onto the Grumpy One/Sunshine One in pretty much every fandom and I even made a vid about it (New Best Friend). But in the end I can’t just have one type of ship. I want it all. Om nom nom, my fannish buffet. Give me slash, give me femslash, show me your character studies and crack and joy with all the tropes and characters. Most of my witcher friends know I make the rounds everywhere. 😍
Last song: Rasputin by Boney M because I rewatched this Bucky Barnes Rasputin fanvid and now I’m earwormed for the next month.
Last movie: uhh, probably Blade 2 because I rewatched for my Blade vid WIP. I love it a lot and had forgotten so much about it since I hadn’t rewatched it as much as the first film.
Currently reading: Spin State by Chris Moriarty even though I haven’t touched the book in 2 months. I also have 12,000 witcher fic tabs open and keep bouncing off because my brain is parsing only very short things right now.
Currently watching: Picard, The Last of Us, Crazy Delicious, Piñata Masters.
Currently consuming: Coffee and yogurt.
Currently craving: Food-wise I would love some kind of mac and cheese with some very rich cheese combination. But big picture life cravings? I need this emotional ulcer to go away. I want to feel like I can breathe and see a little more clearly again. I have a final interview that was FINALLY scheduled for the end of this week. It’s been two long months (on top of many more months) of so many interviews, professional calls, social anxiety, and fatigue. I am tired of forgetting things because I’m hyperfocused on job stuff and its so hard to turn it off. I’m tired of having to push down the imposter syndrome again and again. I am so tired and anxious. I would like to be done and start this new chapter of my life, please.
Tagging: ooooh, um, who do I tag who wants to do it? You don’t have to but I’m throwing it out here. I have no idea who likes being tagged for these kind of things but!! Here! @littlestsnicket @therealallecto @crushcandles @spacecores @salamanderinspace @lovelysailboat @reinvent-and-believe
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knario47 · 2 years
El grupo anticolonial FLNAC nos habla de lo que ya sabemos los descendientes de los aborígenes canarios, instructivo leerlo.
Brigada de Activistas "Guayre" del FLNAC
Canarias amazigh África
No. El Teide (o Echeyde en su nombre precolonial) no es "uno de los diez picos más altos de Europa". El Teide es uno de los diez volcanes más altos de África y uno de los cincuenta picos más altos del continente africano con una prominencia igual o mayor a 500 metros. Considerar esta formación geográfica como "europea" forma parte de un saqueo (simbólico) a África y además es prueba evidente de la concepción colonial de un territorio (Islas Canarias) al que se le niega su propia geografía continental. Mapas como este, creado por Amar Andalkar, un famoso escalador profesional, ubican con exactitud al Teide junto a algunos de sus "hermanos" continentales.
Daniasa M. Curbelo.
Le doy toda la razón desgraciadamente por nuestra situación ilegal colonial de los países miembros de la comunidad Europea entre ellos España nos han robado no sólo nuestra geografía, si no también nuestra dignidad, identidad, etc.... como pueblo entre otras cosas también importantes, que a dañado seriamente la gran extrusora social canaria amazigh África. Con un síndrome de complejidad brutal, al cual no pone nada fácil la recuperación de un pueblo sometido a una dominación, en todos los sentidos desde muy temprana edad bajo un régimen de adoctrinamiento, al cual no deja de ser preocupante y al mismo tiempo una tarea difícil para restablecer, la naturalidad de la canariedad amazigh Áfricana.
Por este sentido el FLNAC y otras personas a título individual o colectivo siguen trabajando a pesar de los obstáculos, las manipulaciones, el intento de confundir a la opinión pública canaria amazigh sobre todo en falsas teorías, editoriales, documentales, ruedas de prensa, falsos manifiestos, supuestos grupos y políticas independentistas, etc...que suelen crear mensajes del inmovilismo, para seguir esa declinación colonial Europea en canarias amazigh África , por este sentido nuestro dever y principios nuestra hoja de ruta no va a ir nunca en la declinación errónea de mantener a Canarias amazigh como parte de Europa ni de España canarias amazigh debe estar en su lugar y continente de origen que es África.
Amazigh Canaries Afrique
Non. Le Teide (ou Echeyde dans son nom précolonial) n'est pas "l'un des dix plus hauts sommets d'Europe". Le Teide est l'un des dix plus hauts volcans d'Afrique et l'un des cinquante plus hauts sommets du continent africain avec une proéminence égale ou supérieure à 500 mètres. Considérer cette formation géographique comme « européenne » relève d'un pillage (symbolique) de l'Afrique et est aussi une preuve manifeste de la conception coloniale d'un territoire (les îles Canaries) qui se voit refuser sa propre géographie continentale. Des cartes comme celle-ci, créées par Amar Andalkar, un célèbre grimpeur professionnel, identifient le mont Teide aux côtés de certains de ses "frères" continentaux.
Daniasa M. Curbelo.
Malheureusement, en raison de notre situation coloniale illégale dans les pays membres de la communauté européenne, dont l'Espagne, ils ont volé non seulement notre géographie, mais aussi notre dignité, notre identité, etc. en tant que peuple, entre autres choses importantes. , qui a gravement endommagé le grand extrudeur social de l'Afrique amazighe des Canaries. Avec un syndrome d'une complexité brutale, pour qui la reconquête d'un peuple soumis à la domination, en tous sens dès son plus jeune âge sous un régime d'endoctrinement, n'est pas facile du tout, pour qui il est toujours inquiétant et en même temps un tâche difficile à restaurer, le naturel de la canariedad amazigh africaine.
Pour cette raison, le FLNAC et d'autres personnes individuellement ou collectivement continuent à travailler malgré les entraves, les manipulations, la tentative d'embrouiller l'opinion publique canarienne amazighe, notamment dans de fausses théories, éditoriaux, documentaires, conférences de presse, faux manifestes, groupes supposés et des politiques d'indépendance, etc... qui tendent à créer des messages d'immobilité, à suivre ce déclin colonial européen dans les canaris africains amazighs, pour ce sens notre devoir et nos principes notre feuille de route n'ira jamais dans le mauvais déclin de garder les canaris amazighs faisant partie de l'Europe ou de l'Espagne, les Canaris amazighs doivent être à leur place et continent d'origine, qui est l'Afrique.
Amazigh Canárias África
Não. Teide (ou Echeyde em seu nome pré-colonial) não é "um dos dez picos mais altos da Europa". Teide é um dos dez vulcões mais altos da África e um dos cinquenta picos mais altos do continente africano com proeminência igual ou superior a 500 metros. Considerar esta formação geográfica como “europeia” insere-se num saque (simbólico) de África e é também uma prova inequívoca da concepção colonial de um território (Canárias) a quem é negada a sua própria geografia continental. Mapas como este, criados por Amar Andalkar, um famoso alpinista profissional, identificam o Monte Teide ao lado de alguns de seus "irmãos" continentais.
Daniasa M. Curbelo.
Infelizmente, devido à nossa situação colonial ilegal nos países membros da comunidade europeia, Espanha entre eles, roubaram-nos não só a nossa geografia, mas também a nossa dignidade, identidade, etc... como povo, entre outras coisas importantes. , que prejudicou seriamente o grande extrusor social da Amazigh Ilhas Canárias África. Com uma síndrome de brutal complexidade, para a qual a recuperação de um povo submetido à dominação, em todos os sentidos desde muito cedo em regime de doutrinação, não é nada fácil, para a qual ainda é preocupante e ao mesmo tempo um tarefa difícil de restaurar, a naturalidade da canaridade africana Amazigh.
Por esta razão, a FLNAC e outras pessoas individualmente ou coletivamente continuam a trabalhar apesar dos obstáculos, das manipulações, da tentativa de confundir a opinião pública amazigh das Canárias, especialmente em falsas teorias, editoriais, documentários, conferências de imprensa, falsos manifestos. , supostos grupos e políticas de independência, etc... que tendem a criar mensagens de imobilidade, para acompanhar esse declínio colonial europeu nas Canárias Amazigh Africanas, neste sentido o nosso dever e princípios o nosso roteiro nunca irá no declínio errado de manter as Canárias Amazigh como parte da Europa ou da Espanha, as Canárias Amazigh devem estar em seu lugar e continente de origem, que é a África.
Amazigh Canaries Africa
No. Teide (or Echeyde in its pre-colonial name) is not "one of the ten highest peaks in Europe". Teide is one of the ten highest volcanoes in Africa and one of the fifty highest peaks on the African continent with a prominence equal to or greater than 500 meters. Considering this geographical formation as "European" is part of a (symbolic) looting of Africa and is also clear proof of the colonial conception of a territory (Canary Islands) that is denied its own continental geography. Maps like this one, created by Amar Andalkar, a famous professional climber, pinpoint Teide alongside some of its continental "brothers."
Daniasa M. Curbelo.
Unfortunately, due to our illegal colonial situation in the member countries of the European community, Spain among them, they have stolen not only our geography, but also our dignity, identity, etc... as a people, among other important things. , which has seriously damaged the great social extruder of the Amazigh Canary Islands Africa. With a syndrome of brutal complexity, for which the recovery of a people subjected to domination, in all senses from a very early age under a regime of indoctrination, is not easy at all, for which it is still worrisome and at the same time a task difficult to restore, the naturalness of the African Amazigh canariedad.
For this reason, the FLNAC and other people individually or collectively continue to work despite the obstacles, the manipulations, the attempt to confuse the Amazigh Canarian public opinion, especially in false theories, editorials, documentaries, press conferences, false manifestos. , supposed groups and independence policies, etc... that tend to create messages of immobility, to follow that European colonial decline in the Amazigh African canaries, for this sense our duty and principles our road map will never go in the wrong decline of keep the Amazigh Canaries as part of Europe or Spain, the Amazigh Canaries must be in their place and continent of origin, which is Africa.
ⴽⴰⵏⴰⵔⵉⴰⵙ ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ ⴰⴼⵔⵉⴽⴰ
ⵏⵓ. ⴻⵍ ⵜⴻⵉⴷⴻ (ⵓ ⴻⴽⵀⴻⵢⴷⴻ ⴻⵏ ⵙⵓ ⵏⵓⵎⴱⵔⴻ ⵒⵔⴻⴽⵓⵍⵓⵏⵉⴰⵍ) ⵏⵓ ⴻⵙ "ⵓⵏⵓ ⴷⴻ ⵍⵓⵙ ⴷⵉⴻⵣ ⵒⵉⴽⵓⵙ ⵎⴰⵙ ⴰⵍⵜⵓⵙ ⴷⴻ ⴻⵓⵔⵓⵒⴰ". ⴻⵍ ⵜⴻⵉⴷⴻ ⴻⵙ ⵓⵏⵓ ⴷⴻ ⵍⵓⵙ ⴷⵉⴻⵣ ⴼⵓⵍⴽⴰⵏⴻⵙ ⵎⴰⵙ ⴰⵍⵜⵓⵙ ⴷⴻ ⴰⴼⵔⵉⴽⴰ ⵢ ⵓⵏⵓ ⴷⴻ ⵍⵓⵙ ⴽⵉⵏⴽⵓⴻⵏⵜⴰ ⵒⵉⴽⵓⵙ ⵎⴰⵙ ⴰⵍⵜⵓⵙ ⴷⴻⵍ ⴽⵓⵏⵜⵉⵏⴻⵏⵜⴻ ⴰⴼⵔⵉⴽⴰⵏⵓ ⴽⵓⵏ ⵓⵏⴰ ⵒⵔⵓⵎⵉⵏⴻⵏⴽⵉⴰ ⵉⴳⵓⴰⵍ ⵓ ⵎⴰⵢⵓⵔ ⴰ 500 ⵎⴻⵜⵔⵓⵙ. ⴽⵓⵏⵙⵉⴷⴻⵔⴰⵔ ⴻⵙⵜⴰ ⴼⵓⵔⵎⴰⴽⵉⵓⵏ ⴳⴻⵓⴳⵔⴰⴼⵉⴽⴰ ⴽⵓⵎⵓ "ⴻⵓⵔⵓⵒⴻⴰ" ⴼⵓⵔⵎⴰ ⵒⴰⵔⵜⴻ ⴷⴻ ⵓⵏ ⵙⴰⵇⵓⴻⵓ (ⵙⵉⵎⴱⵓⵍⵉⴽⵓ) ⴰ ⴰⴼⵔⵉⴽⴰ ⵢ ⴰⴷⴻⵎⴰⵙ ⴻⵙ ⵒⵔⵓⴻⴱⴰ ⴻⴼⵉⴷⴻⵏⵜⴻ ⴷⴻ ⵍⴰ ⴽⵓⵏⴽⴻⵒⴽⵉⵓⵏ ⴽⵓⵍⵓⵏⵉⴰⵍ ⴷⴻ ⵓⵏ ⵜⴻⵔⵔⵉⵜⵓⵔⵉⵓ (ⵉⵙⵍⴰⵙ ⴽⴰⵏⴰⵔⵉⴰⵙ) ⴰⵍ ⵇⵓⴻ ⵙⴻ ⵍⴻ ⵏⵉⴻⴳⴰ ⵙⵓ ⵒⵔⵓⵒⵉⴰ ⴳⴻⵓⴳⵔⴰⴼⵉⴰ ⴽⵓⵏⵜⵉⵏⴻⵏⵜⴰⵍ. ⵎⴰⵒⴰⵙ ⴽⵓⵎⵓ ⴻⵙⵜⴻ, ⴽⵔⴻⴰⴷⵓ ⵒⵓⵔ ⴰⵎⴰⵔ ⴰⵏⴷⴰⵍⴽⴰⵔ, ⵓⵏ ⴼⴰⵎⵓⵙⵓ ⴻⵙⴽⴰⵍⴰⴷⵓⵔ ⵒⵔⵓⴼⴻⵙⵉⵓⵏⴰⵍ, ⵓⴱⵉⴽⴰⵏ ⴽⵓⵏ ⴻⵅⴰⴽⵜⵉⵜⵓⴷ ⴰⵍ ⵜⴻⵉⴷⴻ ⵊⵓⵏⵜⵓ ⴰ ⴰⵍⴳⵓⵏⵓⵙ ⴷⴻ ⵙⵓⵙ "ⵀⴻⵔⵎⴰⵏⵓⵙ" ⴽⵓⵏⵜⵉⵏⴻⵏⵜⴰⵍⴻⵙ.
ⴷⴰⵏⵉⴰⵙⴰ ⵎ. ⴽⵓⵔⴱⴻⵍⵓ.
ⵍⴻ ⴷⵓⵢ ⵜⵓⴷⴰ ⵍⴰ ⵔⴰⵣⵓⵏ ⴷⴻⵙⴳⵔⴰⴽⵉⴰⴷⴰⵎⴻⵏⵜⴻ ⵒⵓⵔ ⵏⵓⴻⵙⵜⵔⴰ ⵙⵉⵜⵓⴰⴽⵉⵓⵏ ⵉⵍⴻⴳⴰⵍ ⴽⵓⵍⵓⵏⵉⴰⵍ ⴷⴻ ⵍⵓⵙ ⵒⴰⵉⵙⴻⵙ ⵎⵉⴻⵎⴱⵔⵓⵙ ⴷⴻ ⵍⴰ ⴽⵓⵎⵓⵏⵉⴷⴰⴷ ⴻⵓⵔⵓⵒⴻⴰ ⴻⵏⵜⵔⴻ ⴻⵍⵍⵓⵙ ⴻⵙⵒⴰñⴰ ⵏⵓⵙ ⵀⴰⵏ ⵔⵓⴱⴰⴷⵓ ⵏⵓ ⵙⵓⵍⵓ ⵏⵓⴻⵙⵜⵔⴰ ⴳⴻⵓⴳⵔⴰⴼⵉⴰ, ⵙⵉ ⵏⵓ ⵜⴰⵎⴱⵉⴰⵏ ⵏⵓⴻⵙⵜⵔⴰ ⴷⵉⴳⵏⵉⴷⴰⴷ, ⵉⴷⴻⵏⵜⵉⴷⴰⴷ, ⴻⵜⴽ.... ⴽⵓⵎⵓ ⵒⵓⴻⴱⵍⵓ ⴻⵏⵜⵔⴻ ⵓⵜⵔⴰⵙ ⴽⵓⵙⴰⵙ ⵜⴰⵎⴱⵉⴰⵏ ⵉⵎⵒⵓⵔⵜⴰⵏⵜⴻⵙ, ⵇⵓⴻ ⴰ ⴷⴰñⴰⴷⵓ ⵙⴻⵔⵉⴰⵎⴻⵏⵜⴻ ⵍⴰ ⴳⵔⴰⵏ ⴻⵅⵜⵔⵓⵙⵓⵔⴰ ⵙⵓⴽⵉⴰⵍ ⴽⴰⵏⴰⵔⵉⴰ ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ ⴰⴼⵔⵉⴽⴰ. ⴽⵓⵏ ⵓⵏ ⵙⵉⵏⴷⵔⵓⵎⴻ ⴷⴻ ⴽⵓⵎⵒⵍⴻⵊⵉⴷⴰⴷ ⴱⵔⵓⵜⴰⵍ, ⴰⵍ ⴽⵓⴰⵍ ⵏⵓ ⵒⵓⵏⴻ ⵏⴰⴷⴰ ⴼⴰⴽⵉⵍ ⵍⴰ ⵔⴻⴽⵓⵒⴻⵔⴰⴽⵉⵓⵏ ⴷⴻ ⵓⵏ ⵒⵓⴻⴱⵍⵓ ⵙⵓⵎⴻⵜⵉⴷⵓ ⴰ ⵓⵏⴰ ⴷⵓⵎⵉⵏⴰⴽⵉⵓⵏ, ⴻⵏ ⵜⵓⴷⵓⵙ ⵍⵓⵙ ⵙⴻⵏⵜⵉⴷⵓⵙ ⴷⴻⵙⴷⴻ ⵎⵓⵢ ⵜⴻⵎⵒⵔⴰⵏⴰ ⴻⴷⴰⴷ ⴱⴰⵊⵓ ⵓⵏ ⵔⴰⴳⵉⵎⴻⵏ ⴷⴻ ⴰⴷⵓⴽⵜⵔⵉⵏⴰⵎⵉⴻⵏⵜⵓ, ⴰⵍ ⴽⵓⴰⵍ ⵏⵓ ⴷⴻⵊⴰ ⴷⴻ ⵙⴻⵔ ⵒⵔⴻⵓⴽⵓⵒⴰⵏⵜⴻ ⵢ ⴰⵍ ⵎⵉⵙⵎⵓ ⵜⵉⴻⵎⵒⵓ ⵓⵏⴰ ⵜⴰⵔⴻⴰ ⴷⵉⴼⵉⴽⵉⵍ ⵒⴰⵔⴰ ⵔⴻⵙⵜⴰⴱⵍⴻⴽⴻⵔ, ⵍⴰ ⵏⴰⵜⵓⵔⴰⵍⵉⴷⴰⴷ ⴷⴻ ⵍⴰ ⴽⴰⵏⴰⵔⵉⴻⴷⴰⴷ ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ ⴰⴼⵔⵉⴽⴰⵏⴰ.
ⵒⵓⵔ ⴻⵙⵜⴻ ⵙⴻⵏⵜⵉⴷⵓ ⴻⵍ ⴼⵍⵏⴰⴽ ⵢ ⵓⵜⵔⴰⵙ ⵒⴻⵔⵙⵓⵏⴰⵙ ⴰ ⵜⵉⵜⵓⵍⵓ ⵉⵏⴷⵉⴼⵉⴷⵓⴰⵍ ⵓ ⴽⵓⵍⴻⴽⵜⵉⴼⵓ ⵙⵉⴳⵓⴻⵏ ⵜⵔⴰⴱⴰⵊⴰⵏⴷⵓ ⴰ ⵒⴻⵙⴰⵔ ⴷⴻ ⵍⵓⵙ ⵓⴱⵙⵜⴰⴽⵓⵍⵓⵙ, ⵍⴰⵙ ⵎⴰⵏⵉⵒⵓⵍⴰⴽⵉⵓⵏⴻⵙ, ⴻⵍ ⵉⵏⵜⴻⵏⵜⵓ ⴷⴻ ⴽⵓⵏⴼⵓⵏⴷⵉⵔ ⴰ ⵍⴰ ⵓⵒⵉⵏⵉⵓⵏ ⵒⵓⴱⵍⵉⴽⴰ ⴽⴰⵏⴰⵔⵉⴰ ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ ⵙⵓⴱⵔⴻ ⵜⵓⴷⵓ ⴻⵏ ⴼⴰⵍⵙⴰⵙ ⵜⴻⵓⵔⵉⴰⵙ, ⴻⴷⵉⵜⵓⵔⵉⴰⵍⴻⵙ, ⴷⵓⴽⵓⵎⴻⵏⵜⴰⵍⴻⵙ, ⵔⵓⴻⴷⴰⵙ ⴷⴻ ⵒⵔⴻⵏⵙⴰ, ⴼⴰⵍⵙⵓⵙ ⵎⴰⵏⵉⴼⵉⴻⵙⵜⵓⵙ, ⵙⵓⵒⵓⴻⵙⵜⵓⵙ ⴳⵔⵓⵒⵓⵙ ⵢ ⵒⵓⵍⵉⵜⵉⴽⴰⵙ ⵉⵏⴷⴻⵒⴻⵏⴷⴻⵏⵜⵉⵙⵜⴰⵙ, ⴻⵜⴽ...ⵇⵓⴻ ⵙⵓⴻⵍⴻⵏ ⴽⵔⴻⴰⵔ ⵎⴻⵏⵙⴰⵊⴻⵙ ⴷⴻⵍ ⵉⵏⵎⵓⴼⵉⵍⵉⵙⵎⵓ, ⵒⴰⵔⴰ ⵙⴻⴳⵓⵉⵔ ⴻⵙⴰ ⴷⴻⴽⵍⵉⵏⴰⴽⵉⵓⵏ ⴽⵓⵍⵓⵏⵉⴰⵍ ⴻⵓⵔⵓⵒⴻⴰ ⴻⵏ ⴽⴰⵏⴰⵔⵉⴰⵙ ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ ⴰⴼⵔⵉⴽⴰ , ⵒⵓⵔ ⴻⵙⵜⴻ ⵙⴻⵏⵜⵉⴷⵓ ⵏⵓⴻⵙⵜⵔⵓ ⴷⴻⴼⴻⵔ ⵢ ⵒⵔⵉⵏⴽⵉⵒⵉⵓⵙ ⵏⵓⴻⵙⵜⵔⴰ ⵀⵓⵊⴰ ⴷⴻ ⵔⵓⵜⴰ ⵏⵓ ⴼⴰ ⴰ ⵉⵔ ⵏⵓⵏⴽⴰ ⴻⵏ ⵍⴰ ⴷⴻⴽⵍⵉⵏⴰⴽⵉⵓⵏ ⴻⵔⵔⵓⵏⴻⴰ ⴷⴻ ⵎⴰⵏⵜⴻⵏⴻⵔ ⴰ ⴽⴰⵏⴰⵔⵉⴰⵙ ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ ⴽⵓⵎⵓ ⵒⴰⵔⵜⴻ ⴷⴻ ⴻⵓⵔⵓⵒⴰ ⵏⵉ ⴷⴻ ⴻⵙⵒⴰñⴰ ⴽⴰⵏⴰⵔⵉⴰⵙ ⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖ ⴷⴻⴱⴻ ⴻⵙⵜⴰⵔ ⴻⵏ ⵙⵓ ⵍⵓⴳⴰⵔ ⵢ ⴽⵓⵏⵜⵉⵏⴻⵏⵜⴻ ⴷⴻ ⵓⵔⵉⴳⴻⵏ ⵇⵓⴻ ⴻⵙ ⴰⴼⵔⵉⴽⴰ.
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Sometimes I go a lil overboard—
In order:
Nepeta Leijon headcanons
[ID I guess?: “Gender(s): Nonbinary, transneu, clutterthing, killercatic, gnawstimmic, sillything, genderfluid, girlboything, galesensic, cutecritter/crittercute, catpawic, catgender, autieuria, genderhoarder, autithing, huntix, genderqueer, euphorica, lexicatic, catpunlexic, ᓚᘏᗢgender, :3gender, >:3gender
Pronouns: She/he/they/it/mew/paw/stim/nom/meow/:33/🦷/🧶/🐾/🫙/🫖/🏹/💌/♠️/♣️/♥️/♦️
Disorders/disabilities: Autism, anxiety, PTSD, chronic pain, Tourettes syndrome, epilepsy.” End ID]
Mituna Captor headcanons
[ID: “Gender(s): Transneu, nonbinary, alexigender, genderfluid, autigender, tourettesgender, nolsgender, electrodybstimmic, nemuic, gibberishstimmic, stimmyslimic, repeatstimmic, anxicomfic, brainfogtix, autiviamasc, unretentic, customaidartic
Pronouns: He/she/they/it/ix/xe/stim/tic/slime/gib/ze/ahh/buzz/pup/hype/🧠/⚡️/🐝/🍯/🧃/🖍️/⚠️/
Disorders/disabilities: Autism, ADHD, PTSD, brain damage, psychosis, anxiety, Tourettes, schizotypal personality disorder, dependant personality disorder, visual impairment, auditory processing disorder, hearing impairment, panic disorder, amnesia, PICA, vitiligo, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain, dyspraxia, dyslexia, speech impediment, BPD” End ID]
Psiioniic headcanons
[ID: “Gender(s): Transneu, nonbinary, genderqueer, alexigender, genderfluid, autigender, brainfogtix, unretentic, ADHDgender, sadicutesy, cyberfairy
Pronouns: He/they/it/ze/ix/fog
Disorders/disabilities: Autism, ADHD, C-PTSD, brain damage, anxiety, Tourettes, schizotypal personality disorder, visual impairment, auditory processing disorder, hearing impairment, panic disorder, vitiligo, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain, dyspraxia, dyslexia, speech impediment, schizoaffective disorder (bipolar type)” End ID]
Butters Stotch headcanons
[ID: “Gender(s): Nonbinary, genderqueer, transfemme, demigirl, genderfae, bungender, traumabungender, sanriogender, hellokittygender, autigender, luvlexic, bunfrilled, cutefrilled, buncreation, caelesiyn, hémange, cutebodiment, softbodiment, qplovée, hellokittaidic
Pronouns: She/they/he/bun/soft/lu/🌧️/🫧/🪻/🌸/🌈/☀️/🩰/🧼/🎀/🌀
Disorders/disabilities: Autism, C-PTSD, PTSD, night terrors, dissociative amnesia, dependent personality disorder, delusional disorder, complete blindness in his left eye, Alice in Wonderland syndrome” End ID]
OC shit part one (Daeyon Madoth)
[ID: “Gender(s): Transfemme, nonbinary, ghostgender, oddthing, voidlikebeing, saintancient, beauroseic, holylovia, princglassheartic, feminineancient, ghostwife, nunribbon, nunlexic, saintlexic, nunfrilled, ladylexic, ladyfrilled, alderdoll, cannigirl, rubangel, déchudressé, angerobe, dollgirl, ladysewpée, fraisitôme, laceldritchity, lacegirl, divinelace, rosethornic, angellace, crucifingelic, angelimorvid, creepthedric, holycannibal, desideriumic, angelhealic, darlinglexic, victorianghostic, albengeness, BJdollgoth, nunmonsthingic, gurolocuteic, angelmortuic, angelacedollic, coffinrot, omindoll
Pronouns: She/they/it/xe/frill/lace/doll/sai/odd/gho/nun/cross/cru
Disorders/disabilities: Autism, anxiety, PTSD, blindness in right eye, OCD, psychosis, poliosis, vitiligo” End ID]
Mangle headcanons
[ID: “Gender: Genderfluid, genderqueer, nonbinary, apacute, cutechimeric, xenogender, xenogenderfluid, vulpinegender, amourdeathia, luxteneic, girlboyfrilled, girlboything, dencomfic, genderyes, dogchewic, confettigender, pupgender, vocaloidpupgender, bonesoundic, cutegender, kawaiimetalic, gnawstimmic, ♡gender, 🎟️emojic, cutegender, cutecreature, horrostalgic, sorrothing, nytheriune, ribbcuteic, hypergender, ribbonfrilled, pinkshirofoxic, girlboyfreak, fairytypic, radiostar, dulcreepic, sweetvocaloid, cutething, foxtailstimmic, kidbraclic, strawcherric
Pronouns: She/he/they/it/xe/lobe/brain/fun/chew/gnaw/nom/stati/fuzz/bzz/🎟️/🧠
Disabilities/disorders: Autism, ADHD, BPD, psychosis, schizophrenia, partially blind, PTSD, a slight limp” End ID]
Marionette/Charlie Emily headcanons
[ID: “Gender: Puppetboy, puppetgirl, puppetgothic, adjagirl, creepfrilled, boygirlthing, bigender, libramasc, librafemme, autinfection, darkaveil, sorrothing, holdcomfortic, anxionette, phantasiyn, ghostgender, ghostix, mortugender, girlboyfreak, plushcutorgic, musihomeic, mariongirl, marionboy, naturmusic
Pronouns: She/he/it/they/xe/noir/pierr/mari/strings/frill/🃏/♠️/🗝️/🩹/🎼/🎭/🌧️/🌑/🦷/
Disabilities/disorders: Autism, PTSD, panic disorder, anxiety, depression, paranoid personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, ASPD, BPD” End ID]
Kenny McCormick headcanons
[ID: “Gender(s): Genderfluid, girlboything, princessgender, princessboy, genderfuck, genderpunk, genderqueer, ADHDgender, hypererotigender, transfemme, veriange, scarredangel, genderwinged, wingedthing, etherealbeing, ꒰ঌ☆໒꒱gender
Pronouns: He/she/they/it/xe/ze/angel (but fine with any/all)
Disorders/disabilities: Autism, ADHD, bipolar, C-PTSD, borderline personality disorder, combined generalised and focal photosensitive epilepsy” End ID]
OC shit part two (Faenez Cybive)
[ID: “Gender(s): Girlflux, transfemmeneu, cybertransfemme, cyberfairy, playniteix, fairysoftware, clickclackboardic, gxrlthing, girlrevived, dreadrhopalic, headphojoyic, miswingic, lowpolygender, high-empathix, neonwinged, doomfated, xenohoardcopeic, genderpatched, girlpatched, whitelilyic, digisquidic, fairysoftware, junkvoidgender, techrobai, techrobaibodiment, venturcitydigic
Pronouns: She/zhe/shx/it/ix/xe/ze/ve/cyb/fae/disc/ice/web/robo/bot/CD/www./net/click/clack/cur/key/digi/vir/virus/⏻/❤️‍🔥/🩵/☣️/🌐/🌀/🎶/🪩/🩻/🧬/⛓️/💎/💿/🛸/🎧/🎼/🧊/🪼/🫐/❄️/🫧/🪽/🦋/👤/🫂/🦷/🫁/⌨️” End ID]
Bobby Worst headcanons
[ID: “Gender(s): Nonbinary, genderqueer, genderfuck, genderpunk, xenogender, evilgender, malulovegender, antagogender, villainaesic, villaithing, chaoticevilgender, villaingender, evilhoard, oddthing, lovefreak, bloodcovic, bombatomic, toxicgasic, ☣️emojic, 🛢️emojic, ⛓️emojic, 🧪emojic, ❤️‍🔥emojic, 🦝🗑️emojic, peacockmasc, sairuine
Pronouns: He/it/she/fuck/evil/vile/thorn/chaos/tox/bomb/freak/blood/devil/☣️/❤️‍🔥/🗑️/🛒/🧪/🦠/🩻/🚬/💣/⛓️/🛢️/🫙/💥/🔥/☄️/🪲/🪰/🪳/🦇/🫀/🦷/🫁/🎸
Disorders/disabilities: Autism, ADHD, anxiety, C-PTSD, histrionic personality disorder, BPD” End ID]
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