#non lu
wayfayrr · 8 months
Its ok, just take care of yourself darlin'
Also ditto to everything Fungi said cause it's true and they wrote it better than I ever could.
I send you lots of virtual hugs 💕
Thank you 🖤 The support from everyone so far has been really heartwarming so far, more than I would have ever have expected, so thank you really
I also really appreciate the virtual hugs as well <33
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“the point of kintsugi is to treat broken pieces and their repair as part of the history of an object”
David Mitchell // Hanif Abdurraqib // photo by @lakevida // @ashstfu // tiktok comment by @/muddafrigga // Miranda July // Pete Wentz // @jovialtorchlight // caption from Penny Reid [x]
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linderosse · 6 months
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She can relate 🥰
A followup to this TotK Zelda sketch.
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(Info: [SS] Sun gave up her consciousness for multiple millenia to recharge Demise’s seal. [TotK] Flora gave up her consciousness for multiple millennia to recharge the Master Sword.)
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kikker-oma · 2 months
Fan Joy July!
Coined by the sweet @isasan347 , Fan Joy July is an art challenge I've created for myself!
I will be drawing one piece of colored fan art every single day of July that corresponds to a scene in various Linked Universe Fanfics.
This challenge is meant to push myself to draw daily, give back to writers who make this fandom so much fun, and give others a chance to read something new they may enjoy 😄
I will be choosing some fics myself that I've read and enjoy, but I would love if others recommended their favorite LU fic. This way I can pick one LU fan fiction to draw for all 31 days. Feel free to self promote as well!
To recommend me a fic, please comment or reblog this post with the link so that I can see it easier. Please avoid sending asks if you can, just because I tend to get overwhelmed when my inbox gets full 🥴🥲 hehe
I'll be taking recommendations from April 11-30. After that I'm going to start drawing so that I can be ready to post in July! ( This is gonna take me a while so I need all the prep time I can get haha).
**I'm not asking anyone else to do this challenge, but I would ADORE if anyone wanted to join me! Even if it isn't for the whole month. **(I can be your excuse if you've ever wanted to draw for a writer but were too shy hehe)
I've also seen one or two writers interested in how they could participate. I think that maybe if there is an artist you enjoy you could write something for a drawing they've done? I know there are a ton of very talented LU artists in the fandom, so that could be a good challenge for writers 😀
--- General Notes:
Please note that I will only be doing 31 drawings and a recommendation does not guarantee I will draw for it ( I love you all, but I can only do so much)
I will be tagging my challenge as "FanJoyJuly" and will try my best to note posts appropriately
I will be tagging writers (if they have a Tumblr and I can find it)
I will be linking the story for each day in the post
I will not be releasing which stories I'm drawing for until I post them (for the DRAMA😉)
As we get closer to July, I'll create a master post and update it with each post I make in case people are interested in following along ❤️
Thank you all for the initial feedback for this idea, and I'm excited to get started!
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mythsee · 10 months
I feel like Four would go : I only have known the colors (the 3 little shrimp that bite ppl) for a day and a half but if anything happen to them I'll kill everyone in this room and then myself.
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Four would get attached cuz he’s found someone who splits like him but would also feel like an older brother/dad to them because they’re causing all sorts of trouble and he’s the one getting them out of it
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well-fuuuck · 9 months
weird mood boards that probably make no sense to anyone but me
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starrywangxian · 9 days
when i first joined the link click fandom (which was like a week ago - hello) i was confused why there was a "shiguang" tag bc that's just the first word of the chinese name for it 时光 which means time (i'm a noob at mandarin - i'm only hsk 1 bare with me T^T) but then i found out it was cheng xiaoshi and lu guang's ship name (i saw someone call it their yaoi tag which i personally love)
which is another thing bc cxs's name in characters is 程小时。程 is just his surname (which sure will have a meaning - my surname has a meaning even - but as it's just his surname so i'm going to ignore it), 小 means small and together with 时 means hour (时 is linked to time so literally small time i guess?)
and you'll never guess what i'm about to say now (/s) bc lg's name in characters is 陆光。someone who's better at chinese than me can say what it means with certainty but my chinese dictionary tells me that 光 means light (like 太阳光 which means sunlight) as an a noun and "all gone", "used up" and "nothing left" as a verb... (also bright as an adjective - 光闪闪 means shiny or gleaming) and may i just remind you that season 1 episode 11 is called 帶着光的人 (the episode was called pinnacle of light in english)!!!
now this is where i'm 100% letting the chinese-speaking community come for me bc i'm being a little silly but if you put their names together (we get time literally: 时光) but if 时 refers to time and 光 refers to things being "all gone" or "used up" etc. then time is all gone...
edit: i was corrected! (rightly so lmao)
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cremechees · 10 months
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hongcliff yuri coffee date thank u goodbye
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liccy · 10 months
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While fighting Talus for gems in TotK, I wondered if Ryouga's Breaking point technique would be effective on them? Talus are solid rock... But also considered "living beings"... At least by Kilton.
Also Ryouga lies. Pebblits are indeed VERY cute. Even when they go "boom!"
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pluviatrix · 1 year
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cleaned up that warriors xo + insets cuz i liked his lines
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brie-draws · 11 months
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A continuation of my little Sanrio x Limbus Company idea... But this time, it's with the sinners!
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xinyuehui · 2 years
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Link Click ~Post Meridiem~ Offline Cafe
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✧ Please do not repost ty ✧
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300iqprower · 2 months
Honestly, your criticism of Barghest feels rooted in gender-essentialism. Muscles=masculine. Muscles can be feminine too.
That...was literally the point I was making. My point was that FGO's constant gender-essentialism means it feels a need to apologize for making a remotely buff female character by constantly emphasizing her femininity (she wants a lover, she like cooking, she's constantly drawn in aprons and blushing timidly, everything about her second ascension exists and her third ascension is more focused on making her sexy than making her intimidating, etc) and explicitly doing so in a way that portrays her muscles as something monstrous to be ashamed of.
This is most of the official in game art for the "first real buff woman" in fgo. I think it's self demonstrating.
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And while you can argue that, yes, just because a woman has muscles doesn't mean she can't have feminine interests and/or aesthetics, it IS an issue when the piece of media the character is from ONLY has those kinds of female characters to begin with. You can't have "a bit of column A and a bit of column B" if you never even set up column B in the first place.
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this was much funnier in my head
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wutheringmights · 24 days
Do you have any thoughts on how "everything was fine" au time, spirit, and warriors would react if they somehow met their ctb canon selves?
Everything In the Past Was Happy AU, how I missed you! This is honestly such a good question. I love thinking about characters meeting alternate versions of themselves, especially when their fates are so wildly different.
For clarity's sake, classic CTB brothers are going to be referred to as Warriors, Spirit, and Time. Everything In the Past Was Happy AU will be referred to by the captain, engineer, and child.
I think the captain would be very disappointed to see how far he's capable of falling. While the captain never got as bad as Warriors did, he also never really learned his lesson. He definitely admires Warriors for all the ways he's trying to shape his life into something better, but it's marred by disappointment that he's turned out so pathetic.
Warriors would think the captain was his nightmare brought to life. He would hate the captain on sight and would call him out on so much of his bullshit. But still, everything worked out for him. He got to save the day without fucking up his relationships with Spirit and Time. Warriors would be unspeakably jealous.
The child (who despite the title would be a full blown adult in this scenario) and Time would have the least number of differences between them. Time would have had a rough childhood whether or not everything fell apart during the war. Looking at them straight on, you would think they are exactly the same. They would even think they are the same.
But there's subtle differences that they only realize in each other after a while. Time is very secretive and purposefully keeps himself isolated from others. The child is warmer and tends to lean on others far more. Time has a helplessness streak he can't quite get rid of. The child is more stable. They would be more confused by their slight differences than disturbed
The engineer... oh boy. So in the Everything In the Past Was Happy AU, the engineer and the captain stay on good and close terms throughout the war. But that resulted in the engineer being the captain's outsourced moral compass. The engineer knows the captain is kinda a piece of shit, but he accepts that in part because he knows the captain wouldn't do that shit to him.
So here's a version of himself who lost that bet. The engineer isn't as shocked by that as you would think. The captain betraying him is disturbing, but not unthinkable. Again, it was always a possibility. But what does shake him is how bitter and angry Spirit is, and how Spirit has become the worse version of himself. The engineer is very comfortable believing he has a strict moral code, so to see any version of himself stoop to Warriors's low... that's rough.
Meanwhile, Spirit would be pissed off. In his mind, the engineer is the worst version of him. What do you mean you're his best friend? What do you mean that you let him get away with doing any of that bullshit on anyone?
So they hate each other.
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emissary-of-the-moon · 5 months
Warriors would hear a coyote for the first time visiting Time, Twilight, or Legend/Four/Wind, and think the world is going to end.
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