#non mcyt g/t
kayla-crazy-stuffs · 9 months
Guess who's birthday is today?? :D
I'm already 20 :']
Me with my oc's who made me a cake :D
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
ok ok I know this isn’t really that good of a title but I’m very bad at coming up with them and I’m kinda proud of this one—
Somewhere in the deep blue sea there will be a place for me
Of course you can shorten it, change it around, play with it a bit etc. but I’m proud of the premise
i'm 88% sure i am allowed to answer this as a fake fic and not just 'ooh' and 'ahh' at it. sorry if that was your intention 👉👈🙏
also getting an idea in the middle of a lake is really annoying because for 4 hours all i wanted to do was write, but, alas, i could not, for i would have crashed into a rock. SO.
somewhere in the deep blue sea, there will be a place for me
wilbur knew that mers liked to trade. generally, (mainly the larger species'), they'd be hostile until offered a gift, and they'd stop trying to bite your head off. so, whenever he went to the ocean or the rivers to try and spot one, (and if he could, have it spot him), he brought gifts. jewelry, stuff from the human world, food, clothes, all kinds of stuff. and in return, they'd answer the questions wilbur had for his studies. one day, while he was trudging along the beach by his home, collecting shells and keeping a keen eye out for nearby mers, he spotted one. a small one. the oddity was rare enough, and this time it was only less of a lucky find, as it wasn't splashing in the water like they normally did; it was dried up on a rock, their tail barely twitching as they dried out in the sun half-dead, cuts and bruises littered across their skin. wilbur, of course, acts instantly and helps the red-tailed mer back into the water as gently as he could, keeping an eye out for nearby pod members of the mer's. when his efforts were a deemed a lost cause, wilbur left the mer against the rocks and ran off to get a first aid kit. without any proper help, and with the spare time he'd accumulated now that this mer appeared abandoned for the time being, he decided it'd be worth it to patch them up. he does just that, and by the time the tiny mer has stirred, he's already on the path back to health. with a little bit of gained trust on tommy's, (the mer), end, wilbur helps him find where his pod normally hung around by wading through the water next to him to make sure he didn't topple over. now, what he did expect, was for tiny pod embers to thank him and take tommy, then wilbur would go back to his daily life with maybe an occasional interview from tommy or his pod members. what he did not expect, however, was for tommy's pod to be giant, and not only that, but the rulers of an underwater kingdom. and that discovery was only made as he was dragged deeper and deeper into the water, his breath held while he struggled profusely to try as a mer dragged him to a supposed prison. so much for a thank you.
ee the "place for me" for NOW is his prison cell. but eventually it will be found family. ANYWAY, this is NOT a fake fic, so WELCOME THE NEW MER AU TO THE AU FAMILY !!! questions? maybe? pspsp?
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x-pair-o-dice-x · 1 year
oh, yeah– while i was looking for wips for the ask game,,, i came across this doc i hadn't touched since december?? and it had a g/t fic idea i presumably wrote down so i wouldn't forget it,,,, which was a good idea bc i then proceeded to forget it for the next six-to-seven months.
first off– of course it's an allium duo fic. i shouldn't have expected anything else.
(it doesn't mention ranboo outright, but it's safe to assume that's who the giant is. mostly bc this doc was titled outright g/t allium duo mer mini fic. straight to the point, i like it.)
second off. man. if i wasn't swamped with countless other wips rn(both g/t and not), i would so wanna work on this.
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nox-box-corner · 2 years
Hey! So this isn't part 4 of The Neighborhood Cryptid but its a bunch of drawings I did!
warning!: some contain blood/gore themes
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Everyone as an animal! Except phil he is a crow man
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Phil hears laughing and go's to check but he's not surprised when he finds his kids(and cryptid-) all in the hall way. In other words tommy is in a new timeout as philza rethinks his life
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WHATS THIS? A NEW AU!?!? yep! This is going to be a new Au but you only get this as a treat :>
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Warrior cat oc's-
Warning!: beyond this is drawings of blood/gore
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Got bored drew this, it's based off of a reall pair of horns I own(goat horns I think?-)
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Weirdcore oc's
Grey-ish one in a mushroom hat is Wendell
The black and orange one is Sir Famine
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A creepy cat oc! He eats bones I named him Crawly
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colossal-red · 2 years
TinyHunt Chapter Four Extermination pt.1
Tw: Major angst, mentioned torture (none shown), near major character death. WC: 2708
“So, can any of you pitiful creatures tell me what you know about a borrower named Dream?” Purpled stared up at the might of the man who they all called The Warden, he didn’t think he could’ve been more scared than he had been for the past month. Of course Purpled knew Dream, but that didn’t mean he would give him up. Dream was the only borrower who could match Technoblade in skill. He turned his head away from The Warden in defiance, but he could barely keep himself from shaking as The Warden’s eyes landed on his tiny form. Damnit, it’s almost like he has a sixth sense on information or something. “So you won’t talk, will I have to get The Magnifying Glass again?”
All of the borrowers on display were shaking after that mention. (Purpled has counted 11 borrowers total other than him.) Aw man, what would Dream do? Well, he probably wouldn’t have gotten caught at all. Dream who was his friend, Dream who was the only borrower who could match Technoblade in skill. Dream who would’ve done more for them instead of the Captain.
Dream, who was now in grave danger. The Warden had grabbed the Spiked Magnifying Glass, (why the spikes? Well let’s just say it counts as a Multi-tool now.) and drew the blinds. “I would say I’m sorry, but that’d require me to feel bad about your puny existence.” He monologues as he positioned the magnifying glass in the correct position, causing a beam of light to be reflected in the direction of the display.
The Laser danced around the jars just barely missing the borrowers. A few of them had to duck and move around to avoid it, Purpled looked over to the few borrowers he recognized, Tap-L, Fruitberries, and the thirteenth empty jar of their professor FuntimeMoth. No one knows exactly how they escaped, but they could only pray that they were getting help. The two of them had their Jaws set as they looked back to Purpled. He knew that they wouldn’t give up Dream, so he wouldn’t either. The longer they stayed quiet, the closer the beam of light got, Purpled prepared himself for the pain as the light beam finally hit the side of his face…
10 Minutes later…
Sam was, disappointed at the borrowers lack of cooperation. These creatures were stubborn and needed to be put in their proper place, underneath humanity. He had enjoyed the torture that he put them through, made him feel, in control. He still remembers the time when he punished the borrower friend his younger brother Ponk had made. It still made him smile thinking about it. He didn’t enjoy however, the way his brother looked at him after that.
He wasn’t doing anything wrong, he just needed to inform his brother on how pathetic these creatures are. Serves him right for making a borrower friend in the house of an Exterminator. But none of those family thoughts today, it was time for him to help his friends. He pulled up into their driveway with his extermination van, and got out.
He took a brief moment to examine his arsenal and took out his electric baton. It had these little sparking things on the end that would electrocute the air around it. He went to the front door and knocked. Badboyhalo, Sapnap’s dad, answered the door. He was smiling when he opened it, but it fell immediately when he saw it was Sam. “Oh, hi Sam.” He responded a little, despondent for some reason.
Dream was curious as to who this new guy was, Callahan didn’t accompany him to check out this time claiming that four humans was too dangerous and that leaving soon would be advised. Dream didn’t agree, needless to say. But he did have to admit, he felt tense at the sight of this human with the gas mask and long black stick. “Why don’t you, come in?” Bad asked the man, who was apparently named Sam. “Sapnap hired me here to assist in his borrower problem?” Sam proclaimed, hired? What was he, an Exterminator? Okay, maybe Callahan wasn’t that wrong. Also, HOW DID HE KNOW THEIR SPECIES NAME.
“Borrower? Don’t you mean Tiny?” Bad questioned, good, Dream was gonna get an answer. “Tiny is merely the unofficial name for these small creatures, but the government has deemed them as Borrowers for the official name.” Sam responded very official like. “Oh.” “Oh is right Mr. Halo, now May I please start my work? I’d recommend finding something to do outside the house, is Sapnap or George here?” He finished.
“No, Sapnap’s out with his boyfriend, and George is taking Antfrost out for a walk on the town.” “Ah, so Sapnap’s still seeing that Joker?” “Quackity isn’t that bad.”Bad responded defensively. “Whatever you say Mr. Halo. Please inform the other two that I am starting here and to extend their time outside.” Bad left after that, leaving Dream, Callahan, and Sam here alone.
“Alright Dream, I can see you up there. My gas mask detects heat signatures in the goggles, so I suggest you speak up and surrender to me.” Surrender? As if. “Heh, seems like you’re less of a Buffoon than the others. Well you won’t catch me Sam.” Dream proclaimed stepping out from his normal spot behind the photograph. Sam’s gaze locked onto his form instantly scowling. “You will address me as The Warden.” Sam started,
“And once I catch you I will teach you some respect.” “Over my dead body.” Dream growled back, who did this guy think he is? Dream was just about to leap off the edge when he heard a voice, (Author Note: imagine the voice being similar to Tails from Sonic, the movie.) “Dream, WAIT!” Came Callahan’s voice from the vent next to Dream, it was rather quiet and hoarse from disuse. Dream immediately stepped away and into the vent, if Callahan was talking then something was seriously wrong.
“Callahan, what’s wrong?” Dream asked frantically as he noticed Callahan having a panic attack while staring at Sam’s cold eyes. “Callahan, look at me, Breathe. Just breathe.” Callahan calmed down once he turned his gaze to Dream. “Now, do you want to talk about what’s wro-“ Dream was cut off by a sharp electrical zap that echoed through the Metal vents. Callahan instantly went slack and collapsed,
“CALLAHAN! Wake up!” Dream had never been more thankful for insulating his hoodie and boots. “Oh, so you’re still alive? Clever of you to insulate your outfit, but I’ll get you!” Dream thought through everything that he could do at this moment. His outfit had survived one zap, but couldn’t survive another. He couldn’t charge out at Sam, even though he didn’t want to admit it, he would probably die if he tried. The situation seemed hopeless, then Callahan woke up and gasped air into his lungs.
“Dream, there is something else I need to tell you.” Callahan started whispering due to his injury. Dream listened waiting for as long as he could. Then whispering into his ear, “You’ll have to go without me, I’d only slow you down. I’ll be fine, he probably won’t kill me. Goodbye Dream, and, you’ll have to make friends with your previous enemies if you hope to defeat The Warden.” Callahan finished crawling over to the vent entrance. “No, Callahan…” “GO.” Callahan shouted back as he exited the vent and fell into The Warden’s grasp.
Then, Dream ran. He managed to get out of the vents and hid in the backyard. He hear Sam searching around the house, looking for him. Eventually he left and George, Sapnap and Bad came back. Oh and Antfrost too. He thought over Callahan’s last words to him, no not last words, he was going to get him back. He sped ran over to George’s room, who he’s known the longest. He emerged into the shelf where he hid George’s glasses, his first prank on him. “Hey George…”
George immediately tensed up at Dream’s voice. He had been doing a bit of thinking on his walk with Ant, and thought about the Exterminator that was coming, that was there at that moment. And realized something. He didn’t want Dream to die anymore, after Sapnap called the exterminator, he and Dream talked normally for a bit. Mainly him asking questions about what Dream’s life was like. Dream had teased him quite a bit, But George found that he actually liked Dream.
At least when he wasn’t messing with him. So this was it, the moment where he could bury the hatchet, but not into anybody’s back. “Dream, I was wondering if-“ But Dream cut him off, “Listen George, I’d like to apologize to you, for being such a dickhead.” Dream started, “And that if you’re up to it, maybe we could be friends?” George was surprised by this, he hadn’t expected Dream to actually want to be friends.
“Yeah of course, I was planning on asking you basically the same thing.” George responded. “I thought it over, and you’re actually a cool dude.” Dream smiled a bit at this, and it was genuine smile, not one born out of delight for a humans torment. “Good, because I need your help.” George looked up to him, “What do you need?” “Well I’ll need all three of you.” After that George went and got Bad and Sapnap into the Living Room. “Ok, so let me fill you in.” He started,
Dream swung down onto the coffee table next to George. Instantly Sapnap leapt up from his seat, but George stopped him. “George? What are you doing? He’s right there!” Sapnap pointed at the small man on the table. “Sorry Sap, me and him have worked out.. and arrangement.” “What!” Sapnap exclaimed, “Sap please sit down and let’s hear him out.” Bad gestured for his son to sit. He did rather begrudgingly.
“Ok, so the long story short, Dream’s friend Callahan was captured by Sam-“ George informed them, but was stopped by Bad. “Wait! Callahan was captured!” Bad exclaimed suddenly a lot angrier. “Wait you knew Callahan?” George asked confused. Suddenly all three eyes were in Bad who was a bit flustered. “Yeah, we’ve been talking for a bit, he didn’t want to tell Dream due to his feelings towards humans…” Bad mumbled to the three muffins in front of him, “Don’t worry it’s fine Bad, all that matters is we go save him.” Dream told Bad.
Meanwhile Sapnap was looking at the two of them as if they were insane. “First Quackity, now you two?” He mumbled under his breath. “But why should we help you!” The potato asked Dream angrily, “You tormented us for a long time!” Sap finished. “Because, I apologize for what I did, and I can only hope that your friend and dad’s willingness to help me will sway your decision.”
Sapnap, understandably, thought they were insane. But after meeting Karl, maybe it would be alright for tinies to be, more than just pests. He thought about how Quackity had talked about learning how to use a taser, that seemed like it’d be useful if he wanted to get him to help them.
Sapnap groaned, but he agreed. “Alright, now if we could just find at least one of my borrower friends to help me…” Bad jumped in, “How about Skeppy? Would he be good to have help?” Dream stared at Bad like suddenly he sprouted Devil horns and a halo emerged from his head. “You know Skeppy too?” “Yeah, he pranked me for a while, until he fell and hurt himself and I helped him! It’s part of the reason why I tried to be nice to you.” Dream blinked a few times, “Okay then, here’s the plan…”
Illumina was awaiting orders. “Captain, are we going to head out soon?” He asked the headmaster of The Arctic Academy. Their professor and inventor Funtime Moth had come back a day ago to deliver news of an Exterminator who had 12 borrowers hostage in his office. “Yes, this is the start of our Rebellion,” Captain Sparklez started as he and the team of borrowers got ready to ride birds to the Exterminator’s office and hopefully kill him. He held up a paper depicting what the Exterminator looked like, and blasted it to pieces with his magical hands.
It was very cool to know that some borrowers possessed magic like that. “Well then, are you with me!” He shouted to team of borrowers who were there. (Beckyu, Illumina, FuntimeMoth, Thea non, and Smajor. Not a lot, but it should be enough.) “Then let’s go!” He finished as they climbed aboard the trained birds on the windowsill and left for the Exterminator’s.
Purpled was clutching his arm, willing it to heal alongside his face as The Warden stepped into the room. With a new borrower in a jar. Aw great, another one caught. He stuffed the new borrower on the shelf with the rest and took a moment to sit in his chair, his hand on his forehead. Purpled’s Jar wasn’t with the rest, but was instead abandoned near the sink. On the other side of the room. That was when he noticed a small team of borrowers infiltrate through the vent.
He silently cheered as he saw them, FuntimeMoth among them. The others couldn’t see them, and he realized that he’d have to provide a distraction. “So Ugly, what’s wrong with you?!” He yelled up to The Warden. The Warden instantly tensed up his veins popping out of his neck and forehead. “It is not wise to antagonize me at the moment you pathetic creature.” During this the team of borrowers was breaking the others free, with some form of magic?
Dream spotted The Warden through a window whilst sneaking by with Skeppy. “Alright Skeppy, let’s try to…” that was when Dream spotted Purpled on the sink. His eyes widened, “It’s Purpled! I can’t believe it… We definitely gotta save them.” Dream overlooked the situation, and noticed how methodical The Warden’s movements were,
and noticed a button that he appeared to be edging towards. That was when he noticed that someone was already there helping break out the captive borrowers. He spied a man in a ninja outfit. Illumina, of course. Back in school he always tried to show Dream up as the better borrower, but that didn’t matter now, what mattered was that he believed that they were all walking into a trap.
Sam wasn’t an idiot. He would never let a borrower escape his prison, he did it in the hopes of luring more borrowers there, and judging by the sensor going off in the display, it had worked. (Yes he had a load of technological things in his mask, his mask was inspired heavily by Iron Man.) He was nearing the button to close the display wall and trap all of them inside, when Dream rushed him.
This pesky borrower, he wouldn’t be beat by an inferior! He ducked and Dream’s needle just barely missed, he reached for the purple borrower and held the jar up ready to smash it. “Not a swing closer!” He shouted out to all the borrowers in the room. “If any of you move I will shatter this jar with the scum inside.” He proclaimed. One of the borrowers inside the display who had come to break them out seemed to glow slightly. Sam would have a fun time experimenting on him. Then suddenly the door burst open.
Sapnap was thankful for the fact that Quackity had acquired the right to wield a taser. The group of four and Quackity’s new borrower friend Karl burst into the room. “Get away from them!” Sap yelled as Quackity tased Sam. He fell to the floor unconscious, then the room started filling with a strange gas. “Uh oh, Love? I don’t think that’s good…” Quackity informed Sap. “Okay we gotta get out of here-“ But he was cut off by something hitting his side, he turned and saw that Bad, George, and Quackity also felt it. He felt tired, and fell to the floor…
As he fell into Darkness, he could’ve sworn he heard Dream and Skeppy’s voices yelling their names…
@baka-monarch @eiscreme135 @funtimemoth @squishys-soft-stories
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cr0g-0 · 1 year
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
I’m always mean to my readers but i think it was probably in the prank au-
I really like the prank au’s ability for me to be normally angsty and for me I think that was by switching povs and the reactions being similar and oppsite in the first part? Not sure lol
Upon a search through my docs none of my fics are very funny or fluffy and if they are they havent been published/are not g/t but I’m willing to give you a snippet(or two) and context for something I found funny-
Alright so
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First up are two screenshots from the first two chapters of my Fic Royal Exile! It’s Tallduo focused and while I’ve yet to work on it in a while I might do it again! A running gag is that Ranboo, a kid from the End Colonies and now a butler for the prince, is constantly called not his name. This happesn the whole time and its fun because he corrects them all and only one person does it-
Second up
Snake surprise part 4-5??? Its been awhile lmao-
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Tommy politely: Hello
I found this interaction hilarious to write because while its short its also funny-
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Who is your favorite youtuber that is apart of the dream smp? I've watched a bunch of Tommy's modded minecraft videos with his friends which i think are prettt funny lol
There's no singular favorite, they're always in groups- My favorites are SBI!!:D Tommy is the one I watch the most, but recently I've been rewatching a bunch of Techno's stuff :))
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munchkin1156 · 10 months
I have fallen (but have faith, for I shall rise once more)
. . .
Borrower Techno with rest of sbi as god's? More likely than you think :D
2.2k words for part one, definitely going to make a part two because I'm not about to LEAVE y'all on a cliffhanger like that.
(Cw: Blood, injuries, mention of death (non happens) swearing, angst, accidental fearplay and Techno passes out due to blood loss.)
Hope you enjoy my (technically) first addition to the mcyt g/t community from my user!
. . .
Technoblade wasn’t like other borrowers.
Other borrowers didn’t have voices in their heads, who screamed at him for blood, grew emotionally attached to the most random things, or know things that helped him evade capture multiple times.
Other borrowers didn’t have memories that never existed, searing into his brain at moments when he loses themselves, of friendships with beings of power, of him being a being of power, of falling from the clouds for a crime he did not do.
When his sword is stained red from those who wronged him, then in his head it rings. When the voices, or as he called them, Chat, started chanting. It never made sense, what they chanted.
Blood for the blood god
And it scared him, not knowing what it meant. But he couldn’t dwell on it now, just like he couldn’t dwell on it yesterday. He was a borrower, and that meant he needed to borrow.
Techno stepped outside of the comfort that was the shelter that he had been using for the past week. Being a wandering borrower, he didn’t have a home, exactly. He wandered from place to place, travelling lightly and swiftly, being able to escape at a moment's notice.
He had bases in some places, so he could restock and rest for a bit, but he was exploring a new area and that came with the consequence of not knowing where safety lay, so if a bean were to see him, he might not be able to get out of there fast enough.
But it wouldn’t come to that. Techno was an amazing borrower, and his motto was literally ‘Technoblade never dies’. He started walking through the long grass, humming to himself. He wouldn’t get caught, he was certain of it.
So why did he feel so uneasy?
. . .
“Hey- Hey! Stop it!” He whispered, whipping his sword out as an act of defence. The crow squawked defiantly but didn’t stop trying to pick him up with its beak.
Techno groaned. Crows were always nice to him, and they were one of the few things that gave him those memories other than blood. 
Memories of black wings surrounding him, feeling safety and warmth, and when he looked into those eyes-
Other things that did this were music, especially guitars or discs, the colour red, and that one statue. It had been in some rich fucker’s garden, and from what he had overheard the people in it were gods, whatever that was.
Their names, according to the beans he had been eavesdropping on, were Philza, Angel of Death, a golden blonde man with large black crow wings, a fatherly expression on his face as he stared at Soot, the god of music and chaos, a brunette who was laughing and ruffling the hair of Innit, god of discs and the wilderness.
And, standing a little bit away from the others, was a statue with its head gone. According to one of the beans, it was because they had been banished from the kingdom above, for a crime so terrible, and therefore been erased from history.
He also heard them say that it turned out to be an accident, that DreamXD, had framed him. But by that time it was discovered, it was too late, and he had been cast down, though it is said those three gods still search for him, in the hopes that they could bring him back.
They said his name was Blade, the god of war and blood. And that’s how he got his name. 
And, another funny thing is, no matter how hard he sees those gods as Philza, Soot, and Innit, like the man described, some hidden part of his mind changes that to Phil, Wilbur, and Tommy. But that was beside the point.
The point was, that no matter how nice the crows were to him, they kept trying to take him somewhere.
Usually, they’d stop if he complained or shouted, or drew his sword (never intending to kill, just to scare them off) and they’d stop. But this one was even more persistent, and Techno realised now that he’d either have to fight it (something he would like to avoid if possible, he liked crows and they sometimes brought him gifts) or run.
He chose the latter, dashing to the side the moment the crow grabbed him. It squawked in outrage and Techno realised that it couldn’t chase after him on foot, with its legs like sticks. Birds were meant to fly, not walk.
‘Looks like I win this time, eh?’
He thinks, grinning to himself. The crow that he escaped from cawed loudly, and he only had a split second to wonder what that could mean before another crow SWOOPS down out of nowhere and yoinks (he’s not even sure what that word means but it seems about right for this situation) him up in its claws.
He had jinxed it. Techno didn’t believe in superstition, but he was certain that was what had happened.
The pinkette struggled in the crow's grasp, desperate to get free before it took him to… Well, wherever it was taking him. But it was no use. He wondered why it was so determined to bring him wherever it was going. Techno supposed he’d find out, soon enough.
Eventually, after a few minutes of flying, the borrower noticed something very, very strange. The crow was taking him up. And by that, he meant really, really high up. The world below was barely visible, as they went higher and higher, through the clouds.
And once they came out of the clouds, Techno couldn’t believe his eyes.
“The kingdom above… Fucking hell it’s real…”
He muttered to himself in awe. It was made out of pristine white shining material that might’ve been made out of the clouds themselves, with magical glowing lanterns floating in the air.
Techno’s first thought was that it belonged to the ruler of this kingdom, or at least some kind of person in power, I mean it was so fine and well-kept that it had to be, right? Wrong.
On closer inspection, he realised that the people walking down below were… Normal. This was a normal town here, and these were normal civilians.
The crow flew past it though, taking Techno with it. Its wingbeats never slowed, and it showed no sign of tiredness. This was no ordinary crow, he was sure of it.
And this was no ordinary place. Chat had stopped talking altogether, and his mind felt as if it was his own, at last. It was as if someone wanted him to be peaceful, but that was silly since he was literally getting kidnapped by a bird.
What a great day Techno was having, right?
Aaaaand now the crow was flying down, towards three people that looked awfully familiar, but he just couldn’t put his finger on it and then-
Oh fuck that’s Philza, Soot and Innit. He’d recognize them anywhere, after the incident with the statue. Oh, he’s fucked. He��s going to die, oh stars he needs to get out of this mess-
‘But aren’t the gods his family?’
He brushed that thought off with a shudder. Why on earth did he keep thinking stuff like that!? It didn’t make any sense, and you better believe that he was gonna get to the bottom of this.
Not today though. He was about to get caught by some of the most powerful beings in the entire universe, and he’d actually rather not. He valued his life, after all. So he did what any self-respecting borrower would do and fucking stab the bird.
Techno hadn’t particularly wanted to stab the crow. As he might’ve mentioned before, he liked crows. There just hadn’t been another choice. 
And it had worked.
The crow dropped him with a screech, alerting the three gods immediately. Their gazes fell on the bleeding crow who flew over to them with a lot of effort and landed on Philza’s outstretched arm. It healed almost instantly.
But the pinkette didn’t know any of this, because he happened to be falling when that situation had played out. And when Techno hit the ground, he felt his body scream out in pain and his head ring in agony.
The world around him felt loud and blurry. His head seemed to be sticky with what he could only assume was blood. He forced himself to stand, he needed to get out of here, needed to be safe-
Chat was back now,  just as incoherent and jumbled as his thoughts, and from what he managed to make out, delusional. They kept saying something about… Dadza? Who the hell was- Oh. Wait what!?
So Chat was no help. 
Techno winced. He couldn’t think, everything was just so loud and it hurt so damn much and he couldn’t understand and oh fuck did one of the Gods? beans just spot him and oh no they’re all walking towards him now.
The borrower’s eyes widen, and he couldn’t help but shrink back as the three gods towered over him, eyeing him over with such a strange expression of hope and longing that made Techno wonder if he actually was delusional.
The silence was broken when one of the gods, Innit, spoke up, voice breaking slightly and eyes glazed, as if holding back tears.
“Holy shit… Is it him? Like, really him?”
Philza responded, managing to sound calm and yet so desperate that it made Techno’s cold heart shatter, though he was not sure why.
“I don’t know Tommy (wait WHAT-), why don’t we ask him instead of talking over his head?” The angel of death suggested, and now they were all staring at him again, possibly even more intensely than before.
“So,” Philza said curiously. “Who are you, why did you stab my crow and why did it try to bring you here?”
There was no malice in his voice, it was just confusion and subtle amusement, but that just made Techno’s nerves worse. The only reason he could think of that would involve the god being amused about his half-dead state was-
Oh fuck, were they going to torture him?
“I’m Technoblade,” He said, after a few moments of hesitation. The pinkette ignored the sharp gasp of air from above, acting like he didn’t hear it, because he did not want to think of why the god might be shocked, and instead continued.
“I stabbed your crow because I was about to get seen (and look how that ended up) and I have no clue why it brought me here.” Techno knew it was not a smart idea to lie to a god, and he was anything but stupid. His injuries throbbed painfully, but the gods either didn’t notice or didn’t care.
Techno wasn’t about to guess which one…
After a very long while (in which Techno was trying his absolute hardest not to die on the spot) Soot spoke up. “So that’s a- a yes, then? It’s him?” He asked, voice cracking slightly. “Yes, Wilbur, (WHAT THE FUCK) It’s really him.”
The borrower didn’t have time to question what in the world he meant by that, because at that moment  Philza reached down, and Techno realised what was about to happen a second too late.
He scrambled backwards as the hand came towards him, absolutely terrified out of his wits, but the god paid no mind to that, plucking him off the ground by his waist easily. 
Techno struggled in his grasp but fell limp almost immediately. There was no way he was escaping from Philza, even though he wanted to, and besides, it just made his injuries worse. The tight grip the god had him in didn’t help either.
“What do you want from me!?”
He shouted, glaring at the gods, though it quickly fell as he remembered how easily they could crush him. Soot made a small noise (pity?) but he ignored it. “You- you really don’t remember us?” Asked Innit, with a look of despair on his face.
‘Remember you? I’ve never seen you before in my life!’ 
Not in this one you haven’t.
 Responded one of the voices, before it faded back into the clutter of noise. “Chat?” Philza asked, and Techno almost responded with ‘Yeah, it’s making no sense…’ when he remembered that he never told them about Chat.
Something clicked behind Soot’s eyes, and he spoke up. “So you really don’t know who we are… Right?” Techno nodded. Where exactly was (Wilbur) Soot going with this? “So that means…” “Means what? I’m not about to sit around all day waiting while you give me half-formed answers,” the borrower responded, with more challenge in his tone than was wise.
It’s not like you could stop them from doing that…
Said another one of those loud voices unhelpfully. ‘Thanks a lot…’ He thought to himself irritatedly and stared at Soot expectantly, which was harder than it seemed because his eyes kept unfocusing, and the corners of his vision were blurry and stained red. ‘Blood?’
“Listen, Technoblade, I don’t know what species you think you are, but…” He hesitated again, before continuing.
“You're a god, and our brother, at that.” Soot paused, and then started saying something more. “I’m so glad we finally found you, we’ve-”
But Techno didn’t get to hear what they’d done, the blood loss had finally caught up to him, and he passed out, darkness now surrounding him as he finally drifted into a dreamless sleep.
. . .
Aaaaaand that's it, folks! Great ending we got there, right? Hope you liked it :] Big thanks to Beckyu for helping me choose how to end it, and start next chapter.
That reminds me...
@i-am-beckyu and @brick-a-doodle-do, thank you for wanting to be tagged! If you want to be tagged, comment, ask or dm me and I'll add you! :D
Bye for now!!!
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tiny-paws · 6 months
Pinned post! :3
Hello!! This is a blog run by a few members of our system ( @the-honey-system ) who wanted a space for agere and therian content. We take requests for moodboards, outfits and bags!
Please read our DNI near the bottom of this post before interacting!
introductions, request info and DNI below the cut!! ^^
(divider by @firefly-graphics)
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Mikey (he/art/paint) - rottmnt fictive
- age regressor (5-9)
Bee (they/hon/paw) - brainmade
- therian (calico cat)
The Doctor/Ten (any pronouns)
- doctor who fictive
- age regressor (1-5)
Pearl (she/her)
- hermitcraft/life series fictive
- age regressor (6-12)
Tango (flare/spark/cog/char)
- hermitcraft/life series fictive
- age regressor (3-10)
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We take requests for agere and otherkin/therian related moodboards, outfit boards and bags!
We will do:
✅ fandoms: ben and holly’s little kingom, bluey, bnha, celeste, doctor who (up to s7), dsmp, glitter force, hazbin hotel/helluva boss, hermitcraft, life series, minecraft, mlp, nimona, rottmnt, studio ghibli, the magnus archives, tmnt 2012, turning red, zelda botw/totk
✅ non-fandoms (eg animals, plants, colour schemes, seasons)
✅ moodboards: a collection of photos with a theme, meant to look nice!
✅ outfit boards: clothes and accessories, with a toy or fidget
✅ bags: a backpack/bag with items for a day, such as food, toys, books, etc.
We will not do:
❌ anything in our DNI list
❌ anything religious (only modern religion; ancient religion is okay!)
❌ anything medical in nature (including vets)
❌ diapers (sorry about this one, diapers are super valid, we’ve just had icky experiences)
❌ the dream team (from mcyt)
❌ cc!wilbur soot
Extra notes:
✨ please specify whether your request is agere or therian related! this makes it easier for us to make exactly what you want!
✨ feel free to request something for a fandom not listed—we might say no, but it’s worth a shot! (you might need to be more specific on themes with characters we don’t know!)
✨ be as specific as you want with requests, although if something’s too specific we might not get it perfect. if your request is very general, we may take artistic liberties!
✨ we have the right to deny any request. sometimes we just won’t feel comfortable completing something.
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- nsfw/k!nk, abd|/dd|g/variants, sh or gore, pro-ed, blogs you wouldn’t show a child
- anti-LGBTQ+, anti-xenogenders/neopronouns, racists, ableists, fatphobes, etc
-anti-agere, anti-otherkin/therian, anti-petre, participants in “cringe culture”, bullies
- tcest, blogs that post abt ince$t/pedoph!lia
- anti-self diagnosis
- endogenic systems/supporters (neutral r ok), syscourse, discourse in general
(dni banner used in our posts made by @little-catgirlboy)
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Tags list!
#mikey chirps — mikey’s posts/rbs
#bee meows — bee’s posts/rbs
# tango purrs — tango’s posts/rbs
#pearl hums — pearl’s posts/rbs
#ten rambles — ten/doctor’s posts/rbs
#little helpers — other members of the system
#tiny paw boards — moodboards/requests
#tiny paw styles — outfits/requests
#tiny paw packs — bags/requests
#tiny paw scribbles — doodles/art
#tiny paw talks — text posts
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(theyre very fun so we have lots hehe)
(userboxes, in order, made by: @empyrangel, @me-and-the-squad-being-otherkin, @chronicallylav3nd3r, @xenohunt, @inclusysboxes, @omegathetaone, @very-normal-userboxes, @sweetpeauserboxes, @strwbubs, @strwbubs, @scungledfiles, @lil-kibby-zone, @pumpkinangelminnie, @sweetpeauserboxes, @sysboxes, @scungledfiles, @bi-lesbian, @sweetpeauserboxes, @cutevintagetoys, @tazmaboxed, @sysboxes)
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random-tinies · 4 months
Sometimes I see non-mcyt-centric g/t blogs reblog a mcyt g/t post and I have to wonder if they realize that the characters being drawn are mcyt or if they think they're ocs. Part of me wonders what their reactions would be if they were told lol.
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dingbatnix · 2 years
My Masterpost: )
•Call me Bat!•
Main account (to clear up some miscommunication): @roomofartisticcatz
Old blog (might probably be dead but I dunno): @eddsworldgt
Everything else: (a work in progress)
Most of these will be g/t, if any aren't, well, I dunno if I'll mark them as normal. Probably not : )
Mcyt Oneshots
Eddsworld Oneshots
Chapter Stories:
Venture Masterpost
Dream is just minding his own business one afternoon when a party of hunters manage to stumble across him. He manages to dispatch them easily enough, but when he roots through their stuff, he finds something...surprising. Something that shakes things up a little. Granted, finding a tiny teenager in a cage would usually shake things up more than 'a little' for most people, buuut...Dream wasn't someone that could be considered 'most people.'
AO3 link cause tumblr's link system is fucked
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Vague outline
Vague Tommy lore
Bad, Ant, Tommy, and George reference
Dream + Tommy reference
Antfrost reference
Maneater Masterpost
Giant Dream, tiny smp but with my own plot
giant!Dream, tiny!smp
Plot list (working on an updated one rn)
Art from far in the future of the story
Ask for headcanons
If Dream tries to eat one of his friends
(ignore necessity for now, I need to move it to oneshots. It is no longer a part of the Maneater storyline)
Necessity (noms/death)
Fanart 2
Warden Masterpost
(non-g/t, technically)
Dream's mask breaks while in prison, revealing his most closely guarded secret: His status as a warden hybrid. Unfortunately for him, wardens are...really hard to kill, so that makes his body and organs and everything really... valuable. Quackity exploits this.
AO3 link (has more chapters than on Tumblr)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Dream reference
Why Quackity didn't die in the cell when Dream's mask came off
Warden snippets
Fully colored Dream reference
Fanart (by squishy)
Post-prison Dream, Sapnap, and George reference
Blob Masterpost
After Dream blows up all of Tommy's stuff, again, the teen finds a strange, little white creature. It's face has the same smile as Dream's mask, which disturbs Tommy, but it seems...innocent enough.
It's also hurt, and Tommy would feel bad if he left it to die.
A03 link (had more chapters than on Tumblr)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Art for chapter 4
Can Blob be hurt or die
The First Masterpost
Immortal Dream never escapes prison. The descendants find him, years and years later.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Dream is blind, George is a borrower that lives in his house
Icegogs (noms)
Just George made out of ice
Bat hybrid brothers Punz, Dream, and Purpled, following their adventures after their colony is burned out
Found (ask/snippet)
Dream's a sizeshifter who has to regularly return for giant size, but he doesn't account for the prison
giant!Dream, tiny!Punz
Punz accidentally shrinks himself right before the final vault
giant!Dream, tiny!Punz, giant!Foolish
Axolotl hybrid!dream (noms-ish)
Art 2
Ask 1
Long story thing w/roman
Dream and Tommy are brothers, but Dream is tiny.
Camp camp ramble
Eternally respawning angst (brief fatal noms)
Dream and George are friends, but...there's a famine, and Dream doesn't want George to starve to death
tiny!Dream, tiny!Sapnap, tiny!Bad, giant!George
Dream gets caught and accidentally starved by Wilbur. Oh, Tommy's there too.
tiny!Dream, tiny!Tommy, giant!Wilbur
Sticky traps
Favorite trope
Forgetful Karl with two small borrowing friends
Continuation of forgetful Karl and his borrower friends
Food in stomachs (short but I think it's neat)
Sharp fangs/teeth
Old blog stuff (@eddsworldgt):
(note: these are all older and were written a while ago, so my writing isn't that...great. oof.)
Tom gets a text from Tord. That's...odd. Usually they try to avoid communicating with each other.
giant!Tom, tiny!Tord
Matt and Tom come screamimg into Tord's room, hands covered in blood. Something's very, very wrong.
tiny!Edd, giant!Tord, giant!Tom, giant!Matt
Tom gets kidnapped–and he's tiny. Fuck.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
King Matt Au
Matt's the king, and there's this pesky giant hanging around his walls. It's what he gets for saving it, he supposes.
He didn't do anything! He was just trying to mess with some tech he had been given! What went wrong?!
tiny!Tord, giant!Tom
The itsy bitsy spider...
tiny!Matt, giant!Tord
Borrower Tord Au
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 1 year
I didn't expect for the English speaking Mcyt community to be here Ahhhhh I already want to be on day 28th
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
Here's the link:
T-Shirt Fundraiser
It's on very limited time tho
hello ppl who are seeing this post !! 🛑
this is probably one of the more important posts on this blog so definitely check it out and try to spread the word about this :)
plsplspls even if you can't buy anything just spread the word, it helps a ton !!!!
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saphscorner · 7 months
☆ pinned post + intro ☆
★ | call me saph! | they/them | ★ ★ | 19 | full time college student | ★ welcome to my writing blog! you can find more of my writing on my archive of our own (also saphscorner)
fandoms ★ hermitcraft ★ sos smp/minecraft sos ★ the life series ★ hardcore hermits ★ create mod ★ empires smp ★ bungou stray dogs (<- mostly inactive currently) drabble requests are welcome, but i cannot make any promises about completing them :'D i am more likely to fulfill requests if we're mutuals though! i love my mutuals mwah mwah you're free to send me asks about anything! spam is okay, and dms are also okay. i'll love you forever if you ask questions about my fics or about headcanons!
the majority of my works include shipping! if this bothers you, this blog is likely not for you. in the realm of mcyt, all shipping is non-rpf, and the characters written are exclusively minecraft personas.
this blog will be primarily sfw. anything suggestive or borderline will be tagged as such. for reference, most of my works are g-rated or t-rated on ao3, and this blog will reflect that!
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST MY WORK ON OTHER PLATFORMS! - my personal tags - ★ #saphscorner ao3 - new ao3 posts + fic links ★ #saphs ramblings - general ramblings and less coherent posts (also used on my main blog) ★ #saphs drabbles - shorter, tumblr exclusive drabbles and oneshots (often written by request) ★ #saphs answers - answers to miscellaneous asks ★ #saphs fic recs - my personal favorite fics written by other authors (both reblogs and text posts) ...updated as necessary :)
- au tags - ★ #countryside au - rancher duo centric ...more coming soon...? - faq - ★ "can i translate your work?" yes absolutely! please link it back to my original work ★ "do you do collabs?" yes! if you're interested in collaboration, my dms are open! ★ "can i create fanart based on your work?" i love when people do this, so yes of course! be sure to link my work in your post, and make sure to send me the finished product too ★ "will you write [x] pairing?" i will not write any adult/minor ships, and i will not write romantic pairings that involve the personas of content creators who have previously expressed direct discomfort with shipping. other than that, i'm very open in terms of shipping, and i'm willing to write pairings regardless of their popularity (hit me with your unheard of rarepair. please). yes i'll write poly ships, yes i'll write qprs, yes i'll write crack ships, and yes i'll write anything from the number one ship in the fandom to the ship that doesn't even have a name yet - dni - ★ age 13 or younger ★ general dni criteria (racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc) that's all! this post will be updated as necessary :)
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pluraltism · 1 year
The Sunny System’s Blog! (NEW AND IMPROVED 🤯🤯)
Hello again, we’re the Sunny System! Our original blog (@sunny-system) wasn’t a primary blog, and so for the sake of organization, we decided to make a whole new account. :P
We go by Sunny System, or Sunny, and collectively use he/him pronouns. Some of our special interests include psychology, art, cats, vore (in a non-fetish sense) and a handful of fandoms: (The Stanley Parable, Minecraft + Mcyts, Bugsnax, Undertale…) (feel free to send asks about our special interests!! it’s very fun to rant on about them lol)
A lot of our headmates are fictives, meaning they come from a source/media/fiction. Our autism greatly affects the way alters form, so we have a larger percentage of fictives. Please be respectful and treat them as you would any other person!
“Old” Blogs
“Old” in quotations because we (may) still use them:
@sunny-system - General blog, mostly reblogs
@skullsnbruises - Mcyt/Dsmp vore & g/t art blog [SFW!]
@nomsnax - Bugsnax general + vore & g/t art blog [also SFW]
@midasduoo - Clementine (📀) and Deo’s (🍁) blog
@georgenpdfound - George’s (🍄) regression + NPD blog
Headmates 🧠
Not a finite list of everyone, only those who care enough to post ^^ (no particular order)
🦴 Catskull, he/cat/meow/purr/paw
🍄 George, he/him
👾 Tom, he/him (minor?)
⚛️ Dr. Fizzlebean, they/them
🥞 Crumb, he/him
🍁 Deo, he/him
📀 Clementine, disc/she/he/they (minor)
☣️ Centaur, he/it/xe
🌼 Honeysuckle, they/them (minor)
❄️ Sans, he/him
👑 Techno, he/it/blood
☢️ Tubbo/Ponyboy, he/they/it
🦝 London, he/him (minor)
🌗 Orion, he/kit/mew
🌌 Crypt, he/xyr
⏳ Var, he/love/bug
Tags 🏷️
Emoji tags are to keep track of which alter posted, fee free to ignore them, otherwise refer to the list above ^^
General Tags:
# sunny reblogs , sunny art , sunny textposts
Fandom Tags:
# the stanley parable , tsp , tspd
# bugsnax
# bluey
# dream smp
Tw/Cw Tags:
# cw vore
(I’ll finish this another time, but all in all, we may post vore related content, or triggering topics, or nsfw, so basically any potentially triggering tags as well as fandom tags will be listed here)
DNI ⚠️
(Not complete but) DNI:
Endogenic systems, endo supporters, tulpas, fakeclaimers [I will not be getting into arguements over this. Genuine DID cannot form without childhood trauma] racists, xenophobes, antisemites … ableists, anti-self diagnosis, anti-cluster B, those who believe in ‘narc abuse’, pro-ana transphobes, anti-MOGAI, anti-neoprouns, anti-xenogenders, people who kink shame, pro-censorship; and generally anyone with bad opinions lol
Side note thing: if you don’t like vore or don’t wanna see it plz just block the tag(s) and let me be 🥺
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leaf-stars · 2 years
very sad to see a few people losing interest in mcyt g/t ngl, though i'm happy that they can move on and do new things.
despite how inactive i may seem on here, i love this community with my whole heart and go on here at least a few times a day. i never realized this was a full community until just barely a year ago.
because of that, i don't want to see this community die. i'm a busy person and i spend a lot of time writing non-g/t on ao3, but i'll try to make more of an effort to post on here.
anyways, i've been writing a oneshot for a while but stopped, i'll start it up back again and make sure i'll post it.
sorry, i don't mean to make a whole paragraph, just wanted to say that! ik i've only made one fic, i'll try to play a more active role. ty ty for any support i have received <3
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