#non stop yelling Amos
helyiios · 5 months
White button up
or, Benji’s really worried about his shirt.
Ethan was not panicking. He was not. He was perfectly fine, and he was running, because what’s the point of being Ethan fucking Hunt if you’re not, like, sprinting for your life on a regular basis, and he was perfectly relaxed.
[Hum,] Luther says in his ear, [we lost signal of B—]
“I KNOW !” he yells back, growing more and more upset, “I’m going towards his last known location. I still have amo, let’s just hope he’s still there.”
[Copy that.]
The worst part, he realises, is that he knows that Benji can handle getting roughed up a little. Wasn’t it the whole point of being an agent ? Getting your ass kicked on the regular ?
Doesn’t mean he likes to think about his friend in that position. He likes to think about him in many positions, but not this one.
He groans and keeps running, his gun kept by his side as he takes a sharp turn left, feeling the soles of his shoes screech on the pavement, and he almost loses his balance, and before he can start running again he hears some shouting at least two streets from where he was.
He picks up the pace, trotting towards the origin of the noise, and he does end up finding Benji—who was standing in front of a man, one hand raised defensively.
Technically, he should be jumping to his defence. Which is what he was just counting on doing, before catching the light glint of a sharp object held behind his friend’s back.
So instead, still hidden by a wall, he stands still and watches.
“I’m non-violent,” Benji nervously calls out to his attacker, hands still raised, “come on, there’s no need to resort to violence to solve this, is there ?”
“You and your friends blew up our headquarters and killed our boss,” the man seethes, visibly furious, “and you think you’re going to get out of it so easily ? Oh, I think the fuck not.”
“Well, technically I didn’t blow it up, it was my mate. If you really want to get specific, you’ll have to fight him. He doesn’t know how to, though…”
“I don’t know what you’re playing at, but it’s not fucking funny ! Stop talking and come closer so I can fuck you up.”
“But I don’t want to,” Benji whines, his right hand still holding the sharp tool, “c’mon, please ?”
The other man snorts, his fighting stance unmoving despite his raised eyebrow.
“Are you seriously negotiating I let you go ? Man, you are not a good agent, aren’t you ?”
“It’s not that,” he moans, visibly upset, “it’s just…”
He sighs, running his free hand through his hair.
“This is tailored Loro Piana, and I don’t want to get it dirty.”
From his hiding spot, Ethan has to slap a hand on his mouth to keep silent. Was Benji seriously worried about his clothes ?
“Shut up !” his assailant finally roars, running towards the agent at full speed, “be a man and FIGHT !”
With a sharp move Benji slashes the guy’s face, using the element of surprise of the concealed knife to slam his cheek as powerfully as he could, sending him stammering a few steps back. Quickly he gets back into position, and he aims for the neck, eyes and skull first, surprisingly ending up with cutting the tip of the man’s nose, and he can’t help but grimace out of disgust at this, pulling away to avoid getting punched.
His next move isn’t so lucky, because the man is suddenly tackling him, and his head hits the pavement so hard he thinks he passes out for half a second, but before he gets the chance to fight back, there’s a strong jab at his jaw, and he furiously spits out a mouthful of blood.
Thankfully his knife is still tightly held in his hand, and without thinking he shoves the blade inside the other’s left eye, twisting and straining, pushing the man off him as he leaves the weapon there, hopping back a few metres away.
He looks down at himself and at the red stained crisp shirt, and he groans.
“Really ?!” he protests, spreading his arms disbelievingly, “do you know how expensive this is ?! You guys have no respect for textile !”
His attacker is still halfway on the ground, trying to pull the knife out without screeching in pain, and Benji can’t help but stare, his upper lip raised in absolute disgust, his arms crossed. He’s still at a safe distance from him.
“I’m getting really tired of having to fight back idiots who think it’s okay to go after the little tech guy, because oh, of course he’s going to go easy on us ! Well guess what,” he spits out, genuinely upset, “some of us also like the thrill of the field ! If you wanted to vanilla fight with shitty punches, just ask Luther ! I love the man, but he’s shit at hand to hand combat, okay ?! And honestly, like, did you think I didn’t expect at least one person to run after me ?! Do I look stupid to you ?!”
“You’re…a fucking…lunatic,” the other man difficultly chokes out, unable to get back up, blood pouring of out of his face. “Who the fuck…are you ?”
“And like, it’s almost insulting they only sent one guy after me. Like what, I couldn’t take more people on ? I’m not Ethan, but I’m not that helpless ! And I especially brought my knife so I could switch the mood a bit and not get it done too quick with a head shot, do you realise how disappointing this is ?! And you ruined my favourite shirt !”
The man seems to give up on him, because as soon as the knife is out of his eye, he collapses on his back, breathing heavily. He tracks Benji’s movement as he watches him walk back towards him, crouching by his side. The agent inspects him throughly, patting him in search of the disk they’d been after. He finds it in his left pant pocket.
“Don’t mind me,” Benji pouts, taking it out and putting it in the inside pocket of his coat, “no bad feelings, nothing personal, mate. Huh, does it hurt ?” he then casually asks, chin resting on the palm of him hand.
“…what ?”
“The whole eye thing. Did it hurt ?”
The other man closes his eyes, letting out a breathless laugh.
“Like a bitch.”
“That’s interesting.”
Benji gets back up, dusting his pants a little uselessly, grabbing his knife again and putting it back in his place.
“Great doing business with you.”
“Go fuck…yourself.”
“Jesus. So rude.”
Ethan, who’d been somewhere in between mesmerised and horrified, finally steps out, waving awkwardly at his field technician, almost shy.
“Huh, not interrupting anything, I hope ?” he asks sort of lamely, “are you alright ?”
Benji almost jumps out of his skin, clearly not expecting him. He manages to swallow down his helpless and high pitched yelp.
“Huh—yeah,” he says instead, slicking his hair back, “I was just finished. Do you want to, like, put a bullet in him ? I don’t have my gun on me.”
Ethan shrugs.
“He’ll die soon enough,” he decides.
His friend hums, not caring enough to contradict him.
“I got the disk, by the way.”
“Oh, yeah, I saw that. Congrats, Benj. And huh, sorry about your shirt.”
“Yeah, it’s a shame,” he sighs, shaking his head. “How did you find me ? I lost comms with you at least twenty minutes ago.”
“I kind of, just ran around,” Ethan admits. “This city isn’t really big.”
“Is it weird that I’m really craving bolognese right now ?”
“Dunno if there’s the required ingredients at the safehouse, but I could come up with something.”
“That’d be lovely.”
“Well,” the older man smiles, holding out his hand, “let’s head back.”
Benji grins, taking it gratefully.
“Yeah, let’s.”
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randomsillyfangirl · 1 year
Feliz aniversário, amor - Pablo Gavi x portuguese! Reader
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Happy birthday birthday boy <3 Warnings: non, cute birthday fluff <3 also you and Pablo are engaged in this lol ------------------------------------------------------------You ended up being in Portugal for Pablos birthday.
" you sure you don't wanna go to Spain for your birthday? " you asked, kissing his cheek. Pablo shook is head, " it's alright mi amor. We can celebrate it just the two of us. Or with your family. They're my family too.." Pablo said looking at the ring on your finger.
You nodded, " are you sure..? I feel a bit bad." you confessed. " how many birthdays have you spent away from your home? " he asked. " two, as long as we've been together." you responded. Pablo nodded, " exactly. It's my turn now." be said kissing the side of your head lovingly.
You two got ready, today you were going to take your fiancée around the place you grew up. Pablo wanted to celebrate his birthday with you, be genuinely didn't mind spending it with you today. Obviously he talked on the phone with a bunch of people calling him to wish him happy birthday- but ignoring that he just wanted to celebrate it with you.
You took him to your favorite restaurants, favorite views, favorite shops- your favorite things with your favorite person.
You decided to go to his favorite restaurant in Portugal for his birthday dinner. He loved it, hearing you talk in portuguese was something he could never get bored of. " Feliz aniversário, amor, eu te amo" you said kissing his cheek. " Pablo smiled ear to ear.
" I know you wanted to spend your birthday in Spain, with your friends and family bu- " you started but Pablo stopped you.
" I booked our tickets. I booked for us to be here on my birthday because I wanna get to know where your from better. You live in Spain everyday. This is my first time being in Portugal. You're closer with my family than I am with yours. So I say, every year we visit your family here- even for a day or a month. I don't care. I wanna be closer with your family. "
Pablo confessed, you were tearing up at his words- happy tears. You were speechless and Pablo kissed the ring on your finger.
You soon recovered speech and said, "te amo" it was all you could say- still in shock. Pablo smiled, " te amo."
Soon your food arrived and you two started eating. Pablo did love portuguese food, and was hoping you'd make some more at home- which you would.
Your parents loved Pablo, so at home your mom was baking a cake for Pablo, which you knew about. You just had to make sure Pablo wouldn't eat cake before getting home. And somehow, you were successful in that mission.
When you got home, you took Pablo to the kitchen. When he saw the cake he smiled. " Feliz aniversário! " your parents and sibling(s) (and their kids idk abt your family lol) yelled and he smiled even more.
You guys sang happy birthday, Pablo holding your hand the whole song. You guys then shared the cake- Pablo putting some on your face which made everyone laugh.
At night, you two watched his favorite movies and cuddled all night. Honestly, its been his favorite birthday yet.
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He's so cute I can't <3
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
,,,, hihi-
Can I get 9, 11 and 18 with any ship?👉👈
Non Sexual acts of intimacy
9        cuddling
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Cho-hee was just done with his work in the Octavinelle dormitory however was confused about Ace and Deuce stopping by... usually they would have been at a tutoring lesson with Carol... but Deuce quickly gave him an answer to his question.
“Ace, just cause Carol wanted to be by herself, doesn’t mean you can slack off on your studies... we take a drink and then we just study together.”
“Man first she yells at us and then she doesn’t stop by.”
He sighed and after her finished his work he stopped by her room to check up on her... hearing a light sobbing noise inside her room.
“Hey Carol, can I come in?”
Quickly he heard her stand up and walk around before opening the door, putting on a fake smile.
“Oh Cho...Its fine.... just had to take some time to myself today.”
“I heard you crying.”
Hearing him directly say this she looked down a little, and took his hand to lead him in her room and close the door.
“Today is... the birthday of my sister... As I held this plushy I got from her... I noticed a little how I missed her and so... I got emotional.”
She sat down back on the bed and seemed to well up again, as he sat next to her and pulled her close into a hug... it was enough for her to feel a little better...
“Cho-hee... could you stay here a little... hold me tight... at least untill I calmed again.”
“I will.”
Both layed down and she clinged closer to him, letting some of her tears accidentally onto his clothes and trying to let it all out untill she stopped after a while, just enjoying being in his arms and her heartbeat going faster...
“I am... glad you found me today... I guess next time... I should be more open about my worries... its like you are always my guardian angel... keeping me save from annoyances and bad thoughts. Thank you.”
She leaned to him and gave him a small kiss on the cheek... getting him flustered.
“Its nothing just... tell me next time you feel bad.”
She nodded and smiled at him. “I want to cuddle you a little longer... I am fond of it right now.”
11      hand holding
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Mellow was just constantly on edge... Leroy was always in his nape telling him how now that he has a partner he should at least stop being so shy about being close to her... so on that day he was in the park with Momo looking at some flowers... however he got nervous each time he tried to intitiate some handholding or anything.... he always withdrew before he could do it, face as red as his hair and nervous...
Later as they looked at the roses however... he mustered up some courage.
“Momo.... um... would you maybe.. l-like to hold hands?”
“Huh? um sure...”
Both grew bright red as Mellow slowly led his hand with hers... both looking at each other nervous during before calming.
“Its n-nice...”
Mellow smiled hearing her say this and nodded as the walked the rest of the park together hand in hand... at least untill Dallas found them and used his way to make them both trip over something together... without being spotted himself... once again he was there to ruin the date and it wasn’t his first attempt for sure.
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18      playing with hair
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Mythra was just staying over at RSA.... mainly cause previously she had a little catfight with Francine as she just wanted to threat Barry to stay away from Sindren. She sighed and sat down next to Amos still a bit on edge.
“Do you believe them... they hurt my precious Sinny and then act like they are innocent. I swear the next time I meet that Icy Bitch I will...”
Before she could get angrier however she noticed him braiding her hair together smiling. Amos spoke up.
“Mythra, although I love the passion and fire inside you, leave that for the next dance competition to beat her. How about I try some things with your hair to distract you.”
“Well my darling, do far its working, I am interested in what you are doing when its done.”
She let him finish the braids and laughed looking in the mirror.
“I look too innocent for who I am... its kinda funny.”
Standing up she placed a kiss on his lips and smiled.
“I will keep it for now... at least untill I am on my way back to my school. Thanks for calming me Darling.”
“So then, how about we concentrate on some time together, Mythra.”
“I would love that, lead the way.”
She sticked pretty close to him, still trying to tease him a little, as she followed him back to his room.
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rocicrew · 2 years
i just have to yell about naomi for a second,,,, naomi ‘i don’t believe in causes’, naomi who run from them, who rejected every leadership position, because she she’d already paid the price of following a person like that and it scarred her for life. naomi who wanted a place to belong, who wanted a family. it was what drove her to marco and his crew in the first place and then she managed to do it right the second time at the roci. who would not die for ideals be it causes or motherhood but would die for her family.  her trauma from the beginning of her life still affects her and she retracts to herself everytime she’s wounded. she knows she never comes out unscathered but she comes out healed to the degree that she can. who argues and pushes for the non violent plant partially because she doesn’t believe violence is the answer but also because she’s lost far too much. who wanted to spent the rest of her days quietly with holden on luna or titan. 
but when that crumbles, i think part of her knew from that moment things would never be the same. she begun mourning then, and it stayed a part of her. while she placated herself with a dream of her family back together on the roci for months if not years. even after clarissa died, and amos was awol, and alex and bobbie were constantly in different systems from her and then chances of seeing holden again became dimmer and dimmer. she clung to that idea to survive hiding in her little box. but even she knew that that was simply a dream and would not become a reality. duarte offers part of it to her on a silver plater, turn your self in and you’ll wake up next to holden for the rest of your life.  in a prison of course, grand and open, but a prison none the less. she could’ve done it.  said yes and kept living in a box but in jim’s arms. but she couldn’t. (partially because thing she’s held on tightly throughout everything is her agency, her ability to have an agency)
and because it wouldn’t be the same as retirement no matter how it may seemed as an idea. saba’s loss was sudden, but i think in that moment she decided what she would chose above else. the woman who run from causes, who valued family, the one she chose anyway, despite what everyone told her, chosing the fight on her own terms and in her own way. and with the power vacancy she can push that forward like never before. it’s a huge development for her character wise, it’s a huge amount of healing from marco to stop letting that fear keep her back especially after reverting to old coping mechanisms. because she might hate attention, and power in and of itself, but the opportunity is far too big not to act and if they play it right, they could at the very least even the playfield with an enemy that seemed unbeatable. how she speaks of a front others placed on her as a now leader but actually understands how much of her own choice that was.
the groundwork was there from her choice in BA, to defeat marco even if it meant losing filip. only now she actually stepped up. she knows she’s changed, and she knew that was the moment to let the dream go. just as she knows even if they all manage to get back on the roci together, none of them will be the same.
the cost she always feared, she now looked in the eyes and let it go. because it’d already happened, and she never had a way of stopping it.
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damiano-mylove · 3 years
Condescending Bitch
Pairing: Thomas Raggi x reader
Wc: 2.5k
Cw(s): swearing, kissing, crying, probably typos (as per usual, tell me if it sucks)
Summary: Reader breaks up with their boyfriend and Thomas consoles them.
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If honesty be a virtue, you'd be virtuous to plainly say you'd fallen out of love with your boyfriend and you had done so a while ago. It wasn't deliberate, it was a gradual fizz wherein you found your heart warming for someone else. You felt horrible about it and that guilt had been eating at you. There was no cheating, but you didn't think you'd be able to avoid it for much longer. Not to mention, it wasn't only the non-existent feelings, Luca was just an asshole when you weren't blinded by love.
There comes a time where one must throw in the towel, and now was that time for you.
You couldn't do it at a restaurant; knowing Luca, he'd cause a scene. You couldn't do it at some meeting place; it would ruin that place forever and ever to both of you. And that shit's just not fair.
In the end, you couldn't make the decision. So you put every single item of Luca's clothing in a bag (and a couple things he'd left around your flat), and drove over to his house while you still had the nerve. You'd gathered and lost the nerve a couple times before, but the plan was already in motion now. Hell, there was no plan, but whatever you were raring to do was up and running.
You drove straight to Luca's mother's house in record time. Time flies when you're laser focused.
"Y/n!" Luca's mother exclaimed joyfully as you entered the kind looking house. How someone like Luca came out of Mrs. Batali was a wonder in and of itself. Once Mrs. Batali spotted the bag in your hand, she frowned. "Has something happened, Bambino?"
Somehow, the hardest part of this breakup would be bidding goodbye to Luca's mother, and not Luca himself. You sighed, "I'm sorry, Signora. Luca and I have been having issues for a while now."
"Oh, don't be sorry, Bambino." The older lady's kind smile returned to her face, which struck a heart string you hadn't even known existed. Mrs. Batali swayed toward you, in all of her vanilla scented goodness. She hugged you around your neck loosely, which you returned around her wide hips. "You're always welcome for dinner and a roof. Don't let the stupid boy stop you from seeing me."
God gave two gifts to this world; one of them was Mrs. Batali.
A smile cracked across your face as your chest continued to tighten and hurt. You loved this family like your own, and you loved Luca at some point. So many memories were made in the throws of this relationship, and it was all going to be thrown out the window by you. But it was too late now.
"Ti amo." Mrs. Batali placed a kiss to your forehead which made your smile even more genuine. She patted your shoulder, finally releasing you from her motherly grasp. Sadly, she raised her arm to the stairs to Luca's bedroom. "I'll be down here, if you need me."
You smiled once more to the older lady and bowed your head in silent thanks. If you uttered a word, the word would lead to tears. It seemed the two of you knew this.
It was the last thing you wanted to do right now, but you had to seal the deal.
Without your consent, your feet began moving toward the stairs then up the stairs. Your heart beat in sickening rhythm with your footsteps, but your heart seemed more heavy than your feet. It was ridiculous. You were ready to throw up, pee, or meltdown - you didn't know which one, if it was one at all.
At long last, after walking down the longest hallway of your life, you stood in front of Luca's closed door. You remembered all the times you'd breeze in, going straight into Luca's arms for a kiss. His breath wasn't always good and he was a bad kisser, but he made you feel infatuation. Now it only seemed a fraction of what you felt for the other person. Yes, God, that was why you had to do this.
You knocked. Your heart was deafening.
"Come in!"
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You pushed open the door, feeling like you were having a heart attack. Luca smiled brightly at you from the light of his computer. Then he laid eyes on the bag. Don't know how, it was dark as fuck in the room. And smelt of cheap body spray and dirty clothes.
"Hey, Babe, I wasn't expecting you," Luca smiled, trying to act off the bag of his clothes and gifts in your hand. You flicked on the light as he stood up to close the door behind you.
This room is fucking disgusting. It was truly noxious.
"Alright, Luca, sit down, we've got to talk," you told him, putting on your bravest and thickest voice. It worked because the air in the room changed. The air grew thick and impossible to breath. It could've been cut with a knife. Luca sat on his bed, hands in his lap. You placed the bag on the ground and sighed, "We're breaking up."
For a second, he was unresponsive. Luca didn't say a word until he looked you in the eye, what felt like a full minute later. His bottom lip quivered. "You're dumping me?"
"You can tell people you dumped me, I don't mind," you quipped, trying to make the situation better. You did not, in fact, make the situation better. You potentially made it about thirteen times worse.
"No, you're not." Luca stood up again. Your breath caught in your throat. "We're not breaking up."
He took a few quick steps to you. You stood your ground, trying to be as brave as possible. Your mask was slipping. The last thing you wanted right now was for Luca to see that you were cracking under his gaze. That would be fucking horrendous.
All of a sudden, Luca barked out a laugh. He looked like a madman. "This is about that Thomas bitch, isn't it?" You didn't answer, and your facial expressions gave nothing away. Then Luca snapped, "Isn't it?!"
"If you want to fucking shout, we can shout," you seethed. Luca blinked angrily at you. "We're adults - act like it."
"You're a condescending bitch."
"And you're an ugly prick, but I've never complained about that. You've called me a condescending bitch about 3 times and a flat-out bitch more than a dozen," you recalled quickly, with venom dripping off each syllable. It shut Luca up. However, he began to cry. You felt nothing but hatred now. "You're one pathetic bitch to be crying over the girl who you treat like a fucking doormat." Luca only cried harder. No sympathy. You spun on your heel and opened the door.
Without a glance back, you left.
Mrs. Batali smiled at you on your way out and gave you a freshly baked bun, which you thanked her profusely for.
It didn't take long for reality to set in, however. The adrenaline faded as you drove back to your flat complex. You began crying at the wheel and completely broke down in the car park. Tears streamed down your face like rivers, snot clogged your nose. Your mouth tasted horrible so you started to eat the bun Mrs. Batali had baked. It was so good that you started crying harder.
How the fuck could you do that? At this point, you were too sad to give a fuck about sobbing in a car park at 6 in the evening. You just threw in the towel of a year long relationship, in the blink of an eye. Like it was nothing and meant nothing to you whatsoever, which wasn't true at all. You felt like a horrible person.
Your chest clogged up with emotions and stale air, your throat grew a lump that you couldn't swallow down. Now you were the pathetic one. Crying in a shitbox car over your ex while eating fucking bread.
A tap on the window scared the Jesus out of you.
When you looked at the source, the other person was looking right back at you, looking worried and confused. Leave it to Thomas to look sad just because you were sad. Thomas looked so fucking good even though a blur of teary eyelashes. He made the hand crank motion, so you rolled down your window.
"Are you okay?" Thomas asked. You just started laughing. What a stupid fucking question. Thomas began chuckling, realizing how stupid it was himself. "Fair enough. Fancy a cup of tea and a chat or shall I leave you to your car bread?"
How the fuck could he make you laugh in times like these?
You smiled then shooed him away from your car door so you could open it. He obliged and moved back, for you to get out, still with bread and keys in hand. Thomas furrowed his eyebrows as you two began walking back to the flat complex you both lived in. "Aren't you going to roll up the window?"
"How the fuck is anyone meant to steal it when all the windows are up?" It was your turn to earn a laugh from Thomas. Thomas' laugh hit your ear like honey. The sort of honey that your mother gave you to cure your sore throat before nursery. It was soothing and just the right thing for the situation.
As you walked up the stairs with Thomas, you realized he was taking you to his flat. To be fair, he was the one who offered you tea. What's he going to do? Offer you your own tea?
Thomas unlocked the ugly blue door of his flat that everyone in the building had a copy of. The second you both walked into the flat, warmth enveloped you, along with sandalwood and spices from Thomas' extensive spice cabinet. He must have been cooking earlier because it smelt Heavenly. Everything was in perfect place with just the right amount of mess and disorganization to make it seem like a home.
"I'll put the kettle on, sit anywhere," Thomas instructed after you both took your shoes off. You were wearing ratty trainers while Thomas was wearing perfectly clean Vans.
You nodded and flung yourself on one of his couches with a sigh. The couch was soft, warm and welcoming and you felt tired from crying and yelling and just the day in general. It was a shit day, that started with your toast burning and ended with this shit. A nap would really do good.
However, Thomas had other plans entirely. He placed a purple mug, full of tea with what looked like your golden ratio of milk and sugar. Thomas was your best friend, of course he knew your golden ration. You knew his. With a smile, you sat up which allowed Thomas to sit beside you and drape his arm over the back of the couch.
"Feel like telling me why you were crying in your car?" Thomas asked. You laughed lightly and sipped the piping hot tea.
"Broke up with Luca about-" you checked a clock. "-30 minutes ago."
As horrible as it sounds, Thomas' face lit up. His facial features remained the same but his beautiful green eyes lit up like candles in a dark room. "Is that so?"
"He called me a condescending bitch."
"So he hasn't gotten a new script," Thomas smiled. You chuckled lightly and sniffed. Your nose was still clogged from all the crying. You just didn't feel like blowing your nose like an elephant in front of Thomas right now. "He'll never get the chance to get a new script for you now."
"Thank God above," you sighed out with a laugh to your words. Thomas smiled. "I'll miss his mum though. Wonderful lady."
Thomas sipped his own tea and you discretely moved closer to him. It wasn't as discrete as you'd thought because Thomas picked up and moved a bit closer to you with a stupid smile on his face. "So how'd it go down?"
Like friends do, you told him everything, down to the detail. All but Luca being right, with Thomas being the other man who'd stolen your heart. That wouldn't be a key detail here because the last thing you needed today was to dump your boyfriend then directly after scare your best friend away from you forever.
But he wasn't scared off by you telling him Luca though you were leaving him for Thomas. Thomas actually smirked at that part, like the thought amused him. You didn't think anything of it actually, except for how cute Thomas was when he was smirking.
Eventually, the conversation faded and you were hip to hip with Thomas. With a sigh, he rested your head in the crook of Thomas' neck. His feather soft hair tickled the side of your face but you wanted nothing else for the moment. The scent of Thomas' cologne was prominent when you were this close to him, but you weren't going to complain about that. His arm fell from the back of the couch to around your shoulders.
Feeling Thomas' head turn to you, you looked up at him. Thomas' hand lightly squeezed you arm. Your breath hitched in your throat as you thought you were imagining Thomas observing your face.
Those gorgeous green eyes that you could stare into all day were scanning your face gently. They landed on your lush lips, then back to your eyes. All it took was a small nod for Thomas to lean in.
It was slow. It was slow, but undeniably sweet. The passion was palpable the minute your lips met his, just as you had been dreaming of for months now. His pillow-like lips were perfectly moisturized, but not over-saturated. The lip balm he used was strawberry flavoured and you'd never admired strawberry flavoured lip balm as you were in this moment.
As suddenly as it began, it ended.
Thomas leaned back for a second, looking guilty. "You need time to get over Luca, this is wrong."
"I've been over Luca for months." You placed a kiss to his lips, which Thomas accepted for a second, then backed out of again. You groaned. "Thomas, Luca was right. I'm in love with you."
In a stunned silence, Thomas' cheeks turned bright red. A broad smile grew on his face and you felt confident in your confession. You meant it, surely, but now you were confident that you did the right thing in telling Thomas.
"I've been in love with you since we went to the Capitoline." Thomas' voice cracked as he made his confession. Your heart bustled with warmth. He'd been pining for you all this time just to watch you run with Luca.
You couldn't take your aching heart. Grabbing Thomas' face gently, you pressed your lips to his again. He gladly returned this kiss with fervour and renewed zeal. Nothing else mattered while your lips were joined with Thomas' lips. Nothing would ever be able to induce the utter happiness and peace you'd felt in this moment.
After the kiss lasting for a while, Thomas pulled you to sit on his lap. He cupped your sweet face gently and smiled into your brilliant eyes. He kissed your nose. "May I tell you something else, Y/n?"
"I don't think you're a condescending bitch."
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mustyrosewater · 4 years
te amo.
javier peña x reader
request by @hxdxs​ :  hello! i was wondering if you could write smth where javier peña has a nightmare after him and the reader have a fight which results to them sleeping in separate rooms, she wakes up and comforts him no pressure (: 
warnings : fighting, mentions of violence, possibly unhealthy relationship
word count : 3k+ 
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you knew what you were walking into when you finally decided to commit to a relationship with javier peña, you knew to expect the disappearing for days at a time without being able to contact with him because he was undercover, you knew that he was walking into a brand new dangerous situation every single day. 
but it didn't hurt any fucking less each time.  at first, you'd tried to tell yourself that you shouldn't be upset, once again telling yourself that it was you who chose this life, getting angry and possibly overreacting would just be hypocritical of you, it would have made you weak.  but as it began to happen again, and again  the last straw had been him coming home at three in the morning, after having been away for a week longer than he'd told you the undercover operation was going to last for. you'd spent hours in your shared apartment, anxiously waiting for a the phone call from the dea or an agent knocking on your door only to tell you that he'd been killed.  you'd spent the night sitting on the couch, clutching his shirt tightly just to smell whatever remnants of his cheap cologne that you hated with a passion was left over on them, suddenly missing it now more than ever.  when he'd finally come back, you'd fallen asleep on the couch, still holding the shirt tight to your chest with dried tears still lingering on your cheeks.  to say the least, waking up at three in the morning to the sound of somebody rustling around in the bathroom was enough to prompt you to slowly grab a knife from the kitchen drawer and slowly make your way to the bathroom. as if being on a streak of being an emotional wreck after what you believed to be the death of your boyfriend, now the universe was truly testing you by having somebody decide to rob you.  seeing the streak of white light poking through the crack in the bathroom door, you approached slowly, feeling your heart beating so loudly that it was thundering in your own ears.  finally swinging the door open, it hit the opposite wall with a harsh crash, only to be followed by you bursting in, knife in hand, cursing angrily in spanish.  only to be greeted by a wide eyed javi looking at you as if you'd gone crazy.  as your heart dropped and your eyes widened, you couldn't help letting out a cry of shock as you dropped the knife onto the tile floor with a sharp clang, unable to process the blade narrowly missing your foot.  reaching to grip onto the door frame in order to balance yourself as you felt your legs begin to go numb, javi sprung forward, reaching out and placing his hands under your shoulders for support.  as you finally got a closer look at him, you could see that his hair was messy as all hell, he definitely hadn't shaved for the past day or two and he absolutely stunk, and you once again found yourself wishing he'd actually been using that horrid cologne.   in that moment however, as grateful as you were that he was alive and wasn't in fact lying dead in a ditch in escobars backyard, the relief had faded away as quickly as it had flooded in, only to no sooner be replaced with a fiery surge of anger.  with no hesitation, you shoved him away from you, now able to stand up straight once more; looking up just in time to see his questioning look he posed your way.  "what the fuck javi!"  you hadn't meant for your voice to come out so hoarse, but the hours you'd spent audibly crying into his shirt had done a number on your throat, as well as the fact that you'd only woken up minutes ago.  he opened his mouth to speak, but you only answered by holding up your finger and continuing to speak. "a week. i don't hear from you for a week! i manage to convince myself you've been shot, and then you just waltz in at three am in the fucking morning and make me think you're a robber!" you can't help but laugh in between sentences, but the laugh is still traced with venom, all too reflective of the angry streak of words flooding out of your mouth. "i mean- what if i'd stabbed you?!" you spoke, gesturing to the knife now by your feet. you didn't even want to picture yourself stabbing javi, especially not after he nearly gave you a stroke due to finding out that he was still very much alive.  as you went to continue, it was now javi's turn to interrupt you, shaking his head as he placed his hands on his hips and stared back at you. you hadn't even stopped to think about how much of a crazy person you must have looked like in that moment, face puffy and red from crying, messy hair and pajama pants you'd been wearing for two days straight, all nicely topped off with a singlet shirt and robe he'd gotten you a few months back for your birthday.  "what the fuck was i supposed to do? i told you i was undercover!" his voice sounded so tired, it was painfully obvious to you how drained he was; but in that moment, the high emotional intensity was blurring all reason within you.  as you listened to him yell, you felt the lump in your throat forming; crossing your arms, you tried to keep yourself together.  "you could have sent me some kind of message, somebody to tell me you'd be gone for another week!" the two of you were no longer yelling at one another, this was screaming at one another. in a brief passing moment you thought about what the neighbours must have thought of you two, but you also just couldn't find yourself to care.  "you know i couldn't do that! i've told you several fucking times why i can't do that!" he turned away from you, taking a step back towards the basin. you could see his shoulders rising and falling with his deep breaths, watching as he reached up to run a hand through his messy hair. "fuck!" you jumped as the tense silence between you two was broken by javi cursing loudly and kicking the small plastic garbage can beside the basin, sending it crashing against the wall loudly. that was when your bottom lip began to wobble and your vision became foggy. you could only reach up a shaky hand to cover your mouth as javi panted, hunched over the basin he was now resting his hands on.  "i thought you were dead javi.." in your effort to conceal that you were beginning to cry, you'd kept your voice quiet, yet i hadn't helped in the slightest; the wobble in your tone was too noticeable for anybody to be able to ignore, especially not javi; who turned to look at you, a few expression laced with regret having taken over his face.  you didn't want to look at him for a moment longer, you couldn't even if you did. so you turned around and walked out from the doorway of the bathroom, only now beginning to audibly weep into your hand.  you could head javi walking after you, only prompting you to walk to the spare room quicker. you just needed to be away from javi for awhile, even if you'd spent the past four weeks desperately wishing he was back.  "wait, just please hang on a minu-"  you can't hear the rest of javi's words before you've slammed the door in his face, turning the small lock over as quickly as your shaky hands allow you to. you turn around and put your back to the door, trying to ignore the fact that you can feel javi standing outside the door, you can hear his faint heavy breaths and the way he's softly cursing in spanish under his breath.  its a few more moment before you can hear his footsteps slowly getting softer and you know he's walked in your bedroom when you can hear the door slam shut, making you jump softly again.  thats the moment that you let yourself break down. your face scrunches up as you slide down the door until your sitting on the ground of the spare room, your knees up to your chest as you rest your palms on your forehead, trying your hardest not to make too much sound as you cry, feeling your shoulders shake as you do.  memories of all the friends who'd advised you not to commit to a relationship with javi over wine came flooding in, remembering the uneasy looks on all their faces the first time you'd shown up to a friends wedding together. the times you'd stayed at their houses because you just couldn't handle the way he acted when a case had set him off; the amount of times you'd told them that you stayed because he needed you as much as you needed him; ignoring the way they shook their heads.  it hurts so much when things get like this between you two, you don't often find yourself fighting, but this had so far been the worst of all; never had the two of you screamed at each other so loudly before.  it takes about thirty minutes of you sitting on the ground to realize that you should probably move to the small single bed in the corner of the room. you had moved the small bed into what was essentially javi's office about a year ago, mainly done for the purpose of giving steve a place to sleep when him and javi were working non stop, it was your idea, knowing that it would probably be easier seeing as him and steve always had to start so early.  remembering when they moved the bed in, you'd brought the two of them beers as they spent hours upon hours trying to put the stupid thing together.  a memory that used to make you laugh, only serving to making you cry harder as you sat down on the bed.  you could hear javi angrily pacing in the next room over, as well as the occasional bang of what you could assume was him knocking something over or throwing something.  as you laid down on the bed, you shut your eyes slowly, trying to pretend you couldn't hear him even if there was nothing but a paper thin wall separating the two rooms.  -- you couldn't tell what time it was when you finally woke up. you couldn't even remember when you'd fallen asleep. you looked towards the window to see a dim blue light poking out of the curtains, signalling to you that it must have been early in the morning, meaning you couldn't have been asleep for more than four hours.  at first, you reached out for javi, only for the events that occurred only a few hours ago to come flooding back in. the fighting, the screaming. it only replaced the lump in your throat as you sat up and rubbed your eyes.  as you began to wake up more, you wondered what had prompted you to wake up at such a random hour, especially when you'd been so worn out and tired when you actually went to sleep in the first place.  you were about to ponder the question for awhile longer, until you heart the soft grunts coming from you and javi's room. though muffled, you could clearly hear javi in quiet distress. its a sound that you wish wasn't as familiar to you as it was; the amount of times you'd been woken up by javi making those sounds fresh in your head, just as fresh as needing to calm him down from them. he was clearly having a nightmare.  and suddenly, it was as if all of those arguements, all of those snarky comments from your girlfriends and all the time you'd spent crying over javi had been flung out of the window and banished to the back of your mind; only leaving room for a sudden concern for javi. with no hesitation to be observed, you walked to the door and unlocked it, heading to the bedroom as the sounds of javi in sleepy distress became louder and louder.  carefully placing your hand flat on the wooden door, you hesitated, briefly taking a moment to prepare for javi still being upset, knowing that it could still very much be the case. pushing said concerns to the back of your mind once more, you push the door open slowly, still aware of the way in which its hinges tend to creak purely due to age and the fact that it was admittedly purely made; remembering the amount of times javi mentioned he was going to fix it himself but still never getting around to it. you spot his sleeping figure on the bed, though sleeping would certainly be a loose term for it. he's shaking and twitching every few moments, his eyes shut tightly. you aren't sure what it is he's dreaming about, much less if you even want to know; it was likely it wasn't something you'd be able to handle. you'd never asked for any details past what he told you about his job; occasionally he would mention things once or twice in passing, and you were simply content to leave it at that. the things that you'd seen on the television were enough to scare you into not asking for anything else past the information he was willing to give. yet in the same breath, the fact that only seeing things on tv was enough to make your skin crawl, you couldn't imagine what it must have been like for him to see it all up and close and personal, much less risk his life every day just by walking into the embassy. you knew what to expect when you committed to this relationship, yet you had found it so hard to think about what he was going through. after what felt like ten minutes of staring at the poor man, you walked forward and kneeled beside the bed, not wanting to put weight on the mattress so as to frighten him out of his sleep rather than calmly wake him. reaching up, you placed a hand on his cheek, ignoring the prickly feeling of his stubble due to having not shaved for nearly a week and ran your thumb back and fourth across his prickly skin. "javi... javi, baby.."  as you try to speak softly to snap him out of it, it seems to only make it worse as he jumps away from your touch; only resulting in a slight cringe forming on your face. the idea that you're only making it worse for him feels horrible, not even wanting to think about what he must be experiencing in whatever dream it is he's having. "please baby, wake up, its just a dream... i'm here."  continuing to stroke his cheek, you watch as he lets out a loud gasp and his eyes go flying open and he sits up, looking around frantically as if he was trying to find out where he was.  this is only one of many times you've had to do this, needing to wake him up softly and remind him that he was safe with you. it pained you to see him so shaken by a dream. you had to wonder how much more of this line of work he was going to be able to take. the more time you spent watching columbia slowly chip away at the man you loved, you tried to pretend that every time you watched him walk out of the door for work that you weren't worried it may have been his last. you tried to pretend that you weren't always noticing his dark circles and the way he'd grunt out in pain from the smallest movements.  being in the dea was slowly killing him and neither of you even wanted to admit it.  you know better than to ever try and convince him to quit, you've known him long enough to know how stubborn of a man he is; and that if you tried to tell him about the danger and how worried you were, it was only going to push him away in the end.  the times you'd had to help him into bed when he came home drunk, the times you'd needed to help him dress his stitches or watch him take of his shirt only to be met with a bullet scratch on his shoulder. while being in the dea was slowly killing javi, watching it happen was just as slowly killing you. reaching forward, you cup his cheeks and force him to look you in the eyes; ignoring the way that his hands grip tightly onto your wrists.  you've learnt to ignore things like this, it hurts when he grips your wrists so tightly, but you continue to tell yourself that he doesn't mean it; you know he doesn't mean it.  you chose to love a broken man, and with all broken things, you needed to be prepared for occasionally gaining a few cracks yourself.  the fear in his eyes is crystal clear, the way he looks at you as if he doesn't recognize you; its painful, but as his face shifts to one of a subtle recognition, you watch as he slowly sinks down from his fear and feel his grip on your wrists begin to relax bit by bit. stroking his cheeks, you smile softly and sit across from him on the bed, feeling his pulse thundering rapidly. "i'm right here javi, it's ok, your ok."  your whispers finally seem to be working as he shuts his eyes, making an obvious attempt to slow down his breathing. he leans forward, resting his forehead on your collar as you stroke his back slowly, letting him try to calm down from whatever violent nightmare he was being forced to endure.  you can feel his arms wrap around you as he pulls you closer, practically leaning against you as he breathes in your scent, just another way of being able to ground himself back into reality.  in that one moment, every fight the two of you had ever had, the amount of time you'd spent crying over your worries, everything you've had to endure becomes worth it as you sit there in each others arms.  he finally leans back to look at you, letting one of his hands rest on the back of your head as he brings you in to lay a kiss on your forehead, shutting his eyes and taking another deep breath.  without saying anything, he leans back down to lay on the bed, pulling you with him so that you were laying your head on his chest; his arms remaining tightly wound around you with little to no intention of letting you go. just as you had no intention of leaving.  "im sorry.." you whispered out softly, beginning to draw invisible patterns on his bare chest with your finger tips. "i was just so fucking scared that i lost you.." you confessed, letting you voice crack as your vision became foggy. he didn't reply at first, but you felt his breathing tense. you didn't want to ask what it was that he was dreaming about, but based upon his reaction, you wondered whether or not that was the subject matter of his dream, losing you or losing himself. when he finally spoke, it was deep and croaky, just as his voice always was after it had been sleeping; a voice you'd heard whispering sweet nothings and pillow talk in the mornings; the voice that would softly tell you goodbye followed by a kiss on your forehead whenever javi would leave early in the mornings and you'd stay in bed.  "please don't cry, hermosa. please don't be sorry." by the sound of his voice you could tell that he felt bad, it wasn't hard to tell that the both of you were hurt over the argument; your high emotional intensity mixed with javi being worn out was a deadly mix that was bound to end badly. turning to look up at him, you rested your chin on his chest and sighed.  javi stared back at you, reaching up to fix the hair that had fallen in front of your face; allowing his hand to linger purely so he could cup your cheek. shutting your eyes, you leaned into his touch; now unable to stop a few tears from escaping and rolling down your cheeks only to be quickly wiped up by javi's thumb as if he couldn't bear to watch them fall. "te amo." he whispered, reaching for your hand and bringing the back of it to his lips, laying a soft kiss on the skin.  laying your head back down on his chest and shutting your eyes, you allowed yourself to begin drifting back to sleep, now finding such a task monumentally easier now that you were back in javi's arms. "i love you too."
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redhoodssweetheart · 4 years
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Get Out
You and Bucky have a huge fight and you tell him to get out. Can he fix this?
We’re Going to Disney
Your friend canceled on you last minute so Bucky asks if he can go with you to Disney World.
Bucky overhears you telling Natasha how you feel about him. 
Messy Sleeper
You are a wild sleeper and it’s keeping Bucky up at night.
My Hero
Bucky returns from a mission to discover you being harassed at your job. 
Hold Me Tight
Bucky gets back after a rough mission and just wants to be held by his girl.
Care for a Game?
You and Peter are playing pool when Bucky walks in. Knowing what a ladies man Quill is Bucky gets jealous.
Rough Day
Reader comes back from a mission and skips going to medical so that she can be with Bucky.
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Pet Videos and Jealousy
Natasha sees you and Carol having fun together and gets jealous over it.
Ti Amo
Natasha loves it when you speak Italian, she finds it incredibly sexy.
Crash Landing
Natasha is trying to teach you her famous kick moves, but you just can't seem to get it.
You had been dusted by Thanos, but when the Avengers reverse the effects Natasha waits for you to return to her.
Natasha is jealous because she thinks that you're with Steve when in reality you have the biggest crush on her.
I Like Your Top
You get drunk one night while out with the team and when you get hit on by someone saying they liked your top you respond with, “Thanks, her name’s Natasha.”
You and Natasha were trained together in the Red Room and you are very protective of your girlfriend.
Back Home (Gender Neutral!Reader)
Nat never died on Vormir, and when Bruce snaps his fingers to bring everyone back she gets the one person she’s missed the most back as well. You.
All Patched Up (Fem!Reader)
You’re on your way home one night when you hear a noise in the alleyway.  Against your better judgment you go and see what’s wrong.  There you discovered an injured Black Widow and take her home to get her patched up.
Natasha and Fem!Reader dancing around in the kitchen (Headcanon)
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Alien Invasion
Carol has the perfect evening planned out, but your date gets interrupted by a group of aliens that want revenge.
You're injured on a mission and Carol's not sure if you'll be okay.
The Test
Thor finally knows the truth behind yours and Carol's relationship and decides to test Carol to see if she really is worthy of you.
Criminal Record
You have a criminal record and when Carol said she would never date someone with a record you come forward and tell her the truth.
The Proposal
When you get into a really bad car wreck Carol is worried about what will happen. She says that if you make it through the worst of it she will propose to you.
Carol gets shy and tongue-tied whenever you're around. You decide to take matters into your own hands.
You're homesick and Carol comforts you.
Caught (Natasha x Reader ----> Carol x Reader)
You catch Natasha cheating on you with Bucky and turn to Carol for comfort.
You are kidnapped by one of Carol's enemies, and she comes to find you.
You've always been introverted, but it seems that Carol brings out the extrovert in you.
Mischievous Cat
Goose is causing trouble around the house, and Carol manages to distract you for a few minutes while Goose causes even more trouble.
Let’s Go (Homophobic Parents)
Carol is going to meet your parents who are less than thrilled with your relationship with another woman. Carol sticks up for you.
All Mine
Carol gets a little jealous when she sees you talking with Natasha.
Memory Loss (Fem!Reader)
You thought that Carol had died in that crash, only to find out that she’s still alive and can’t remember who you are.
Carol is Nervous to meet your parents (Headcanon)
Fem!Reader is having a panic attack and how Carol would handle it (Headcanon)
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Pietro Maximoff 
Pietro has trouble remembering English sometimes, you try to make him feel better when he gets frustrated.
I Love You
Pietro tells you that he loves you for the first time when the two of you are doing mundane chores together.
Fluent (Russian!Reader)
You're Russian and you can understand Pietro when he's talking to you in Sokovian... only he doesn't know.
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Wanda Maximoff
Movie Night
You and Wanda are trying to have a nice movie night together, but Pietro keeps interrupting.
I Don’t Party (Gender Neutral!Reader)
You and Wanda come up with a hand signal to signal when you’re ready to leave parties.
Bucket List (Fem!Reader)
Wanda finds your bucket list and is determined to help you complete it.
I’m Sorry (Gender Neutral!Reader)
You and Wanda were on opposites sides during Civil War, but you realize now that you were wrong and go to help free her from the Raft prison.
When She’s Insecure (Fem!Reader)
Wanda is feeling insecure and you are determined to help her not be.
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Steve Rogers
You and Steve were happy together even if you were on the run, but when Thanos arrives all that changes when you disappear in the snap.
Aye, Aye Captain (Stark!Reader)
You are Tony Stark’s daughter, but no one knows that except for Nick Fury and Maria Hill. Your dad doesn't know that you're a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, but he finds out when you're injured on a mission.
During the battle of Wakanda, you're being reckless and as a result, Steve yells at you.
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Clint Barton
We Need a Vacation
You and Clint are spending the day together when you both decide it's time for a little vacation together.
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Nick Fury
Home (Male!Reader)
You and Nick Fury are in a secret relationship together. One day when Goose follows Nick into work he calls you into his office and asks that you take Goose home.
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I Need a Drink (Gender Neutral!Reader)
While listening to Peter ramble about upgrades to his suit you make a remark to MJ about needing a drink.  She remarks that you all aren’t legal yet.
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No More Kissing (Gender Neutral!Reader)
Hela threatens to stop kissing you.
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Stolen Hoodie (Gender Neutral!Reader)
Minn-Erva can’t find her hoodie, could you have stolen it from her?
Myself (Gender Neutral!Reader)
Minn-Erva admits that she feels like she can only be herself around you.
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Subtle Intimacy (Gender Neutral!Reader)
Your favorite act of intimacy with Gamora is resting your forehead against hers.
It Smells Like You (Gender Neutral!Reader) 
You ask Gamora if you can borrow a sweater because it smells like her.
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Who the Hell is Bucky?
You suffer an injury on a mission and forget who Bucky is.
Your parents were taken in the snap and the Avengers came for you. You thought it was because of your abilities, but in reality, you're now apart of their family. When Thanos takes you, you don't expect them to come for you, but they do.
Sister Troubles (Brother!Steve x Sister!Reader)
The Reader is having a rough day and Steve makes sure to cheer her up.
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Non-Reader Inserts
Untold Truth One //  Two
Carol runs into Genis-Vell, the son of Mar-Vell, and doesn't trust him as they hunt down Moonston and Kl'rt.
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My Girls (Natasha x Reader x Carol)
You leave on a mission for a week leaving your girlfriends Carol and Natasha worried about you.
Unsure (Natasha x Reader x Carol)
You and Carol want to ask Natasha to join your relationship, but you're not sure what she'll say.
Enough is Enough ( Natasha x Reader x Clint)
Clint and Natasha are fighting with one another after a particularly rough mission and you've had enough.
They Were Roommates (Natasha x Reader x Carol)
The teams finds out that you, Natasha, and Carol are all in a relationship together and some of them were completely clueless to this even though you all weren't hiding it.
Cuddles (Carol x Reader x Wanda)
You, Wanda, and Carol are all cuddling together when your girlfriends want you to serenade them.
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thesolotomyhan · 4 years
Narcos México: Dating them would include: (7/7)
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ok, i was too lazy to fully edit so please forgive me if this is actually trash :((
Tags: @fandomnerd16​ , @visintaes​ , @sheeshgivemeabreak​
Warnings: NSFW!
Güerito is the softest out of everyone, a KING, you two are just so damn cute together
The most loving and affectionate relationship, im crying
Your relationship is the most talked about among everyone,  the it couple from sinaloa,,,
he’s so hopelessly in love with you,,, his heart would just melt when you simply tell him you love him-
like, there is never a moment where you two are mad at each other, you’re always seen smiling and giving each other the biggest heart eyes anyone has ever witnessed- i cant,
Wherever Hector needs to make an appearance, like at a party, he’s arriving with you because there’s no Güero Palma without you-
his forehead kisses are the best
would give you them before he has to go talk business with a socio at a party and leave you with chapo or cochi
It makes him comfortable to leave you with them because he knows they’ll protect you with their lives if they have to-
“Ahorita regreso, mi cielo, si ocupas algo, avisale a Chapo, eh? No me tardo”
I cant, the way he softly speaks to you is everything,,,
 he also probably looks over every 5 minutes to make sure you’re doing alright without him,,,
He’s always holding your hand - im crying
He’ll intertwine your hands and bring them to his lips to kiss your hand-
Or he’ll bring your intertwined hands to his chest, over his heart and caress your face with the other hand,,,
“este corazon es solo de ti, mi amor”  i-
ok I keep thinking about the way Güerito would look at you at all times, everyday,,
The lovesick puppy look is everything,-
He could also talk about you for hours because holy shit do you have him tied down-
, nothing makes him smile brighter than seeing you get along with Chapo and Cochi, even though they tend to endlessly tease the both of you-
“Bueno, cuando piensan ustedes hacer chiquito güeritos y güeritas, pues? Pinche, Chapito ya quiere ser un padrino”-
The little look Güero throws at you when you blush and smile up at him after Cochi said that-
Honestly, Cochi and Chapo would probably be so escandalosos the day you announce your pregnancy, i-
The sinaloa family grows :))
I just know, Hector has a framed photo of you two on his desk🥺,,,
He’ll just stare at your face when he’s beginning to stress out and remind himself that he’s doing it for you,, so he can keep you happy-
My heart--, Hector gives me hardcore old school vibes, like even though you’re married, he’s always giving you the biggest bouquet of roses he can find before every. single. date.
The tiny little smile he has as he stands there when he sees your eyes light up-
“Para ti mi amor, te los escogí yo mismo” fuck 
, When he takes you out to eat, he’s holding your hand from across the table, running his thumb over your knuckles-
, this man is giving you his undivided attention when you talk and giving you the most adoring smile, im dying-
ok Güero would totally be the one to take you to a “mini” date after your date
Like, he’ll take you to the neveria or even buy you 6 different antojitos for you to share with him -im sobbing
I cant even imagine how his heart would literally break whenever he sees you upset, automatically thinking what he did wrong to make you sad :(
“Mi cielo, que paso? No llores, dime, que hice” I- :(((
just the way he holds you and lets you cry into him-
ohh,, if someone hurted you, he would personally  shoot up all of sinaloa if he has to in order to make you feel safe again-
He would go through hell and back just to make it up to you and see you smile,,,,
He also definitely tries his best to shield you from the business, but he can’t help but rant to you about everything that goes on
, I feel like he’ll rant to you about the time Chapo suggested his tunnel idea and hector is just over here rambling about how tf he’s going to find another way through tijuana
Its not until you speak up about maybe considering chapo’s idea, like you mention something about “por lo que me dices, no se van dar cuenta los de tijuana, mucho menos porque nadie piensa buscar abajo de tierra, hector”
Güero just pauses and looks at you, because??? You just said it so nonchalantly and made the idea make sense to him? all while making champurrado like the queen you are-
“Intelligente, mi preciosa, verdad?” as he comes up to you and tilts your face to kiss you,,
ooh the two of you making food together has my heart dying,-
domestic-hector can have my whole fucking soul,,
SoftCuddles in the morning and before bed, he would pull you on top of him and give you so many kisses on your face, your happy laughter just makes him so weak, I-
alright right off the bat, this man loves receiving blowjobs from you, like not only because it lowers his stress levels, but also just the way you look,, makes him hard,
when your on your knees for him, your mouth filled with his cock, and the sounds that fill up the room,,i - he has that view ingrained into his memory,,
cada vez que se encabrone, your already unbuckling his pants to help him relax in his chair at his office-
he’ll stare as you go down on him, letting out a deep low groans,-
“Un pinche angel que dios me mando, verdad mi cielo?”
as he holds the side of your face, slowly thrusting into your mouth-ok
this is going to lead into office sex, im sorry im not making the rules here
it just excites him having you lay on his workspace, gripping the desk and biting your lips to keep quiet as he pounds into you,
“no hagas ruido mi amor, yo se que puedes aguantar”
the one thing he hates about office sex tho is having to be quick because he doesn’t want to risk someone finding you naked on his desk with his cock inside of you-  
and yet, you two are so good at hiding any noises that could lead to suspicion he’s banging you in his office,, 
but he’s literally so shit at hiding the evidence, like, his hair and outfit are so out of place, there’s a fresh hickey on his neck and your panties were left on the floor,,
“Güero, no chingues, son las nueve de la mañana, cabron, no te podrías esperar?”
Cochi and Chapo would give him so much shit, pero le vale
ok at home though, i feel like Güero is a mix of desperate and slow, like he’ll desperately smother you in kisses, wanting to get you out of your clothes as soon as possible,,
But once he has you laid out on the bed, he’s slowing down, taking his time, worshiping you 
He needs to make you feel good before he can even think about himself,, you can fight me if you don’t think this man loves going down on you
es apasionado el cabron, he’s looking up at you while he’s in between your thighs, probably has his hands wandering up your body as you cry out for him, letting you move your hips on his face -dammit
the way he’ll kiss your inner thighs when he’s done, i-
ok my soft bby needs to see your face when you have sex, he admires the way you respond to his thrusts-
i know hector would lay his forehead on yours, cooing how good youre being for him as he gently holds your face and do those slow but rough thrusts-
or he’ll plant one of his hands on your stomach, pounding into you,  thinking about how beautiful you would look swole this his kid, im sorry
dont look at me, that is one of his many goals ok, quiere una familia, he goes rock hard just thinking about knocking you up-
 alright, can you imagine surprising him when he comes home after a long day to see you wearing lingerie, his mind just goes blank when he sees you walk up to him
“no estoy muerto, verdad?”
his hands are automatically holding your waist as you laugh up to him, pulling him along to your bedroom,,
“no, nomas queria recordarte cuanto te amo” ,- ohh
ok-i laugh at this scenario,, but, Cochi probably teases güero non stop when he’s mad and yells at his workers
like, he’ll wander up to güero who’s fuming, a death glare in his eyes and cochi  just smugly saying,
“Quieres que llamo tu mujer para que te pueda chupar a la verga?”
Güero just throws him an annoyed look, like are you being fr right now? “Callate, pendejo”
but the next day he arrives with like 15 orders of tacos for everyone with a smile and Chapo would probably be the next to call him out,,
“Que Güero, tuvistes una buena noche? Le dices a tu mujer que gracias de parte de todos aqui” ,,,
guero wouldnt even be mad at that point, probably gives them a little smile because el si tiene mujer que lo cuida-
god, riding güero, sign me tf up
this is where he’ll help you tear your clothes off on top of him and give you deep kisses that leave you breathless, helping you grind on him
he’ll wrap his arms around you and deeply thrust into you with no warning, making you throw your head back
kissing your neck as he feels you try to vigorously bounce on him, while you run your hands through his hair,,
His hands would be everywhere, one minute their grasping your ass the next he has them running all over back,,
fuck, when he grips your hips to hold you still on top of him as he roughly thrusts into you,,i-
GraBbinG his necklace, like tangling it in between your hands to tightly grasp something when he makes you shout his name- wow
122 notes · View notes
exosmutfactory · 4 years
Six Phases 005 Pt 1
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Who knew it nearly took 6 months to win your heart, and 6 phases for Baekhyun to lose his mind.
A/N:  Hi, welcome to a 22.6K MONSTER of a chapter. Thank you.
[ contains: romance, fluff, angst, & smut ]
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  P(1) P(2) | Part 4 P(1) P(2) | Part 5 P(1) ✓  P(2) | Part 6
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
The club is more alive than ever tonight. Almost everyone has taken to the dance floor and the place is packed everywhere with grinding bodies. It's not hard getting lost in the crowd.
I can barely see over the majority of the crowd in my stilettos. You'd think my current 5'10 height would make it easier to spot Baekhyun in the room, but nope, the flashing of lights and mass of bodies could conceal a damn pink polka dotted elephant from your eyes.
After spinning around to avoid the elbow of a particularly non-coordinated individual, I nearly crashed into the person behind me. "Excuse m-" My eyes widen at the familiar head of silver hair before I smile, "Hey."
Baekhyun chuckles, settling his hands on my hips; a brow raised in amusement, "Hello." He huskily replies; locks of hair attractively dangling in his eyes. He's adoring a red shirt with white scripted words all over it, black leather pants that make his thighs look scrumptious, and black heeled boots to match. Looking like a full course meal as always—and even more so than usual with that alluring look in his kohl outlined eyes.
Quickly reeling in my steadily-rising urges, I keep moving to the tempo of the moderate-paced music; loosely wrapping my arms around his neck, "What took so long? I thought I lost you for a second."
"Minseok hyung went on a tangent over how much business has been booming since he incorporated cheerwine-vodka drinks to the bar." He chuckles again, twirling me around with an adorable smile. "Your southern delicacy is really popular around here."
I grin, "It's the best of the best."
Baekhyun hums, pulling me closer and tilting his head to plant a kiss on my cherry red lips; causing me to giggle. "What?" He looks at me, smiling adorably.
"Nothing." I smile bashfully; cheeks warmed from the gesture.
"Come on," Spinning me around again, he suddenly dips my body; making me gasp as his hand rests securely on my back and lips brush against mine. Warm minty breath caressing my cheek, "Tell me."
"I-I just..." Locking eyes as he pulls me back up, I can't help but flush at his adoring stare. "Being with you, like this." I gesture to the dancefloor; blissfully unbothered by the pleasantly chaotic environment, and the thundering pound of music with him—and his firm body—so close and so warm. His comforting presence brings a smile to my lips, "It's nice."
His smile widens, a look of understanding flashing in his brown eyes. "I knew you had a kink for dancing with me."
Choking on a laugh, I smack his bicep; leaning on him for support as his contagious amusement rings in my ears. Would it be too mushy of me to say how utterly adorable Baekhyun is when he smiles like this? All bright crescent moon eyes, glowy cheeks and a boxy grin that I just want to kiss right off his pouty lips. His smile could light up the whole galaxy, not even the sun can deny that.
"And what if I do?" I murmur lowly, sliding my hand up his arm and down his chest; feeling the lean muscle underneath. "You got quiet," I muse, flickering my eyes up to his; quickly gulping at the pure lust swirling in his brown orbs.
Baekhyun grabs my wrist and slides my hand back up his chest, holding eye contact as he sucks my finger between his lips. The piercing gaze in his dark orbs making me sway out of rhythm—something he catches with a winning smirk. He tightens his grip on my hip, leaning to whisper into my ear, "Then I'm willing to fulfill your needs, baby."
Gulping at his deliberate lick of lips, a new song breaks me out of our little bubble. The familiar 8-count instrumental seems to trigger Baekhyun's memory as well; his hand releasing mine as I kick off my heels before his stable singing voice reaches my surprised ears.
"She got the mmm, brown eyes, caramel thighs. Long hair, no wedding ring," He gives a cute little nod, raising his brow attractively, "hey." He walks closer, causing me to step back to fully admire his confident aura. "I saw you lookin' from across the way. And now I really wanna know your name..."
He continues in that hypnotizing way of his—little sinful body rolls and confident crotch grabs—holding eye contact as if the words are meant for me; mouthing along with a satisfied smirk on his inviting lips.
"I love her hips, curves, lips say the words." He lightly brushes his hands over my thighs and up my waist, walking around to whisper into my individual ears along with the beat. "Te amo, mami, ah, te amo, mami."
"I kiss her, this love is like a dream..."
He brings my hand to his shoulder while grasping my other one, stepping forward as I step back in synchronization; meeting him toe to toe.
"So join me in this bed that I’m in
Push up on me and sweat, darling
So I'm gonna put my time in
And won’t stop until the angels sing-"
He spins me around and brings me back into his arms, swaying to the beat with my back to his chest and our joined hands resting on my hip. Matching smiles on our lips.
"Jump in that water, be free
Come south of the border with me
Jump in that water, be free
Come south of the border with me"
Spinning away, I turn to face Baekhyun, throwing his moves right back at him with a wink, "He got that mmm, green eyes, givin' me signs. That he really wants to know my name—hey. I saw you lookin' from across the way. And suddenly, I'm glad I came, ay-"
Gathering the skirt of my white dress, I dance light on my feet around him as the speakers burst out Spanish lyrics; smiling playfully at the captivated look in his eyes. "Mmm, green eyes, takin' your time. Now we know we'll never be the same."
"I love his lips 'cause he says the words," Putting my back to him, I arch my back, coyly peeking over each shoulder at him and slightly rolling my body against his to the beat, "Te amo, mami, ah, te amo, mami."
"Don’t wake up, this love is like a dream... So join me in this bed-"
Pressing my back to him again, we move in sync; heated skin to skin with only our thin clothes between. Barriers that don't even matter with my hand in his hair and his tight grip on my hips.
"-that I’m in
Push up on me and sweat, darling
So I'm gonna put my time in (Time in)
And won’t stop until the angels sing-"
Being cheeky, I slide my hands up my body while we sway side to side; resting my hand on the back of his neck.
"Jump in that water, be free
Come south of the border with me
Jump in that water, be free
Come south of the border with me."
He spins me around to him once again. Our eyes locked as we let ourselves get lost in the rest of the song.
"Flawless diamonds
In a green field near Buenos Aires
Until the sun's rising
We won't stop until the angels sing..."
The piercing gaze in his dark eyes is almost too much for me to bear; warm, slender fingers digging further into the soft swell of my hips with every twist of my waist.
"Jump in that water, be free
Come south of the border with me
Jump in that water, be free
Come south of the border with me"
The song quickly fades into another, but Baekhyun and I don’t move. Chests pressed together and shared heavy breaths. His freshly dyed grey hair leaving streaks of silver sliding down his cheeks. Long strands of hair messily clinging to his forehead, sweat shining on his prominent collarbones and peek of a firm chest. His lick of lips as he takes the chance to check me out as well pushing me to my limit.
"Take me home." I breathe, pressing my lips to his.
"Shit." Baekhyun hisses, pausing to brush his hair back.
I can't help but chuckle, kicking off my heels and bending over to pick up the fallen table, "Told you keeping the lights off was a bad-" I jolt forward with a gasp, bracing myself against the wall with red cheeks. The accusatory look I shoot over my shoulder does nothing to change the hungry expression on his face, "The fuck did you just do, Byun?"
He tilts his head at me, hand resting comfortably on the curve of my ass, "You liked it." He observes, rubbing my throbbing cheek; lifting the corner of his lips, "Didn't you?"
I scoff in opposition to the redness of my cheeks, "That's not-" A moan escapes before I can clasp my hands over my mouth, staring at him with wide eyes.
Baekhyun merely raises a brow as his hand slips from my heated skin and down between my legs, full-on smirking at what he discovers there. He leans close, pressing his chest to my sensitive back. "You're soaked," He murmurs into my ear; gripping my hip when my legs shake at his light exploration.
I part my lips only to whimper at the smack he lands on my left cheek, quickly becoming breathless at his light taps on my clothed clit. "F-Fuck-" My back arches when he suddenly pulls away, flipping the skirt of my dress over my back and yanking my panties down in one go, "Baekhyun-" I nearly yell, knees buckling at the rough intrusion of two fingers into my wet core.
"Shh," He leans forward again, smacking my ass as his fingers pound into me, "Be a good girl for me."
I choke and scramble to find something to hold on to when he twists his wrist, curling his fingers right into my sweet spot. Neat, blunt nails lightly scratching against my clenching walls as my hands slip helplessly on the wall, "B-Baekhyun." I whimper, squeezing my eyes shut. Just when I'm at the edge and slowly lowering to the ground with shaky knees, he fucking pulls his fingers out.
At this point, the only thing keeping me on my feet is the acute annoyance I feel towards him right now.
"Bedroom." He states, slipping wet fingers past his kiss-swollen lips after I stand up and turn around to glare at him. He merely lifts a brow, hand still on my hip as he sucks obscenely loud on the slick digits; wicked tongue peeking out from his smirking lips.
Inwardly cursing him and myself, I walk further into the spacious apartment on wobbly legs. Crossing my arms once I enter the black, white and grey with a dash of red—thanks to me—styled room.
Baekhyun takes his sweet old time joining me. Slipping out of his shoes and socks before pressing me against the wall. Chest pressed to mine as he reconnects our lips, reaching down to pull my leg around his waist.
My nails dig mercilessly into his shoulders when he slides his fingers back inside me; arching my back at the addition of his thumb tapping my poor clit. One well-aimed thrust to my spot makes my knee buckle, gasping for breath and tensing up in preparation only for him to pull his fingers out again.
Baekhyun looks down at me with the darkest eyes; pupils blown wide as his hand rubs over my lower back and down to cup my ass. "You're shaking," He whispers, tightening his grip and hoisting me up into his arms before walking over to the bed. Setting me down gently with a soft kiss pressed to my lips.
I sit up to pull off my dress, "Don't you fucking dare." I hiss at his fingers walking up my thigh, crossing my quivering legs.
Baekhyun chuckles, pulling his shirt over his head, "Don't you want me to make you feel good, baby?"
"I... Yes..." Distracted by his glistening chest, I twitch at the feeling of his sneaky hand slipping between my thighs, fixing him with a glare. "Not stopping when I'm right there." I grumbled, jaw clenching at the persistent ache in my core.
"Does my baby want to come?" He coos, sliding off his leather pants before climbing onto the bed. Gaze locked on mine as he pulls my underwear off my legs.
Gulping at his predator stance, I sit like a deer caught in headlights, panting when his hands softly spread my heated thighs. His lips brushing over my inner thigh makes my back arch. "I'll literally flip if you stop again."
He hums noncommittally, leisurely leaving a trail of wet kisses up to where I need him the most. I close my eyes, trembling a little when his lip brushes over my folds.
Baekhyun hovers, and I can feel his eyes on me.
I know exactly what he wants.
Gulping again I nervously lick my lips, slowly peeling my eyes open to look back at him.
He releases his bottom lip from between his teeth, wordlessly holding up his palm in my direction with twinkling orbs.
The hot blush forming on my cheeks and small trembles in my body do nothing to ease my giddy heart as I gingerly place my shaky hand in his. Baekhyun's soft squeeze and sweet smile melts me further until he's flicking his tongue against my heated core. My grip tightens with every whimper and gasp he pulls from my lips. Barely a few minutes have gone by when my thighs start shaking again.
"Always so sweet for me," He murmurs, pulling away as I catch my breath. His warm skin brushes against my own as he leaves a trail of kisses back up to my lips, "Babe?"
Humming I blink the post-orgasm daze from my eyes, meeting his questioning orbs. Breath hitching at the feel of his cock rubbing along my thigh. "Yes," I breathe, biting my lip at his promising smile.
Baekhyun reaches over to the nightstand drawer, pulling out a condom as my cheeks flush. The way he rips the packet open from between his teeth stirs the fire growing in the pit of my stomach; an unintentional tease to upcoming events—or intentional based off the knowing smirk on his equally flushed face.
I can't help but scoff at his antics, trying my best not to squirm when his cock brushes over my sensitive pussy; growing impossibly redder and wetter at the thought of the word as he insists to tease over my wet folds. I never imagined myself referring to it in that way, let alone while my boyfriend is looking down at me like I'm his last meal.
Seriously, I swear the twinkle in his eye rivals the one he reserves for hawaiian pizza right now. And the groan that escapes his lips while finally sliding his cock into my waiting core making my breath hitch… Fuck me.
I never really saw myself actually enjoying the act of sex or fucking or whatever. Yes—I will admit—I probably think about sex more times than anyone should in a day, but to actually do it? To give someone one of the most precious things to me and enjoy it on the first night? Yeah, not how I saw myself evolving. Then again, who can ever predict how their first time will go? Who can predict a Baekhyun walking into their life? Surely not I, nor how much I appreciate the slight stretch of accommodating his impressive length.
—Okay, maybe I enjoy sex with Baekhyun more than the thought of sex itself—
A noise I never thought I could make escapes my lips when he gathers my body closer to his; hips grinding at a new angle into my core with dark brown eyes watching my every move and swallowing me whole. Fuck it—yes, I definitely enjoy it with him more.
"Are you close?" He murmurs, kissing behind my ear in a way that makes me squeak.
"Y-Yes." I sigh, clutching onto his shoulders and gasping when he increases the tempo, "Fuck."
Baekhyun chuckles huskily into my ear, his breath causing goosebumps to cover my heated skin. I don't even try to stifle my moan when his cock hits my sweet spot just right. A beautiful noise of his own leaving his lips as my walls clench around him. I'm still so sensitive from earlier there is no coaxing needed to make me cum on his cock.
Baekhyun's gasp fans over the sensitive skin of my neck; a sneaky hand slipping between my legs while I'm trying to catch my own breath. My thighs tighten around his waist and hips buck from the prolonged sensations. Somehow he manages to pull one last orgasm from me as he's reaching his own; kiss swollen lips beautifully parted and head thrown back while filling the condom. There's no relaxing myself with the way he stays buried deep inside my clenching walls. If that condom wasn’t on… I quickly shake off that dangerous thought.
The feeling of Baekhyun's chest pressed to mine with our frantic heartbeats and shared breaths combined with his breathless kiss to my lips has a whole new wave of emotion bursting through my being. I love him so much it kinda hurts.
"Happy?" He muses, leaning up to run a hand through his messy hair, looking me over with those mesmerizing brown eyes of his. A soft smile playing at his lips. I don't reply, too busy trying to regulate my breathing while lying completely lax against the sheets. Not at all ashamed to take in the glorious sight of his flushed cheeks and glistening chest amidst the afterglow, and leaning up to press another kiss to his sweet mouth. “Very.” I murmur, lips curling up into a smile that matches his own.
There's nothing like waking up to a blarming alarm at 7:30 in the morning after a particularly long night that states “MEETING WITH THE BROS/HOES” in all caps. Especially after partying—and partaking in the “after party”—the previous night. Why did I agree to meet at the coffee shop on a Sunday morning? Oh, right.. Baekhyun was supposed to drive me back to the dorm last night…
:) Well then.
I mean, it wouldn't have been so bad if I had actually managed to get out of bed when my alarm went off this morning.
Now here I stand, hastily fixing my appearance in the reflection of the cafe window. Making sure the collar of my backless crop-top is up and freshly made curls are covering stray blemishes on my skin.
The events of last night fill my mind before I promptly shake my head, clearing my throat as I step through the door.
"Well look who it is!" A warm voice chimes. I look up from checking my outfit again to an amused Jongin, watchful Jenny, and Sehun waving like a madman from our booth. Quickly making my way across the room with red cheeks while avoiding the annoyed looks of onlookers seated around.
"Nice of you to finally join us," Jenny muses, knowing blue eyes following me as I plop down into the remaining seat next to her. "If you didn't call the other night I'd swear Baek put you in a sex-induced coma."
Snorting, I quietly take a sip from the steaming mug seated in front of me; savoring the taste of lemon ginger tea and setting it carefully back on the table. "Nothing of the sort happened."
"Really?" She squints a little, Sehun and Jongin watching on in amusement, "You got that glow about you right now."
Instinctively looking off to the left, my cheeks grow warmer at Jongin's chuckle. I can't even throw Baekhyun under the bus for how he held me up last night, or this morning; trying my best not to bite my lip. Another type of sex added to the favorites list. "I just slept really well."
"Uh, huh," Jenny nods, taking a sip of her own cup with a knowing smile on her face. "I bet you did."
"Anyway," I deflect, looking between the trio. "How are you guys? It’s been awhile."
"I'm convinced that my intern is a complete dumbass," Sehun grumbles, finishing his coffee and sitting back with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Uh, oh," I utter, trying not to smile at the petulant expression on his normally blank features, "What he do this time?"
"I caught him trying to spot check a guy doing 50 reps of bench press with 200 pounds." He tries to explain as a waitress brings over plates full of muffins fresh out the oven. Recalling a brief conversation of this particularly risk-taking kid, I can't help smiling while digging into my strawberry one. "Maybe he's good at it."
He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Riley, this kid looks like a twig would be too much for him-"
"Now that's a lie," I immediately interject, pointing my fork at him. "If that was the case you would have turned him away on the spot. Did you ask him how much he lifts?" Sehun begrudgingly nods, lips still childishly pursed. "Good, now give the poor kid more credit. He's probably stronger than you think."
"Have a little faith in him," I soothe. "If you're really worried then make sure you are there next time to observe and intervene if needed, but you have to let him do something." I emphasize, "So he can improve."
Sehun sits quietly for a few minutes, thinking it over as the rest of us fuss over the arrangement of identical glasses and sneaky hands (Jongin) stealing food from others' plates. "Damn it, why do you have to be right."
"Comes with the territory." I grin, referring to our matching stickers childishly stuck to the back of our phone cases. It happened during a recent drunken night at the newest bar in town. Donkey and Shrek; some days I'm one of them and oftentimes he's the other.
"Just my luck to befriend an intellectually logical yet empathic person," He mumbles, sipping his coffee with a small smile quirking at his lips.
"That's best friend to you!" I retort, glaring at his mischievous smirk before turning to Jongin. "How bout you man? What's cooking?"
His brow raises, amusement shining in his eyes at my poor attempt to not laugh at my own joke. "The kids got a residual coming up," He utters, thoughtfully chewing on a piece of strawberry muffin I swear he took from the top of mine.
"Oh?" I hum, taking the extra muffin Sehun offers me before blinking in realization. "Oh! Really? When is it?"
"This Saturday," A certain kind of sparkle is in his normally brooding eyes, small smile on display. "It's the last one before school starts."
"Yeah," I wince, staring down into my swirling mug with a frown, "Don't remind me. I still got books to get."
"What year will you be in this year?" Jongin inquires, brow raised when I only give him a deadpan look. "What?"
He shrugs, "How am I supposed to know what year you’re in?"
"Anyway!" Jenny chirps while I take another sip of my drink, judging him over the rim of my mug. "There's a party going on at Jongdae's this Friday." Her eyes are already lighting up at the thought of what she's planning to wear—or at the prospect of having an excuse to be with a certain brunet for the entire evening. "Are you going?"
Humming a bit in thought, I lightly shake my head, setting my drink down. "I think I'll pass."
"But why?" She protests, puppy eyes in full effect while I quickly avert my eyes. I'm not about to fall for that trick again. "...It isn't because of Baekhyun, is it?"
My neck cracks a little as I whip around to face her; temples pulsing with a painful whiplash, "And why would Baekhyun have anything to do with it?"
"Bro, you are like attached at the hip," Jongin states with a raised brow, idly twirling a spoon around his fingertips.
"Has he been to a party since he moved?" Sehun lifts his head from the phone in his hands, slipping it into his back pocket when I give him the side-eye.
"Well-" I pause, thinking back over the past two months. They are kind of right in a way. I spend more time having lunch dates in Baekhyun's office than sleeping in on Saturday mornings. There's more of my clothes neatly stacked on the left side of his closet than my own back at the dorms. And I swear I didn't purposely stash his favorite black hoodie in my backpack...
(I did. I totally did and I don't know when I'll give it back).
"…No," I conclude, stirring my drink.
Sehun makes a ‘mmhm’ noise, leaning back in his seat while Jongin snorts, shooting me a knowing look. "The wild princess changing playboy Baekhyun's ways."
I scowl as Jenny nods, throwing an arm over my shoulders with the cheekiest smile, "Who would have thought, right?"
"You all suck." I groan, hiding within my folded arms on the table. "...I'm going."
"Yes!" Jenny squeals, clapping her hands in glee and outstretching one out to the shell-shocked man across from her, "Pay up, Jongin."
"Riley, I was rooting for you." He protests, handing a 20 over with a disappointed frown.
I merely look over at Sehun, raising a brow when he's quick to hold up his hands. "I wouldn't. You're very 50/50 lately."
"Oh that's very reassuring," I grumble, sipping my warm drink; not fighting the smile curling at the corners of my lips. "Good thing I bought that new dress."
"What!?" Jenny gasps, lightly shoving my shoulder when my smile just widens. "I swear you never wear the same dress."
"Perks of having a CEO boyfriend," Jongin muses, washing down a muffin with some coffee.
"Nah," I set the empty mug back on the table, shaking my head. "I saved up a lot from my part-time job."
"Part-time job?" Jenny inquires, lowering her phone down to her lap while looking at me. "When did you get one of those?"
"She had one before school," Sehun explains, continuing after my agreeing hum; giving him a thumbs up with a mouthful of muffin. "A well-off flower shop, I believe."
"Wow." Jenny blinks, narrowing her eyes at me. "You're just full of surprises."
"It was nice," I mumble, dabbling my lips with a napkin, "Besides the fact I have mild pollen allergy."
Jongin snorts and I grin, enduring Sehun's amusement and Jenny's continuous scoldings as the morning sun rises higher in the sky.
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I checked my makeup in the mirror one last time: a fierce copper glitter, smokey eye look to match my sexy black lace sleeveless dress with see-through sides. The form-fitting material complementing my every curve. Even lingerie is out of the question with this daring dress, but I have no fear. Stretch marks can't be easily seen in the dim lighting of a drunken party, and my lips are coated in a glossy pink shade to not kill too many men in the crowd tonight.
Leaning away from the mirror while recapping my gloss, I set it down next to my phone that lights up with a notification.
I miss you (>﹏<)♡o(╥﹏╥)o ♥♡
Giggling with an adoring smile, I maneuver around my baby pink manicured nails to type a response.
I miss you too, baby. Take care at the office, okay?
The day is almost over! 4 more hours to go. You can do it :***
A few heart emojis shared later and a knock sounds at the door. I grab my phone, sparkly golden clutch and walk over with even strides; the clinks of my nude high heels against the floor blooming more confidence in my chest. The sight of a familiar head of blue hair greets me on the other side of the doorway.
"Hey," Jenny perks up, spinning around, "You ready?" One look at my outfit and she smirks, raising an eyebrow knowingly as I take in her matching cocktail dress. "Oh honey, we are going to be sharks tonight."
Giggling I loop my arm around hers, our respective heels clicking down the residential apartment complex halls.
"So," She adjusts her hair in the reflection of the elevator, carefully pulling curls from inside of her dangling turquoise earrings. "What are your plans for tonight?"
"Plans?" I raise a brow, briefly meeting her gaze while meticulously evening out my gloss in my handheld mirror.
"Dancing, drinking, going home early," She lists off her turquoise manicured nails with a nod, nonchalantly leaning against the railing on the far wall. "Did you even tell Baekhyun you were going out tonight?"
A chill goes down my spine as I put my things away, and I don't know why. "Tell him?" I chuckle, rubbing my goosebump covered arms.
Jenny continues to nod, long nails tapping rapidly across her phone. "Mhm." She hums, voice filled with a level of concern that has my head tilting in confusion. "He's a worrier, you know?"
My brows furrow at that. "...It'll be fine," I mumble after a minute, trying to convince myself. Based on the look she shoots my way it didn't reassure her either. "Besides, he's working late tonight," My heart sinks a little at the reminder; I shrug it off. "I won't see him til the morning anyway."
She meets my eye over the illuminated screen of her phone; perfectly shaped brow raised. "If you're sure."
"Yes, Jen." I stress in exaggeration, placing my cold hands on my hips. "What's the worst that can happen?"
She says nothing as the double doors open, quietly putting away her phone as we exit side by side. A gust of wind meets us the instant we step outside.
"Maybe he's over it..." I hear her mutter under her breath.
The screeching of tires startles us before I can say anything. A familiar shiny black Mercedes pulls up to the curb; bass booming from the cranked up stereo speakers.
"Ready ladies?" Jongin's smirking face appears through the rolled down window; his arm resting comfortably on the window seal, free hand gesturing to his vehicle. "Your chariot awaits."
Jenny scoffs as I muffle a giggle. Before we can take a step forward, another voice rings out over the music.
"Get in already! You're letting out all the cold air." Sehun complains.
A scoff leaves me at that. "You're not the one navigating stilettos, Oh!" I yell right back, climbing into the backseat as Jenny takes the passenger side; her laughter filling up the spacious car.
Jongdae's party wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be. The usual partygoers were there except for talented bartender Minseok, brooding Kyungsoo, enthusiastic Chanyeol, and of course Baekhyun. Such a little difference left a major impact in the handling of drinks, (I had to run down to the convenience store with Sehun to get him to buy us dr pepper and a bottle of cheap vodka to share. Perks of being 21). The selection of music—I honestly never knew that techno dubstep could leave my head pounding harder than any hard liquor. And the state of the dance floor… Between the crushed solo cups and unidentifiable fluids littering the wooden floors, it's a far cry from any event Baekhyun has had.
"Shit." I hiss, clutching my throbbing knee. Struggling to insert the key into the apartment door while balancing on one unsteady foot. The door is yanked open before I can make a third attempt. I blink, slowly lifting my eyes up to a disheveled Baekhyun; his silver hair in a disarray and white dress shirt partially unbuttoned. My heart skips at the sight; a smile soon forming on my lips, "Baekhyunee-"
He steps out the reach of my open arms, swiftly turning to head back inside, leaving the door open.
I hover in the doorway for a moment with a frown, feeling a bit apprehensive while stepping over the threshold. Maybe it was a bad day at the office? His subordinates have been giving him a hard time lately, making decisions without his approval only to leave him to fix their mess in the end. Plus the rumors of a mole trying to catch a peek at his upcoming fashion line designs isn’t ideal. With great power comes great responsibility... I don't know how Baekhyun does it.
I peek inside to find him pacing the wooden floor with heavy footsteps. His neighbors surely won't like that.
"Where were you?" He stops in the middle of the living room, watching me with keen eyes. There's nothing exciting about the darkness I find there.
"Where was I?" I mumble quietly, gently pulling the door closed behind me. Hesitating to even lock it.
"Where were you?" He steps closer and it takes everything in me not to recoil under his predatory stance. Frustration clear in his voice with a sense of poorly concealed panic in his eyes.
What's wrong? I want to ask; worriedly glancing over the obvious exhaustion written all over his face.
"Why haven't you been returning my calls?" His wild gestures towards his device innocently sitting on the arm of the couch remind me of my own tucked away in my clutch; still on airplane mode. His black blazer is even left in a heap on the floor. "How are you going to ask to spend the night yet when I come back you're-"
"I went out," I simply shrug with a twitch of my lips; guilt and slight annoyance bubbling in my chest at the doubtful expression forming on his tired face. "It's a Friday night, Baekhyun."
"Without telling me?" He points to himself. "No call, text or anything?" His eyes trail over my person, hovering over my new dress; brown eyes indifferent instead of the awe I wanted to find there. He scoffs after a moment, shaking his head. "Very responsible of you."
"I'm sorry?" I laugh a little in disbelief fighting the urge to hide away from his scrutinizing gaze. "What are you, my father?"
"Sometimes it feels like it." He grits out, lips curling up into a mocking smile.
My hands drop down to my sides at that. "If you were so worried," I continue despite the bad taste in my mouth; crossing my arms and staring him down, "You could have contacted Jenny."
"How do I know you were with her?" He chuckles bitterly, roughly running a hand through his ruffled hair. A disgusted look crossing his face as he spits out, "How do I know you weren't out fucking Jong-"
"Excuse me?" I breathe, placing a hand to my chest with wide eyes; my heart somewhere between being shattered at my feet and beneath the lump forming in my throat.
He pauses, suddenly at a loss for words before spinning on his heel.
"Oh no." I chuckle at his audacity. "Finish that sentence, Baek. Go ahead." My voice is sugar sweet while following him to the hallway; steadily deepening with my building rage. "Go a fucking head."
He stops, deciding to get in my face then. Looking me over in disdain and hissing venomously. "You were out fucking Jongin."
"Do you have a height complex or something...?" I chuckle in disbelief, hand on my hip while pushing him back with the other. "Don't come accusing me of anything just because of your insecurities." Lifting my chin, I murmur. "You either talk to me like a fucking adult or I let you talk to the wall because I am sick of your shit."
"I'm sick of you too," He shoots back, hurt clear in his glistening brown eyes, swiftly turning to storm off down the end of the hallway.
A tired sigh leaves my lips while shaking my pounding head; feeling a headache coming on. "You promised not to go to bed angry!" I yell after him, leaning against the wall to tug off my annoying heels.
"I'm not angry." He growls, slamming the door to the guest bedroom shut.
I jolt at the startling noise, rubbing the back of my neck; muttering sourly under my breath. "Not angry my ass..."
We barely speak a word to each other for the rest of the weekend. He either leaves a room every time I enter it or downright acts like I'm not even there. Patience wearing thin, I repack my overnight bag shoved deep under the bottom of his bed from months of being unused and start sleeping back at the dorms. Although it is rightfully my room too, I still feel like I'm guiltily crashing there with how much I've been gone lately. Jenny doesn't mind though.
"I've missed the company." She reassures, helping me apply a face mask.
"...Do you think I was being unreasonable?" I mumble, looking down at the container in my hands.
Her sigh is a long one. "Well." She nods, smoothing the cream out on my skin, "The height comment was below the belt. And you could have shot him a text."
"I had my phone on silent..." I mumble in remorse, glancing over the 30 worry-filled messages and 5 calls he sent to me the other night. Not a peep has been heard out of him since, not even when I reminded him where the cute teapot set is for his adorable tuesday tea time…
"You were a bit harsh. But." She continues, raising her clean hand when I begin to object, "He had no right accusing you of cheating." The disgusted look on her face matches the tone in her voice. "Like what the fuck? Who cheats on the best dick in town-"
"Kidding!" She laughs, dodging my hand, sporting a serious expression again. "In all seriousness. Baekhyun has trust issues…" She trails off, blinking before I can identify the odd look in her eyes. "And sadly, I'm not surprised."
"Really?" I keep still as she nods, applying more cream across my forehead. "...Do you know what happened?"
She winces, gently taking the container from my hands. "I think it is something you should ask him about yourself." She mumbles, avoiding my gaze.
Sighing, I nod, leaning forward to apply some cream across her nose. The information—or lack thereof—is stuck in my head for days afterwards.
Yeah, nearly a whole damn week goes by before I hear from Baekhyun's stubborn ass again… And I end up being the one to make the first move.
It took ten agonizing minutes of debating with myself before daring to press the first number on my speed dial. Desperate times calls for desperate measures… And I'm this close to losing it.
I release a shaky breath, heart pounding in my ears. Just that word alone eases a bit of the tight feeling in my chest. I have never, ever been more grateful to hear his voice as I pace the luxurious lobby; anxiously glancing up at the intimidating label of Park's Publishing on the far wall. Trying my hardest not to bite on my freshly white-tipped nails.
"Riley?" He speaks up, bringing me out of my unrelenting thoughts, "...Baby?"
"B-Baekhyun." I whimper, fist clenched by my side; fighting the urge to wrinkle my perfectly ironed pencil skirt, or worse, bolt.
A distant voice says something unidentifiable and a door closes before he speaks again; honey voice closer than before, "What is it? What's wrong?"
A tiny noise barely escapes my shaking lips; I plop myself down on a leather chair. "I don't think I can do this." I gasp out, tears stinging behind my eyes.
"Do what?" He continues a bit frantic, rustling papers sounding over the line, “Tell me what's going on, baby. Where are you?"
My voice barely reaches a whisper. "I-Interview."
The rustling stops and he releases a deep sigh; going quiet. It snaps me out of my panicked daze and riles me up in a fit all over again.
"I-I'm sorry," I blabber, rapidly blinking back tears, "You must be busy and I shouldn't-"
"Baby," He soothes and I pause, listening to his voice. "Listen to me."
I nod wordlessly, taking in his every word.
"You are going to do amazing." He begins. "You're going to go in there, answer their questions and blow them away with your input." He insists, that CEO persona in his voice. "They are going to love you and you are going to get that position. Do you hear me?"
"Y-Yes," I whisper, clutching onto the phone.
"Good. You got this," He softens, smile being heard through his voice, "I believe in you, okay?"
"Okay," I hush, bashfully fiddling with the bottom of my skirt; peeking over at the waving secretary trying to get my attentionand straightening up, "I-I got to go. It's time…"
"They are gonna love you baby," He shushes. "But not more than I do."
A smile makes its way to my lips; my heart racing for a different reason entirely. Even when in the middle of a cold war, he still manages to make my heart flutter. "Thank you, Baekhyun." His reassuring hum resonates in my being; warming me up from my sore feet to my cold fingertips.
With quick partings, I hang up the phone and make my way over to the secretary standing by a door. Taking a deep breath before entering the spacious room. Let the games begin.
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Three days later, I get an email in the middle of lunch; damn near sending Sehun's poor ham sandwich flying across the room.
"Sehun!!" I squeal, jumping out my seat; phone in hand.
"Wha—What?!!" He exclaims, trying to stop me from excitedly slapping his arms.
"Sehun!!!! I-" He finally catches my hand making me pause, taking a look around the silent cafe. Onlookers watching us with their brows raised. "Just a job interview. Carry on." Turning back to him with red cheeks, I quietly shout, "I got the job!"
His eyes widen before I'm pulled into a bear hug, my laughter muffled in the soft fabric of his black t-shirt.
Everyone is elated at the news, congratulating me at our next meet up in Minseok's new bar. The atmosphere is homey despite all the new faces.
"Congrats man," Chanyeol claps a hand on my shoulder in passing, smiling over the glass of bourbon in his hand while taking the seat next to Sehun. My best friend fist bumps me from the left side of the table before turning to the grinning man.
"Thanks, bro," I chuckle, watching Minseok work on the countertop in the distance with my chin in my palm. Many regulars chat him up over strong shots and fruity cocktails. "He sure is the favorite here, huh?"
"Oh yeah," Chanyeol nods while Jenny leans in across the other side of the table to whisper in my ear. "Although he doesn't play for any team."
"Really?" I whisper back with wide eyes, smiling at her confirming nod. "Good for him then."
"Excuse me, coming through." Minseok’s cheery voice is easy to hear amongst the lively bar chatter, sporting that signature smile of his; a tray full of drinks clutched firmly in his hands. "Order for table four!" He beams, setting the drinks in front of us. The usual for me, brandy for Sehun, and a Sex on the Beach for Jenny. "What's the special occasion, hmm?" He teases, rubbing his hands on the towel at his waist.
"Don't act like you don't check the group chat," Chanyeol complains, looking over at the chuckling man as he takes the empty seat across from him. Jenny scoots over to give him more room. "Riley got her first major job."
"Really?" He continues to smile, a twinkle in his eye while glancing over at me. "The baby grew huh?"
"She has left the nest." Sehun nods, ruffling my hair despite my protests; arching a brow at Jenny. "Where are Jongin and Baekhyun by the way? I understand Jongdae, but-"
"Oh would you look at that," She looks over her shoulder towards the door behind me with a relieved smile, drawing my attention there as well. "You talked them up."
Two familiar figures step into the bar, each with grim expressions on their faces as a third, shorter one is revealed when they reach the rest of us at the table. —Or well, more like the two tables we pushed together (not the least bit quiet either, might I add. Thanks Chanyeol).
"Kyungsoo?" I inquire, eyes widening at the bouquet of yellow roses, pink Peruvian lilies, purple irises, and red gladiolus flowers. Taking the small bottle of cheerwine he also hands me with a small gasp.
"Hey," He smiles a little, softly patting my hand resting on the back of my chair. "Didn't want to come empty-handed."
“Thank you,” I beam, setting the flowers on the table before opening the bottle carefully; pouring some into a spare shot glass Chanyeol slides across the table.
"Congratulations, Doll." Jongin mumbles, hands stuffed deep inside the pockets of his black slacks. Keeping a fair distance between us.
The smile I send his way is an apologetic one; especially with the pair of eyes watching us like a hawk. "Thanks, bro," I mutter as he walks on to take a seat; that sinking feeling once again filling my chest.
"Hey," An unmistakable voice whispers in my ear.
I turn a bit towards Baekhyun, smiling politely despite the chaste kiss he presses to my forehead. "Hi."
He pulls out the chair next to me while I pretend to focus on the conversation Chanyeol, Jongin, and Sehun are having across the table about the boring subject of weight lifting. Trying hard not to think about how adorable he looks with a black blazer, white dress shirt, and that matching bow-tie around his neck. Gorgeous silver hair styled in a subtle—yet just as knee-weakening—comma hairstyle.
"How have you been?" Baekhyun softly murmurs, his voice nearly drowned out by everything around us.
"I can bench press more than the both of you combined!"
"Shut up, Yeol."
"I've been okay," Smiling lightly, I turn back to my neglected drink to avoid his eye; idly wiping away condensation from the side of the cold glass. My attention instantly snatched away by a familiar hand gently taking mine away from the object.
"Can we talk after this?" His voice is barely above a hush, only loud enough for me to hear. The gleam of sincerity in his tired eyes has my heart aching and soaring at the same time.
I take a swig of my drink, simply nodding despite the burn, "Sure."
He watches me for a moment, seeming to be looking for something beyond my nonchalant expression; probably trying to see past the walls I've put up. A small sigh falls from his lips, the warm pillows shortly pressing a soft kiss to the back of my hand, "Okay."
He doesn't let go of my hand, choosing to tangle our fingers together before setting them on his thigh. The warmth on my cheeks is not coming from the gentle strokes of his thumb on my skin or the sweet tingle that kiss left in its wake. Nope. Not at all.
Gradually, the conversation at the table switches to more lighthearted topics. Everyone pitching in with little tidbits of their daily lives as if sensing the tension between the quietest men among us. Even Kyungsoo goes into detail about the newest dish added to the menu of his restaurant.
Baekhyun's shoulder looks comfier by the second with every sip of cherry soda and bold vodka I take. A particularly hilarious story of Chanyeol's sends me reeling; hiding my face in his gorgeous neck. His little shiver when my lips accidentally brush over his warm skin doesn't go unnoticed by me.
Baekhyun meets my gaze, his brown eyes darker than they were before as his tongue glides over his bottom lip; pink lips curling up into a knowing little smirk at my unwavering stare.
"Hey, guys!" A light voice chimes, a soothing timbre that sails above the bar chatter like an unsuspecting breeze; breaking us out of our little bubble.
Just about everyone at the table turns to the newcomer with wide eyes. Sehun and I share the same confused look before I slightly twist around in my chair to see.
"Yixing?" Baekhyun's eyes are wide, brows soon furrowing at the three unexpected people approaching our table. A tall man with kind eyes and raven hair is accompanied by an equally stunning woman, her black hair falling to her mid-waist. Minseok gets up to make room for the all-too-familiar brunet striding in front with a satisfied smirk on his face. "Sora? Dae? I didn’t know you all were coming…"
"Hi, Baekhyunnie," Sora damn near purrs, red-painted fingertips brushing his shoulder as she walks by with Yixing by her side. The oblivious man envied while I blink slowly, eyes narrowed closely on her smug form; recognition taking longer than I'd like to set in. It's the secretary Baekhyun supposedly fired. But wait… Weren't there two of them?...
"It's about time everyone meets your girlfriend, Baek." Jongdae drawls, smiling innocently enough while taking his seat. Gleefully twinkling eyes glancing over at Jenny when she smacks his arm, giving him a warning glare.
A few more drinks in and everyone seems to relax; easy going inhibitions and loosened mouths. Now we've moved on to telling old college stories. Minseok is currently recalling a time a classmate had mistaken him for being her star quarterback boyfriend.
"He acted as if he'd beat him to a pulp not knowing that Minseok is actually made of steel." Yixing grins lopsidedly in humor, head tilted to inspect the contents swirling within his glass.
"I challenged him to arm wrestling once." Chanyeol reminisces with a shiver, taking a gulp of his second refill. "Never again."
"Bro, this man could toss you over his shoulder and run a mile, I swear." Jongin's tone has a hint of a whine to it, elbows holding his weight upon the table directly across from Baek. Kyungsoo is quick to slide their glasses out the way of his clumsy hand gestures.
"Sure," Sehun mutters, half-lidded eyes rolling in exaggeration.
"I know from experience..." Jongin grumbles, a hilariously offended look on his face.
I laugh quietly, catching Minseok's eye. "Easy as pie," He smirks behind the rim of his glass, lifting it in a playful cheer and winking mischievously.
"Easy for you to say," Chanyeol full-on complains, the large distance kept between him and Sora causes his arm to constantly bump into Sehun. "Remember that time you slipped off the pier? I almost broke my back tryna pull you back up!"
I laugh harder, having to cling onto Baekhyun's arm before I fall out of my chair, a burning stare makes my eyes drift over to Jongdae.
The table seems to settle down, everyone looking at the narrowed eyed man as well.
"Hey Jongdae, you good man?" Minseok jokes, tentatively nudging his side.
The brunet comes out of his trance, throwing his head back in that rambunctious laughter that never leads to anything good. "Oh yeah." He grins, words noticeably slurred. "Please forgive me, I was just struck by deja vu." His eyes drag over to Baekhyun, curled lip smile widening in glee. "Isn't this scenario familiar to you Baek?" His voice dips in emphasis on the word ‘familiar’ as if it's a hint to an inside joke. "Very very familiar."
"O-kay," Jenny steps in hurriedly as I feel Baekhyun stiffen; she reaches for the shot glass clutched in Jongdae's palms. "I think you’d had enough-"
"How is she, by the way?" He brushes her off, sending the glass falling over onto the table; contents spilled while Minseok is quick to catch it before it hits the floor. "Have you heard from her lately? I mean, she sure is pretty active in our old group chat-"
Chanyeol and Jongin stand up, assisting her in hoisting him up before escorting a blabbering Jongdae outside; the brunet practically a dead-weight. Apologizes are directed to everyone they accidentally bump into along the way; Kyungsoo shortly following behind to help. The worried yet knowing look they all share while stepping out the door is imprinted on my mind. Along with the fact both my potential rides are gone unless I plan to catch a cab with Sehun...
"Want me to drive you home?" Baekhyun murmurs quietly after a while, soft lips caressing the shell of my ear.
I try my best not to shiver, turning to him with what I hope is my best pleading eyed expression. An incoming headache and the desire to sleep it off overpowering all other thoughts as I meet his warm brown orbs, "Please?"
Based on the way his eyes soften even more, I think it worked. "Come on." He offers his hand, smiling a little when I stumble trying to get off of my high chair.
A gust of wind blows just as we step out into the busy street. Baekhyun wordlessly places his blazer on my shoulders. A small smile curls my lips at the gesture; widening further when his warm hand searches for mine, tucking our joined hands into his pocket. His secure hold makes my heart race while we walk to his car parked at a meter on the other side of the road.
"Thank you," I mumble as he opens the passenger door, hiding my heated cheeks in the fabric of his blazer. Heart exhilarating at the lingering scent of vanilla, laundry detergent, and him. I take my phone off of airplane mode once settled in the comfortable leather seat.
Just as we pull off the curb, a loud ding! disrupts the quiet atmosphere. I pull my phone from my hoodie pocket, eyes widening at the messages that come streaming in.
"What is it?" Baekhyun asks curiously with a brief glance, noting the look on my face.
"It's...mom," I mumble, blinking sluggishly; squinting a little at the bright screen. "She's asking when I plan to visit."
"Ahh..." He hums, fingers tapping on the steering wheel. We fall quiet once again, nothing heard except the late-night traffic, low radio volume, and my nails tapping away on my phone screen.
"I wouldn't mind meeting your mom," He mumbles after awhile.
My head snaps over to him at that, neck painfully cracking from the sharp movement. "What?"
"I wouldn't mind meeting your mom." He looks over at me at a red light. "What?" His tone is softer, uncertainty filling his eyes. "Do you not want me to-"
"No!" I interject a bit too hurriedly, backtracking at the doubtful expression playing on his handsome features. "I mean, it's not that. I just…"
He tilts his head, slivers locks of hair concealing the emotion in his brown orbs, "Just?"
"I never brought a guy home," I grumble, shifting my eyes to the view of city lights from the passenger window.
"I'd be the first?" His voice is that soft hush again, tip-toeing around questions as if I will snap at him at any moment.
"Not if you keep being an insufferable peacock," I cross my arms, sinking further down into the comfy leather seat as his wide brown eyes flick over to me.
"...I deserve that," He mumbles, lips poked out in the tiniest pout.
Taking a long look at his sulking side profile, I sigh at his slumped shoulders and the now “scolded” child-like expression on his face; turning more towards him. "Can we talk now?” Catching his eye, I elaborate. "Like really talk? This habit of going days without talking to each other cannot continue if we are going to be together, Baekhyun."
I swear I heard him utter a disgruntled, “why not?” under his breath, his grip tightening on the steering wheel.
"We are both adults here, Baek." Tucking my buzzing phone back into my pocket, I gently place my hand on his free one, interlocking our fingers. "We have to talk, listen, and compromise if we want to be healthy and not end up hating each other." Feeling him tense up, I rub my thumb over his knuckles, adding softly, "I really want us to work, but we can't keep going on this way…" I swallow hard, trying to work around the lump in my throat and tightness building up in my chest; directing my blurry eyes down to my hands. "It hurts, Baekhyun."
The car jerks violently just as I finish my sentence. I brace myself against the seat, meeting his brooding eyes with my confused ones. He's cupping my face to pull me into a deep kiss before I can say anything. The way his soft pillows slowly dance with mine causes my heart rate to escalate. Beating so loud I fear he'd hear it or feel it through his warm palms.
I pull away after a while; searching his brown orbs for answers as he caresses my cheek, leaning forward to press a kiss to my nose that leaves my feelings in an even bigger disarray.
"We will." His tone is gentle, yet firm, eyes never straying away from my own. "We will talk, just…" He falters, gaze shifting off to the side, blinking away a foreign look too soon for me to identify it before focusing his tired orbs back onto me. "Trust me, okay?"
Finding determination and a plea within those puppy eyes, I nod, keeping a resigned sigh to myself while placing my hand over his own on my cheek.
"Okay…" He seems to relax, lips brushing over mine before he moves to sit properly in the driver’s seat; starting the car back up. The journey to the dorms is spent in comfortable silence. Fingers intertwined and wild hearts in sync.
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3  P(1) P(2) | Part 4 P(1) P(2) | Part 5 P(1) ✓ P(2) | Part 6
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chiefnooniensingh · 4 years
neither the angels nor the demons (a joe x nicky one-shot)
Rated: T Warnings: Major character death Summary: Joe and Nicky face the worst thing yet. A/n: So I was on my way to a meeting when I was suddenly struck by the terrible thought of either Nicky or Joe dying, leaving the other alone in this world. And because I'm a massive masochist, I decided to write it. I am so sorry.
The title is (loosely) from "Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe
also on: ao3
Joe had always known the day was coming. Of course he'd known, he's not an idiot. But knowing it and being prepared to face it were two vastly different things. Something he was going to find out very soon.
Joe and Nicky had been mourning the death of Booker, whose wounds, after nearly a millennium of fighting, finally stopped healing. Sebastian Le Livre went peacefully and calmly into the next world, and they were happy that he had finally found peace…it still hurt. They had also taken another immortal into their little family, a small spitfire of a person named Kati, with whom Nile had formed a bond not unlike Joe and Nicky’s own.
Even though Joe wasn’t aging, he was starting to feel old. Slowly, he was starting to understand the haunted look he had been seeing on Andy’s face, in the year before the Merrick incident. Increasingly, he noticed he was forgetting things. Names, places, times. History blurs together when you see so much of it. He knew his Nicky felt the exact same way. They fought for what was good and what was just, they knew this world still needed them, but sometimes Joe wished he would go to sleep and never wake up.
A feeling that would intensify a thousand-fold very soon, though Joe was unaware of it. At this very moment, he was trying to keep a group of deadly assassins from assassinating a group of children.
“Joe!” Nile’s scream was of an intensity that Joe seldom heard, and his heart skipped a beat. It wasn’t often the ex-marine was so overcome with fear that her throat rasped when she screamed. Ending the last assassin’s life, Joe turned on his heels and ran towards the sound of Nile, who was still yelling his name frantically.
It took him a second to register what he was seeing. Then he dropped to his knees, feeling like he’d been shot in the chest point-blank. Nile’s hands were slick with blood, her entire body was trembling, and tears were streaming freely down her face as Kati looked on helplessly. Between them lay Nicky, a gaping wound in his side. “He’s not healing, why isn’t he healing, oh my god!” Nile yelled frantically. “Joe, I’m so sorry, I tried to stop them, I did, I’m so – ”
Joe could only stare at the still body of the love of his life, feeling as though he himself were dying. After over 1500 years of never spending more than a few decades apart, Joe realized that he was now going to have to face the rest of his life alone.
A soft voice rasped, “It’s okay, Nile,” and Joe’s heart leapt. Nicky was still alive! They could heal him!
Scrambling over to sit next to Nicky’s head, Joe looked down at his lover, his husband, his everything, who was looking very peaceful, for a man about to bleed out. “Nicky,” Joe muttered, “Nicky, what do we need to do, how can we heal you?” Andy lived to the ripe old age of god damn 80 because they protected her vigorously. They could do the same for Nicky.
Nicky coughed, a smile appearing on his face as he lifted his trembling hand to touch Joe’s face. “You cannot, amore mio. It is my time. I will have peace. Non disperare, Yusuf,” he said, when Joe gasped and grasped Nicky’s hand tighter. “It is destiny. We knew it would come.”
Joe shook his head, even though he knew what Nicky was saying was absolutely true. “No, Nicolò, I cannot live without you, what will I do?”
Nicky smiled at him, looking for all the world as if he were not dying, but merely about to fall asleep. “You will live. You will love. You will fight for what is right. And when your time comes, we will see each other again. Tu ed io per sempre, Yusuf. Death does not change it.”
“I love you, Nicky, ti amo, I do not know how to go on.” Joe was fully crying, feeling like his heart was going with Nicky, leaving him living but not alive.
“Ti amo, my love.” Nicky used what little strength he had to pull Joe down to put their foreheads together. “We had our time. Thank you for loving me. You saved me. I am forever grateful for you, my Joe, my love, my heart.”
Joe let out a pained sob as he pressed his lips to Nicky’s. Nicky’s mouth was already cold, the blood loss beginning to show in everything. Next to them, Nile was sobbing quietly in Kati’s shoulder, but Joe barely registered them. His whole universe had shrunken to his dying Nicky in his arms. “You saved me, too, Nicolò. I was drowning when you found me. You taught me how to swim. I love you so much, your kindness, your selflessness, your heart, you are everything and more. I give you my heart to guard until I find you again.”
Nicky closed his eyes and laughed painfully. “You are an incurable romantic,” he said and pulled Joe down for a kiss. Joe kissed Nicky like he was an ocean and Joe wanted to drown. In the back of his head, Joe knew this would be his last kiss with Nicky. His last kiss of his life. After a while Joe realised Nicky had stopped moving, and, heart beating, he raised his head to see Nicky lying slack in Joe’s arms.
“Nicky?” Joe said, his voice breaking. “Nicolò? Per favore, Nicolò. Nicky!” He started frantically shaking Nicky’s shoulder, but there was no response. “Nicolò!” Joe kissed Nicky’s cold lips, but there was no response. He pounded on his chest, hoping to restart his heart, but nothing happened. Joe stared in horror as the colour drained from his Nicky’s face, even as the love of his life looked like he was just sleeping peacefully. Joe knew better, however.
His Nicky was dead.
“No,” Joe muttered, looking frantically around for something to cling on to. Nile was crying, her hand covering her mouth to force back the noise of her grief, Kati wrapping their arms around her. Joe’s heart was hammering in his chest, like it was trying to join Nicky in the afterlife. “No, Nicky…no, I can’t live without him, please!” He looked up at the sky, praying to his God and Nicky’s, and any other that might be out there. “Please, bring him back!” Nothing happened. “Bring him back to me!”
“Joe…” Kati said, their hand landing on his shoulder, and in reflex, he slapped it away. They didn’t back down however, putting it back without so much as blinking. “I’m so sorry, Joe. I can’t imagine the pain…”
“No, you can’t!” Joe said, his voice breaking as his heart did, looking down at his Nicky, lying in the dirt like he hadn’t been the man by Joe’s side for nearly two millennia, like he hadn’t been alive at all. “This man was next to me for most of my life, he was my person, he held me when I was afraid, protected me when I was weak, and he kept me sane. Now I have to face the world alone!” he snarled, but at the last word he broke down again and crumbled, his forehead resting on Nicky’s cold one. The sobs that were wrenched from his chest was something entirely new, it hurt in a way that he knew would never truly fade away, and Joe allowed it to hurt, even as it felt like he wanted to tear out his heart and fling it into the ocean to join Nicky.
“You’re not alone, Joe,” Nile said, moving to sit next to him. “We got you. We’re with you. We’ll get you through this.”
“No,” Joe moaned, his fingers burying in Nicky’s blood-soaked shirt, his eyes clenched shut, the pain in his heart overwhelming him. “No, no, no. No.” He continued to mutter, in all the languages he knew, to pray for someone to bring his love back to me, but deep down he knew it was no use. He knew the truth even as he tried to deny it.
Nicolò di Genova was gone from this world.
Yusuf Al-Kaysani was alone.
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blackbabybird · 4 years
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Forgiven - Chapter 4 - An Event 
warnings: self hating bruce mostly and bad words. this is a long ass chapter, #sorrynotsorry kind of got carried away. however, we learn new things more and more everyday ;) also i think isley’s job fits her and bruce v v v well. enjoy:)
I get those goosebumps every time, yeah, you come around, yeah You ease my mind, you make everything feel fine
~ Goosebumps by Travis Scott
I parked my car in front of Cork County Middle School. The school itself was a large brick building in the middle of a corn field. It used to be an insane asylum. I grab my bag and get out of my car to head toward the doors of the school. Once I get up there, I pull on the door. It’s locked. I look at the wall near the doors, they have an extremely fancy security system. I buzz the door. 
“Hi there! What can we do for you?” a happy voice rings through the intercom.
“Uh, my name is Isley Thomas. I have an appointment with Headmaster-,” I look down at my phone, “Guille.”
“Give me one second, dear. I’ll get those doors open for you,” her sickly sweet voice came through again. 
A second later the massive doors swing open. I’m greeted by two men in riot gear. “Any weapons must be surrendered before entry into property. This includes, but is it not limited to guns, tazers, pens, and ninja-stars.” speaks the large guards. 
“Pens?” I ask. 
The other guard nods curtly. I shake my head and grab all my pens out of my bag. They take them and put them tightly in between their bullet proof vests. “Follow us.”
What the hell is this place? I walk silently in between the two. We arrive at large double doors with a Medusa head engraved into the doors. The two walk around me and open the doors synchronously. I walk through them towards what looks like the office. That same god-awful sweet voice rings through the hallways, “You must be Ms. Thomas! You’re shorter than I expected. Hm, anyways, follow me.” 
So I do. “I never caught your name, Ms...?” 
“You needn’t worry about me, sugar. Names get in the way. I’m simply the next vessel for Headmaster Guille. Oh, we’re here! Knock twice then let yourself in, alrighty?”
I nod quickly and do as she said. The room I walk into is white and pristine. Nothing, and I mean nothing is out of place. There’s just a desk and two chairs in the room. No computer or even a cup of coffee, weird. “Please, sit Ms. Thomas.” says a voice from my left. 
I sit down in on the chair across from the desk. Slow, loud clacking walks pass me. A woman sits in front of me. She has on black classic pumps, a pencil skirt and a white blouse. I finally make my eyes to hers and that’s when everything starts clicking into place. Her eyes are gouged out in an attempt to recreate Oedipus. “I am headmaster Guille, Ms. Thomas.”
“Thank you for agreeing to meet me Headmaster. I know you have plenty of other more pressing things to do.”
She turns her head, “Why, my dear, nothing is more important than finding one of my sweet, obedient students.” I nod in agreeance despite my weird feeling towards her and this place. “Why don’t you tell me more about yourself?”
“Well, I’m the owner of IT Investigative Services. We do freelance investigative work and are outsourced for police work occasionally.” I explain. 
“And your business here, is it freelance?” 
I feel my heart dip in a weird way, “No ma’am. The Cork County Police Department needed help and they outsourced me and my company to help with a missing persons case.” It wasn’t necessarily a lie. 
“I see.” she says. Her non-existent eyes felts like they were boring into my soul and making a home. “Well, I will say that we told the police everything, not sure what else I could say.”
“Anything helps. Especially when it comes to a missing child,” I say. 
“Ask away,” she says splaying her hands outward. 
I start asking the basic questions. Just small things I could compare to the recordings that I borrowed from the Cork County Police. Everything was going relatively fine until I seemed to strike a nerve. “So, I noticed that Amos actually lived in Andan County. That’s a 3 hour drive to Cork County. Why was Amos going to school here?”
She opened her mouth a few times with replies, but she eventually settled on, “Amos was a special boy. As are most of the students that attend here. However, he needed correcting. As do all of the students here,” she gives a tightlipped smile.
Now we’re getting somewhere. “Why did he need correcting? Did he do something bad?” I ask simply. 
“As with most 13 year olds, he was ill-mannered and bad tempered. He had to be corrected,” she repeats.
“Fair enough,” I nod. Time to go for the kill.“Yet, there is one more thing I’m confused with. Amos was an orphan. One that lived 3 hours away from this county, so who told you he was being a nuisance?” 
If this woman had eyes, I know she’d have a look that could kill. Her eye sockets bend slightly. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave, Ms. Thomas. We have an assembly soon that I must attend.” 
“Of course, Headmaster.” I say as I start packing up my stuff. I walk to the door, feeling her cavernous holes in my back. I go to pull the door open, but then I stop. “One last question,” I say. She looks up at me, “Who reported him missing?”
Bingo. Question answered.
The smile she gave was cruel and mouthy, “Some questions needn’t be answered. Have a good day, Isley.”
I walk out the door and head back to my car. 
When I arrived back at my car after successfully getting my pens back, I scrutinized the building. Being in there fucked with my mental state. Something was off about the place and I wanted to know more. My phone starts buzzing. It’s Phoebe so I click answer.
“You bitch! I can’t believe you,” Phoebe’s voice screeches through my receiver. 
“That’s one way to talk to your boss,” I deadpan.
“Boss or not, you’re literally the worst person I know.”
I scrunch my nose at her insult, “Let’s say hypothetically that is true, what exactly did I do to deserve such a title?” 
“Beside be a size 10 in shoes when I’m an 8?” I roll my eyes, “You also never mentioned that THE Bruce fucking Wayne of Wayne Corporation invited us to a fundraiser in Gotham City.” 
I sit there listening to her, “How’d you know about that?”
“I was going through your emails and there’s an invite. Also, pause, you knew?” she huffs.
I shrug even though she can’t see me, “It’s just a Wayne Event. It’s not a big deal. I didn’t even know it was a fundraiser.”
“Yeah, he’s going to try and get the Gotham socialites and old heads to give money for a-,” she stops talking and there’s some slight shuffling in the backgorund, “Ah! A metahuman trafficking recovery center. It would be an extension of Arkham Asylum.”
I feel my heartbeat get 10 times louder, “Pheebs, I need to call you later. I’m still here at Cork County Middle and I need to finish some paper work before I drive back tonight.”
I don’t wait for her to say goodbye before I hang up. I start dialing Bruce’s number. 
One. Two. One. Two. Jab. Hook, hook.
“God fucking damnit,” Jason exclaims. 
“The fight not going well?” I ask.
“Bruce. Manny Herechio has to win tonight.” Jason starts.
“Has?” I interject. 
He rambles over me, “HAS. I have so much money on this fight. Like, my future children’s money kind of money!”
I shoot him an amused look from my book. “I’m sure he’ll pull it out. Underdogs have a weird way of doing that.”
I smile at him, happy that he’s happy, but then the scene changes. I’m now Batman and I’m holding Jason. He’s barely breathing and there’s so much blood. “You did this. You did this to me.” He breathes out angrily. 
“Jay, what? No, I didn’t! What do you mean?” I explain.
“You, the fucking Batman of all people, should have saved me. I’m dead because of you!” He’s now yelling at me. 
I feel the panic flutter throughout me. I should’ve saved him. It should’ve been me. 
The clatter of my phone hitting the floor shakes me out of my daydream hard. Less of a dream, more like a nightmare. The phone goes off again and I grab it from the floor. Isley Thomas flashes across the screen. I press accept. 
“Isley? Hello?” 
“Have you lost your goddamn mind?!” she seethes through the phone. 
I pull it away from me. “I can’t catch a fucking break today,” I grunt out. I put the phone back near my ear, “It’s possible I have, but depends on what this reason is,” I joke. 
“This event, party you’re throwing is for the business proposal that was between us privately. What the hell, Bruce?” 
I can tell she’s upset at what I tried to make a surprise. “It was supposed to be a surprise.” 
“A fucking surprise? For why?” she all but yells into the receiver. 
“I presented it to the board,” I didn’t. “And they didn’t like the idea of Wayne Enterprises being the face of metahuman trafficking support centers,” I explain. “Having a fundraiser will show that people, specifically people with money, are interested in defeating the metahuman trafficking.”
I can hear her breathing. “You could’ve just told me that the board rejected it,” she pauses, “I would’ve dealt with it.”
She’s not incorrect. However, I needed a win for today, “You told me that this was Staya’s dream. I just wanted to do everything I could to try and make it come true.”
She doesn’t reply anything. For a second there I think that she’s just hung up on me. “Okay. Next time, let me know ahead of time, please, Bruce,” is all she says. Then she adds, “I have to work. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
I hear the click of call ending and put the phone down. I bury my face in my hands. I walk to my door and walk to Sonya’s desk. She looks at me with a smile, “Mr. Wayne! What can I do for you?”
“Sonya, I’ll be unavailable for the rest of the day. See that the fundraiser details get figured out. I want to no hiccups, understood?” She nods, typing furiously. I continue, “Perfect. Thank you.”
I walk to the elevator and press floor one. I lay against wall in sheer exhaustion. Between my guilt from Jason and my repressed feelings about Isley, I needed to punch something. 
I took another sip of my coffee and continued typing on my computer. I was trying to find information about Cork County. “With the way you’re hunch over your computer, we’ll have to get massages before heading to Gotham,” Phoebe said pointedly. 
I roll my eyes, “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“Fair enough. Enough investigating today boss lady. If we want to make it to Gotham in a decent hour and avoid traffic, we need to go,” Phoebe insists as she shuts my computer. 
“I made us a reservation at some fancy hotel. It offered nails too, what a deal. And, ooh, our dresses were delivered!”
“I thought we were going dress shopping today?” I say scrunching my nose at the implication of Phoebe picking out a dress for me. 
“Oh no you don’t. We were yesterday at 4, but someone,” she squints at me, “was a bit forgetful.”
I inhale, “Okay, that’s my bad. I’m sorry, this case just keeps making new turns every second. I feel like I’m drowning.”
“Well, tonight, no missing children to worry about.” 
I nod and smile at her. If only it was that easy. 
“Master Bruce, people will be arriving in less than 30 minutes, what on Earth are you doing?” I heard Alfred call for me while I was in the Batcave. 
I kicked the bag again. Focus. I kick again. 
“Master Bruce?” I hear Alfred again. I shake my head. Focus, Bruce. I kick the bag again. The chain breaks and bag flies across the room. 
“That is the 8th bag you’ve broken this week, Master Bruce.”
I exhale deeply. “It’s unimportant.”
“Perhaps to the ghosts of this cave, but not you. Never mind all that. You must shower and get dressed immediately,” Alfred says pushing me quickly towards the stairs.
“Can I at least take the elevator if speed is what we’re going for?” I grumble. 
“That privilege was lost once you made me trundle down those godforsaken steps and come get you!” I trudge up the stairs his insistent demands. 
When we arrive at the top, “Mr. Maurice, sorry to keep you waiting, Master Bruce is insolent when it comes to other’s time and efforts,”
I shoot Alfred a dirty look at his insults. He simply flicks his hand and I’m being taken by the tailor. Who starts showing me different fabrics and colors for tonight’s event. “What do you feel tonight Mr. Wayne? Navy or Black? I have grey also, but it has not been a fan favorite for the year.” Maurice explains quickly. 
I look at the colors. The black always speaks to me, but tonight was different. Because Isley will be there. I ignore my thoughts, “Let’s take a walk on the wild side, shall we?” 
“My thoughts exactly, Mr. Wayne!” 
I go to hop into the shower and prepare myself for tonight. 
I can hear the people downstairs. Drinks are flowing and soon enough the cash will be too. I hear my door open. “Only man I’ve ever known to be fashionably late at his own home.” It’s Dick. “Also, I don’t know what the fuck those little sausage balls are made with, but they are delicious. Woah-”
I turn and look at him, his mouth is wide open with the same bits sausage hanging in his mouth, “What? Also, please close your mouth.”
“This suit...who are you and what have you done with my best friend?” Dick jokes.
I just grunt and turn back around fixing my tie. I hear Dick’s laughter stop, “Okay, I’m sorry, here let me help with your tie. It’s more crooked than Cobblepot’s teeth.”
He fixes my tie and I can’t help but think about Jason. Dick searches my face, “You been thinking about him?”
I turn back to look in the mirror to inspect the knot he made. It answers his question. I know he wants to say something, he just doesn’t know what. No one ever does. “Master Bruce, Mr. Grayson.” Alfred’s voice turns us both around. “Almost all the guest are here. It is time to make an appearance.”
“Well, thank god I didn’t throw the party. I’m gonna find some pretty ladies and some more of the sausage balls.” Dick chippers happily and leaves this room. 
Alfred turns to do the same, but not before saying, “Mr. Todd is a great man. Just because you’re choosing to move on, doesn’t mean you’re forgetting him.”
“Don’t you mean was?” I ask.
“No. I meant is. What’s that saying you always tell the board members when you’re not present? Oh, yes, physicality is not the only way to be present.” With that Alfred mules out of the room.
I follow after him. I make it down the stairs, “Man of the hour. Mr. Bruce Wayne.” I hear some rich old guy yell at me. He grabs my hand and shakes it furiously. 
I do this for about an hour before I clink my glass and everyone quiets down. “I want to thank you all for being here,” I start, “Tonight was a bit last minute, but I am so glad to have the ability to host such things that bring us together. Tonight is about us expanding Arkham Asylum to host those affected by metahuman trafficking. Donations, as always, are tax deductable and can be written to the Wayne Corporation. Again, we are going to make a difference.” I raise my glass and every one claps. “But please, keep enjoying the booze, gives me an excuse to buy more!” I add with laughter. 
I make my way through the crowd towards one of the balconies. There’s just a woman out there. “What a speech,” she says as she comes out the shadows. 
It’s Isley, but she looked...beautiful didn’t even begin to describe it. Her hair is  straight rather than its usually curls. She has on a silk baby blue dress that ends at her mid thigh. Her dark eyes are blown wide with the chill air and small goosebumps litter her dark brown skin. “Isley,” I breathe out, “Thought you bailed on me.”
She turns her head like a curious cat, “Me? A flake? Never.” she says with fake ingenuity. “Although, I was very late. Phoebe loves to take her time with me.”
My eyes scan her face, “Well, she did an amazing job.” I compliment.
A smile grows on her face, “Why thank you, Mr. Wayne. You clean up nicely yourself. A navy blue suit? How daring.”
“Dick already made fun of me for it, I thought it was time to step out a bit.” 
She steps close enough to grab one of the lapels. “Dick? Also, it reminds me of prom. Senior year,” she whispers. 
I grab her wrists, we’re extremely close now. “Well, look who I found hiding in the shado- oh?” 
It’s Dick, again. I breathe out slowly, “Dick, meet an old friend. Isley Thomas.”
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lunafeather · 4 years
Post S3 and Ideas from your WIP basket!
Post S3
When season 3 ended, I had this idea for this awesome post season multi-chapter fic. It probably would have been like 12-15 chapters, and was full of UST>RST>UST and angst and fluff. A kind of fix it fic, you know? It was inspired by this idea that Beth would gradually forget about the hitman because he is ignoring her, and that the final conflict is the hitman finally showing up to do the job she paid him to do, after her and Rio had worked through their shit and were on good terms/kind of in a relationship. It spiraled into something much bigger and more complex, to the point where even that final hook was on the chopping block. I think I ended up wanting the ultimate goal of the fic to be them finally teaming up and being head of their own departments. Kind of my “how I want this show to end” thing.
There was Beth finally losing her shit on Rio and Dean! Finally kicking the latter out! Demanding equal claim to her work from the former! Rio/Annie/Ruby fun! Rival gangs! One or both of them saving/taking care of each other! Them getting into an argument and finally just talking (yelling) about everything that’s happened between them! Honesty! Pain! Vulnerability! Beth bossing up for real! Outsmarting and possibly poaching Phoebe to the dark side! Being disgustingly horny around Mick until he flees! 
I researched Spa and Pool businesses for hours, y’all. I know so much about that shit now.
The WIP document is 2100 words of just planning and outlining. I think I have snippets of scenes and story hooks, but I was going all in on structuring this thing. It was a huge project.
Unfortunately, I lost a lot of steam re: writing and the fandom, so I abandoned everything. The little thing I posted last night is the first time I’ve written anything since May, when I was planning this fic. Depression/Anxiety/Pandemics are tough, you know?
But honestly lately I can’t stop thinking about Brio, and I miss reading my flavor of fics (mostly fluff with a little angst, UST, slow burns, tropes galore!) and the number of fics posted daily has slowed, so I want to contribute! And I’m writing for myself now more than ever. So maybe I’ll pick this back up at some point?
A couple snippets:
"I've been protectin' you, keepin' you from other guys' radar. Not everyone is as nice as me, Elizabeth."
She scoffs at 'nice'. "I can handle myself. When Gil tried to take advantage of me, I flipped it back in my favor. And I shot you, didn't I? Took you out of the game for a while."
His dark eyes deepen to black, long, thick eyelashes framing them in a way that makes him beautiful but absolutely dangerous. He crowds into her space, staring her down, and sneers, "Cept you didn't finish the job, huh? And you won't even touch a gun now."
Beth's mouth pulls into a sharp line. "There are other ways to protect myself."
Discussions with Rio about output numbers, she should be making more fake cash as she has the capacity for it, except the paper porcupine presses can't keep up with demand, Rio wonders why she can't bring more presses into the warehouse, they argue about Dean not knowing and thinking it's legit, how it's hindering the operation. Rio offers a guy or two, since he knows they're trustworthy --
Trustworthy to you
He just smiles
So I have three ideas broken down in this document that I really like and was pretty dedicated to writing at some point, but that point was very nebulous haha all of them would still be fun to explore, even with the events of Season 3 unfolding! All of them would take place before the Season 2 finale though. I prefer to pretend that didn’t happen whenever I can.
So first idea is: Jane did disappear, and Dean orchestrated it in an attempt to frame Rio and his gang in order to convince Beth that Rio is evil and to remove him from her life. She goes to Rio and he helps her figure out what happened/find Jane. Honestly I just want to mess with Dean being like.... an actual psycho lol and this fic would be in that Dubby sweet spot that I love so very, very much!
2nd Idea: Dean threatens to get Rio killed, destroy Beth’s life, and take their kids away forever if she doesn’t walk away from him. Instead of folding, Beth goes to Rio and together they work out a plan to frame Dean in the FBI’s investigation. Beth pretends to be the perfect non-criming wifey while seeing Rio in secret; their relationship gets more and more serious until they are sleeping/being romantic together regularly. Just when they are about to finish their con, Dean starts cottoning on and buys a gun to confront Rio with, and stumbles on the pair in the middle of some sexy times. Accidentally fires (cause he’s scared as shit and an idiot) and Beth takes the bullet instead. Aaaaand all the aftermath of that. AGAIN that Dubby sweet spot!
3rd Idea: Te Amoooooo! Teeth rotting fluff and established relationship goodness, I don’t give a fuck if it’s a little OOC, I want to write it so I can read it. Basically, Beth doesn’t sleep naked with Rio because she’s self conscious, Rio is hurt by it because he interprets it as her not trusting him. Slowly she wears less and less until she finally doesn’t dress after sex, Rio is sated and half asleep and deliriously happy and accidentally whispers te amo into her hair (thinking she’s asleep) then freezes and gets super awkward and distant when he realizes what he said. She asks about it the next morning, if he acted funny because she slept naked and he’s like no no uhhh I said something and she’s like, oh that? What’s the big deal? You’ve said I love you before and he has to explain why it’s such a huge deal.
Te Amo is the one I want to work on the most, I need the fluff, okay??? Also the idea is a collab with @johnisntevendead (ConvolutedConcussions), so like it’s got that friend enabling thing going for it haha
Thank you for sending me this! I wasn’t expecting many of these, and I have been so pleasantly surprised!!
Send me a title from my list of WIPs that you’d like to know more about!
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salted-caramel-tea · 4 years
I’m just in the mood to share some of my favourite songs so like here
‘Space’, Biffy Clyro
I post about this song a lot,, ppl are probably fed up hearing about it, it it’s genuinely one of my all time favourite songs,, it’s a love song which is kinda unusual for this band but girl they pulled it off so well, a lot of people criticise them bc the lead singer songs with a Scottish accent but honestly girl it brings a whole new vibe to it and I love it
‘Roadtrip’, Dream ft pmbata
We all know this one call me a simp or whatever idc I just really enjoy the song
‘Heat waves’, glass animals
I don’t need to explain this one you all know what it is but So many people try to ruin this song by making it about dnf constantly all the time non stop just let me enjoy glass animals I actually really like their music
‘Yes Sir, I Can Boogie’, Baccara
Girl this song is just so hype it’s so fun I love the vibes and it’s such a different experience when you see a bunch of like 19 year old boys standing on their roofs in Edinburgh yelling this at the top of their lungs literally anyone can vibe to this song just stick it on when you’re sad and you won’t be sad anymore
‘Belter’, Gerry Cinnamon
One of those songs where you literally cannot tell if it’s satire but it’s such a banger big man Gerry is from Glasgow too we’re getting a REAL heavy Glaswegian accent it’s a good time
‘Times like these’, Foo Fighters (acoustic version)
I don’t listen to the foo fighters much, but girl this song just gets to me like it’s just such a good song I don’t even know how to describe it the acoustic version has such a different vibe to the original and it’s such a good vibe (I love the original too that’s one of my hype songs ngl)
‘Moonage Daydream’, David Bowie
Girl Bowie’s a legend for a reason, his music is always so quirky and this song is no different it’s such a good time
‘Many of horror’, Biffy Clyro
Yeah circling back to Biffy but this is like,, I wouldn’t call it a sad song but it’s definitely about heartbreak and you can definitely scream parts of it at the top of your lungs just man they knocked it out the park
‘End of’, Biffy Clyro
Girl this is like more their normal style, a few of my friends think they’re cringe but girl I absolutely VIBE to this like it Amos you up so much you’ll want to like break something like oh my god I’m ready to fist fight the patriarchy myself after this one
I have so many more but they’re all by Biffy Clyro and I don’t want to like be annoying about Biffy I just love them so much
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Finding out you are pregnant
1p spain:
I can not believe this. I am so young, Will Antonio stay.
"I am so sorry!"I say while crying deeper and deeper. I drop the stick and it lands on the growned.
He picks it up and pick me up, bridal style, and carry me to the couch.
"It okay. It is not the end of the world."He say while looking at me, then the stick, and back to me again.
"We are in are twenty. Do you not see how much of a big deal this is!" I cry. I go into his arms and whisper "I do not want to be a single parent."
"Wait you think I am going to leave you." He say starting to cry. "Do you think low of me!"He yells in this voice into my ear.
"It just... most men from america leave when this sort of thing happens" I whisper.
"Amor. Ohh amor. Please I am sorry. But I will not leave you." He moves you, so you can see his eyes "I wanted a kid in two years anyway. This is just a little sooner. But if you want a abortion-" His moves gets quieter "I will not stop you."
"let me think about it. I need time to think."
2p romano (Flavio):
I was just laying in bed, when I got a sudden feeling I am going to puke.
Now I am crunch right with my face in the toilet, puking my guts out. Why is this happening. Then I hear the front door open.
" Ciao, bella are you fe-"
"UGGH!" I start to puke my guts out again.
"bella ragazza! Are you still sick?" He say while coming toward me and kneeling down to my body.
We are just there, while I puke. I generally stop for a 10 seconds, then continue. Eventually I start to drive heave and eventually stop. After a minute of complete silent I start to cry.
"Ragazza, why did you tell me it was this bad in the mornings. I could of called off work to take care of you." He say while hugging me, but looks at the toilet boil in disgust. Not because it has puke in it, but because my whole apartment is not his style but mine.
"What are you doing here?" I ask avoiding his question.
"Why did you not tell me you were this sick?" He wait for my answer. But I give him none. "I see... So if you are not going to tel-"
"I do not know why I am this sick. I figure it would get better. It is why I did not tell you." I say while getting closer to him.
"I guess I will stay with you in till this subsides." He say while holding me close.
I start to stand up. He put my arm over his shoulder to help me. I try to argue but he just grunts.
We make it back to my bed. He lays me down and I start to fall asleep... in till something hit me. "Why are you not at work?"
"It is are two year anniversary. I want to spend it with you." He waits a moment and then say "ti amo con tutto il mio cuore."
I give him a look of confusion. "I love you with all my heart." He say cross his heart. "While your sleeping do you want me to reorganize your room"
"alright." He start to think. "Um what was the last time you had your time of the month?"
"I am not pregnant!"
"Just answer the question" He say with a stern voice.
"I do not keep track of my blood flow." I whisper. He looks at me and then heads toward the door. "Where are you going?" I say worry in my voice.
"To get a pregnancy te-"
"I do not want you to go!" I yell while starting to cry. "You might just get your bags and leave." I whisper while balling my eyes out.
"Tesoro... I would never leave you. How about you come with me." I nod my head and get out of bed.
When we get back home. He hands me the stick and I head toward the bathroom. When I am done I hand the stick over to Flavio and he say "I have always thought the stick where to bland. Like so rainbows would be nice. Not this plane white color."
I look at him and give him a look. "Are you going to leave me if this is positive?"
"non c'è modo" He gives me a reassuring smile, telling me exactly what he said in that smile.
"Thank you."
After two minutes I look away and a min after Flavio hand me the stick and tell me to look at it. It positive.
We are in silent and neither of us say anything for what felt like forever. In till Flavio went to his bag and pulled out something. He put it behind his back and comes back to me.
"Tesoro... You have no idea how much I love you. I was planning on tell you this today anyway... before you think this is just a desperate attempt to have a normal family unit."
Then he gets down on one knee and opens a small box. "I know you are a simple person. So I made the ring small, not my style but it will do. Will you marry me, Vuoi sposarmi"
I look at him looking for any lie and I see none. "Yes, I will marry you... I am guess you planed something out did'nt you. I guess someone had other plan." I look down at my stomach.
2p Italy (Lucinao)
I was hella sick and Lucinao was very worried. Right now he was holding my hair back as I puke my guts out. "We should go to the hospital. You are really sick." He say.
After a little while I replay "No, I sure it is just the flu."
"No, we are taking you to the Emergency room." He then walk away. Then when he came back, he handed a bag to me.
"Okay but I am driving." Once I say that he take my keys from the basket and shoves them into his pockets. "You know I am scared when you drive."
He just shakes his head, continue to walk toward the door, and motion me to come with him. When I do not budge "You know you have no choice in the matter, right." Then he walks back, grabs my hand, and pulls me along. I try to pull him off "You know you are just making this harder for both of us."
After tons of trying to escape. We make it to the hospital in one peace. We go the the counter, he say our problem. After waiting a while we finally get put in a room. I give a urine sample and they ask the questions.
"When was the last time you had your time of the month?" Luciano look at the question like it stupid.
"Um I do not know at least 6 week. Oh god." I immediately put my hand on my head and start to cry.
Luciano just hugs me, while giving the doctor a glare. "They are not pregnant I used a condom."
"15/100 people will get pregnant while using a condom. We do not know for sure. We will know once the urine sample come in."
We sat there for what felt like ages. Then Luciano said something "I know what you are thinking"
"I promise I did not plan this" I say while I hold my head in my arm while he rubbed my back.
"That not what I thought you were thinking." He wait for me to say something; I stay silent. "Are we going to get a abortion." I start to cry. "I just wanted you to know it is up to you." I look up at him. "I will stay and raise the child with you. But if you want a abortion that works too. I am fine with either one."
We sat in silents for a another couple minutes, intill I said "I do not think I could get a abortion even if I wanted one. I do not have the guts."
I look at him "Ok. Then we are raising a child."
The doctor came in shortly after telling us that we were indeed pregnant.
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kneesheee · 7 years
Sweet Pea’s Sapphire
The next week came and Sapphire still hadn’t returned to school. Sure, she forced Sweet Pea to go but she’d rather not face anyone now. Instead, she pulled on a light blue wig and made her way down to the precinct to see FP.
Her eyes teared up as she sat across from him on the other side of the glass. All she wanted to do was to reach out and touch her father figure, but she couldn’t. And that was hurting her.
“Ria?” FP whispered softly as the tears followed deeply from her eyes.
“Papá, te extraño,” she cried out brokenly.
“I miss you too, Ria,” FP replied seriously. His heart breaking at seeing one his girls crying in front of him and there was nothing he could do about it. “But it’s going to be okay.”
“How? Quin's gone and they’re sending you to prison,” she nearly yelled but she could never yell at FP. The guilt always hit her, and she never liked being on the end of his looks of disappointment.
“Sapphires are among the most durable naturally occurring elements in the world.”
Sapphire blinked momentarily taken back. Because only FP would google references to her name and spout them out for comfort and reassurance.
“FP, what?”
“I’m telling you this because Ria, you’re strong and you’re going to be able to get past this,” FP told her seriously. “And I need you to be strong and focus on The Plan.”
Sapphire sat up straighter. FP hardly ever brought The Plan up. It was just for a contingency.
“From what, Jughead tells me, things have gotten pretty serious out there. Something about a Black Hood?”
Sapphire nodded her head. She read about that. The Riverdale Register was trying to pin it on the Southside and especially the Serpents. But as of now, the Serpents moves have been put on hold. They don’t really take action because FP wasn’t there to give approval. Tall Boy was too busy watching over FP’s son to take the lead.
“I’m betting that they’re blaming it on the Serpents. We gotta be ready for anything they pull at us.”
Sapphire leaned forward just a little. “Do you think it’d get to that point?”
FP nodded, “I know it will. And I want you to be on top of everything. The Serpents integrity depends on this.”
No pressure or anything, FP.
“Is there anything I can do to help you? Pay off people or anything?”
FP shook his head quickly, frowning just a little, “No, Ria. I plan on doing all of my time unless they can come up with a better deal for me.”
“Five minutes,” the cop behind FP called out. Sapphire’s flicked her gaze to his and glared death into his soul. FP chuckled at the anger in her eyes. He always thought when she got angry she was adorable. Like a little baby showing off their mad face.
“Sapphire,” FP stated, and she turned back to him but this time with tears building in her eyes. “Saph, I love you like my own child. And I’m so proud of you. Don’t close in on yourself this time. You have more people that love and cherish you. Don’t push them away.”
Sapphire closed her eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks. As if she was in a movie, she put her hand onto the window and smiled softly when FP did the same. “Te amo, papá.”
“Yo también te amo, hija mía.”
The two smiled at each other as the guarded called out, “Time’s up”. Sapphire sat and watched her father figure be led away from her and she felt a small and almost atom like piece of her heart healed itself slowly.
Sapphire had been at home watching My Babysitter’s A Vampire when she heard knocking at her door. She pouted and grumbled as she moved from her comfy place at her door to see Sweet Pea standing outside breathing hard with Fangs right beside him.
“What the hell you two? Get in here before you freeze!”
She grabbed each boy by their arm to pull them in and hurriedly closed and locked the door behind them once more. “Why do you two look like you just tried to race the Flash and got left in the dust?”
Sweet Pea took another deep breath before straightening up. She was caught off guard by the anger in his eyes and watched as he nearly turned around to put the hole she just got fixed back in her wall before stopping himself. Toni came in from the guest room in the back and rose a brow at the boys.
“You know the Northsider from that video I sent you?” Sweet Pea started, and Sapphire nodded her head. She had done her research before realizing that it was the same boy who had called himself interrogating her brother so long ago.
“We just saw him. He tagged my ma’s shop. He just sprayed a big ass red circle onto the wall. When we confronted him about, you know telling him that he needed to leave. Well trying to intimidate him to leave. He pulled a gun out in our faces.”
“HE DID WHAT!” Sapphire screeched anger lancing her words. “I’ll kill that son of a bitch.”
She growled as she moved further into her house determined to go and get her boots, so she could go find that Northsider. Fangs grabbed her arm and shook his head. “Don’t worry about it, Saph. We’ll handle it.”
Sapphire narrowed her eyes at him before turning towards Sweet Pea. His eyes were cast down, but she could see from how tensed he was that he was pissed. “Fine. I’ll let you handle him, but I still need to make a call.”
The three watched her as she moved back towards her couch before shuffling through her blankets to find her phone. She dialed a number and waited a minute before whoever picked up on their end.
“Punzie,” she started, and Toni let a smile creep onto her face. She knew what was going on. “Apparently, there are some walls around the Southside that’ve been tagged with a red circle. I need them covered up.”
Sweet Pea’s head snapped over to hers and he watched her intently even as she turned to look him in the eyes. “You can do the usual but the one by Hastings Street. Yeah, Sweet Pea’s family store. Make it a serpent squeezing a bulldog. Thank you, love. You’ll find the money in your account by morning.”
Her friends watched her with shock faces, but she just shrugged and sat back down in her seat. “Look T, Sarah kind of looks like you.” -- Sapphire was pissed as she walked through the medic’s house as all the boys were getting bandaged up. The sound of her heel boots catching everyone’s attention as she came into view.
Her hair was pulled into a ponytail as she moved around the bodies all sporting cuts from rocks, small bruises, and broken wrists from being dumb enough to fight in the rain. She cast a glare over to her snake’s den and the young boys immediately flickered their eyes away in guilt. She’d deal with them later. A detailed analysis on Othello should work as a suitable punishment. She knows how much they hate reading plays.
She continued forward through the house until she came to the last door on the right. Sitting inside was Sweet Pea and Fangs. Sweet Pea was holding a pack of frozen carrots onto his eye and Fangs was getting his ankle wrapped up. Sapphire cleared her throat and watched with delight as the two boys pale at seeing her standing before them.
“Saph- “
“Don’t ‘Saph’ me, Fangs. What the hell were you all thinking fighting in the fucking rain?”
“I wasn’t just going to let some pussy from the Northside come to my side of town and thinking he’s running something,” Sweet Pea exclaimed.
“And what if that Northie had a gun, Sweet Pea? Huh, tell me that,” she snapped as she clenched her fists.
“He didn’t. He gave it to the little rich bitch,” Fangs mumbled, and her head whipped towards him.
“I want you to repeat that carefully,” Sapphire hissed as she moved further into the room and closing the door behind her. “Say it again or I swear I’m going to knock both of you idiots out.”
Both boys flinched before Fangs repeated his sentence, “The girl. From New York. The Northsider gave the gun to her.”
Sapphire nodded her head and spins on her feet to leave. She just found something new to do with her schedule. --
If there was one thing that Sapphire loved about being the unseen heiress of Stone Enterprises, it was that all eyes were on her when she finally did make her appearance. After she left her boys at the medic house, Sapphire went home and dug through the closet in the guest room that Toni usually stays in. She searched deeply for the outfit that she had been waiting for this exact moment to wear. That next morning, she called up her publicist to make sure that her name was added onto to the guest list.
Sapphire had been sitting her Bentley and watched as former serpent Alice Cooper walked into the building wearing a gorgeous red snake-print dress. She turned towards her publicist, “Make sure you find out where she got that dress. I want it in black.”
And then she snapped her fingers for her driver to get out and open her door. Sapphire watched as everyone’s eyes turned towards her and a smirk pulled at her lips. Her driver helped her out and she looked up at him with a smile,
“Thanks, Jacob. Tell the wife and kids I said hello.”
He nodded his head and handed Sapphire her clutch. She took a deep breath before walking towards the entrance aware of everyone who turned to look at her much like they did Mrs. Cooper.
Sapphire smiled sharply as she continued forward in her short sapphire blue romper. Her dark brown hair had been pulled into some fancy braided up do that she paid no attention to that her hair stylist had named. Her grandmother’s sapphire diamond necklace rested delicately around her neck and fell right above her boobs. But Sapphire knew what really had everyone’s attention was her Serpent tattoo on her thigh.
She watched with an amused smile as Hiram and Hermione Lodge scrambled up to her. As if she would spend a dime on anything to get rid of her school.
“Sapphire, how wonderful it is to see you,” Hiram stated as if they were old friends. She raised a delicate and freshly plucked eyebrow at him before casting a glance around them.
“Mr. Lodge, a pleasure it is to finally meet you,” she replied respectfully.
“I must say it was a surprise when we received word that you were going to be attendance, but I wish it be no other way,” he continued laying the charm on thick. She nodded her head though.
“Yes, my schedule cleared up and I was… in the area,” Sapphire told him.
“Well we do hope you donate for the betterment of Riverdale,” his wife cut in and Sapphire’s gaze cut to her. She had a charming smile on her face that if Sapphire was anyone else would’ve won her over. But Sapphire worked with the likes Penny Peabody. She knew a snake charmer when she saw one.
“I just might. Though you’ll have to convince me,” Sapphire smirked at the couple. “If you’ll excuse me, I do believe that you all have chocolate covered strawberries at the desert table and those are my favorite.”
She moved around the couple and headed right for the table, but before she could reach it, she was intercepted by both the Lodges’ daughter and Alice Cooper.
“What’s a serpent doing here,” Alice hissed. Her hand tightening around her glass of champagne. She said it at the same time Veronica whispered harshly, “What are you doing here?”
Sapphire laughed lightly, “I’d watch how you talk to me, Mrs. Cooper. I have a friend interested in journalism and it wouldn’t even make a dent in my bank account to buy your little newspaper.”
The two of them froze before her. The implication staring them right in their faces. Sapphire watched with delight before she cleared her throat and held a hand out to Veronica. “It’s nice to meet you, Veronica. I’ve heard many interesting things about you. I’m Sapphire Stone of Stone Enterprises.”
She paid close attention as the recognition entered both their eyes. For Alice, she was realized that this serpent wasn’t just rich. She was The Sapphire Stone whose parents died when she was younger, and her adoption was kept under the tightest wraps that no amount of money you threw at her lawyers were getting them to spill. Hell, even her records went private to keep her adoption a secret. Alice’s eyes dropped down to the tattoo on Sapphire’s thighs and she couldn’t help but to wonder if the Southside of all places was where the young heiress had been living for so long.
And for Veronica, she realized that Joaquin’s mysterious sister was the other teenager with big pockets needed for the SoDale project that her parents tasked her to charm. A Southside Serpent that as far as Veronica knew really disliked anyone from the Northside.
Oh, shit.
Sapphire smiled brightly as she moved around the two. “if you ladies will excuse me, there are some strawberries calling my name.”
Nearly twenty minutes later, Sapphire stood along the other guest as Hiram Lodge and his wife made their way onto the stage.
“Ladies and gentlemen. A new story begins in Riverdale tonight.  A story about reinvention and aspiration. This building will be the first chapter of that story.  Luxury apartments, shopping, and even a golf course.  The Southside as we know it will be gone, replaced with a new Eden. So, let us raise our glasses to a brighter tomorrow.  Today, let's celebrate with a little music.”
I think the fuck not, you trick ass bitch.
Sapphire watched with an unimpressed brow at the Lodge’s little speech. She pulled her phone out of her clutch as the couple descended the stage and the Mayor’s daughter and her little band ascended.
She sent a quick message off to her publicist. Buy me Southside High and the Whyte Worm. I don’t care how you do it. Get me both. And throw in a little something nice too for yourself for your troubles.
Sapphire smiled when she received the confirmation text then blinked at the sight of the poster boy for fuckboys made his way over to her.
“Sapphire, how lovely it is to see you again,” Nick smiled. Sapphire wanted to stick her heels into his eye sockets and rip them out from his mouth, but she smiled back falsely and said, “A pleasure as always Nicholas.”
He turned towards the one of the waitress and grab two drinks before handing her one. She immediately narrowed her eyes. Despite his gentleman act, Nick never offered her a drink unless he planned on making some idiotic deal with her on his family’s behalf.
“What do you want, Nicholas? This an old dance now. You don’t have to offer me food and drinks anytime you want something,” Sapphire told him. Nick only shook his head lightly.
“Ah, you’re right. I don’t, but this isn’t for a deal this time. This is a drink to a brighter tomorrow,” he replied repeating Hiram’s words.
Sapphire hummed before clinking their glasses together and she drank. Nick offered her his arm and to keep up with appearances, she took it and followed him onto the dance floor.
Nearly ten minutes passed, and Sapphire thought she was going to pass out. She clutched tightly onto Nick’s arm to keep her balance.
“Are you alright, Sapphire?”
Sapphire’s thoughts slowed and moved to gentle hum. A feeling she usually only gets when she was high except it was more intense and her thoughts were much murkier. What’s wrong with her?
“I just need some air,” she muttered as she tried to find her footing to leave. She paid no mind to Nick holding up most of her strength and leading her away. She just remembered the way his arm wrapped tightly around her waist and the other planted near the top of her thigh and moving lower before she faded out of reality.
When she came to, the first thing Sapphire noticed was the face of Veronica Lodge in front of her and the sounds of someone getting their ass kicked not too far away. She blinked in confusion as she noticed she was lying on a bed with her dress halfway unzipped.
“Whaa?” She mumbled as she tried to figure out what the hell was going on. Veronica wrapped an arm around her and if Sapphire was in her right state of mind, she would’ve damn well broke it. But instead she leaned closer into her embrace.
“Nick drugged you and tried to- “
Sapphire raised a hand because she didn’t want to hear the rest of that sentence. She felt dirty. She had never wanted this to happen to her. Hell, she would have never wished that onto anyone. “He didn’t. He didn- “
Veronica shook her head quickly, “We stopped him before he could do anything more than unzip your dress.”
Sapphire nodded slowly as the people from the other room walked in. The mayor’s daughter and her bandmates. Even Cheryl Blossom. Honesty, Sapphire’s mind was way too cloudy to give a damn. They all crowded around her and led her out of the room. But even if Sapphire’s mind was murky, it didn’t stop her from turning around and stomping her foot into Nick’s balls as he laid their unconscious.
You don’t know what the hell you’ve just done, fucker.
The girls walked with her back to Veronica’s home and helped her to Veronica’s room. She sat on the bed and she started to feel the tiniest bit better. Not a lot, but it was there.
“Someone call SP. My phone,” she muttered as the mayor’s daughter handed her a glass of water from the bathroom. Once she drank some of it, the fog started to clear up even more. Enough for her to glare at the boy, Archie, as he made his way to the room with them followed by Jughead’s girlfriend, Betty, and ex-lover boy Kevin. And a quite nice to look at male wearing a leather jacket.
Veronica turned a little to grab Sapphire’s clutch and went through Sapphire’s phone scrolling through her contacts until she got to the one named SP with a blue heart and crown emoji. The phone rang twice before the other end answer.
“Thought you were out with your rich friends, Saph,” the voice on the other end stated the second they picked up. Veronica could hear loud music in the backroom, a bad rendition of John Legend’s All of Me, and the sound of pool sticks hitting pool balls.
“This isn’t Sapphire. This is Veronica Lodge. We’re at Pembrooke Suites. There was an incident.”
A beat before, “We’re on our way,” was stated and Veronica was listening to the dial tone.
A few minutes passed with Sapphire staring blankly ahead with tears rolling down her cheeks before a loud rumbling sound was heard. She lifted her head with and the others could see a light flicker in her eyes.
Veronica moved from the bed to go let the people in and got the shock of her life when she saw nearly the whole gang of Serpents outside of her door. “Where’s Sapphire,” the boy in front of her demanded. The same boy who Archie had got into a fight with a few days prior. A bit numbly Veronica moved to the side and allowed them in. Even more surprised to see Jughead with them.
She led the group back to her bedroom and held a hand out to stop Archie and Reggie from flying towards them. The tallest one, who Veronica guessed was SP, immediately moved to Sapphire’s right side.
They watched as Josie moved from her spot and the girl with the pink highlights moved in her left and the smaller and slightly buffer boy stood behind the pink haired girl in a show of comfort.
“Sapphire,” another man with long blonde hair stated as he moved into the room. Sapphire looked up to him and all the Serpents that were in the room and surrounding the doorway were shocked and quite honestly horrified to see the heartbroken look in her eyes as more tears spilled on her cheeks.
“What happened,” Jughead questioned looking at the girl in Sweet Pea’s arm. The legendary Sapphire that all the Serpents said he just had to meet. The one who usually trains new recruits but had been extremely busy, so she gave the job to Toni temporarily. Sweet Pea tucked her head into his shoulder and let her cry as Toni ran a comforting hand on her back. Fangs glared at him pointedly before he sighed and motioned for everyone to give the three privacy.
Everyone walked out of the room and it was an awkward moment for the Northsiders to be faced with the small army of Southsiders.
“A boy named Nick St. Clair drugged her drink. He tried to... He tried to rape her,” Veronica told him. Jughead watched as Tall Boy spun around and punched one of the older Serpents in the stomach and the man barely flinched besides the grunt of pain.
“You got a picture,” Tall Boy, asked and Veronica nodded numbly as she pulled her phone out to show them. The phone got passed around for a few minutes to each Serpent as they all took in the boy before it made its way back to Veronica.
“We’ll see what Sapphire wants to do and we’ll handle it,” Tall Boy stated as the door to Veronica’s room opened and Sweet Pea walked out carrying Sapphire in a princess hold. Toni was carrying her heels and clutch and Fangs' jacket had been laid across her.
“She wants to press charges,” Toni stated as Sweet Pea hurriedly exited the room with Sapphire. “She wants to ruin him like he tried to do her and give it public attention in case anyone wants to speak up and a warning for anyone in the future in case he gets off.”
Tall Boy nodded before leaving the room with the other Serpents following. Toni and Fangs went to Jughead’s side before turning to the Northsiders.
“Saph doesn’t like you. None of you, but she thanks you for your help and we thank you for helping her,” Toni stated before she motions her head to leave. Jughead avoided the eyes of his former friends and exited the room with her and Fangs.
“Come on, Pea was taking her to the police station,” Fangs muttered before the three of them jumped back into Fangs’ car and sped off into the night. --
“He did what,” FP snarled from his end of the phone line. Sapphire flinched away from the anger in his voice and FP visibly reigned himself in. She needed him to be cool and collected and not bite anyone’s head off.
“Can you tell me what happened again, Ria,” FP stated softly. Her lawyer sat on the other side of her while Sheriff Keller pulled up a chair and sat to her side. She hadn’t want to talk about what happened without her lawyer present, but when it came down to it, she froze up. Fangs, who had been with her, had asked if talking to FP could help. Like she usually did whenever she was having a crisis and her world went for a loop. She had nodded slowly before Sheriff Keller had led them down to the visiting room and FP had been summoned.
And he was not taking the news well.
Sapphire sniffled, “I had gone to the SoDale event because I knew that when you were working with Mr. Andrews that you were excited to complete it. So, I told myself that I was only coming out of hiding and going in your honor. I had spoken with the Lodges and their daughter and even Alice Cooper came to compliment my outfit. After Mr. Lodge’s speech, I had moved off to the side back by the food table when Nick St. Clair approached me. We exchanged greetings before he offered me a glass of ginger ale. After we drank, he asked for a dance and I went with him. About five-ten minutes later, I had felt hot and stuffy and I had need some air. I remember Nick holding and helping me but after that its blank. When I came to, Veronica Lodge was helping me up and the other girls… the mayor’s daughter, her friends, and Cheryl Blossom had come in from holding off Nick. They took me to Veronica’s house and called Fangs and SP to come get me and brought me here.”
More tears spilled out of her eyes and Sapphire was just so thankful that she had managed to be saved before anything worse than being drugged could happen.
“No llores, hija. It’s alright. Papá here.”
FP glanced up at Fangs who walked forward and wrapped his arms around the girl he saw as his little sister. “Sssh, let it out, Saph. Come on its okay.”
FP then turned towards Sheriff Keller and motioned for him to take the phone. When Keller picked it up, FP snapped, “Is that all you need from her, so she can go?”
Sheriff Keller sighed and motioned for the guard to come forward and lead FP off. “No, give her back the phone before I go.”
Keller rose a brow before he gave Sapphire back the phone who had raised her head to stare brokenly at FP. “Te quiero, hija mía. No lo olvides.”
Sapphire choked back a sob before she replied, “Yo también te quiero, papá.” FP hung up the phone and stood and let the guard lead him out with his two in everything, but blood children watched him.
Sapphire nodded her head before standing up from her chair. Keller turned to her and lead them out while saying, “We got the reports back from the labs and there was an unidentified drug in your system and though faint as it may be, Nick’s DNA was found on your clothes.”
He moved back to his office and held up an evidence bag, “We also searched his hotel room and found this necklace, that I’m presuming belongs to you?”
Fangs nodded his head for her, “It was her grandmother’s.”
Keller and the lawyer flinched at the information.  “We’ll, uh, we’ll make sure to return it to you as soon as possible. You can go now.”
Sapphire’s lawyer turned to her. “We’ve gotten everything we need to for the case. You just rest up and I’ll call you about the rest of the details.”
Fangs mumbled thanks before leading the girl out of the room and back to his car and back to the Southside.
“Fangs, you all can go kick his fucking ass now. But leave him alive. I need him for court.”
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