#nonbinary clarisse la rue
rose-pearls · 7 months
Hi there!! If your requests are still open i’d like to make one, btw Im not very good at requesting, so im sorry if this doesn’t make any sense.
Could your possibly write a Clairrise x Hephaestus’s Nb kid reader. Like we’ll make/repair weapons for her, and we weld her flowers with nuts and bolts and cute stuff like that!!
Feel free to skip this request!! Have a good day/night!!!! :D
Hi!! Thank you so much for your request, it was so cute and I loved the fact that it was a reader from another cabin then the Aphrodite cabin! I hope you like it and that it is what you wanted! My requests are open for every fandom I write for!
Main Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187, @nyx2021, @thestarspangledcaptain, @kmc1989
Percy Jackson Taglist: @niktwazny303
Clarisse La Rue Taglist: @peanutbelley, @abbersreads
Non-binary reader, if there is a mistake somewhere please tell me and I'll fix it! I am always open for feedback :))
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When you started dating Clarisse a lot of people were surprised, it wasn’t often that a child of Hephaestus and a child of Ares got along, let alone date each other. But it had just made sense when you had met her during your first day of camp. You had tried to find what you were good at, with the help of Luke, and as you were trying to figure out how to use the spear he had given you a beautiful girl had arrived.
“Why don’t you let the expert teach them, Castellan?”, the brown-haired girl says with a confident smirk, making you blush. Luke had just rolled his eyes at the words before telling you that he would get you at the end of the hour to try something new.
“Now, you should watch your grip when you wield it,” she says before starting to show you how to adjust your hands, making your skin tingle at the touch.
It wasn’t until later that you realized why so many people had been watching the two of you, Clarisse wasn’t really the type to help someone out or to be patient with anyone. When your father claimed you after two days of being at camp the whole camp had been waiting with anticipation how Clarisse would be reacting to the news, after all she was a proud daughter of Ares.
“I don’t care about who your father is and what beef he has with mine, Ares always has beef with everyone. So, what do you say of ignoring who our parents are and just moving along?”, Clarisse had seemed unaffected, but she had been preparing the speech in her head since last night, when one of her siblings had told her who your parent was. She was hoping that Ares wouldn’t ruin this for her either, she only knew you for three days, but you were someone she cared about, whether she liked it or not.
“I would love that,” you had told her and after that the two of you had stayed close friends, much to everyone’s shock and your sibling’s dismay. 
Getting together with Clarisse had been the most difficult part, she didn’t see love as something good or worthwhile. She had seen her mother getting into depressive episodes after Ares left her to raise Clarisse alone and she didn’t want to ever experience that, let alone be that cause of someone’s pain. It had taken you a while to try and convince her that you could be something more than just friends and that love was something incredible to experience. 
“I just don’t want to hurt you or lose you, it would hurt far too much,” she had told you once, when the laughter of the campers could be heard from far away.
“Wouldn’t it hurt more to know that we could have been something but that we just didn’t try? I know that we are demi-gods and that we could die any day but I don’t want to die and regret not having had a chance to spent every single day with you and showing you how much I love you,” there were tears in her eyes at your words, and you could see the conflict in her eyes before she brought you into a soft kiss, as if she was scared she could break you.
“You’re right,” she had whispered before bringing you back into a kiss, this time more fervent as she showed you just how much she loved you.
It had been two years since then and you couldn’t be happier, watching Clarisse spar with her siblings and preparing for Capture the flag while you made some flowers out of a few things you had found around your working area. 
“That for me?”, you hear behind you before your feel a soft kiss on your cheek.
“It is,” you tell Clarisse as she sits next to you, watching the intricately woven nuts and bolts you had found around.
“I love it, thank you,” she tells you before bringing you into a kiss.
“I’ll add it to my collection,” she says with a bright smile, already trying to figure out where she was going to put it.
“I’ll see you after capture the flag?”, you ask her, and she nods in agreement as a pout forms on her lips.
“I can’t believe you aren’t going to be playing capture the flag today,” you smile softly at her words before taking her hand in yours.
“Well, I need to teach every single thing I know to my new sibling but next time I’ll be there,” you promise her and enjoy the satisfied smile on Clarisse lips.
“Fine, but I need a good luck kiss first,” she whispers, and you quickly do as she requests, smiling as she deepens the kiss.
“See you later sunshine!”, she tells you before joining her siblings, making you smile as you watch her putting on her armour. 
It was just an hour later when you heard the door of your cabin slam open, your new sibling looking scared at the sound, as if he was expecting a monster to come in. But it was Clarisse, tears in her eyes and a broken spear in her hands. 
“Why don’t you go to your station and work a little bit on the things I taught you?”, you quickly ask your sibling, who quickly scurries out of the room. 
“Clarisse?”, you whisper as you look at her trembling form, she looks like she is desperately holding back her tears but as you carefully put your hand on hers, she breaks down.
The tears are falling down her cheeks as you bring her into a comforting hug, holding her close as she holds on to you for dear life.
“What happened?”, you ask her softly, hoping not to make her cry even more at your words.
“That new kid, he broke my spear,” she whispers, and a sob leaves her lips at the words, making you hold her tightly. 
“Gods, I’m so sorry Clarise, I know how much it meant to you,” you whisper in her hair, wishing you could go back in time and save it.
“It was the only thing he ever gave me, to show me he cared and now it is gone,” she says, tears falling into your t-shirt, but you don’t care as you try to calm her down.
It takes a moment to calm her down, stroking her hair and letting her talk it all out. You know better than to say it was going to be okay, she had just lost something incredibly valuable to her and you didn’t know what to do. 
“I can try to fix it,” you whisper softly, and it takes a few seconds before she moves her head to look at you, teary eyes looking into yours.
“You can?”, she whispers, hope appearing into her eyes, and you smile lovingly at her.
“I can try, I can’t promise anything about it still being able to burn someone, but it can be repaired. Nothing is too broken to be fixed,” you tell her, and she takes a deep breath, like she is trying to get herself back together.
“If you can do that, I think that I will marry you,” she says with an emotional smile, and you laugh softly at her words.
“Common let’s see what we can do,” you whisper before taking her hand and bringing her to your station. 
It takes time to put it back together, as the metal had been broken by Percy’s sword but after finding the right metal to fix it you manage to bring the two pieces back together.
“And there we go, nearly as good as before,” you tell her as she looks over the spear, watching how it was once again a whole spear and not two broken parts.
“Thank you,” she whispers with concealed tears in her eyes, but you just shrug your shoulders.
“It was my pleasure, now I can watch you train with it again,” you tell her, and she looks excited at the words, she kisses you lovingly on the lips before dragging you to the training ground, an excited smile on her lips. 
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percyluvr · 7 months
could you write a fic with clarisse and a nonbinary child of thanatos reader, where they absolutely DOMINATE in capture the flag?
clarisse la rue x gn child of thanatos!reader summary: clarisse and her s/o are undefeated in capture the flag wc: 1127
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It was widely known at Camp Half-Blood that if you weren't on Clarisse and her significant other's capture that flag team, you were on the losing team. Even before the two of you began dating, you were a force that no one wanted to mess with.
Your friendship had been very interesting for the other campers to witness, mainly for the reason that Clarisse seemed to warm up to you so quickly, almost as if there was an invisible string of fate tying her to you. The first time the two of you met, Clarisse was almost awkward when she spoke to you, and from then on, the two of you had been an extremely powerful force.
The two of you fit together like a puzzle, your minds always being on the same wavelength. If one of you strayed from the battle strategy you had come up with, the other could immediately tell why and what to do from that point on, which made capture the flag a breeze for your team.
You were sat in the Ares cabin with Clarisse, going over the strategy for the capture the flag, though it wasn't really necessary since the two of you were always in sync, but you thought it never hurt to be extra thorough. Even though the Athena cabin was on the opposing team, when they were usually on your team, the two of you were completely confident that you wouldn't have a problem winning.
"We'll charge together, but once we get through their second line of defense, you'll sneak past and grab the flag. Then, you'll go through the route we marked back to our base, and that'll conclude the game. Easy win for us, again," Clarisse states, making you grin.
The plan may seem simple, especially when it was the Athena cabin you were going against, but you had the entire Ares cabin on yours, and you had more faith in them for these types of things, but that's not to say the Athena kids are not master strategists, because they definitely are.
The next few days came and went, and it was finally time for your and Clarisse's favorite day of the month, capture the flag. The two of you shared a large breakfast, making sure to eat nutritious things to give you extra energy.
After breakfast, everyone headed to the forest and put on their armor and helmets.
"Thirty minutes until the game begins, get set up now. The games begin when you hear the horn, as per usual," Chiron says.
"Alright, does everyone remember the plan?" You ask, making sure that no one would mess up your victory, if that was even possible.
You heard many variations of confirmation, and so you and Clarisse sent everyone off to get into positions.
"You ready to absolutely dominate today?" Clarisse asks, as if she didn't already know the answer.
"Obviously, when am I not ready to hand someone's ass to them?" You joke.
Clarisse gives you a grin, and the two of you head off into the forest.
You two quietly talk for the remaining minutes, immediately focusing in when you hear the horn blast. You and Clarisse sprint off, slowly relaxing into a slightly slower pace to maintain your energy.
When you finally reach the other team's first line of defense, it was just as the two of you expected.
Clarisse knew that you were absolutely insane when it came to fighting, but you'd reached a new level in the past month of training. It was like the world had gone still except for you fighting. She was in the middle of a fight, and all she could look at was you. You fought like an absolute demon, your sword slashing so fast that she it seemed like you hadn't moved it at all. She could tell that you were still holding back, on account of it being a camp game and all, but she would've loved to see you with no restrictions.
It seemed like the fight lasted mere seconds, and all of the other campers lay on the ground. She stared at you in awe before coming back to her senses.
"Come on, we still have a game to win," she says to you, as if she wasn't just staring at you like you were a god.
When the two of you reached the second line of defense, you snuck off without a trace, something that you'd inherited from your dad. If Clarisse hadn't seen you fighting before, she would've wondered if you had ever been by her side in the first place.
You had no concerns about Clarisse fighting off the other team, so you quickly ran through the woods, fighting off stray campers that you came across.
When you reached the flag, you were astonished to find it completely unguarded. You wasted no time in sprinting over to the flag, grasping it in your hands and making a mad dash back through the forest.
You were careful not to step in any of the traps that the Hephaestus cabin must've made and placed strategically throughout the forest. You would've taken time to be impressed by how thorough they were with it, but you had a game to win.
In no time, you found Clarisse, signaling from the sides of the forest that you had gotten the flag. She grinned at you and finished off the fight she was in with some random camper, quickly catching up to you.
You made it back to your side in record time, hearing Chiron make a surprised noise and blow the horn, signaling the end of the game.
You jumped into Clarisse's awaiting arms. No matter how many times you felt her strong arms hold you, you would always be affected by it. There was something about feeling her hold you, knowing she would always protect you that made you feel all warm inside. She kissed you liked she'd been waiting her whole life to feel your lips pressed up against hers, and if you count about 2 hours as her whole life, then yes, she had been waiting her whole life.
When both teams had made it back to the river, Chiron announced that your team had won in a record-breaking 45 minutes, and you team shouted in celebration. You and Clarisse, however, celebrated by her taking off both of your helmets, picking you up into her beefy arms and kissing you with a passion that you'd never felt from her. She was just so enamored by you and how powerful you were that she never wanted to let go, but unfortunately had to so the two of you could celebrate, though she still didn't release her tight grip on your hand.
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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Percy Jackson from the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus series is an autistic bisexual gendersea watercoric seafaric oceangender autiamigender sansolramare waterbodiment oceanbeing oceanboy trans man with ADHD, dyslexia, and PTSD who uses he/him and sea/seas pronouns, and he's dating Annabeth and in a QPR with Grover!
Annabeth Chase is an autistic bisexual transfeminine autiamigender omenowlic bladecoric owlgender demigirl with ADHD, dyslexia, and PTSD who uses she/her pronouns only, and she's dating Percy!
Grover Underwood is an autistic genderfaun autiamigender unlabeled man with ADHD and PTSD who uses any pronouns, and they're in a QPR with Percy and dating Juniper!
Juniper is an autistic arospec plantgender genderfae genderfleur sereniwillowa girl with anxiety and PTSD who uses she/her, fae/faer, and fleur/fleurs pronouns, and she's dating Grover!
Tyson is an autistic nebularomantic nonbinary man with dyslexia and PTSD who uses he/him and ce/cyr pronouns only!
Nico di Angelo is an autistic gay demisexual autigender deadgender mortugender nonbinary deathian deathbodiment man with ADHD, BPD, and PTSD who uses he/him and is experimenting with death/deaths pronouns, and he's dating Will!
Jason Grace is an autistic bisexual acespec lightninggender stormgender thundergender stormlikic skybodiment man with ADHD and dyslexia who uses he/him and storm/storms pronouns, and he's dating Leo!
Will Solace is an autistic vincian sunbeing doctorbeing trans man with dyslexia, ADHD, and PTSD who uses he/him and sun/suns pronouns, and he's dating Nico!
Piper McLean is an autistic futch protectilovecoric autiamigender defenfemmic knifekypic bladefem lovebodiment trans lesbian with ADHD and PTSD who uses she/her and they/them pronouns, and she's dating Reyna and used to have a crush on Annabeth!
Leo Valdez is an autistic bisexual ragefiric setthefirequoteic firetix ADHDgender genderAAAAAADHD trans man with ADHD who's dating Jason!
Clarisse La Rue is an autistic butch combootic foxgender genderloser lesbian with dyslexia, ADHD, and PTSD who uses any pronouns, and they're dating Silena!
Silena Beauregard is an autistic femme bisexual lovegender loveguardian loponic lovebodiment trans girl with dyslexia who uses she/her and heart/hearts pronouns, and she's dating Clarisse!
Reyna Ramírez-Arellano is an autistic autigender agender shadowbi lesbian with PTSD and dyslexia who uses she/her and they/them pronouns, and she's dating Piper and Thalia!
Thalia Grace is an autistic amatopunk butch nonbinary combootic punksaint stormlikic riougender arospec asexual lesbian dyke with ADHD and dyslexia who uses any pronouns, and she's dating Reyna!
Hazel Levesque is an autistic bisexual mortidecoric witchgender hekseric goldgender pyritecrysic nonbinary trans girl who uses she/her and ve/ver pronouns, and ve's dating Frank!
Frank Zhang is an autistic bisexual faunagender genderfluid transfeminine archerygender warnelistic person who uses she/her and they/them pronouns, and she's dating Hazel!
Rachel Elizabeth Dare is an autistic transneutral blacklightaesic paintial paintsplattered oraclexic prophetfreak dykeiphet aroace lesbian with ADHD, psychosis, and synesthesia who uses it/its, they/them, she/her, paint/paints, and oracle/oracles pronouns, and it has a crush on Annabeth and is dating Reyna!
dni link
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titanswar · 9 months
LOOK, I DIDN'T WANT TO BE A HALF-BLOOD. BEING A HALF-BLOOD IS DANGEROUS. IT'S SCARY. MOST OF THE TIME, IT GETS YOU KILLED IN PAINFUL, NASTY WAYS. DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU. / #titanswar, a pjo multimuse featuring both canon and original characters. spoilers will be present. non-roleplaying blogs do not interact. written by lex, 25, she/her. READ. MAIN BLOG. MUSE LIST + ADDITIONAL RULES UNDER THE CUT.
read links to my regular multi, so some additional notes about this one: all portrayals are based off the books. generally, i write them above 18, for my own comfort, although no sexual content will be written on this blog, ever. spoilers may be present; if i know you're not caught up on the books, i'll do my best to refrain, but maybe don't read some of my other threads.
CANON CHARACTERS, higher muse bolded.
ANNABETH CHASE, daughter of athena, bisexual, cis woman, she/her. primary.
APOLLO, greek god of... so many things, pansexual, agender, he/him. request only.
CHARLES BECKENDORF, son of hepheastus, bisexual, cis man, he/him. tertiary.
CLARISSE LA RUE, daughter of ares, lesbian, nonbinary, she/her. primary.
JASON GRACE, son of jupiter, bisexual, cis man, he/him. secondary.
LEO VALDEZ, son of hephaestus, gay (suffers from comphet), trans man, he/him. secondary.
LUKE CASTELLAN, son of hermes, bisexual, nonbinary, he/them. secondary.
PERCY JACKSON, son of poseidon, bisexual, cis man, he/him. primary.
SILENA BEAUREGARD, daughter of aphrodite, bisexual, cis woman, she/her.
THALIA GRACE, daughter of zeus, lesbian, nonbinary, she/them. tertiary.
NOTE: i've read the series enough time that i feel mostly confident enough to write anyone, so if there's any canon character you'd like to see, let me know and i'll add them.
ORIGINAL CHARACTERS COMING SOON. daughter of aphrodite original character found @warpainte
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hyperfocuscentre · 2 years
me thinks solangelo is t4t and that will telling nico he was trans opened up a whole new world for them in which they realised they were nonbinary.
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I had a dream about the Percy Jackson television series, it was kinda weird, kinda interesting, here are some of the highlights:
It took place after the first series, but the before the second series
Nico was the audience’s pov character, not Percy
The new campers came to camp via yellow school bus
Percy and Clarisse were fighting as a demo to the new campers
Percy was winning at one point, then Clarisse, the spar ended with them just talking all the traumatic things they had been through
Annabeth came out as nonbinary
Clarisse had a horse that she would ride into battle
I really want Clarisse to have a horse now
Nico was dead, but not really, like he walked and talked and stuff, but he was dead
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pjopipes · 2 years
pjoverse sexuality + gender headcanons
i know i’ve done this before but i’m doing it again because my headcanons have changed and i’m including more characters so :)
percy jackson (he/they/she): pansexual, genderfluid, and asexual
annabeth chase (she/he): bisexual, transfem, and demiromantic
thalia grace (he/she/they): queer, transmasc, and aromantic
jason grace (they/he): gay, agender, and aroflux
nico di angelo (he/they): gay (canon) and nonbinary
bianca di angelo (she/her): lesbian and asexual
will solace (he/him): bisexual (canon mlm), transmasc, and asexual
piper mclean (she/he/they): lesbian (canon sapphic), nonbinary, and demiaroace
leo valdez (he/him): pansexual, transmasc, and aroaceflux
hazel levesque (she/her): lesbian, demigirl, and asexual
frank zhang (he/they): bisexual and demiboy
rachel elizabeth dare (they/them): lesbian and genderfluid
reyna avila ramírez-arellano (she/her): queer and aroace (canon ace)
calypso (she/her): lesbian and aromantic
drew tanaka (she/they): lesbian and girlflux
silena beauregard (she/love): bisexual and transfem
charles beckendorf (he/him): bisexual and boyflux
zoë nightshade (she/her): lesbian and aroace
clarisse la rue (she/her): lesbian, demiromantic, and asexual
lavinia asimov (he/she/they): lesbian (canon) and nonbinary
billie ng (they/she): lesbian and demigirl
valentina diaz (she/her): bisexual and asexual
kayla knowles (they/them): bisexual and nonbinary
nyssa barrera (she/her): pansexual
grover underwood (he/him): transhet
dakota (he/him): bisexual and transmasc
shel (they/she): queer (canon sapphic), nonbinary, and asexual
poison oak (she/they): lesbian (canon sapphic) and agender
lou ellen blackstone (they/them): pansexual, genderfluid, and demiromantic
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Hello and welcome to my account!!! I am a writer and a minor graphic designer! I do take requests for oneshots, series, playlists and graphics! and my requests are open!! I do not write smut, incest, or mentions of rape, suicide, etc. Below are fandoms you can request for!! I write for male, nonbinary, and female readers! If they don't specifically say male! reader or female! reader than it will be gender neutral or nonbinary!! I also speak a couple languages so tell me if you need your request in a different language! ( i speak french, spanish, german is my native language, english, itallian, and a little bit of dutch! )
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the fandoms i will make/write for are:
supernatural (season one to season fourteen, no spoilers!)
characters include: dean winchester, sam winchester, castlel, jack kline, and the actors!
ships include: destiel, sabriel, platonic jack x dean, platonic castle x jack
harry potter
characters include: james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, lily evans, marlene mckinnon, ginny weasley, harry potter, hermione granger, luna lovegood, ron weasley, charlie weasley, bill weasley, george weasley, fred weasley, cho chang, cedric diggory, draco malfoy, pansy parkinson, neville longbottom, blaise zabini, narcissa malfoy, regulus black (male reader only bc that's my head cannon for him)
ships include: lily, wolfstar, drarry, hedric, pansmione, harry x cho x cedric (poly), blairon, bleville, ronmione, linny
percy jackson (I'm only on the fourth book of hoo, no spoilers please!)
characters include: percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood, nico di angelo (male reader only), will solace, jason grace, piper mcclean, leo valdez, frank zhang, hazel levesque, clarisse la rue
ships: percabeth, solangelo, jercy, valdangelo, frazel
skam (ive watched all of the remakes but will only write for original and germany, this might change later)
characters include: nora sætre, jonas vasquez, isak valtersen (male reader only), christoffer schistad, evan næsheim, sana bakkoush (platonic only please), eva mohn, william magnusson
ships: evak, nora x william, eva x chris, eva x nora
skam druck
characters include: mia winter, kiki machwitz, amira mahmood, hanna jung, jonas augustin, matteo florenzi, alexander hardenberg, nora machwitz
ships: david x matteo, mia x alexander
teen wolf
characters: stiles stillinski, derek hale, issac lahey, scott mccall, lydia martin, allison argent, peter hale, theo raeken, liam dunbar
ships: sterek, scissac, lydia x allison, thiam
stranger things
characters: steve harrington, will byers (male reader only for personal headcannon), mike wheeler, eleven/jane hopper, dustin henderson, jonathan byers, nancy wheeler, robyn buckley (female reader only), max mayfield, lucas sinclair, joyce byers
ships: byler, elmax, nancy x robyn, jonathan x steve
IT (2017)
characters include: mike hanlon, ben hanscom, beverly marsh, richie tozier (male reader only), eddie kaspbarak, bill denbrough, stanley uris
ships: reddie, stenbrough, mikeverly, benverly, mike x ben
marvel and x-men
characters include: peter parker, steve rodgers, peggy carters, peter maximoff, pietro maximoff, wanda maximoff, charles xavier (young romantic or older platonic only), wade wilson, tony stark, bucky barnes, thor, loki, natasha romanoff, bruce banner, stephen strange (more that I'm probably forgetting tbh)
ships: stony, parley, ironstrange, stucky, 
characters include: conner kent, clark kent, jonathan kent, damian wayne, tim drake, bruce wayne, jason todd, dick grayson, selina kyle, barbra gordon, helena bertinelli, harley quinn, poison ivy, cassandra cain, kara danvers, mon-el, alex danvers (female reader only), oliver queen, barry allen, bart allen, wally west, miss martian/megan mores (more im not thinking of, just ask)
ships: damjon, lena luthor x kara danvers, superbat, dick x wally
there are probably others I'm not thinking of, just ask please!!!
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Hi, this is me!!
Hello and welcome to my account!!! I am a writer and I love romance! I do take requests for oneshots, series, and playlists! and my requests are open!! I do not write smut, incest, or mentions of rape, suicide, etc. Below are fandoms you can request for!! I write for male, nonbinary, and female readers! If they don't specifically say male! reader or female! reader than it will be gender neutral or nonbinary!! I also have a friend who will translate my work if needed ( they speak french, spanish, german is my native language, english, itallian, and a little bit of dutch! )
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the fandoms i will make/write for are:
supernatural (season one to season fourteen, no spoilers!)
the characters include: dean winchester, sam winchester, castlel, jack kline, and the actors!
the ships include: destiel, sabriel, platonic jack x dean, platonic castle x jack
harry potter
the characters include: james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, lily evans, marlene mckinnon, ginny weasley, harry potter, hermione granger, luna lovegood, ron weasley, charlie weasley, bill weasley, george weasley, fred weasley, cho chang, cedric diggory, draco malfoy, pansy parkinson, neville longbottom, blaise zabini, narcissa malfoy, regulus black (male reader only bc that's my head cannon for him)
the ships include: lily, wolfstar, drarry, hedric, pansmione, harry x cho x cedric (poly), blairon, bleville, ronmione, linny
percy jackson (I'm only on the fourth book of hoo, no spoilers please!)
the characters include: percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood, nico di angelo (male reader only), will solace, jason grace, piper mcclean, leo valdez, frank zhang, hazel levesque, clarisse la rue
the ships: percabeth, solangelo, jercy, valdangelo, frazel
skam (ive watched all of the remakes but will only write for original and germany, this might change later)
the characters include: nora sætre, jonas vasquez, isak valtersen (male reader only), christoffer schistad, evan næsheim, sana bakkoush (platonic only please), eva mohn, william magnusson
the ships: evak, nora x william, eva x chris, eva x nora
teen wolf
the characters: stiles stillinski, derek hale, issac lahey, scott mccall, lydia martin, allison argent, peter hale, theo raeken, liam dunbar
the ships: sterek, scissac, lydia x allison, thiam
stranger things
the characters: steve harrington, will byers (male reader only for personal headcannon), mike wheeler, eleven/jane hopper, dustin henderson, jonathan byers, nancy wheeler, robyn buckley (female reader only), max mayfield, lucas sinclair, joyce byers
the ships: byler, elmax, nancy x robyn, jonathan x steve
IT (2017)
the characters include: mike hanlon, ben hanscom, beverly marsh, richie tozier (male reader only), eddie kaspbarak, bill denbrough, stanley uris
the ships: reddie, stenbrough, mikeverly, benverly, mike x ben
marvel and x-men
the characters include: peter parker, steve rodgers, peggy carters, peter maximoff, pietro maximoff, wanda maximoff, charles xavier (young romantic or older platonic only), wade wilson, tony stark, bucky barnes, thor, loki, natasha romanoff, bruce banner, stephen strange (more that I'm probably forgetting tbh)
the ships: stony, parley, ironstrange, stucky,
the characters include: conner kent, clark kent, jonathan kent, damian wayne, tim drake, bruce wayne, jason todd, dick grayson, selina kyle, barbra gordon, helena bertinelli, harley quinn, poison ivy, cassandra cain, kara danvers, mon-el, alex danvers (female reader only), oliver queen, barry allen, bart allen, wally west, miss martian/megan mores (more im not thinking of, just ask)
the ships: damjon, lena luthor x kara danvers, superbat, dick x wally
the characters include: carl gallagher, ian gallagher (male reader only), debby gallagher, lip gallagher, fiona gallgher, kev and vee (parental only!), mickey milchovich
ships: gallavich 
the people: nico hischier, connor mcdavid, johnny gaudreau
(there are more but its like 2:00 am rn where i live and I'm lazy as fck)
there are probably others I'm not thinking of, just ask please!!!
layout for this by @slow-dancing-with-myself​
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mortal-demigods · 4 years
can you explain everyones sexualities please ? and maybe backstories as a mini story idea ?
I love this idea!! Thank you so much!! 🥰Without further ado...
Demigods at Pride Part 1 [POV: Percy's Phone]
The morning of the parade, everyone's hyped...
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So... to answer a few questions, let's start with the lightning trio!
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Annabeth and Percy are both bisexual (and cisgender). Grover is trans nonbinary and he doesn't really define his sexuality other than queer. 🥰
Speaking of trans characters, who else do we have?
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Nico is up first, pronouns are he/him. He is a gay trans boy (solangelo ftw🥳🥳)
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Next up we have Frank, who very recently got top surgery!! He/him trans boy. He's pansexual! He is also single (although sometimes he and Leo flirt a lil 🤔🤔)
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Last, but certainly not least on our list of trans demigods is Silena Beauregard!! She/her trans woman. She is also bisexual and in a closed polyamorous relationship with Charlie Beckendorf and Clarisse la Rue! (Also she is a semi-popular influencer 🥰✌)
Since Tumblr has a 10 pic limit I will be back w a part 2 soon!
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demiboypercyjackson · 7 years
So I love your blog and was wondering which characters you headcanon as trans (I mean specifically since there are no cis people in the riordanverse)
A L L O F T H E M• trans girl clarisse la rue (she's super butch and chris is a closet demigirl. theyre basically eachother's 'beards' and gfs)• so demigirl chris is added too• trans man will solace, of course• nonbinary or agender rachel elizabeth dare. possibly genderflux.• trans girl reyna• trans demiboy octavian• trans girl jason (she figures it out later in life)• demiboy percy jackson • and demigirl annabeth chase. theyre a pair, as always• trans genderfluid nico di angelo• trans girl drew tanaka• agender lou ellen• bigender piper mclean• trans girl hazel levesque (shes also polyamorous because of course she is)• trans man frank zhang• trans man leo valdezi know i have more but im blanking right now..... either way i love all my trans children 🙌 - will
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pjopipes · 2 years
riordanverse sexuality + gender headcanons for pride month!
i did this before but my headcanons have all changed since then so part two! also including pronouns this time :)
percy jackson - bisexual, genderfluid, asexual, he/they/she
annabeth chase - pansexual, demigirl, demiromantic, she/he
piper mclean - lesbian, nonbinary, demiromantic, she/they/he
hazel levesque - lesbian, demigirl, she/her
jason grace - bisexual, agender, aroaceflux, they/he
frank zhang - bisexual, demiboy, he/they
leo valdez - gay, aromantic, transmasc, he/him
nico di angelo - gay, nonbinary, they/he
will solace - bisexual, asexual, he/him
thalia grace - bisexual, demiaroace, they/she
reyna avila ramírez-arellano - lesbian, aroace, she/her
rachel elizabeth dare - pansexual, genderfluid, aromantic, they/them
drew tanaka - lesbian, transfem, she/her
silena beauregard - bisexual, transfem, she/her
clarisse la rue - lesbian, asexual, she/her
lavinia asimov - lesbian, nonbinary, asexual, she/he/they
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