I can't find my damn document...
the time I've spent looking for it, organizing all my files in hopes of it magically appearing, I could've spent writing it from the start.
but I don't want to rewrite it. I want coffee. I can't have coffee (I'm trying to stop being addicted to caffeine).
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z4jndy1xr87k · 1 year
Isabella novinha morena da bunda enorme tomando no cu e rindo Proper Housewife Stacey Saran Blows Her Man in the Shower 【Japanese hentai lotion handjob】cum a lot by cosplay sexy lady(HOMEMADE) Texas Patti Spread Ass Sex Fat Latina side bitch bouncing on my dick reverse cowgirl Comendo cuzinho da trans gostosa de bh unas buenas mamadas de mi funda Sextape whore Camgirl Sucking Own Nipples And Spreading Pussy Jessica gets her pussy fucked by BBC
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moved-2-koiranliha · 1 year
anyway gentle reminder that you can, indeed, control your online experience. don't read from a tag you don't like. filter tags here on tumblr (ask me how if you don't know). block someone if they make you uncomfortable.
"live well and live broadly. now is the envy of all the dead." - don hertzfeld, "world of tomorrow"
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antirepurp · 5 months
brain's orbiting around the idea of pucci getting to know jolyne pre-stone ocean on neutral terms and through bonding with her has his whole fixation with reaching his personal heaven challenged because suddenly it involves hurting a kid he's grown to care about. unfortunately i have no original or interesting way to execute the concept so i remain in orbit
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biracy · 7 months
Once u learn to be critical of rhetoric that relies on associating [supposed bad thing] with some form of psychological and/or neurological "damage", u really notice just how prevalent it is on here. Everyone you don't like is delusional, they're insane, they have brain damage, they need to Check The Carbon Monoxide Detectors, they need to Get Help and Go To Therapy, [form of media and/or communication] is literally brain poison, they've had their attention spans destroyed, they're "small brain" or "smooth brain" or "brain dead" or whatever. So many people on here remain seemingly incapable of criticizing someone's actions or views without needing to insinuate that the "problem" is neurological, "in the brain", unchangeable, fundamental. I should not have to explain why it is insensitive, nonconstructive, and oftentimes straight-up ableist to tell someone that they must have "brain damage" because you got into an argument with them online.
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macmanx · 11 months
Tumblr is not getting rid of the chronological Dashboard!
Folks keep sending this feedback in, I've replied to 108 in the last hour, so I figured I'd write a post. Please reblog this, thank you!
Rest assured, [tumblr] is not getting rid of the chronological feed of blogs you follow. For details, please see this update from Staff over a week ago.
We also mentioned this on Changes the day after. Please do follow @changes, it only posts twice a week and is the best way to stay informed. (BTW, a lot of you are blocking Changes, WTF is up with that?)   As for algorithms, we actually have several already in use, and those are the ones we're working to improve. You can see them under the For You tab, and turn them on or off for your Dashboard via the "Include posts liked by the blogs you follow," "Best stuff first," and "Based on your likes" toggles in your Dashboard settings.   With those three toggled off, which will always be an option, your Dashboard feed will be solely posts from the blogs you follow sorted chronologically from newest to oldest.   If you have any other feedback, please use the Feedback category in the support form. Submitting feedback there is like a firehose directly to our developers and designers. (Please of course be mindful of signal to noise. I know a firehose is tempting to abuse, but the more nonconstructive feedback we get, the harder it is to see the constructive feedback.)
And, of course, please stop sending concerns about removing the chronological feed. We are not removing the chronological feed of blogs you follow, we never will, and we never planned to.
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cadaverkeys · 11 hours
Literally holding myself back kicking and screaming from participating in nonconstructive online discourse. "But their arguments are so easy to tear apart!!" I'm screaming. And also I am patting myself on the back, consoling myself that it's not worth my time and probably just ragebait.
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alwayshinny · 1 month
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AU, where Sirius kidnaps Harry from the Dursleys and shows up at Andromeda Tonks home.
Sirius escaped Azkaban after finding out Petunia had custody of Harry. He had expected to find Harry mistreated, but nothing could prepare him for the sight that awaited him. Sirius found his godson outside his small frame, trembling from the cold, shivering, and crying silently outside while the Dursley’s were having dinner inside their comfy home. Sirius had never felt so much rage in his life. The laughter that used to dance in Harry’s eyes had vanished, replaced by a haunting emptiness. He approached Harry cautiously, afraid to startle the little boy. As soon as Harry spotted Sirius, he lunged toward him, desperate arms wrapping around his godfather. Sirius held on to him tightly and rubbed his back and hands, trying to warm him up. Tears soaked through Sirius shirt as Harry clung to him and pointed towards the window, babbling nonconstructive words almost as if he were trying to tell him how the Dursleys had been treating him. “Mama?” Harry asked, looking behind him. Sirius swallowed the lump in his throat. “Dada?” He asked this time, looking into Sirius eyes. Sirius bit his lip, trying to keep the sob from escaping, and shook his head. The child looked at him for a few seconds before he put his head on his shoulder and cried. At that moment, Vernon opened the back door immediately, looking like he was ready to yell or hit the child for crying out loud. Harry’s body automatically tensed up at the sight of him as he held on to Sirius tighter. Sirius shielded Harry as he towered over the porky man. His voice cut through the icy air, “Touch him, and you’ll die.”
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furiousgoldfish · 11 months
Normal parents do not want for their child to hate themselves.
Normal parents do not think of horrifying and traumatic scenarios that could happen to their child and propose them as threats.
Normal parents want their child to do well, and are willing to support, encourage, educate, give resources and offer help with it. They do not tell the child 'you'll never make it' or 'you're hopeless and incapable of anything'.
If normal parents are raising a child who is in some way disabled, they want their child to have as normal and fulfilling life as possible. They do NOT use their child's disability as an insult, bargaining chip, threat or degradation. They do not see this child as less human or less capable of having a happy life.
Normal parents try to make life easier on their child. They do not get joy from the thought of their child having it as hard as they did, or worse. They're not trying to make life as miserable and difficult for their kid.
Normal parents do not require their child to be resilient, enduring, silent, submissive or terrified of them. They allow the child to be vulnerable, unsure, inexperienced, loud, requiring of care and attention, and secure in knowledge that the parents will jump in to protect them.
Normal parents will not, even in the most extreme circumstances, vocally desire for injury, harm, or death for their own child. For normal parents, this is extremely traumatic scenario that they would have trouble imagining without feeling psychological pain.
Normal parents want their child to have friends, safe relationships, good environment to feel safe and accepted in, good introduction to work, positive experiences at work and overall positive experience of life. They're willing to use their resources and abilities to make it easier on the child, where they can.
Normal parents do not use their child's insecurities to tear them apart. They do not insist that insults and harsh nonconstructive criticism is 'encouragement' or 'tough love'. They do not gain joy from insulting their kid. They do not withhold love or praise where it's warranted. They want their child to feel proud and happy after working hard on something. They use positive encouragement. They want to hug and pat their child on the back. They want to see the child thriving.
Normal parents don't regard their child as a mere annoyance, burden or something they don't wish to see or hear during their day. For normal parents, you're a family member, you're there to be taken care of, protected, fulfilled and safe. They make sure you're not starved of touch, attention, conversation or interaction. They let you know they want and need you around, but don't force you to spend time with them against your will. They care for your well being, and your happiness. They let you know that you matter.
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Y'know, I don't actually think Taliesin is presenting Kingsley as more competent than Fjord, Kingsley is simply much more confident. (And in the reverse, Travis isn't presenting Fjord as less competent, just more self-doubting.) The difference between them is how they see themselves and how that affects how they work, and their views of themselves heavily filters how we're seeing them here.
The entire thing is that Fjord is suffering a massive crisis of confidence and is struggling under the weight of self-doubt. Jester remarks to him that he needs to be confident, Fjord is so paralyzed by a simple question that he desperately asks the answer from Melora (then freezes mid-attempt to interpret it), he second-guesses his correct assessment into an incorrect one, he nervously seeks constant assurance from someone else on whether an idea is a sensible or good one.
Fjord is trying to transition into a new period of his life, and it's slammed him with an incredible amount of imposter syndrome. It seems that the lack of clear end goals and sudden lack of structure is making this difficult. (We've all joked Fjord has ADHD, well, lmfao.) He is openly displaying the intense self-doubt he's experiencing, which in turn is not inspiring confidence in those around him, which viciously cycles. That pervasive self-doubt is actively disrupting his ability to do, well, literally anything. It's like trying to make your hands stop shaking, so now they shake worse, making you totally incapable of that simple task that you normally can manage, even excel at.
Kingsley is nothing but confidence. He probably has never had enough personal setback nor enough life experience to fear failure. He's even so confident that he razzes Caleb about teleporting off-target. A not insignificant chunk of Kingsley's commentary is simply nonconstructive criticism, nitpicking, telling Fjord to do something Fjord was about to do or already did, snark for the sake of looking clever, or missing that Fjord is debilitatingly dissociative—so it tends to sound more put together, and criticism is easy where doing is hard, possibly just all sound and fury as they say, remains to be seen. Kingsley is untested in the role but he talks fast and big, that much is true.
Taliesin has spoken about how he plays characters who think of themselves in relationship to the world in a very specific, very wrong-headed way, and that extends very much to Kingsley. I think Kingsley has the same problem that Percy did: he believes he is the smartest, most competent, most adult person in the room because he knows approximately four things and is incapable of being anything less than overconfident.
As far as it seems to me so far, the difference is that they are opposites in experience (Fjord sailed for many years, Kingsley for six months) that are inversely proportional to their current levels of confidence (Fjord lost confidence in his ability to make even minor decisions, Kingsley apparently does not doubt himself for any reason). It's a difference, as far as I can tell, specifically born of their perceptions of themselves, and whether that perception affects their ability to work, rather than objective assessment of their relative ability and potential.
We're largely seeing Kingsley and Fjord through the lenses of how they see themselves.
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whetstonefires · 11 months
so the op of that anti-voting post DMed me just now, transcript follows:
even if all democratic systems were inherently always going to be "inadequate" i think our american democracy is severely flawed in glaring ways, its just literally antiquated and i think there are much better democratic systems. our voting system is not representative of the people either, which almost everybody admits, i'm not saying theres some nefarious mastermind behind it, but it is a design flaw, whether the flaw was made on purpose or on mistake. its easy to quit american democracy because it doesnt even seem to Want you to participate, like from so many factors its difficult to engage with it in any meaningful way
yeah it's not a fantastic system
it's just also pretty pointless to try to punish it for that by leaving it in the hands of people who hate you
it won't get its feelings hurt and try to woo us back
i used to be really mad about how stupid and ugly it is but the more history i've studied and the older i've gotten the more it's been like, oh human society is a clown show always
but for several election cycles the popular vote nor the general will of the people have even impacted the people who are elected, the people who hate us are in power because the system is designed to benefit them
i mean?? biden did in fact defeat trump, and the democrats did make gains in congress in both the last two cycles
my vote in my state genuinely does not matter in federal elections, in local elections yeah sometimes it does, but there needs to be an overhaul on our democracy and its election process so its more reflective of the people. currently its so broken that voting legit doesnt change anything
biden sucks
he sucks less than trump tho????
like to a screamingly significant extent
i'm trying to make a more general and large scale point than one single election cycle and sitting president
and i've made my counter point which is that not voting is not a constructive response to the problem
doing other things than voting is just as effective if not more so than voting, so not voting in a broken democracy isn't nonconstructive
and in fact the broad tendency of idealists and leftists to be disengaged from the political process because it's dirty and inadequate, especially at the local level, is the *cause* of many of the systemic problems
doing other things can be constructive, but not voting is a non-action
and advocating against voting is a *harmful* action
so it's not constructive
the other things and the voting are independent of one another
thats just really ill conceived, i'm honestly just surprised by that response, you should really think more deeply about this. i'm not sure what you think this way of thinking and approaching politics is accomplishing
and then i couldn't send anything else (it was going to be a ?? because that didn't really follow naturally but before they said that i'd been typing a bit listing all the voting-related activism that it made sense to dip on due to alienation from the process, because energy and funding better spent elsewhere etc, but opposing voting itself was not in the same category) because they blocked me, which is just rude. you started this conversation man!
also i can't figure out how to make tumblr let me block them back.
so i made a post about it lmao.
i still don't know what positive good they think arguing against voting is supposed to achieve. like why is that a good use of energy.
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dennisboobs · 1 year
y'all, can we like. keep the anon hate towards people with different opinions to ourselves. if you disagree with someone it's not the end of the world, it's their blog and they can say whatever they want. it feels incredibly uncomfortably hostile here to anyone who even has a slightly different opinion and that's... not a good vibe. you may disagree, be baffled, feel angry, but that is also your opinion and just because you happen to be in the majority does not mean you should be sending horrible, nonconstructive messages directly to anyone. if you feel that strongly then vent in private, in a discord server or in dms to someone, it's childish, and a massive overreaction to do it publicly. criticism and different viewpoints is a normal (and healthy) part of fandom, even if it pisses you off to see something you consider completely Wrong.
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cauchys-special-boy · 2 months
big fan of music which is provably queer but nonconstructively. like just by laying out a relationship graph that can't be two-colored
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thesovereignsring-if · 8 months
Sorry, but seeing that anon being THAT much triggered by fictional characters and being so intolerant towards the writer who simply writes what they feel like to…well, it's so odd to me. I mean, you don't like an If, writing style or writer you just don't read it or you can make your own story with your own MC, plot and characters. But why on earth would you complain so much about something like this? Why would you even be SO MUCH triggered by something so insignificant? Just don't get it. You do you, author. It's your story. There's a lot of people who 'knows better what's better', author, please don't listen to nonconstructive criticism. It's your story, your fantasy, if anons want their own they are welcome to write some.
It’s strange isn’t it 😂. But the fact that anon is feeling so strongly tells me the disempowerment is working especially so early into the story. 🤷‍♀️
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demonqueenbeee · 1 month
:| can i even write for fun in thr ATLA LOK fandom without nonconstructive criticism .
I wrote a very and I mean very quick One-shot/prolouge to help me with my flow of writing because I struggle with details and fluffing up stuff. I put that it was not edited in the notes and everything and well....
if you're gonna comment things like
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atleast woman up and make an account so I can respond and you will see it.
and yeah they're probably trolls. but like...what's the point of trolling a fanfic? and if they aren't trolls , they and all other assholes like this can do tje easiest thing and go to my profile and see how long I've been writing.
and no I didn't proofread this post
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moonandris · 2 years
Faye’s Writeblr Introduction ♡
Hey everyone! I’ve had this blog for a little while now and I realized I haven’t done a proper writeblr introduction. With this post I hope I’ll be able to interact more with the writeblr community and get to know some of you better, and in turn, you can get to know me as we suffer through this wonderful writing journey together. <3
Name & General Information
My name is Faye and I’m a twenty-something bisexual woman-child who’s usually got her head in the clouds or her nose buried in a good fantasy book. I’m a daydreamer, worldbuilder, fantasy lore enthusiast, and of course, a creative writer. I’ve been writing off and on since I graduated high school, and while I’ve been ‘on’ again since my mid-twenties, I still consider myself a novice, albeit a very passionate one.
Things I Like
Writing, editing, drawing, singing, animals, video games, storytelling, history & mythology, languages, learning about different cultures, personal growth & self-improvement, constructive criticism, making new writing buddies, writers supporting other writers, people who let me talk about my OCs until I run out of breath from talking so much. :)
Things I Dislike
Writing, editing, drawing, procrastination, stagnancy in all things (but especially in writing), nonconstructive criticism, writer’s block and blinding white documents judging me for not filling them with words, people devoid of empathy and basic human decency, when I get so frustrated with myself and my writing that I rage quit and yeet my work into the trash and delete it forever...  PLEASE LOVE YOURSELVES AND DO NOT  E V E R  DO THIS! :(
Content I Enjoy Writing and Reading
Mostly fantasy and its many subgenres (high, modern, scifi, dark). I also enjoy horror, paranormal, and dark-themed stories that explore real life human struggles in exciting, imaginative worlds. I consider myself a fantasy/romance writer overall but I’m honestly not too picky and will read anything that’s well-written and has solid worldbuilding + likeable characters. I love stories that focus on character growth and personal journeys, especially ones that have strong themes of romance, friendship, or that demonstrate the strength of love and bonds between people, regardless if it’s romantic, platonic, or familial. I’m a bisexual creator and every story I write has LGBT+ characters and relationships. As far as romance goes, I write gay, lesbian, bisexual, and straight romances with various genders and dynamics. I enjoy delving into many different themes in my stories, such as discovering identity, exploring sexuality, examining what it means to be human, and finding one’s place in the wide world.
My Absolute Favorite Tropes, Themes, and Content
hurt/comfort stories that rip your heart out of your chest and tape it back together
soulmates, whether they be romantic or platonic (but especially romantic)
enemies to lovers/friends and lovers/friends to enemies
supernatural creatures (vampires, werewolves, angels, demons, sorcerers, witches, warlocks, mer, fae, etc.)
experiencing, overcoming, and healing from fucked up trauma
defying fate and choosing your own path despite destiny’s enigmatic design
magic and magical systems, powers, governments, and hierarchies
intense horror stories, scary creatures, thrilling content that gets the blood pumping
exploring identity, sexuality, and finding one’s place in the world
Thank you so much for reading, and I really appreciate it so much if you reblog! Happy writing! 💕
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