#none of my doll shit is serious like im just having a good time
terrorbirb · 7 months
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1. I don't think the head to body ratio of a failfix head on mtm is that weird when I put it next to monster high. I've been concerned.
2. Painting dolls can look great in real life, awful in photos. Now I understand that the painted dolls that bother me would actually look really good in real life, just in photos you can see too much.
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Actually and literally kicking my feet and giggling like I know you can’t see but I am - MIC ANON
Anyways while I have you gimme the most toe curling most delicious most tastiest Barty + Remus headcanons you have (platonic or otherwise, because I just read WCGS and am obsessed) 🎤
good evening mic anon. how lovely it is to come home after a strenuous day of work to your contagious enthusiasm. kisses your forehead tenderly
ok i got a few for you lol
first remus and barty dont penetrate each other. like they dont fuck. they always, always end up furiously making out or dry humping or jerking each other off but they never end up fucking. its just not a thing they do. they dont wanna. they're like..... shy about it. i think theyre just not comfortable being that vulnerable with each other and they can come just by kissing anyways so thats that
and its always in very private moments. none of their friends know and they will never know. ever. barty and remus find each other incidentally. its always like they both somehow end up smoking a cigarette at the same time outside of the bar in the alley and theyre both talking casually trying to avoid and suppress the feeling yknow. the i wanna kiss you right now feeling. but it always ends up happening and its ravenous. for sure they lick each others faces
remus is usually the initiator. not cause barty isn't brave or wtv but more like remus is really impatient and kinda just wants to get off real quick. wants to be in control of the decisions that are being made.
their relationship is very cis man vibes like.....idk how to describe it but other than doing gay shit together they dont really talk about feelings or whats going on in their lives its just always stuff like music and movies and other people's gossip. its a lot of nodding and look into the distance and making jabs at each other
remus is waaaay more in denial about it than barty. barty's cool with it honestly he's like ok im down to make out. slut me out. remus is more anal retentive. he's like that ferris bueller quote "his asshole is so tight that if you put a lump of coal in it, in two weeks you'd have a diamond." he often kinda freaks out about it and bartys like alright now man it aint that serious
barty is not really good at being submissive like even when he's bottoming he's like barking commands and trying to tear at the other person's throat with his teeth but with remus its like he just goes completely pliant. he's trembling he's like what. what am i supposed to do he's going so fast. remus doesn't give barty time to be anything because its just a quick fuck to him. just blowing off some steam. so barty kinda gets to let himself be manhandled. barty's spindly enough that remus can just grab his arms and shake him around like a straw stuffed doll lol
umm what else? oh yeah the only time shit gets kinda real between them and they can say earnest things to each other is when they're high or very very drunk. its messy. its forget i just said that and i dont know why im like this and we should really stop. theyre not each other's secret keepers they got other people for that
they do eventually stop when things between remus and sirius start to get real and the only thing that binds them together is their friends. they become normal around each other again when a lot of time has passed and theyre both dating other people and it just becomes this like haha. we did that.
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hoodieofholland · 3 years
hey love. I’m obsessed with mob!tom - could you write something where mob Tom and the reader have a really big fight and Tom says something that was really mean and reader storms out and doesn’t come back until late and night and Tom is super worried :) at the beginning angst and at the end fluff.
I actually asked other writers too to write this a while ago but nobody does it and I found your account now and I’m so in love with your writing you are super talented <3
Sorry if my English is not really good- it’s not my first language
A/n: dear anon, you were reading my mind! I was actually procrastinating with a draft of some angst with mob!tom for a while, and you just motivated me to write it again hahah im obsessed with mob!tom too btw, no shame on this lol. Thanks for requesting, hope you like it!
Masterlist Request/tell me your thoughts on this
Warnings bellow the cut!
Warnings: angst, language, mention of gun.
You throw your purse over the table as you storm inside the house, walking up to your room with a stern face, straightened back and confident steps, without saying a word. Tom watched you from behind, sighing as he knew what was about to come - you were pissed.
He followed you slowly, not wanting to hurry the fight that was about to come. He knew pretty well what he has done tonight, but wasn’t planning on apologize, as he was also sure he wasn’t wrong about it.
By the time he reached the main room, you were already in the closet, taking off your jewels and putting them inside their boxes. “Baby”, he called you, but you didn’t raise your head.
Your gesturing was obviously stating your humor - or the lack of it. You wasn’t being so careful with the expensive belongings, as you always made sure to be.
“Baby”, Tom tried again, sighing this time, “Can you at least tell me what the hell did I do?”
That was the breakpoint. You lifted your head to look at him sternly. “Seriously? You gonna really act like you don’t know?”
He snorts, running a hand through his brown curls. “I mean, I know. I just don’t get why you’re so upset about it”
You laugh humorless. “I’m upset ‘cause you fucking treated me like a doll, Tom. That’s why I’m upset about it!”
“What?”, he snapped, narrowing his eyes. “What the fuck, I just told that asshole of a waiter to get his shit together instead of eye-fucking you. For God’s sake, what’s wrong with that?”
"Well, maybe the fact that you made a scene in front of the manager because you were jealous?" You shout, shaking your hands. "Should I tell you the obvious fact that this man is probably fired now because of your speech?".
Tom was growing mad. He couldn't believe you were defending the guy who was flirting with you the whole dinner.
Turns out that what was supposed to be a calm and relaxing dinner quickly became something distasteful, as Tom took notice of the waiter that was serving your table that night looking at you with a dumb smile on his face the entire time. He could even see the guy talking to some other workers about you, staring at you like you were some kind of meal. So Tom did what he thought was right - he made it very clear that you were his girl and a employee shouldn't be looking at you like that.
"I don't give a single fuck if he's unemployed right now. He should take this as a lesson to not disrespect you or any other woman in his workplace", Tom said, undoing his tie and throwing it in anywhere in the wardrobe. He was tired and pissed with the whole situation - and, more important, with you, for making a big deal out of it.
"Disrespect me, or disrespect you, Tom?", you snap, eyes wide with anger. "Cause it didn't look like you were worried about me. Cause all I wanted was a peaceful dinner with my boyfriend, who actually never seems to be available to me, and you made it pretty hard for me to enjoy, just because you were mad for a guy possibly be flirting with your girl! Like I fucking belonged to you!"
"Oh, fuck off, y/n", he hissed, walking past the closet's door and going straight to the bathroom. "It's obvious I'd be pissed for the it too. You're my girl, and I don't think it's nice if other man look at you like that! Don't act like you've never done it too".
You followed him, yelling next. "Shit, you're unbelievable! What is it? Nobody can look at Tom Holland's girl? Because you're the great motherfucker mobster and I'm your fucking prize?"
Tom turned his body to glance at you again. He pointed a finger at you, eyes serious and penetrating. "I've never said it. That's not how I see this".
"Oh, really? So you care to explain me why do you keep doing that? We barely spend time together now, Tom, and when we finally get to have a nice night out, you make sure to state that I'm yours and that no other man can lay an eye on me", you sniff, unable to keep the cracked voice from coming out and show how upset you felt about it. "I don't like to feel that I'm waiting for you like a goddamn doll, Tom".
"Well, darling, I'm sorry if I'm not being enough, but that's how real world works", his voice is cold and he is avoiding looking into your eyes, his jaw clenched in a way that make it clear that he's not satisfied with the conversation's rumor. "I made it pretty clear when we first met that my job doesn't allow me to be here the entire time, so what the fuck do you expect me to do? Or do you think that this nice house and the maids, and all the fucking jewels I give you come for free? Tell me, y/n, what the hell you want from me?"
You watch his usually soft features whenever you were around turning into the one he used with his men. The veins in his neck visible, his pupils huge and thin lips trembling with anger. Tom has never spoken to you that way, and you could feel the pressure on your chest with the pain from his harsh words.
A couple of tears rolled down your cheeks and you were quick to rub them away with the back of your hand. Noticing the way you pressed your lips together lightly, Tom's face softened and he realized his posture and tone.
"I don't- I don't know, Tom", you say in a low, croaky voice. "Think I just wanted us to be a couple. I'm truly sorry if that's too much to ask you for".
His heart pained at your words and he took a few steps in your direction. "Darling, no, that's not what I-"
You stopped him, putting your arm in front of you and shaking your head. "No, that's exactly what you wanted to say. I don't know what I had in mind when we started dating, nor what I was thinking when I agreed to move in here, but I don't want to be between you and your job anymore".
He stared at you, unaware of what you were about to do, thinking about what to say. He didn't want to fight with you like that, but didn't want you to think that what you've said is true neither.
You walked past him and straight to the closet again, picking up your suitcase and grabbing a few clothes from the wardrobe. Tom watched you for a few seconds, startled, and then started to panic.
"What are you doing?"
You ignored him, trying to think what you'd possibly need to get to stay out tonight. You could get the rest of your things later, but right now you just wanted to get out of that house.
"Y/n, love, what are you doing?" He asked in desperation, reaching your arm and trying to pull you away from the wardrobe, but you just shrugged his touch off.
"What does it look like? I'm leaving, Tom! If you can't conciliate our relationship with your job, then I guess I have nothing to do here anymore". You say through gritted teeth.
"What?!" He breathed out. "Darling, you can't leave like-"
"Don't you fucking call me darling!"
Tom stops and stares at you, blinking. His mouth is agape, trying to get his thoughts together. You didn't stop packing, and when he saw the determination in your actions, he simply couldn't contain the anger growing on his chest.
"Know what? Go. Leave me! Get the fuck out of this house. I don't fucking care!" He yelled, and you jumped slightly at the sound of his guttural voice.
You wiped some of new tears and nodded once, not minding to get anything else as you closed your suitcase and walked out of the room, hands shaking from the emotions you were so hardly trying to refrain.
But before you could step out of the room and go down on the stairs, you turn around to see he stagnant at the same spot. "Fuck you, Tom. You can take all this damn jewelry. Take this, the clothes, and everything else you bought me. If I can't have you, these don't mean a single thing to me. I'm not a fucking doll, Tom".
You left, and he couldn't move for minutes straight.
The night passed by and Tom didn't hear from you. He checked his phone more times than he liked to admit, but you didn't answer any calls, any messages. Nothing. He didn't even realize what time he fell asleep on the couch, waiting for some sort of sign from you, but in the morning, when he rolled out of it, his heart pounded in his chest at the realization that you were nowhere to be seen.
He asked Harrison, his best mate and the second person you most chatted with in the house, if he has seen you, but he didn't have anything. So Tom waited, trying to focus on his work for the morning and the evening, as he thought that maybe you just wanted some time to think clearer. He regretted saying those things to you already, knowing that none of that was true. Obviously he did care if you were there in the morning. He wanted to wake up with you by his side like every other day. It was all that mattered for him after all. Not the money, not the jewel, not the house. It all didn't make sense when you weren't there.
And he felt so sick thinking that you truly believed he was seeing you as a prize, as a doll that would stand beautifully waiting for him at the end of the day. He knew he should have persisted and said that you weren't right, that he loved you so much that he could take a bullet for you, right on his chest. He'd do anything for you, but didn't seem to know how to put that in words when it comes to a fight.
"Fuck!" He shouted when alone in his office, hands collapsing on the desk. It was past seven at night and he hadn't heard from you. A whole fucking day. He asked Harrison to send the men to look for you. He wouldn't force you coming back home, but he needed to be sure you were alright.
All the bad thoughts he could have were now successfully running through his mind and driving him nuts. He thought that maybe some rival mobster could have laid eyes on you, all by yourself, and tried to do something. You could be in serious danger right now, and Tom wouldn't forgive himself if that was the case.
He took a drink. He needed to clear his mind as time was passing by and his men didn't have any information about you. Your phone would be filled with unanswered calls from him, even voicemail telling you he was sorry and would do anything if you only called him back to say you were doing fine.
"Please, love, if you're listening to it... fuck, I'm so fucking sorry. I never intended to hurt you. I'm a dumbass, and you don't have to forgive me, but, please, just let me know you're fine and I'll give you your time. Just- please. I need to hear from you, y/n", he recorded, a drink on his hand and the other holding his phone firmly.
When it was 9pm, he decided he was going out to look for you himself. He just couldn't sit there waiting for a call or for his men do to something - he needed to take that pressure of his chest and no one was helping.
He took his gun, called Harrison and a few more man before heading to the living room.
"Alright, we have a few more places left" Tom started his instructions, while shoving his gun at the back of his trousers. "Harrison and I are going to her family's house. You two check in her old friend's place. Doesn't matter how far it is, I don't want you two to come back until you've looked through that fucking town-"
"Tom", Harrison cut him off, coughing a bit to get his attention. He was about to snap at him, when he followed his gaze.
And there you were, standing at the door frame in the living room, a confused expression on your face as you tried to understand what was going on in the middle of the room. Usually, Tom never had meetings in any other area than the conference room.
"What's going on?", you asked bluntly, and Tom releases a deep and relieved breath, so audible that you couldn't not take notice of.
"God, you're here", he breathed out, walking towards you in large steps. You were still mad, but also so confused with his reaction that you couldn't stop him from holding you tightly in his arms. "Fuck, darling, where were you?".
Besides his words being a bit harsh, his voice was soft and caring, worried if anything. He didn't let go of you first, kissing the top of your head for a long minute.
Harrison smiled a little seeing the both of you and dismissed the men out of the room, leaving the two of you alone.
"Sorry, you don't need to explain", Tom shook his head and pulled away to look at you. His eyes were bloodshot and tired, a dark circle around it. He brushed your cheeks with the pad of his thumb and furrowed. "Are you okay, though?"
"Yeah, I am- but what was going on?", you insisted.
Tom cupped your face on his hands, still not believing that you were there again. "I was so fucking worried. I thought that something was off, you didn't answer any of my messages or calls... I was heading to a drive with my men to look for you".
You blink a few times, startled that Tom was so concerned all this time.
"I was in a hotel room, actually", you chew in your lower lip, kind of ashamed that you put him through such a concern. "Needed to be alone for a time, so I turned my phone off".
Tom pressed his forehead against yours. "It doesn't matter anymore, darling. It was all my fault", his voice was croaky and you felt your heart pounding inside your chest. "I should never have said those things to you-"
"It's alright, Tom-"
"No, it's not", he shook his head. "Cause it was all lies. I do fucking care if you leave me. I wouldn't stand being away from you, my love. You're everything, everything. And you're right, I don't spend much time with you, and it eats me alive, cause that's what makes me happy, being around you. All I ever wanted was to make you happy, sweetheart. I'm so fucking sorry if I haven't shown you how much you mean to me..."
"Shhh, Tom", you closed your eyes, hugging him by the neck and bringing him closer. "It's okay, I know it. I wasn't thinking straight too, I know you don't treat me like that. I was just too pissed, and yeah, I'd like to spend more time together, but it's alright that you don't-"
He cut you by a sweet kiss pressed on your lips, "Nothing is more important for me than you. I was too mad with that thing in the restaurant to say it right away, but I'll try harder. I'm gonna be here with you, no matter what. Work can wait".
You sigh and pull him closer, breathing his comforting scent.
"My lovely girl", Tom sighs and smile a bit. "You scared the hell out of me".
"You deserved it, idiot" you said and he laughed quietly.
"I love you, darling", he stroked your back, hiding his face in the crock of your neck. "Always".
"Love you too, Tommy".
You spent the rest of the night together, having a nice and cozy dinner at home. Tom never smiled wider than that night, and the following others were fulfilled with his promise - there was always time in your day to spend alone with your boyfriend.
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sylvanianfamiliez · 2 years
Ok you know what I am so curious. I've been wanting to get into doll customization lately so I was wondering where to start, just for future reference? Like where do you get bases from and clothes from etc...!
oh my god um good question. i presume u mean bjds and bjd-like dolls bcuz those are my bestfriends. for bjds however most of the time You Will Pay Premium Prices but if u wanna look my favourite places r newclover-singing and acbjd ^-^ they sell clothes from taobao but i usually go straight to taobao i have lists of good shops and stuff
BUT!!! i will give u some alternatives that are cheaper but unfortunately none of them r like SUPER cheap. FIRST OF ALL RESINSOUL THEY MAKE INCREDIBLE CHEAPER BJDS I LOVE RESINSOUL MY BELOVED MYEVERYTHING. they’re not to everybody’s taste but god i love resinsoul. the quality is insane for those little things and they rly care for their customers. also im an obitsu stan i love obitsu they make vinyl/plastic dolls, usually anime-type and they’re fun and cute and fresh. there’s also night lolita but god. okay. u get into some difficult territory here because there’s plenty of plastic hinge bjd-like dolls on aliexpress but. the majority of them are stolen. from actual bjds. its really hard to find smth that ISNT a recast which i will also talk about NOWWWW
so. if you go on aliexpress and search for bjds you will find many bjds for significantly cheaper prices that sounds more reasonable but. the problem there is that they are all stolen from actual bjds companies who hand sculpt their dolls from scratch. ball jointed dolls are pretty pricy but for good reason. for the people who make them to EAT they have to be. they take months to sculpt, finish, and then individually cast and sand (most of the time -_-). resin is expensive and also incredibly toxic and they have to take significant safety measures so they don’t like. die. and after all that work, nobody gets rich off bjds despite how expensive they are. they also need the space to let the dolls cure because resin takes a while to cure, so another expense is the space a doll takes to make. what recasters do is take a doll sold by a legit company and remould it and sell it as their own, and many legit companies have already gone out of business for this. the actual artists who made these dolls can no longer make their own dolls because somebody stole them to sell cheaper. and one reason they can sell them cheaper is because they don’t give a shit about their workers safety while working with very hazardous materials. not only the resin, but many recasters offer faceups too which uses toxic and deadly materials. so by buying recasts you are not only fucking over the people who lovingly sculpted the doll, you are also ACTIVELY KILLING THE PEOPLE WHO MADE YOURS. they will die. people have and they will continue to.
anyway sorry i get heated abt recasts i need people to understand how serious an issue it is when like. they see my dolls and don’t realise how expensive they are and decide to go for the cheaper option. so yeah good cheap companies r resinsoul and also df-a/df-h (there’s more but i don’t rember off the top of my head) also there’s sales pretty often and instalment payment systems with most dealers. that’s how i get all mine lol. or secondhand!!! check facebook groups, insta #bjdsale, or ebay for secondhand dolls!!! mico and kass r both secondhand ^-^
oh also um my favourite taobao stores r bears (<3) and another dimension
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom season 2, eps 1-5 thoughts! opening the new season with episodes like these kinda blew me away. we had multiple serious episodes INCLUDING a two parter!! also, valerie :)
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-I don't know what I expected s2 to open with. but danny portal incident in more detail was not it. (also, I hate to break it to you, sam, but danny's parent's bigass ghost hunting rv def chugs more gas than those vehicles, lmao. unless it runs on ectoplasm or something...)
-WHY WAS DESIREE IN THE SEWER? HAVING TEA WITH IT DOWN THERE?? Her making the giant cow come alive is a boss move, we've almost had all of my fav animals as ghosts now <3 I also don't like how sam was expecting danny to just, haunt the place so the cars wouldn't get sold? I KNOWWW I know she's 14 (and I had a very annoying phase like this, I think I mentioned in a previous post, I GET IT) but they're HIS powers, and messing with (1) dealership will not really put a dent in sales overall because they can just move the cars to another sales lot, and it certainly wont change the industry anyway, it's more of a minor annoyance for (1) location. Also, usually people who work at car sales places work on commission, so if they dont make a sale, they don't have money to pay bills, or eat. sam baby if u wanna be an activist you need to like, actually look into these things. with as much money as her parents have, she could be doing a lot..more useful things for causes she cares about? it's frustrating to see someone with resources who doesn't know how to use them. but shes 14 so again. cannot be really upset :/
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-IS THIS A PREDATOR VS TERMINATOR VS FREDDY KRUEGER MOVIE BUT THEYRE ALL WOMEN?? you know, sam is so right to be excited about this. /I/ want to see this movie. that rules
-paulina inviting danny and friends to her quinceañera, aw! even if it is just to get phantom to show up :') and there'll be a meteor shower, and we KNOW danny wants to be an astronaut!! there's not a meteor shower every night!! the tickets are non-refundable, but..she's rich? like. gotta agree with danny, they never get invited!! I KNOW it's the principle of keeping promises, but if she was that upset, she should've said something. directly. I hated how she was like, passive aggressive about it through the episode, like you SAID IT WAS FINE, THAT YOU'D GO TO THE PARTY TOO. MOVIES SHOW FOR A FEW WEEKS IN THEATERS. IF YOU HAD A REAL PROBLEM YOU NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT. WE'VE HAD THIS PROBLEM BEFORE, SAM. YOUR FRIENDS. ARE NOT. MIND READERS.
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-this outfit is everything . anytime the show does an over the top cutesty pink outfit i WANT IT. it looks like shit I wear JKASDHF I HAVE a bow like that and a pink sweater. I need leg warmers </3
-SAMS GOTTA RE-HALF-KILL HIM??? thats fucked up. but also, he finally got his logo!! it took until s2!!! this episode was lowkey very fucked and I felt like it glossed over a lot. does sam have guilt about like. kinda KILLING HIM?? I know, he also agreed and walked into the portal. but. she made the choice to redo it SO quickly (even if it was because someone had to beat desiree) and danny, during their fight, brought up a lot of stuff sam's done in the past, meaning he was holding onto those memories and resentment was building. (I KEEP SAYING HE LOWKEY NEEDS THERAPY, BUT I THINK MOST EVERYONE IN THIS SHOW KINDA DOES) which...is a red flag? and then they didnt even GO to the party URGH I know she tried to make up for it, but it really felt like Sam fucked up and barely faced any consequences and got everything she wanted in the end. I KNOW it's a kids show obv they aren't going to go too in depth, and she undid the damage, kinda, but...I DUNNO how to articulate it but it rubbed me the wrong way.
-but on a note about desiree, her powers of wishes were STRONG ENOUGH TO ERASE NOT JUST THEIR MEMORIES, BUT DANNY'S POWERS?! fuck, if I was danny I'd be like, trying to make friends with her. I know they always have horrible side effects as most genie-granted wishes do, but...c'mon, I'd at least TRY to be like 'I wish no ghosts would hurt anyone in my town' or 'I wish vlad would lose his ghost powers forever no matter What and also forget about my mom' LIKE. SHIT DESIREE IS SO POWERFUL. rewriting reality powerful, basically!! appreciate her. respect her.
-aww, sam helping tucker pass the nurse's office so he wouldn't see because he's afraid of medical stuff? very sweet. I also don't like medical stuff, I've gotten a lot better at handling it tho. but seeing blood and needles still makes me feel lightheaded x_x
-FOLEY, BY TUCKER FOLEY. I want to make my own perfume, that's so cool. even if his first attempt isn't good, he's pretty consistently shown to have an inventor/entrepreneur streak in the show, so like. I can see him inventing or making something (or several somethings) that make him $$$ when he grows up :) proud of my creative son
-I know the 'creepy abandoned hospital on the edge of town' is a joke and the creepy hospital trope is so Worn Out, but in my town we actually DO have a hospital like that! my dad was born in it, but its not in use and hasn't been for, like, 20 years! it needs to be torn down but I think the city doesn't wanna pay the money. the inside is horrible, spray painted and broken glass and shit everywhere. but there's still like, rusty equipment and fucking DOLLS all over the place. the cops drive by it pretty frequently to make sure no one is like, breaking in. (because of water damage, some of the areas really aren't safe. also, asbestos, but people still go in anyway) but also, some of my town was used in a filming for a stephen king show. So it's lowkey spooky all over. just a fun personal tidbit :) to lead into saying, any hospital abandoned for any period of time is NOT safe to quarantine these kids in JKSAHDKF like I KNOW it's a ghost trying to do this, but NONE of these parents are even like, 'well, why dont we keep them in the regular, working hospital'....YIKES. this hospital looks pretty accurate to the one in town. grungy and spooky.
-fentons are tax evaders confirmed by jack's fear of being audited, lol no one is surprised
-ghost sickness via ghost bugs. horrifying concept. I actually expected it to be a new villain, not dr. spectra again! this is a very elaborate scheme. her new form rules, love the new costume. the way none of the bg kids seem to recognize her as their old school councilor. did we just forget about that completely?
-dash watching romance movies in the fucked up ghost hospital. same.
-'oh please, you're ghosts, do you have any idea what YOU smell like?' no, tucker, what DO ghosts smell like? I genuinely didn't know they would even have a smell, I actually want to know now.
-it feels like a while since we've seen jazz!! i was happy to see her again, even if she was a head in a jar for most the episode. I want another jazz-focused ep!!
-we finally see danny doing space-related stuff!! him and his friends stargazing to open ep 3 of s2. cute :) until, GHOST PIRATES!!!!! ...ghost pirate captain is a small child?? VOICED BY TAYLOR LAUTNER???
-oh, the easy listening is ember's song instrumental slowed. 'vapor drone' THEY VAPORWAVED HER!!! ember in a pirate outfit tho >>>>. and the cruise being called m.bersback JKASDHJK. ember adopting a little pirate brother is also pretty cute. concerning this teen and little kid have such bad opinions of adults, like, who hurt you?? (how did you DIE ALSO?? im always lowkey curious about that. we know desiree died at an old age, but her ghost form is young, probably mid-20s, so I wonder how that sort of thing works...its a more mental thing, isn't it?) but ghost team-ups are always cool to see, even if ember bailed after danny took her guitar. I guess she probably thinks youngblood can handle it (which, he's been owning danny this far in the ep, so...fair)
-tucker got that sponsorship from nasty burger for their radio!!! again, opportunistic money maker king, love to see it!!!
-danny taking control of the kids SO FAST. he makes a pretty great leader. no one is surprised, im pretty sure I said I think he's the most mature of the trio, once again, correct, because he's taken on so much responsibility already. all the teens suiting up in the jumpsuits to go save the adults and taking the ship over with a BLIMP. OKAY LETS GO. this feels like it should be a mid finale or straight up finale.
-...speaking of finales. why is ep 4-5 of s2 combined into a 50 minute episode? I havent even clicked play and im concerned. weird placement, like, this season JUST started and we're getting a two parter? okay...why are the episodes placed like this? why not put this at episode 10 or something, for a mid-season thing?
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-this is also a cute dress. possibly my fav dress so far. can her parents give ME cute dresses, I'LL wear them.
-it turns out the castle fright knight was in is called pariah's keep and there's something worse than fright knight in there! lovely! fuck off vlad wtf are you doing <3 your hubris <3 is going to literally get you killed <3 'ring of rage' and 'crown of fire' are great names tho. ...vlad turning into a super polite guy when he was scared of mr. pariah was hilarious. and fright knight doing the same...I mean, it makes sense, he's a knight, he serves a king? happy to see fright knight again either way :) vlad telling him to call him tho, lmfao. you WISH HE WOULD. (I wish hed call me, too. 😔)
-so...jack being genuinely concerned about vlad...maddie really didn't tell him what happened at the cabin, did she. damn. if I was her id immediately come home and be like 'YOU WONT BELIEVE THIS SHITTTT THIS CREEPY GUY--' like, I feel like that stuff you need to tell your partner!!! I know she didnt want Jack to think she was an irresponsible parent putting danny in danger at that time, but STILLLL. maddie spilling boiling tea on him. get his ass. how is jack this oblivious to his wife's discomfort with vlad!! ughhh
-fenton wipe (tm). trademarked toilet paper.
-DANNY AND VALERIE BEING FRIENDS??? :D that was a cute moment. 'hey val <3' and 'if you like him like him, make a move, or someone else will ;)' at sam...damn!! I love her. valerie go for it girl!!! I hate how sam and tucker treat val also, like I GET IT YOURE PROTECTIVE AND DONT TRUST but if anything him befriending valerie will help when she finds out or he tells her like I feel like she'll be more understanding that they think! ALSO I feel like her reason for not liking ghosts is valid, like you haven't really explained the full story to her anyway! she doesn't seem to have any other friends after being booted from the a-listers so im like :( but seeing them kick butt together again was nice <3
-the ghosts all RUNNING FROM PARIAH DARK IS NOT GOOD, I thought he sent them to attack or something, but no. why doesn't someone just tell desiree 'hey i wish pariah dark would die' lol. once again I think she can solve every problem <3 but seeing all the enemies in one place, being civil and hiding together? love it.
-you just know danny's gonna have to clean up vlad's stupid mess. also, jack being willing to put on the ectoskeleton pants to help maddie, as soon as vlad heard it could kill him, he suggested jack do it instead of helping maddie himself? this is why jack got the girl, my man.
-ghost skeletons. how do you end up as a skeleton ghost in your afterlife instead of a humanoid like most the ones we've seen? lmao
-the ghosts just making new homes in various stores. I'd totally be setting up in an expensive clothing store if I was a ghost.
-valerie's dad is possibly the most useful adult so far, with that ghost shield expansion!!! and valerie saving vlad and danny, even tho shes been thru it already, shes still so good!!! this family rules.
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-danny: *gently caresses valerie* :)
-*then he immediately TELLS HER DAD ON HER. and his first response is 'are you okay?' :'( such a good dad...
-*me every time fright knight breathes* youre doing SO great sweetie :)
-the fenton suit thing is so silly looking. does anyone take this thing seriously
-ALL THE GHOSTS FIGHTING WITH DANNY <3 AAAAA. and the fact that pariah isn't perma-defeated, but just locked away again. yikes. he'll probably get out again, won't he? it wasn't too clear, but if vlad DID make a pact with fright knight, I am rabid. I will beat vlad to death with the fenton bat (tm). YOU DONT DESERVE A COOL KNIGHT.
-valerie being direct with sam and challenging her? kinda love that, even tho I normally don't like 'catfight' type situations. because sam has been very passive aggressive about it which is annoying. valerie knows wtf she wants and wasn't even embarrassed to tell sam, but she did tell her, giving sam time to make her own move! and sam denied it and got embarrassed/mad! and sam did have a chance when danny was about to go off and fight, and she hesitated and didn't tell him. I feel like she's hesitating because they're friends and it might make it weird between the trio (poor tucker would be third-wheeling) but if u snooze u lose, u gotta GO after what u WANT girl. smh this is a No Tsundere Zone. 😤
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sopfr3 · 4 years
Prank gone wrong?
BNHA x gn! Reader
In which the bakusquad and Y/n prank bakugou, but it goes wrong in so many ways.
Warnings: cursing, Y/n having a little crush on everyone 0.o (that hoe), maybe OOC characters?
[[stupid decisions start......
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"im sorry, bro. but I can’t risk it.” Kirishima said, shaking his head in shame. I sighed, knowing if he said no, everyone will follow with him.
“come on kirishima! you’re supposed to be the dwane johnson of the group,” i tried convincing him. Currently, I’m trying to convince the bakusquad to prank Bakugou, because he did something real dirty to me
“Oi, airhead!” Someone yelled to me. I turned around and saw Bakugou standing at one side of the door turning his head to the left to show that he found something.
“whatcha need, my man?” I said, pointing my fingers out and making little guns. “pew pew, right?” He just gritted his teeth and bit down a snarky remark. “do it for the vine,” he kept on repeating to himself quietly.
“you like the Backstreet Boys, right?” He said with a smirk plastered on his face, knowing all too well of my obsession.
“like them? i LIVE for them! i mean, have you seen them? i’d turn down even todo, my beautiful babay, for them. wait, are they here?!?! bitch, move!��� I said, running faster then Kaminari saying something stupid. Already, I’m gasping for air, even if I’ve only been running for a few seconds. But the time I reached the door, I realized that Bakugou was acting a little too noice, and that he also had his phone out.
But I noticed too late, and there was that clear stuff people use to put on for food right in front of my face, and my face went right up against it. Since that happened, my body went straight forward, leaving my head behind, and making me fall. I could hear Bakugou’s laughter in the background, and he’s having trouble breathing from how much he’s laughing.
“if you don’t start running, you’ll have another reason why you won’t breathe.” I said, still laying flat on the ground. I could hear his laughing stop, but he just walked over to me, crouched down, and started talking.
“that’s what you fucking get for putting foot cream in my moisturizer, dumbass.” He half yelled, half said. “what? you don’t get the reference?” I said, still trying to catch my breath because I’m out of shape. Then there was a silence.
“now you pay for your sins, okay?” I said, but before Bakuhoe can say anything I tackled him on the ground, so I was on top of his stomach
“YOU HOE!! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?! I THOUGHT I HAD A CHANCE OF MEETING MY DREAM BAND— no, I kNEW I HAD A CHANCE BUT YOU FOOLED ME!!” I yelled, while shaking his collar of his shirt with my hands. He started yelling his own insults while trying to get me off of him, but I wasn’t planning on getting off anytime soon because we’re talking about tHE BACKSTREAT BOYS!
“get off me, you crazy bitch!”
“oh, you haven’t seen crazy yet!”
“h-hey Y/n’s- A-AH, sorry!” Someone said, making me stop treating Bakugou like he was a rag doll and turn around, seeing a blushing Izuku. “oh, hey Izuku!” I said, waving to him, but Bakugou took this moment to shove me off of him.
“i-i’ll leave you g-guys to it,” Izuku said, running of to wherever, then hearing someone yell, ‘get some’ to Bakugou. Then I facplanted.
“yeah, I still need to tell the poor cinnamon roll that I was trying to kill Bakugou. but, that’s the reason why I need your help! we’re doing him a favor, if anything.” I said, sweat dropping. I see Kirishima blushing, then I pinch his checks and say,
“Don’t worry, you’re still my favorite shark boy.”
“idk about you guys, but count me in!” Kaminari said,
“did you just say I don’t know in—”
“shhhhshshhshshhh.” Kaminari said, shoving his whole hand on Seros mouth, but then Kaminari pulled away quickly when Sero licked it. “that’s straight up nasty, dude.”
“Kaminari, I don’t know if it’s a good idea—” Mina started, “Mina, yes, it’s a very stupid idea, but with a great outcome!” I started, then they all shhhhhhed me because we’re all in the dorms, standing outside of the spawn of Satans door. “okay.” She said, shrugging, “we’re all going to die someday, and it’ll probably be by Bakugou anyways,”
“that’s the spirit!” I said, clapping my hands together, but the two people who actually had common sense were still on the edge about it.
“i’ll pay you guys $50.”
“deal.” Sero said. “wait, but I want $50,” Kaminari whined, “shhhshhhshsh, we can’t always get what we want, Kami,” I whispered, patting him on the shoulder.
“that’s not very manly, Y/n.”
“well, you gotta do what you gotta do, ami right?” I said, but they just left me hanging.
Then I pulled out the trusty black sharpie marker that I always keep on myself, even though I tell Aizawa otherwise.
“okay guys, this day will forever go down in history as the stupidest death, got that? okay.” I said, starting to open the door. “Wait!” Sero yelled, holding out his hand. And I thought that he had common sense. Everyone looked at him and gave him the are-you-serious look. “we need to name it.” He said, pointing to the weapon. “hmmm, I approve.” I said, then I hold out the marker on my hand. “okay guys, we gotta-”
“what kind of name is Benjamin?” I asked to whoever said it, then Kaminari replied. “i dunno, isn’t he the one who invented it?”
“huh, that name doesn’t seem so bad now.” I said, “benjamin it is then.” As I said that, I pointed the marker to the sky like it was a sword. I turned around and opened the door, then looking around Bakugous room. Hmmm, his room smells nice, I thought. I looked back at everyone and saw Kaminari touching everything, Sero poking bakugous face, and Kirishima and Mina both playing sticks with eachother.
“guys!” I whisper shouted, and in a instant they all stood in front of me while saluting, like they are in military school. “oh? i like this. but anyways, we’re here for one thing, and one thing only. and that is to ruin bakugous pretty face with sharpie.” I said, and they all nodded in response.
“yes ma’am, sir!” They said. then they all went where Bakugou was sleeping, and I followed with them, then I started drawing on his face. I started off with a unibrow, that made Sero and Kaminari giggle like little girls in preschool. Then I let Kirishima draw a mustache on him, but it looked like he was a pedo because of the style. Mine wanted it to be extra special and gave him a cat nose, whiskers, and drew little ears on his forehead. We were all laughing at this point, then we heard it.
Bakugou falls off the bed, and wakes up in the process. We all just stand there, in either awe or disgust.
“holy shit.”
“he let it rip.”
“that shouldn’t be able to come out of someone’s, ya know.”
“g-guys- i think he’s awake.” Kaminari said, shaking in his boots. Bakugou starts getting up, with a red face. None of us know if he got up because he fell, his fart, or because of our talking. But boy, he looks mad. Or flustered.
“what thE HELL ARE YOU DUMBASSES DOING IN HERE?!?!” He yelled, his blanket falling off to reveal his..... Mickey Mouse shirt.
“the real question is.... why are you wearing a Micky Mouse shirt?” I said, pointing my finger to him, trying to hold back my snickers.
“You all have 3 seconds before I kill you all.” He said, breathing heavily.
“aw, shite,” I said, “well guys, I wish you luck and don’t die.” I said, waving them goodbye while sprinting out, but of course someone had to follow,
“hey hey hey,” Kaminari said, “i hope you don’t mind that I brought everyone else too.” I looked behind him and saw everyone else.
“can we just talk about how Y/n topped Bakugou—”
“i still want my $50!”
“or that he let out a fart so loud it woke up the giants from their million year nap?”
“i still need to tell my mom about that time I killed my goldfish and I blamed it on the dog!”
“since we’re making confessions, im gay!”
“we already know that,”
“guys, my arm is bleeding and I don’t know what to do or how it got there.”
“okay, I need to take a breather.” I said bending down and putting my hands on my knees to hold myself up. Everyone else does the same, until we remember what we were running from.
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Hey y’all! Thank you for making it this far! I hope you enjoyed, and make sure you leave a comment and hopefully a note🤞 Hope you have a good day <3
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knightotoc · 4 years
Higher Ground Blogging 7
- a.k.a. the prequels if they had a single ounce of hope
HGB 1 (eps 1-3), 2 (4), 3 (5-7), 4 (8-9), 5 (10), 6 (11-13)
Last time on HGB: The good: SHELBY!!!; Anakin jealously chopping wood; Anakin anxiously knocking over chess pieces; Anakin getting called “alpha male”/“the all-American boy”/“an emotional crashsite”; the ending of episode 4; “sorry i’m late, dude, ah, I had to lay off a couple thousand employees” The bad: the music; the slo-mo; the indigenous-remains and fertility-game subplots; the grownups’ stupid will-they-won’t-they; the quality of these youtube videos The disappointing: a CGI bear tried to kill Peter-bi-Wan and didn’t even get one hit on him; the horse seems to have vanished; sometimes Hayden mumbles :( and the others do too but I don’t care as much
ep 14: - THE AMERICANS ARE BACK AND THEY’RE WORSE THAN EVER!!!!! - “yeah it’s amazing how everybody just wants to protect me” scott😭😭😭😭 - i think scott’s shirt is bulky enough to qualify as a poncho - is the music...........good???!!!?!?!?!? - omg juliette gave her bacon to auggie so shelby gave hers to scott😭😭😭 - omg shelby tried to lie to protect scott’s pride and he DID NOT LIKE THAT - this has the most serious a-plot vs silliest b-plot so far, but at least the b-plot is funny - scott sulking in a freezing room so you can see his breath when he cries... hiding his sobs with his shivers..... in a massive dark flannel.... with that jedi temple slats-lighting....... damn he is never not on point! - american: how you like that! *claps in scott’s face* / scott: *grabs his collar and shakes him* NOT NOW, MAN.
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unimpressed canadians
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new pfp???
daisy: so does anybody play the piano? SCOTT? me: um WHAT all the kids: woooo yeahh👏👏👏👏 scott: pfff pshhh nahhhh me: UM WHAT!!!!???? scott: *shrugging and hiding* kids: come onnn wooo scotttt scott and shelby: *sit on piano bench together and play piano* me: DARTH VADER PLAY PIANO
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ep 15: - omg evil journalists??! is this SPICE WORLD??? - someone just said “sorry” all accented yessss - shelby just called peter-bi-wan “my captain” yes queen got im
scott: i dunno what i did to make her [shelby] so mad :( daisy: did it ever cross your mind that maybe it isn’t about you? scott: *probably the stupidest expression ever made by a member of the human race*
- anakin in a jacket is such a good look that is absolutely nowhere to be found in the entire star wars franchise. absolutely forbidden. - scott believes in peter-bi-wan so much more than i do. it’s really endearing - peter-bi-wan made up a drug called “jojo” to trick the journalist, that is not how you make a jojo reference my dude but i still appreciate the effort - i did not expect a sarah palin flashback today - ohhhhhhhhh scotttttt YOU FUCKED UP oh no ohhh NOO!!! - the hugs are off the CHAIN in this ep. but guess who walks dramatically away from the group hug (it’s scott) - “he catches touchdowns and he goes out with cheerleaders and he thinks that’s the world” omg shelby you don’t mean that💔😢 - “those sweet eyes” hrnghrhgnrhgrnghngh - oh wow this ending. incredible. fantastic!!!! - when girls say “you remind me of my old friend” to each other that’s the shit that gets me good ahhhhh sally bowles who?
ep 16: - the thumbnail on this one is a creepy doll. that is the opposite of scenic! - scott and shelby do the dishes together more than any onscreen couple i know -  “well when you do figure it out, when you slither back in, let me know” -- shelby dragging scott down into hell as he deserves oh my god you guys my otp does not go well - "butt out, morticia, it’s none of your business” -- scott to daisy the goth who hates him rn - peter-bi-wan’s dad trying to make him join the family business exactly like dooku trying to get obi-wan to join the capitalists in AotC - awww another really canadian “sorry” - ohhhh the gay vibes are vibing - okay so all the kids are on solitary meditation tasks but guess who is breaking the rules to hang out with his (ex?)girlfriend (it’s scott) - peter-bi-wan: “i’ll beat the storm” HELL YEAH JEDI KNIGHT - omg SHELBY IS LOST IN THE STORM??!?!?! - DAISY VS SCOTT OVER SHELBY IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! - okay this doctor is, for no good reason, a very sexy ice queen - “i don’t have to do anything for you. and besides, you’re beyond help” -- daisy strongly disagrees with the ending of revenge of the sith - “jock-o” yas another for the pile - GUESS WHO IS GOING OUT INTO THE STORM TO LOOK FOR SHELBY
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what a completely unexpected twist! i do dig it tho for real holy shit oh my god - this is the second time scott’s girlfriend has been lost in the wilderness in this show, it is simply the perfect story
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FOREHEAD KISSES?!? just slay me in twain hrrrkk - they played piano AND had forehead kisses in the rain
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shelby’s himbo boyfriend and witch girlfriend - daisy: maybe you’re not totally useless after all - scott: maybe you’re not either - ot3 confirmed
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i seriously cannot with these two right now, pass the fucking smelling salts HES ALL TUCKED IN!!! ARE YOU SEEING THIS
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oh-shit-a-baby · 5 years
Black Friday thoughts
(All the spoilers beware!!!)
with lala n ari (hi I’m @drawinglinesinarbitraryplaces if yall dont know me)
These were our thoughts the first time watching my digital ticket through. It will be long. There will be spoilers.
I can’t remember how to spell her name but she looks like an excited child and i just Acting (it’s Jaime yall dw)
i was on board until fifty quid was an only
Robert forgot the choreo and lala just went OH MY GOD WHAT A DARLING so
I wanted a salad, but, now I have a child
Emma my darling I’m so sorry about ur sister
Paul ur such a mess ily
Emma shows up had an hour late with Starbucks
i dont really like getting hit by cars any more
i dont get flashbacks i remember bad things vividly
Both of the above are moods but who hurt them
@drawinglinesinarbitraryplaces saw plaid and immediately said ‘is he a lesbian? Wait no’
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What do you mean I have to look after a child
Tim’s a mood
and even if I did, HOW WOULD IT FIT INTO THE SEDAN?!
Paul’s buddy bill
Well I will be GODDAMMED if he doesn’t have a merry FUCKING Christmas!!!!
We stopped for like ten minutes to watch @dialovesyellow being an idiot but we love her so it’s fabulous
At the same time though were not going to be able to do this in one sitting bc we spent like 30mins chatting to dia and heeter
Dumbldore grew a beard?? No??
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No comment
He’s a chaotic mess but we love him
(Heather started playing the mii song on the piano while he was singing which was fUn)
But dumbledores voice is still stunning
How does he hit high notes whilst still not opening his mouth like at all
Jeez Corey that’s dark
Corey everything ur character says to lex is m e a n
why does anyone want this
no it isn’t cute
get away from it stop it
I want his jacket
Fuck Ethan lost lexs sister
@drawinglinesinarbitraryplaces : Everyone’s wearing plaid they must be lesbians
Now we gotta talk to the imaginary spider from outer space
Not crazy but creative
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A certified mess
Don’t u fuckin laugh
The new lil girl can’t dance but we love her
Califomia sounds like speed run from tto conspiracy theory
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Nuff said
That’s not how cameras work babe
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Jesus Robert and the girl who plays lex can s i n g
Linda bribing people is a mood
Becky Barnes. Nuff said.
Linda’s buying four what the fuck
Well my children were accidents!
Becky is stunning but Linda’s also a bitch
Becky we love you
Becky my darling I’m so sorry
Becky wants to fuck dumbledore
Jesus they’re both a mess
They all just,,, got out of the line to dance around Becky and dumbledore
Oh my god it’s a train wreck!
(My favourite)
What do you say?!?!?!
Oh my god they’re a mess
Opening the doors!!!
Gotta love some capitalism
The cast is huge what is this witchcraft
but his dancing there ?? stop it
Jaime up in here buying all of the fucking dolls
Linda u melodramatic bicth
Linda’s like,,, ‘well shit guess I can’t buy four’
Gary really????
Shut the fuck up!
Fuck you! (Dramatically)
Kurt fucking up and stole a wiggly that’s a yike
Jesus this song is a bop
They spent approximately all of their budget on wiggly dolls and none on choreo
THATS where that comes from ooohhhhh
Joey only ever plays a douche with voice cracks especially in this show
Santa Claus is going to high school
Yikes what did he do to get banned from the mall
hes being a good father figure though
I get the feel he’s being slightly manipulative tho idk if that’s intentional
This is so sad lex play despacito
Yikes who’s beating Ethan up
Holy shit is Ethan dead
Jesus I’m going to cry Ethan no
NO!!!!! YOU CANT DO THAT!!!!!!!!
I have pepper spray and I can use it more than you can ever imagine
(Said in a joey voice) I don’t know if u wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna fuck with meeee
And YOU are the most special person in it. I KNOW THAT!
Joey either plays characters with all the voice cracks or dramatic low voices
Did joeys Randi character kill Linda
The Black Friday from hell
Shopper mania and a fuck ton of it
Yeah bob,,, are you serious
Jamie’s in love with the wiggly immediately
Kurts character gets it
Jaime can do background acting much good
President kurt is a yike
Just me and a few of my peeps
ok so this is a Thing
As in crisis and mcnamara
The crowd went fucking wild when macnamara showed up and so did I
Jeffs falsetto song is a whole bop
And these eldritch forces are rising
Jeff just yeets the wiggly ookay
President kurt is having a meltdown
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Is this spies are forever
jeff doesnt look like a child
What does this have to do with anything
I mean the high school song is a bop but
Christopher cringle
Mr humbugger
Jingle! Jangle!
If anyone sees two elves in my locker I’ll get expelled for sure!
What the fuck
height difference in elves
Also what the fuck
Is Robert Santa now
OMG I’m calling it this is the film they were talking about
good choreo !!
Robert Lauren and the new guy who I thought was Corey for like the first 20 mins are all good dancers
This song is still a bop
What the fuck am I watching (Tom not me)
Omg I was right
Santa turns into a teenager so he can reconnect with the youth?????
okay What is this and can i punch it
their expressions whilst watching the shitty film is a mood
Beckys the only sane character
Becky and Tom are such white names
Plot twist Tom killed his wife
(lala that’s mean I’ll fight you)
why can i see tears in her eyes from this far away this is so sad alexa play haus of holbein
Holy fuck did she kill Stanley
Well yikes
You say you killed your family, I hope I killed mine
Well that’s that we got exactly halfway through imma post this now
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bookishbea · 4 years
Black Friday Reaction
Okay so I’ll be live tweeting Black Friday but none of it will have any sense to it but it’ll just be my reactions
1. The Paul thing is really bothering me
2. I really love the mention of the other characters
3. If Jane is mention is the story about the mom mentioned some more
4. Is the delivery man ted (cause he’s also a sleazeball
5. It’s weird seeing Cory not play a pure bean
6. I love California MIA
7. The little sister (Im sorry I’m bad at names) I self project as autistic and she something else idk
8. Did anyone else noticed Robert’s Australian accent come out?
9. Like I said this is out of order so yeah but I personally think the second song in the show was very shocking as I’m not used to very serious starkid songs
10. When Robert gestures smoking i think its lowkey a refrence to the smoke club
11. I have a crush on lex
12. I love Lauren’s charecter so much
13. I love the name linda becuase it could be like a karen without using that name
14. Not to get poltical but i choose to belive they made an antivax joke
15. Also the marvel nerd in me loves the name becky barnes
16. I know its probaly not on purpose but joeys charecters costume in line looks like the homeless guy’s one
17. Jaimey is great as always
18. The conversation is so cringe i love it
19. I kinda hope torture porn is a fanfic refrence (i know most people would want me to say spies are forever but nope)
20. I love Lauren but shouldnt her accent be included when she sings
21. I love Jeff’s reaction
22. I may get some hate for this but what was bothering me in tgwdlm and i notice in starkid is lack of fan comments in the captions
23. As a theatre fan i love the toy zone song (i am not sure if thats the right name) espcially the do wop becuase it reminds me of older musicals
24. Also since i watched tgwdlm and black friday a day apart its weird to come from songs happening because they are infected to songs happening cause its a musical
25. i love the love the line we are not relaibly to anyone who dies becuase they clearly show in the trailer that someone will die (this is not a spoiler if you watch the trailer for Black Friday)
26. I love Corey but when he dances i notice a bulge (i am not a perv he makes it very obvious)
27. So i rewinded it to make sure i wanst going crazy and realized something as lex says the pepper spray line. She would be good as janis ian
28. I love the touch money part its so cute even if its not supposed to be
29. Jaime plays a perv really well
30. I love Jon’s charecter its hilarious
31. Also i love jon and lauren interactions so it was cool seeing them together not as paul and emma
32. I love seeing more of Jon because although hes reaally good at playing paul paul doesnt have any flavor and its cool seeing jon do something diffrent
33. Jeff’s fuck you
34. Okay I was right it was the homeless guy and i bet the money is paul’s money
35. And this is not a sterotpye as i am jewish myself but i bet Laurens charecter is jewish
36. Its sad that the price thing is true
37. So i am a theatre fan and do not watch got but that music kinda reminds me of got
38. Cant tell if jeff’s charecter is gay and a perv or just a perv (i realzie this could be mmisinterpreted as homophobic i just mean to say that jamie’s charecter just seems like a full out perv where as i cant tell with jeff’s)
39. Obviously you shouldnt be that insane but i do like the lines about how you are in charge of life and dont care about what others think. its goood life advice
39. Looks like Paul’s boss got his wish
40. They are all idiots for holding up the doll when everyone wants to get it
41. Corey’s charecter is like shit, money isnt that imporant
42. Becky why are you a part of this you have moral high ground (yes i am ignorning the fact that cast usually join in dance numbers even if their charecter isnt a part of it)
43. Shouldnt tom get ptsd (see above)
44. Lex you already have one (see above)
45. So i may be overthinking things but how curt says never should settle is in the tune of spies are forever
46. Is it just me or did anyone else notice when the security guard comes in the tune of show me your hands comes in
47. I dont know why but i do love soft bullies because hes like hey im punching you but only for the kid
48. Some may say its schizo or something hannah has but its anxiery or something from how shes expressing it
49. I feel like hannah has a superpower and can tell whats happening
50. Maybe webby is actually wiggly
51. Baby (both hannah and robert)
52. Please tell me my babies not dead
53. Jon’s eee is adorable and silly
54. Wait hes alive
55. Wait no hes dead, im sad liek starkid is supposed to be fun and happy this is the darkest star kid yet. Even oregon deaths were silly
56. I love starkid but this is making me anxious i cant tell if its good anxious or bad anxious
57. Also i relate to the black and white thing not fully but liek whenever i dont feel well sometimes my brain is overstimulating but only in my head its very hard to explain 
58. Also i think sometimes kids on the spectrum and im not an expert but i do have it kind of make a friend in their head and i do that too sometimes just to give me advice
59. Also i hope they dont get rid of the black and white as sometimes people go more crazy without the figurative voice in their head
60. Like i said this is going to be random order so i like that emma adopted paul;s Okay and no im not making a tfios refrence
61. Poor Tim
62. Poor becky but even less
63. i thought they were supposed to be mad at g-d but in this and tgwdlm they like g-d
64. I cant tell the other pins on joey’s jacket but the first two i notice are mr wiggly and paul
65. I love Lauren’s acting you can see the very sublte sadness in her
66. Lauren and Joey together ahhhh
67. I know its probaly not a big deal but they should give a seziure warning before the tv scene
68. Did they reuse curts spies are forever outfit
69. Really starkid the obama refrence seriously, i cant tell if im mad or laughing 
70. How did Bob get one
71. I do realize they are talking irl but i cant help but wonder if the nazis were a spies are forever refrence
72. Does wiggly have a special power or something 
73. I think its similar to the metero the closer you are the more power it has over you
74. The starkid special effects we all know and love
75. Also is that mcnamara
76. Also maybe shooting it (the doll) does the same thing that shooting the affceted does. Give them no power
77. I cant tell what the music reminds me of exactly but the tune does kinda refrence a diffrent star kid song
78. Jeff looks so proud of himself for the peeps line
79. I love the purposeful i presume reuse of lines
80. Is peip like men in black
81. Also hatchetfield kind of reminds me of night vale
82. Is the black and white like the upside down?
83. I wonder if the point was purposeful since someone was filming or just choreographed
84. Yes Jon Singing!!!!!
85. I love the act two opener
86. Did his parents really name him christmas?!?
87. Oh hes literally related to santa
88. I love lauren and joey as eleves
89. Noel another christmas name
90. Isnt the little dance move like a genie move or something
91. Its so cute that she insitincitvely went to their seats
92. Also carving is goals
93. Even though its a penis its still goals
94. I know what you are, say it, santa clause
95. Tom dont yell at your girl
96. Poor Tom
97. But also dont make this about you
98. They probaly werent the head of the school since they were nice, i am sorry but thats true
99. Yass girl fight his ass
100. Also the theatre kid in me is picturing all that jazz
101. he ran into my knife he ran into my knife ten times
102. Yes Becky’s husband (i forget the name sue me) is bad but i feel like becky is more sinister then we realize
103. Becky’s line even if it isnt meant to be is so funny
104. The girl who plays Becky could play Barbara
105. I love how Joey and Lauren look into the camera
106. Jamie saying santa awww such a pure bean
107. The person in the wiggly onsie is goals
108. Matrix glasses for the win
109. Is wilbur a refrence to Charelots Web?
110. Its a cult a cult of wiggly
111. I feel like Sherman young is around 30-40
112. I love how its mommy to sound less pervy
113. Oh wait never mind Linda is mom
114. Shit thats fucked up they killed him
115. I am right a jew no non jew says mensch
116. To quote jared klienman kinky (shoe kiss scene)
117. Also i love this song the adore song
118. Why does them picking up Lauren give me Draco vibes
119. Wait he isnt dead?? im so confused
120. Wait he is dead???
121. Also ethan is creepy now
122. But Roberts expressions are goals
123. Robert your proffesor hidgens is showing
124. What the how does he know her name
125. Savage Wiggly
126. Wiggly is more funny than scary
127. But my poor baby dont be scared
128. What the fuck tom
129. Also poor baby number two
130. At first you think becky is made about him hurting a child but no its about the doll
131. What the fuck Becky
132. Also I wonder if thats the same serum that Hidgens used
133. Tom yelling at the audince is hilarious
134. Also Becky singing is giving me little shop vibes
135. Becky are you drunk or something you so stupid
136. But yayy my baby doesnt get hurt
137. More starkid special effects
138. Also the lighting nod to tgwdlm
139. Also why did they take my baby (see i told you random)
140. So the perv is wiggly
141. Also if he can appear in regular formation on earth why does he need to be the doll
142. Oh wait never mind he explains it
143. Joey talking to the audience and making them hold the apple is goals
144. I love Joey’s song
145. MIA = Missing in Action = Made in America
146. Wait im wrong Joey cant be Wiggly unless he has super powers he cant be in two places at once
147. I know they dont mean sex but still wtf
148. Lauren looks so done i cant
149. Seziure warning after mr presidnet leaves the black and white
150. Unless it was purposeful they should have hidden the dolls better backstage
151. Wait didnt hannah say something about two doors earlier?
152. Seriously Sherman ponies
153. I love the going back line
154. My poor baby lex
155. No Lex dont die not you too
156. Haha throwback to tgwdlm
157. Yes baby you got the gun
158. Also die perv die
159. Eagle screeching is goals
160. Yes lex use that logic
161. Also it makes sense only the adults can be brainwashed
162. There were only adults no children, scary (not sarcastic i promise)
163. Seriously starkid Fortnight
164. Thats why you should never fully grow up
165. Woah what Lex says is deep
166. Yessss Tom
167. Wait Tom dont hold the gun
168. Wait is Charolette alive or just a reuse of costume, if so why would they have jaimie wear it
169. No dont take her magic hat
170. Haha stupid hats cant be magic only dolls obviously
171. Does lauren say something like fucking knife in another show too?
172. Lauren screaming gives me my father will hear about this vibes
173. Also give my baby her hat back
174. Yass Lauren get it girl (i do realize shes playing the villian but still)
175. Yass Robert get it
176. Even though shes a viilain i dont like seeing Lauren get killed
177. But also how did they get the bullet wound on her so quick im impressed
178. Haha the way Gary stops everything to talk to gerald is goals
179. Like hes like oh shit money
180. And then hes like oh wait i have to pretend to care
181. I love how exagerated their dying is
182. Thats an impressive quick change
183. Yess Emma Hidgens
184. But also no hell fuck up again
185. Also Paul interupting is goals
186. Haha hannah you go girl
187. First off I love the song
188. Song off Hannah’s voice
189. Is paul scared normal or because of the hive
190. Wait all the tgwdlm charecters are back like nothing happened im confused
191. Haha the Hatchfield band is back
23 notes · View notes
pynkhues · 5 years
5 and 11 from the October prompt list! 🙃
“I might just kiss you.” / “It’s not always like this.” 
+ anon prompt: Alright I know you probably have a bunch of these but I have a prompt for Playing House. Prompt: Rio has a really tough day at work(like real shitty) and Beth senses it even though he tries to put on a brave face for her and the kids. She does/plans something to make him feel special and loved.
(This was actually originally just based on your prompt, @lilliloves, but anon prompted this today and it fit wonderfully, so I hope you both don’t mind sharing!) 
Set in The Centre and Circumference / Domestic Fic universe
(Early-ish. Probably three or four months after I Could Be Your Welcome + See You in the Light)
There’s blood at his knuckles.  
Ain’t the first time, and he’s sure it won’t be the last, but still – he finds his gaze fixed briefly on it anyway, flexing his hand, feeling the ache in it already. His skin ain’t split though, which means the blood belongs to the guy in front of him, this wiry fuck who’s already spat out two of his teeth on the floor between them, drool oozin’ out of his mouth, so thick with blood it’s almost black, and ain’t that a picture, Rio thinks, resting back into his heels.
His gaze flicks to Demon, and it’s all it takes for him to start rolling the silencer onto his gun.   
“No, please,” Vinny moans, squirming back against the chair, hiccupping, feet leavin’ smears of dirt against the concrete floor of the warehouse. “I’ve got a family, I’ve got kids.”  
And sure, Rio thinks, rolling his head back towards Vinny, keepin’ his face carefully blank. There’s a chill in the air, but Rio ain’t feelin’ it, not in here, not with the heat of the fight still thunderin’ through his veins, not with the righteous fury still boilin’ in his gut because shit, none of them should even be here, none of them would if it wasn’t for Vinny. Rio raises an eyebrow, pulling his expression into a look of faux care.
“Yeah, yes, they - - I have - - my eldest is barely six years old. You know Emily. She’s just started school, she - -”   
“You think about her when you stole my product?” Rio asks, voice lowly drawlin’. “You think about that little girl when you took out the connect?”  
At least that’s enough to shut the fucker up, leave him splutterin’ on his own blood like he’s bein’ waterboarded, and Rio just watches him. Watches the lines of his throat twitch, his blackened eye swelling shut. He remembers getting shawarma with the guy. Remembers beers at Cisco’s. Thinks he might even remember the guy’s daughter for real – blonde, dimpled, all puppy fat cute like one of his sister’s old Cabbage Patch Dolls.  
Mostly though he remembers this fuckin’ trip. Remembers sending this guy, days ago, out to pick up pills from Marta in Canada only to hear that the pills were gone and Marta was dead, and this fuck was nowhere to be found, and shit.  
Marta had kids too.  
“Rio, man, please. I fucked up, I know that, I - -”  
Rio gives Demon the nod.   
Demon offers him a cigarette, but Rio shakes his head, pulling his keys out of the back pocket of his jeans as he watches Diego hurl his guts up onto the concrete a few steps away. Kid’s pretty new – can’t be much older than 21, but both Dags and Bullet had vouched for him. Said he was loyal, quiet, got the job done. They’d worked with him on one of their smaller side hustles, and Rio figured what the hell. New blood could be good for the operation. This sorta trial was always good for the new intake too – let them see what waited for ‘em if they got in their egos, if they thought they could pull one over.  
And Rio had been impressed enough. The kid hadn’t complained, had helped get Vinny here, even thrown a few good punches and helped Demon clean the body of any prints or DNA before gettin’ rid of it. The vomitin’ was a good sign too, for a kid this green. Death should matter. Should scare you. It means you treat it serious. Means you ain’t cappin’ people without cause.
It’s what keeps you kickin’.  
“A drink then. Fuck, I need one,” Demon says, and Rio flicks his gaze back to him. “Back to the hotel?”  
And he probably should. Their rooms are already booked, paid for. They’ve been stayin’ there for a few nights – had crossed the border and holed up as soon as Rio had gotten word of Marta, knowin’ just how quick they had to move to pull Vinny out before he could burrow too deep. Knew how quickly this situation needed handlin’.  
Elizabeth hadn’t liked it.  
Had done that thing where she’d tried to come with him – goin’ so far this time as to pack a bag and put it in the trunk of his car, plant herself in the passenger seat, and he’d practically had to drag her outta the thing. It hadn’t been until he’d told her she needed to stay to look after the dealership, the drops, keep business runnin’ that she’d agreed (although she’d still been prickly at that).  
Truth was, it hadn’t just been business – although he couldn’t exactly deny it’d been good not to have to worry about it, to trust her enough to keep it runnin’ smoothly. Hadn’t even just been about the house neither, although it had been about that too. The kids were still gettin’ used to the new house and the new routine after all, especially hers, and he’s learnt fast how quick those seeds of guilt plant in her when it comes to them, knows how easily they grow, how ripe their fruits are, had known how twisted up she’d get herself if anythin’ happened while they were in Canada and the kids were in Detroit with her sister or her friend or - - worse - - that dumbass ex of hers.  
Nah, it wasn’t just that.  
What it was was he didn’t like her on these jobs.  
Didn’t like her reckless ass ignorin’ plans or mouthin’ off, didn’t like her stormin’ into situations like that face and that body was some sort of armor, and, hell, didn’t like none of these guys lookin’ at that face and that body. Didn’t like them seein’ her, didn’t like them standin’ so close to her, didn’t like the fact that he dreamt of it sometimes. That clenched jaw of hers, somebody else’s gun underneath it, somebody who didn’t have anythin’ stoppin’ them from pullin’ the trigger, and just - -  
Rio rubs at his head.  
He does want a drink. 
More than that, he wants a fuck. Wants to release this livewire of tension in him, wants to lose himself in a body underneath him, but the only body he wants is Elizabeth’s, and he could drive home tonight, but that would mean talkin’ to her. Would mean gussyin’ up to her Bambi-eyed interrogation.  
She’d be in her ugly ass pyjamas, he thinks, and the picture of it comes too quickly.  
Probably the ones he hates the most. The cream satin ones with those little orange flowers. Sittin’ up in their bed, nipples hard, pokin’ up through her shirt, those pale cheeks of hers flushed pink, her eyes a little wet, her hair a mess, waitin’, breathless, for him, and - -  
He snorts.  
Who’s he kidding?   
More likely angrily scrubbin’ dishes at 2am and ready to ask him a million questions he don’t wanna answer. 
Marta and Vinny.  
“You know Vinny’s family?” Rio asks, turning back towards Demon, who nods. “Send ‘em the usual?”  
“50g? You wanna send it cash or wire transfer?”  
Rio tilts his head from side-to-side, considering.  
“Cash,” he decides. “Send a hundred to Marta’s. Deliver it in person. We’re gonna need a new connect for the pills.”  
Demon just hums in affirmation, flicking ash off the end of his cigarette, before he says: “I’ll stick around a few days. Get it sorted. Take it this means it’s a no for the drink?”  
Rio blinks, surprised, hadn’t even quite realised that that was what he was doing, but as soon as Demon’s said it, he knows he’s right.  
Thing is, it ain’t even like Elizabeth’s the first woman he’s wanted to lose himself in after bad days, just it’s barely even about fucking her at this point. Just - - he wants to bury himself in her until she’s all he can smell, until the taste of her skin is hot on his tongue, until he’s close enough to her he can count her eyelashes, and shit, that ain’t a thought he’s used to. Ain’t even one he’s particularly comfortable with.  
Just - - he thinks of another cold night in the hotel alone and tense, and then thinks about bein’ home instead, thinks of her asleep, thinks of not wakin’ her to postpone her questions and the inevitable argument, thinks of crawlin’ into bed beside her, layin’ his head on her breast, the softness of her beneath him remindin’ him of all the ways he ain’t, her heartbeat fluttering beneath his ear, the way, only half awake, she runs her nails down his scalp, the way she smooths her too-smooth fingers at the base of his neck, and it’s urgent suddenly. The need in him.  
He could be there in two hours.  
“Call me tomorrow, yeah? Let me know how you go? Keep Diego with you. Show ‘im the ropes.”  
Demon makes an acknowledging gesture with his hand, and Rio heads out into the night.  
The house is dark when he pulls up, the only light comin’ from the back porch because Elizabeth swears it makes her feel safe (like the half a million dollar security system he bought doesn’t), and it means she’s not expecting him. Means she might actually be asleep. Means maybe she took him seriously for a change when he told her to stop waitin’, stop callin’, that he’d back when it was over.  
He slips into the house, disarming the security system and beelining for the laundry. He kicks his shoes off, washes his face, his bruised hands in the sink, before filling it to soak his bloodied clothes in, adding the disinfectant from the cupboard, and stripping off to his boxer briefs there and then. It had been at Elizabeth’s insistence the first time he’d done this that they add the lock to the laundry room door, just to keep the kids out, and he’s glad for it now, for the ability to leave his shirt there, reddening the water, without worry.  
Running a hand over his face, he grabs a pair of sweats and a t-shirt from the pile of clean laundry in the basket, steps out, fixes himself a drink at the bar cart in the living room, finishes it there alone, trying to steady his hands, his breath, to calm his frayed nerves before he allows himself the comfort of bein’ beside her. Tries to wrestle out of the maw of the last few days, of Vinny’s slack jaw and Marta in a body bag, scrubbing briefly at his face and finishing the last of his drink before starting up the stairs towards bed.  
There’s somethin’ to be said there about the moonlight through the window, the too soft glow of the night outside of here, softening everything in its path, and Elizabeth is right there in the middle of it, curled up on her side in their bed, her hair fanned out against their pillows, bags beneath her eyes like she hasn’t slept well in days, which - - fuck, somethin’ in him twists at the thought, but then – right there, nestled into her chest, is Marcus.  
It’s enough to make Rio stop in the doorway, dig his arm into the doorframe, enough it might leave a mark, enough it pinches. He should leave him, he thinks, slide into bed beside ‘em and leave it be, but then - -  
Vinny’s blood is thick on his hands tonight, the weight of him heavy on his back, and he needs Marcus just - - away from it. Away from him, at least until the mornin’ comes, at least until he’s had the time to put this night behind him, to wash the stench of it off, and shit, he thinks, almost crawling out of his skin, leg jittery with tension beneath him. This ain’t somethin’ to be shared, not with him.  
He strides quietly over to the bed, gently tugging his son out of Elizabeth’s arms, relieved more than anything when Marcus comes easily. He lifts him up, carrying him quietly down the hall and flipping on the light to his bedroom. It’s neat at least, which makes it easy to take him down, to flip over the sheets of his bed and lower his son into them. His head’s barely hit the pillow when suddenly big, dark eyes are bein’ turned on him, the kid’s little mouth fallin’ open like a spell.  
“Go to sleep, pop,” Rio hums, and when Marcus tries to sit up, he gently pushes him back down.  
“You’re home!”  
“Nuh, but I will be tomorrow. You’re dreamin’ right now, yeah?” he keeps his voice low, dulcet, brushes his hands through Marcus’ hair, tucking him back down beneath the covers. “Faster you fall asleep, faster you’ll wake up, faster I’ll be home.”  
And he doesn’t think the kid really believes it, but still, Marcus hums sleepily, happily, back at him, his eyes driftin’ shut again and Rio just - - watches him. Watches the rise and fall of his chest and the flutter of his eyelashes and he thinks how easily he could never see it again, like Marta won’t, like Vinny, and just - - shit.
He rubs a hand hard over the back of his head.
Not worth thinkin’ about now, he tells himself, slipping back out of his bedroom and heading back towards his own. It’s only then that the exhaustion really catches up with him – hits him square between the shoulders like somethin’ out of a cartoon, and he swipes at his forehead as he heads back towards their bed, gaze only flicking up to see Elizabeth sleepin’ soundly, the soft curve of her body like an invitation, and his eyes travel too easily down her, from her peaceful face to the arc of her shoulder and the dip of her waist, the long trail of her legs and - - he just - -  
There’s a lump at the foot of their bed, tangled up in the sheets, and Rio steps slowly towards it, eyeing off the mound of it when the lump squirms back suddenly, and shit, Rio thinks. He rolls his eyes, reaches for the blankets, lifting it just in time to see Jane peer back up at him, dubby in her fist, her little face scrunched up, half hidden in a bunny rabbit onesie and it must be a hand-me-down from Emma, because she’s swimmin’ in it.  
“’ey,” he hums, and Jane blinks up at him, bright eyed, before she pants like a dog, wiggles her butt, goes to bark, but Rio frowns, pushes a finger to his lips and jerks his head to where Elizabeth is sleeping. 
“Don’t wake your mama up. C’mon.”  
He holds his hands out for her to leap into, only she pulls her face into a little scowl, shaking her head.  
“No,” Jane growls, and Rio rolls his eyes again, frustration sparking in his belly.  
“I ain’t playin’, darlin’, c’mon. It’s way past bedtime.”  
And Jane just - - shit, she sticks out her tongue, and Rio exhales sharply, feels the stress of the day and the exhaustion of tonight press hard at his temples, but he smooths out his expression as best he can, reachin’ over to her, only she’s trying to tangle herself up in her mother’s legs, and Jesus, Elizabeth must be real tired if this don’t even wake her. Before Jane can get herself too wrapped up, Rio moves closer, pluckin’ her out of bed by the back of her onesie and pulling her unceremoniously away from Elizabeth.  
He intends to lift her straight up into his arms and walk her to bed like he’d just done Marcus, but Jane starts thrashin’ the second she’s in the air, and shit, Rio grunts and then he’s gotta loosen his grip or he might accidentally hurt her, but loosenin’ his grip only serves to make Jane spring off the bed and sprint down the hallway in a flurry of pink fleece and animal ears. Behind him, Elizabeth stirs, and Rio’s head whips around, waiting for her to resettle before he moves quietly to the doorway. Jane’s standing at the top of the stairs, her little face peering out from beneath her bunny rabbit hood, and Rio frowns at her, gesturing his head to her bedroom.  
Jane shakes her own head furiously in reply, and Rio exhales sharply, stepping out into the hallway, unsurprised when Jane retaliates by clutching at the railing and starting down the stairs, and shit, he thinks, picking up his step. The booties on her pyjamas are so big she’s gonna trip herself up, tumble head-first over them. He moves quickly enough to grab her underneath the arms and when she starts to yelp and thrash again, he spins her quickly in his arms, until they’re practically nose-to-nose.  
“What’d you want?” he asks her, staring her down, because shit, his nerves ain’t here for tantrums tonight, and Jane just looks back at him, long and hard, little jaw rockin’, and this kid really is somethin’ else, and as much as he hates to admit it, if he were in a better mood, he might be amused.  
“Special drink,” Jane settles on, and Rio arches an eyebrow at her, about to tell her it ain’t the time, but then - - shit, Elizabeth’s concoction of milk heated on the stove, honey, cloves and cinnamon really does seem to knock ‘em out. Maybe he can ground in a Nyquil to help. 
“Then you go to your bed?”  
Jane nods, and Rio does too, resignedly pushing her onto his hip and taking the stairs two at a time until he hits the bottom. He thinks about just depositing Jane on the couch, lettin’ her watch somethin’ bland and g-rated on the TV, but then he doesn’t really trust her not to sneak up the stairs, back beneath Elizabeth’s arm, and if she gets there again, Rio’s knows he’s gonna be subjectin’ himself to the couch.  
So he deposits her on a stool at the kitchen island instead, glancing around the kitchen only to stop when he spots the pot on the stove and the spice packets already on the bench. He walks over, grabbing the pot and looking at the thin rim of milk build-up cooked into the sides of it.  
“Looks like your mama already made special drink,” he says, rinsing out the pot and Jane just shakes her head. 
“She made it for Marcus, not me,” Jane tells him. “She always makes it, so it’s not special anymore. It’s just regular drink.” 
Rio arches an eyebrow, glancing back at her.  
“That right?” he asks. “But it’s special drink when I make it?”  
And shit, she might be right. He ain’t ever made it before, and at least the fact that Elizabeth’s already made it for Marcus tonight means the ingredients are there for him. He racks his head for the steps, for the muscle memory of havin’ watched her make this thing a million times before, and - - right, milk on the stove. He grabs a jug from the fridge.  
“Your hand looks funny.”  
Rio glances over at Jane as he moves to flick the stove on, that damn blanket of hers half shoved in her mouth, the floppy rabbit ears of her hood hangin’ down past her shoulder. He looks at his hand and the bruises really are bad – a dark, bloomin’ purple that he knows will only stiffen over the next few days. Will swell and throb and he resists the urge to shake it out.  
“Yeah?” he asks, and Jane rocks her head from side-to-side, considering.  
“It’s like when I felled over. Did you felled over?”  
“Fall,” he corrects, and when he looks over at her, Jane’s blinking at him in confusion, her blue eyes wide, her lips parted. He clarifies: “Did you fall over? Not felled, darlin’.”  
“Did you fall over?” Jane echoes, and Rio turns back to the milk on the stove, reaching for the cinnamon. He looks at his knuckles as he shakes in the spice, and wonders if he should’ve worn gloves, somethin’ that might’ve covered them from view.   
“Somethin’ like that,” he replies, capping the spice cannister, and it takes Jane a minute to reply, like she’s processin’ it, workin’ out what she want to say, and Rio lets her, his gaze fixed down on the way the cinnamon turns the colour of the milk, brownin’ it up. He blinks and sees the cinnamon, he blinks and he sees the blood on Vinny’s pale cheek.
He grabs the packet of cloves.   
“Is that why you went away?”  
Shit, how much of this stuff does Elizabeth usually put in? He shoves a finger into the packet of cloves, nudging them around, and finally scoops out a handful, watchin’ them bob around in the milk.
“What’d your mama say?”  
“That you had to work.”  
“Your mama ever lied to you?”  
“So I was workin’,” he tells her easily, glancing back around to look at her, and it ain’t exactly sudden, seein’ Emily in Jane’s place, propped up at the kitchen island, but it still takes him by surprise, makes him rock his jaw, jerk his head away, try to focus on the simmer of the milk and the sound of Jane’s feet, thumpin’ against the chair.
Jane ain’t Emily, she ain’t gonna lose a parent to this. She - 
“When my daddy goes away for work, he brings us presents home,” Jane says, and Rio snorts.
Okay, maybe she’ll lose one parent to this. Rio can’t exactly say he’s keepin’ Dean off any lists. Shit, might be addin’ him to a few. (Not really, although - - he ain’t rulin’ it out). Still, he shifts his weight back, grabbing a spoon to scoop in some honey.  
“Yeah? Like what?”  
“Like candy or dollies.”  
The honey oozes off the spoon into the milk, like Vinny’s bloodied drool to the concrete floor, and Rio’s voice is duller than he means when he says:
“Huh. Why you think he do that?”  
Jane pauses, and the question must surprise her, her little mouth hangin’ open for a moment, until she shoves the dubby in it instead. Rio has to resist the urge to tug it out, had made that mistake only a few weeks after movin’, had had to endure Jane’s hysterics and Beth’s frustration (“She only started doing it after Dean moved out, it comforts her, just - - leave it, please.”)   
“I don’t know,” Jane replies now around a mouthful of blanket, and Rio hums, grabbing her sippy cup off the strainer and pouring in the milk, making sure it’s not too hot in the process. He puts the top on, and glances at her, considering. He could just give it to her here, but in the end he holds up his hands, and Jane moves easily into them this time, lets him carry her to the couch, lets him hold her as he flops down on it, her body sideways in his lap, cradled in his arms like he’d do when Marcus was a toddler, like he still does sometimes, when he’s sick or needy.  
And it’s funny, coz Jane fits like Marcus used to. Kid had a growth spurt recently after all, overtakin’ even Emma, and it all serves to make Jane all the tinier. Like her aunt, Rio thinks, briefly amused, then – more so, huffing out a laugh – like her mama when she finally pulls her pumps off at the end of the night.
(How big are Marta’s kids? Does he even know?)
“Order’s up,” he tells Jane, passing her the cup and letting her wriggle up until she’s practically using his arm as a hammock, her legs sprawled out across his own. She takes a generous drink only to reel slightly up.  
“Yuck,” she says, spluttering, and Rio groans looking down at her, grabbing the cup and taking a sip, only to cough because shit - - it’s bad. Way too much cinnamon, enough it tastes almost like ash in his mouth, and maybe he’ll just leave it out entirely this time. Can’t fuck up just milk and honey, can he? He moves to get up, to make another, when Jane suddenly snatches at the cup again, clutching the sippy to her chest before shoving the nozzle back into her mouth. “No, I like it.”  
And figures, Rio thinks, arching an eyebrow down at her as she wriggles back against his chest, sucking on the sippy cup, her eyes already half-lidded. He feels his own lids drop too, like they’re playin’ some game of Simon Says (go to sleep), and he could almost doze himself when Jane reaches the hand not holdin’ the cup out to his. She pushes out a tiny pointer finger and taps him on each of his bruised knuckles and he just - - watches her do it. Watches this scrap of Elizabeth play the hand he broke Vinny’s jaw with like a piano.
“Marcus and mommy are upset at you,” she says suddenly, half muffled around the sippy cup, and Rio’s gaze shifts from their hands to her face, but she ain’t lookin’ at him. She’s lookin’ at their hands, and after a minute, he sighs.
“I know,” he tells her. “They don’t like it when I gotta go away like that. I don’t like it neither, but sometimes I just gotta.”  
Jane sucks the nozzle back into her mouth, staring up at him now, her eyes unblinkin’, and he always thinks it’s her sister that looks most like Elizabeth, but this one doesn’t go without, not with the steadiness of her gaze and the set to her jaw.
“It’s three,” she tells him, and Rio blinks down at her.
“What’s three?”  
“Three times you gone away.”  
Whatever he was expecting, it wasn’t that, and Rio stares at her, unblinking now, as Jane holds up her hand.
“Just after we moved here,” she ticks it off on her fingers. “Then the other time, now this time. That’s three.”  
And shit, she ain’t wrong. He mostly thought Jane barely noticed. Not like anyone would ever mistake her for the most perceptive of Elizabeth’s kids (not that any of ‘em really are), but Jane’s all energy and distraction and shit. He’s been busy. He’s always busy, and Marcus has never liked it. Never liked the fact that sometimes he just gotta move, gotta bring things back, gotta handle things, but - -  
“It’s not always like this,” he says, and Jane looks up at him, and there are too many expressions that pass over her round little face – disbelief and childish frustration until it finally settles on somethin’ else, somethin’ softer, less certain, somethin’ he ain’t seen on her face, at least not somethin’ he’s seen directed at him.  
“You didn’t say bye,” she says finally, her voice small, and Rio exhales, annoyed.  
“I did, darlin’,” because he did. Shit, got to fight about it with Elizabeth and leave Marcus red faced and weepy, made sure of that, but then - -  
He looks at Jane and any self-righteousness dies on his tongue.
“Not to you though, huh?” he says softly, and Jane shuffles back into his arm, presses her forehead into his chest, out of sight, the nozzle of the sippy cup sucked into her mouth like a bottle, keeps herself looking away from him, and Rio exhales. He looks down at his bruised hands, then at her feet, where the booties of her onesie hang limply down the side of the couch, her feet lost somewhere in the legs of the thing, the hood of it hangin’ so far down her face it almost covers her eyes, and he reaches up to tug it back, just enough he can see her.  
“’m sorry. Think maybe I’m still gettin’ used to this,” he says, because he hadn’t said goodbye to any of Elizabeth’s kids. Had trusted her to do it for him, had treated them like they were just a part of her, but - -
They ain’t.
They’re - -
Jane looks up at him, her eyes a little glassy and just - - he ain’t sure what that is, the feelin’ in his gut, hollowing itself out. “Can you be the first one I say hey to instead?”  
She makes a show of turnin’ it over, her squirming against his chest and drinkin’ that goddamn awful drink he’s made her, but then she nods, and Rio tugs on one of her rabbit ears.  
“’ey, Jane,” he says quietly. “You been good for your mama while I been gone?”    
And she grins a little at that, shakes her head into his chest again, giggling before she can stop herself, and Rio smiles too, but rolls his eyes.  
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”  
He almost reaches out to her, but before he gets the chance to, Jane wriggles up his body, curls her arms around his neck, and Rio leans down, scooping her up closer, feeling her collapse sleepily into his chest, still slurping at that drink, and hell if that ain’t commitment. He exhales a laugh, dropping a hand to her back, and it practically takes up the width of it, and he can’t say what he feels, feelin’ the rise and fall of her chest against his, her snufflin’ breaths against his shoulder.
And it’s hard enough, but then he exhales and he hears Vinny’s last one, and his hand tightens on her back, and he just - -
Needs to put her to bed.
Needs her safe and happy and dreamin’ of her mama and Paw Patrol and out of his nightmares, and when he stands up this time, starts up the stairs, when he finally does put her to bed, she don’t make a sound.
And then just, tuckin’ her in - - all his energy’s gone, sapped out of him, and any jittery tension he’d needed to lose has gone cold in his chest, left him pulled thin and stretched out, and shit, he thinks, rubbing furiously at his forehead, it’s just - -
Just is, he reminds himself.
There wasn’t a way around it. Not a way that’d keep him and his safe.   
And he can do this for his ma, he can do it for his sisters, he can do it for his son.
Can do it for Elizabeth and her kids too.
Can - - he exhales, leavin’ the thought alone, pulling his hand away from his face, grabbin’ the sippy cup from Jane’s iron grip instead and droppin’ it to her bedside table so it don’t soak through her sheets, flickin’ on her nightlight before slipping out of her room.
And it figures, that Elizabeth would be awake now, when he finally gets back to their (freshly) childfree bedroom, her blue eyes blinkin’ sleepily back at him, from her - -
Nah, he realises, his pillow.
“You put the kids to bed?” she whispers, pushing herself up onto her elbow, and Rio nods stripping off his t-shirt, arching his back, hearing it crack.
“You’re home earlier than I thought you’d be,” she adds, and Rio nods, padding over to the bed. He should leave his sweats on, knows he should, but for whatever reason, he can’t quite make himself. Just wants to be rid of them, rid of his underwear, rid of all of it. Wants to shower, but doesn’t have the energy to, so instead he just strips everythin’ off, sliding into bed beside Elizabeth.  
She doesn’t complain for a change, doesn’t squawk or pout or nag him to put his clothes back on. She just watches him, her blue eyes too clear, her features drawn.  
“Is it done?” she asks, and Rio sighs.  
“Would I be home if it weren’t?”  
It’s sharper than he means it to be and she looks a little wounded, and Rio exhales, because shit, he’s the one who don’t want this fight. Just looks at her for a moment, and it ain’t fair, that she can look this sweet, that her eyes and her body can sing like a siren in the night, callin’ for him across borders, across countries, callin’ him home, and he reaches a hand to touch her face because he wants to - - needs to feel her, but shit, it was the wrong move, because she’s gaspin’, grabbin’ his hand instead, a high-pitched sound escaping her throat when she sees how bruised it is.  
“Let me see it.”  
He yanks his hand out of her grip, curling it around her waist instead, pulling her beneath him, entangling their legs, hidin’ his hand half up her pyjama shirt.  
“Are you hurt?” she asks, and he can tell she wants to squirm out of his grip, to try and flip ‘em over so she can look at him properly, find somethin’ to nurse, but she ain’t got a clue how hurt he actually is, so won’t do it, and for once, he don’t want to correct her.  
“Keep askin’ questions and I might just have to kiss you,” he drawls, the to shut you up implied as he nestles his face into her chest, nosing between the buttons on her pyjama shirt so forcefully that the tip of it brushes the inner curve of her breast, inhaling deeply the faint smell of sweat and peach bodywash and that smell beneath it all that’s just her.  
“You say that like it’s a threat,” she replies, the words light, jokin’, but her tone ain’t real, and he knows she’d let him, but he also knows she don’t want him to. That she’d give him sex tonight like a gift, and that’s not how he wants this, not with her, not now. He just - -
Shit, he just wants to hold her, but he don’t know how the fuck to say that.
She inhales above him, a little wet, a little damp, like she might be cryin’ a bit, and she says, “Rio, what – ”  
He sucks in a breath, clenches his eyes shut, hand tightening on her waist.
“Not tonight, darlin’,” he says, his voice hoarse, cutting her off, and then - - because how can he say the rest of it? He just says: “Please.”  
The word hangs between them, and then it’s those too-soft fingers of hers, pressin’ tentatively to the back of his neck, and he exhales, harsh and wet against her breast, sinking his head heavily down against her chest, his mouth open as her fingers firm there and he knows she’ll be back on this shit tomorrow, that he’ll have to tell her somethin’, that he’ll have to make sure that money gets to Marta’s kids and to Vinny’s, that the compensation will be nothin’ but he lets Elizabeth massage the guilt out of his neck for now and finally he lets his eyelids flutter shut.   
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missmentelle · 5 years
Hi! Im seeing a guy, and while its early, things are going pretty great. But ive been feeling /very/ paranoid about being hurt again. I dont want it to hold me back, but i also dont know when an appropriate time is to start letting my guard down. Ive seen one possible red flag, and im keeping an eye on it. I know if that shows up again i gotta be out, but are there any “white flags” that are a good signal? Are there any benchmarks besides “the first sleepover/meeting friends” etc? Thanks you!
Congratulations on the new relationship! It can be really difficult to learn to trust someone and let someone in after you’ve been hurt in the past. Communication is going to be key here - you are under no obligation to get over your past traumas right away, and any healthy partner should be respectful of that and be patient with you as the two of you work through your traumas and establish trust together. Honestly, letting your guard down is going to be something that happens very gradually over time. You’re probably not going to notice when it happens; if things go well, you’ll likely wake up one day and realize that you have trusted him for quite a while, and you’re not quite sure when it happened. There is no checklist that will make you automatically trust someone when enough boxes have been checked. “Trust” is less about individual traits, and more about seeing someone be consistent with those traits day after day after day. 
With that said, there are a couple of things that you can look for in the beginning of the relationship that are generally a good sign:
They don’t lie to you. Lying is a problem at any stage in a relationship, and anyone who is willing to lie at the beginning of the relationship is likely to keep lying throughout it. A person who lies in the beginning of a relationship “because they wanted you to like them” or “because they weren’t sure how you’d react to the truth” is going to keep lying to you. A person who is honest with you - even about things that might be hard for you to hear - is a good sign. 
They trust you, and don’t try to control you. It can be hard to trust another person in the beginning of a relationship, but it’s incredibly important that you both do it anyway. A relationship based on a foundation of distrust, suspicion and control is not a relationship that’s going anywhere good. A person who trusts you when you tell them where you’re going and doesn’t get suspicious of your platonic friends or try to control who you speak to is a person who might be worth hanging onto.
You feel comfortable having physical intimacy with them. This doesn’t necessarily mean sex - your relationship doesn’t have to involve sex unless and until you both want it to. But you should be comfortable physically touching your partner - hugs, kisses, caresses, holding hands, pats on the shoulder, whatever the two of you are comfortable with. If you’re recoiling every time the other person touches you in any way, that’s a sign that you might not be ready for a relationship yet, or that something is seriously wrong. 
They take an active interest in getting to know you as a person. A relationship that is primarily based on the other person telling you how hot you are over and over again is probably not going far. In a healthy relationship, you should not feel like a living sex doll or a decoration - your partner should take an active interest in getting to know you as a person, ask questions to learn more about you, and remember things that you tell them. 
They fit into your life. Over time, the two of you should find that you naturally start getting more integrated into each other’s lives - you meet each other’s friends and family, you participate in their hobbies and vice versa, you find new activities that the two of you enjoy doing together. If this isn’t happening, it’s a sign that something isn’t clicking, or that one person isn’t that invested. 
They have control over their emotions - most importantly, their anger. A person who flies off the handle over little things is going to get worse over time, not better. A person who consistently shows you that they can stay calm and collected in stressful situations is much more likely to be a stable, healthy partner who can keep their cool when you hit a rough patch. 
They seem genuinely interested in being with you. You shouldn’t feel like you’re the only one chasing your partner down or putting all the effort into keeping the relationship going. Your partner should be putting roughly as much effort as you are into initiating and sustaining conversation, making plans, and generally keeping the relationship going. 
You feel safe with them. This is a big one. You should feel safe from physical, mental and psychological abuse at all times. And you should never feel like your safety is negotiable, either - you should always feel like you will be safe in the relationship, even if you screw up or make a mistake. 
The relationship is moving at a reasonable pace. You should feel like the relationship is moving at a pace that makes sense; a person who wants to rush you to move in with them and get married two months after meeting is probably too interested, and a person who wants to wait three years before they tell their family about you or invite you over is probably not interested enough. If your friends aren’t raising any eyebrows over how fast things are going, you’re probably doing okay. 
You are both on the same page about what you want from the relationship. If one person is thinking “marriage and kids in the next four years” and the other person is thinking “fool around for a couple of weeks without getting too serious”, the relationship is headed for some serious trouble. If you’re both on the same page about what your relationship is and what you want from it, you have much greater chances of actually getting what you want. 
You are still maintaining your relationships with other people. A relationship that still leaves room for your friends and family in your life is a much healthier relationship than one that doesn’t. Your partner should not be preventing you from seeing your friends and family - either intentionally, or by monopolizing all of your time - and you should still be finding time to see your friends without your partner tagging along.
You are comfortable not being perfect in front of the other person. People aren’t perfect, and life is messy. If you’re planning to be in a relationship with someone for the long haul, they are eventually going to encounter all of your human flaws - bad hair days, pimples, farts, vomit, body odour, and whatever other horrors the human body can conjure. It’s natural for you both to want to look and act your absolute best at the beginning of the relationship, but eventually you should reach a point where you’re comfortable letting your partner see you in a pair of sweatpants without being afraid that they’ll leave you. 
At the same time, though, it’s important to understand that none of these “white flags” are a guarantee that the relationship is going to go well, or that you definitely won’t get hurt again. There’s no way to know that for sure. Relationships are always a risk, and part of loving someone is saying “hey, the fact that this might not work scares the shit out of me, but you are worth it anyway”. People have started becoming more and more aware of possible red flags in relationships, because it makes us feel like we’re in control - we would all love to live in a world where you can fill out a questionnaire or a checklist and know for sure if your partner is going to hurt you or turn abusive. Unfortunately, though, the world doesn’t work like that. A partner who starts out charming and thoughtful can turn neglectful or bitter. A partner who has a bit of a rocky start to the relationship can become the love of your life. Definitely bail out if there are warning signs of abuse, but remember that there is no certainty in this world, and at some point we all just have to take a deep breath and take that risk. 
As far as benchmarks and milestones go, I think it’s best not to spend too much time worrying about it. Every relationship is different, and worrying about whether you’re doing the correct things in the correct order is just added stress you don’t need. “Meeting the parents” is a milestone in some relationships, but some couples know each other’s parents before they even start dating, and some will never meet their partner’s parents for a variety of possible reasons. It doesn’t mean that their relationships are “off track”. Take this relationship one day at a time. Thinking about the future is great, but being consumed by the future will damage the relationship and wear you out. If you’re happy and things seem to be going pretty well, let yourself enjoy it. Have fun with your new guy. Laugh with him. Hold him. Take some time to appreciate how great it is that you have this relationship with this person in the here and now. If things go south in the future, you will cross that bridge when you get to it - but for now, just focus on being happy in the moment. 
Best of luck to you!
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imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
Spilt on the Ground like Water
A/N warning for torture, starvation, water deprivation, serious amounts of dub-con, suicidal ideation, past hydra trash party reference, pre-slash, medical aftermath including a foley tube (catheter), not Clint Barton friendly, not particularly Steve friendly, kissing, frottage, bonding over shitty experiences
Chapter Four: Not Without Him
If there was one thing that could be counted upon in the entire fucking universe, it was that Captain goddamn America couldn’t arrive anywhere except in the nick of time. Like. what the hell, Stevie. Did the guy have a doomsday fucking watch or something and he couldn’t show up before things were absolutely critical? It was written into his goddamn contract or something?
Also, he apparently had something against being stealthy -- Natasha could not have taught him any better? -- which might usually get an eyeroll, except that in this particular instance, Bucky needed him to be loud and obnoxious.
“Down here, pal!�� Bucky shifted his grip. One arm under Tony’s arms, keeping his head above water, the other pushed against the wall to keep himself upright.
“Come on!” Steve yelled, and it wasn’t long after that Bucky heard his boots on the stairs.
“Can’t,” Bucky explained. It was self-evident when Steve got there. Tony was trapped in debris, unconscious and the room was slowly filling with water. Like some bad Star Trek episode or something. Bucky could get Tony out, but he’d go under if Bucky let go.
Steve splashed into the Command & Control center.
“Well, this doesn’t look good,” another voice added, coming up behind Steve.
Hawkeye. Not a fan. He was looking down the shaft of an arrow, not quite sure who he was supposed to shoot, apparently.
“Get th’ damn support beam off ‘im and we can get out of here,” Bucky suggested, confused as to why they weren’t actually moving yet.
He’d been holding Tony up for hours, it seemed. His back ached, his chest hurt, there were pieces of debris stuck in his skin. The first gush of water had filled the room to almost thigh deep in moments, then someone else -- somewhere, Bucky didn’t know where, or who, or why -- had managed to cut it down to a slow, but steady rise. Whoever that person was, Bucky was gonna pin a medal on them, even if they were fucking Hydra, because he and Tony would have died, if the water hadn’t slowed.
Steve tried.
His muscles bunched and his shoulders strained enough so that the fabric of his armor was stretched. Bucky tugged, light, but Tony wouldn’t budge.
“Leave him,” Hawkeye suggested, cynical. He still hadn’t come all the way into the room, watching the mayhem from a secure lookout position.
“Fuck you, pal,” Bucky snarled. He wasn’t going anywhere. If he drowned with Tony, so be it.
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art by the amazing and talented @mto-art in a collaborative story-telling effort. 
Do not repost without permission. (reblogs okay)
(more below the cut)
“I can’t lift it, Buck,” Steve said, and Bucky squinted at him, not sure if Steve was sincerely trying or not. Couldn’t prove it. But none of them had much lingering fondness for Tony. Steve had only come for Bucky -- he’d managed to get his SOS and location out when they’d plugged him in to torture him; the extra electricity had given his internal circuits some extra boost. Enough that Natasha would have been able to find him, and Steve would come for him.
Bucky knew that like he knew his own name.
Admittedly, there were days that Bucky didn’t know his own name. So there was that.
“You bring the witch with you?”
Of course they had; just the way Hawkeye’s gaze flickered upward was enough to tell him the truth.
“Get her down here and get us out of here.”
“He’s pretty badly hurt,” Steve reasoned. “You think--”
Bucky drew a knife from the small arsenal he’d taken off the guards. “He’ll live. He has to. You get us out of here.” His fingers tightened against Tony’s
“Wanda’s evacuating the other prisoners,” Steve said. “Clint, hold up Stark, Bucky can help me lift.”
Bucky thought he might throw up, trusting Hawkeye to keep Tony’s head above water while they worked on the support beam, but what else was he going to do? Aside from flay Hawkeye alive if he let Tony drown.
Bucky got himself under the beam and heaved. Okay, provisionally, Steve was forgiven for being an asshole, because Bucky was pretty sure he couldn’t have lifted the goddamn thing on his own. His bones ached from the strain of the weight against him.
In the end, they barely managed to shift it enough for Hawkeye to pull Tony free. A blossom of red bloomed against the water as soon as they moved; something had been keeping Tony from bleeding. As soon as Steve was clear, Bucky dropped his half of the beam and raced to Tony’s side. “Shit, shit, shit.”
And the water was rising faster, now. “Come on, Buck,” Steve said, grabbing his arm and pulling him. “We need to go now.”
“He’ll bleed out if we don’t get this stopped now.”
“Buck, I’m not leaving without you.”
“Well, I ain’t leavin’ without him, so get the hell off me, pal,” Bucky snapped.
Bucky located the source of the blood and started basic first aid. The lack of supplies was maddening.
“Jesus,” Steve complained, but at least he helped get Tony out the water so Bucky could get a tourniquet on. “What happened here? Why’s he so important to you?”
Bucky looked up at Steve; if his heart wasn’t in his eyes, he suspected that was because it was busy panicking. But he didn’t have time to sort through his tangle of feelings. It wasn’t just what Tony could do for him, free him from the mess inside his head. There was more to it, but Bucky needed some time to figure it out. “He’s just important.”
“Hey, hey, doll, shhh,” a voice said. It wasn’t quite a familiar voice, but it wasn’t an unfamiliar voice either, and it calmed Tony just enough that he stopped struggling against whatever was holding down.
The nasal cannula was hanging down his cheek, looped over one ear, but in his frantic attempts to sit up, he’d knocked it aside.
Another set of tubes went into his arm. There was probably a set of tubes that were coming out of his ass, too. Tony’d been in the hospital a few times for long-term injuries. Those visits fucking sucked.
“Get me out of this bed,” Tony said, or he tried to say. His voice was just about gone, hoarse and scratchy like he’d been screaming, and his throat hurt like someone had shoved a tennis racquet down his throat. Sideways.
Barnes-- no, Bucky, they’d decided that, just before the big crazy, hadn’t they… yeah. Bucky didn’t bother to try to talk him out of it, or object, or anything. He just started unwinding the tubes, peeling off the tape. He tugged the IV line out with an expert hand and produced a bandage pad and a roll of pink medical tape to stop the bleeding.
“You want me to decath you, or wait for a nurse?”
Yeah, great. Tube up his dick. That was just charming.
Tony blinked. “You know how to do that?” Safely was unspoken, but decidedly implied because really, no, he didn’t want anyone to just rip a Foley tube out of there, not even him.
“Yeah,” Bucky said. He held up a syringe -- no needle, thank Christ -- and a pair of thin, blue gloves. “I can do it.”
What the hell? Bucky had already seen everything Tony had to offer, and they’d been through hell together. A little further wouldn’t cross anyone’s eyes. He nodded, then didn’t watch while Bucky did a number of uncomfortable things in the general vicinity of his dick. He didn’t even want to know what Bucky did with what was probably a bag full of pee. Just, yeah. See no evil.
“I brought your clothes, too,” Bucky said. There was a brush of cool, wet cloth along his thighs and then, “and coffee, in a thermos. Wasn’t sure when you’d wake up.”
“What clothes?”
“Jeans, sneakers with lifts -- you wear lifts, Tony -- and a Metallica tee.”
“You’d wear lifts too if half your friends were a good four or five inches taller than you are,” Tony muttered. No point denying it. Anyone who’d ever paid attention to his footwear knew he was a little sensitive about his height. “Also, did you say something about coffee?”
“Here you go.” Bucky washed his hands, then poured him a cap full from the thermos, still steaming, black as night and bitter as regret. Perfect.
“You’re my new favorite,” Tony declared. The hot liquid woke him up a little, soothed his aching throat. “What happened, where are we, who’s with you, and are we in any danger?”
“Slow down,” Bucky said, steadying the cup before Tony dropped it, which would have been both uncomfortable and a waste of perfectly good coffee. “In answer to your questions, we’re in Budalange, in the hospital.”
“Luxembourg? Why?”
“They’re not signees of the Accords, and it was the safest -- and closest -- neutral zone we could maintain on the fuel that was left in the quinjet.”
Tony nodded, make a continue gesture while he caffeinated himself. After weeks of being without, the buzz was hitting him right away.
“The Raft sank. We have no way to estimate lives lost, since the facility had no official records, but over four dozen powered persons were rescued who’d been held prisoner there, not including you and I. Steve, Romanov, Barton, and Wanda came to the rescue. Your friend, James Rhodes, brought me your clothes via overnight Warmachine delivery, and after he comes back from a forty-eight hour stint of bedside vigil with no sleep, he’ll be damned happy to see you. And… we’re in as much danger as is the status quo for superheroes.”
“Situation normal. All fucked up,” Tony said. Rhodey was here? There was a warm fuzzy feeling at that, which neatly counteracted the chill around his heart at the thought of Rogers or Maximoff. Or Barton for that matter. He wondered if Rhodey had used his bionic legs to kick Barton’s ass yet. He hoped not.
He’d rather be a witness.
“That’s about the size of it, yes,” Bucky said.
Tony cocked his head. “There’s more you’re not telling me.”
“True,” Bucky said. He shook out Tony’s jeans. “Lean on me, if you need. I’ll help you get dressed.”
He was wobbly, even if he didn’t want to admit it. Bucky was calmly stoic about the whole thing, enough so that Tony only felt mild embarrassment about using him as a human crutch while getting into pants and his tee.
“So, is this some sort of Stockholm Syndrome thing? We bonded over being imprisoned and tortured together? And you know, while there’s an unlocked door nearby, you want to tell me what was up with that…” Tony waved his hand around, as if there was a word for the not-quite-sex that had happened between them.
“I don’t know,” Bucky said. “And probably? And… that was a calculated risk.”
Tony’s eyebrow reached the stratosphere. “So, you’re bad at math.”
Bucky chuckled. “Maybe so, doll,” he said. “But there was an extreme protocol set up. Hydra… made it impossible for me to turn on certain higher ups, even if I was ordered to by someone who had my command words. I can’t… I can’t hurt anyone I’ve been… intimate seems the wrong word.”
Tony considered vomiting, but he didn’t think there was anything in his stomach to come up and his throat already hurt. “Who--” He bit that off. Tony really didn’t want to know.
“I think most of them are dead,” Bucky said, not meeting Tony’s eyes. “I wasn’t sure it would work. But that shit is still in my head and I didn’t want to hurt you. Kinda counterproductive to the whole idea of rescuing you.”
Tony gave a bitter barking sound. It wasn’t a laugh, no, not even close. “Hydra is so fucked up.”
“You don’t even know the half of it,” Bucky said, and that was true. Didn’t want to know.
“So, what now?”
Bucky shrugged. “I don’t know. I ain’t never been the brains of the operation before. Which Steve’ll tell you. Battle plans, yes. What happens now? I got no clue, doll.” He reached out, touched Tony’s face with two metal fingers. The metal was warm, which seemed like it should be strange, except how it wasn’t. Electronics got hot when they were working, fact of life. That’s why the arm had vent-ports in it, after all.
Tony took hold of Bucky’s metal wrist, held those fingers in place. He didn’t know what came next. He’d figure it out as they went. But he did know one thing. He didn’t want Bucky to leave. And he didn’t know how to ask him to stay.
“Why what?”
“Why come for me at all? How’d you even know where I was? Why… why… lots of why?”
“There were a lot of reasons, in the beginning. Before I ever got thrown in that damn hole and saw you there, strong as hell, defiant as a windstorm. Then the old reasons stopped mattering.”
“So what’s the new reason?”
Bucky took a step, the most hesitant, tentative step Tony had ever seen, tilted his head, inhaled--
Tony met him halfway, already sensing in his bones what was about to happen and wanting it more than anything.
Tony’s hand came up and found its way into that tangle of rich, dark hair, pulled Bucky’s head down. Bucky opened his mouth, caught Tony’s bottom lip in his teeth and tugged, then licked at it until Tony thought he might actively die from the sensation. Bucky whimpered, pulled them closer.
Tony rewarded that beautiful little sound by opening to the kiss, shifting against Bucky to test his mouth, taste him.
When Bucky pulled back, his eyes were wide, dark. “I don’t… I don’t know what it is,” he said. “I ain’t… felt anything like it before.”
“Let’s find out, shall we?”
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amazonite-dreams · 7 years
Carols Book Babbles HP: Grand Theft Hippogriff!
sIf Im honest I often forget about POA. I know its weird now thinking of all the plot points that are opened up by the end of the book but honestly it slips my mind more often than not. And I think the reason why is because this is my least favorite of the books. The plot just sort of meanders around aimlessly, and there’s no real mystery or villain outside of this escaped prisoner. I love Serious Black don’t get me wrong (seriously-please-don’t-kill-me-he-is-one-of-my-favorites) but he’s pretty weak as a villain and a plot devise. I know this one has its defenders and their free to have their opinion, I just find it less engaging for me versus other books in the series. Ended up getting pretty distracted while reading this one, and as a result its probably going to be shorter. Sorry (I say to exactly no one, none of you seem to be reading these) 
1.     Blow up aunt Marge sounds like the least satisfying sex doll.
2.     Exploring Diagon Ally reminds me of fond memories exploring church Street in Burlington, and I’m all for that. Reading a magical book outside an ice-cream parlor is my idea of a good time.
3.     Real world question: How do you get abusive parents to sign permission slips?
4.     I love Harry! “Another dark wizard is after me? Meh sounds like a normal day.”
5.     Crookshanks is not amused by your rat or your slow moving plot structure and wants to have it out RIGHT NOW! Honestly though the cats dragging the plot along like a reluctant half-dead rabbit. Goooood kitty!
6.     Lupins just the best though isn’t he? First lesson he validates Nevil, lets the students fight their own battles, rewards Hermione for her knowledge rather than shaming her, he’s just great! (I-low-key-want-to-make-him-a-bunch-of-flower-crowns-dont-judge-me)
7.     Snape you go too far this time, nobody makes fun of Hermione outside her house, nobody!
8.     Harry hearing his mothers screams and dying pleads for his life while having his soul sucked out of him is not the worst thing I've ever heard of. It's close though.
9.     Young serious black riding a flying motorcycle like the rebel wizard without a cause. lol probably even had leather wizarding robes
10.  All things aside the Quidditch is pretty cool this year.
11.  I'm certain there should be some organization for the purposes of preventing werewolf discrimination. I mean it's a disease, isn't it? A disability just like having partial paralysis or migraines or heart problems? Just because one has a disability doesn't mean that they can't live full lives and have fulfilling careers in whatever they are capable of. And Lupin was a very capable professor so wtf! Discrimination I say!  Where's the legislation?! Where's the convention on the rights of lycanthropic peoples?
12.  Let's raise a glass to Hermiones work ethic and a brief séance for her sleep schedule the homework alone Jesus. (I say unaware that they address that later in the book, #solidlyplacingfootinmouth)
13.     Is it just me or does the dementors kiss sound like a lobotomy?
14.     My least favorite plot lines are when people get into stupid fights and end up not talking for half a year. One disagreement and suddenly all your favorites are acting petty and out of character! Its stupid, this is so stupid! Why are they being so mean to Hermione! It makes so little sense! This happens later in the series and while I still dislike it there at least it makes a little more sense where as this is just nonsense. Be mad at her for a week, but a WHOLE HALF A YEAR?! OVER A STUPID BROOMSTICK THAT COULD HAVE KILLED YOU AND A RAT THAT DIDN’T DO SHIT FOR YOU!?!?!?! “Im sorry Harry, did you hear something?” STFU RON! That’s not how friends work! uuuuughlajkdsghLakhfdqurbrkjabfvlsdfbxlcvsmnxcbeuiwobchbasd!!!!!!!! #leastFav
15.     Draco is still a snot nosed kid and I like it better when he gets punched in the face. #hermioneshotfirst
16.     SERIOUS MOODY-PANTS ANGSTY POTTER-BLACK! Will you stop talking in emo revenge riddles and tell them straight out you mean no harm!
17.     ***Good for you lupin! You get a flower crown, a juice box and a pat on the head. Now head back to your classroom and stay out of trouble my lovely little lycanthrope!***
18.     There are no accidents in Harry Potter!
whoo I made it considerably longer than it was. why? Because I suffer for no one! Seriously though I had to sparknotes that shit because I slept through half the plot. The next one is a long standing favorite of mine though so we should be in for a treat (and I'm finally getting more comfortable with the format.) This one was a little more crack than I had anticipated but I'm ok with it, are you? Join me next time for..
HP: A Cup of Flaming Pisssssss
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hi let me answer 400 fucking questions
1. Name: Jace 2. Nickname(s): i dont have any 3. Birthday: June 1 4. That makes you (age): im almost 15 5. Where were you born (city): Vancouver 6. Location right now (planet ): in my house 7. Shoe size: uh like 8 womens 8. How many piercings?: two, almost pierced my septum 9. Tattoos?: no 10. When you wake up you're: tired and sad 11. When you're about to sleep you're: tired and sad 12. Zodiac sign: gemini 13. Chinese sign: monkey i think 14. Righty or Lefty: righty 15. Innie or Outie: innie 16. School: no Section Two: Looks 17. Nationality: im really white 18. Hair colour: like dirty blonde 20. Weight: idk like 140lbs 21. Height: 5′10 i think 22. Braces? no 23. Glasses? no Section Three: Private Life 24. Do you have a boy/girlfriend?: yeah 25. If so, who?: uh someone who was not interested in me at all for 7 months  26. If not, do you have a crush on someone?: i mean 27. Who has a crush on you?: i mean  28. Ever cheated on your bf/gf?: no that shit is disgusting dont talk to me if you do that  29. Who was your first kiss: someone that i no longer talk to. dont regret it being them though 30. Who was your last kiss: my bf  31. Are you a virgin?: uh  32. Ever had a threesome before?: no  33. NQ- Every been swarmed by ladybugs?: no whattheufkc 34. Have you ever been in love?: yes  35. Broken any hearts?: most likely  36. Got your heart broken?: well i broke up with someone idk if that counts as having my heart broken but i was devastated but i had to do it sooo idk   37. Ever liked a friend? yes ive only really liked 2 people and theyve been my friends because i cant trust people 38. What happened? they have liked me back at some point Section Four: Past Relationships 39. How many relationships have you been in?: two 40. How many were serious enough to count: two? 41. Who were those serious ones: first kiss, my bf 42. NQ- Who used to be your best friend: uhhhhh ig first kiss 43. What made them different: i really liked their personality and the way they presented/ i was head over heels for them for like idk 3 years 44. What happened: i wasnt mature enough to handle myself 45. Best boy/girlfriend: my fucking GIRLS taylor and claire 46. Worst boy/girlfriend: someone i recently cut off contact with  47. Ever been kissed: yes 48. Who do you want back: uhgdjgkjdfhgkjd goodbye 49. Who do you regret: no one, i think all experiences are good and if i regret someone i would hace never gotten those Experience Points 50. Why?: n/a Section Five: Favourites 51. Song: shit uhhhh like or like like by miniature tigers?? or falling for you by mxmtoom and peachy?? or cherub rock by the smashing pumpkins idk my taste is wack 52. Movie: as you are but i shared it with the person i recently cut off contact with so uh 53. Food: bro. pickles. i even drink the pickle juice when im done with the pickles. 54. Drink: orange crush man 55. Store: shopping stresses me out 56. Television show: uh black mirror? 57. Holiday: hallo fucking ween 58. Book: words on bathroom walls i think 59. Ice cream: cookie dough 60. Sweets: m&m’s 61. Crisps:  wjat 62. Type of music: i listen to a lot? i listen to electronic, indie, alternative, rock, those sad boy hour songs really whatever i have like three different playlists for my tastes 63. Artist: really into teen suicide rn 64. Word: uh 65. Time of day: 1 am outside watching the stars 66. Dressing: like. salad dressing or clothes 67. Alcoholic drink:  i dont drink anymore tryna stay away from that so i dont revert 68. Colour(s): i love blue 69. Piece of clothing: my fidlar hoodie that concert was wild i got punched in the head 70. Character: DELSIN ROWE  71. Smell: campfire 72. Shampoo: idk i use whatever is in the shower 73. Soap: i use whatever 74. Smiley:  idk 75. Board game: definitely monopoly i live out the fantasy of being rich 76. Sport: i dont care 77. Number: i still dont care 78. Quote: idk  79. Animal: still a wolf shut up meanies >::((((( 80. Actor: idc 82. Vegetable: broccoli ofc 83. Fruit: oranges  84. Place to be: on the hill 85. Thing in your room: my guitar and my ukulele my fuckibng babies dont touch them 86. Gum: uh 87. Shape: uh> 88. Country: uh? 89. Mall: i hate malls 90. Car: idc wow im boring 91. Boy's name: br idk  92. Girl's name: idk 93. Family member: my sister sh 94. Restaurant: pepper lunch is kind of the shit 95. Movie place: we literally only have one movie theatre 96. Person to go to the movies with: my friends 97. Noise: idk 98. Brand of shoe: vans theyre comfy 99. Brand of clothing: idk 100. Body part of a chicken: the gobble part the fuck is that called 101. Swear word: uh? fuck? 102. Month: october 103. Possession: ukulele and guitar again 104. Team: ? 105. Season: winter it’s cold and people can’t bully me for being pale 106. Radio station: who listens to the radio 107. Magazine: who reads magazines 108. Favourite grade: none they were all stressful 109. Least favourite grade: grade 1 110. Teacher: mme martin 111. Least favourite teacher: mme leclerc 112. Subject: band 113. Subject to talk about: music Section Six: Family 114. Who's your mum?: my mom 115. Who's your dad?: my dad 116. Any step-parents?: no 117. Any brothers?: yes 118. Any Sisters?: yes 120. Coolest: brother/sister 121. Loudest: my parents fuck 122. Best relative: uh 123. Worse relative: someone who hit on my sister 124. Do you get along with your parents? sometimes 125. With your siblings? yes 126. Does anyone understand you? lmao ugh no one understands me;((((( 127. Do you have any pets?:  yes 128. If so, what kind and name? dog, cat, rosie, thea 129. If not, what do you want as a pet?: i want a snake so bad Section Seven: School 131. Are you still in school? yes 132. Did you drop out?: yes 133. Your current GPA: idk what that is 134. Do you buy or bring lunch?: both, sometimes we cant afford anything so like i just dont eat 135. ABC's?: what 136. Favorite class: band 137. Play any sports at school?: no 138. Are you popular? HAHA no 139. Favourite memory: uh when i failed three classes i loved that :) 140. Most humiliating moment: idk 141. Most funniest moment: bro idk 142. Most scared moment: when i thought my school was gonna be shot up lmfao Section Eight: What do you think of when you hear 145. Chicken: bacawk 146. Dog: bark 147. Christina Aguilera: oUOouIA 148. Ricky Martin: who 149. 50 cent: bottle full of bub 150. Poop: uh 151. Beach: woosh 152. Desert: the sound of sand? 153. Water: woosh 154. Osama: oh  155. Love: the sound of when you are holding your breath and then you exhale because they left but you didnt realize you were holding your breath 156. Your little brother: i  157. Butt: what 158. Clowns: get that shit away 159. Wonder: wahtr 16o. Brown: brrpoqn 161. Banana: peeling noise 162. Sex: moaning?? 163. Parents: yelling 164. Homosexuals: what 165. God: nothing Section Nine: Do you believe in 166. God: idk not really 167. Heaven: idk 168. Devil: idk 169. Hell: idk 170: Boogy man: no 171. Closet Monsters: no but im always paranoid someone is in my closet 172. Fortune tellings: no 173. Magic:  idk 174. Love at first sight: idk 175. Ghosts: yes 176. Voo-doo dolls: no? 177. Reincarnation: maybe 178. Yourself: no Section Ten: Do you 179. Smoke: not cigs, i’ll vape but i dont have one of my own, and if you got weed and want me to smoke it with you sure 180. Do drugs: weed? 181. Drink alcohol: not anymore 182. Cuss: yeah 183. Sing in the shower: yeah 184. Like school: no 185. Want to get married: yeah 186. Type with all of your fingers: on the computer not really only my middle and index finger 187. Think you're attractive: not really 188. Drink and drive: no ive had some horrible experiences 189. Snore: i dont think so 190. Sleep walk: used to 191. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: yes omg  Section Eleven: Have you ever 192. Flashed someone: no 193. Gotten so drunk til you threw up everywhere: haha yeah 194. Told that person how you felt: yeah 195. Been arrested: n o 196. Gone to jail or juve: no 197. Skateboarded: yes im so fucking bad at it though 198. Skinny dipped: no 199. Rock climbed: yes 200. Killed someone: no 201. Watched porn: yes 202. Gone on a road trip: yes 203. Went out of the country: yes 204. Talked back to an adult: yes 205. Broken a law: yes 206. Got pulled over: no i cant drive 208: Cried to get out of trouble: no 209. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yeah  210. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: no 211. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: no 212. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: yeah 213. Moon someone: no 214. Shop-lifted: no 215. Worked at McDonald's: no 216. Eaten a dog: no 217. Give money to a homeless person: yeah 218. Glued your hand to yourself:  no 219. Kissed someone of the same sex: yeah 220. Had a one night stand: no 221. Smoked: not cigs 222. Done drugs: weed 223. Lose a friend because of your ex: i dont think so? 224. Slap someone for being stupid: lightly 225. Had cyber sex: no 226. Wish you were the opposite sex: at one point in my life i wanted to die because of it 227. Caught someone doing something: yeah 228. Played a game that removes clothing: no 229. Cried during a movie: yeah 230. Cried over someone: yeah 231. Wanted to hook up with a friend: no 232. Hooked up with someone you barely met: no 233. Ran away from home: yeah 234. Cheated on a test: yeah Section Twelve: Would you 235. Bungee jump: yes pls 236. Sky dive: yes 237. Swim with dolphins: yes 238. Steal a friend's bf or gf: no 239. Try to be the opposite sex: oh 240. Lie to the police: no 241. Run from the police: idk depends on the situation probably not 242. Lie to your parents:yeah 243. Backstab a friend for your own well being: no ew 244. Be an exotic dancer: no 245. NQ- Kill the president: dont have a president Section Thirteen: Are you 246. Shy: not shy 247. Loud: no 248. Nice: i think? im also kind of an asshole 249: Outgoing: not outgoing 250: Quiet: kind of 251. Mean: sometimes 252. Emotional: yeah? 253. Sensitive: no 254. Gay: no 255. Strong: uh idk 256. Weak: not physically 257. Caring: yes 258. Dangerous: no 259. Crazy: no 260. Spontaneous: no? 261. Funny: ive been told 262. Sweet: idk 263. Sharing: yeah 264. Responsible: yeah 265. Trustworthy: yeah 266. Open-minded: yeah 267. Creative: i guess 268. Cute: uh no 269. Slick: idk 270. Smart: no 271. Dumb: no 272. Evil: no 273. Ghetto: no 274. Classy:  no 275. Photogenic: sometimes 276. Dependable: yeah ive made some mistakes though 277. Greedy: no 278. Ugly: no? 279. Messy: kinda 280. Neat: kinda 281. Perverted: uh well im not asexual 282. Silly: what 283. A B****: sure 284. A Good Listener: yeah 285. A Fighter: yeah 286. A Party Animal: no 287. A Game Freak: i like games 288. A Computer Freak: no Section Fourteen: Future 289. Dream job: musician 290. Dream house: fuck idk 291. Husband/Wife: someone i love 292. Kids: like 2 293. Names: , 294. Pets: doberman pls 295. Car: idk 296. Age you would want to get married: like 30 297. Best Man/Bride's Maid: idk 298. Honeymoon: idk Section Fifteen: Your friends 299. Best friends: taylor, claire 300. Known the longest: taylor 301. Craziest: taylor 302. Loudest: claire 303. Shyest: taylor 304. Best hair: i love them all 305. Best eyes: taylor has like multicoloured eyes 306. Best body: bro no 307. Most Athletic: claire 308. Hot-Tempered: both 309. Most impatient: idk 310. Shortest: taylor 311. Tallest: claire 312. Skinniest: uh skinnier is taylor shes smaller in general 313. Best singer: idk neither of them sing 314. Funniest: both 315. Can always make you laugh: both 316. Wish you talked to more: i have like 3 friends so keira 317. Wish you saw more: keira 318. Who drives you insane after a while: claire 319. Who you can stay around forever and never get sick of: taylor 320. Ever lose a friend because you took it to the 'next level': no 321. Whose always been there when you need them: taylor and claire 322. Who is like your family: taylor and claire 323. How many friends do you have?: 4 324. How many are really close? 2 Section Sixteen: The last 325. Thing you ate: burger 326. Thing you drank: water 327. Thing you wore: im in shorts and a hoodie right now? 328. Thing you did:  dog walk 329. Place you went: dog park 330. Thing you got pierced or tattooed: my ears 331. Person you saw: my mom 332. Person you hugged: my mom  333. Person you kissed: my bf 334. NQ- Person you beat to a juicy pulp: idk but id like to beat some people to a juicy pulp 335. Person you talked to online: this bitch thunder that is annoying we dont talk anymore shut the fuck up bro 336. Person you talked to on the phone: my call log says my mom 337. Song you heard: beach walk by whitewoods 338. Show you saw: like concert? fidlar 339. Time you fought with your parents: idk like today 340. Time you fought with a friend: idk 341. Words you said: “yeah”  Section Seventeen: Now 343. What are you eating: burger 344. What are you drinking: water 345. What are you thinking: miss 346. What are you wearing: shorts and a hoodie 347. What are you doing: writing this 349. Hair: messy? im sick 350. Mood: gross 351. Listening to:  nothing 352. Talking to anyone: no 353. Watching anything: mr nightmare Section Eighteen: Yes or No 354. Are you a vegetarian: no 355. Are you a carnivore: no 356. Are you heterosexual: no 357. Do you like penguins: yes 358. Do you write poetry: sometimes? i dont share it 359. Do you see stupid people: yes 360. You + Me: uh 361. Do you like the Osbournes: never really watched it 362. Can you see flying pigs: egrhf 363. Do you sleep with stuffed animals on your bed: no 364. Are you from Afghanistan: no 365. Is Christina Aguilera ugly: no  366. Are you a zombie: no 367. Am i annoying you: yes 368. Do you bite your nails: yes 369. Can you cross your eyes: yes 370. Do you make your bed in the morning: no 371. Have you touched someone's private part: yes why would you word it like private part Section Nineteen: This or That 372. Winter or Summer: winter 373. Spring or Autumn: autumn im quirky hahahahahahha 374. Shakira or Britney: neither 375. MTV or VH1: neither 376. Black or White: mix of both is good 377. Yellow or Pink: pink 378. Football or Basketball: basketball 379. Mobile Phone or Pager: mobile phone 380. Pen or Pencil: pencil i feel safer 381. Cold or Hot: cold it’s easier to warm up than to cool down 382. Tattoos or Piercings: piercings but i want a small tattoo 383. Inside or Outside: uh both 384. Weed or Alcohol: weed 385. Coke or Pepsi: coke 386. Tape or Glue: tape 387. McDonald's or In-n-Out: mcdonalds Section Twenty: Opinions 388. What do you think about classical music: love it! 389. About boy bands: sure! 390. About suicide: i dont think people understand that someone who is suicidal, their perception is collapsed. even though they subconsciously know they have other options, they believe with every bit of them that is their one and only choice.  391. About people who try to force their opinions on you: choke  392. About teen pregnancy: make sure you can handle the child and have support. if not, get an abortion or put it up for adoption. seriously. only keep it if it’s something you want, not because you were being shamed. 393. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: on hastings shooting up heroin idk  394. Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: taylor 395. About gay men: love yall Section Twenty-One: 396. Do you have a website: no 397. Current weather right now: uh cloudy 398. Current time:  8:15 pm 399. Any shout outs: no one follows me 400. Last thoughts: fuck, 
0 notes
theliterateape · 5 years
A Surly Serbian Marie Kondo Broke My Shit
By Don Hall
As the movers opened up the double doors on the side of the giant eighteen-wheel truck and three boxes started to tumble out from the top of a chaotic and crushing stack, I figured it was good that Matthew was still offsite and Dana and Kelli were running to the bank to grab an additional tip for these guys.
Three months ago, Dana and I did our own version of Marie Kondo culling in preparation for our move to Las Vegas. We sold furniture we decided was probably past its prime, took boxes and boxes of clothing we no longer wore or wanted, unloaded used books to Uncharted Books. Contrary to the getting rid of things that no longer sparked joy, this was far more pragmatic. We were moving two thousand miles away and had the opportunity to slim down our footprint, so we did. Most of it was easy.
That hybrid elliptical machine the size of half my Prius? Impractical to load it up and cart it halfway across the country — and where would I put it if it came? The clunky coffee table I got from a closed down elementary school auction? Gone. The rolling rocker I bought from Joe for $25 a decade ago and that Dana hated? No sweat.
All told, we sold, gave away, or dropped in the alley, about a third of our worldly possessions, which made the things we kept more meaningful. We put thought into everything we decided to pack. Some of it was sentimental, some was practical. Everything was intentional.
Things To Know When Moving Across Country:
An empty house grows in size in your perspective when you have a limited amount of time in it.
Your stuff will be handled by local movers loading it into a truck to take to a warehouse. It will be handled by the workers in the warehouse moving it to the cross-country truck. It will be handled by the movers driving it across the expanse and dumped into your new home. None of these workers gives a shit about your bobblehead that Joe had made for you for your birthday with your head on a Superman body.
You will pack more clothes than you ever wear or have room for.
The night before the truck came with our stuff, we all decided that one person would be the point guard for them. I was the person designated to tell them where to put things. Thus, I was the one person witness to the cascading avalanche of boxes and furniture that, perhaps in Chicago had been stacked safely, in the two thousand-mile trip had become an almost criminal disregard for anything remotely labeled as “fragile.”
Yes, the furniture was wrapped in moving blankets and taped to the gills, but as the guys tore through the covering, chair legs were snapped (“Uhm. I broke that chair,” one dude mumbled) and boxes unceremoniously dropped with a thud on the concrete driveway. I couldn’t tell where things went because they were often so blanketed that it was hard to figure out what it was except for vague shapes.
To be fair, these were nice, hardworking guys. Pleasant but perfunctory. Doing their job. I went over to the crew chief, a large, smiling Serbian cat with a five o’clock shadow and a pot belly. “Wow,” I said. “Looks like a lot of stuff got damaged in transit.”
He got very serious, as if he had been approached with the same thought a million times before and wasn’t looking to have some faux activist pull out a camera phone and record him. “A move like this will come with about 10 percent damage. Anything damaged should be documented and the company will compensate you for it.”
I smiled a dark grin. “Just take a picture of it and send it along with a bill? What’re the odds we’ll get any money for it?” He pauses, thinking about his answer but I know the odds. “I mean, shit in one hand, wish in the other and see which fills up first?”
He laughed in surprise but didn’t answer.
Ten percent.
As if a low-grade Thanos snapped his finger and a tenth of everything I own disappeared into the MCU mythology.
More Things To Know When Moving Cross Country:
If it isn’t in a box and it’s not furniture, they’re going to toss it in a big box randomly. This will guarantee a bit of destruction of your property.
Tubs are great but make sure they are strong tubs because the weaker ones crack and shit just spills out.
If you have something in your home that is irreplaceable, take it yourself.
To provide indisputable proof that life is chaos and there is no justice in the world, Matthew’s four boxes filled with nothing more than more empty boxes made it unscathed. As we continue to unbox the sum totals of our lives in Chicago to fully populate our space in Las Vegas, the gravity of what is here that was there accumulates. The tiny black holes of what has been lost or broken creates a unique kind of magnetism that pulls at the parts of me I didn’t anticipate.
The broken and now useless cutting board signals the memories of a hundred meals that are long since eaten and the comradely of those brief culinary delights: the house warming party at 1944 Division; the first white chili I made for Dana; the night Tanner and his wife came over for dinner shortly after DMJ started working at Uncharted Books. The missing digital scale, while easily replaceable, still contains the days and weeks and months of focused training and weight loss that accompanied a chunk of my forties.
So much of it, however, underscores the finality of the move and the fleeting nature of stuff we hoard throughout our days. I’m reminded of the slow build to the ending of the original Chuck Heston Planet of the Apes when they discover the items in the cave including the plastic talking baby doll. Those things meant something to someone but the someone was long since erased, leaving the stuff. In a Pixar world, that stuff contains memories of its own, but we don’t live in a Pixar world.
Marie Kondo is a reaction to our need to pare down, prune our excesses, live a less materialistic life. The nameless, faceless movers simply are that need and remove choice in the equation.
On the other hand, every off-strip casino here gives you a free deck of cards for signing up for their loyalty programs so I can fill the void left by the movers with that shit, right?
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women question thingy cuz im bored
GENERAL WOMANHOOD: 1. Do you like the color pink? nnnot really? pastel pink is kinda cool i guess 2. Did you play with Barbie dolls as a child? ye 3. How easily do you cry? not very? but more so now than before 4. What food do you eat the most of when you’re sad? i eat whatever tbh i dont sad eat? 5. How often do you experience boob sweat? whenever i sweat zz 6. How moody are you when you are you are on your period? doesnt really matter? idk 7. Have you ever thought you were pregnant because your period was late? binch i dont even get a text back i cant have sex HAHAHA 8. Have you ever been on the pill? no, but like my periods are so fucking bizarre so idk but ??? 9. Would you ever want to have children someday? tbh idk i guess but im still too young to decide lol 10. Have you ever given birth? If not, would you ever want to? no, and idk yet :v 11. How good of a cook do you consider yourself? a little above average because i just throw food in without recipes and stuff but my mother is a wizard 12. What is your favorite thing to cook? egg.. ngl its just crack dat bitch and cook it its easy af HAHA  13. Can you sew? ye i guess but not actual clothes 14. Do you consider yourself a feminist? i think so, but like i’m not “active” and also wtf is wrong with “feminists” that want death to men like seriously you’re also part of the problem yall crazy 15. How do you define “girl power?” power specifically for girls, may it be over their body or themselves?? 16. Have you ever wished you were born a male? a little but only cuz that one time i think i was gay for a friend and it would be much easier to come to terms with it, speaking of which i dont even know my sexuality but i dont really care LOL 17. Breastfeeding or formula? breastfeeding  18. What is your opinion of equal pay? its important!! but then if we’re not looking at gender its unfair if someone who does jackshit gets the same pay as someone working their literal ass off. instead of adjusting based on gender why not adjust it based on work done? if you slack off u get a pay cut if u work hard you get a raise? 19. Are you pro-life or pro-choice? ah shit uh, i think i’m both??? (that makes no sense) like i know i have no right to force someone to do something but at least maybe i’d like to talk to them about it? a life is a life /shrugs/ but ultimately it is not my choice to make if it’s not my situation, all i can do is to maybe let someone understand the morality behind say abortion. HOWEVER!!! i think birth control for period management because of certain conditions is good and this shouldn’t be taken away from people who need it!! I’m just so !!! at women getting refused treatment for a spontaneous abortion or whatever because its an abortion, but the body rejected the foetus all on its own!! she has a right to healthcare!! (i saw this on a documentary on abortion in the ph iirc and like refusing someone treatment because its not moral to “fully abort” a foetus, even though it’s already aborted by the BODY ITSELF and not by other MEANS is literally not caring for the person who needs the HELP?!?!!?? its more immoral to refuse healthcare to her than to give her healthcare to abort the foetus because the body aborted it by itself it is spontaneous sometimes it happens okay?????) 20. Have you ever experienced any sexism? If so, please explain. i dont think so tbh 21. What is one thing about women you think most men don’t know? not everyone wants your dick in their vagina shut the fuck up HAHA 22. Complete this phrase: I’m so glad I’m a woman because______. i’m not burdened by society rules about hugging my friends and make up? i have no idea tbh i’m just eh about everything am i even a woman HAHAHA
LIFE EXPERIENCES: 23. Have you ever been a Girl Scout? no 24. Have you ever been a ballerina? noo 25. Have you ever been a cheerleader? no 26. Were you ever voted as a homecoming or prom queen? can we eat prom? 27. Have you ever hosted a sleepover? yeah i guess but its just because my friends dont wanna walk one block home its great HAHA 28. Do you belong to a sorority? we dont have those things in here 29. Have you ever kept a diary or a journal? i used to keep a diary when i was a kid now i just want a bujo but where s my shit 30. American ladies: did you vote for Hillary Clinton? not american PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: 31. What is the longest your hair has ever been? a v-cut where the longest was at my asscrack 32. Have you ever cut your hair super short? shaved it for hair for hope uvu 33. What hairstyle do you wear the most? either down with a side parting or up/half-up in a hairstick, at home just an ugly ass bun. like my hair is nice but the style is meh 34. Have you ever dyed your hair? no, im afraid of spoiling it 35. What is the heaviest you have ever weighed? now im always heavy lmao  36. How muscular are you? i have some muscle in my calves and the top of my arms but im 90% fat so 37. Are your ears pierced? one on each lobe 38. Do you have any piercings anywhere besides your ears? nah 39. Do you have any tattoos? If so, of what and where? noo 40. How often do you wear lipstick or lipgloss? almost never, if i wear makeup i still forget about it LOL 41. How often do you paint your nails? rarely 42. Have you ever worn any fake eyelashes or fake nails? yes at both but fake nails dont survive  43. How often do you shave/wax your legs? i never did  44. How white are your teeth? eh not very but its not stained v badly i guess 45. What do you think is your best physical feature? my softness? 46. What do you think is your worst physical feature? fats HAHA 47. Do you have a “look” (i.e. a mad/annoyed/upset stare)? blur face 48. How good are you at communicating through facial expressions? i dont i just make potato faces FASHION STYLE: 49. What is your favorite fashion brand? prolly iora or lalu or something i think they have korean-ish/school-girl ish aesthetic  50. Do you wear skirts and dresses at all? If so, how often? ye, not v often because school is anal about it :) 51. What is your dress size? dunno but i think im like a L-XL depending on cut? 52. Do you wear any high heels or stilettos at all? If so, how often? no, dont own any 53. Have you ever worn high heels casually? no? not really nah 54. How often do you wear a bra? only in public or when non-family members are in the house 55. Does it matter if your bra and panties match or not? i alternate between only 2 bras i dont care 56. Which are you more likely to go without: a bra or panties? i forgot to wear a bra like 3 times in my life two of which i already had noticecable boobs 57. How much of your underwear is white? i have a few now? 58. Have you ever worn a skirt or a dress without any panties underneath? yo wtf dont get ur vag juices everywhere omg also everything is dirty dont do that 59. What is the shortest length of skirts and dresses you are comfortable wearing? if i fold the butt part to wrap my butt and it manages to cover my entire butt i guess but only if i have safety shorts 60. How expensive was your prom dress? shit idr 61. What clothing item do you own the most of (if shirts, be specific to what kind)? t-shirts (but not anymore-) 62. How much jewelry do you typically wear? a pair of earrings, used to have a necklace but i havent got a new chain yet 63. How much makeup do you typically wear? either full face or none, twice before concealer + eyeliner thats it 64. Do you like eyeshadow? THAT SHITE BOMB 65. Do you carry a purse? i prefer a bigger bag because i bring way too much shit 66. What is your preferred way to carry a purse: In your hand, on your elbow, or on your elbow? slung on my shoulder 67. How big is your closet? not very 68. Have you ever looked through your closet an thought “I have nothing to wear”? YES WTF BC I LOOK LIKE A HOBO (also i literally keep running out of shirts nowadays) 69. Have you ever worn the same outfit more than once? ya what do u think i am a diva? HAHA 70. One-piece swimsuits or bikinis? t-shirt and shorts 71. Have you ever worn a mismatched bikini? i never put my body into a bikini 72. Do you like tube and halter tops fat arms man :v 73. Do you like crop tops? they look aesthetic af but just not on me HAHAHAH 74. Are you comfortable showing off a little cleavage? ye i guess WEDDING CRAZE: 75. Have you ever been a bridesmaid? no but i’ve been flower girl multiple times 76. Would you ever want to get married? i guess 77. For how long have you thought about your wedding? i dont even have a crush rn so i never even thought of it 78. How much of your wedding do you already have planned out? -100% 79. Indoor or outdoor wedding? church wedding preferable in an airconditioned one imean- HAHAHA 80. Would you want to have a lot of bridesmaids or just a couple? i dont have a lot of friends DATING & RELATIONSHIPS: 81. What is your current relationship status? single as a pringle never gonna mingle 82. Do you consider yourself a hopeless romantic? no 83. Are you a virgin? If not, which gender did you lose your virginity to? yes 84. What personality trait are you most attracted to? shit uh, (judging on my 2d biases) cheerful puppy type? 85. Have you ever been on a blind date? no 86. Has anyone ever tried to set you up on a date? noo 87. Do you kiss on a first date? no  88. How often do guys hit on you? never HAHA 89. Have you ever kissed another woman? If so, did you like it? shIt ya and ya, go away 90. Have you ever dated another woman? i almost did? 91. Is sex before marriage wrong? IT’S AGAINST THE MORAL ORDER!!! according to my religion but also even if it’s not religion its good to only give yourself to another after marriage uvu. but idk 92. After how long would you start to consider a relationship to be serious? i dont know maybe a year? LOL idek if someone can stand being with my after 2 weeks 93. Would you rather your lover give you chocolate or flowers? steak.. or like meat or like good food ENTERTAINMENT: 94. What celebrity do you most admire? i dont- know-? 95. Do you like romantic comedies? Any favorites? eh dont think so 96. Do you have a favorite romantic movie? no 97. Who is your favorite Disney princess? mulan? MERIDA? idk 98. What is your favorite Disney song? shit idk 99. Do you watch The Bachelor or The Bachelorette? whats that 100. Have you ever watched Sex & The City? no 101. Have you ever watched any shows such as Project Runway or America’s Next Top Model? yeah but like random episodes on the tv with my mom, i rather watch masterchef junior but not with the newer seasons cuz my bro said the way they made it is like poo 102. Do you read romantic novels? If so, do you have any recommendations? im like -100% romantic please stop 103. Beyonce or Taylor Swift? beyonce maybe 104. Oprah Winfrey or Ellen DeGeneres? ellen? idk  A PILE OF RANDOMNESS: 105. Are you named after anyone? Dionne Warwick (not celine dion stop this shit i will fight you) 106. How many male friends do you have? nnnot many? i’m close to steffy tho yes bless uvu  107. Have you ever called your female friends your girlfriends? i can barely type “i love you” i cannot with cheesy shit so hazukashit 108. Have you ever called a non-lover a term such as honey, dear, babe, or darling? ye i call friendos bebe or something but only through text because im shy LOL 109. Have you ever dotted your I’s with a heart or a smiley face? hearts, i stopped bc a teacher was like “lol” in front of the entire class thanks 110. How many items do you own that are of a floral print design? idk but floral prints are nice 111. Name five things you always have in your purse. (not including phone and wallet) lipbalm (that i never use), axe oil (running out), vicks, tigerbalm (why do i have 2), blotting paper (also dont really use) 112. Have you ever lost anything inside your purse? my sanity jk idk 113. Have you ever carried a spare pair of underwear with you in your purse? only pads 114. What is the most amount of money you’ve ever spent in one single shopping trip? idk $60 maybe idk weep i spend it all online 115. Do you consider shopping a sport? no wtf but walking around a lot is a pain so i guess it could be 116. Have you ever used your cleavage or a bra as a purse? i use a bad stop with the purse i carry too much shit 117. Coffee or tea? tea 118. Can you do the splits? i will only split my pants and muscles open so no 119. Do you do any yoga? no 120. Have you ever been told that to have cute handwriting? yea but i think it’s messy and ugly and changes too often 121. How well can you write in cursive? look at 120 122. Have you ever successfully been on a diet? no fuck that 123. Do you or have you ever belonged to a book club? no 124. Have you ever talked yourself out of a driving ticket by using your looks? no lmao i dont even drive 125. Have you ever drank a non-alcoholic beverage out of a wine glass? i guess? 126. Showers or baths? showers 127. Have you ever tried using a toilet while standing up? ya its horrible because u dont have a dick to aim 128. Have you ever been considered the mother of your group of friends? ye actually- 129. Do you own any sex toys? no HAHA RATINGS: 130. From 1-10, how feminine do you consider yourself? 6? 131. From 1-10, how much are you like your mother? 7-8 132. From 1-10, how much do you look like your mother? 5 because i smile like her but a lot of people say i look like my dad 133. From 1-10, how much are you like your father? 3 he’s chill im not 134. From 1-10, how polite are you? depends but maybe 7 135. From 1-10, how cute do you consider your laugh? -11 136. From 1-10, how strict are you about manners? 5? 137. From 1-10, how much of a neat freak are you? 6 but my handwriting is shit 138. From 1-10, how much of a hopeless romantic are you? -11 139. From 1- 10, how healthy do you eat? 6? its Meat > veggies > fish (but cuz i dont like how fish is cooked here? i love meat but i need veg to live too but i dont like salads give me roasted veg or stir fry veg or veg soops uvu) 140. From 1-10, how much do you like decorating for holidays?  4?
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