#none of these are my favorites but they're still neat
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I drew these guys separately between February and March 2022, and they ended up being an unintentional series.
So uh... enjoy some videogame boyfriends. Cloud's hair was a nightmare to work with and all my WIPs involving it were hilarious.
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AITA for correcting harmless misinformation?
I'm 20, my friends in this story are in their 30's-50's, genders irrelevant. Occasionally one of them will post something neat they saw on social media (facebook usually) and about half the time it'll be relatively harmlessly, but inaccurately, captioned. Examples include:
- that one picture of river outflow meeting the sea [captioned as "the line where the pacific and atlantic oceans meet"],
-some silly unsourced posts about X holiday being Secretly Wiccan Until The Christians Stole It (it wasn't. lot more complicated and nuanced than that!)
- very well done digital art of "rainbow galaxy visible from earth"
I don't want my friends to be tricked! They're all very smart people, just a little credulous sometimes when they're online (aren't we all?). I try to gently correct the information (ex. "this is actually art by [artist]!") and end it by giving a reason I'm still glad they brought it up (ex: "It's SO well done, though - absolutely gorgeous and really sparks my imagination!").
Thing is, none of the stuff they've posted is, like... particularly harmful misinfo so far? It's just people being Wrong, albeit sometimes intentionally, on the Internet. People are allowed to be Wrong on the internet.
Am I being a buzzkill for not just keeping my mouth shut? Am I letting my urge to be Correct overpower me? Should I just let people enjoy things? I'm scared I'm being rude to my friends, when all they want is to show the groupchat something cool they saw and thought we'd like! I'm not really sure what the social Rules are for something like this, and so I ask the jury:
Am I an asshole, folks?
(if mod's ok with it) please hit me in the comments with your favorite fake social media post. i really like the digitally altered red peacock footage
What are these acronyms?
Okay I was gonna leave mine in the tags--it's the blue watermelon photoshop that resurfaces every so often, claiming to be real and with some esoteric description about its flavor--but then I googled it to make sure I was remembering it right and found this absolute gem of an amazon listing:
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Look at these extremely real and extant fruits that definitely aren't the same image over and over
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trblsvt · 1 year
the regular | jeon wonwoo
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summary | wonwoo couldn't really recommend anything at the bakery he worked at, he couldn't even handle going in a couple days a week. that is until he found his new favorite customer. genre | fluff, bakery!au, college!au warnings | none, i think let me know! word count | 1.6k words pairing | jeon wonwoo x gn!reader min | lowercase intended another request from @i-luvsang making me lose my mind out here....
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dread. that's all wonwoo felt. he was honestly so sick and tired of the smell of baked goods. crazy, right? well, you try and work around all that food and not get sick of it.
sometimes it felt like he had a permeant scowl on his face whenever he clocked in with kihyun, the baker and owner. he wasn't sure why he was always so... displeased when he came to work. it was better than working at the work-study program his college provided and paid better too. yet, wonwoo hated smiling at rude customers when they demand he make them a new sourdough loaf because the one in the case looked "stale."
there was nothing "stale" about the loaf.
it was made that morning. like everything else made in the bakery.
and he wasn't even the baker.
today was no different. he clocked in, greeted the kihyun, swept the floor, took down the chairs, flipped the open sign, and sat down behind the register. he pulled out the book he hid under the counter and rested it in his lap. the sun began to peek over the buildings across from the bakery, and he knew he wouldn't be able to keep the book open for too long.
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the morning rush went by like it usually did. the pleasant regulars looking for their bagels, the rude customers who didn't realize it wasn't a breakfast place with eggs, and the silent ones who never looked up from their phones to greet wonwoo.
"what would you suggest?" asked a young woman. wonwoo glanced between her and the case. "well, i think our sourdough makes great toast and grilled cheese sandwiches," he half-heartedly suggested. it wasn't a lie, but who knows maybe the baker changed the recipe and it tasted different. he wouldn't know, it had been months since he had the sourdough.
to be completely honest, he hadn't tried any of the goods for a while. when he first started working at the bakery, he ate there all the time. it was free and good, so he took advantage of his employee privileges. over time, he grew tired of everything and he couldn't bring it to himself to stomach any of it. that's what he gets for working in food service. "thanks! i'll get that then," she smiled.
"no problem, that'll be five dollars. i'll get that wrapped up for you," he said taking the cash and sliding off his stool to take out a loaf from the case. when he bent over and reached into the clear case he looked around the store through the glass. he liked doing this, it made him feel like a fish in a fishbowl.
then he saw you. he froze still inside the case. you looked around the cozy bake shop with a bag over your shoulder. your eyes scanned the store and then the case. you found wonwoo's eyes and he was snapped away from his trance. he blinked with panic and pulled himself from the case, bumping his head on the edge on his way up. he slipped the loaf into a bag and handed it to the woman. "thank you, i hope you enjoy," he said automatically. she smiled and walked off.
you were next in line.
"hi," he greeted.
"hi, is your head okay?" you asked motioning to the glass case. shit, you noticed. his hand flew up to the back of his head, "yeah, i'm all good. it happens more than you'd think." you giggled and looked around the case. "um, can i have three of those raspberry macarons?" he looked over at the neat stack of macarons and nodded. "that'll be eight dollars," he said and went to pack up the macarons in a small box.
"are those any good?" you asked casually as you pulled out your card to pay.
"um, yeah, i think so," he shrugged.
"think so as in your opinion, or you think so like you can't remember if they're good or not?"
"is both an acceptable answer?" he asked, passing the box over to you after your receipt began to print. you raised an eyebrow at him. "possibly. have a nice day..."
"wonwoo," he finished. "my name is wonwoo."
"wonwoo. have a nice day, wonwoo. i'm ___."
"nice to meet you, ___." with that, you smiled and left, and he addressed the next patron.
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his shift finally ended and he took a quick look at what was left over. some bread he would bring home, a couple cookies, and exactly three raspberry macarons. he stared at the lined-up pastries and reached into the case to try one. it had been weeks, maybe months since he had burned out on baked goods.
raspberry macarons, hm, he never thought someone would go for those.
but when he tried it, he understood. it wasn't too sweet, but it was fresh and it melted in his mouth. maybe you would come back the next day for more.
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"wonwoo, what are you doing here?" kihyun asked wiping his hands on his apron. "i didn't have you scheduled for today."
"oh, well, i, um, i just wanted to help out some," wonwoo offered.
"i'm always grateful for help, but you know thursdays are notoriously slow. shouldn't you be off doing college-kid things?"
"yeah, i guess. i just need some extra cash. did you make anymore raspberry macarons?"
"i did. you ask me that every day. i didn't realize people were actually buying them until a couple weeks ago."
"well, thank my amazing marketing skills," wonwoo jested.
after that day, wonwoo realized you came to the bakery every day like clockwork. he would get your coffee and macarons ready even before you would walk through the door. today, instead of your usual greeting you quizzed him, "what if i decided i didn't want raspberry macarons?"
"oh, do you not want these? i can get you something else. wow, it was silly of me to assume-"
"wonwoo, it was a hypothetical. it's kind of cute that you know my order."
he froze. cute? he was cute. you thought he was cute.
this was another win for the books.
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the last win was when you noticed what he was reading and offered up some of your own recommendations. the two of you even talked about exchanging books at some point. "well, if you run out books to trade what should i do?" he had asked.
"um, well, i can recommend you some of these pastries and you can recommend me books," you shrugged.
"isn't recommending goods my job?"
"not when you haven't even eaten any of the goods for months!"
"well you only eat macarons!"
he hoped he would continue to have wins like that or another win when he actually worked up the nerve to ask you out.
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you also started sitting at one of the small tables in the corner of the bakery to eat your macarons. it was a slow day, so wonwoo came out from behind the counter to chat. "are you sure, i'm not bothering you?" you asked, glancing around the practically empty bakery.
"oh no, it's fine. i like talking to you, it makes my shift more tolerable," he said. wait, he wasn't supposed to say that. not yet at least. "really? you like talking with me?" you giggled.
"yes! i mean, yeah. of course i do. you're funny, and smart, and actually really pretty," he paused. "wait, i don't think i was supposed to say all that to you." you smiled at him and took a sip of your coffee. you glanced out the window.
wonwoo had approximately five seconds to compose himself. he never acted like this, it was so out of character to be so flustered around someone he liked. he felt like he was on the playground in middle school and a girl came up to kiss him on the cheek as a dare. he was blushing for days.
"look, ___, i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable, but ever since you started coming here, i've just wanted to see you again. i've picked up more shifts just so i can talk to you," he admitted, rushed. you looked back at him. he couldn't read the look on your face, but what he wasn't expecting was for you to grab his hand and wrap it in yours. "i'm flattered, wonwoo. to be completely honest, i started coming here every day in hopes of seeing you too," you smiled. god, he could kiss you right now. "wow, oh my god, i've been wanting to tell you this since i met you," he breathed for what felt like the first time in a couple minutes. "can i take you out on a date sometime? soon, preferably."
"yes. give me your phone, i'll put my number in it." he reached into his pocket for his phone when a woman and her daughter entered the bakery. wonwoo shot up, passed you his phone, kissed your cheek quickly, and made his way to the counter. what he didn't see was the look of shock on your face that quickly faded away into a grin as you typed in your phone number. "hi, how may i help you?" wonwoo activated his customer service mode.
"those macarons look good! would you recommend them?" the woman asked.
"yeah, actually i do, especially the raspberry ones," wonwoo grinned, but this time he didn't miss the way a cute smile spread across your face too.
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min | i'm in my delulu era don't mind me guys! i keep having dreams about wonwoo and i just want him to hug me. this isn't proofread yet! leave feedback! reblogs and comments are always appreciated!
tagging: @a-wandering-stay
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A/N: Inspired by The Amazing Digital Circus! Existential dread for everyone!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
WARNING: ANGST, existentialism, panic attacks, anxiety
MC and their favorite companion were battling goblins when it happened. A red barrel chain reaction had debris and enemies flying and the companion was caught in the collision crossfire. They hit a rock at just a weird enough angle that their body started ragdolling out of control. They spun and twisted out of sight and before they could process what was happening, they were falling.
The world above vanished. They landed hard on flat ground, the wind knocked out of them. Upon eventually standing, they found themselves in some sort of corridor. Gridded walls too high to see over opened to darkness above. There was no sight or sound of MC or goblins or trees or birds or....anything.
Tentatively, they called out. Their voice was swallowed by the opressive silence. They tried their wand. Nothing happened. So they walked the seemingly endless blank corridor until they came to an opening.
A massive room filled with statues. Some tall, some short, some human, some not. The companion gets closer, then freezes. These weren't statues. They were people and beasts and objects they recognized, all standing perfectly still in neat little rows like chess pieces.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He's staring into the blank eyes of his own sister. "Anne? What-...where am I? What is this place?" He frantically looks around, he sees teachers and students and shopkeepers and enemies and even his uncle. "Where are my parents?" He dashes through the rows of lifeless assets. "WHERE ARE THEY?" He screams, but no one answers.
He comes to the sudden realization that he's searching for faces he doesn't know. He doesn't know what they look like. He's mentioned his parents, he's missed his parents, he's mourned his parents, HOW COULD HE NOT KNOW WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE??
He falls to the ground in a heap. "They're real. I know they're real. I'm real. They're real. This is some curse. I'm dreaming." He starts hyperventilating. "SOMEONE WAKE ME UP!! PLEASE!!"
OMINIS GAUNT: The sudden silence of his surroundings scares him more than the chaos of battle ever has. "MC? Hello? Where are you?" He tries to guide himself along with his wand but it won't activate. He finds the smooth, glass-like wall and follows it.
He finds the opening and runs face first into what feels like a person. "Oh, thank Merlin. Can you help me? I don't know where I am. I'm blind, you see...hello?" He feels the person's arm. They're stiff and cold like the dead yet standing upright. "What?" He reaches out and finds another person, then another and another. All the same.
The silence in the darkness made his breath feel heavy. Wherever he was, felt wrong. Was he dead? Is this what dying felt like? Was this all there was beyond the world he knew? Was this the fate that awaited everyone or just him? Destined to suffer in spaces unknown with no guide and no familiar presence?
He sat down and curled his knees to his chest. His mind spun with questions as his surroundings felt less and less real. Was he even real?
ANNE SALLOW: She covered her mouth in shock. Slowly, she turned in place to take in all the things she thought she knew were real lifelessly staring back at her. She stared at herself the longest. Her life, her memories, her pain....none of it was real. Her suffering didn't matter. She was a pawn. A plot device.
She keeled over and vomited. She coughed and blinked the tears out of her eye to watch what came out of her started to pixelate and vanish. She stared wide eyed at the ground and started to shake. "I'm...real." her voice weak in the oversized room. "I'm. Real. I AM real." She threw her head up and screamed into the void above. "I'M REAL!" She glared defiantly upward into nothingness. She didn't know who she was shouting to, but she hoped they heard.
IMELDA REYES: Her dreams, her aspirations, her future... There was no life beyond Hogwarts. Everything in this room was all that existed. The world was just an amalgamation to be constructed and deconstructed at will. She wasn't special, she didn't matter, she was just another piece.
She had never bothered to think about it much before, but what mattered to her outside of brooms and racing? Did she have other genuine interests? Did she know who she was?
She laughs. A cold, humorless laugh echoes out of her. Nothing mattered. Nothing ever mattered. What was even the point of this confined existence? Who would want to be stuck in a singular place constantly at war? Who would be mad enough to think this is an existence worth creating? She laughs. Laughs until she cries. Laughs into the endless silence. Laughs and laughs and laughs and laughs and laughs....
NATSAI ONAI: She sees everyone except MC. Where were they? Why weren't they in the crowd? "MC!? MC!! CAN YOU HEAR ME??" With no response, she goes to her mother's asset. Even her own mother wasn't real.
Is this why she could never remember the faces of the bandits who killed her father? She always thought it was a memory blackout from trauma. No...it never happened. Matibililand didn't exist. Her home didn't exist.
She sat at her mother's feet and stared at the ground. Her mind couldn't handle the stress and she disassociated. She was as blank and still as the assets surrounding her.
GARRETH WEASLEY: "This isn't happening. This can't really be happening." He stared at his aunt. Her asset blankly stared back. His aunt wasn't real. The professors weren't real. The students weren't real. The dark wizards weren't real. Was Hogwarts even real? Was he??
"THIS ISN'T REAL! I WON'T FALL FOR YOUR TRICKS!" He shouts at no one. He had to believe that this was some sort of hallucination. He could feel. He could think. He was real. He had to be.
Tears welled up in his eyes and he cried out. "LET ME OUT! DO YOU HEAR ME!? LET ME OUT!! ...please..." He hiccuped and wiped his face. "Please .."
LEANDER PREWETT: He fearfully stayed away from the statued people as if they would come alive at any moment. He was too afraid to call out and hid around the corner. Without his wand, he didn't know what to do. He didn't know where he was or how he got there. He felt truly powerless and vulnerable. He'd never felt so small in his life.
His mind refused to accept that this was happening and refused to process the familiar faces. This had to be some sort of dark wizard trick. This couldn't really be happening. Ironically, he refused to play their game. He walked off into the darkness. The corridors had to lead somewhere eventually.
POPPY SWEETING: The missing person that stood out to her was her gran. The most important person in her life, and yet... Where was she? What did she look like? Oh gods, what did she look like?? She grasped the sides of her head as she thought as hard as she could to remember. Her gran's face and voice and home were a blur.
AMIT THAKKAR: He quietly walked through the rows, stopping in front of himself. He looked within himself. He had been so focused on "studies" that he never really thought about his past. Who was he? Where was he from? Who was his family? What were they like?
He had no past. Down here he had no present. Did he ever have a future? Were the stars he looked up to at night even real? He doesn't know how to react. Mental numbness washes over him. He stares emptily at himself for a, long time.
EVERETT CLOPTON: "What is Merlin's name?" He looked around, utterly confused. The reality of his situation didn't hit him immediately as his Ravenclaw logic took over to try and find a way out. He found some brooms, but none of them worked. They just flopped over like a pile of sticks. No wand he tried using worked. No matter how many times he tried poking or prodding any of the people, nobody moved.
He tried running. He charged down a dark corridor only to eventually end up back in the asset room. He tried another corridor, but it too looped around back to where he was. That is when he started to panic.
"There's no way out!" His breaths came quick and shallow. "There's no way out!! SOMEBODY! ANYBODY! HELP ME!" He felt light headed and stumbled to the ground in front of himself. He looked up from his hands and knees. "WHO ARE YOU!?"
She tried to remember farther back; her parents, her childhood! Nothing... No assets were ever created. They weren't real people. Just a page in her backstory. The trauma, the loneliness, the heartache..... None of it really mattered. She didn't matter.
She stood amongst the assets, crying silently. Wherever she was, she wouldn't be found. None would be looking for her. She didn't really exist.
YOU: Your companion disappeared. Things sometimes get a little glitchy with the companion mod. Looks like you'll have to restart from your last save. No big deal. After all, it's just a game.
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neverchecking · 9 months
NSFW Alphabet- Four
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He's pretty good, all things considered! So, I like to write Four as one solid conscious until he splits, so saying that, like he's smart. He knows what he's doing. He's a little disoriented after he cums, but after a moment he's up and on the move. He also has a set routine but it's more because he likes the order he does things. He doesn't mean to, it just happens.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On himself? Honestly? His biceps. And I will take this to my fucking grave, but I, honest to God, whole-heartedly believe that this man has biceps of fucking iron. Have you seen a blacksmith's build? they have arms. And you know what? So does Four. So, his biceps are his favorite because they are also my favorite.
On his partner? He'll try to save face and say personality but this man screams thigh man. He loves thighs because he's face to face with them. Like adores them with his whole heart. When you sit down and they transform into plump pillows? He's in love. He loves squishing them and moving the flesh around in his grasp, but he fucking loves them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
*Looks around side to side before leaning in* This man, right here? You can try to tell me otherwise, but I won't believe you. Fucking loves cumming inside of you. He knows he's not tall, and he knows he's not the most outwardly intimidating, but holy shit does it give him a rush to know that no one else has the privilege of marking you so intimately. It drives him nutty, especially if you just go on your day like that. Like he can't sit still knowing you're there, pretty legs crossed because if they're not you're going to drip on the seat.
Just the thought has him hard.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Would love to fuck you in a skirt. There I said it. He would love to wear a silky skirt, bend you over the mattress and just destroy you. This man is both the biggest dom and hardest switch imo, but put him in a skirt and there's no question. Just <four in a skirt3
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
None. Zero, zilch, nada. People never took him seriously enough with his height. Plus with smithing and his adventure he never really thought about it. Maybe I'm projecting, but I like to think of Four as a Demisexual (Source: I am a demisexual) so he didn't really have a sex drive until meeting someone he really liked.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary. All the way, call him a traditionalist but he loves the eye contact and the fact that his height doesn't matter. Also, maybe, just maybe, he likes the domesticity of it all. He loves the idea of making you his perfect little house spouse. Even if you don't want it <3 Man i forget I'm a yandere blog so often it's not even funny.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He can appreciate good joke. Of course, he's not gonna go looking to make one, but if you're visibly stressed, he'll crack a small one. Anything to make you smile, really. If you want to make a joke, he'll humor you of course as well.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Very well groomed, one of the best. It's a little lighter than the hair on his head, but exceptionally fine. He keeps it well trimmed and washed. Again, it's not because he's crazy about neatness it mostly just feels better for him.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He can be very romantic, but, honestly, he doesn't have the chance to be as romantic as he wants to be. After being in the forge, he's tired and smells and while he wants to woo you, he just can't. Of course, that won't stop him from treating you like royalty, but there won't be any rose petals or candles.
Side bar, Four absolutely makes you one of those metal flowers. Yk the ones?
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Probably a little more common than the rest of the Links, but its mostly because every time he thinks about you, especially if his thoughts wander, he gets hard and he can't get back to his work until his frustrations have been let out. Only reason really, if he had time, he'd rather fuck you in a nice quickie, but unfortunately that isn't realistic.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He's got a thing for bondage. So okay, hear me out, he's a blacksmith right? Who works with metal right? So he probably can make chains right? surely you guys see where i'm going with this right? He likes BDSM purely because he loves seeing you bound in the chains he makes.
I think he's also got a bit of breeding kink. This goes back to part C, but it awakens something in him that's so primal. It just drives him insane and makes his nerves buzz because it's such an intimate way of claiming you.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He's not picky. Not in the SLIGHTEST. Y'all have probably fucked in his forge. He's a man on a busy schedule, so he's taking what he can get when he can get it. He'll fuck in the bedroom, on the kitchen counter, on the living room floor, in the forge, behind a tree in the forest, under the rushing waters of a river, he's down for anything.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Anything. But something about having a significant other that works as well? Like not actual work, no, no he won't allow his most precious jewel to ever risk that, but things like cooking, cleaning, even writing blueprints or something for weapons you've had ideas about and want him to make-- because you aren't allowed to work in the forge it's too dangerous for you're perfect hands. That especially just drives him crazy because having a competent partner is just so attractive to him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Sounding. If you don't know what that is, perfect. Don't look it up. If you do, I'm sorry for your loss. He doesn't like the idea of it, wants nothing near there, it's just like the biggest turn off to him. Shudders just thinking about it.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Contrary to the other Links I've written, he prefers receiving. Just having his spouse on their knees while he's perfecting some plan or blueprint or polishing something, sucking him off while he works? Goddess, it's his favorite pastime. Just thinking about it has him palming himself until he can get to you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on his mood, but most of the time it's fast and rough. He likes the thrill it gives him and the adrenaline rush. Plus, the fact that it renders you absolutely brain dead and mindless, just a hole for him to use is an added bonus.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Loves them. Adores them. He does 'em pretty often too because, like I said, they fit into his schedule the easiest. He's one of the only Links with a stable job so he does have a routine and schedule to stick to, meaning Quickies are perfect for him. He gets to remind you of how much he loves you and thinks about you and how much your very aura has intoxicated him.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Loves them. So, here's the thing. Four is STILL a Link. He still loves the adventure, the thrill, the adrenaline. So the risks? The one that have him pausing, balls deep with a hand over your mouth to keep you from crying out? Get him so riled up he can't explain it because it just makes him that much more horny. Like, he is humping at you like a dog all while trying to keep himself quiet and you as well.
So yeah, he likes the risk.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Not the most, I'll be fair. Like I said, he's got a job, he's a blue collar man-- or the Hyrule equivalent-- and he's a hard working man. So he doesn't have all the energy in the world, but the energy he does have is put to good use, don't worry. He's a man who can't go for six rounds, but the rounds he does go has you feeling like he did.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Like I said, he likes chains. He's probably got a few spreader bars as well. Things made of metal you know? Maybe a few plugs he fiddled with. So he does have a few. And Four is the man who doesn't view toys as competition, no, no, they are his friends. His companions. His teammates. Everything needed to make you feel good. And that's all that matters to him.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn't have time to tease. He'd love to, and on days he has off he spends hours between your legs until you're a sobbing, pleading mess for him, but on the more regular days? Of course he does foreplay, but he doesn't have time for the slow traces of skin or small pinches of flesh.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's a whiner, but he hides it. But if you pull his head out from where he hides it in your shoulder? He's a whimpering mess, crying because you feel so good and at some point he becomes so sex drunk that it's all he can think about. And when that happens he can't help but cry for you <3
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He loves domesticity. Every part of it and I will fucking go down with this. He loves the idea of having his perfect little house spouse who's willing and waiting for his cock at any given moment. Who cares for the house, cooking and cleaning, while he goes to work to provide for both of them. He loves having a partner with intellect, of course, but having a partner be a house spouse while also putting their brain to good use? Oh he's feral.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Stealing this from Bea so thanks-
4.4 inches. Good sized balls, went over his hair already. Probably has a nice vein running up the underside of it that makes him just shatter when you run your tongue along it. Has him reaching for your hair just to stuff your mouth full.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pretty high but also not all if you know what i mean? Like when he has the time and energy he is all over you, you can't even go to the bathroom without him loudly complaining about how he misses you in his arms. On the other hand, when its been a long day, he likes just letting you cockwarm him like a good little slut <3
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He loves falling asleep with you because it's something so domestic to him (See W). He loves spooning you and burying his face into your hair, or chest, depending if you wanna be big spoon or lil spoon, and just feeling your chest slow as your breathing evens out. It's pure bliss to him and reminds him of why exactly he worships you.
Not that he ever needed a reason.
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
I Gift ye with some silly cross guild concepts:
• Buggy with autism and ADHD, with a special interest in explosives, weapons, chemistry, and who uses the circus performances as stimming.
• Mihawk who is Not Neurotypical At All being faced with the antithesis of his whole vibe and somehow being roped into other stims
• (Buggy absolutely makes a swing with silks, and they cuddle in is Often. Ritchie is a living weighted blanket AND HE PURRS)
• Crocodile walks into this not expecting to start a side hustle making stim toys but here we are.
• dadodile theory where Luffy shows up and suddenly oh the stim toy stock is sold out, neat :))
• Buggy getting carried like a kitten by his Big Boyfriends
• polyamorous fighting bc someone's hair oil smells too strong or this brand of soap is Icky or smth so very domestic and sweet and all three end up pausing bc Damn. They're pirates and yet fighting over rose vs lavender scents or what detergent is best.
• sometimes after hours when everyone is asleep, Buggy will do small performances and tries to teach some tricks to the other's. Mihawk offers gardening lessons, and Croc likes teaching them old games from Alabasta when he was a child. Results are.... mixed.
• Buggy oftentimes make azidoazide aside completely on purpose bc Big BOOM Go Brr.
• people think Croc and Hawk have the braincell, but secretly none of them do. They're all a special brand of Absolutely Unhinged.
• Mihawk has a bad tendency to just... bite his loved ones like a cat.
• Crocodile would sooner cut off his other hand than admit to being needy. (No, he totally doesn't just yank his victim of the hour into his lap and then hold them in place with his hook until he's got his cuddle fix, shut up-)
• Buggy is both very smart and very stupid. Bro is a chemist, a weapons maker, a dealer, runs numerous businesses, heads an information network, grew up on the Pirate king's ship with training from the best of the best, could probably stage a world wide coup d'etat if he tried, but still fights against the impulse to swallow a muggy ball Just Because. Smart of Brain, Dumb of Ass.
((You can probably tell Buggy is my favorite but shhhhh let the Guild cook- /hj))
Okay, no, these are all amazing. And don't worry because Buggy is my favorite too, I get it.
They're all just a trio of neurodivergent men who think they can rule the world but actually they're oversensitive and also pretty dumb sometimes. I love their poly relationship so damn much. It gives me life.
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snootlestheangel · 8 months
If someone hasn't asked yet Pricegravesnik for that ship thing :D
Ooohhh a challenge! Let's see where this goes lol
They're all married for this btw
If anyone wants to submit another ship, please do so! If you actually have other ideas for the questions "Like who takes the hottest showers?" then I'd love to hear them!
Who was the one to propose? Actually I want to say Price when he proposed to Nik. I want to say neither were willing to commit to marrying each other for a couple years until something happened and Price realized it's never a guarantee to keep the good things in life, so might as well keep them close while you can. Nik's the one that started the flirting with Graves and wanted to propose to him, but Graves beat him to it. (my tired brain made me read that as Graves proposed to himself, which honestly? He would. He'd do it just to mess with them and go "Sorry, I'm already engaged")
Who stressed more over wedding planning? I genuinely see Nik as the one that was flipping out the whole time. Graves was surprisingly the least stressed (he was recruiting his Shadows for help shhhhh) and Price was experiencing about the normal level of stress you'd expect for a wedding.
Who decorated the house? Graves. In truth, it was a mostly group effort; Price's favorite recliner is there, Nik's very nice, suspiciously acquired liquor cabinet, a few things they've both received from Laswell, Farah, Alex, and the 141 boys. But Graves is the true decorator. Granted, most of this stuff is gifts from the Shadows when they heard he was getting married.
Who does the cooking? I, again, want to say Graves's Southern ass does, but like... I feel like Price knows his way around a kitchen, ya know? Nik is banished from kitchens.
Who is more organized? None of them are necessarily organized per say. Graves is the best at keeping the appearance of being organized but in reality it's Price. Graves's planners are always neat, his desk is always neat, but that doesn't mean shit. Price's office always looks like Nik landed a copter too close but he knows exactly where everything is and he's the most on top of schedules/appointments/important dates.
Who suggested kids first? Nik. Like as a serious suggestion. He's seen the way both his husbands are, and he just knows they'd be wonderful dads. Desperately wants to be a girl dad.
Who's the cuddler? Nik is the cuddliest, but Graves is a close second. Price just wants some fucking peace and quiet.
Who is big spoon/little spoon? Graves always ends up the little spoon of at least one of them. As much as he tries his best to be a big spoon and big spoon only, he always ends up in the middle of them with one wrapped around behind him. Nik is always a big spoon though, and somehow Price ends up being the little spoon. (Graves is not complaining, he's got two bears for husbands so you know ending up in the middle of that is hella nice. And he should be thankful) *I am extremely jealous of Graves now but I have no one to blame but myself and maybe @midnight193 for submitting this ship*
What's their favorite non-sexual activity? Probably something quiet, but at the same time they're all so chaotic it'd never stay quiet long, so I almost want to say something like *mind blanks* Um.... Honestly? Bowling. Don't ask me why, it just popped in there and now I can't get that mental image out of my head. That or axe-throwing cause they're each such show-offs. Graves gets a +2 strength bonus when the Shadows are around
Who comes home drunk at 3am? Nik. Is there really any other answer? It's not often, it's still a rarity, but still. That! Or it's Graves after a party with his Shadows. He's always absolutely blasted after social engagements involving alcohol with his Shadows
Who kills the spiders? Price. None of them are afraid, but Graves did have one really bad allergic reaction once and ever since then Price is the one to kill the spiders. Nik tried using fire once. It did not work. He is no longer allowed to kill spiders, even though he promises to never do it again
Who falls asleep first? Hot take? Graves. He's going 100 all day and just crashes once it's bedtime. Sometimes, if Nik and Price are coming home late, they walk in to see Graves just sprawled out on the bed, having not even bothered taking his jeans off and he is out cold. (of course they always gently get him into bed proper and that's how he ends up in the middle)
A head-canon? Nik is a human furnace, which is partly why he has to be one of the ends when they cuddle/sleep. There have been times where he's ended up in the middle and Price is just on the floor cause HOT. Graves, a true Texan (he's Texan right? *I am having an existential crisis over this for some reason??*) is used to the heat, and is secretly sometimes reminded of home with it, so he's okay with being swarmed by human heater Nik. Price, a fucking Brit, can't stand it when he's too warm for comfort. He'd rather kill his back sleeping on the floor or their really shitty couch than be trapped with that. A second one because why not? Price always ends up being the "victim" of sexual jokes/blatant nasty flirting from Graves and Nik. He can be chilling, minding his business, and suddenly one of them says something really dirty to the other and Price, the poor thing, it's not his fault he gets so easily flustered!
Do they have any rituals? Graves has so many rituals when it's Shadow Olympics week. There's too many to count but they're all vital for his team winning, and even some of them to ensure none of his Shadows are harmed/all have fun. Nik constantly teases him for being a dad, which ends up in Graves calling himself Daddy and making Price snort his tea. Price has incredible oral hygiene, and the other two have pretty normal routines for that sort of thing. Nik's only "ritual" is the series of stretches he does before flying. It took a while for Graves to be able to witness it, so Price once recorded it and sent it to him.
Who has the most patience? Nik, a thousand times over. Price has to deal with Soap, Ghost, and Gaz on a constant basis. And those boys are so needy they can't just leave him alone during leave, either! Graves can be pretty patient, but after a long day of dealing with hyperactive Shadows and a giant techie with chronic anxiety, he gets a little snippy. Nik on the other hand? Totally chilled out like 90% of the time. He's had a couple of bad days where he'll scowl at someone annoying him and the very rare occasions that he does lose his cool. Ghost has witnessed this once, and the rant Nik was on wasn't even directed at him, but he's still traumatized by it (@cod-dump has an incorrect quotes that definitely inspired this. In fact! Mike is the fucking reason I'm obsessed with Graves now! So *angrily stomps but it's more like a cute puppy* damn you! This is your fault!)
Gif that sums up their relationship?
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I dunno I tried. I searched too long and this is all I could come up with
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morrak · 20 days
Untitled Wednesday Library Series, Part 150
Joanna Burger and Michael Gochfeld's The Common Tern: Its Breeding Biology and Social Behavior, published in 1991 by Columbia University Press.
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The How
At thrift stores and estate sale's @krieper's presence increases the odds of any given book being bird-related by a clean 50%. Pretty neat trick. A bit on the nose, maybe, but you'll not catch me complaining.
This was found cover to cover with an older Population Ecology of Raptors. Given their condition and the seller's stocking habits, they must have shared an owner. Couldn't not grab both; you'll see the other one eventually.
The Text
This collates behavioral, ecological, and sociobiological studies of several common tern colonies in New York and New Jersey conducted by the authors from 1964 ('67 if you only count annual data series) to 1990. Because their primary interest was the evolution and adaptive significance of coloniality itself, and because common terns often nest alongside other species, a full-fledged companion work, The Black Skimmer: Social Dynamics of a Colonial Species, was published just ahead of this one based on largely overlapping research.
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The (or at least my) primary impression is one of absolute exhaustion. Exhaustiveness, rather. Actually I mean both. Recording observations daily, for months, at several sites, on publicly accessible land, in single-digit minute intervals, sometimes of thousands of birds at once, for decades, is just nuts. They did have help — mostly from family members, over a dozen of whom are credited as contributors, translators, and field assistants — but that defrays precisely none of my confusion that they pulled this off. I'm not unfamiliar with demanding field work, but the longevity and intensity of a project like this is something else. The write-up, data synthesis, and preparation of the all-you-can-eat appendices and indexes, would have been a marathon all on their own, and they did it twice during the observation period.
All of this is even wilder when you consider that of the authors, only one was an ornithologist per se: Gochfeld spent much of the rest of his career studying environmental chemical exposure in humans.
The Object
Lots to love.
This is probably the most recent publication I've seen that still uses hand-drafted charts. They're relatively clean, but there are a few misaligned stencils and the Leroy Lettering Set style is unmistakable, what with its ambiguous 1/ls, not-quite-acutely cornered 7s, and perfect 22.5° italics. There are some pretty clear shifts in style as the book wears on — easy, I imagine, in a long-lived manuscript — but they're all equally handsome. If you like the look, check out Darren Embry's Routed Gothic.
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The tables (profuse; often gigantic) and body (nicely sectioned) are more 90s: mostly Parkinson Electra, which has my favorite style of uppercase Q and probably second favorite lowercase g. Transitional 521 BT wins (as it ever must) but not by too wide a margin. I digress.
Apart from being fun to look at per-letter and -word, the photography (mostly Burger's, it seems) is exactly what you'd guess. Loving, quick, serviceable. Probably the best 0.5% of what was shot, adjusting for inflation.
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The whole thing's in almost pristine condition, save for a couple specks of agéd orange adhesive(?) in the text block. If it was ever opened, it was gently and briefly. Green fabric cover; red foil lettering. Beautiful.
The Why, Though?
I mean, it's terns.
Its ethology isn't as radical (sensu dope comma sick as hell) as, say, Squid Book's, and the fact that it's about birds is in some ways incidental, but come on. It's terns.
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doom-dreaming · 8 months
Halo 1-3 armor: Very nice. A technological marvel. Sleek. I love it. Iconic. I love it in the anniversary version of halo 2.
Halo 4-5 armor: slutty. Fashion icon. Jokes aside, I don't get the hate for this one. I like it. He looks pretty in it. Yes it is a tad impractical in some cases and a darker shade of green. It just means he's a dark green cicada instead of a leaf green one.
Infinite: Honestly, it's probably my favorite one. The design is heavily inspired from the halo trilogy with a modern touch to it. Very Green compared to halo 4 and 5. I love the marks and damage it has on it— the details.
Oh cool, an excuse to look at pictures of him. I do genuinely think it's neat to look at all the designs side-by-side and see what they kept and what they changed, so let's do that. :)
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Original CE graphics next to the Anniversary remaster. Not a drastic change, same basic shape, just more detail, which makes sense. I do like the addition of the glowy bits (shield generator?) on his chest as well as the ones above his knees.
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Halo 2 original graphics (top) vs. Anniversary (bottom; I would have put them side by side but they're not the same size and it decapitated him). Still the same general look as CE, but notably without any glowy/reflective bits (but it looks like whatever those are is still there, above his knees, just matte this time). The chest piece looks more like a breastplate than a roller coaster safety harness. It gives him tits. I love the scuffing and wear and tear they added, especially on his knees and boots. I agree that this is one of my favorite versions of it.
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Halo 3 - it looks smoother than the iteration in 2, and that could be to graphical updates, but compare it to the CE look and it's similar, like they rounded off some of the sharp edges. They sanded my boy. Also, we see the return of the shiny above-knee strips. Still none on the chestplate though. Less noticeable scuffing and damage here, too.
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Halo 4, where 343 Industries took over and things got wild. The undersuit has texture now. The fingers have actual plating on them. The shape is still roughly the same, it's the classic Mjolnir silhouette, but each section has a crazy amount of detail and kibble added to it. They really embellished - where a lot of the original trilogy designs had solid metal, they've added buckles and screws and things I don't know how to describe in writing that give it a lot more visual interest. Like you said, the designs in 1 - 3 were very sleek, the design here looks like a lot of moving parts. Also, the color is closer to the muted green in Halo 3 (or at least that specific picture), which is interesting. And note the removal of the Shiny Strips altogether. I'm like you, I don't get the hate for this one, I think it looks cool.
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In Halo 5, we've gotten sleeker again! And a little greener. A lot of the gray parts of the Halo 4 design have been turned dark green for this one. The undersuit has also lost its very specific bumpy texture for something a little smoother? The coloring on this one is weird to me and I'm just now noticing it, but there are some places that look like they shouldn't be green or black. Like his shoulders? That looks like undersuit texture, shouldn't that be black? And it looks like they filled in the little crop top portion in the 4 design (not really visible in the photo I used here, oops) but it still looks more like undersuit than armor, so I'm not sure what the goal was here. I do think the random stripes of red are a fun touch and...do we have the return of Shiny Thigh Strips once again? Hard to say. Notably NO battle damage in this one, dude looks like a pristine action figure.
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Halo Infinite - this is definitely a callback to the original trilogy design, they even brought the bolts/screws on the boots and hands back. To me, it looks VERY similar to the H2A design, which is a Good Thing. But oh god, they turned up the saturation on the green. This is the greenest he's ever been. And we have the Shiny Strips (even though they're not shiny?) on the legs again! Not on the chest, but they've added a pair to his lower legs. And we've got battle damage again! Yay! To me, this is a best-of-both-worlds compromise between the original design(s) and the level of detail in 4 and 5. I just wish they hadn't gone SO green with it. I also wish they'd kept the actual armor on his fingers. And I don't know if it's just this specific render, but it looks more like plastic than metal to me? Which is an interesting design choice if it was an intentional one.
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chaeul · 16 days
I was tagged by my lovely friends @lilmaemae, @jez-bez and @ella-norah to share a few things about myself
It was fun getting to know more abut you ♥ My turn now :shy:
Do you tidy your bed? Yes. I didn't always but as I've gotten older and life became more hectic, I've started to appreciate the sense of peace and calm a tidy, neat looking room can give. Also if I didn't make my bed I'd be sleeping in cat hair :D No amount of trying to get rid of it will get rid of it all. With my bed made, at least the hair stays on my blanket as opposed to underneath it
What's your favorite number? Even numbers are must. There are many that I like but the most important ones are 4 (can't explain this one and 22 (back in elementary school each kid had a number associated with them; mine was 22 and it stuck. I also enjoy that it's the same backwards and forwards
What is your job? I wfh doing administrative tasks for a physiotherapist's office and I'm one of two official caretakers for my grandparents (not technically a job but it does count towards my state pension)
If you could go back to school, would you? I mostly enjoyed school. So much so that my plan was to become a teacher, actually. Uni on the other hand wasn't for me. I wonder if it would've been different if my mental and physical health hadn't plummeted back then. Considering I'm not doing much better rn, I would not go back to uni, no.
Can you parallel park? Technically yes, but I do have performance anxiety about it and I'd rather not (and I won't on busy streets). I much prefer parking in a parking lot with cars to my left and right instead of in front and behind me.
A job you had that would surprise people? I don't think there is one
Do you think aliens are real? I'm sure there's life out there somewhere. Or that there was or will be at some point in the future. Do I believe that life to be similar to us humans? No, not really.
Can you drive a manual car? I learned and got my license on a manual car but we've ever only owned automatic ones so I that's what I've been driving ever since I got my license. A few months of manual vs 16+years of automatic... I don't trust myself to be able to still drive manual
What's your guilty pleasure? I think I've reached a point in my life where I don't really feel guilty or ashamed about anything I find pleasure in tbh. At least not that I can think of rn.
Tattoos? None
Favorite color? aqua, lavender, a deep rich red and a warm orange
Favorite type of music? there are barely any genres I actively dislike and maaaaaaaaany that I enjoy but there can be too much of a good thing, so variety is important (in the grand scheme of things! because I enjoy listening to the same song on loop for hours, sometimes even days too) and it's hard to pick a favorite. But I certainly do love musical soundtracks as well as quite a bit of everything kpop has to offer
Do you like puzzles? depends on the difficulty. if it's too hard or I can't even come up with a possible way to solve them I lose interest
Any phobias? wasps and dentists
Favorite childhood sport? I'm not sure if there's a difference in definition of the word 'sport' between German and English or if it's a diifference between the world and me but to me, a sport is any sort of activity that requires a certain amount of physical effort. I know many don't consider dancing a sport but it is to me. Many different types of dance were my favorite sport in childhood and they're still important to me now
Do you talk to yourself? I talk to my cat when I'm at home and sometimes I narrate things to her. That's pretty much the same thing isn't it? Other than that I don't talk to myself out loud but I do it in my head sometiimes
What movie(s) do you adore? there are simply too many to choose from and I'm not that into movies. I much prefer tv shows. But I've seen you all mentioning Tangled and that certainly is my favorite Disney movie among the ones that came out since I became an adult. Plus I did enjoy the mcu movies before everything went downhhill
Coffee or tea? neither iced tea
First thing you wanted to be growing up? I don't remember the very first thing exactly but I had dreams of being a teacher, a vet, a musical theatre performer... the list goes on
I you're seeing this, consider yourself tagged! ♥
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Proposing V for the ask game, if you're still doing it?
My favorite thing about V:
On a narrative level, he represents the best quality of DMC5, it's fleshing out of Vergil. I love that deep down, underneath the fear-driven quest for power, Vergil is a soft goth boy who loves a particular poet so much he makes it his whole personality. Plus, I love the interpretation that he looks so young because Vergil lost so much of his life to being Nelo Angelo.
On a gameplay level, I love how you can make V constantly taunt while making his minions fight.
My least favorite thing about V:
On a narrative level, as much as I love his voice and design, it would have been so cool if he was a woman instead. Besides the Implications, it would be a neat way of nodding to his human mother. Also, I've been told that the literary character that Urizen is named after is a part of a dyad, the other half of which is a female deity. And DMC5 sorely fumbles it's female representation anyway, having a playable female character might have won it some points (though realistically, there's a good chance they would have fucked up her design, and the hate toward her playstyle would be so much more vitriolic).
Speaking of playstyle, on a gameplay level, I do enjoy playing as V, but the moveset definitely needs more development. I don't like that V's evasive actions require his familiars because you have to interrupt their combat (and even Griffon's attack charging) in order to use them, even though the whole point of V seems to be multitasking. Plus, the hidden range limit for the minions can really screw you, especially considering that Shadow's attacks can easily take it outside of that limit, causing it to teleport back to V's side and interrupt your attack strings. And what's sad is that due to unpopularity, there's a real chance that we won't get to see a new iteration of this playstyle.
(There's even a series in my pinned post all about a certain character ending up in this position, just saying).
My favorite line by V:
It's hard to say, since he has one of the best if not the best vocal performances in the game. I do like that he says "it's my turn to play with the Devil Sword" at one point.
My "brOTP" for V:
I love his friendship with Griffon. It's a shame it got no closure whatsoever because the writers decided they wanted to magically wipe away Vergil's trauma via DMC1 callback boss fight.
My "OTP" for V:
I don't generally like ships for Vergil, but one that I would entertain is one with Lucia. I see the humor in her meeting a man who's just as handsome as Dante but with none of the charm, and realizing she's actually fine with that. Plus, Vergil is far more comfortable with his demon side than his human side, and I think that would extend to Lucia. He would think her devil form is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, and he'd be right. Lucia deserves a handsome loser boyfriend who loves the demon in her so much that she learns to love it too, especially since he also comes with a giant stoic tree man with sharp teeth and tentacles, and of course our favorite poetry-lover.
My "nOTP" for V:
Nero x V is sadly popular, even though they're literally father and son. And even when talking about just V, not Urizen or Vergil as a whole, I don't care for shipping him with Lady. She doesn't even fucking like him, nor should she.
A random headcanon about V:
I think his cane is tied to Rebellion in some way. Perhaps it simply contains some of the same materials, which is why it's good at conducting demonic power, and why it allowed him to reunite with Urizen.
An unpopular opinion about V:
While I am firmly in the "V and Vergil are the same character and that isn't a bad thing" camp, I am sympathetic to the wish that V was his own character. I cannot fault someone for loving V but not finding Vergil interesting, and I don't think it's worth getting mad at them over.
A song I associate with V:
Besides Crimson Cloud? There's a "combo mad" sort of video from time to time titled Void Violin, it features some good music.
My favorite picture of V:
That gif of him tripping and dropping his free taco.
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eljeebee · 2 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: You can answer one or both parts of this question! 1️⃣ Part one: If you make Story posts, what do you do for scenes? Do you build them yourself, do you download lots from the gallery or do you download them from someone online? 2️⃣ Part two: If you make Gameplay/Legacy posts, what do you do for a house? Do you build it yourself, download a home from the gallery or do you download them from someone online? Additionally, do you build onto that home or demolish it and rebuild the house when needed? (E.G When another child enters the picture or someone moves in) ❎ If you do none of those for either half, what do you do? Do you use someone else's save file? (WIndbrook by Folking, Willow Creek + Magnolia Promenade by Theneighborhoodsave, Silent Pines by Silentpinessave... etc)
( freely share this SQOTD around, anon or not, and use the hashtag " SQOTD " ~ 💛 )
Hello Squatty! Thanks for ur hard work!
1️⃣ For scenes, I rely on my own building (and interior) skills. Sometimes, I also rely on the environment outside of a lot. (The wicked whims positioning helps a lot; I also need to try out that TOOL mod).
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A scene where I used the WW positioning system to position the Vatore siblings, and Louie and Sidera near the subway which is off-lot.
There is an instance where I had to download a lot off the gallery for a scene:
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Planet Honey Pop reno I got from the gallery.
Sometimes, downloading a lot off the gallery isn't just for a scene, but for a whole chapter! (e.g. the Del Sol Vanderburgs' vacation in Sulani where they rented three little huts)
Sometimes, it's best to rely on yourself when trying to build rooms for set dressing when it comes to stories. If you can't build, a shell build is your friend!
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This picture is technically not from a story post, but like a character card, but anyway, the backdrop in this picture is actually just a corner of a random lot, but it's a neat set dressing no?
A room with pure black backdrop is also a staple for me for scenes:
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The scene where Helen communicates with her niece through the latter's dream.
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The "black room" also symbolizes being inside of the mind, just like in this scene where Amelia is speaking to her father through telepathy. The black room has two uses: photoshoot, and mind palace.
2️⃣Though technically The Davis Legacy, and its side stories, is not a legacy gameplay anymore (and had become a story), houses are still important in my posts!
The Davis residence in San Sequoia was built by yours truly, with the help of blueprints! It is my favorite of all, because every room has character, and its walls had grown covered, filled with pictures of the family.
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Louie's room was his since his birth.
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Mason's first room, when he was a baby and a tot, was across Louie's and it only has one window. The family (or me) moved Sophia's office to the nursery, and the old office was refurbished as Mason's room when he aged up into a child.
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Sid's room was the house's parlor room, where the fish tank, and an old piano, was originally kept. They renovated it for her!
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I won't demolish this house, ever, because in-lore, Sophia and Jason wanted this house to be their sons' safe haven even if they're old. (IRL, the house is my baby) Since this is also technically generational, it's natural that the children would want to move out and grow their own family, but it's also natural that some of them would want to move back, so there's no demolishing...unless a rebellious heir sold it...😈
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The Del Sol Vanderburgs' mansion was a shell I downloaded from the gallery, which I decorated.
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This one is another shell I got from the gallery, which I also decorated.
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Sanguine, a live-in nightclub (all thanks to a mod), which House Straud runs, is built by me.
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The Hibiscus Hut where Perlas lives was also built by me!
The Davises had built their home with the lottery money, aligning it with San Sequoia's architectural designs, and expanded it more when their family grows. It's not as luxurious as the Del Sol Vanderburgs, but it's homey and cozy.
The Vanderburgs screams old money, a house bought by a rich rich family that lowkey serves as a vacation home turned permanent (or is it? 😈)
The Beau-Asvangs has a luxury penthouse because they're vampires, and they're extra, so of course Lady Lana would want to buy a home that is an equivalent to their castle in the olden times. It screams money, money, money.
The Strauds runs a nightclub, which also serves as an occult safe haven (and also a place where occults can exchange information). It has dimmed lights, in the club proper, a lot of seats, funky lights, very atmospheric. Ordinary people would miss the hushed whispers of hidden occults exchanging information...also, they have their own residential tower!
Perlas' hut is humble and simple. She is a mermaid, living in Sulani. She cares little for money and mansions and penthouses, because the real riches for her is her home, the ocean.
From over the top penthouses of the vampires, to old money mansion of the Vanderburgs, to a home built by luck and hard work of the Davises, to a mermaid's humble home by the ocean - to me, all of it reflects your sims' character.
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gloryride · 6 months
tagged by @chevvy-yates ♥♥ thanks! I know who you want, so here baby driver <3
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-- Name --
Enzo Angelo Sarto. No, don't call me Lorenzo, i don't like this name, and i don't care was my nonno name. My parents call me like that when i screw up. So it's Enzo, capisce ?
-- Nickname --
Lot of people call me Enzolino because some race commentators called me that when I won my first race at 16. I was the youngest racer for years. Because "-ino" in Italian means "little". And i still have this name, even i'm a tall ragazzo and i'm 24. And so many of my family calls me Lino, some close friends too. But i prefer people call me Enzo. Except Jay who calls me Babe, adn that's really cute in his pretty mouth.
-- Gender --
Cis Male
-- Star Sign --
Born in October 30, i'm a proud Scorpio !
-- Height--
1m89, or 6"2 if you want
-- Orientation --
-- Nationality/Ethnicity --
Italian. I don't care i never saw Italia in my life, but all my famiglia is italian so am i ! Yeah yeah, i know i was born in Arizona, but it's from Free States not NUSA, right ? I can't be American, so i'm Italian.
-- Fave Fruit --
I love prickly pears, because you find many in deserts around New Mexico, when they're not toxic. Mia mamma does pretty neat marmelades with. I like oranges too, when they're ripe and sweet
-- Fave Season --
Spring, when it starts to be a bit hot but not too much. And sometimes it rains, feels so good after a day in a desert !
-- Fave Flower --
Don't see many flowers in desert, except cactus flowers. I had a bouquet of lilies and peonies when I won my last Vegas Race - they smelt really good!
-- Fave Scent --
Maybe i have weird taste, but i love motor oil smell, as like hot asphalt, then refreshed by rain. In more classic, when lasagna just came out still hot, or just citrus smell.
-- Coffee, tea or hot chocolate --
Coffee, that's a basic.
-- Average hours of sleep --
Chaotic and my dark circles speak for me. I go to bed late but wake up early, sometimes i don't sleep, because i start working with my dad at 6am to avoid heat in desert. I take nap afternoon and when i can, but i rarely sleep a long night.
-- Dog or Cat person --
I love dogs, but if i can choose another animals i prefer geckos. You can see a lot in desert, they're adorable.
-- Dream trip --
I travel all the time so i dunno ... maybe going to Italy and see where my famiglia come from ? Or maybe just on the East Coast of NUSA, just to see how it is, and seeing if there are some races.
-- Favorite fictional character --
This guy in Bushido 6 : Street Score plays by Drew Garcia, always forget his name. He's a dick but so cool with his car. Saw the scene too many times ... And i saw many western movies with my brother Virgile, i really love the ones with Terrence Hill. So Nobody in My Name is Nobody and ... what's the name in English ? Vabbè. Lo chiamavano Trinità, where he plays Trinita, awesome too !
-- Number of blankets they sleep with --
Between none and one. If i sleep alone, one. If i'm with Jay, he spreads the blanket away so i have nothing ... except him.
-- Random fact --
It's something I never talk about because I don't have any information. But I have… I had… an older sister. My mother was married and he left to join the Wraiths with their baby. We know that he was killed a year later, but there's no trace of the baby. Mamma searched and never found her, and she still wonders where she is, if she's still alive. It seems that's why she only had me with Dad, the fear of losing me too would have been a kind of psychological block and she was never able to have other children.
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7grandmel · 2 months
Todays rip: 10/04/2024
The World Ends With PSY
Season 1 Featured on: GilvaSunner's Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 7: Part mm2wood
Ripped by Metalik
Hey, it's the 10th of April - 10/4, like the 104 building! I couldn't resist!
Here's a fun fact for you: Long before I was running this blog, I was making a certain other SiIvaGunner project, and through working on it decided to reach out to the SiIvaGunner channel head, MtH of Bigger at Night (Chung Yard) fame, for the first time ever. So what was one of the first-ever things I directly told someone from the SiIvaGunner team? "Make more The World Ends With You rips". Yes, I was young(er) and stupid(er), awkward and strange, and I of course now know that good rips come to those who make them, but the sentiment holds true even today. The World Ends With You's soundtrack still means EVERYTHING to me. And, well, though we don't have many rips to go around for the game, I will continue to cherish the ones we do have: because as far back as Season 1, there have been absolute bangers within out small selection.
Now, if you've followed SiIvaGunner for any amount of time, you know about the joke of The World Ends With PSY already. It's PSY, the K-Pop legend, the man behind Gangnam Style, Gentleman and so many more hits, and perhaps more importantly, a YTPMV celebrity. He's had annual days of celebration on SiIvaGunner, one of which I covered back with One Winged PSYcho - V​.​S. Sepsyrop, and rippers have continued to find all kinds of creative ways to utilize the man's distinct sound, including the sentence-mixing marvel of Korean Idiot. Those two rips are still the only PSY-specific I've covered on here, but they lay a pretty concise groundwork, particularly the former: Most PSY rips made for SiIva utilize PSY's "eyys" and "ops" for truly next-level YTPMV-tier postings, the kind that you'll also hear in big meme medley rips like ULTRA S+G. Yet, that kind of makes The World Ends With PSY a neat novelty, in a way: in the days of Season 1 before PSY's presence on the channel was so clearly decided, one Metalik made a PSY rip that goes against the pattern all three prior mentioned rips follow.
Rather than usurping Calling's instrumentation with leads made up purely of PSY's immaculate soundscape, The World Ends With PSY is a no-nonsense mashup, between PSY's Daddy and the aforementioned game track. Calling as a song is defined by the contrast between its noisy electronic backing and its beautiful vocals, like a light trying to shine through the darkness - The World Ends With PSY, then, is as if more noise is added to that blend, with pieces of Daddy's instrumental persisting throughout the track as PSY's own vocals alternate in and out with the original vocalist. It's a really interesting mashup - PSY's always prominent within it, yet the original beauty of Calling's vocals never feel as if they're drowned out, just framed within such a different kind of noisiness. To cut a long yap short - it bangs!! It isn't the kind of vocal/instrumental mashup that wholly changes the track's tone a la My Dr. Eggman Can't Be This Evil!, but it undoubtedly IS different, yet different in a way that highlights the strengths of both tracks used.
And yes, this is a Season 1 rip nonetheless, I can certainly hear some slight cracks in the facade at points - but The World Ends With PSY remains my favorite rip the game has gotten in all of these years. Compared to some other efforts made earlier in the season, such as Three Minutes Clapping literally just being what the track name says, or Deja Vu just switching to the titular Eurobeat song at the chorus' end - funny gags for sure, but none quite feeling like a loveletter to The World Ends With You in the way I've long wanted. We've gotten a sprinkling of rips of the game since, but it was The World Ends With PSY that I first connected with all those years ago - the rip that reassured me that the game's soundtrack is still remembered and cherished by others aboard the team.
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explosionshark · 9 months
Clarissa oxenfree for the character ask game? still love how you write her :]
General opinion/How much I care about them: she's like! My second favorite Oxenfree character! Right after Alex! I think a lot of this has to do with Avital Ash having an incredible voice and bringing a lot to the character but it's also bc her role in the narrative is so much juicier than the other NPCs. She's such a bitch to Alex, but you see a lot of warmth she shows to the people she cares about (Michael, Nona) and the duality there is so interesting. Plus she's so fucking haunted and she dies so gruesomely so many times and the ghosts want her soooooo bad and I think that's neat
A ship I love: I mean personally when it comes to the stuff I write it's Alex/Clarissa all the way. But I like her past relationship with Michael a lot too
A non-romantic relationship that I love: Clarissa/Nona friendship is sooooooo cute. They love each other! Clarissa salvaged Nona's birthday! They came out to this dumb fuckin island party together! Also I think Ren/Clarissa would have been fun to see more of - friend downgraded to creepy neighbor was a really fun line
The NOTP: uh idk. The only ppl I really see her shipped with ever are Alex, Michael and Nona and I'm basically fine with all of those?
My biggest headcanon about them: she is bi and she usually goes for bad boy/aloof types so Michael was an outlier for her.
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them: (if I have none in my WIPs I'll make one up on the spot!) So there was this one longfic idea I really wanted to write for a while that was post-game Off The Island. Alex and Clarissa, having been the biggest targets of the ghosts are still dealing with aftereffects that the others aren't and they're basically hiding it from everyone. It manifests in different ways - Alex is possessed by the spirits of the Kanaloa victims. She slips into their memories, is influenced by their personalities, experiences hallucinations, etc.
Clarissa's haunting is bodily, trauma she suffered on the island echoing out across timelines. She wakes up with bruises, spits out bits of glass, you see her from the corner of your eye and her neck is fully broken, you blink and she's fine (ngl part of the point of this was just to give me an excuse to do a little bit of horror). Alex and Clarissa realize they're both dealing with a similar problem and team up to figure out how to help each other. They also have weird guilt ridden UST about it. Actually this last week I was going through some old WIPs and found part of this fic I think I could post as just a standalone so look out for that this weekend/early next week.
Something that makes me think of them: (a song, a character in another fandom, an animal, anything) "Some are Lakes" by Land of Talk is THE Clarissa/Alex song for me, it's just 100% vibeologically correct. But when it comes to thinking about Clarissa on her own I think she'd be a cold wave/dark wave type of girlie. Cold Cave, Tempers, Light Asylum, etc
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my-misericordia · 9 months
Tbh this show isn't really one I'd usually watch because gmmtv generally does not do class very well errr more like when one is rich and the other is poor.
Regardless I like Chimon. I want him to succeed. I don't watch everything he's in but idk I just think he's neat lol
Perth I just love hehe How can I not love the guy whos played the only short top character in live action BL lol Maybe there's been another? if so I'd like to know! But we still need more! I'm Sooooooooo BORED of the height difference trope that is always the same. Like Short bottom? Tall top? groundbreaking….
Anyway just watched the first 2 eps and it's giving real boys over flowers vibes. Is this showing how ancient I am? totally lol Now that's not a knock on it because, well I don't really remember how most of the shows depicted it because I never really watched them since NONE of them have ever cast a girl that I've been like yeah That's Makino Tsukushi, but the manga reallyyy went there depicting how bad school hazing was. But there were still small moments of levity? Especially when the main girl would get the upper hand? Basically what's happening here!
Grandma?? ughh I Want to like her, but I'm so over the obligatory good rich person~ because you see they're not All monsters~!! Even tho your family is probably responsible for high costs of living since your son is a real estate mogul? But how sweet you fund 1 scholarship bleh
Why do I feel like the father is doing shady stuff and that's why he doesn't want his son to stand out? If Kang isn't special less eyes on his family all around…but I could be wrong. Idk I just read his reaction at the suggestion of his son becoming school president as like hell no, we already got enough eyes on us as it is. Or he just doesn't see his son as a worthy successor lol
I do like the 2 different depictions of people in poverty between the brothers. Some people are a bit more laid back like Saifah (almost like Tsukushis dad!! lol). What's a little luxury gonna do? Not like the money would've actually helped in the long run, etc. I do think that Sailom might be a bit too noble?? It's just there's no way someone in poverty would realistically risk losing their scholarship just for pride. This is pretty common in thai bls tho. Gets under my skin honestly lol the ''noble'' poor person. It's just such empty messaging to poor people bcz we know the rich got their money but WE have to be honest?? go away
Oh oh!!! Clothessss!!! This is what I was talking about when I was complaining about Be My Favorite! I didn't want krist to be covered in dirt and rags to convey he was poor but just to have clothes like how Sailom and his friends have! Clean but clearly faded from so many washes. Sailom's house is great too! It really conveys how they're living. I feel heard!!! lol
Anyway I'll keep watching and see how much I can take of the future bad depictions of lower class people lol Honestly these past 2 episodes weren't bad. I only had minor complaints about some of Sailoms decision.
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