#none of this truly matters because it’s all an insane conspiracy theory but I thought it and wrote it down
random-iz-stuff · 2 years
So I just learned about the lost media pilot of Very Important House (show made by Jhonen and pitched to Disney, but never made).
And I have a conspiracy theory involving it.
Frolie’s hoodie, skin and even eye colour…..
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…Are near identical to that of another character made by Jhonen. Recap Kid.
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They aren’t exactly the same, as Frolie and Recap Kid have completely different hair colours and even genders (and things like the skin and eye colour aren’t exactly the same), but Recap Kid can canonically shapeshift so that’s another thing to take into account. Recap Kid could have originally been Frolie, and changed how they looked through shapeshifting.
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Another possibility: Invader Zim (and Very Important House) has a multiverse, so what if they’re counterparts of one another? Frolie is Recap Kid from another universe and vice versa.
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There’s also one final possibility involving another entity connected to Recap Kid:
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The Recap Brain. A giant brain that watches over the Invader Zim multiverse.
The Recap Brain is definitely connected to Recap Kid in some way, just look at the hoodie they wear and their name, and I’ve theorized/headcanoned that they’re actually the same species, it’s just that Recap Kid is a child and the Recap Brain is an adult, explaining the differences in appearance.
So Frolie may not be Recap Kid themselves, but they may be the same species. Another child form of a Recap Brain.
It could provide some explanation for why Frolie was chosen as a “Caretaker of The Universe”. They’re destined to eventually grow up into an entity that watches over the multiverse. Being a Caretaker is practice for something greater.
I get that none of this is intended or canon or fits into any of my headcanons on Recap Kid and Very Important House wasn’t even made, but it’s my conspiracy theory and I get to choose the details. I feel like the guy that made the 12+ YouTube videos theorizing over Mort from Madagascar.
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
What’s been your experience of knowing a person of each Enneagram type?
It’s nothing if not interesting. 😉
1s: can be principled, dutiful, and reliable. Their pet peeve is for people to be rude, irresponsible, inconsiderate, or late. I’ve known an sp 1 and a soc 1. The sp 1 does indeed resemble a 6 due to content fretting, low self esteem, terror of getting it wrong, and general anxiety, but shows 1 behaviors of obsessive cleaning, a desperate need to control everything, and rigidity in setting up “house rules.” In so doing, she has denied herself anything that is not “useful,” which I find terribly sad. She has no room for pleasure in her life. The soc 1 is far more inclined to be assertive, to correct others, to point out what they are doing wrong, and to show her anger. Much less self doubt.
2s: ah, 2s. I’ve known a few marginally and one “sort of” well, since I spent ten days with her on a visit to another state. She truly reminded me of Molly Weasley in her bustling about, her attending to everyone’s numerous needs (and ability to keep us all in line), her pride in doing things for everyone, and her sensitivities. At one point, her daughter told her, “MOM, STOP MOLLY WEASLEY-ING CHARITY! SHE’S FINE. SHE DOESN’T NEED WATER. THANKS.” Ha, ha. I liked her a great deal, but it amused me how defensively she drove – under stress, I saw her 8 come out, though I didn’t know that’s what it was at the time. We all snapped to attention whenever that happened.
3s: I admire their work ethic but… the one I know offline has to find some way to impress people, no matter what. If that is in showing you his muscles and making sure you know how far he biked today, so be it. It used to be because he was proud of his professional life. Since retirement, I have seen him struggle enormously with having a sense of purpose and trying to find one that doesn’t hinge on his non-existent work. That is what worries me about 3s – getting old, and no longer having society regard them as “useful and essential” is HELL on them. Please, make sure, if you are a 3, to do the internal work on figuring out who you are, and recognizing your own worth as separate from what you do, before you reach that age.
4s: I have known a lot of 4s, some healthy and some not. I have two delightful healthy ones in my life right now – an sp/sx 4 and an soc/sp 4, and they are indeed different. The sp 4 is more internal and less aware of or inclined to change herself for others; the soc 4 looks outward, and is highly attentive to other people. Sp 4 can take on others’ pain and burdens in a sense and feel overwhelmed by it – and with both of these beautiful girls, I’ve seen it turn them toward compassion. But they do tend to run high on “drama.” It’s not a song, it’s an opera. I knew an unhealthy 4 once who was hell-bound to remain miserable and a victim wallowing in her pain and thwarted (almost sadistically gleefully) anyone’s attempts to help her rise above her bad situation. She wanted to stay there. And she drove everyone who knew her insane. Eventually, she lost all her friends due to her being the wet mop all the time -- which of course, fed into her sadistic happiness at being miserable, abandoned, and unloved.
5s: can be callous at times, just because they are so lacking in emotional self-awareness and so fixated on logical solutions, but they will give it to you straight if you ask for it. They tend toward severe social awkwardness—think Mr. Darcy at the Netherfield Ball. Most inclined to disappear five minutes after you meet them and remain unseen until you leave. I knew a five once, the father of a friend, who would call out hello to me as he walked right past me, straight down into the basement, where he hid for hours among his books. Given he had a house full of giggling, silly girls, I don’t blame him. He was truly Mr. Bennet.
6s: can be either the warmest, funniest, most loyal people you will ever meet – or the biggest pains in the butt, and I say that as a 6. I know one other sp 6 and he reminds me of myself, just older and male – we both are hilarious, we both tease people to establish a rapport with them, we both crave feedback and support from trusted others, and we both swing between concern and optimism. But unhealthy, paranoid 6s are out in force right now freaking everyone out about the COVID-19 and the world doesn’t need that. It needs HOPE. So for heaven’s sake, put down the freak-outs, the paranoid accusations, the wild conspiracy theories, and accept that your worst-case scenario projections are just that -- the product of your own scared mind. It may or may not happen, and trust me, 6s, I know damn well that your worst fears usually don’t happen anywhere except in your head.
7s: are enormous fun to go on vacation with, but can be flakes. Lovable ones, but still flakes. They promise more than they can deliver and then avoid you rather than face up to the music when they realize they don’t want to do what they promised. They are hilarious, witty, optimistic, and their enthusiasm is infectious, but sometimes they fail to realize that not everyone wants to be endlessly teased, mocked, or come home to a mountain of stuff followed by a maxed-out credit card bill. Life is not always a joke, sometimes it is serious. And they are inclined not to finish a serious conversation if it in any way makes them uncomfortable or feel like they’re about to confront part of themselves.
8s: I have only known one and… there are things I like about her. Her courage. Her ballsy attitude. This woman made a place for herself in a man’s world, in a time when that was not done. She bulldozed her way to the top. Unfortunately, she never shut off the bulldozer. She has burned bridges behind her, made countless enemies, and gets into foolish personal and legal fights because she refuses to back down from anyone, and will turn anything into an argument. She lost my mother as a friend, because she thought bullying her was a good idea. My mother set up polite boundaries and the 8 trampled them, something my mother does not forgive. Something 8s need to remember – what is fun for you (you consider fighting “bonding”) is not always fun for someone else who is not an 8. Being an 8 is an asset, but only if you learn to tell the difference between a threat and a non-threat.
9s: are some of the most precious people on earth, but also the must frustrating for me, because I see them being mercilessly treated by the rest of the world, which tends to walk all over them. I wind up counseling 9 friends who are frustrated at ‘not being heard’ but cannot find it within themselves to assert themselves in any way, or think they deserve to be heard, or know how to recognize what is NOT okay. Being a 9, a peacemaker, someone able to understand everyone’s point of view, is a valuable gift, but you cannot use it for good if you are incapable of believing you deserve good things, too.
Each Enneagram type has a health level. You can find them at the Enneagram Institute. Figure out which level is ‘you’ and start working toward the next one up, through conscious choices. You don’t have to stay this way. Your life is yours to command.1s, you don’t have to be perfect. 2s, you don’t have to please others. 3s, you don’t have to win every time. 4s, you don’t have to stay in a place of self-loathing. 5s, you don’t have to fear trying things. 6s, you don’t have to be afraid all the time. 7s, you don’t have to run away from everything. 8s, you don’t have to turn every discussion into a fight. 9s, you don’t have to give everyone whatever they want. It’s time to take back your life.
- ENFP Mod
PS: Most of these examples come from my extended family, none of whom follow this blog, so if you’re one of my friends (unless you are the 4) -- I’m not talking about you. ;)
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fanatic-kay · 5 years
You Don’t Have To Say ‘I Love You’
Ship: DLAMP Word Count: 542 Genre: Fluff Summary: Logan “Logic” Sanders never says ‘I Love You.’
Read on AO3 Here!
Logan Sanders never says ‘I love you.’
He heard the phrase often. It was said at least twice daily amongst his boyfriends. Patton and Roman jumped at the chance to express their affections but made sure to say it at least once. Every morning, after breakfast, from Patton as they left to start their days, and every night from Roman as he bid them goodnight. Dee and Virgil may not instigate the sharing of the phrase a lot, but they had their moments. Dee said it when he felt bashful, after compliments and bouts of flirting. Virgil often said it when he was completely at peace or after they helped him through a panic or anxiety attack. However, none of the boyfriends had ever heard the words uttered from their book-smart boyfriend, but they never felt the void. They never pushed him to say it or made him feel guilty. The others just accepted him, loving him with everything they had. After all, they knew Logan did love them, even if he didn’t verbally express it.
Patton knew through the little things. The way Logan would always stay and help him clean up and provide company in the kitchen after dinner. How he always started the coffee machine early so Patton could enjoy his first cup before making breakfast. The way the corners of his mouth would twitch upwards when Patton told a joke. How he would be more open with his emotions. How he would offer his support when Patton was going through a hard time. That’s how Patton knew.
Roman knew through his attentiveness. How Logan listened to his frivolous thoughts, even if he truly didn’t understand the appeal. The way his eyes twinkled when he was helping Roman memorize lines from an old literary work. How he would help Roman plan the foundation of the things he wanted to craft, no matter how insane and complex it was. How he would help provide synonyms or antonyms whenever Roman needed help writing. That’s how Roman knew.
Virgil knew through his engagement. The way he doesn’t try to conceal his smile when they get into a debate. The way his eyes lit up when discussing the newest conspiracy theory they had stumbled upon. How he would fondly shake his head when Virgil was feeling clingy or being overdramatic. How he would be the last to part from Virgil after a panic attack. That’s how Virgil knew.
Dee knew through his interest. The way Logan would seek him out when emotions were too much. How his fingers twitched when Dee teased the others with a ‘fact’ that he knew to be untrue, but never outed him. How he was always open to listening to Dee’s rants. The way he would radiate his pride whenever Dee was being honest in a difficult situation. That’s how Dee knew.
They knew because everything he did screamed ‘I love you.’ His soft smiles and warm hugs. His gentle kisses and close cuddle. The way he would spout facts about various topics they were interested in. How he would sometimes get distracted by them when watching or reading something. That’s how they knew.
Logan Sanders never says ‘I love you’ but, well, actions speak louder than words.
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dangermousie · 5 years
Can you share your theories about the possible ending of My Country?
I love this question!
I suppose it could be all the way we see it in the flashforward - Hwi coming to kill Nam Jeon, Seon Ho fighting to defend his father, one or both of the guys dying.
That would be very weird because Seon Ho, whether he is a sweet-natured puppy of ep 1, dark dude of ep 10, or the whole gamut of things he was in-between, has one constant and it’s not making my slasher feelings come true. His constant is that hates hates hates his father. He’s hated him since childhood. He plain text admitted he plans parricide (!!!!), in a Confusian society (!!!) to both his father (!!!!) and his enemy Bang Won (!!!!!) I know he’s an emotional wreck, but it seems beyond insane that he will be willing to either (a) lay down his life to defend a man he wants to kill - and I cannot imagine anything happening in the remaining three eps that somehow transform his lifelong hatred into loyalty; especially since Nam Jeon is about as likely to dump his abusive monster personality as I am to be hired as the nest prima ballerina of the Bolshoi; or (b) even more insane, fight to the death, with a great chance of being a corpsicle, because he wants to kill the old man himself - he is gonna kill someone who wants to kill the monster or die trying because killing the old man himself is that important to him. That’s just nuts. 
And then you add in the fact that the man he is fighting to the death to protect the man he yearns to kill is Hwi, his former best friend and the guy to save whose life he kept throwing away his careful plans and possibly even his life for, that’s even weirder. While wearing Yeon’s ribbon on his sword! Yeon who was the one person he truly opened his heart to, more even than Hwi. Yeon, Hwi’s sister. 
That is all very very weird. Not impossible because the writers are good and can pull the shift off and/or sometimes the writing does fall apart and they might go this way even though it would be unconvincing.
But the writing here is so very tight so the latter seems improbable and the former, while possible, doesn’t seem to be the case. Seon Ho has been very consistent from beginning to end in the ten eps we’ve seen - an abused, messed up, deeply flawed human being who is capable of great ruthlessness and even evil, but who cannot throw his humanity away no matter how he keeps trying; at least not when it comes to Hwi and (now the memory of) Yeon. The thought of killing Yeon’s brother, whom she loved so, to protect the man who killed Yeon is absurd, even without getting into the fact that he’s consistently tried to save Hwi when he could, even when he was at his worst. 
I don’t know if, like @overthinkingkdrama thinks, they are in on it together and staging it for some reason or, equally probably, Seon Ho has just given up on life and is going to pretend to fight Hwi so as to be killed because he doesn’t want to deal with this any more and has no hope or even he thinks he wants to fight Hwi but changes his mind during the fight because all the stuff I put above is something he realizes during the fight. 
 I do think out of the main trio, Seon Ho has the greatest chance to end up dead. He has no future with Bang Won after his spiked his guns so many times. He has no family unless you count the monster who sired him and who is gonna get killed as soon as Bang Won can manage it. He has done awful things he has to live with. I can basically see him dying tragically or even heroically (saving Hwi, for example.) I hope he lives but I am not holding out hope. Hwi can also die - ti would seem epically unfair but hey, it’s a sageuk, and not a fluffy idol one with characters being modern boys with wigs. But, frankly, this is not an old school sageuk either. This is no Damo or Conspiracy in the Court or even Tree of Heaven, to end in total destruction. None of this is a predictor - 2008 Hong Gil Dong was all goofy, tongue-in-cheek fun that slowly got serious and ended up in one of the most devastating “they all die” endings out there, so anything is possible. But still, at one time any non-romcom kdrama had a decent chance in ending in a pile of corpses but that hasn’t been the case for over a decade and sageuks have also been getting cheerier. As about Hui Jae, she might make it. Frankly, much as I like her and ship her and Hwi, if I had to pick whether she or Seon Ho would make it, I’d rather it was Seon Ho because it’s the Hwi x Seon Ho relationship that is the heart of the show, but if only one of them buys it and Hwi is alive, it’s going to be Seon Ho because taking the woman he loves from Hwi after they took his sister just means Hwi walks into the river mark 2 and no butterflies show up to make him change his mind this time.
Short version - Seon Ho is going to die to save Hwi or as part of effort to take down Nam Jeon or just because he wants to die. Hwi most likely lives. HJ probably lives too, and she and Hwi end up together. Sadly, therapy won’t be invented for hundreds of years because they are gonna need it. 
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catlynn-reviews · 6 years
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Title: Pulse Series: Stand-alone Author: Michael Harvey Rating: ★★★★☆ (4/5) Favorite Quote: “And when we truly love, it nurtures. The truth is both can wound and both can kill. They just leave very different marks.” Recommendation: If you like crime, murder mysteries, detectives, poor settings, real-world grit, quantum physics
The story of a Boston murder that defies all expectations--optioned for film by 21 Laps, the company behind Stranger Things and Arrival.
Boston, 1976. In a small apartment above Kenmore Square, sixteen-year-old Daniel Fitzsimmons is listening to his landlord describe a seemingly insane theory about invisible pulses of light and energy that can be harnessed by the human mind. He longs to laugh with his brother Harry about it, but Harry doesn't know he's there--he would never approve of Daniel living on his own. None of that matters, though, because the next night Harry, a Harvard football star, is murdered in an alley.
Detectives "Bark" Jones and Tommy Dillon are assigned to the case. The veteran partners thought they'd seen it all, but they are stunned when Daniel wanders into the crime scene. Even stranger, Daniel claims to have known the details of his brother's murder before it ever happened. The subsequent investigation leads the detectives deep into the Fitzsimmons brothers' past. They find heartbreaking loss, sordid characters, and metaphysical conspiracies. Even on the rough streets of 1970s Boston, Jones and Dillon have never had a case like this.
Pulse is a novel laced with real danger and otherworldly twists--a master class by an endlessly gifted writer.
My Opinion:
The beginning of this novel started a little slowly for my tastes. I have a self-imposed rule that if I start a book I have to finish it (no matter how long it takes me or how boring it is), so that really saved this book. It was so different from the fast-paced books I normally read, so I thought that I had accidentally picked up my dad’s kindle. It was mine though, and once I got around 50 pages in I realized it.
I like books set in the past. Current society is so full of rules and watching eyes that crime books or any books featuring younger main characters seem very unrealistic. I’m constantly questioning why children’s parents aren’t more involved. With books set in the past, it makes much more sense for me.
Crime novels are my bread and butter. I enjoy sinking my teeth into a good horror novel, but murder mysteries are just so satisfying to read. This was an extremely well-executed crime novel that kept me on the edge of my seat (once I got past the boring beginning).
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serpenscapes · 8 years
Reasons to love One Piece (and why you should consider giving it a chance):
-        Ridiculously large and colourful cast of characters (currently at 866 named characters) each of whom have incredibly unique designs and stories
-        There is a reason for everything – a character who is a gold-digger has a reason for it, a character with a pinwheel in his hat has a reason for it, a CHARACTER WHO LITERALLY DRESSES LIKE A BABY ALSO HAS A REASON.
-        Oda (the mangaka) has included his own interpretations of many mythical creatures (giants, mermaids, dwarves, Amazons) in the series as well as inventing many of his own species and tribes, so the breadth of races and species in One Piece is boundless.
-        Insanely well-done foreshadowing. Things that happen 200 chapters ago come back and slap you in the face, or you’ll rewatch it and go “OH MY GOD THAT’S WHAT HE MEANT?” Something that happens in the FIRST EPISODE you don’t realise the true meaning or power of until approximately four hundred episodes later, and then you rewatch episode one and your whole world implodes from sheer BRILLIANCE.
-        The moral of the entire series is to follow your ambitions and pursue them no matter the cost, even if it means sailing a whole fucking ocean, and it’s beautifully portrayed and remarkably moving.
-        THE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT - a character who insists he will kill someone if they get in the way of his ambition is later willing to sacrifice himself and his own goals for that same person. A woman is certain that she is a burden to her friends and says they should leave her to die, but later when potentially under threat she says she doesn’t mind, as she knows her friends will protect her.
-        Male-female relationships aren’t fraught with sexuality or romance as they often are in other series—they’re FRIENDS. JUST FRIENDS. There’s a lot of skinship and hugging and spending time together and it’s all perfectly acceptable, with none of the unnecessary *doki doki* or blushing.
-        Oda invents a lot of unique technologies within the universe e.g. instead of regular telephones there are “transponder snails”, as well as cyborgs powered by cola, cards which can track the movement and location of a specific person, coatings that allow a ship to travel underwater and many other things.
-        You will ENVY the amount of confidence and conviction the main characters have – not only in themselves, but in one another.
-        Speaking of envy, the friendship and bonds between the main characters will make you cry your heart out. The genuine and unwavering loyalty they have to one another is unlike anything I have ever seen in any other series, EVER.
-        No, really, there’s a scene where the main characters DECLARE WAR ON THE WORLD GOVERNMENT in order to get back one of their friends. THEY LITERALLY SET A FLAG ON FIRE AND DECLARE WAR ON THE WHOLE WORLD JUST TO GET THEIR FRIEND BACK.
-        Multiple strong, well-developed female characters who suffer incredible hardships and have backstories that do not revolve around males or romantic relationships
-        Passes the Bechdel test
-        No unnecessary romance, and any romance that is present is used entirely for comic effect
-        Emphasis is placed on bonds between family/friends/platonic love
-        Due to the foreshadowing and the great number of iconic scenes as well as the hilarity of some parts, the series has great rewatchability value.
-        DEVIL FRUITS – Magical fruits that give you special powers if you eat them at the cost of you not being able to swim. The powers vary from things as badass as being able to turn into fire or cause earthquakes to shit as dumb as turning into a giraffe or making clothes appear on people.
-        Best-selling manga in history, 4th best-selling of any comic globally ever (behind only Superman, Batman and The Beano).
-        The protagonist (Luffy) is straightforward and driven and doesn’t carry around the heavy emotional burdens and questioning narratives that so many other shounen protagonists do—he does whatever he wants and doesn’t care what others will think of him for it. Luffy is incredibly cheerful, happy-go-lucky and charismatic and this is noted by one of the other characters – he has the ability to make anyone around him into his ally. Despite coming off as an idiot (which he often is) he’s also incredibly intuitive and intelligent in combat and all of this together makes him by far one of the most uniquely appealing protagonists in any shounen manga. It is impossible to dislike him.
-        Clever portrayal of characters—Oda intentionally uses very little kanji when writing Luffy’s dialogue in order to portray how simplistic he is. Similarly, he gives Luffy almost no thought-bubbles because Luffy just says everything he thinks.
-        Luffy has the power of the gomu-gomu fruit which means his whole body is rubber and it works very well because: a) His power isn’t ridiculously strong b) He can get very creative with it which leads to a lot of very fun fight scenes and great chances to take advantage of perspective shots, as well as mess around with proportions and this overall adds a lot to the style of the series
-        Every single character is a certified BADASS. Even the characters who you don’t want to like.
-        Variety of well-written and incredibly unique antagonists, each with their own motivations, powers and backgrounds.
-        When a reader asked Oda if there would be any romance for or between the crew members in One Piece he responded that ‘their only love is adventure’ and I find that completely adorable (and also thank God no romance.)
-        It’s really quite difficult to HATE any of the characters. There are over 800 characters and I can only say I genuinely HATE two of them. Many characters are difficult to hate once you learn their backstories and motivations, or simply because as characters they’re so compelling and charismatic.
-        Ever-expanding and HUGELY creative universe: there’s an island in the sky, an island in the prehistoric ages, an island made of candy, an island on the back of a giant elephant, an island on the ocean floor and many more. The scale is quite literally insane when you realise that Oda has invented an entire WORLD from scratch and is making the characters traverse the whole thing.
-        Raises immensely important questions regarding morality, good and evil, politics and the governmental system, monarchy, revolution and rebellion, class, gender, race, corruption etc.
-        The government and marines in One Piece present themselves as a force of justice, but then there are marines known for being corrupt, but then there also some marines who are good?!?!? MORAL DILEMMA?!?!
-        The pirates in the world of One Piece are viewed by the government as scumbags, but then some pirates are good?!?! But then some pirates are complete assholes?!?!?! FURTHER MORAL DILEMMA?!?!?
-        You want to hate a character for doing something but then are they just doing their job?!?! But is their job motivated by the right things?!?! But are they allowed to question this?!?! SO MANY MORAL DILEMMAS?!?!
-        Seriously all the moral ambiguity adds so much to the depth of One Piece.
-        Even Luffy specifically says he is not a hero, doesn’t want to be a hero, and while he admires heroes he himself is not a hero because he’s too selfish.
-        CONSPIRACY THEORIES - The government have destroyed all knowledge of a century in history which is referred to as “The Void Century” and part of the intrigue of One Piece is to find out WHAT HAPPENED AND WHY DID THE GOVERNMENT WANT TO DESTROY ALL TRACES AND WHAT ARE THEY HIDING?!?!
-        There are so many crossing over storylines which then come back later i.e. a character from early in the series is waiting for a group of people, approximately 300 episodes later we MEET WHO THEY ARE WAITING FOR.
-        Cartoonish art style allows for HUGELY expressive characters, dynamic action scenes and a massive variety of (often insane) character designs.
-        It’s hilarious – the guy who is (arguably) the most badass in the series has such a shit sense of direction he gets lost on a straight path. There’s a reindeer on the crew who gets referred to by another member as “emergency food supply.” Another crew member constantly assumes that the other members have died or been eaten. One guy constantly gets “I-can’t-go-on-this-island” disease. When Luffy meets a new species the first thing he asks is “Do you poop?”
-        It will make you cry over: a whale, a ship, a hat, a dog, a bento. No, seriously.
-        You will cry over a lot of other things too
-        (If you watch the anime) it has the most breath-taking soundtrack and the seiyuu all do an incredible job of voicing their characters. All of the opening songs are also TRULY karaoke-worthy.
-        (If you read the manga) Oda uses the chapter covers to tell side-stories about other minor characters or villains, as well as taking drawing requests from readers. The double-page colourspreads and the volume covers are also gorgeous. His Q&As at the end of each chapter are also hilarious because he is a sarcastic fuck.
-        Oda confirmed in said Q&A that Luffy’s dick stretches. Later in the story there’s a scene where a group of women who’ve never seen a man before are pulling at Luffy’s dick (while he’s unconscious) thinking it’s a mushroom that’s grown on him and saying “why is this stretching.” I’m not kidding. I’M NOT EVEN KIDDING.
-        Despite the individual “arcs” and their unique storylines there is a single overarching goal throughout the series—to find One Piece, a narrative that has lasted over 20 years and is still going strong. Said single narrative allows for an attachment to the series because you REALLY want to see the end goal when they finally reach it; a lot of other series lack this level of scope.
-        Each of the main characters have their own ambitions and goals and are driven to achieve these throughout the series, often by a heart-wrenching and tear-inducing backstory (all of which are depicted extremely well.)
-        The arcs vary so wildly in their storylines and settings that the intrigue and fun never stops; you’re guaranteed to find one you like – examples: there’s an arc where they have to stop a civil war, an arc based on overthrowing a fake God, a prison-break arc, multiple arcs where they aim to rescue a friend/family member, a huge war and an actual HALLOWEEN ARC WITH ZOMBIES AND SHADOW MONSTERS AND A HAUNTED HOUSE (so good.)
-        There are SO MANY QUESTIONS AND SO MANY THINGS WE STILL NEED TO KNOW and the fact that Oda has run the series for 20 years and still managed to keep up such a high level of intrigue and creativity is genuinely amazing
-        There’s an undead skeleton with an afro who wears a top-hat, plays the violin (+ other instruments) and has a cane-sword, was also temporarily a rock star and makes terrible skeleton-based puns/jokes. There’s also a tiny reindeer who can transform because he ate the human-human devil fruit. Also he’s a doctor and gets embarrassed and swears at people when they complement him. Both of these characters are amazing and have back stories that will make you cry your eyes out. And they’re just TWO of the characters.
-        The series is my go-to when I need cheering up because the characters are so well-developed that they are easy to sympathise with/develop an attachment towards, the adventures they go on are a good mixture of fun, painful/well-constructed, the determination they have to achieve their goals is incredibly motivational and above all, the dedication the characters have to each other is heartbreakingly genuine.
-        In conclusion: One Piece is completely stunning
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artsyarchangel-blog · 7 years
Gunbreaker (Part 2)
HERMES: They started out as weapon manufacturers funded by their countries, nothing suspicious about them, only that they provided  the tools necessary for killing. And since humanity so loves to kill each other, to snuff the flames of life, they rose in power and wealth and eventually in influence. For if you bring the money, everyone will soon bow to your whims. They bribed politicians, other public figures to speak favorably of their weapon-businesses, to pass little bills, just to make the life of an arms dealer a little easier. We now believe that these were just tests, to see how far they could go without being detected or obstructed. At some point they awakened to a truth: that whoever holds the power to kill someone, anyone, would be destined to rule this world. Suddenly, people lost their lives, political figures advocating a demilitarization, suffering convenient accidents or turning to suicide. The general public is a simple beast, but the frequency of these incidents raised even the suspicion of your average person. So they changed tactics and turned back to bribes and threats. I know this is a lot to take in, I let you take a minute, Initiate. ANON: No, it's fine! Please continue!
Really, I was glued to the screen as Hermes told his story.
HERMES: I see, as you wish. So in the end, these weapon manufacturers established a shadow government, with the acting prime minister as a mere puppet, needed to quell the suspicions of the people. That was the plan at least, but it never worked out, there were riots, there were rebels, people trying to convince the public of the truth, just as we do now. So they turned to extreme measures. Pumping out weapons, they supplied all the criminal scum they could get their hands on. Ruthless tribes, violent bands of mercenaries, the organized crime, all of them suddenly found themselves with a new stock of lead and were ready to wreak havoc. After it all became to terrible to bear, the citizens armed themselves and the world had an all-out war on their hands. Not struggle between nations, but simply between men. This massacre raged for years and now all that is left are the five cities, each ruled by a designated Warlord. ANON: This is insane. A war like that, someone has to know about it, an event like this can't simply be forgotten! HERMES: It is lost to time, simply because no one is alive to remember. Only the Warlords know about it, passed down through their lineage. We managed to obtain this information through great sacrifices.
They never told me how exactly they could get a hold of such vital intel, the real history of our world. It was groundbreaking, if it was true, but again, they showed me no proof, I just swallowed it all up. ANON: But what can we even do against an organization that plunged the whole world into chaos? HERMES: They needed a smaller population, to control them easily and indeed, the plan is sound. Our capabilities to strike back are basically nil. We don't even know the identities of these Warlords, only that they named themselves after animals. We are working on a breakthrough in that regard and you might be able to help us. We assume you are well-versed when it comes to hacking? Why else would you approach us, right? ANON: Of course, absolutely not a problem.
I lied without a moments hesitation.
HERMES: Good. Do not be alarmed, it is a simple matter. We need to gain access to the local warlords mainframe, but to do this, some of our members will stage a distraction. You just got to attack some official websites, keep their staff busy. We take care of the main task. Are you truly capable of that?
They must have felt that I was just bullshitting, they were pretty insistent and it felt really bad, when I repeated my lie.
ANON: I am willing and able to participate in this attack! HERMES: We will redirect you to another room, there you will meet the leader of your operation, but this can wait until tomorrow. Find some rest, digest everything we told you today and be ready. Your fight for liberation begins now.
I was stoked as I crawled out of my chair and into my bed. The monitor continued to shine its cold light into my room. I hardly ever turned it off. A million thoughts were running through my head, it was impossible to find any sleep that night, but I had my orders. Yes, starting with this night I saw myself as a soldier, a warrior for the network called Hermes, loyal and obedient. It's kinda scary how easy it is to manipulate some high-school-freshman. The problem remained however: I had no idea how to assist in this attack. Nothing, there was nothing I could contribute, all I had was a superiority-complex and a mouth too big for my own good. Well, surely, they would forgive me once they'd find out, right? We'd just laugh it off, what's the worst that could happen, it was just a game after all. Still, sleep would not find me. I entertained the thought to return to my computer-screen, play some games, but in reality, I was too excited to concentrate on anything. So Hermes tried to gather the identities of these so-called Warlords, that was their, our, goal at the moment, but it didn't go far enough. We had to truly and utterly erase all conflict on this planet. We had to get rid of the demon called “Weaponry”. This was my personal goal, but as I said, I was loyal, I wouldn't further my own interests when there were orders to fulfill. That is, until I started to warp the truth a little. I just assumed that my goal aligned with Hermes', that I acted in their interests and from here on out, it all comes tumbling down. Be assured though, no harm came to me. As I sit here, telling my story, reminiscing about my embarrassing childhood, I am still in possession of all my limbs and received no scars, be it physically or emotionally. Oh, and I am very much alive obviously, I won't pull a plot twist on you, someone else actually narrating the story, a close friend standing in front of the grave of the actual protagonist in the end. We will have none of that. But just because I say that, don't think that they are no stakes involved. No, terrible things happened, it's just that I am sturdier than the average person so none of these events ever really affected me. I am getting sidetracked here...So what I first intended, my first plan to erase all conflict was simply to tell everyone the truth. I was going to lay it all out, about the warlords, about the wasteland surrounding us, about our forged history, everyone needed to know. Screw the consequences, I had a narrative to share. The people deserved to know the truth. So when I finally fell asleep, I wasted no time, skipping school without even thinking about it and went online. I needed a new handle, a new identity and soon, all over the internet, a mysterious name popped up, educating the masses. The infamous GunBreaker. That's the title card right here.
So suddenly, the GunBreaker popped up everywhere, posting comments, writing long blog-posts, which seemed more like fictional writing, but the whole story was true! At least, I thought so, after all, I trusted my anonymous source, why wouldn't I? But as one can imagine, nobody believed me, instead they trolled me into oblivion. However, while I might have hated all these spiteful messages, the people who laughed about my crazy theories, I steadily gained some sort of twisted fame. People started to reference me, things like “A new conspiracy? Better get GunBreaker on the case.” or “not even GunBreaker would buy that shit.” Now, nobody took me serious and that was a problem, but it was still a weird feeling, seeing my new name popping up all over the sites I used to frequent, as a total nobody. They knew my name now and whenever I posted a comment, people were all over me, asking me questions, making fun of me. As I said, no one actually believed me or took me seriously, but also no one hated me. I was like the jester of the internet. Wait, that's something my teenager-self thought at the time, more realistically, they treated me like a retarded child. That's a little harsh, I know, but that doesn't make it any less true. And of course, how else could it be, I was happy about all this attention they threw at me. Eventually, I received another Invitation from Hermes, leading me into another room. Honestly, I almost forgot about the operation we were supposed to carry out, too caught up in my own hijinks. Yet as I saw the message, the memory returned, crystal-clear and I gulped audibly. I still had no idea how to “distract” the government, how to hack into any website. Damn, I was dumb, I had at least a little time, enough to understand the fundamentals at least. Here I was, completely clueless. So I entered the room, but this time, I changed my screen-name. GUNBREAKER: Hey, guys. Was all I typed and the response followed swiftly. DECOY: So it was you... I am the appointed leader of this operation, everyone else is already instructed.
Yet again, I found myself in a one-on-one chat-room, I guess to many participants would only complicate things, so it was fine by me.
GUNBREAKER: Nice to meet you. DECOY: I trust Hermes already told you? Our goal is to attack the official sites of some government institutions, like the high council, the ministry of finances,nothing to exciting. Every skript-kiddie would be capable of shutting these down for a few minutes, but that is exactly what we want them to think. While we strike at their main-frame, a treasure trove of information, the identities of the warlords will be the least shocking revelation if we actually manage this.
Man, this guy must have felt like some military commander instructing his troops right before they jump into a decisive battle. So embarrassing...
DECOY: We appoint the Ministry of city development to you, these sheeps will be surprised to find out that there is no information about the next construction area. Serves them right, being stuck in traffic for believing these lies.
Uh huh...
GUNBREAKER: I understand completely. When will we carry out the operation?
DECOY: At 2200, tomorrow, hit them at night, when their bosses sleep peacefully. We can deal with some bored IT-guys, no problem. It is imperative that you act on time. Shut down your designated homepage and keep them busy. Further instruction should be unnecessary, but do keep in mind that we operate on a tight schedule, every attack needs to happen, otherwise our professional team will miss the time to successfully break in and leave without any traces. Do you understand? Please confirm these mission directives.
GUNBREAKER: I understand my orders. Bring down the public website of the Ministry of City Development, I will not disappoint you.
DECOY: Understood, we meet at 2100, to coordinate the attack. Just be there, we will invite you again. Decoy out.
I was so fucked! Then again, why would a single attack matter? Who knows how many hackers and crackers were on the job, why should a single failure doom the entire mission? So the operation to liberate all of humanity was not at stake, what relief. However, I was still screwed, if the site of this ministry would not go down, if they noticed, then Hermes would know that I am at fault, that I didn't do my part. Surely, they would throw me out then. I couldn't let this happen! So naturally, I did what everyone would do in my situation. I sat down in front of my computer, brought up a search-engine and typed:”How to hack a website”
I actually found some interesting results! Judging by how heavily curated our network seemed to be earlier when I conducted my research, I expected absolutely nothing. Yet here I found multiple guidelines,  detailing how to easily bring down a webpage. There was just one problem, despite their claims, it wasn't easy at all! I couldn't wrap my head around it, what the hell? Maybe I could have, if only I had more time, but until tomorrow? There was no chance! I read about scripts, directory listings, source codes, saw some weird programming chains, remote files, none of it made any sense to me. Clutching my head, staring at the screen, I tried my darndest, but nothing would sink in. I was only a teenager, not even  particularly smart, no one could expect this shit of me. They would though, Hermes would expect this of me and  if I was unable to deliver, who knows what they would do to me. I seriously started to get a little scared, recalled the stories I heard about him, true or not. He seemed like a badass, I didn't want him to come after me... So I did my best, I spent all my time reading up on this hacker-business. Even an idiot like me could do this, I just needed to put in the effort. Some time later, I grasped some of the ideas. And I needed tools, these guides clearly stated I need some programs to actually start. Obviously, I looked for them...and found absolutely nothing. That was bullshit, the guide clearly stated that these tools were easily obtainable! There was absolutely nothing, no matter how hard I looked! Was that a joke, did the government intervene here? They leave the guidelines up, but then remove any possibility to actually follow through? Are they taunting me? Or worse tracking me as soon as I made my search query? What a scary thought, I just wanted to quit at this point. I simply was not allowed to, Hermes probably knew all about me already, if I just left now, there would be retribution. A new dawn rose, the sun annoyingly caressed my sleep-deprived face. Then, after a few hours of morning despair, I even went so far and visited some nearby bookstores, for the first time in my recent memory. Analogue reading is only done by losers after all, but I was running out of options here. “Programming for absolute Morons” caught my eye, but I didn't want to learn how to program, this was useless. “Even a skript-kiddie could do it”. Does this mean I'm  not even  on this level? What an embarrassment, how tragic! I seriously started to loose it, but there was nothing to be done. So at 9 pm I sat in front of my screen, clueless, utterly useless, but at least I was on time. As before, an invitation, it was second nature by now, I struggled to stay awake, being up for over 24 hours, as I entered the chat-room. This time it wasn't just me, multiple people were gathered, I counted eight including our operations-leader. Their names were such  typical products of a teenage mind: Iceglazier, Bloodedge, AcidicKiller, you get the idea. I vividly remember thinking how cool they all sounded, but I didn't need to hide. Gunbreaker was an awesome name, after all, nothing to laugh about. Well, I am laughing in embarrassment when I think back, especially since it only got worse over time. But wait a second, was eight even enough? Could we pull this off? I'm saying we, but obviously I couldn't really contribute. DECOY: So you all have gathered here, very well. Our role is just as important as the main groups work, without us, they can only fail. I just wanted to make this clear one more time.
Nobody replied here, this was Decoys show and he seemed to really enjoy himself. Or herself, hell if I ever found out.
DECOY: Everyone present here already received their orders and we got precisely 43 minutes until this mission commences. If there is everything still open, something that's not clear, now is the time to ask. There shouldn't be, though, we are professionals after all.
Yes, excuse me, but how do I exactly hack a website? I don't really get the bare-bone fundamentals. Like I'd ever ask something like that. But goddammit, what could I do instead? The truth was out of the question, my lie already to advanced to safely pull out now.
BLOODEDGE: How long will it take the main-team to fulfill their objective?
DECOY: We estimate around 15 minutes. Just clear your mission, that should give us enough time. Is there anything else?
No response. Maybe these guys actually were professionals. Or maybe it was just that nobody dared to ask a stupid question, just like myself. At this time in the past, I of course assumed the first point, no doubt about it.
DECOY: Then you are dismissed. Our mission is nothing less then the liberation of all humanity. Act accordingly and do not disappoint us. Don't let Hermes down! And do it for our future, do it for our children and do it for their children. And the past, can't forget the fallen warriors coming before us, the billions of lives lost in the great Wars that lead our planet into this cruel fate. Also, do it for Jenny, I'm gonna tell her my feelings after this!...yeah.
God, how did I ever get tricked by these losers?
DECOY: Afterwards, you will be invited again for a post-mission briefing, good luck!
Everyone left the room one after another and then there I was, slumped down in my comfy chair, staring blankly at the screen, while the clock was ticking. I had to act, I could not let them down. I opened the site for the ministry, just looking at it, expecting a clue to pop up, a gate leading me to a solution. Maybe I should have asked where the other ones got their tools from, but then I had to admit that I never done this before. Before I reached out to Hermes. Why, you might ask? Why was it such a big deal? This is so childish. The thing is: yes, exactly, I was a child after all, none of this shit really mattered if you think about it. But to a useless teenager, who had no talents, nothing he was really good at, this was very important, it was everything, a chance to finally be someone. Five minutes left until 10 pm. My head crashed on my desk in frustration, but more then a small bruise on my forehead was not achieved by this. Then I had to surrender, I had to finally admit, that there was nothing I could do, that I lost. I was lying to myself thinking I could achieve something, anything to change the world...with Hermes help! Indeed, I had to do this on my own, this was my conclusion out of this event. GunBreaker would go on a solo-mission, using his unflappable mind and his sharp rhetoric to open the eyes of the population. Hermes would become my rival, a friendly relationship, our goals aligned, yet our methods would be different and it would be very interesting to see who would come out on top. Just you wait, Hermes, you are not the only one who will free humanity of its shackles, breaking the walls of their cities. Curiosity, however got the better of me and I absolutely wanted to see if they could pull off their attack. It was 10 pm by now, so I just brought up the official site of our High Council and there it was. “This page is unavailable while we perform maintenance. Please refer to our social media-account for updates.” I kinda expected something more flashy, the Hermes logo all over the site, mocking words behind it, while the allegedly teenage hacker celebrated his victory over the stupid authority. Something like this, not some official statement, that might as well be a coincidence. I checked the city development page next and my eyes went wide. The same message? But I didn't do anything. That was very weird, really suspicious even! However, highschool-me just shrugged it off, like the moron that he was. Someone else must have taken my part as soon as they realized I wasn't participating, a simple answer to a rather complicated problem. They succeeded apparently, this was all I took from this, good for them. For my newfound rival, a worthy opponent. And for the following weeks, the net was haunted by the GunBreaker, more determined then ever before.
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