cosmowes · 6 months
paper notes ❤️
sorry notion girlies… i’m a biased paper note taker. i actually have a notion, but i never use it lol 😭 doing stuff physically works sm better for me
i just wanna talk about some benefits of physical/digital notes, and how i keep mine cute :)
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taking notes physically has been shown to help improve memorization (01). another thing i’ve noticed for myself is that i tend to just copy when i take digital notes since there’s more space, but with physical notes i rephrase and consider the notes as i take them.
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this venn diagram (taken from 02) shows some basic information about different ways of taking notes. paper is slower but generative; laptop is faster but nongenerative.
for me, i’m willing to make that sacrifice because long term retention is my goal, not quick memorization. but if it isn’t a class you’ll need for a long time (eg. my drama class) i think digital can work.
one last thing- when i’m studying, i have trouble going over my notes again bc i find it boring. with physical notes, this is usually when i highlight and make them cute, so it forces me to look over them again. speaking of which:
so fun fact: you don’t need fancy supplies for cute notes. i use a three ring binder from staples, some cheapy plastic dividers, office depot pencils and some pastel bics.
if you like pens, then def get some in cute colors! pentel are my holy grain, but they are sort of expensive. i had every color but most of them have run out of ink by now.
thin mechanical pencils >>> i don’t have any at the moment but i’m definitely getting more soon. love them. perfect for details.
good highlighters!! these are so important to me. i have pastel bics but i wanna get mildliners sometime soon.
cute bullet point shapes. i do hearts, stars, flowers, etc…
stickers sticker stickers! i put stickers on everything they are so amazing, they make everything cuter
if you wanna get fancy, try washi tape
also little cutouts are great!
sticky notes for trivia q’s and corrections and such since you can flip them up :) i have see through ones and they’re great
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dabblingreturns · 1 year
So I don't know about the rest of y'all* but I don't always check bios for pronouns or remember if I've previously checked them....
Therefore on my first encounter woth the poster, everyone with a male icon is he/they till im told otherwise and everyone with a female icon is she/they....and everyone who has a nongenered or multi gendered icon is they/they until I read a post that gives a gender.
Yes, I relize I'm a they/they by this rule....but that's okay with me......
The one exception to this rule, is my beloved, little haikubot.
Little haikubot is my babydoll, my little poetry echo.
But seriously, to me, little haikubot's pronouns are it/it.
*"i don't know about the rest of y'all" is why I don't know know your gender and that's okay. I just know alot of you are funny
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lionews · 2 years
"cc_a_baby (#427731) 
does anyone have IBS or is it just me??"
I'm going to end it all (/nongen) if chat mods don't come soon I'm going insane
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coronellotainfo · 5 months
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#Concepcion camino a nongen esquina diego portales posible presencia de gases combustibles en vía publica bomberos en ruta. #ECHBiobio https://t.co/3fuDx4iptc
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444names · 1 year
sindarin dictionary + finnish names
Abown Adanele Adelonen Adfuit Adhed Adhervil Advervo Aegla Aerja Agorn Aijan Ainna Allati Amelter Ammennen Ammiden Amorgaze Anadim Andervo Andonen Anenen Anher Anith Annestriki Anniki Antle Anurtta Apheas Archanel Arrid Arthadh Aterearja Augmen Auguar Aukorgirmi Aunth Baila Barigh Bedge Beekon Belipark Bensen Bethoss Biainent Bletaht Bodeson Bollaeft Bouse Braben Braguar Brendespen Brieth Budainge Buref Buros Calloth Cappringe Carkinenen Cartiemith Catcromy Catinkal Cawnen Chiltor Cianto Cinen Ciona Cloth Colatiff Coldev Colehtive Collinkanc Comathrown Cutjälä Cáfronen Círila Cýronas Dagle Danalalt Danday Daniemmaar Dappoive Decken Dedined Delui Depadely Depponen Deprohtemy Dianderron Dinennib Dirching Doritunt Duarjalaph Díride Dýgaew Dýgal Ealarighto Eards Ectill Einatiage Eljannen Emethug Entolabui Erjalmaing Ernords Eroth Exild Exthilleb Fallosuri Faniona Farabula Fardsmal Farkedh Farsol Fearp Felists Fembog Feneinen Ficulth Fimmoom Finen Firvi Fleath Fleppely Flise Floraulw Flouruni Fordaell Fravaar Fritaronen Frontren Fírinen Galfick Garathilia Garnark Garth Gatiria Geres Gilden Giousen Giveevila Glair Glast Glimale Glodograve Gloski Gloste Gonen Gorabsc Goraskil Gorateladh Gornen Gororia Guang Guesdaer Guloyala Gwate Gwatto Gwirdeth Haben Hable Hadan Halia Halow Handisty Haner Hanqui Hantti Hattiven Haull Havio Heamuser Hearane Heinen Heith Hemäkil Hencer Herbsceng Herechang Hindainka Hippast Holandar Holoth Horecider Hosen Houtu Hukos Huokonence Huttue Hwand Hyvärvilim Hämäki Icuskone Iishans Ilbed Ildiming Iläing Imaing Ingwenna Irinni Istoloseer Jersecke Juntanti Jutchaann Juvound Kallood Kalod Kanibig Karppin Kated Keitue Kiirth Kinew Konded Konen Konivery Laaphy Ladarody Laily Larlarth Larpecto Larvi Laybomeleb Leartter Lerom Lhand Lhaund Limla Lintter Lisla Liven Livenen Lorond Lortelyinc Lovisy Lumen Lunna Maarly Maecro Mague Maidel Maince Maing Manytheim Maral Marno Marter Mashou Matchiod Mathearvi Mauneta Memadfuse Menen Mener Merose Minast Minen Mirchorn Misadh Miska Munen Mäkive Míriaiso Mîthan Nalovi Naltholady Nanet Nattiver Neceb Nencath Nencavunt Nennings Niemistod Niempte Nionen Nobal Nongen Nuilph Nukkiikkel Nuriten Nybola Nîdhon Nóruic Obled Oewein Olaewed Olebelm Ostel Othip Othrape Otivild Ousakkor Outhrowed Ovalf Paeluescui Pakedren Pakerch Paltheamm Pandila Pannel Paret Parridagol Paterve Peksive Pelaing Peretwist Pickna Pilppälä Pinen Piredre Pirkkally Plapoking Ponen Porth Preath Prentor Prittea Proos Puund Pyyrkko Raeatonent Raernousy Rafth Ralad Ranth Rapha Rasheled Rathan Raybrien Repputh Requile Retine Rever Revin Rhols Rialeas Riemo Riter Rokaiski Roner Ronge Roola Ruithall Rundy Runín Ränen Saaloe Saarma Sabenkol Sagre Saija Salfus Salmoiven Samegol Sartasti Savenn Saveska Scemper Seatarf Seple Shaphine Sharhad Shenen Shuhanig Siethran Sillon Sivain Sivreas Skive Slinnieli Sonen Sookki Sotela Souder Spancha Spaspi Speolan Sperja Spervalimi Sphasse Spiljärvi Stalto Stiviö Stopir Stord Strod Suble Subloneth Subst Suprown Swatha Talia Talpely Tamootd Tanen Tanskall Tapitad Tapääsänen Tawkwarti Teglive Terio Thaunw Thonen Thonenc Thran Tinenen Toistol Toner Trappos Tread Trefin Triited Trustran Turrio Twisc Tíriste Uiling Undourmi Unent Upread Uruppikell Usisse Ustoll Vainen Vallen Vania Vaniettle Vapalotin Vearown Viridial Virviö Waeck Wainen Wenost Whalmarith Wicking Willipbud Winen Winer Woors Woorth Worith Wribel Ylias Yllon
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southslates · 2 years
knowing i will never get to be as into general atla fandom as i'd like because i'm a diehard zutara is so... sad sometimes LOL
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thingaweeek-blog · 8 years
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theramseyloft · 4 years
Leg Feathering structural side effects in Pigeons
I go searching through science news sites to find new pigeon research when I have the time, and recently found this article:
“University of Utah scientists identified two genes that make some pigeon breeds develop feathered feet known as muffs, while others have scaled feet. The same or similar genes might explain scaled feet in chickens and other birds, and provide insight into how some dinosaurs got feathers before they evolved into birds.”
“The study found that in pigeons with feathers on their hindlimbs or feet, a hindlimb-development gene named Pitx1 is less active than normal, while a forelimb-development gene named Tbx5 is active in the feet, where it normally is not.In other words, "pigeons' fancy feathered feet are partially wings," says biologist Mike Shapiro, senior author of the study published today by the journal eLife.”
“In mutant pigeons with foot feathers, "the hindlimb is clearly recognizable as a leg, but it has taken on more forelimb characteristics," he says. "It's not a complete transformation of a leg into a wing. Rather, components of the leg are more winglike, including feathers and a larger leg bone." “
“Shapiro and colleagues found that the Pitx1 and Tbx5 genes themselves are no different in breeds with and without foot muffs. Instead, they learned that nongene "regulatory sequences" of DNA near the genes act like switches to turn down the activity of hindlimb gene Pitx1 and turn up activity of forelimb gene Tbx5 in the embryos of pigeons with foot feathers.“ “
Neat, right?
I logged that away in the Research Papers section of the House Pet and Therapy Pigeon Discord, where I put interesting papers that aren’t related to sociology and cognition, and then thought nothing of it.
On the first, I was taking pictures and noticed that Cloud had some spectacularly awful poo foot. 
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You can normally get caked on poo off by chipping it gently. (Usually from the caked claws of a nestling in summer.)
But when I tried to do this with Cloud, I realized that what should have been a solid, clay like lump had... tendrils of live, vascular skin? Running through it.
This took 45 minutes to break up and clean between a long soak in warm water and careful use of grooming tools.
Here is what we found:
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An interesting side effect of making a pigeons leg more wing like is excess skin in the toes,
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 like the structural webbing of a wing that supports the flights.
Cloud’s grandmother is a Giant Homer, which are prone to rapidly forming calluses in response to irritants to their feet,
In and of themselves, such callus growths are harmless.
But the combination of extra foot skin really exaggerated the rapid callus growth and that rough, bristling surface is hard for a bird to clean.
As more poo built up on his feet, Cloud grew more callus in response.
Whiich gave his feet more rough, hard to clean surface for more poo to gather on...
Like his Grandmothers’ now that they are clean, Cloud’s calluses will dry up and flake off.
But this was an interesting lesson for me in the interplay of different genetic traits that it may not be intuitive to look for when blending different breeds.
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[image id: an image of an id. the new id emoji specifically. it has a picture of the nongenered face emoji with the name “jo appleseed”. underneath it lists the phone number “438-123-4567”, the address “125 main st.” and the city “City Name, CA, 95014”. the signature is illegible.]
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selenashires · 3 years
People need to stop asking me about having a boyfriend and asking why I dont have one. When I reply with "I don't want one" stop asking me why I am fine on my own I don't want to share my life with someone I barely have time for myself also I'm an asexual who prefers loners of both genders and nongeners that made more sense in my head
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theshipscloset · 4 years
Wait, Requiem for Methuselah was NOT a Gene episode?!
Might I request a simple rant someday explaining the Season 3 issues and like a list of Nongene episodes? Because though I personally like some of them, I admit KS wise they were always a bit lacking or even flat out ODD at times...
It wasn’t! Given the end of that episode it does kinda blow your mind, right?
Roddenberry basically tried to bluff his way into a better timeslot for the show and the network called him on it, forcing him to leave or lose all credibility. This happened between seasons two and three, so season three is almost entirely without Roddenberry’s influence. (I say almost because they did let him come back for the final episode, Turnabout Intruder. They may have technically kept him on as a consultant but god knows they ignored him if they did.)
Non-Gene episodes are often criticized for lack of Kirk/Spock focus and out-of-character behavior (in addition to just some Wild Shit). After they ditched Roddenberry and the show was under new management, they brought in a bunch of brand new writers who had never worked on the show before and stopped hiring the ones who had. Without Roddenberry’s guidance and perfectionism, all the newbies basically trashed the joint. Kirk started to be written more like the fanon Kirk that endures even today, Spock was suddenly talking about Pon Farr (Pon goddamn Farr) with total strangers, and the show’s focus shifted to style over characters and their relationships.* Even non-shippers readily agree that the lack of the K/S dynamic is a big part of why those episodes suck because, no matter how you interpret them, they were the central relationship on the show. (With, of course, the frequent and much loved presence of McCoy to round out the triumvirate.)
Actually, in double checking stuff for this reply I’ve had to adjust my understanding of season three a bit. Gene Coon wrote the script for two episodes and the general story for two more, but he wasn’t a producer for season three. I thought he had a hand in the first eight or so episodes, turns out he only had a hand in two of those (the other two he worked on came later). This means The Enterprise Incident  and The Empath were done entirely without the Genes, the former being a genuinely solid episode of Trek and the latter being gay as fuck. However, this also explains Elaan of Troyius and especially The Paradise Syndrome--two episodes I was stunned to think were worked on by Coon.
*There were fun and silly episodes under Roddenberry, obvs, but they were mixed in with serious/character driven episodes. The sillier ones were Coon’s influence btw.
Anyway, here are the episodes touched by a Gene in season three:
Spectre of the Gun (Coon)
Spock’s Brain (Coon)
Wink of an Eye (Coon)
Let That Be Your Last Battlefield (Coon)
Turnabout Intruder (Roddenberry)
I’ve only seen Wink of an Eye and Let That Be Your Last Battlefield like one time since I thought neither Gene worked on them. Guess I’ll add those to the rewatch list for the Youtube channel (and take away Elaan and Paradise...thank god.)
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the-bmood · 4 years
My friend found my blog ( @chiken-nongens ) which was a backup of my main blog ( @chimkem-nunget ) where i posted about my friends and they read it all so i guess we’re starting afresh
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fredahahn95-blog · 4 years
washington state auto insurance rate increases
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes from different companies :coveragefinder.net
washington state auto insurance rate increases
washington state auto insurance rate increases for an extended period and have also gone up for five years. If you’re thinking, perhaps you should have looked outside the average car insurance premium cost in an industry with rising rates, as the rate of accidents was already on a rise. Auto insurance companies do not just adjust rate numbers to their own calculation of risk. Rather, they ask, do they need to pay the excess, based on current rates, and how much more their customers may have to pay before they’ll be granted a policy. As a result, a company that has an exceptionally cheap rate for all but one customer may have an accident at its worst, but its customers will have to deal with that higher rate. If you’ve been reading on, you might be thinking that a car insurance company will assume a lower rate than an average and then will allow you to use the lower base rate. Let’s address the three major concerns with regards to low auto insurance rates – how many accidents are. washington state auto insurance rate increases by the highest amount from 2017, when auto insurance rates went through the roof. If you have a long commute, you’re in luck: Washington auto insurance rates are about $130 less than the average of $1191. This makes auto theft an unavoidable problem in a city with several mass-flooding events per year. The good news is, you can get affordable insurance that protects your car in case you get into a serious accident. For example, you can check out a sample Chevrolet Malibu auto insurance cost for a driver named Jonathan Alford. In this guide, we’re going to show you the best cheap auto insurance in Spokane right now with the cheapest car insurance providers and key factors to consider when making your auto insurance decision: Use our free online car insurance quote tool to get your free auto insurance quotes with. In our analyses, we’re going to give you a snapshot of the cheapest car insurance quotes offered by major insurance companies, then show you how. washington state auto insurance rate increases by 20%. But by how much? For example, the study looked at insurance rates in the Washington area. A person living in Seattle, for example, pays about $1,270 annually, while a driver in Baltimore would pay just over $900. So what happens when you live in a city with an incredibly high number of uninsured drivers? The reasons insurance companies raise rates are probably not the same as why drivers in these state live in the city: in part because insurance companies believe that non-compliant motorists (and even DWI, or felony convictions) pose a high risk for the insurance company. In Seattle, the biggest insurance carriers in the country have rate increases on average by 19%-28%. What can you do to lower your car insurance premiums? Try shopping around: the things insurance companies are most concerned about, and ask about your . Here are a few tips on what you can do to lower. When shopping for car insurance, you need to get quotes from at least three different.
Other Insurance
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Cheapest Car Insurance for Drivers With a DUI in Washington
Cheapest Car Insurance for Drivers With a DUI in Washington Can I get auto insurance with a DUI in Washington? A court-appointed nongener s license or permit suspension may lower premiums for motorists caught driving with suspended or revoked licenses. Cheapest for good drivers with poor credit Washington drivers can save by having a checkered accident record, speeding tickets, a DUI conviction or a spotty insurance record, according to five major insurance companies. Cheap for military families If you’re a military member or someone who has served in the military, you can’t buy car insurance in Washington. But if you’re an active member of the military or affiliated with other branches of the armed forces, you can get a policy. Is USAA good for military families? Not necessarily – not even a close one. The only other option is to play the military s games, which are with the . DON T MISS: After a DUI on your record, there are several.
The 4 Best Car Insurance Companies in Washington
The 4 Best Car Insurance Companies in Washington State About 40% of drivers in the state do not have insurance. That’s why being able to pay for car repairs and medical bills is crucial for drivers in the long run. Getting an SR-22 on your car insurance policy is typically expensive, as it will prove your knowledge and skills behind the wheel. The minimum auto insurance requirements in Washington are as follows : $100,000 bodily injury liability per person $300,000 bodily injury liability per accident $50,000 property damage liability per accident $100,000 uninsured motorist coverage per person Uninsured motorist coverage protects you by paying for bodily injuries and property damage you accidentally cause with your uninsured motorist coverage. Using a proprietary dataset of over 1.5 million car insurance shopper applications, the data scientists at Insurify have run various studies on driver behavior across .
Car Insurance Requirements in WA: How Much Coverage Do You Need?
Car Insurance Requirements in WA: How Much Coverage Do You Need? If your vehicle is financed, it must be insured by WA State Auto, LLC. A variety of vehicles require different types and amounts of coverage, which can include: The minimum liability car insurance requirements for Washington drivers are: $25,000/$50,000 bodily injury liability per person / $100,000 per accident For states with mandatory liability car insurance requirements, an average of $30,000/$60,000 are the most common types of insurance. Note that liability protection covers medical costs and vehicle repair if you are found at-fault in an accident. $25,000/$50,000 property damage liability per accident In many states, drivers are only required to carry bodily injury liability insurance. If you cause an accident with multiple injuries in a short period of time, that can quickly exhaust your auto insurance coverage. Below are the states that will default to the bare minimum auto insurance for Washington state law: While auto insurance isn’t mandatory in every state,.
Who Needs Car Insurance in Washington?
Who Needs Car Insurance in Washington? Car insurance is an essential component both of a driver’s finances and the survival of their family. One of the main reasons a driver qualifies for car insurance coverage is for the following reasons: An auto insurance policy is not an insurance contract. An auto insurance policy is a set of documents that outline a contract between the insured and the insurance company in case of an accident. An auto insurance policy is not a contract, it is a set of documents that describe a series of coverages that are included in most insurance policies. These coverages include bodily injury and property damage liability (PLPD) and personal injury protection (PEP) coverage. They also include liability protection in the amount of 100/300/50, which are referred to as bodily injury protection and property damage liability (PLPD) and personal injury protection (PEP). In order to understand how all of these coverages may differ, it’s best to do a little research. What is coverages and what are the.
Expert Advice on Finding Cheap Car Insurance in Washington
Expert Advice on Finding Cheap Car Insurance in Washington State CoverageRequirements Age60 $1,076 $1,084 $1,085 -$0:58 CoverageAge(years) $400 $400 $429 In Washington: 16 years old, and to age 240 must carry the state s minimum car insurance, as well as the legal minimum auto insurance for others found driving without it. The state also requires a minimum of $30,000 in coverage to make up for your loss of income, and an additional $35,000 for certain medical bills. $50,000 in bodily injury liability per person $300 $300 $350 In Washington: The shows the average cost of liability car insurance per accident for all classes of drivers. $100,000 uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage per person $300 $300 $330 In Washington: Un.
Car Insurance Discounts in Washington
Car Insurance Discounts in Washington State: State Farm offers cheap car insurance by utilizing its low rates and online quoting tools. It has an online quote system based on how drivers with a good record will save. It also has a large mobile app with online access. is the fourth largest car insurance company in America and ranks number 2 for cost per mile driven. It covers the majority of the U.S. It has a low rate of any commercial insurance and premiums average close to those of companies competing on the low end, but not nearly as competitive as some of these other companies. State Farm is one of the only insurance companies that does not require a driver’s license to be enrolled in their car insurance. If you do purchase this coverage, your new insurance provider will be able to provide a more competitive rate for a more extensive and extensive degree of insurance. A more advanced level of insurance is a more comprehensive level of insurance that means you may buy a more extensive insurance policy. You don’t need to carry as.
The Best Cheap Car Insurance Companies for Washington Drivers in 2020
The Best Cheap Car Insurance Companies for Washington Drivers in 2020 - 2020-02-16 23:09T00:00A2:00O:00D:00D:00D:00D:00D:00D:00Wawanesa, Co. of Farmers Motor Insurance - 2018-09-29 14:08T00:00A2:00O:00D:00D:00D:00D:00D:00D:00D:00D:00D:00Hagerty Insurance - 2017-12-15 21:15T00:00A1:00O:00D:00D:00D:00D:00D:00D:00D:00Get Your Rates #blank##blank##blank##blank# Get Your Rates #blank# Check out our comparison tool now. Don t miss saving $400 on your car insurance © 2013-2020 Insurify, Inc. All rights reserved. Ensurify Insurance Agency is a insurance agency.
Auto Insurance
Auto Insurance for an 18-year-old male is as follows: $17.50 an hour for all other drivers, unless you’re paying a higher price than the average driver. However, if you own a 2015 Honda Accord or your car has comprehensive protection, then you should look into additional drivers’ coverage. If you don’t have renters coverage and the car is stolen, then you could file a auto insurance claim. While you will get the same premium as someone driving in the other state, you pay the amount of the deductible you have to pay to get a quote. A car insurance policy is usually cheaper in states with more privacy policies. For example, many states allow insurance companies to establish a network of auto dealers to help them find and price policies. With these changes, there are changes to the auto insurance options available to you. It’s important to understand that car insurance rates are always changing. The most affordable price for you can vary significantly across different insurance companies.
Washington Car Insurance Laws for New Residents
Washington Car Insurance Laws for New Residents When you buy a car through a local dealer for the first time, you are likely offered a car insurance policy which includes optional coverages to match the insurance coverage you already have. By the time you have to buy a new car at the dealership, you are likely to have already purchased a policy that provides at least the state minimum auto insurance requirement and may also include coverage for a few additional services such as towing and locksmith service. Your insurance company is required to provide all of the below to cover you in the event of an accident with towing, water leak, fuel delivery, roadside assistance and theft. Most states require at least liability insurance on all vehicles. Collision Car Insurance for New Car Shoppers At the very least, you will want to be protected by adding uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage or collision coverage to your policy. But again, if you buy a new car at the dealership, the insurance can vary greatly from company to company, with the.
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jappumble · 7 years
As laptops become smaller and more ubiquitous, and with the advent of tablets, the idea of taking notes by hand just seems old-fashioned to many students today. Typing your notes is faster — which comes in handy when there's a lot of information to take down. But it turns out there are still advantages to doing things the old-fashioned way. For one thing, research shows that laptops and tablets have a tendency to be distracting — it's so easy to click over to Facebook in that dull lecture. And a study has shown that the fact that you have to be slower when you take notes by hand is what makes it more useful in the long run. In the study published in Psychological Science, Pam A. Mueller of Princeton University and Daniel M. Oppenheimer of the University of California, Los Angeles sought to test how note-taking by hand or by computer affects learning. "When people type their notes, they have this tendency to try to take verbatim notes and write down as much of the lecture as they can," Mueller tells NPR's Rachel Martin. "The students who were taking longhand notes in our studies were forced to be more selective — because you can't write as fast as you can type. And that extra processing of the material that they were doing benefited them." Mueller and Oppenheimer cited that note-taking can be categorized two ways: generative and nongenerative. Generative note-taking pertains to "summarizing, paraphrasing, concept mapping," while nongenerative note-taking involves copying something verbatim. And there are two hypotheses to why note-taking is beneficial in the first place. The first idea is called the encoding hypothesis, which says that when a person is taking notes, "the processing that occurs" will improve "learning and retention." The second, called the external-storage hypothesis, is that you learn by being able to look back at your notes, or even the notes of other people. Because people can type faster than they write, using a laptop will make people more likely to try to transcribe everything they're hearing. So on the one hand, Mueller and Oppenheimer were faced with the question of whether the benefits of being able to look at your more complete, transcribed notes on a laptop outweigh the drawbacks of not processing that information. On the other hand, when writing longhand, you process the information better but have less to look back at.
Attention, Students: Put Your Laptops Away
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vesaniapicz-blog · 7 years
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#nature #photography #adventure #trees #river #forest #sky #landscape #new #instagood #soydeconce #concepciónadicto Fotografo: @zommusvesania (at Valle Nongen)
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nullarysources · 4 years
Viviane Callier for Quanta Magazine:
For the half past century or more, most biologists agreed with the conclusions of the geneticist Susumu Ohno in his influential 1970 book Evolution by Gene Duplication. While acknowledging that the first genes had to come from somewhere, he wrote: "Yet, in a strict sense, nothing in evolution is created de novo. Each new gene must have arisen from an existing gene..."
This explanation seemed sound because truly de novo genes would have to emerge through evolution acting on the abundant "nongenic" DNA (often dismissed as junk) between genes. It was hard to imagine how that could happen. Cells' fitness generally depends on the smooth functioning of networks of genes that have coevolved to work together over millions of years. Genes derived from other genes have a better chance of blending into those networks. In comparison, the fairly random transcripts from nascent de novo genes seem as though they should be, at best, inconsequential and more likely harmful to cells' prospects. "The received wisdom is that random sequences are more likely to mess things up than to make them better," said Aoife McLysaght, a geneticist at Trinity College Dublin.
But in the past 15 years, evidence for de novo genes has steadily accumulated, so much so that the debate has shifted from whether de novo genes exist to how much they contribute to evolution and adaptation.
All of my genes definitely came from the garbage, so this sounds right to me
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