pdpxhzvnm5 · 1 year
White Backyard Booty vs BBC extreme monster boob pov with german milf Teens pay back old boss by fucking him at the office in hardcore old young threesome Two muscular stags with big jocks share one juicy teen pussy Gay guys blow and wank each others hairy dicks until jizzing Me follo a mi suegra en diferentes partes de nuestra ciudad - Historia completa - Porno en Español Cutie tugs cock with feet Busty Milf and young slave fuck at party Fucking Asian hairy sluty wife cleveland columbus
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fieriframes · 2 months
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tellmeourstoryy · 2 years
I’ve already been on a tumblr break, but I think I’m officially gonna take a break until like Thanksgiving/ winter break. School is kicking my butt rn so I’m trying to spend less time on my phone. But anyways I’ll be back and I’ll miss you guys sm!!! I really do love all of you guys and can’t wait for the semester to be over and come back and spam all of you lolol. I hope these next few months are the best❤️❤️❤️❤️
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4dkellysworld · 11 months
While practicing no thoughts
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The more I do this during the day, the more I realise just how repetitive and therefore useless (I don't mean it in a negative way but more from an objective perspective, there's no point in repeating the exact same thoughts over and over) most of my Vanessa's thoughts really are, it really is a habit. I will notice she'll be thinking the exact same thing multiple times in a day but now I am aware of it and I question "hang on, what's the use in thinking that again?" and just being aware of that in itself, the thought naturally drops and silence resumes.
Another type of useless thought I observed is when I observe strangers, my Vanessa's mind will sometimes narrate her thoughts and observations like "oh she's got that cake. Is she gonna eat that now? Cos same" then I'll remind myself "what's the use in thinking that? It's none of my business, meh" and it naturally drops.
It gets easier the more you do it. I had a moment yesterday that felt so bizarre but it was just me experiencing being awareness. You know when you're watching a tv show and you yourself aren't thinking anything in your mind, you're just watching it? After my mind was quiet for a while, I felt exactly that - I was watching my surroundings in the physical world. It felt so unusual because the experience of watching the world was also coming from a position/understanding/perspective of not being part of the world I was observing in any way - the same way you know you're not part of the TV show's world when you're watching it. The 'I' observing all this was distinctly not Vanessa, I felt it! Or rather, it was an innate knowing.
I had observed my environment many times before I started letting go of the ego and it never felt like that. It felt so weird my ego snapped in cos it was a bit freaked out lol. But this is what being the pure witness is. It really is something that can only be experienced! You can read all you want but it will never accomplish what experiencing it yourself will do because this can't truly be captured accurately with words which are just limited concepts and thoughts. (Reading to understand is still a great first step though!)
This perceived and experienced knowledge is the only knowledge that does us any good. We can read everything on the subject, but it doesn’t help. Our life doesn’t change much, and it doesn’t because we don’t integrate the knowledge into our beingness through realization. Realized knowledge is nonintellectual, although the means we use are intellectual. We use our mind, we direct our mind toward the answer, but you will discover that the answer does not come from the mind. It comes from a place just behind the mind. It comes from the realm of knowingness, the realm of omniscience. By quieting the mind through stilling our thoughts, each and every one of us has access to this realm of knowingness. Then and there you realize, you make real. You know and you know that you know. - Lester Levenson, Session 6: Realization - Keys to Ultimate Freedom
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gardengnosticator · 1 month
there's something intensely paradoxical to the nature of the american political establishment to engage in outright fabrication of rural, working class histories for members of its structure. the amount of career politicians funneled into every facet of american government love to hide their nepotism, their trust funds, their families donations to top class universities to cosplay as hard working citizens who earned their positions through some kind of magical blue collar to white collar bootstrap narrative.
yet when genuine articles of this kind of story come about, like xi jinping who went from a farmer to successfully engaging in rural party establishments, after numerous failures (he was rejected from communist youth league eight times) to boot to eventually being voted into power as the general secretary it is framed as somehow indicative of how backwards and nonintellectual chinese politics is. i mean it's not paradoxical it's just racism but still, the upfront double standard is still incredibly shocking to encounter time and time again.
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mooniacs · 3 months
Sort of a continuation of my last review! In chapter 3 of Yurugu: An Afrikan-Centered Critique of European Cultural Thought & Behavior, it talks extensively about aesthetics and subsequently the Eurocentric concept of beauty.
Dr. Ani says, "First, we want to identify the European conception of beauty, in the sense of forms, images, experiences that evoke positive emotional responses from those who have been enculturated in the tradition. This sense of the European aesthetic is closely related to value; that is, its themes are “expressions” of European value. This is the aesthetic that reaches to every layer of the culture. The values and images involved are not limited to the ordinary person, although they are more consciously expressed in the media that addresses itself to the “nonintellectual”-- and to the popular art forms. But this should not confuse the issue, because (perhaps unconsciously or at least non-verbally) this aesthetic affects the “intellectual” as well.
We see examples of these value systems in the common protagonists of various films, TV and literature: usually white, usually a man, usually blond or blue-eyed (though not mutually exclusive). A cognitive conditioning and limiting of the viewer's imagination.
Dr. Ani continues: "In European culture, there is a second, other meaning of the term “aesthetic,” […] there is not only the experience of the beautiful, but there is the “objectification” of that experience as well. In keeping with the asili (logos) of the culture, it follows that there must be a “science” based on this objectification. […] This “scientific” or “philosophical” aesthetic seeks to influence and control the emotional experience of what Europeans consider "beautiful.” […] But none of these discussions is satisfying to anyone other than European philosophers. One questions their motives and the reason the subject occupies the attention and energy that it does. The answer is that this speculative/philosophic activity functions in its own way to reinforce and validate the cultural asili and to strengthen the national consciousness; the collective self-image as superior to others, a universal standard for humanity."
We notice this aesthetic pattern in Hollywood films like the Avengers (and other Marvel films), Top Gun, American Sniper, etc., in which the art forms have become a proverbial home to extensively propagandized logos and symbolism that specifically favor the U.S. military industrial complex, heteronormativity, and racism (anti-blackness, colorism, featurism, fatphobia etc.), while serving as a (currently failing) indoctrination technique for their military recruiters. Because of the objectification of these art forms, very few of the "average" viewers would question its value system or wish to abolish them.
Dr. Ani suggests that even writing, or the written word, "takes on the features of a dominant value within the belief system of the group. It is not merely a tool among tools. The medium of the written word is so valued that it can itself impart value (according to the European logos or asili), much as religion does to the entire fabric of traditional cultures."
I'd like to personally address the European aesthetics' ultimately appropriating nature, and what that mean for the Non-European viewer. In Dr. John Henrick Clarke's "On My Journey Now: The Narrative and Works of Dr. John Henrik Clarke, The Knowledge Revolutionary," he says about the West (USA specifically): "Practically all Black people in America are born into, grow up in, and must mentally, culturally and spiritually respond to the multi-dimensional perspective of the people who currently control the flow of information, values, and social ethics in this country. The educational institutions, through which Blacks receive their first formal instruction, are philosophically and pedagogically dominated by those same people, who also oversee the mass media, whether it is printed, electronic, focused on entertainment or part of the world wide web".
Dr. Clarke's longtime research on Afrikan history concluded that: "When Alexander came to Africa, instead of burning libraries (and that's one of the greatest myths of history, the burning of the Alexandria library), he sent the books home to Aristotle, who rewrote a lot of them and put his own name on them and so a lot of what you think is Aristotle's writings is plagiarism from African writings."
Dr. Ani has already spoken extensively of the Greco-Roman's obsession with ancient Kemet (Egypt) in her book, but I wanted to address this out of respect for the intention of her work, which does touch on the concept of an advanced Afrikan civilization and black nationalism in the essence of pan-africanism and the globalization of black solidarity. There are some aspects of European epistemology that she considers "brilliant" (her word exactly) in terms of its effectiveness. This book was meticulously written by an Afrikan woman for Afrikans and other Non-Europeans (she mentions Oceana and Amerindians more than once)(though she initially grew up in America, her Afrikan culture became her protection).
I think that the book is extremely thorough in its research and intentions, and so "enlightening" in the sense that I do think it's important to understand that there are other epistemological modes to consider that are not dominated by white supremacy. It was also a gateway to other great works that I can potentially read!
I started earnestly reading more black/Afrikan + Indigenous books and papers during the BLM movement way way back, because many black activists have stated that actually doing the work to understand racism and anti-blackness is the start to strong critical thinking skills against white supremacist propaganda. And they are correct.
But it also reveals how extremely insidious European epistemology and its allies can become. Their propaganda seems entrenched, ingrained, and still infiltrating. Nothing less than a strong cultural immune system would be able to fight it. I think Dr. Ani's work is an excellent start in comprehending this global problem, if you don't mind the complex wording of the texts. And if you do, I found Dr. Clarke's transcripts of his life's work available to read here!
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mourninglamby · 2 years
People automatically assume being critical about something is equal to attacking them or hating on the show, which in most cases is straight up not true lmfao
I’d argue it’s a symbol of deep appreciation/consideration for the media that’s being analyzed. If you love something, truly and fully, you are going to inevitably recognize it’s flaws. that’s what makes CRITICAL analysis so fun.
like “yeah this decision the writer made was fucking stupid and I want to dissect why that might be, and how authorial intent may not line up with what the audience comes away with” can -and in a healthy scenario SHOULD- exist alongside “BUT they did this thing really well”.
It’s just a matter of self awareness and maintaining the balance of consumption for mindless escapism AND what the piece of media is actually saying in a more intellectual (or nonintellectual) way.
If that scares u and u would prefer the curtains to just stay blue tho, that’s. Fine? Just don’t go shitting around on other people for wanting something more meaningful out of their viewing experience every once in a while. There is a distinct issue in especially fandom spaces where if someone is being critical of a piece of media that isn’t perpetuating any harmful rhetoric, then some people will have a weird inability to just. Ignore it.
I disagree with my closest friends about some shit when it comes to how we digest media, but that doesn’t mean they’re morally wrong for being less or more critical. Just fucking vibe bro, and learn to leave the people who think more critically about fiction alone. And vice versa. I’m not gonna shit on you for enjoying it mindlessly, don’t go after me. Mind ur damn business?
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ablednt · 2 years
Also istg everyone I see posting about how sad and lazy and disgusting cognitively disabled people are honest to god don't even read that much. Y'all will read like 2 wikipedia articles and once in a while a book and will be like omg 😩 👌🏻 on my #grind I feel so bad for people who are too ignorant to do this.
I always see people complaining about nonintellectuals but far more seldomly do I see people trying to make the resources they view as being so inherent to human worth more accessible or even really discussing them much.
If y'all are such big readers and love to learn so much and are so much smarter and wiser than people who cannot do this then how about you actually do something with that instead of complaining about how you're so special and not like other girls and no one understands your absolute genius of reading a few books in a year or w/e like honey you aren't accomplishing anything but unhealthily boosting your own egos by treating cognitively disabled people as less human and valuable than yourself based on a bunch of unrealistic bullshit
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2000three · 1 year
I've tried to "get into" existentialism and understand the absurdist and nihilist viewpoints but I just can't. I've always thought there was a point to life and that people owe eachother, even before I became a christian. So to have to sit through spiels about how life is pointless and nothing matters is irritating at best. Specifically nihilism, if you think everything sucks and nothing matters, I don't know why you wouldn't just end things. Get it over with yknow? I am simply incapable of understanding the viewpoint and I'm getting sick of trying honestly. Even if it paints me as a nonintellectual.
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chaitanyavijnanam · 5 months
Osho Daily Meditations - 99. LOGIC / ఓషో రోజువారీ ధ్యానాలు - 99. హేతుబధ్దత
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🌹. ఓషో రోజువారీ ధ్యానాలు - 99 / Osho Daily Meditations - 99 🌹 ✍️. ప్రసాద్ భరద్వాజ 🍀 99. హేతుబధ్దత 🍀 🕉 ఆధునిక మనస్సు చాలా హేతుబద్ధంగా మారింది; తర్కం వలలో చిక్కుకుంది. చాలా అణచివేత జరిగింది ఎందుకంటే తర్కం నియంతృత్వ శక్తి, నిరంకుశత్వం. ఒకసారి తర్కం మిమ్మల్ని నియంత్రిస్తే, అది చాలా విషయాలను చంపేస్తుoది. 🕉
హేతుబద్ధత వ్యతిరేక ఉనికిని అనుమతించదు మరియు భావోద్వేగాలు వ్యతిరేకం. ప్రేమ, ధ్యానం, తర్కానికి వ్యతిరేకం. ఆధ్యాత్మకత హేతువుకి వ్యతిరేకం. కాబట్టి హేతువు వారిని ఊచకోత కోస్తుంది, చంపుతుంది, నిర్మూలిస్తుంది. అప్పుడు అకస్మాత్తుగా మీ జీవితం అర్థరహితమని మీరు చూస్తారు. ఎందుకంటే అర్థం అంతా అహేతుకం. కాబట్టి మొదట మీరు హేతువుకి మొగ్గుతారు, ఆపై మీ జీవితానికి అర్థాన్ని ఇచ్చే వాటన్నింటినీ చంపుతారు. మీరు చంపిన తర్వాత మరియు మీరు విజేతగా భావించినప్పుడు, మీరు అకస్మాత్తుగా ఖాళీగా భావిస్తారు.
ఇప్పుడు మీ చేతిలో ఏమీ మిగలలేదు, తర్కం మాత్రమే. మీరు తర్కంతో ఏమి చేయగలరు? మీరు దానిని తినలేరు. మీరు దానిని త్రాగలేరు. మీరు దానిని ప్రేమించలేరు. మీరు దానిని జీవించలేరు. ఇది కేవలం చెత్త. మీరు మేధావిగా ఉంటే, అది కష్టమవుతుంది. జీవితం సరళమైనది, మేధోరహితమైనది. మానవత్వం యొక్క మొత్తం సమస్య అభౌతిక జగత్తు. జీవితం గులాబీలా సరళమైనది - సంక్లిష్టత ఏమీ లేదు - అయినప్పటికీ ఇది రహస్యమైనది. ఇందులో సంక్లిష్టంగా ఏమీ లేకపోయినా, మేధస్సు ద్వారా మనం దానిని గ్రహించ లేకున్నాము. మీరు గులాబీతో ప్రేమలో పడవచ్చు, మీరు దాని వాసన చూడవచ్చు, మీరు దానిని తాకవచ్చు, మీరు దానిని అనుభూతి చెందవచ్చు, మీరు అదే కావచ్చు, కానీ మీరు దానిని విడదీయడం ప్రారంభిస్తే, మీ చేతుల్లో చనిపోయింది మాత్రమే ఉంటుంది.
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🌹 Osho Daily Meditations - 99 🌹 📚. Prasad Bharadwaj 🍀 99. LOGIC 🍀 🕉 The modern mind has become too rational; it is caught in the net if logic. Much repression has happened because logic is a dictatorial force, totalitarian. Once logic controls you, it kills many things. 🕉
Logic is like Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin; it does not allow the opposite to exist, and emotions are opposite. Love, meditation, is opposite to logic. Religion is opposite to reason. So reason simply massacres them, kills them, uproots them. Then suddenly you see that your life is meaningless-because all meaning is irrational. So first you listen to reason, and then you kill all that was going to give meaning to your life. When you have killed and you are feeling victorious, suddenly you feel empty.
Now nothing is left in your hand, only logic. And what can you do with logic? You cannot eat it. You cannot drink it. You cannot love it. You cannot live it. It is just rubbish. If you tend to be intellectual, it will be difficult. Life is simple, nonintellectual. The whole problem of humanity is metaphysics. Life is as simple as a rose -there's nothing complicated about it--and yet it is mysterious. Although there is nothing complicated about it, we are not able to comprehend it through the intellect. You can fall in love with a rose, you can smell it, you can touch it, you can feel it, you can even be it, but if you start dissecting it, you will only have something dead in your hands.
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
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tellmeourstoryy · 2 years
I absolutely love that when you look up the rookie tag all you see is chenford content. I am so here for that. Chenford everything
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vampirezogar · 9 months
Those moments when your favourite story is ignored of the title of The Best Of Its Genre makes me sad
Like everybody don't talk about it anymore, I've been hearing about ppl saying it's getting bad even though we're on the good stuff right now? Why though? Is it because of the sex stuff?
Seriously the author just show us some implications of adult intimacy, it's not even outright graphic about it. Which is funny bcuz I know some stories which has the heavy 18+ adult scenes as it's main selling point and it ain't that even good don't get me started on the disgusting age gap, it's a fucking trend right now
The author is just fabulous she made both the writing and the illustrations,both are good in quality,hence why we get less updates but I'm willing to sacrifice, there were so many cases of creators like her getting tortured almost to death by the unreasonable workload the manager was a bitch apparently so I'm not hurrying anyone,if it took years, I'm willing to wait
She's similar to Miyazaki,they took a well-known generic genre and grind it and turned it into a new high quality masterpiece,it feels familiar but very new!
Like trying your favourite dish with different ingredients
Another author even made a story with a seemingly generic plotline of this genre at first then proceeded to turn it into a dark psychological horror:
The entire story is the character's dark emotional growth process. The narrative mentions several time of her emotional crisis and troubling mental state. It's nice they decided to put a realistic view on a popular fantasy setting
Not to mention the implied criticism on the tropes of this very story, it's like the author's way of saying "yes I decided to take a hammer and hit this thing till it's nothing like its original self" the funny thing is this story makes me wonder what kind of person would write it,shows how good they are at giving me brainrot and creative crisis
Tropes Subversion is my favourite genre as well
We love the molds breakers!!!!!
I kinda take issue with how you're using certain terms here like genre and generic or tropes and subversion; and maybe I'm just missing what your point is, but, ehh... I'm kind of a pedantic weirdo.
For starters, "subversion" is a trope. I get that people tend to use it to mean 'making a cliché not cliché anymore' (usually by force, i.e. with a hammer), but that's usually actually an author using the tropes of their genre effectively, sometimes including subversion.
Then we have the connotation of "genre" coming across as if it is meant to be taken for granted. Meanwhile, "generic" is just bad. These two words describe the same function. If a work of fiction is of a genre, it is necessarily generic. It is wild to me how "generic" held onto its nasty connotation from the days when "genre fiction" was a term that mean childish and repetitive.
We gotta remember that cliché is the norm for us. And not for no reason, cliché is comfort food. It's unchallenging. It gets put down for being nonintellectual, which is true, but cliché is familiar.
It may be the case that your peers do not share your appreciation for your favorite author because they do not find the comfort and familiarity of the genre's typical trappings. It may also be the case that your appreciation of your favorite author is, in part, due to a generic cliché.
Sorry if this came across kinda grouchy. Thank you for the message!🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇
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Everything in reality is either intellectual or nonintellectual.
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jazminescorner · 2 years
Dr. Kofi-Charu Nat Turner Reflection
This interview was informative and very interesting. I feel that a lot of the time, hip-hop is undermined as a nonintellectual genre and is not looked at as a tool for social justice and change. Dr. Turner's description of the sonic sound that MCs bring with their crafts amplifies the healing impact that hip-hop holds. Hip-hop has a deep history and has had a significant impact on America's history. I liked how Dr. Turner talked about knowledge of self and how hip hop can be used as a tool to heal generational trauma in the community. Dynamic mindfulness is an embodied practice that can help heal the trauma our bodies hold from the generations before us.
Hip-hop is unique because it is a pedagogy that can touch on many aspects of life. It can be used as a tool for combating racial discrimination, white supremacy, and more. I feel that Dr. Turner shows this in his class because of the different elements that his class entails. Instead of it only being a lecture class, he utilizes resources to expose his students to real-life scenarios and how hip-hop correlates. The exploration of community and teaching in this class is something that more professors should implement in their curriculum beyond music-based classes.
Being an African American origin is something that I have always struggled with. I have no idea which part of Africa my ancestors are from, and even though I was born in America, I do not feel a connection or sense of home with this country. These thoughts came to mind when Dr. Turner spoke about how a lack of origin makes it nearly impossible to have a history.
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graywyvern · 2 years
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( via / via )
Today, free day at the [Seattle] art museum, i watched an hour long video on Francis Bacon. I was appalled to hear how he uses the unprimed side of the canvas--technically unsound--but it suits his brooding sense of mortality (as does his gambling). I still admire his work tremendously. Almost alone it seems to capture our late twencen reality (rather than its myths about itself): & afterwards, as i stood before the one painting of his they have, i reflected that my own paintings would be no real loss to the world, since one of his contains everything i've tried to say in all of mine. ...it occurred to me that Bacon's point of view (if something so visceral & nonintellectual can be so designated) is Jacobean, without the moralistic tone. Whereas most contemporary painters begin frivolously, from theory & career considerations, or from ego's frolics. Bacon identifies with his subjects so completely that it becomes impersonal...--but not in our usual hackneyed sense of "objectivity"; rather, feeling suffering & decay & degradation as the essence of life itself, or what (i would say) life has become for us, in the absence of myth & creative meaning. And the only transcendence, apart from sex, is the fact of the painting itself... My one criticism of Bacon, then, is that he depicts a world in which his paintings are impossible. Or (as he does show them!) a world without art's power. --a mistake all too common since humanism has lost its moral authority-- But after all, that's the world most people do live in! ...one night here they had on TV some show that was like real life cop stories--straight documentary footage--for the entertainment value of its morbid disorder. I can easily imagine, in front of every TV set, a whole tribe of Bacon grotesques, fixated like lampreys on their own imminent ruin.
Speaking of Infinite Cold
Our flesh falls from our bones one step out of this charmed circle. Yet we cannot abide here, & listen to these voices that once were ours, now grown strange & strangled...
But stay. In the mallard's iridescence of shiny green, duller indigo, find a duplicity equal to the chill of heart touching heart.
The body is blind. Steer by that damaged light.
"The wand breaks itself with every spell. Magic is channeled ruin, the energy of the moment something ceases to be itself" --@ctrlcreep
Pokemon back through time.
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fauvester · 2 years
every day i think about how charles sumner and adele cutts douglas couldve been such a nice companionate marriage and i *solemnly bangs fist on table*
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