What if I can't find a picture where all three of them are together?
If you can't find a picture the possibility is high that I won't be able to find a picture
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dragonskyheart · 5 months
I'll probably rarely use it but, I'M SO HYPED!
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mudstoneabyss · 2 months
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had a good 3 seconds being like "well that's not helpful 😕" before remembering
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pinkeoni · 1 year
I did post initially during the thick of scriptgate that I believed Nick’s scripts were fake, but I’ve now held the opinion for awhile that they were probably real, the Duffers are just very unserious writers
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fuckitfireeverything · 5 months
years of editing an actual play & hearing my own vocal quirks and habits for when I'm trying to think of what to say has made me SO aware of other people's habits
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llycaons · 9 months
actually I cant remember the last time I saw a good kiss for a couple I really cared about. not since fuckin. pride and prejudice 1995
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luvevee · 11 months
Idk the more bs I see about a/i the more hopeless and uninspired I get about writing anything
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blastburnt · 8 months
omg guys this animatic could be so GOOOOD‼ the thoughts i am having... i start the day lying and end with the truth.... that im dying for the knife....
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goodmode · 2 years
NVDA screen reader is my special little buddy i can summon to read stuff for me. we’ve bonded like a dragon to its rider. i am sighted but he is helping me, and he tells me when my CSS practices suck shit
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trajectoriesof · 2 years
I feel myself oppressed by an error of my soul which I dislike.
Michel de Montaigne, “On Presumption”
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onesidedradiostatic · 3 months
Vox canonically having fans while Alastor and Lucifer don't kinda make a bit of sense. Neither Alastor nor Lucifer have been seen in years, what with Aladtor disappearing for 7 years and Lucifer being a shut in. On top of that, seeing Alastor in person and recognizing him as such was probably a rarity since his medium is nonvisual in nature. So unless there's some sort of Naruto-esque Bingo Book with a list of all the major overlords out there, there's no reason for anyone to even know what Alastor looks like
anon it's funny you say this because I have earlier posts talking about random sinners who never met alastor misinterpreting how he looks based on vox's shitty drawing alone. characters without canon appearance have appeal too you know? alastor could still have a fanbase from that. also there is something appealing about just a voice you know. cecil gershwin palmer is not a sexyman for no reason.
I mean I do agree it makes the most sense for only vox to have fans but also. don't underestimate the power of a voice. alastor may have been gone for 7 years but the entirety of stayed gone still happened publicly. those sinners heard his voice, they saw the shitty drawing vox did. he could still have a fanbase based on that
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i love you fanart culture. i love you little details that make a character from a nonvisual media instantly recognizable. i love you Shaped characters. (i mean this post about so many things but truly truly i love you evil pointy ianthe tridentarius <333)
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copperbadge · 1 year
Whenever I think about “mental images” or “a song stuck in your head” these days, I think about aphantasia and how that impacts perception. (Aphantasia is the condition of not seeing images or hearing sounds in your head -- most of the population does, but those with aphantasia do not, or do to a very diminished degree.) 
I’ve talked about how I don’t have locked mental images of my characters or their homes and such. Things can move around as needed -- like a sofa can move across a room, or a lamp might change tables, depending on what the action needs. I assumed nobody actually had mental images, it was just an agreed-upon method of describing nonvisual imagination. Having found that’s not the case at roughly the same time as I was diagnosed with ADHD (a few months apart) I think about it a lot. 
Recently I was playing with form and picked up the thread of an idea I’ve had for years, which is to write a novel as if it were a guidebook to the place you’re reading the novel about (I’m sure it’s been done before, and Italo Calvino has done something like it with Invisible Cities, I just think it would be fun to try). It occurred to me that while I don’t visualize things in terms of furniture in a living room or where people are in a space, I do have a firm and unchanging idea of what a city as a whole looks like, including some mental images.
Even before visiting Menton Garavan, where Fons-Askaz is located in an alternate world, I definitely knew what went where in Fons-Askaz. I know what the harbor and coastline are shaped like, where most of the local residential housing versus the tourist housing is, how the main street is shaped and where several landmarks sit along it, their names and what purpose they serve. I know where the one really divey dive bar is. And I do see images of all of them, but only partial -- specific angles of sight, mainly (I can see both main entrances to the pedestrian shopping area called the Promenade, but not most of the Prom itself, for example). 
When I considered this, I realized I could do it to a limited extent for Galia also, and for other fictional places I’ve written about, like Lea from Six Harvests or Low Ferry from Nameless. I could draw rough maps of most of those places -- I don’t have the map itself in my head, but rather a combination of non-visual knowledge and a series of vague mental snapshots. I don’t know the actual layout of the palace, but I know what it looks like from the train station and I know what I would see standing at the windows in Gregory and Eddie’s apartment. I can see about three different views of Wild Mayer’s farm in Six Harvests, and I know the layout of Lea’s main street. It’s like for every fictional city or town that I’ve written about, I have a series of mental postcard images. 
I have no idea why, or what it means. Probably it’s just that like many neurodiverse people I navigate by landmark, and I live in a city so recognizing urban landmarks and “views” is vital. I don’t need to “navigate” my apartment so I don’t care where the sofa is, but I have to know what the neighborhood looks like when we’re getting close to my bus stop so I know when to ring the bell to get off. 
Possibly it means I should have become an urban planner. 
Kind of fun, anyway, now that I’ve figured out I can do it. I can’t really “walk around” Fons-Askaz, but I can do a sort of flyover. 
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leahsfiction · 9 months
palisade 25
brnine's weird sweaty affability keeps WORKING. what the fuck. anyone else seeing this (nonvisual podcast media)
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
One thing that struck me in this relisten to MAG 92 was how Elias’s repeated assertions that he was acting and answering questions under own free will were another way of manipulating Jon. After all, Jon’s first encounter with the Entities was with the Web, so the fear of being compelled and losing voluntary control over his actions is very deep in him. When Elias insists that “no action I have taken has been controlled. I have done everything because I wished to,” he’s implying to Jon that getting in as deep with the Eye as he is grants some protection to his volition. Jon is terrified of what he’s becoming, but as he goes on to seek more knowledge and make use of his powers, perhaps on some level he hopes that he’s protecting his own autonomy. In reality, exactly the opposite eventuallyl happened. :(
Anyway, it’s amazing how even in a nonvisual medium we can tell that Elias has an incredibly punchable face! That manipulative smug bastard.
Great observation. The way Elias dangles control and free will in front of Jon is maddening
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naritaren · 24 days
not sure if you’ve said before, what screenreader do you use? it could be a good reference of what formats correctly!
On my desktop and laptop, I use NVDA (Nonvisual Desktop Access). On my phone I use the one built into the phone through Google. Both have the same issue because they read the code of the website and go off it. It's weird. I know with Read and Write, it's sometimes hit or miss if it pops off, but I stopped using R&W about a year ago because it wasn't meeting my needs. Hope that helps!
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