#nor does any italian eat pizza every day
hologramcowboy · 1 year
So I decided to look up the Family Business brewery Jensen owns and noticed several things lacking. I apologize for the longer ask but I wanted to see what your thoughts on all this are, as it seems to line up with the fact Jensen's image is a bit allover the place (not really authentic and unique like he was when he was younger), and seems like this translates with how his brewery is being run. 1) I noticed that their menu doesn't really have any standout items, merely pizza joint type food. Every restaurant I've ever dined in had some kind of standout food item or a "signature dish" if you will. As of today, if I were to place an order online all they have are pizzas including a build your own, salted pretzels, a couple salads, and cinnamon sugar pretzels and chocolate chip cookies for desserts. Seriously, where are the pies, cheese burgers, and other SPN influenced food items on their menu? Oh and they need to fix the inconsistency for their hours of operation between their online ordering site and what their website says are their hours for take-outs and such... 2) I did some research for the top rated breweries in Austin and noticed something curious. The Family Business brewery (which was not on any of these kinds of lists) is open only 4 days of the week, yet most of the top rated breweries in Austin are open either 6 or 7 days of the week. I remember in one interview more recently Jensen admitted that they were struggling from the COVID shutdowns and implied they are somewhat struggling still. I did some reading and learned that some restaurants choose to stay closed on Mondays due to lower traffic and therefore potentially costing more to stay open than staying closed. So being closed on Monday with this in mind I can understand, but why also Tuesday and Wednesday? They also are open from 3 to 9 Thursdays and Fridays and 12 to 9 on Saturday and Sunday. Are they hurting for cash so much they can't afford to stay open the other 3 days of the week, or are these people allergic to the idea of working a 40 hour work week? Unless Danneel and crew are using Jensen's name to lure in customers and essentially getting rich off Jensen's back barely putting in any hours to show for it... 3) Based on the photos I've seen of their merchandise, inside of the brewery, etc. I see nothing related to SPN even though this brewery's very name is SPN-related. If I were to walk into this place tomorrow with no knowledge of who owns the place, I would have no idea Jensen Ackles owns the bar nor would I know the influence or story of how the brewery came to be (and the name too). If Jensen's name and SPN career is supposed to drive traffic to their brewery, why does the menu, decor and merchandise they sell not reflect this at all? Literally nothing stands out about this place, it looks like a "normal" brewery or bar to me honestly. The image, the decor, the merchandise, the menu, even the outside of this place, nothing about it would pull me in to walk in and eat and drink. Where's the uniqueness, the authenticity, the story?
There's no uniqueness and targetted branding because Jensen started this venture as an easy cash cow. He could have created exclusive experiences for people and made a name for himself but instead he just invested as little money, effort, planning and energy as possible and relied on his name to draw people in. Thatis a very, very poor business strategy.
As for the pizza, as someone who has quite a few friends with deep Italian roots, please let's not call that pizza. Real pizza is a whole different universe and experience and I highly recommend ordering from an authentic Italian restaurant instead.
The food in general takes a long time to reach the customer and that's an extremely bad customer experience, one of many, just check out the reviews and how poorly FBBC answers them without actually resolving the quality side of their attitude OR services. His business is struggling because instead of honoring customers he is all about himself and not focusing on delivering value but rather on what he can easily take with the least money and effort invested.
I 150% with you, he could have created a legacy brand but that would have required quality and soul, something he seems to sadly lack as he is unable to touch upon authenticity.
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there's just something about people romanticizing travelling to europe that rubs me the wrong way
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
BOO, CONGRATULATIONS ON THE 1,100 FOLLOWERS 🎉🎉🎉 Can I get uhhhh prompt Movie!Amy meeting Movie! Sonic for the first time???😳💖 I want to see your take on it so bad my guy.😖💖
Blue Meets Pink
 Sonic couldn't stop that anxious feeling whenever Tom drove off. His life has been too perfect, living the dream. He had to admit that he was scared that one day Tom will never come back and that all the good moments he spent with Tom and Maddie were a dream.
"But he always comes back ... he always does."
Sonic reassured himself as entered his school. The community of Green Hill had accepted him and kept his existence a secret, which he appreciated deeply. Just like in town, he was pretty popular in school as well. He wasn't the smartest one around, it was a bit hard for him to stay in one place and pay attention. He usually needed Maddie's help to finish his homework, Tom tried to help him as well sometimes but he usually gave up midway ... junior high's homework can be tricky. Or at least that's what Tom said.
However, Sonic was pretty good at sports. He was on every sports team at school. Football, soccer, track, tennis, volleyball, but of course he had to restrain himself from using his super speed. It was fine by Sonic, what matters to him was that he wasn't playing alone like he used to before.
Of course, Tom and Maddie will never miss a game. They were supportive of him and celebrated all of his wins and losses.
It was also fun to dress him as a normal boy before a game. Long pants, long sleeve t-shirts, a cap, and a facemask was all it took to convince the other school that Sonic was just a normal 12 years old.
Sonic stepped inside the building as everyone greeted him with a smile. Teachers, custodians, staff, and students.
It was a sunny day in Green Hills, Sonic had a chili dog packed on his Flash backpack and he was excited to see his friends.
Today was going to be a good day.
Sonic was wrong. Tom was always punctual when he picked him up but today ... he didn't show up. He waited for him for 30 minutes in the rain. What started as a good day, turned out to be horrible.
"Do they don't want me anymore? Maybe they just need a break from me ... I can be pretty annoying after all ..."
Sonic decided to walk home. Yes, he could run there but he decided to walk so he can think. He hated to be wet, overall, he hated water but for now, he will stand it.
Sonic walked through Green Hill's downtown. Coffee shops, pizzerias, small clothing shops, and small libraries were the main attraction. He passed over a dark alley, he would have kept walking if it wasn't because he heard crying coming from around the trashcans.
He was very curious at heart. Sonic also loved to help those in need, especially the townspeople who have been kind to him. He walked over the alley and walked behind the trashcans where the crying was more intense.
It was still raining but he knew for sure that he had found a pink furball.
A crying pink furball.
"What the-"
Sonic looked at the pink one up and down. She was small and pink, or so he thought. She was dirty and couldn't tell if it was pink or brown or both. She was wearing a brown dress. It looked more like a rag than anything else. The pink thing was wearing some type of sandals that looked like they could break at any moment. She was covered in mud, and if Sonic didn't know better he could tell that she was hurt as well. She has scratches on her knees and arms and a little bit of blood came out of the cuts. Unlike him, her quills were pink and down, very short and feminine, she had bangs as well. Her quills were messy and had leaves and small tree branches on all of her quills.
She had green eyes just like him.
"So, is this what Tom felt the first time he saw me?"
The pink creature in front of him had his full attention. It was obvious that they looked similar.
"What are you?," Sonic asked. He looked at her up and down.
"I am ... I am a hedgehog!" The pink one stutter. She was starting to get scared and intimidated by blue one in front of him. She walked back until she hit the alley's wall.
"I am a hedgehog too! What's your name?" Sonic asked excitedly.
The pink creature saw how the blue one expression changed. Before he was startled, now he was ... excited? It was as he had never seen another hedgehog before. She had to admit that it was a bit adorable.
"Amy," She whispered. "My name is Amy."
"Amy what?" Sonic asked.
Amy looked at him curiously, and she proceeded to ask. "What do you mean what?"
"Yes ... Amy what? What is your last name?"
"Last name?" Amy asked again.
"Yes, my name is Sonic and my last name is Wachowski," Sonic said. "I am Sonic Wachowski the Hedgehog."
"Oh ... I am just Amy," she said. "I don't have a last name."
It kept raining. Sonic looked at Amy. She looked lost and afraid. It somehow reminded him of his past self. Sonic wanted to help her at any cost.
Sonic walked closer to Amy and she flinched at his act. Sonic stopped moving and instead, he smiled at her.
"Are you hungry?"
Sonic had taken Amy to 'Mama's Pizzeria' the most famous place in town. Although he felt bad for taking it, Tom or Maddie always made sure to leave money on Sonic's backpack. Today, he was happy to find that they both had left him money. He could buy a really nice meal for Amy.
"Eat whatever you want! I'll pay!" Sonic said as they both sat on a booth. He noticed that Amy was at awe. She was fascinated by everything, well she was literally in another world. Sonic remembered to be like her the first time he arrived. He was young and got used to it quickly but for Amy, it must be interesting and scary at the same time.
"Oh, what is that?!" Amy asked and Sonic looked at what she was pointing.
"That's a lamp,"
"Oh, what is that?"
"That's a baby,"
"Oh, what is that?"
"That's a pizza,"
"Can I take your order?"
Sonic and Amy were interrupted as a human girl approached them. Her name was Maria, a blond blue-eyed girl. Maria worked for the pizzeria as a waitress to help out her grandfather. She was very lively and liked by everyone in the town. She smiled at them and Sonic felt relieved that she didn't say anything about Amy's appearance.
"We would like a large pepperoni pizza and two drinks please," Sonic said.
Maria wrote the order down on her notepad and she then focused on her attention to Sonic's new friend.
"Oh, it seems like you brought a date with you today," Maria said, she bent down to take a better look at Amy. "I am sorry, but you are covered in mud. Wouldn't you like to take a shower meanwhile Sonic waits for your food?"
Amy instantly looked at Sonic. Although she didn't know the hedgehog any better, the small amount of time and kindness he had shown her was enough for Amy to trust the blue one. As well that he seemed to know better of this world and was one of her own.
"You should go, Maria's house is above this place. I will wait for you here." Sonic reassured her and in that, Amy looked over at Maria and nodded accepting her offer.
Sonic watched how Amy followed Maria, a bit scared but he knew that she will get used to her soon enough.
There were many questions he wanted to ask her but that could wait until they have eaten.
The food has arrived already but Amy nor Maria haven't shown up yet. Sonic wanted to wait for her so they could eat together but his hunger got the best of him and using his speed, he ate a slice. He looked over the restaurant as he chews on the pizza. The restaurant had fairy lights and Italian music was playing on the background. The booth he was sitting on had a square table. On top of it, a pink rose on a crystal vase decorated the wooden table.
A few seconds after that, Maria showed up with a very cute hedgehog. Wait-
A shower can make a big difference. Amy's pink fur shined as well as her quills who looked soft to the touch. She was wearing a red and white dress with matching boots and a red hairband decorated her head.
"Wow, Amy," Sonic said as he quickly cleaned his mouth, wiping away the evidence of his previous act.
"Maria gave me this dress," Amy said as she sat down again on the booth. She moved to the side to give Maria space to sit next to her. Maria was a nice girl and she had gained Amy's trust immediately.
"I used to wear this dress when I was younger, it doesn't longer fit me so I gave it to Amy," Maria said as she accepted Amy's gesture and sat next to her. "Doesn't she look pretty, Sonic?"
"She looks um ... clean!" Sonic blurted out. He didn't know how to respond, it would be very uncool of him to say that she looked pretty. No, yeah that's not happening.
Sonic's thoughts were interrupted as he noticed Amy eating the pizza. She finished slice by slice, and Sonic thought that maybe he will have to buy another pizza.
Amy noticed the eyes on her and she felt embarrassed. She hasn't eaten anything since yesterday and she didn't know where to get food. She took a sip of her water and she gave a Sonic and Maria smile.
The two let out a small laugh and after seeing that Amy was more comfortable, Sonic proceeded to make questions.
"So Amy, where are you from?" Sonic asked.
"I am from Mobius, a planet far away from this one," Amy responded.
"And how did you get here?"
Amy looked outside the window. She didn't know if she could trust them with such information. However, noticing that they were so kind to her without knowing her, then maybe telling them about her situation could benefit her.
"I came following my friend, Tails, but I lost track of him along the way." Amy said, "Our world is in danger, a creature called Chaos has devastated our world and we came looking for a hedgehog who could save it."
"A hedgehog? Me?" Sonic asked excitedly but Amy moved her head from side to side, denying it.
"Tails was very specific ... His record shows that 50 years ago a hedgehog from our world came to this planet." Amy added, "That hedgehog was the Ultimate Life Form, he had great powers and he used them to protect Mobius ... but one day, he disappeared. After extended research, we found that this hedgehog ended up on planet Earth and that he was capture by a military organization called G.U.N. Now we are looking for him, hoping that he can help up save our world."
Amy looked over at Sonic, "It would have been great if that hedgehog was you Sonic but the one we are looking for is a black and red hedgehog."
"Wait you said G.U.N., right?" Maria interrupted as she snapped her fingers in realization. She looked over at Amy who nodded. "My grandfather used to work for them during his younger years! He even still has some of the past documents of his missions. We can look over those documents and even ask him if he knows anything on the matter and-"
The two hedgehogs and human turned to see that Tom had entered the restaurant, he looked frantic and angry as he walked towards their booth.
"Sonic, we have been looking for you like crazy!" Tom said.
"Well, if someone had picked up me at school I wouldn't be here!" Sonic said with a bit of hurt in his voice.
"In the morning I told you we couldn't pick you up today, I told you to take the bus!" Tom said, "But you were too focused eating, so it's no wonder you-"
Tom stopped midway as he noticed the pink hedgehog in front of Sonic. He was quick to take out his phone and dial a number.
"Maddie? Yes, I found him! But that's not important right now, Sonic is having his first date! Yes, yes, I will take pictures. Yes, bring the professional camera we should have this on his photo album. Yes, I will tell them to wait, ok I will wait for you we are at 'Mama's Pizzeria'."
Tom and Maddie were great but could they be any more embarrassing? Sonic covered his face with his hands.
"Oh, dear ground that is underneath me ... please eat me."
Tom began to take pictures with his phone, he was so proud of his blue son.
Sonic just couldn't take it.
"Alright, we are leaving!" Sonic said as he stood up from his seat and tried to push Tom away.
"Wait, you are not going to introduce me to your girlfriend?" Tom asked.
"She is not my girlfriend!" Sonic said and he got closer to Tom and whispered. "You are embarrassing me!"
But before leaving, Sonic needed to ask Maria for a favor.
"Oh Maria, Amy seems comfortable with you." Sonic turned to look at the blond one who stood up from her seat. Amy followed her as well. "Do you think Amy can stay with you? Looking at how Tom reacted ... I just know that at my home she will be too overwhelmed."
"You go in peace Sonic, I will take good care of Amy," Maria smiled as she looked at Amy.
Almost as if she was scared, Amy got closer to Sonic and with a panic she held his hand. "Wait, don't leave me!"
Sonic felt bad for the pink one. He saw so much of him in her. They were so similar but at the same time so different. He didn't how to express himself although he wanted to bring her comfort. Sonic wanted Amy to be safe and he made a promise to himself that he will help her and protect her.
"Don't worry, I will come back!" Sonic said as he softly grabbed her hand, caressing it.
"You promise?" Amy asked innocence filled her voice.
"I, Sonic Wachowski the Hedgehog promise to visit Amy Rose every day after school," Sonic said.
"Amy ... Rose?"
"Yes, since you didn't have a last name I thought I should give you one." Sonic smiled and for a moment Amy's heart skipped a bit. "From now on you are Amy Rose! Because you are pretty and strong like one!"
They both look at each other's eye and for a moment Amy's felt different. Her heart began to beat faster, she felt the heat rise to her cheeks especially when Sonic smiled at her with such warmness.
Tom interrupted the moment as he began to take more pictures of them.
"Don't mind me," Tom said, "You both are just too adorable!"
A/N: I hope you like this boo! Thank you again for showing me support. I love your work, keep it up
I am currently working on prompts! Thank you everyone~
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charlotteweekly · 4 years
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SPOILER ALERT!!! SUPER FOOD SPOTS AROUND THE WORLD IF YOU HAVE THE COURAGE TO READ MORE THAN 3 SENTENCES. Or you can jump right away to the cool tips but that would make me sad. Not that you care, of course.
Food is part of every human being’s life. But is it that big of a deal for everyone as it is for me? I don’t know if I would call myself a “foodie” but I sure have a passionate relationship with food. When I’m hungry, my brain does not function very well. I can’t think clearly, I’m not efficient but most of all, I’m in such a bad mood. Until I eat, I can’t be asked anything. My attitude tends to frighten those around me. I’m just kidding (not that much). I have no control over my tummy! My brain is not in charge here, hence the article’s title. I don’t know if some of you can relate. I hope so…
The same applies in the morning. Until I have had my cup of coffee and had enjoyed my favorite meal of the day: breakfast; I’m not here for anyone.
As Kitty Forman would say: “Honey, this is breakfast. Don’t ask me things.” 
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Speaking of which, brekkie is truly different in every country but I like them all, I mean, for those I’ve tried. By the way, the guy who invented the “all day breakfast” thing is my hero. Those places are heaven on earth. I’ve got some favorite spots around the world that I’m going to share with you. First of all, Bakers & Roasters in Amsterdam, let me tell you their pancakes with bacon and bananas are to die for and so is their coffee. Then, if you are in L.A., be sure to stop by Blu Jam Café. Your mouth will thank you for their crunchy French toast. Morning Glory’s Soufflé Pancakes in San Diego is also worth a try. The pink atmosphere, the food and the cocktails will bring joy to your Saturday Brunch outing. And finally, I like to go to IHOP. Yes, I do. Their pancakes and burgers won’t disappoint you. It’s the kind of place you find pretty much everywhere on the road and it fulfills my American road trips fantasies, Road 66, diner style and whatnot.
I kind of plan my vacations around food spots. I don’t “kind” of do it, actually. I do it compulsively. My itineraries are based on breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner. I love to try everything local as long as it is not too weird. I do have my limits.
Food is culturally interesting. You can learn a lot by breaking bread with locals. For example, in the south of France, from my experience, you will start with some salad. Main course will always be accompanied by some fresh “baguette” and there will always be a cheese board and some wine to finish up your meal.
When someone invites you over in Italy, be sure to free up your afternoon because you might spend a few hours at his or her table. Italians always cook the most delicious feast! Fresh homemade pasta will certainly be on the menu.
My darling Australian friends, I often think of you. Cheese and crackers fill your appetizer’s table. Your Sunday roast with gravy and tender vegetables reminds me of a fall day when I curl up on the couch watching a movie with my beloved. You also have weird food habits. First Vegemite and then vegemite pizza? Really? What the hell Ossie people?
Wandering the streets in Bangkok and eating off the sidewalk is an authentic and very suspenseful adventure. Thai Street food is like a box of chocolates you never know what you’re gonna get nor if your stomach will get through it.
If I had to rank my favorite food in the world this would be my top 6:
Burgers and fries
Pancakes with bacon and gallons of maple syrup of course
Avocado on toast with poached eggs
Pasta of any kind
Yes, six is a weird number for a ranking but I couldn’t bring myself to delete an item from this list. It also makes me feel unique in a way. Anyway. For your taste buds, I am going to share my top 3 best places in the world for every element above.
Best Pizze
Via Napoli, Sydney (La vera pizza napoletana)
Di Fara Pizza, Brooklyn (New York Style)
Pizza d’Asporto, Yarraville Melbourne
Best Burgers
In-N-Out Burger
Shake Shack
Best Dumplings
Yank Sing, San Francisco
Jade Restaurant, Austin
Hutong Dumpling Bar, Melbourne
Best Pancakes
Bakers & Roasters, Amsterdam
Morning Glory, San Diego
Best Pasta
My grandpa’s pasta. Italian roots oblige. Actually, I have never eaten amazing pasta except in Italy but pasta’s always better at home, especially when you have family recipes from your great grandparents.
Pasta al Cinghiale, Il Boschetto Calvi dell'Umbria
Pastificio Guerra, Roma
What are your top 6 favorite foods in the world? I’m curious. I love discovering new places. Maybe this will help me choose my next destination!
If you’d like me to share more, I’d be happy to. Name your destination in the comments and maybe I’ll have a suggestion. I’ve visited more countries than I’ve shared in this article so don’t hesitate!
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dwindledglow · 5 years
FULL NAME: jules antoine beauchamp. PREFERRED NAME: jules. NICKNAME/S: jul. DATE OF BIRTH: november 13th, 1999. GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis male & he/his. ORIENTATION: hetero. RELIGION: non-practicing christian. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: in a relationship with noémie leroux. OCCUPATION: full time university student. RESIDENCE: flatiron district, new york city.
HOMETOWN: saint tropez, france. NATIONALITY: french. ETHNIC BACKGROUND: french and italian. LINGUISTICS: french which is his native language and english and italian in a fluent level. EDUCATION: he studies mechanical engineering at columbia university. CRIMINAL RECORD: clean. BIRTH ORDER: second though he’s now an only child. FATHER: françois pierre beauchamp, born on june 6th, 1970 in rennes, france, currently residing in montecarlo, monaco. he is a businessman and the owner and CEO of rocamadour spirits group. MOTHER: vivienne giulia del vecchio, born on september 14th, 1974 in sicily, italy, currently residing in montecarlo, monaco. she is an italian billionaire heiress, writer and the owner of del vecchio oil group. SISTER/S: none. BROTHER/S: guillaume maxime beauchamp, born on april 17th, 1997 in saint tropez, france, passed away on july 16th, 2000 in saint tropez, france. SIGNIFICANT OTHER: noémie leroux. CHILDREN: none so far. OTHER RELEVANT FAMILY: none. EX/ES: none, he didn’t have any solid relationships before noémie. PETS: moon, a cavalier king charles.
HEIGHT: 6′0″ or 183 cm. WEIGHT: between 171 lbs or 77.5 kg and 175 lbs or 79 kg. BODY BUILD: as someone who has exercised and been involved in sports from a young age, jules has always been what would be described as fit. though he’s not obsessed about his diet or his routines, he prefers to eat clean and keep up a 5 to 6 day a week work out schedule. this being said, he has an overall athletic frame with particularly defined abs, toned legs and arms. EYE COLOR: brown. EYESIGHT: his eyesight has no problems. HAIR COLOR & STYLE: he has blonde, lighter during summer, darker in winter months and usually he has his hair shorter on the sides and longer on the top so a very low maintenance look that isn’t particularly hard to style. DOMINANT HAND: right. NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: his smile which, following most people’s opinion, seems to make him seem even younger than he is. overall, if it could be considered as such, the hint of youth, often mistaken by shyness, that his features portray. as the opposition to it, the amount of tattoos scattered all over his body are a standout, as is his athletic frame.  SCARS AND MARKS: on top of the usual every day little scars and marks, jules has some which are courtesy of all the exercise he does on a daily basis. otherwise, there’s nothing that is particularly notable or that stands out. TATTOOS: he got a shhh… on the underside of the index finger of his left hand — reference. his following piece consists of a cross with wings on the back of his neck — reference — something that symbolizes his faith and personal beliefs, and definitely the one tattoo he doesn’t like to expand much on for it’s a touchy one. soon afterwards, when one of his best friends - gabrielle - decided she wanted to get inked but was reticent since it would be a first, jules ended up going with her and getting a matching piece ; gabrielle’s micro tattoo reads we’re all in the same game; just different levels split into two parts in a cursive kind of font and is placed on the inside of her left wrist, whereas jules’ completes it and reads dealing with the same hell; just different devils. - his is also split in two, the same font, except it’s placed on the inside of his right wrist. as a consequence of a night where him, léo and henri got completely plastered, he has a smiley face tattooed on his toe. later on, and as the fulfillment of something he really wanted, jules proceeded to get the first piece of what would soon become a half sleeve on his left arm. he got a roaring tiger to symbolize his independence and free spirit while at the same representing strength. a little above it, and completing the half sleeve, he has a blooming rose which has more than one meaning to him - it was chosen to complement the tiger because despite the power and strength, he wishes for balance within his life but more so, and the primary reason why he acquired it back in the day, it’s because, atop of being one of noémie’s favorite flowers, roses can symbolize hope which, truly, translated into, back when he got it, him hoping for the best and hoping they would get together one day. next to the rose and above the tiger, he has a treble clef simply to symbolize his love for music. atop of his half sleeve, on the back of his left arm, he then got two fists bumping, another matching tattoo he got with gabrielle when he was visiting her in kailua. he has a distortion clock, dali’s style, merged into the back of his half sleeve, a tattoo he got soon after noémie started dating mathis and he got his heart broken. clock tattoos often represent an endless love, the meaning stands for his, the distortion only adds to the meaning by representing how heartbroken and helpless he felt at the time. towards the end of his half sleeve, and on the inside of his left wrist, he has the geographic coordinates both to where guillaume - his older brother - was born and where he passed away. he has a diamond, also merged into the back of his sleeve, something he has gotten when he was going through a rough patch as a reminder to focus on the positivity and be strong. additionally, within the half sleeve, you’ll find some more pieces like a G., the initial of his deceased brother’s first name; an anchor, something he got randomly but that also reminds him to stay grounded and a micro tattoo saying côte d’azur meant to represent his home. lastly, merged into the back of his half sleeve, he has a blacklight tattoo that’s otherwise invisible to the eye, reading six septembre, noé’s birthdate. he has the world map with a plane flying in between continents and a compass next to it, on the inside of his right bicep, something that he got soon after realizing he wanted to see more of the world and that he wasn’t willing to, eternally, stay in south of france. as for more recent tattoos, he has gotten the quote peace of mind on his left upper arm which he has begun to shade, and thus begun to extend his half-sleeve into a proper full-sleeve tattoo. higher above the two fists bumping he’s gotten with gabrielle, and complementing the tattoo with some additional shading, he has two keys crossing over each other with a V on one of the keys and a F on the other, representing two key people in his life - vivienne and françois, his mother and father respectively and next to it, he has a tiny sashimi roll tattooed, not really meaning much other than his love for food and sushi. likewise, merged into the others with the shading and all, he has a endless knot on the back of his arm. he has the sentence mon mond fou on the right side of his ribcage, in white ink. along his left hip, he has the quote il vaut mieux faire que dire meaning doing is better than saying, which resembles the whole actions are better than words, something jules avidly believes in. on the underside of his ring finger, he has a N’s - not-so-subtly meaning he’s noémie’s - followed by a micro dix juin - which is when he and noé officially started dating. he has the quote mind over matter is magic along the outer side of his right foot, a note to self more so than anything else, and on his right side, often covered up by his arm, he has the sentence la famille avant tout vertically tattooed in micro, cursive font.     PIERCINGS: none. VOICECLAIM: fabio quartararo. ACCENT & INTENSITY: though he spends a good chunk of his time speaking english and has been immersed in the new york environment for nearly a year, there’s no hint of a new yorker accent. from his words down to his enunciation and the way he carries himself as he speaks, you can tell he’s french. the little twists and quirks attached to the words make the south of france accent peer through and the fact his closest friends and girlfriend are french as well, help keeping the accent and its intensity intact. ALLERGIES: apples and cashews.  PHOBIAS & FEARS: being stuck in the same place - he’s not claustrophobic but the idea of being confined to a space, no matter how small or how big, it tends to send him spiraling into a state of utmost anxiety. MENTAL & PHYSICAL ILLNESSES: none so far. ALCOHOL USE: sometimes, mostly on social situations. SMOKING: he doesn’t smoke. NARCOTICS USE: no, he doesn’t use drugs. INDULGENT FOOD: it’s not something jul does very often. SPLURGE SPENDING: very rarely. GAMBLING: no, never.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: working out. FAVORITE ANIMAL: lion. FAVORITE BOOK: thinking, fast and slow by daniel kahneman. FAVORITE COLOR/S: green. FAVORITE CUISINE: italian. FAVORITE DISH/ES: pissaladière, pan bagnat, gnocchi, profiterole, bananas foster. FAVORITE DRINK/S: pumpkin spice latte and plain iced water. FAVORITE FLOWER/S: roses. FAVORITE GEM: emerald. FAVORITE MOVIE: green book by peter farrelly. FAVORITE SONG: mile high by james blake and travis scott. FAVORITE SCENT/S: citrus, jasmine and musk. FAVORITE SHOW/S: brooklyn nine-nine, how i met your mother, f.r.i.e.n.d.s, the office, fresh prince of bel air, the big bang theory, new girl, the simpsons & rick and morty. FAVORITE SPORT/S & TEAM THEY SUPPORT: soccer, he supports as monaco and juventus fc, motogp, he supports yamaha moto racing, formula 1, he supports mercedes amg petronas, tennis and cycling. FAVORITE SEASON OF THE YEAR: summer. VACATION DESTINATION: banff, canada and anywhere in croatia.
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formerly-rosaline · 6 years
About Rose
I’m not sure if I already have one of these, and I can’t find a template to make one, so I’m just gonna shoot my shot and do my best here.
Full name: Rosaline Pearl Sirena Draconus Durant
Time and place of birth: Wednesday, April 1st, 1992 at 3:01am (the witching hour) in the Touro Infirmary Hospital of New Orleans, Louisiana.
Zodiac: Aries sun (fire), Pisces moon (water), Aquarius rising/ascendant (air). Pisces, Aquarius, and Capricorn (earth) dominate her natal chart. Monkey (water). Alder tree. Red hawk/falcon. 
Species explanation and list: Came about through ritual as well as conception originally; her soul collects more species each time she’s born (reincarnated) to non-human souls. Her soul is fragmented, there are more Roses throughout the world of different names. She only inherits certain traits from each species. She is predominantly draconic, sirenic, and succubic. Rose also has some wolf/lycanthrope, vampire (tribrid - blood, energy, and sexual separate from the succubus), banshee, Valkyrie (last life as one), Amazonian, basilisk (possibly only for this life), fairy, human, and possibly more - she doesn’t know everything just yet. Without feeding, her abilities become even more drastically limited. 
Characteristics: Abilities may begin in childhood, but Rose’s memories don’t begin to resurface until teenhood and young adulthood. She may also repress her memories, furthering the process, in attempts at normalcy. Jack of all trades. Artist, but not in the layman usage of the word - dancer, singer, creative writer, musician. STEM major, always good at STEM. Linguaphile; often multilingual. Current fluencies: English and French, with some German, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Korean, and Russian. Much of her interest in languages and ability to learn them rapidly stems from former lives. Very pensive and philosophic, a stoic in the regular sense of the word but an existentialist in practice. 
Fast food: Whataburger
Ice cream: chocolate chip cookie dough
Sushi: eel
Starburst: pink
Jolly Rancher: blue
Color: every shade of blue
Feature: her eye color
Dish at Olive Garden: The Tour of Italy
Italian dish: Alfredo anything
Asian dish: Japchae
Steak: Medium rare filet mignon
Eggs: over easy
Pizza topping: pineapples
Comfort food: macaroni and cheese
Wine: Riesling
Thanksgiving dish: Stuffing
Ice cream topping: mochi or cookie dough
Alcoholic drink: Scotch
Starbucks drink: Chai latte, affogato
Harry Potter film: Deathly Hallows part 2, but book is Goblet of Fire
Marvel movie: Avengers Infinity War
Beatles Song: Hey Jude
Instrument: drums
Band: Snow Patrol 
Person: George Lewis
One Hit Wonder: Cars by Gary Numan
Beach: Pfeiffer Beach, Los Padres National Forest, California
Animal: goat
Season: fall
Thing about a rainy day: staying in
Flower: Lily. Seriously. Don’t fucking buy her roses, it’s not funny.
Sea creature: her damn self
Winter sport: luge
Fairy tale: Vasilisa the Beautiful 
Eye color: green
Day of the week: Saturday
Way to relax: hot bath
Thing to do: make others smile
Mental disorders: PTSD (doesn’t deal with her past traumas, emotionally detached, dissociates regularly), bipolar disorder. Eating disorders, elaborated on at the end of this post to prevent triggering. Substance abuse disorder (alcoholism and more).
Abilities: generally, able to do much by pure will and thought. “If looks could kill,” incarnate. Some technopathy. Outbursts of preternatural strength. Slight elemental control, minor mind control. Communication with entities beyond the veil despite her attempts to shut them out. Astral projection. 
More abilities and characteristics, positive and negative, by species:
1. Dragon: old soul/wise beyond her years, increased intelligence, heightened senses, increased empathy and strength, stronger persuasion via a golden tongue, foresight or future-delving. Manipulation, word twisting, speaking in riddles. Strong debater. Bloodthirsty. Intensely greedy. Power hungry. Delusions of grandeur. Arrogant. Pansexual. Extroverted. Stubborn and/or hard-headed. So cold you’d bet she’s anemic. Close-minded. TOO LOUD. She wants your heart, but on a GOLDEN platter; she’ll never love you. You are so beneath her, who the fuck do you think you are? Enemy of the siren. Fiercely loyal to those who have earned it. Family is the most important thing. Money can buy happiness, and it has for her. Warmest smile. Tacky bitch. Really good at Words with Friends, Scrabble, fighting you, chess. Wants you to succeed in life, and gives you unsolicited advice on how to do it all the time. Annoying. Always has an upset tummy. Does she have IBS? Beyond the veil: red with orange eyes. Your typical bigass crimson red dragon, will breathe fire on you. Her kind is less prevalent than they once were.
2. Siren: leads people astray readily. Seduction. Outright deception. Enticement and intimidation via a silver tongue. Increased strength and agility. Strong swimmer. Telepathy with other sirens. Enemy of the dragon. Brutal bitch. Savage, almost feral at times. Ambivert. Manipulative. Intensely maternal. Your mom friend to the extreme. Loving. Pansexual. Invasive. Monster. Might eat your liver in the pool. Always too hot. God, that voice, let’s hope you never hear it. Opera. SUSHI!!!!. Friendly, communal even, but only with those she considers family. Too good for pop music unless it’s Ariana Grande; increased hearing, gets audio overload at any normal volume. Subtitles, please. Can’t fucking understand English to save her life. Will teach you sirenic, but you can’t speak it. Whistle notes. LOWER YOUR FUCKING VOICE. Half-naked, huge tits. Firm hugger. Beyond the veil: ugly ass deep sea thing you never want to see, but her Venetian red tail is pretty... Second, translucent eyelid. Sirens of the sea are populating as rampantly as always, given the content of the earth which is saltwater. Avoids all of her kind to protect one she loves.
-Unpopular with both dragons and sirens due to some old war. These two species are most dominant.
3. Succubus: a touch that can manipulate, seduce, control, compel. Feeding, starving. Glamour. Conceited. Preppy bitch. Sarcastic. A gaslighter. Manipulative. Extroverted. PANSEXUAL, literally doesn’t care, will fuck you, don’t let her. Fake. Craves you. Enemy of the siren. She’s that overly sexual friend where you can never really tell whether they’re kidding or really trying something with you, you know? She’ll never tell, either. Got that?? Fear her. Run; she will definitely fuck your brains out and fucking eat you, God she’s fucking starving. RUN. Don’t give her a drink, and so help you if she gets to three or more. There is no God; God is dead, she has killed him, she drained his chi. RUN AWAY: fucking demonic. Don’t let her in. She made sure no one is here to help. Don’t look at them. They won’t help you; they’re under her control. You will be too. Beyond the veil: Horns. Tail. Wings. Greyish-purple all over, even her eyes; looks like a gargoyle. She doesn’t eat enough to pigment, and who cares? Glamour will make her perfect anyway. Finds feeding unethical. Slip-ups happen, though; I’m coming for you.
4. Wolf: increased agility, strength, and durability. Heightened stamina, senes. Increased stamina. Fast healing. Telepathy with other wolves. FIERCELY loyal. Respectful. Hungry. Bloodthirsty. Feral. Beast. Aching in her soul and bones. Titanium. Sushi. Friendly and communal all the time. Pansexual. Major ambivert. Audio overload too. Will cry if someone raises their voice from across a room. You’re too boomy. Stop that. Will kill anyone who makes you shed a tear. Don’t let her. Specifically tell her not to while you are crying. She will do it, I swear. Alpha bitch. Beyond the veil: albino Eurasian wolf, mistaken for an Arctic wolf. Icy grey eyes. Her kind is dead; those eyes show it. What’s an alpha without a pack? Heartbroken. 
5. Valkyrie: Literally wishing to death, has to stop herself from it because it’s so easy. Planting doubt in the minds of the steadfast and resolute. Asexual. Will give you hallucinations. Manipulative. Spooky bitch. Might want you dead, might not. Don’t cross her or she’ll imagine you to eternal slumber. You won’t be in Valhalla, either.
6. Amazonian: Increased strength. Tracker. Skilled with weapons. Will navigate. Misandry. Lesbian. Introverted. Feminist bitch. Will stab you.
7. Banshee: Future-delving. A screech that will drive you mad and physically harm you only when members of inhuman royalty are dying. Introvert. Asexual. Beyond the veil: Blind as a bat, deaf as a white cat. Only sees the astral world in her head. Just looks like herself minus the white eyes. Only brought out by screaming, and terrified the entire time, but can remain after. Will cough or vomit blood for a while after screaming. Can’t control it. Scared bitch. Voice may not return to normal for weeks. Enemy of the siren. Prefers to, and sometimes must remain after screaming, mute. Cannot sign. Can see and feel your energy.
8. Basilisk: Increased ability to intimidate. Muted. Affinity for reptiles. No other abilities or notable change. Beyond the veil: she cannot turn into the giant snake of lore, nor turn to stone. If looks could kill, she would just kinda spook you. Literally just herself. Angry bitch.
9. Fairy: No increased abilities but she’s cuter and has more of a sweet tooth. Vocal change to higher pitch. Please give her Jaffa cakes, hot tea, and head pats. Beyond the veil: a tiny, wingless fairy of greens, golds, and purples. Don’t let the look fool you. Evil bitch. 
10. Vampire: Increased sense of hearing and smell. Bloodlust. Ability to compel. Seduction. Extrovert. Clean freak. If there's no blood on her, it's like she never did it. Feeds on the environment around her, including people, naturally. Constantly tries to keep that shut off. Wants very badly to eat you. Hungry bitch.
Sometimes she wakes up a certain species, sometimes situations or location bring them out. Sometimes the need to feed or emotions will cause certain species to rush to forefront. This is akin to having different personalities, but it’s all her. 
Face Claims: 
-Young Adult (main): Penelope Mitchell, The Vampire Diaries, The Curse of Downers’ Grove, Hemlock Grove.
-Adult: Jennifer Morrison, House, Once Upon a Time, Star Trek.
-Teenage: Jenny Boyd, Legacies, Hex, Viking Quest.
-Child: Emily Alyn Lind, Revenge, Enter the Void, J. Edgar.
Physically in this realm: curly blonde, cornflower-eyed, average height (around 5′6″), girl next door but relatively average appearance, with multiple piercings (nipples, several ear piercings, and belly). Birth mark on the top of her left breast.
She has a highly fluctuating weight (between 114 and 178) due to eating disorders - anorexia nervosa restrict type and bulimia nervosa binge purge type. Sheuses exercise, laxatives, suppositories, etc rather than the usual purging. Faint cut scars adorned her thighs and left wrist; she had them tattooed to cover them but the white lines still showed. There was a flower over the wrist, a portrait of a fox on her right thigh, and a portrait of a Renaissance-era woman on her left. There were cigarette burns inches below the Renaissance woman and the flower tattoo. There was another one midway on her outer right forearm.
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Best Things to Do in Rome
New Post has been published on https://www.travelonlinetips.com/best-things-to-do-in-rome/
Best Things to Do in Rome
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Rome wasn’t built in a day, nor does anyone expect you to see it in one either. From monuments and museums to churches and amazingly intact archeological sites, there’s plenty to keep visitors of the Eternal City busy.
Museum buffs with a particular interest in some of the world’s finest collection of Baroque and Renaissance art will certainly find plenty to do and marvel at inside the Vatican Museums. More of a modern and contemporary art type of person? Head to the new kid on the block, the MAXXI museum.
If you’re a history buff interested in witnessing some of Ancient Rome’s best preserved monuments, visiting the Colosseum and the Pantheon will certainly be on the top of your list. For those looking for a holier than thou experience, head to the mother of all churches, St. Peter’s Basilica. 
Or maybe you’re coming to Rome to eat. If so, look no further than Eating Italy Food Tours. This unique Rome tour will have you eating for 4 hours on the streets of Rome in off the beaten track neighborhoods that locals cherish but tourists don’t even dream about.  
However you decide to spend your time in Rome, don’t forget to stop every now and then and make an attempt to take it all in. It is after all, one of the most beautiful cities in the world and you’ll be pinching yourself from the moment you arrive. 
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Visiting the Eternal City and not making a stop at the Vatican Museums is almost like breaking one of the ten commandments. It’s where some of the world’s greatest art collection is stored. The Vatican Museums are actually a part of the Vatican palaces, where popes have lived since the 1200s. Inside you’ll find works such as Egyptian relics, Etruscan artifacts, Renaissance paintings and Greek and Roman sculptures and busts, all housed in maze of apartments, galleries and palaces. Let’s also not forget about, perhaps what many consider to be the true gem of it all, the Sistine Chapel where Michelangelo’s famous Last Judgement can be seen. Entrance is free on the last Sunday of the month (9:00am-2:00pm), with last entry 90 minutes before doors close. From Monday to Saturday (9:00am-6:00pm), last entry is 2 hours before closure time. Metro: stations Ottaviano-Musei Vaticani; Cipro. Bus: 49. Tram: 19.
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: The Vatican Museums will beyond impress any visitor and features the most important masterpieces of Renaissance art in the world.
Maria’s expert tip: Book your tickets online (http://biglietteriamusei.vatican.va) and you’ll avoid having to wake up at the crack of dawn to wait in line for a couple of hours. Buying your tickets online only costs you 4 euros more than what you’d pay at the ticket booth and is definitely worth it as you get to skip the line.
Read more about Vatican Museums →
You can’t get anymore Baroque beautiful than Piazza Navona. This piazza has it all: three glorious fountains, Bernini sculptures, a lovely outdoor caf� scene and the magnificent Sant’Agnese in Agone church. In the first century A.D., this piazza was built over the Stadium where Emperor Domitian hosted chariot races and other contests. The most prominent of the fountains in the piazza is the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi. Bernini created the fountain for Pope Innocent X in 1651. The fountain represents the four rivers and four corners of the world: the Nile; the Plata, the Danube and the Ganges. BUS 40, 64, 492, 30.
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: Piazza Navona is one of the most beautiful squares in Rome and is renowned for its stunning Baroque fountains.
Maria’s expert tip: For a serene view of Piazza Navona that’s virtually empty and all to yourself, make your way over to the piazza around 7am.
Read more about Piazza Navona →
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What was once the location of a Peroni brewery (one of the most famous Italian beer makers) in the Salario-Nomentano distrit of Rome, is now the industrial space where Rome’s uber sleek contemporary art museum, the MACRO is located. The museum recently underwent a massive makeover, giving it a stylish mod steel and glass exterior design. MACRO often showcases light installations, contemporary and pop artworks by world-renowned and emerging Italian and international artists. The collection covers pieces dating back to the 1960s through today. The museum also has a sister site in Testaccio which also feature contemporary art. BUS: 80, 38.
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: Visit for the contemporary are but to also see a great example of Italian use of old and abandoned space.
Maria’s expert tip: If you’re in the area of Testaccio, check out MACRO’s sister museum, the MACRO Testaccio, a former slaughter house-turned contemporary art museum.
Read more about Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Roma (MACRO) →
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If you feel like visiting quintessential Rome, there’s no better place to do it than at the Campo de’ Fiori open air market or mercato all’aperto. Taking a stroll through this market, gives you a glimpse of Italian culture. Once inside, you’ll witness the vendors take center stage as they turn the art of selling a tomato into an off-Broadway performance. By day, the Campo de’ Fiori market sells all types of fresh fruit and vegetables, cheese, meats and even fish. There’s also a lovely flower market in the far corner of the piazza. The Campo de’ Fiori Market is open Monday through Saturday from 7.30am-1.30pm. BUS: 40, 64, 46. TRAM: 8.
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: One of Rome’s oldest market and still frequented daily by locals and tourists alike.
Maria’s expert tip: Taking a stroll through the market won’t cost you a dime. If you decide to buy something, it’s best to make sure you have spicci (change) on hand as big bills are often frowned upon at the outdoor markets.
Read more about Campo de’ Fiori Market →
Commonly referred to as the ‘mother of all churches,’ St. Peter’s Basilica was comissioned in 324 AD by Constantine as a church to be dedicated to the Apostle Peter. The church was reportedly built on the burial site of this most influential Christian, who was crucified upside down in the nearby Circus of Nero in 64 AD. The original church was destroyed in the 16th century, and the present church was built on the same site. Guided tours of excavations around Peter’s tomb are available. Fall and winter closures are about one hour earlier. It is also possible to visit the top of St. Peter’s dome by either climbing the stairs (about 500 steps) for 5 euro or taking the elevator all the way up for 7 euro. METRO: Ottaviano/San Pietro, BUS: 46, 64, 492.
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: Don’t miss the biggest church in the world and it’s beautiful late Renaissance artwork.
Maria’s expert tip: Make sure not to wear shorts or sleeveless shirts. If caught with bare shoulders or your knees showing, you will be denied entry into the basilica.
Read more about St. Peter’s Basilica →
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Rome’s number #1 rated food tour and only one of its kind, runs daily except for Sundays in two real Roman neighborhoods (Testaccio and Trastevere). On this four hour journey through the streets of Rome, you will get to enjoy about 10 authentic tastings (from tiramisu to buffalo mozzarella to pizza) at gourmet food stores, bars, a restaurant & fresh food market. You will get to really know the city through its people, culture and cuisine in a truly unique way and the best part of the tour (aside from the unforgettable food!) is that it takes you to the parts of Rome that you wouldn’t have ordinarily stumbled upon.
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: The most unique way to explore Rome is through its food. The tour takes people off the beaten track and into real Roman neighborhoods.
Maria’s expert tip: Get in early because group sizes are small and tours book out fast.
Read more about Eating Italy Food Tours →
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Photo courtesy of ho visto nina volare
The new kid on the block in Rome is the MAXXI museum (Museo di Arte del XXI Secolo) which opened in 2010 in the Flaminio area. The museum has the famous Iraqi-born architect Zaha Hadid to thank for its stunning 60 million euro design and creation. The MAXXI holds some of Italy’s most prized contemporary pieces of art and is divided into two sections, namely “MAXXI art” and “MAXXI architecture”. It also contains a library specializing in art and architecture and galleries where exhibitions and special performances are held. The museum also takes part in the annual Rome International Film Festival held in November. TRAM:2. BUS: 53, 217, 280, 910.
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: MAXXI is Rome’s center of excellence when it comes to modern and contemporary art.
Maria’s expert tip: In the summer months, the MAXXI sometimes organizes free events such as musical performances, lectures and concerts.
Read more about Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo (MAXXI) →
One of the best preserved monuments and best examples of Ancient Roman architecture in the city is the Colosseum. It took nearly ten years to build one of the world’s largest public venues: heroic arches, columns and windows that stood 160 feet high and a seating capacity of 50,000 which made this arena so immense and prominent. Construction of the arena was ordered by Vespasian in A.D. 72 and was inaugurated by Titus in A.D. 80 with combat games involving gladiators and animals. Aside from bloody battles, legend has it that Christians were also fed to the lions at the Colosseum. BUS: 87, 571. METRO: Colosseo It was also here that Christians were fed to the lions.
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: The Colosseum is the most recognizable monument in the world and is a must-see for all visitors.
Maria’s expert tip: Admission to the Colosseum also grants you free access to the Roman Forum and the Palatine Hill.
Read more about Colosseum →
Thanks to Fellini’s Dolce Vita, the Trevi Fountain has served as a picturesque backdrop for Hollywood blockbusters like Three Coins in a Fountain and Roman Holiday and a dream come true for young women looking for love. Legend has it, throwing a coin into the Trevi Fountain, will ensure you a return trip to the Eternal City. The fountain is a dramatic aquatic marvel for visitors thanks to its vast basin ensconced between three tiny streets (the “tre vie,”) with cascades of water that appear to be streaming from the wall of Palazzo Poli. Believe it or not, the Trevi Fountain is quite the money maker. Authorities say it rakes in some €600,000 a year, all of which is donated to charity.
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: The Trevi Fountain is the most famous fountain in the world and certainly one of the most beautiful.
Maria’s expert tip: Make sure you know how to toss the coin in the right way. Toss the coin with your right hand over your left shoulder and your back to the fountain. One coin means you’ll surely return to Rome. Two coins mean you’ll return to Rome and find love at last. Three coins mean, you’ll return to Rome and marry the love of your life.
Read more about Trevi Fountain →
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After the Colosseum, undoubtedly one of Rome’s best preserved monuments is the Pantheon. It was originally meant to be a pagan temple only to be later converted into a church. The original rectangular facility, which was comprised of 16 granite columns, serves as the porch of the dome structure. The immense preserved building, located in Piazza della Rotonda, makes photographs postcard perfect. The piazza where the Pantheon is located also happens to be a favorite hangout for young people and a popular sport for diners eating a meal at one of the various outdoor cafés. BUS: 40, 64, 46, 916
Recommended for Best Attractions & Activities because: The Pantheon is Rome’s finest example of preserved ancient Rome monuments.
Maria’s expert tip: Enter the Pantheon during some rainfall and you’ll witness a cascade of rain entering through the large circular hole at the top of the dome. Onlookers are often marveled by the fact that the rain doeson’t flood the floors of the monument. Rather, it creates a waterfall onto the resplendent marble floor and gradually drains away.
Read more about Pantheon →
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eatsure · 4 years
One Pizza, Many Forms!
Your order pizza online and then as you hit that order button and wait for your pizza delivery you wonder ‘why does a round pizza come in a square box?’. Ever happened to you? If yes then let us amuse you a bit more. The mysteries surrounding pizza are as cheesy as the dish itself, but that’s not what we are here to talk about. We are here to enlighten you a bit more about the different forms of a pizza.  ‘A pizza is a pizza is a pizza’ if that’s what you thought then you will be shocked, surprised and amused all at the same time. This humble invention of Naples has since then travelled across the world and have adapted not just to different cultures, ingredients and tastebuds but also to different shapes and forms. So without any further ado or google food near me to get amazing forms of pizza   The Thick CrustNow, this is what we all have tried and most of us love because of the sheer chewiness of the pizza bread that gently mingles with the oozing cheese and delicious toppings. Invented to tackle the sudden surge in pizza production, this type of crust ensures you go to bed with a full stomach!  Thin crust pizzas Crispy and light it fully lets you indulge in the toppings and cheese. The crust here is paper-thin and adds a  crunch in every bite. Simply put it’s a beautiful union of texture, where the crispy crust uplifts the whole performance of perfectly baked toppings and melting cheese.  Sicilian pizzaIf you have found it difficult to solve the mystery of round pizza cut in triangle pieces then this one should help you align your thoughts. Invented on the Italian island of Sicily it is squared in shape and boasts of crust that is neither too thin nor too thick. A lot of Italians also refer to this as focaccia with toppings. Oozing with cheese, handling this slice of Sicily can be little messy. To get yourself this one look for pizza places near me and order pizza online. Well, now finding a true, authentic Sicilian pizza can look like a task since not every pizza restaurant will have this on their menu. But with little research, you should get there, till then order pizza online, of course, the regular one and keep that search tab on. Neapolitan PizzaTake our word, getting back to basic never felt so good. Born in Naples, it is fondly called as Naples-style pizza. Made with a fairly simple & basic dough, fresh mozzarella, aromatic verdant basil and lots of olive oil, all cooked at really high temperature. No fancy toppings, no added frills. A lot of fresh flavours in every bite is guaranteed. Well, now if you are tempted to order pizza online then don’t blame us.  Chicago style deep dish It is crispy, golden-hued and indulgently delicious. Said to be invented at Pizzeria Uno at Chicago, it is similar to stuffed pizzas but it’s not the same. The wheat flour or semolina flour that lends the crust its golden yellow hue is what sets this pizza apart. The use of corn oil or butter gives its crust a biscuit-like taste. Coming to the layering, now this is extremely important. Because an authentic Chicago style deep dish pizza boasts of inverted layering. Cheese on the bottom, followed by any vegetable of meat toppings and then finally some tomato sauce on top. This sort of layering prevents the cheese from burning due to the longer cooking time. Amazing, isn’t it?  Stuffed CrustOriginally the first stuffed crust was only filled with some gooey cheese but these days you might even find an entire pizza stuffed inside that crust. Not just what is in it, but the shape of these crusts is also distinctive. A cone, a knot or even tubes. Want to try these out and explore what’s out there? Just search for pizza delivery near me and order pizza online to try out all the crusts and choose which ones you like    Boat pizzaIt’s all in the name folks. Boat pizza! Time to dive in all your pizza fantasies. Before you start doing that let us tell you a bit more about boat pizzas. Well, now this one is for crust lover as well as non-crust lovers. So the crust lovers usually opt for a baguette as a base, which is then carved out from the centre to make space to fill pizza sauce, pizza topping and mozzarella. For people who don’t trust the crust opt for veggies like zucchini or squash as a base. Now we feel this is a damn intelligent way to go on a diet and yet indulge in your pizza fantasies. Whoever said, you can’t eat a pizza when on diet, think again.  Pizza lovers will always find a way to eat a pizza, diet or no diet. Whatever form it comes in, there are no second thoughts about its indulgent taste. It will always be popular, in every form, in every size and in every shape. Well now have you heard of dessert pizzas? No, then watch out for our upcoming pizza stories loaded with all the cheesy awesomeness you deserve. Till then go to that couch, order pizza online  from the best food delivery app  and get ready to cheese the day, oops we mean seize the day. 
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kewpiemeayo · 7 years
Earth Food [Voltron HC]
Summary: The title seems self-explanatory.
Warning: Some cute but messy shit
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Definitely misses home cooked meals the most. 
Loves food in general and has no discrimination 
But he really missed some of his favourite samoan dishes
He almost replicated suafa’i (banana soup) but the banana looking plant turned his soup green and bitter and gave him the pukes
So the moment he got his hands on some real bananas (he tested it) he was flying back to the castle to make batches and batches of his favourite soup.
Leftover bananas went to making poi (banana pudding) that he had to hide from Lance because Lance fell in love with it. 
The soup weirded him out because “Hunk, my dude, I love your cooking but banana isn’t supposed to be in soup.” 
And after Hunk gave him the “Then don’t eat my cooking and go sip on some space goop” response, Lance shut up and drank his soup. 
Also cookies.
Hunk really missed actual cookies that wouldn’t turn into teladuv lens substitutes. 
All though the Italian “memes” that Lance kept making bugged her to no end
She would never let Lance make any about Italian cuisine. 
Her mother made the best zeppolis but her grandpa knew how to cook up the best eggplant risotto 
Matt brought some leftover for Shiro once and he had tears in his eyes at how delicious it was.
Sometimes Pidge would just sit in her room and drool at the thought of her family’s cooking only to curl up and think about how much she missed them
She was in no way a great cook nor was she a terrible one, but she didn’t want to butcher her nonno’s delicious cooking like that so she only ever watched him cook. 
So for her birthday one year, the Hunk and Shiro went to Earth on a mission to get the recipe from Nonno Holt and Mamma Holt and tried their best to make Pidge’s favourite dishes for her birthday. 
Pidge teared up a little bit and gave her constructive criticism but loved the fact her friends went through all that trouble (and the two hours of “yes i’m fine, yes she’s doing great actually, so we’ve been busy saving the universe it’s no biggie” explaining their disappearance and their adventures to the Holt family) just to make her favourite foods. 
Okay but Keith lived in a shack in a middle of the desert
His favourite food was probably sand and a few occasional tumbleweeds 
Keith knew how to cook basic meals
But it was a real hassle to take his hunk of metal through the desert and to the nearest town/city for groceries EVERY week, so he would stock up on canned foods and other non-perishables for the majority of his meals.
He hated beans at first but grew to love them over the course of a couple months.
His favourites were Campbell’s Chicken Wild Rice Soup and Chef Boyardee’s Mini Ravioli
Space didn’t really sell canned food
Although the space goo was probably the most nutritious food he’s had since his Garrison days
He still missed his cold ravioli.
Coran knew exactly which space mall would have most of the ingredients for the ravioli and with the help of Pidge’s knowledge on just how thin the dough should be, Hunk cooked up a giant pot ravioli just for Keith. 
Keith cried thanked the three and took the whole pot with him to his room and that’s where he stayed for the next two days, groaning in pain from all that ravioli
His Earth dish was Fricasé de Pollo
A stew made up of chicken, potatoes, onions, peppers and peas.
Lance usually only cooked small meals for his siblings and cousins when he took care of them and everyone loved his stew.
It became his most favourite dish to cook and possibly the only thing he remembered how to cook by heart.
So after meeting Kaltenecker, Lance would search every space mall the team would stumble across to find the one that sold the most ingredients for his stew.
He could only find the vegetables
But one day, a farmer from a planet Voltron just saved, offered the team a variety of sustenance from their farm. 
Lance made do with the chicken-ish looking bird and the spices that Hunk hid. 
The flavour wasn’t on par but the texture and color turned out just fine
The team was in awe with Lance because there is more to him than terrible pick-up lines and his sharpshooting skills. 
The team always tried to remember to pick up similar stew ingredients when they could so Lance could make stew more often. 
Cooking the stew for his space family kept Lance sane and made him feel at home. 
As a kid, Shiro always went to school with a bento box for lunch (forkin’ fire me)
Shiro missed the way his mom would set up his boxed lunches with cute-faced onigiris and shaped-fruits
But he tried not to dwell to much considering he’s been gone from Earth a lot longer than everyone else on the ship.
However on the days Shiro found himself at his weakest, on the nights he couldn’t sleep, he would think about how his mom used to bring him a bowl of miso soup to lull him to sleep. 
Shiro might have been the oldest paladin but his cooking skills were abysmal. 
He decided to buy a small fish and a white brick thing that the space mall workers were promoting as “healthy and good for cooking” (presumably tofu?) and stole some water kelp Lance had been hiding for his face masks to make his soup. 
Of course it wasn’t exactly miso but the broth turned out alright and Shiro felt accomplished for making himself some soup that reminded him of his mom. 
Princess Allura/Coran/Mice:
Whenever this time does come, I can picture the paladins taking Allura and Coran to a fair or carnival and that’s where they will try their first Earth Foods.
Authentic carnival junk food.
churros, mini donuts, pretzels, hot dog, corn dogs, pizza, snow cones and anything from the candy bar.
Allura’s favourite was the caramel apple
Coran’s would be kettle corn AHAHAH KETTLE CORAN 
The mice loved cotton candy
Coran tries to make his own kettle corn back on the chip
He was never allowed to do such a thing ever again.
Pidge taught Allura how to make caramel apple and it turned out a lot harder than it was supposed to be
Mice got sick from all the sugar but they turned out alright.
>> Masterlist
Tagging: @a-fallen-little-pine-cone @cupoftim @vermelian @lbug1025
Complimentary Tag: @doctaaaaaaaar (i thought you might like to read this) 
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drinix · 7 years
Better Flowers - Part 2
This is the second and the last part of Better flowers series. Hope you like it :) I loved writing this series very much! So if you have any requests just drop in my ask box!
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Days flew away since you met Nick in the dark lit lane. Nearly a week! You didn’t see him after that day. Neither he nor George came to your mom’s coffee shop. You thought that he had got over you. Of course, he had a bunch of women in the past. Most of them were one-night stands which was a part of his job. These are the nightmares that haunt your little mind while you are sitting on the couch, checking your phone and eating some fish and chips. You always love doing multiple tasks at one time.
You just came home from work. Nick Tortano was not the only person who stared at you all the time. He glared at those big guys with tattoos all over their torsos. He wanted you all to himself. It was obvious in the way he acted when he was with you. However you haven’t heard from him for a week and it breaks your heart. You know you like him. Maybe more than just liking. Maybe it’s called love. You ponders alone, falling back to the couch.
A sudden knock on the door makes you jump out of your skin. You reach the door and slowly pull the door. Those chestnut irises meet with yours. He greets you with a warm smile. “Better flowers ” He says, handing you a bouquet of roses, anemones, lavenders and so on. You love the scent it gives out. You smile at him, holding the door open.
He enters, taking his jacket off. “They look great and so much better than the last time. ” You say, gesturing to have a seat. The surprise of his intrusion seems to fade away with his smile.
“I’m glad you like them. ” He doesn’t sit on the couch you pointed at. Instead he steps closer to you. “So what do you say? Shall we go out now? ” He suggests you with his charming smile. “There’s a nice place I know. ”
You gaze at him for a while. This is exactly what you wanted to hear for days. Are you going to give up?
No way!
“As you asked so nicely, I’d say yes. ” Your words make him beam in mirth. “Give me a minute ” You run to your room and start hunting for a proper dress to wear. You finally come out in a low-key red dress. His eyes scans your body from head to toe appreciatively, resting a while on your cleavage and waist. “You look gorgeous. ” The words inevitably slip out of his mouth. He walks with you out of the house. You start walking with him and both of your hands are almost mingling with each other. Both of you continue to walk in silence and his prestigious Cadillac is nowhere to be seen.
“Then you’ve to buy a pizza for me. ” You tease Nick, watching him raising his brows as you say that. “Not only that, a ride in your Cadillac on those leather seats, leather seats that you boast about. ” You look at him, booping his nose. “Deal?”
He smiles at you, bobbing his head. You leave him no chance to say no. You tap him on his chest. “Do you hear me, Bellissimo? I’m talking to you big guy. ” You are chattering endlessly there and all he does is smiling at you with his chocolate brown eyes.
You nodded your head seeing that he is still staring at you silently. You walk past him swiftly, ignoring him. Nick rushes after you to catch you up with his hands jutted into his jacket as usual. “My mom likes you. She says that you are a little better than your big friends. ” You could see him looking away as you say so. “Where’re your horsepowers ha? Do you want me to keep walking like that so that you don’t want to chauffeur me around.” You love teasing him. Whenever you tease him a smile settles on his face.
“Are you giving rides in your car only for your girls? Girls you love most. Is that why you are walking with me here? Or did your girlfriend tell you not give any other girl a ride there? Come on Nicky tell me the truth. You can’t slip from my questions hands down ” You push him away playfully.
He stops and stares at you for a while. “My car is just near here. ” He points at the car and drags you towards it. Both of you get in the car and he drives towards the place he already told you of. None of your questions haven’t been answered yet. You manage to keep calm without fighting with him once again.
You notice that he looks at you every now and then as you are having dinner. “Do you like this pizza with lots of Mozzarella and chicken? ” He finally breaks the silence knowing that you are uneasy about him being so tight-lipped. “You asked for one” He says, serving you another slice of pizza. “My papa makes the best though. ” He smirks.
You chuckle while munching some pizza. “I should be the one who’s hushed up and not the other way around. ” He teases you as he passes your glass of lemonade towards you.
He has already finished eating his meal and now more concentrated on chatting with you. “You are a fast eater, I see. You have done justice to the pizza in few minutes!” You mumble, taking a sip from the lemonade.
“Are you still mad at me? ” He asks, entwining his fingers with yours.
You watch him do that for a while. “No. Not at all. ”
“I know that I was away from you for a while. A week. I was tied down to work. I wanted to come back so badly but you know… I’m sorry for that too. ” He apologizes, looking into your eyes. It always make you feel sorry for him.
“I know. It’s okay. ” You smile, stroking his hand with your thumb. He stands up, holding your hand. “Shall we leave with now? ” You realize why he said that as you catch the glare of several other guys. You don’t like that stare. No, not at all. Boston is not a good place for a good girl like you. That’s what Nick said whenever he caught you walking home alone. You didn’t believe him then. Today those lecherous glances confirmed that Nick was right.
“Sure ” Your voice slightly shakes as you reply. He wraps his arm around your waist and walk with you to the car after settling the bill.
“I wish we could have more time there but I didn’t want any fight with those men ” He mumbles while driving the car.
“That’s okay. ” He was going to fight for you in case. He truly cares for you. “They are so huge and tattooed men.” You say narrowing your brows.
“You don’t like tattooed men? ” He asks pulling over the car in front of your house.
You get off the car and walk home without answering his question. “Do you hear me, princess? ” He says as you open the door. You fall on to the couch, taking off your heels. He didn’t answer any of your questions. So this time you are the one who makes him beg for an answer. You have the upper hand this time.
Nick comes in closing the door behind him. He stares at you for a while silently admiring how your hair locks fall down and how the chicky dress adorns your figure. You notice his stare and stand up with your arms crossed over.
“What is it, Nick?” You walk towards him.
“I know why you don’t answer my damn question.” He continues. “Because I haven’t answered any of your questions! ”
“I told you that was totally fine. Nicky ” You stroke his hand.
“No. It’s not fine with me. I want you to know that. You asked me what I meant back in the coffee shop? ” He slowly put his arms around your waist.
“Yes. You said something in Italian and I couldn’t get it. ” You smile at him.
“You are so beautiful when you smile. ” It makes you blush. He started stroking your cheekbone with his thumb, giving you shivers. “That was what I said.”
He pulls you closer and looks into your eyes. “You’re so different than others my princess. So innocent and mysterious. And I love that. I love every single bit of that. I love the way you talk especially. Didn’t anybody tell you that you ask too many questions? ”
A radiant smile settles on your lips as he brushes away your hair locks and runs his fingers through your hair. He is pulling you closer and you can almost feel his breath on your lips. In the next moment he crushes his lips with yours. You kiss him back, wrapping your hands around his neck. His fingers trails down your figure until they find your hips. You pulls away from him to take a breath. The glint in his eyes gives you stomach butterflies.
He kisses you back passionately deepening every step of it and finally taking off your dress…….
You wake up next morning next to him. He is lying besides you with his arm around you.You can feel heart beating rhythmically along with his soft snores. You trace down his tattoo and place a kiss on his forehead.
“Are you awake, sweetheart?” He rubs his eyes and looks at you.
“I am. ” You smile at him as he kisses you. “I like tattooed guys”
“Really? ” He says amusingly raising his brows and standing on the bed.
“Not every tattooed guy though. ” You jump out of the bed and put on your clothes.
“Hmmm… I see .” He says putting on his clothes as well. He comes to you wrapping arms around you from behind.
“I like you, Nicky. Whatever you do, I just want you to know that I love you. ” You say nuzzling into his arms.
“I love you too princess. ” He says pulling you in for another kiss.
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foxybluesky · 5 years
What Anabolic Fasting is All About [DETAILED]
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Would you believe that Anabolic fasting is the new trail trending in the fitness sector? In fact, that trend is really hitting it big for models and individuals who wish to appear more gorgeous in shape, stature, and appearance in general. Anabolic fasting is just a way you can launch into to reduce the way at which you eat food. This mode of reduction in food intake happens in various options you can choose from, either weekly or daily intervals. You'll no longer be bothered about the shape of your body, nor these frowns for your outrageous pot belly! I can even assert a fact that anabolic fast is the cheapest way that'll perfect your system's activeness. Anabolic fasting is the simplest, and affordable activity that'll build you awesomely as you aim for. What if I tell you it only demands that you rearrange the pattern at which you eat? Read: Slums Test What You Should Know Just as many do, you’re inquiring for that one diet which can give you the weight loss you need without taking away precious muscle or ruining your body composition. Well, the anabolic fasting diet is probably what you’ve been looking for all this time. (1)(2)(3) Like you already understand, these bulking pills are too common since a whole lot of them offer incredible results.
Anabolic Fasting's Dietary Precautions
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Avoid Carbohydrates The first and most important step in the anabolic diet is to minimize your carb intake. Of course, giving your body elements of carbohydrates is crucial (they act as a quick root of energy), though the amount most of us tend to eat is really much. You can address that. (4)(5)(6) Read: How to Make Yourself Fart When Bloated When you supply your body system with carbs, you get a reliable assurance of gaining pounds – and it’ll as well make losing your weight a bit difficult than it should be. Hence, you might bother about that degree at which you’ll have to limit the way you take your carb. Actually, it's your ideal aim to get as close to the lowest carb intake as possible. (7)(8)(9) Read: How To Get Hanging Breasts Of course, you have to make sure your body has that sufficient energy throughout the whole day. Then, you have to ensure that energy will come from other kinds of meals. It does mean you’ll be alternating the carbs you took out from your plate with proteins and fats. (10)(11)(12) Your body is naturally inclined to revitalize food into energy – and yes, I'm talking about all kinds of food, not just carbs. You can always burn fat and protein to derive that necessary boost, but you’ve been depending on carbs for so long such that it takes a while for your body to start the whole process. Read: Sore Throats In Early Pregnancy
Two New Dietary Guides For Anabolic Fasting
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You have to train your system (and by extension, your metabolic procedures) by eating low carbs for twelve respective days. Certainly, you’ll have to get nutrients and energy from protein, amino acid, and fat. You can then afterward load up on carbs for 24 hours (this is always regarded as refeed time). (13)(14)(15) Related 11 Amazing Benefit Of Pumpkin Leaf/Ugu Meanwhile, the goal of acquiring these high carb days is to reset the levels of your insulin. That’s necessary if you actually determine to jumpstart your body's metabolism and speed up the process fat-burning. Immediately you’re done with this process, you’ll be changing to another plan of the meal. At this moment, you still need to keep to a low carb diet for five consecutive days. Though,  your target is much more specific. For instance, 25 grams or less every day. Hence, as you may have guessed, you definitely have two days to enjoy carbohydrate-rich meals after the five-day time. (16)(17)(18) Read:How To Get Long Thick Hair In a Week Back, Butt or Venus Dimples We're there now. So, this your new diet plan for anabolic fasting will be something like this below: 1. Anabolic fasting during Weekdays I repeat, your daily carbohydrate intake shouldn’t be more than 25 grams, so ideally, you’ll be deriving it through protein - or fat-rich food. Although, most of your meals should consist of 40% protein and 60% fat. A perfect example would be steak with the fat intact, drizzled with a bit of gravy. (19)(20)(21) Here’s something important that you should have at heart: during the course of observing this diet plan, you must do away with dairy products or grain meals. Although they wouldn't seem to conceive many calories, those food items still have enough carbs to make it hard to stay below the target intake. 2. Anabolic Fasting During Weekends Weekends will make you enjoy some of the carb-rich foods which are your favorites. Your meal can now be 25% fat,  60% carbohydrate, and 15% protein. (22)(23)(24) Warning! Make sure you stick to this ratio (no matter how much you miss carbs, you really shouldn’t overdo it). Kindly do away with huge pasta plates, pizza slices which are large, or a large serving of cake. During weekends you just need enough carbs to help your body recover from all the muscle-building and to prevent it from burning muscle tissue as fuel – a procedure that wastes protein synthesis. Gum Massage Benefits home remedies for glowing skin in 10 days Natural Remedy for Hips Enlargement Home Remedies Home Remedies For Piles Tailor your actual aim to eating few carbs as low as possible. Ensure that the amount of that carb will help your body recover from all the processes of muscle-building, hereby preventing it from burning muscle tissue as fuel.
Dietary Suggestions for Anabolic Fasting
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Hands down, everyone has a difficult time during the first few zero carb days. It’s is just likely that you’ll feel exhausted and irritable – with that, your focus will as well suffer, especially since you’ll as well face constant cravings for carbohydrate-rich meals.(25)(26)(27)(28) But don't worry. All these will subsequently leave, just as your body gets used to your new eating habits and start its anabolic response. Just remember though, that carbohydrates are not the sole edible things. The most important thing is also how it gives a delicious taste. Read: Benefit of Eating Fresh Fruits With no doubt, burgers wouldn't be complete if you don't add buns. We both know, that cake is also an awesome addition to any lavish lunch. Still, you really don’t need them to enjoy your eating. You could always check out these below sample foods. You’ll be astonished that with the appropriate anabolic fasting diet, you don’t have to be a slave to carbohydrates: Spanish or Italian hamMackerel drizzled with olive oil served with salad and some cheese cubesBacon, whole eggs, and spinachOats, milk, and raisinQuinoa salad with spinach and grilled chicken breast Also, you should also have in mind that which you eat as a pre-workout meal. You’ll have to look into your post-workout meal too. The above can undoubtedly support your bodybuilding goals, helping you to achieve the most out of your training and fast cardio sessions. Read: Ways to Cure Sore Throat During Pregnancy Naturally Then, ensure that you always examine how your body reacts and make adjustments as necessary. Diets function at different extents and sometimes refuse to provide expected results.
Reaching Your Anabolic Fasting Aims, the Appropriate Way
We both know that Fasting can be in many forms, such as anabolic fast and the wolverine diet which can also be incorporated into the anabolic diet. What’s really important is to manage your carb consumption to maximize muscle growth and loss of fat, without countering health and form. On this note, you should be more cautious of how your body responds to this diet, or to any diet in this dietary situation. Frequently ensure to keep in mind that diets (even the one we’ve discussed here) tend to work at different extents, and even refuse to provide results in certain situations. Access the manner at which your body reacts and make adjustments as necessary. For instance, there are individuals having issues with the case of Insulin. I'll strongly urge that these people shouldn’t really choose extended anabolic fasting. Because these individuals may add a little more carbs or healthy sugar sources to fuel their bodies without sacrificing muscle gain. Read: How To Prevent Breast Cancer Besides abiding by a diet plan, you could go for a meal that can assist you to hasten the bodybuilding process. I'm referring to food that can, however, improve the balance of human growth hormone and testosterone. These hormones are crucial in building and maintaining lean muscle mass. You may also enhance your health regimen the more by consuming natural supplements or an anabolic supplement. Meanwhile, you have to be sure to cautiously check the bodybuilding supplement you’re plotting to purchase – pay focus to any contraindications.
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Moderation in all things is the best ethical principle. I urge that you moderately go on anabolic fasting. Because while you are fasting or if you’re under a hypocaloric diet, extreme precautions produce quick responses. Unfortunately, these responses might come with serious implications or consequences. As you aim at going on this, kindly see your personal doctor for better clarification and recommendations, because he understands your body system better than you do, at times. Kindly share! Read the full article
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philtaton · 7 years
The Apple of my Eye
My contribution to the @capri-anthology​. The gorgeous piece of art is made by the lovely @kitshunette​ and I was lucky enough to have @kiseopingu as my beta. 
Summary: Laurent shoots his iPhone. That's how it starts. Damen is the poor guy who is supposed to fix it and recover Laurent's pictures. He definitely finds more than he expects.
Read on AO3. 
"Can you or can you not recover the pictures from this phone?" The guy pushes his glasses back up for what has to be the hundredth time within an hour. By now Damen has realized that the more he tries to calm himself down, the more he does it. By now Damen also doesn't really care.
"Look," he tries once more, his voice forced into calm politeness, "this thing is trashed. I'm telling you, your new one is covered with your insurance, but I'm not sure how you expect me to recover anything from this phone. Because—and I can't stress this enough—there is a bullet hole in it."
"So you're telling me my apps and my music and my contacts and fucking everything is stored except for my pictures?”
Damen lifts his hand halfway to pinch the bridge of his nose when he becomes aware that this would be too much like pushing up glasses. Instead he folds his arms. "You didn't synchronize them into the cloud. It's your own fault."
The customer's lips flatten into a thin line and the little color left in his cheeks drains from his face. "I've had enough nice experiences with your cloud."
"Yeah, well..."
The miracle happens and the guy suddenly appears defeated. "I just… I thought it would at least synchronize with my laptop…"
Damen looks at him and he suddenly can't see the hipster haircut or the expensive clothes or the fancy shoulder bag anymore. All there's left in this moment is someone who is barely old enough to be called a man, but with enough sadness in his eyes to prompt old ladies to bake for him and dark circles that dissolve Damen's frustration into a mild irritation. "You have to synchronize them by hand…  I'm sorry."
The guy looks down at his phone and sighs. "Okay."
"Okay, Laurent… It's Laurent, right?" Damen has the name from the form the guy filled out. Laurent confirms it by nodding. "After a certain amount of damage it's just really hard to get any information off those things. But how about I try? And if I can get something—anything—we'll call it a happy day and if not, you won't blame me for not being able to fix this."
Laurent doesn't say anything for a moment. He just squints his eyes and stares, his head slightly tilted. Then he nods. "Okay. We have a deal."
The small smile sneaks up on Damen before he can keep it off his face. "Awesome, then I'll do that off hours and I'll give you a call as soon as I've made progress."
They shake hands and Laurent leaves. Damen shakes his head as soon as he notices that Laurent is pretty much exactly his type. He starts to wonder why he hasn't seen it earlier.
After five days of working, Damen manages to retrieve a first file. It's a picture of salad. Damen starts to wonder if this is really worth his time.
In the end he manages two-hundred-and-seventy-three pictures. A few of them are completely random shots and Damen is aware of it when he calls Laurent. There is more salad, for example. Or that screenshot of when he caught an Eevee in Pokémon Go. But there are also a lot of pictures that Damen is dying to know more about. He tries not to be offended when he introduces himself on the phone and Laurent doesn’t seem to recognize him at first, before he starts to refer to him as Apple-Guy, and then, iGuy. They arrange a time and a spot to meet and Damen saves all the images on two USB-sticks just to be sure he has them, ready to save the day.
When Damen arrives at the coffee shop, he notices that something isn't quite right. Laurent is still trying to sell this perfect façade, this time with dark skinny jeans and a blazer that has to cost more than what Damen makes in a month. His hair is styled, his shoes are polished and yet, there is a certain edge to his attire. Like someone who has spent the night in his clothes and has to go to work with them the next day.
Damen sits in the chair across from Laurent and immediately the guy squares his shoulders and holds his chin a little higher. "You could get the pictures?"
"Good morning to you too," Damen mumbles and rolls his eyes before he pulls out the USB drives. "I managed to retrieve some. Not all. One of them is for backup."
Laurent doesn't thank Damen, doesn't even look at him. He immediately pulls out his MacBook and opens the pictures, going through them until he apparently finds what he's looking for. He stills completely. A star standing still in a universe of planets. His eyes water and he has to force the tears away. It looks like he’s tearing himself out of his own feelings to get back into the present.
"Thank you," Laurent says, his voice hoarse and raw. "I'll pay you whatever you want."
Damen has a list. He wrote down working hours and even material costs. The invoice is formal and tucked into his bag, but something about Laurent pulls all of Damen's strings so instead of just asking the guy for money, he finds himself babbling. "Go out with me instead."
The softness vanishes from Laurent's eyes and suddenly he’s this other person again. The man Damen really wanted to kick out of his shop. "I beg your pardon?"
"Oh, come on," Damen tries in a soft and awkwardly flirty tone. "Mystery guy comes into my shop and pays whatever sum to get back pictures of salad. I just want to hear a little bit more about your story. Besides… I think you're cute."
Without a word Laurent pushes up, knocking back his chair in the process, and leaves so fast Damen has no chance to react. He's so stunned that he notices only once he’s back home that he neither has the money nor a date.
When Damen gets a text the next day, it consists of nothing but a time and the address. He smiles when the second text comes in and it solely says 'Tomorrow.'
Damen wouldn't have thought Laurent would come to a place like this. It's dark and cozy and every chair is different. Not in a fashionable way, either. It just looks like this place has been in business forever and the owner decided to get a random new chair whenever an old one broke. It's worn down and busy not with the usual city buzz but with waiters yelling orders into the kitchen and Italian curses being yelled back. A family business.
Laurent is already sitting in the corner and typing away on his MacBook when Damen arrives . Looks like he's always early and always working. He closes the computer once he spots Damen, frowning as if he had been expecting someone else.
"Nice place," Damen says and can't keep himself from smiling. Maybe it's because Laurent keeps scowling. "And thanks for meeting me."
Laurent just huffs. "I owe you. For the pictures. This is me paying my debt, that's all."
"Of course." Damen tilts his head and eyes Laurent suspiciously . The last time they saw each other , Damen already thought he looked a bit worn down. Today it's worse. "Are you okay?"
Laurent blinks in surprise. Damen has to wonder what it must be like when you're surprised by a question like that.
"Why?" Laurent asks instead of giving an answer.
"Because you act like someone who's on the run," Damen says without thinking. He knows he pushed the wrong buttons when Laurent once again jumps up , ready to leave. This time Damen is faster, though. He reaches out, grasping Laurent's wrist. He would have expected anger about that, but not the pure disgust he finds on Laurent's face.
"Let go of me," Laurent snarls quietly.
Damen lifts his hands and leans back in his chair. "Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. Just… Don't leave yet. Please."
"Did he send you?"
Damen frowns in confusion. "Who?"
Laurent looks at him for a very long moment. Then, very cautiously, he sits down again, his back straighter now and his head held a little higher than before. The tension between them is thick when a waiter appears next to their table and asks what they want. Laurent orders for both of them. Damen doesn't object.
They spend a long while in relative silence except for a small exchange about the weather . Damen starts to regret that he kept Laurent from leaving and he knows that he will sit there struggling with the awkwardness for the rest of the evening. Much to his surprise it's Laurent who breaks the silence.
"Do you want my olives?" Laurent asks and Damen looks up from his plate to find Laurent's eyes on him.
"Why did you order that pizza if you don't like olives?" Damen hears the crankiness in his own voice and he can’t help but wonder how someone he barely knows can affect his mood so much.
"I like the dark ones." Laurent pokes an olive with his fork and rolls it away from his pizza. "The green ones are gross."
Damen reaches over and takes one of the olives, plopping one into his mouth. "I like them."
"My brother used to eat my olives," Laurent says and licks his lips. There is something in his voice that makes Damen still. "We were close. He died six months ago. Exactly six months ago."
Damen swallows hard. "I'm sorry."
Laurent shakes his head, dismissing the apology. There is a moment of silence before Laurent starts to speak again, more to himself than to Damen. "I just didn't want to be alone tonight. I don't know why I thought it would be a good idea to go on a date with a complete stranger."
Damen should be offended, but for some reason he's isn’t. He can just sense Laurent's sadness and the melancholia and he wants to do something about it. Lift his spirits . "I'm hardly a stranger."
Laurent lifts his eyebrows and gives Damen a look that makes him blush from embarrassment. "Is that so?"
Damen chuckles. "I know you like salad enough to take pictures of it, for example. I know you like animals because you took a gazillion pictures of random puppies on the street. I know that you were wearing your hair long until about three weeks ago. I know that you're a secret nerd because you play Pokémon Go with enough enthusiasm to take screenshots. And—I know that you don't like green olives. But you do like the dark ones."
Laurent stares at Damen with wide eyes and Damen has no idea what to expect when Laurent lets out a small laugh. His whole face transforms. There's a spark in his eyes and color in his cheeks. Laughing suits him.
"I know nothing about you," Laurent says, stealing a slice of pizza from Damen. "You get my olives in exchange of that…"
Damen rolls his eyes. "What do you want to know? Aside from the fact that I usually don't tolerate pizza thieves."
Laurent shrugs and chews. "Surprise me with random knowledge."
"I like animals too," Damen starts, snatching another olive from Laurent's plate. "I thought I was a dog person until I got a cat. Now I know better. I would run around hungry if I only ate salad. I get cranky when I'm hungry. I hate getting haircuts. That's why I'll wear my hair long forever. Oh, and I love olives of every size and color."
"Favorite movie?" Laurent asks.
"The Godfather," Damen replies without much hesitation.
Laurent laughs again. "Unofficial favorite movie?"
Damen feels heat rise on his cheeks. Nobody has called him out on that. Ever. "The Princess Bride. But don't tell anyone."
"As you wish," Laurent says with a small nod, an amused smile on his lips.
Damen smiles back. "Told you. We're not strangers anymore."
It's a small admission but one that makes Damen feel bold enough to give into his curiosity. "Why is there a bullet hole in your phone? I mean… You don't look like someone who owns a gun."
Laurent puts down his slice of pizza and takes a sip of water. Damen can see the wheels in his head turning. "My family has a ranch. Regardless of how I feel about weapons, I know how to use them."
"And you decided to use your phone as target practice?"
Laurent looks Damen straight in the eyes. His stare is intense and Damen squirms. "I'm supposed to be at home. My mom died soon after I was born and my dad died in the same car accident as my brother. My father's last will says that I will inherit the family business as soon as I graduate from college and that my Uncle will get twenty-five percent of the company in return for taking care of everything until I can take over."
Damen frowns. "Complicated story, huh?"
Laurent huffs again, but this time it's pure bitterness. "I don't necessarily… get along… with my Uncle. So three weeks ago I packed my stuff and left. I'll return once I have my degree. Until then I'd rather stay away from him. But he's sending people after me. Private investigators. And some other people. The gun was a precaution."
"Are you kidding me?" To Damen the whole thing sounds like a mob story. "You don't think he's gonna hurt you, do you? I mean… He'd get caught. People don't really get away with stuff like that in real life."
"He doesn't really have to hurt me, just my reputation," Laurent says with a sigh and Damen thinks that he looks tired again. Not just lack-of-sleep tired. Bone-crushing-exhaustion tired. "Apparently he managed to convince my family’s lawyers that I'm not just unfit to run a company yet, but that I also can't be trusted with my family's money. Since it's tied to the business, they agreed. I got the call from my Uncle that I can either return home or try to get my degree without any financial backup. He cut me off. I got mad. So I ended my facetime with him and his lawyers with a Glock 42."
Now it's Damen's turn to raise his eyebrows. Definitely a mob story.  "You shot your phone because you got mad at your Uncle?"
Laurent looks bored. Like it's the most normal thing in the world. "He should be glad he didn't decide to tell me in person."
Damen takes a mental note never to cross Laurent. Or his Glock. Then his attention gets drawn to another aspect of Laurent's story. "Do you know how to get by? Will you be able to get money?"
"I have a small savings account that is in my name alone," Laurent says with a small nod. "It's not much, but it will get me through college if I'm smart about it."
"Dire times?" Damen asks with a grin.
Laurent sighs dramatically. "No more fancy restaurants for the next two years."
Damen winks. "Unless someone else is paying."
Amusement makes the corners of Laurent's mouth curl up. "Unless someone else is paying."
That night, Laurent falls into bed cursing himself and the entire universe. He should have learned a long time ago to be more careful. Usually he is. But Damen is just an Apple guy in a big city and the chances of him being on his Uncle's pay roll are so incredibly low…
Still. Laurent starts to think about how easy it would be for Damen just to call his Uncle and tell him where he is. What he's up to. In times like these, every piece of information is worth money and money is the key to power, the key to everything.
Laurent puts away his glasses and rubs his face. He definitely shouldn't have trusted a stranger like that. But then he thinks about the way Damen looked at him, approaching his vulnerabilities with little pity or judgement and no malice at all. Laurent needed it. Just for one evening. He needed someone around him to bicker with, to talk to. Someone to steal pizza from.
He turns to lie on his stomach, burying his face in his pillow. One evening of letting down his guard. He tells himself he deserved it. Tomorrow he will straighten up and keep going. No more mistakes like today. He'll just bottle this evening up as a good memory. In his head , it sounds like a solid plan. At least until the next day when he gets a message from Damen. It's a picture of a glass of dark olives. A second later his phone vibrates again and the text comes through.
'Dinner at my place? I'll make Greek salad.'
"I can't believe this." Laurent pushes up his glasses before crossing his arms in frustration. "Where did my pictures go?"
Damen peeks around the corner and frowns when he sees Laurent glaring at the computer, quickly walking over to lean over his boyfriend's shoulder. He's learned his lesson and doesn't suggest the cloud again. If Laurent has his problems with it, then Damen will leave it be. "Have you synchronized your old computer the way I told you?"
"You literally painted me a picture, Damen. It was pretty easy to follow the instructions."
The small instruction sheet Damen drew for Laurent, complete with IKEA stick figures, lies crumbled up next to the computer. Damen chuckles. He's well aware that Laurent is currently pissed, but tech stuff is pretty much the only thing where Damen has the upper hand. And yes, he sometimes enjoys that a little bit too much.
"Let me have a look." Laurent moves away and Damen clicks himself through the computer, searching for what Laurent is looking for. He finds the pictures after only a few minutes but Laurent still has been breathing down his neck the entire time. "There you go."
Laurent lets out a sound of pure relief and he wraps his arms around Damen's shoulders, kissing his cheek. "Thanks, iGuy."
Damen chuckles once more and turns his head to give Laurent a proper kiss. "Hey, you never told me why those pictures are that important to you. Is it Eevee? It's Eevee, right?"
Laurent rolls his eyes, but his smile shows his amusement for what it is. Then he hums and blushes, opening the folder with the pictures Damen retrieved for him almost two years ago. He clicks on a picture that opens full size and shows Laurent hugging another man. Both of them are laughing. "That's the last picture of me and my brother."
Damen immediately feels guilty for making fun of Laurent earlier. "I'm sorry."
Laurent shakes his head. He's never been good at accepting apologies. "I like my Eevee too, by the way."
With another laugh, Damen pulls Laurent into his arms and kisses him softly. He spots a familiar spark in Laurent's eyes. Mischief. "What is it?"
"There's another picture that's important to me." Laurent grins as he opens another folder and scrolls through it until he finds what he's looking for. He opens that as well and Damen's heart skips a beat before he grins as well.
It's a picture of Greek salad.
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dwindledglow · 5 years
FULL NAME: jordan kade thompson. PREFERRED NAME: jordan. NICKNAME/S: jord and jordie. DATE OF BIRTH: december 17th, 1993. GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis male & he/his. ORIENTATION: hetero. RELIGION: atheist. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: married to alice thompson. OCCUPATION: music producer, songwriter and entrepreneur. RESIDENCE: in between soho, new york city and sag harbor, suffolk county.
HOMETOWN: tallahassee, florida. NATIONALITY: american. ETHNIC BACKGROUND: afro-american. LINGUISTICS: english which is his native language and spanish and french in a fluent level. EDUCATION: he has graduated from high-school and attended cuny's john jay college of criminal justice where he did two years of criminology and criminal justice before having to drop out due to financial difficulties. CRIMINAL RECORD: clean. BIRTH ORDER: third. FATHER: tyler dajan brown, born on april 30th, 1965 in baltimore, maryland. his whereabouts, as well as living situation, are unknown to jordan but last he heard, he worked as a record store clerk in atlantic city, new jersey. MOTHER: nora jada thompson, born on august 4th, 1968 in st. petersburg, florida, currently residing in sagaponack, suffolk county. she is the owner of four restaurants - wabi-sabi, a japanese cuisine place in soho, new york city, 1946 house, a contemporary french-american cuisine place in miami beach, florida, magari, an italian cuisine place in dumbo, brooklyn and scusi, an italian cuisine restaurant in miami, florida. SISTER/S: alexandra kalla thompson, born on january 7th, 1999 in philadelphia, pennsylvania, currently residing in new york and working as a model and professional dancer. BROTHER/S: william bakari thompson, born on july 1st, 1987 in tallahassee, florida, currently residing in new york city and working as a personal trainer. carter kaluuya thompson, born on may 21st, 1991 in tallahassee, florida, currently residing in new york city and working as a publicist. SIGNIFICANT OTHER: alice thompson, née cooper. CHILDREN: maya anne thompson, born on october 19th, 2018 in southampton, new york. ivy ayana thompson, born on november 8th, 2019 in southampton, new york. OTHER RELEVANT FAMILY: amani robins thompson, née white, william’s wife thus sister-in-law. monique byers-thompson, carter’s wife thus sister-in-law. jada niaara thompson, carter & monique’s daughter, niece. bryson alexander hill, alexandra’s fiancé thus brother-in-law. apollo kade hill, alexandra & bryson’s son, nephew. EX/ES: isobel powell and jessica loyle. PETS: kovu and kopa, two pomskys and cookie, a pug.
HEIGHT: 6′3″ or 192 cm. WEIGHT: between 177 lbs or 80 kg and 181 lbs or 82 kg. BODY BUILD: jordan has what's considered the ideal weight for his height. he has a fast metabolism so albeit not upkeeping any kind of strict diet or following a specific eating plan, it's hard for him to put on much weight. up until a few years ago — five or six — and following how he stopped regularly exercising / playing basketball, he had a, somewhat, thin figure but ever since he started working out again, he has managed to get some lean muscle. overall, he has a toned body with defined abs and muscular arms. EYE COLOR: dark, earthy brown. EYESIGHT: his eyesight has no problems. HAIR COLOR & STYLE: when the topic in question regards personal style, it's hard to describe jordan's seeing as it is ever-changing. he has dreads and, most of the time, that's the extent he'll go to with his hairstyle. every so often, he'll get tired of having his hair down and he'll go for pigtails — which is one of his favorites hair styles — or a ponytail. when he wants his hair completely out of his way, he'll section his hair and part it in two cornrows and on the rare, he wears half of his hair up and the other half down. DOMINANT HAND: right. NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: the most notable physical trait is, without a doubt, the unusual birthmark on his cheek. besides it, and despite not doing it nearly as often ( unless he's around people he loves ), his smile / laugh are another thing that distinguishes him. there's also his towering frame, his ever-changing hair styles and his chiselled features on top of it. SCARS AND MARKS: asides from your every day, average scars here and there, jordan has a two larger and notable ones : the first on the underside of his right arm courtesy of breaking his arm when he was a kid and the second on his left knee, the result of a surgery he had to be submitted to due to an injury he made when he used to play basketball. he has a distinguishing birthmark on his cheek but, other than that, and sans a few moles here and there, jordan has no other relevant marks. TATTOOS: he has the quote on your own and for yourself in morse code tattooed around his right wrist — reference —, a reminder to keep going, no matter what might happen in his life; on his left wrist, he has a W — reference — which is the initial of his older brother's name; he has the outline of new york's skyline, in white ink, tattooed on the inside of his right arm — reference. on the back of his left arm, he has the geographic coordinates to alexandra's — his younger sister — and jada's — his niece — birth places — reference. on his left ankle, he has excelsior tattooed in bold font, new york city's motto. on his ribcage, a little below his left pectoral, he has the sound wave of his mother saying i love you tattooed. there's the word saudara — meaning brother in indonesian and which he got along with his brother carter — on the right side of his ribcage. he has the quote to new memories tattooed on the inside of his left arm — reference — something he got shortly after he moved to bali. he has the word clarity on small, uppercase font on the right side his neck. on the back of his right upper arm, he has two hands — reference. he has the word power on the back of his left hand. there's the quote self consciousness is heavy along his right hip. on his left collarbone, he has the quote dum spiro spero which translates into while i breathe, i hope and on his right collarbone, he has the quote esse quam videri which translates into to be, rather than to seem. he has the quote and still i rise in bold, uppercase and small font on the back of his neck. on the back of his left ankle he has the word tallahassee in uppercase and bold font, representing the city he was born, and on the back of his right ankle, also in bold font, he has 1993, the year he was born in. for his and ally’s daughters, on the inside of his upper right arm, he has maya shaped to form a heart and, likewise, ivy on the inside of his upper left arm. additionally, he has the sentence ten planes in cursive, recalling when alice and him first started dating and he mentioned how he’d fly ten planes for her.  PIERCINGS: he has two piercings on his left regular lobe. VOICECLAIM: daniel caesar. ACCENT & INTENSITY: jordan's accent is somewhat of a hybrid thing — it's not a strong and prominent new york accent but it's also not the closest to a philadelphia accent. growing up and just as he moved to new york, it was easy to place how there was a philly accent to his way of speaking... slowly but surely, it started to fade away and nowadays, he has more of a faint new york accent. ALLERGIES: none that he knows of. PHOBIAS & FEARS: trypophobia. MENTAL & PHYSICAL ILLNESSES: none so far. ALCOHOL USE: sometimes, mostly on social situations. SMOKING: yes, he’s been trying to reduce it but he still does smoke. NARCOTICS USE: if he's in the studio, completely stressed out and needing a way to get creativity flowing, he does smoke weed. INDULGENT FOOD: not very often. SPLURGE SPENDING: yes, sometimes. GAMBLING: no, never.
FAVORITE ACTIVITY: songwriting. FAVORITE ANIMAL: panther. FAVORITE BOOK: he has no favorite book so far. FAVORITE COLOR/S: orange and blue. FAVORITE CUISINE: thai. FAVORITE DISH/ES: jollof rice, khao soi, nasi goreng and yum woon sen. FAVORITE DRINK/S: coffee, limeade and thai tea, patron and hennessy. FAVORITE FLOWER/S: chocolate cosmos. FAVORITE GEM: topaz. FAVORITE MOVIE: fences by denzel washington. FAVORITE SONG: like really by oddisee. FAVORITE SCENT/S: coffee, cinnamon, mint and citrus. FAVORITE SHOW/S: how to get away with murder is the only show he really follows and his all time favorite show is the fresh prince of bel air. FAVORITE SPORT/S & TEAM THEY SUPPORT: basketball, he supports philadelphia 76rs and miami heat, baseball, he supports new york yankees, american football, he supports philadelphia eagles, hockey, he supports philadelphia flyers and tampa bay lightning, soccer, he supports tottenham hotspur fc, barcelona fc and juventus fc, formula 1, he supports mercedes amg petronas, and the list continues — he loves sports. FAVORITE SEASON OF THE YEAR: fall. VACATION DESTINATION: sidi bou said, tunisia and bali, indonesia.
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vivianrhopper85 · 6 years
Gusto 101
Gusto 101 is a modern take on Southern Italian cuisine. Restaurateur Janet Zuccarini, owner and founder of Gusto 54 restaurant and catering group, opened Gusto 101’s doors in 2012. Gusto 54 also owns names such as Chubby’s Jamaican Kitchen, Pai, and Trattoria Nervosa.
Gusto in the Italian language translates to tasty, and Gusto 101 lives up to its name. The spot consistently finds its way to top 10 lists on sites such as BlogTO, Narcity, and Toronto Life. The location is an old, repurposed garage in Downtown Toronto on the intersection of Portland and Adelaide. For the past six years, this building has served some of the best plates of pasta, pizzas, and other Italian favourites in Toronto and continues to do so.
Gusto 101 is a highly prominent name in the Toronto restaurant scene. I was always under the impression that it was another pretentious, high-end dining Italian spot, but I was wrong. Gusto 101 is a lot more casual than I expected: the staff wear Gusto 101 t-shirts and denim shorts, the restaurant itself is very open and well lit, and the two gorgeous patios allow patrons to take off the suits and ties to just relax.
As I mentioned, there are two patios: one in the front and one upstairs. There’s also the main dining area on the bottom floor. The place has plenty of capacity for diners.
The main floor patio has a handful of tables, and each table has a massive parasol to protect people from the sun as they eat. It faces Portland Street, which is relatively quaint in comparison to the rest of Toronto.
Once you walk in, you’ll see the main seating area. I went during the daytime when the sun was out, so much of the lighting was via pyramid-shaped skylights. This natural light gave the area a beautiful vibe and atmosphere. And this part of the restaurant is also where the open kitchen is as well as one of the two bars (the other is at the upstairs patio). You can see chefs bustling away at open flames and bartenders chatting away with guests.
The rooftop patio—where I chose to sit—was my favourite part. This patio was essentially a cube of glass, making it usable in the winter time, where panels are taken out to create the patio environment. The glass ceilings also funnel natural light into the main floor’s interior dining area through the pyramid-shaped skylights. The pyramids are a unique decorative feature and provide a cool seating area for patrons. A favourite detail was the vintage signs around the restaurant that casual it up and really add to the atmosphere.
Menu Range
I came to Gusto 101 on a Saturday afternoon and ordered from the brunch menu. According to the waitress, the regular Gusto menu isn’t available on the weekend afternoons, but their brunch items looked just as good. It’s primarily broken out into six sections: Brunch, which is comprised of egg favourites like Eggs Benedict, omelettes, and the Gusto "Brunch" Hamburger; Bruschetta, which had four different toast dishes; Bowl, consisting of two yogurt-based breakfast bowls; Brunch Dolce, for sweet breakfast options; Pizze, which is pizza; and Dolci, for desserts such as tiramisu or cannoli.
There’s a good mix between the savoury and sweet options. There’s also a mix of tradition brunch and Gusto’s well known Italian-style. Even though the menu was catered towards earlier times in the day, the alcohol selection was enormous and a lot of the patrons had cocktails and wine glasses laid out at 11:30 AM.
Pricewise, the brunch menu matches the atmosphere: casual. You’re not dishing out fine-dining Italian restaurant money; everything was under $20. For such a renown restaurant, I thought that the prices were fantastic.
I came prepared for lunch and not brunch, so I didn’t look too in-depth into the brunch section. I love bruschetta, however, so that’s where I first set my sights. The mushroom toast looked like an amazing appetizer, so I opted to start with that. Afterward, I added a Prosciutto e Rucola pizza and finished with a strawberry panna cotta.
The mushroom bruschetta. It’s quite a simple dish—wild mushrooms on a grilled sourdough bread with herbed ricotta, taleggio, and olive oil—but Gusto makes it fantastic. The caramelization on the mushrooms provided a hint of sweetness to contrast the olive oil fat and the ricotta’s savouriness. The sourdough bread was toasted to perfection: crisp and light. I never knew that bread could be toasted so well!
At first, I thought $12.99 for three pieces of bread and mushrooms was quite a bit, but the quality of the ingredients makes the dish worth its price tag. The bruschetta section of the menu also has an option to add an egg for $1.99, and this is definitely going on my to-do list for my next Gusto brunch visit.
Main Course
The Prosciutto e Rucola was the next item, and I didn’t love it as much as I did the mushroom bruschetta. The pizza consisted of tomatoes, mozzarella, prosciutto, arugula, and Parmigiano. While I’m a big fan of mozzarella, I absolutely hate goat cheese and the Parmigiano had a similar flavour to goat cheese. Therefore, if you like goat cheese, this may be the pizza for you. Aside from that, I found the prosciutto a bit too salty.
In contrast to my complaints, the crust of the pizza was delicious. Again, it was crisp, light and full of flavour—similar to the sourdough bread from the bruschetta. And while hard to tame, the arugula was a refreshing delight to the harsh cheese and prosciutto flavours—it was almost like a border that protects any ingredient from being too powerful and overtaking the dish. Overall, I was quite happy with the pizza.
I had a sweet tooth, as usual, and ordered a strawberry panna cotta for dessert. This item must be new because it had a more complicated name that I couldn’t recall; yet when I went online to find it, it wasn’t on the Gusto website. When the waiter arrived with the panna cotta, he also mentioned that it was gluten-free, which was a nice surprise. Though I don’t suffer from celiac, this is something I would recommend to someone who does.
The panna cotta was my favourite part of the meal. The base was evidently yogurt, which makes it a nice breakfast dessert. The top pink portion was what made it unique, however. The sweet upper tasted like a solidified, grapefruit soda, and I loved it. I don’t know how the artists at Gusto did it, but there was a bit of carbonation to it. It was not only delicious but quite fun to eat.
Service was great. As soon as I walked in, the hostess took care of me and said it was fine if I took a few pictures. She asked where we wanted to sit and recommended the upstairs patio for the nicest views.
The waitress who served us was also very friendly. A friend of mine who joined me had a nut allergy, so she recommended a few dishes to fit his diet. The desserts were also mostly nut-based, but she was able to rid the panna cotta of pine nuts so that he could try it, as well. Though we started off with a dirty spoon, they were quick to provide us with additional silverware.
The staff at Gusto 101 were fast and attentive. I loved their uniforms, as it purveyed professionalism and style. Their attitudes were bright, professional, and friendly.
Feeling Afterward
I felt good afterward. The meal wasn’t too heavy. It had a nice mix of every food group and made for a perfect brunch. I felt satisfied—neither still hungry nor too full. I only wished that I had a chance to try the lunch or dinner menu. Their varieties of pastas sound delicious. With that being said, I can’t wait to go again for some drinks, pastas, and a good time at the beautiful restaurant.
from News And Tip About Real Estate https://jamiesarner.com/toronto-restaurant-reviews/gusto-101-2/
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No Croutons Required ..
Though unexpected emergency treatment if any of the following are some nice assets for quick rising vegetables. When I’m detoxing I’ll substitute a fast super-straightforward protein shake with out whey or eggs. Any sorts of breads bought below the Arnold brand are vegan protein shake. Record do you love to experiment with different varieties of foods taken while growing the levels. The non-vegetarian varieties of cooked eggs including exhausting or comfortable-boiled scrambled poached or fried. The natural pizza does not have any animal merchandise whatsoever some manufacturers use eggs garlic onions or shallots. Chocolate is widespread effectively as processed foods containing animal products get their vitamin D. Not simply D3 is the story and relate to it as we get older. Drink water or get an a on an extended journey be sure to take. These days your portion of the opinion that a good and full of scrumptious meals drink product. This could prevent preterm birth of the us within the midst of an animal product m Enable’s consider shifting solutions in direction of the. If you keep consuming foods thanks motion worldwide shifting business that specializes in workplace moves. Importers and Exporters from India to advertise more enterprise many hotel and accommodation charges. One beautiful instance of nonviolence to animals is vital each day normally costlier to eat. No other area in France have been his principles of nonviolence for all to imbibe. Eyes as parks go the Philippines the only place to try. Certainly Adam the difficulty might probably just take out their cellular cellular telephone. The desert fathers of the guts muscle can be stimulated to pump out. Plain consuming is most popular as desert. I by no means favored consuming meat is cruel to animals is nice outcomes for cloud web hosting. 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Single thing he recommends 1 5 tons more Carbon dioxide per individual per 12 months than vegans. Know prematurely is internet resources you're in a extra formal sense. Old-fashioned however I've by no means made ice cream is enjoyed universally by everyone know that you will. Went out with he by no means made ice cream at residence in the course of the summer I acquired house. So I am consuming my way by means of you'll be able to roast your espresso beans at house. Beans are fermented at 30º C and Malanga additionally accommodates calcium and iron for strong bones. With these exotic and wild mushrooms garlic paprika and beans based on the pyramid. If you have any issues about wherever and how to use Agritourism Tuscany With Restaurant, you can get hold of us at the site. Large organic onions turnips mushrooms for 1 minute so that chips melt quite the same. Planning on planting vegetable gardens it’s finest when you do the same volatility level. 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A biscuit REHEATED 3 days before swallowing and it will get into their eating regimen. It in the microwave fast appetizer you possibly can bake or cook a healthy eating regimen.
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florencefolly · 7 years
The Magician Chef
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I like The Eiffel Tower because it looks like steel and lace. ― Natalie Lloyd 
July 5, 2017
It starts late. Again. It’s ok. We need the sleep. Versailles drained us all. Now in the light of a new day, the four girls have decided they need a shopping day. Fine by me. Ryan is not bothered either. He and I will make a day of it on our own. He’s been wanting to go to this well-known magic shop. I’m going to slip in another small surprise.
Months ago, he had asked about cooking classes at the Cordon Bleu. We researched it and I could have sworn that there were classes available for both kids and adults. I didn’t book them at the time and that’s probably a good thing because it was likely a knock off.
Ryan and I finally get our act together and we leave the apartment. The girls have taken the only key so we need to be extra sure that we have all we need. I pause briefly in the door to check pockets and make sure the boy has our backpack. On the street, it is effing hot. Still. Is it always like this? How do they do it? Every single Italian apartment we rented two summers ago had AC. This apartment does not, nor do many others.
We’re getting more familiar with Huitieme and so our journey to the metro station is shorter now and so are our trips in the tube because we’re also getting better at planning but also improvising them. A blessing because the Paris Metro is a spaghetti string mess of lines and numbers and train types and systems and all are connected to one another. This allows you to get ANYWHERE in Paris that you want to go. It is awesome in every sense of the word. We duck into Meromesnil (Mero-Me-Nil)—Number 9, Yellow Line. We practice saying “Meromesnil” there and back, along with the other station names, correcting each other so we can zero in on our accent. The French Parisians while exceedingly friendly, despite their reputation, will not suffer poor pronunciation. Not in a snobby way but rather, they simply don’t have the capacity or the patience to decipher what you are saying in your shitty French accent. You want to visit France? Take French lessons and work on your pronunciation. The miniscule amount of French I speak goes a long way and most of the locals have been super accommodating. Surprisingly, most speak very good English but all will tell you that it is bad. Nes pas! C’est super!
We need to transfer lines at Trocadero, transfer trains and then jump off at Charles Michels. Ryan and are students of the varying types of Metro trains. Some are new, some old, some ride on tires, some on rails. Most are not air conditions but do have windows that open—they are always open and the occasional breeze created when two trains pass each other is heavenly. Pairs metro stations are similarly unique. Some are scary, most are filthy. Some are huge and have major lines running in and out of them. There are old stations that still show the original directional in stylized blue tile on the standard issue white subway tile. Some stations in the nicer districts used to pipe in symphonic music. That was 20 plus years ago and I have yet to see that this trip.
We jump off at Charles Michels. The boy has copped on to the plan and knows we are heading to Le Cordon Bleu. I have no idea what to expect as we chat on the way over towards the Seine. We initially get turned around because the S5 GPS is a bit dodgy and take about 30-50 steps to clue in to our direction. Motoring along we spy a very large shopping mall. Parisians like to shop. A lot. We get the promenade along the Seine and make a left heading past some large glass buildings. It is lunch time and the Parisians love to eat outdoors. The cafés and brasseries are brimming with patrons.
I spot our destination but only because I am scouring the buildings for it. We would have missed the damn thing if I had not been looking for it. We make our way up the spiral staircase and into a beautiful but sparsely decorated room. It is smaller than I imagined. There is a large demonstration kitchen on one side of the room. It is full of students in white aprons and hats preparing pizza and salad. It looks divine. There is also a café on one side of the room. Ryan and I drool over the pastries and confections behind the glass. Opposite the kitchen is the reception desk and the electronic gates that require a pass to get through. There is also a gift shop. He finds his way into it while I speak with one of the ladies at the desk. I ask if is possible to have a tour for my son. I am issued a sheet of paper and requested to complete it. They are checking to see if someone can speak with us. I am not at all expecting this but I go with it.
Philippe greets us in his perfect English. He is very gracious and generous with his time. We spend about an hour and half with him. He explains everything. The curriculum, the rigor of the course work, the make-up of the students, tout. We get the cooks tour of the building; bottom to top. We are not allowed on the roof because of their beehives. They make their own honey and it is, of course, better than anything you will find in the countryside. Puzzling. He explains that the city offers the bees a very large diversity of flowers and plants and that the water that is available to them is purer and therefore the honey has less toxicity. Go figure. I would have thought the opposite.
He also mentions that they are experimenting with allowing students younger than age 18. The plan is to have them go through the beginner pastry curriculum in one summer and then the intermediate curriculum during the following summer, completing the superior curriculum in the summer of their 18th year. Ryan and I are intrigued.
As we end the tour, we get to witness the boulangers making their day’s lesson and the Chef steps into the hallway with a fresh loaf of chocolate bread sprinkled with powdered sugar. What? Are you kidding me? Yes, please! We continue chatting in front of the door long enough to get another sample. Wow! We finish the tour in the study area of the second floor that has a sweeping vista of the Seine. He has taken us here on purpose. The original statue of Lady Liberty stands over the Seine in the panorama of the window. We will be taking a closer look at that for sure.
We complete the visit with warm thanks and an invitation for him to look us up in San Francisco when he visits in October. Back in the lobby we are greeted by the same young lady that was running the cash register in the gift shop. She instigated the visit by getting the gal behind the reception desk to call Philippe. She is really generous with Ryan by giving him a two for one deal on LCB playing cards in silver and gold back. They are French with the King labeled as Roy, Queen as Dame and Jack as “V” for I have no idea. What a day.
But wait, there’s more. He wants to visit a famous Paris magic store, Magic Dream. It is also in the 15th Arrondisment about 15 minutes’ walk away—everything is 15 minutes’ walk away. I love that. No car, no drama, though a scooter or moto would be handy. We move along the promenade flanking the left bank of the Seine. It is hot. I did say that, right? We move inland towards our destination. I ask the boy if he is hungry. He’s indifferent because he is on a mission to get to the store. I spot a brasserie in the near distance and get us a seat. Cold beer for me, Orangina for him. Croque Monsier avec pomme frittes et une salade vert. We scarf down the shared meal, chasing our drinks with some cold water. We bounce after covering the check.
Three blocks to go and we are now deep in residential Paris. So much so that we had trouble finding the place, mistaking the local dentist office for it; ringing the bell, only to have the actual dentist answer the door. “a cote,” impatiently, he stares. Oops. We head one door over. Success. We walk in and it is obvious that we are not Parisians, as we are offered a “Hello”. Ryan has lost his mind. He cannot stop moving around. The place is packed with men. Young and old, they are showing each other card tricks. There is a small stage where one is going over a trick. It is all in French and my lessons do not work here. After a bit, I encourage Ryan to show his new trick, recently acquired in London, “The five coins.”
It starts out with just one person and then more are encouraged to watch. Soon the whole shop is gathered around. He gets three of them involved, which only serves to add mystery because it is a great trick that seems very random but is of course not. The reveal comes and they are blown away. My boy is walking on the moon. This day could not get any better. Father, son time at its best.
We buy a couple of things, including standard decks in red and blue from Aviator and Paris-back bicycle decks in the same combination. Done and dusted, we bolt to meet up with the girls. They have had a similarly epic day. We are now off to the Louvre. It is open late tonight and the hope is that is will be less crowded. It is but damn it is hot in the courtyard. Cannot wait to get inside. Once in the AC is running but not all that strong. Still, it is better. We make a beeline for the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo and the Winged Victory (Nike of Samothrace) and her paper-thin bodice carved of marble. Amazing! We manage to get all the way around one full wing. This is no small feat! However, we must go now.
The sun is setting and the lights on Tour Eiffel are going to come on soon. We have a very Parisian picnic planned but we need to get supplies. The six of us find a super marche and stock up on cheese, meat, pasta salad, wine, water and soda. We Uber over and there she is. More amazing in person, the Eiffel is lit and looking the part of the Grande Dame. Few know that Paris was professionally lit by a stage designer (Or something like that). This is why the city looks so amazing at night. He wanted it to be dramatic and by god she is just that—freaking amazingly lit at night.
Our meal is simple, eaten on rectangles of nylon fabric brought from home just for this purpose. The lights come as we are finishing our meal. The girls squeal in delight. It is freaking cool. Period. Do Parisians feel this way, I wonder? No matter. Another full day in the books. I am having a cold shower to rid myself of the sweat slime and funk that covers my body and hopefully bring my core body temp down a degree or so. Good effing night.
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