#noriko tog
linaxart · 2 years
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Ronin Noriko, masterless Samurai
[ID: a digital drawing of Noriko from The Old Guard comics as a Ronin inspired by Utagawa Kuniyoshi’s Isoai Juroemon Masahisa does a Naginata attack from his 47 Ronin series. She’s leaning back as she swings the Naginata, a long spear with a curved blade at the top. She has two swords strapped to her waist by a uwa-obi belt and sageo cord, a long curved katana and a shorter wakizashi. She’s wearing a long black and white kimono with a blue underside. Underneath, she has blue kyahan leg wraps with a wave pattern, black tabi sock and waraji sandals. Her hair is in a top bun.  End ID.]
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kermit-coded · 4 months
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Haunt Me, Love Me
stick season by noah kahan // the old guard: force multiplied // euripides // the old guard: force multiplied // bronze by the regrettes // the old guard: force multiplied // birthright by george abraham // the old guard: force multiplied // the great (2020-2023) // the old guard: force multiplied // seaside improvisations by siken // the old guard: force multiplied // @leemartenspoetry // the old guard: force multiplied // domestication syndrome by dhole b // the old guard: force multiplied // ocean vuong // the old guard: force multiplied // louise glück // the old guard: force multiplied // you better be lightning by andrea gibson // the old guard: force multiplied // ve schwab // the old guard: force multiplied // ryebreadgf // the old guard: force multiplied // stranger by olivia rodrigo
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pochiperpe90 · 1 year
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Image! 30th Anthology #12 - The Old Guard
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captain-grammar · 1 year
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The timeline/lifetimes* of all the known immortals in The Old Guard graphic novels.
(*Subject to G.Rucka's tentative relationship with continuity)
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rogue205 · 4 months
So I finally got around to reading the graphic novels for The Old Guard and I don’t think I like the ending of Force Multiplied.
But if they’re already insisting there needs to be a third movie, I can see the sequel ending like that. But Andy is mortal in the movieverse so some stuff is already gonna have to change.
What I really did like though is Nicky and Joe(and Andy to a lesser extent) actually holding Copley responsible for his part in the whole Merrick mess.
I PRAY we get that in the sequel too because it bugged the hell out of me that they banished Booker but basically decided to give Copley a job and trust him with that just because he said “sorry” in the movie. That’s also different.
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mer1099 · 2 years
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Like & reblog if you use! More Halloween: TOG & other
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morfia-ramona · 5 months
First animation! :’D
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druckkugelschreiber · 3 months
Sometimes I feel like „after all those years“ or even „centuries“ does not accurately manage to convey the sheer amount of time Andy has been alive for. She’s nearly 7000 years old!!! That’s insane on so many levels and I know I’ve screamed about this countless times already but how do you even put the weight of the ages in words?
Wait no, that‘s brilliant. Write that down! New headcanon (?) Andy hates to talk about her age because no matter what she says no one can even conceptualize what she‘s actually been through. Like how long that is.
Young immortals might manage to understand a century or a couple of centuries. Nicky and Joe know their millennia but they’ve not seen the dawn of civilization, of the fucking wheel and domestication of a couple of species. Andy cannot convey it and hates the reaction so she does not tell. [Noriko/ Quynh knows but since Andy lost her, she‘s even more adrift (me trying not to drift into that ship angst)].
Of course technically Andy shouldn’t know how old she is anyway considering no consistent time keeping/ calendars back then but that is a different story, but not any less tasty and angsty. How old are you really when no calendar can tell you? How much of a myth and a relic? Does she ever bother to try and find out? Is there some deep seated desire in her to know exactly or is it all muddied in the endless grind of time?
Wow well this post went in a wildly different direction. It was supposed to be short! Literally only the first paragraph was planned. The rest was flow of consciousness. I have not been writing enough of at all and now my brain is vomiting words. Maybe my it‘s gearing up for a new round of ToG fics. That would be fun!
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phatburd · 1 year
4 and 18?
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
Oh man, I went on a blocking spree during this last season of Star Trek: Picard.  Mainly blocking people for wildly shitty ignorant ass takes that did not jive with Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.
I had a coworker who claimed he’s never watched an episode of Next Gen, and still considers Next Gen to not be “real” Star Trek, and enjoys shitting on it whenever possible. Except this wasn’t in 1988, but in the 2020s.  And that’s really pathetic.  Dude, that is not something to be proud of and build your personality around. And I consider a lot of the current bashers of “NuTrek” to be just as pathetic, and that’s why I went on a blocking spree.
I’ve blocked people in the TOG fandom too, including a relatively popular fic author whom I will not name.  Let’s just say I saw the receipts for their exceptionally anti-semitic takes on their Twitter account.  Also, Noriko may be a weird, racist, weeb fantasy, but that doesn’t give license to be racist back about it.  So so blocked.
18.  it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
Andromache of Scythia before she met any of the others.  Okay, yeah, I’ve been guilty of some of it too, but fucking hell, 7000 years of history is fucking intimidating to work with.  Lots and lots of rich possibilities to work with, but so intimidating.  She’s older than Otzi the Iceman, but Doggerland was already underwater by the time she was born.  Horses were domesticated after she’d already been alive for a millenia.  The Green Sahara was vanishing.  She was contemporaneous with Eurasian cave lions, atlas bears, and aurochs.  I have one headcanon where her tribe were nomadic bison hunters on the steppes.
Someday, I’m gonna knuckle down and write this shit out.
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Andy, waiting.
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“...for a thousand years I’d seen this woman. I didn’t know what it meant. I thought it was my imagination. My only companion, a figment of my mind.”
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Artworks by Leandro Fernandez
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cinnamonplums · 3 years
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redrew my favorite panel of tales through time, a woman who taught andy a better way to strap it up! [ID: A redraw of a scene from the comic the old guard: tales through time. The characters Lykon, Andy and Quynh are depicted in their movie version. They are sitting around a fire, Lykon has a cup in one hand and is eating something. Andy and Quynh are holding a steel labrys, Quynh has the hilt tucked under one arm and is binding it in leather, she and Andy are looking at each other lovingly. End ID.]
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scorchedhearth · 3 years
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POV: you're about to meet your end and this woman is bringing it to you.
Or, Noriko smiling while into battles in the tog comics
[ID: the post is many pictures of Noriko from the old guard comics depicting her smiling and/or laughing while fighting. In the first two pictures she's in the background of a fight taking place in ancient time, Andy's axe is breaking as Noriko laughs while still fighting. In the third picture, from ancient time, she's standing with her hands up during a fight and smiling. The fourth picture depicts her in a traditional Japanese art style smiling while running toward a man on a horse holding a spear in her hands. The fifth picture is set in modern time, she's holding a fuming shotgun and smiling wide. The sixth and last picture is her smiling in a close up shot, there's blood on her mouth as well as on an arrow poking in front of her face in the frame. /End ID]
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bearinarockingchair · 2 years
The Old Guard Timeline
Rounding, my guess at the timeline for our immortals would look something like below. I added the ‘estimated’ notation when specific dates weren’t referenced in the comics or movie. When ages of the immortals at first death isn’t referenced, I default to 30 years old.:
4710 BCE Andy is born. In the comics, Andy states she is 6732, so give or take some years there for publishing and calendar changes.
4680 BCE Andy becomes immortal (estimated)
1362 BCE Quynh is born (estimated)
1332 BCE Quynh becomes immortal and Andy starts dreaming of her.  (estimated) In the comics, Andy states she dreamed of Quynh 1,000 years before meeting Lykon in 332 BCE
1332-332 BCE In the movies: It is insinuated Andy and Quynh are the first to meet. Specific dates aren’t referenced and I’m not as much of a clothing expert to try and guess.
362 BCE Lykon is born (estimated)
332 BCE Lykon becomes immortal and meets Andy at Alexander the Great’s siege of Judea/Gaza
641 CE In the comics: Andy and Quynh meet at Amir bin al-As’s siege of the Byzantine Empire at Alexandria . Lykon isn’t there and they all meet up soon after, though for them soon could be years.
1066 CE Joe is born
1069 CE Nicky is born
1099 CE Joe & Nicky become immortal during the First Crusade
1332-1574 CE Lykon dies. In the comic it states Andy and Lykon traveled together for 2000 years and he died in the renaissance era. In the movie: Joe & Nicky aren’t in the scene where Lykon dies but they talk like they knew him. Given the date of his death, they would have at least dreamed of him.
1575-1650 CE In the Movies: They don’t state exactly when Quynh is lost at sea but widespread witch trials in England occurred between the the late 16th century to the mid 17th century. There are earlier trials in the Middle Ages, though not as common or well documented, and more often for political reasons. The last execution for witchcraft in England was in 1716. In the comics: Quynh is lost at sea, though not in an iron maiden for witchcraft. They are sailing and there is a storm. Joe & Nicky are there but Booker isn’t and a date isn’t specifically mentioned.
1770 CE Booker is born
1812 CE Booker becomes immortal during Napoleon’s invasion of Russia
1994 CE Nile is born
2019 CE Nile becomes immortal (estimated) and meets the gang
*BCE= Before the Common Era, equivalent to BC (Before Christ)
*CE= Common Era, equivalent to AD (Anno Domini meaning ‘the year of our Lord’, colloquially referred to as After Death)
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I‘ve reached the mandatory Quynh/ Noriko part of my ToG longfic I’m writing and I’m thriving
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negotiumcrucis · 2 years
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History has cut our throats
Yusuf/Nicolò + Andromache/Noriko, omegaverse + Pirates AU, wip
Following a broken heart after he had just presented, omega Nicolò was sent to a monastery. Fifteen years later, he is summoned by his elderly father who has promised his son’s hand to a nobleman. On Nicolò’s voyage by sea to meet his future spouse, his ship is seized by the infamous pirate Al-Tayyib, the scourge of the seven seas. Many years ago, alpha Andromache lost her soulmate to the sea. After almost a decade of searching aboard her mighty vessel, she decided to relinquish the captainship over to her protégé, Yusuf. Andromache continues her quest alone, but every once in a while, she finds her way back to her crew.
Chapter 1 @AO3
A comicsverse Pirates AU and one of my contributions for The Old Guard Reverse Bang 2022 (brought by @theoldguardevents), inspired by the most gorgeous set of moodboards made by the fantastic @pochiperpe90 (check her main post here).
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