#normally i try to just ignore a crush but for some reason i cant with this one
swiftieeddie · 8 months
having a crush is sooo embarrassing but it‘s worse when you cant tell if the guy might actually be flirting or if it‘s just because he‘s lovely to everyone
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sweet1delusi0ns · 4 months
Naruto boys random headcanons──☆*:・゚
Characters: Naruto🦊,sasuke🗡️,Itachi🥀, kakashi🍃, kiba🐺, shikamaru🀄️,shino🪲,neji🎋,Lee🥋,choji🍥,gaara⏳,kankuro🪆
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Hes lazy at home. Not because he’s tired he just wants you to take care of him, but when you call him a baby for all these requests he gets mad “I AM NOT A BABY! I AM A GROWN MAN! NOW SPOON FEED ME!”
He tries to prank you but fails, your too smart to fall for it. He always tries to trip you in public while walking and every time he is the one on the floor and your the one laughing some how-
He likes the idea of drawing and being an artist he just can’t draw. He can only draw stick people with different hair, one time he tried to draw you, gave up and instead gave you a picture of a stick person with your hair. It’s now on the fridge LOL
He tries to act cool around his friend with you but just makes a fool of himself. “Yeah this my bae so what?” “Yeah I’m his bae and he’s my baby, my big, soft, smiley baby!” His soul is now crushed and his friends all laughing
He sleeps like a ANIMAL. he full on can’t sleep normally, You both go to bed the same time, one of you is always gunna wake up on the floor, mostly you. Then he wakes up like “why you on the floor?”
He may seem cool but he gets very flustered. He doesn’t cover his face though he just closes his eyes so he doesn’t get more flustered and so he can ignore the fact that he is red
He CANT Dance, don’t EVER take him dancing. It’s not because he’s bad at dancing he just never learn. If there is music he will bop his head to the beat though, if you try to get him to dance he will freak out and freeze. He just doesn’t like it ok!
His waist is weirdly sensitive, you could barely touch his waist and he will start giggling. He isn’t ticklish anywhere else but if you take a feather to his waist he will start LAUGHING
He will kick your feet when he wants attention. If you guys are out to dinner with friends he will kick you under the table to get your attention, he thinks it’s funny until you fight back and stomp on his foot. He made you kiss his pain away at home, atleast he got attention LOL
He forgets the silliest things one time he forgot how to tie a knot so anything he needs to tie like his clothes or shoes you had to do for him. You don’t know if he actually forgot or if he just wanted to be babied-
He can’t handle heatwaves. If it’s over 90 degrees he’s gone for. One time you woke up on a heat wave morning waiting for him to wake up and walk out but he never did, you went to find him and he was in bed, sprawled out, shirt and covers off soaked in sweat. You had to rub ice on him to get him conscious -
Unlike naruto, he likes drawing and can ACTUALLY DRAW, although he can only draw plants but he doesn’t mind he likes plants! He will draw you flowers instead of buying you some which is like equally as cute~
He has very sensitive eyes. Like how he can’t handle heat he cant handle the sun either. If it isn’t cloudy he will have to squint to keep his eyes from hurting. When you told him to wear sun glasses he said “I still want to see you clearly though love…”
He’s not a big fan of skin care but he likes those face roller things. He bought one just so you could use it on him, he likes that it’s cold but also massaging!
He sneezes like a girl- he has the cutest, most petite sneeze you’ve ever heard out of a man which is cute and very funny. He doesn’t even realize it either “a-choo!” “That was crazy out of character” “huh?”
He’s allergic to cats, he likes cats sure but he never hangs around them because he’s allergic. You didn’t know that and one day you brought a stray inside and he instantly turned puffy (poor thing)
Once he gets home and discards the mask he puts lip tint on. He has pink lips for that reason. When he first puts it on he will find you and kiss you just to leave a mark before waiting 10 minutes then whipping it off
He needs reading glasses but never uses them, then complains to you when he gets a headache as if you didn’t tell him to put them on
He takes a lot of baths. If he showers it bound to end up a bath. And he doesn’t care if your using the bathroom if he wants a bath he’s gunna make a god Danm bath. One time You were just washing your face and he busted in the door and ran to the bathtub, You washed your face as fast as you could-
He is EXTREMELY tired when he first wakes up, he doesn’t move for like 20 minutes so if he needs to get up and do stuff your gunna have to make him, like actually you’ll have the carry him out of bed.
He bites his nails from stress so you have made it a habit to smack his hand away when he does. It worked since all you have to do is tap him softly and he will stop. He’s so glad you help him get over bad habits
He decorated akamarus ears when he’s bored, one time you walk in on him giggling like a little girl and akamarus ears were pulled together in a little ponytail! You joined in on the fun🤞
He comes back from a casual walk along a complete mess, you have no idea how but one day he came back with half a bush stuck on his leg. He always cleans up though!
He sometimes transforms akamaru into himself to prank his friends or you, mostly you. One time akamaru came up to you as Kiba and started licking your face “EW OH MY GOD?!” “AUUFF AUF!” “KIBA YOUR NOT FUNNY”
He always has tan cheeks and nose. Compared to the rest of his face, his cheeks are cute and golden!
He lets you win at intelligents based games to make you feel better. Except one time he actually tried and lost. He’s convinced you cheated
His hair is straight but gets very frizzy if not cared for. (You care for it since he’s lazyy)
He draws on himself when bored, mostly just trippy designs like swirls and stuff. Will also let you draw on him, only if your good tho he doesn’t want “bad drawing” on him😔
He has a box FULL of hair ties and will notice if you take one. “This one you literally stole from me?” “Don’t care put it back!!!”
He gets Freezingly cold at night, like really really cold. When he snuggles up to you to warm up you could feel how cold he really is and you don’t understand how since you are both under covers-
He keeps bugs in the house so they can watch over anything, they are basically his security cameras-
His hair is so cute and wavy! Also gets very frizzy because of the texture like Shika. He also makes you take care of it, he just really likes you touching his hair
He gives you bugs as gifts, not like freaky beetles but cute little bugs like lady bugs or fuzzy green caterpillars. You find it cute that he gives you things that mean so much to him
He shockingly has a sensitive neck, only to you though. Bugs can crawl all over it and he doesn’t move but if you try to kiss it he gets chills. Also shockingly he has really soft skin idk maybe he sheds skin (IM JOKING)
When he gets home and can finally undress he lets you take his glasses off since you love his eyes and he loves that you love them. He gets insecure about it sometimes!
He speak really highly and intelligently but he’s honestly a little dumb sometimes, or maybe he’s just dumb with you to be silly we don’t know
The only jewelry he really wears is an ankle bracelet you got him
He loves hair charms, he likes decorating his hair! He likes putting clips and braids in it, sometimes even put color streaks in it if he wants to be festive
He really likes pottery and making things out of clay, he’s very creative and he finds clay the perfect outlet. He even makes pots for you!
He has a flower garden that NO ONE is allowed in. He treats them like they’re his baby’s, because they are! He’s favorite plant he has is his cactuses.
He’s extremely energetic and powerful yet he has asthma, he denies it. But if it’s really hot outside he runs out of breath REALLY fast which makes you worry
He’s scared of spiders you kill the spiders for him or he runs! If you trap a spider and chase him with it he will almost start crying (he will start crying) he’s ashamed to admit spiders are his weakness
He wears mascara, he gotta make them lashes voluminous yk. He stole his mascara from tenten too. You made him give it back to her and bought him his own
It’s pretty obvious but he is FLEXIBLE! Backbend, splits anything he can do. You thought he broke his spine onces-
He’s not much of a plant guy but he has the TINIEST succulent in your room that he cares for, every other plant he has had died but not that one~
He loves finger painting and is actually really good at it, you’d think it was made by a professional and an actual paint brush but no it was Choji and his finger paint😭
His hair is so thick most hair ties he uses break. He has to use hair needles instead because it’s the only thing that holds if he wants his hair up for a while
He thinks pillow fights are actually entertaining he could have a pillow fight with you all day and never get bored. He goes crazy if he’s over at someone’s house and they suggest pillow fights!
He loves bath bombs!!! He basically died when you run him a bath and put bath bombs in it, his favorite scent it lavender. Even if you didn’t add a bath bomb he loves when you make him baths he thinks its adorable
He paints your cheeks like his in your sleep, that’s his idea of a prank even though it’s basically him just being a cutie “look now your like me y/n!!”
He turns the black rings around his eyes to cat eyes sometimes. He looks ADORABLE with cat eyes. He sometimes even uses eye shadow too, if he can’t change it he thought might as well make it look cutee
He’s scared of mosquitos, he just doesn’t like bugs that can fly and go after human blood it freaks him out
He wears one of those scent bracelets and puts your signature scent in it so he always smells like you~
He gifts you plants all the time
He collect the silliest things, there are these cute little cat charms at a near by store and he’s working on collecting them all!
Shockingly he really likes reading. He likes fiction books the most, he asks you for suggestions
He asks you what new make up design he should try, sometimes he just gives you the brush and lets you go wild. But you always make him look cute~
He fidgets with the ears on his hat when he’s bored. It rubbed off on you so now if he’s around you with his hat on you start messing with them-
He steals your clothes and hides them so you have no choice but to ask to use his for the day. After the day is over he comes up to you smiling and hands you your missing clothes “found em!” “By found em do you mean took them out of the hiding spot?” “Yeah-”
He paints his nails either black, pink or purple. He also lets you paint them, it honestly just ends up a mess. He would totally whip nail polishes on your nose~
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januaryrabbit · 3 months
Request: how svt would deal with their crush being in a relationship already (their crush is their bff)
hello! thank you for requesting, im sorry its so late!! :) this scenario is kinda angsty so i hope you dont mind!!
seventeen when their crush (who happens to be their best friend) is in a relationship!!!
pairing: svt x gn!reader
word count: 2.3k
warnings: angst, Simping, Yearning
other disclaimers/notes: lowercase intended; barely proofread because it's 4am!!!, i’ve been watching wayyyyy too many coming of age films lately lmao!!!
✩‧₊˚Cope (trying to be normal)
vernon: vernon rolls with the punches in most any circumstance, and this is no exception. like Yeah….this shit sucks….but you guys are best friends, so he has to deal with it. i don’t think this would affect him too much tbh,,,like i think the fact that he’s in love with you is something he rarely even admits to himself. i feel like he always has it in the back of his mind, but nothing more than that. i think he’d be able to ignore his feelings the most successfully out of all the members because vernon’s realistic with himself and he knows there’s no point in being hurt over something that’s out of his control. none of this stops him from loving you, but that’s something for him to know and you to never find out lol. seungkwan knows about vernon’s feelings btw. he (vernon) figures that if he had to tell anyone…it would be him, and for whatever reason, he felt compelled to tell at least one person about all of this. vernon doesn’t know why, but it feels better knowing that someone knows his true feelings, even if that someone isn’t, and probably can never be, you.
s.coups: you know that face he makes after the girl rejects him in mansae??? Yeah. Yeah that’s him at all times lmao. he cant say hes mad at anyone in this situation, except maybe the universe lmao. i think he just regards this whole situation has his life’s hugest bruh moment LOL. he’s gotten okay at pretending like everything’s fine when he’s around you, because in his mind, there’s nothing else he can do. there was no way he was going to end his friendship with you, but there was also no way he could confess his feelings to you. in private, he’s talked to some of the boys about it in private - mostly jeonghan and joshua, but sometimes when he’s feeling particularly frustrated with the situation, he goes to woozi, who is able to ground him every time he feels like he can’t take it anymore. seungcheol knows that to others, being friends with you while still being in love with you doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense; but if it meant you were still in his life to some capacity, that was all that mattered to him.
joshua: the definition of smiling thru the pain…like he’s literally katy perry They ask you how you sre and you just have to say that youre fine even though youre not fine like. i think more than anything, he’s not too torn up over this situation than he is irritated. the mention of your partner makes his eye twitch LMFAO. like when you come back from going on a trip with them, you start telling joshua about everything you did together and he’s like THAT’S SO COOL Y/N . I’M SO GLAD YOU GUYS HAD FUN. *eye twitch* LOL. tries his best not to go overboard with it or make it obvious that he’s being sarcastic - he’s aware enough to know that your happiness is important and that unless there’s a legit reason one day, he doesnt have any grounds for disliking your s/o too LOL. i think he’s probably overly cautious if you ever tell him that you and your s/o were having problems as well. like he would be try really hard to be neutral if you ever asked him for his opinion on a situation that happened between you and your partner. i think he would feel guilty about being your confidant while having these feelings for you,,as much as he wants to tell you to break up with them and be with him instead, he knows how terribly selfish of him it would be to put you in that situation. so, he endures it everyday.
dk: dude……HE IS ALSO SMILING THROUGH THE PAIN…..but like HES ALSO CRYING….SO BAD….like. he tries REALLY hard to keep everything lighthearted around you - any time the conversation gets even close to being serious, he always pivots to a different topic. some of the other boys can tell something’s the matter when he’s around you, but they can’t quite place what’s different about him. when he’s around you, he just seems ever-so-slightly…off. his smile is less bright, his jokes are a little less frequent, and he’s actually kind of quiet when people are around you two. it’s a weird sight to see, and dk knows this; he knows that others have noticed, but he’s trying as hard as he can to behave as naturally as he can around you. i think he’s one of the members that would be pretty broken up about the situation, similar to mingyu. i don;t see him being able to deal with something like this well. i think he definitely goes to the other boys for comfort about this, to the point where his feelings for you are kind of an open secret amongst them lmao. (except dino because seungkwan begged everyone not to tell him because he thinks dino would make it obvious that dk likes you so they leave him in the dark!!!) 
seungkwan: bruh seungkwan tries so hard to be normal around you but then he’ll text vernon “im third wheeling y/n again please kill me” in the same breath. sometimes when he’s falling asleep at night he’s just like god how did i end UP in this situation!!!!!  he’s more of the kind of person who’s pouty about it instead of sad about it. he just finds the situation annoying more than anything, and he wishes that you would just REALIZE HE’S IN LOVE WITH YOU ALREADY!! but he’s alright with waiting it out. i think he’s one of the members who would be not very fond of your partner LMAO. every time they greet seungkwan he’s just like “oh hey -___- how are you -___-” and your partner is like babe how do i get seungkwan to like me and you’re like HAHA he’s just like that, he needs to warm up to you!! (seungkwan knows this is not the case with this specific person.) but yeah, i think seungkwan also holds out hope that one day the two of you will end up together. i don’t think he would go as far as to ruin your relationship or influence you to break up with your partner, but i think he would definitely confess if you ever became single again LOL. i think it would be a teary confession too, because he’s been bottling up all these feelings for a while.
chan: oh my lee chan…i think he would fucking die in this situation!!! it would just, Destroy him. and you could tell there was something seriously wrong…he just wasn’t his usual excited self anymore, and he was suddenly beginning to avoid you out of nowhere. dino doesn’t want to do this; he doesn't want to be anywhere but by your side, but that place isn’t for him anymore and he knows that all too well. i think he would be one of the only people who would actually confess his feelings at some point, regardless if you were in a relationship or not. i think one day he would reach his breaking point and ust blurt it out because he just can’t take it anymore. i think part of him, although he feels guilty for it, knows that telling you about it is the first step he needs to take for him personally to move on. the only thing that hurts him more than not being able to be your person is keeping a secret this huge from you.
jun: dude this is the cat version of a kicked puppy. like. jun is NOT ok…..and he’s not very good at hiding it i think. i think you’d be able to tell that something was wrong, but jun is terrified about talking about this with you, so you never really find out what’s bothering him. i dont think he’s one who would ever end up telling you about his feelings. in fact, he might be one of the only ones who lets your friendship naturally drift apart because of his feelings for you. it’s not that he doesnt want to be in your life, but he also wants to get over you more than anything. but i think it would be incredibly difficult for him to see you as just a friend tbh, so for as long as you’re dating your partner, i think he’d keep his distance sadly.
hoshi: the light in this man’s eyes have unironically left. like. the thought of hoshi being sad over you……..I CAN’T BEAR IT!!! yeah i think he would take this all pretty hard. though unlike jun, i don;t think hoshi would be able to stay away from you and keep his distance. you’re too precious of a person in his life, and not to say that you aren’t in other scenarios with other members, but i just see hoshi being firm about still being in your life. in fact, he’s one of the few guys that i think is secretly hopeful that one day down the road you’ll end up together. he doesn’t ever voice these feelings to anyone; he knows it’s ridiculous to feel this way about someone who’s already taken, and he feels that if he voices it to someone that he’s going to get bad karma, LMAO. should you ever become single again though is a different story though….
mingyu: for some reason have this vibe that being in this situation would literally destroy him and eat him alive…i just feel like he’s someone who truly loves really, really hard, and adding in the fact that you’re his best friend magnifies the pain by hundreds. what do you fucking do when the person you love most in this world doesn’t return your feelings? he would be really torn up about this because on one hand, he’s never felt this way about someone before, and he wants nothing more than to be with you; but what he wants more than that is for you to be happy, and if that isn’t with him, he has to accept that. sadly, i feel like at some point this would be too much for him,,,like to the point where he keeps his distance from you a bit. he feels awful, but it’s just too hard for him to hear about you and your partner and act like nothing’s wrong when you’re around :(
woozi: i feel like he might be a little hot and cold about it. he is Not happy in this situation, and it frustrates him that he cant really do anything about it except deal. he doesn't really like talking about your s/o and he tries his best to hide it, but you can kinda tell that there's something wrong. but when you ask him about it, he says he's totally fine! i don't think woozi would dare to ever let his feelings for you come to light, and as unhappy as it makes him to not be honest with you, he just doesn't feel comfortable with telling someone he has feelings for them when said person is in a relationship. as little of a fan he is of your s/o, woozi knows that if he was in their shoes, he wouldn't be happy if someone confessed to you while the two of you were dating. i think he would need some distance to get over you, and i think the only way that it would happen is by throwing himself into his work and begrudgingly spending a LOT of his time with hoshi LMAO!!
minghao: would distance himself by making a bunch of life changes to keep him busy so he can eventually get over you. minghao values you too much, so he figures the best solution is to take time to himself so he can get over you in a healthy way with space from you. he isn’t happy about seeing you less, but he knows that it’s what needs to be done in order for him to heal from this situation. would definitely have a vague excuse ready if you ever asked him why he was distant from you; i cannot see any universe where minghao would ever admit he used to have feelings for you, even if it had been years past. he’s keeping this one in the vault LMAO, not even jun knows!!
wonwoo: bruh…..he’s. he’s in pain. but he’s keeping it all inside. i think he’d feel really selfish for harboring these feelings toward you while you’re dating someone else. your partner was perfectly friendly to wonwoo,,,like it makes him feel WORSE that he’s in love with you. he tries to forget his feelings, even getting into relationships once in a while, but everything always comes back to you. i feel like this is a secret he’s told absolutely NO ONE at all because of how much it weighs on his heart. the only soul who does know to some extent is mingyu, because he caught wonwoo crying one day when he came home early from work. wonwoo didn’t really get into the details, but he did admit that it he had unrequited feelings for someone. mingyu didn’t pry, and he still never has. 
jeonghan: there is Pain behind his eyes lol but he is keeping this secret in the Vault fr. Maybe, M a y b e s.coups MIGHT know, but that’s about it. jeonghan is one of the only people i can imagine is completely normal around you and no one can tell that there’s anything wrong. the only reason that seungcheol knows anything is because he knows jeonghan the best, and he could tell by the way that he hung onto your every word that he had feelings for you. but yeah, i think jeonghan would have the easiest time living with this secret from you. sometimes he does feel a little guilty, and honestly sometimes he does flirt with you lightly, but nothing to arouse any serious suspicion. mostly he’ll just say he likes your outfit or something when you’re hanging out, which is harmless in his mind. it does bother him that the person he’s in love with is dating someone else, but i think jeonghan would just be like “what else can i do at this point??” and continue with his life. not much changes between the two of you, besides jeonghan being a little more quiet when the topic of your relationship or partner comes up, but it’s not something you notice anyway. and such is life, whether jeonghan is truly okay with it or not.
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space-owl · 4 months
Stolas is incredibly classist!
And probably doesn’t realise it.
I already made a short post about it here but I want to go more into detail with all of this.
First I want to show how he is acting with demons that aren’t Goetia and then how his classism even bleeds into the relationship with Blitzø.
Disclaimer: I love Stolas, he is one of my favourite characters of the show! Doesnt mean though I wont critic him for some of the bullshit he is pulling
Stolas is constantly dismissing other demons and looking at all of them from a high angle. We can clearly see it when he interacts with Millie and Moxxie
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Just look at his uninterested face too while Moxxie is talking to him
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Not to forget he keeps referring to Imps as "little ones“ etc
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Of course he is aware of his status sometimes and does use it to get into Ozzies. But he also does it while presenting himself on a higher angle than the poor bouncer in front of the club would’ve needed
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Like Stolas you’re already one of the princes of hell, the guy KNOWS who you are! Why are you giving him this look??
He doesn't see any imp or even any demon who is ranked below him as equal. It shows again when he is directly attacked by Striker. Stolas was mostly chill about the situation and not even fully aware he was in danger!
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Yes, he brings it up but he isn’t fully convinced of it himself. The first time he REALLY understands he is in big trouble is when he realises that his glare doesn’t work!
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I don’t think Stolas doesn’t know what holy rope is. But I do believe that he himself didn’t think an IMP could possess such dangerous equipment!
And what shows it to me the MOST that he really doesnt seem to hold any respect to Imps that aren't Blitzø is this:
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How he handles Pringles, the butler of the family!
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He literally squeezes him so tightly the poor guy cant get any air anymore!
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Just holding him and handling him as if he was an object! Dude is already getting dizzy and Stolas wont let go of him!
Yes I know I suppose this is mostly a visual gag to make the scene more entertaining. We just cant forget that animation is a long process to do. Anything, any action a character does is there for a reason! If Stolas WASN'T a person who wouldnt handle an Imp butler like this, it would'nt be in the scene!
This is already enough proof for me that Stolas is very classist. Its so casual for him and normal that he doesnt even seem to realise it! Why do I think that? Because it bleeds into the relationship with Blitzø!
All the things Stolas keeps saying about Imps, he also says directly to Blitzø.
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Calling Blitzø "his little Imp", again just saying Imps are little and "things" to be posessed
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Dismissing Blitzø when he tries to get serious, just saying he is cute even though Blitzø is trying to complain
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Also the constant cheek pinching, something youd mostly do to a child.
And dont forget the most posessive thing of all of them to say in "Truth Seekers"
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"Who dares to threaten my impish little plaything?" (youtube didnt pick up the audio here so no automatic subtitles appeared (holy shit im so thankful season 2 finally has proper subtitles!))
Stolas literally called Blitzø HIS "plaything", also pointing out the Imp part again.
Id say something like "oh but that was probably just before he got feelings for Blitzø! And then it changed!" I mean even if that was the case it wouldnt make it any better. But no, Stolas literally had a crush on Blitzø the first time he SAW him! Look, this is his literal first reaction:
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Stolas always had feelings for Blitzø, but still he keeps downplaying Blitzøs feelings and totally ignores the class thing. Because he himself is already in a higher class! So he can just pick and choose which Imp he respects and which he doesnt.
Worst of all of this is that as a child Stolas was a LOT more open about those things!
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Until his father "corrects" him
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And Stolas rememberd this statement until his aduldhood. The only exeption he makes to this rule is Blitzø.
And Blitzø of course notices those things. Of course he notices the constant dismiss of Stolas! Being called a "Plaything" and a "little imp!" He is already self conscious enough. And that makes him even more vunerable and hyper aware of those things.
Even though Stolas showed general intersted in him someties, Blitzø already accepted himself as his little tool.
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Moxxie even brings it up to Blitzø, obviously playing to Stolas feelings for him.
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But Blitzø immediately thinks its still just about something sexual. And nothing else.
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Because he cant see himself being anything else to Stolas than just a plaything. It doesnt matter how often Stolas was honest with him and showed interest. His constant belitteling and downplaying on him and also any other Imp that happens to be present while Blitzø is with him is enough.
With ALL of that context, its totally clear why Blitzø lashed out at Stolas in Full Moon. For him this confession came out of nowhere. He didnt have time to breathe or understand what was really going on there. And Stolas himself keeps ignoring their class difference and has 0 self reflection on that part so far, not getting why this is so upsetting to Blitzø.
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"Blitzø, I think so very highly of you. I didnt realize you think so low of me!"
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lefthandedhotch · 1 year
hiiiiii linnnn🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 i luv uuuuuu so muchhh🥰🥰🥰 it's been a lil bit since ive sent you an ask 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 so im back!!!!!! with such a silly college!hotch ask inspired by this tweet i saw🤭🤭🤭 and also this CUUUUUTE piece from @ddejavvu <33333 just thinking about college!hotch <333 he's soooooo sweet and silly and a lil bit smug i luv him sm🤭🤭🤭🤭💞💞💞
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you're at a frat party, having already had a couple of drinks when you find a cat!!!!! he's a cute furry little guy, swiping at a balled up paper towel by the stairs🥰🐈‍⬛ you're a bit tipsy when you coo and scoop him up, so the little bit of alcohol in your system is shielding you from his little claws as he tries to wiggle away akdmskdkkskf but after some pets and kisses and sweet words, he seems to understand you're no threat and settles in your arms enjoying the love you're giving him, both of you getting very comfortable on the hard stairs of this sticky, musty and loud frat house🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰 you're lost in dishing out kisses and murmurs to the kitty cat you've found that you dont realize someone's trying to get your attention until the cat starts to wiggle away towards his owner☹️☹️☹️ a very handsome guy with floppy black hair and a very smug grin on his lips as the cat brushes up against his leg🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 you frown (ignoring all the butterflies you're getting from his smug grin🥰🤭🙄) at him as he says "sorry, i didnt mean to interupt, just wanted to make sure he was alright🤭" you sigh and tell him that he was Very alright and so were you until he came over to claim his cat back🙄🤚 he snorts as he scoops up the furry guy and scoots next to you on the steps and offers you access to petting the cat again <3 normally, if some random guy you didnt know stuck himself next to you, sort of trapping you between himself and the wall, you'd get out as fast as you could, but with this guy (who tells you his name is aaron, you tell him it's a nice name, making him blush🤭) you dont get any outright reasons to not trust him so you of courseeeee pet his cat to your heart's content and soak up all of the purrs he's giving off <333 you and aaron chat a little bit and talk about uni stuff professors you two have in common and the cat of course <3 he tells you that he found him earlier that year digging around in the frat's trash cans (you're in awe that he's a part of this fraternity because you always imagined frat bros were total jerks and he's very much not hehehehe) and from there, the cat became their unofficial mascot🤭🤭🤭🤭 he definitely uses the cat as a reason to ask you out and you tease "i might take back what i said about frat guys, i cant believe you're using this cat as a wingman😔💔" you two get a good chuckle out of that and aaron's wingman runs off at the sight of a slice of pepproni falling to the floor (aaron grumbles "he acts as if we never feed him🙄🤔" and when you laugh, he looks soooooo proud of himself, silly smug grin on his lips again🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞🤭🤭🤭) a couple desperately trying to find an unoccupied room squishes past you and aaron up the stairs and when he leans over to let them by, he's pressed soooooo close to you and it makes your heart all fluttery and crazy and the alcohol you drank earlier spurs you on to lean up and kiss him💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 he pulls away and makes a silly stupid comment about giving his cat an extra serving of food tomorrow before you two kiss and kiss and kiss again <333333 EEK college!hotch and his wingman kitty🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛
hehehehehe hiiiiiiiiiiiiii jess-jess 🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞💞🥹🥹🥹✨✨✨💗💗💗💗💗 i luv YOU! sooooooo much!!!!!! hehehe welcome baaaaaaaack 🥰 i’ve missed my jess thoughts and cutie aaron asks sm!!!!! 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
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you were most definitely Not looking forward to this silly frat party that your friend was dragging you to because the person she has a crush on was supposed to be there but as soon as you see the cute lil kitty slinking his way around the party you’re soooooo happy to be there 🥰🥰🥰😌😌😌😌 hehehe AND even though you’re Irritated that your new little friend was so rudely stolen away from you, the very handsome arms leading up to a handsome torso with a VERY handsome head attached makes your heart pitter patter like crazy and makes you even happier to be there too 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ aaron was Very Very irritated to learn that his frat brothers were throwing a party because he has some big papers to be working on for his difficult law classes but once they got a couple of beers into him he was all loosey goosey and ready to Partayyyyyyyy! hehehehehe he notices you pretty early on into the night when he’s playing beer pong and spots you across the dirty sticky living room 🤭 but after he’s done with the game he looks around and he can’t find you :((((( and he’s really worried you left before he could even talk to you :((((( and he can’t find his cat either 🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧 but!!!!! then he finds you both Together!!!!!!!! and seeing you press sooooooo many kissies to his lil kitty’s head and coo some sweet words to him makes aaron’s heart get all skippy and stuttery in a way he’s never felt before 🥺 and after some silly sweet (tipsyyyyyyy) flirting when you lean up and press a sweet soft lil kiss to his lips he literally can’t stop grinning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! especially when he hears your cute laugh when he jokes about the cat getting an extra treat for being the very best wingman ever and then he gets giggly extra kiss kiss kisses from you too 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 when your friend comes to find you so you guys can head home, you and aaron are soooooo sad to see each other go :( you can’t help but feel like you guys have such a connection already :( but!!!!! before you can slip away from him, aaron somehow produces a pen out of thin air and you write your number (and a lil heart hehehe) on the back of his hand so tomorrow when hes more sober and thinking about you, he has your number so he can call you!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 and sure enough when your phone rings the next day you can’t help but squeal thinking about talking to him and his cute face and his cute kitty again 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🤧🤧🤧🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹💗💗💗💗💗💗💗🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞💞💞🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
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borderline-culture-is · 6 months
Hi, this is a long ask. I am not diagnosed with anything, but Ive been thinking that I might have bpd. I started self harming at 9 yo, and was given ssri and antipsychotics to treat the symptoms, because i was too young to be diagnosed. Three years ago I moved countries, and I was so stressed that I literally ragequit talking all my medications, because I couldn’t sustain importing it from my country. Follow two horrible years of withdrawal, where I kept having derealization episodes, panic attacks, delusions followed by crying spells that lasted for hours, inability to maintain any relationships at all, I was incredibly angry and abusive to my mother, all that fun stuff. For the first year I refused to get any therapy because I thought they didn’t care about me and didn't want to settle for that, and the second year I was so crushed that if a fucking rock would listen (metaphorically), I would break down to it. Still not getting much support atm because being underage in an unfamiliar system makes it really hard to know what to do.
I only shook out of this state in the beginning of this school year, when my teacher called the cops on me for self-harming. I started working on regulating my emotions, meditating, and just accepting that I am the weird one for feeling this way and learning not to blame or burden other people. I also started noticing that my whole live ive only had FPs, and not a lot of genuine close relationships (I feel like I depend on them for my satisfaction, always feel betrayed for not being closer, but also feeling hesitant to even call them a friend). Before I kinda just assumed that everyone felt the same way, and that I was pathetic for feeling dependent and lonely. I also noticed that I have horrible episodic memory loss, I have to exclusively rely on other people or recorded evidence to shape any perception of my past.
I think, to an extent, my other traits have cancelled out some of my symptoms: I never lashed out or argued with my classmates because I was too scared that they would leave me, so instead I forced myself to act in the most mild way possible; I do have black and white thinking towards new people, but I make myself ignore it because I understand that it is my fault and I am being unreasonable; I never acted impulsively because I was too depressed or too scared to be proactive in any way at all.
My biggest issue with self-diagnosing is that I have never had any traumatic experiences. I come from a caring family, and, although I still blame my mom for feeling unfulfilled and neglected, there isn’t anything my parents really did wrong. She did as much as she could and I feel guilty for resenting her. I don’t remember any of my childhood, but it is completely reasonable to assume that nothing ever happened that would count as traumatic.
My point is, I have already either developed some coping mechanisms, or have come to accept that I will always feel misunderstood and unhappy. Even if I do have some kind of a disorder, I am unsure whether I should even try to get diagnosed in the first place. If I do, this would mean that my whole life is thrown out of the window with a diagnosis like that on my medical chart. It would negatively impact my human rights, my employability, my independence, all those things I really can’t afford to compromise, being an immigrant and trans. But at the same time, I just really want to find out what the hell is wrong with me, to feel understood and to have some support on how to live a normal life.
Yeah I guess the main purpose of this ask is to vent to someone who understands, and to ask for your opinion and advice on whether you think I have a disorder and if I should attempt to get it diagnosed.
okay. even if you dont think you have any trauma, theres still a lot of factors that could contribute to it. i think its also worth mentioning that you said you cant really remember your childhood, so it does leave some room for trauma that you either may not remember or just might not see as traumatic. and i also think that feeling neglected as a kid could do some damage, even if its unintentional. sometimes parents hurt their kids without realizing, and it doesnt invalidate the way that you feel about it!!
as for diagnosis, i think its okay for you to self-diagnose, as there are a lot of difficulties and struggles that comes with being diagnosed. i think it really depends on whether or not you personally see it as worth all of the potential trouble that it can bring. i do think that your symptoms are valid, and i can see a lot of hem as lining up with BPD. if you're really doubting, i dont think downloading a copy of the DSM-5 would be a bad idea, since it's what professionals usually reference from anyway.
regardless of whether or not you choose to get diagnosed, you and your struggles are valid!!! as someone who has also experienced BPD symptoms since we were young, we definitely feel for you. if you definitely think you are borderline, then i believe you are valid as long as you dont mean any harm, and i am pretty sure that you dont :]. we genuninely wish for the best for you, and we hope that your situation and overall well-being gets better soon 🫶 (/p)
- oliver
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idyllic-affections · 11 months
🌻 god. furina. u see i am a big fan of furina. i love and adore her and she is sooo hated sometimes by people that genuinely dont even actually read the story!! or they do but choose to ignore things on purpose which i mean is a common thing in the genshin fandom 😇😇
but i saw a twitter post being like oh furina is not a perfect archon and she has flaws (which i can stand actually!! everyone has flaws its okay) but the same person then said how shes not doing anything with the prophecy...?????????
she is. neuvillette himself said that she IS trying and come on i dont think he would lie about it. she herself said that shes trying to do something about it but she cant tell yet— and yk what i choose to believe her!! even if she has actual nothing to save fontaine, i know she is trying to find it anyway. there is more depth to her character than some people think and it hurts me to see ppl ignore it
and yeah they took arlecchinos word over neuvillettes which is 😁😁😁😁😁 oh come on guys i know half of the fandom has a crush on her and everyone loves characters like her, but that is no reason to believe her. Her!! arlecchino!! a fatui harbinger!! u guys u dont go around and trust a harbinger u barely know 🙄🙄🙄 even tho i too love her
in conclusion will defend venti AND furina with my whole heart and life 💖
THIS IS SOOO COMMON IN THE GENSHIN FANDOM AND IT DRIVES ME INSANE. god. i have such a good example of this. this post. i should be normal about baizhu, i shouldn't be this annoyed because of a misunderstanding about a fictional character, but i am, and asker clearly did not read his lore!!!! he's been nothing but kind to her!!!!!! just because he doesn't love her THE MOST doesn't mean he doesn't LOVE HER!!!!!! i hate when people don't understand character nuances. it's so. ugh. Please. i purposefully refuse to hate on a character who i know nothing about because i cannot make a good judgement unless i know what the fuck i'm talking about yk.....
"furina is not a perfect archon!!!!" .....did we play the same game /lh because NONE of the archons are perfect????? girl?!?!?!?! look at ei?????? zhongli????? nahida???????? not venti though, he could never do any wrong, he IS a perfect archon 🫶🫶🫶 (/j of course AJWHSJGANFHF). but in all seriousness, are any of the archons "perfect"? all of those people have been through immense trauma and shit. none of them are perfect. some of them aren't even that good. is that not what makes them compelling? is that not what makes the archons really seem like gods of their people, like humans? is that not what creates a deep form of understanding so intimate that it's uncomfortable, because really, who's to say you wouldn't do or be the same way if you were in their situations??
i always believed she was doing something and that people were just genuinely lying about her being useless. idc. i wholeheartedly believe she is doing her best. she seems so... genuine. in every clip i've seen of her, i don't see a liar or a manipulator. i think she's silly. and genuine. she has feelings. god forbid a woman have feelings and needs. god forbid a woman do ANYTHING, and i'm completely serious about that. i'm not being funny. i saw your second ask, and you're right! if she was a dude people would love her. but oh no!! she's a dramatic woman!!!! how dare she have feelings!!!!
NOOO YOU'RE SO RIGHT. LIKE. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! i love arlecchino as much as the next person but ummmm that's a fatui harbinger dear. that is one of the most dangerous people on teyvat. that is someone who not one but TWO former or current fatui harbingers describe as someone who would literally BETRAY ANYONE IF IT WOULD BENEFIT HER??? A WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING, IN THE WANDERER'S WORDS. HELLO. i would not trust a thing she says LMAO love her.... but..... um. Hello.
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samble-moved · 2 years
If i had been approached by kyubey when I was as old as Nagisa, I probably wouldve wished for my brother to be "cured" of autism, if I had been approached when I was Madoka or Sayakas age, I'd have wished to be beautiful. First wouldve been influenced by my parents praying for him to be normal and dragging us to church healing events and etc, 2nd influenced by me just being a girl and internalizing the idea that if I wasnt pretty, i was worthless. So. I cant judge any of them really
Like yeah maybe their wishes seem dumb when youre an adult and also a part of the audience and you get to know that kyubey twists wishes and that it always ends in tragedy. like if you were in the same situation would you really think of something better that Somehow woudlnt backfire on you and youd be the exception to the entire story ..
yeah, people don't take into account their ages or situations.
like with sayaka. she wishes to heal kyousuke's arm (or whatever his name is). people immediately jump on this and call sayaka an idiot for wishing for this, or imply the only reason she does this is because she has a crush on him.
this is ignoring:
he isn't "just some crush", he's a boy she's known since she was a very young child
he is a violin prodigy, his injury seemed to have permanently made him permanently unable to play (or, at least, not play nearly as easily)
this is distressing enough to him that he has a breakdown just hearing classical music, iirc
during this time, sayaka has witnessed her mentor figure, a girl close to her age, horrifically killed by an eldritch abomination who decapitated her in front of sayaka while she was powerless to help
sayaka, even before knowing about magical girls, is very protective and has a strong sense of justice
kyubey tells her most magical girls don't follow this ideal, and mami's death likely means a less "moral" magical girl will take over the city now
imo, sayaka likely would have contracted, even if kyousuke was 100% fine. after all, the only other magical girls sayaka knows are the "immoral" ones, and not mami-like. sayaka wants to protect people, always has, and wouldn't just stand idly by if she thought homura would try for the territory, or if kyoko had appeared before she contracted. she wants to be like mami and help people. that's why she contracted. even her wish, even if it had a selfish motivation, was to help someone (healing an injury that would have never healed normally, no matter what, and giving her childhood friend his dream back after he felt it was crushed).
and the reason she despairs isn't because "she's sad her crush likes someone else". she's just found out magical girls contracting = having your soul ripped from your body without your knowledge or consent. psp i think even shows magical girls can literally be zombies, in the sense that one of the routes shows sayaka walking after her body begins rotting from being separated from her soul gem for too long. she feels like she's not human, doesn't deserve to be happy, and is holding herself to an impossible standard — the perfect, idealized version of mami that only exists in her head. this isn't sayaka being "stupid", she's a fourteen year old girl. and people can't comprehend it, apparently.
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 8 months
noooo i havent seen that anime yettt i think i will sjnskms👀
SPEAKING OF BEOMGYU i was listening to coming back for more like two days ago and all i could think of was OMG THIS IS SOOOO JEONGHAN AND YN i think i need help rip
math is sooooo so hard it makes me vomit like,,
ive been ignoring it for the past few days rip and thats got my mom so worried i feel so guilty,,,,, but also😭 i love math i cannot live without math i literally ignore every other subject in favour of practicing math all day every day (which is also super harmful-) BUT ENOUGH ABOUT THIS
and no i was talking about a series called once upon a broken heart the mmc is so unhinged and such a sadist most of my annotations of that series look like, 'pathetic jeonghan?' 'pathetic jeonghan would totally do this' ' THIS IS SOO PATHETIC JEONGHAN??'
!!!if youre into angst you should def read it the second book is going to rip you soul to shreds and im not even kidding i love it soo much
IRRELEVANT BUT theres a book releasing in like two days omg and im sooo excited bec 1) its the last part 2) its like a cannon crossover w another series which i used to be obsessed w by the same author i love crossovers i just love dimension travel (?) man
ARE YOU WATCHING PERCY JACKSONNN I LOVE IT SOO MUCHHH CANT BELIEVE S1 WILL BE OVER THIS WEEK?? the eps end before they even start eng shows are soo short its so annoying like?? eight eps?? 30 mins per ep??? thats hardly a quarter of a regular kdrama girlie be fr😭😭
help i havent really thought about it i dont think im not anal much?? 👀 (maybe a lot of sickly sweet fluff too) LET ME THINK ABOUT IT WILL GET BACK TO YOU !!
tbh ive been trying to find good joshua x jeonghan smut + fic but i never seem to be able to TT ive given up atp,, like its mostly non idol au and ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP TROPE (LIKE THATS SUCH A HUGE TURN OFF FOR ME FOR SOME REASON) like give me yearning give me pining give me savagery give me tears sigh
i woke up so pissed today because isnt it just so annoying when you think youre finally over your highschool crush and then she invades your dreams looking ridiculously hot smh like i PHYSICALLY felt my heart pound in my sleep ive been able to think only about her all day long its driving me crazy and this is tmi i think💀
also im almost 20 hehe youre only like four years older than me 👀
Tell me if you dooo watch it i’m actually super into it right now
Learning very interesting things about you…. Math is hard… but loves math….
noted noted noted… prefer yearning…
THAT IS SO ANNOYING IM SO SORRY YOU WOKE UP TO THAT. Thinking that you moved on only to find out you DIDNT i would be so stressed… crushes are… stressful….
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i’m so tired.
i’m so tired of pretending. pretending this is who i actually am.
i wish i hadn’t made myself in this image.
this image of being normal.
i’m not normal. i have never been normal. i have monsters in my head. spiders in my skin. glass in my throat. my whole body in on fire. up in flames. since the day i was born.
and yet, as soon as my mind was able to understand this, i have been pretending that i am fine. i am normal.
this sham, this act has been going since i can remember. someone or something made me so scared, to be myself. a teacher probably yelled at me for reading during a lesson or my closest friend group started slowly leaving me out of things and ignoring me. (totally made up situations that did not for sure happen and they did not forever haunt me into this shell of a person i’ve become:)
the fear of being true and not wearing the mask has alway out weighed the fear of letting myself down.
as long as everyone around me is comfortable. as long as i make no one upset it’s okay. who cares if it absolutely works me thin and crushes my bones into gritty sand. who cares if it means leaving all my wants and ambitions behind in the house that’s on fire. because it doesn’t matter, you can rebuy ambitions. but you cant rebuy other people’s feelings. or how you were perceived. no, those are priceless, important. how i feel is not important. who i want to be is not important. the things i want to talk about are not important. the things i want to try are not important. the places i want to go are not important. the sound of my voice and how it sounds fine to me but “weird” to you is not important. how often i speak is not important. the sounds i make when im focused make you uncomfortable but is grounding to me, that’s not important. the way my body moves when i’m nervous or waiting in line, weird, strange, not safe, not important.
it’s everything.
every. single. thing.
every thing i do. i have to pretend. i can not be true my own mind body and soul. because it makes other uncomfortable.
and not just strangers. my god, if i was only worried about what strangers think, a slight weight would be lifted from my back. but no, it’s my family, my loved ones, my friends. my mom, my grandma, my uncle, my cousins. they we’re the first people to bring my “weird and uncomfortable” “habits” to my attention.
why else should i care so much? why the fuck else would i kill myself,, lose my mind, over being normal? if not for there worried stares, and shifting glances. the ever so subtle comments on the way my voice changes depending on my mood. or how lazy ive become in my teenage years. or my obsession with one direction and music in general is abnormal and i need to focus my energy on more important things.
the truth is i’ve been burnt out since elementary school.
and it’s never been about school or math or spelling or my bad hand writing and needing a tutor or being in extra circular activities or making friends or socializing enough or going to church every sunday and twice during the week, reading my bible, making my bed keeping my room clean, doing the dishes, helping ur mom out because she’s a young single mom working multiple jobs just to keep you safe and fed, or having good manners, being kind and seeming nice. alway talking to everyone and being happy to talk to them. looking nice, fixing my hair, ironing my clothes, showering everyday, washing my face, oral hygiene, painting my nails, fixing my hair (again), learning how to straighten it myself because my natural hair is just not going to make the cut.
it’s all of this. on top of never ever, ever, under any circumstances, being my fucking self.
because it’s no safe to be myself.
it’s makes other people uncomfortable. and for some fucking reason, i care about how i make others feel. i care about how my actions will affect others.
just like i was taught to.
i was raised to be this over critical, self aware, judgmental, critiquing beast.
and now. i’m here. 23, alone. sad. tired. not doing a damn thing that i actually Want to do. i have totally lost sight of myself.
when i try to find her all i see is a hazy, distant memory of her. young, tiny me. with pigtails in a two piece swim suit, running through sprinklers in the back yard. screaming at the top of my lungs, not because i’m scared or hurt, but, because i was free. and screaming just, felt good.
#god i’m depressed #these are the things i would tell my therapist #but i don’t have one #so #im just going to post this into the void #i hope no on reads it #but if you do #im sorry #and if you relate to anything i said #im double sorry
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zeltqz · 2 years
pairings — rindou haitani x fem!reader
genre — pining, secret crush, friends → enemies -> lovers, best friends, slow burn, eventual romance, coming of age, angst
warnings — sanzu is rindou’s best man (sorry ran), haitani rindou is so done, basically he cant control his mouth when hes mad, alcohol and drinking underage (rebellious teen things).
word count: 6.2k
notes — jealous rindou has been plaguing my mind for the last 2 weeks and i decided to finally get it out of my head. oh, and no explicit smut in this fic so minors can interact. look at me being generous and shit
“Since when does [Y/N] know Sanzu?” Ran looks up from his phone to see Rindou pointing inside a classroom. Inside that classroom, Sanzu Haruchiyo in the flesh was sitting next you, showing you some stupid shit on his phone and making you laugh.
Ran ultimately didn’t care, but Rindou was peeved. He ultimately has no reason to be angry, cause for what? You were allowed to have friends with other people. He doesn’t mind that. It’s who you’re making friends with. 
It was bad enough that Ran already befriended you after Rindou did, made him feel not so special anymore having to share every single one of his friends with his brother. Now Haruchiyo has joined the mix.
“Guess you’re all in the same class now.” Ran gave a nonchalant shrug before heading down the hallway to his own classroom. Rindou glared daggers into Sanzu’s back, as if trying to get his attention through mind-reading. Seems to have worked when Sanzu feels a looming dark aura behind him and whips his head to see the potential threat, only to find out that it’s just Rindou’s usual grumpy self.
“Are you going to enter the classroom or keep standing out there like a creep?” Sanzu cracks a smile as he watches Rindou roll his eyes before entering the classroom, tossing his bag off his back and dropping it on the table next to Sanzu’s.
Your table is at the end, by the window and he’s so tempted to take the seat behind you so that one, he can stare at you without being creepy and unnoticed, and two, he can’t spend the school year next to Sanzu.
Sanzu for starters, sleeps in class, snores even, he draws doodles in his book and disrupts the patience of students within a 10m radius of him by passing around his notebook to show off his horrible art skills. Oh and another thing, he rips paper so fucking loud. If he makes a mistake in his book, instead of crossing it out like a normal human being, he just rips the entire page.
He’s overall just a horrible and probably — no, most definitely the worst person to sit next to or even be stuck in the same class as for an entire year. Whilst Sanzu is distracted, leaning over other students desks to show them more shitty unfunny videos that always manage to make Sanzu tear up with laughter, Rindou taps your shoulder to get your attention, “Out of everyone in this school to befriend, you choose him?”
You laugh breathlessly. “Stop, he seems nice.”
“That’s only an illusion. The niceness will fade then you’re left with a troublesome, infuriating wackjob that doesn’t know personal space.” The two of you glance over at where Sanzu’s upper body is currently splayed across a random students desk as he shows a group of people videos on his phone. The poor student who’s desk Sanzu is occupying has a frown on his face as he can’t reach his bag to take his stuff out. 
“Wow, he really doesn’t know personal space,” you say amazed at how one person could manage to cause a traffic jam of students in a classroom. “He seems cool though, and he’s funny.”
Internally, Rindou starts to panic. You’ve only known Sanzu for like 10-15 minutes..? Yet you’ve already fallen for his charm. “That’s how it starts [Y/N],” Rindou takes this opportunity to touch your shoulder and leave it resting there. You don’t notice how badly Rindou has it for you, simple physical contact with you will have his inner body going haywire as if there’s a circuit malfunction where his brain should be.
It took Rindou approximately 3 months to realize he’s developing not so friendly feelings for you. The way he gets pissed off when your attention is on anybody that’s not him, the way he always has to look in your direction, the way you take up literally 90% of his mind. The other 10% goes to chicken strips, gum and limited edition simpson stickers. 
That’s actually similar to how the two of you met. It was raining one afternoon after school and you both entered the nearest store for shelter. The rain was heavy, like hailstone type heavy rain. The two of you made eye contact for a second, then eyes trailing down to the last umbrella left on the rack. 
It was like a race. You weren’t sure who moved first, but both of you instantly went and grabbed it. Rindou grabbed it first, but you weren’t about to leave this store without that umbrella. You snatched it off of him, but his grip was so strong that he tugged it and you almost went flying. 
“Give it.” You say and Rindou raises his brow, giving you a look like ?? 
“If you can’t see, I grabbed it first.” Rindou tugs again but this time you expected it, so you didn’t budge. “I need it more.”
You two hold a staring contest, each of you gripping each end of the umbrella. You give a deflated sigh, “I need that umbrella to pick up my little sister from daycare. She can’t get sick in this weather and we don’t have enough money for an Uber.”
The man behind the counter even puts his hand over his heart at your sob story. Rindou is either heartless cause he doesn’t give a shit, or he can tell you’re lying. “Look at your shoes,” he points to them, “they are at least 73,000¥.”
Your eyes shot open as you realized you were wearing the shoes your dad bought you for your 15th birthday. Yes— they were expensive. 
“I-, I stole these.” You're about to give another false sob story until he cuts you off. 
“Enough with the lies, I need this umbrella cause I just dyed my hair and I don’t want it to get rinsed.” Rindou points to the blue streaks in his hair and you eye him quizzically. “Out of every color in the world, you chose blue?”
Rindou scoffs, “blue is my favorite color, and what?”
“It looks fucking horrible that’s what.” You say annoyed and Rindou glares at you, about to think of a comeback until the guy behind the counter coughs. 
“Incase you both didn’t realize, the rain stopped.” 
The two of you both whip your head to the window, seeing the sidewalk still wet with previous rainfall, but the skies were gray but dry. Not a single drop of rain left. 
“Oh,” you both say, dropping the umbrella.
“I’m sorry about what I said about your hair, it looks nice the more I stare at it.” You say , suddenly feeling guilty for being rude to a random stranger over a goddamn umbrella.  
Rindou just eyes you as you quickly grab the first thing you see on the shelf, a pack of mint gum, “I’ll buy this for you, if you want.”
“Are you saying my breath stinks?” Rindou teases and you quickly shake your head, “No! I just grabbed the first thing I—,”
Rindou starts laughing as the look of panic invades your features. “I was just kidding.”
“You’re not funny,” the panic leaves your face, now filled with a glare/pout. 
“I’m Rindou by the way. Haitani.”
“That name sounds familiar, are you—,”
“Ran Haitani’s younger brother? Yeah that’s how everyone knows me.” Rindou is clearly irritated but you shook your head which genuinely made him confused. 
“I was going to say you are in my class. I would have recognised you if it wasn’t for the um,” you gesture to the blue streaks in his hair. Rindou looks up, a strand of blue in his peripheral vision. 
Silence fills the store. The store clerk scans the gum and hands it to you but you just pass it onto Rindou, since you did buy it for him. “Thanks by the way, you didn’t have to.”
You shushed him saying that you wanted to give him anything because you felt bad. The two of you walk outside the store together and head different ways after exchanging a small goodbye wave. 
The next morning, you see him in your class and send him another wave. Rindou just nods in your direction and goes back to talking to his friends. 
Later on during that lesson, the teacher tells the class to get into pairs to complete a worksheet. Since the printing paper in the school was getting a bit restricted, the amounts of paper/worksheets were limited. 
Rindou would’ve just partnered up with his friends that he made in that class, but his gaze landed on you, twirling your pen as you sat alone in the corner, visibly upset over something. 
Turns out Rindou isn’t as heartless as he thought because he excused himself from his friends and made his way over to you. “Here,” he pulled out the packet of gum you bought him yesterday and offered you some. 
You remembered the entire incident in the store and huffed out a breathy laugh. “Thought you would’ve gulped that down by now.” You say while making room on the seat next to you, removing your bag that was placed there so he can sit down. 
“You must really think my breath stinks don’t you.” Rindou says, faking offense and you laugh again, but a bit louder which catches him off guard cause it sounds nice. 
“I promise I don’t think your breath stinks, just that most people I know always finish an entire pack of gum in a day.”
Rindou hates gum cause he doesn’t understand the point. Toothpaste literally exists. If your breath stinks, just use fucking toothpaste. 
“I personally don’t even like gum, it’s like edible portable toothpaste.” Rindou complains, then wonders to himself why he didn’t just throw the gum packet away after you gave it to him. 
“I never thought of it that way.” You admit and send him a small smile before closing your mouth because the teacher was coming. 
The teacher passes by and hands you both a worksheet. You grab your pen and start copying the sentences into your notebook and then answering the questions. 
Rindou didn’t expect you and him to actually become friends. It’s weird because the two of you clicked pretty easily. From that day forth, Rindou progressively moved his seat from the corner he was normally at, over to your corner. 
The teacher was tired of telling him to go back to an arranged seating plan and eventually just moved him permanently to let him sit next to you. The only day of the week that Rindou looked forward to was Wednesday because you have double math together. 
Even though he wouldn’t pay attention at all, he just enjoyed your company because you made the lesson fun despite the subject being math. Two months into the friendship, he then realized he had feelings for you simply because you had befriended his motherfucking brother. 
He’d been jealous before in his life. When his mother showered Ran with more attention at home because he was the oldest, he got his first girlfriend at 13, he was taller and more popular in school than Rindou. 
But that sort of jealousy, didn’t compare to what he was seeing right in front of his eyes right now. You giggling stupidly at the words coming out of his brothers mouth. He knows for a fact Ran isn’t that funny and he’d only made you laugh because it was at Rindou's expense. 
When you saw the familiar blue strands of hair from the corner of your eye, you turned to call Rindou over to sit, patting on the chair next to you. Rindou sent Ran a territorial glare as he made his way on over. 
Ran knew almost instantly about Rindou's secret crush. Rindou honestly sucks at hiding his emotions, he’s the more childish one out of the two. Ran hid his emotions well behind a self satisfied smile that almost never leaves his face. Rindou on the other end, when he gets angry, it shows. When he gets sad, it shows. He can’t put a mask on to save his life, so when he’s trying to convince someone that he’s not lying (when he actually is) they catch onto him instantly.
Sort of like Ran did, the moment he asked Rindou if he had a crush on you the second you left the table. “Wh-what? No.” Rindou stammers over his words so easily that it makes Ran facepalm himself.
“You’re fucking ridiculous.” Ran hid his words behind a laugh hidden by his palm, “Stop glaring at me as if I just stole your wife. I know when a girl is off limits.” 
“I don’t like her!” Rindou repeats to try and convince he’s telling the truth (he’s not) but Ran just stands up and leaves Rindou there second guessing his own feelings. That night, he did admit to himself, (not Ran though, he can go screw himself) that he might have caught small feelings for you.
Rindou found himself in a predicament for the next week. He even was searching up ‘How to know if you have a crush’ on google, clicking on the first list and analyzing each bullet point to see if it’s relatable.
5 Signs You Have A Crush, Because The Butterflies Are Real
You Get Excited Just Thinking About Them. ✔️
Rindou literally has an alarm set to wake up on time on Wednesdays, just so he doesn’t miss double math with you. The rest of the days, he wakes up whatever time his body chooses to, then makes his way to school 1 or maybe 3 hours late. Who cares, just that he refuses to miss Wednesday.
You Do Things To Get Their Attention. ✔️
Rindou recalls the time that he was in the middle of telling you something, when one of your friends from your other lessons, enters the class mid lesson. The girl muttered an apology to the class for disrupting the lesson, when in actuality, she should be apologizing to Rindou for ruining his double math lesson with you. The girl asked to speak to you outside so you quickly stood up and shut the door behind you. Rindou watched your silhouette from outside the door as you spoke to the girl using those cute gestures you always use when you talk. You’re so animated and lively, it makes his heart melt. You were out there for at least 5 minutes and he was getting irritated, so he literally excused himself to go to the bathrooms just so he could walk past you and remind you with his presence to go back to class. 
It worked lol.
You Notice Little Details About Them. ✔️
Rindou embarrassed himself one time during lunch and he still beats himself up about it in private. Rindou was sitting way too close to you and accidentally (definitely not on purpose) sniffed your school blazer. “Are you wearing perfume?” He asks, grabbing your blazer with confidence and smelling it more. You laugh and shake your head but continue letting him smell your blazer because you find the whole ordeal comical, “Why do you ask?” Rindou continues smelling your blazer, “i don’t know, it just smells so—” Rindou has to cut his words short to find a more PG word to use other than sexy. “Nice. It smells nice.”  “I didn’t wear any perfume today, but thanks for saying I smell good.” You wink at him and he looks away to hide the embarrassment creeping up his neck. He hears your laughter, one that he normally used to adore hearing, now wishing it would end. Rindou suddenly hears shifting, then your body is close to his, face is his neck as you smell him, “You smell good too.”
He also notices that when you’re nervous, you fidget a lot. Bouncing your leg anxiously, scratching your arm, biting your bottom lip and dig the tips of your fingernails into your palm. When you’re frustrated, your eyebrows crease up and you bite the skin on the inside of your lip.
You Can Imagine Yourself Getting Intimate With Them. ✔️
This is probably one of the things he’s the most ashamed about. It all started in double math when your teacher didn’t show up because she was on a school trip with the third years for the entire day. One of your friends came inside the classroom because their teacher was also away. Basically the class was just filled with students from other classrooms, taking advantage of the lack of teachers. The supply teacher decided that the class was way too noisy and put on a movie for everybody. One of your friends had to stand up on the wall because there was no more seating space, so one of your friends made a suggestive joke asking you to sit on Rindou’s lap to make some room. It was a joke obviously, even Rindou saw it as one, that was until you hopped on his lap anyways to allow your friend to sit down on your seat. The entire movie, you were fidgeting around (one of your nervous habits) and must’ve forgot you were on his lap because you kept on shifting around. It was hell for Rindou. Like ultimate torture. 
That same night was when the wet dreams started. It started off with the two of you just watching a movie inside your room. Pretty average for a dream right? Then you start leaning closer, brushing the strands of hair from his face. Your lips touch his, grabbing his shirt to pull him closer. It’s just a dream, Rindou. You push him flat on the bed, completely forgetting about the movie as you straddle him. Just as you’re about to remove your shirt, he gets jolted awake by Sanzu who elbows him in the face as he turns in his sleep.
You Try To Avoid Them. ✔️
Normally, he would never avoid you. But after the wet dreams started getting more frequent, he became guilty. Having to look at your innocent face as you smile and speak to him and he has to act like he didn’t just jerk off to the thought of you on top of him. 
So maybe he has a slight crush on you. 
But your friendship started to shift on Rindou’s 17th birthday. 
“Hey Rin,” you tap his shoulder to get his attention. Rindou hums, eyes focused on the TV screen as he watches the movie you put on. “Does Ran have any alcohol?”
“Probably, downstairs. Why?”
“Want to get drunk?” You suggest and he turns to look behind his shoulder, eyeing you quizzically, “You serious?”
“I mean, I never got drunk before… and I thought my first time would be with you.” You shift closer towards the end of the bed, “Now are you joining me, or am I going to have to get wasted by myself?”
Rindou takes a moment to think before sliding off the bed, motioning for you to shush as he heads down the stairs, to the kitchen. You stand by the staircase, on lookout for Ran who is sleeping on the couch, cause if he finds out you’re stealing his alcohol, he’s gonna be pretty pissed. 
Once Rindou grabs a bottle, he’s about to head back upstairs but you gesture him to grab another one. Rindou rolls his eyes, grabbing another bottle and you take a bottle from him and head up the stairs back to Rindou’s room.
“If Ran finds out I stole this, he’s gonna murder me.” Rindou admits but you shush him and start trying to crack the bottle open. “We should’ve bought an opener. This is so hard.” Your voice is strained as you put the bottle in your mouth and try to bite the lid off.
“Give it to me, this is sad to watch.” Rindou sighs, sitting down on the floor next to you as you hand him the bottle. “I saw Ran do this with his keys once,” he reaches inside his pocket, grabbing his keys out and twisting it around until it pops open. Your face brightens, excited that he opened the bottle and you kiss his cheek before grabbing the bottle and taking a deep breath before taking a sip.
“This is…. so bitter, bleh.” You smack your lips together, trying to taste it better. 
“Let me try it.” You hand over the bottle and he downs it. “Not that bad to be honest.”
“Open up that one,” you gesture to the other bottle Rindou brought upstairs, “I wanna try this one, maybe it’ll taste better.” Rindou nods and starts to screw open the new bottle lid with his keys. Once he pops it open, he hands it to you and start drinking it. “Oh shit, I prefer this one.”
“Let me try it.” Rindou leans over to grab the bottle from you but you pull back, gatekeeping the bottle. “No, it’s mine.”
“Stop being selfish, let me try some.”
“No, you have that one.” You shift backwards, back hitting the bed as you drink some more. Some spill down your chin and the second you look down to see it dripping down your shirt, Rindou grabs the bottle from your hand.
“HEY!” You yell a bit too loudly, unaware of how loud your voice is, you assume you’re already getting tipsy. You push Rindou down to the ground, and climb over him but he places the bottle over his head. “Let me try some.” Rindou complains when you tackle him to try and grab the bottle back.
“Okay, fine.” You pull back and watch him take a sip out of the bottle. Your eyes are trained on his lips as you stare intensely, the way his lips wrap around the bottle. When he pulls back, his tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip. You start to get restless, thoughts are racing wild. You barely even drank yet you feel like your brain isn’t you, cause sober you wouldn’t even think about doing what you’re about to do.
Rindou is just about to hand the bottle back to you, when you take a hold of his face, and lean down, pressing your lips together. Rindou drops the bottle, letting it spill over the wooden floor when he brings his hands to cup your face as he deepens the kiss. Tongue swiping on your bottom lip, you part your lips open to let him inside. 
Rindou groans when you start to grind down on his lap. The kiss quickly gets heated, both of you not in the right state of mind as you start to unbutton his shirt, moaning into his mouth when he grabs your hips and starts to rake his fingers along the flesh of your waist, squeezing the skin. 
You pull away briefly just to remove your shirt and toss it somewhere across the room. Rindou takes this moment to rake his eyes down your body, “[Y/N],” he says out of breath.
“You’re so hot,” he presses his lips to your neck, sucking red marks onto your flesh. “Keep going,” you moan, massaging your fingers in his scalp. Rindou pulls his face out of your neck and makes eye contact with you. You look down and start to roll your hips on his erection.
“Fuck, keep doing that.” Rindou groans as you giggle, repeating your movements. Rindou reaches behind you and undoes your bra, watching the piece of fabric fall to the ground, revealing your tits.
“Can’t believe you’ve been hiding these from me,” Rindou says, pressing his lips to your nipple. A whine pulls from your lips when you feel his hot wet tongue flick your bud. “It’s called wearing clothes Rin— ah fuck—” 
“Get on the bed.” Rindou says, pulling away and adjusts his clothing. You do as he says, and slide on the bed, watching him as he kicks off his sweats and climbs on top of you. You smile, taking his bottom lip and sucking on the flesh before sticking your tongue inside his mouth. 
Your hands cradle his face as you both make out passionately. Lips moving against each others as if you’re starved for attention. A knock on the door breaks both of you away from each other, seeing Ran look at the two of you all content. 
You quickly wrap the sheets around your bare chest and Rindou stands up and heads towards the door. “It’s not what it looks like—”
Ran rolls his eyes and reaches inside his pocket, handing a condom packet before patting his shoulder, “Next time, don’t be so noisy when your big brother is in the house alright?”
Rindou’s face flushes and he shuts the door before his brother could see the redness on his face. That night, the two of you put the alcohol back in the kitchen, and made sure that you never spoke about that heated session ever again, even though it was always lingering in the back of both of your minds.
“Bro, did you know [Y/N] has a boyfriend now?” Sanzu blurts out one day. Rindou has no clue if he was directly talking to Rindou or the group as a whole, but by the way Sanzu was staring directly into Rindou’s soul as he spoke, Rindou had a feeling that Sanzu knew about his crush on you.
“Who cares,” Rindou tries to act nonchalant as he continues to scroll through his phone, trying to act like his heart didn’t just shatter into pieces the moment the words left Sanzu’s lips.
“Just saying, I thought you might’ve been more upset about it.” 
What is this idiot thinking? Why is he outing Rindou’s crush to the entire group? Rindou sent him a death stare to shut the fuck up before his friends started to catch on to what Sanzu was implying.
“Why would Rindou be upset about that?” Koko asks, until a moment of realization hits him like a truck. “Oh fuck.”
“Fuck what?” Rindou says first, “nothing is going on.”
“I already knew,” Ran makes everything worse by opening his mouth. Rindou wanted to sink into the ground and just die. This was so embarrassing.
“How do you know she has a boyfriend though?” Ran asks, staring at Rindou who tries his best to act like he doesn’t care about this, when deep down, Ran knows he’s itching to punch something, or a certain boyfriend of yours.
“Just before class this morning, he handed her a container with some cookies. At first, I just thought he was being nice, till he kissed  her on the cheek and left the classroom. I put two and two together and  boom.” 
“Yikes, he can cook too.” Koko fights back a laugh as he stares at Rindou whose fingers are shaking out of pure anger as he types on his phone. 
“Ok who cares? They’re probably stale as fuck,” Rindou bites, fidgeting restlessly in his seat. Sanzu shakes his head, “they taste like heaven.”
“You ate some?!” Rindou raises his voice a little bit, startling Sanzu. “Yeah? They looked good bro.”
“Whatever.” Rindou stands up, leaving his bag there as he puts his phone in his pocket and walks off. They all call out to him as he walks down the hallway but he ignores them all. “He’s fucking pissed,” Ran says, sighing knowing that he’s gonna have to be the one to clean up the mess.
Rindou honestly should have stayed put with his friends because he ended up seeing something he was actively trying to avoid the moment Sanzu opened his mouth. You and your boyfriend, making out by the lockers. Rindou can’t remember much from his 17th birthday, since he was under the influence of alcohol, but he can still sometimes feel your lips on his. Now he’s seeing your lips against your bfs as you’re pressed against the lockers. His hands roaming all over your body as you smile against his lips—
Fuck everything. 
You getting a boyfriend is probably the worst thing to ever happen to Rindou. You brought him everywhere. Rindou tried to get your attention away from your boyfriend and invited you to the park but you weren’t responding to his texts. It’s like you were actively avoiding him and it was killing him inside.
The only times you would speak to Rindou, would be when you were all hanging out as a group. Sanzu + Rindou + You and your irritating boyfriend. He managed to creep his way into the friendship group and be involved in everything. 
“Sanzu, have you figured out what you’re going to study in college?” You ask as you shift your weight on your boyfriend's lap. Sanzu shakes his head, “might have to drop out of school. I don’t know what I want to study.”
“Take your time man,” the boyfriend that shall not be named opens his mouth and Rindou rolls his eyes. “My father didn’t know what he wanted to do till pretty recently. You have all the time in the world so don’t rush it.”
Sanzu has a heartfelt expression on his face as he starts ranting about how good your boyfriend is with words and blah blah. Well that’s what it sounded like to Rindou. Anything that comes out of your boyfriend's mouth is bullshit to Rindou. 
“Isn’t he amazing?” You gloat and turn on his lap to plant a kiss on his forehead. 
“Seen better, but whatever.” Rindou mumbles under his breath. You hear him loud and clear but decide not to say anything so that your boyfriend wouldn’t get upset. You look at your boyfriend but he still has a smile on his face so you took a deep breath and changed the topic, but sending Rindou a death stare nonetheless.
“Rindou, can we talk?” You stand before Rindou and scratch your arm waiting for his response. Rindou notices and recognizes it as one of your nervous habits. You’re nervous to talk to him? 
“Um, sure.” You sit down on the couch next to him, and turn to face him. “Why are you so rude lately? It’s like you’re always moody and I don’t like it.”
“I’m not rude.” Rindou looks away as he speaks. “I just–,” should he say it? Fuck it. “I just don’t like him and I think you can do better.”
You weren’t expecting that. “Oh…. well I love him, so.”
“You love him? You barely even fucking know him. It’s been like 2 months!” 
“Actually, 3 months. Who are you to tell me my feelings?” Rindou knows you’re getting frustrated and irritated so he decides to drop it. 
The arguments get more and more frequent, but the worst one yet was when you give everybody a box of cookies that your boyfriend made and hand them out to everybody to try. Rindou takes a single bite and looks around to see everybody's reaction. Either they were overexaggerating, or Rindou has 0 tastebuds because he thought it tastes like fucking ass but the look on everyones face spoke otherwise.
“This is so good!” Sanzu says, already digging through the box for another cookie. Ran nods and says it’s good and you anxiously wait for Rindou’s response. He just stares at you before looking away, putting the unfinished cookie on the table. “Tastes like shit.”
“Okay, what is your problem?” You get defensive, “Why do you always have something negative to say about him? He’s trying so hard to get on your good side, he even made these for you, yet you’re acting like a goddamn child.”
“Cause it tastes bad. Happy now? You expect me to lie and act like it tastes good?” Sanzu puts the cookie down and chews quietly as he watches the argument unfold. “It tastes like straight up flour, now you two idiots hype it up like he used an ingredient from the krabby patty secret formula.”
“Oh, so you’re a professional baker now? Go on then, show me some fucking tasty treats.”
“You know what, forget it. Just drop it.” Rindou’s back to his sulky mood but you’re not having it this time. “Why are you so infuriating? You were fine 5 months ago, now I get a boyfriend and you—” you pause as if the realization finally hits you. “Oh, I get it now.”
“You don’t get anything.”
“No, I understand. You’re fucking jealous that Im dating someone and you’re not.”
“Huh? I couldn’t care less about dating anybody. I’d rather date my own left toe than date someone who— you know what, let me shut up.” 
“Go eat shit Rindou.” You have no clue what he was gonna say, but you know that if it was enough to make him shut his mouth, then it wasn’t going to be pleasant. 
“No need, I already ate your boyfriend's cookies.” Rindou sends you a fake smile, and walks out of the room. You flop back on your chair, groaning out of pure frustration because another conversation led to another heated argument. But this time, you didn’t think you both would be able to bounce back from this. 
The two of you spent months actively avoiding each other. The last text messages sent were months ago and at night you stare at your phone, just hoping Rindou would come online and text you ‘hey’.
“Have you heard from [Y/N] Ran?” Sanzu asks one day and Ran shakes his head. “Nope, it’s been weeks.”
Rindou’s ears perked up at this. He was actively avoiding you and vice versa, but now you’re avoiding the others? “It’s probably cause of that fucking boyfriend.” Rindou mumbles and for once, Ran and Sanzu agree with him.
“I passed her, in the hallway once and she looked like she was going to speak to me, but her boyfriend showed up behind her and her attention went elsewhere.” Sanzu admits, frowning slightly at the memory, “I hate that dude.”
“Finally, you’re all admitting hes fucking trash and probably pisses inside those cookies.” Rindou grumbles and Sanzu laughs, “No but, you have gotta admit his cookies are good.”
“I’d rather die than ever admit that.” 
The following week, Ran knocks on Rindou’s door and says there’s someone here to see you. Rindou assumes it's Sanzu or Koko so he lets them in, only to look up and see you standing right infront of his bed.
“Can we talk?” 
Rindou’s brain stops working for a moment and it’s not until you sit on his bed, the weight bringing him back to reality. “Uh, yeah.” Rindou makes extra room for you to sit down and you take a deep breath and turn to face him.
“I’m sorry….. for arguing with you, um a few months ago. I didn’t want to end our friendship like that, so I, um, needed to apologize in person.” You bite your lip as you finish, staring into Rindou’s eyes. Rindou notices a tear threatening to fall from your face and quickly wipes it before it can. 
“You don’t need to apologize. I should be the one apologizing for saying all those rude things about him. Even though I still dislike his guts, I’ll tolerate him for you.” Rindou’s words made more tears fall from your face. “There’s no need. We broke up yesterday.”
Rindou’s eyes are blown wide as he hears your words. A smile threatening to leave his lips but holds back. Now isn’t the time for celebration. You need comfort right now.
“I’m so sorry to hear that,” He pulls you in for a hug, your scent invading his nose and he dips his head in your hair and kisses the top of your head. You instantly pull away from his hug and look into his eyes. It had been so long since you saw his face, it almost makes more tears fall.
Before you know it, you’re leaning towards him, pressing your lips together. Rindou’s hand caresses your cheek as he feels your lips tremble against his own. “You’re nervous aren’t you?” Rindou mumbles against your lips and you pull back with a shaky breath. “I missed you.”
Rindou is about to lean back in for another kiss but you pull back. “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t do this.” Your words cut deeper than the wind. 
“Do what?” Rindou pulls back to read your facial expression. “I can’t,” you whisper and finally make eye contact with him, tears brimming in your eyes. “I’m such an awful person Rin, I…” your voice is shaky and Rindou can see your leg bouncing as you try and finish your sentences. “I used my boyfriend, well ex now, to try and get over my feelings for you. The idea of us being friends forever hurts. I can’t do that and I can’t sit here and just act like everything is oka—,”
“I love you.” Rindou blurts out and you almost choke on your words. 
“I said, '' I love you. I’ve always loved you. Since we were like 16. Seeing you with that asshole boyfriend just made me angry, and frustrated cause that wasn’t me next to you.”
“Can I kiss you? Properly this time.” Rindou nods and you smile as you lean in, pulling him towards you. “Missed you s’much.” Rindou’s voice is muffled against your lips.
“Missed you more.”
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An Angel and A Demon ~ Pyramid Head x Reader
Update 2: My laptop restarted when I was in the middle of writing this, and trust me when I say it, I am positively pissed off, and I want to end my days, that's how bad of a day this was.
And I didn't leave the house.
That says a lot about today...
Update 1: But, without further ado, I was half-way writing this story, and I received this ask, and let me tell you...
helloooo, i absolutely adored the fanfics you wrote about kazan and danny🥺 could i request one where pyramid head is just really whipped for and in love with the survivor! reader but he doesnt know how to announce it to them so he brings her random ,,gifts" in and outside the trials and protecting her bc well, im pretty sure he cant speak so he doesnt really have any other options on how to express his feelings??
I live for it.
Bless you for sending me this, it's the reason I'm still sane right now.
I love you, baby-cakes.
Update 3: I want to kill myself so bad. Just smash my head on a wall until it explodes or sth. I was so happy with how this imagine turned out, only fuck fucking tumblr to just fucking delete EVERYTHING just as I was about to put the last gif and hit POST NOW.
Tumblr media
For the 5th time writing this :
Hell - What was that place, anyway?
Some would describe it as an infinite ocean of flames and lava, where it's eternally melting-hot, and a bunch of hooved, horned, tailed red demons torture you with acid, with their red pitch forks, or boil you alive in their cauldron for soup. Or maybe you just get tortured by Stalin, who knows?
But never would have anyone thought that 'Hell' could look so...Normal. Well, normal in a very demolished, desolate, ravished way, but still...Normal, by human standards. Albeit, the never-ending loop of madness, anguish, agony and desperation of getting killed in different gruesome ways or fleeing for their lives and feeling a myriad of emotions pumping adrenaline through their veins so badly that their anxiety-meter skyrocketed to abnormal levels.
All this darkness, this hatred, this...Everything...It changed all the survivors. They became selfish, stubborn, rude, some even went as far as to sacrifice their fellow survivors in trials, just so they could survive. It was a complete mayhem that defied all kinds of reason, normality, morality or even ethics. Everyone became devoid of any laws that used to bind them to their humane sides, and now, you weren't sure if the killers were saner than the survivors or not.
But even in this abyss where you couldn't even see your hand in front of your very eyes, there was a little star - A beautiful angel radiating brightness and warmth, someone who was somehow able to guide everyone's straying souls with her benevolence.
In reality, she was merely a survivor, not the little lantern from an angler fish's head, but she treated everyone with such an untainted kindness...It was beautiful, and yet, unrequited for most parts. Everyone was still putting their own lives above all - And who could condemn them? - Perhaps their cowardice, for the girl preferred to save her fellow survivors as much as possible, even if that oftentimes assured her place on the hook, to be a sacrificial lamb for the Entity.
On the other hand, she rarely ended up on the hook - Most killers prefer to kill her themselves, instead of letting her become pray for the horrible Entity who tortured so many of them for refusing to cooperate - The Trapper, Evan MacMillan - He knew the best, with those hooks digging into his flesh, impossible to extract. He was the first to protect this girl. It wasn't much, but if he had to, he'd rather give her a swift, painless death, than seeing her without that serene, angelic smile on her face, as the Entity feeds on the last bits of her soul's beauty, the last parts of her humanity.
The other Killers were confused at the Trapper's actions, but little by little, they began to understand why this girl was so precious and special - And this domino effect hit Rin Yamaoka next, with Y/N stopping in the middle of a chase and taking off her jacket, just as Rin was about to butcher her with her katana, and she smiled, extending it to her. 'You must be cold' she said, realising that the Spirit was merely wearing a few bandages, not even her school uniform, or her kimono.
The ghost girl was shaken up by this, and told the others at the killer camp, but they just shrugged it off - Rin was a little girl who faced close to no kindness, they weren't surprised she was so taken aback by such a feat. That is, until Adiris, in a particularly terrible day, when everyone at the camp was staying away from her, as her profane censer wasn't able to cover the stench of rotting flesh - Y/N came over, taking out a small yet elegant glass bottle with pink liquid on it, spraying some on her - And now, The Plague smelled of roses and vanilla - 'You can come to me for perfume whenever you want, I always carry some with me!' she grinned at the Babylonian High Priestess, before leaving back to the survivor's camp site, leaving the ancient God symbol to stare with her mouth agape at the girl.
These words began to spread, and it was no surprise when the killers saw Susie clinging and begging her Legion friends to spare Y/N, for she was there to hug away her worries more than once, to tell her sweet words, to play with her hair and play the guitar whatever songs she wanted to hear, to get reminded of her home - She was so home sick that she freaked out, but now she was better, thanks to Y/N - 'I know you miss home, but sometimes, home is where your best friends are, and all three of them are here!' she tried to encourage the cute pink-haired girl who could only squeal and hug her new friend.
Even Ghostface wasn't exempt from falling to her charms, and they would often take silly selfies and mess around, making fun of the old horror movie tropes and doing lots of puns and pranks - So much that she even got his trust to be told about the Danny/Jed thing, and how he began his killer profession - 'You're a very talented photographer, Danny! You deserved all that recognition you got, both as a journalist, and as a killer!'
And very soon, Y/N found herself in the crushing arms of an overprotective Anna, humming her mother's lullaby together with walking through the forest, Y/N making flower crows for all the female killers at the camp site, and little by little, she somehow managed to worm her way under everyone's skins.
Y/N was the survivor with the highest survivability percentage, and maybe the Entity sometimes got pissed off, but at least she still got killed sometimes, so who cares? Well, that was soon to change as soon as a new Killer was added to this sick game - Pyramid Head, the terror of Silent Hill, as Cheryl, the new Survivor, called him - or The Executioner, as he was known now. He was ruthless, merciless, grotesque - He had his own criteria of killing, his own moral compass, ethics, conscience and understanding of the concept of life and death. Nothing that could compare to the visions of humans, clearly - Everything was gravitating around Divine Retribution and Justice, but the from the outside, he was nothing but a killing machine.
He would kill everyone and anyone that crosses his path, without fail.
Y/N felt like her fortune ended completely the second she found herself in the new, overly cramped map, with Pyramid Head as the killer - She couldn't help but run around like a spazzic meerkat, trying to find and fix as many generators as possible, without having to get face to face with the walking hazard...
Only to run past a stuck Pyramid Head.
Slowly backtracing her steps, she saw the mountain of a man with his metal pyramid stuck in the frames a low window which he tried to walk over. He was trashing like a raged bull trying to attack a matador, but it was clear he was getting nowhere with this.
"H-Hey, u-uhm...Need some help?" she asked in a soft, careful voice, almost like a meek cat trying to test the waters, but in return, he started groaning even louder from the wrath he wanted to unleash upon the whole world. "Okay, uhm...I think I saw a can of vaseline in one of the chests around. I'll go fetch it and I'll come back for you. Don't move." she said, only to then realise how horrible that sounded, considering the situation, and it only seemed to anger the killer. "...I'm sorry, ignore me, I'm an idiot." she slapped herself pretty harshly before bolting out of there trying to find the chest.
However, Y/N cursed herself for not having perfectly memorised the whole map by heart already, since she found the vaseline can after the 3rd chest, and then, it took quite a while to find the bloody window that got the killer stuck - And by the time she got there, she was dead tired. "Okay, I'm here, I found the vaseline! Let's try to get you out of here." Y/N muttered as she put her feet on the low window pane to get to his level. "If it's not too much trouble, could you please hold onto me? I can't balance myself with both hands occupied, and I'd rather not fall." she explained as she opened the vaseline can, only to shiver as she felt two big, strong hands getting a firm grip on her hips. It was almost...Endearing, were she not too busy trying to get the killer unstuck. She kept massaging the metal edge, trying to push and pull, also praying to whatever deity that existed in her human world that she had her tetanus shot done on time - Until finally, she was able to get hear a loud screech, like a pop, and the killer got unstuck, and in the process, he stumbled backwards, while Y/N fell down on her butt.
"Ouchie..." she muttered, rubbing her back and sides to take away the pain surging through her body. "Are you okay?" she asked, almost intuitively, without realising it at first, until she heart a low grunt that brought her back to reality. "O-Oh...! You have glass shards stuck in your side! And you're bleeding too! Hold up, let me help." she hurried to his side, while the killer merely stiffened, feeling her delicate, slender fingers tracing his body, while he heaved and slouched his shoulders from the repressed wrath. "It may sting a bit, and I'm really sorry, but I promise it will be better soon." her voice was so motherly and warm, which also resonated in her actions, as she gingerly took a water bottle and imbued some tissues with it, to wipe away the blood smearing down his skin as she extracted the glass shards, and then..."This is grandma's marigold ointment. It's really good, and it smells nice." she explained as she carefully smeared a thick layer of the yellow ointment on the biggest wounds, while the little ones were covered by smiley-flower patterned plasters. They were cute, and colourful, and they never failed to make her smile. "Okay, there we go, all better! I hope you'll feel better very soon!" her voice got a tiny bit more cheerful and upbeat.
It made the Killer think about a trillion things, as he stepped in front of her, towering over her like the Empire states building next to a smiling pomeranian. What was with this girl? Why did she help a killer? And why did he feel so...Warm inside? He could sense a foreign kind of luminosity, a naivite and innocence that he only witnessed in children and animals. This woman in front of him was untainted by the darkness and evil of the world.
It didn't matter how many hardships she's been through, or how much sadness she had to endure - Her soul remained as pure as any snowdrop, as the first snow of winter, as the fleece of a baby lamb who let out its first 'meeeeh' to its mamma sheep.
He couldn't allow this human to be maimed in any way - Not by the world, not by the Entity, and certainly not by him. - Screw the Entity, Pyramind Head kills by his own rules, and now, he was blessed to be faced with a human who bore no real hatred for her peers, or for the world, despite the horrible situation she was thrown into.
He didn't understand, obviously, especially as he remembered the myriad of abominations that lurked through Silent Hill, all of them created by the torment of humans - The very torment that distorted their own reality, which resulted in him needing to solve the purpose as The Executioner - Eradicating the world of all evil.
"Th-This sword is so heavy...H-How can you carry this around like that...?! Your muscles must be so strained and sore...Y-You really need a massage, I'm sure." she stuttered as she tried to lift the much taller and heavier sword from the ground, only for the brute to simply bend and pick it up with extreme ease, putting the girl to shame with her complete lack of strength. "Hehe...You're really strong. I'm embarrassed now." she chuckled softly, scratching the back of her neck.
Before she could leave or do anything else, Pyramid Head picked her up by the throat, careful not to hurt her or restrict her air intake - I mean, how else was he supposed to carry her so he wouldn't hurt her with his metal head or sword? - and it was pretty clear she didn't feel any malevolence from him, as she clinged on his forearm, trying to keep herself up, only to be dumped on top of the hatch, as the killer pointed towards it, so she would leave.
"O-Oh...! Thank you so much! You're really kind! I really appreciate this...I-I know it probably doesn't matter much to you, since you'll be doing this over and over again with all the survivors...But I really appreciate you for your kind gesture, and I appreciate you for being so nice with me. Thank you. Take care!" her dazzling smile lit the whole place up, but he couldn't talk, nor could he tell her how he should be the one thanking her for showing him that, despite the hundreds and thousands of years he had to roam the 'Earth' and execute the injust, miracles still existed.
As soon as she reached the survivor's camp, everyone cheered for her, asking how in the world could she have escaped the wrath of the butcher. "Oh, but he wasn't that bad. In fact, he's much more humane than I anticipated! I think he has a beautiful, blooming heart!" okay, she's lost it - the other survivors thought - but even so, she's always been a bit...Out of it, so who cares?
It took quite a while for the other three survivors to reach the camp, all bloody, in fact, like the new killer, who dragged himself with the same menace to the Killers' camp. "How the hell did you manage to survive?!" they yelled at her in utter shock, seeing that she got out of there unscratched. "Oh, you see...I found the hatch." she shrugged simply, not wanting to give away that the person who massacred those three was a soft one and he basically threw her down the hatch to her safety.
As she took a twig to roast a marshmallows, she noticed how Pyramid Head was standing much farther away from the rest of the killers - She knew that silent killers were bound to stay away from the more obnoxious one, remembering how Michael Myers almost killed Ghostface and The Legion at least a dozen times - But this time...He seemed kinda...Lonely? So Y/N took the matters into her own hands, roasted another marshmallow in another twig, and when it was done, she went to the killer's camp, calling out the lonely one's name - She has no idea why, but he actually followed her, pushing her further deep into the forest, until he was sure nobody was going to hear, see or interrupt them...
"Hey. You seemed pretty lonely out there...I thought you could use a friend. Thank you again for what you did at the trial...Here, this is a marshmallow. I don't think you've had many before...Cheryl told me of that horrible place you had to live in...So I hope this will make your day a bit better!" Y/N extended one of her hands towards him, so he could take the marshmallow - And a long, black tongue erupted from underneath the pyramid, snatching away the fluffy marshmallow and gulping it in one go.
What the hell was he turning into?
A towering man built of pure muscle, wrath and divine justice, with a pyramid representing the evil of humanity burdening his body, and a sword taller and heavier than the average human being constantly dragged in one of his hand...He now was a slave to a cute, innocent girl who was putting flower plasters on his minuscule wounds that would heal in a heartbeat regardless - He saved this girl who was now offering his these soft, squishy things that tasted overly sugarly, just like her upbeat and cheerful personality - If he could eat her, he was sure she would taste even sweeter than this - A sickish kind of sweet, that is.
She was indeed a beautiful angel in this tragic hell. But he didn't wait to snatch the second marshmallow either.
"Ah...! You liked it, didn't you? Well...Next time, I promise I'll give you more!" she grinned at him the same way a princess would to her chivalrous knight who saved her. The since he couldn't talk, silence took over them - It wasn't an uncomfortable one, per se, but it made it feel as if the conversation was over. "W-Well...I'll guess I'll see you around! Take care and I hope to see you again soon!" she waved cutely, trying to turn around back to her camp, only to feel a rough hand on her shoulder, turning her around and urging her to stop and wait for him and he went deep into the forest, leaving her alone and undefended by the potential malevolent forces of the forest.
When he returned, however, he stepped right in front of her, creating the perfect shade as he towered over her - Then he kneeled in front of her, so he would reach her eye sight, then he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and put a beautiful pink flower - As pink as the blush that started creeping on her face - He wanted to see her luminous face better, to highlight her dazzling smile and her glimmering eyes as the warm, silver light of the mother moon caressed her face.
Y/N felt her heart picking up the pace - It was beating so much faster than ever before - But this time, it wasn't out of fear or anything negative...It was something good. Something she never felt in her life, especially with her human acquaintances from back home. None was as chivalrous and gentle with her as this butcher of tormented souls - The bringer of justice, the merciless Executioner who was supposed to end the life of every living being that would cross his path.
It was insane how every Yin finds its Yang, even if that comes in the form of a little lamb of a small, frail girl, and a huge abomination of a brute man who knows nothing but death, bloodshed and carnage. It was truly crazy how opposites attract, and here she was, holding the killers large hands and gingerly putting them on her face, leaning into his touch - She felt safer now than ever in her life - Now, in the arms of an ancient killer.
An Angel and A Demon brought together in a perfect union.
As she leaned down, she touched the metal of the pyramid where she anticipated his forehead would be with her own forehead, and closing her eyes, she finally felt herself calming down. There was no need for words, actions spoke louder than anything, and she appreciated it...She appreciated him.
"Thank you." she whispered to him, knowing that yes, even though nobody else would hear it anyway, it was much more intimate than anything she ever experienced.
She was hooked.
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Hope you liked my completely shameless pun, I couldn't stop it, especially after the pain I went through trying to write this...3 freaking times.
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Mukami brothers relationship with Malorie
- they are in the same literature class
- but they are not close because he sees her as a competition.
- he knows she is smart, confident, and propably better than him in many ways.
- and his little "man ego" feels so threatened by that (💀)
- but poor Malorie doesn't know that and thinks he is just a person that "struggles to open up to other people" (which is kinda true) while in reality, he just doesn't like her.
- she always says good morning to him with a smile on her face even tough he just straight up ignores her. ( why are you being so mean she is just trying to be nice😩)
- he tries to not say anything bad to her tho because his brothers like her.
- but unlike with Laito and Malorie, Kou and Malorie are GENUİNELY just friends.
- like there is no flirting or "weird sexual tension" or smth like that. they are kind of like platonic soulmates.
- no matter what, he adores her tho ( i mean who doesn't atp tbh )
- they talked with each other about their "past" and their "insecurities"
- he knows that she is a genuine person with a golden heart and hates to see her sad.
- One of the reasons why Ruki cant be mean to her because he knows damn well kou will beat his ass if he finds out his stupid insecure brother made his precious best friend cry 💀
- they love each other so much (in a platonic way) and Malorie is the first person he really trusted after his brothers.
- oh my god Malorie is simping for this man bad.
- its not like a "crazy in love" thing but more like a, "highschool crush"
- one time at the mukami household, they were having a bbq night by the fireplace.
- and she started to shiver all of a sudden because it was starting to get cold.
- normally whenever she goes out, she would always bring a coat, or at least a jacket with her just in case but she was so worried that she was going to be late so she rushed out of her house to be in there on time so she just forgot to bring a jacket with her.
- anyway, so when she was cursing to herself for forgetting a jacket, Yuma realized that and said; "ya can come snuggle to me if you are cold"
- when he said that, she was dumbfounded and all she could think about it was: "am i living my Wattpad moment rn?! Omgomgomg skehqoeh" (girl bye lmao💀)
- she said; "well uh, if its not gonna make you uncomfortable, then that would be nice ig" and when Yuma started to hug her with those big arms and all, oh.my.god.
- she felt so comfortable but embarresed at the same time lmao
- and since from that moment, she wants to hug him again so badd
- he thinks she is nice and cute but they are just friends.
- i mean what can i say at this point even vampire's love Malorie's vibe lol 😩
- Azusa likes to watch her from afar. (Dont worrt y'all this is not another Ayato situation💀)
- whenever he sees her, he wants to start a conversation with her but he is too shy (🥺)
- to him, her presence is really relaxing. And she feels the same about him too
- she thinks he is a quite, calm, sweet boy
- she is his first friend that never bullied her and treated him with pure kindness (i mean those bullies werent even his friends but he just tought that bullying was "natural" within friends) he didnt thank her with words because he is shy but he really appreciates her and tries to show that to her with his actions ( i cant he is so precious 😭)
- Malorie always approaches him with a big smile on her face and that brings some type of comfort in Azusa 🥹
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haik-choo · 4 years
waking up next to the karasuno second & third years
request: the waking up next to the first years hcs was the purest most adorable thing i’ve ever read 🥺🥺🥺could u do one with the second or third years too?
a/n: thank you so much for loving the first one i did! i’m sorry i haven’t been as active, i go in and out of a creative mindset and this quarantine isn’t really pushing me to stay creative. i just sleep most of the time LOL. here it is! :)
-nishinoya, tanaka, daichi, sugawara, asahi
nishinoya yuu.
waking up next to nishinoya yuu isn’t filled with excitement or him jumping off the walls, like you might expect it to be. i feel like the first ten minutesof waking up for him are really slow, like he’s just barely opening his eyes and looking at the ceiling.
for some reason i really feel like he wakes up before you. he goes to bed at like two am, but wakes up at eight am to practice or go on a little jog. 
but every time he wakes up, the first thing he looks at is you. your peaceful state, your slow-rising chest, the little breaths leaving your slightly parted lips. noya is a really emotional person, and I can bet you real money that he gets real giddy seeing you next to him.
you don’t usually sleep in his arms because he’s a wild sleeper and probably starfishes, so when he wakes up his limbs are sprawled out, some on you, some hanging off the bed. and he just barely turns his head at there you are in your morning glory. 
his heart literally swells five sizes bigger. he’ll shift over to be next to you and move your hair out of your face or just mess with the hair at the top of your head, basking in the love you cause him to feel.
after a few minutes of doing that, he’ll let out a big ol’ sigh and wrap his arms around you, squeezing tight to wake you up.
“mmm,,,,noya, what are you doing,,,” “i’m just feeling grateful :)” 
and you look up at him, and there’s a feeling of security that fills you. he may not be the biggest or strongest, but the light in his eyes and the warmth in his arms that he wraps around you make you feel safe. 
not to mention that his hair is down and sticking out everywhere. it’s a cute picture that only you’ll ever see
you return his gesture and wrap your arms around him, thinking about different ways to make him stay in bed instead of going out for a jog.
basically; the morning is filled with hugs and soft smiles, knowing looks and arms that evoke the feeling of being safe and being loved. his hair is wild, and his hands are tugging at your own strands. 
tanaka ryuunosuke.
you two almost always wake up in the same position, his arms spread out, your head resting on one of them, one of his legs propped up like a tent and the other flat on the bed, you curled up against his side. since he’s a touch-starved individual, he finds any excuse for you two to be as close as possible every second of every day. 
you both actually wake up a few minutes apart, whoever wakes up first is a coin toss. and when you wake up first, you get to see his face void of the tension is usually has, his mouth is a little open with small snores coming out, his fingers twitching every few seconds
tanaka’s body reacts before he does, so even if you try to get up, his arms just holds onto you and keep you attached to his side. he swears he doesn’t do it on purpose, and that his body just needs you :’) 
on days when he wakes up before you he stays as still as stone. no joke, he’s so afraid of waking you up and experiencing your wrath that he just. freezes
but as he’s frozen, he takes the time to just stare. no smile on his face, he just stares, drinking in your sleeping form. he occasionally takes a change and slowly turns, stretching out his arm for his phone on the side table. when he can reach it, you can bet he has 200+ new photos of your sleeping and he makes them his screen savers
the second he sees your stir awake lightly, he pounces on you an covers your face in little kithes and saves your lips for last. sometimes he’ll wait until you open your eyes and look at him, pouting like “where’s my real kisses :(” before he gives you a big boy smooch
you giggle and caress his chest with your hand, happy that he wakes you up like a queen everyday. trust me, he’s happy he gets to be the guy whose face you see first thing in the morning
he usually scrolls through his phone for like an hour before getting out of bed, and you just sit there and watch tik toks with him. you two my wake up at roughly the same time, but you get out of bed before him to make some morning smoothies (he totally asks for a protein shake AGAGA) 
basically; your mornings get started at the same time, and he loves to make sure you’re up by pelting you with kisses that you love. you scroll through tik tok while being smushed next to his chest before you get up to make breakfast. 
daichi sawamura.
not gonna lie, when he wakes up he spend like a minute or two in bed at MOST, he hates just staying in bed because he feels like he could so much more productive than lie around and do nothing. you, on the other hand, wouldn’t mind staying in bed for the entire day. 
so here’s the way it usually goes: he wakes up a minute before his alarm (7:00am) and just quickly sighs before reaching over you and turning it off so it doesn’t wake you up. then he kisses your forehead (his breath smells bad, so he’s not going to kiss your lips) before getting up and washing up. he gets ready to go on a jog, and he kisses your shoulder before he sets out on his journey.
but every once in a while, there’s something wonderful that happens. he doesn’t feel like working out. he wakes up at the same time, but he just doesn’t feel like doing anything. on those days, he completely indulges in your warmth.
he doesn’t care if he wakes you up and hoists you up so you’re completely laying on his body. of course you wake up, but you already know what’s going to happen, so you just softly groan. “so you don’t feel like getting up and decide to wake me up? really?” “yes, really” “...you’re lucky i love you” “im the luckiest man alive” 
you two actually talk during mornings like those, you love pressing an ear against his chest and hearing the vibrations his voice causes. it’s like calming background noise to you. 
“are,,,you even listening. we’ve got a lot to do today” “i’ve been ignoring everything after you said ‘getting up’“ “...of course you have”
you haveto convince him to stay even longer in bed, because he really hates staying in bed, like he just wants to make “eggs or fucking toast or an OMLETTE PLEASE I JUST WANT TO DO SOMETHING”
in order to persuade him to stay for a little longer, you usually just kiss him. normally he hates morning breath, but when it’s you kissing him so tenderly he can make an exception or two
ngl it usually leads to making out or morning sex, like i said he needs to do SOMETHING 
basically; you wake up like a married couple. normally he gets up right away, but every once in a while he;ll decide to spend some extra time with the love of his life, and that time is usually spent kissing and...doing other things ;) 
sugawara koushi.
instead of you waking up in his arms, he wakes up in your arms. like his face is pressed against your chest and your arms is haphazardly resting over his shoulder. his arms are undoubtedly around your waist, his lags entangled with yours
every morning, without fail, he wakes up first and somehow slip out of your position and into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth before making two cups of coffee and coming back into the bedroom, setting them on the nightstand, and crawling back into bed with you
usually he sits up in bed and moves you to rest your head in his lap so he can reach over to sip at his drink. his hands comb through your hair and he trifles through his emails just incase some parent messages him about something
sometimes he’ll stop scrolling at look down at you, feeling happy and 100% sure that he has the greatest life; first he wakes up in your arms, spends time with you, spends time with kids, and them spends more time with you 
the school he teaches at starts at like twelve pm, so he likes to take his time waking up so he’s as happy as possible. and spending a lot of time with you is key to that.
can only wait for so long before he pokes your side until you wake up. the entire time he’s like “please wake up” “i’ve got work in like four hours! let’s do something!” “i’ll make breakfast if you give me sufficient payment ;)” 
literally the second you wake up he props you up and you look drunk as hell when you first wake up but he still thinks you’re beautiful <3 cute rat 
he rests your head on his shoulder and kisses you until you’re fully awake, you don’t always kiss back but that’s because you’re not fully there  and you’re just,,, “is there a bird pecking at me? what the hell - oh, it’s koushi” 
“can’t you wake me up like a normal person?” “no, i like kissing you awake. isn’t that cute? :)” “not when you kiss like a bird.” “so you have,,,,chosen death?”
when he’s feeling extra happy he has no issue putting you on his lap, facing him. he wraps your arms around him before doing the same to you and burying his face in your neck and humming a soft tune. he’s just such a calming presence that sometimes you fall back asleep in his lap :’)
basically; it’s a cute and happy morning as he rests you on his lap and peppers your lips with kisses to wake you up. playful banter is included, and so it coffee breath.  
asahi azumane.
he would love to wake up to you pressed to his side, but he gets hot really easily, so he cant hold you to sleep. he totally hugs a small pillow to sleep and you can old press up against his back, which he doesn’t mind. 
he’s the type to wake up at ten am naturally, and every morning he yawns and stretches out his arms, rolling back a little before yelping at the feeling of you getting quietly crushed beneath him
when he realizes that it’s just you, his heart beat stabilizes and he turns over, flipping the sheets off of him to he doesn’t overheat, and grabs you hands, lacing his fingers through with yours
you’ve been dating for a while, so he’s completely comfortable doing skinship with you. he’s not embarrassed at how much he loves you. he likes to gently caress your face with his hands, his thumbs brushing over your cheekbones and sometimes across your bottom lip
no lie, waking up with asahi is the softest thing ever. he gives you one single kiss on your cheek, letting it linger for a few seconds before pulling away to see your eyes cracked open
by this time he’s lightly hovering over you, and he just lets out a slightly bashful smiles and leans down, his forehead pressing against yours
you think that you must’ve saved a cat orphanage in your past life in order to get he delicious treat of waking up with asahi’s face in front of yours everyday 
“good morning to you, too, azumane” “morning :)” “did you have that weird dream again?” “the one where hinata grows to be eight foot three and dunks me in a basketball hoop and leaves me up there and becomes the ace?” “yeah” “yes. yes i did.thanks for reminding me.” 
sometimes asks for extra cuddles before getting up to take a shower, and when you say yes he just :):):) and envelops you in his warm embrace and rubs his beard goatee thing on your forehead as you grovel in pain because it’s in that in-between phase where it’s scratchy and long 
honestly struggles to get up in the morning because he really loves just laying and existing with you, his mind not focused or worried about anything but the way your chest rises slightly out of sync with his, and sometimes he imagines your chest heaving beneath his,,,,but hat’s astory for antoher time
basically; waking up with him is like a fairy tale. his gently lips and even gentler arms wake you up like a queen, and he makes sure that you feel the same way he does. sometimes there’s extra cuddles, sometimes there’s some showering together. 
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onthevirgooftears · 2 years
the way you guys treated tubbo replying to austins tweet about girls and gays vs the way you guys reacted to ranboo coming out reeks of abelism and its just gross
im really happy for ranboo btw and ive expressed my excitement for him having the courage to come out in another post, so please dont attack me and act like im making it about tubbo, because all im doing is expressing my opinion about something. the attention is still on ranboo because he deserves it.
right, back when tubbo replied to austins tweet, you had like, literally 10 people at best who were like 'congrats' the rest of them had some really bad fucking takes like, 'he probably misread' (because hes dyslexic btw, which is abeleist,) or 'dont assume his sexuality!!' when he literally replied to a tweet saying hello to girls and gays, so either he's a girl or you guys are just homophobic. like, i completly understand why some of you care so much about not breaking boundaries, but i think some of you are so chronically online that you forget speculating about shit is something people do on a daily basis. if you have a crush on someone, you speculate about the things they like, and their favourite food, and also their sexuality. if they had a carrd that said 'dont speculate my sexuality' as one of the rules, you probably wouldnt give a shit. because the only reason you care about not speculating is because you dont see ccs as human beings. a ton of the fans just havent touched grass, like ever, and they cry about boundary breaking, like they didn't just walk across the street and assume they were gay because of the way they walked, or talked, or looked or whatever. the fact is, its normal to make assumptions and i dont have a clue why the entire dsmp fandom thinks it isn't.
anyways, ranboo posts a clip of the heartstopper scene (which was fucking hilarious lmao, what a way to come out,) and said 'can i make it anymore obvious' and posted a few clips of him saying gay shit. and people accepted it, and congratulated him (as they should,) but not to be rude, but where was this energy when it was tubbo?
you cant use the 'don't speculate boundary' as an excuse because ranboo had the same boundary and nobody gave a fuck. the only reason things were treated differently is because tubbo is nd and people like treating him like an uwu baby who doesnt have a mind of his own and can't make decisions. People didn't like the fact that he was (trying) to come out because it didnt line up with the 'cant do anything for himself' version of tubbo they have in their heads. so instead of being supportive, they ignored it completly. which is just fucking weird to me.
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nikrangdan · 4 years
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pairing: classmate!sunghoon x female reader
genre: fluff, comedy
description: you felt like park sunghoon was way, WAY out of your league... what happens when the teacher tells him to move seats and sit next to you?
*didnt proofread
becoming friends with park sunghoon was not something you expected to happen this year
throughout high school you had a small group of friends and never really stuck out
so when your teacher told sunghoon to move seats..
the seat happened to be the empty one next to..
guess who *cue the evil laugh*
your first thought was
‘this entire year is just gonna be him completely ignoring my existence or awkward interactions’
now you’ve heard of park sunghoon.... its basically a guarantee at your high school
he has this group of friends and theyre labelled as the popular kids i guess you could say
and the only reason he had to move seats in your two hour long class was because he and his friend jake goof off in class too often and your teacher deemed them “too distracting”
so eventually sunghoon was forced to move all the way across the classroom
right next to you
you were shocked to say the least
obviously he was handsome
too handsome to the point where you questioned how someone as good looking as him went to your school
he sighed and got up from his chair next to jake
but he still had a small smile remaining on his face indicating he wasnt that upset about him having to leave his friend
your heart began to beat quicker automatically as he walked towards your desk
even if you didnt have a crush on him like alot of people did, you still felt nervous around popular students like him for some reason
he ran his hand through his hair and sat down next to you, setting his bookbag on the floor next to him
he didnt look at you, nor acknowledge you
but nonetheless the lecture began again and the class sat in silence
taking notes on their laptops or sleeping
there were around 30 people in your class and your seat was in the middle row next to the window so you often gazed outside from the 2nd floor during class
you glanced to your right and noticed sunghoon slouched back in his seat, twirling around a pencil in his hand while his laptop remained open on his desk
it was just a white screen so he didnt take any notes
you were surpised because you knew he had fairly decent grades
you ignored your thoughts and continued taking your own notes
soon enough the bell rang and sunghoon stood up immediately and walked over to jake
‘yup’ you thought. ‘we are definitely not going to be having a single conversation this year.’
fast forward a couple days!!!!
you were sitting in class next to the boy
as normal
and you still have yet to talk to him.. mainly because you never initiated conversations ESPECIALLY when its a really really cute boy
ur teacher is like
Ok class im assigning a project and ur partner is the person sitting next to u
yay!!!!!! (can u sense the sarcasm)
you sit in silence while everyone in the class starts discussing with their partners
the project is you have to make a presentation on a world issue of your choice
“um...” u start
sunghoon starts pulling out his laptop and binder
“what do you wanna do?”
he doesnt even look you
u didnt know sunghoon and his group of friends very well but u definitely thought they were more... friendly than this
its silent for like 5 seconds
“huh? oh sorry did you say something?”
“uh yeah.. i asked what you wanted to do for the project.”
God u tried so hard not to laugh
you think he noticed because his cheeks turned a really light shade of pink
he looked so innocent
“yeah we have to make a presentation” you lightly chuckled
he was very amusing without even trying
“oh sorry haha.. i zone out easily”
“its okay.. but its due in less than 2 weeks so”
so you two spent the next hour choosing a topic and working on the project
it was kind of awkward for the first 10 minutes but then you warmed up to eachother
u were lucky that he was an extrovert too
(sunghoon is an extrovert for the sake of this story OK)
u were also lucky that he was smart
it was easy for you to talk to him.. he just felt comfortable
contrary to ur prior belief.. sunghoon was actually a really really cool guy
u used to think he was just a guy
now u think hes a really really cool guy
“can you please stop putting penguin clip art on the slides” you giggle
then he puts parrot clip art instead
“do your work!!!!” he was supposed to keep researching but he was trying to balance his pen on his nose
“shhh y/n... im doing something important.”
you roll your eyes
he was always doing something that was Not work
but you found it entertaining
and he’d make dumb little jokes that made you both hide your faces in your arms on top of the desk to hide your laughter
“hey y/n”
“what do you call an old snowman”
“i dunno.. snowgramps”
“no.. water”
you both made eye contact before bursting into laughter and then forcing yourselves to be quiet before u got in trouble
but that made everything funnier so you both were just covering your faces while trying so hard not to make a sound
this was so weird
u have never clicked with someone so fast before it honestly felt exciting
you were talking to sunghoon as if you’d been friends with him since birth
Very Very weird because you had only talked to him an hour ago and now u two are acting like besties ?!?!
jake noticed from across the room too
hes like ‘Why is sunghoon having fun without me🙄🙄’
the bell rings and so far you only have 2 slides
“we didnt get anything done” you note as you pack your bag
“yeah yeah i know. we can work on it more tomorrow”
“right.. see you tomorrow” you’re about to head out until jake walks up
“hey bro” he and sunghoon do some kind of made up handshake before he turns to look at you
now you know jake
everyone knows jake
you used to think he was the sweetest out of all their friend group
and he definitely lives up to that!!!
“hey y/n!” he gives u a smile
AWE hes so adorable
“hi” u reply
you were trying to speed up this conversation though so you could go eat lunch with your friend
“hows the project going?” he asks
“bad. sunghoon doesnt know how to do anything.” you deadpanned jokingly
sunghoon looks at you with an offended look that makes you wanna snort
“hey! you’re the one who doesn’t know how to add text to the slide!”
“what the hell sunghoon?! don’t tell him that, it’s embarrassing!” you give him a dirty look before walking out the classroom door with a smile on your face
days passed and you and sunghoon would only speak during that class but whenever you did it would be a mess
“sunghoon, y/n, quiet down! there is no reason for my classroom to be this loud!” your teacher scolds you two after sunghoon slapped his desk after you accidentally snorted
u two had such a weird relationship
u were almost strangers outside this one class but besties when u were in it
jake noticed too
one time he asked sunghoon during lunch why ur relationship was what it was
“i dont know.. thats just how we are” he answered
but jake kind of suspected sunghoon had a crush on u
*wiggles eyebrows*
it had only been a week but jake was determined to set u up together
“y/n you look cold, heres sunghoons jacket!”
“y/n sunghoon needs help with his homework, can you maybe do something about that..”
“sunghoon, y/n looks sad go give her a hug”
needless to say it worked!!!!
because a week after you presented your 2 weeks worth project
sunghoon asked u on a date
let me recite how it went
u were walking out of class together because jake wasnt there that day
sunghoons bookbag was slung over one shoulder and u were stood next to him with both hands on ur straps
“hey.. do u wanna maybe go grab something to eat with me for dinner..? or something” he quickly asked
“what, like a date?” you joke
“uh.. yeah” he replied looking down at u
u stop in your tracks
No way
“wait what? seriously?” you look up at him with wide eyes
“yes u little munchkin” he pinches your cheeks exaggeratedly and pulls them to make your face sway everywhere
u swat them off so fast
“um.. okay” u answer and ur face heats up
you cant even look him in the eye
like u cant say u DIDNT see this coming but it was still a shock
“awe is y/n blushing” he teases
“go away stupid”
yeah he doesnt go away
ANYWAYS u are the cutest couple ever
everyone wants to be u two so bad!
couple goals literally
jake is so proud of himself honestly
whenever u get into a silly little argument his rebuttal is always
“remind me who got u the best boyfriend ever? thats right, me. dont try me y/n”
and ur like
“ooohhh jakey im so scareddd”
he cannot stand u
but Yeah sunghoon bestest bf ever
takes u on dates whenever u want to
makes u laugh very much
almost too much
and ur parents LOVE him
mhm sunghoon very awesome guy
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