#jesus christ i‘m down bad
swiftieeddie · 8 months
having a crush is sooo embarrassing but it‘s worse when you cant tell if the guy might actually be flirting or if it‘s just because he‘s lovely to everyone
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ponyosmom35 · 11 months
simon ghost riley x reader
synopsis: simon finds out that Makarov was back, and he had information on them all, putting all of their loved ones in danger. He had to go back, despite the big wedding in a few months. Now he had to break it to his fiance.
warnings: cursing, angst, fighting, yelling, crying
Takes place hours before ' Nightmares'
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“Can I talk to you for a second?” Simon asks as she walks into the house holding their coffees. 
“Sure” she says as she walks into the kitchen where he stood. She sits at the barstool and hands him his coffee. “Whats going on, you sound upset” 
“I have to leave” he admits, watching as her happiness disappears, being replaced with a hurt expression. 
“What?” she asks 
“There’s a mission, Price needs me to come back”
“Can’t you say no?” she asks, he scoffs and shakes his head. 
“Not exactly” 
“Laswell has no other options?” 
“Because there is nobody else who can get this job done the way that we can” he responds, instantly getting frustrated at her reaction. 
“But you said you didn’t have to go back until after the wedding”
“Can’t control the bad guys love” he says sarcastically
“Thats bullshit” 
“Why is that?” he asks crossing his arms 
“We’re getting married in 4 months, Simon! I need you here, I can’t do this all by myself” 
“I wouldn’t be going if it wasn’t necessary” 
“Jesus christ” she responds shaking her head 
“What do you expect me to do about this huh? You think I should sit back and let the most dangerous man in the world roam free to do whatever he pleases? All of that blood would be on my hands, that ain’t somethin’ I’m okay with” he responds, raising his voice. He couldn’t understand why she was refusing to see the bigger picture. 
“No I obviously don’t think you should sit back! I know how important you are, and I know that you’re the only ones who could take this guy down” she says, throwing her hands up in the air. 
“So what’s the issue then eh?” 
“The issue is that once again I have to watch you walk out of that door, and I fear that it’ll be the last time I ever see you. The fucking issue is that we can’t even have a few months of peace before you get pulled back in!”
“You knew what you were gettin’ into bein’ with me”
“You also told me that you wanted to retire, you wanted to be done with this life”
“You’re taking my words too literally love, I didn’t mean I was gonna retire right this second” he snaps 
“Why say it then? Why get my hopes up, because I was under the impression that this was something you had really been considering, now you’re talking to me like I’m the fucking crazy one for wanting you to be here to plan our wedding!”
“You’re right I should’ve kept that to myself” he nods “didn’t think this would be a fight, there ain’t shit I can do about it. I go when I’m needed end of story”
“And what about me? What if you miss our wedding?”
“I can’t give you a timeline on how long it takes to bring down a terrorist, could be a week, could be months. It ain’t up to me”
“Jesus” she says running her hands through her hair angrily as tears fill her eyes and her lips tremble. “No don’t worry about me Simon, I’ll just be here at home, wondering if you’re alive or not. I’ll be here waiting for you to come home. What you’re not understanding is that I won’t be there on base to patch you up. I won’t see you everyday, it was hard enough back then, but now? You took me off the team! You had Laswell send me home! Now I’m stuck here while I‘m fucking terrified that I’ll lose you before you’re even fully mine!”
“You know why I did that! I had no choice!”
“But you did have a choice and you chose wrong!”
“I did it to protect you! you were a hostage! I almost lost you, I can’t risk that happening ever again. Do you have any how fucking scared I am to lose you? You are everything to me! I chose you always. Don’t tell me that I don’t fucking understand. I see it all perfectly clear! I don’t wanna hear anything else about something I have no control over!” he roars, his chest rising and falling as he stares at her in anger. 
“I’m allowed to be upset Simon, thats not a crime” she says wiping her tears as she leaves the kitchen and runs up the steps, leaving her coffee untouched and cold. 
Simon curses and runs his hand through his hair in anger. He knew he should’ve handled that better. He wasn’t even truly upset with her. What he would never tell her is the reason he’d accepted the job was due to the fact that the man they were going after, Vladimir Makarov had information. Simon refused the offer at first, for the same reason she’d been upset, their wedding. However Price showed him the intel they picked up. Makarov had names, he knew Simon and he knew her. He knew instantly what he would have to do, Price helped him with the plan. After he left for the mission, he would have to fake his death, in order to keep attention off of his lover. He would break her heart in order to save her. He knew that she’d never be safe as long as he was still ‘alive’. She’d be used against him and he would never risk that. Price expressed how delicate this mission was, they weren’t sure who to trust as there had been so much corruption. This will be for the better.
ghost master list:
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isabelldrabbles · 2 years
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Dani Miranda x Reader
Imagine: You wake up in the middle of the night, a bruised Dani Miranda in front of your door.
warnings: fluff, black eyes and bruises
Awakened by a loud thunder, you wake up. The temperature in your room is muggy and oppressive, you can hardly breathe. The window panes reflect the lightning over the city. You sigh.
You turn to your bedside table and take a sip of water from your glass. As you put it down, you glance at the neon numbers on your alarm clock. 11.38 p.m. It's going to be a long night.
You wake up again. This time it is not because of the thunderstorm, which has turned into a soothing downpour over the hours, but because of a distant ringing. Maybe it was just a bell in your dream. Ring. Ring. Nope, real life. Who else is awake at this hour? You sigh again and straighten up. As you put your feet on the floor and search for your slippers, you glance at the clock. 2.56 a.m.
On your way out of your bedroom, you put on your dressing gown as you walk and run your fingers dreamily along the wall of the room until you finally hit the switch for the light. As the lamps for the corridor and the living area switch on, you are dazzled and curse softly. You check again that the bucket for all emergencies is next to the pull-out couch before you take the last steps to the door. It wouldn't be the first time that former school friends and family members stayed at your place after partying at the club nearby.
Ring. Ring.
"Jesus Christ." You roll your eyes aggressively. "Sorry I‘m not faster at this hour!" You unlock the locks and turn the doorknob. As you carefully open the door and look up from below, you are surprised.
The brunette stands in front of you in a fancy black designer dress. And she's bleeding.
"Shit Dani, what have they done to you?" You look in shock at her black eye and the wounds on her face.
"I didn't know exactly where to go and then I remembered you live in Vienna ... and now I'm here. I shouldn't have come here, sorry. It was stupid."
"Well, you're already here and you've already woken me up. Now come in, knowing you, you have no time to waste." You pull her into the flat by one hand and close the door. Dani looks at you nervously. "I was going to check in with you after what happened in Zurich, but-" "How bad from one to five is it? Are you being followed, are you in bad trouble or 'just' an unpleasant confrontation?" You interrupt her as you walk towards the bathroom. She follows you and looks down at the floor in shame. "An unpleasant confrontation."
You open the medical kit in the mirror and take out bandages, plasters, alcohol to disinfect and painkillers. "Here, sit down." You flip the lid on the toilet and point to it as you soak a pad with alcohol.
"You-you don't have to do this." Dani's tired voice rings out in the sound of the bathroom.
"I know I'm not a super agent. But even kids in kindergarten have scrapes that need to be treated all the time." Dani smiles gratefully and then winces in pain as she moves her face too much. "Hold still." You step closer to her and place the bandages against the windowsill. In one hand you hold the cotton wool to disinfect, with the other you brush her messy hair out of her face and gently turn her head. She puts her hand on the wrist of your hand. After a short silence and the occasional hiss of pain, you clear your throat.
"What happened?" You ask quietly, as if that would cause her to tell you more.
Dani helplessly whispers your name. "You know I can't tell you that."
"CIA business, I see." You twist the bottle of alcohol shut and throw the used cotton bits into the bin. You now stick plasters on her wounds and have to concentrate very hard on them so as not to get lost in her eyes.
"You know what, actually I don't understand anything. I hate it. I hate that I don't get to see you much. I hate that most of the time I can only see you when you're hurting and need help. I hate that every time I hear the news, I'm scared that I'm going to hear that CIA agents have been killed. That I can't even hear once in a while if you're still alive and how you're doing. I hate that I can't call you when I've had a bad day. I hate that I can never celebrate good news with you. I hate that I can't forget you. But most of all, I hate that I can't hate you for it."
Dani looks at you with an open mouth, tears beginning to form in her eyes. She straightens up as you frantically pack the medical supplies. "I- I-" She whimpers and looks ashamed at the floor. "Um," she gulps, "I'm losing blood." "Damn it!" You immediately drop everything and catch her as you notice her collapse.
"That beautiful dress." You whine softly, preparing it for a wash. You haven't been able to sleep yet - after the first aid, cleaning blood and all the adrenaline, you've lost all sense of tiredness...or at least suppressed it.
"It was Louis Vuitton." You turn quickly to the voice and look at Dani in surprise. "Oh god, my heart!." You blurt, reaching for your heart. You take a couple of steps towards the bed. "How are you?"
"I've been better-" you take a breath to say something "but I've also been worse." You nod, half-convinced, and sit down on the edge of the bed. "I should hope so, this is my bed you're lying in after all." You joke.
"And I'm extremely grateful to you for that." Dani takes your hand. "I mean it. Thank you." Her black eye and wounds - now covered with zoo animal plasters - mark her otherwise elegant and soft face.
"You're welcome." You squeeze her hand and notice a loose plaster. You gently run your hand over it, then stroke her chin with your hand. You've really memorised the feel of her skin. You slide a little closer.
"I don't work for the CIA anymore. Today was my last assignment." Dani whispers, still holding your hand, trying to control her breathing while you are so close.
"What?" You look at her in disbelief. "No more being an agent?"
"Kind of. I'm not incredibly popular there at the moment. So we have a deal. And-" She closes her eyes briefly for courage. "It's getting time to settle down and, who knows, I might want to start a family."
You grin uncontrollably and slowly but surely brush against Dani's lips. "I'm sorry about that, for you and your career." Dani laughs and shakes her head carefully. "No you're not."
You bite your lips lightly as you practically hover over her lips. "No, I'm not. I'm done hating. Today is love." Dani pushes you away and holds her hands over her face as she laughs heartily. "Did you just recite a Tiktok sound? You're crazy."
"And how I am." You fling yourself onto the bed and turn your head in her direction.
"How lucky I was to never forget you." Dani pulls your face towards her with both hands and kisses you passionately.
You break your kiss and stroke her cheek with your thumb. "No unannounced departures?"
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i apologize in advance because this is probably going to be a lot but i just need to get some stuff out of my brain and hopefully be able to feel a little more at peace
so...okay, to start with we got a new dog today
should be a great thing, right? but i just...i really don’t think it’s a good idea
for one thing, it’s a very young pup, he’s only 7 weeks old. for another (and this is the biggest point) i had no idea this was even happening until it was already a done deal, i got no say in the matter
and i keep being told well, that’s not a problem because it’s not like i have to take care of him but like...of course i am. how would i fucking not?
my mom works a lot and spend a good portion of the week at work and even though i’m here most of the time i‘m usually upstairs
the primary caretaker of this dog is supposed to be my father but like...so seriously how is that going to go when the man spends a good portion of the day sleeping? who’s supposed to be letting this dog go outside to go to the bathroom or making sure he’s not into something?
and like, i don’t mean to be indelicate by any means, but my dad’s old. he’s not going to suddenly get better at this point in his life, in fact it’s only going to get worse from here and i feel like it’s already started
not too long ago he completely burned a pot and nearly burned down the kitchen because he forgot he was making beans on the stove top
any more it seems like if he starts a load of laundry he just...forgets it and i have to come behind him and stick them in the dryer or sometimes just rewash them altogether because they’ve started to smell sour
there’s just a lot of stuff like that where you can tell he started doing something but went to go check on something else or just wandered off and forgot about it completely
i’m genuinely worried about his memory starting to go and we think...giving him a living creature that depends on him for survival was a good idea? i’m sorry, i just don’t see it and that means i’ll have to pick up the slack and like. okay, i’ll do it for this poor little dog that also had no say in this but needs someone to take care of him but jesus fucking christ i just wish someone had bothered to run this by me first so i could at least mentally prepare for this
mind you too i’m already taking care of two cats that also aren’t mine and were brought here without me knowing anything about it and that was also a “well, it’s not your responsibility so don’t worry about it” kind of thing and well...here we are.
and i’m already trying to help out around here more as it is because like, no shit, i appreciate getting to stay here i really do so i don’t mind but honestly a lot of what i end up doing isn’t even my own stuff, y’know?
i’m taking care of myself but i’m also trying to go behind two other people and keep things clean and make things easier for everyone else and i don’t even get a courtesy like, “hey, big new responsibility dropping, get ready for it”? i dunno
and i’ve expressed all of this and just nothing. nobody gives a shit.
and so like okay, fine fair enough you know i’d been feeling anyway like i’m really ready to just...have my own place. again, i appreciate getting to stay here and genuinely have no fucking idea how i’d afford to live on my own but i’m starting to think i just need to bite the bullet and either get a second job or see about some other potential ways to make money
the only thing about that is...there’s a big part of me that’s like, “what’s the point? how long do you think you’ll get to even have your own life anyway?”
because again like...my dad’s old. his health, although not as bad as it has been in the past couple of years is still not going to do a miraculous turn around and like...especially if his mind is starting to go what are my options, realistically?
i go off and start my own life and will just have to give it up to come back here to help take care of him
and i know you’re probably thinking, “well no, you don’t have to do that,” but don’t i?
i’m just going to make my mom deal with that all by herself? there’s no other kids but me who will help. other family might but it’s not really fair to put that on them either and on top of that because we really hit the jackpot with relatives i can’t even begin to tell you how many vultures are going to come out of the woodworks when they get even a hint that things are going bad (hell, that already started when he was going through cancer treatments during this pandemic no less and family were messaging him wanting to know if they could come and visit like...absolutely not, what the fuck are you thinking??)
and i love my mom but she doesn’t take the greatest care of herself and i don’t really want to get into it but she’s definitely started to worry me with her drinking lately.
i feel like i can’t leave here. i feel like everything will fall apart if i do and that when shit really does hit the fan i need to be here so...why bother to leave?
i want to, but can i?
i don’t feel like my life is even mine at this point 
they’re not bad people, i can’t justify doing my own thing and telling them to kick rocks, especially after all they’ve done for me but at the same time i just don’t want to be stuck here forever
i just feel really, really trapped
and i know when people say that everyone gets nervous because uh-oh, that’s suicide talk!! but that’s the fucked thing too is that’s part of what feels especially suffocating
that’s not an option for me. not unless i want to hurt them as badly as possible and i don’t.
and you’d think it’s be maybe a relief to not have that as an option anymore, that oughta steer things in a more positive direction just naturally but instead it just kind of feels like someone’s trapped me in a room that’s slowly filling with water and there are no exit doors or vents or any possible means of escape so i just have to either sit here and slowly wait to drown or do what feels impossible and find some way to make all the water leave and build a better room
and obviously i should be talking about all of this with y’know, an actual therapist but that’s still proving really difficult at the moment
i made a new list of potential ones i just haven’t been able to reach out to any just yet and it definitely doesn’t help that every time i start to gear up to do it it seems like i get online and see a bunch of posts that are like, “honestly, therapy is a scam and not at all worth it and you’re stupid if you think it actually helps anyone, it’s likely to just traumatize you more and you can never trust a therapist!!” and i’m just like oh, okay then
because that’s the thing of it too like i need to talk to somebody, right? but clearly the shit i need to talk about is heavy and despite my trapped predicament like...i need to talk about these dark thoughts but is that going to get me hospitalized? is that going to fuck up my life even more?
and on top that, yeah dude, already having trust issues and being damn near incapable of letting new people into my life at all already doesn’t bode well in trying to find a person i can talk to about with all of this shit but i love the constant reminder that even getting to that point is likely going to be painful and could possibly just make shit that much worse!!!
i also just can’t stop thinking about the one therapist i did reach out to and that interaction alone has made me feel shitty enough. initially i tried to just take it in stride and figured it just wasn’t a good fit but now i’m convinced that’s how it’s going to go when i reach out to anyone else.
i’ll be made to feel like i’m stupid for needing someone to talk to because according to her “my clients have friends if they just want someone to talk to, y’know?” hahahaha no, i don’t but sure, go on!
like ma’am, no disrespect, i’m sure your methods work for someone, somewhere but i don’t think getting more sleep and walking more is going to fix the problem and on that subject...i don’t have friends
i have a friend and that’s about it
when i say i have trouble letting people into my life i really mean it
and yeah, maybe i’m just being a big baby about it all and i just need to like...try to make that happen anyway but i’m also at this point where it’s like...how?
actually how?
at my age?? finding friends??
on top of that just...i’ve been through my share of toxic friendships and although i’d like to think i’ve learned a lot since then and would hopefully never find myself in any again you never really know until you get into it, right? and just the thought of it, of putting myself out there, opening up, being vulnerable and just...letting people into my life only to possibly go through more shit it just sounds exhausting and terrifying.
i know it’s what i need to do, i know i can’t just close myself off from the world and essentially cease to exist while still being here but it just feels so fucking overwhelming and then on top of that like i said before, is there even a point?
because it kind of seems like i’m going to be needed here indefinitely and so is that just my life then? i’m just a loser who never leaves her hometown, never moves out, never has a life of her own or expands her circle to include more people because she just has to stay here and watch over things and take care of everyone and all the added responsibilities they keep bringing into this house without even running it by me first?
it feels like it and maybe it doesn’t have to be but it feels like it
and it just feels really, really suffocating 
and hopeless
and maybe it’s not really, maybe i’m missing something here but i feel like i can see down the road for many, many miles and it doesn’t look promising
and i feel selfish and horrible for even saying all of this because it sounds like i’m just pissed off i have to take care of things and it’s really not that
i genuinely don’t mind helping out and maintaining a space and i don’t even really mind cleaning all that much, it can be a good stress relief i’ve found but it’s just this overwhelming feeling i have of like...this is my life. this is all it’s ever going to be.
i’m going to sit here and watch everyone else go on and live their lives, have lots of friends and romance and really just experience life and i’m just going to be sitting here left in the dust at home chasing after pets and trying to keep everything from falling apart until the bottom does inevitably fall out so i can be here to pick up the pieces just like i did last time
and i mean if that’s the case then i’ll make peace with it, i just wish it could be different i guess. if nothing else, i wish i didn’t have this urge to change things or to have a different life because it just doesn’t feel possible right now. feels very much like if i step away even for a second that everything’s going to go wrong and i’ll be partially to blame because if i had been here maybe things would be different
then again, the last time something tragic happened and i lost someone i loved very much i was here and it didn’t make a damn difference so maybe my presence isn’t as important as i think but i guess that’s part of it too like...that happened on my watch and if something else bad happens when i’m not here... i’m barely living with the first shit, i don’t know if i could handle the second
idk. this is really stupid i think but it’s been in my head for a while now and with this new dog thing i’m just kind of at my breaking point with it so here you go, void.
hopefully i’ll be able to talk myself into getting a therapist anyway even though i’m scared to death because i know i shouldn’t be putting this here but right now i just feel incredibly stuck and i’m not sure what to do or where to go
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Out of retirement?
Summary: Some would say they were a couple five years ago. The Boogeyman and the wandering spider. A deathly duo. When John retired, he also left Charlotte behind. Now, being retired herself, she’s finally happy. Until she gets a message from him five years later, that made her question how happy she really was.
Words: 2.883
Pairing: John Wick / OFC
A/N: Just some smut for you Sunday afternoon 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Continental hotel Paris, 8 pm, room 786, JW
She used to receive texts like these from this number on a regular basis. Whenever he was in the same town as her. It was nice that he put his initials in the message. It’s not like she had memorized the number. But it stopped a little over five years ago. She didn’t even know he was still alive. They had met on a job. Both of them booked to take out the same target. She had made the decision to give him the kill pretty fast but negotiated for other sort of payment with him. John Wick. A man you don’t want to have as an enemy. They had been flirting the whole night. And when he had come to her room after the kill, full of adrenaline. It had been a night, she would never forget.
She couldn’t help the tingle of excitement that ran all over her body after receiving the text. She had no idea how he knew that she was in Paris. Or how he got her new number. Or why he would contact her now after all these years. She knew he got married, got out, lived a happy life. He always wanted to get out. She also knew his wife died not long ago.
She had been pretty upset when he just vanished from her. A little part of her hoped that they could be more. She had seen a side of him in all the years, she grew to love. How he would search for her hand when he slept next to her, how he always remembered that she was allergic to garlic when they got out to eat, how he loved to watch the stars.
Yeah, she got it really bad for John Wick. She should be pissed at him for expecting her to be back like nothing happened. But who was she kidding. She would go. Even after more than five years without any form of contact.
It was 7:50 pm when she walked to the door of the continental hotel in Paris. It felt like stepping into a museum. Luxurious golden ornaments were all over the walls. It reminded her of Versailles.
„Miss Frost.“ She heard a smooth voice next to her. She turned around to come to face with a pale, bald man, the manager of the Parisian hotel.
„Jacque.“ She nodded him in greeting.
„What brings you to our fine hotel. Business?“ He asked, walking next to her.
„Oh no. I‘m out for good. You should try it. Best three years of my life. Your cuisine is just so addictive.“ she winked at him. He laughed lowly.
„Nice of you to lie to this old man.“ They came to stand in front of the elevator. He pressed the button.
„Be careful up there. He‘s close to breaking the rules.“ Jacque whispered as the doors opened.
She stepped into the elevator, turning around to face him.
„I’m always careful, Jacque.“ she said, as the door closed.
She looked at herself in the fully mirrored elevator. She put a little more effort into her look today. Her dark hair in loose waves went almost to her hips. She needed a haircut badly. She only applied a little make up. Some mascara and eyeliner. And the blood red lips she knew he liked. The grey knee high wrap dress shimmered silver when she moved, hugging her curves tightly. She wore 6 inch silver heels, she always felt confident in high heels. And she would need all the confidence she could get. She didn’t just want to jump back into his arms. She wanted answers. She had no idea what he wanted anyway. But a little part of her hoped he would peel her out of the black bra and garter belt she wore underneath by the end of the night.
She breathed a couple times before she knocked on the door of room 786. She wondered if there was a reason he had chosen this room, or if it was just coincidence. They had talked about fantasies they had back in the day, but she was sure he didn’t remember. Not after all this time.
The door opened after only a few seconds and she tried not to react on seeing him again. She couldn’t help the gasp though. He was bare feet, his dark grey dress shirt still tucked into his suit pants, the tie open around his neck. The face she grew to love still the same. Apart from the healing cut on his nose. And some tiny wrinkles around his eyes. His Black hair slicked back.
“Hi Charlotte.” He said and she finally looked into his eyes. His dark eyes, that seemed darker as she remembered. She also remembered the look she could read in his face.
A shiver ran over her body.
“John.” She tilted her head in greeting and walked past him into his room. She heard the door closing behind her, as she walked right to the back of the room that was a window front from ground to the ceiling, overlooking Paris. The sun would start to go down shortly, giving her the best view in the whole city over the sunset. Sighing sh put her purse on the couch next to her.
“You’re back?” She asked. John was standing with his back to the door, he had just closed behind her, only watching her. He felt the relief wasting over him on her actually coming to him.
“I’m not.” He answered, still not moving. Watching her.
“So you’re not breaking the rules?”
“Not yet.”
She turned around to face him. He could see in her blue eyes that she didn’t believe a word he said. She was even more beautiful than he remembered.
“What happened John?” She finally asked. Searching his face for an answer. She could feel his desperation across the room.
“Santino made me fulfill his marker. He wanted me to kill his sister” He began.
“You killed Gianna?” She asked with big eyes.
“I had no choice.” He almost whispered. They stared at each other in silence.
“How much?” She asked after a while.
“7 million.” He answered.
“Jesus Christ Jonathan.” Her Hand rubbed her forehead.
Finally he straightened and walked over to where she was standing. Sometimes he had asked himself if his life would have turned out differently if he had admitted to his feelings for her. Maybe they would both be living together on some abandoned beach. Making love to each other every day.
“I wanted to see you one last time.” He admitted as he was standing in front of her. She looked up at him. Even with the heels she was wearing he still was taller than her. His aftershave made her sigh quietly.
“What are you planing?” She asked.
“Killing him. At all costs.”
She closed her eyes and breathed in deep, inhaling his scent. She let her head fall with her forehead against his shoulder. She shook her head a little.
“Why here?” She asked.
He leant down, so he could whisper right into her ear.
“I remember you talking about what you want me to do to you in this room.” He whispered. His breath caressed her skin. Goosebumps came over her whole body. She swallowed.
“What makes you think you could just continue where we stopped five years ago?” Her voice was shaking. She felt his fingers on her back, drawing tiny circles. His lips connected with the skin on her neck, and she shakily breathed out.
“You’re here, aren’t you?” She felt his tongue come out between his lips on her neck, drawing a line up to her ear. Her hand grabbed his shoulder to steady her. What was it about this man, that could make her forget everything? Damn him.
“Why now?” His lips closed around her earlobe, his teeth nibbling on it, making her moan.
“I missed you.” He simply said. She closed her eyes, before she grabbed him at the loose ends of his tie, making him look at her.
“I missed you too.” She admitted before she pulled him at his tie down to her, to kiss him. They both moaned when they felt each other’s lips, their tongues caressing each other’s. John pulled her to him, both of his hands on her waist, as she was still holding him close to her by his tie.
When they parted she saw the look in his eyes. She couldn’t help biting her lip as she looked up at him. She felt his hands on the knot of her dress, slowly pulling at it, until it opened. He slowly reached with his hands to her shoulders, pushing her dress from her shoulders until it fell to the ground.
The black lace bra she was wearing covered almost nothing. She was glad she chose the garter belt and stockings, when she saw his eyes as he looked at her.
He made her walk backwards until her back was flush against the window. The cold making her hiss.
“What was it you said?” He asked her, as he opened the buttons on his sleeves, taking out his cufflinks.
“You want to be fucked hard while looking over the skyline of Paris? Do I remember that correctly?” His hands both cupped her beasts, his thump pinching her already hard nipples. She already had a hard time breathing and she could feel herself dripping down her thighs. John got in his knees in front of her, pulling one of her legs over his shoulder. He was still fully dressed.
“No panties?” He let one of his finger slip through her folds. “You’re dripping already Char.” He said, looking up at her as he leant closer to her, his mouth devouring through her folds.
“Fuck John.” She moaned loudly, both of her hands grabbing his hair. She could feel his tongue on her clit, one hand at her ass, his fingers teasing through her folds.
“Oh my god.” She moaned, as two of his fingers entered her while he was sucking on her clit, he hadn’t even started and she was close already. He hummed around her clit, his fingers finding the spot nobody had even been close to finding in the last 5 years.
Her head fell back against the window, one of her hands coming up to massage her breast.
She didn’t care that everyone on the street who looked closely could see them. She didn’t care that she would most likely never see him again. All she cared about was this moment. When she felt his teeth on her clit she came. Hard. “Holy shit.” She whimpered, her hips shaking, her hand in Johns hair pulling him to her. The smirk he had on his face as she finally looked at him, made her chuckle. He carefully set her leg down on the ground, she was thankful her whole weight was leaning against the window, and pushed himself off the ground to kiss her. He rolled his hips against hers, making her whimper as she felt his cock.
“Take your bra off and turn around. Heels stay on.” He said, giving her no room for any argument. Not that she would have one. Slowly she opened her bra, letting it slide down the floor, without taking her eyes off of him. She could hear him growling as she turned around to face the city. The sun must have starting going down a while ago, diving everything in orange. She could see the Eiffel tower and Notre Dame. As much as she hated this city, it was beautiful. She looked down to the pavement, 7 floors down and wondered if the people walking there would be able to see what exactly was going on above her heads.
She felt Johns chest on her back, his arms coming around her waist, as he pushed his body close against hers. His head rested on her right shoulder, his view following the direction she was looking at. His cock rubbed over her ass.
“Do you think someone could see?” She asked. One of his hands ran up to her breast, teasing her nipple.
“Do you care?” He asked back, kissing her neck.
“Mmhhh.” Was all she could answer. John grabbed both of her hands, bringing them up the window above her, as he pushed her body to the window. When the skin of her upper body collided with the cold glass of the window, she moaned. John wasted no time and pushed himself into her in one long motion. They both moaned when he settled fully inside of her. How she had missed the feeling of him inside of her. John breathed hard. She wiggled her hips, and he got the hint and started to move. His hands were still on hers on the window as he drove himself in and out of her.
Every movement pushing her deeper in the window.
“Do you enjoy it?” He asked close to her ear.
“Being fucked for the whole world to see. If anyone saw us we could end up arrested.” He thrusted hard into her, making her moan his name.
“Wouldn’t that be a story? The boogeyman and the wandering spider. Being arrested for having sex against a window.” She whimpered as he thrusted harder. He chuckled behind her, one of his hands moving between her legs, circling her clit. She desperately searched for something to hold on to, as she felt her orgasm approaching. Johns other hand came around her waist, holding her steady as he fastened his movements, never stoping his hands on her clit.
“I got you.” He bit into her neck and she let go. Pushing her hands against the window trying to keep herself on her feet as she felt her whole body shaking, as she came. “Fuck, Jonathan.” She cursed, breathing hard. His grip held her steady against him as he continued to fuck her, his movements soon getting sloppy until he bit into her shoulder, and spilled inside of her. She shuddered and almost came again as he felt him spill into her.
They were both breathing hard and Charlotte was glad for his arms around her, she really didn’t trust her own feet to hold her. She tilt her head to the side, finding Johns lips, kissing him deeply.
She groaned as she felt him slip out of her, his seed running down her legs. John picked her up and sat her down on his lap on the couch in front of the window. It was almost dark by now. He found a blanket next to him and covered both their bodies with it. Charlottes head rested on Johns shoulder, as she watched him looking out of the window. He looked so peaceful and happy in this moment. She couldn’t bare the thought of never seeing him again.
“Stay two days. Don’t leave the hotel. Just... Spent two days. In Paris. With me.” She whispered against his chest. His arms around her tightened.
“Anything you want, Char.”
As she walked out of the hotel in the early morning hours of the next day, she needed new clothes, the information she called for as John was under the shower, was waiting for her at the front desk.
He’s at a private tour at the louvre. Security cameras will be out for exactly 5 minutes at 4:27 am
The note said. She looked at the clock. 97 minutes. That would be just enough time time for her to come out of retirement.
John woke up to the ringing of his phone. He carefully sat up, trying not to disturb Charlotte beside him only to find the place beside him empty. He reached for his phone.
“Jonathan.” Winston was way to cheerful.
“Have you heard the news?” Winston asked.
John rubbed his eyes, as he stood from the bed.
“What news?”
“Of the wandering Spider being out of retirement? She killed Santino.” John heard the door of his hotel room opening. Charlotte closed the door behind her, waving the bag full of breakfast to John as she walked by him.
“She did?” John asked Winston.
“Must have been quite the spectacle. I wonder how she sneaked into the Louvre.”
“You and me both. Thank you Winston.”
“You’re welcome John. Give my greetings to our sweet Charlotte. She needs to tell me how she did it, the next time she visits.”
“I will. Goodbye Winston.” John ended the call and focused on Charlotte who seemed awfully busy preparing the selection of breakfast she had brought with her.
“Anything up?” She asked, sitting down on a chair at the table, eating a whole strawberry, before she looked at John.
“Just Winston.” He said tossing his phone on the bed. Charlotte became suddenly very aware of the fact that John was only wearing his boxershorts as he made his way over to her. He would know by now what she did. What she did so he could rest.
John knelt beside her, taking her hand into his. His other hand brushing her cheek before he kissed her.
“I love you Charlotte Frost.” He whispered against her lips, as a tear of relief ran down his cheek.
211 notes · View notes
doc-pickles · 4 years
it’s nothing funny just to talk (p.3)
What happens when you text that random number graffitied on a bathroom stall in your favorite bar? Jo Wilson is about to find out. - In which Bar Princess and Doctor Evil Spawn meet via text.
Chapter threeee. What do you think? Any predictions?
Sunday 10:28 AM
oh man
you’re pretty funny
Shhh you’re talking too loud. 
i’m texting you
Well stop it. You’re being too loud. 
okaaaaay i’ll leave you alone
Wait come back… I miss you. 
ahhh the truth comes out 
you do like me
Of course I do, I wouldn’t be texting you if I didn’t. 
well that’s good to know 
i’m assuming your head is pounding?
Very much so. I'm about to chug a gallon of orange juice and pray I don’t die. 
can you sing while you do it?
I don’t sing. 
but you serenaded me last night 
it was an amazing song called “bar princess” 
Oh shit. Really?
yes and then you told me that you couldn’t sing to me because jo would be mad
In my defense it was my buddies bachelor party. 
that excuse didn’t stop you from calling me bar princess
I think i’m gonna name you… doctor rockstar 
Somehow that’s actually worse than Doctor Evil Spawn
it'll grow on you 
hey go check your porch
You didn’t. 
oh but I did
Breakfast and coffee? You’re the best. Thank you. 
it’s my thank you for the donuts yesterday
and for keeping me sane almost everyday
It’s nothing, I enjoy our friendship just as much as you do. 
  Sunday 3:33 PM
What’s with all these sirens in the area? You think someone died?
oh…. that might’ve been me…
Are you okay?
  Sunday 3:45 PM
Incoming Voice Call
“Hey it’s Jo! I can’t come to the phone right now but leave me a message and I’ll call ya back!”
  Sunday 3:47 PM
i’m fine gimme a second
You’re freaking me out. 
  Sunday 4:17 PM
Incoming Voice Call
“I’m fine, I‘m fine.”
“What the hell happened?”
“I tried to make lunch and I set something on fire. It’s fine, I just couldn’t contain it.”
“You want me to come help out? I can be there in five minutes.”
“Alex, I’m fine. And I told you, I don’t wanna see you until our date.”
“Oh screw all that. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes! Now stop worrying about me, I’m perfectly fine.”
“Okay I’ll take your word for it, Bar Princess.”
“Good. Now stop freaking out, I can hear you hyperventilating over there.”
“I told you, I don’t want our first meeting to be at your funeral. I’m protecting myself obviously.”
“Right okay. Well I have to go and talk Steph down from killing me. I’ll talk to you soon. And Alex?”
“Yes Jo?”
“Thanks… just for caring about me. I’ve never had anyone who would be that concerned about me setting the fire alarm off. It means a lot. More than you know.”
“Well I like you, a lot. And you mean a lot to me. More than you know. Hey, when are you free next week?”
“I get back on Sunday night so anytime after that.”
“I’m off Wednesday, does that work for you?”
“Absolutely. It’s a date?”
“It is definitely a date. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye.”
  Monday 9:36 AM
so steph killed me 
  Monday 10:06 AM
You’re texting me so I’m assuming that’s a good sign. 
yeah I started crying and she let me off the hook
You started crying??
well fake crying but yeah
it did the job
You’re full of surprises aren’t you?
only always
I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised when we meet
I hope so. Gotta go yell at interns, catch ya on the flip side. 
the 90s called they want their catchphrase back
  Monday 4:21 PM
pretty sure our AC is broken
i’m sweating like a pig
Oof, not fun. Did you call it in?
yup but they can’t get out till next weekend
i’m in shorts and a tank top I don’t think I can strip more without izzie yelling at me
I wouldn’t complain if you wanted to come and strip for me. 
that was very forward doctor rockstar
at least take me out to dinner first
I’m trying to. Surgeons are busy people. 
it’s okay it’ll be well worth the wait 
and i’m holding you to what you said
I say a lot of things to you, you’ll have to be more specific. 
when you said you’d kiss me as soon as we met
i’ll be waiting for that
I’ll make sure to put chapstick on in the car then. 
you should do stand up comedy 
Once you get to know me you’ll understand how terrible of an idea that is. 
oh shoot
bridezilla just stormed in crying
have to run damage control we’ll talk later 
Lemon juice and a loofah. At least that’s what Meredith is telling me. Good luck. 
  Tuesday 10:28 AM
can you kiss meredith for me
she saved my ass yesterday 
That would be kind of awkward seeing as she’s married. But I’ll pass on your thanks. 
there were so many tears 
it was horrendous
izzie and I stayed up until 2 am washing that stuff off
Jesus Christ. I’m sure you’ll be relieved once this wedding is over and done with. 
four more days!!
i’m excited of course but like… I want this done with
I can’t take much more bridezilla madness
Neither can I. 
you’re not even dealing with it!!
Yeah but I have to hear you dealing with it and it just doesn’t sound fun. I pity you. 
you’re so sweet
Doctor Feel Good
That sounds borderline inappropriate. 
it was 100% inappropriate 
see i’ve flipped the tables 
now i’m trying to seduce you
I applaud your efforts. Giving me a sexy nickname definitely helped your chances.
You asked me to kiss you as soon as we met, I assumed that you would also be putting out on the first date.
you’re not wrong
Knew it. I’d love to continue talking about what you’re going to do to me after our first date, but I have a high volume trauma coming in. Probably won’t be around for a few hours.
good luck, keep your wits about you
don’t be a hero, we still have a standing date
Wouldn’t miss it for the world.
  Tuesday 11:38 PM
Incoming Voice Call
“Hey. I hope I didn’t wake you up.” “No… No, I wasn’t sleeping, I was watching a movie. Are you okay?” “Yeah. Yeah I’m fine.” “You don’t sound fine.” “It’s just been a long day… a lot happened.” “Do you wanna talk about it?” “No I… there was a pileup, on the freeway. It was really bad. And there… there was a van full of kids. It’s just been a long day.” “I’m sorry, I can’t imagine how hard it is going through that. What can I do to help?” “Can you… can you just talk to me?” “Of course I can. Oh! I’ll tell you Izzie’s muffin story! That’s a good one.”
“Okay yeah. Yeah, that sounds good.” “So Izzie and her boyfriend had gone through a BAD breakup, I mean monumental. She was so upset and she just started baking…”
  Wednesday 9:59 AM
Incoming Voice Call
“Jesus Christ what time is it?” “It’s 10 AM.” “Alex! I didn’t check the caller ID. Are you okay?” “I’m fine. I’m fine… I’m sorry I woke you up.” “No! It’s okay, you know I love to hear your voice.” “Well that’s a relief, I was worried you were gonna drop me because I keep waking you up.” “You only woke me up once!” “Listen Bar Princess, you may think you’re a good liar but you aren’t. I know I woke you up last night when I called.” “No I-”
“No buts. Thank you for that, I really appreciated it. It’s… it’s hard being in my line of work somedays.” “Well, you’ll always have me to lean on.” “I just need you to know…” “Know what? Oh my god you’re not married are you?” “What? No! Jo… just listen. Can you do that?” “Yes, I can.” “Somedays this job drags me down. It wears me down to my core and it doesn’t make it easier when I’ve got babies and kids on the table. It’s hard and I hate to admit it but I fall apart. I fall apart and I’m messy and I get all dark and twisty sometimes.” “Dark and twisty?” “Meredith says that. But it’s true. I get dark and twisty sometimes and you… last night you pulled me out of that dark and twisty place and I just…” “Just what? You can tell me, Alex.” “I don’t want to rely on you if pulling me out of the dark and twisty place is too much for you to handle. I want… I know I sound crazy and you’re probably freaking out-”
“I’m not freaking out.” “But I want this. You and me and I don’t want to get comfortable if you’re not in. Because I’m in, I’m in Jo. It’s ridiculous and I don’t even know what you look like but I’m in.”
“I’m in. I’m so in, I’m all in and if that makes us crazy then… Then I wanna be crazy with you.”
“Kissing you sounds really good right now.” “Listen, just because I said I’m in this for the long haul doesn’t mean you get to see me before our first date. If anything, this makes things more romantic.” “Okay okay, I’ll listen to you. You better be prepared because this first kiss, it’s gonna be the most epic kiss you’ll ever get.” “I’m waiting in eager anticipation, Doctor Feelgood.”
“It’s feels wrong to like it when you call me that.”
“You’re a real charmer. I would love to keep up the sexy talk, but Bridezilla is here and I’m pretty sure she’s going to rip my head off. Talk later?”
“Don’t we always. Thanks… for hearing me out. And being there. And being you. I can’t wait to kiss you.”
“I can’t wait to kiss you eit-“
“Have fun, call me if you need an alibi.”
  Wednesday 1:18 PM
had to hide in the bathroom 
the living room is covered in glitter 
Aren’t you used to that? Being a teacher and all?
ohhhhhh no 
i have banned the use of glitter in my house and classroom
i’m not a monster
Oh glad to know you have your wits about you. 
of course i do
my only slipup ever has been the time i drunk texted that phone number that was graffitied in a bar bathroom
oh wait
Hahaha very funny. By the way, I thanked Cristina profusely and even bought her a coffee.
what are we thanking cristina for? For putting my phone number up in the bathroom. I might need you to go and scratch it out though. I don’t need any other drunk teachers at bachelorette parties texting me, I’ve met my quota. 
well that was oddly touching
you’re a big softy aren’t you doctor evil spawn
I’m a pediatric surgeon, I think that tells you everything you need to know.
you’re making some very good points here
oh shit she found me
i’ll be back (hopefully)
I have a bone to pick with bridezilla. She keeps taking my texting buddy away.
  Wednesday 6:06 PM
good god i’m gonna die before we get to this wedding
i just had to pack chocolate almonds into tiny little bags and tie them with bows
You seem to have a lot of strong feelings about almonds.
i can't feel my fingers
If you can’t feel your fingers how are you texting me? i’m making siri do it for me while i lay on the floor drinking wine
I’m so proud of you. I’m on NICU overnight duty, so I have to stay awake and I’m bored. 
shouldn’t you be like… taking care of the babies? Oh these kids are fighters. I just gotta make sure they don’t rip off their tubes.
well it seems like you have an easy night
Until I die of boredom or hunger. Whichever one happens first.
i’m pretty sure you’re the doctor here so you know that won’t happen
Wow, you really pulled the doctor card on me huh? of course i did, it’s like you don’t even know me
You’re right I should’ve expected that. Gotta do rounds, I’ll text you in a bit.
  Wednesday 8:28 PM
I’m pretty sure it was my turn to bring you food, not the other way around.
i sent the egg rolls and chow mein! 
apparently you’re a regular because the guy at the restaurant suggested everything else and offered to deliver it to you
Thank you, you did kind of save my night. This chicken chow mein is amazing.
it’s my favorite
just like you :) Now who’s the softy? i’m a fourth grade teacher, i think that tells you everything you need to know
Touche. Okay now I really have to go be a doctor. Thank you again for dinner, one more week until we get to see each other.
the happy dance i just did was embarrassing, that’s how excited i am
  Thursday 10:28 AM
if I never have to participate in another wedding it’ll be too soon
i’m so exhausted I wish I was in a room filled with fourth graders instead of here
Don’t you wanna get married someday?
if I ever get married i’m going to the courthouse and getting pizza after
that’s my dream wedding
At least you don’t wanna spend 10k on a couple hours of celebrating. Pizza is as good a celebration as any in my book. 
exactly you get it 
pizza and beer trumps uncomfy dress and socializing with people any day
What’s bridezilla got you doing today?
making table numbers and centerpieces today
then we drive up tomorrow night
then I get shit faced at the open bar
At least you know what your agenda is. 
that’s always my wedding agenda 
hopefully I won’t puke on my shoes this time
That would be a funny wedding story though, good for small talk. 
you’re right maybe I should peueowownspdjd
Did you have a stroke? 
Jo’s phone has been confiscated so she can focus all of her attention on helping with wedding preparations. She’ll get it back later today. Sincerely, Bridezilla 
  Thursday 4:17 PM
Incoming Phone Call
“I have to call my mom, I’ll be right back!”
“Jo that excuse doesn’t work, we all know you don’t have a mom!”
“So now you’re lying to talk to me?”
“Hey you saw what Bridezilla did earlier! I had to run out the door while she went pee so she wouldn’t catch me.”
“You’re willing to risk death for me? You really do care.”
“I love her but she’s suffocating me and all I want is to get drunk and possibly make out with you.”
“Mmm should I come by and rescue you?”
“No! No, I really wanna make out with you but I wanna wait. Just six more days.”
“Six days. I promise there will be beer and pizza and lots of kissing.”
“Good. That’s the only thing getting me through this weekend. I gotta go back, but I’ll text you as soon as I can.”
“I’ll be relentlessly staring at my phone until my friends make fun of me or you text, whatever happens first. Bye Jo.”
“Bye Alex.”
  Thursday 8:33 PM
good god I finally got her to leave
only because I reminded her we have a bunch of shit to do tomorrow
I need a drink
Take a shot of Fireball for me. I’m on my final overnight shift before my weekend vacation. 
done, one for me and one for you
Jesus woman you’re unstoppable. 
well I do try to be a borderline alcoholic in my day to day life
(that was sarcasm)
You’re hilarious. And my favorite person to talk to. 
right back at ya doctor feel good
I gotta sleep, i’m tired as hell and were leaving early tomorrow 
Sleep well, I’ll talk to you tomorrow Bar Princess. 
  Friday 9:47 AM
Incoming Phone Call
“Mmm hello?”
“Hi it’s me, I’m sorry it’s so early, I know you probably haven’t slept much.”
“S’okay, you know I like hearing your voice.”
“I just wanted to say bye. I mean not forever, but the wedding is gonna keep me busy all weekend and I don’t even know if we’ll have service. So this’ll be the longest we’ve gone without talking.”
“You’re rambling, Jo.”
“I know, I know. I just… I’m gonna miss talking to you at all hours of the day. Especially when You Know Who gets all psycho.”
“Mmm well I’ll see you on Wednesday right? That’s…”
“Five days.”
“Exactly. Five days away. Not that long.”
“I know.”
“You already said that. Are you attached to my lingering presence?”
“Maybe, maybe not. I gotta go, Steph is about to leave without me. But you should check your doorstep.”
“Damn it Jo, it’s my turn not yours. Thank you anyways though, I always love that you think of me.”
“Only all the time. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye Alex.”
“Goodbye Jo.”
6 notes · View notes
timoothy · 5 years
I love your writing it’s amazing! Could you maybe do a fic where Paul is tired of hearing Ted moan about Henry and Emma is tired of hearing Henry rant about Ted, so they set them up?
Thank you and I love this omg! Alright, I tried my best, even though I‘m not sure if this is exactly what you imagined. The idea was so good and this turned out so damn bad, I’m sorry
(this is set during the apocalypse. Henry, Ted, Emma and Paul just kind of live in the fortress, I didn’t spend that much time on the setting)
“And like.. I’m not into him?! ..Nah, I’m not into him. I just think he’s kind of handsome, you know?”, Ted says. Paul nods. He already zoned out by now. They‘ve been in the living room for what feels like hours and Ted won‘t stop talking about Henry (who he‘s definitely not into).
”He’s so handsome, Paul. And he could, like.. get it, you know?”
“Wait you think that too?”
“What? No.”
“Thank god.. I mean not that I would have a chance anyway, but still.”
“You don’t think I have a chance?”
“Jesus Ted! Just tell him maybe?”
“Woah! No need to fucking snap at me.”
“Sorry. It’s just.. you keep talking about him, but you never actually act on it.”
“Because I can’t just tell him? What the fuck is wrong with you Paul?”
“You’re just gonna keep talking about him?”
“Yes? I listened to your pathetic whining about Emma too, so cope the fuck with it.”
„Man, he might like you too.”
For the first time in like an hour, Ted is quiet.
“You think so?”, he mumbles, after about a minute.
“Ted, seriously?”
“I was just asking!”
“I don’t know. Maybe? You’ll never know if you don’t ask.”
“Ted please just tell him.”
“Hell no.”
“I can’t.”
“Then stop whining about it.”
“Well sorry that I’m sharing my thoughts with you.”
“Don’t do this now.”
“It’s just.. Henry’s so smart. He’s too smart for me, isn’t he?”
“Yeah, you’re right, he is. God, I just really wish I was that smart.”
Paul groans and buries his face in his hands. This will keep going for a while. But they’re still locked in Henrys house and the aliens are outside. He can’t just leave. They‘ve been living in there for a little over a month now. Long enough for Henry to be okay with all of them using his first name. And Paul‘s gonna loose his sanity if he has to spend another month with Ted ranting about how handsome and smart and perfect Henry is.
Emma yawns. Henry and her have been in the lab for a few hours now. He wanted her help. But she doesn‘t actually have that much to do and he just keeps coming back to ranting about Ted for some reason. It’s like they talk about something else for a few minutes and then he starts talking about Ted again. This has been going on for the last two to three weeks.
“I feel like Ted is just always so mysterious. I can‘t characterize him by any means.“
Emma nods.
“Yeah, no. I just think he’s always so unnecessarily mean“, she wearily replies.
“Mean? No.”
“Professor, did you just bring me here to talk about Ted again?”
“Of course not!”
“You know he’s into you, right?”
Henry blushes now and quickly turns away, so Emma doesn’t see.
“What? No, of course he’s not. That is ridiculous Emma.”
“It’s true!”
“He’s so young.”
“I think he’s actually a little older than Paul. Like 40 or something.”
“And you say he’s unnecessarily mean?”
”Probably not to you. Because he’s into you. He just stops making noises and stares instead, when you enter the room.”
“I don’t believe you’re right.”
“Uh, yeah, I am.”
“Well, like I said before, I think he’s mysterious.”
“You also think that’s hot?”
“Emma! I did not say that.”
Emma chuckles now. “Of course not.”
They’re all watching the news. It kind of became habitual, something they‘re doing every evening. Of course they all hope that it will be good news this time. But most times there‘s nothing about Hatchetfield at all and if there is, it‘s just bad news. Not unlike today. Apparently even more soldiers who were sent there never returned.
Ted is sitting right next to Henry and genuinely tries not to freak out over their shoulders almost touching.
He doesn‘t even concentrate on the news anymore. Only on Henry. Henry Henry Henry. Jesus fucking Christ.
He tries his best not to stare, but he can‘t help but notice how Henrys hands started shaking.
“Are you alright?”, he brings himself to ask.
Henry looks up, meeting Teds gaze. He looks genuinely surprised.
“Yes!.. yes, of course.”
Henry interlaces his fingers, perhaps to stop his hands from shaking. He‘s clasping them so strong, that his knuckles go white.
Ted hesitates, before he reaches out and puts his hand over Henrys. Henry loosens his grip, so Ted can actually take his hand. Henry then stares at their hands for a while, before he looks up.
They’re so focused on each other now, that they don’t even notice how Paul and Emma sneak out and close the door.
“It’s alright. We will get out of here someday. We kinda have to. At the latest when they‘ll carry our dead bodies out of here”, Ted says now, mildly joking around as he tries to lighten the mood.
“I feel like we’ll be stuck in Hatchetfield for quite some time”, Henry says.
“You don’t think anyone will come and save us?”
“I doubt it.”
“Yeah?” Ted gets nervous now, while Henry eyes him uncertainly.
“Never mind”, he just says and pulls his hands out of Teds grip. Henry seems to be getting up and Ted quickly holds him back, pushing his hand against Henrys chest.
They’re both surprised by that.
“Sorry”, Ted quickly mumbles, before he pulls his hand back.
“What is it?”
“Just.. do you think we’ll die in here?”
Henry smiles, seemingly deep in thought now. “I don’t know Ted.”
“You didn’t theorize that part?”
“I‘m afraid I know less than you think I know.”
Henry looks up to him again. They stare at each other until Ted leans closer, making Henry forget to breath for a second.
“If we’re gonna die in here..” He stops, his gaze wanders down to Henrys lips.
“Then what?”, Henry manages to say.
“Then..” He hesitates, biting his lip now. Henry leans even closer to him and then Ted kisses him. He only realizes what he’s doing, after his lips hit Henrys soft ones. Then he pulls back and just stares at Henry. Hesitant and also a little scared. Henry kisses him again, this time it lasts for a few more seconds, before Ted breaks it off again.
“Fuck”, he mumbles, seemingly out of breath already, “Sorry.”
Then he just gets up and leaves the room, leaving Henry alone and confused.
He goes for his room, closing the door and leaning against it.
“Fuck“, he mutters, “Fuck, fuck.. fuck.”
Why did it have to feel so fucking good? Ted was not prepared for that. Everything inside his head went crazy, he probably lost his mind, back there in the living room. He knew he was attracted to Henry. He knew that. But he was not ready for the flood of warm and fuzzy feelings, that quite literally just swamped and drowned him.
And then he fucked up. He fucked up so bad, it’s embarrassing. He‘s even too embarrassed to tell Paul.
She flinches. “Fuck! What?” She turns around and hesitates when she sees the devastation in Henrys face.
“Can we talk?”
“Uh, sure.”
Henry eyes Paul, before he adds an “Alone?”
Paul quickly gets up. “Sure.”
He leaves their room and then it’s just Emma and Henry left.
“What happened?”
“You’re right. He’s unnecessarily mean.”
“What happened?”
“He.. nothing.”
“So you just came to tell me that he‘s unnecessarily mean?”
“Henry”, he mumbles. Paul and Ted got used to calling him by his first name way faster than Emma.
“Yeah, right. Sorry. Just tell me what he did and I can kill him for you.”
“Don’t kill him please.”
“No, I won’t. That’s just.. never mind. I’m listening.”
“He kissed me.”
“Yesterday. In the living room where we watched the news minutes before.”
Emma’s not really sure how she’s supposed to react. “How was it?”, she decides to ask.
Henry hesitates. It’s not like the kiss was bad. Henry did actually enjoy it. He enjoyed every single second of it. He’s simply not sure how Ted feels about it (even though he was the one who started it in the first place to be perfectly clear).
“It.. I..” He just stops. He’s at a complete loss of words now, as he remembers all of the things Ted made him feel yesterday. He reached for his hand first, making Henry feel all muddled and warm. And when Henry leaned in, Ted actually kissed him and made him feel even more flustered
“Emma..”, he mutters now and looks at her, helplessly.
“You’re gonna have to talk to him, you know?”
“Professor-..Henry.. come on dude.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do this. He’ll have to talk to me first.”
Ted does find the courage to talk to Paul again, after two days of saying absolutely nothing. Paul almost thought that Ted would actually stop. (But obviously he was wrong)
“Hey Paul.”
“Hey man.”
“How are you doing?” Ted leans against the kitchen counter and slides closer to Paul, while nervously fiddling with his tie too.
“You wanna talk about how you kissed Henry and left?”
Ted hesitates.
“Yeah. ..how do you know?”
“Emma told me.”
“And Henry told her? What else did he say? Did he like it? Oh god he hated it right? I should have asked before I kissed him. I probably shouldn’t have left too.”
“Yeah I think the part were you left wasn’t exactly the best idea.”
“I know. Shit.”
“Jesus Ted! We left you two alone so you can actually confess your feelings for each other. Not for you to pull a shit ass stunt like that!“
“Oh that’s why you left.”
“Listen, Henry keeps telling Emma about you, you keep telling me about him and by now we both have enough. Just sort it out man.”
“He talks about me?”
“What does he say?”
“I don’t know.”
“Does he like me?”
“I don’t know. How about you ask him?”
“He must hate me, now that I just fucked off after I kissed him.”
“You think so?”
Paul sighs. “I don’t know.”
“I mean I do. I think so. But I hope he doesn’t because I’d love to kiss him again someday. It was great.”
“You’re an asshole Ted.”
“You keep talking about how great he is, but when you actually had the chance to tell him, you just kissed him and left. Who does that?”
“I panicked! Jesus Christ Paul!”
“Yeah that justifies absolutely nothing.”
“Can you stop being to brutally blunt? I already feel bad.”
“Apologize to him then.”
“I’m not good at apologizing.”
“Ted, if you like him, you’ll do it. You like him right?”
“Yeah. I just didn’t know I actually like him. I never felt that much shit while kissing someone.”
“But that’s good, isn’t it? You actually have a heart.”
“Woah, thanks Paul.”
“You’re welcome. Now go talk to him.”
“Now? No. I’m not ready, I’ll do it tomorrow.”
Ted just leaves again and Paul sighs. Ted will probably never do it.
“I don’t care anymore, Emma. Believe it or not, I’m over it.”
“Oh you’re over it?”
“Is that why you’ve been talking about him for the past..”, she glances at the clock, “hour?”
“Professor, it’s late. Don’t you wanna go to bed or something?”
“No, I don’t.”
“Well, I do.”
Emma gets up, yawning now. She didn’t dare to interrupt him during his monologue, mostly because she felt bad. He’s so hopelessly devoted to Ted by now and apparently they haven’t talked to each other since the awkward kiss.
“Are you gonna be alright?”, she asks.
He nods. “Good night Emma.”
“Good night.”
She leaves the room and sneaks into hers and Pauls. They didn’t always share, but Henrys house doesn’t have that many rooms and now that they’re together, it would be rude to keep making Ted sleep on the couch.
It’s late and she doesn’t want to wake him, which is why she enters the room as quiet as possible. Except he’s still awake.
“Were have you been that long?”, he asks, almost amused at how slowly she sneaks through the door.
“I had to listen to the Professor ranting about Ted. Apparently he’s over him now.”
“Oh. Well Ted’s not. He‘s been whining about it all day. I can‘t take this anymore. We should just.. cuff them together until they sorted it out.“
Emma looks up. “Paul you‘re a genius.“
“Let‘s lock them in a room or something. Let‘s set them up.“
“Emma that‘s crazy.“
“Seriously, if I have to listen to Hidgens talking about damn Ted again, I‘m gonna feed myself to the aliens.“
“Please don‘t.“
She smiles. “Help me then.”
“Emma seriously?”
“Just help me lock them in a room for like an hour. Please.“
Paul hesitates, but he nods at last.
“Professor, can you help me?”
“Sure. What is it?”
“Follow me.”
“Please tell me those creatures didn’t break through the fences.”
“No, it’s not that bad, just..”, she stops and waits for him to enter his bedroom. For some reason that’s the only room, that she and Paul could find a key for (besides the bathroom, but that would be rude, right?).
He hesitates when he realizes, Emma waited next to the door.
“What is it now, Emma?”
“We have to wait for the others.”
“Why are we here?”
“Oh you can see it best out of this particular window.”
He frowns, walking over to the window now.
“Jesus Paul, stop pulling on my arm, I’m fucking coming.”
There comes Ted. He stops when he sees Henry, who turned around by now. Paul slowly pushes him into the room, making him stumble a little.
“Now talk”, he just says, before he leaves and Emma closes the door.
“What?”, Ted mumbles, before he realizes what this is. He turns around to go for the door, but it’s too late. There’s already the quiet clicking sound as they lock it.
Ted hesitates, before he turns around to Henry again.
“Did they lock it?”, Henry asks.
Ted nods, mumbling a quiet “Fuck”.
Silence crawls over the room as both of them realise how awkward this is. They kissed three days ago and have been deliberately avoiding each other since.
“Do you hate me? Like are you mad?”, Ted finally brings himself to ask.
“No, why would I?”
“I don’t know. Because I kissed you and fucked off maybe.“
“I don’t hate you.” Obviously he couldn’t, even if he wanted to.
“I would understand it though”, Ted notes.
“Ted, I really don’t have the wits to decipher you.”
“Decipher me?”
“You are.. mysterious.”
“Oh. Like in a sexy way?”
Henry stays quiet and avoids his gaze now, as he tries to hide his smile. Of course in a sexy way. He lightly shakes his head though. Ted doesn’t have to know.
“I behaved like a fucking scumbag and I’m sorry.” Ted finally found the courage to say it.
“It’s alright Ted.”
“It’s not.”
“No, it is.”
“I’m just not good at this.”
“You made me feel things.”
“Oh.” Well, Henry certainly did not see that coming. He‘s getting more nervous now and starts fumbling with the fabric of the curtains to hide his trembling hands. Good God.
“You know like.. romantic things?”, Ted continues, expanding the ‘romantic’.
“I figured.”
Ted stares at Henry, while nervously chewing his lip.
“Did you.. I don’t know, feel things too?”, he then proceeds to ask. He hesitantly steps closer to Henry, carefully reaching for his hand, pulling it away from the curtains and into his. “If not, that’s alright, just say it. But.. you know, I hope you did.”
Henry just stares at Teds hand, which is now fiddling with his. It’s kind of cute, really, and he can’t help but smile. He tries to find the strength to actually say something, but his throat feels more dry than ever and even though he manages to open his mouth, he doesn’t manage to say a single word. Ultimately he settles on nodding.
Ted steps even closer. He lets go of Henrys hand now and cups his face instead.
“Ted..”, Henry mumbles.
“Sorry.” Ted takes a few steps back, slowly catching himself. “It‘s shit that we can‘t actually go anywhere, because I‘d love to take you on a date.”
Henry just keeps staring at Ted, too nervous and baffled to actually say something. His heart is beating at a rate, that‘s surely not healthy anymore.
“I can cook for you!“, Ted exclaims now, “I mean actually I can’t but I can try.”
Henry smiles, finally finding his voice again too. “You don’t have to cook for me, Ted.”
“Good, because I really don’t want to poison you. I quite like you actually.”
“You do.”
Henry brings his head up to Teds neck and starts to nervously play with his hair, while he tries to find the courage to actually say it back.
“Can you forgive me?”, Ted asks now.
“Forgive you?”, Henry whispers, before he swallows at the lump in his throat.
“Yes, for treating you like shit. You didn’t deserve it.”
“Okay.. yes, I will.” To be honest, Henry already forgave Ted after he said, he ‘felt things’. That was too much for his heart.
“Like..I get it if you don’t want me anymore or.. if you never wanted me. That’s cool. Just..wanted to apologize.”
“It’s alright. Nobody wants that.”
Ted points at himself and Henrys heart goes heavy in a quick second.
“Oh. No. No, I do. I want you Ted.”
Teds eyes widen, the corners of his mouth move up.
“You do?”
“Oh.. Well, uhm congratulations I am still available”, Ted says, stumbling over his own words in his delight.
Henry just smiles and lightly shakes his head, before he leans in and places a delicate kiss on Teds lips. Then he eyes him, unsure now. It takes him a moment, but then Ted leans over to Henry and kisses him again. In a hesitant way, as if he’s still trying, still testing, what’s okay. Henry reaches for his head now, carefully pulling him closer in a more confident kiss. Ted reaches for Henry‘s waist, holding onto it like he tries to keep his balance, keep himself on earth too. He already lost his mind a few minutes ago anyway. His legs feel weak, like jelly, like they‘re gonna give in at any moment. He completely forgot to breath and backs away from Henry now, catching his breath.
“Are you going to leave again?”, Henry asks, also out of breath.
Ted shakes his head. “Hell no.”
Henrys lips show a relieved smile and Ted just has to kiss them again. He carefully starts pushing Henry towards the bed too, because his legs really are going to give in soon, if they’re gonna keep kissing and Ted hasn’t planned on stopping anytime soon. They kind of stumble and ungracefully fall onto the mattress, pulling each other closer again right away. Then they lay there and cuddle, all tangled up. And they kiss, they kiss a lot. Until there‘s a knock on the door, causing both of them to flinch an quickly separate. Ted almost falls off the bed. He would have, if it wasn’t for Henry getting a hold of his shoulder and pulling him back.
“Guys?” It’s Emma. “Are you still in there?”
“Where else would we be?”, Ted answers, rolling onto his stomach and over to Henry, wrapping his arm around Henrys chest, who’s still laying on his back. He brings his hand up to Henrys cheek, carefully tracing his cheekbone, later his lips, with his finger. Henry smiles.
“I’m gonna unlock the door”, Emma says.
They don’t answer, too focused on each other now.
“Are you alright? I’m gonna come in.”
The door swings open and there she is.
“Wait it actually worked?”, she asks, after a few seconds of staring in surprise.
“Looks like it.” Ted puts his head down on Henrys chest now. “But I swear to god, if you ever lock me somewhere again, I will cut you-” Henry puts his hand over Teds lips, making him shut up. He’s smiling now.
“Don’t be mean”, he whispers.
“Sorry”, Ted mutters.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it”, Emma says, backing out of the door and closing it again.
Henry pulls Ted closer, with Ted reacting immediately and snuggling his head into Henrys neck (but only after placing a few kisses there).
“Are you like my boyfriend now?”, he then asks. For some reason, he’s still fearing a no.
“If you want me to”, Henry answers, also fearing a no.
“Yeah, duh.”
Henry smiles. He lets his fingers run through Teds hair and places a kiss on his forehead, before whispering a quiet but content “okay”.
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moonraccoon-exe · 5 years
It’s rainy and cold where you live? Ugh, I wish I was there. It’s so incredibly hot here. It’s like Ifrit turned Germany into his personal barbecue or something. Picture me like a puddle on the floor. Hopefully we both get the weather we wish for soon. :3 But besides that it’s nice here. My mom‘s garden is flourishing like crazy. We have the garden Eden over here. I‘m sending you lots of good vibes to get through the bad weather!
Yah, it’s been rainy, thank the Astrals!! It had been SO DAMN HOT over here too, like, disgustingly hot. I couldn’t sleep just because it was that hot, and maccoonie raccoonie even had to wear shorts sometimes. I’m super timid about that because they’re always talking about how pale my legs are XD But I couldn’t stand it and had to go with em shorts. It was horrible!
But thankfully the god of rain was merciful and came to the rescue. I’m scared of storms, the louder they are the scarier it is, but I’ve had luck even in that; it rains and is cloudy, which I like, no heat, I got to wear a cozy big sweater yesterday, and the rains haven’t been the scary kind either! It’s like the weather knew how messed the heat was and is now trying to balance it ahahsdkfg it feels so goooooood
I’m so sorry that you guys are roasting, though! My other pal from Germany has been telling me abot the heat too (getting to even 30° AT NIGHTS? JESUS CHRIST). I don’t think you exaggerate when you say it feels like Ifrit decided to make his personal barbeque over there. Hopefully it calms down at least to something more bearable soon! D:
Lemme add a keep reading real quick! :3 
I betcha it looks BEAUTIFUL! Your mommy must take lots of good care of it, it’s the only way gardens grow so pretty and so much and so fast :3 DATS AWSOM. Enjoy of that garden! Precious plants feel like I-don’t-know-what that makes them feel gentle and like friends, so you go pet one for me okeh? <3
Aaaaaaahhhhhhh, thank you Peridot! I wouldn’t call it bad weather anymore now that we have some gentle rain and cloudy days! My parents don’t like cloudy but dammit I do. At least I can grab a blankie or a sweater, BUT WHAT DO I DO WITH THE HEAT. DO I TEAR AWAY MY SKIN. NO THANKS
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sea-anon · 6 years
Pretty long excerpt from the book I’m writing
Ch 11.
“If you keep bringing people home we’re going to have to expand.” Bravo sat on the bed. Everyone else had gone to bed ages ago. She had been going through some of the other rooms and found a purse with a few balls of yarn and a crochet hook inside.
Delta sat next to her and watched her hands deftly work through the yarn. “What are you doing?”
“I’m making a blanket. It’ll get cold soon.”
“It’s July.”
“Which means it’s almost August. And that means it’s almost October, which means it’s practically Christmas.”
Delta sighed, smiling. “You’re insane.”
“That so?” Bravo raised an eyebrow. She put down the soon-to-be blanket and stretched her arms, “What are you gonna do, lock me away in some asylum?”
“A tower, more like. ‘Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your… crocheted… blanket thing.’” Delta shrugged, leaning back on her hands. “It’s a work in progress.”
“Your stories would put the Grimm brothers to shame,” Bravo tipped her head onto the other girl’s shoulder and Delta froze. Bravo, however didn’t notice and kept talking. “Of course they have a good 200 stories on you.”
Delta smiled a little, still unmoving even though her wrists hurt from the awkward position her hands were in. “Well at least, uh,” Damn it. She couldn’t think of anything witty to say. Bravo shifted a little bit to look at her, and Delta smiled apologetically, “I don’t have a comeback for that.”
Bravo sat up straight and Delta immediately missed the contact. Bravo turned to sit cross legged on the bed facing her, “I think the other thing I miss is romance stories.”
“Like romantic comedies and stuff. Even when you felt like you were alone in the world, you could watch some shitty Adam Sandler rom-com and think ‘Boy, if he can fall in love, so can I.’”
She nodded, “Another thing I miss is community theatre.”
Bravo looked surprised, “You miss community theatre? You?”
“Yeah. I did a lot of that stuff before I went in the army. I was pretty damn good at it, too. Singing, dancing, pretending to be someone else for a few hours always made me feel better.” She sighed. “The family I was with the longest always hated it. They always said ‘I don’t want you turning into a faggot like all those other dykes.’”
“Yeah. But, turns out, I am gay so take that dad number five. I don’t think it’s theatre that did it though.”
“What do you mean?”
“I thought I was straight for a long time. I thought every girl thought boys were nasty. I thought I liked holding hands with girls more because, you know, friendship. It wasn’t till I turned 18 and went out with my friends to celebrate that a drunk girl kissed me and everything snapped into place.”
Bravo laughed. “Yeah I get that. I knew when I was fifteen, playing spin the bottle with my friends. This girl, I remember she had blue hair because it matched her eyes so well, she was a year, maybe two older than me. She was really gentle. She held my face in her hands and asked if I was comfortable with being kissed.” Delta looked down at her lap and smiled. “ ‘Course she’s probably dead now. But it’s still a nice memory.”
They were quiet for a minute. When Delta looked up, the other girl was staring at her with a strange expression on her face. “What’s wrong?”
She snapped out of her reverie immediately. “What?”
“You look upset.”
“Oh… no. I’m just thinking. Do you ever wonder what could’ve been if we’d met before all this happened?”
“Do you think we’d’ve been friends?”
Delta bit her lip. She’d often imagined what they could’ve been if they’d met before and none of this had ever happened. She thought about them a lot, but never as friends. “Yeah.”
Bravo stood up and stretched her back. She cupped Delta’s face with one hand and kissed her on the forehead. “Sleep tight.”
She turned to leave, but Delta caught her wrist. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, steadying her voice. “Will you stay with me tonight? I don’t want to be alone.”
The other girl smiled, “Of course.”
Ch. 12
Holyshitholyshitholyshit she asked me to sleep with her jesus christ and angels above thank god. Bravo grinned. Delta had given her a pair of shorts to wear to bed before going to take a shower. Her hands were shaking, what if she snored? What if she talked in her sleep? Would Delta make fun of her? She took off her bra without taking off her shirt and stripped out of her jeans. It might be July but damn was it cold in here. She pulled the shorts on quickly and moved her crocheting to a chair instead of the bed. She sat down, trying to look nonchalant and started crocheting again. Her hands were too shaky and she couldn’t concentrate. She wondered if Delta was a big spoon or a little spoon. She wondered if she didn’t like to cuddle at all. That would be an issue, although there were enough pillows on the bed she was sure she could hug one of them. Oh god what if she drooled in her sleep? She leaned her head back against the wall, barely registering that the shower had turned off and the door opened.
“You ok?” Her head snapped up. Delta was wrapped in a towel, her hair wet from the shower. Holy shit she was practically naked. Bravo blushed and Delta must’ve noticed her staring because she apologized, “I left my clothes out here. Bad habit, I know.”
“N-no, sorry I just…”
She struck a flirty pose, “Like what you see?”
Shit. She laughed, blushing more furiously than ever, “No, that’s not it, I just, sorry. I’ll turn around so you can get dressed.”
She smirked, “Alright then.”
Bravo faced the wall and covered her red face with her hands. Why me?
“You can turn around now,” she said. H o l y s h i t. She was wearing the Hayley Kiyoko shirt and-- was she wearing shorts? Bravo swallowed hard, feeling her face heat up again. The other girl pulled down the covers on one side of the bed and sat down. “You better come lay down unless you wanna walk over here in the dark.”
Bravo sat on the bed opposite her and Delta blew out the candles illuminating the room. The room felt tiny without light or sound. Bravo had wished so often and so hard for just this opportunity, sometimes imagining the other girl pulling her close and their breath mingling sweetly until she couldn’t take it anymore and pulled her in for a kiss. Sometimes she imagined just enough moonlight streaming into the room that she could see her and Delta would prop herself up on her elbow and just look at her, silhouetted by a blue glow. They would barely be able to see each other and she would smile, just happy to lay next to her. Other times though, she would imagine Delta over her with one hand on either side of her head and their kisses would be sweet but rough and desperate, her lips soft but chapped, capturing hers over and over.
“It’s quiet tonight.” she settled for whispering like teenagers at a sleepover.
“Mmhmm. They must still be down the street at the department store. I don’t think they saw us come back here.”
“Good.” Bravo laid her head on the other girl’s chest. This time she did notice when Delta froze up. “Are you okay?”
“Mmhm.” She wrapped her arm around Bravo, who listened to her heart beating a mile a minute in her chest.
“Are you sure? Your heart rate’s really high.”
“I‘m ok. Really.”
She could’ve stayed right there forever. But when she put her arm around the other girl and she flinched, she knew something was up. “What’s wrong?”
She sat up, “Come on. You can’t lie to me.”
Delta sighed and relit the candles. “Promise you won’t make a big deal?”
She blinked, “No?”
She tried to sit up but Bravo pushed her shoulders back to the bed and straddled her hips. She pushed her shirt up and gasped. Delta had a huge gash on her side. “It’s not a big deal.”
“Not a big deal? Jesus Christ, Delta! This could be infected. You could have gangrene! Or worse, you could have what they’ve got!” She gestured to the window.
“Relax honey. It happened when we went and got the girl. If I was gonna turn it would’ve happened already. Besides, it’s not even bleeding anymore.”
“Don’t move.” Bravo ran out of the room. She went upstairs and grabbed a roll of gauze, pads, a sewing needle, thread, and some rubbing alcohol. She muttered to herself as she rushed back to Delta’s room. “Fucking idiot, could’ve got herself killed.”
Delta was sitting where she left her. “That was fast.”
“Shut up.” She tugged on Delta’s shirt, not wanting to hurt her, “Take this off.”
“You know, if you wanted to see me topless you could’ve just asked.” She grinned, but Bravo’s glare shut her up fast. She pulled the shirt over her head. Bravo took a deep breath. Of course she wasn’t wearing a bra. She hadn’t known Delta had so many tattoos. A large sunflower on her shoulder with a number underneath it. On either side of her shoulders, Bravo could just barely see feathers.
“This might hurt a little.” She took a towel from the bathroom and laid it doubled up under Delta’s side. She poured a little bit of alcohol over the wound. The other girl hissed in pain, but Bravo ignored it. “This is definitely going to hurt. A lot.”
She threaded the needle, dipped the whole thing in alcohol and started stitching the gash closed. Delta practically sobbed, so Bravo stopped for a second and looked at her, eyes softening. “I’m sorry. It has to be done or it won’t heal properly.”
“I didn’t ask you to play doctor like I’m some sort of-of child. I don’t need your help.”
“Deep breath. I need to finish stitching you up.”
“I don’t want your help.”
Bravo glared at her. “That’s not going to stop me from taking care of you.”
She winced each time she pushed the needle through her skin and pulled the thread through after it, closing the wound stitch by stitch. When she finished, she poured a little more alcohol over it before pressing a cotton pad over it and starting to wrap gauze around her waist, “I need you to sit up.”
She did. It was amazing how little pain showed on her face. Bravo wrapped her up until she thought the bandage would hold. She looked into the other girl’s eyes, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Delta laid back down and covered her face with her forearm, “Because I knew you’d freak out.”
The bandage was a stark white against her olive skin. She tried not to look at the other girl’s breasts, she really did. But she couldn’t help it. It was only for a second as she reached across her to get her shirt so she could put it back on, but the image would stay with her forever. They were round and bigger than she would’ve expected. She took a deep breath and forced herself to stop thinking about that. She turned the shirt right side out, “Sit up.”
Delta moved her forearm up to her forehead, “What?”
“Sit up, I need to put your shirt back on you and you need to go to sleep.”
“You’re still gonna stay with me, right?”
“If you want.” Bravo bit her lip and looked at the wall, “I don’t know if that’s a good idea though.”
“Why not?”
“Because-” Because she wanted to her to hold her close and kiss her. Because she was afraid that if she stayed she might say a million stupid things. Because a thousand things could happen, but mostly because if she stayed she’d never want to leave her side again. But she couldn’t tell her that. “Because you need to rest.”
“I can rest just as well if you’re next to me. Better, even because if I need help you’ll be there.” She’d never seen this side of her before. Bravo held up her shirt. “I don’t need to wear it.”
“I need you to. I’m not sleeping with you half naked.” Delta grinned and put the shirt on quickly. “Hey relax. I just patched you up. I’m not doing it again.”
She blew out the candles and crawled over the other girl, laying close. “Hey Bravo?”
“Tell me a secret.”
She smiled, saying the first thing that popped into her head, “I’m a libra.”
“Can I be the big spoon?”
@fandomssaremysoul this is the one I was telling you about
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peterkayscarshare · 6 years
Life in the Slow Lane Chapter 3 by OvertheRainbow
She hated arguments. Mainly because she was completely rubbish at them. She couldn’t do confrontation and inevitably ended up in tears within minutes. This time was no exception. It didn’t help that her journey back to Mandy’s had been to the soundtrack of Forever FM’s “Sunday Love Connection With DJ Danny Love”. The whole thing was cheesier than an extra large Margarita Pizza, with stuffed crust, cheese bites, cheesy garlic bread and maybe a fondue thrown in for good measure. She’d held it together through Van Halen’s “Why Can’t This Be Love?” but by the time the late great Whitney Houston had finished belting out the first chorus of “All The Man That I Need”, played with “All my love always” from Leanne in Oldham to Richie in Southport, she was a blubbing mess. That it triggered her memory of John, on their first official “date”, telling her about his dedication to her, that she’d missed by moments, really didn’t help her situation. Try as she might, she found it impossible to be angry with him. Frustrated yes but angry, no. Even if he could never bring himself to fully open up and give her any more than they currently had, even if he could never actually say the word “love”, preferring to make hints and coded references, even if this “thing” was never going to work out, even if he was destined to break her heart beyond any and all repair, it was his to break. It always would be and that was that. 
��As she finally parked up in front of the house that never really felt like home, Kayleigh took a moment to compose herself. Steve was in his usual location, doing exactly what he always did. Rain, hail or shine. Mandy was on the front step next to a large ladder, looking exasperated, gesticulating wildly and intermittently pointing up at the Christmas lights, which had been hanging precariously from the roof for the better part of a year. As Mandy’s tone varied from a “not in front of the neighbours” whisper, to a socially acceptable outdoor voice, to a full on bollocking, Kayleigh caught the general gist of the conversation, even from inside the car. It was best summed up by Mandy’s final, very audible declaration, “You’re a useless dickhead!” Mandy never had any qualms about venting a sense of anger in her relationship. Throughout the entire tirade, Steve had remained his usual sanguine self. Saying nothing and wiping a spanner on his oil stained shirt. She’d never fully understood the dynamic between her sister and Steve. Mandy had the Kitson feisty gene. Steve was utterly passive to the point of comatose. She wasn’t entirely sure how her sister hadn’t strangled him, or died of boredom by now and yet, somehow it just worked for them. She knew how this latest incident would play out. Steve would leave Mandy to “simmer down”, then eventually fix the lights, at his own pace and in his own time. He’d give Mandy a cuddle, whisper something doubtless filthy in her ear, she’d giggle and smack him on the backside and before long, they’d be disappearing up the stairs. Kayleigh would settle on the sofa with a brew, open her iPad, load up Netflix and put her headphones on. All while contemplating yet another night alone in that tiny box room with a cross trainer, 36 pairs of shoes, a set of Babyliss Crimpers and a plastic heart shaped lamp for company. At least now she could add in another pair of shoes, yippee. Steve tapped on the passenger side window, “You gettin’ out sometime today or what?” “You fixin’ those lights sometime this year, you lazy sod?” came her terse reply as she opened the drivers side door. “Don’t you start. I’ve already had it off your sister”. “I know. I heard. I‘m guessin’ they could probably hear it in Dundee!” “Yeah well, Mandy’s got no volume control.” “She’s got more bloody patience than I’d have, that’s for sure. You said you were takin’ them down the day after New Years! They’ve been hanging up there like an afterthought ever since. They almost came down entirely after that bad weather last month.” By now Kayleigh had retrieved her bags from the car and was heading up the driveway. Steve was still surveying their “festive light display”. “I don’t know. Maybe we should leave ‘em as they are. They look like...what do they call it?… shabby chic”. “They look like shabby shit. Mandy’s right. Get ‘em fixed”, with that Kayleigh went inside, leaving Steve to resume his avoidance of the inevitable.
 As she entered the hallway she could hear Mandy “negotiating” with Chloe and Alfie over the evening’s dinner options, “We’re having a roast!” “We want chicken dippers!” “I want a fortnight in St Lucia, all inclusive but it’s not gonna happen.” “It’s not fair!” “No you’re right. Unlike many others, you’re going to bed tonight with full stomachs and a roof over your heads. It really isn’t fair.” “Yeah but we won’t have chicken dippers!” “Your suffering is noted. I’ll call Simon Cowell, see if One Direction want to reform for a benefit gig.” “So, can we have them then?” “Eh...let me think about it...no.” “Muuummmm” “Chlooooeeeee. Both of you, zip it. We’re having a roast dinner. Any more complaints and it’ll be with extra veggies and no Yorkshire’s.” That appeared to do the trick and the pair retreated in defeat. Kayleigh smiled at her exasperated sister. “One of those days?” “Let’s just say it didn’t improve after you left. Sometimes it feels as though I’m tryin’ to manage three kids.” Looking at her bags Mandy asked, “D’ya get what you wanted?” Now there was a question. “I got some shoes and a couple of bits”. “Well then. Let’s see!” Kayleigh produced her purchases to much ooing and ahhing from her sister. “Those shoes will make your legs look incredible! You’ll knock John dead!” Kayleigh’s reaction, or rather lack of it, spoke volumes. “Oh no. Please tell me you haven’t gone and binned him off.” “No! Course not! We just had a difficult conversation earlier.” “Define “difficult””. “I sort of, off loaded on him. I was feeling frustrated and I did exactly what I always hate. I just let it all build up and then got stroppy with him. I don’t think he had a clue what was going on, I didn’t even give him a chance and it all just spiralled out of control. I’m ruining everything!” Suddenly Kayleigh burst into tears. Mandy immediately rushed over and embraced her sister, “Aw, sweetheart.” As she offered what comfort she could amid the loud sobs, Alfie wandered through the hall and declared, “See! Even Auntie Kayleigh wants chicken dippers.” Mandy’s response was swift, “She’s crying because I’ve just told her what’s going to happen if you mention them again!” Kayleigh found herself laughing despite herself. “Listen, I’ve got a roast on. Needless to say, our resident food critics approve. It’ll be an hour or so yet. Why don’t you have a lie down. I’ll give you a shout when it’s ready.” “Thanks Mand.” “You really do need to talk to him Kayleigh. This isn’t fair on either of you. You need to explain your feelings and try to get some answers and he needs a chance to understand you and give his side of things.” “I’ll give him a call after dinner.” “Good idea. It would be such a shame to throw it all away when the two of you just need to get on the same page.” “You’re right sis. I can’t lose him because of this. You know, talking’s always been so easy for us. We’ve never done awkward silences. Now we’ve found the one topic that’s guaranteed to be a conversation killer and it’s the one thing we actually need to talk about.” “Well, get some rest and then take on the unspeakable Wonder Woman.” “I’ll fetch me golden lasso and cuffs.” “Now that’ll definitely do the trick.” Mandy grinned and Kayleigh headed up the stairs in the hope that a quick snooze might help her formulate a plan.
 “Christ! Take it easy Lewis Hamilton!” John exclaimed, as he swayed precariously in the front passenger seat. “I thought you wanted to get there quickly, Miss Daisy!” “I do! I’d just rather it wasn’t in a bloody body bag.” “Can I assume we’re not heading to Bury for you to have a long overdue booty call.” “Not unless it involves her sticking her boot up me arse.” “Well, if that’s how you like it. I make no judgement. Each to their own.” John gave Jim some vicious side eye. “Where’s your sense of humour these days?” “I’m just finding it hard to laugh at the general fuck up that my life has become.” “I thought we sorted this back at Big Bob’s. You love her, you want her, you just need to get over feelin’ awkward and you can crack on.” “You make it sound so easy”. “It is John. You keep on makin’ it complicated and you may as well forget it. Have you ever actually told Kayleigh how you feel about her?” “She knows. She’s got to.” “How? She a mind reader on the sly?” “I wrote her a song for Christ’s sake! It was all about hearts and journeys and colours and shit and I meant every word of it too. What more does she want!?” “Hearts and journeys and colours?” “Yeah, you know, she walked away with me heart, made my journey through life lonely and turned my world to colour from black and white, that sort of thing.” “You’re no Gary Barlow mate.” “That’s not what she said.” “Yeah, well she’s your number one fan.” “You make her sound like a friggin stalker!” “Has it ever occurred to you that maybe she doesn’t want theatrics and riddles. Maybe she just wants to hear you say the word.” “What word?” “LOVE! You bloody idiot!” Why does that matter so much!” “Because it’s a small word that’s about as big as it gets. It doesn’t mean “Iike”, it doesn’t mean “fancy”, it doesn’t mean “You’ll do for now until something better shows up”. It means, you’re feeling it where it matters, where it counts and not just between your legs! It says you could hurt me...maybe even more than I could ever hurt you. That’s what’s freakin’ you out. Isn’t it?” John sighed, “Yeah. Yeah it is. I’d never cried over a woman until Kayleigh. I mean, I’ve been sad before, I’ve even gone off me food.” “Jesus! When were that!?” “Oy!” “Sorry”. “I know now that she can hurt me, more than I’ve ever been hurt before, because she did”. “Now there’s a lyric. Seriously though, do you really think that by just not sayin’ it, you can somehow not feel it. Do you think it’ll protect you? Cause if you think that’s the case, I’ve got one question for you mate...how’s that workin’ out for you?” John put his head back against the headrest and momentarily closed his eyes. It was a silent answer, which somehow spoke volumes. 
 The rest of their journey was spent in companionable silence, interspersed with occasional instructions on which direction to take, from John. Finally, they arrived on the familiar road that led to Mandy’s house, or as John always thought, to Kayleigh. His heart and his brain were currently competing in a race to the finish that neither seemed willing to concede. “It’s up here on the right. Number 25. It might have a green gazebo.” “A green gazebo!” “Yeah. Her sister’s fella Steve’s into fixin’ bikes.” “That still doesn’t explain the gazebo.” “Fuck the gazebo! It’s not even up!” “Alright John! Calm down.” “Sorry, it’s here with the shitty Christmas Lights. Right, this is it.” “D’ya want me to come with you or wait here?” “Christ! I hadn’t thought about that. I don’t know how long I’ll be. She might kick me out before I can get a word in edge ways. Either that or I’ll be here for ages. It’ll be a feast or a famine.” “Well, let’s take it as it comes shall we? You need me to make meself scarce for a bit, I’ll find a Maccie D’s. You can text me when you want me to come back.” “Cheers mate.” “Is that Steve?” “Yeah. He’s sound”. Steve was already waving at John. John and Jim both got out to greet him, “Alright Steve?” “Hey John mate. I wasn’t expecting to see you today!” Furtively looking back at an amused Jim, John attempted a casual reply, “Well, Yeah, we, eh, happened to be in the area and I just thought I’d stop by and say hello to Kayleigh. She about by any chance?” “Yeah, she’s just back from the shops. Front door’s on the snib. Go on in.” “Thanks pal. This is my mate Jim by the way. Jim, this is Steve.” “How do mate.” “How do. Nice bike. Ya can’t wack a Triumph. John’s Dad were into his bikes if I remember rightly. He had a Triumph at one point and...aw what were it called? John! What was the name of that bike your Dad had?” John was already heading for the front door as he replied, “A Land Devil. Steve knows. I gave him some bits from the garage”. Steve replied, “That were very decent of you by the way”. “No bother”. With that John disappeared inside as Steve and Jim stood awkwardly like two spare parts at a wedding. Suddenly Steve produced a flask, “Fancy a brew mate?” “Don’t mind if I do.” Steve poured the tea into the plastic cup at the top of the flask, then refilled his Robocop mug”. “Nice mug.” “Thanks”. Steve looked up to Kayleigh’s bedroom. Jim watched his gaze and followed it upwards in the direction of a window with a heart shaped lamp at its centre. “He in the dog house again?” “How did you guess?” “She gets in a right mood when she’s pissed off with him”. Jim sighed before ruminating, “I think they just need a good talk.” “You ask me they need a bloody good shag!” For a second nothing was said as the two men simply looked at each other, in silence, before they both simultaneously broke into laughter and toasted each other with their mugs. Steve reached down into an ancient biscuit tin and brandishing it in front of Jim enquired, “Hob Nob?” With that, the male bond was firmly created. 
 John announced his arrival by calling out, “Hello! It’s John”. Mandy was in the kitchen up to her neck in carrots. She was shocked to see him but couldn’t deny that she was also delighted for her sister, “John Redmond! As I live and breathe. What brings you to the bright lights of Bury? Could it be a certain red head by any chance”.  Offering her a kiss on the cheek John smiled, ‘Hey Mandy. You rumbled me. She accepting visitors?” “She’s having a lie down upstairs.” “Any chance I could....?” “I’m not sure if I want you to finish that sentence”. “I just want to talk to her Mandy. We need to sort a few things.” “Do me a favour. Try to sort them in a way that doesn’t disturb the neighbours or traumatise the kids.” John smiled and looked suitably sheepish. “Up the stairs, first on the right.” “Thanks Mandy”. “Oh and John, do ya want a bit of roast?” “I’d love to but me mate Jim’s here with me. He’s outside with Steve.” “He can join us too if he likes. I’ve got half a cow ‘ere.” “Thanks Mandy, you’re a good ‘um.” With that, she smiled and retreated to the kitchen as John took a deep breath, climbed the stairs and knocked on Kayleigh’s bedroom door. She’d been lying on the bed with her headphones on listening to an old eighties mix tape. She hadn’t heard the knock at the door, so when it opened and John’s face peaked in, she literally shrieked, “JOHN!” Misty immediately started barking from the back garden. Only Kayleigh could reach that octave. She pulled her headphones off and immediately jumped off the bed. John stood in the doorway, his eardrums struggling to recover. “What are you doing here?!” “Well. I remembered it’s Sunday and I thought you might like a cuddle and a Chinese....or a cuddle and Mandy’s roast...or maybe just a cuddle.” Kayleigh stood so still, that he began to be concerned about what was to come, then without warning, she threw her arms around him and promptly burst into tears. “Oh John. I’m sooo sorry. I was so horrible to you. I didn’t mean to be such a nasty cow.” “Hey, sweetheart. Don’t get upset. It’s ok. It’s ok. You weren’t a nasty cow. You don’t have a nasty bone in your lovely little body. Don’t cry love.” “I just love you so much John”. “Look at me.” With that Kayleigh pulled back and faced him, wiping the tears from her eyes. “I’ve never said this to anyone before and it’s because I’ve never meant it until now. I should have said it to you weeks ago. The truth is, I probably knew it months ago...but I’m absolutely bloody certain of it now...I love you too Kayleigh Kitson. I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love anyone or anything in this world and I’m scared. I’m terrified because for the first time in my life I’ve realised that something was missing and that something was you. If I lose you, I go back to who I was before and now I know that who I was before wasn’t complete. I had a Kayleigh Kitson shaped hole in my heart and in my life and I don’t want to go back. Not now, not ever.”...and there it was. He’d finally said it.
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years
06/13/2018 DAB Transcript
1 Kings 11:1-12:19, Acts 9:1-25, Psalms 131:1-3, Proverbs 17:4-5
Today is the 13th day of June. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. And, of course, it's a pleasure as it is every day to come together around the global campfire, join together in community and heart and allow God's Word to speak to us. So, in 1 Kings, which is the book that we are working our way through right now in the Old Testament, we've been following Solomon's reign. And I mentioned yesterday we had reached the apex, we were at the summit of a story that we began back in Genesis and worked our way all the way forward. And today we kind of move into the down side. King Solomon has brought the civilization to its apex and he has followed God, but, well, we'll see how the story goes. 1 Kings 11:1-12:19 today. And we're reading from the Good News translation this week.
Okay. In both Old and New Testaments, we're kind of turning the page and moving into some brand-new territory. Obviously when we began today, even yesterday, I was saying this is sort of the pinnacle of where we've been going. And we've kind of crested in the Old Testament in that era and begun to move sliding downward the other side as Solomon turns away from God in his later years. And so his son, Rehoboam, becomes king in his place but that doesn't work out so good. He takes some bad advice, threatens the people, ten of the tribes abandon Rehoboam. His attempts to regain control, they're not successful, and he has to run back to Jerusalem. And, so, this man, Jeroboam…who the prophet Ahijah came and said, You're going to be king of ten of the tribes. Well, that's it in front of us. We'll see what kind of a king he is. But where we sit right now, this united people, the twelve tribes of Israel, that we've traveled with for so long, they've been united and they've brought kings into the mix but they've been united under one king. That's about to change. This one people is about to become two different nations. And, of course, we will witness that as we continue our journey forward.
And then in the book of Acts, we had met this man named Saul who had been a witness at Stephen's stoning and has been raging against the church. He has an encounter with Jesus. And, of course, we probably already know that this man Saul is going to become the Apostle Paul. And so, we're kind of turning the page, moving a bit into his story and he's somebody we're gonna get to know well. Much of the rest of the New Testament are his letters. And he's a very interesting character. A very controversial character as it turns out in his time. And we'll get to all of that as we move forward into his story and into his letters.
Father, we thank You for Your Word. We are most grateful each and every day for the gift of Your Word and we are grateful for our community. It is a beautiful thing to know that we are not alone and that we are taking a journey through the Scriptures together with brothers and sisters all over the world. And, so, we thank You. We are grateful. And we ask that Your Holy Spirit plant the words found in the Scriptures in our hearts and lives, helping us to surrender and yield the fruit of the Spirit in our lives as we continue to partner with You in reflecting Your glory upon the earth. Come Holy Spirit, we ask. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, it's home base, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here.
One of the things that we have been mentioning is the Daily Audio Bible Family Reunion. And it's coming up September 1 and 2, which is Labor Day Weekend. And, so, you are invited to the rolling hills of Tennessee to be together with brothers and sisters from all over. And we are certainly excited about it and it seems that you are certainly excited about it too. I'm watching reunions within reunions being formed and that's great. All of the years that we've gone to Israel, all those years, we built a community among ourselves taking those journeys. Some of those friendships have flourished and are coming back together at the family reunion. All of you More ladies over all of those years, some of those are coming back together, so it's shaping up to be what we thought maybe it could be. And, so, I hope you can come. You can get all the details for the family reunion at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section. Just scroll down or click the Initiatives button at the top. The cost for the family reunion is $50 per person and three years and under are free. So if you try to make this as much like a real family reunion as we can. We have this retreat center, these beautiful grounds and facilities here in the rolling hills of Tennessee. And that entrance price will include two dinners, two country dinners that we'll share together in our evenings together and access to all of the grounds. And we've prepared all kinds of ideas for how to approach and enjoy the rolling hills of Tennessee and the greater Nashville area. There's a lot to do here. This particular part of the country and our city is one of the destination places in America right now. So, there's a lot to do and we want to help you have fun doing that and exploring and enjoying and then coming back together at dinner time and enjoying community and family and the evening time together. We'll have camp fires afterward. It's just...you know…a family reunion. That's what it is. So, hope you can come. Come and be a part of a first for us and enjoy community together. Check it out at dailyaudiobible.com in the Initiatives section.
If you wanna partner with the Daily Audio Bible in the mission that we share as a global campfire, as a community together, thank you. Thank you profoundly. If we didn't do this together, then we wouldn't be able to do this at all. And, so, thank you for your partnership. There is a link on the homepage of dailyaudiobible.com. If you're using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the give button in the upper right-hand corner. Or if you prefer, the mailing address is P.O Box 1996, Spring Hill, Tennessee, 37174.
And, as always if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for next month, which is tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi. This is Sandra from Denver and I’m calling for Jamie who left her message on May 30th. Jamie, this Scripture chain is for you today. It’s from Ezekiel 36:26 and it says, ‘I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you. I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh’. Oh, Jamie you are so loved and you’re so wise to come to the only one who can give us help in a new heart. Love you kiddo. We’re praying for you.
Daily Audio Bible family this is Alfi calling from Delaware. Today I’m calling for two people. One, Joyce from California, I know this is a late call for me but I just wanted to say congratulations so much for making it through medical school. Your journey has been great. Your journey has had a lot of barriers and a lot of ups and downs but we have walked with you. And it’s such a realization of what God has for you is for you and the devil’s got nothing to do with that. So, you have been an encouragement and you have struggled but you have kept up the faith and I’m so glad for the Daily Audio Bible family because they are strong together. We are strong together. So, Joyce, congratulations. And I just wanted to say that as you start your career may you be the hands and feet of Jesus, that those people that come to you, that they may see the love of Jesus Christ in you. Viola, I also wanted to say congratulations for finishing your master’s program. I am so happy for both of you and thank you so much for always being faithful, for always being strong. And I just want to say, for all those who are in school too and going through your own academic struggles, know that God has your back and that this family has your back. So, I just wanted to call for Viola and I just wanted to call for Joyce and to say congratulations once more. And may God bless you. This is Alfi from Delaware. Make it a great day. Bye-bye.
Hello Daily Audio Bible family. I thank God for you, each and every one of you, and as I’m able, I pray for you as often as I can. I’m calling today about particular prayer, prayer request that was made on June 7th by a woman who is married to a physician. I‘m married to a physician as well and he’s very controlling. But I’ve been able to get through a lot of his very controlling and abusive behavior because I’ve been steadfast in the Lord and He has allowed me to forgive and to overlook and to not be lightly offended. That said, I know also that it can be very, very trying. So, my sister, I would give you this piece of advice, take your husband out of the position that God should be occupying and remember he’s only a man. That said, I will join you in prayer to God. Dear God, dear Lord, dear Jesus, we call on You in times of trouble and we know Lord God that You hold marriage as very __. Lord God your first miracle was performed at the wedding at Canaan. And Lord God we thank you for the miracles that you are bringing forth in all of our lives. Lord God, strengthen my sister. Strengthen her Lord God, that she may begin ministering to her husband, that she may not fall into the same pride, and that her marriage will be restored. Lord God, I pray this for all marriages that are in trouble Lord God, that would we be able, husband and wife, to minister to one another Lord God and to keep our eyes focused on you. We pray these and all other __ in Jesus name. Amen. I love you Brian. I love you Jill. I love you DAB family. Thank you. Thank you, God.
Hi family. This is Jeanette from Charlotte. And I called last week requesting prayer for my husband Vince in his upcoming brain surgery to address symptoms related to Parkinson’s disease. I wanted to thank you so much for your prayers and to give you an update regarding his progress. You may remember that I said the surgery happens in three stages. Stage one was in outpatient procedure and was completed on June the 5th and was very successful, thanks to your prayers. He had quite a bit of pain the first day but after that the pain was almost nonexistent. Our next step is the stage two surgery, which will be the most invasive, and the one in which they drill holes in the skull and place electrodes into his brain. As you might imagine, under normal circumstances this would be a surgery that is very scary to think about but with your prayers we are confident that the Lord will give us the peace that surpasses understanding. So, please pray for Vince’s surgery on Wednesday, June 13th at 7 AM Eastern time. It is the big one. Please pray that it will be so successful that it will confound the doctors and that God will receive every bit of glory because He is the great physicians. He delights giving good gifts to His children. We believe Him. We trust Him. We thank Him in advance. We are so thankful that He is a God of kindness and mercy. We are also thankful that He allows us to intercede for each other. And family, we need your intercession desperately. Thank you so much for offering prayers to God on our behalf. It is such an amazing gift that we do not take for granted. God bless you all. We love you and we are thankful for you.
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Gotham 4x05: A Liveblog
Phew... long, long day, super delayed liveblog, but here it is, in all its glory. And frankly, after last time, I am not hoping for much : |
TL;DR - So there was a footrub and- HEY LET’S TALK ABOUT SOLOMON GRUNDY!
You know I’m disappointed in Gotham when I have not been chomping at the bit to see the next episode. If they get ANYTHING right today, I'll be pleased
Buuuutch :c my baby, my angel :cccc
...there’s literally location called “Slaughter Swamp” there’s literally... *throws book on floor* *walks out*
And yeah, I'm sure dumping a mostly dead body in... this swamp is Very Safe and will not lead to Anything Weird Ever. After all, it’s not like the waters in this town have literally resurrected people...
HARVEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. HARVEYYYYY *sobs* Oh god and you look so good and your boyfriend has been AN ALL TIME LOW recently and... HARVEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY *cries into 50 pillows*
This season was supposed to be about you two getting married. And instead what do I get? The divorce. I fucking hate how this show writes Jim. HATE.
Is lil Bruce contemplating murder??? Daaaamn boy. Is this show finally actually going to become ABOUT Batman??? Am I actually going to start giving a fuck about Bruce? Jesus, how the turn tables.
Side note: David was younger here, they shot this episode earlier, not later
MMMM, all them good funeral feels for Bruce, MMMMMM. This is fine. I’m sure he’s... fine.
Jim what the fuck, fuck off. None of your shit now.
Why this show is choosing to make me hate Jim is beyond me. Holy fuck.
Bruce, I know you’re not Batman yet but... Batman is No Killing for a reason buddy. *pets* You gotta learn that lesson.
Babs hair this season continues to be... I don’t even know what her style is this season
How Hannibal is this show going to get??? HOly SHIT.
Don’t tell me they gave Babs the fucking “soft paper, no clips, no staples, do not accept anything he hands you” rules (that BY THE BY we used on Frank too and that will NEVER stop being hysterical, although most of you are probably not in that fandom) too??/ HOLY FUCK WHAT THE SHIT
I want to be paid a dollar every time Gotham borrows from Hannibal because... WOW. wow.
Jesus Fucking Christ What Even Just Happened
Oh thank GOD we’re back in Slaughter Swamp, I’m so sorry for what I said about you earlier, NEVER MIND, you are MUCH better than that, VERY welcoming, bless you Slaughter Swamp
...is that Oswald’s murder trailer? Welp, for the purposes of amusing myself, I’m just going to say that it is. Just come full circle on it. That trailer stays in the family.
Apparently none of you have seen Frankenstein or you would know not to wave fire at the recently returned from the dead : ||||
That... I guess that’s as good a way to get a name as any
*groaning about Sofia’s existence*
Is it an f or a ph? does anyone know? Meh
Mmmm... Oswald’s twitchy, he makes bad decisions when he’s twitchy. Of course, why Oswald should be twitchy now is a mystery. I can only hope the decision to abandon Ed isn’t sitting well with him. BUT that might make Too Much Sense because Fuck This Show
Hi Ed. I see your pill addiction is... still a thing. I’m not sure how i feel about the fact that you turn to drugs when you can’t handle shit.
...okay, I kinda love that Ed is now bad at everything in a new and entirely understandable way, as opposed to when he was bad at everything but we were SUPPOSED to think he was oh so smart (personally I think there are WAY better writing angles in that in regards to hubris and you know... actual fucking development but, WHATEVER writers, you do you). I have no idea where this will eventually lead, probably nowhere, because this show sucks and is determined not to make any progress of any kind but rather run us round and round in the same circles for all eternity, but this gets props for being entertaining if nothing else
“Butch, I have never had an issue with you” ...Ed. Edddddd. I’m. I’m just going to sit here silently.
Butch, I love you to death, you are everything, please drag Ed, both figuratively and literally, back to your cave and fix him. I love you so so much, please take care of him and then the two of you can be bros for life
Niiiiice, Alfred in his casual Night on the Town clothes, mmhmmmmmm
...you’re kidding me, I’m supposed to believe Bruce has memorized the changing of the guard at Blackgate? *siiiiiigh*
...yes, I also keep my ceremonial murder weapons stuffed down my shirt. It’s almost like you need a utility belt or something
I hope to god Sean flubbed that line and everyone just went with it
“Under crackers” is now the only way I am going to refer to my under garments and/or genitals
Holy shit, ONE good scene, ONE good fucking scene in A MILLION years, oh... sweet jesus THANK YOU, I’ve waited SO LONG for literally ANYTHING to be good again and HERE IT IS
Uhhh... is Sofia gonna murder Oswald over lunch? Because if so: No.
Oh boy, back to overplot
...okay, I have no idea what to make of Ra’s al Ghul, if he’s lying or not, not a clue
Ed... Ed you REALLY need friends right now, would you please just TRY to human being for a second. Jesus. You’re stupid and you’re still SO BAD at EVERYTHING.
Awww, see, there you go! There you go sweetie, you can be friends!You can do it, good job not letting your only friend burn to death, that’s a good step forward!
Uhhhhhh oh, Oswald’s having mom feels. Oh boy.
Alfred, confirmed 300% more useful than Jim ever was
Poor Oswald... damn, without an Ed as a clutch for balance, Oswald’s spinning his wheels. This is 100% what I expected when the season started, but I”m a little upset at the pacing. This should have been obvious and building from day 1 and AGAIN, LAST episode should have had a VERY different emotional tenor. His limp is also atrocious right now, he’s very stressed and jumpy and there are obvious reasons why, but they haven’t PLAYED any of them, which is annoying.
. . .
The List Of Things I Could Say Right Now. I’m Just.
do you know who fucking else has seen Oswald’s fe-EDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
So uh... are you a mummified corpse in all reflective surfaces and you’ve just been avoiding mirrors, or does this trick only work in puddles?
...really milking that death there Alexander. Which is fair, this is a comic book show after all.
GREAT acting on David’s part tho, mad props
Yes, yes, cute jaw drop, very hammy, good job
Jim, I’m pretty sure this is the first time you two have spoken in like... 2 seasons. Just saying. you don’t know each other that well... or at all really.
Also, I‘m not positive killing someone who was immortal and who wanted to die is really murder either. Especially considering he was The Worst. Like... you shouldn’t feel bad, at all, that he’s dead, you’ve actively saved lives by killing him. Even if this is murder, I”m just saying... probably the best murder you could have done. Good job Bruce? Meh, I really don’t have any investment in this storyline, I'll be real.
Ed, why must you lie to your own and only friend? Why Ed? *siiiigh* Baby steps of friendship I guess, baby steps
...annnnnnnnnnnd there it is.
Knew it was too good to be true, couldn’t have ANYTHING nice this season could we. No, no of course not. Ooof course not.
May the all-consuming void swallow me up whole so I don’t have to deal with This.
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writerscraft01 · 6 years
 (April 23rd 1968)
  A few days have passed since the Samantha incident. I am still shaken over the fact that she is actually his daughter. “My name is Samantha Joy Leon”. I still get the shivers down my back every time I think about her saying that to me. I would never have thought that a young woman with such a gentle face, would be Satan’s daughter, but then again life ain’t always fair to ya.
“Lord Jesus up above James, let’s go for a goddamn walk or somethin’ in the common room before trainin’. You’ve been stuck in here for the last few days, ya gonna to go insane. Andrew ain’t here, the coast is clear.”
I sigh as I sit up in my bed and I stare back at Reese. “Watch ‘em be in that goddamn room once I get in there” I grumble.
He shakes his head as he grabs my hand to pull me up and starts to walk with me out in the common room.
“We gotta start that plan soon James! I ain’t about spending the rest of my life in here ya know?”
I sigh as I scratch the back of my head, “I ain’t gonna lie to ya Reese, I didn’t even think about that in the past few days.”
He glares at me in confusion, “then the hell were you thinkin’ about?”
My eyes widen. I can’t tell Reese how I’ve been thinking about Samantha lately, it would blow my cover completely.
“I was thinkin’ about how rude I was to nurse Samantha is all. Looks like a kind young lady, I should’ve been more nicer to her.”
“Well, she’s over there by the jukebox if you wanna apologize to the poor girl.” Reese points his finger at her and there she stands, looking at the choices of songs that the jukebox has to offer with a quarter in her hand.
“I’ll be right back Reese.”
“Don’t take all goddamn day James, I’ll be right here.”
I nod at him as I walk over at Samantha. As I get closer to her, I can see her nose scrunched, eyes squinted as she’s scratching her head with her pen in confusion. I chuckle at this, how adorable.
“Need help there, nurse Leon?” I speak up.
She looks over at me with her eyes widen and she clamps her hand over my mouth. I stare at her with confusion.
“Don’t ya dare call me that here, ya hear me? No one else knows I’m Archie’s daughter alright? For the love of God, I want the people in here to like me, and not loathe me because of my goddamn last name and who the hell my father is, so shut ya goddamn mouth and call me Samantha!”
I nod slowly as she releases her hand from my mouth, “so uh, I see ya havin’ a problem here with tryin’ to find a good song to play hm?”
She sighs, “I don’t even know which one to play to these people, I don’t know what the hell they want!”
I smile, “may I choose a song that I believe they will like, in exchange for forgiveness?”
She looks at me confused, “forgiveness?”
I sigh, “yes forgiveness. I didn’t mean to get angry at ya the way I did Samantha. I was just havin’ a bad day.”
“Hearin’ my last name didn’t make it any better I assume”.
“Ain’t one of the best things I’ve heard in my last seventeen years of livin’, but I’ve heard worse. We don’t get to choose our parents unfortunately. If we did, I bet ya I wouldn’t be in this hellhole that’s for damn sure.”
She nods in agreement with me as she looks at her quarter and smiles. “Here ya go James, all is forgiven. Choose somethin’ nice.”
She then hands me her quarter and starts to walk away. I smile slightly as a blush creeps up on me. I stare at the options that the jukebox had to offer. I wasn’t really intrigued with any of them to be completely honest. That is until I saw it, the song i heard, when I realized, James might be a homosexual.
“Elvis Presley, Hounddog. Oh, you gonna get me good.”
I put the quarter into the jukebox and I click the option. I smile slightly as the song starts to play, memories beginning to flood my entire brain.
(September 9th, 1956)
“Ed Sullivan is going to be on in about two minutes Clara! Ya got the goddamn dinner ready?” My father hollered.
“I’m comin’ sweetheart I‘m just changin’ Lizzie’s diaper!” My mother yelled back.
I run into the living room with Jamie smiling. Watching the Ed Sullivan show was the best time for us. The entire family was home, TV dinner was bein’ served. Everything was in pure bliss.
“Who they havin’ on today daddy?” I ask him smiling.
He then looks down at the TV guide, “someone named Elvis Presley, Mikey.”
“Elvis Presley? Sounds like an exotic name Johnny.” My mother piped up as she walks into the living room, putting a crawling nine month old Elizabeth on the floor as she ran into the kitchen to grab our TV dinners.
“It’s startin’ momma! Hurry!” Jamie yelled.
My mother then runs into the living room, passing around our TV dinners, puts Lizzie on her lap and smiles as Ed started to speak.
“May I introduce to you, Mr.Elvis Presley!”
All of a sudden this tall man takes the microphone and starts to sing, but it wasn’t the singing anyone was paying attention to that’s for sure.
“You ain't nothin' but a hound dog, Cryin' all the time, You ain't nothin' but a hound dog
Cryin' all the time, Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine.”
“Good lord!” My mother screamed as she covered Lizzie’s eyes.
“Mikey! Jamie! Cover ya damn eyes Jesus Christ!” My father screamed as he jumped up trying to cover the television screen.
I looked over at my twin brother, who’s eyes are guiding between my fathers legs, staring at Elvis’s moves.
“Oh lordie..” he mumbled.
I looked over at my brother, he had a different twinkle in his eye as he stared at his man who was too busy shaking his hips too much.
“Alright boys… I guess we will make this an early night after this fiasco. Go on now.” My father said as my mother had tears in her eyes as if she had failed as a mother for letting her five year old sons watch something like this.
When we went to bed, I looked over at my brother who was reading the new Spider-Man comic that just came out. I had to ask him what I was thinking, I had to.
“Jamie…” I asked him slowly.
“Hmm?” He answered me as he was very focused with his comic.
“Do you uhm… Like.” I couldn’t even finish the sentence.
“Like what Mikey? I ain’t got all night.” He replied.
“Do you like boys instead of girls Jamie?”
His eyes turn right at me, filled with confusion, fear, and terror.
“W-Why do you ask me that?” He stuttered.
“Well.. wearin’ Lizzie’s bows in ya hair, momma’s heels on ya feet, and the way you were lookin’ at Mr.Presley on tv tonight as he was shakin’ his hips. I just assumed..”
He sighed as tears stream down his cheeks,
“I-I don’t know what I like yet Mikey… I really don’t… It was just, his hips moved so fast.. and I was so focused.. I-I…”
           I got out of bed and sat beside him and hugged him,
“It’s okay Jamie… It’s okay. I won’t tell anyone that you’re confused… I promise ya, to the grave.”
He smiled at me, “to the grave.”
I kissed his forehead, got up, and went to lie back down on my bed. I looked over at him again and smiled,
“Say Jamie? If ya like guys? What would ya like in one?”
He shrugged, “I never thought about that much Mikey, maybe someone interesting, fun to be around, and very funny, like daddy when he’s drunk.”
I laughed and nodded at him, hoping that if he did like boys, he’d find someone that he’d want.
 (April 23rd 1968)
 “Woohoo!” I hear behind me. I turn around and there’s Reese who took Samantha by the hand and started to dance around the floor. She’s laughing and smiling as he’s twirling her around.
“Show off those moves, Ms.Sammie! Don’t ya worry, it don’t affect me in a physical way at all if ya know what I mean.”
I begin laughing as I start thinking about what my brother said, “Someone interesting, fun to be around, and very funny.” I look over at Reese again, and I smiled, maybe Reese and James would get along very well.
I chuckle as I look up at the balcony and see Dr.Leon glaring over at his daughter  dancing with Reese, a homosexual man and I know, Reese is in big trouble.
                        TO BE CONTINUED
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(Elvis Presley has and will play a huge role in their lives :)
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years
08/10/2019 DAB Transcript
Ezra 10:1-44, 1 Corinthians 6:1-20, Psalms 31:9-18, Proverbs 21:3
Today is the 10th day of August. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is a joy to be here with you as we end a week together. Another one of our weeks has gone by. And, yeah, we just keep marching forward and I love it. We march through the seasons, we march through so much in a year and the Bible speaks into all of it and that happens because we keep the rhythm going. We just show up. That’s all we have to do. And, so, here we are. We showed up. And we’ve been reading from the God's Word Translation this week. Today Ezra chapter 10.
Thank you, Father for bringing us through another week in your word and thank you for bringing us through another week of our lives. Thank you for your presence among us as a community. Thank you for your presence individually in our lives. Come Holy Spirit as we prepare for the new week. And as we close this one down, we open our hearts to you and ask that you lead us into all truth as you've promised. Come Jesus we pray. In your name we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here.
So, three weeks from today, something's going on around here. Three weeks from today the D Audio Bible Family Reunion will begin here in the rolling hills of Tennessee out on the lake. It is going to be a wonderful time. You have been and continue to be invited and we’re just hoping as many as can come will come and we’re gonna have wonderful time together celebrating the year that we've spent and for that matter years that we have spent together, knowing each other by voice. But this is an opportunity to get to know each other a little bit…a little bit deeper. And I love it. Usually I'm the one traveling all over the place to shake hands and hug necks and this will be here in the rolling hills in Tennessee where…where all this happens every day. And, so, we’re looking forward to seeing you. Hopefully you can come. All of the details can be found at dailyaudiobible.com in the initiatives section. Just look for Family Reunion 2019 and we’ll be there, and we hope to see you there.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible as we continue to move through summertime, thank you. Thank you profoundly. There is a link on the homepage. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hello DAB family this is Chandra calling from Maryland. I know I am I’m about a week late. I’m catching up with everything, but I did want to call. The Holy Spirit impressed upon me. Alaska mom, you called in with your prayer request, you mentioned how you’re in Africa and because of things that were going through you weren’t able to leave when you wanted to and things like that. And that made me think of Jesus several times, that he met people. He, it wasn’t on his schedule, but the Lord lead him to other places like the woman at the well and other places and it’s a divine set up, you know, it says God is leading, guiding, and ordering your steps. He has you there for that time, that reason, that season. So, please just continue to patient and rest and trust in God. And I wanted to call and leave a message for Demetrius, I believe that’s his name. I wanted to let you know I‘m hearing all these guys…well…people…more specifically men, reaching out to you. And just to let you know that God had you call even though you may not know why you said what you said and why everything the way that it worked out. Just thank the Lord that he allowed you to get through because you have a multitude of people praying for you. Well, I love you guys and like I said I’m catching up with the prayers and everything like and hearing the word. You guys be blessed. Thank you so much Brian and Jill for this outlet, you know, for making a way for people to hear the word and then the praise and then their prayers just to…
Hey family this is Ken from Indiana. I love you all so much. I absolutely love listening to this and thank you Brian so much. I just have to say, it’s been so difficult to call in for some reason. Every time I went to call in Satan just strikes me with so much anxiety, I just start shaking but…so, I haven’t written anything down. I’m just calling off the cuff. I really need prayer. I’ve posted prayers a couple times on the Prayer Wall because it’s so much easier, but I have two daughters that just have absolutely terrible eczema that has ravished their skin all over their bodies. We’ve sought out so much help from doctors and specialists and dermatologists and I’ve only just started getting some relief from naturopathic doctors, but just the stress and the stress from money of spending so much money trying to get help for them has just really, really been hard on our family. My wife has struggled so much with anxiety and drifting from Christ and the relationship that you once had. I just covet your prayers and could really use prayers for direction on which way to go and if God’s willing for miraculous healing for my daughter’s and for relief for my wife. I love you all. Looks like my times about up. Thank you so much. Bye.
Hi this is Kanisha from Atlanta. I’m gonna try to say this very quickly. There was a lady, I didn’t catch her name, she called in about losing her faith, to pray that she…it’s restored and something about she works from home…her business is at home or…and she was having technical issues. Her dog was sick also as well. I’m just gonna offer you some words of encouragement here. Back in 08 I was sick. I didn’t know what was wrong with me and I went into the hospital and what it seems a month and a day. They said I had a rare blood disorder called TTP. A series of miracles occurred. And I say a series in regards to my healing. I’m a medical mystery as to how I was able to survive that. I’m here and I’m living proof. Just hold onto His word. Weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning. And this is for anyone who’s battling or just feels that they’re being attacked and going. You just have to stay in faith. God promised He would never leave us nor forsake us. And in my darkest hour…at my darkest hour when I thought I was going to die He was there for me as only he could be. So, I just pray for you that you feel that peace that I felt when I was ill and that you’re able to just know you’re not alone, you’re not going through this alone. And just hold on to His word. Hold on. He’s not left you. He’s there…
Hello Daily Audio Bible family, this is Tracy. I’m the girlfriend of Robert Willing to Serve. He passed away yesterday, which would be on the sixth. I ask for prayers for me and his family during this time, which is still…just everyone’s in shock. And I want…I want to share something with that Robert and I would do morning. We would listen to the Daily Audio Bible and it was very important to us and he would like go everywhere and he would…he would show…he would tell people about the Daily Audio Bible. It was in his card and he would talk about it and __ listen to. I love you Brian and your family, which helped us immensely through this short time that I was with Robert. And I just want to thank you for…for all…for all that you did and please pray for us and the family. Thank you. This is Tracy. I’ll be…I’ll in touch. Bye.
Hi Daily Audio Bible family this is my first time calling in. I’ve been listening to the Daily Audio Bible now for about a month and ½ and it’s completely changed my life. But my call today is for a request a prayer request for my brother. My brother’s name is Robert, has been a severe alcoholic for going on maybe 13 years. So, he’s been to rehab, no exaggeration, probably seven times and he’ll be fine for a while and then he’ll relapse, and he’ll go for a while without drinking and then he’ll start drinking again and then he’ll binge very, very bad. He’ll leave, go a couple towns away, hold himself up in a hotel, and just drink himself into oblivion. He’s he left yesterday morning…afternoon…I’m not sure which…what time you left yesterday but left yesterday on his motorcycle. He just got a motorcycle…I don’t know about a month ago. He is not a believer. So, I’m just asking for you all to please lift him up and also for myself and my mom. We’ve been going through this for 13 years now and I feel like I’ve become very immune to it and “oh it’s Robert’s at it again” kind of thing and I don’t even know how to pray for him anymore...sometimes…
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