#norman osborn | the visionary
ask-percyparker · 5 months
From the bathysphere, Percy emerged and into the station of Fort Frolic. It should’ve been easy to get to the station that would’ve brought him to Hephaestus. Theo and M.J. were supposed to meet him.
But no one was there. Half convinced he was abandoned (that or something far worse happened), he moved forward towards the next bathysphere, the Rose’s voice still crackling through his radio.
“Parker, have you seen Watson or that Theo kid? I lost contact with them as soon as they—“
Her voice is interrupted, fading away as the station is swallowed in darkness and the empty bathysphere to Hephaestus sinks into the waters before Percy could even think of reaching it.
Ethereal purple lights flock on and masquerade masks hanging above become apparent in its glow. Stage curtains are shrouded over the station walls. Strange figures of dancers frozen in place emerged, some suspended from the ceiling on strings and others rising from the waters that lined the station. From the intercoms, a somber yet beautiful piano piece played as a new voice comes forth from Percy’s radio. A voice that Percy could only guess at who it was, from M.J.’s accounts..
“Ah, that’s better,” the voice began, “Rose, Osborn, Rose, Osborn.. It is about time that you could get something decent on the radio.. The artist has a duty to seduce the ear and delight the spirit. So say goodbye to the blowhards you knew and hello to an evening with Quinten Beck.”
Percy grimaced at the thought of dealing with more madmen of Rapture.. but whether he wanted to or not, he had little choice but to confront Beck. If for no other reason than to find a way to move forward.
With or without Theo or M.J..
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kitcat992 · 1 year
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Forbes Magazine
Special Innovation Edition
Unleashing the Future: Norman Osborn's Biotech Triumphs and the Rise of Robotic AI.
In the realm of groundbreaking innovation, one name stands out, captivating the world with a vision that pushes the boundaries of possibility. Meet Norman Osborn, the visionary entrepreneur at the forefront of biotech advancements and the brilliant mind behind OsCorp's meteoric rise. In the Special Innovation Edition of Forbes Magazine, we delve into Osborn's ongoing success, revealing his exceptional breakthroughs in biotechnology and the enduring synergy of his founding partnership with robotic AI expert Spencer Smythe.
Norman Osborn's Unparalleled Success and his insatiable thirst for scientific advancement has propelled OsCorp to the zenith of the biotech industry. In this exclusive feature, we explore Osborn's trailblazing accomplishments that have redefined the future of medicine and transformed the way we perceive human potential. From revolutionary genetic therapies to cutting-edge regenerative medicine, Osborn's vision and commitment to scientific excellence have set a new standard in biotech innovation.
Prepare to be astonished as we uncover the groundbreaking achievements in the field of robotic AI resulting from the extraordinary partnership between the mastermind behind OsCorp's biotech empire, Norman Osborn, and the visionary robotics genius Spencer Smythe.
From the very inception of their collaboration, they have been at the forefront of spearheading the development of sentient machines that promise to revolutionize industries. In this edition, we delve deep into the remarkable journey of their enduring partnership, unveiling how their combined brilliance is set to reshape the world and open up uncharted possibilities for the future of automation and artificial intelligence.
Our in-depth interviews with Norman Osborn and Spencer Symthe provide a glimpse into their brilliant minds. Gain firsthand knowledge about their motivations, challenges, and the sheer determination that fuels their relentless pursuit of innovation. Learn how their breakthroughs are not just reshaping industries but also impacting society as a whole.
This Special Innovation Edition is your passport to the forefront of scientific discovery, where biotech triumphs and robotic AI revolution converge to unlock a future brimming with possibilities.
Don't miss out on this captivating edition of Forbes Magazine, available at newsstands nationwide. Immerse yourself in the world of Norman Osborn's visionary leadership, as we explore the exciting biotech advancements and the rise of robotic AI that are reshaping our world. Step into the future and discover the extraordinary possibilities that lie ahead!
Follow the third and final installment of the Identity Saga, out now — Identity Within
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multifandomwritings · 3 years
My favs r eddie brock, bucky barnes, Loki laufeyson, doc ock, norman Osborn and Tobey Maguire's spiderman <3
You seem to like characters that are a blend of charismatic and confident but also pitiable? Like you kind of just want to (or at least I do) give them a blanket and pat their heads 😂 Visionary characters though that generally have strong interests and motives. And a sense of humor!
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ask-percyparker · 1 year
The lights went out in an instant. Theo froze in place. Percy glanced around in confusion.
“What the—“
Before he could finish his sentence, Theo’s radio crackled to life as both men were swallowed by darkness.
“Christ, you’ve both been trapped—Gonna try to override the exit from here! Hang on—” Rose shouted.
As soon as her voice fell silent, a blinding white light flooded the room as a massive monitor from the other side of the window looking into the room they were both trapped in flanked by clusters of smaller ones in the room with them all spark to life.
On every monitor, a static image of an imposing suited man, his eyes obscured by the brim of his hat flickered on the screen as a new voice spoke. A voice both men recognized as the voice that welcomed them to Rapture as they made their respective descents on the Bathysphere.
“So tell me, my friends… which one of the bitches sent you two?” Osborn questioned, “The KGB Wolf or the CIA Jackal?”
Theo was rendered speechless, too fearful to dare answering. But Percy stepped forward to speak.
“Neither,” he answered, “Just a reporter, sir.”
A mirthless laugh erupts from Osborn at that.
“Well then,” he said, “Here’s the news: Rapture isn’t some sunken ship for you to plunder and Norman Osborn isn't a giddy socialite who can be slapped around by government muscle. And with that, farewell, or Dasvadinya. Whichever you prefer.”
The security monitors flicker to an image of a stylized image of Rapture, the words “Please Standby” emboldened upon it. Osborn spoke no more.
Before either could react, the voices and cackles of a large group of Splicers were heard from the other side of the window. Their horrific forms only illuminated by the harsh, failing white light of the largest screen. With whatever they got, they set out to immediately try to break the glass windows that separated them from the two men they set their sights on.
Percy and Theo were outnumbered.
Both of them backed away as they steeled themselves for a fight. Theo’s palms crackled with electricity as his veins glowed blue. Percy’s hands twitched in anticipation as flesh melded into the exoskeleton of a spider.
“I got it!” the voice of Rose exclaimed from Theo’s radio, “Both of you, get the hell outta there! Hurry!”
Glass began to crack, threatening to let the Splicers in. The previously locked way out gives way.
Both men rushed into the new room where a vault-like door to the Medical Pavilion was seen. They set to work getting it opened before the Splicers could reach them…
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ask-percyparker · 9 months
Update: We are not dead, though that’s barely counting for much seeing that a massive onslaught of splicers were trying to kill me and Theo just now. An entire massacre just keep the air flowing right…
Good news, we won’t suffocate due to Osborn spreading a foliage-killing toxin in Arcadia, so that’s something. Get this—Rapture has a way to literally bring dead plants back to life down here. It’s called the Lazarus Vector. We even got the formula for it.
Liv wanted me to keep it with me for the next time she can see me.. But, if I had to guess why.. perhaps she sees an opportunity to bring it back to the surface? If so.. I suppose nobody down here can really stop her, can they? Heh, some won’t agree with that but I gotta hand it to her, I’m impressed. If nothing else, Dr. Octavius is the savvy sort, which might explain why she’s thriving down here in spite of everything. I like that about her, she’s always several steps ahead of the game.. And she knows exactly what she’s doing.
Anyway, we should be meeting M.J. At the Rapture Metro to head to the next location shortly. Rose tells us to head to Fort Frolic to get access to Osborn’s office… but M.J. told us he’s worried. Mostly because that is the domain of his old boss, Beck…
From what little he’s told me about him.. I don’t particularly blame him.
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ask-percyparker · 1 year
Funny thing, turns out M.J. was quite surprised to hear that I actually heard of him before, through a friend on the surface, a model and musician by the name of Gwen Stacy.
… He asked me how she was doing, mainly because it seems the rule in Rapture was that once you were in, you weren’t allowed to contact people on the Surface. Ever. It’s a rule old Osborn set up to help keep Rapture a secret. Had a contract and everything. In fact, that was the appeal for some, some wanted a fresh start down here.. some for less than good reasons.
I told him she was fine, but she missed him, and was wondering what ever happened to him.
Then I asked him about what brought him down here. Turns out one of Osborn’s pals took a liking to his talent and saw he was struggling to be truly recognized by Broadway and Hollywood. Was personally invited down here by one Quentin Beck, it seems.
… Wonder what it was like before it all went to shit.
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ask-percyparker · 9 months
Forget about what I said about Arcadia being nice.
I hate it here.
Not only are there splicers who fucking VANISH at will and seem to be specifically out to mess with your head.. but did Norman HAVE to start trying to kill us by trying to poison the plants?
Not sure what getting a rose will do for us but what other choice do we have?
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