#northern enderman
butter-on-ghost · 2 months
The very long post of Endermen anatomy in my mind
ok, first off there’s four main Endermen.
Northern (The end)
Middle/Earthen (Overworld/earth (this is where most subspecies would be))
Southern (Nether)
Farlanders (Farland endermen :D)
Stuff like height, eye color, snout shape, horns, teleportation distance, etc would be different depending on where the enderman is from and who the parents are. Albinism can also be a bit more common depending on which enderman it is.
When it comes to teleporting, I think each different endermen has a different distance they can teleport and the amount of times they can do it rapidly. All endermen have these three slits on each side of the neck called ‘vents’ and those open when they teleport or if they’re exhausted. It’s like a magic exhaust pipe and that’s where the little colorful particles come from. Particles usually follow around the individual and fade away if they don’t teleport for a while. Chorus fruit is a good source of energy for teleporting and if eaten just before teleporting, can give a little extra distance.
What else is a broad trait for them uhh
oh, eye color also goes with blood, flesh, guts, in the mouth and stuff (blush as well)
Northern Endermen
The end seems like it would be really cold. No weather or wind, just cold. So endermen have a lot of fur, thick fur and maybe different coat types (wavy, curly, coarse, soft etc).
First off, I think the end dragon and endermen would be like a beehive kinda system. So the dragon would be their leader. Every 500 years or so, the dragon flies off to a secluded area and lays eggs. Returns and then the endermen that are already there take care of the eggs til they hatch (it can take a few weeks all the way up to a decade). Eggs are translucent and the color of the egg is what their eye color will be. They’re a bit bigger than a watermelon.
Kits have floppy ears when born and some will have round horn nubs already growing. It’s not super rare, but still it’s uncommon for an albino enderman to hatch. (Ex: Indie :D)
Northern endermen have paws. Big paws, very soft :], but really sharp claws and rough, thick paw pads. Feet are two-toed with sharp claws. The snout shape is kinda boxy?
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Like this??? (I don’t know how to describe snouts ;-;)
Northern enderman have broad, long tails for balance AND for fighting (whack em :P). Horns are like Indie’s horns, long and smooth and simple, but some can be born with one horn or have an extra set of horns. Some horns can grow and end up growing into each other. Ears can be like Indie’s, but can look like goat or cow ears. The vents on northern endermen aren’t usually visible due to their fur, but if one overworks themself and teleports too much, the particles that blow out can cause the fur to move and expose the vents. They can teleport a pretty good distance (around the same distance as Endermen in Minecraft) and can teleport repeatedly ten to fifteen times before it starts to tire or hurt them.
Eye color ranges from bluish purples all the way to purple-magenta and can be any shades between that. Pupils are like cat pupils.
Scarring starts out as the color of the blood but ends up fading to black like the rest of the skin. Albino endermen’s scars fade to pale or dark grey
Scars from water don’t fade. Ever. (Most that’ll happen is that the color will turn a bit pale, but it won’t fade to black like normal scars)
oh shit I should put this somewhere, they do have sharp teeth, but also incisors since the only source of food is chorus fruit in the end. So yeah, they could eat meat, there’s just nothing around for them to eat that’s alive (aside from endermites). So the sharp teeth would be mainly for fighting.
I like to think that endermites are considered a rare treat and that’s why endermen are so quick to murder the little bugs. It’s funny to me.
They’re pretty chill, a player could barter and trade with them as long as they don’t look em in the eyes.
Last thing, there are three different kinds of northern endermen.
Standard: Just an enderman. Like a worker bee in a way. These guys would be the ones you see just roaming around the End. Body type can vary greatly.
Guard: Larger, bulkier and a bit more aggressive. These guys would stand around the little portal that the end dragon egg sits on. There’s four there at any time (unless one is killed). They also have a higher chance to have four arms. Larger snouts and more canines than usual. Paws are larger as well. They can hold their ground really well and very rarely move from their spot guarding the end dragon egg. Eye color is on the warmer side of the spectrum.
Falcon: These guys would be in the end ships. I think they’d run the ships and guard the loot in the chests. A couple weeks after hatching, they’re given a pair of elytra that kinda just fuses to their back after a year or two (I haven’t figure out how yet, so the excuse is ✨magic✨) They’re thinner and lighter so they can go faster and also have four arms more often. Excellent fighting skills and good accuracy when trying to hit a target. Paws are more like a hand-paw fusion than just paws so they can handle weapons with more grace. Eye color is on the cooler side of the spectrum and albinos’ can end up having pale lavender to teal eyes.
The eldest endermen are often the ones in charge of the rest. Some aren’t the best though and don’t really take into consideration what the entire population wants or needs and will even ignore any they don’t like (Ex. Indie). They show blatant favoritism towards individuals in groups they’re in charge of and often end up leaving the members within the groups to help and teach the ones that aren’t as liked.
Earth Endermen
Alright, these guys vary a lot because of the biomes they live in and the climate. So one that lives in a tundra would look a lot different from one that lives in a mesa biome or the desert. Fur patterns aren’t uncommon either. All endermen in the overworld have fur though, it’ll just be different lengths and types depending on what area they live in. Kits all have floppy ears that may or may not stiffen up as they get older (depends on parents’ genes). Horns, teeth arrangement, eye color, snout shape, ears and tail type all vary depending on the biome and general climate, but there are a few things that stay the same.
At least two horns
Blood, guts, inner mouth, vents and eyes are all the same color (heterochromia is addressed further down)
Canines no matter what (at least four, two on top row two on bottom row)
Three vents on each side of the neck
Paw pads
Some endermen that live near water or an environment with rainy weather have a higher resistance to water and can even stay in water for a certain amount of time (can’t injest it though, that’s a death sentence).
There’s also a whole other subspecies that’s semi aquatic. They have a very high tolerance to water, but will still die if they stay in it too long. Diet consists of fish and shellfish. Body expels any water accidentally swallowed through the vents.
Southern Endermen
My favorite of them all, southern endermen live in the nether! They can either have really really short fur (almost like peach fuzz but not quite) or scales. Sometimes one is born with neither, leaving them with just skin, it leaves them vulnerable though, like a scaleless snake. And sometimes, when scales shed, they have a chance to grow back gold, it’s like a freckle or a beauty mark :). Southern endermen are more reptilian than the rest. Their snout shape is more like a snake’s (wide and kinda flat) and the vents on their neck are almost always visible. Teeth are mostly made up of canines and they’re black!
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Necks are longer so they can snap at stuff and have a further reach. Paws are more like a hand-paw fusion and have long claws on the ends. Horns aren’t super long but they are sharp and there’s usually more than two, often growing in rows. Ears are shorter and pointed. Some can have more animal like ears though. Eye color ranges from magenta to reds of any shades (the exception being endermen that live in the warped forest, they have turquoise eyes), often having little flecks of gold in the eyes. Pupils have tapetum lucidum (the shiny over it when light shines over the eyes). They also have fire/heat resistance to an extent. So if one were to touch lava by accident, it wouldn’t hurt as long as they take their hand out within the next few seconds.
Hands and feet are larger and wider, which helps when walking across soul sand valleys. Tails can have spines along the top (like a croc or gator) that travel up the spine as well. The underbelly has the softest scales.
Also teleportation distance is pretty short, maybe a meter or two, but they can repeatedly teleport a lot more times than the other endermen species (thirty times or more). Afterwards they get really tired though, kinda loopy and giggly as well if they push themselves for too long.
Kits with scales are very vulnerable for the first two to three years of their life while their scales harden. They’re also very bony and lanky lookin, like a calf or foal. Walk funny, look funny, act funny (love my lanky little babies, I need to draw them). Ears are floppy as always.
(Most) Southern endermen live in packs. Could be as small as five or as large as twenty, sometimes they travel alone, but often don’t last long. Pack mates are super close, they roughhouse and spar and annoy older pack members (harmlessly tho). Younger members often go out to hunt and forage for mushrooms and nether wart and other plants and stuff. There’s always one older enderman that is established as the one in charge of the younger ones. They end up teaching kits how to fight and hunt and other neat tricks they’ve learned. And then the rest of the older pack members work as the parents and healers. Some might also dabble in potion-making if they can get their hands on the right materials.
They don’t like piglins. Like, at all. Go out of their way to inconvenience any piglins near their territory. They don’t like players that much either, but kinda in the way a goose doesn’t like people. They’ll keep their distance and only attack if the player keeps pestering them in some way.
Very tall, like really really tall, almost twenty feet but they can definitely get taller. The entire population is white and they have fur of varying lengths.
There’s not a lot known about farland endermen, but they are known for being able to teleport miles at a time. They’re often very lanky and stare off into the distance, which gives them an unsettling feeling. Horns can become very intricate and complex, but some either have normal horns or don’t grow any at all. Eye color can range from bright green to teal and cyan. Snout shape is a bit more beak like, not as broad and boxy. And the teeth are mostly canines. Vents are always visible and so many particles blow out after a single teleportation that it almost creates a colored fog around the individual that teleported. Ear shape is more of an animal’s ear, like a cow, goat, deer and sometimes rabbit ears. Paws are very soft and they don’t have paw pads. Feet are also like a northern enderman’s feet, two-toed and clawed. Tail is often really long and thin.
They’re not the best fighters, since they’d rather teleport away than fight, but it’s already hard enough to fight them due to their large size. And they travel alone, sometimes bumping into another endermen, talking for a minute or two before going back to whatever they were doing previously. When it comes to meeting other things (like people), they get really awkward and might just teleport away mid-conversation.
Kits are around three feet tall when they first hatch, floppy eared with a lot of fur to stay warm.
alright, that’s all I have for each enderman species (species?) there are a few other things that I didn’t know where to put so it’s going at the end
If an enderman has heterochromia, two things might happen. The two colors that the eyes are will blend and that’s what the color of blood and guts and other stuff will be. Or the insides will just be one of the eye colors.
If a flask of dragon’s breath is consumed by an enderman, it acts as a plasma blast (like toothless). The blast can be stored until the enderman wants to use it and if they consume multiple bottles it stacks up. Plasma color is the same as eye color.
All northern endermen born from the same dragon are related, but there are other super-far-away islands that have a different dragon with different endermen.
Hybrid endermen exist
When an enderman dies, their body fades and what’s left is an enderpearl (so if the body doesn’t fade, they aren’t dead)
for shits and giggles, all endermen have that same thing cats have, where if you pinch the back of their neck, they get really calm and immobile (this works well with southern endermen if you catch them off guard)
I think that’s everything, if you have questions send me some :D
I want to add more to this of course, things like clothing styles, mutations and hopefully more. Sorry this took so long to finish :’)
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Its time to Rumble!
alright, I finally stopped procrastinating. Here we go! One Poll will be posted every hour.
First 16 battles are:
The Gentle Vwoop of an enderman teleporting in the desert VS The Quechua Language Family
Waterfalls VS The Act of Cooking Delicious Homemade Food
Fleetwood Mac vs Lemon Cake
One VS Wisely
The Phrase "No Place Like Home" VS Elderly Gay Couples
Clothing Fresh From the Dryer VS The Feeling of Shame You Deserve for Tickling Someone
Lesbians With Guns VS AO3
National Parks VS AP Human Geography
Sports Mascots VS Wi-Fi
Polls VS Revenge by CaptainSparkles
The Cool High School Teacher You Were Friends With VS Jurrassic Park
Screwed Up Flags VS Olorotitan, from the Cretaceous Period
Buc-ee's VS Northern Cardinal
Stardew Valley VS Reusable Bags
Worcestershire Sauce VS The Mars Rovers
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my two cents in Piglin lore other than land and stuff
General stuff: Piglins are some of the most intelligent being in the nether. Second to only the enderman, they have social hierarchies depending on the biome they reside in. Due to the mass of warm light, during night, their eyes will glow a deep red (the beast is an exception to this, as they stay white). Otherwise, it will stay a semi translucent light. Their organs and skin resemble pork, but with a bit more human tones to it. Such as smaller intestines and a larger heart. Each clan has domesticated a part of the family that hoglins reside in (I haven’t come up with a name for that)
Horde of the hunt: In the westward crimson forests, a clan of megalomaniac hunters chase ancient hogs and lava launchers (both a war boar on a larger scale). From the bright conditions so close to lava, they tend to have darker skin based on the range from the ancestors hunting ranges. Strangely, they don’t wear gold. They will wear the hollowed out bones of their greatest catch, if it’s not too heavy. Their leader, The Beast, rides one of these ancient hogs. He uses a Bone Cuglel to hunt anything, which includes humans and game animals.
on that note, rather than just being the same thing; Lava launchers and Warboars are in the same family. Warboars are a Pygmy variant of the Lava Launcher, which is loosely related to elephants.
Horde of the spore: In the most northern warped forest, a group of rotund piglins serve their leader. Often called “Biglins”, these heavyweight pigs often search for things to feed The Devourer. The Devourer is very..heavy to say the least. He weighs about four tons, which is growing more and more day by day. He sits in a hollowed out hill, marinating in a sickly green broth of mushrooms and pus. His back has three large fungus boils, filled with blood and pus. It has this awful scent of unwashed skin. Rather than killing enderman, they sent the residents into the southern and eastern warped forests
Horde of the bastion: This horse resides in the bastion remnants that are left from ancient builders. The Unbreakable has a monopoly over the supply and distribution of black stone, as most bastions use black stone as a primary material. Interestingly, the Unbreakable’s arm is missing and composed of gold and gallons of lava (around 156 [btw I have no sense of weight and all]). This will harden and jam from time to time, therefore there is an addition role in the civilization. Those who change out the gears and lava risk their life daily, but nobody cares. Other than portal guards, who are adorning a modified arm blade and mace. The piglins in this horde often adorn excessive gold jewelry, with accents of quartz
The Great hog is one of the few piglins that doesn’t necessarily require a dynasty to succeed. The most recent ruler had been killed by an engineer and succeeded. How do they get the mass? The staff or spear they wield often gives them more muscle mass. They usually have a Seer, a piglin who studies enchantments, infuse the staff with magic properties. Said properties include necromancy or spontaneous generation. Not a lot is known about the seer, other than it’s about six feet tall.
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hopalongfairywren · 2 years
Phantom In The Deep Dark: The Nether
@lasnevadaspolycule @cr0wseye here ya go!
The Nether or, Malsupro as players call it, is a dimension commonly accessible via Nether portals, which have been in use for at 500 years, allowing for many centuries of piglin-player trading and marrige. Piglin-Player hybrids make up nearly a fith of all hybrid or 'halfblood' players, with it's largest concentration being in the Helmath settlement In the northern range of the nether, right by the iconic lava falls.
The most common structures you will see are Piglin bastions, the Netherian equivilent of a village. Piglins do trade with players- but be warned. The piglins are not a group to be trifiled with, especially in their own territory. Just as it is expected for a Piglin or Enderman who goes to the Overworld, a player must conform to the traditions of their host dimension.
The Nether, with it's lava, fire, mobs, and difficult to navigate terrain is considered too dangerous for most players under the age of 14 to go too, hence why nether portals have to be blocked off, as well as put in more discreet locations to avoid children accidentally wandering through them.
Once a child turns 14, it is a common practice for them to spend one overworld night in the Nether. They go with a set of iron armour, tools, and food that they have prepared, and must wait out the night alone. Of course, the areas of the nether in which this practice is done are always near the safety of a friendly piglin bastion. Likewise, a common piglin tradition is to spend the night in an overworld forest nearby a village.
Once a young player returns home, they are considered mature enough to go dimension traveling, which they will do with a mentor until they manage to safely navigate all biomes. Although some insist that a player must do this alone, sibling or close friends of the same age may camp together.
The Nether also holds an abundance of rare minerals, the most valuable of which is netherite ore or as it's more commonly called. Gold and quartz are also popular exports, as well as netherwart and blaze powder, both key ingredients in most potions.
The Nether's most notable trait over all is it's distinct lack of water. Although water can form in the nether, particularly in colder places underground and in milder climates such as the crimson and warped forests, it is not not as prevalent as in the overworld.
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wayfaring-cryptid · 4 years
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Art dump
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mosstliest · 3 years
fallen stars always plague the cold
requested?  yes  /   no
r e q u e s t :
Omg hi!!! Ur writing is literally *chefs kiss*
ne ways I'd love to request a c!techno x reader with the frostbitten lips kissing cuz like yk they live in the frozen tundra and im a simp also I'd love to be 🩰 anon if ur opening an anon list!!!
- 🩰 anon
prompt! - 27, kiss with frostbitten lips
pronouns used: they / them
c!technoblade x reader
fluff, angst? (past partners to rivals to lovers speedrun)
cw! mentions of frostbit . swearing  . eye talk bc I’m a sucker for eyes . mentions of past war
1318 words
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Coming from L’manberg, where the most drastic climate event were the ever appropriate thunderstorms, it’s safe to say you did not take kindly to the everlasting cold of Snowchester and it’s freezing surroundings. Life in the arctic biome had quickly proven to be unsympathetic, but you’d never been the type to back down from a challenge.
It was on a particularly hostile evening that you found yourself walking alongside none other than Technoblade.
He’d found you in the rather compromising position of almost being killed by an enderman while trying to obtain the means to pearl atop the mountain and offered to walk you home under the argument of “I can’t be associated with someone who died in such an embarrassing way”.
You’d met him before --reluctantly considering him an acquaintance when he first allied with Pogtopia and slowly, between training sessions and long hours of potato farming, you had dared to call him a friend, after weeks of preparing for war, perhaps something more.  neither of you ever risked suggesting a title, but you’d proudly worn his enchanted armor to combat and stood beside him as the tyranny of Schlatt ended on an underwhelming note, the taste of victory still weaved with the bitterness of betrayal as you ended up battling his withers. You’d learnt your lesson and were not willing to forget it.
The two of you had been walking for a good thirty minutes and the silhouette of your cottage was still nowhere to be seen, a month had passed since you relocated to the vicinal hills of Snowchester and you still hadn’t learnt that the customary fur lined attire was never enough to keep you warm but instead of walking faster or rubbing your arms to scare off the cold, you decided to provoke the pigman. No better antidote for frostbite than a bit of entertainment, right?
“So, still on the business of betraying your friends Techno?”
The attractive clean-cut features of the pigman and his eternally stern expression never ceased to stun you, he glanced back at you with snowflakes sticking to his braided hair and no trace of a reaction in his face.
“Still letting everyone push you around y/n?”
Monotone, cold. Maybe the arctic had been the place for him all along
You could have quipped back, but there were so many things left unsaid between you, and there was still a long way to go
“I don’t let anyone push me around, I never have”
Hot fury started rising up your throat, he was so unbothered by everything it was exasperating
“We trusted you, Tommy and Tubbo and Wil… we needed you Techno, I needed you! You were my friend and you betrayed me-”
The word friend felt foreign when spoken to him, but this was no time for introspection
“And you still haven’t learnt a thing! Be it Tubbo or Schlatt or even Wilbur, they’re the problem! The gov-”
You flinched at the mention of your dead friend and interrupted the man
“It never had anything to do with the fucking government Techno! We trusted you and you didn’t give a shit”
You blinked away angry tears and turned to face him, the frozen trail forgotten as you both laid raw statements on a creaking table built of long buried feelings
“Y’know, I always considered you the smartest of the bunch, guess you’ve proven me wrong”
“You are the one who hasn’t learnt! I’ve grown Techno, I have changed. You left our country a burning mess and you ran for the fucking hills! You never cared, you never...”
He opened his mouth to answer and closed it as you drifted off mid sentence
“That’s what you think? That I abandoned you because I didn’t care? They called me a war criminal! I’m a damn public enemy now y/n”
Furious tears ran down your cheeks leaving a frozen trail of bitterness
“I had no choice and I- well I wasn’t going to drag you with me! but I cared, I still do I think… about you at least”
A wolf howling in the distance was the only sound breaking the stillness
“You look cold, let’s… let’s just get you home”
“I am not cold, I-”
A particularly inhospitable breeze cut you off and Technoblade couldn’t help but let out a low chuckle at how you wrapped your arms around your midsection in a futile attempt to battle the snow, the usual threatening demeanor that had always intrigued the anarchist shattered and the softness underneath it nothing short of endearing. He could have stared at you forever, delicate and fragile under the northern sky, but your lips were turning blue and Technoblade wasn’t about to let all the effort of finishing off the enderman and walking up a mountain for god knows how long go to waste. Without uttering a word, he slipped off his red cape and draped it around your shoulders.
The red material was worn and soft and you let out a sigh of relief as the cloak started warming your body.
Your voice came out a resigned whisper and if it weren’t for the eternal silence of the landscape around you, Techno wouldn't have been able to hear it.
You hadn’t been looking for closure, you had wanted to provoke him, fishing for a reaction, a quip or an insult. In some twisted way, you had missed him.
Everything stayed quiet for a second. his normally virtuous hand still stuck in mid air, barely missing a grasp on the fur lining his cloak. You’d never paid much thought to The Blade’s height, but now, as he towered over you, close enough that you could hear him breathe, you wished you’d taken Eret up on that platform boots shopping trip invitation years ago.
Technoblade was much less preoccupied with your height difference and more concerned with the fact that you were possibly the most enchanting person he’d ever laid eyes on. He wondered if he’d noticed before --while you rotted away together on the dimly lit cavern they had insisted on calling a nation--, how your eyes were prettier than the moon; brighter and fuller and bewitching in every sense of the word.
He wondered if a million multicolored polar lights would ever be as hypnotic as the coat of frozen dew that laced your eyelashes and made them shine like stars under the rays of the dusk. In a reckless motion, Technoblade reached his hand and wiped a stray shortleaf that had landed on your cheekbone, he watched in awe as you leaned against his touch.
Neither of you spoke, neither moved an inch, too scared of shattering the fragile tension outstretched between you.
Later, when trying to recall this moment, neither of you could decide on who leaned in first, but when your frostbitten lips met for the first time the world seemed to blur, or, perhaps, you finally started to see clearly.
Techno’s right hand cradled your cheek and his left traveled shy and trembling to your neck, carefully deepening the kiss. you melted onto his embrace with a small gasp, both hands pressed firmly against his chest treasuring the feeling of his beating heart against your skin.
His lips were ice and tasted like the night and his mouth was burning hot and desperate and his breath was shaky and the snow was falling heavier than before but it was fine, any trace of cold had long banished and the rhythmic melody of synchronized heartbeats melted the snow before it reached the ground.
You kissed for what could have been hours of long minutes or short fused seconds with no one but the stars and the moon and the ice as witnesses.
When you opened your eyes and looked up at Techno, his cheeks were flushed a dark crimson and he was blinking fast, all pink shadows and golden angles against the white. Lean and powerful as he’d always been and suddenly; forgiving him appeared to be a rather tempting option.
I feel like this came off a bit rushed but I really loved this request and wanted to finish it up as quick as posible.
Masterlist should be up soon and I am opening an anon list if you're interested :^)
have a lovely morning/day/evening/night <3
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mogai-sunflowers · 2 years
anygays here’s my updated list of upcoming royal system terms- currently not adding to it, and i did remove a few from the lists recommended to me for personal reasons, i’m really looking forward to doing these, i’ve got flags for most so far and i do have around 100 posts in my queue alr but im gonna be shuffling it up a bit so i can post royal system posts in between the ones alr in the queue
willow, lullaby, melody, harmony, love song, acoustic music, violin, cello, poetry, sunlight, moonlight, starlight, ocean sunset, waterlily, tigerlily, lupine, dragonfly, firefly, auroracore, pixiecore, clockpunk, steampunk, carnivalcore, post apocalyptic, pastel academia, musical academia, writers academia, ballet academia, romantic academia, crowcore, cyberpunk, cyberprep, cyberdelic, cybergoth, cybergrunge, coffee house, vellichor, dollcore, dark paradise/naturalism, daydream, dazecore, psychedelica, acidwave, ethereal, fairy academia, fawncore, happycore, horror academia, theater academia, jamcore, lunarpunk, solarpunk, northerness aesthetic, ocean academia, sparklecore, studyplace/studycore, vintage academia, warmcore, witchy academia, spiritcore, scenecore, marigold, daffodil, hyacinth, peony, rainy days, pastel, rococo, pixel cutie, pastel blue, pastel yellow, pastel orange, pastel pink, pastel purple, pastel green, plaguecore, plague doctor, natural philosophy, philosophy, luminism, hikecore, mountain sunrise/sunset, craftcore, vintage/vintagecore, cloud/cloudcore, violet flower, iris, lavender, jasmine, magnolia, morning glory, bluebell, poppy, orchid, lotus, forget me not, buttercup, gardenia, lilac, wildflower, dandelion, periwinkle, dahlia, zinnia, calla lily, lily of the valley, petunia, chrysanthemum, rosemary, love song, garden, fairy tale, fairy lights, flower crown, ginger, gingerbread, cotton candy, candy cane, cookie, lamb, honeybee, bumblebee, twirly skirt, ballerina, blue butterfly, phoenix, songwriting, ivy, aspen, birch, oak, evergreen, starry sky, winter forest, winter flower, polar bear, black bear, grizzly bear, leopard, meadowlark, nightingale, holly, sea glass, mistletoe, crescent moon, feather, dystopia, utopia, lollipop, popsicle, cookie, candy/candycore, harp, soulqueer, neon, arcade/arcadecore, snowman, nebula, constellation, northern lights, shooting star, summer sunset, romantic love, queerplatonic love, platonic love, friendship, kindness, falcon, hawk, poison, gold, marble, rebel, astronomy, volcano, love/lovecore, babycore, minimalism, prairiecore, candle, fairy garden, coconut, ocean cliff, flying, spiral, magical, magic trick, tiger, pegasus, griffin, satyr/faun, misty sunrise, christmas tree, legendary, bowtie, secret, ghosty story, evil fairy, guitar, singing, rainbow sprinkles, rainbow sparkles, superhero, stone, forgotten, dryad, infinity, paradise, castle, peach, elephant, luck, courage, fear, sci-fi, fantasy, siren, campfire, library, swan, envy, apple juice, antique, greenhouse, hot chocolate, celestial, brownie, imagination, truth, magic wand, illusion, prophecy, euphoria, jewelry, heartbreak, stardust, nightlight, magical flower, angel bunny, notebook, silk, memory, liberty, honeydew, honeycrisp, autumn academia, mystery, heaven, hell, wisteria, whimsical, mirror, sugarplum, ice skating, bell, tuxedo, androgynous, spy, detective, wisdom, war, branch, sword, shield, gun, yule, xenic, genderless, glass, translucent, holy, overcast, sky, wax, zodiac, knitted doll, feathered dragon, evil, tabby cat, 50s, 20s, tuxedo cat, barn owl, snowy owl, creeper, enderman, pokemon, dovakiin, khajit, redguard, argonian, bosmer, dunmer, altmer, orsimer, imperial, Breton, nord, guard, drama, gender nonconforming, god/goddess, linguistic, clay doll, cornhusk doll, occult, tarot, lava, slime, luna moth, silk moth, poodle moth, rose maple moth, poltergeist, fruit bat, sloth, cyclops, flower fairy, narwhal, salt, she/her, he/him, they/them, it/its, funky, fresh, homey, bear, time travel, vampire bat, circus, songbird, pony, virus, fever, sand castle, hologram, radioactive, alternate timeline, alternate/parallel universe, white peacock, ancient ruins, distorted reality, victorian, victorian goth, enchantress
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netheritenugget · 3 years
okay, here are some of my headcanons!! mostly putting lighthearted ones here or ones i find cool :)
ranboo's vocal cords are different from that of a humans, so he can beatbox really well. he can just bass boost himself
sapnap is a nether imp! he can breathe fire though he cant control it completely, he has horns, pointed ears, and claws!! in my head a nether imps appearance is effected by where they live, and sapnap was raised partially in the nether, so he only has some of the features
tommy's also a nether imp, but he's lower class and only has one horn poking out from his bangs. his ears are only slightly pointed too
niki's hair is a mix of brown, black, pink and blonde. she's been a bit reckless since she found out wilbur was alive, so she doesn't tend to her hair as often or as carefully. this resulted in her hair being a jumble of colors
quackity has golden teeth replacing the ones he lost when techno struck him with the pickaxe
one of the reasons tubbo continues to grow his hair over his eyes is because he wants to be able to look at ranboo without triggering his enderman side. the other reasons are unknown
techno oinks when he's really happy but he tries not to :)
kristin is the goddess of death and wither. she has a veil decorated with huge wither roses because she's a giant
phil keeps contact with her through the northern lights. kristin sends them over to remind phil that she loves him :D
ranboo has literally no sense of gender whatsoever so he just.. rolls with it.
ranboo has strings on his fingers to remember things! dark green is for tubbo, red is for tommy, dark pink is for techno, light pink is for micheal, light green is for phil :)))
tommy subconsciously fluffs his own hair when he's stressed, like how wilbur used to do when they were both happy and not traumatized at all. he has to grip his shirt and belt to stop himself from doing so.
tommy also digs his fingernails into his palms often, so he has scars there. sometimes they reopen and he gets ranboo or tubbo to patch him up. when they arent there to help him he does it himself and he complains to his moths
most of tubbos chat are bugs,, they chill in his hair and in ponds :))
tommy's chat are moths in his hair
wilbur's chat is rats!! wherever he geos there will be at least a couple of rats scurrying around him.
phil is the only person who can look in 3rd person canonically. he can look through the eyes of his crows using magic :D
thats all i got for now!! again i love sharing headcanons lmao; ahve a good day/night!!
Ranboo canonically half parrot confirmed. Also I love the Quackity gold tooth headcanon too, it's one of my favorites! :D
And Wilbur's chat being rats: your brain is huge and wrinkly and if I wasn't a crow I'd be a rat. I love it.
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medium-kat07 · 2 years
Chapter 13; Dark eyes, light hearts
Pairings: Quackbur (romantic), SBI (familial), and whatever the duo name for Q and Tommy is
AU: Superpowers
Wordcount: ~2900
TW: mention of bandages, minor mention of death, talk of bruises
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Tommy hated patrol.
His brothers, although pricks, were lucky not to have to do it. All they had to do was sit around and yell at each other until one of them had to do something (And boy, was it easy for them to yell at each other- part of the reason Tommy was so good with comebacks was that he saw how they riled up his brothers.) He was forced to sneak out in the middle of the night and go jump around a random sector of the city.
L’manburg was a roughly circular city, with the hero tower in the center of it all. Vigilantes split it up into a simple wheel- Central city was the area surrounding the hero tower. North, south, east, and west, were equally divided on the donut around central, and the outskirts were the full circle about the city.
Heroes, on the other hand, divided the city by political sectors. Las Nevadas, infamous for mafia shootouts and casino robberies; Kinoko, a district of mostly housing and schools, popular for up-and-coming drug dealers and blue labs; Snowchester, a northern sector of mostly factories and holding facilities; and Badlands, a maze of roads and terminals dominated by gang dynamics.
The agency focused on sectors closest to Central; which ones donated more money and would get more news revenue. This means no heroes are ever sent to the outskirts (or anywhere too far out) unless a villain is present.
Whereas vigilantes had to go everywhere.
It’s not like Tommy doesn’t enjoy beating up pricks, but patrol takes so long. He hates to admit it’d be easier if he were older, and not a teenager in a mask that somehow climbed to be one of the top vigilantes. Most vigilantes only patrol the area they live in, and he’s run into many of them, but when he’d started out, he’d slowly expanded his area out of sheer spite and ended up doing the whole city.
Somehow, some people hadn’t quite believed his lie that he was an adult (which is so weird because Tommy is an amazing liar, just absolutely great at everything, obviously,) and still suspect he’s a teenager.
One of these people was Minx.
Minx, or Nightshade, was adamant about someone going with Tommy on patrols, which was the most annoying thing on earth, considering that Tommy didn’t need anyone to go with him and he was a big man who could take care of himself.
“Someone has to go with him,” she said one night when he offered to patrol south. Her excuse was that he was new, and he needed someone to show him the ropes.
Tommy refuted this by telling her “I’ve been patrolling for a fucking year. Just because I’m going further out doesn’t mean I can’t take care of myself!” He sounded suspiciously like a whiny teenager, he knew this, but that didn’t stop the annoyance bleeding through.
He didn’t know why Minx even cared, as she disliked him particularly and cursed him out more than the others- but she was insistent that the boy be accompanied, and he often had to do it with Niki, Sam, or Q.
Luckily, he could usually talk Minx into letting him go with Ranboo.
Which brings him to his current issue.
“Ranboo, please!”
“I’m sorry!” The Enderman hybrid laughed. “I have so much paperwork to give and do, and Phil needs me for a project, and then there’s Tubbo-”
“You’re literally doing this just because you want to sleep! You sleep all the time!”
Ranboo blinked. “You mean every night?”
“Yes! Every single night! Doesn’t that seem a bit much?”
“You’re so messed up, Tommy. Please let me go.”
The blond held onto Ranboo’s arm pathetically. “No, you have to come with me, or else Minx will make someone else go and they’re going to baby-talk me and shit because they all think I’m a child!”
“You are a child! You’re a year younger than me!” Ranboo breathed. “I have to stay. Techno said he’s training tonight, and you know how he gets.”
Tommy groaned. He let go of the Enderman hybrid’s arm with a huff, causing the taller to stumble back a few inches. Tommy did know, and he knew someone had to stop his oldest brother from getting new bruises, as dark as the prospect seemed. “Fine. Just don’t come crawling when I’ve murdered one of the other vigilantes.”
“I won’t defend you in court.” Violet particles swarmed around the teenager, seemingly coming from thin air. When they dissipated, Ranboo had disappeared.
“Fuck you,” Tommy said to no one, running a hand through his hair. “Fuck you.”
Ranboo had been busy lately, and it’d been terrible. A few nights back, Tommy had to patrol with Glacier, otherwise called Jack, who was a bald prick with an ice power that made too many Among Us jokes.
Just as Techno’s bruises began to heal, he got more. Ranboo had to babysit him, basically, constantly checking on him and making sure he wasn’t hurting himself. Forcing him to take breaks. Tommy hated it. His oldest brother overworking, his friend having to be a personal therapist, his dad never being home, and his other brother sneaking out to who-knows-where since he healed.
Wilbur finally got the bandages around his torso removed about two weeks ago. He was ecstatic about it, going on and on about finally being able to leave the med bay and lay useless in his own bed instead of the hospital one. Although Tommy knew he didn’t. The teenager was the only one in the house that knew Wilbur was going somewhere at night. Tommy sometimes came home to his brother coming home as well, with a big dumb smile on his face like he’d won the world. After investigating the liquor cabinet, Tommy could conclude that No, Wilbur was not drunk, he was in fact just going somewhere that made him happy.
Which should have made Tommy happy. Instead, he just felt suspicious.
He was acting so weird lately. Drifting in and out of focus, smiling at the tiniest things and mumbling song lyrics under his breath at the dinner table. He was so happy that even Techno seemed to notice, pausing his movies to squint at his brother across the living room.
He’d acted like this before, Tommy knew, but always to a certain extent. Now, the lofty disposition was endless.
Tommy stared around his room.
It was late at night, and everyone was out of the apartment (possibly Wilbur, as well.) That seemed normal.
Once upon a time, the family had dinners together each night. Dad wasn't quite as swamped with work, Techno wasn't getting bruises from bursting veins, and Wilbur hadn't locked himself away in his room.
Once upon a time, Tommy had posters of various heroes around his room, and journals filled with drawings and stories of some of the most famous, legendary superheroes ever to appear in L’manburg.
Back from when the agency wasn’t a pile of shit.
Those posters are now torn down, replaced by pictures of family, and taped up polaroids of friends. Just Tubbo and Ranboo, really- he didn’t have a lot of time for anything else. The journals he kept were often filled, page by page, with videogame cheat codes and failed attempts to be one of those kids who keeps a diary. He’d write an entry for one day, the next day, and then forget about it for a while before trying to start up again. Not the best system in the world.
He throws open his closet, filled with stacks of old DVDs. Pushing past the formal clothes that were hung up (the ones Phil makes him keep just in case the media starts to care about him,) he drags out a box labeled “miscellaneous,” which contains his vigilante clothes and mask.
Red hoodie, cargo pants, and a mask in the shape of a record.
Hence the name Vinyl.
After he put his costume on, Tommy’s phone went off. An Animal Crossing dialogue sound played through the speaker and he quickly picked it up.
Nightshade: Ranboo texted me.
Vinyl: of course he fukcing did
Nightshade: Roulette is going with you.
Vinyl: Whyyyy please can I just stay on my own
Nightshade: nah
Vinyl: I hate you I hate yoy I hate you I hate toy o gate youvd
Minx did not reply. Tommy was left on read.
He pocketed his phone with a sigh, feeling mildly helpless. Thankfully, he'd be going with Q, who honestly wasn't too bad.
He'd only spoken with Q a few times. At this point, he'd forgotten the vigilante's real name, and when he did remember, usually just opted for Q instead.
He was funny, Tommy thought, and smart. And best of all, he didn't treat Tommy like he was fourteen just because he acted young.
And with that last reassurance, Tommy headed out. He grabbed his levitation boots (customized with red stripes, courtesy of Tubbo Underscore, the world's best kind-of-villain,) and snuck out of the tower.
He made it through the living room and into the elevator without a hitch, passing through the lobby nonchalantly while the receptionist was on the phone.
“No- no, yes. I told him. He doesn't care.” She waved to him absentmindedly with an obligatory smile. “I swear, Karl-“
He quickly went out of the front of the building and was immediately met with a rush of freezing air. He shivered. Winter was coming.
This is why superheroes don't wear spandex.
When he did, eventually, find Roulette, he's been walking for a solid 15 minutes. He already felt his hands going numb. As the receptionist was, Q was on the phone.
“Yeah, I- I'm sorry, dude, she said so. I mean yeah, I could say no, but what reason am I supposed to give?” He paused. “No. You know I couldn't.” There was another pause, and then a sharp laugh. “No one knows, alright? He's a kid. I don't know, maybe 16, 17. You guys go to work around 20, right?”
It occurred to Tommy that he shouldn't be eavesdropping. It also occurred to him that he simply did not care.
“Not sure. Wants to help his city?... You would. You're too sweet for your own good,” Q laughed. Tommy wrinkled his nose at the affection bleeding into his voice.
The older vigilante in question stood next to the bus stop, leaning on the back of the benches while talking to whoever he was with. He had his back turned to Tommy, who crossed the street to approach him. He must have heard Tommy put his mask up and instantly almost trip over the curb due to darkened vision because he turned around swiftly to face the teen.
“Fuck,” he said.
“Nice to see you too, Big Q,” Tommy deadpanned.
“Right. No, yeah, great to see you. Uh.” He blinked, bringing the phone closer to his mouth. “Got to go, sorry, he's here.” He was about to hang up, but as an afterthought, he hissed into the mic, “Go home!”
The sharp beep from the call ending echoed throughout the street. In the dark, Tommy could see Q's mask illuminated by a streetlight. He pocketed his phone with what Tommy imagined was a nervous grin.
“So. Who?”
“…Who what?”
“Who was the one on the phone? The one who's too sweet for their own good,” Tommy mocked with air quotes.
Q shook his head, laughing. “Nobody, nobody. Are you, uh- ready to get going?”
“No, I’m here to arrest you. Of course, I’m ready! Let's go, let's go!”
Tommy promptly started walking, already starting their path around central L'manburg. Q sighed, nervousness forgotten.
While they walked, Tommy asked various questions that might be deemed too personal, and possibly indecent. Q laughed when prompted and answered when needed, though, and along the way Tommy remembered something.
Tubbo, (who was only the best man ever,) had said something about Blue and Roulette meeting. Specifically, something about them flirting.
Now, that was a good couple of months ago, but it didn't mean it wasn't something worth asking about.
Wilbur was his brother, after all.
As he thought about this, the two vigilantes settled into an uncomfortable silence while they walked. Nobody seemed nearby. All Tommy had to do was start the conversation.
It took him a good couple of minutes to will his mouth to move. He found that was normal in social situations.
“So,” Tommy began in a desperate attempt to break the silence, “Have you, uh- fought with Blue, recently? Seen him at all?”
Q flinched like he’d been slapped, turning quickly to face Tommy, his one visible eye panicked. “What have you heard?”
“Nothing! Nothing! Well, you just- Jack was saying you’d, um- met him a few months ago when he fought Pyro. And- and I think Tubbo was saying something about you and him when he was testing out his robot thing?”
Q only relaxed minimally, saying, “Yeah, I um, we’ve talked before.”
Tommy raised an eyebrow. “How much?”
“Just- a few times.” He shrugged. “You know, the agency, they- they offered for me to go through hero training, I said no. Big surprise, there.”
Tommy knew. He was there when Wilbur left to give him the invitation, and he was there when Wilbur came back. “I’m assuming Blue gave you the invite, then?”
“…Yeah. We talked, a bit, then.”
“What about?”
“…Stuff? What’s with all the questions, Vinyl?” The man turned his head curiously.
“I was just curious! Wondering if you were friends or something. I’ve never spoken to a hero or fought one before.”
“We aren’t friends, we haven’t talked, barely,” Q said, turning his back to the teen. “And I never fought him, just argued.”
Just argued.
“Oh. Well, what’s he like?” It’s not like Tommy was going to find out these two knew each other and then just not interrogate them.
“He’s an asshole, for one,” Q began, shaking his head. “He’s a pain in the ass. But he’s not as bad as- as the others, probably. He’s got a good sense of humor, at least, and he never talks down to people. Kind of fucked up, but sweet.”
“You went from ‘Pain in the ass’ to ‘Sweet’ in ten seconds,” Tommy laughed.
Q waved him off, laughing nervously. “That’s because he went from ‘Pain in the ass’ to ‘Sweet’ in ten seconds. He’s confusing! He kept switching on me, back when I started talking to him. But then I figured it out, y’know. He’s so kind that it’s weird.” Tommy couldn’t see his face, but the smile bled into his voice when he talked about the hero.
Tommy did not like the sound of that.
The teen frowned and raised an eyebrow while Q talked. “You sound a little smitten, there, Big Q.”
“Wh- Fucking excuse me?”
“Nothing! You just- well, you do sound a bit affectionate, talking about a hero you’ve supposedly only met a few times,” Tommy mumbled, kicking pebbles across the pavement absentmindedly. “Almost like you have a crush on him or whatever.”
He grinned as Q stumbled over his words, trying to no avail to defend himself. “I don’t have a crush on the hero! We aren’t even friends, I don’t- I wouldn’t. I couldn’t. I don’t.” The vigilante’s gaze dropped to his hands, where he held his communicator, furiously typing something out. “I don’t.”
“I’d hope not. That couldn’t end well,” Tommy chuckled, walking ahead.
He did not receive a response. Turning around, he saw Q staring at something neither of them could see.
“Yeah. Yeah, probably not.”
Tommy really hoped he hadn’t just unlocked something.
He wasn’t protective of his older brother. Wilbur was older, and he was the one labeled protective, and it was stupid of Tommy to think like this, but it occurred to him he’d never liked anyone Wilbur set eyes on. They were always too pushy, or smiled too much, or had some unsavory quality that made Tommy sure they’d be gone soon.
He was appalled by the idea that Q- a vigilante, of all things- might have a crush on Blue. Or, contrarily, that Wilbur liked him as well. Tommy’s brother had been acting weird, hadn’t he? Smiling all the time, constantly texting someone unknown, singing love songs until sundown- nothing made any less sense.
Maybe if they were normal people, it would be okay. Q was sweet. Thinking about it, they'd probably be great, but the whole situation was a setup for heartbreak, whether the feelings were reciprocated or not. Wilbur could lose his job, or worse, his life; and Q could get arrested.
Tommy had to violently remind himself that they probably didn’t like each other. Q denied it wholeheartedly, and Wilbur could like anyone. It was a coincidence. It must be.
Q seemed a little out of it for the rest of the patrol, and it caused Tommy a great deal of stress.
He really, really hoped he hadn't just unlocked something.
(Apologies if it wasn't great quality, I'm in a bit of an emotional slump recently and it's been a challenge, but i'm so glad to have your support in my writing!! :])
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acerace · 3 years
Roles in fantasy au:
Cleo- queen of the undead, lives in a riverside grove
Bdubs- human turned phantom hybrid and good friend of Cleo, lives in the Crastle
Ren- the Red King, lives in the northern mountains at Dogwarts
Martyn- human turned elf, now lives at Dogwarts, recently promoted to hand of the king by the start of the au
Etho- assassin and elf, member of the Red King's court, traveler who lives at Woolcastle
Skizz- knight of the Red King at Dogwarts, human turned enderman hybrid, childhood friends with Impulse
Scott- king of the flower kingdom in the southeast, better than you
Jimmy- human, lives in the flower kingdom with his cow Daisy
Grian- just a dude he swears
Scar- totally just a regular guy he promises
BigB- actually just some dude, lives in the foothills near Dogwarts
Impulse- human and childhood friend of Skizz, wheels and deals and works closely with many beings
Tango- nature spirit with no allegiance anywhere, roams the world a la Etho but without the diplomatic immunity
Joel- former hunter of the Red King, banished for burning down one too many villages, keeps a pack of wolves
Lizzie- fairy queen from a distant dark oak forest
Mumbo- this one's also just a guy
Pearl- definitely not a watcher what are you talking about haha
False- knight :D
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nekoma-not-lee · 2 years
Races of the End
So Endermen have three different races, known as the Enderian, the Overendians, and finally the Nethernian. They all have toe beans and finger beans. Can teleport.
The term “Enderian” refers to the Endermen that reside on either of the End Islands! Both the Northern Enderians and Southern Enderians are exactly the same, except for the fact they live in different areas. The Enderians are the highest rank you can be as an Enderman, as you would be living on the same lands the royal family resides in. These Endermen are often hand picked to mate with the queen, unless there are other creatures around that she finds more attractive (this has only happened twice). The Enderians often bully the Nethendians, but are somewhat friendly to the Overendians. Here the Endermen are primarily male, as the royal family is composed of females, so female endermen are forbidden. If found, they are banished to the Nether to become a Nethendian. The Enderians get aggressive when you make eye contact, as they see it as a challenge. They don’t deal well with heat.
So Ender Dragons are divided into two species, known as Wingians and Winglessians, though as a whole, they’re known as Dragonians. They also have paw beans!
The term “Wingian” refers to the Dragonians that are primarily female. Any case of a male Wingian has either died at birth, or had to have their wings amputated because they didn’t grow right. There’s only one case that lived, but we’ll save that story for later. Anyways Wingians are born with wings and a tail (or multiple depending on how they wish their tail to grow). They’re also born with horns! This species is able to adapt to other creatures' ways of life, like for instance the Queen’s favorite daughter, she has three scorpion tails that intertwine around a really sharp barbed tail. One tail paralyzes, one poisons, and the final one is an anti venom. All Wingians are born with the same defense mechanism that never grows out of them…the fact that they can shoot venom out of their fangs. They only really care for the Enderians, as they actually live in the End. They can control their body heat at will.
The term “Winglessian” refers to the Dragonians that are primarily male. A rare species indeed, since most Dragonians are female. They are basically the opposite of Wingians. So these guys actually don’t have wings, but they have two tails, like the Endermen do. They have horns as well, which is something that sets them apart from Endermen. There haven’t been any cases of a female Winglessian yet. They only really care for the Overendians, because they’re nicer than the Enderians. They can control their body heat at will.
There aren’t really any different races of these ones. They spawn with permanent armor on. Has 9 extra inventory slots.
Once again, just one race of them. They are born in the end and are actually more commonly found in the Overworld. They can fly, they spawn with an elytra, and they are very fond of the Avians for obvious reasons (cough Chickeninnit and Crow Father cough).
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butter-on-ghost · 2 months
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Indie :]
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Ranboo HC! Ranboo has two mothers, The first one is named Eveline beloved she is 110 years old (this is about 30 human years, endermen age differently) she is the ruler of a northern end city and is good friends with the ender dragon, Ranboos other mom is named Anaya beloved she is 28 years old and is a trans enderman human hybrid, Ranboo has a brother named Bennett who is 72 years old (20 human years even though it makes no sense). this is a inspired headcannon 
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butter-on-ghost · 30 days
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breaking a horn is not fun :/
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butter-on-ghost · 1 month
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rainbow brush my beloved
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butter-on-ghost · 5 months
just text no art today
Had the idea that if a bottle of dragon’s breath is drank by an enderman it acts as a one use blast
like a night fury blast(???) I think?
and it doesn’t fade away if not used quickly after consumption. so endermen will just drink like 16 bottles of this shit and use it whenever.
I feel like it would have different effects depending on which species of endermen drink it.
since northern (the end) enderman are directly from the end, they can do a similar dragons breath blast thing
but for southern (nether) ones maybe it gives them a further teleportation distance compared to their normal short distance one. It would probably cause them to have to use their teleport sparingly since they’re not used to long distance tps. (No idea for overworld endermen though :P)
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