sare11aa11eras · 3 years
Sansa for the character thing :3
Sexuality: lesbiab
Gender: a very fem nb
Ship: Jeyne P x Sansa, Daensa
NOTP: Jonsa, sansan, sanrion, sansa x LF. You know, the incest/ped0 shit.
BROTP: Jon and Sansa :)
Random HC: Sansa simply can not cook. She can plan a feast for 30 rival lords and vassals, taking into account preferences and dietary restrictions and local customs and wine pairings and a very comprehensive seating chart, but the girl couldn’t make coffee without a kuerig.
Gen opinion: light of my fucking life I would die for her
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weirwoodking2 · 3 years
Top 5 non pov asoiaf characters
off the top of my head, qhorin, ygritte, jeyne p, aemon, robb
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aethelredism · 3 years
When I was little I really liked Jurassic Park but it was obviously a very scary/gory movie for a toddler so my mom taped it when it was on HBO and then she cut out all the scary/bloody/dialogue heavy bits (because I was 3 and had no attention span) so we ended up with a 10 minute version of the movie that I would watch over and over and for years I thought that was like, the real movie
and at some point when I was like 9 or 10 I saw the full version and I was SHOCKED
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littlerockerao3 · 3 years
That's what you sent so far for Robb:
Hehe I see what you did there…
It’s always a good time to talk about my baby boy!
How I feel about this character:
In case someone didn’t understand it by my icon, my bio, my header and my posts, I FREAKING LOVE HIM.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Theon is Robb’s one and only, sorry.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Thanks for sending it back!!! I hate you tumblr. I had written it once again but then it suddenly got deleted so now I’m answering this for the THIRD TIME. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
All his relationships with his siblings. Shoutout to the special bond he had with Bran since he basically had to raise him and Rickon for a while. Also, Sansa and Arya too obvs, and Jon definitely. Also, his mummy. His scenes with Jeyne were adorable but I think I would have thought of them in a more romantic way if Robb survived and they had the time to know each other better and eventually fall in love. And oh, honourable mention to his N.1 fan, Greatjon.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I think I’ve made my point a thousand times by telling how he’s young and did not think with his dick and he actually was a better king than... anyone else? Better than Joffrey, better than Aerys and most of all, better than Robert. Also, mr Tywin Lannister, may I remind you that the only way you managed to kill him was attacking him when he was disarmed and at dinner? How brave of you! You made it soooo clear that you weren’t chicken shit of a teen. 
But apart from this, I think his POV would have been one of the more interesting! I know grrm doesn’t write kings povs but I would have loved to see his thoughts about him being the oldest son of a lord and the oldest brother of too many kids, I would have loved to read his mind in his “I dont want to be king but I have to” situation, and his thoughts when Theon did what he did. Though, now that I think about it, it would have been too heartbreaking and it would have made my read way too much more painful :(
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
That he lived???? That he got to reunite with his siblings???? Also, I would have loved him to meet Dany. It would have been so easy for them to come to an agreement, he would have helped her get on the Iron Throne and she would have let him be king in the north in return. That was the story we deserved. Martin, you should have gone by this way, if you did by now you would have ended asoiaf and you could be doing whatever the hell you wanted but noooo let’s choose the hard way.
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istaricelebelasse · 3 years
Or “Do you even know what love feels like?” I suddenly can't decide omg
Thanks for the prompt :3
Robb hummed happily and shoved the door open with his elbow. He was a little early for their date, but he knew Theon wouldn’t mind, not when he was bringing sweet caffeine as a gift.
The scent of stale alcohol filled the air, and Robb was reassured by his choice of offering: undoubtedly Theon would have a headache after his night out.
Gingerly he stepped over piles of clothes and empty bottles until he reached Theon’s bedroom. The door was ajar, and Robb thought nothing of pushing it open further.
But as soon as he had, he regretted it.
Theon’s arms were stretched above his head, his hands gripping the headboard, and a look of utmost bliss upon his face.
A riot of black curls bobbed upon his lap, and the wet noises filling the air left no doubt as to what was happening.
The coffees fell from Robb’s hands, and it seemed almost like time had slowed.
Slowly, as though they were moving through treacle, Theon and his companion turned to face Robb.
It was like a knife had stabbed his heart, so deep was the betrayal when he saw his own brother’s face looking over at him.
He had to get out, had to get away from the sight of Theon and Jon in bed together.
“Wait, Robb, please!” Theon shot out of the bed, uncaring of his nakedness, “I love you!”
“Do you even know what love feels like?” Robb spat, “Or do you only understand lust?”
“Robb- I-“ Theon tried again, but Robb would have none of it.
“I thought better of you. Both of you.” He blinked heavily, his vision suddenly blurred with tears, “Did I ever mean anything to you? Or was I just convenient?”
He did not bother to wait for an answer. Instead he jerked away and all but ran from the scene.
He was sure that Theon shouted something after him, that Jon tried to explain, but he could not hear them.
He could hear nothing over the sound of his heart breaking.
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salty-wench · 4 years
5, 6, 7, 11, 20 :)
Thank you, love <3 I have just answered two so I am not repeating
11: Which character do you have the most in common with?
Ooof... Ok, if we are considering this wip alone I am going to centre this on Theon, Jon, and other (living *sob*) Stark kids...
I’m going to be a touch honest and say I channel different elements of myself into different characters. This is probably true of everyone, but I find it very noticable. I am not like Theon day-to-day, but basically, low mood, high mood, and teenage me relate hard... and, uh, we have families. Actually, I kinda consider a couple of friends from teenage years at times with him. However, I feel like my personality and interests are closer to Sansa and those that I give modern Jon (weird mash-up, right?) 
20: Post a brief excerpt.
Can you get a three for two deal on funerals? Because Val’s going to kill him.
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estrangedandwayward · 4 years
Top five Throbb moments
1) "now and always" (this was a marriage proposal)
2) "where was I? I should have died with him" (tears bitch, tears)
3) when bran mentions that ever since ned left robbs been spending all his time with theon. Ya know, talking presumably
4) "for robb himself, theon did have a certain affection" o really
5) when they go to riverrun and they in the rowboat together alone, you just know that was chaotic as fuck and they were splashing each other (this ones rarely mentioned but i just like thinking about it sometimes.)
Send in top 5s (get mediocre answers)
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weirwoodking · 3 years
Robb, Theon and Jon
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jeyne-stark · 4 years
Northern wedding ceremonies traditionally involve a bit of light kidnapping, especially in the northern bit of the North and in the Neck. The morning of the wedding, the groom and several of his friends sneak (or “sneak,” as they’re often very drunk and everyone knows this is going to happen) into the bride-to-be’s chambers, grab her, and carry her off along with as many of her friends/sisters/handmaids as they can. The bride’s family chases after them and tries to reclaim her before they reach the godswood. Whoever gets the bride gets to make a demand of the other group, usually some silly or embarrassing thing, because this is all in good fun and camaraderie, and then the wedding can begin. 
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sexyheretic · 3 years
crosses - josé gonzález
Ignore them tonight and you'll be alright
We'll cast some light and you'll be alright
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fineosaur · 4 years
44 Throbb?
Tumblr media
throbb | x | — 44. “You’ve always felt like home.”
from these drabble prompts 
Much like the fire within the hearth that beckoned him with its flickering warmth, he felt disquiet within himself.
The air felt thick, far more humid than that of the North’s. He could easily make out the Red Fork by where he stood, pulling at the laces of his tunic. It unsettled him, the rushing water, so fresh, unlike the brine of his home.
Home. it didn’t sound at all like it should, or perhaps he should have felt it. That too he couldn’t imagine. Half his life he had stayed a ward of Winterfell, though hostage would be the more accurate term for it.
If he thought hard enough, he could imagine the jagged shores along the Sunset Sea, he could possible conjure up the way the salt spray would feel on his cheeks. Last he had felt it, he was a boy of ten, Theon Greyjoy, Prince of the Iron Isles. He was still heir to the Seastone Chair, but uncertainty twisted its knife in him at the thought of it.
He had grown accustomed to his life in Winterfell, despite the ephemeral overtone, he had gotten used to it. Once he had believed, hoped that Ned Stark would marry him to Sansa, but now she herself was but a hostage. Theon might have considered himself fickle, he knew himself to be, his interest jumping ship whenever he found something new to daydream about. Recently he had found his daydreams taking on a much different form, one much less temporary and wholly immersive.
Theon strode to the bed he had been given, taking a seat with a wineskin in hand. He had found that war made him weary, distanced him from everything he thought he had known. He hung on the balance between what he was and what he would be, what he could be. He deigned to admit to what he wanted to be. What he knew, though, was that he needed to, travel to Seagard with Jason fucking Mallister. At least Patrek wasn’t bad company.
His gut turned with apprehension. Theon chose to mask it with anticipation, he was a kraken who had been forced to spend too long away from the sea, frozen in the North, returning home would be good, he thought.
There was a knock at the door once Theon dropped his boots by the bed. There was a muffled voice as he walked, lifting the latch and opening the door to Robb crouching with his direwolf at his feet.
Theon leaned against the wooden door frame with crossed arms, smiling down at the young auburn-haired man, whose curled locks fell messily to his startling blue eyes.
He pushed his hair out of his face and straightened himself to his full height, “Were you busy?” Robb asked with a small smile growing on his face too. He looked tired, he rubbed his neck and glanced to the stone floors before meeting Theon’s eyes again.
“Not as busy as a king, I suppose,” Theon joked, stepping aside and letting Robb walk into his room, watching Grey Wind lay just outside the door.
Robb took a look around the small room, silently letting his eyes wander as Theon gazed at him. He wasn’t sure if Robb could tell how fixed his stare was, that his heartbeat quickened just a bit more around him than it did with all those other women, with anyone else.
“I’m sending you to Pyke.”
Theon laughed, “I know,” he answered, watching Robb turn back to him with a wide stare. Even with all those years of growing up together, Theon would have never thought it would come to this. That they would be at war, that Robb would be king and that he himself would be fighting a war within himself.
“I’m sending you home, Theon,” Robb reiterated. Home. There it was again. It hit him harder than earlier.
Theon swallowed heavily, still tasting the sweet, tart wine on his tongue. He approached Robb with steady footing, pushing his long hair behind his ears before meeting Robb’s eyes. “As an envoy to my father, I know that.”
Robb stood rooted by the shuttered window, his eyes darted away from Theon’s as soon as he got closer, “My mother thinks Balon cannot be trusted,” Robb said, laughter coated his words as if it were a ridiculous concept.
“I wouldn’t know,” Theon responded tersely, “not really.”
“It’s up to you then. When you get back home that is.”
It rang in his head each time, “Will you stop saying that,” his tone was blunt, but as a sparring sword, it still packed a hit.
“Home—“ Theon waved his hand, bothered by his own sentiment, he had tried to play his farce, but something about Robb weighed on all his strings. He felt like one of those wooden dolls that Sansa and the steward’s daughter loved so much. “You keep saying it as if I even remember what it was like.”
Of course, he remembered. He remembered the smell of seaweed, the chalky feeling that matted his long black hair, the way his uncle had been to him. Theon remembered Asha’s skinny legs but not the sound of her voice. He missed his mother on occasion, more often than he ever wanted to admit. And even at times, he would think of his brothers. But that’s not what he meant. He knew exactly what home felt like, from the way it warmed him in manners the fire of the hearth could not and down to the way it looked back at him with glimmering Tully eyes.
“I’m sorry, I guess even I haven’t fully accepted it yet,” Robb looked to his feet, slowly walking towards the small bed and taking a seat. “I don’t think I quite remember a time when you weren’t around.”
Theon had no way of answering Robb, not when he spoke so solemnly. His feet, though not yet accustomed to the cold, stone floors, padded closer towards him, lining the curve of his jaw with his eyes, choosing to offer Robb a proper grin instead.
He had been playing the same words in his head for the last years, ever since Robb had grown to four and ten and he began noticing the height he had grown to, or the way his shoulders appeared a lot broader than before. Even the fair hair that began growing out against his jaw had caught Theon’s eye. Once again, it was unsettling.
“Have I made an impression on you, Stark?” Theon jeered, throwing himself on the bed as well. His body suddenly felt warmer than it had in a while, especially with the approaching winter.
“You wish,” Robb countered, shoving Theon by the shoulder in mockery.
Theon easily caught his hand, blaming the wine for the way he let himself stare back at Robb with his wrist between his fingers. He was warm, too inviting, especially with his pink lips and wide eyes.
“What do you know of my wishes?”
Robb’s brows furrowed, staring at Theon with a gaze of curiosity and confusion. “Is this to do with you going home?” Robb questioned, eyes dropping to where Theon took both their hands in his lap.
Theon turned Robb’s palm, eyes tracing the lines that marked his calloused hand. They were far too young for this, or mayhap the kingdoms were too old for them.
“You’ve always felt like home to me,” Theon quietly said, eyes trained on Robb’s palm, chest warm and light from the wine and belly weightless from the young man at his side.
“I have?”
Theon dared to look up at Robb, his surprised expression lit his eyes up, even more, making Theon’s heart pound a little harder. It had never been this way, not with anyone else. He didn’t think past those words, only that they had come to his head and he needed to say them.
He leaned forward, lips colliding far too hard into Robb’s, it mattered not. Regardless, it felt right. Robb’s lips were softer than he had imagined, his lips moved slower even. It was good, despite initially being stunned, Robb relaxed into it, making Theon take his time as well.
Robb held onto Theon’s hand which locked on the back of Robb’s neck. They held one another steady as Theon shifted Robb until his back was pressed into the hard mattress. He pulled away briefly, staring down at his best friend, whom he had called his brother for half his life, the man he inevitably loved.
He stared down at Robb, his tousled russet curls, puckered, pink lips, and the flush that tinted his skin, still doing nothing to hide the freckles that dusted his face.
“I think I might love you,” Robb told him hesitantly, reaching out to tuck Theon’s long hair behind his ear, thumbing his earring before letting his fingertips line Theon’s stubbled jaw.
The words sent a flurry of emotion through him, tugging at his heart as he was haunted by thoughts of his departure.
“I think so too,” Theon nodded, smiling down at him before slowly leaning down to take ahold of Robb’s lips once more, only to be interrupted.
“You think you love me too?”
“No, I think you love me.”
Robb began laughing underneath him, pulling Theon down to his lips, both their laughs made their teeth clash before he shifted and leaned his forehead against Robb’s, his hair hung around them.
“I do, I love you,” Theon breathed, closing his eyes as they laid there, cocooned in each other’s thoughts. The war was leagues away, for now, it was only them. They were more than just a kraken and a direwolf, they were only boys, Robb and Theon, and all that mattered were their smiles against one another.
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janiedean · 4 years
northernfieldsforever ha risposto al tuo post “did you just admit you never shipped lesbian ship except one? gross”
This attitude that some people have really needs to stop, you don't have to ship every lgbt ship to be supportive of the community etc, and in terms of f/f ships in canon I can agree that we need a bigger variety of dynamics for them, I also find myself shipping non canon f/f more than the canon f/f ships, its just a matter of what the media gives us and our own personal tastes
^^^ thank you, but like... honestly, I tend to like friends to lovers with possibly two people with issues that get better/make each other better when they find themselves and have a nicely written lead-up to it and overcome their trauma together in general in ships and... the only f/f dynamic I’ve ever ran into which was eventually canon and that I was 100% into was that one ship, doesn’t seem to me like anything to drama about? have more diverse f/f dynamics indeed but that’s not like... gross if someone’s more into a dynamic than others gkjljldskjlgk
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weirwoodking2 · 3 years
Top 5 countries you'd like to visit
ireland, brazil, iceland, egypt, greece
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aethelredism · 3 years
Top 5 period dramas
OOF okay
1. Elizabeth and Elizabeth the Golden Age, the aesthetics are INSANE
2. The Last Kingdom
3. idk if it counts but A Knight’s Tale owns my soul
4. The White Queen
5. The Great 
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littlerockerao3 · 3 years
Robb, Theon, Jon
I knew this was coming😤
Oh dear, you all know it’s hard. I love them all the same. But I gotta be objective.
now let me explain thisssss: speaking of what’s written in the books only, Jon and Theon are my two most favorite POVs, Jon because he’s highly relatable and Theon because... well, because he’s amazing. I would say they switch (😏), but maybe my mind would be clearer on who should be in the first place once new books will be released. I’m placing my baby boy last because we didn’t see him enough in canon and he wasn’t even a POV. That’s the only reason.
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istaricelebelasse · 3 years
“How do I make you love me again?” Throbb :)
So, a warning, this is uhhh very angsty. Also, Robb is very traumatised which does come through in his internal monologue so if this doesn’t sound like something that would be good for you please don’t read.
Robb swallowed heavily and tried to tear his eyes from the creature before him. But he could not.
All he could do was stare at it, at its white, straggly hair, at its missing fingers, at the flayed strips of its skin.
It repulsed him and saddened him at the same time.
Robb hardened his heart towards the creature that had once been someone he had loved. The creature had made its bed, and now it would have to lie upon it. Robb would not be bailing it out this time,
It was not like he would be bailing Theon out of some drunken jape or some poorly thought out caper that had gone wrong. No. The creature was facing the consequences of killing children, of its treasons, of murdering innocents.
It deserved everything it had received.
Robb placed the tray he’d brought with him down with a thump. The noise echoed through the stone chamber, bouncing off the walls, and causing the creature’s breaths to quicken into fearful pants.
“Your meal.” He said shortly, “Sansa said you have to eat all of it.”
He did not understand why his sister was so insistent that they not just let the creature wither away from its refusal to eat. It would be cleaner than keeping it alive, when that made no one but Sansa happy.
He could not deny his sister anything though. Not even the life of a traitor.
Robb did not expect an answer, he never received one. Theon - no, the creature, never spoke to anyone.
“How- How do i make you love me again?” The creature called out, stretching its skeletal hand towards Robb. Its voice was filled with a level of desperation that Robb had never heard before, as if the creature would die if it did not receive a response.
Robb started to walk away. His heart hardened to the sight.
“Please!” The creature cried with even greater desperation, “Please, my lord! Tell me how i can make you love me again?”
Robb paused at the door, and turned his head so that he met the creature’s sea green eyes,
“You can’t.”
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