#nostalgic kinda :00
robo-dino-puppy · 11 months
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woven in light
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wild-battlebond · 2 years
speaking of bakugan did you guys know that battle brawlers is one of those shows that (who i'm assuming are) the rights holders just throw up all the episodes onto youtube
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freesomebodybyluna · 1 year
guts is good I fear...
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nyxofdemons · 3 months
Your statement of Stolitz in Apology Tour being “high school sweethearts heartbreak vibe“ was fucking eye opening. Like, yeah, I can’t explain it, but that whole party, it had that vibes. Stolas just off in the corner, talking to himself…
Is this anything?
it sure is a start !! like. something about the halloween party feels EXACTLY like the teen media staple trope(?) of the party at the rich kid's house when their parents were out of town for the weekend that was in every single high school movie in the 90's/00's ?? so it has this sort of "nostalgic" vibe to it. i was actually more referring to blitz and VEROSIKA about the high school sweethearts bit, though, honestly! our general perception of their relationship is that it was, if not something similar to, the "first real relationship" kinda thing. they seem to have had a young love/young adults going out partying and causing chaos/etc type of relationship. it's almost criminally "the prom queen and the bad boy" coded. the first heartbreak of your life dynamic. and with the focus this episode puts on them i think it just BOOSTS the nostalgic feel of the party altogether
you ARE so right about stolas though, he DOES also fit this, like, perfectly. he is ALSO experiencing his adolescent first heartbreak (this even goes DOUBLE for him because queer second adolescence is like, a HUGE thing with him!) booksmart socially uneasy friendless kid who doesn't get invited out ever having a time of unbridled yearning and social awkwardness at the party he didn't even really want to be at but felt obligated to attend. in another life he is our quiet bookish not like other girls birds YA protagonist
i fucking love the trope subversions in helluva boss but i think this is actually a new one (this episode/their dynamic in it) and i am so here for it. it feels like a callback to those retro high school film tropes through a lens of tragic adulthood and hopelessness, and that goes for all three of them (which as i just said is BOLSTERED and even more thematically appropriate what with stolas' immaturity/first love character focal points)
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iantimony · 26 days
tuesday line go up (derogatory)
hello from the end of my workday. writing this on my office computer as i watch my simulation crash in real time in the background. convergence line go up :(
listening: astonishing legends the body on the moor part 1, for some reason astonishing legends is such good Cleaning And Organizing noise to my brain. i've raised my eyebrow at some of their conclusions sometimes but i love a good unsolved mystery that doesn't focus on true crime what i can say
more 00s, just whatever shit the spotify algorithm spits out basically..."hard and heavy headbanging tuesday afternoon". i think for brevity i am going to focus on posting only the things that stuck out to me or are ear worms at the moment, which for this week is miss murder by afi, the kill by 30 seconds to mars, and out of control by hoobastank, especially the line in the latter after the chorus that goes 'and i may never know the answer to this endless mystery' that for some reason tickles my brain.
reading: Bring Back Those Pumped Italian Sodas (Anna Hezel): i LOVE italian sodas. the candy shop on main street near me does italian sodas and it is my favorite little treat to do a hot girl walk downtown and get a little bevvy to come with me. they whip so hard. bring them back everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!
elitism is the enemy of the people (Mina Le) and the linked The machine in the garden. (Emily Sundberg) ... discourse(tm) about What Substack Is For, which means nothing to me as a non-substack user. i use a rss reader to follow a few specific substacks but i do not use the platform even a little bit. sundberg seems to disparage the list format (shoutout to miss deb perelmen who i saw in there as an example of things that are pushed on the platform now) (deb's newsletter is one of the ones i follow with my rss feed lol) slash the concept of "list of content I’m consuming" which. looks at my weekly roundup posts. lol. i do understand to an extent, though - does my weekly roundup post make me a Writer(tm)?? i would kinda agree that no not really.
this zine that i think i reblogged yesterday is very cute.
watching: i saw the new alien movie with a friend! it was really good, i enjoyed it, i did look up the jumpscares beforehand because i do not do well with those in theaters especially the big imax ones, but it ended up not being necessary - the local theater here has no imax or any of the big surround sound gimmick things, which i actually prefer, and it also means the tickets were dirt cheap. 10/10 experience. the movie itself was fun, the correct amount of peen/vag imagery that one would expect from an alien movie. important to note that the dehumanization of an android character (who is also the only black character and strongly autism coded) is a big plot thing, it is not Good that he is treated that way and that is also a plot thing but it is important to know going in so it's not a surprise (thanks to someone in a server i'm in for pointing that out, i didn't clock it as being potentially triggering when i saw it but i was like ohh yeah that does make sense to warn people about). really good cast and plot overall, there was only like one point where i was like "whyyy nooo that makes no sense, why would you do that" (without too much spoiling, the gravity turns on and off in a portion and they were just. zooming up an elevator shaft using the lack of gravity. like why would you not be staying near the ladder. you KNOW it's going to turn off at some random point. anyways), but in general the decisions the characters made were really reasonable which made it very fun to watch the consequences of like, yeah, that is also the choice i would have made, shit. the ending made me go EUGH!! in a good way. lots of good easter eggs that i probably missed some of. made me weirdly nostalgic for my dad because when i was growing up he had a life-size hyper-realistic rubber facehugger model. he used to mime getting attacked by it. my mom hated that fucking thing. it must have gotten thrown out or given away at some point. anyways, as the kids would say: it's kino
thank u celestialtourguide for ur dropout login xoxo, i have been watching a lot of 'make some noise'. i love how sometimes you can hear the crew laughing in the background.
jimmy robins: The Fallout of Watcher's Betrayal, what sparked me looking more at dropout. also found out from the comments section that sam reich is son of robert reich ??? wild
finished the george r r martin problem. basically: yeagh
dangelo wallace: not gonna link em all but his videos on chapell roan, katy perry, blake lively, and starbucks. pop culture updates that mean nothing to me. good background noise tho
mina le: underconsumption-core, travel outfits, and Paul Mescal’s shorts, the luxury of privacy & the celebrity vs. influencer paradox. my boyfriend is a proponent of the tiny inseam shorts and i wholly encourage it. more of that, please, from everyone.
made in the moment: My Crafty Boston Apartment Tour. as someone who is also just moved into my own apartment alone for the first time and is in the process of making the space feel like mine, this hits interestingly.
playing: dnd as normal. i finally got to go mask-off, was replaced by a doppleganger like six months ago and finally got to pop off and kill some guys and beat the shit out of my friends lol >:b i have also moved the game that i run to biweekly instead of weekly. i just have too much fucking things happening and dm burnout real.
making: evil eye coasters! these made me very nervous because of how streaky the underglaze is! so i did the tedious task of re-coloring in around my sgraffito lines of my [redacted] coasters. clear coated them and crossing my fingers. these coasters are also too thin, two of them are too warped to use as coasters so ill have to figure out what to do with them. maybe drilling a hole (carefully...) so i can hang them up somewhere? the [redacted] coasters are like twice the thickness so i don't think they'll be warped as bad thankfully.
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i also. made. mesopotamian foot bowl :) i did not have a reference image at the time because that happened to be when the t mobile towers went down for a few hours last saturday so i kinda just freeballed it but he looks. so silly i love him. i think im gonna have to modify him, i was chatting with the studio owner about it and she was like "if you threw that bowl on a wheel you should hollow the legs out, wheel pottery twists slightly as it dries and that plus the drying rates being different will make them just pop right off", which, i can always glue them back on! but i should give him the best odds possible. bonus lil tushy
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i made a BIG BOWL !! it's not really clear from the image but it's the most clay i've ever thrown at once, i think it's like. 2.5 lb?? i didn't actually weigh it first oops i should weigh it. but it's like a foot across at the top. i put it on little ball feet to use as some sort of display bowl i think.
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and there's one more bowl that is really unremarkable so no picture for now.
fiber art: made a fucking. magic the gathering card cozy for a friend that my local mtg group is putting together a care package for. it's so fucking stupid i love it. not gonna post a pic of the front, it's just a dark red border to hold the card in. i might outline the swamp symbol with matching embroidery floss (or maybe navy??) to make it pop more, might also sew a small square of fabric on the inside to hide the loose ends. colors were chosen to match his main commander which is braids
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eating: FINALLY finished the gyudon. um . didn't cook many more recipes. i was going to do one pot chicken meatballs with greens and deb smittenkitchen's corn bacon and parmesan pasta last night but i spent two hours wandering walmart like my ancestors wandered the desert and came home and just had leftovers lol. the cooking will commence......today after i post this and go home.
misc: the midwest is hot this week! fml! on the plus side i don't think my average energy bill in my new place will be worse than my old one despite the worse insulation based on the mid-cycle energy report email i got, on the minus side now i am not splitting that cost so technically it feels more expensive :( thankfully i have finally been finishing the process of closing my dad's accounts so i will have a little padding in my bank account, plus i think i am supposed to get the fellowship i won deposited soon?? shrug. i booked some flights using credit card points that in retrospect i should have booked with Money because of that fellowship but oh well. i am still in the Everything Is So Expensive stage of moving as i finish getting furniture and miscellaneous home goods, hence the two hour walmart wander yesterday. i still need a couch. i think i am getting a frat house walmart futon for like $150 just because it's space efficient and won't break the bank and will be easy to sell when i move out. i should probably order that before i go visit home for 3 weeks ...... anyways. that's this tuesdaypost done and dusted.
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cyle · 2 years
the internet diverges again
(if you're a regular Garbage Day reader, a lot of this may sound very familiar to you, as i'm borrowing heavily from conclusions Ryan keeps drawing as well. my thoughts below are my own, and kinda rambling because i don't really have any strong conclusions yet, just speculation that keeps me up at night.)
feels to me like the internet is diverging yet again, into two primary modes of user experience:
the new FM radio. this is what TikTok is, and YouTube has been for a long time. it's massive, it's impossible to ingest all of it or even a fraction of it, and it moves so fast that the vast majority of people can be nothing but passive consumers. it's a lean-back, wayyy back, experience on these platforms. the key difference today, from actual FM radio, is how much the experience is personalized and molds itself in real time to you as the consumer. more and more people want to tune out of the active social media model and into the hyper-passive radio model. you don't have to even follow anybody, the content comes to you, just like the radio. sit back, relax, swipe up, watch, keep swiping, the next piece of content will be more suited to you than the last, head empty no thoughts.
the archipelago. this is what Discord is, and what Reddit subreddits are, and what Substack newsletters are, and Minecraft servers, and why people gravitate towards them. people do still want a sense of belonging, and we've all agreed lately that such a thing is way too much work on the slightly-customizable-algo-feeds of Twitter or Facebook. this is a polar opposite of the new FM radio model above, because this archipelago requires deep commitment, buy-in, and time investment. and the islands are inherently getting smaller and smaller and smaller and more nostalgic and like the message boards of the 00s. the key point being that they're independent, separate, and feel owned and controlled by their inhabitants. there can't/won't be an index of them.
i think these two paths are in stark contrast with what the predominant UX model has been over the last 15 years, which is that slightly-customizable centralized walled garden algorithmic feed that is what Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have been perfecting, and is now wholly inadequate. and those platforms keep trying to compete with TikTok, but in the wrong way. it's not about video, nor even the infinite feed, it's about the extremes of ownership and depth of involvement.
in this new context, the traditional walled garden feeds now feel like work with little reward, and TikTok doesn't feel like work at all, with lots of reward. Discord feels like deliberate work with reward. it's those different patterns of passive and active reward that feel so disrupted by TikTok, which is not a UI feature, it's the whole thing. you can't just slap a feed of recommended videos into Instagram and get the same result, now that we consumers are all more wise to it.
i'm somewhat excited about this shift because underneath these new-but-old paradigms are important shifts in our relationship to the products and our actual ownership of them. Discord relies on subscription money, not ads; they survey paying users to figure out what to build next, and it seems to work at scale and make people feel like they really own their servers. TikTok runs ads the way radio runs ads, except far more deeply personalized, because they have the mount everest of attention data (which is not the same as Facebook's relational targeting data). it's very clear that you own nothing on TikTok or YouTube, you're just a passively floating leaf in an ocean of content.
i'm also excited about this shift because it means we're in fertile territory for products, both new and existing, to figure out where they belong and if they can adapt. TikTok and Discord feel like the two opposite axis points to me, in terms of product ownership, anonymity, tracking behavior, attention economy, etc. if both worlds are feasibly sustainable, then that's great news for those of us who want to cultivate safer, smaller places to coexist on the internet. there is a whole spectrum of possibility to explore here and lean into. it comes with a myriad of new problems, but arguably, we never figured out a lot of the core problems with the old model anyway, so what's it worth?
no conclusions here, just a lot of thoughts.
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death-by-mercury · 7 months
@hammill-goes-fogwalking thank you my beautiful friend 💖💕🌷🌸✨this game was so fun! I’ve been submerged in movies more than music lately so this is perfect.
My Seven Comfort Movies are:
1. The Clock (1945)
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100/10 - Joe and Alice are so cute. Simple but beautiful and sweet romance story. No misery or negatives to it. You feel on the edge of your seat because of the time crunch they’re in.
2. Seventh Heaven (1937)
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100/10 - same vibe as The Clock: simple and absolutely the sweetest. Chico and Diane are so tender and cute. Beautiful and innocent love story set in Paris 1914, unfortunately there is a sad turn, but I will not spoil it (although I will say, everyone survives - don’t worry) still very sweet.
3. It Happened One Night (1939)
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90/10 - very cute. Another sweet romance. It’s not lovey dovey but you can still tell that they like each other for the majority of the movie. Nice ending. Funny too. I love it very much 😊😌.
4. The Good The Bad and The Ugly (1966)
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100/10 - my goodness. This classic western is the king of westerns for me. I also really love Once Upon a Time in the West. Clint is breathtaking and badass. Tuco is fun and crazy and Angel Eyes is cool, they all fit perfectly in the film. The aura is absolutely spot on, the stunning score by Ennio Morricone just make the movie perfect, along with the scenery and the classic style of the movie. It’s beautiful. Always my fav.
5. Dirty Dancing (1987)
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9.8/10 - cute. Me and my sister’s summer movie. Patrick Swayze is the beautiful centerpiece in this. The dancing is captivating. The songs are nostalgic and catchy. Only things I’m not fond of is the guy that owns a hotel that calls baby “kid” and Penny because I find them both so annoying and they are unfortunately in the movie for considerable time. Baby herself and her sister are kinda annoying too. Oh well…
6. The Mission (1986)
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110/10 - heart breaking. Beautiful. The piece where Gabriel plays his oboe for the native people is so profound and beautiful. I love this movie. The historical portrayal is beautiful and the religious focus meaningful. Sad ending but I won’t spoil it. For me, Gabriel makes it the most sad 😭.
7. Mr Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
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100/10 - captivating and beautiful. So inspiring and wholesome. Jimmy is so beautiful in here (as always). Mr smith is just a beautiful person entangled in the corrupt and rotten government politics. He shows what a good politician/senator should be like: he has strong morals and will fight until he drops for what’s right. It may be 2 hours but doesn’t feel at all that long. Great acting in this film, especially from the wonderful James Stewart.
I would like to honourably mention The Shop Around the Corner (1940)
because I love it so much as well ♥️
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Also 100/10 - ah yes, another sweet romance movie with Jimmy. What’s there not to love but the bitterness that Ms Novak shows the lovely and Classy Mr Kralik until the end. Very cute and sweet with a lovely ending.
@lonesomedreamer @shamanbluesss @thatmothertucker @boozilla-valentina @beanifred @m-00-ndingochan @jonesyjonesyjonesy @incurablyromanticsblog @greensleeves2107 @greyhound-locker
Give me your top 7 comfort movies
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 months
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A very cool one to finally check off the list. I have been familiar with Serial Experiments Lain since I first got into anime fandoms in the early 00s. Even had the first DVD volume in my collection. But there was always other stuff I wanted to finish more and I felt like I got the basic idea enough to like, recognize when something else was referencing it. Know a lot of people who'd call it their favorite and it was easily one of the most influential anime of the 90s.
And now I've finished it. Series is kinda infamous for being hard to really summarize but the gist of it is we start on a schoolgirl committing suicide. Her classmates get emails from her after. One quiet girl Lain gets sucked into the digital world as a result. Shit gets weird. Really weird. Truth be told, the plot is secondary to a lot of cool aesthetic choices and ruminations on the growing relevance of computers and networking technology in society. Coming out in the late 90s, Serial Experiments Lain deserves its modern reputation for being prescient about that. Seeing it properly start to finish today though? What are my thoughts with the lens of hindsight?
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It's...quaint. Might sound like I'm trying to be edgy saying that but at about the halfway point that's all I could think. Because it kinda feels like we're coming out the other side. There's a reason a series like Frieren, advertising itself from the jump as after the journey, has been such a blazing wildfire recently. I might have some criticism of specific "discourses" or whatever but on the whole you are seeing something shift as Zoomers take the stage. I think that'll click about the halfway point there. The oldest there by any definition are still under 30 and all. There's only so much culture can reflect your impact...but the more I see that taking shape the more I see the balance emerging. Y'all don't have that little shred of entitlement my generation has from growing up in "good times" so when you get a little older and learn how much you can influence things more locally...y'all like, do it instead of coming up with a bunch of excuses.
Point being, that's kinda how Lain feels watching it today. I've watched us go through the peak of prescience, circa 2014, and then it went supernova, and now we have a world where Facebook is increasingly a graveyard of AI comments under AI images. That specific example of the dead sending messages through the wires...yeah it's an annoying nuisance spam bot spoofing. Social media is a ticking time bomb, advertisers are gonna catch on. Not to go all Dead Internet Theory and all, but it has hit a point a good chunk of it is fake.
Meanwhile a site that tried to keep a bit of the old Internet alive like Tumblr is having a Renassiance. When you grew up with the Internet, you gained that resistance because the worst aspects of its impact were limited by the technology. Now people are learning how to compartmentalize it better. Nostalgia for the days of the corner computer desk reflects that.
Lain was kinda creepy and weird and thought-provoking in 2004 when I first saw a bit of it. But in 2024? This oddly nostalgic comfort food show. And I know that doesn't apply equally because Paranoia Agent is something I have more nostalgia for and it still hits that unsettling tone. I think the difference is Lain using high tech aesthetics so much whereas...you could kinda do Paranoia Agent in any era.
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upforabit · 9 months
im jude, he/him, twenty.
This blog is archived kinda loosely- its mostly just a place to upload what i’m listening to everyday and hopefully expose a few of you to different sounds. My main interest is in twee pop, specifically the late 90’s-early 00’s period, but i’m fairly open to a lot of sounds adjacent to pop, indie, lo-fi and general cuteness. I secondarily hold a lot of love for the ironic twinge of 90’s powerpop and the commercial sweetness of bubblegum. My main wish is that more people would be open to the wide variety of sounds that comes out of pop subcultures! I currently gather most of my music from public sources like youtube, bandcamp, soundcloud, etc, so nothing i post here should be too difficult to find if you’d like to download it for yourself, but just lmk if you want to know where to find something ^_^
main: @pansyfemme
^ i only started using a few of these this year so they’re not as full as i’d like but i’ll figure it out eek 😵‍💫 trying to take my music habits more seriously
Search terms/tags for different moods:
Ubercute: Anything in my personal fast/loud/cute playlist.
Sweet: Gentler, cute and honest.
Sickeningly Sweet: Primary feature is being crazy cute
Lo-Fi: Most stuff I post here is lo-fi, this is just the stuff that's extra grainy sounding
Jangly: Poppy in a more upbeat and less cute way, none of this is really jangle pop, i just needed a term lol
Chill: Chill. Lots of feel good indie
Playful: Quirky, funny stuff. Lots of off key singing.
Punky: Not punky, but has clear influences from punk, mostly in vocals and speed.
Indietronica: Electronic stuff!
Nostalgic: Like stuff made in the 90s thats supposed to sound like it was made in the 60s. good vibes
or you can browse by genre, band, era or year.
the main genres are:
Twee Pop
Power Pop
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ashitomarisu · 5 months
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Here's the surprise!
I was watching someone talk about Land Before Time and immediately remembered how chill Spike was during the early movies. Cartoon Network use to air most of their films as part of Cartoon Network's Cartoon Theater during the late 90s-mid 00s.
It's been about five years since seeing the 26-episode series from Universal Kids, but it was kinda nostalgic to revisit that part of my childhood. Although, Cera was my favorite back then because triceratops were (and are still) my favorite dinosaur.
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legoyuri · 4 months
Where did your interest in the old web start? :]
hi, so sorry for taking forever to respond to this. I'm finally in a writing + coding mood. It's a little bit sad for me to personally look back on, because the internet i grew up with is truly gone multiple ways. But to sum it up, my father is a coder and would always try and show his kids how to do x or that in coding. And I really was fascinated with just. having a page online. He'd put up blogs or websites coded entirely on my ideas, and theirs something SO magical about that esp as a child. I remember SO vividly a flash plug in where you could add a fish swimming around, and when you clicked it spawned food for it. and itd eat next to ur cursor. Literally endless entertainement
I didnt REALLY get into coding, archiving or webgraphics until I started learning more and more about the 00's. From the web, to the music artists, to the political history, to the tech, to the videogamez it was really cool! and nostalgic as fuck! and being able to go on the way back machine really. lit the flame under me. finding blinkies.cafe esp was important. I wouldn't be here at all today without it. It was kinda a combination on wanting to have old graphics of 00's artists I like + talkshow boy not having any. so i was forced to create my own!
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Taking notes as I listen, idk how consistent I’ll be but I’ll be alluding to future knowledge in these if I do post
AiH 00 starts with Keith initiating the very first fatt clap wow…
It’s been forever since I heard them play dungeon world… Rip to adam koebel as an entity go 2 hell
“Just for this one time I’m going to say what the principles of the game is”
Keith editing era is so distinctive and its so funny experiencing it again in mc+
Austin (cont.): And we're post the terrible period that followed that and at the point of uh… At the point where it could go one of two ways. It can either be a further decline into nothingness or it can be a moment of rebuilding. It could be a moment where we bounce out of this and move on. It could be fall or it could be spring. Um, I like fall colors a lot so I talked a lot about autumnal colors in my original pitch to you and like, that's kinda how I feel— That's the way the world's gonna go if you don't get involved, if that makes sense. If you guys can save the day, we can make it spring, but if you can't, then it's fall and we're heading into winter.
Hearing the world building eps again and knowing so much of the off the cuff suggestions by the cast end up core question or concept deeper into the show is so fun… more people should listen to the hidden c/w world building ep bc it so fucked up to hear how long ago some concepts and planets were made up. Also its very fun
Them starting in a fishing village wow just like hxh
I had to look it up and somehow I completely forgot velas is the starting fishing village. I remember the name velas but did not attach it anywhere. Also forgot hieron is the size of New York. Imagine if hieron was a dark continent situation this whole time
Leylines…. I think I encountered the term for the first time here and now its permanently associated w ffxiv
Halflings politics is so much clearer to me this time… they want things back the way they were…. big retvrn vibes like Okay I get you want to go back to playing your jaunty tunes and chilling but. Love that Fero is like fuck that love you Fero
I didn’t take a lot of character notes but I love them… love the orcs wild to have the new archives established already, I forgot the sort of rivalry it has with the last university (rip).
V nostalgic having Nick here, with a full wizard voice for The Great Fantasmo
Hearing all the alignments talk and going oof ugh hearing hella’s stuff, I love the result of everything coming up due to the evil alignment rules but it Is a bit uncomfortable knowing Austin wasn’t as clear communicating stakes and establishing people were in the same page with him. they all evolve so much as players over the years…
“I really like the idea of a foppish and disinterested god trying to pass time” hehe
It’s so funny hearing Jack discovers cats can be nice and cute on air
Dre isn’t going to be here for a minute and we won’t see sylvi and janine for a minute… miss u………
Audio quality was completely fine also
sky status: seems normal so far
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bengiyo · 7 months
My Strawberry Film Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we spent a bunch of time on the heterosexual energy between Hikaru and Minami. It was kinda surreal and unexpected in a BL. The two of them bonded over their similarly broken families. I am still uncertain about this show.
Ryo is so valid. I do not want to hear the guys I'm crushing on talk about the girls they're pursuing. It's tedious at best and agonizing at worst.
Japanese schools are so correct about making everyone wear the same slippers all day.
I wonder if Murasaki thinks that might be her mom.
Oh, Ryo, if only walking away from the friend you fell for was that easy.
I'm beginning to associate this ball with all romance talk. It's rather unsettling being in a show on Gaga by MBS in Drama Shower and having so many realistic hetero things happen with just gay angst as a side piece.
I actually like Chika. She seems really thoughtful, so it kinda hurts seeing her recognize that Ryo isn't into her and is legit doing this for Hikaru.
Wow they really want me to care about this double date next week.
In so many ways this is making me nostalgic about the kinds of gay coming of age films I watched from the 90s, in the 00s, and in the 10s. It's super slow and you're hanging on to the thread of gay angst in the midst of all this straight activity you're just not that into even if many characters are decent.
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7ndipity · 9 months
hiiii how are uuuuuu !! i just wanna askkkk what are some songs u have been listening to lately!! joon always posts what music he listens to and now w/o i have no recs 😭 ILL START !!
idk why but i been listening to a lot of 2010s rnb 😅😅
favorite by leon thomas
girls love beyonce by drake (ya i like drake so what 😫😫)
blue side (I MISS JHOPEEEEEE😭😭😭😭😭)
all the things she said by tatu
anddddd last but not least im in my depression era rn so i been BINGE LISTENING to alone by jimin 😭😭😭
luv u sara 💖
Omg Hi!
Ooh, first off, you've got amazing taste! I love that Tatu song, and I'm definitely adding Favorite to my playlists, it's such a vibe!(and Jimin's album is always in rotation, it's quite possibly my favorite album of the year)
I think everyone's kinda in a nostalgic mood lately, cause I've been listening to lot of early 00s pop and hip-hop too.😂
Since it’s getting colder, I've been playing more stuff that reminds me of warm weather, like Let's Fall In Love by Fineas, Contradicting by Hyunjin, Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap, My Love Mine All Mine by Mitski.
I've also really been loving the new Ateez album, my favorites are Dreamy Day and It's You.
Love you too, Dear😘
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Happy for you having hyperfixation for first time in so long!! You said it's the first time in 7 years. :O do you think something to do with medication or is it just random or maybe psychological? I know i was less able to develop and sustain special interests when i was heavily medicated and i know you've been taking more medication earlier (?), but i don't know with me if it's like. The reasons i was taking medication is the reason i wasn't experiencing the interests so intensely. Or if other way around and the lack of fixation was due to the meds...?
Doesn't matter too much was just wondering
In any case I'm happy for you! 00s culture seems like a fun nostalgic rabbit hole too. Kinda reclaiming some youth/childhood too in a way?
Honestly I stopped hyperfixating before I was heavily medicated, but it still might have played a role in it not happening. At least it never happened while I was heavily medicated. But yeah I'm highley reclaiming teenagehood atm 💕
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razorsadness · 1 year
a journal entry comprised entirely of excerpts from letters & postcards written to friends
(@belialjones and @endreal - don't peek if you don't want spoilers!)
I remember in one of the letters you sent me, you asked what my current inspirations are, and even though they've changed since then, I thought I'd reply. What's inspiring me right now is: the photography of Nan Goldin, the art of Tracey Emin, the novels of William T. Vollmann, John Waters and David Lynch films, and the poetry of Cynthia Cruz, Forough Farrokhzad, and Alexis Rhone Fancher.
I'm currently on a little vacation with my family, up on the peninsula of Wisco. I've been reading a lot and hiking in the woods and going to the beach.
My vacation has been great. I've been reading poetry & eating pizza & watching the Perseids meteor showers.
I accidentally broke my own heart the other day. I had my 'on repeat' playlist on shuffle and what songs played back to back? Paul Westerberg's "Got You Down," followed by R.E.M.'s "Nightswimming." Fucking oof.
In general, I've been going thru a bout of nostalgic melancholy. What else is new? Haha, but really though. You know, I'm writing about all this stuff for RC #27, and reminiscing about one era of my life inevitably turns into reminiscing about others. And then I was up in Door County, driving down old familiar roads, listening to old familiar tunes, and remembering driving those same roads, listening to those same tunes, getting stoned with my friends circa 1997-2003, and I don't even miss getting stoned but I do miss those friends. I try to have a positive attitude about things changing, but I still get sad driving past places and thinking about what's gone—and more than that, who's gone. And I was thinking about the summer of 2013. And then I was thinking about the summer of 2012 and how that summer I was all nostalgic for the summer of 2006 and how it seemed impossibly far in the past, and then timeghost showed up and was like: "Oooo...2012 was closer to 2006 than it is to nowww, ooo..."
I realized that my whole life, I've been trying to get back to this mythic Perfect Summer that didn't really exist. Right now, I'm missing 2013 & 2012. In 2012, I wished it was '06. In '06, I wanted '03. In '03, I wanted '00; in '00, I wished it was '97, and on and on.
Other than that, I've been having feelings about small towns and Americana. It's kinda weird. On the one hand, I'm a deviant radical queer artist. On the other hand, I love so much Americana. But I think you get it.
I've been having hella zine/zinester nostalgia. Next year marks 30 years that I've been making zines. I'm thinking about putting a book together of the best stuff from my first 30 years of zines, and then having a release party w/ local bands n' stuff.
I've been particularly nostalgic for the early '00s Chicago zine scene. I'll never forget that time you and I went to Kinko's late at night to make Xerox art. 22 years ago, what the fuck? I also recently found my Loop Distro/Al Burian Totally Wants My Ass shirt. Oh man.
Recently I was having a bit of an identity crisis. See, I've always thought of myself as someone who gets crushes easily, and as a slut (in spirit, if not always in practice—meaning, even in a monogamous relationship I still have the desire to fuck lotsa people even if I don't act on it). But for a while I hadn't gotten a proper crush on anyone, and didn't really even think about hooking up w/ anyone but my partner. And it was weird! I was like, who am I, if I'm no longer the totally crushed out slut? But then after that, I had a couple sexy online convos w/ queer cuties, and got my flirt on IRL w/ a punk rock fella who lives in my neighborhood, a Scottish fiddle player, and a gorgeous redhead girl w/ a tattoo of a fox, and I was like: Oh. Guess I'm still slutty and crushed out, after all.
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