#not (necessarily) dst
spiiritmyth · 2 years
Spent 30 minutes yesterday assigning cat breeds to Dont Starve characters
Today i decided to draw them
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maxwiljunkie · 11 months
tfw you’re dissociating using fandom as a template but then you have no source material for what happens
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dstconfessions · 2 months
Hi all, welcome to the Dont Starve confessions blog!
Ive always wanted one of these for DS/DST, so i’ve decided to make one myself
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1. Be respectful—I’m not trying to cause any discourse here. Lets keep this fun and lighthearted!
2. Sending your personal headcanons is perfectly fine, but do not hate on the ones you don’t like.
3. No NSFW allowed! There are tons of minors in the DST community and I want them to be safe here.
4. Not necessarily a rule, but I heavily struggle with tone over text so please do tell me if I do something wrong. I am always open to criticism.
5. I will post 2 confessions on the DST tag daily!
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loislaina · 1 year
i'm in canada, and most provinces up here are waiting until the US makes DST permanent in order to follow suit. and we were basically promised no more clock changes when your senate passed the sunlight protection act of 2022. but for some arcane, unknowable reason, congress failed to take it up. so folks are left twisting in the winds of time while politicians sit on their thumbs and dawdle about, even though over 90 percent of the population, at least in my province, supports making daylight last longer into the evening during winter. but i've always believed that if we wanna make a better world, we gotta do it ourselves. no one can take that responsibility away from us, especially not politicians. or basically anyone in authority.
so with that in mind, i'm just gonna refuse to set my clock back this november. it's literally just an hour's difference so it's really not a big deal to mentally convert my time to everyone else's time and vice-versa. for example, if everyone else starts work at 8, i'd be starting at 9, only we'd be starting at the same time because i'd basically be a timezone unto myself. but this means i get more daylight in my evenings, so i'll be more likely to avoid seasonal depression.
you too can join in! i mean, obviously decide for yourself if this is right for you (you might personally prefer to have more daylight in the mornings rather than evenings, for example). people are different and prefer different things. humans are amazingly diverse that way and i love that about us. a solution that works for one will not necessarily work for another. and there are definitely valid arguments both for and against making dst permanent. but as for me, i know what i'm doing this winter: enjoying more evening sunshine.
reblog to join the time rebellion
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kn95-blog · 1 year
Hey I was scrolling through the dst tag and saw an old post of yours saying Maxwell is a massive antisemitic stereotype, is that true. Like is he coded as Jewish in any way, is it his nose or something about his backstory. I thought he was an englishman. I'd genuinely like to understand how and why his character's antisemitic, it concerns me bc I don't want to perpetuate bigotry but I also wanted to draw a cool monster!max design so idk if I should do that now. (question mark key on my laptop is broken hence the weird punctuation)
i'm not jewish, but i have many friends who are and i have seen several (albeit older) posts on this subject, so i'll try to summarize what i've seen about antisemetic stereotypes wrt maxwell.
the whole association of crooked/hooked noses with greed and evil, plus making his skin grey/blue is particularly what's antisemetic, because even if he's not coded as jewish necessarily, these are traits by and large used to stereotype and villainize jewish people.
giving him a crooked/hooked nose in general is not bad, but there are a lot of ways that you can draw him with a crooked nose that ends up just looking like a huge antisemetic stereotype. overemphasis on his nose/making his nose really disproportionately big. i also don't recommend making his skin grey/blue, as that's associated with making jewish people inhuman.
i'm not exactly an expert on this subject, being not jewish and all that, so i don't know how much more i should get into this subject. if any jewish fans of don't starve want to get into this subject and talk about antisemitism that would be awesome.
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polothatmakesyoufat · 8 months
ok but now that I think of it Stuffing in a Don't Starve context would probably be seen as like divine intervention. those guys are STARVING and now they have some excess fat reserves for the winter
This ask unexpectedly made me think so this got pretty long, I'm sorry :') Enjoy my collection of thoughts.
First of all, I draw a line between stuffing and weight gain – although these two often go hand in hand, they are pretty distinct kinks. Stuffing doesn't always lead to wg, weight gain doesn't necessarily require stuffing, etc. (Also I'm not actually into stuffing, weirdly). So I usually think about them separately.
An opportunity for stuffing could absolutely be seen as a blessing BUT I find it more interesting to look at it as a necessity. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about it is that you'd need a large amount of food available, which is probably rare. For that reason I can't really imagine a character stuffing themselves just to enjoy the feeling. It also fills you up for a significant amount of time but effectively leaves you out of commission – you can't run or fight with an overfilled stomach, you'd much rather lie down and not move. It probably isn't something you'd want to do just because, if you had to stay alert. So with that in mind I can imagine a couple of scenarios here.
1. A character has been starving for a long time and somehow finds food! A lot of it! I doubt they could control themselves. Bringing up my brief obsession with the Minnesota semi-starvation experiment, you almost can't get full after being so limited in your food intake. So it's very possible to just keep eating to the point of getting sick – and, going back to DS, that would mean wasting precious resources. But I doubt they could care (consider also the insanity effects).
2. Same thing minus being severely starved. A character finds a lot of food so to make the most of it they gather as much as they can carry and, if there's anything left, eat as much as they can fit in their stomach. They cannot afford to be wasteful. (To add to it, maybe the food is about to spoil? It all comes down to getting as much as possible from what's available).
3. Of course there is also the option where the survival goes exceptionally well and a character can stuff themselves just for the sake of it. But hey. Firstly, this is boring (to me.) and secondly, I SUCK at the game so my takeaway is that the characters must not be fit enough for survival to get to this point. (I refuse to get good.)
Weight gain is a much more long-term thing. I'm not sure how to interpret in-game time but let's believe the numbers and say it's 20 to 55 days between winters. How much weight can one realistically put on during this time? Not a lot, probably (unless we're involving some kind of magic). So for any substantial weight gain to occur a character needs to be well-adjusted in the Constant and have reliable, and excessive, food sources all year round. Another thing to point out is that extra weight obviously helps during winter but also slows you down and probably makes you more appealing for predators. So there's a compromise to be made here if a character is trying to gain on purpose.
For me, wg scenarios are reserved more to semi-canon nano-AUs, like my little evil threeway one. When you're safe(..?), don't have to chop trees/run around/hunt all day and have more than enough food, it makes sense to get fat. But out in the wild, I'm not so sure.
P. S. l'm not taking into account DST with multiple players because... I guess I'm more interested in the survival aspects of the survival game than in character dynamics. At least for now.
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tatiana-temnova · 2 years
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F/Os + Important People
This post is for 1. Characters who I believe I have been close with in my past lives or characters who I feel close to due to my psychological kins. (Aka my F/Os.) or 2. People who were just generally important in my past lives.
This is separated into 2 sections: F/Os and Important People.
I am not actively seeking canonmates. I would prefer to keep most- If not all- Of these relationships in my past lives. I do not want to build new ones off of those, especially considering the nature of some of my kins. However, sourcemates are very welcome.
Please reference this document for any PAFL characters.
Italics: Romantic
Bolded: Familial
Davetrap (DSAF), Olya Orlova (PAFL), String Gummy Cookie (Cookie Run), Abigail Carter (DST), Unnamed Character (ENA: Dream BBQ) (Ask for clarification), Albedo (Genshin Impact)
Important People
This section does not necessarily indicate positive relationships, but, I know these are people who were important in my past lives.
Henry Miller (DSAF) (Nature of this one was similar to like kind of. A coworker relationship? Not friends, but working towards a similar goal), Dmitry/DT-001-319 (PAFL) (Gods help me why do I have that memorized), Sanya Kazarina (PAFL), Katya/KT-003-405 (PAFL), Taski Maiden (ENA: Dream BBQ), Croissant Cookie (Cookie Run) (We are not the same person in my TL), Claire Elford (Witch's Heart)
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thefoxlady · 6 months
(Anon behind asks 1, 2, and 4 again. I'll specify that it's me every time. though at this rate maybe I should give myself an anon name lol.)
For reading about the dst storyline, this page (https://dontstarve.wiki.gg/wiki/Story_Line) (I hope the links work) gives a decent description of events inside and outside of the constant in order. Though it's not perfect imo, I personally don't like the wording on some things.
It should also be noted that because some developers have said a few contradictory things in the past, the lore can be a bit weird in some parts? So not necessarily everything on there is entirely true I believe and it has to be read carefully.
For more detailed lore, this page talks about Maxwell's backstory (https://dontstarve.wiki.gg/wiki/William_Carter_Puzzles)
This page talks about Maxwell and Wilson meeting after Maxwell's former assistant Charlie freed Wilson from the nightmare throne (after Wilson freed Maxwell) They then form a truce (after getting into a fight once lol) and they build a portal together that allows the other survivors to join the same dimension/world/timeline(?) as them. (https://dontstarve.wiki.gg/wiki/Cyclum_Puzzles)
and this page has images showing the lore of the ancients (a species that came long before the survivors and are native to the constant, but they all died out because (in some way) They (the shadow gods of the constant, possibly also the lunar gods? it's... complicated.) killed them all by turning them into the shadow creatures. (https://dontstarve.wiki.gg/wiki/Metheus_Puzzles) (Ps, for this one, the images given show the original colors, but they're likely NOT accurate. The accurate ones can be found by looking them up, and they're mostly shades of yellow in color.)
For additional lore, you can also read about the gorge event, the forge event, items in the ancient archives (various character quotes talk more about ancient lore) and the ancient murals/items in the ruins (additional ancient lore) And if you have a lot of time available/you're really bored, you can read character's quotes on the wiki too. These are usually good for learning more about character's personalities, but they can also contain (sometimes pretty important) lore.
If you want to watch something, there's a two part series by a youtuber called OrangE that explains the dst lore in a humorous way BUT. I wouldn't recommend watching the parts until reading the rest of the lore, because some things are opinion/speculation on the lore I believe and some of those things are wrong (ex: at one point in the second part I believe a character is called Metheus and another character is called Cyclum when I believe canonically it is the other way around.) (Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klrHnnb3AIw) (Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy8vPqOdAqk&t=837s)
There is also this video which shows the in game play "The Doll" which is Queen Charlie retelling her story (through a biased, unreliable view. It gives more information about Them, and shows how being queen (And manipulated by Them) has changed her view of events. (The king/Maxwell's actions, of course, aren't accurate to cannon because Charlie (And possibly They) have a grudge against him and so she portrays him as much eviler in her play.) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGTfmJ4L294)
There is also the character shorts of course, but also the official game play trailers by the developers on their YouTube channel (Klei Entertainment) They have a playlist on their channel with all of the videos, but they are in reverse order so you have to start with the last one on the playlist and work your way up. (Also, there is a short animation called "Inevitable", but it's likely not cannon and even if it was it's not really story or lore relevant.)
Also, to elaborate more on Maxwell and the throne.
Before the throne, Maxwell just wanted to be a famous magician. When he got the Codex Umbra in a train crash (that he almost died in) he just wants to use it for magic at first. And it works, as he does become wealthy (I believe) and well known. He also got his assistant, Charlie, and at first they had a good relationship, but over time Maxwell became more and more obsessed with deciphering the codex, even though he was aware that it could be dangerous In encore, Maxwell's rework short, we see that the shadows/codex harm Maxwell physically and mentally. And also that he's probably going insane, considering the writing all over his walls (which is seen in the William Carter puzzles as well.) (Also something notable: In his in game lore summary, it states that the dark knowledge found deep within the codex "addled his mind and clouded his heart" meaning that the codex made him more insane and a worse and/or more distant person, basically.)
Charlie, scared by this, suggests they take a break after one last act. There's a video of this final performance at the end of the William Carter puzzles (It's on the wiki I believe) and clips of it play during encore. In it, during the act, shadows reach out of the codex, grab, and kidnap both Maxwell and Charlie (very much against both of their wills).
We don't see how exactly Maxwell ends up on the throne and Charlie as the night monster, but we do know that Charlie was attacked and became the night monster/grue after and Maxwell feels guilty and responsible for that.
We don't know how long Maxwell was on the throne for, because time in the constant does not move in a normal, linear way like it does on Earth. He refers to it as "eternity" though, he asks "What year is it out there?", and when being freed from the throne he dies nearly instantly, with even his bones turning to dust. So he was probably on there for a long, long time.
During that time, he was completely tied down on the nightmare, the only human contact he got was when he spoke with a survivor at the start of each world or when making a deal to bring them into the constant (and he used projections or shadows to do those, because he was still trapped on the throne), and he had to listen to the same song on loop for that entire eternity. (Chances are he didn't get to eat or drink anything at all during that time too, but it's unknown if he could feel hunger, thirst, etc while on the throne since it kept him alive.) (When examining it, he also describes the throne as "painful".)
At the end of adventure mode, when speaking to Maxwell, he says
"I don't know what they want. They... they just watch. Unless you get too close... Then... Well, there's a reason I stay so dapper."
I believe that his "dapper-ness" is implied to be how he recovers his mind/sanity on his own, which could imply that the reason he stays dapper is to prevent himself from completely losing his sanity because of Them. It could mean other things, though.
There isn't much known about the shadow god(s?) that imprisoned Maxwell, known only as Them (or They/Their) (Usually with a capital T? But it was inconsistent in the past.)
What we do know, though, is that
They caused the death of an entire species, transforming them into the violent nightmare creatures that attack the player at low sanity. A former ruler of the ancients, the ancient fuelweaver, says that "They will not show mercy as I have." Considering that fuelweaver tries to kill you, calling it saving you, he seems to be implying that what They will do to the survivors/characters is far worse than death.
There is also another character, who is encountered in the forge event, known as battlemaster Pugna, who speaks more about Them. He sends enemies to kill you because he believes that the survivors/players are working for Them, and the throne. He speaks a little bit about Them during the event.
"... Do you understand the forces you serve? They destroy all They touch... We were severed from the Throne! Trapped in a realm of stone and fire! That is why we cannot let you win."
He also says that his goal is to destroy the throne.
They are described and shown to be incredibly destructive and murderous, and their magic, shadow magic, drives people to insanity and makes them behave differently.
Being very obviously evil, it'd make sense if They had Maxwell tortured further while on the throne (especially psychologically, since they are well. insanity god(s) basically.)
Maxwell doesn't really talk about his experience on the throne (either because he doesn't like to talk about his past in general or because the throne was particularly traumatic) so there sadly really isn't much to go off of, though.
Some of his quotes do show how the experience has changed him in small ways though. His quote for a wooden chair is "I'm appalled by the idea of sitting for some reason." and when it is burnt he says "Better that way." When looking at a phonograph, he says "That accursed thing!" and for the in game ragtime record he shouts "Destroy it!". for the other records, he says "Forgive me if I've lost my taste for music." and "Silence would be preferable." For some of Wigfrid's battlesongs, he'll say "No. I do NOT sing."
And, while Maxwell might partly enjoy the power as ruler of the constant, he hates the throne and he didn't want to be on it at all. In the checkmate epilogue room, where the throne is located, there is a hidden portal. When it's activated, all it does is bring the player back to the start(?) of the room, and Maxwell will tell them "Don't you think I've tried that? This is the end of the line. We have no escape." If the player tries to attack and kill Maxwell, they are struck by lightning and if they used something to attack him, it is destroyed. Maxwell responds to this with "The throne won't allow that. I've tried." Which... Has pretty dark implications. and shows that he tried everything to free himself.
"Why didn't he make it easier for the survivors to reach the throne if he wanted off then?" The most common answer to this is usually that he makes it harder to get the survivors to hate him and thus be more willing to beat the challenges (due to spite) just so they can face him in person. I personally think that They forced him to make it difficult to "prolong the game" and make it more entertaining for Them. That, and I think he partly feels like he deserves to remain on the throne, as when the phonograph playing ragtime in the throne room is turned off, but then on again, he says "I suppose I deserve that." (he also shows guilt over things in some dst quotes) That's just my theory/speculation, though.
As for why he brought people to the constant in the first place, we don't know for sure either, but the two most common theories for it that I see are that Maxwell is kidnapping people in the hopes that one of them will free him, or that he's kidnapping people to entertain himself. I personally disagree with both of these and instead think that They probably had him bring in certain numbers of people to entertain Them, because Maxwell brought children to the constant.
While he probably was desperate to be freed, I'd think he'd just bring more adults in if he could, since on average they'd be better at surviving. And I highly doubt he'd find the suffering of children entertaining, considering that he seems quite fond of children (at least human and. larvae ones.) When examining a pipspook, the sad, passive soul of a child that was brought to the constant that then died in the constant, Maxwell says "I'm so sorry." (which is, as of his rework update, the only time he genuinely says the word "sorry" in his quotes. And when examining a flower they leave behind after finding a toy that they lost, he says "I hope they found peace." He also has decent relationships with the other children survivors, except for maybe Wurt (I believe that Wurt's quotes about records have her say that Ragtime is the only one she wants to listen to? which might be why Maxwell is less friendly with her.)
There's also an animal in game, a small, friendly baby lavae that is obtainable by killing the dragonfly, and Maxwell has really sweet quotes about it ("I can say with pride that it is comfy and cozy." when it's egg is warm, "You're not a hellbeast, are you? Nooo. Just misunderstood!" and "It's happy with me, and I with it." when it's fed, and "Just like old times." when examining it's older, pet form. Maxwell is also distressed and sad when it does poorly: "I knew I would make a terrible pa-pa." when the egg is too cold, "It's hungry. Why is it hungry?" when it's hungry, and "I think it's going to die!" when it is starving.)
It is possible though that he only got to know the bare minimum about his victims before bringing them in, and he didn't know which ones were children, but then I'd think he'd stop quickly after realizing that they could be kids, if he was bringing people for fun. Which is why I think that instead he had to bring in enough people to please Them and prevent consequences and additional torture for himself, which would force him to keep bringing people. (That's just my guess, however, and cannon doesn't really say much on the matter? It just says in his lore summary that he was "compelled to ensnare more victims in the Constant's trap." without saying what compelled him. I think that wanting someone who could free him probably played some role at least.
(HOWEVER. There is at least one person who Maxwell tried to bring to the constant intentionally, that being the man he owed money to when he was still William Carter and starting out as a magician. This failed because Wes got in the way, so he responded by trapping Wes in a box and having it guarded with clockworks. This showed that Maxwell was pretty petty and held grudges and I personally think that it was really wrong of him to try and bring someone to the constant on purpose and that this was a bad thing he did. Maxwell isn't not a complete monster but he also definitely did do bad things in cannon and I wouldn't really blame for disliking him for that, even if I don't. That and he's prideful and arrogant, though that's possibly just what he wants other people to think he's like.. Also, in Wes' in game lore entry, it's stated that "being the kind soul that he is, Wes holds no grudge against Maxwell..."...so at least Wes isn't mad at him for what he did.)
Once Maxwell's off the throne, he grows as a person and becomes more humble. A good example I can think of is comparing his old, Don't Starve quote for his statue ("Now that's a fine statue.") to his remark on it in Don't Starve Together, which would take place later in the timeline. ("It seems silly now...") Other characters also speak positively about him, like Ms. Wickerbottom who says "He's actually quite a sweet boy when you peel away the ego." when examining his statue in dst. Wolfgang refers to him as a friend, Wigfrid calls him ally multiple times and she wants to toughen him up, and in the encore short it's even shown that Woby, the dog, cares about him. (Which means a lot, considering Walter has a quote about Woby growling at Maxwell showing that she disliked him at first.)
...speaking of encore. Maxwell's decision to work with Charlie. (I'm assuming this is what you mean when you say that Maxwell will betray the survivors, feel free to correct me if you mean something else, though.)
Queen Charlie is trying to manipulate Maxwell to her side by showing him specific memories of them together, and how their relationship was damaged by him getting too invested in the codex, and telling him that he should have just told her what was going on.
And when Maxwell agrees to the deal, I don't think it's because he particularly wants to harm the survivors and while i think a small part of it might be that he wants to have some of the power he had on the throne, I think the main reason he does it is out of guilt.
Before his rework, he used to apologize to Charlie when examining his codex umbra. Considering quotes like his "I suppose I deserve that." mentioned earlier, and other quotes like his "Ah. I thought I'd run out of people to disappoint." when examining a cracked pearl (the cracked pearl is obtained after giving it to the person you were told to give it to- they fight you, and defeating them breaks the pearl, and so it's not even the player's fault for it breaking) plus Maxwell's quotes for pipspooks, he seems to feel bad, guilty, and regret things, even if they were things done on the throne or things out of his control, so it'd make sense for him to feel incredibly guilty about what happened to Charlie, as his actions resulted in her not only entering the constant, but becoming the night monster and later the queen.
I think he views helping Charlie as "repaying" what he owes her, or helping someone he hurt, even if it does mean working with the shadows. So far, we haven't seen him harm another survivor in the pursuit of helping Charlie, though he seems to be aware that Charlie's end goal is to bring back Them/Fully allow Them into the constant. (Which. would obviously not be good for the survivors. Or him. Or Charlie.) It's possible he's hoping to stop Charlie last second or try and change her mind, and it's possible that he is going to try and bring Them back even if it means betraying the others, but there really isn't enough showing what he's actually doing for Charlie in the cannon (and exactly why he's doing it) to say anything for certain, imo. (Also its possible that he doesn't see an issue with what he's doing at all and he might think he can help Charlie while still assisting the survivors in survival.) (Not really related, but Charlie is also being manipulated by Them, and her play suggests that They are a part of her, which is why she's doing bad things- They're lying and misguiding her intentionally.)
So um. incredibly long explanation short, in my opinion, Maxwell did genuinely do some bad things and he has character flaws, as all characters should, but I'd say the real villain/person/thing to blame for a lot of it would be the shadows/Them, who kidnapped Maxwell and Charlie to begin with. And also I wish Klei gave us more lore about what was going on.
(I hope you don't mind the... blocks of text, I'm surprised that I even wrote this much considering that Maxwell isn't even one of my 4 favorite dst characters (I consider him a second favorite character? And that's mainly because I like his dynamics/interactions with other characters) not doing all this to force you to change your mind of course, I just like talking about the lore of my favorite game. and this was fun to write, I even learnt a few things. Also I could've missed something and there might be spelling mistakes because I'm up at 1:50ish at night and a bit sleepy lol.)
(Also I'm sorry if I over explained a lot of this, I'm not sure exactly how much you do know about the lore and story and I don't want to accidentally not mention something important in case you don't know something)
That's okay, lot of text to read though, I'm just going to pin this just in case. In the encore short, I thought he was going to betray the survivors but I guess I was wrong :/
But hey, at least I have an up to date timeline of the lore right?
(This got me thinking about Constant Hell, my DST creepypasta, and rewriting why and how the survivors became tormentors and hate Maxwell so much... Maybe I could make it to where the creator of the mod puts all their anger and hate towards the world in the mod with the tormentors being all their anger and hate bottled up in all of them which resulted in the tormentors hating Maxwell so much. Yeah... Maybe that's a better reason.)
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cupids-stupid-brain · 6 months
a list of all the tags I use!
might be missing some stuff but yea :3
(sequels or spinoffs don't usually get their own tags but there are exceptions, like if I only played the sequel and not the original or if I want to see a specific games content instead of them being together)
ac (Animal Crossing)
adventure time
among us
angel hare
asoue (A Series Of Unfortunate Events, book series and Netflix show)
bigtop burger
cats the musical
centaur world
cookie run
ddlc (Doki Doki Literature Club)
dhmis (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
dinosaur (just a bunch of prehistoric/extinct stuff, not necessarily dinosaurs)
dst (Don't Starve and Don't Starve Together)
dumb shit (dumb posts about things I enjoy)
dungeon meshi
fallout (covers most Fallout games)
furry (furry art lmao)
gay (this is shit that makes me go AWOOGA)
gog (Guardians of Ga'Hoole)
gravity falls
hardcore henry
hlvrai (Half Life VR But The AI Is Self Aware)
htf (Happy Tree Friends)
hyena (hyenas :D)
important (anything I want to find easily or think is important)
iz (Invader Zim)
l4d2 (Left 4 Dead 2, also includes Left 4 Dead content)
mario (anything in the mario universe)
mlp (My Little Pony)
monster high
nitw (Night In The Woods)
OFF (the game)
otgw (Over The Garden Wall)
other art (stuff I couldn't fit into another tag, reblogs from fandoms I'm not in, or posts i intend to tag later)
portal (Portal and Portal 2)
pnf (Phineas and Ferb)
purrfect apawcalypse
rottmnt (Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
sam and max
scooby doo
scp (SCP Foundation stuff)
sonic (anything in the sonic universe)
sparklefur (Art under the sparklefur tag hfhfjs)
spiderverse (The spiderverse movies)
spongebob (Spongebob Squarepants)
spyro (anything spyro)
stardew valley
subnautica below zero
tf2 (Team Fortress 2)
the owl house
warrior cats
watership down
yume nikki
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mxrobotlegs · 7 months
I HATE daylight saving time
from the article:
Making the shift can increase your health risks
DST was enacted to conserve energy—but today it may do the opposite
More after-work sunshine doesn’t necessarily mean a healthier you
Less sleep means more health risks
For certain groups, these time changes have a greater negative health impact
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industrialwint · 2 years
Utc time conversion chart
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Central Time Zone (CT): UTC-06:00 – includes parts of Canada, the U.S., Mexico, Central America, some of the Caribbean islands, and parts of the Eastern Pacific Ocean.Eastern Time Zone (ET): UTC-05:00 – includes 22 states in the eastern part of the contiguous United States, including some parts of Canada, Mexico, Panama, and the Caribbean islands.These time zones encompass most of the contiguous United States. Likely the most well-known include Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific Time Zones. In the U.S., there are a total of 9 time zones used. As a general rule of thumb, a change of 15° of longitude should result in a time difference of 1 hour. Many countries have more than one time zone. The following map displays the standard time zones across the world. As can be seen, although there is a general standard throughout the world for defining time zones, it is still highly dependent on the country, and is subject to change. Russia on the other hand, is divided into 11 time zones, though at one point this was reduced to 9 time zones. For example, China and India only use a single time zone even though they are countries that encompass far larger an area than 15° of longitude. Generally, a time change of 1 hour is required with each 15° change of longitude, but this does not necessarily always happen. It wasn't until 1929 before most countries adopted hourly time zones Nepal, the final holdout, did not adopt a standard offset of UTC until 1956, and even then, has a less common offset of UTC+5:45. Time zones throughout the world vary, and used to vary even more than they currently do. Most commonly, UTC is offset by an hour, but in some cases, the offset can be a half-hour or quarter-hour, such as in the case of UTC+06:30 and UTC+12:45. UTC offset can range from UTC-12:00 to UTC+14:00. Generally, time zones are defined as + or - an integer number of hours in relation to UTC for example, UTC-05:00, UTC+08:00, and so on. UTC breaks time into days, hours, minutes, and seconds, where days are usually defined in terms of the Gregorian calendar. Most time zones that are on land are offset from UTC. UTC is not dependent on daylight saving time (DST), though some countries switch between time zones during their DST period, such as the United Kingdom using British Summer Time in the summer months. UTC, which is based on highly precise atomic clocks and the Earth's rotation, is the new standard of today. Although GMT used to be a time standard, it is now mainly used as the time zone for certain countries in Africa and Western Europe. Although GMT and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) essentially reflect the same time, GMT is a time zone, while UTC is a time standard that is used as a basis for civil time and time zones worldwide. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory located in Greenwich, London, considered to be located at a longitude of zero degrees. They are often based on the boundaries of countries or lines of longitude. Related Time Calculator | Date CalculatorĪ time zone is a region on Earth that uses a uniform time.
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averagefrogfan · 2 years
Hmmmm. The WX-78 cinematic is... interesting. I actually quite liked it! I don’t really think it goes very well with the update itself, unfortunately, but the short was fun :) I will admit, though, I am a bit upset that it disproved my personal theory of WX hating Wagstaff because he’s basically their really weird dad.
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crushcircuit · 5 years
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i drew this ages ago but i dont think i ever posted it
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nerdythebard · 3 years
#25: Artio, The Bear Goddess
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Fáilte, Gods and Goddesses!
Today, we step onto the green shores of Ireland for our first Celtic deity. Meet Artio, the Bear Goddess. Evidence of her cult was found as far as modern-day Switzerland, where a figure showing a woman feeding a bear was discovered. In SMITE, Artio is a melee druidess who shapeshifts into a bear to protect her allies.
Next Time: Who knew the wisest of the gods would turn out to be the pettiest...
Let's start with the goals of making Artio:
Bear Hug: Easy one, but necessary - we need to be able to transform into a huge bear and deal some serious damage.
Mother Nature: Artio can heal, conjure up vines, and drain vitality from her enemies.
Celtic Guardian: Artio's strong sides are good Crowd Control abilities and High Sustain. We need to be able to soak in some damage and prevent enemies from advancing.
Now, we could just go with a human or (like Artemis) an elf, but for Artio, I think we'll look at the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron and one of their races. More specifically, the Beasthide Shifter. Believed to be descendants of humans and lycanthropes, Shifters combine the traits of man and beast into a single, deadly force. Beasthide Shifters get a +2 Constitution and a +1 Strength, 60 feet of Darkvision, and proficiency in Athletics skill. We also get the Shifting ability; as a bonus action, we can assume a more bestial form for up to 1 minute. We gain Temporary Hit Points equal to [our level + our Constitution modifier] plus one more benefit depending on our Shifter subrace. Beasthide Shifters gain an extra 1d6 THP and +1 AC bonus when shifted.
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As the Big Bear In Charge, Artio is the protector first and foremost, so making her the Folk Hero seems right to me. We gain proficiency in Animal Handling and Survival, one type of artisan's tools, and land vehicles. The Rustic Hospitality feature allows us to seek help and shelter among the common folk, because of our good reputation among the poor.
We'll start with Strength - we're a melee combatant, our blows need to pack a punch. Constitution will be next, we're the guardian with a thick bear hide for a reason. Follow that up with Wisdom, it's going to be our casting ability, but we won't be very spell-forward.
Dexterity is next, while not the most nimble of fighters, we need to make sure everyone around is protected. Charisma is a little low, but since Artio keeps mostly to the wilderness and forests, she doesn't necessarily interact with people... although we need to boost this up, bears are pretty intimidating. Finally, we're dumping Intelligence. I don't see a reason to have academic smarts here.
Now, I know what you're thinking. Nature, shapeshifting, magic... Druid start-to-finish, right? Well, not necessarily. Half-a-point for trying, though.
Level 1 - Fighter: Artio is a melee character with spellcasting. We need to be a tank first, a magic-user second. Fighters get a d10 Hit Dice, [10 + Constitution modifier] initial Hit Points, and proficiency with light armour, medium armour, heavy armour, shields, simple weapons, and martial weapons. For Artio (when not in the Bear Form) I think we could get regular leather armour and either a quarterstaff or a glaive. Our saving throws are Strength and Constitution and we get to pick two class skills (Intimidation and Perception).
Fighters begin by choosing their Fighting Style, and to fulfil Artio's role as a guardian, we're gonna go with Interception from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Whenever a creature within 5 feet of us is hit by an attack, we can use our reaction to reduce the damage taken by [1d10 + our proficiency bonus] to a minimum of 0 damage. We must be wielding a shield or a simple/martial weapon for this.
We also get Second Wind, which lets us take a breather and heal [1d10 + our Fighter level] Hit Points as a bonus action once per short or long rest.
Level 2 - Fighter: We get Action Surge. Once per short or long rest we can take one additional Action on our turn.
Level 3 - Fighter: We get to pick our subclass, our Martial Archetype. For Artio, who uses her bear form to maul any enemy in her sights, we're gonna pick the Brute archetype from a 2018 Unearthed Arcana. With Brute Force we increase our overall weapon damage by an extra 1d4.
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Level 4 - Fighter: Time for our first Ability Score Improvement. We're really going to double down on our Hit Points, by taking the Tough feat. Our maximum Hit Points increase by [our level x2]. Whenever we level up afterwards, we get +2 Hit Points Maximum.
Level 5 - Druid: Time for some representation of Nature's might. Multiclassing into a Druid gives us proficiencies we already have, so we're going to skip it. We do, however, learn the Druidic language - a system of phrases and symbols we can use to encrypt messages.
Druids are also full casters, so we learn Spellcasting from the start. Wisdom is our casting ability, and we can learn cantrips and ritual spells. Druids have an access to their full spell list, and can each day prepare [our Wisdom modifier + our Druid level] spells. We start by knowing two cantrips:
Druidcraft is a druid-exclusive cantrip used to influence nature around us. We can make flowers bloom or wither, predict the weather, light and extinguish small flames, and create harmless sensory effects.
Guidance lasts for 1 minute (concentration). A willing creature we touch (or us) can add a 1d4 to one ability check of its choice.
We also start with two 1st-level spell slots:
Cure Wounds is a very useful healing spell. One creature we touch regains [1d8+our spellcasting modifier] Hit Points instantly. The number of Hit Points healed increases if we use a spell slot higher than 1st level.
Earth Tremor creates a shockwave within 10 feet of us. Each creature in the range must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 bludgeoning damage and fall prone.
Level 6 - Druid: We unlock the Druid's signature ability: Wild Shape. As an action, we can transform into a beast for a number of hours equal to half of our Druid level (rounded down). In the beginning, we can only transform into a beast with no flying or swimming speed and with a maximum CR of 1/4... which means, we can't become a bear yet.
We also get to pick a second subclass, our Druid Circle. We need to become a bear ASAP, therefore we're choosing Circle of the Moon, which focuses on improving our Wild Shape. The Combat Wild Shape feature lets us transform as a bonus action instead of action and lets us spend a spell slot when transformed to regain 1d8 Hit Points. Circle Forms changes our Wild Shape table, giving us the ability to transform into beasts with a maximum CR of 1 as of now. This means we can now become either a brown or black bear.
We gain another 1st-level spell: Entangle causes grasping vines and thick brambles to grow in a 20-foot square area centred at a point within 90 feet of us. For 1 minute (concentration), the area becomes difficult terrain. Any creature that enters (or ends their turn in) the area must make a Strength saving throw or become restrained. On each of their turn, they can make a Strength saving throw to free themselves.
Level 7 - Druid: We don't get any class features here, but we do unlock 2nd-level spells. Gust of Wind causes a strong gale to blow in a line 60 feet long and 10 feet wide for 1 minute (concentration). For every 1 foot they want to move, all creatures within the line must spend 2 feet of their movement speed. The wind disperses gases and fog and can either extinguish flames or fan them (50% chance).
Level 8 - Druid: Time for another ASI. This time, let's put two points into Constitution for even better durability.
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Our Wild Shape ability also improves, now giving us the ability to transform into beasts with a maximum CR of 1 but with swimming speed (e.g. a giant octopus).
We also learn a new cantrip: Frostbite causes ice and frost to appear on one target within 60 feet of us. The target must make a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 cold damage and gain disadvantage on their next weapon attack before the end of its next turn.
We get one more Druid spell: Enhance Ability lasts for 1 hour (concentration) and enhances one ability for one creature of our choice (or ourselves).
Level 9 - Fighter: Coming back to the frontline combatant, we unlock Extra Attack. We can now attack twice instead of once during each Attack action.
Level 10 - Fighter: Halfway through the build and we get an ASI. This time, let's raise our Dexterity by 2 points for better AC and Initiative count.
Level 11 - Fighter: We get another subclass update. With Brutish Durability, we can now shake off more powerful attacks. Whenever we make a saving throw, we can roll a 1d6 and add the result to the overall score. This benefit also works on Death Saving Throws; if a total result is 20 or higher, we gain the DST benefit of a Natural 20 (+2 saves).
Level 12 - Fighter: Another ASI. This time, let's put one point in Strength and one in Dexterity.
Level 13 - Fighter: We get the Indomitable feat. Once per long rest, we can re-roll a failed saving throw. We have to use a new result even if we fail it again.
Level 14 - Fighter: Another subclass upgrade. This time, we get to pick a second Fighting Style. The Superior Technique style lets us choose one manoeuvre from the Battle Master subclass. We also get one d6 Superiority Die to fuel said manoeuvre. Pushing Attack allows us to spend the Superiority Die whenever we hit the enemy and impose the Strength saving throw on them. On a failed save, the target is pushed up to 15 feet away from us.
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Level 15 - Fighter: Our Extra Attack can now be used to attack twice instead of once, for a total of three attacks per one Attack action.
Level 16 - Fighter: For another ASI, we once again increase both Strength and Dexterity.
Level 17 - Fighter: We improve our Indomitable feature into two re-rolls between long rests.
Level 18 - Fighter: Another level, another ASI. Let's max out our Constitution into 20.
Level 19 - Fighter: We get our final subclass upgrade. With Devastating Critical, when we score a critical hit with a weapon attack, we gain a bonus to damage roll equal to our Fighter level.
Level 20 - Fighter: Our capstone is Fighter 16, which means final ASI. Let's put two points into Intelligence to get rid of negative modifiers.
And that is Artio, the Mother Bear of Ireland. Let's see what I came up with here:
To start off, we're an absolute tanking beast (no pun intended). With an average Hit Points of 235 and Temporary HP of 25+1d6 every time we shift, we can soak some serious damage and protect our allies. Our AC is 16, and we have a +3 to our Initiative.
Unfortunately, our magic capabilities are pretty scarce for a Druid. Plus, most of our spells require concentration. Our Intelligence and Charisma scores are also not great, so we might be vulnerable to those kinds of saving throws.
Another day, another build. I hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll see you for the next one. I'll start with another request when we finish gods beginning at the letter A.
- Nerdy out!
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itstheblob · 3 years
An awkward announcement(?)
I don’t... like to design things. I find things i created myself to be boring and terrible. However, designing (or pretending to design) characters is good practice. I think it is, anyway. It helps you understand why other designs look so much better than yours work.
What I’m getting at is that I absolutely hate making OCs but I know I should do it and I’m currently sort of between fandoms* and have no real excuse not to, so I’m doing OCtober and the art will be on my toyhouse. It will not be posted here.
I am making this post because I usually find that I’m more motivated to complete a goal if I tell people about it. Even if those people don’t care. Even if they would maybe rather I didn’t do it
* this doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll never come back to DST but for now I don’t really care about it and I’m only going to do art for it if it’s commissioned, the 13th guest, or some kind of meme. Or requested, when requests are open (they currently aren’t open!)
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YOOO sorry this isn't an icon request necessarily but WEBBER REWORK CONFIRMED FOR THE 24TH!!!! DHSBFNSNFJSN IM SO HYPED :'D !!! JUST WANNA SHARE THE EXCITEMENT sorry for caps ill chill hahaha. just ds and dst is a huuuge special interest and Webber is one of my mains so just !!!!!!! but uhh!! if you're down with making some webber icons (maybe with any of the nb, trans, agender, genderfluid, etc flags) of just whichever art or skins you want id really love that!! sorry this is so long ahaha love your blog you guys are awesome and i hope your day is great :)!!
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I'M REALLY EXCITED TOO!!! im really happy about the changes they're making i think they're really needed honestly. i am still a wx-78 main at heart but maybe i'll actually play as someone besides them for a little while when the day comes
thank you so much! i hope you have a good day too!!
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