#not 2 be a fucking marxist or anything
spaghettioverdose · 2 months
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people are discovering I'm an evil tankie lmao
anyways the second one is particularly dumb. you speak of the concept of ml transfems like they're this wacky sort of weird rare position that no one really has. are you aware how many popular posters on this site are transfem MLs or transfem ML adjacent? moreover, based on what do you know that MLs are the most transphobic people on the left? like not talking about a subreddit or a discord server, or even CPGB. I'm talking about the movement as a whole. and if there is, a trend where marxism-leninism is especially transphobic (hint: there is not) is that due to the ideology itself being inherently transphobic or is it the people living in particular material conditions that lead to them holding out reactionary ideas?
I could bring up a million arguments to refute this like the incredibly progressive new family code in Cuba, or East Germany's progressive LGBT policies, or how people were already lamenting how many rights they were going to lose from the reunification, or the general trend of modern socialist states to make gains when it comes to LGBT rights and protections, but this has been brought up a million times and you are all still stupid.
Tell me anon, who am I, as a transfem, supposed to side with politically? Liberals who have all shown to be willing to throw us under the bus in record speeds if they believe it might get them three more votes? Anarchists who are utterly incapable of forming any kind of cohesive movement, incabable of holding powe for longer than 2 years, and incapable of organising the economy in any that helps anyone? Am I meant to become a trotskyite or a leftcom so I can whinge about stalinism all day and never do anything useful? What ideology should I fucking be anon? I've was a liberal and I was an anarchist and they both were shit. And believe it or not, anon, anarchists aren't as inherently good to transfems as you think either.
But besides even all this, you deeply misunderstand why I'm even an ML. I believe that marxism-leninism provides a scientific lens through which economy and politics can be analysed to produce analysis with actual predictive power. This is a quality that is very much absent from every non-marxist ideology. Every newer liberal economist that suddenly discovers a basic function of capitalist economy and who is then lauded as a genius, has been playing catch-up with Marx and they're still very far behind. Keynes discovered the concept of "in an economy that runs on commodities being bought, when no one has money to buy said commodities, the economy collapses" is something that scientific communists knew for since the later half of the 1800s. Marxism-leninism is the only form of leftwing ideology that has been effective. Marxism-leninism, when applied, has almost universally raised the standards of living, industrialisation, life expectancy and women's rights. I'm not an ML because I think of ideologies as sports teams, cliques, or fun little labels to add to myself.
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whompthatsucker1981 · 4 months
been thinking abt the gay sex cats post again. while the original point of the post is something for shits and giggles i would say to my art classmates after class, in extreme summary it still kinda stands, popular post making me wanna bash my head against the wall notwisthstanding. even if i hadn't put out a wall of text that was fueled by 1. being a few days out of the surgery table and still on various medications, 2. having read billy bat in two days and therefore having a fuck ton of thoughts about art, and 3. being immensely frustrated that people unironically used human soul of art spark of creativity etc as a talking point wrt generative art; the gist of my point is that you can't win any discussion about what gets to be art by appealing to idealist ideas of soul, creativity, or genius. it's been settled for more or less a century now. a tool is a tool, art can be made out of anything, and the medium is part of the message. end of that post.
of course the regret of anyone that has put out a popular post in whatever Discourse there is is that you can't leave a post scriptum disclaimer that yeah. of course this isn't the entirety of the subject. because everyone that has ever written a post never made a second post because the first covered everything. lol. that's why it continued in my askbox. as in, the issue with quote unquote ai art isnt philosophical or metaphysical, but of labor, and that it is as in marxist division of labor, not whatever people with small business owner brain make it out to be centered on copyright and potentially owed royalties that gets called an issue of labor. ai art is a threat as long as it is a tool in the hands of capitalists to hold working artists hostage. it's not the first tool to be used like that against laborers in art (and obviously other laborers too, but since people have bad idealist views on art it's what gets seen as more of an issue and an outrage lol) and it certainly won't be the last. tighter copyright laws wouldn't have saved any individual artist to ever upload works publically online, if anything abolishing copyright, even if just in regards to generative art would make it so the tool loses its leverage against the worker. also copyright as an argument misses the point because it's not a problem of any person uploading images missing out on royalties they could have earned with use of their images, if there's anything we were supposed to have learned from the nft shitshow is that right click saving isn't fucking stealing. art exists in The Age Of Mechanical And Digital Reproduction. what's more damning is that we take for granted that publically avaliable images and data online are able to be bought and sold from third parties to other parties for fun and profit in the first place, data privacy is more of an issue to machine learning than supposedly lax copyright law could ever be
and the things unsaid are the most frustrating; i did hammer home the point that you can't win an argument on art and meaning by appealing to creativity, soul and genius, but it was at the cost of having things unsaid, and that having a post become popular sucks ass in an unbelievable way. i also have regrets with regards to my tone but i was a bit silly from having read all of billy bat in two days, so even if i cringed afterwards i understand why. and with that is also the unsaid matter of taste. unlike the actual political arguments, i'm not mad that it got passed on, and i think it's better to say my two cents now with some hindsight. the gimmick of ai art is getting old now, people without art education are realizing that a program that can output pretty pictures doesn't mean you can get instant clout and a career out of it, especially with public opinion on the subject ranging from people cringing at it or being actively hostile. in the end artisanal artstation/instagram slop is gonna prevail over ai generated artstation/instagram slop in the content machine, especially since the idealistic views on art also include upholding the grindset. i think the only people left that are gonna keep relying on generative art are people with an insatiable fetish, people who think there aren't enough thomas kinkade paintings to use in their facebook posts, people who understand the comedic value of slop, and people with enough patience to mess with with image processing softwares as to get something satisfactory out of it, which is to say, artists.
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appendectomy · 9 months
19th century art history dashboard simulator
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🎨 jameswh1stler Follow
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hey guyssss some new paintings :) kinda focusing more on painting technique than message or symbolism or anything. lmk what u think
📖 ruskin1819 Follow
delete your account FLOP
🎨 jameswh1stler Follow
check your mailbox
📖 ruskin1819 Follow
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🫀 girlhedonism Follow
my beautiful daughters laudanum and chloral hydrate
#opium isnt a drug shes like a brother to me
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📚 sexytruecrime Follow based on your likes!
started reading conan doyle like you all suggested. anyone else getting a bit of a gay vibe from holmes and watson or is that just me
#penelope reads #serious question like im sensing tension. am i crazy
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🔪 jacktheripper-beatdown Follow
who do you think is the TRUE identity of infamous serial killer jack the ripper? FINAL ROUND - vote now!
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🖼️ camdentownmurders Follow
ohhhhh my god i hate all of you. just because sickert made paintings that were MAYBE about murder doesn't actually mean he was a murderer. fiction ≠ reality.
🫀 girlhedonism Follow
i'm voting lewis carroll anyway bc im praying on his downfall. carroll you will never be charles dickens
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🔮 evelyndemorgan Follow
im so clearpilled its insane me and my husband regularly commune with the spirit realm if youre not on the occult wave at this point youre just ignoring the facts right in front of you
#result of an experiment #clearpilled #spiritmaxxing
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✨ lesbianbasilhallward Follow based on your likes!
my dealer: i've got some straight gas this strain is called 'the picture of dorian gray' you'll be zonked out of your gourd
me: yeah whatever. i don't feel shit
5 minutes later: dude did that painting's face just change to reflect the inner corruption of my mortal soul
my buddy Lord Henry Wotton, pacing: sybil vane is lying to us
#this came to me in a dream #oscar wilde
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🐑 holmanhunt-art Follow
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thinking of displaying this at the royal academy this year. yes or no
📖 ruskin1819 Follow
you're a great painter but why did you make sylvia fucking ugly in this. serious question
🧝🏼‍♀️lizziesiddal Follow
i'm going to blow up this whole website
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🌿 williammorrisandco Follow
i've been getting a lot of asks recently telling me im a fake leftist bc my art is expensive and people are accusing me of catering to a bourgeois sense of materialism... you guys clearly don't care about my involvement in actual socialist causes or my contribution to marxist publications but whatever
👁️ socialism101 Follow
girl didnt friedrich thee engels literally say you were delusional. i think youre just going to have to take the L on this one
🌿 williammorrisandco Follow
at least i actually know engels??? stop replying like you actually know anything about him and focus on yourself. me and him are on good terms
👁️ socialism101 Follow
uh huh sure. so him regarding you as an impractical 'sentimental socialist' means nothing. ok then
3.5k notes
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👼🏼 williamblake69 Follow
first base philisophical debate about the industrialist scourge destroying england second base i introduce you to the polycule
#is this anything
6.9k notes
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What's a fun fact about Jeff (or other character) that you never have an opportunity to share?
OH MAN I HAVE SO MANY RANDOM FACTS ABOUT JEFF. As you've begun to learn, he's... quite a character (pun intended). I'll stick mostly to things that aren't mentioned/elaborated on in the novel! I feel like you already know a couple of these...
1. First of all he's from Birmingham, Alabama. Whenever he's asked where he's from, he's like, "oh, it's just a tiny little hick town in Alabama. You probably haven't heard of it." It's literally fucking Birmingham. (Btw, yes, he has what's described as a "mild Southern drawl.")
2. His parents had him when his mother was 18 and his bio father was 19 respectively. Both of his biological parents were left-wing activists in their youth, so he attended a lot of protests as a baby/young toddler. He was raised atheist and according to a Marxist philosophy.
3. He can fool a polygraph examination.
4. His childhood was - overall - pretty good. For him, at least. He does have some trauma from his teenage years, mostly stemming from multiple stints in juvenile detention starting at the age of 10. It's unclear exactly how these events affected him.
5. He has an unusually high pain tolerance, especially when under the influence.
6. He went to school in Birmingham until his junior year, when he moved in with his biological father in Philadelphia. He did (most of) his junior year at a school in Philly, where he caused a fuckload of trouble and was expelled not even a year in.
7. Extremely high maintenance when it comes to his appearance. "Spends two hours in the bathroom getting ready for a trip to the fucking post office." - Gabriel
8. Extremely Bisexual, but he prefers to take women out on actual dates because they tend to be - in his words - "better conversation partners." If you're a guy who wants to go on a date with him, you're gonna plan it, and it better be something he finds enjoyable (hint: take him to an amusement park).
9. He owns a scarf collection. We're talking over a hundred scarves.
10. He perpetually functions on 5-6 hours of sleep a night.
11. Loves cheesecake.
12. His favorite band is Pink Floyd (somehow don't think they'd approve).
13. His name is not short for Jeffrey.
14. Nicknames absolutely everyone. It's rare that he refers to someone by their actual first name.
15. Has a Thing about cleanliness - like, he eats pretty much exclusively "clean" food (he's literally one of those juice cleanse people, I swear to god), showers often, has like a 1700-step skincare routine, his room is immaculate, etc. This is pretty hypocritical considering he does like every drug on the planet, but yeah.
16. This is more of a core characteristic than a fun fact lol but anyway: chronically bored out of his mind and a massive adrenaline junkie. He'll do anything for a cheap thrill or some entertainment, in whatever form he can get it.
17. One time he tried to convince all of his friends that he didn't know about Congress.
18. His drink of choice is either straight whiskey, a mimosa, or the fruitiest fucking cocktail you've ever seen.
19. He was born on February 19th, 1983 (almost exactly six months older than Gabriel).
20. No matter who you are, he's convinced he can win a fight against you.
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wlwizard101 · 2 years
hi i have so many thoughts about polaris + arc 3 as a whole so im just going to rant about them. spoilers for polaris and mirage under the cut. also monsquista in pirate101. also a little bit of emperyea. just a smidge.
polaris is probably my favorite world simply because of its writing and it does something kingsile and honestly a lot of media in general fails to do: how to write a good revolution.
first of all, the revolution has good motives and the writers want us to percieve as good. the penguins (proletariat. yes im doing a semi marxist analysist for a kids game dont @ me) are uprising against the polar bears (the borgeious class). the penguins struggles are seen as real. they do not simply want a return to the status quo or to 'bring back the king that was good' (looking at you mirage) - no, they want change.
and that is so refreshing! in pirate101, that goddamn ape (i literally hate him so much) does a revolution and. simply becomes king. thats it. the revolution itself is started by princesses and disgraced generals, not the people. which is not inherently bad writing, however this is portrayed as good. is the material conditions of the monkeys at all changed? nope! there's just a different king on the throne. its closer to a coup than anything. (i do enjoy the implications of the pirate doing much, much grimier things that the wizard due to them being well, a pirate, but i never thought it was handled all that well).
but back to polaris. there is changed, goddamnit! after overthrowing the monarchy, celebration happens in the central area of polaris. in a paralell to azteca, where everytime you go there you are reminded that everyone here is going to die soon holy shit, in polaris, you are reminded you fucking won. you did it. and this is especially refreshing considering it is based off of the french revolution, one that pop culture always tends to demean. but kingsile (though having napoliguen in pirate101 does have some implications) shows a different view point to the french revolution, one with much more empathy to the peasant class.
and this is where mirage kinda fell flat in comparison. i was half expecting ozy to turn out to be a twist villian, due to the writing competency of the previous world, but nope. hes just the rightful king guys! and now we have to defend against xerxes. who is evil because. uh. yeah. trust us guys!!! (his boss fight was also really underwhelming tbh. middle siblings always get the short end of the stick).
over all, arc 3 differs from the other arcs in that it is not about saving the status quo. in arc 1, you defended the world from malistairs gried. in arc 2, you defended the world from morganthes god complex. but in arc 3? we are shown grandmother raven to be a control freak, who'd rather let the spiral be destroyed than let her ex husband live, and we have grandfather spider, who is destroying the spiral to put everything back to the way it was. in some regards, yes, we are defending the status quo - but i would argue raven is infact that status quo. the gods as they are, under ravens plan, would stay the same. the spiral would soon be destroyed anyways because of the heat death of the universe, why try and change? let it be. we're here to change that! what it going to happen in emperyea i do not know, as i only just got to part 2, but im incredibly excited for it, even if the refrences are a little grating. no spoilers please <3
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shinobicyrus · 1 year
Wait what does the “mutant” part mean? I thought he was being transphobia, but is it something else??
(In response to this weird Trump tweet "truth" ranting about communists and mutants)
Oh I am pretty convinced that Trump meant trans people when he declared "mutants" as part of the cabal of enemies plotting against him. In a previous speech a few months ago, he had referred to trans children taking hormone blockers as being "mutated."
However, this could easily refer to just about anything, because Trump is an erratic demagogue prone to absolutely bizarre nonsense statements. For instance, back during the height of the Covid anti-vaccine hysteria, anti-vaxxers spread a batshit conspiracy that the mRNA vaccine altered human DNA, making them genetically modified "mutants."
I'm more inclined to believe Trump meant trans people because A). Anti-Trans rhetoric is much more "in vogue" in far-right reactionary politics right now and B). Trump has a notoriously poor attention span, so his referencing a weird conspiracy theory about vaccines from over 2 years ago sounds like a stretch.
Or maybe he just used an 'M' word because it fix nicely with "Misfits" and "Marxists" and he's just a fucking weirdo. We have no idea!
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redpillfuturist215 · 2 years
*In response to white male liberal on Twitter
I’m reblogging this in response to, for lack of a better term, a white male liberal. I made a small update on my African American women are terrible mothers post to reflect this. Link
Every once in a while, a white dude tries to either
1 Define my blackness
2 Claim my criticism of black women is racist
To put it another way, he's saying I can't think for myself
Or in other words, he wants me to be a slave – refer to Malcolm X quote
1 Recent Yale study proves the left's racist outrage is an act of projection
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The guy, apparently a blue pilled cuck, also says…
MGTOW’s are just male feminists
Actually, esp. given that male genital mutilation along justifies men killing every enemy of men and boys, all we’re doing is walking away – refer to Paul Elam screenshot
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Feminists routinely call for the castration and genocide of males, especially straight white men
Excluding abortion, women are 3-4 times more likely than men to abuse and murder children, the victim being male the majority of the time. For black women it’s even higher
My views, based on how horrible my childhood was at the hands of the single black mother combined with all the similar experiences of other black men and statistics, are apparently ignorant, according to him
Newsflash, real men, esp. after 35-ish and if red pilled, don’t care what others think of them
I'm a leftist simply saying fuck off to society lol
I don't support anything Marxist. I also don't hate America. I actually risked my life for it, 6 years and 1 combat tour in the army with no regrets
MGTOW isn't "owning" anyone
Newsflash, MGTOW aren’t here to own anyone, we’re just here to put ourselves first and again we do not care about or need society’s approval
Everyone laughs at you, says the blue pilled guy
Woman – “I’m never getting married or having kids” – society, “You go girl!”
Man – same – society … is he gay, an incel, what a loser, is something wrong with him?
Real men don't need to embrace MGTOW because real women only go for real men
You can't find a real woman and earn her loyalty
Not wanting to risk losing your peace, sanity, freedom, livelihood, finances, children etc. to the average modern American woman and a gynocentric legal system is having “weak genes”
You’re racist, an incel and you hate black women blah blah blah
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Dudes worse than a feminist
Nothing but infantile, emotional outbursts and insults without providing a single lick of evidence
Facts don’t care about feelings. Nor are they racist, sexist or whatever. They just are
MGTOW’s have absolutely no problem getting laid, if they want to. Many are in fact in relationships, married and/or have children. They just might seek love overseas. Feminists are the problem, not women
A woman telling it like it is, a happily married American anti-feminist woman who also protected her sons from genital mutilation by the way
MGTOW is the safest choice for men
Part 2
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2 Millions Of Men No Longer Want To Get Married, And You Can Thank The Government For That
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3 Black women checking themselves, calling out others and defending black men – who he calls dimwits for telling the truth, circling back to my overall statement. White liberal men need to STFU and stop trying to tell us what to think
You BLACK women are embarrassing, I AGREE
Black woman says black men should avoid black women like the plague
And several screenshots, I have to reblog to add them. Link to part two here
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cainightfics · 2 years
these anons are so annoying, it also frustrates me because tyrelliot is nowhere near as bad as some ships that came from this show (like people who shipped elliot and mr robot) and yet some self righteous people compare the two like it's even remotely the same thing. sorry to mention that people who shipped elliot and mr robot even existed but god I really don't understand why people conflate it with tyrelliot. mr robot is the alter that elliot developed because of his sexual abuse growing up, and tyrell is an evil guy who was in love with him. I wish people would direct their attention elsewhere when there are much worse things being written in this fandom. feel free to not share this btw, it's reasonable to not want to make any posts where people might start arguing about mr robot x elliot. just wanted to share my thoughts. TLDR, tyrelliot shouldn't be argued about as being problematic when there are much worse popular ships in this fandom, and your fics are really good
adding more to my message from before sorry; also don't think that I mean anybody deserves harassment, I'm just saying that when there are actual upsetting and distasteful fics about elliot being abused, you of all people definitely don't deserve harassment under the guise of being upset that you write fic about "Elliot and his abuser" when those fics absolutely exist and you do not write them. anyway have a good night
thanks for your input. im pretty much a live and let live sort of person with this, since the internet makes it pretty easy to just block out anything you dont want to see, and i wish other people did the same. i honestly dont think tyrelliot is bad like... AT ALL LMFAO. but i guess some people do, which is fine. i just dont see the point in messaging me about it numerous times a week for over a month lol. thats just so weird and corny to me
but yeah like in the end my issue with this whole thing is that separating ships into morally and objectively "good" vs "bad" leads to this atomization of intent and characterization where 1) the definition of what is "bad" becomes a slippery slope where anything can become "problematic" and 2) it promotes and uplifts pairings or situations where everything is perfect and conflict doesnt exist-- the antithesis of good/interesting writing. like i have literally no interest whatsoever in "good representation" or "wholesome ships" because thats frankly not what i watch tv or read books for lol. it will never be my thing. also i am just SO FUCKING BORED of rating art based off of whether it lives up to someones (very subjective!) ideas of morality. like can we PLEASEEEEE talk about something else
also, i know what that person is trying to do when they call me a proshipper. everybody knows that that word is synonymous with being a pedo these days lmfao, given that thats central to the idea of pro vs anti shipping (besides incest). i think its pretty wild to insinuate im like... aligned with pedophiles in any way given that if you read my fics you would know i have a whole chapter dedicated to tyrell and elliot MURDERING A PEDOPHILE lol.
i could go on and on about how this very lazy way of thinking thats currently dominating fanspaces is the result of neoliberal identity politics, or consumption as morals, or the capitalist drive to increase both social division and profit by making people identify with brands, groups, or media properties. i wont be an annoying marxist rn and get into all that, but ill say im pretty much in agreement with john paul brammer here:
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dianight · 2 months
I think I'm just tired.
Every other month I'll convince myself to look for a job/place with total seriousness and ignoring what has happened every previous time. And it's like. The math doesn't work. Too many hours, too little pay, rent too high, places too far. Not one of them, not "pick two/three", it's all of them. What are these numbers, how can one live like this?
Today I went shopping. There was gluten and lactose free pizzas. For 150% the prize of the nicer regular ones, with just ham and nonlactose cheese. I was looking for a new cereal, the one I was getting was 2,20 for 500g that lasted me an entire week. They weren't particularly nice, but hey it's breakfast (and sometimes dinner). Now they have wheat and all the ones that used to be gluten free also do. I got this one for 2,25 that are 400g, they'll last 4/5 days because they are bigger. Hey they have chocolate inside, yay...
For the past 2 years I've been looking for a job on and off, whenever I gather enough strength. I want to kill every single interviewer. It's always less pay or more hours than advertised, always minimum wage (or minimum they can pay by law, not the same) and always 40+ hours. Maybe it's a 9 hours shift, maybe 8 and a half. Maybe it's 6 days a week and you work 7 hours, when it isn't 8 or more. And I know I won't last on these jobs because it mentally hurts me to even think about it. I've worked with those (and worse!) conditions before and the explotation never ends. Not the marxist definition even, but the coloquial one. You think I'll get paid more if I have to stay extra hours or cover for someone or do some shit that is not even close to part of the job description? Obviously not!
Yesterday I went to bed a bit later than normal. I was practicing and then having dinner while just checking tumblr. As soon as I got into bed I hear screaming from outside (tourists), my neighbour decides to start some sort of argument with his wife(?) and I can hear the water inside the pipes from the floor above me. I want to get my own place so I can have some quiet. Some. Not asking for total silence or anything I just want to get in bed at 11pm and not have to meditate so I don't get worked up and rage making it impossible to sleep for hours.
At some point, like a couple years ago or so I had to explain to a (former)[<-foreshadowing] friend that apartments are anywhere from 2 to 3 times more expensive than when we were in university because he would not stop insisting that I was not "looking in the right places" and it took me looking for the exact places he lived at to finally convince him. Every time I look for places to rent the prices keep going up. Last year there were some really, really shitty flats for ~500€, now the lowest are going for 600. They are not even good! Just a fucking room with a bed (not a bedroom), open kitchen and bath. It's claustrophobic actually. And you know what? I wouldn't even mind it, but I'm not going to pay half my monthly salary just in rent. Adding utilities and groceries, I just won't make enough. Who the fuck is going to rent that place? If you are making enough to pay for that flat, you will want something better than a coffin with bath and kitchen.
Today I was grieving for a shirt. A shirt. It was just a black shirt, with like an image of Thor from the comics. I didn't even particularly like it or anything, I don't remember where it came from (a gift from a relative maybe?). I was in bed, meditating for a bit and somehow while checking my flannel shirts (one of them is too small(?) now) I remembered the Thor shirt. I lost it when I got kicked out by the english family I was staying with. They needed the room (in the garden btw, a cabin more like) that I was using and I got a week before christmas to find a place (I was working almost every day too) so I had to quickly pack what little belongings I had and there was some drying still and it was so fast that I guessed even then that I was going to miss some stuff. The shirt was not the only one, but I only remember that one. I've lost so many things over the years. And I was grieving for a random shirt.
Two years ago my boss made 30k in july. Me and 4 other coworkers were paid 1100€ to 1500€. She made even more in august. We got paid the same. There was one of the first days when I got told that we finished at midnight, as in physically close the doors and shut the gate. I was supposed to restock fridges and I didn't do it because I was too busy. Next day I get told off in the storage room by my boss because I can't just leave "without doing my job". With that attempt at an intimidating tone that a barely past meter and a half 70 year old lady can't really pull off. I managed to not laugh in her face and I explained that in order to restock fridges I need to not keep up with the tables and the bar until so late. She agreed, but in a way that made it clear she was expecting me to still do all of it. We worked 6 days a week too, roughly 9 hours every day (less on sunday). Once I made the math and if I left one hour early and arrived 10 minutes late every day I would still be working more than 40 hours a week. For almost minimum wage.
Today I was going over all the stuff I'd need were I to find a place and a job. I need some documents sorted out, new shoes, probably new clothes too. I realized that I only wear sweatpants since I haven't gone to any interview since may?/june? and the only surviving pants I had are some jeans that don't fit me anymore (ass too big, hips too wide). Documents, transportation (possibly), clothes. All of that costs money. I also have a list on my legendary notepad that I made the first time I moved to an actual place, not like renting a room. The usual kitchen, bathroom and utilities that you might (you will) need when you live by yourself. All of that costs money.
I haven't celebrated my birthday in more than a decade, probably since I got kicked out. Two years ago, exactly on my birthday, I got a discord message from some person that I didn't know. Not that unusual to be fair, but they were asking about my youtube channel. It had gotten terminated for "sexual content". I know exactly why: because youtube (like all western platforms) considers japanese games, specially visual novels, to be uniquely perverse and sexual. Not going to go on a rant (looking at bg3 with bestiality and shit like that) about double standards. But. It was, at the time, my one source of income. I was making 100-150€ per month by not doing much, so it was a nice help while searching for a job. And it was gone.
This morning I was deciding what to do. I had some lentils from this week but after seeing the pizzas (that I can eat) I decided to be nice to myself. I'll have the lentils tonight, maybe tomorrow? After lunch I didn't really feel like doing anything. I've been practicing this week and rest days are practice too. So what can I do. I've lost like a 95% of all the things I kept on my computer, I got some games and such. The steam folder survived somehow, but I really don't feel like playing. Harsh to admit it but games are not as fun as they were. I was chilling, meditating when I decided to put my thoughts into text see if it helps in any way. I don't know if it does.
I've been considering lately that I might be (clinically) depressed. Ultimately it does not matter, but I don't think I am. It is my understanding that it's got something to do with your brain and such. I am depressed (coloquially) because my every attempt (except one!) to improve my life has failed. If I think about the many tasks left to keep pretending to be human I get a bit overwhelmed. Not in the "too many things I can't get started" way but in the "I take smalls steps every day and something happens that negates all that effort out of nowhere". Unfair.
Outside of practicing, that can't really occupy my entire day anyway, the only think I look forward to every day is taking my hrt. I'm more happy that I can express that I was brave, and pushy, and relentless. I like myself more now, physically and mentally. It feels like the only thing that has gone completely right for me in the past 10 years, and it was a decision I took and executed pretty much with no help (as if I ever get help...). I still remember straight up telling my doctor "I am a transgender woman and I want to start hormones, what do I have to do?" (not exact words) and going from there. So scary.
I need to be impaled, to have my chest open and my heart ripped out and crushed in front of my eyes. Nothing else will work. I cannot and will not. Someone else has to be the one to end me. Because despite everything, I wake up and consider what am I going to do. And I try, and try and keep trying. Because there is nothing else to do. Because I have been hopeless for years and that had never had any impact whatsoever on me trying. Because I will keep at it until things get better or the universe goes cold. And even if things get better (will they ever?) I will keep going. Because I know nothing else.
I want a place for myself. I want to remove every single person that turned their back on me from my life. I want to do what I want. I don't mind working, I do believe that one needs to do their part on society. Enriching others should have no place in society. I want to not be constantly stressed. I want to be able to do everything I want, and I want to be able to do nothing at all. I want to kill every person that wronged me. With my bare hands. And my fangs. I don't want to lose my stuff, and the memories they carry. I want my efforts to be appreciated, instead of mocked, dismissed or trampled. I want to be worshipped. I want nothing to do with humans. I want to be understood, even for the briefest moment, just once. I want to be alive. Forever.
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callmedarthrevan · 7 months
I was on the phone with my mother last night, and she told me she didnt like chicken wings. I was like why. And she said that (1) it's too much work for what little meat you get and (2) the bones remind her that it'll used to be a living breathing animal, and that makes her uncomfortable. I didn't push back on her or question her thought process in any way because I was a little surprised and also she really hates it when I ask her thought provoking questions or "attack her" so I'm trying to be choosier about it.
To her first point, I sort of get it. It's a personal preference, but we could get into class and racial politics of meat and talk about how the reason chicken breasts are preferred by white people over, say. Wings. (Or god forbid chicken feet) has something to do with prime cuts of meat going to the rich and "worse" cuts going to the poor or the enslaved. I cannot imagine my suburbanite white mother ever eating chicken feet. I've tried them, I do in fact think they're a little too bony for my tastes and I did not enjoy the experience. By comparison, wings and legs are pretty fuckin easy to eat only nice soft bits of tissue without even getting much cartilage. My mother refusing to eat chicken wings can be seen as a product of her privilege as a white person.
To her second point, I would like to question the intentions behind trying not to think about the living origins of meat products. There are a couple of ways one can grapple with the fact that food on their plate once had a face and, maybe very simple but nonetheless, thoughts. One method is to decide that it's morally wrong to eat a living creature and then act on that fact, and become vegetarian or vegan. This can go further into full-on ecofascism, but taking a simple moral stance and acting on it is commendable.
Another way one can go is to decide that actually, its okay to eat animals because if they were not being bred for food they would likely not be alive in the first place, and as long as they're raised and slaughtered humanely then what's the harm in it? The harm lies in the fact that very little of the meat produced is raised or slaughtered ethically. Animal rights activists have spoken about inhumane farm conditions for chickens, for example, in which they are packed so tight they cannot even flap their little wings and so their muscles do not develop properly. I recently bought a cheap whole chicken that, upon carving, we found to have a chunk of green muscle which is the aftermath of such treatment. It was fucking unsettling, and it should be.
The unfortunate truth is that ethically sourced meat is expensive. You need more land, and more workers who work shorter shifts and get actual benefits and work safety protections. You can't yield nearly the amount of product with a pasture-raised flock as you can by shoving as many bodies as you can in a warehouse. Because of the way our economic system works, the majority of people can only afford to buy the morally reprehensible stuff. One could take this information and demand that the poor collectively go vegan (thus becoming an ecofascist), or take it and try to change the system about it. It's a symptom of capitalism, of the valuation of profits above both human and animal welfare. The system is fucked, and the system needs to change.
My mother takes the third route: choosing to simply not think about it, to choose ignorance rather than face her discomfort. It reflects the way she thinks about the world in general; she doesn't like to think about politics or race or really much of anything beyond how she can scrape her little world into a shape she likes and is comfortable with. My mother is a liberal, content to alienate herself (in the marxist sense) from the world if it means her little slice of suburbia is peaceful.
I like eating chicken wings. There's a marked difference in the way I eat them from how my black girlfriend does: she will leave nothing on the bones, whereas I generally leave cartilage untouched. She was raised to eat Everything; she likes chicken feet, and oxtail, and all the cuts of meat that white people dont really touch. (I think oxtail is delicious and I'm glad she introduced me to it.) I like thinking about how the different ways we eat wings reflects our different upbringings.
I also like that the bones remind me of the living creature. It reminds me that I am connected to the people who were involved of the production of the piece of meat in front of me: the worker paid far too little in horrible conditions to raise this wretched animal; the workers paid far too little to use unsafe equipment to butcher and slice and package it up; the grocery clerks paid far too little to sell it to me; the truck driver paid far too little to ship it to me. It reminds me that we need to fight for a better world for me, the farm worker, the butcher, the grocer, the truck driver, and the fucking chicken. The chicken deserves better than the current system. We all do.
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loserlesbianvamps · 1 year
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(.1) 𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅; 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒖𝒔
I can't hear you, you're too far away. I can't see you, the light is in my face. I can't touch you, I wouldn't if I could. I can't love you how you want me to. I can't love you how you want me toz I can't love you how you want me to. Here's the best part distilled for you. But you want what I can't give to you. Your hands are gravity while my hands are tied. I can't love you how you want me to. I can't love you how you want me to. I can't love you how you want me to. Who do you think you are? Who do you think you I am? What do you wanna say? What do you think will change? Maybe I'm afraid of you. Maybe I'm afraid of you. I'll bite the hand that feeds me. Bite the hand that feeds me. Bite the hand. Bite the hand. Bite the hand that needs me. Bite the hand that needs me. Bite the hand. Bite the hand. I can't love you how you want me to. I can't love you how you want me to.
(.2) 𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒔; 𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒈𝒉
I kissed every stranger in the corridor that night I kept changing his mind, he kept changing my mind. His hands his hands. He feels handcrafted just for you but he's a little bit too far away and You can't you can't. His hands are in you and you know you'll be gone by the morning. But you know he loves you. And you know you love his strong hands strong hands. Prolonged eye contact in casual conversation. Perfectly encapsulated the erotic stimulation. You're too real for me, you should go to something better. I'll give you to someone better. I have friends that'll be on earth for longer. I have friends that won't feel like monsters. Being unwanted and wanting too much. Feeding the idea of you, leaving you starving. Not god, Not us but something in the middle. You know I was still down on my knees like it was a religion. All you can remember is that it was long awaited. Closer closer closer closer closer closer and foggy windows. Being unwanted and wanting too much. Feeding the idea of you, leaving you starving. I knew it was you the whole time. I knew it was you while I was with him. I knew it was you through the clouds of all those pills. I knew it was you when you sang me that song you wrote about her. I knew it was you while I was booking that plane ticket half out of my mind. I knew it was you the whole time. I knew it was you while I was with him. I knew it was you through the clouds of all those pills. I knew it was you when you sang me that song you wrote about her. I knew it was you while I was booking that plane ticket half out of my mind. And you know you love him and you might be in love with him. And you know you love him and you might fall in love with him. And you know you love him and you're falling in love with him.
(.3) 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓; 𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒕𝒕
I don't wanna feel better. No one's ever gonna love me like that again. I don't wanna get over you. I wanna sit with you in bed. I don't wanna feel better. I'd give anything to miss you again. I don't wanna get over it, I wanna get under it instead. A book sits on top of clean and messy blankets on a bed that fuckin' creaks at night when I get in it late and late at night, I'm chugging Gatorade and someone's breaking up when I crack up. Because I know I'll never know just what to say I'm a communist, a terrorist, an MPDG thot, or I'm a sad girl in a dorm room, living out the shady Christian plot of Twilight or The Bible or The Lover by Duras. Or I'm just really fuckin' selfish and really fuckin' lost. But someone loved me, someone fucking loved me. Someone fucking loved me and I fuckin' loved them too. Goddamn it, I was worth something, I fuckin' learned something. I had my cake (I ate it, it ate me too and, God, no). I don't wanna feel better. We kept our liquor in a suitcase underneath my bed and we drank it to go out or just stay in or to feel sad but in a hot way, a way I'll fuckin' never have again. The sun has began to set. I'm a socialist, Marxist, libertarian slut. I am an awkward teenage virgin and I sort of kinda laugh a lot in bed, but other times, I cry or don't make noise at all. I'd give my life to have a room that feels that small. ‘Cause someone loved me, someone fucking loved me. Someone fucking loved me, I loved them too. Goddamn it, I was worth something, I fuckin' earned something. I have a right to die, a right to live, a right to choose, too. And God, no! Of course I don't wanna feel better! Can you fucking imagine?! No one's ever gonna love me like that again. I don't wanna get over it. I wanna rip the stars to shreds. I don't wanna feel better. Of course it hurt, of course it fuckin' hurt. It hurt like nothing in the world sometimes that I was super scared, and we were all a train-wreck and also somehow making it. I think I might've died there twice, and I would do it all again. I'm a nihilist, a soldier, an OCD-machine or I'm a healthy baby-girl who traded sunshine for disease. But when my head hit my cheap pillow, I could tell I had a heart. And I wanna tear this fascist Milky Way apart, 'Cause someone loved me, someone fuckin' loved me. All my filthy life I loved someone I barely knew. Goddamn it, I was worth something, I fuckin' learned something. And it felt better in my mouth than fresh warm food. I guess I loved you, I guess I really loved you. All my filthy life I loved someone I barely knew. And now you're over there, and I'm way over here. What am I gonna do? I don't wanna feel better. No one's ever gonna love me like that again. I don't wanna get over you. I wanna sit with you in bed. I don't wanna feel better
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kringelorde · 1 year
it's so funny that capitalism goes "ouhh east europeans who lived under it hate communism and it's better there now!!" like some sort of gotcha. as if that's some big universal truth. as if those responses aren't different based on who you ask—their class status and class history, whether they were alive and working in the 1950s, where they're from, whether they emigrated before the fall of the wall or not, whether they're christian or jewish or nonreligious, their level of political literacy, and their current political outlook.
yeah, no shit the highly educated who live comfortable lives under capitalism will have a kinder view of it than they did of communist systems. and no shit they're less likely to care to meaningfully critique both.
but somehow, neither my parents nor their slightly older nor slightly younger friends from working class, agricultural/one step from peasantry, and more skilled labour (tailors, cooks, etc) backgrounds have ever had much of anything nice to say about capitalism.
my dad's a marxist. mom's some kind of socialist. most of my parents friends are no less left than social democrats. they're all some degree of socially progressive or detached and uninformed. my uncle was glad to hear I grew into a radical ancomm. most of my family never left poland, including my grandparents who were born in the 1920s.
criticisms are levied at life before stalin croaked, by and large. the general consensus is that the system had different but similarly serious issues compared to the west's capitalism for more or less a net neutral.
employment was far better; my father remembers the dockyards and fishing boats in danzig fondly. efficiency was lacking at work and it was a bureaucratic mess. education was more competently structured and schooling was better but information was more tightly controlled; if you knew what to ask, most educated people would pull you aside and give you a less "orthodox" history. there was a better cultivated sense of community. the martial state was a nightmare as was watching tanks roll into czechoslovakia in 1969 (which my mother was privy to bc she lived on the border). the shortages of stuff sucked.
but keep in mind that there was NEVER NEVER NEVER the kind of unrestricted, well funded access to goods that the west had. blockades, embargos, the push for "freedom", conditional aid, politicking, sheer differences in money these states had.
my father left for a better life in the west. we live at poverty line. my uncle stayed and worked in the forestry department. he owns his own little house and makes a salary 2 to 3x that of my father.
fuck you.
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bitcofun · 2 years
This post is the core story in Bitcoin Magazine's" The Orange Party Issue". Click here to subscribe now It's odd how access to info has actually accelerated the self-education of the public to a point where I believe it is ending up being an issue for the gentility. Possibly that's why they're ending up being outrageous and attempting to make the general public discourse so ridiculous. Let's talk. My uncle is an old-school conspiracy theorist; he labored away breaking coal with a pickaxe searching for diamonds compared to how ruined we are now. A smart male, previous Army Ranger turned long-haul trucker. Self-educated, an autodidact type of man; the "anon profile". He was continuously demolishing info in the pre-internet age. He's essentially my subject professional on tap for anything to do with the trilateral commission or militia motion things from the '90 s; he's my man. Finding out these things was so tiresome back then. Having to satisfy individuals face to face and accept details from them, like at weapon reveals and so on. Checking out books you needed to go purchase or physically have a look at, since e-books didn't exist and neither did the web (or what did exist, there wasn't much anyhow). He filled the remainder of the space with talk radio and CB radio with other truckers. It's interesting how truckers are either dumb as bricks or are roaming sages with huge IQ. They're really both ends of the bell curve, just like Combat Arms in the armed force. My bottom line I wished to deal with, and other 30- something or 40- something anons can confirm, is that access to info relocations so quickly and has actually ended up being so uncomplicated that individuals are decreasing the info waterslide at breakneck speeds. It utilized to be that you were a normie, and eventually you got triggered into some type of "alternate" political or belief "tunnel" that was gatekept however a bit off the beaten course. Perhaps you ended up being a libertarian or perhaps had a Marxist stage or something. Eventually, that stopped sufficing, perhaps you ended up being more of a typically conservative type, then a RW type, then more of a mystical type once you act great and deep. This utilized to be a procedure that took a years or more. I'm seeing zoomers go from lolberts who were purchasing Hawaiian t-shirts and larping about the "boog" 2 years ago who are now checking out mystical and political theory books. 4 years ago they were quite near to normie, and now they're checking out Evola and Uncle Ted product. This is likewise bleeding over into the real life in a really significant method. @MogTheUrbanite was talking earlier about how men at his church are simply freely speaking about Klaus Schwab/WEF/Great Reset shit and devils, exposed, in a non-conspiratorial matter of reality method. Younglings may dislike how entirely substantial that is. I got political awareness in a location where the majority of people simply believed George Soros was a hedge fund supervisor and if you stated the name "Rothschild" or "Soros", individuals called you some tinfoil anti-Semite crank. For example, that live clip of Newt Gingrich actually getting tugged mid-interview for talking conspiratorially about Soros. This wasn't even that long earlier, however sufficient individuals understood already. Now, it's simply a home reality. This is something that is a significant modification when observed in a decade-long timescale. This is a huge fucking modification to the status quo. Details availability has, from the POV of standard gatekeepers, entirely drew out of their control. That's why suppression of conspiratorial nodes has, for the many part, capitulated. In electronic warfare terms, the opponent has actually changed from jamming the particular frequency their opponent is utilizing to simply jamming all frequencies with white sound. Simply lunacy throughout the board. I believe this is most quickly observable on the chans and particularly/ pol/.
Reddit had main points of small amounts they might quickly manage. Conde Nast executives at the tactical level and subreddit mediators at the tactical level. They were simple. But 4chan was another monster. There's no "karma" and there's no "downvotes" and with everybody publishing anonymously, you can't simply prohibit the accounts that other individuals keep in high regard and change them with your own. It's "pissing in an ocean of piss", as we utilized to state. What truly did the website in, and most likely costs the powers that be a quite cent, is simply continuous info-ops, trolling, board moving, and dumb BBC threads. Making 4chan suck did what anons constantly stated it would do, which is drive us off our containment website. The chans basically fell on the sword and lost their hermeticism that let deep autistic conversation and ops take place, which was an excellent loss for sure, however in doing so the "anon truth tunnel" broke the guardrails and went off-road, in every instructions, incorporating with others. It resembled there was a huge, hazardous cyst that was triggering issues for the host, so they popped it and contagious frogposters break out in every instructions. Covering the walls, the windows, the door, simply a huge nasty mess that they can't tidy up or return in package. Now we've got zoomers speedrunning political theory that millennial anons originated through an experience that took practically a years. 22- year-olds Kaczynski publishing and laughing with their pals with specific niche in-jokes about long dead thinkers and ancient rites. Lovely. I simply desire individuals who believe withstanding the program is "moving too gradually" to understand just how much has actually altered in the last 25 or so years thanks to the web. Particularly for the zoomers who simply have not been around enough time to see it; it is insane. In the mid '00 s, very few individuals owned ARs or any other semi-automatic rifles, extremely couple of individuals delicately owned body armor or night vision, and practically nobody was training to gunfight as a casual pastime. We were all arguing "Is the Iraq War truly needed or another negative oil play"? That was the level of discourse then, "Is this brand-new war required? Do muslims truly wish to damage us? Just how much cash is this gon na cost?" and arguments over the PATRIOT Act belonged to today's thin blue line cult arguing with individuals who desire you canceled now. Now the whole nation is honestly questioning, through one side or another, the authenticity of different appendages of the federal government. The libs left wing are now calling SCOTUS invalid, while the majority of on the right are calling 2020 invalid which congress is straight-out corrupt. Even if the world got a hell of a lot more clown-y usually, the public resembles 4 times as notified now as they were at that time. It makes my head spin to actually think of it. I see random contacts from IRL on my phone turning up with "Welcome them to Signal/Telegram!" 24/ 7. My terrific auntie checks out The Epoch Times, my other half speak about satanic forces, my fantastic grandmother who is 91 believes we're heading for Weimar Germany, the 22- year-old who repaired an electrical concern on my range delicately spoke to me about adrenochrome ffs. There is a lot awareness now compared to how there utilized to be nearly none. There's no such thing as "fringe" any longer, you can just be cringe. The world is fucking insane and anything is possible. This is excellent due to the fact that you can't resolve an issue individuals do not understand exists. There is no dominating this ideological battlespace for the routine. Dominating it all like they performed in the days of television and Radio is simply too goddamn pricey. It's all broke up into a million various ideological fiefs. At terrific expense, you can dominate a fief, however not all of them. So they fire out digital chaff anxiously in every instructions, they play whack-a-mole with high-engagement nodes that are or might be hazards.
The opponent is now reactively protecting themselves, not proactively guiding the course. This is the Titanic and we are the iceberg. Every time they pop chaff in the type of a brand-new psy-op, pattern acknowledgment begins and less individuals succumb to it; a great deal of individuals recuperate and stop being deceived faster and less individuals succumb to the next one. They're basically stuck in a sheared reactive OODA loop that they aren't going to leave, a death-spiral of hubris and the crows are coming house to roost. They simply screwed up so bad destroying the chans, it's like they banished a lot of web green berets to every nearby nation to train proxy forces. Here we are. If 9/11 took place today, the number of Americans would question it and the number of would link our federal government on the first day? Repeat that to yourself 2 or 3 times; that's just how much has actually altered. If you enjoyed this thread, you can examine me out at aristophanes.substack.com where I evaluate fiction and kids books for anons and mainly by anons. Read More
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drumlincountry · 2 years
one silver lining of our collapsing world order is that scifi and fantasy writers will maybe be moved to put some fucking thought into how farming & food systems work!!!
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logicalbookthief · 4 years
Christmas Movies Ranked by How Anti-Capitalist They Are
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It’s a Wonderful Life
Movies that make you want to pick a fight with the 1% and also weep with joy. Absolutely a classic and anti-capitalist at its very core. Will convince you we need to start oppressing landlords again.
“Just remember this, Mr. Potter, that this rabble you're talking about... they do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community. Well, is it too much to have them work and pay and live and die in a couple of decent rooms and a bath? Anyway, my father didn't think so. People were human beings to him. But to you, a warped, frustrated old man, they're cattle.”
SAY THAT!!! George Bailey said fuck landlords, all my homies hate landlords, they have NO rights. Local man believes poor people are human, dedicates his life to helping them, and in his time of the need literally the whole town comes together to support him and his family. Class solidarity ftw!
“Remember no man is a failure who has friends.” Bitch I CRY EVERY GODDAMN TIME. 
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Home Alone
Soundtrack goes hard, the wacky hijinks even harder. 
Loses points because the bandits had a prime opportunity to seize and redistribute some of the wealth from this ritzy Chicago neighborhood and instead they focus their energy on trying to kill an 8-year-old who outsmarts them at every turn.
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A family favorite in our house. Touches on the overworking and mistreatment of employees through Greenway Press – Walter forced to choose between being with his family on Christmas Eve or losing his job, it’s implied Deb has a pet grooming business on the side to makes ends meet despite being a receptionist at a NY publishing company, etc.
Honestly most of the points come from Jonie’s underrated yet highly relatable storyline. She works in retail, exhausted and cynical towards the high-paced Christmas season which gives her little to no relief or reward, since she’s surviving on ramen noodles and using the employee showers because her water was cut off. Not expanded on enough to be considered a true Marxist piece but the effort is appreciated.
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Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Although the meme is correct in that Rudolph’s red nose becomes desirable only once it proves to be useful, it does get points for exposing the harmful nature of forced conformity and those alienated by these capitalist ideals -- Rudolph, Hermie, the island of misfit toys -- are given a place to belong despite the perceived “flaws” that before made them undesirable.
Also the elves definitely have a free dental-plan now thanks to Hermie and are hopefully on their way to unionizing. Fucking superb you funky little misfit.
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Klaus (2019)
Turns a member of the bourgeoisie into a man I’d trust to carry my mail. Respect for postal workers this movie contains was ahead of its time.
 No direct takedown of the establishment but a heartwarming message -- “A true selfless act always sparks another” bITCH I may be crying -- that emphasizes the importance of giving to others even when there is no selfish motivation to do so, which is inherently anti-capitalist.  
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The Santa Clause
Scott Calvin starts as a toy executive who takes part in the commercialization of Christmas. He was probably a business major so automatically loses points.
The Santa dynasty itself seems to operate under the cutthroat rules of the business world where you must overthrow (or in this case, throw him off the roof) the former CEO in order to seize power. 
Elves have not unionized or seized the means of production by the end.
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A Christmas Carol 
THE ORIGINAL. Charles Dickens was not even in the neighborhood of fucking around with this one. CREATED the anti-capitalist Christmas genre!!
Rich man treats his employees like shit and gets terrorized by three ghosts on Christmas Eve. Force him to redistribute his wealth by dragging him through a montage of his most epic fails -- oh, hey, remember when your fiancé left you? -- and make him listen as all his employees and relatives complain about his stingy ass. 
They end this slideshow by throwing this dude into his own grave. DIRECT ACTION. 
Like damn, the ghosts really said, “If you hoard your resources and ignore those in need when you could directly improve/save lives with no cost to yourself, you will die ALONE and you WILL pay for your crimes in hell.” Literally watching this movie is a catharsis for anyone who is or has been poor and working class. 
I’m including all versions of this movie but a special shout out to the Muppet version because it fucks the hardest. 
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How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
Listen I’m not even in realms of joking with this one. This movie is THE anti-capitalist film of the holiday season. 
WhoVille commercializing Christmas and a fixation on consumer culture to the point where anything and anyONE who cannot be commodified -- aka the GRINCH -- is alienated? The Whos rediscovering that people should be cherished over material items once it all is stolen and they must confront how empty the holiday has become??
Cindy Lou becoming disillusioned in Christmas -- at an age that coincides when many children (those who celebrate Christmas at least) lost belief in Santa and had to wrestle with what the holiday means with the magic gone and they’re more aware of the rampant consumerism that taints the season?? Her resolve to find a meaning that goes beyond material consumption because if a holiday founded on goodwill doesn’t extend that goodwill to everyone, even those society deems undesirable, then what’s the point???
The Grinch despising Christmas because he is unable to participate and isolated from the Whos and also the better qualities within himself? His alienation serving to demonize him further as it allows the public to narrow his valid criticisms of the holiday down to him being different and thus inherently predisposed to evil?? And hmm isn’t it interesting that a LOT of this demonization comes via Mayor Augustus “generously paid for by the tax-payers of Whoville” Maywho, Mr. 1% himself.
The upper vs working class divide evident in the light show competition between Martha May and Betty Lou Who?? The opening scene of the shopping frenzy that mirrors our own consumerist culture and overworking of retail/poster workers??? This entire monologue:
“That's what it's all about, isn't it? That's what it's always been about. Gifts, gifts... gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts! You wanna know what happens to your gifts? They all come to me. In your garbage. You see what I'm saying? In your garbage. I could hang myself with all the bad Christmas neckties I found at the dump. And the avarice... the avarice never ends! ‘I want golf clubs. I want diamonds. I want a pony so I can ride it twice, get bored and sell it to make glue.’" 
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aulel-process · 3 years
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What I am passionate about doesn’t easily intersect with what I can be paid for (yet)... I’ve never in my life felt proud of anything except the creation of beautiful art... I only feel happy when I make art I’m proud of... I don’t know why... I just super love visual stimulation... I’ve never ever in my life felt proud or fulfilled by completing my responsibilities... but bills aren’t optional... I wish they were... I’m tired of spending the majority of my time towards not my passion... the process of making art is exhausting (root of passion means to suffer lol... no pain no gain)... concurrently doing art + responsibilities wipes me out... but I can’t just opt out of responsibilities... and then art-ing falls to the wayside and I mope... mope mope mope... then I blame my job because why I need to spend my time bringing to life someone else’s vision? I want to spend my time bringing to life my vision (I also get super angry when people don’t share my perspective because I’m such an intolerant fuck-tard like that even though art is supposed to be about challenging inherent bias and being open minded yada yada... why would anyone be proud of bringing to life another person’s vision?? Get your own damn vision and focus on that... no one owns 2+2=4, you can’t patent labor, you can only patent an idea. Labor is the modern day equivalent of slavery, why hasn’t society evolved to the point of its dissolution? Technology should have developed to the point where a life of leisure is attainable for everyone... I’m not opposed to the average life because I think I deserve more, I’m opposed to anyone being subjected to a life that is not one of total freedom... anyone being proud of playing a subordinate slave role just, my brain does not compute.. “I aspire to not only be a slave but to be the very best slave” false consciousness... academia didn’t brainwash me, Marxist theory isn’t where the foundation of my anti-labor sentiments come from.. I only needed to receive homework for the first time at the age of 4 to be like, why I need do this stuff I don’t want to do? Oh because it’s training me for a life of slavery, no thank you, flush that homework down the toilet please) Fuck my bills... I would like a world where the intersection of all 4 rings is readily attainable for everyone... you want to be an artist? You shouldn’t have to prepare yourself to starve... or squeeze it into the corners of your responsibility filled day... or have rich parents or marry a rich dude...
also I oft liketh talk like a child because I hope if I do it enough then reality will just bring forth a life free of the doing of things I don’t want to do! 
I need to stop ranting and take more action!
Oh! I also realized more than one person read my previous post on fetishization of Asian women as my opposition to traditional relationships (woman playing the role of stay at home wife).. I am not at all opposed to tradition in any forms (I might be more in support of being a stay at home wife than I am of women doing labor since I’m opposed to the entire existence of labor)  (I am only opposed to prescribing a limited range of correctness on human behavior... I only oppose restrictions to freedom)... I would not characterize Memoirs of a Geisha as promoting a traditional relationship... it promotes a harem situation for a man (a man with a wife and multiple mistresses) which was perhaps traditional for the time period the novel describes... if a harem situation is what all parties agree to (all the women and the man are ok with it) then that is fine... but I think this situation is more often a lopsided male fantasy that doesn’t give voice to the desires of women and instead portrays through the protagonist that what a woman should want is to reify the male fantasy... that is a pervasive narrative as well, that instead of women defining their own fantasy, women should find fulfillment in playing flawlessly the role men want them to play... I am not opposed to women embracing their sexuality nor their beauty nor being pleasing to men (I think beauty is possibly the greatest form of power that there is, hence my obsession with art to begin with)... I only think women should just as strongly assert what they want in a man (or to at least have their desires take as much mental precedence as what a man wants from her)... being willing to be critical of any work of art and the perspective it promotes no matter, or especially when, its aesthetics are seductively on point.
Ok I needs to get back to art-ing. Thank you internet friends for your support!
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