#not a one time thing you know this rebellious child tried it more than once all with the same result
caitlynmeow · 4 months
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"What? My body...It's breaking!"
I'm willing to bet you REAL money Bela listened to Alcina's warnings (like a good obedient daughter) and avoided the cold just like her mother said. When she said this line she was genuinely confused and scared at what was happening to her body which tells you that for almost a hundred years she never put herself in any situation where she was exposed to the cold because this is legitimately her first time seeing the cold's effect on her.
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Cassandra, on the other hand, did say "I have to get warm" which means that she knows what's happening probably because this is not her first time dealing with the cold and its effect on her (it is probably a mix of rebelling against her mother's rules and finding out the hard way what the cold does to their bodies and also because of some maids' assassination attempts because they always want to start with the most dangerous sister thinking it's actually doable). Anyway, as I was saying, Cassandra wasn't surprised at her body's reaction to the cold because she's been there before and she was kinda used to it but Bela was dealing with it for the first time in her life and she was genuinely scared/surprised at what's happening.
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bluecollarmcandtf · 11 months
Like His Costume?
This is my kid, Tommy, and he's so excited to be Trick-or-Treating. He might seem a bit old, but that's just because he's wearing the city's Fire Chief as his costume. He's always dreamed of being a firefighter when he grows up. Just look how happy he is in that body!
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I discovered my son's powers for astral projection a few months ago, and he's been jumping from body to body ever since. I tried to restrict when and who he's allowed to jump into, but it's not easy raising a little superhero.
"Mom!" Tommy whines with the fireman's surprisingly gravelly voice, "Hurry up and get the picture! I want to keep Trick-or-treating!"
I shake my head and snap the picture quickly before my baby gallops away to the nearest house. He nearly trips over the firefighter's heavy feet as he races up the steps. Tommy's been wearing that man all day and he still hasn't gotten used to the body or the clunky uniform. It's adorable.
"Trick-or-Treat!" he grins eagerly.
The couple behind the door recoil from the grown man holding out his bag of candy, but they ultimately relent and drop some chocolate in. Tommy licks his lips and runs off to the next house.
"Tommy! Don't go so fast," I call, "And say thank you next time!"
He runs the fireman's body from house to house to collect candy as fast as possible. It's a good thing my kid has so much energy because I don't know how those guys are supposed to run around in those heavy suits all day long.
"Mom, I'm hot," he complains, shuffling back in my direction.
"Better get used to it if you want to be a firefighter, young man," I chuckle back.
"I don't think I want to, anymore," he pouts.
Before I can add anything else, Tommy's eyes light up. I can practically see the lightbulb appear over his head. I turn towards what's caught his eye and see a police officer directing the traffic at the intersection.
"Tommy, don't!" I stiffly demand.
...but Tommy's already gone. The firefighter's mind is free once again, leaving the man looking confused and rubbing his forehead. He groans something to me about not knowing where he is, but I snatch my son's candy bag from his hands and stomp away.
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"Thanks for grabbing my candy, mom," Tommy squeals cheerfully inside the cop.
"Tommy, you know you're not supposed to jump bodies without telling me!"
The officer's childish grin falters, and his eyes roll in annoyance. Tommy's already getting so rebellious!
"Did you just roll your eyes at me, mister!" I raise my voice.
"No," the officer's broad shoulders curl up defensively.
I let Tommy visit a few more houses wearing the police officer. Everyone who comes to the door is more than a little confused by the grown cop begging for candy on their doorstep, but they give him candy without hesitation. I suppose they aren't willing to question the authority of the uniform.
"Alright, buddy," I call, "Time to go home."
"One more house?" he whines, stomping the officer's shiny boot on the sidewalk.
I insist and grab his hand, leading him back home. He pouts the whole way back, but his face lights up when he sees his father's car pulling in the driveway.
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When, my husband steps out, I notice his exhausted face from a long day at the office. He locks eyes with me and is about to say hello when his expression warps into one of juvenile delight.
"Daddy's home!" my husband suddenly sings, dropping his briefcase to clap his hands.
"Tommy!" I scold, "You know your father's body is off limits! How many times to I have to tell you?"
I grab the bag of candy from the stunned policeman and drag my husband's body all the way into the house. This is the fifth time this week he's been possessed by Tommy. I hate seeing my man acting like a child, but he's always been Tommy's favorite person to jump into.
I thought letting the kid stretch his legs in a couple other bodies would make him cool down but I guess not. I slump onto the couch for a moment to think, catching a glimpse of Tommy already stuffing his father's mouth with all the Halloween candy he'd gotten.
"Tommy stop! You're going to give your dad a tummy ache!"
Tommy rolls his eyes and leaves his dad's body. My husband gasps as he regains control over himself. His tired expression returns as he looks up from the candy, chocolate smeared across his cheeks. He stands and let's out a long sigh. I can tell he's getting tired of this happening over and over again.
If raising Tommy is their hard now, how difficult it will be when he gets older?
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
One of the things that frustrates me about Viv's designs is that they don't really tell me anything about the character's motivations or personality.
If I came knowing nothing about Hazbin and you tell me that Cherry Bomb is a punk from the 80's, Sir Pentious an inventor from Victorian England and Alastor a radio host from the 1920's I would have a very hard time believing you.
(((Especially since for some reason, Viv dresses almost all her male characters in Hazbin with some variant of the same suit and bowtie)))
But I think that no - other design frustrates me more than Nifty's. She is supposed to be a Japanese housewife from the fifties. Yet her dress is looks more like a Halloween costume of a fifties girl than something women would actually use at the time.
Her hair is not even accurate, it should be more curly since perms were really big among Japanese women during that time.
However, the fact that she wears a costume of a fifties woman could come in handy if you write a decent backstory.
Let's start by saying that Nifty was not an adult during the fifties, she was actually born during the early sixties into a very conservative and traditional family who told her that the only thing she needed to worry was to marry a decent man, have kids and take care of the house.
Like a 50's woman!
This caused Nifty, a very extroverted and playful child who loved bugs and mud, to have a pretty stressed-out childhood. Every time her mother found her playing in the garden and getting dirty she was beaten. The germo-phobia she developed as a adult was partially because of this, since filled with germs = being harshly punished she always made sure everything was clean.
Eventually when she was 19, her parents arranged a marriage with a businessman and they tied the knot not even a year later.
Her husband was not bad,
He was rather handsome, had a stable job, a big house in Tokyo and could even afford going on vacation once a year.
If only he wasn't the most boring man alive then things probably would have been different.
Whatever he genuinely loved Nifty or not is completely irrelevant when he treated her more like a housemate than an actual wife. They even slept in separate beds and the only time they spend together was during dinnertime and then 30 minutes of TV before going to bed.
NIfty was suffocating in her marriage.
But is not like she could say something. The one time she tried talking to her mom about it, she just told her to "be thankful" to have so much free time since things will change when she has children.
Well, she and her husband hadn't been intimate since their weeding night, so that wasn't happening any time soon.
That stayed the same for a while, until one night, while watching TV with her husband a local boy/band appeared on screen
It was the early 90s and boy bands were allll the rage.
New bands formed every day and this particular one didn't seem too different from the rest. Except that maybe, the Bad Boy of the group captivated a 30 year old Nifty and rocked her world in a way she hadn't experimented before.
At the start everything seemed normal, she started by buying one CD or two, attending meet and greats in local malls and going to their concerts. Nifty didn't want her husband getting involved, so she got a part-time job to cover those extra expenses and not use her husbands money.
Of course almost all the merch she bought was of Bad Boy
Soon, she started having this fantasies, dreams were B.B confused his undying love for her and took her away form her boring husband and into a live of adventure and music. B.B was a real man, rebellious and strong that would be able to keep emotion and passion in her life unlike her husband.
Those dreams helped her to live another day, and maybe it was because of this dependency that Nifty started to believe that those fantasies were real. That she and B.B were a secret couple and the meet and greats they had were really "dates" that they had to do in secret from her husband.
Unfortunately, it was only a matter a time before dear Nifty became one of those fans who you end up seeing in a police lineup and reading in the newspaper the minute she started stalking B.B and talking about him as if he was her boyfriend with whoever may listen.
All went into a breaking point when one day, Nifty just got tired waiting for B.B to take her away from her boring life. Thinking about it she just came to the conclusion that it was her dear old hubby the one that was keeping B.B away from her.
That has to be it.
Her husband must be preventing B.B from fulfilling his promise!
What lies did he told him about her?
Does he want me as his prisioner forever?!
This is not staying like this!
That night, after her husband fell asleep, Nifty woke up, went to the kitchen, grabbed a knife and stabbed her spouse 30 times before ending his life with one clean slit in the throat.
Now that the bore is dead, she and her precious Bad Boy could be together forever! Now he has no excuse to not fulfill his promise! A new life filled with love, excitement and adventure awaits!
But first she needs to clean, everything ended up a disaster.
Maybe it was the excitement she was feeling, or it was too dark to properly read the labels, but mixing cleaning chemicals can actually be extremely dangerous. You may create a very dangerous gas that could potentially kill you.
That morning, the neighbors woke up due a very strong smell and they shouted the minute they found dead bodies of Nifty and her husband. She had her skin partially burned as she had felt face down the mix of cleaning solutions that took her life.
And you and me know, where she ended
Congratulations, Niffty's yours now! You're clearly more qualified to be writing her. Please cherish her.
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theworldofotps · 3 months
Let It Sleep
The Demon Dad series, following Bálor as he navigates parenthood. Description: Bálor doesn’t want to risk waking the baby.
Tag list:
@omg-im-such-a-masochist​ @melissahausen @new-zealand-chic @writtingrose @hotgirlgraps @madhatterbri @sjwrites22 @sassymox @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex @adamcolesbaybay @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91 @rebellious-desires @claymorexpunisher @letsgivethisonemoreshot @ava-valerie @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal @thatnerdwriter @wrestlersownmyheart @vebner37 @seeingstarks @whenimakeitshine1234 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @blaquekitty @ironshamelessyouth @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @ripleyswhore @moonrosekk @xbreezymeadowsx @alyyaana @elevennbloom @melblacc @alliwant456 @mcreignsera @auburnwrites​ @aews-four-pillars
If you wanna be added to the list lemme know.
The whole house was silent for once apart from the rain pelting against the roof. Y/n quietly made her way down the hall peeking into the dimly lit nursery. Shadows from the small plastic tea candles flickered on the walls as the gentle hum of the baby monitor filled the room. Y/N stood at the doorway, watching in awe as their baby slept peacefully on Bálor’s chest. The sight of the small infant in contrast to the demon king was interesting.
Bálor, who was in his demon form, sitting rigidly in the rocking chair, his red eyes glowing softly in the low light. Despite his fearsome appearance, his movements were very careful and precise, ensuring the baby's comfort. The baby’s tiny fingers clutched the fabric of Finn’s shirt, and a content sigh escaped her lips as shenestled closer to the warmth.
Y/N whispered, taking a slow step forward trying not to make too much noise.
“I can take the baby back now, I know that you need to return soon and it’s getting late. Finn has some meetings tomorrow so he’s going to need his rest as well."
Bálor’s head snapped up, his gaze locking onto hers with a mixture of irritation and concern. He raised a clawed hand, motioning for her to stay back.
He hissed quietly, his voice a low growl as he tried to stay still.
 "You'll wake it."
“She can sleep through pretty much anything.”
 Y/N insisted, keeping her voice soft as she watched them. 
“The underworld won't wait for you my love and we both know that. At times they can be very demanding."
Bálor's eyes softened slightly as he glanced down at the sleeping baby. The harsh lines of his face seemed to ease, normally he wouldn’t share this with anyone. But y/n, he knew it was okay and for a brief moment showed some vulnerability to his beloved. 
"I can't stand the crying.”
He admitted in a hushed tone the colors on his skin swirling a bit as he spoke.
"It... it pierces through everything, I don’t know how you and Finn deal with it all the time day in and day out.”
Y/N nodded in understanding, she and Finn knew all too well that their daughter’s cries were more than just a sound to Bálor. They were a reminder of the one thing he couldn't control. She stepped back, giving him the space he needed. 
"Alright my king.”
She gave in watching them together, a gentle smile playing on her lips.
“Just until she wakes up."
The minutes stretched on, each one feeling like an eternity to him but Bálor remained still. His gaze fixed on the baby. He could feel the pull of the underworld, the call to return to his kingdom, but he remained. The tiny heartbeat against his chest was grounding, a large difference to the chaos he usually embraced.
Finally, the baby stirred, a small yawn escaping her mouth. She blinked up at Bálor, eyes wide with curiosity. For a moment, the Demon King and the baby stared at each other, his concern it would start crying quickly grew. Thankfully Y/N stepped forward again, this time more confidently. 
“Now then.”
 She said softly while holding her arms out.
“Let me take the baby."
Bálor carefully lifted the child, his movements slow and deliberate. He handed the baby to Y/N, who cradled her gently in her arms. The baby cooed, content and happy, another yawn falling from her mouth.
“I’ll be back when I can, tell Finn I said to take care of you both.” 
“Of course.” 
Y/n smiled watching as he closed his eyes allowing her husband to come back. Finn blinked his eyes a few times, allowing his vision to adjust, soon those familiar blue eyes met Y/n’s and he smiled.
“That went rather well I think.” 
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Father! Kaz Brekker x gn! Reader - One for the barrel
A/n: Once again, do not read the request if you don't want the fic to be spoiled! Also I used my Oc's from my Claws fic, you don't have to read it (it's not connected lol) but it does introduce the characters well!
Request (by anon): Could you do another father Kaz x child reader where they are the 3rd and forgotten child. Maybe the reader sneaks out a lot cause of teen rebellious years in hopes of Kaz noticing them (maybe inej is out with one kid again and Kaz has the second kid for the crow club). In reality Kaz knows the reader sneaks out and always stays up to ensure they are home safe.
Maybe angst of someone following the reader home (your choice as to whether reader knows or oblivious) and Kaz hears the two footsteps and Kaz sorts it in his own way. Fluff at the end of course
sorry for it being so long 😂 I loved Claws so much and it fit the characters so well.
Warning: death, killing, swearing, gangs, I think that's it? You have been warned!
The three P's:
[Pronouns used: you/your] [Pov: 2nd person] [Pairing: (parental) kaz x reader, (parental) inej x reader, (platonic) sister oc x reader, (platonic) brother oc x reader]
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Kaz knew his children like he knew money.
Jordie is a business man through and through, he was always interested in taking over the Crow Club since he was a little boy. Numbers came to him like the flick of hat, and although it took time, Jordie had always been destined for the Crow Club. Then there is Allea, who's acrobatic tricks neared the perfection of her mother's, and when she was born she was wailing like the sea. Kaz knew that Allea's feet would almost always want a rocking platform underneath her feet.
Then there's you.
You weren't like your brother and sister, in Kaz's eyes you weren't the best at the books, nor Inej's acrobatic moves. That did not mean you were terrible, you were probably better than most people could ever hope to be, you just weren't what they expected you to be.
Maybe Kaz should have known that would've happened, you were the unexpected child originally as he and Inej did not want more children, you just didn't fit. Although you continued to surprise him everyday, and Kaz absolutely adored you for it.
He always wished you could see it, Kaz might've not been the best at showing his feeling but for the first time he wished you could have seen how proud he was of you for surprising him.
He's just disappointed with how you're surprising him this time.
You were sneaking out every night, without telling anyone where you were going nor why, and as far as Kaz was concerned it was an idiotic violation of your own safety.
But he never said a thing, he could sense how you felt, how lost you've been for a while and he knew you were just trying to find your way. So instead of telling you off, every night he would stay up and pray to his Wife's saints as you go off into the night. He would've tried to follow you but you seemed to disappear without a trace, and the fact that he couldn't hear your footsteps made it nearly impossible. It was a unique talent that your siblings did not possess, it made him think of your mother. Though like how he could sense Inej's presence he could sense yours.
Therefore when he heard footsteps instead of just sensing your presence he knew something was entirely wrong.
You were walking back from the Slat without a smile or any emotion at all on your face.
You were being followed, of course you were aware of the idiot Razor Gull attempting to stalk you.
You were nearly to your house when you decided it was time to act, you were bored with this "spy" technique.
Abruptly, completely out of no where you flicked out a knife and threw it with exact precision at the Razor Gull's stomach.
They cried out in pain and clawed at their stomach, before deciding they should probably try to defend themself and pulled out a knife of their own dagger.
"They're coming Y/n Brekker-" They started.
"Actually," You smirked. "It's Y/n Ghafa-Brekker."
Quickly, you pulled out a sliver gun with a crow on the barrel and shot the opposing gang member in the head.
That'll ought to teach the assholes to mind their own goddamn business.
"Y/n?" A shocked, gruff voice came from behind you.
You turned around to see your dad, Kaz Brekker himself standing before you with a shocked and furious face.
Kaz was certainly a mess, he was pacing the house while giving you a lecture.
"You can't be apart of the Dregs! Inej and I have extensively kept you guys away from the barrel." He growled while running an hand through his hair. "How the hell did you manage to just do exactly that!" He yelled.
You rolled your eyes as you fiddled with the handcuffs that were around your one wrist and the other clasped around the chair you are currently sitting on. Your dad had handcuffed you to the chair in a panic so you won't "run away."
"I'm actually the leader of the Dregs." You shrugged indifferently and stood up as the handcuffs dropped to the floor.
Apparently you also had your father's lock picking skills as well, Kaz was wondering how much you truly were like him and Inej. You did certainly remind him of the two of them when they were younger.
"And what did you expect dad?" You giggle a bit.
"One child for the land, one for the ocean, now one for the barrel."
Kaz sighs and dragged his hands over his face.
"Your mother's going to fucking kill me!"
Words 776
Grishaverse taglist: @kaqua @rika90 @thefandomplace @musical-theatre-obsessed-dumbass @gallysonegoodlung @navs-bhat @sumsebien @dontjudgeabookbythecover @brekker-zenik @alohastitch0626 @brekkers-desigirl @emmsamultifan06
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arrowfleur · 2 years
The Shaw Pack as (very) random talents:
🖤Gabe: He always did his own work around the house and would often end up with leftover scraps of supplies. Not one to waste, one day he picked up a pocket knife and began carving. Every single one of the shaw pack kids was given a wolf carving of sorts. Asher keeps his on a bracelet, David has a collection in his room, Milo’s is kept on his keys and Darlin’s was the only not necessity they took with them when they left town. The pocket knife is often found slid down the side of Tanks boot.
🖤David: Geography. This one’s weird but this man knows where everything is. He never needs a map or GPS. His sense of direction is so insane that even when going to new places he manages to figure out where, restaurants, hotels, shops etc are. Angel has long learnt not to bring up google maps.
🖤Asher: Flexibility. This man’s ‘party trick’ is doing the splits. He never did gymnastics or anything he just liked sitting in weird ways as a child. He can also do a backhand spring but is no longer allowed to do it in the den since he once landed on (and broke) a table. Babe was more than happy to discover this talent and…. Make the most of it.
🖤Milo: Fashion. This man can (and will) DRESS. He loves shopping trips and will go with Sweetheart, Babe, Angel etc he’s not shy with his criticisms either, if it’s ugly he won’t let them buy it. He has also on multiple occasions picked things out for someone that they hated until they tried it on. And every time, they end up purchasing it.
🖤Darlin’: Accents and impressions. They’re really good at mimicking people and can pick up on different word patterns their friends use. They mimic Sam and David a lot but neither can manage to do Darlin’s accent in return. If you want them to do a full blown impression then they have to be drunk otherwise it’s a no.
🖤Christian: Graffiti. Christians rebellious phase consisted of sneaking out at night as a teen and tagging random buildings. He started off just painting words but ended up discovering a hidden talent for art and ended up particularly good at creating landscapes with wolves in them. Some of his work has yet to be painted over but he has never told anybody it’s his. (Arden knows).
🖤Amanda: Athletics. She was on half of the sports teams in school. She’s particularly good at volleyball, track and still holds the record for high jump at her high school. Her parents have her trophy’s proudly displayed even now.
🖤Arden: Pool. She learnt to play in bars when she got bored on nights out. Darts wasn’t her thing but Arden quickly discovered she had a knack for pool and snooker. David getting a pool table in the dens break room seemed like a good idea until Arden discovered it. Not a single person has won against her and she has proudly bruised many men’s egos.
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hyenahunt · 10 months
Saga: Rivals - 20
Writer: Akira
Season: Winter
Characters: Jun, Hokuto
Proofreading: 310mc (JP) & hyenahunt (ENG)
Translation: kotofucius
Jun: My question hit a nerve and they exploded on me, just that once. And that was it. Everything was over.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Sleeping Room
Jun: …Ah. Sorry, that was outta line. Please forget what I just said — That was such a pathetic thing to say.
I’m sure you've got your own hardships too, in having such a famous dad.
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Hokuto: …I don’t… really have them.
In that sense, I think, Father and Mother both carried out their role as parents well. I grew up without any unfulfilled needs.
The other children always said with envy, “You have it so nice, Hokuto-kun.”
And as a little child, I liked being told that. My parents were my pride. I wonder when that changed…
I think I simply asked for too much.
I had a luxurious, big home. Delectables to fill my stomach. A comfortable life without shortages in anything.
Dressed in beautiful garments, I spent my childhood in the most ideal environment one could possibly ask for. I was raised with a lot of care and attention… A thoroughbred with pedigree.
Jun: ……
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Hokuto: My parents were rarely home due to work, but that’s it…
They’d still do their best to find time, find a break in between their tightly-packed schedule, to see me.
And whenever we saw each other, whenever they were home, they were kind. They showered me with love.
I was much better off than Akehoshi, or the many unfortunate children you’d find across the world…
They didn’t throw me away. They didn’t die and leave me. They cherished me like their own treasure.
They told me over and over that I’m their most precious treasure in the world, that they love me, and they would hold me in their arms.
I was thankful for being born, and for being born as their son… I could think that way, back then.
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Hokuto: Yet, no matter how everyone else envied me, and even if I wanted to show off how great my parents were…
Whenever I needed them, my parents were more often absent than not.
That’s just the way it is.
They have thousands of fans waiting for them across the world. I couldn’t just ask them to ruin the hopes of those fans just to come to school for me on parent visitation days.
I held my tongue, and tried to be an obedient son. If I didn’t, they’d surely hate me…
The greater celebrities my parents became, the more often this happened. Even pointing at a TV screen to brag and say “that's my mom and dad!” felt empty.
There was a distance forming between us, and I felt it grow larger and larger with every passing year. And now, here we are.
Before I knew it, they were no longer my parents, but just the people I'd see on the TV.
After all this time, I don’t know how to treat them anymore. Don’t you think it’s such a luxurious issue, Sazanami?
Everyone keeps saying I’m just in my rebellious phase, and that deep down I still love them even if I'm not upfront about it.
But, really, I don’t know anymore. When I was little, they were everything in the world to me, and I loved them. But now… I no longer know how I feel about them.
Jun: ……
…In the end, I really do still envy you, Hokuto-san.
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Hokuto: Do you? Of course, that would make sense… It's not like I was abused or unloved.
I simply just didn’t get to be held all the time.
Jun: That so, huh? It was the opposite problem for me — The amount of attention I had was enough to get on my nerves.
Unlike your parents, my damn old man must’ve had so much time on his hands~
By the way, Hokuto-san — Have your parents ever told you to “become just like them”?
Hokuto: No… They paved the way for me, but let me choose which path to take.
Actually, Father and Mother had contrasting opinions for once over that.
Father implied that following in their footsteps would make my life easier.
But Mother complained that it wouldn’t be fun, that she’d rather I become not just an idol or an actor, but a presence that surpasses anything she could imagine.
Not to mention that choosing between those paths feels like I'm choosing between either one of my parents and casting aside the other… I'd feel guilty about it.
Despite everything, I had no intention to make my parents sad.
So in the end, I've tried to choose both. I thought I could shorten the distance between us if I could stand on the same stages as they do.
Isn’t that silly? I was like a foolish child who got lonely so easily.
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Jun: Haha. You must’ve loved 'em to bits~ Gotta admit, I’m the same in that respect.
I’m starting to think that besides our dads being an idols, we do have some things in common~
My mother was just an average person, and a big fan of the old man.
When he retired and lost the attention of the public… She resolved to be the one person who'd stay by his side, so they got married.
As she raised me, she always told me to become someone like my father.
She rejoiced every time she looked at me and saw that I was becoming more like him by the day.
In this sense, I think I was much happier off than you, Hokuto-san.
My parents were all over me and meddled with my life, day and night. Only, I never had any choice in it. I was intended to become like my dad from the very start.
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Jun: But y'know, when I was old enough to make my own judgement… I had no doubt I wanted to become an idol by then — I happily did my own research, and talked with people who shared the same dream.
That's when I finally found out that my old man was nowhere as admirable nor grand an idol as I'd believed.
This has to be a lie, I thought, so I asked my parents about it.
It was just an innocent question, yeah? All I wanted for them was to deny it… but instead, they flew into a rage.
They were always a gentle pair at heart, but their guilt from lying to me must have been weighing on them for all that time, even if they didn’t realize it —
My question hit a nerve and they exploded on me, just that once. And that was it. Everything was over.
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Jun: My entire world shattered. Man, it was like I'd been under a wicked demon's spell the whole time…
I'd gotten all excited thinking I was surrounded by treasure and riches, and then I blinked only to find myself sitting on a pile of mud and horse shit.
The gilded coating of lies had been stripped away in an instant…
My old man just kept babbling on and on, and honestly, it was starting to creep me out. I couldn't even tell if the stuff he was spewing was true or just his crazy delusions…
My mother had tried her best to believe those lies the whole time, but she knew too much of the truth to be convinced…
She wound up emotionally unstable and constantly broke down in tears.
And if this path could make someone cry, there's no way it could've been right.
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Jun: I loved my parents just like any other kids out there when I was little, y’know. But those same two people I loved so much cried before me and told me through tears how sorry they were.
So what the hell was I supposed to do? I couldn't start my life over from scratch, and this was the one and only path I had to walk on!
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Jun: They taught me nothing else, so I had no choice but to imitate my dad and follow in his footsteps!
But the idol industry has become a complicated mess, and if my old man’s methods didn’t work even back during his time, how would they ever work now, right?
So of course, I ended up at the bottom of the barrel, managing to survive only by scavenging for scraps ‘til Ohii-san discovered me.
Seeing the state of me, the old man could only despair at how his past was repeating, and the old lady grieved how that which she loved had been denied by the world… and how they had only been fake all along.
I felt worthless, frustrated, pathetic — It was truly a living hell. That’s why to someone like me, you’re everything to be envied.
But y'know, I think we’ll always find something to complain about, be it in hell or paradise.
So we have no choice but to strive to live, wherever we are.
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Jun: Hokuto-san, I’ve already long made up my mind.
Everything could've happened by chance, for all I care. This thread of spider silk I'm climbing up could just be something the Buddha decided to dangle on a whim.
If it was just a coincidence, then so what? — I'm never letting it go, not even for a moment. I’m gonna take it and climb all the way up…
I'm a lot happier off already, compared to back when I was a powerless brat.
But even so, I’ll keep climbing higher! I’ll go on to even greater heights!
And when I finally reach heaven itself, I’m gonna find that asshole of a God who’s been playing us in the palm of his hand and kick his damn ass! GODDAMN!
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Jun: As for you, are you still gonna hold back and drag your feet? Even though your father — your own infuriating God — stands right in front of you?
You’ve got the chance to prevail over him and put him on all fours, so what're you waiting for?
Gonna hold your tongue like a good lil' kid again, are ya? Then you disappoint me, Trickstar!
I know you've got what it takes — you made that clear at SS, so show it to me once more!
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Hokuto: …!
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Jun: Today will be the day that I kick down Sagami Jin, the man my father couldn’t defeat, and take a step forward!
Perhaps the wall you need to overcome might be much taller and tougher than mine…
But y'know, didn’t you already make a miracle happen once before?
[ ☆ ]
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ovyy-pvcure · 4 months
Ok well nobody asked but I'm bored so wild transmigration Naruro au borne of madness go.
So first things first Kishimoto made one gigantic mistake and that was making and naming a bit character that's easy to do the whole 'dead modern human pops into the body of a canon character' thing.
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^ That's Tobio who shows up exactly once in the entire series at the start to accidentally knock Naruto off balance and kick off literal decades of shipping. This convinent oc stand in blank canvas is the turning point of the au that means when he accidentally dies as a result of that one off-canon event the universe* steps in and sticks a random schmuck in place to keep things basically on plan. There's, like, prophesies to fullfill (and cosmic schemes going on). Which is why and how a late age teenager finds themselves stuck in a 12 year old's body ("it matches your emotional age") after an unfortuante accident with nothing but the basi s of chakra and history downloaded to their brain and no psrsonal memories of the new body to call on. Oh, and a cheery "good luck" before getting dropped into basicially the start of the plot just before team allocation. Where, as the top student in the "espionage and subterfuge" class he's assigned as the final member of team 7.
To give the basic skeleton of what's taken shape in my head already the first arc would follow tobio as he tries to wrangle the cats known to the public as Sasuke and Naruto without actually letting anyone know he has literally no memory of anything that's happened to him before a couple months ago. Oh and surviving the grueling change of lifestyle inherent in becoming a Child Soldier. He's doing Great this arc. Not stressed At All as he tries to juggle managing his teammates' egos with getting stronger because he has none allies or parents or connections to fall back on if he stumbles.
Well he thinks so anyway he's Kakshi's favorite adorable little student because he's the one who keeps pulling NaruSasu apart and making them actually, you know, cooperate. Naruto likes him because tobio treats him like a person and Sasuke at least appreciates that he doesn't have a fangirl in his squad and he's even focused on getting better so no deadweight. Also Mizuki's hovering around asking how he's progressing and if he feels ready which is odd since wasn't Mizuki beaten to an inch of life for all that treason he was up to? Well, not tobio's problem.
If you're curious how tobio died so is he! He can't remember; he was just told in the void of space time that he had an accident, died and now he's getting shipped off to 12 year old boot camp. What he does know is his own sarcastic rebellious wit has nothing on the universe's* considering it called him a quote "sarcastic bitch" as it did the whole transmigiration thing.
Blah blah blah team building, lunch at ichiraku's using future knowledge to climb trees early the usual oc stuff up until Wave. Things even go kind of normal up until the city is reached where kakshi's chakra lesson gets more than a little derailed by tobio already knowing how to do the whole shebang. Instead of being sent off to guard the bridge he suggests Naruto do so with clones since he's been thinking of a way to make use of his specialized training and making this mission truly worth Konoha's time.
A reoccurring element of the first arc is that the people around him not really knowing the OG Tobio that well is a boon his training in espionage is also guiding tobio to keeping his own secrets under wraps. tobio wants to infiltrate Gato's orginization and siphon money directly into The Leaf's coffers as recompense for making it impossible for the village to get properly paid from the outset. Besides Zabuza's gonna kill Gato so it's fine. Kakshi is against it but can't deny the logic and concedes but insists tobio's top priority is his contiuned survival.
Due to all the miscellaneous ne'er do wells romping about it's easy for a trained Ninja to slip in and start liberating ryo for Konoha (and maybe some for Wave while he's at it). Things contiune apace until The Bridge Showdown where in the confusion tobio once again slips into the waiting horde of Goons. Right next to Gato. Kyubi chakra comes with a weird feeling alongside the terrifying bloodlust from Naruto himself and tobio seizes the opportunity to take out Gato himself before the order to fire on Zabuza can be given.
In the temporary silence we have a dying Haku, a dead Gato and a disguised tobio skipping out of the goon squad cheerfully announcing Gato's plan to shoot everyone left on the bridge dead before his interference and daring anyone to contradict him. They can't mostly because the small child with blood dripping off their knives has scared them silent, and instead of fighting they flee with a furious Zabuza in pursuit. Haku doesn't survive but Z does to contiune his bloodly plans for revolution but now without his restraining bolt. This will cause problems for our heroes later. But for now Wave is a success and only one of the children has killed anyone in cold blood. Only Kakashi is worried about this. Oh and all the builders who are now wary around the killer kid who mocked and psychologically attacked his victims first. Victory all around!
Kakashi can not get the privacy needed to properly talk to his genin about the thing he did until they're back in Konoha where he overhears Mizuki grilling his student for details on the mission and dropping info he really shouldn't be re: the kyubi, and implying Tobio was meant to somehow harm Naruto. Which is the conversation that tips tobio off to the divigerence which is that oops Tobio was doing himself a Treason. Thankfully tobio is a fully trained fluent liar who reports to Mizuki that he never had a chance to harm Naruto and that, no, there was no hint of the Kyubi both of which are lies the eavesdropping Kakashi catches but isn't sure what to make of. tobio himself is basicially flying by the seat of his pants as he describes Sasuke's growth and personality even as he internally starts to panic as he realizes just how epically Screwed he is since he also doesn't know Kakashi is there, and now Mizuki and Tobio's treason is his problem. Crap.
A sweep of his apartment has tobio finding a journal of his days in the academy where one day Tobio reports Mizuki pulling him aside and pointing out he'll be lucky go get a proper jonin teacher and get out of the genin corps if he continues on the normal path but Mizuki has a solution since he feels so bad for another orphan of the Kyubei attack. His new plan is to join the E&S course the so called "kunoichi class" and with Mizuki's help-all helpfully noted down by Tobio and utterly obviously manipulative to tobio-he can ace that and get put on a star team with a good future. With Sasuke he means so someone can keep an eye on the Uchiha for Orochimaru. The journal also veers off into a hateful anti-Konoha rant at the revealation of Tobio's parents killer's continued existence and favortism from the Third via Naruto. However misguided a start by the time of graduation testing Tobio had been perfectly groomed into Mizuki's personal spy who had a sneering relief that he could leave Konoha and a dead Naruto behind after they secured the scroll for their actual master.
Well, to be forewarned is to be forearmed as they say, and no one else in the village has as much foreknowledge as tobio who thinks it's high time he got serious and picked put a proper name for himself: Otogiri Tobio sounds perfect.
Otogiri doesn't know Kakashi knows even half of this but luckily neither does anyone else yet. While the poor scarecrow man tries to figure out just what is happening without directly confronting a possible traitor in his own squad even as political pressure mounts to prove one of Konoha's founding clans has a strong future by putting Sasuke (and his squad they guess. Whatever.) into the chuunin exam. With an effective A rank under their belt and Otogiri's proliferation of funds Kakashi would need a pretty sound reason not to bend to the council's "suggestion" and he doesn't want to leave the boys alone with a possible traitor but he also doesn't want T&E descending on his student for maybe nothing. So in they go causing the domino effect that ends with the K9 (sans sakura plus Otogiri) all enrolled in the annual deathmatch.
Ignorant of all this back door politicking going on Otogiri's already gearing up for the Invasion. Chuunin exams? Sure he's signed up the squad's in. Whatever. He's got bigger problems including Mizuki dropping in and telling him to meet up and assist the incoming Sound kids. No one notices the dog watching this play out not that Mizuki's sloppy enough to say anything outright but Otogiri catches the subtext, but also sees a chance to start turning the tables on that creep. After all Orochimaru already wants Sasuke, and Naruto's becoming pretty strong himself maybe they should pull everyone in?
So on the prophesied day squad 7 is coincidentally in place to welcome and show around the teens from the newly founded village of Sound. Otogiri is a little concered but the thing about Naruto is that yes he's loud and arrogant and annoying and has to be physically wrestled into bathing regularly but he's charismatic enough for all that to be liked anyway. And Zaku? Is loud and arrogant and definitely had to be wrestled into a bath at least 5 times so he likes the kid, and their friendly little mole's hinting that he's not been treated great by the Leaf so why not get along and lead the kid astray? Could be fun.
Kin has a headache. She's met louder blonde Zaku and she wants to Die about it. She and Sasuke bond over it as they have to quiet the duo down.
Dosu is amused by Kin's discomfort and Zaku's weirdly instant attachment, but as long as they serve their duty he's fine with it. They're the best the Sound has to offer that could pass as genin. The mole worries him a little, he's a little too quick witted and sharp to feel like he's really their ally and he never says anything to give him a hint of where he lies beyond the veiled code phrase he introduced himself with to mark him as the Tobio they were supposed to meet. The blonde's infectious energy and loudness doesn't leave him exposing weaknesses in the village, and The Uchia clearly looks down on their little village. Well he'd change his mind about that once the rest of his squad turned on him or Dosu would have the personal pleasure of wiping the smug off his face.
Otogiri is not having a great time he has a little over a month to get Dosu to trust him so he can derail Orochimaru's chess style pawn sacrifice strategy for his own shogi inspired pawn theft strategy. Some people might claim using alternate universe future knowledge is cheating. Otogiri would claim that he's trying to outwit someone who even with his ages combined has 20 years minimum on him so really he needs every advantage he can get. Especially because Dosu is so damn distrusting that getting an in to try and make the older boy waver on his desire to gain glory is harder than making Sasunaru work together back in the first arc.
Blah blah blah chuunin exam stuff test speech forest of death. Where Otogiri realizes there was a fight with Rock Lee but no declaration of lust from him without Sakura. And he has no connection to Ino beyond her sort of hating him for stealing what she thinks should be her place. No it doesn't matter Sakura outranked her, Otogiri's on the wrong end of Ino's many grudges and eventually despite his best efforts he winds up with an unconscious chakra dampened Naruto and a freshly Cursed Sasuke. No allies forthcoming and probably 3 teens expecting an easy kill on their way. To be killed to make Sauske stronger.
Otogiri must once again consider that actually The Universe* is just screwing with him. With a bit of deception, luck, and just plain knowing more than he should Otogiri convinces the trio when they show up they're not really meant to try and kill Sasuke it's all a test of how wisely they can act on a mission. He bluffs that Mizuki told him what The Master could do and how he marked Sasuke betting on Dosu at least managing to link Curse Seals and their Effects on the mark on Sasuke.
Sound trio on side Naruto and then Sasuke wake up groggy and foggy as hell but hey safe! With their new cool allies! Naruto's devious nature surfaces and he makes a plan to net both teams all the scrolls they'll need with his prankster past . While he has the time Otogiri pulls Zaku aside and warns him to watch his tubing around the Aburame since their bugs follow and eat chakra which is a huge vulnerability for specifically him. Sorry Shino it just ain't your time-line.
Successful plan put into motion everyone moves onto The Tournament where things play out basicially as they do with the exception of Shino getting outplayed by Otogiri's timely warning. Naruto does a little better and wins less with a stroke of luck and more by being just enough better at chakra control the seal doesn't completely stop him. And of course Ino tries to vent when she gets paired up with her new Fated Rival (that random boy who was better in class than her and hasn't given her a second thought all story) but Otogiri is tired stressed and over it so he forces a grapple pins her hand with a kunai and presses his advantage until he knocks her out because Ino is Not A Quitter. By any sane metric Ino does fine but Otogiri's got his sights aimed way higher and has been training accordingly. Sorry, Ino just ain't your timeline either.
Seconds into the fight he gets even more stressed out as he realizes all at once the various things even a brief jaunt into his soul/mind would reveal. Making him fight way more aggressivly and mercilessly which the other K9 minus s7 don't like. Zaku and Kin do but boo on them.
Easy part over Otogiri has to rededicate himself to several things all at once: untangling the invasion's plans without drawing too much attention to himself. Keeping the sound trio alive and out of Orochimaru's hands to keep him from going full Necromancer on the Third. Keeping Naruto and Sasuke safe from the wretched hands moving on them. Again not drawing aggro himself from Danzo and ROOT. Or Jiraya. Noted spymaster. Old teammate of his new archnemesis. Naruto's newest teacher. Whooo.
Meanwhile in the mountains Kakashi is training Sasuke because he got paired up against a serial killer jinjuriki. Which is one more gray hair on his head along with all the other stuff including Otogiri seeking him out in private and explaining the attack, the seals and who he suspects was the attacker. Which. Kakashi is smart, he now probably knows who Mizuki sold Konoha out to and how and why Otogiri would know who he is but he still has no idea what angle the kid is working. Or if approaching him about it is smart. Kids are hard and Kakashi has been avoiding this for years. Obito please come back and help him you were always basicially a kid you'd know what was going on.
Otogiri has come to the conclusion it's officially time to call Gondor for aid and seeing as there's maybe 3 people who could be discrete enough to trail the trio and play off if they got caught. One was on a mountain one is him and one is...capable of self replication. Welp time to put a hand over Naruto's gross mouth and explain the bullet points.
A pinned Naruto with two hands over his mouth later gives more context to the Mizuki mysteries; he confirms it was Mizuki who told him of the special pass requirement and that he never showed that night. Iruka found him and he remembers an odd smell but has no memory beyond a very verbal lashing. Neither boy knows how Mizuki got away with it, but Otogiri spells out the "truth" to Naruto about Mizuki's plans to steal the scroll and leave Naruto to rot for it. In return for the tiny lie Otogiri tells Naruto he knows about the Kyubei and has decided that Naruto's too kind and simple to be a demon fox so he's cool with him.
Before even a single sappy sentiment can be shared Otogiri launches into his suspicions about how valuable Orochimaru finds their new "friends'" lives and Naruto is all about protecting them (believe it!). Together with a little "totally unknowing" help from a certain Toad Sage they figure out Kabuto's ninja info cards have summoning seals on them and before Dosu can go and get himself killed the new duo gush about how excited they are to see Zaku and Dosu kick butt in the stadium which is enough to mollify Dosu's increasing need to go out and prove himself. Barely.
Zaku's feeling right offended they were given "information cards" as if they needed the help to kick a bunch of kids' asses in a straight fight. Otogiri could kiss that lanky moron because he just handed him the answer and he makes a big show of agreeing and saying they should prove it by getting rid of those useless cards and giving them to him and Naruto who could use the help. Dosu's suspicion gauge raises another tick but the trio do and those cards find themselves in Jiraya's hands lightning quick.
Surprise surprise the cards have summoning sutras on them to send the holders to a preset location. Jiraya with the subtly of a trained deceiver who's lead a spy ring for decades pries a lot of information from Otogiri very skillfully and concludes what Otogiri already knew regarding the intentions of summoning cards the holders didn't know about. So, the sound trio receive a friendly visit from a friendly toad man who gleefully shows them the trap on the cards and notes whoever gave them these might not be as trustworthy as they thought. The trio say nothing, cutting contact with OtoNaru.
Come the tournament a lot of the usual beats play out; late Sauske, Naruto's still heated about Nehi being the ultimate Heel wrestler, Shikamaru proves he can make wise tactical decisions and before the oragnizers have to awkwardly side step there's one too many contestants Sauske dramatic entrances in and the fight begins. A fight Naruto Otogiri and Shikamaru miss because Dosu and company have given it some thought and are going to just full Bail but they know what's about to start and at least want the duo (and shikamaru they guess) to be awake and away when the fighting starts.
Naruto Talks at them and tries to fire them up agaisnt ol copperhead as everything Pops Off including a pall of mist that descends over the arena. Zabuza's found a fellow revolutionary it seems. Sasuke takes off after Gaara with Naruto hot on his heels with a shove from Otogiri seeing as their the "same".
Otogiri rounds on the trio and decides to use his own version of Talk pointing out that they owe one person one thing and that's revenge on Orochimaru. He tried to sacrifice them multiple times hasn't been in contact with them, and was gonna do who knows what with their bodies without consent. They can flee in the middle if they want but don't they want to pop him in the metaphorical face first? Zaku does. Kin does. Dosu doesn't anymore but his almost-friends (all 4 of them) aren't budging so he figures he might as well prove how non disposable they are by messing up snakey's plans.
Shikamaru is thoroughly disgruntled because Naruto dragged him along to the Gaara mess which is going basicially like canon. Shino's even here his bugs having devoured the genjutsu and wanting to back up his non insane classmate. An exhausted Shikamaru can barely hold back a desperate Temari until the timely ringing of bells saves him. Kin's strings may not have much shadow but they are a direct path to a disoriented Temari who has to watch her little brother actually struggle and bleed before she gets introduced to a tree the same way Kin was to a wall. Naruto summons a giant frog.
Meanwhile Kakashi is meeting back up with Zabuza, his ninken already have the swordsmaster's scent and this time they do need to settle the score. Zabuza's both mad at Kakashi for reasons he knows aren't sound and persuing his goal since Orochimaru will eventually tear down Wave and he says will leave it to Zabuza while he goes after the rest. He has to make Haku's sacrifice count so Leaf has to die on the vine just in case this time the promise is real. No points for guessing who wins in this confusing melee. Final tally: 3-0 kakashi:zabuza it was close though.
Meanwhile again Mizuki's poised to take some sweet justice against Iruka for, frankly, being a better instructor ninja and person than him wheb Otogiri shows up playing it like he wants the honor. No dice, Mizuki's wanted this for awhile and the kid's nowhere close enough to be subtle and he just has to drop the genjutsu on Mizuki to make him miss and engage his manipulator in a direct confrontation to end this whole twisted mess. Good thing Mizuki doesn't have that filler arc power up because Otogiri's fighting an uphill battle on this one.
But first Hayate Gekko's girlfriend the ANBU member Cat is engaging his canonical killer Baki the sand jonin her swordsmanship sharp enough to leave Baki's attempts to entangle her blade useless. And him open to said jonin's surprise strike taking out the sandman. Oh how the turntables. Is what someone who knows the alternate timeline would say since that confrontation didn't happen in this one since Dosu wasn't trailed and Hayate killed for Knowing Too Much.
Speaking of Dosu he and Zaku have run into Kabuto who's cover is very blown because Konoha's Spymaster got a peek at his Trap Cards and no one is happy with anyone here. Dosu and Zaku aren't exactly jonin level even combined but in a chaotic melee large windbursts and balance altering soundwaves make up for a lot when your speciality is up close precision scapel attacks. Kabuto would win ordinarily but he's a wanted man and there's an angry snake lady willing to take out her misplaced sense of displacement on a willing medical collabteour. Kabuto gets away in the end but Anko takes one look at the trio once everyone's round up in the end and asks "is anyone gonna claim these kids?" And not wait for an answer.
Back to Otogiri who lacks the element of surprise of numbers to overwhelm Mizuki and is going pretty even but for all the cheap kill shots he has to prevent from taking out a defenseless wounded Iruka who himself got taken down protecting the academy kids not named nepotism. Mizuki isn't his usual sneering jackass self here because he's pissed that the kid he'd been grooming slipped out of his control and had taken to playing him for a fool. Otogiri bullshits back that after seeing how Orochimaru treated his soldiers he made the choice to back out before he was sacrificed for a madman's goals stubbronly ignorning the Danzo in the room for now.
Injured, humiliated and generally unpleasant Mizuki lunges for Otogiri and gets his hands around the boy's throat. Any plan of escape is cut off by a torrent of rage and red as Otogiri loses it after all of Mizuki's crap and he simply rips the man's hands off him and before the former instructor can process the impossible thing he just witnessed he's driven into the side of the academy and has a kunai driven through his neck. Good thing Iruka passed out from his wounds and no impressionable children saw that. Oh hi Konohamaru don't wanna come out of hiding in that closet and say hi to Naruto nii chan's friend? No? Suit yourself he's gotta hurry Iruka to a healer anyway no time to stop and ask questions like "how" or "what the fuck?"
The final results of the invasion are far from pretty. Konoha's numbers are still pretty cut down as are Sand's who are still totally playing that "Orochimaru killed our kage and was giving orders so us invading you is totes not our fault" card they did in canon. It's accepted for the same reason as in canon: the sharks are already circling with blood in the water no need to churn the tide when a perfectly good excuse is offered up.
Third watch: without two other kages backing him in a restricted space and not enough time to restructure the plan to get Mandra in on the action sun wukong and The Professor taught a hard lesson in getting absolutely whomped. Orochimaru got away alive sans a working leg, but old man bodies aren't really still made for pitched life or death combat and his body's heavily protesting the return to combat. The can can be kicked a little further down the road safely but they need a qualified non Danzo candidate and soon.
Sound Trio: the corps aren't totally happy about it but they need manpower and they've got friends on the inside and a grudge against orochimaru so...probation working with Anko. She already adopted them they can't say no. And by adopted i do mean carted them away in a net to get lodgings and food. And a good medic to look at Zaku's arms.
Otogiri: in so much trouble you have no idea. His various schemes finally came out around someone without the good sense to lie about it so T&I would like a word with him. And Kakashi? Who is now claiming before anyone can even threaten pain or a jaunt through his head that they were in already working against the threat to Konoha since Wave. Kakashi?
His claim is the money stolen from Gato to insulate Wave and brought back to Konoha was in preparation for the coming storm. Obviously deep internal agents like Mizuki and Kabuto left Kakashi little choice but to keep Otogiri in deep cover to root out the problem without drawing suspicion by having contact with known figures like The Third. Kakashi had total control of the situation the whole time. Honest.
Otogiri's just kind of nodding along because he is just getting windmall slammed by haymaker after haymaker in a pretty short window of time. Ibuki is Not Buying This but the kid's actions prove his loyalty at the end of the day and if Hatake wants to take the lumps for his kid? Well, more power to him. Ibuki reminds Kakashi there are 'proper verified channels' for internal operations and he should remember to use them in the future. He expects a full concise report regarding everything from both of them and sends the teacher-student pair off with a glare.
This is where all that Kakashi stuff from earlier gets revealed to the audience as he goes over how and when he caught Otogiri mid treason and how close an eye he's actually been keeping on the boy. It is as terrifying as Kakashi's tone is light. Otogiri's just so incredibly thankful he declares his undying loyalty to his sensei for looking out for him and following his own principals so closely. Yes, Otogiri is crying at this point why do you ask?
This is the peaceful denouement of part 1 as Otogiri goes around catching up with who he can he is left to ponder why he has Kyubei chakra. How did Tobio even die anyway? And why is Jiraya here inviting him on a trip with Naruto? Does he wanna be a spymaster? Wasn't fixing Tobio's mistake the end of the story why is there more? Help!
Miscellaneous character notes on Otogiri:
-> is fairly meta and aware of transmigration novels and some of their rules. Is wrong about as often as he is right
-> has a fairly solid grasp on the character's motives but can't predict moments of wild humanity
-> has a hard time grasping his own mortality despite or rather because he has already died once. Will blank out at the idea of dying as bad as if not worse than Sakura when intent is aimed at him. Refuses to dwell on his first death or Tobio's
-> sarcastic and frequently argumentative. He likes to pick fights when he's feeling safe with someone.
-> was a bit of an edgelord in life and has a twisted sense of morality. His interference doesn't cost Shino his life but it could have and he ignores that for his own goals.
-> early on is mildly obssessed with finding the divervent point of import thinking if he can solve The Problem he'll fade into an epilogue or something. Is in Denial.
-> connecting events in his present with his past unlocks memories of both Tobio's life and his own. Facing his own death is the only way for him to Understand.
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drgnnova · 5 months
Chapter 5: Honorary Exorcist
Amane and Hanako were sitting down on the rooftop, "I have two books here" Amane said as he grabbed two books out of his bag, one was those huge informative book while the other book was small kind of like a Magazine.
"Space Encyclopedia." Hanako picks up the book as she reads the title. she sighed "this is way to long to read" she said, as she place the book down. "how to make friends" she read the title. she frown "I feel bad for you"
Amane huffed "says you." he replied back.
"you're mean Amane-Kun!" she fake teared up, "says something nice to me!" she yelled out, as she pointed at him with a smirk on her face.
he tried to think of something nice, Hanako move her eyes with Amane and realize he was looking at her legs. "you have cute ankles!" he yelled out. he covered his mouth when he realize he yelled instead of just said it.
Hanako's eyes widen, but then she smirked "that the only thing you could think of. you really are a-"
"I'm not a pervert Hanako-Chan!" he argued back, but then Hanako grabbed him by his cheeks causing his face to grow redder. he has never been touch by a girl that wasn't his mother or Sakura.
she lean closer, smiling "or could it be that you're obsessed with me?" Hanako ask, Amane eyes widen and then he glanced to the side to avoid looking at Hanako.
"That's far enough!" they heard someone yelled out from above them.
Hanako glanced up, as she tilt her in confusion. Amane blush in embarrassment wondering if the mysterious voice heard any of his weird comments. 'wait! if they didn't…' he glanced down at his books that Hanako had stack after looking at them. 'then maybe i can try and become this person's friend…'
"Finally! I found a worthy supernatural to be exorcise by my hands!" he yelled out as he jumped down.
he didn't think about Amane, as he went to slam his umbrella down onto Hanako. Hanako eyes widen "Amane!" she yelled out as she push him away. Amane fell backwards, he rubbed his head as he sat up. he finally got a good look at their attacker, and recognition appeared on his face in a instance.
"Aren't you the kid that I push down the stairs?!" Amane yelled out in shock, as he got to his feet.
he stop his attack, blushing in embarrassment as he straighten him "Bowl cut kid. I'm busy with something important, so mind your business!" he yelled out.
he turned back to his target, and his eyes widen when he noticed Hanako was gone. "Do you know him?" Amane asked, when he noticed Hanako floating behind him.
"nope. kid how do you have a weapon from the Minamoto clan?" Hanako answered, and then she looked up at Mitsuba who annoyed expression turned into a more frustrated expression. "you don't have the Minamoto's blond hair… or are you perhaps" Hanako was sayin, but then she covered her mouth. "are you a rebellious child of the Minamoto's clan, that's hot" she mocked him.
Amane found it confusing why Hanako was egging this pink hair student on, that reminded him that Teru was apart of a exorcist, since he was apart of the Minamoto's clan. "wait, are you Minamoto-Senpai's little brother?" he asked, and then he made a click with his finger "that would make sense why every time i have seen you, you've been with Minamoto-Senpai but you guy don't really give bro-" he was saying, but then his eyes widen.
he notice the Pink hair boy react weirdly to the words 'Minamoto-Senpai's little brother', He glance down at the weapon in his hands that was disguise as a umbrella, a look of sadness cross his face. but then it was gone as quick as it appeared, he clenched the weapon in his hand and looked up with a determined glare. "Stop hiding behind that little boy, Hanako!" he yelled out.
"LITTLE BOY!?" Amane gasped, genuinely angry at the comment "I'm older than you!" he yelled back.
he dismiss Amane's comment, Hanako use this as a chance to explain more about the Minamoto clan to Amane. she didn't know how Amane knew they were exorcist were, but it was clear that as far as he knew. "once upon a time… back when nights were much darker than they are now… it was a time when they called us supernaturals 'Youkai', and we had much stronger powers. there were three that were feared above all others, believed to be even more powerful than the gods. they were the three great evil youkai of Japan. one of those three was the evil Oni of mount ooe, shuten douji. and he was slain by the exorcist extraordinaire Minamoto no Yorimitsu. the ancestor of our lovely Minamoto-Senpai" she explained to Amane, when she mention Teru, she place a hand on her cheek and blush while smiling.
"UH-" both Amane and the pink hair boy gave Hanako judgemental looks, Amane looked more concerned while the younger boy look disgusted. "ignoring the last part. you did your homework on us" He smiles proudly, even thought it was clear that Hanako is implying that pink hair guy isn't from the Minamoto's clan. Amane wonders why the Pink hair boy would have a Minamoto's weapon if he wasn't apart of their clan.
His smile faltered "our ancestors left countless powerful, anti-evil artifacts for their descendants to use. i will master them all and use them to protect people from vicious supernaturals like you. that is the calling of every boy born into the Minamoto Clan! and So! I'm going to be the one to exorcise you!" he yelled out.
Amane eyes widen when the boy jumped up and attempted another attack on Hanako, it hit Hanako in the shoulder. "ah, by your body language and how much you're overcompensating yourself" Hanako grabbed the weapon with her hand as she smile.
the boy glared at her, that line had clearly strung a nerve. Amane's jolt his head to the door, he could have sworn he saw a boy at the door a second ago, he had looked like he was at least a year or two younger than the pink hair boy. Amane chalk it up to his imagination. "what are you talking about!" the boy yelled, which brought Amane back to the fight at hand.
Amane covered his eyes, when lightning started sparking from the weapon. Hanako eyes widen ever slightly "maybe this will teach you to shut your mouth, Hanako. and realize I'm out of your league!" the boy boast proudly.
Hanako started falling to the ground "Hanako-Chan!" he yelled out, running over to Hanako. 'lightning…? so that's what his weapon does… but shouldn't Hanako-Chan know that, since she knew about his weapon?' he asked himself, but then he shook his head to clear his mind and focus on Hanako.
"this is an anti-evil artifact that has been handed down through my family for generations - the Raiteijou! it's a spirit staff that turns it's user's spirit energy into demon vanquishing lightning that zaps evil! and you touched it with your bare hands! you must be pretty dense, since why would you touch it while knowing it was a weapon of the Minamoto's clan." the boy laughed loudly, clearly overly proud of himself.
he started advancing toward Hanako "It's over!!" he yelled out.
"Stop!" Amane yelled out as he attempted to tackle.
both of them fell to the ground, the Raiteijou still held tightly in his right hand as if he was scared of being separated from it. but then Amane remembered the sad expression from earlier, could their be a story behind his connection to the Minamoto clan and the Raiteijou.
The boy had grabbed Amane's waist with his left hand to avoid Amane from being hurt in the fall, it was the first response that came to mind at the sudden psychical interference of Amane, he didn't have enough time to react or do anything. "whoa! are you crazy ugly bowl cut boy!" he yelled out in anger, but their was a hint of concern in his voice. "you're an idiot! don't just tackle-" the concern left his voice, now it was just anger and annoyance.
Amane had a stunned expression at first, but he determinedly and angerly glared down at the boy who still had a hand on his waist. "I won't let you hurt her. she's my friend!" he yelled out at him. he thought it was cool how protective Amane was, he smile for a second.
"I never got your name." Mitsuba pointed out.
Amane's glare transform into a look of utter confusion. "Yugi Amane, a first year in the high school division. I'm Hanako-Chan's assistant and friend." he introduce himself, this was a weird situation to introduce oneself.
He frown once more, as he glance at Hanako who was sitting up. "she's your friend?" he looked up at Amane with a look of disgust.
Amane glared at him, confused by his change of personality again. "yes. she is, and if you do anything else mean to her, I'm gonna get madder at you" he declared.
"huh…? wait, but she's a super evil supernatural… and, uh… i have to exorcise her for the sake of our school and for Te…"
Amane eyes soften "Hanako-Chan isn't a bad supernatural!" he was going to try and reason with him. "she even helped me!" he told him, in hope that will put Hanako's name in a better light.
"are you nut-er, you've got it all wrong… mister!" he pushed Amane off of him, Amane eyes widen as he hit the ground.
he sat up, and the boy stood up and towered over him. Amane gulp "she's not just any supernatural. it took all of my grandma's strength to seal away Hanako-San of the toilet. she's a really, really diabolical evil spirit! and look, she uses that garden shear for a weapon. that's proof that she used it as a weapon while she was alive too. she used that shear to take someone's life." He told Amane.
Amane tried to search for a hint of a lie on his face, but the boy had a dead serious look on his face. "No! you… you have to be lying…" he yelled out, but his voice started quieting down. remembering how a friend of Hanako when she was alive keeps being brought up, and how weirdly she reacts to any mention of her friend. 'no… she wouldn't have… right?'
"she's fooling you, Amane!" apart of Amane knew he was way more serious than before, because he was calling him by his name rather than the terrible nicknames 'bowl cut' and 'ugly bowl cut'. "you can't trust her!" he yelled out, and then he crouch down to Amane who was still sitting on the ground. "you're just gonna be… another…" he had grabbed a hold of one of Amane's hands.
Amane eyes widen when he felt Hanako place her arm around his shoulders. "aw" she said as she point her garden shear at the boy. "my secret's out. this isn't what killed that person though" she answers with a smile and dark eyes.
the boy jump back in fear, his earlier confidence vanish completely. Amane turned around with a horrified look and his hands over his mouth. "haah… I was hoping to keep it to myself a while longer…"
her Hakujoudai float around her, as she floats into the air. "come here. Hakujoudai." the Hakujoudai floated to her chest "you're right. I did kill a human being. but god told me that if i can fulfill my duty here. it will erase my guilt" a beautiful cloak appeared on her, it was familiar to a winter jacket for the school. "so i can't let you exorcise me. sorry." she answered with a smile, and her garden shear pointed in the direction of the boy.
"you don't even make any sense" the boy response back, as Amane noticed how his hands tremble while he held the Raiteijou and was prepare to attack. Hanako float backwards "Wait!!" the boy yelled out.
he slammed down at Hanako, but she dodge his attack. "hold still…!" he yelled out, the harsh and unsmooth movement of the boy cause his camera to fall down. he hasn't notice because his full attention was on Hanako.
Amane catch the camera before it fell, and when he looked down. a horrified look was on his face 'that boy… in the photo… it's the same boy from before… it can't be…" he rubbed his face and then he glance down at the camera and the photo glitch and was gone, leaving Amane terrified and confuse.
"hey, doesn't that hurt your hand?" Hanako asked, appearing right next to the boy. the boy eyes widen, and then he made lightening strike from the Raiteijou to Zap Hanako.
the boy was cockily laughing once again after getting another attack on Hanako. "mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha! you never learn!! this time, there won't be anything left of you!!" he yelled out, Amane stood up with the camera as he gulps, he look at the boy and Hanako fighting. 'was the odd photo. a cause of a supernatural or could the boy have been…'
Hanako had her hand on the Raiteijou, but the lightning zap didn't work this time. "This has to work! if this doesn't work then I'm usele…." Amane notice the boy's chest move up and down faster than normal, which indicate fear and panic. he also notice his eyes shaking, as he clenched the Raiteijou until his knuckles turn white, 'that isn't normal'
"WHOA!" The boy yelled out, as he narrowly dodge the garden shear as Hanako attempt to attack him.
Hanako smile as she waves the garden shear around while the boy tried to dodge. "this didn't originally belong to you, did it?" she asked with a smile, grabbing at the Raiteijou. "give it to me, and i might let you go" Amane glance at Hanako, and wondered who the weapon originally belong to you. "or maybe the person who used to hold it is De…" Amane's eyes widen, when those words started leaving Hanako's mouth.
"How Dare You. The Raiteijou is important to me!" the boy yelled out, Amane noticed the glassy look on the boy face as if he was holding back his true emotions, which made him wonder if Hanako's accusations. "I need to carry on his legacy…" he quiet down as soon as those words left his mouth.
he took a deep breath in, and a confidence smirk return to his face which both Hanako and Amane knew was fake now. "don't look down on me. or you'll regret it. Mitsuba never runs from a supernatural" they finally got his name, Amane looked down at the camera and he sighed as he notice his name was on it, meaning he could have just got his name from the camera.
Hanako made a 'oh' sound, and then she smile. "well okay.", she cause Mitsuba to fall over. he crashed into the ground, and then she grabbed a hold of his shoulder with one of her hand, and pulled the knife up in the air with her free hand. Amane grip on the Camera tighten.
it looked like she was going to stab Mitsuba but instead she just flick him on the head. "take that!" she smile "I win!" she declared.
Mitsuba looked up in confusion, at the sudden change. and why Hanako had spare him, and then he noticed that Hanako had his Raiteijou in her hands. "Hey!" he yelled out, he reach for the weapon but Hanako beat him to it, having place a seal on the Raiteijou.
"well. I'll just seal this away so it doesn't hurt anybody"
Mitsuba crash down toward the ground "after all that trouble to get him to allow me to have it… just for me to be an idiot and allow a supernatural to seal it away!" Amane felt a little bad, he walked over and handed the camera, Mitsuba eyes widen as he grabbed the camera off Amane. "uh. thanks"
he got up, and grabbed the heirloom "why would you do this to Teru-Senpai's family heirloom?" he asked, and then he tried to take it off. it seems he didn't realize that he drop his act. "take it off" he demanded.
Hanako covered her ears with her hands "don't wanna".
but then Hanako had a sadden look on her face, and then she grabbed his hand and gently rubbed her finger over a burn mark on Mitsuba's hand. she flinched when Mitsuba jolted in pain "more importantly. it's clear you aren't ready to be wielding that weapon, and I'm guessing it hold some important memories since it belong to someone you cause to call a friend, right?" she asked. "it like you don't know how to use it, you must have beg Teru-Senpai to allow you to use this. you zapped yourself every time you shot lighting from it." she glanced up at Mitsuba, with a serious look on her face "i think it time you tell us exactly who you are."
"That's…" his anger quickly vanished, as he tries to force his sadness away. "I'm Mitsuba Sousuke. Honorary Exorcist of the Minamoto's clan, i was trained by Teru for nearly two years" he answered.
Amane hadn't expect him to answer considering how he had been acting the whole time. Hanako was about to speak, but it seem something snapped in Mitsuba. "I want to prove Minamoto-Sama that he wrong about me! I'll prove to Teru-Senpai that he didn't make the wrong choice of letting me become a exorcist and I'll definitely master the Raiteijou because he didn't get too. I'll make his goals come true, by my hands!" Mitsuba felt a single tear slipped down his cheek, he rubbed the tear away.
"I don't know if my words mean anything to you, Kid. but I think for how little you had to train, you're already showing great potential. so their no need to rush, and I think that person you're fighting will, is happy and proud for you in the afterlife. me, him and Amane know you'll make a fine exorcist in the future. and then I'll be a piece of cake for you. when that day comes, I'll be looking forward to it." Hanako share a heartful speech to Mitsuba. "I think out of everyone, I would want you to be the one to do it."
Mitsuba felt his mouth moving on his own, as he struggle to hold back his emotions. "you think he's…" the words he was trying to say, felt like they were stuck in his throat as he tried to speak. he laugh "I think I've even be hallucinating about him lately"
once again, Amane saw the boy again. he was hiding from the corner, a smile on his face as he looked at Mitsuba. 'huh. that's odd.', the boy seem to notice his staring because he floated away. "AMANE!" Hanako yelled out to get Amane's attention.
"did you space out again?" she asked him.
he was confuse "where's Mitsuba?" he asked, he was pretty sure he hadn't been staring at that random boy for long. "Oh" he follow Hanako's eyes and found the boy knocked out on the ground.
"I said he was a coward who acts tough. and then knocked him out with a punch to the stomach" she admitted casually.
Amane sighed, but then looked up at her. "wait, I forgot to ask. are you okay?" he asked concerned.
"he wasn't going to give up. so i had to knock him to avoid the fighting going on longer. thought i have to admit, he is tough for only being a exorcist for around two years. but because of his fake cockiness, he bites off more than he can chew." she explained.
he grabbed the staff from the knocked out Mitsuba. "the staff.. shouldn't we hide it now, while we have the chance?" he asked her. "do you know who it could have originally belong to?" he wondered if she knew.
"I have some talk around the school. but nothing to clear since I'm always in the bathroom or garden. but what I've gathered is that Teru has a little brother who died." she admitted. "most likely belong to that poor kid."
Hanako looked at him "are you worried about me?" she asked him.
"o-of course i am! you're my friend." he told her. "and friendship is important to me, you know that better than anyone" he glance down at the two books that were destroyed in the fight between Hanako and Mitsuba, he sighed. luckily he didn't bring the version his father bought him before he died. he keeps those book in a safe place at home.
Amane wondered about Minamoto-Senpai, and how badly it must have feel to lose a brother. the thought that he could lose Tsukasa one day was horrifying, so to think his upperclassman actually lost his younger brother was heartbreaking to say the less. "… I see. so you can get along with a murderer huh, Amane?" she asked him, her hands in her pocket.
"that's…" he was saying, but then she smile. she walk past her "ha-ha. Just kidding", Amane eyes darken as he glance down. "leave the kid. he'll be fine. I doubt he'll be able to exorcise me next time he tries. and i welcome the company. of course… thigs are going to get a lot livelier around here before long."
Next chapter or chapters: Misaki stairs. (Depends on long it ends up being)
Who's this mysterious boy?
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star-stell · 3 months
hi! could you go more in detail on lucia and your other boltons? like, who are they,who is luc, what is her place in the story/world, how did her bolton mom got shacked up with a dothraki guy, how did lucia got shacked with a lannister boy etc etc
LOVE them all btw!!
Ok, I literally have a folder of lore, so get comfy, and lets start by the basics:
Atenea Bolton:
Daughter to Roose and his first wife, which makes her an older sister to both Domerik and Ramsay. She's a little bit like Cersei, in the sense that she wishes to have been a son. She had a fast and badly hidden love affair with a young manservant, which was cut short by her father. Her lover was killed and they tried to force an abortion on her but it didn't work and now they had a bastard, an unwanted child. Atenea doesn't love any of her kids nor her husband, she only loves power and those who can give it to her. The story of how she got married has nothing of loving nor romantic: Roose saw the posibility that would open marrying his daughter to a dothraki merchant and took it. There's a few dothraki who are merchants and they are rich and powerful, specially in the free cities, but no dothraki woman would marry someone who travels trought sea, so most of them find brides at Westeros. Their marriage was basically a punishment against Atenea.
• Sammuel Bolton Snow:
The first son, he would have had a great future had he been born legitimate or in another family. From the moment he was born his mother had been disgusted by his mere existence. He was raised by servants and as one, even if he knew who his mother and sisters were. Sam, still, tried his best and found a place in Dreadfort as a musician and music teacher to his half sisters. Lucía felt certain anger against him for what she percived as his status as the firstborn son and tried to peel off his face at age nine, in the other hand Eliza sees him as this free person (that he is not, he can't go anywhere for being a bastard and knowing it) and envies him both for it and for the man he married in secret, whom she's deeply in love with, still they try to have eachother's backs.
Elizabeth Bolton
She's the firstborn of Atenea's marriage and was raised with all the conformities that come with it. Outside, she seems like the perfect lady: found a husband early, beautiful, and inocent looking, but in the inside Eliza is a very angry, very rebellious person. She wants to travels, to see world, to dance, and sing, and act, and scream. Maybe it's for this that she fell hard for Charles, the young musician of Dreadfort, varely some years older than her and so handsome. She's a little bit of a Sansa character, if Sansa got married too young and grew out of her romanticism in a less overtly violent way. Her husband, Darnlo Reed, is all things considered a good man, even if dilikeable at times.
Lucía Bolton:
Lucía is the last of the three children and her father's favourite daughter, she's the most obviously dothraki looking of the two, and also the one he could have for longer. Lucía is also more eternally rebellious than her sister, going out hunting, learning to use a sword and riding horses without the care of a lady. Is maybe for this that Ramsay can't stand her, because she's this eternally rough girl who won't back down, who he left alone in the forest to die and came back (more of that in a minute). While Lucía is all of this things, she's also a strategist, and infinitly cruel, like most of her family. She's stuck in this weird limbo where she's not son nor daughter because of her habilities, she would have been the perfect son to the Boltons, a Red King. Sam once tried to cut her throat with a lute's cord after what she did to his face, which have her that nasty scar on her neck, the rest of them are from punishments and hunting accidents.
Ok, now that the basics are covered, time for the actual fun part!
What is Lucía's place in the story?
She's a product of her times, a Bolton with al the things that it brings, but who also is deeply diferent from her family, where her mother, uncle and grandfather can only see power as fear, she sees power as a way of love, something that forces you to give. She's a bit of a haunt, too, as much of Domerik's description was used to create the basis of her character, which makes her hated and loved by her family.
Her arc starts way before the Starks leave Winterfell, when she's eleven and Ramsay takes her for a "hunting trip" where he leaves her in the forest during a snow storm, in whises of her dying. For good or bad, Lucía was way too headstrong to just die laying down, so she tried to come back to Dreadfort. At some point she starts hearing voices that might just be hunger alucinations of the Old Gods, who know? But when a starved wolf attacks her, those voices tell her to fight back, to kill it, eat it's meat and wear it's skin. And she does. She also pull it's teeth with her to Dreadfort, and when she finally comes home, dressed with a wolf skin, bathed in blood, a week after the ""hunting trip"" where she allegedly fell from her horse and died, eyes crazed with hunger, she goes straigth to Roose and gifts him one of the teeths.
"One for you, one for me, the rest for the gods."
(I don't write here the rest of the scene bcs i'm working on a drawing for it!)
How does Lucía got shaked up with a Lannister?
[...] It was the knowledge of the young lady's affiliation with unladylike activities and her lack of southern belle that made her a harder sell than one might expect from a Bolton lady. It was in the year 297 after the Conquest that Lady Bolton and her fourteen-year-old daughter made a journey to Casterly Rock. On the tenth day the two arrived at Casterly Rock, and by the twentieth day, Maeele Lannister, first-born grandson of Tywin Lannister, was betrothed to Lucia Bolton.
To be completly honest, I think that the Boltons would jump at the oportunity of having alliances with the Lannisters and for the Lannisters is a good way of having allies in the north. Also, it sets up the red wedding with more strength: these families are allies, the Bolton youngest is about to become a Lannister. Also, in a less serious note, it's because they both are such cunts no one else would marry them.
Woah! Yeah, I think this is all! But, hey, if you want more deep study about someone/something, PLEASE TELL ME!! I LOVED to do this!
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merciless-macdonwald · 11 months
more under the cut but it's got powers, how ppl are related, and their general vibes.
warning: EXTREMELY long post. if i messed up somewhere (rip) it's because this is so long lmao
noncanon characters: Lulach, Gillecomgain, Suthen, Malmuire, Galloway, Atholl, Lewis, Aberdeen, Sutherland, Aelflaed
Bethad mac Findláech (Macbeth) (he/him)
Power: Very strong telepathy and telekinesis.
Relationships: Married to Gruoch. Foster-father of Lulach. Cousin of Gillecomgain.
Vibes: Ambitious. Very good at taking orders. (Not so good at being allowed to do his own thing.) Literally a weapon. Loyal as a dog, but if he thinks he might be betrayed, he’ll strike first.
Gruoch (Lady Macbeth) (she/her)
Power: Can manipulate blood (her own as well as others’).
Relationships: Married to Bethad but was once married to Gillecomgain. Mother of Lulach.
Vibes: Extremely analytical. Manufactures a lot about her appearance/vibes to manipulate others. She knows how to navigate the world, and she’s well aware of what she can and can’t do.
Lulach mac Gillecomgain (he/him)
Power: Can control plants.
Relationships: Son of Gillecomgain and Gruoch. Foster son of Bethad.
Vibes: Baby. Honestly about 9 years old though. Looks up to his mom and dad, but is still generally timid. Afraid of any fire larger than a candle flame.
Gillecomgain mac Máel Brigte (he/him)
Power: Can control plants.
Relationships: Was married to Gruoch. Father of Lulach. Cousin of Bethad.
Vibes: Ambitious (it runs in the family) but a lot worse at keeping his own secrets.
Dàibhidh mac Duff (Macduff) (he/him)
Power: Has the power to summon a spectral weapon, which he can shape into a sword, a greataxe, or a shield (only one at a time). In its latent form, it appears as a ring with an obsidian set in it.
Relationships: Married to Mairead. Father of Tàmhas and Eilidh.
Vibes: Tries to play it cool but if someone he cares about gets hurt he will have a panic attack.
Mairead (Lady Macduff) (she/her)
Power: Can heal wounds.
Relationships: Married to Dàibhidh but like. could also be gay for Gruoch. Mother of Tàmhas and Eilidh.
Vibes: Will offer to heal your wounds. Will slap your hand lightly with a wooden spoon if you try to take a bread roll without washing your hands.
Banquo mac Cináeda (he/him)
Power: Can leave his own body to possess the bodies of others. Doing so leaves his body in a catatonic state. He can choose to make himself visible as a spirit, but it takes a great deal of effort.
Relationships: Father of Fleance. Was married to Caitriona.
Vibes: Protective of Fleance, sometimes to a fault. Far more perceptive than Macbeth, though he doesn’t like rushing in without knowing all the details.
Fleance mac Banquo (he/him)
Power: Can read the minds of others.
Relationships: Son of Banquo and Caitriona.
Vibes: Going through his rebellious phase but trying to be polite about it. Likes how Uncle Bethad will let him get away with things his dad won’t.
Duncan mac Crinain (he/him)
Power: Can command others with his voice.
Relationships: Husband of Suthen and father of Malcolm, Donalbain, and Malmuire.
Vibes: Plain as white bread. Finds comfort in convention and routine, to the extent that he forces his subjects to take part in the same.
Suthen (she/her)
Power: Half-dragon. Can shapeshift her body to manifest dragon-like features, such as a tail, wings, or claws. Can also breathe fire.
Relationships: Wife of Duncan and mother of Malcolm, Donalbain, and Malmuire. Sister of Siward.
Vibes: Tries to see how much she can get away with behind Duncan’s back. Not immune to a little Silly™ now and again.
Malcolm mac Donnchada (he/they)
Power: Can see into the past and future. Can be struck by visions involuntarily.
Relationships: Oldest child of Duncan and Suthen. Sibling of Donalbain and Malmuire.
Vibes: Many thoughts head full (negative). Definitely feeling a lot of that Prince of Cumberland pressure.
Donalbain mac Donnchada (he/him)
Power: Can command people through song, with lyrics determining the intended effect.
Relationships: Middle child of Duncan and Suthen. Brother of Malcolm and Malmuire.
Vibes: Not super talkative. Struggles with an inferiority complex but tries not to take it out on Malcolm. Definitely not the favourite child and he knows it.
Malmuire mac Donnchada (she/they)
Power: Can create illusions in great detail.
Relationships: Youngest child of Duncan and Suthen. Sister of Malcolm and Donalbain.
Vibes: Third in line for the throne let’s gooooo (airhorn). Definitely acts as her siblings’ “they asked for no pickles” voice.
Rothach (Ross) (he/they)
Power: Can shapeshift into other people.
Relationships: In a poly relationship with Angus, Lennox, Menteith, and Caithness.
Vibes: Sly, sneaky, silly little guy. If he and the other thanes were to play D&D, this man would be a rogue. Stealth archer.
Ronan Bearach (Angus) (he/him)
Power: Can manipulate gold, silver, and bronze.
Relationships: In a poly relationship with Ross, Lennox, Menteith, and Caithness. Older brother of Charles (Galloway).
Vibes: Slow to trust and extremely protective of those he loves. Very much a “fool me twice, shame on me” kind of person.
Fionnlagh (Lennox) (they/them)
Power: Can manipulate and channel electricity.
Relationships: In a poly relationship with Ross, Angus, Menteith, and Caithness.
Vibes: Pleasant and generally optimistic. Has the kind of personality that makes you want to edit them with a flower crown. Sensitive to others’ emotions.
Floireans (Menteith) (she/they)
Power: Can charm/pacify the feelings of others with any instrument. (She favours the lute and the flute.)
Relationships: In a poly relationship with Ross, Angus, Lennox, and Caithness.
Vibes: Just wants everyone to sit down and chill a little. Not afraid to yell at people for yelling at her family and friends.
Teàrlaidh (Caithness) (he/him)
Power: Can manipulate dirt, stone, and clay.
Relationships: In a poly relationship with Ross, Angus, Lennox, and Menteith.
Vibes: The one who tries to keep everyone in line. Also the quietest of the minor thanes.
Maolsneachda (Cawdor) (he/him)
Power: Super strength that can only be accessed via cannibalism.
Relationships: In a relationship with Macdonwald. Keeps flirting with + killing and eating other people though. Macdonwald’s fine with it because he also eats people.
Vibes: Capable of long-term manipulation. However, he’s also notoriously impatient and tends to act in his own interest.
Macdonwald mac Ruaidhrí (he/him)
Power: Can alter the memories (and therefore opinions) of others with his words.
Relationships: In a relationship with Maolsneachda (Cawdor).
Vibes: Enjoys saying what’s on his mind but knows when to stay quiet. Generally works in the interest of self-preservation (except for everything with Cawdor, I guess).
Charles (Galloway) (he/him)
Power: Can manipulate glass.
Relationships: Brother of Ronan Bearach (Angus). Got romanced, killed, and eaten by Cawdor.
Vibes: Has big cottagecore cow energy. Pleasant and agreeable, and a bit too trusting. Easily scared into silence, however.
Taran (Atholl) (he/they)
Power: Can transform into different animals.
Relationships: Got romanced, killed, and eaten by Cawdor. 
Vibes: Very rowdy and free-spirited. Never one to back down from a challenge (for better or for worse). 
Kenna (Lewis) (he/she/they)
Power: Can grow or shrink in size (up to 2x or 0.25x their height).
Relationships: Got romanced, killed, and eaten by Cawdor. 
Vibes: Generally shy and insecure. Doesn’t like loud noises or crowded places. Thinks snowy winter mornings are the best kind.
Luc (Aberdeen) (he/him)
Power: Can manipulate the emotions of others with his voice. 
Relationships: Brother of Seyton. Close friends with Sutherland. 
Vibes: Charismatic, though that might just be his power forcing everyone to think so. Majored in being condescendingly suave. 
Artair (Sutherland) (he/him)
Power: Can put other people to sleep. 
Relationships: Close friends with Aberdeen. 
Vibes: Extremely unbothered. Like “stack 12 pieces of bread on him” unbothered. He tries not to get involved with things that are too much for him to handle. 
Seyton (he/him)
Power: Can form bargains with others (much like fey or demons) and can even agree to trade intangible things/concepts.
Relationships: Brother of Luc (Aberdeen).
Vibes: Keeps his true motives extremely secret. Definitely not doing anything to get Macbeth to like him, but Macbeth knows he needs Seyton around.
Siward (he/him)
Power: Half-dragon. Can shapeshift his body to manifest dragon-like features, such as a tail, wings, or claws. Can also breathe fire.
Relationships: Suthen’s sibling. Married to Aelflaed. Father of Osbjorn.
Vibes: Chaos. Ambitious but in a funny way.
Aelflaed (she/her)
Power: Can alter people’s visual and emotional perceptions of her. Can also mimic voices with ease.
Relationships: Married to Siward. Mother of Osbjorn. 
Vibes: Very sweet but also capable of using her powers to cause mischief. Definitely gets along with Ross. 
Osbjorn (he/him)
Power: Can transform into animals. Can also breathe fire. 
Relationships: Son of Siward and Aelflaed. 
Vibes: Chaos incarnate. Takes after his dad. 
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Holloway Sibling Dynamics
The Holloway family consists of 6 kids, 4 boys and 2 girls, and their mother and father. Their dad was in the military and is often pretty strict on all of them. The siblings bonded over their hatred of waking up god awful early to go run laps around the neighborhood. Hand-me-downs and very limited shower times was the norm for these kids. The family tries to all get together at least once a month for family dinners, which probably became a tradition now that the parents are now grandparents.
Michael is the oldest, and while he had plenty of responsibilities around the house he was also, the first rebellious one. But he also didn't push it very far, either. He just partied and went out with friends on occasion ((has had to run several laps hungover much to his chagrin)) and tried to play a few instruments in hopes of getting into a band at some point. He gives his drums to Gabe when he moves out lol score. Once he left the house, he didn't have much need to rebel and prove himself, he's settled down now and doesn't look back with regret that the band thing never came to fruition. He's married now and has a son! Turns out being a dad can be fun and isn't about being The Big Boss Man! 👍
Rebecca rushed into getting married to get out of the house when she hit 18. Safe to say that didn't go well in the end, and she's divorced now. She's got an attitude problem and a bad habit of "borrowing" money without asking, and yet... still manages to be the perfect angel in her parents eyes by faking her sweet little persona to them. 😇 Most of the siblings see through this act...
Raphael is just tryin to make it through this you know? He spends his money as soon as the paycheck comes in, weird, wonder if any siblings forced that to become a habit somehow idk... He doesn't take the best care of himself or take things seriously, but he's having fun. His parents are literally begging him to learn how to balance a checkbook. huh, wha? 😎
Gabriel is our main character here lol most of the dynamics below will be his perspective. :) He was the easiest to pick on as a kid, and didn't talk much due to a speech impediment (so true buddy). He has a complex about this, but if you see him not talking much nowadays you’d probably just think he’s the strong silent type. He was diagnosed with narcolepsy as a teen, but only after the struggle of his parents Not believing that anything was wrong, chalking it up to him being a lazy teen. Christ.. Rebecca still seems to see him this way and finds it Annoying when it comes up. CHRIST. Anyway Gabriel becomes more rebellious and fed up with this shit when he gets older, yay! His parents don't like that he quit his job and joined a band, and that's not even mentioning the full sleeve of tattoos... but it seems like he's stable and all so they don't express their disappointment too much... He feels it though! 🥴
Hannah was lucky that by the time she was born the parents had let go of the expectation that they may have another child (and daughter especially), and let go of the many hand-me-down clothes she would have inherited. She gets to get a whole new wardrobe, yay! She doesn't know how she wants to style herself, though. Rebecca tries to help and loves to take her shopping, excited to have a little sister! Hannah dislikes that people won't take her seriously because she looks younger than she is. Please! Like a true 18 year old's mentality, she thinks she knows it all now that she's An Adult. She is however. Very 18 still. 🙄
Noah hm.. so far Noah is just chillin, and he takes things in stride. Like a true 15 year old's humor... He's always jokin around and he easily shrugs off any teasing that comes his way from his older siblings. Their father sees a lot of potential with Noah seeming so athletic, maybe his son will be interested in becoming military like him?? But really he's just got a lot of energy to burn. 😂
Okay that was a fun intro to the characters... actual dynamics time under the cut!
Gabriel and Michael get along ... okay. Now that they're older they're kinda building back what could have been. Michael realizing and admitting what Gabe went through was shitty, actually, and he promises he'll try and treat his son with more respect than what their parents gave Gabe. Gabe thinks his wife is nice and he loves having a little nephew. If ever the family dynamic otherwise imploded, I'm sure Gabriel would still try to be in touch with Michael and his newer tiny family. Michael's very excited that he's "following in his footsteps" drumming and getting into a band. Well, this is farther than his footsteps ever got, so good job lil bro!
Rebecca doesn't respect any of these bitches except Hannah. Michael and Raphael didn't really take any of her bullshit, but growing up Gabe always felt easier to pick on anyway. She continuously stole money from him as teens and she just played innocent to get away with it. Gabe avoids her as best as he can nowadays..
Gabe and Raph are closest in age and shared bedrooms growing up! Being in close quarters so often has given them the tightest bond between all the siblings. Despite having different interests, they still got along most of the time which made it work. Gabriel may not have specifically confided in Raph about being queer but Gabe knows that he can trust him with that information, however he learned about it. Context clues such as the posters on Gabe's walls and the Gay Ear piercing is all making sense now... They still hang out with each other pretty often.
When Hannah and Noah were young they were affectionately dubbed The Ketchup Kids by Gabriel and Raphael, because of their need to put ketchup on everything, as children do, of course. Gabe liked to tease them a little, since he got so much of that from his 3 older siblings, to varying degrees. They grew out of this phase but the name still stuck! Hannah is embarrassed by this now, but Noah fully embraces it. Amen, brother, pass the ketchup. 🍅
Gabe always wanted to be the Cool Older Brother TM that would take the lil guys to get ice cream for lunch, like Michael would do with him on occasion after he got his license. (Michael and Hannah being 7 years separated from Gabriel in either direction seems especially meaningful) But with his sleep disorder, the possibility of him learning to drive has flown out the window and the kids, not really thinking critically about the actual reason Gabe wants to hang out (being like 10 and 7 after all) just think "why would we take the bus with you we can just get mom to take us to the mall lol" :) haha... ha....... He takes this to heart and has a complex about it (as is tradition). When he confides in this to Michael, Michael offers to drive the whole group to get ice cream but god thats not the same you're still gonna be the cool brother who can drive and I can't!!!!!! It's fine...
Gabe doesn't reach out much now that they're older, he doesn't know them well and feels they won't have much in common. But they see each other at family dinners so not all is lost. There's still hope for them, seeing how Michael and Gabe's relationship is doing better, and him and Raph are still going strong... Maybe they just need more time to grow!
If you liked this deep dive into OC Families, Darla also wrote one about the Song siblings! Feel free to ask about other families you'd like to hear about, or leave comments if you enjoyed these, teehee!
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devsgames · 1 year
I've Been Playing Postal 2 and I Have Some Thoughts
Since I am both trapped in COVID isolation and also incredibly timely and relevant to all things, I've been playing Postal 2 (2003) because it's something I've owned for a long time and only played once and also because my tiny notebook can't play much else.
I have some thoughts and reflections on it, don't expect anything groundbreaking or insightful here!
(cw: racism, homophobia, violence, abuse)
Recently I saw a post (that I am now failing to locate) that talked about how the punchline of South Park's comedy was largely pointed at one group of people: people who believe in something. It doesn't matter who they are or what they believe in, but if you believe in something strongly enough to have opinions or beliefs about them then you're worthy of derision.
I feel like Postal 2 - like many pieces of post-9/11 media - occupies exactly the same space as South Park does in this regard where the butt of the joke are really any people with strong beliefs, and also some racial minorities thrown in there for good measure.
(Side-bar: as someone who grew up in rural Canada in the post-9/11 era I can't help but notice that a lot of people who enjoyed this type of humor at the time the most tended to be of two categories:
Kids and teenagers who didn't have enough experience to know what they believed yet, but being rebellious teens anything edgy or shock-humory is inherently funny.
Centrists and Right moderates who enjoyed laughing at things like racial minorities and queer people. After all, when you're a member of the dominant social class who have the most power (i.e. white men) everything is much easier to shrug off as 'just a joke' when you have nothing actively threatened by this type of humor.
Inevitably kids who started in group 1 either grew out of this type of humor or turned into group 2 and made this humor their whole personality)
The game opens with some casual spousal abuse which I guess is supposed to be funny. The first enemies the game introduces to you are violent video game protestors, then book protestors, then 'al-Quaeda terrorists' (who all look exactly like Osama bin Laden)...you get the idea. There's an Asian man named "Cock Asian", an Indian man (I think he's supposed to be Arabic, but the assets they use surrounding him are definitely Indian as is his store's name) who runs a grocery store as a front for a terrorist organization, queer people, etc. Gary Coleman is in there for a bit. You can kill cats and dogs. It's all basically exactly what you'd expect from 'edgy 2003 game made by a group of white men'. It goes without saying that these people didn't even associate with any of these minorities when they made this game, because it's certainly not the kind of thing you make if you have any friends who are minorities - but that's just 2003 for you.
One thing that interests me is how apparently the developers and fans made a big deal about how "you don't need to do bad things in this game" and "any bad acts made in the game are by player choice".
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Why this is interesting is because by the basic design of the game this is obviously misleading: you're constantly presented with guns, bladed weapons, explosives, ammo, hallways full of enemies... While sure okay **technically** all the objectives are gated by arriving at a certain location, the paths there are littered with violence and people trying to kill you; there's really zero player incentive to act non-violently, so it sounds like an argument a child tries to make to get out of trouble. The player is given about 1000x more incentive to murder minorities in this game than they are to leave them alone, much less learn to love them. It's like saying you don't HAVE to drive if you're playing a racing game, except for the fact you're given a car and nothing else to do. It's sort of the primordial equivalent of Spec. Ops.: The Line's "How could you kill all these innocent people (that we forced you to kill)" angle. When all you're given is a hammer every problem looks like a nail.
The gameplay itself is.......fine I guess? Like it's honestly whatever. Sort of a really simplistic old-school GTA if all there was to do is fetch quests and kill people. The combat is by most accounts pretty substandard, and it doesn't do anything particularly well. I think there was maybe one joke that made me laugh only because it was so extreme and sterotypical that it came more from a place of "holy shit you actually thought this back then" as opposed to a place of comedy. I really wouldn't recommend it from a gameplay point of view even, there's really not much there and what is there is pretty thin.
In 2023 I don't know what I really gained from playing this. The reminder that the post-9/11 era was supremely fucked up and I'm glad that we're no longer making minorities the butt of every joke just because they exist, I guess? Yeah let's go with that.
The whole game just feels to me like something desperately fighting to prove its relevancy, and think if you made this game nowadays it would just be incredibly mediocre even by its own standards. Like it just wouldn't work by any stretch of the imagination.
Wait a minute...
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angelbluediary · 2 months
Today is one of those rare, maybe once-a-month days Ginger gets to leave the bedroom and stretch her legs and play in the house. M slept until 6 PM. 6 PM!!!! And I won’t let her out until I’ve put up “barriers” before the dining room closet door and the couch, since she always pushes her toys under there and I don’t want her sneaking and scratching around places/furniture she shouldn’t (since it’s not mine!)…
And I couldn’t do any of that with M sleeping on the couch. Until 6 fucking pm.
How can you say you have insomnia when you sleep all day and choose to stay up at night bc you like that time of day better! Yet when you WANT to go to sleep at a normal hour, you put your head down and are out faster and deeper than anyone I’ve ever known. He sleeps better than me yet keeps pulling the insomnia card and I’m sorry but where!
I don’t know why it aggravates me so much. Maybe I just really miss being able to sleep well.
Update: actually I do know why it bothers me on an even deeper level. Because of his whole “I hate being the golden boy, I hate putting all this pressure on myself and always having to be productive” thing which quite frankly, and not to be mean, but I do not see in action. He seems to procrastinate just as much, if not more, than I ever did but I always got better grades. I worked several different jobs while in school, I DROVE and put myself through driving school to conquer my anxiety and because I knew I couldn’t keep relying on other people to give me transportation. I tried SO HARD to get my life in order and be this amazing, darling “golden child” I’ve never been recognized as because me being boy crazy got me branded a rebellious wild child permanently (despite never sneaking out or partying or getting knocked up or being intimate with anyone I didn’t have a deeper relationship with). I see M sleeping all the time, gaming like I do, and scrolling on social media so much it gives ME secondhand brainrot.
So it drives me insane. Especially when he randomly gets super down and feeling oh-so guilty about being a “disappointment” to our parents and nothing I say gets through to him but I want to shake him and say “if you’re a disappointment what the fuck am I then??? Because you can do no wrong in their eyes and yet you KNOW that and have acknowledged that and say it annoys you? Yet randomly perceive the total opposite and it destroys you when we’re all literally just chilling here on a normal day and you suddenly get deep in your head and get on this again? Where does it COME FROM.”
I feel awful that him being vulnerable with me (about this particular thing) is a major trigger but it INFURIATES me. Like when he talks about how ashamed he feels revealing his interests and hyperfixations to our parents when they seem to actively take a healthy interest in the things he likes. Meanwhile my deepest passions are things my parents strongly dislike and will probably never be able to approve of that side of me (not that they have to), but when I share things I’m interested with or think they’ll enjoy too, genuinely, I get disengaged grunts or am met with silence. Just like the difference between them being interested in Mason’s school life and not responding to me while I actively tried to share those parts of my life with them.
I guess that’s the blessing and curse of having siblings. They relieve pain brought on by parents, but they enhance it too, make it sharper without even meaning to.
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black-occamy · 5 months
So, this is going to be weird (-er than usual), because my old ass has recently listened to some songs of my teenage years and got Emotional about stuff and then started overthinking it.
Anyone ready for the Linkin' Park - induced rambling about the Black family - feel free to go under the cut.
I was initially aiming for a nice mind visual (you know, that kind of detailed music video that plays in your brain when you listen to a piece of music) (maybe that's just me) of Gemma practicing some magical battle stances along the "Numb" of Linkin' Park, but once I actually started to play it and fully recalled the lyrics, two things came to my mind.
One: that my teenage interpretation of the song being about abusive love relationship, where one side is smothered by the expectations of the other, is no longer prevalent in my brain when I listen to it.
Two: that the interpretation has now switched to one of an abusive child-parent relationship - specifically that of Sirius and Walburga (Regulus could be pulled in as subject of the song as well, although he never really openly rebelled, so that's a bit far-fetched).
I have seen at some point somebody's fancast of Walburga being Eva Green and NGL, that image stayed in my head and heavily populated the mind visual of the song. I see her looking at her rebellious son with disdain and her heart broken at the same time. She has tried to raise him as a pureblooded heir, loyal to his family ties and traditions in the ways she was raised herself. She tried to influence him, tightening the leash more and more to keep control over his thoughts, because deep inside she believed it was a sign of love to lead your child on the path you chose for them. But the child, the ungrateful, angry, charming and beloved rascal did not consent to the control as he should have. As she had had before him and her parents before her, on and on again.
Sirius is drowning in her influence. He rejects it, he has his own path, his own ideas - his own IDEALS, so much different from the ones his family wants him to have. He fights back, snaps at every tightening of the leash, finally escapes to pursue the freedom he wanted so badly for so long (and for a teen even a year is an eternity). He is ready for it, failures and all.
There's an image I have for the intermission, when the subject of the song mentiones that their oppressor is just the same as they are - at some point in their life they were in the exact same situation of facing disappointment from someone else. In my visual Sirius is trying to reconcile with his mother's portrait, with the twisted and malformed image that Walburga's madness in her final years has become. The painting represents everything Sirius hates about her. It's not of a poised and dignified lady of house Black (Eva) - it shows an angry, vengeful shadow of the woman who got poisoned with her own bitterness right before she died, alone.
But when he reaches out, in that one moment of understanding that in truth, heavily, deeply flawed as she was, hurtful as she was, cruel even, she was trying to follow her misguided idea of love with what little affection she knew - the portrait changes. It's her face, her younger self, just like he remembers her from when he was a little boy. And the portrait cries, because even though it's only a reflection of Walburga herself, only a thin portion of her ensnared in the paint and canvas, she did, in her own way, love her son and she weeps for his fate.
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greatestlost · 1 year
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(—) ★ spotted!! ELODIE LANCASTER on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 29 year old looks like ZOEY DEUTCH, but i don’t really see it. while the ACTRESS/SINGER is known for being INTELLIGENT my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be NAIVE i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song YOU’D NEVER KNOW BY EVAN HORNER {she&her / cisfemale}
elodie grew up under the lancaster name which meant any audition she went to, she was guaranteed a role. momma lancaster was a director of greta gerwig like fame and no one was going to say when elodie wanted a role in fear of never working with her mother again
if there was a child needed for a part in quite literally anything, you could bet at least ten dollars that the role went to elodie
she was on a very popular disney channel show for most of her young adolescence that was deemed more mature than disney’s typical programming (think girl meets world or andi mack) and that’s when she became a bigger name than her mother in hollywood
by the time the show ended, elodie was sixteen and had decided she was actually really interested in going to college which shocked Everyone
everyone figured she’d go to ucla and study acting or get some sort of fine arts degree. it’s what she’s done her whole life after all!
but nope, she wanted the ivy league life so she opted to go to yale where she may or may not have gotten in solely based on her fame level but she wouldn’t complain, at least not until the work got too hard
elodie knew she was always going to work in the industry (after all, she had signed a contract with a record labor that she would be releasing a first album after she graduated college) 
between going to college super young and the school of her choice, people questioned her intelligence which pissed her off to no extent !!!! she was so tired of hearing “oh elodie, you’re far too pretty to be smart” so once she finished school she became a big advocate for women in the education space
elodie’s life had always been slightly planned out for her, and she struggled with that when she turned twenty and came back to hollywood
her mom was always scouting out the next best role, her grandfather had gone to yale, and she knew she had to appease both of the most important people in her life
so elodie was kind of hyper focused on being the best actor, being the best student, being the best singer that she really never prioritized anything else in life
relationships, romantic or friendly, were just something that took away her precious time so she’s kind of…. socially stunted in a way???? she’s simultaneously so mature and says things that make you thing she’s a grandmother who lived through a war but she’s also such a teenager deep down where doing things like a simple makeout session still make her feel like she’s doing something entirely too rebellious 
elodie is incredibly book smart, and absolutely fucking stupid when it comes to street smarts <33
she’s incredibly kind to everyone but is so easily flustered, partly a result of being the disney channel girl at school
she never really knows how to handle social situations but she tries her best and she wants to start being the best person in all aspects
she’s mastered being the best student, she’s becoming the best singer, and she’s won best actress at least twice so her current goal is the best friend
she is such a vision board girlie !!!! she has a giant ass bulletin board that she genuinely will cut out magazine things and print things off and its a big vision board and its kind of her like secret pride and joy
also a massive day planner girlie, she knows where she’s supposed to be and what she should be doing at every single point of the day because of her planner
very much a type A, perfectionist person but she does truly have a heart of gold
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